Page 1: The · GLEANER DEADLINE October 2- Brittany Mitchell 3- Mary Jane LeFevre 4- Meryl Kerlin 8- Janet McGinnis 10- Julie Dovey, Taureem Spriggs, Jason

Vol. CXLVII, No. 130 October 2015

The McConnellsburg United Presbyterian Church

Office: 485-4400

email: [email protected] web page:


by Michael W. Cochran

I remember as a young boy picking my Mom bouquets of dandelions. The smile that came to her

face, the gentle kiss on my forehead and the soft words she spoke as she reconfirmed what I already

knew. “Sweetie, those are the prettiest flowers I’ve ever seen.” She would say, “How about we put them

on the table where everyone can see them.” I’m convinced they were beautiful since they always made

her happy.

Years later I moved into my own home and my neighbors were consumed with the war they had

declared on the “dreadful dandelion.” I sheepishly grinned within because I knew they were up against

a worthy opponent. Nonetheless, they brought in their heavy artillery and advanced across the

battlefield destroying and crushing under their feet, Mom’s favorite flower.

One early morning, while having a cup of coffee on my deck, admiring the beautiful array of

yellow dining room flowers canvassing my “No War Zone”, I was reminded, everything and everybody

that God created is beautiful and valuable in His eyes, designed with a purpose.

I’ve learned three valuable lessons from the dandelion. First, they will bring a smile to a

Mother’s eyes. Second, they aren’t destroyed when exposed to heat. Thirdly, they spring forth the next

morning full of life. No matter how hard they were hit the day before.

I do realize I said three reasons, but this one is free since this is my story and I can. My

Grandpa always said, “If Jesus can turn water into wine, then certainly he can make a good wine out of a


And, a final thought to pass on about the dandelion is, even though you can’t see it at dawns

break, doesn’t mean it’s not there. So is, our faith the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of

things unseen. The dandelion springs forth with new life when exposed to the morning sun, just as our

faith becomes alive when we’re exposed to the “Son.”



Page 2: The · GLEANER DEADLINE October 2- Brittany Mitchell 3- Mary Jane LeFevre 4- Meryl Kerlin 8- Janet McGinnis 10- Julie Dovey, Taureem Spriggs, Jason


2- Brittany Mitchell

3- Mary Jane LeFevre

4- Meryl Kerlin

8- Janet McGinnis

10- Julie Dovey, Taureem Spriggs, Jason

Ritchey, Dora Deneen, & Jackie Kerlin

11- Patsy Johnson

13- John Williams

14- Jeremy Dickinson & Nancy Harr

15- Helen Clusman & Pat Mellott

18- Seth Winegardner, Ken Keebaugh, &

Alison Burnett

22- Kenny Walker

23-David Bivens

25- Harvey Kneas

26- Holden Hilliker

29- Kylas Mitchell

Financial for August Lift project balance remaining on

$102,510 debt $47,214.68

Financial for August General $11,663.67

Benevolence $2,124.67

Building Fund $2,018.66

Prayer Concerns: Please be in prayer for

those listed below and their families:

Short Term: Family of Sheila Glenn,

Family of Dale Keebaugh (Ken

Keebaugh’s uncle). Family of Shirley

Truax, Jane MacDonald, Barb Blair (friend

of Ken Keebaugh), Ben Faunce, Cathy Jo

Richards, Lynn Lanehart. Long Term:

Anne Howard, Martha Seville, Jerry Reed,

Jonathan Farling, Chas Howells (son of

Wes Howells).


November issue is Monday, October 19th.

Please submit your information by that

day. If you can’t email it, feel free to call

or lay a hand written document on the

secretary’s desk.

A heartfelt Christian sympathy for the

family of Sheila Glenn.

Sanctuary Flowers

The flowers on September 27th are given

to the glory of God and in celebration of

the 90th birthday of Barbara Walker.

Evan and Maria Smith’s New Address:

15 Windsor Drive Fisherville, VA 22939

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Lectionary Readings for October




Thank you to the following individuals for

their assistance during “The Gathering” in the

month of September:

Fellowship Committe - (13)

Harvey Kneas – (20)

Noreen Mann – (27)



Marion & Charles Walker - (4)

The Carlson’s - (11)

Bells - (18)

Rachel Lane - (25)

October 4th, 2015 World Communion

Oct. 15th -18th Fulton Fall Folk Festival


October 29th @ 5:30 Trunk or Treat

Trustees Trustees met on September 3, 2015 at

7:00 in the Fellowship House with the

following trustees in attendance: Scott

Alexander, Wes Howells, Sandy Richards,

Lisa Culler, Gary Ankney and Richard


The board discussed the resignation of

the pastor and what work would need to

be completed at the manse before a new

Week of October 4


Sunday after Pentecost

Job 1:1,2:1-10

Psalm 26

Hebrews 1:1-4: 2:5-12

Mark 10:2-16

Week of October 11


Sunday after Pentecost

Job 23:1-9, 16-17

Psalm 22 1-15

Hebrews 4:12-16

Mark 10:17-31

Week of October 18

21st Sunday after Pentecost

Job 38:1-7 (34-41)

Psalm 104:1-9, 24, 35c

Hebrews 5:1-10

Mark 10:35-45

Week of October 25


Sunday after Pentecost

Job 42:1-6, 10-17

Psalm 34: 1-8 (19-22)

Hebrews 7:23-28

Mark 10:46-52

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interim pastor is hired. The outside door

to the basement needs painting, the bath

tub will need to be checked out for

possible recoating and the fan in the

downstairs bathroom needs replacing. A

load of mulch in the backyard needs to be

spread out.

The board also discussed what work

should be deferred until a new pastor is

hired. Interior painting of the manse will

be deferred until the new preacher picks

colors. Richard Hornberger reported that

he ensured that the manse was cleaned

out after Pastor Fleming removed all of

his belongings. Several boxes left in the

garage were recycled. Some furniture

items were left by Pastor Fleming to be

donated to Christian Social Services.

Richard had these items removed from

the manse.

Lisa Culler was selected to represent the

Trustees on the Nominating Committee.

The water leak reported in the woman’s

bathroom in the church basement was

repaired by installation of a new toilet.

Wes Howells handled cleaning up the

water and oversaw G. M. Shearer

plumbing when they replaced the broken


The ceiling fans in the sanctuary were

reported as not working. During a brief

investigation it was discovered that the

fan master switch, located in the closet,

was placed in the off position.

There is an issue with groups using the

church building and changing the

seasonal settings for heat and air

conditioning, instead of just changing the

temporary settings. Wes Howells will

look into installing locking covers on the

thermostats to secure the seasonal

settings. The temporary settings will still

be available to be changed.

The trustees discussed the quote

received from G. M. Shearer plumbing to

replace the HVAC in the Education

Building. Scott reported that he did not

receive an updated quote from Ed

Lininger by the requested submission

date. The Trustees voted to accept the

quote from G. M. Shearer and it will be

forwarded to Session for their approval

and action.

The board continued their discussion of

long term plans for maintenance that will

be required in the church and the possible

order in which items will need to be

worked on. Items discussed were: the

painting of the outside window frames

and possible need for re-leading of the

stain glass windows in the church, the

cracks in the brick wall above the far left

window on the south side of the church,

the cracking plaster on all of the inside

walls of the church, and the peeling paint

on the ceiling of the church. It was

decided that all of these items will need

attention in the near future, but it is still to

be determined in what order they will

need to be completed. It was also decided

that none of these issues will be

inexpensive and the board will need to

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work with session to determine how this

work will be accomplished and paid for.

The meeting was closed at 8:05. Next

meeting will be on October 2, 2015 at 7:00

in the Fellowship House.

Session Session met for their stated September 16,

2015 meeting in the Fellowship House

with elders Mary Lou Eisenhower,

Harvey Kneas, Al Clark, Myers Kimmel,

Carolyn Kerlin, Jack Rhodes, LeeAnne

Kendall and the moderator, Rev. Darlene

Kline present.

Elder LeeAnne Kendall led devotions

and the moderator opened the meeting at

6:40. The meeting agenda and the

minutes of the June 17 and August 19

meeting were approved. The average

attendance for the month of August was


Several items of correspondence were

presented by the clerk none of which

needed to be acted upon except a request

for a letter of transfer for Neal and Patty

Hall to the Orbisonia United Methodist

Church. Elders Kimmel and Kerlin will do

communion prep for World Wide

Communion on October 4. Ron Mitchell

will present a minute for mission on

September 20 regarding the Crop Walk.

Session approved November 8 as

Stewardship Sunday and November 22 as

Thank Offering Sunday with a minute for

mission on November 15. The letter of

transfer for Neal and Patty Hall was

approved. Elder Kimmel reported that

the PNC continues to work very hard and

meets weekly. The issue of ordination of

current officers has been resolved and Al

Clark and LeeAnne Kendall will be

ordained as elders on September 27.

Members are continuing to apply for

clearances for the Child Protection Act. If

you haven’t submitted yours yet, contact

Brittany in the office. In the absence of a

pastor there will be no officer’s retreat this

year. The 90th birthday party for Barbara

Walker has been changed from September

20 to September 27 following worship.

Elder Clark reported that the nominating

committee will meet following worship

on October 4 for the purpose of

nominating members to serve as officers

on the three boards. Patty Rhodes will

represent the deacons and Lisa Culler will

represent the trustees. We gave approval

for the Stewardship committee to order

offering envelopes for next year. When

the new time and talent sheets are

received in November they will be

distributed to the various groups/boards

to review for when help is needed for

projects, etc.

Elders Kimmel and Kerlin reported that

the Christian Ed committee is planning a

lockin for the youth. Tim Fowler and

Alison Burnett will help with this. The

Worship committee is working very hard

to line up supply pastors to fill our pulpit.

New Prayer partners were assigned.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:45 with

prayer by the moderator.

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Deacons September 2, 2015

Jo Ann Carlson, moderator, opened the

meeting in the Fellowship House with

prayer at 7:10pm. Also present were

Connie Brown, Patty Rhodes, Stanley

Kerlin and Joyce Hornberger.

July minutes were read and approved

with the following corrections: 12 units of

blood were collected at the blood drive

and the name of the project is Hands and

Feet of Hope.

Visits and concerns were discussed and

the prayer list was updated.

Old Business:

Ice cream social was a rousing success

with the largest attendance to date.

Many thanks to Rachel for handling the

collection and delivery of school supplies

to the Catholic Mission.

Leo Spriggs was recently baptized and

received gift from the Deacons.

New Business:

Blood pressure screening will be

September 13 after the service.

Patty Rhodes will serve as representative

for the deacons on the Nominating


Patty will also contact Patty Hall about

status of Crop Walk.

Halloween Trunk or Treat is set for

October 29 at 5:30pm.


Loves Closet $50.00

Food Basket $2000.00

WIN $1000.00

Crop Walk $750.00

Next meeting will be October 7, 2015 at

7pm. Prayer partners were assigned.

Meeting was closed with prayer by

Connie Brown.

Presbyterian Women September 9, 2015

The September 9, 2015 meeting of the

Presbyterian was opened by moderator

Carolyn Kneas. Ten ladies were present.

She welcomed the ladies and especially

new member Nancy Bivens. Special

prayers for Esther, Audrey, Charlotte,

Ella, Barb Leese, and Martha Seville.

Minutes of the June meeting were read

and approved. The treasurer’s report was

given by Marion Walker. The June

offering was 100.00. There were no bills

leaving a balance of $459.13.

Old Business: The Creager family would

like to donate money to be used for the

kitchen in memory of Louise. We would

like to put it toward the purchase of a

new stove. New business: Schedules for

next year were handed out in church on

Sunday. Carolyn suggested that we

purchase paper products such as plates,

cups, napkins, and plastic ware to be used

for refreshments at our meetings then

hostesses only need to be responsible for

the food. Debbie Reed will make the

purchase. There will be a 90th birthday

party after worship on Sunday September

27 for Barbara Walker. Women will

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provide the food: finger sandwiches,

chips, pasta salad, cake, ice cream and


Mary Lou read scripture from Mark

12:41, the widow’s offering. Then Carolyn

read an article about what happens to the

shoe boxes for Operation Christmas Child

after they leave us. All boxes are opened

and inspected. Those that aren’t very full

are supplemented.

We then adjourned to the board room to

assemble the shoe boxes to be distributed


Delicious refreshments were served by

hostess Janet Gordon. The next meeting

will be on October 14 at 2:00 at the

fellowship house. Richard Rotz will

present a program about his trip to

Russia. Charlotte Fowler will serve as

hostess assisted by Carolyn Kneas and

LeeAnne Kendall.

Presbyterian Women 2015-

2016 Schedule Operation Christmas Child

OCTOBER 14, 2015 2:00 Fellowship House

Hostesses: Charlotte Fowler, LeeAnne

Kendall and Carolyn Kneas

Program: Trip to Russia Richard Rotz

NOVEMBER 11, 2015 2:00 Fellowship House

Hostess: Deb Reed

Program: Visit with Bernice Stewart

DECEMBER 9, 2015 2:00 Fellowship House

Hostesses: Marion Walker and FaeAnna


Program: Christmas Program

JANUARY 13, 2016 2:00 Fellowship House

Hostess: Carolyn Kerlin

Program: Let It Go! Carolyn Kneas

FEBRUARY 10, 2016 2:00 Fellowship House

Hostess: MaryLou Eisenhower

Program: Infant Kits for Central Mennonite


MARCH 9, 2016 2:00 Fellowship House

Hostess: Becky Drover

Program: TBA

APRIL 13, 2016 2:00 Fellowship House

Hostess: Carolyn Kneas

Program: Secret Garden of Prayer

May 11, 2016 2:00 Fellowship House

Hostess: TBA

Program: TBA

JUNE 8, 2016 12:00 Noon

Salad Luncheon at Marion Walker’s Home

Hostesses: Presbyterian Womem

Program: TBA

CROP Walk There’s an African proverb that says,

“If you ever think you are too small to

make a difference, you haven’t spent

the night with a mosquito.” This fall, in

large cities and small towns all over the

United States, CROP Hunger Walks are

being held to fight hunger. For the last

thirty-one years, members of this

community have joined together to

raise funds to help Church World

Service fight hunger and

malnutrition. CWS does a lot of good in

this world by meeting emergency

needs, nurturing sustainable

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development, and assisting refugees

and displaced persons. They not only

feed hungry people, but they help to

address the root causes of poverty and

powerlessness. Twenty-five percent of

the funds raised at our CROP Walk will

go to the Fulton County Food Basket to

assist their ministry of feeding hungry

people in our own community.

Please join with us this year at the

Fulton County CROP Hunger Walk on

Sunday, October 4th

at Cowans Gap

State Park. You can help to raise funds

and walk with us as an individual or as

part of a team, or you can give a

donation. However you decide to

support the CROP Hunger Walk,

remember that each of us working

together can make a big difference in

the fight against hunger and

malnutrition. Please contact Patty Hall

at 814-599

7756 or [email protected] for more


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