Page 1: The History of Audio By Cailey Roberson. Thomas Edison Thomas Edison really played a large role throughout the history of audio. He invented many things

The History of AudioBy Cailey Roberson

Page 2: The History of Audio By Cailey Roberson. Thomas Edison Thomas Edison really played a large role throughout the history of audio. He invented many things

Thomas Edison

Thomas Edison really played a large role throughout the history of audio. He invented many things including the phonograph.

Page 3: The History of Audio By Cailey Roberson. Thomas Edison Thomas Edison really played a large role throughout the history of audio. He invented many things


Thomas Edison invents the phonograph.

Page 4: The History of Audio By Cailey Roberson. Thomas Edison Thomas Edison really played a large role throughout the history of audio. He invented many things


The first music is put on a record. Jules Levy plays Yankee Doodle on his cornet.

Page 5: The History of Audio By Cailey Roberson. Thomas Edison Thomas Edison really played a large role throughout the history of audio. He invented many things


Edison improves his original phonograph by making an electric motor-driven phonograph.

Page 6: The History of Audio By Cailey Roberson. Thomas Edison Thomas Edison really played a large role throughout the history of audio. He invented many things


Marconi successfully experiments with his wireless telegraphy system in Italy.

Page 7: The History of Audio By Cailey Roberson. Thomas Edison Thomas Edison really played a large role throughout the history of audio. He invented many things


Experimental optical recordings are made on motion picture film.

Page 8: The History of Audio By Cailey Roberson. Thomas Edison Thomas Edison really played a large role throughout the history of audio. He invented many things


Lee DeForest invents the triode vacuum tube, the first electronic signal amplifier.

Page 9: The History of Audio By Cailey Roberson. Thomas Edison Thomas Edison really played a large role throughout the history of audio. He invented many things


The first live broadcast from the Metropolitan Opera.

Page 10: The History of Audio By Cailey Roberson. Thomas Edison Thomas Edison really played a large role throughout the history of audio. He invented many things


The first “talking movie” is demonstrated by Edison.

Page 11: The History of Audio By Cailey Roberson. Thomas Edison Thomas Edison really played a large role throughout the history of audio. He invented many things


The Radio Corporation of America (RCA) is founded.

Page 12: The History of Audio By Cailey Roberson. Thomas Edison Thomas Edison really played a large role throughout the history of audio. He invented many things


“The Jazz Singer” is released as the first commercial talking motion picture.

Page 13: The History of Audio By Cailey Roberson. Thomas Edison Thomas Edison really played a large role throughout the history of audio. He invented many things


Magnetic recording on steel wire is developed for commercial use.

Page 14: The History of Audio By Cailey Roberson. Thomas Edison Thomas Edison really played a large role throughout the history of audio. He invented many things


BASF makes the first plastic-based magnetic tapes.

Page 15: The History of Audio By Cailey Roberson. Thomas Edison Thomas Edison really played a large role throughout the history of audio. He invented many things


“Fantasia” is released, made with eight-track stereophonic sound.

Page 16: The History of Audio By Cailey Roberson. Thomas Edison Thomas Edison really played a large role throughout the history of audio. He invented many things


Ampex produces the first tape recorder (the Model 200).

Page 17: The History of Audio By Cailey Roberson. Thomas Edison Thomas Edison really played a large role throughout the history of audio. He invented many things


The Audio Engineering Society (AES) is formed.

Page 18: The History of Audio By Cailey Roberson. Thomas Edison Thomas Edison really played a large role throughout the history of audio. He invented many things


Germany introduces the electromechanical reverberation plate.

The first pocket transistor is produced by Sony.

Page 19: The History of Audio By Cailey Roberson. Thomas Edison Thomas Edison really played a large role throughout the history of audio. He invented many things


Les Paul makes the first 8-track recordings.

Page 20: The History of Audio By Cailey Roberson. Thomas Edison Thomas Edison really played a large role throughout the history of audio. He invented many things


The first commercial stereo disk recordings appear.

Page 21: The History of Audio By Cailey Roberson. Thomas Edison Thomas Edison really played a large role throughout the history of audio. He invented many things


Philips introduces the first cassette tape. The Beach Boys use the first large full-

range sound system for their concert tour.

Page 22: The History of Audio By Cailey Roberson. Thomas Edison Thomas Edison really played a large role throughout the history of audio. He invented many things


The Beatles were the first to intentionally incorporate guitar feedback on a song (I Feel Fine).

Page 23: The History of Audio By Cailey Roberson. Thomas Edison Thomas Edison really played a large role throughout the history of audio. He invented many things


Robert Moog creates the synthesizer.

Page 24: The History of Audio By Cailey Roberson. Thomas Edison Thomas Edison really played a large role throughout the history of audio. He invented many things


DuPont makes the CrO2 cassette tape.

Page 25: The History of Audio By Cailey Roberson. Thomas Edison Thomas Edison really played a large role throughout the history of audio. He invented many things


Digital tape recording is used in professional audio studios.

Page 26: The History of Audio By Cailey Roberson. Thomas Edison Thomas Edison really played a large role throughout the history of audio. He invented many things


Philips demonstrates the CD.

Page 27: The History of Audio By Cailey Roberson. Thomas Edison Thomas Edison really played a large role throughout the history of audio. He invented many things


Sony releases the first CD player.

Page 28: The History of Audio By Cailey Roberson. Thomas Edison Thomas Edison really played a large role throughout the history of audio. He invented many things


Apple markets the Macintosh computer.

Page 29: The History of Audio By Cailey Roberson. Thomas Edison Thomas Edison really played a large role throughout the history of audio. He invented many things


The first digital consoles appear.

Page 30: The History of Audio By Cailey Roberson. Thomas Edison Thomas Edison really played a large role throughout the history of audio. He invented many things


DVDs and DVD players are introduced.

Page 31: The History of Audio By Cailey Roberson. Thomas Edison Thomas Edison really played a large role throughout the history of audio. He invented many things


MP-3 players appear.

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