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ever, undoubtedly we must

extend this punishment to

white men as well. “Off with

their heads!!” I say “off with

them”. Any person, man or

woman, who seeks to taint

white blood should be burnt

at the stake and have their

heads cut off. These dis-

gusting negro animals will

cause our race to die out.

……..continue Off With

Their Heads Page 2

My brothers, my neigh-

bours, my friends today I

greave. Our island has

been rocked to the core by

the constant contamination

of white blood by the horrid

dark creatures. We cannot

continue to allow this to

happen. More stringent

restrictions must be placed

on inter-marriages and sex-

ual relations between the

beastie creatures and per-

sons of white blood.

In the past we have limited

the punishment only to

women who are caught

having sexual relations with

the horrid creatures. How-

After weeks of unrest on the

Alcock Plantation on the neigh-

bouring Island of Nevis; the

revolt was quickly dismantled

thanks to our Island’s very own

Arnold Brown. Fifty-eight

slaves were killed by the militia

along with four sambos. The

Governor of Nevis had called

in the militia only a few days

prior to help quash the up-

heaval. However, this caused

more harm than good as the

savage beasts seemed to be

fuelled even more at the sight

of the militia . ……..continue

Uprising Dismantlement.

Page 2 .

O f f W i t h T h e i r H e a d s



I S S U E :

Off With their

Heads— Pastor

shares his views on


Huge Plantation Sale

Nevis Revolt Disman-

tled by local Planter

Learn to Pick Your

Negro… the 411 on

how to chose a slave

Hike in Sugar Prices

and more...


I S S U E :

Off With Their Heads 1

Uprising Dismantled 1

Breaking the Beast 4

Choosing Your Negro 5

Missing Slaves 7

Food and Etiquette 8

News From Home 10

U p r i s i n g D i s m a n t l e d

The Gazette Volume 1, Issue 1


U p r i s i n g D i s m a n t l e d C o n t i n u e d . . .

They attacked the officers brutally killing six of them with their bare hands. Our heart’s

grieve for the shedding of our white blood. However, in less than six days after his arrival on

the island the revolt was quashed by Mr. Brown. The Governor of Nevis has sent his most

hearty thanks for the great deed of Mr. Brown who has “ displayed great courage and lead-

ership and as saved us from the cruel savages” said Governor Wilshire when interviewed by

the Nevis Gazette.

from the colony or by being beaten and arrested but, with exe-

cution. Interracial sex is, in deed, a deviant within the institu-

tion of slavery and thus a beating does not equate to the malig-

nant mixture of negro and white blood. Similarly, I propose that

we have frequent public castrations and lynching of negro men

for raping or desiring sexual relations with our white women.

However, sex between white men and negro women are often

not seen as threatening the white power structure, instead

many wrongfully see it as reinforced the domination of white

men. This disgusting mixture is often viewed as not challenging

the purity of the white race because children born of white fa-

thers and negro mothers are given their correct status as

slaves …..Conitnue on page 3

Our children will neigh like animals if we continue.

We cannot allow this. I call on the governor of our

island to deal with this villainous act before our Lord

destroys this island, killing all our profits.

The governor needs to put in place more stringent

statutes against miscegenation between negroes

and whites. We must stop that abominable mixture

and spurious issue which, hereafter may increase in

this dominion by negroes and mulattoes having sex-

ual relations and intermarrying with English white

women. Consequently anyone involved in interracial

sex must face formal sanctions, punishment, and

social exclusion. Furthermore, white women roman-

tically or sexually involved with negro men must be

vehemently punished, not simply by being banished

P a g e 2

O F F W i t h T h e i r H e a d s C o n t i n u e d . . .

“Let us not lose hope though we are among these devils one day we will

be delivered from their evil visage” - Message of the Day

T h e G a z e t t e


However, undoubtedly, the women of the negroes are sexually immoral and thus should not even serve for the purpose of

prostitution. We must be fearful of these African women because they are transmitters of diseases, and to lay with them is

a bloody sin.

I fear that our Father will send a plague upon our island if we continue to outlaw only the sexual unions between white

women and the horrid beasts while ignoring the malignant evil of white men having relations with negro women. All forms

of miscegenation must be stopped. Off with their heads I say off with them. - By Pastor Kellyman

P a g e 3 V o l u m e 1 , I s s u e 1

Plantation for Sale

The Coke Plantation

is for Sale at a low

low price. You will not

believe it . We are al-

most giving it away .

Only £576

Only £576

Only £576



The Plantation consists of

100 hectares

238 Slaves

Slave quarters with Slave Gardens

3 boiling rooms

A 15 Bedroom Estate with exquisite English


State of the art Wind mill

Only £576

O F F W i t h T h e i r H e a d s C o n t i n u e d . . .


In order to control your slave they must fear you. You must train

them into knowing that any form of disobedience or insolence

will result in pain. If they do not like pain then they will refrain

from such behaviour.

Firstly lashes should be meted out frequently and villainously

until you are satisfied that the slave has learned a lesson in the

case of disobedience. It is almost guaranteed that there will be

improvement in behaviour with such a method. Not to mention

that in such times of apprehension of revolt, one should instil

fear to the point where such an idea is driven out of the head of

the negroes. In addition to this, to maintain control with this

method one must separate any form of gatherings and minimize

social contact as well as privileges. …Continued on Page 6 —

Breaking the Beast

Breaking the Beast

P a g e 4 V o l u m e 1 , I s s u e 1

There are different ways in which you may control

your negro slaves. Your slave is nothing more than

your property and therefore you hold the power to do

what you want with them. They are sub-human,

beasts of burden who if not trained properly will be-

come eternally lazy.

Negroes are simply there to serve and should do so

in a consistent and respectable manner. How does

one go about this? There are different ways. Based

on my observations on some plantations in around

the British West Indies I saw too major approaches.

The easiest and perhaps most widely used method

would be “the whip”.



P a g e 5 V o l u m e 1 , I s s u e 1

“Our father who heart in heaven protect us from these horrid beasts and take us to heaven.

We thank you for blessing us with food, shelter and clothing. Please guide our minds has

we dwell among these evil dark creatures. I pray that you will deliver them from their sins”

- Prayer from Pastor Rogers

Choosing Your Negro

When purchasing negroes, Guinea negroes are a

good choice. However since the abolition of the

trade one cannot get them straight from guinea

but from neighbouring islands or neighbouring

plantations. They require, in the beginning, to be

gently worked and well attended. Some may be

lost in the seasoning to climate; but to counterbal-

ance this, they are formed and disciplined accord-

ing to the master's own ideas, and it is the surest

means make a good and beautiful gang. I would

advise to purchase only negro boys and girls of

fourteen and fifteen.

In the Choice of Guinea negroes, the planter ought

to attend to the following circumstances: youth, an

open cheerful countenance, a clean and lively eye,

fresh lips, sound teeth, a strong neck, a broad and

open chest, sinewy arms, dry and large hands, a flat

or muscular abdomen, strong loins and haunches,

round thighs, dry knees, muscular calves, lean an-

kles, long and lean legs ; an easy and free move-

ment of the limbs; and a middling stature, or rather

small. … Continue on Page 7—Choosing Your Ne-

Strong Neck

Open Chest





Easy & Free Move-

ment of Limbs


Breaking the Beast CONTINUED….

P a g e 6 V o l u m e 1 , I s s u e 1



























FUN TIME Consistency in doing this will lessen the chance of any form of re-

bellion or revolt. In this method slaves should be severely punished.

A disadvantage to this method is that slaves may get “fed-up” or

frustrated with their owner and then be helplessly consistent in

their efforts to revolt.

However, there is another approach that one may take. While still

instilling authority, one can use a more subtle approach in gaining

control. Punishments will still be meted out in cases of disobedi-

ence but will not be as severe as the other method. The major dif-

ference is a rewarding system for slaves. This may be done by al-

lowing them more food, allowing them provision grounds and other

small privileges such as to go to the market. What this does is allow

the slaves to favour you as their master thus making revolts less

likely. Rewarding them for hard work will instil in their smaller

brains that hard work results in rewards. The slaves working harder

also vastly increases production as well. The disadvantage of such

a system would be the complacency of the slaves. Slaves may be

overwhelmed by these privileges and therefore become complacent

or expect tolerance or lenience. This would become a problem as

such a problem would quickly become widespread and would have

to be immediately corrected. Clearly, there are different ways to

control your slave with clear disadvantages and advantages. It is

therefore led up to the discrepancy of the owner to steer his direc-

tion in making such a dire approach. The decisions you make in

controlling your slaves may result in progress or a revolt. It is there-

fore important for one to take great consideration.


M i s s i n g S l a v e s

£5 Reward A slave calling himself _______ ran away from ______ Estate two weeks ago. He is black, near 5 feet 10 inches high, quite dark, slightly deaf, talks rapidly, but stammers. He is supposed to have worn a broad black cloth around his waste. The above reward will be given to anyone who will bring the above Negro to me. — ___________

£2.5 Reward Will be paid for the apprehension and delivery in jail of the negro boy ________, who absconded about 3 weeks ago, and is supposed to be now in or near the city of Richmond. He is about ____ years of age, very black, and talks a lot. The above reward will be given to anyone who will bring the above Negro to me. — ____________

£3 Reward Negro ______ left _______ Estate on _______ morning and has not been seen since. He is about 14 years of age, dark in colour, and grump appear-ance. The above reward will be paid on his deliv-ery to me— _________

Choosing Your Negro CONTINUED….

As soon as Guinea negroes are purchased, the firstly one must bathe

them with warm water, in order to get rid off the palm oil, with which

they are rubbed on ship-board. This is necessary, as it intercepts perspi-

ration. They must next be clothed as the climate requires (b). It is like-

wise extremely necessary to cause them to drink for the space of a fort-

night, a sudorific potion (as the dock water) to forward the eruption of

cutaneous limes, which the ship surgeons have often barbarously re-

pressed, and which produce fatal consequences. If direct suspicion of

this is entertained, it is better to reproduce the itch, and then to cure it

methodically. They ought to be christened also as soon as possible.

Some planters stand godfathers for all their negroes, to keep them free

from the superstitious and abusive power of godfathers and mothers of

their own colour who practice Obeah.

I prefer setting negroes to work as soon as they arrive, avoiding expo-

sure at first to cold rains and dews, because the climate to which they

have been accustomed, is different from that of the West Indies; for the

same reason, I should advise to purchase Guinea negroes only in the

spring. They require also to be particularly watched by the drivers, on

account of their distempers.


Through my detailed observations I’ve come across major

problems in the Caribbean when it comes to food and eti-

quette and how it should be practiced. I was in complete

awe at not only how the negroes ate as that was less of a

surprise but even my “fellow” whites have not seemed ca-

pable of displaying the propriety and mannerism necessary

in our white society. Decorum was completely lacking in all


My experiences in the West Indies will clearly demonstrate

what to do and what not to do. The first thing I thought I

would never see was an “example” being set by an overseer

himself. Without any concern, this man was using a dining

fork to dig mud out his boots vigorously. What should be

made clear is that utensils should be used for eating and

eating only.

F o o d a n d E t i q u e t t e

Behavior like this would only be expected from the negroes

who do not know any better and not from an Englishman.

In addition, I observed the uncivilized nature of the “negro


Not even so much as plates or cups are used by these ani-

mals but simply a nut of a tree, cut in half and scraped

clean. They also consumed an exorbitant amount of meat

in their dish which allows them to seem grossly carnivo-

rous. I also noticed that “breadfruit” had taken the place of

the English potato which is completely unacceptable but

then again, it might suffice for the Negros; as Englishmen

we should maintain our tradition. The consumption of un-

acceptable swinish parts such as the head and feet f the

hog should not be made complacent amongst fellow

whites either.


Elegant English fashions .

. Straight from London

Amazing New Items

New arrivals from Paris

00% OFF


Baytown Fashions

New Arrivals

Baytown Fashions

Expiration Date: 00/00/00 Expiration Date: 00/00/00

F o o d a n d E t i q u e t t e C o n t i n u e d …

I watched in disgust as they clamoured this “food” without any remorse. The gorging of sugar and rum to make oneself help-

lessly drunk as the niggers did should be avoided as well seeing that we are a society of class. Never should a negro be al-

lowed at our dining table, it is a disgrace to allow such to happen. And never should an Englishwoman be left to dine alone,

this is also a disgrace. As Englishmen we should stray far from slave foods. The English potato, lobster, crab and turtle are

more “English-like” foods. Slaves will have juice from the cassava but as Englishmen we engage in drinking tea, or coffee

along with chocolate. Also, let me include the presentation of food is important as well. Food should be well presented; meat

properly dressed with butter and carried out appropriately to the dining table. Knives and forks should also be properly

aligned with plates and a napkin placed comfortably on the dining table. Some may not have known of the proper way to

handle things as they were born in the Caribbean and not in England; I bid you forgiveness. For those who were born in Eng-

land and have become complacent; shame on you. As a class of a higher society I plead with you portray England better.

COME ONE!!! COME ALL !!! Shop 2 Propriety Road


The Stockton &

Darlington Railroad Opened

The Stockton & Darlington Railroad was opened yesterday

September 27th, 1825. An enormous crowd of approxi-

mately ten thousand people gathered yesterday at 10:00

a.m. to see this historic event, the first steam train to carry

passengers on a public railway was being unveiled. This is a

great step for Britain and will significantly reduce the cost

and time of transportation. In fact transportation by train

will be at least a third cheaper than transportation by hors-


The Darlington & Stockton Railroad will begin running eve-

ry day except Sundays, the day of our Lord. The company

will receive 1 shelling per ton of coal for every mile carried.

Bringing in significantly more money for the coal mining


George Stephenson was at the controls of the Train as it

pulled 36 wagons. Twelve wagons of coal and flour, six of

guests and fourteen wagons full of workmen. The train also

includes a purpose built railway passenger coach called

the Experiment. The spectacular carriage seated 18 passen-

gers The initial journey of just under 9 miles took a mere

two hours. However, during the final descent into the

Stockton terminus, amazing speeds of 15 mph (24 kph)

were reached. This lighting pace was too much for one

man, James Hibert,who fell from one of the wagons and

was badly injured.

This train is simply the first of many and the whole of Brit-

ain cannot wait to have their chance to ride on this beauti-

ful machine.

Sugar Prices

Sky rocket!!

There has been a hike in prices for sugar in Britain.

The rates of sugar have shot up from £1 for 10

pounds of sugar to £2.5 per 10 pounds of sugar. Pric-

es are expected to rise further

The price of sugar is decided on the basis of labour

cost, transportation cost and processing charges. All

these have gone up. With the abolition of the British

West Indian Trade in Enslaved Africans the slave

labour on the plantations has declined significantly

since slaves can only be bought from neighbouring

islands or plantations. So, the price of sugar contin-

ues to rise.

This is not good news. There is wide spread fear that

sugar prices will soon reach levels which cannot be

met by the average citizens of Britain. Categorically

this along with the rise in illegal trade of beet sugar

will lead to the death of the industry and the

sugar islands in the West Indies.

News from Home






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