
The Image Coach

The Image Consultancy Academy International

Est. 2000


Presented by Marina Prinsloo & Team

Qualified Colour & Image Consultant

Qualified Life & Business Coach

Founder and Principal Member: The Image Consultancy Academy International

Accredited member of AICI (Association of Image Consultants International) USA

Co-Founder of Association of Professional Image Consultants SA* APICSA (2007) and current President of APICSA

Why Choose this training course?

If you are interested in starting your own business and you love the fashion industry and empowering women then this

course is for you. This is more than just being an Image Consultant - you are trained to become a qualified Image Coach. On

completion of this training programme, you will be able to start a business as an Independent Image Coach. Rated as the

most complete training course in SA. After training business support are given for 6 months.


To train and equip the learner with skills that will enable her to consult with excellence,

in all aspects relating to personal image as well as verbal and non-verbal communication skills.

Both for the individual as well as corporate world.

And to become a qualified Image Coach. (Certified by: The Image Consultancy Academy International).


To apply the skills of: colour coding, make-up and eyebrow shaping.

To be enable the learner to determine the clients correct face shape and to advise the correct hairstyle and glasses to


To obtain the necessary skills, to do body analysis, personality dress and style.

To learn how to become a personal shopper and execute wardrobe planning.

Gain a general knowledge of the history of the fashion industry, new trends and corporate culture.

Learn voice modulation, body language as well as social and business etiquette.

Business and communication skills Verbal & Written.

To enable the learner to expand on their other skills / businesses… or to seek employment in related image consultan-

cies, or to be self-employed.


The following material will be covered over the duration of six days:


This history of the ‘Image Industry’

Colour background;

The concepts of Colour Analysis;

Comparative draping (cool and warm);

The Image Coach

The Image Consultancy Academy International

Est. 2000

The module includes:

Notes and diagrams;

Full set of comparative drapes;

Full set of colour swatches;



Personality Dress

The ‘Four Generations’ including the history of fashion in the last Millennium

Body line and style analysis.

Practical applications: Each Student will analyse 1 Model

The module includes:


Tape measure;

Style manual and client hand-out;

CD of practical information;

Laminated Visuals


Face shapes;

Rules for correct eyewear;

The history of hair colour;

Hair types and styles;

Make-up training;

The module includes:


Professional make-up brush set;

Make-up wedges;

Make-up puff;

Basic make-up kit : MUD Professional Make-up


Practical applications of Colour Coding and Make-Up: Models will be arranged.

The module includes:

Colour charts;

Client Facial Analysis & Corrective Make-up Application

Daytime look & Evening Look

The Image Coach

The Image Consultancy Academy International

Est. 2000


Wardrobe planning & execution;

The home visit vs. the office consultation;

The travel wardrobe, airport culture and packing;

Shopping guidelines.

The module includes:


Personal shopping guides.


8 hour dressing (how to go from work to a cocktail party in the same outfit);

The effective use of accessories;

Material types and Care

Language of Perfume

The module includes:

Notes & diagrams


Personal development;

Corporate culture / business dress;

Body language;

External & Internal Self-Image

Body Confidence Coaching: How to build your clients body-confidence

Practical applications: Students will conduct a ‘make-over’ on each other.

The module includes:

Diagrams & notes;

Before & after photo.


Communication skills including voice modulation;

Business English;

Presentation skills – introduction;

Presenting yourself!

30 Second self Commercial

The module includes:

Notes & CD

The Image Coach

The Image Consultancy Academy International

Est. 2000


Practical implementations of all the material covered on the course.

Practical applications: Each student to conduct image / applications on a model.

Mock Personal Shopping at Clearwater Mall, Ruimsig.

The module includes:

Workbook and colour swatches. Travel to and from Mall


Etiquette and table manners – from buffet to banquet;

Your business plan and business opportunities;

Starting up your own business;

Your brand name and mission statement;

Colourworks International affiliation and franchising opportunity;

Application for membership to APICSA


Practical applications: Sit down formal meal.

The module includes:

Handing over of Attendance certificates to the trainees. Consultation Certification on successful submission of post

training assignments.


A full set of drapes in folders;

Full training manual and diagrams;

Professional Make-up Artist basic Kit;

PowerPoint presentation on CD

Colour swatches;

Laminated visuals;

Practical hands on training and evaluation;

Venue and refreshments;

Accommodation : option between catered (extra R250 per day) or self catering;

A formal meal – to accommodate table etiquette training;

Recognised certificate;

APICSA membership;

6 months Business Support and ‘client products’

1 x “refresher” attendance to course only. Accommodation excluded.

The Image Coach

The Image Consultancy Academy International

Est. 2000

Marina Prinsloo— Image & Body Confidence Coach

Marina Prinsloo AICI, APICSA is Founder and Principal of Marina Prinsloo, The Image Coach &

Academy International, a professional Image and body confidence consulting firm based in Gaut-

eng. Marina brings to her work as a Personal & Corporate Image & Body Confidence Coach and

public speaker, 15 years of experience in personal development, colour and design and a lifelong

interest in helping others achieve their maximum potential.

She is experienced in image, design, garment construction, fashion show production, personal

coaching, life & business coaching, international protocol & etiquette, public speaking and model-

ling. She has produced and directed a multitude of fashion-shows and judged as many Beauty

Pageant nationally & Internationally. As a corporate and Image trainer she provides programmes

in image management, communication skills, corporate protocol, etiquette and presentation

skills to companies and indivuals. She has also launched a vital programme: Body– Confidence Coaching in 2011, coaching

women to accept & love their bodies because all shapes and sizes are beautiful and unique and needs to be celebrated! Work-

ing towards a stronger inner confidence— best beauty secret! Marina was the first official Image Coach in South Africa

Marina was trained by the leading consultancies in South Africa and Internationally. Marina is President *APICSA 2011 to

2016 and also accredited to *AICI & IBICA. She is committed to teaching the individual how to make the most of her personal

appearance and impression as she is to enabling companies to maximize their potential, by teaching Personal Branding & Im-

age and non-verbal communications skills to executives and employees.

Marina believes the psychological advantage of developing a self-assured personal style can lead not only to sales success and

career advancement, but also to a life enhancing sense of well-being and confidence. Marina’s firm belief in personal service

drives her work as a coach.

She says, “Image directly impacts the way that we and the world perceive us. A clear outer identity that is aligned with our

personal qualities and skills will positively effect our interactions with others. True Self-confidence, personal effectiveness and

our ability to deal with change are greatly empowered by the awareness and mastery of personal communication tools. Let us

use them and make dreams happen.”

Marina has featured in national newspapers and magazines at various times. She was also Mrs. United Nations SA finalist in

2007. Also received awards in 2008 /9/10 from Mrs United Nations SA for Community Service. Marina have a large and high-

profile client base.

*APICSA = Association for Professional Image Consultants South Africa

*AICI = Association for Image Consultants International


Practicing Master Image Coach for 15 years (Dr Joyce Knudsen USA 1999, Retha McPherson 2001; TAIC 2010)

Providing Corporate Services for 8 years

Qualified Etiquette and Protocol Coach (15 years: Dr Joyce Knudsen 1999, Retha McPherson 2001; The Etiquette

Academy UK 2001)

Qualified Pageant, Modeling and Finishing School Coach (16 years: Damelin 1999)

Qualified Laser Liposuction Trainer (Crystal Medical UK 2012)

Qualified Life & Business Coach (Blackford Training Institute UK 2008 & refresher course - currently studying 2015)

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