Page 1: The Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors The Royal Institution of … · 2016-09-18 · registered professional surveyors, in this context, the Institute will play a very important role

The Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors 香 港 測 量 師 學 會

The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors Hong Kong Branch

皇 家 特 許 測 量 師 學 會 (香 港 分 會 >

JUNE 1991 -


Message from the Chairman 2

The Presidents View 2-3

Around the Divisions 4-5

Ricshaw — J.O, Jottings 6-7

H.K.LS. Annual General Meeting 7

R.LC.S. Headquarters News 8

Continuing Professional Development 8

Joint Office News 9

Education 9

Building Surveyors National Briefing 10

LegCo Briefing 10-11

Professionals Music Society 11

Editor Graham Heath

M em bers are w elcom e to make use o f this New sle tte r to express the ir v iews on any matters relating to the Institutions a n d /o r the profession. These may take the form of written articles, photographsor cartoons. Ail contributions should be sent to the Editor, Graham Heath, 7th Floor, St. John's Building, 33 Garden Road, Hong Kong (Tel. 524 0931). The next N ew sle tte r is scheduled fo r publication in Septem ber 1991.

The advertis ing space on the back cover o f the N ewsletter is available to any member, income being used to finance the publication costs. Details from the Editor.

Artic les contained in this Newsletter do not necessarily reflect the v iews o f the Editor nor those of the C om m ittees o f the Institute o r Branch. The Editor reserves the right to re ject or amend any articles submitted.

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The Institution has certa in ly been in the news ove r the past few m on ths . 丨 am pleased that we are now acknow ledged as having a p rom inent posit ion representing an im portan t and influential sec to r o f the property m arket and that ou r v iew s are often sought on top ica l issues. The p rom otion o f the profess ion w ill undoub ted ly benefit all m embers.

O ve r the past few months w e have been ve ry active and hosted a cockta il reception jo in t ly w ith the HKIS to mark the signing o f the R ec ip roc ity A greem en t by D avid M ale , the fo rm er P resident o f the RICS. N ot on ly do we jus tify v is its from Presidents but even fo rm er P residents nowadays! Representatives from the institu tion attended the FIG C on fe rence in Beijing in late M ay and a vis iting de legation from the M in is try o f C onstruc tion in the PRC w ere hosted by the C entre fo r Real Estate Studies also in May. W e also held a ve ry successfu l all day C P D Sem inar on "T h e D eve lopm ent Process", attended by o ve r 200 members which I am sure will serve as the first o f many cross d iscipline CPD events — my thanks to R oger N issim and his hard w o rk in g g roup w ho put this event together.

The attendance at ou r lunches has also risen w ith a num ber o f high profi le speakers including Martin Lee w ho kept a ve ry full audience most attentive throughout his half hour address on the A irpo r t issue and S ir David A kers -Jones w hose rem in iscences about the profess ion o ve r the past 20 years o r more brough t a sm ile to many o f ou r more mature m em bers!

The issue o f specula tion and licensing o f estate agents has been ve ry much in the news. W e have taken a posit ive stance and held a num ber o f m eetings w ith G ove rnm en t o ff ic ia ls , the C onsum er Council, the IC AC and var ious o the r interested bodies. I w ou ld be de lighted to have som e feedback from m em bers on ou r posit ion regard ing licensing o r the proposed form ation o f a new associa tion fo r estate agents as it is obv ious ly im portan t that those invo lved do speak fo r all m embers.

it is also perhaps tim e fo r us to take a longer term v iew o f the ro le o f the RICS in Hong Kong and our re la tionsh ip w ith the HKIS. W e w o rk am icably togethe r on many pro jects now a lthough at times the re is perhaps som e duplication o f e ffo rt and more stream lin ing could pos it ive ly concentra te our e ffo rts fo r the benefit o f our m em bersh ip . W hat indeed w ill the ro le o f the RICS be a fte r 1997 and what action should be taken now to p ro tec t ou r posit ion if w e feel it needs protecting?

A s w e approach the end o f the academ ic yea r the question o f tra in ing o f gradua te surveyors has again becom e a top ica l issue w ith the normal debate be tw een the priva te sec to r and G ove rnm ent ove r the value o f g radua tes and graduate tra in ing p rogram m es. W e have perhaps fa llen behind some o f ou r o ther p ro fess ional co lleagues in this area and I be lieve the tim e is righ t fo r us to put in place more formal tra in ing p rogram m es fo r graduates w ithin the pro fess ion .

The Spring Ball w as once again a ve ry en joyable and successfu l evening fo r the 150 o r so revellers! M y thanks to M o m a and M agg ie fo r organiz ing the function so expertly yet again.

M y ve ry best w ishes to all m em bers fo r an en joyable sum mer.


Through the good e ffo rts o f our past President, S .C. Leung, and his council m embers, a num ber o f projects planned during his term of o ff ice have now come to fruition. A s your newly elected President, I w as h igh ly honoured to be a s igna tory to a R eciprocal A gre em en t be tw een RICS and our Institute on 15 M a y 1991. U nde r the te rm s o f the Agreem ent, m em bers o f e ither body can becom e m em bers o f the o the r sub ject to one yea r 's p rac tice in the approp ria te ju r isd ic t ion and a sa tis fac to ry in te rv iew by the body o f which membership is sought. A lthough many o f ou r members are a lready RICS members, the agreem ent does turn a new page in the de ve lopm ent o f the surveying profess ion in Hong Kong and s ign ifies the high p rofess iona l standard that has been atta ined by ou r Institute. Y our council wi!i look into fu rther opportun it ies fo r s im ila r rec ip roca l agreem ents w ith su rve yo rs ’ institu tes e lsewhere.

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The S u rve yo rs R egis tration Bill w as at long last gazetted on 10 M a y and passed the second reading s tage in Leg is la tive Council on 22 M ay. It is the cu lm ination o f a series o f long d iscuss ions between the G ove rnm ent and you r council and I w ou ld like to record my apprec ia tion to Barnabas Chung and his com m ittee fo r the ir va luab le con tr ibu tion during the draft ing p rocess. The bill p rov ides fo r the reg is tra t ion o f profess ional su rveyors and d isc ip lina ry con tro l o f the p rofess iona l activ it ies o f reg is tered profess iona l surveyors, in th is context, the Institute w ill p lay a ve ry im portan t ro le in the estab lishm ent o f the Registration Board. C erta in ly this w ill be one o f the m a jo r tasks fo r y o u r council in the yea r ahead. It is expected that the Bill w il l be enacted w ith in the cu rren t leg is la tive session.

I am pleased to report that in ou r latest m em bersh ip d r ive , quite .a num ber o f app lica tions have been rece ived fro m RICS m em bers fo r e lect ion as co rpo ra te m em bers o f HKIS. In an a ttem pt to encourage as m any HKIS m em bers as poss ib le to reg is te r as vo te rs in the fo rthcom ing Functional C onstituency e lections, you r council has recently sent ou t a rem inder and a reg is tra t ion form to those w ho are not cu rren t ly reg is tered. I w ou ld like to take th is opportun ity to u rge those o f you w ho are not a lready reg is te red to subm it a reg is tra t ion form as soon as poss ib le and in no case la te r than the end o f June 1991. A s you are aware, G ove rnm ent has now a llo tted a seat in L e g C o ’s Functioning Constituency fo r surveyors, architects and planners. Your right to vote o r stand fo r e lection is dependent on the inclusion o f you r name in the reg is tra t ion list. PLEASE A C T N O W !

Paul V arty and M a rco Wu, w ith fo rm e r R IC S P resident D av id M a le a t the s ign ing ce rem ony

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Land Surveyors by K.K. Hg

Land Surveying Division, HKIS

The Annual G enera l M eeting o f Land S urveying D iv is ion, HKIS w as held at Beaconsfie ld House on 24 A pril, 1991. The new D iv is iona l Council M em bers fo r the ye a r are:

C hairm an : T .N . W ong Hon. S e c re ta ry: W .P . Cheng Hon. T re a su re r: K.K. SinM em bers : P.H, So, P.C. Yick, L.F. Kwan and Frank H obbs

Results of TPC

The results o f the TPC tasks w hich w e re subm itted to R ICS in D ecem ber, 1990 are exciting.There are seven passes. C ongra tu la tions go to the new ly e lected P rofessional Assoc ia tes .

Survey Charges for Small House Survey

R epresentatives o f LS D iv is ions o f RICS (HK) and HKIS met the G ove rnm ent Land S urveyor, Bu ild ings and Lands D epartm ent on 1 M a y to d iscuss the w o rk invo lved and d iff icu lt ies encountered in the survey and to rev iew the survey charges in the new contract.

It w as agreed that the standard fee fo r the ca tegory (A) be increased from $ 8 ,5 0 0 .0 0 to $ 1 0 ,0 0 0 .0 0 and the ca te go ry (B) from $ 4 ,2 5 0 .0 0 to $ 5 ,0 0 0 .0 0 respective ly .

The scale o f standard fees w ill hold good until the end o f the financia l ye a r i.e. 3 1 .3 .19 92 .

General Practice Division by John CorrigaH

A ction con tinues to cen tre around C P D w ith com m ittee m em ber Y.P. Yuen in particu lar, setting up regu la r events program m ed to continue through the year. A lso on the education side, com m ittee members have been active in conjunction w ith the Education Board in making arrangement fo r HKIS TPC.

Quantity Surveyors (RICS) by Derek Mackay

In the grow th area o f C P D, th is d iv is ion has been fa ir ly active w ith several ta lks having been g iven and m ore being cons idered fo r the future. Those g iven have inc luded a ta lk on P ro jec t Finance by Tim S ou ta r on 14th M arch, a ta lk on Recent Legal D eve lopm ents in C onstruc tion and the L iab ility o f P rofessional C onsultants by C hris tophe r W ilson on 22nd M arch and a ta lk (heavily over-subscribed) on C on tra c to r 's A ll R isks Insurance by W a lte r D ew ar on 20 th May.

Future planned events include a debate on the re levance o f B ills o f Quantities, w h ich should be o f specia l in te rest to all m em bers, to be held on 20 th June 1991 and a m ock arb itra t ion fo r the sen io r m embers, w ith M r Justice Kaplan, later in the year.

Socially, a successfu l race night (for the Jockey C lub at least) w as organised on 17th A pril 1991 and a bow ling evening at the China Fleet C lub is being arranged fo r 27 th June.

The jo in t R1C S/H KIS Q S D annual d inner is to be held at the Exce ls ior Hotel on 14th June and ail m em bers are urged to attend.

The M in o r W o rks Form o f C on trac t is nearing com ple tion and w iii soon be go ing th rough the final "p o l is h in g " p rocesses p r io r to being published late r th is year.

The Standard M ethod o f Measurement Comm ittee has been reconstituted under the chairmanship o f Ken G oo dbo um and has m em bers from private practice, governm ent and con trac to rs o rganisations.

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Quantity Surveyors (HKIS) by Kenneth Poon

The Q S D A G M w as held on 16 A pril and the new council fo r 1991 / 2 w as successfu lly e lected.

This ye a r the QS TPC w ill continue to be held jo in t ly w ith the RICS. R ather that ' ' loca lis ing* ' the U K questions as w e d id last year, th is yea r 's TPC questions w ill be 100% loca lly set to tes t the candidates on the ir know ledge o f the focal p rac tice and conditions. I am sure that the cand ida tes w ill find this ye a r 's questions more fam ilia r and top ica l.

W ith the grand reunion w ith China approach ing , the Q S D w ill be s tepp ing up e ffo rts to p rom ote our p ro fess ion to the mainland institutes. A de legation w ill be going to Beijing in ea rly Ju ly to g ive talks to the Techno logy and Economic C om m ittee o f the China Assoc ia tion o f S urveying and Design

( 中 國 勘 察 設 計 協 龠 〕 .

The Q S D Annual D inner w ill be held at the M arina Rooms, Exce ls ior Hotel on the 14th o f June, 1991. W e look fo rw ard to seeing you there.

Building Surveyors by David Chan

The RICS B.S. President Mr, M a rtyn Surman made his o ff ic ia l v is it to Hong Kong in ea rly May. The prog ram m e s tarted w ith a brie fing by you r jo in t B SD Chairman on 6th M ay and ended w ith the HKIS BSD A G M /C P D talk on 10th M ay. M o re details o f the B.S. Presidentia l v is it wil! be re leased in the next B S D N ew sle tte r.

On 10th M ay, the 7th A G M of the HKIS BSD w as held and extrem ely well a ttended by m em bers and students. In o rde r to cope with the increasing w ork load being encountered, the number o f com mittee m em bers has been increased. The o ff ice bearers and com m ittee m em bers e lected a re :—

Chairman — Mr . G raem e B A L D W IN (C ity Polytechnic)V ice C hairm an — Mr . W ai C H A N (Hong Kong Polytechnic)Hon S ecre ta ry — Ms. W inn ie LO (W ayfoong Property)

Hon Treasurer — Mr . A lb e r t C H A N (V igers Hong Kong)M e m ber — Mr . Danie l HO (Hong Kong Univers ity)M e m ber — Mr . LO Kak-keung (Hong Kong Polytechnic)M e m ber — Mr . D avid LAW RENCE (ASD - PSB)M e m b e r — Mr . Barnabas C H U N G (BLD — BO O )M e m b e r — Mr . Edwin TA N G (BLD — BO O )M e m ber — Mr . O live r C H A N (Housing D epartm ent)M e m ber — Mr , Kenneth Y U N (Sw ire P roperties)M e m ber — Mr . K W A N Siu-kai (Chi W o Property)M e m ber — Mr . A lan G R A N T (C hesterton Petty〕

im m ediate Past Chairman — Mr . David C H A N (Knight Frank Kan)Hon A ud ito r — Mr . Ray BATES (Housing D epartm ent)

A t long last, the Chinese book le t "H o w M uch Do You K now A bou t Build ing D e fe c ts " has been com pleted . The book le t consists o f 24 pages o f full co lou r production in A 5 size. First ed it ion 10 ,000 cop ies and w ill be ready by mid June 1991.

The ‘ .H KBS D irec to ry 1 9 9 1 " is at the final p ro o f reading stage. Should be ava ilab le not later than end June 1991.

The *'H KBS M anpow er Survey 1991 U p d a te " is having som e technical problem in in terpretation o f the data ob ta ined . The w ork ing party is try ing hard to break the ground and hope to com p le te the Survey R eport by end June 1991.

W ith a few m ore B.S. re lated pub lica tions com ing along in the next few months and tha t's the reason w hy the cu rren t HKIS BSD com m ittee has expanded the num ber o f seats to cope w ith the demanding w o rk load.

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The HKiS(JO ) C onstitu tion w as ra tif ied by the C ounc il on 2nd A pril. M em bers w ill ge t a copy once it is prin ted. I th ink i t ’s w orth to mention the pa rticu lar ob je c t ives o f the J .O . here. They are (a) to p rom ote and enrich the pro fess ional, educational, social and cultura l life among jun io r m embers, (b) to re flec t the v iew s and represent the interests o f the jun io r m em bers, and (c) to serve as a link be tween the institu tion and the students. Throughout the yea r the J .O . have organized a num ber of C PD and social events. W e hope ob je c t ive (a) above can be ach ieved. The J.O , have representation in the Council, Education Board and M em bersh ip C om m ittee . I th ink through these representations,

jun io r m em bers ’ in terests are observed . O b jec tive (c) above is the main area o f e ffo rt o f the J .O . this yea r hoping to b r idge the present gap. S tudents and proba tioners are w e lcom e to contact any J.O . C om m ittee M em bers fo r ass istance on matters re lated to TPC, education, mem bersh ip , etc.

On the social side, w e have organized a badminton com petition on 29 June at the Flora Ho Sports Centre . HKU. A basketba ll com petit ion w ill be held in Ju ly and a coun trys ide hike in S eptem ber.

On the C P D side, w e have jo in tly organized a talk w ith C IO B (JO ) on 28 June on the top ic of "The ro le o f pro fessionals in relation to construction claims and d isp u te s " . The HK Polytechnic student study tour presentation w ill be held on 19 July.

J.O. Charity Mock Auction 1991

The m ock auction w as held this yea r at the A rts C entre on Thursday 25th A pril. The event drew a large crow d o f b idders and in terested observers . The presence o f a num ber o f d irec to rs / associa ted d irec to rs from big firm s such as JLW , First Pacific Davies, KFKB w as the main reason that enabled the J.O . successfu lly ra ised about H K $2 6 ,0 0 0 .0 0 fo r the St. Paul's Home fo r the Elderly.

This year's student w inner was M iss Cecily Fung of the Hong Kong Polytechnic, w ho successfully auctioned the most expensive lots o f the evening (w ithout using her charm!) to S C Liu o f KFKB at a record price o f H K $2,200 fo r a big bottle o f champagne donated by Denis Levett o f Levett and Bailey. Unfo rtunate ly w e did not have a w inne r fo r the prac tit ione rs ' tro phy as the num ber o f com petito rs was insuffic ient. C ould it be that prac tit ione rs are too shy to com pete?

Paul V arty p resen ts M iss C ec ily Fung w ith the A uc tion ee rs Trophy

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The night turned into a big fun w hen those em inent surveyors on the f loo r w ere invited to auction the remaining lo ts in w ha tever s ty les, languages they p referred. The m ost dem and ing task befe ll M ike Laven o f First Pacific Davies w ho tried to auction the three-foo t tall g lass cockere l, tin ted red, green and blue, to the b idders . M ike eventua lly sold the ‘ T h in g ’ ’ at a p r ice o f H K $350 but w ith a condition that he has to keep the lots in his o ff ice fo r a month w ith photograph. M ike late r sold the cockere l to an advertis ing man at H K $ 1 ,000 fo r charity but he added that he found h im se lf w ith mixed em otions as he found h im se lf g row ing quite fond o f the cocke re l. Interesting to know that la te r on the cockere l becam e a sym bo l o f charity as peop le in tow n try to ‘ ‘m o ve ,’ it around. It is heard that the value o f the cockere l now g row s to H K $ 1 0 ,0 0 0 and is being d isp layed at the O xfam shop to be resold again.

The J .O . w ou ld like to take this opportun ity to thank fo r the three judg es o f the night, B ob Pope, Paul V arty and M a rco W u fo r the ir invaluable time and com m en ts; to those w ho sup ported the event both in form o f cash donation and lots donation and to those w ho actua lly auctioned. H ow ever, the standard o f auctioneering needs to be im proved next year. W e are not sure how many young surveyors will choose auctioneering as their career but certainly the mastering o f the basic techniques and a chance to test you r ab il ity in the M o ck A uction is som eth ing w orth your time. W e hope w e w ill rece ive an even be tte r support from all o f you next yea r fo r charity.


The 1991 A G M w as held on 30 th A p ri l at the Volun teers O ff ice rs M ess, B eaconsfie ld House. The e lection w as s ilky sm ooth and the fo llow ing Council was e le c te d: —

President M a rco Wu 761 5561

S en io r V ice President A lb e r t Cheung 823 1803

Jun io r V ice President M ike Mann 810 1100

Hon Treasurer M em fus W ong 521 0143

Hon S ecre ta ry Eddie Lee 846 5652

Imm Past President S C Leung 848 2261

Education Raymond Bates 761 5012

Genera l Practice Tony Tse 84 0 1 177

D iv is ion K K Chiu 8 4 6 5503

Thomas N T Poon 805 7604

Q uantity Surveying Kenneth K Y Poon 576 3231

Divis ion A lbe rt Lee 761 5457

Lawrance Tang 86 6 3022

Build ing Surveying David Chan 81 0 81 23 Ext.

D iv is ion G raem e Baldwin 788 7645

Barnabas Chung 848 62 26

Land Surveying W ong Thien Nyen 664 5145

D iv is ion Cheng W ai Pun 848 6217

So Ping Hung 737 2656

Jun io r O rganisation T T Cheung 823 1823

Fees have I’m afraid been increased and the new rates w .e.f. 1 A pril 1991 a re:

S ubscr ip tion Fee Entrance Fee

Fellows $ 5 4 0 $ 5 4 0

A ssoc ia tes $4 2 0 $ 4 2 0

Students $1 2 0 $120

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The bad news is that, subject to the approva l of ra tes o f subscrip tion w ill app ly in the U K in 1 9 9 2:

an EGM to be held in O c tober 1991 . the fo llow ing

C ategory Proposed N ew Rate Present Rate

Fellows £1 75 £1 50

Professional A ssoc ia tes o ve r 12 years £1 55 £133

Profess iona l Assoc ia tes under 12 years £1 00 £87

Probationers £50 £34.4

S tudents £10 £6

The good news is that, sub ject again to approva l at the EGM, the RICS is to in troduce d ifferentia l ove rseas subscrip tions as a result o f w h ich in future, Hong Kong m em bers w ill on ly be charged 35% o f the home subscription.

Inter-Divisional Transfer

In future, it w ill be perm iss ib le fo r s tudents and probationers to trans fe r be tw een d iv is ions regard less o f the ir orig inal degree o r d ip lom a, and they w ill be a llow ed to qualify in that new D iv is ion prov ided that they gain the necessary full TPC experience and pass the re levant TPC.

Education and Technical Support Staff

Proposals are curren tly under cons idera tion in regard to the future education and tra in ing o f technical support staff, and one o f the op tions under rev iew by the Institution is the possib le absorption o f the Socie ty o f Surveying Technicians within the RICS, and the creation o f a new class o f non-corporate m em bersh ip w ith in the RICS fo r techn ica l support staff. This w ou ld include the iden tifica tion o f such m em bers by the designation "R IC S (Tech)".

Through the Education and Membership Committee, the Branch Committee is carefully monitoring the situation as any proposa l o f th is nature w ou ld have a m a jo r im pact in Hong Kong bearing in mind the size o f the Hong Kong SST Branch o f ove r 1 ,300 active m em bers as com pared to a RICS Branch

m em bersh ip o f 2 ,5 55 as at the 1st M a y 1991.

If any m em ber is particu la r ly in te rested to have sight o f the d iscussion docum ent issued by the Institution, cop ies can be obta ined from C .N . B rooke, the Chairman of the Education and M em bersh ip

C om m ittee (Tet. 8231899).


There has been no shortage o f events in recent w eeks indicating that the var ious d iv is ions have

been active in making arrangem ents fo r the ir members.

The H.K. Bank tog e the r w ith S w ires held the ir own ail day event in M ay w h ich is to be fo llow ed up by another half day event in the autumn. It is encourag ing to see em ployers taking a posit ive ro le in the prom otion o f C .P .D . w hich, if s truc tu red co rrec tly , doub les up as in house tra in ing — always nice if you can ge t tw o fo r the price o f one!

On M a y 25th, 225 partic ipan ts attended at the sp lend id S tud io Theatre o f H.K. Poly fo r the f irs t all day C .P .D . event jo in tly organized by the B ra n c h /H K IS /H .K . Polytechnic. The theme w as T h e Development Process' and 5 presentations w ere made with speakers provided by the 4 different divisions fo llow e d by a question and answ er session. The feedback rece ived has been po s it ive so plans are a fo o t to repeat the idea in O c to b e r / N ovem ber.

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The sub jec t o f C PD I am sure w ill be cove red e lsew here in this New sle tte r. H ow eve r I w ould just like to rem ind m em bers o f som e adm in is tra tive points. Firstly, p lease note that rese rva tions w ill not be con firm ed — if you d o n 't hear from us p lease assume that you r reservation has been accepted . W e w ill on ly con tac t m em bers if an event has been ove r-subscribed and the reserva tion cannot be

accepted. Second ly , w e have no ticed that, w hen m em bers w ish to book fo r m ore than one C P D event, it is causing som e inconvenience having to issue separate cheques to the D iv is ion w ho is o rganis ing each event. W ith e ffec t from June 1991 w e will cen tra lise the accounting , and reserva tions fees fo r all C PD and o the r events may be c ove red by one cheque only, payable to "R IC S (HKB) — J o in t O ffice A cco u n t" . M ay I rem ind m em bers that they should s ign the a ttendance sheets, w h ich are reta ined in the Jo in t O ffice . Finally, cop ies o f all C P D notes are ava ilable from the Jo in t O ffice.

Joint Office Circular

It came to ou r attention tow a rds the end o f M a y that a cons ide rab le num ber o f m em bers had not rece ived the M a y Jo in t O ffice C ircu lar. This has us com p le te ly m ys tif ie d; w e have no clue as to what went w rong o r w here, but in future w e w ill be keeping a ve ry c lose w atch to ensure this does

not happen again.

H ow ever, I w ould like to rem ind m em bers that the C ircu la r is posted from this o ff ice on the 7th o f each month and w ould request them to con tac t us if they do not rece ive it w ith in a reasonable time.

Test of Professional Competence

A rrangem ents are well underw ay fo r the 1991 session and I w ou ld like to rem ind all BS, GP and QS candidates that all administrative matters are being handled by this office, so any queries should

be addressed h e re . 丨 w ish all candidates every success in the Test th is year.

Finally, I am pleased to w e lcom e Jo Kuch w ho jo ined the Jo in t O ffice staff in March.

EDUCATION by Raymond Bates

Where do we go from here?

丁he HKIS Education Board and the R!CS(HK) Branch Education and M e m bersh ip C om m ittee 'have started a series o f w ide-rang ing d iscuss ions on the future o f education in Hong Kong. This spans the spectrum of academ ic education , tra in ing and continuing p rofess iona l deve lopm ent. It is im portan t to apprecia te that there can be an e igh t yea r lead time from the iden tifica tion o f a need to change academ ic education to produc ing a person w ho is p ro fess iona lly qualified. In o th e r w o rd s it is not a question o f w hat type o f su rveyo r do w e need now, but w hat type o f su rveyo r do w e need in the early

part o f the next century.

The s tarting poin t is to cons ide r the social, econom ic, po litica l and business environm ent that w e w ill be w o rk in g in. The types o f sub jects being d iscussed are

— Future m arkets and trends — Future business s tructures — Future patterns o f entrant into the profess ion— ro les and respons ib il it ies o f academ ic education , em ployers and profess ionals .

The HKIS Education Board has been rev iew ing all p rocedures and docum entation re la ting to

the Test o f P rofessional C om petence. In a top down approach the Boards term s o f re fe rence, and the TPC po licy docum ent have been revised and agreed by Genera! Council. The D iv is iona l Education C om m ittees S tanding Instructions have also been brough t up to date.

Hong Kong Polytechnic BSc (Hons) Surveying and Geo informatics

The P o lytechnics cou rse has now been va lida ted and the H K C A A are recom m end ing approva l to the U n ive rs ity and Polytechnic Events C om m ittee.

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by Anthony Samson

W hils t on annua! leave this year, I a ttended the Build ing S urveyors Nationa l B rie fing held at the East M id lands C onference Centre, in the grounds o f Nottingham University in UK. This w as a perfect setting fo r th is annual b rie fing, w hich this yea r ran from Friday 22 M arch to S unday 24 M arch, and attracted a near record num ber o f partic ipants, namely 437. In v iew o f the ve ry severe recession being experienced in U K at the moment, th is a ttendance w as certa in ly a pleasant su rprise to the organiz ing committee.

This BS Briefing w as the fourteenth in the series and involved 1 V2 years o f planning, it w as once again superbly organized by the Institution o f C ollege C onferences and I found the weekend conference to be ex trem e ly inform ative, even fo r an ove rseas de legate . A lthough it d id not have an o ff ic ia l theme this year, it b road ly fell into three parts, namely recession — p roo f skills, env ironm enta l issues and European market. S peakers fo r the technical sessions w ere in my op in ion o f a ve ry high standard.

I w ou ld s trong ly recom m end that any bu ild ing su rveyor w ho is in England around the Easter period, should attend these briefings, w hich are a lways very popular and successful. On this occasion, it gave me an op portun ity to meet the Build ing S urveyors President, M artyn Surman, w ho a few w eeks later I met again here in Hong Kong, on his 10-day tou r o f the te rrito ry .

Hong Kong Institute of Planners Incorporation Bill 1991

This is a p riva te bill presented to the Legis la tive Council by me on beha lf o f the Hong Kong Institute o f Planners. The firs t reading o f the Bill took place on 24 A pril and I moved the second reading the rea fter. The ob je c t o f the Bill is to make p rov is ion fo r the s ta tu tory incorpora tion o f the Institute and the reby the s tature o f the Institute w i l丨 be im proved . Incorporation by an O rd inance also im plies sta tu to ry recognition o f the Institute as the body representing the town planning profess ion in Hong Kong. U nde r this Bill, the pow ers o f the C ouncil o f the Institute are c learly de fined. The au thorit ies o f the Council are guaranteed and its pow ers and activ ities are contro lled and regulated. The Bill fina lly passed the Legis la tive C ounc il on 8 May.

Surveyors Registration Bill 1991 Planners Registration Bill 1991

The main pu rpose o f the B ills is to estab lish a system o f reg is tra tion o f p ro fess ional su rveyors and planners, and to p rov ide fo r d isc ip lina ry con tro l o f the p rofess iona l activ it ies o f reg is te red profess ional su rveyors and reg is te red p rofess ional planners. These Bills fo l lo w c lose ly the prov is ions o f the A rch ite c ts R egistration O rd inance and the Engineers Registration O rd inance. The 1 st and 2nd Readings w ill take p lace on 22 May. M eanw hile , it is learned that som e m inor am endm ents may be initiated by the tw o respective Institutes. Sub jec t to these am endments the Bills w ill pass the Legislative Council shortly. This w ill then com plete the statutory process fo r setting up the fram ew ork fo r registration o f engineers, arch itects , surveyors and p lanners w ith in ou r functional constituency.

Spiralling Prices of Flats

In v iew o f the unreasonab ly high increase o f p r ices o f fla ts in recent months, m em bers o f the Legis la tive Council have been ve ry concerned about the specula tive fac to r in the purchase of uncom ple ted flats and w ill take part in a m otion debate on fla t specu la tion on 22 M ay. A t the sitting on 8 May, the Secretary fo r Planning, Environment and Land indicated the G overnm ent's present position on the issue and stated that G ove rnm en t po licy w as not to in tervene in a free m arket econom y, o r exe rc ise pric ing con tro l on properties. H ow ever, he con firm ed that w ith cu rren t m arket cond it ions in mind, a num ber o f measures had been taken to reduce unscrupu lous trading in the p roperty market, and to im prove pre-sale arrangem ents. It is unders tood that the Adm in is tra tion is cu rren tly assessing the s ituation.


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Mood and Confidence in Hong Kong

Recently in an O M E LC O In-house meeting, M em bers exchanged v iew s on the mood and con fidence in Hong Kong. Salient po in ts are sum marized as fo llows.

In f la tion M em bers agreed that the cu rren t high inflation rate was a sub jec t o f m a jo r concern to the com m unity . A sense o f he lp lessness w as brew ing in the com munity. S om eth ing pos it ive needed to be done soon. The budget this yea r d id not conta in measures to curb inflation.

Law and O rd e r M em bers agreed that law and o rd e r s ituation in Hong Kong appeared to be de teriora ting . The pro life ra tion o f many triad and o the r incidents led m em bers o f the public to be lieve that G overnm ent was not doing enough to p ro tec t the public and the feeling o f insecurity w ould spread.

G o ve rn m e n t ’s Image M em bers agreed that the image o f G overnm ent was not favourab le . N ow the people w e re ou tspoken and held high expecta tions o f Governm ent. G overnm ent today must be more a iert and re spons ive to the v iew s and m ood o f the public. M em bers exp ressed frustra t ion ove r G ove rnm ent's de fens ive a tt itude and lack o f response to requests made by the public. They fe lt that G overnm ent w as not seen to be sym pathe tic to public needs nor w illing to accept recom m enda tions put fo rw ard by M em bers .


W e are form ing a socie ty o f m usic ians and music lovers draw n from the m em bersh ip o f the local p ro fess ional institu tions the pu rpose of w hich w ill be to organize and manage an orchestra . This orchestra will not only perform music for entertainment but raise funds, through sponsored performances, fo r cha ritab le organizations w hich, w e hope, w ill dem onstra te a form of com m itm en t to Hong Kong.

To ensure the w ides t opportun ity fo r partic ipation and to enable the fo rm ation o f an o rchestra of reasonable qua lity we w ould like any one in te rested in playing to ge t in touch w ith one o r o ther of the people listed below. Please respond. A small core of suitably qualified and experienced musicians have a lready com m itted the ir ta lents to the soc ie ty but it is hoped to be ab le to d raw from as large a pool o f m usic ians as possib le to a llow a b roade r range of perform ance. The soc ie ty hopes to draw inspiration from a panel o f musical d irectors on a concert by concert basis to ensure the best programming fo r each occasion. It is a lso intended to g ive the opportun ity o f perfo rm ance to local com pose rs and so lo is ts w he reve r possib le.

It is our v iew that such an organization w ill not on ly p rov ide en terta inm ent fund ra ising ac tiv ities

but o ffe rs the op portun ity o f p rom oting the public image o f the profess ions. W e hope that you will jo in in ou r enthusiasm on this endeavour by revealing you r talents.

If you have any queries on the socie ty o r the orchestra please contact Shirley Yeung (3 3838 48 );

Andrew N owak-So linsk i (30214371; Kenneth Thong (8 4433 49 ); Dr. Cheng Po Chu (7467784) o r W ong Ying Fai (94843595 ).


Have you registered yourse lf as a vo te r fo r the forthcom ing LegC o Election? If not, please do so be fore end o f June 1991. Applica tion form s are ava ilable at the Jo in t O ffice at 1934 Swire House — e ither go and pick up a copy o f the reg is tra t ion form in person during o ff ice hours o r ring M rs . M o m a H um phrey so that she can send you a copy.

Show that you care for Hong Kong and register as a voter now!

S et a good exam ple as you are a Professional Surveyor!

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Page 12: The Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors The Royal Institution of … · 2016-09-18 · registered professional surveyors, in this context, the Institute will play a very important role

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