
The Holy Spirit: “Comforter” or Far More?

Coach “Bear” Bryant, U. of Alabama Artist LeRoy Neiman

Coach Paul (“Bear”) Bryant led different football teams to 323 victories. In his 25 years at Alabama alone the Crimson Tide won the SEC championship thirteen times. And the Tuscaloosa team became NCAA champs six different years! Bryant was famous—even notorious—for many things. The “Houndstooth” fedora that he wore at every game for good luck. His nickname—legend has it he’d earned it at age eleven by wrestling a bear! And, at least when younger and not challenged by his later illnesses, the “salty dogs” (mixtures of gin, grapefruit juice, and salt) that he’d guzzle on the sidelines—and virtually everywhere! But consider the “breath” of the coach. By this I don’t mean Bear’s exhalations after imbibing “salty dogs” but the real Coach for us Christians. On Sunday, June 4, in 10:45 a.m. worship you and I will celebrate that breath—maybe even feel it on our necks and have it rustle our hair! Pentecost (sometimes called “Whitsun”) is the third most important day of the Christian calendar, right behind

Christmas and Easter. But sadly, it seems little known and appreciated even by believers! Pentecost marks the coming of the Holy Spirit into the Church, filling and empowering the fellowship of Christ’s followers, never to leave us! On June 4 please remember, try to wear red, to symbolize the tongues of fire that descended on the believers’ heads with the arrival of the Third Person of the Trinity.

Wrong Ideas about the Holy Spirit In both Old and New Testaments the word “Spirit” means “breath” or “wind.” The Holy Spirit is always present with us Christians. But what is her/its major function? (Significantly the Old Testament “Spirit” is feminine in gender; the New is neuter.) What wrong ideas abound about the Third Person of the Trinity! On the night before his crucifixion Jesus assured the apostles, “I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Advocate [Paraclete in Greek], to be with you forever. This is the Spirit of truth . . . (John 14:16-17). Unfortunately, the King James Version of the English Bible mistranslates Paraclete as “Comforter.” But much better is “Coach,” one remarkably like Bear Bryant! Does a coach mainly comfort the team? When Quarterback Joe Namath fell and barked his shin, did Bear burst into tears, rush onto the field, and with a silk handkerchief dab up the blood? Of course, a good coach, on occasion, does console the team. When players give their all--but it isn’t enough to win. When the locker room is filed with downcast eyes, and maybe a tear or two, he or she does offer words of solace. But comforting is only one small part of a coach’s team-building. To define “Holy Spirit” as mainly “Comforter” is to fall perilously close to the Marxist trap that claims that all religion is mere “opiate” to blind us to reality.

A much better translation of Paraclete—and the word used in the excellent New Revised Standard Version of the Bible--is “Advocate.” Indeed, the Holy Spirit in our Reformed tradition of the faith works not to mold individual champions and authoritarian spiritual gurus but to build the team, the fellowship of believers, the congregation, the Church catholic.

Yes, our ever-present Coach “Defense Attorney.” The Interceder for us, who stands before the bar of justice and points divine and human judges alike to Christ, whose grace and love alone, by his cross and resurrection, have pardoned and freed us. How wonderful it will be, on June 4, through prayer, music, Word, Sacrament, to rejoice in the Breath of the Coach!

--Dwyn M. Mounger, Interim Pastor

Family Sunday, we’ll give thanks to God for his achievement and milestone. Taylor will also assist in leading the service.

Open each fourth Saturday, the Clothes Closet serves an average of 140 people, who receive a total of 1,500 items. All are free. During the weeks before, donated clothes fill the sanctuary’s basement and spill over into other rooms. Before clients, in turn, begin to enter the basement to select items, a member of our New Hope church family leds everyone in prayer. Adults may receive up to four outfits, one pair of shoews, a coat, hats, purses, and other itmes. Children get two pair of socks and two of new underwear. Clients may visit once every four months. Says ruling elder Bedford Chapman, “This has been our way to return some of the many blessings that God has given us.” Clients are of all races and ethnicities. Many are recent immigrants. Some speak little English—especially the women who care for their children while their husbands learn our language at work. Needed: a volunteer to teach them simple English words and phrases! We also need volunteers to supervise children on the church playground while their parents wait in line, or to kick a soccer ball with them on the church lawn. The biggest need of the ministry is for a covered shed or permanent building where clients, who line up long before opening time, can shelter from the rain and cold

“Then the righteous will answer him, ‘LORD, when was it that we saw you . . .naked and gave you clothing?’ . . .

.And the king will answer them, ‘Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of

my family, you did it to me.’” (Matthew 25:37-40).

WORSHIP MEMORIAL DAY WEEKEND In 10:45 a.m. worship May 28 we’ll give thanks for all who have served in the U.S. armed services, including defense workers at Oak Ridge and elsewhere. Members of the congregation who are veterans will bear in procession the cross, the New Hope Church banner, and the U.S. and church flags. Our processional hymn will be a O Beautiful, for Spacious Skies. We’ll join in prayers of thanksgiving for all who have made the supreme sacrifice, as well as for women and men presently serving in the military, and ask God for peace everywhere in our troubled world. Bring your friends, relatives, and neighbors for this, the congregation’s observance of Memorial Day.

Charles Taylor Morgan, son of John and Cathy, will graduate May 16 from Halls High School. In 10:45 a.m. worship on May 14, which is also Mother’s Day, or Christian


With free clothes for the needy of all ages, prayers of thanksgiving, and festivities New Hope Church will cele-brate the sixth anniversary of the Clothes Closet Ministry on Saturday, May 27, beginning at 10 a.m. The inspiration of Ginger Chapman, ruling elder, this outstanding program in Christ’s name depends on many volunteers, both congregational members and friends. Donations come from parishioners, from resale stores, area residents, Duck-Duck-Goose non-members, and clients themselves.

in winter and from the hot sun in warm months. It would be wonderful if such a structure could include rest rooms, a large space for storing donated clothes, and even a small kitchen to prepare refreshments! Please keep the clothes closet in your prayers. Volunteer to help sort and hang clothes each Wednesday at 4:00 p.m. And assist us in staffing this ministry each fourth Saturday!

HOLY WEEK AT NEW HOPE, 2017 (Photos by Cathy Forester)

Holy Week this year was a blessing to all who made with us the pilgrimage from Palm Sunday “Hosannas” to the Upper Room and Gethsemane, to the Cross of Good Friday—and beyond, to the Empty Tomb of our risen LORD. Maundy Thursday we hosted Powell Presbyterian for Holy Communion and solemn Tenebrae. Good Friday we joined with neighboring Norwood United Methodist for prayers at the cross. On beautiful Easter morning we gathered with Norwood U.M., Emmaus Abbey, and friends from other area congregations for sunrise worship at Victor Ashe Park. Lilies adorned our sanctuary for our own Easter service here at New Hope.

MANY THANKS TO ALL, too numerous to name, who made Holy Week and are continuing to make Eastertide so meaningful by giving lilies for the sanctuary, serving as readers for special services of worship, singing in the Choir, serving as acolytes, bearing banners, filling eggs for the children’s hunt, sharing food, and serving in so many other ways to bless all who are worshipping with us in this special season!

May Calendar

Continued next



June Calendar

on next two



Sessional Responsibilities

Moderator Dwyn Mounger Clerk Cathy Forester Building, Grounds Connie Carter Christian Education Debbie Coffield Congregational Care Lucille Sweet

Evangelism/Missions Judy Smith Hospitality/Church Life Sandy Hodsen Music/Worship Jim Burkins Publicity/Website Alyx Chapman Stewardship/Personnel Pam Burkins

June Calendar

Continued next



LOOKING AHEAD: Sunday, July 2

10:45 a.m.:

In 10:45 a.m. Holy Communion we give thanks for the U.S.A.

on the weekend of its birthday. Dr. Mounger’s sermon:

“Jesus the Patriot” (Luke 13:31-35).

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