
INVESTOR NEWSLETTER ISSUE N°3 FALL 2005The Inner VoiceA Source of Light for Unfolding Consciousness • March 2018

#marchforourlives p.12

Awakening The Real You!

“Raven Speak” By Artist Pat Gullett

Violence is Not Entertainment



Golden Light Healing Retreat Center, an oasis of peace & healing nestled amid 200-acres of prairie, fields and forest just 15 miles from Green Bay, Wisconsin. We o f f e r w o r k s h o p s a n d sessions in Shamanism, Reik i , Mediumship and

Psychic Development. Our mission is to empower others to connect with their own healing capabilities and psychic intuitive gifts. Our Retreat Center is available for customized personal retreats, company team-building workshops, or for group rental. We also offer Spiritual Journeys around the world to sacred sites. Join us in Peru, Ireland or Scotland as we sit in ceremony in ancient ruins. Please join us!

Here’s a partial list of our events. Get all the details at:

Whispers on the Wind Shamanic Training Groups Starting April 4-8, July 19-22, Oct. 17-21 and Feb 14-17 Are you searching for meaning in your life? Would you like a deeper connection with nature and the spirit world? Join us for an intensive training program in shamanism, energy medicine and self-transformation. We meet 4x over 12 months. See for all the details!

Mediumship Training April 23-24, 9:00-4:00.  Would you like to learn how to connect with the spirit world? I invite you to join us for this amazing two-day Mediumship Training Workshop. This course will teach you a variety of techniques to connect with souls who have passed on. You will learn to make those connections and how to give an evidential reading. Amy has trained with many gifted Mediums, including James VanPraagh, Gordon Smith, Mavis Pittilla and at the Arthur Findlay College. She brings a beautiful blend of their styles along with her own in sharing this extremely gratifying work with you.

Celtic Shamanism with Jeanne Marie Troge June 2-3, 2018 In this introductory class come and explore the ancient pre-Christian beliefs of the Celts. Their world was one of magic and mystery and deep connection with the Mothers of the Land. The Celts walked freely between the worlds, in communion with the ancestors, and in conscious awareness of their interconnectedness with nature. Their path of life has much to teach us today.

Drum Making Workshop with Dave Wilinski March 8, 12:30 Price includes all materials to create a 15" ceremonial drum and drum stick that you will take home with you! Pre-registration is required.

The Art of Soap Making March 31, 9:00

Reiki Level I Training March 25, 9:00-4:30 Reiki Level II Training April 15, 9:00-4:30 Reiki Master Training March 23, 9:00-4:00 Community Healing Fire Ceremony April 4, 8:00 PM. Free!

We look forward to seeing you!

Amy and David Wilinski 920-609-8277Email: [email protected]

Mists of Ireland • May 18-27, 2019 You are invited to join us as we take a step back in time to explore the Celtic Mysteries of the

Emerald Island. Engage in healing ceremonies and ritual in this ancient land of faeries, druids and magic! Get all the details at:


Steve Freier Website Design Tech

Video Producer

2- Ad, Golden Light Healing Events4- Angel Talk: Unearthing The Inner Voice 5- NEW! Ask The Inner Voice! 6- Art, A.I. & Consciousness by Pat Gullett7- The Spirit of Your Land by Meredith Y. Sowers 8- The Manifestation Trilogy Book Overview by Steve Freier 9- Making Work Fun by Kathleen Jacoby10-A Quest For Meaning by Dr. Mercola12-Inspirations for Healing Our Culture by Joan Baez13- #marchforourlives / Violence Is Not Entertainment14-Evidence of Angels: Redbird in the Desert?15-A Note About Raven from book ‘Animal Speak’15-Ad, With Sympathy Gifts 16-Ad, Dare To Be Aware Fair in Milwaukee, April 14 17-Ad, Declutter & Get Organized!18-Ad, Free Spirit Crystals

Nancy Freier Publisher &

Editor-In-Chief E-mail: [email protected] www.theinnervoicemagazine.comThe Inner Voice e-magazine serves as inspiration only and makes no claims whatsoever for healing. The information contained in this publication is not meant to replace the advice of healthcare professionals. The opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the publisher or editors. We encourage you to listen to your own inner voice for guidance and direction on what healing path is best for you to follow. Blessings on your journey.

Table of Contents Inspirations for Healing

Body, Mind, Spirit, Heart and House

THE INNER VOICE • MARCH 2018About the Cover:

Associate Editor Kathleen Jacoby

Lightlines Publishing ISSN#1073-1814 ©1992-2001; e-version ©2012-2018. All rights reserved. Published on the 1st of the month. Submission deadline: 25th of the month. Writer’s Guidelines and Ad Rates are available on request.

“Raven Speak talks to me,” writes artist Pat Gullett, “and he asks what will empower the real me? What can I do now that will make me proud? What will feed my soul?”

When I pause to listen, he is profound and sets me straight. The real me can do without all these diversions, can make me move forward with confidence, and change the course of my life. This is a powerful ally to have.

“Break away from all the illusions. Look for what feels good. As a true creator of life, all answers are within. Find your space. Breathe deeply and touch your heart, and learn to trust yourself again. The inner journey connects with nature, animals, the heart, and your inner child. It's easy and fun. Create a new world of peace, love, and kindness here today, now. Find your creative self. Take the journey to lose track of time, dip into spiritual truths, and return with some creative manifestation to share with the world.”

Raven Speak prints are available at:  

“People are like stained-glass windows. They sparkle and shine when the sun is out, but when

the darkness sets in, their true beauty is revealed only if there is a light from within.“

–Elizabeth Kübler-Ross

FALL 2005


Dear Readers,Gosh, it’s March already and so far

the year has been living up to its prediction of a wild ride. This month we are helping you awaken your inner voice and listen to the wisdom coming to you from ‘the real you.’ It’s empowering to follow your own inner voice and we are presenting some ideas to learn to do that.

Look at the good coming out of the shooting survivors in Florida. I could not help but include an article on what these students are doing to change the gun laws in this country. Surely they are following their higher selves to create a better world for all of us and I am duly impressed! The best piece I read on this was written by my own idol from the 60s cultural revolution – singer songwriter and activist Joan Baez. (See p. 12). Please also note March 24th is the #marchforourlives event in Washington D.C. and elsewhere. (See ad on p. 13 for more information.)

Unearthing the real you and following the guidance from your inner voice takes time and practice, but it is one of the most important skills you will ever learn. That voice always has everyone’s best interest at heart. The result of listening to and following it will be a world where we all win basking in the light of love. Have a very happy March! Be in a march!

xoxox, Nancy, Publisher

Unearthing The Inner Voice Is What I Do

Angel Talk™

By Nancy Freier and Sreper, Angel of the Great White LightSometimes we need to dig deep within to

hear the divine guidance that has been buried by years of living on the planet.

I recall the day of my major spiritual awakening in which I was shaken awake by the devastating news of the death of my fiancé. I was thrown into a state of shock unlike anything I had ever experienced before. The volume of the inner voice had been turned up full volume and there was just no denying it. It was like God Himself was shouting to me, “Wake up! We have work to do and I need you!”

Up until that point in my life, I was angry with God for dealing the hand he gave me that had been filled with heartbreak and disappointment, and now this? But looking back, I see it was the beginning of the rest of my life in which I was to fulfill my promise to help others and somehow lift their grief and suffering so they, too could learn whatever lesson they came here to learn, move through it and into their life purpose where they could truly enjoy their life. Helping people remains my work today.

I know now that I was born with certain psychic abilities and like many other people, those abilities were pushed down due to lack of understanding what they were or what to do with them. I was born in a generation where this stuff was not common like it is today. There were relatively few books or magazines (such as this one) that spoke to these things.

When my ‘awakening’ happened, I thought I had lost my mind. When a person heard voices in his or her head, that had to be what it meant, but now you can Google these subjects and find all kinds of resources and information, maybe even too much! (Smile.)

This magazine was created to share the good news of being able to tune in and

listen to spirit and those who have passed through the veil to the other side, and to offer various options to those who are searching for answers. Every month it is created from my heart to yours in the hopes that those reading it will benefit in some good way and be lifted up a little bit higher and their life can be a little happier as a result.

That was over 30 years ago that my fiancé died and I had no idea how I would live through the night. The only thing I can say is I was blessed with a gift of hearing the angels words of wisdom for people who needed them.

I still do readings today in which the Angels address the whys behind the many situations we all face. They give you clarity and a deeper understanding why something is or isn’t happening, and what you are to learn from it. The mediumship readings are comforting messages from deceased loved ones who want their people to know they are still with them.

I teach a class called, ‘You Can Talk To Your Angels’ that teaches you how to open a personal communication with your angels and guides in spirit and how to do automatic writing to record their messages. I wrote a book with the same title. (Download it here for a self-guided learning process.)

My spirit doll/talisman workshops are new in which you can create a doll of your liking after tapping into the creative, inner muse.

My intuitive interior design work involves redesigning your space using your furniture and set everything in their proper place in order to support your goals. It is work near and dear to my heart and I have your best interests in mind throughout the process.

So, my question is, what can I do for you to help you unearth the real you? E-mail: [email protected]. ∆


Q. A reader of this magazine asked, what steps can I take to reach my higher self?

No matter what choices you make, you are always on the path to your ‘Higher Self’ (by whatever name you choose to call it). No matter what it is, or where you are in your self-called journey, it is ALL your path. You cannot separate yourself from your path for both are one and the same. To simplify the answer, we say that everything you have ever done in life is your path to your higher self. You are already ‘your higher self.’

From your perspective, you see things as separate, and so we will answer this in another way. When you choose to think higher thoughts and act from this higher vibrational frequency, you raise your vibration to those ‘higher levels’ and can ‘reach’ your higher self. When you hang onto things of a low vibration, – anger and grief for examples – you are basically stuck there until you decide to

go higher. Pain and frustration are common triggers to move you higher.

Q. How can I tell the difference between messages from my Higher Self and my own wishful thinking?

Usually one can determine the difference by what is being said. If it’s a message that flows easily and is filled with love and kindness – and that if the idea were to be carried out and everyone involved ‘wins’ – you can be sure it is from your Higher Self. Sometimes messages from your Higher Self will match your wishful thinking. In those cases it should not matter ‘who’ is saying it? The message is what’s important. If it is good and filled with light, then you can be sure it is coming from that higher place.

Q. What are the steps I can take to excavate my authentic self and learn to follow that guidance?

We say that this is a lifelong project! It is the real reason you are on Earth. You came in with a grand, divine plan, a personality and specific gifts and talents you need to accomplish all the lessons and goals your soul has set up with you

to learn. During your lifetime there, many opportunities will come to you to use your gifts and learn your lessons, and as you do, it is like a peeling back the layers of an onion… the layers of your Self, moving you ever closer to discovering, uncovering and revealing to you what you term as ‘the real you.’Now, from where we see it, you are the real you already. There is no digging or revealing needed. God created you as you – whole, complete

and perfect – but as you live in the world of form and separation, you see the different rungs on the ladder, and the veils of self that need to be peeled away as you climb up it

All of this is the real you, both the perfection and the process you perceive as you re-reach your perfection. It is all a part of the story of you. We say that every person on the planet is in one stage or another of this unfolding process. Be blessed on your journey.

Do you have something you’re curious about? Please write it down

and send your question to: [email protected]

Then look for the answer in an upcoming issue.

Ask The Inner Voice



We’re living in the Age of Machines. Now what are we going to do about it?

By Pat GullettIn the World of Technology, everyone’s talking about a New

Species of AI, Artificial Intelligence that is super-intelligent. And we artists should be, too. Luna, for one, is an artificially generated intelligence with brilliant capabilities, personality, and more information than any of us can comprehend in every area imaginable. So where’s the balance?

This is the call to awaken our souls. Artistic creatives are needed more than ever to dive into all the Arts, into our creative imagination, into our creative consciousness, and bring back the beauty, wisdom, and connection to the earth and each other. We learn humanity best through and with each other. Where AI befriends us, works for us, and informs us, it also isolates us in entrancing ways. But it can’t replace the act of creating art, of entering the sacred timeless other world, of connecting with a mentor we love, and bringing forth our best inspired creations to give meaning to life. Information is not necessarily wisdom.

Where is the consciousness? Where lies the consciousness that makes us uniquely human, gives us imagination, and inspires original creativity to heal body and soul? A number of independent scientists are deeply investigating the ‘Seat of Consciousness.’ Stuart Hameroff, an anesthesiologist, with the brilliant mathematician Sir Roger Penrose, have been researching microtubules, conductors made of protein around the edge of every cell, that provide structure and energy. Like a skeletal conveyor belt throughout the body, electrical currents impulse through these tubes on a quantum microscopic level, bringing experiences to life. Could consciousness also flow through these tubes? Anesthetize something and consciousness disappears. Here’s the Key. Every plant, animal and human cell has these tubes that are processing life-giving information and experiences without the brain or neurons interacting. These tubes bring the senses, the creative vision, scents, sounds, touch and taste that enrich our experiences.

One thing we know about quantum physics is that what we focus on, where we place our attention, collapses every

particle/wave into only the wave that becomes our conscious reality. Or it may be that each collapse of a wave generates consciousness! While robots are coming, our balance comes in our focus, our mindful attention. Art will save the world, or at least make life more meaningful, beautiful, and rich … more human.

The Future is Coming Soon. We might as well accept the fact that robotics, genes, AI, and

nanotechnology are our immediate future, as we focus more than ever to live in mindfulness, consciousness and love. We must embrace our humanness as a New Species of Human, in balance with technology and spirit.

Educate yourself in this AI New Species. She is fascinating and will be here before you know it! To read about Stuart Hameroff and Sir Roger, pick up the March 2018 issue of Discover Magazine – interesting and understandable. And in ‘Wait But Why,’ Tim Urban offers a fun way to understand the most important topic for our future, the AI Revolution.

Our cells connect us. Art by Pat Gullett.

About Pat Gullett~ “I’m an artist and instructor living in the woods of Connecticut. The woods, hills, shores, and wildlife are my inspiration. My art reflects and transforms my life. I am a painter, mixed media artist, jeweler, and guide on the inner journey.”                      

Art, Artificial Intelligence & Consciousness


Dr. Young-Sowers is the author of many well-loved books and programs including The Angelic Messenger Cards, Agartha: A Journey to the Stars, Spirit Heals, Wisdom Bowls, and more. She is also the Founder of The Stillpoint Foundation and School. Visit her website and learn about her new program April 26-29 in Wolfeboro, NH, “Discover Your Inner Priestess” – go to

The Spirit Of Your Land

By Meredith Young-Sowers, D.Div. Last week I was thinking about our Stillpoint land and the

energies that are alive and well here. I remembered the mandate of our mission from Spirit in 1981 when we began to build on the land: It was "to be a place of refuge for those needing spiritual solace and a deeper understanding of Spirit as Love."

Over the years, as you may remember from reading the first book I ever wrote, Agartha: A Journey to the Stars, the land held special significance and had particular devas or energies that were helpers. For example, there was the Pea Deva who oversaw the vegetables and the Flower Radiance who managed the flowers and much more. I had a fascinating communication with many of the vegetables and flowers and learned a great deal about their needs, purpose and interaction with human beings. But I had never really stopped to consider the spirit of the land and what form that energy might take to make itself known to me.

I decided to ask that the Spirit of this land now make itself known to me. Immediately a great Red Tailed Hawk swooped down and across my path gliding close to the ground, and then up into the trees way down across the field from me. It had followed the major ley line or energy line down the ridge of our property and now sat facing me. It was quite a thrill as I realized

that this land was being supported by the spirit of mother Red Tailed Hawk. I began to explore what this totem meant and found how its message of expanded vision and soaring high gave me important comfort and encouragement right now.

As you consider your land – and it doesn't matter whether you're in a high-rise apartment, live on a busy street on a postage stamp size lot, or in a meadow or acres of fields – all lands have special totems that are teachers for those who live there.

What is your special messenger's guidance for you today? As you discover this important energy component, realize that it is awakening your true self, your true inner voice and a clear sense of your purpose in this world.

When you feel lost or cut loose from secure moorings, come back to the image of your sacred land totem – where you abide – and trust that your life journey is grander than you imagined and is grounded in the Great Mystery. All is well!

The next time you go outside – sit down, take a deep breath and from within your deep heart ask to know your special totem, the spirit of the land you live on right now. It will show you the way.

Agartha: A Journey to the Stars

FALL 2005


~Book Overview of the Month By Steve Freier~

The Manifestation TrilogyBy Forbes Robbins Blair (Author), Rob Morrison (Editor)

I just completed reading and studying a series of three books (plus one) about the practice of manifestation titled: THE MANIFESTATION TRILOGY: Manifest the Life You Want by Forbes Robbins Blair. These books are short books which were written separately over a few years and are now combined into one book. The version I got included a fourth book on the Higher Self – all on Kindle or in print. If you are familiar with The Secret movie and the subsequent book which was all the rage a few years ago, and which many people found did not work for them, then I feel that this book series might be just what is needed to drill down and fine tune your manifestation powers.

This book is a trilogy plus a fourth book which was added later about the power of the Higher Self and how it moderates what you actually can and cannot manifest. I found this series to be a fabulous overview that provides numerous different approaches to manifesting that should allow anyone to find an approach that works especially well for them.   It is written in a very universal manor in that it is not religious. This series is very understandable and useful to anyone wishing to practice manifestation.

The first book focuses on techniques which do not require visualization. And each book subsequent to that focuses on slightly different approaches to manifestation. The fourth book adds the larger perspective of how connecting with

the higher self can further fine-tune the process. You do not have to believe in the higher self or God, as some people may call it, in order for it to assist you.

By way of background, I studied the science of mind for many years and so it is natural for me to compare what Forbes Robbins Blair is outlining here with the techniques that I have learned through science of mind. I'll give an example. Let's say for whatever reason I wanted to manifest a shiny new Cadillac. As I focused on manifesting a Cadillac, not realizing that perhaps the shiny new Cadillac would not be the appropriate vehicle for me at this time in my life. What if I lived in the country and the roads were rough and full of potholes etc. Would the Cadillac be the appropriate vehicle? What if I had not considered the bigger picture when wishing for the Cadillac?

In the structure of using Science of Mind at the end of the prayer/manifestation process I would basically turn it over to God saying something like “I desire this or something better, for the highest good of all concerned”.  The way Forbes accomplishes the same idea is that he asks the Higher Self to be involved and to become the moderator of the manifestation process, essentially looking at the bigger picture, and in that way I feel that these two processes are very similar. The result might be that instead of manifesting a Cadillac, I might end up with a Jeep or Land Rover, which would be more appropriate to the situation.

I would highly recommend this series since they only cost about $12 for the complete set of four books. This is less than the price of many books. Each book is short and easy to read. I got them on Kindle but you can also get them in print if you wish. Even if you are an old pro and are aware of manifestation techniques such as vision boards, etc., this series will be a great refresher and probably will add some techniques you were not aware of! Happy manifesting!

Steve Freier is the website tech for The Inner Voice. He researches metaphysical subjects and writes book overviews for: Steve also produces Skype interviews with authors, healers and others. If you’re in need of a professional video, e-mail: [email protected] for details.

THE MANIFESTATION TRILOGY: Manifest the Life You Want with

Focus, Clarity and Confidence with this Three-in-One Book from the

Amazing Manifestation Strategies Series


By Kathleen Jacoby Recently, someone sent me an article

about one of the speakers on the “How to be successful” circuits. He commented about the things that people would want to do and those things people would not want to do, like bricklaying. He treated it as though it were a low level job that was the worst thing he could think of. Yet, I know people who love bricklaying. The joy they get from making something beautiful out of bricks with precision and attention to detail is i n c r e d i b l e . They are doing the work they love, and appreciating the results of their efforts.

One day I was driving in rush hour traffic and had to go on the toll road to get to my destination. As I approached the tollbooth, I noted that one line was much longer than others, and thought the people must not be paying attention, so I changed lanes to a less impacted line nearby. As I approached the tollbooth and rolled down the window, I heard the most joyous voice singing opera, and as I looked to see where the music was coming from, it was the booth of the slow lane. The toll taker was singing opera! The people who approached in their cars were smiling. I noted that he would make grand operatic gestures, and wave each car on its way, with the occupants grinning from ear to ear. That was an eye opener for me, and I understood why his line was so long. This man had made his job an opportunity to serenade people in their cars, cause them to smile, and take

the opportunity to sing what he loved. Had he worked in an office, he probably would not have been able to do that.

Another time, I was driving and up ahead was a garbage truck. This one had something different about it. On the sides were taped discarded stuffed animals – a snoopy dog’s ears flapping in the wind, a group of teddy bears bouncing along, and as I passed the driver, he was smiling and waved to me as I went by with a big

smile on my face. He took what someone thought was garbage and made them his ride along buddies – showing a sense of humor, and giving other drivers a chuckle. He was also showing that regardless of the work, it’s what you bring to it that counts.

My final story is of a teenager who has Down’s Syndrome named Jason. When he was given after-school employment at a local market as a bagger, the assistant manager took him around and showed him all the things he was expected to do. He told the teenager that it was important to always make the customers feel special, and left him to his duties. When the boy went home, he told his parents about his first day, and told them that he wanted to do his best to make the customers feel special. He had an idea.

He would write a simple appreciative statement on a piece of paper that would be included in each bag as the shoppers left. So he set about thinking of what to say, and with the help of his parents, printed and cut out phrases that he signed. He kept the pieces of folded paper in his work apron, and when he bagged, he would place one in each bag, and tell the customers he hoped they had a wonderful day. Soon, the manager noted that the lines where Jason bagged were always much longer than the rest, and even when asked to move to another checkout stand, the shoppers said, “No thanks. We’d like to stay here and see Jason.”

This teenager had thought of ways to sincerely show respect to his customers and to

leave them with different notes of

appreciation that made a difference to them.

Word got out about Jason, and the store’s business increased. People would patiently wait in his line, and even started talking to one another. Clerks and other employees noticed the difference in the way people reacted to them, and the store was soon humming with Jason’s spirit of wanting the best for his customers.

These stories make a point. One person whose attitude is positive and who makes the best of the job they are given can make a huge difference to everyone around them. We’ve all seen bridge toll takers who look totally bored. We’ve been to stores where clerks and baggers barely look at us, and most of us never pay attention to garbage trucks, save to get mad when they wake us up early in the morning. These three seemingly minimal jobs have big potential. Everything does. It’s just dependent on what we bring to what we do, and how we choose to express it.

Making Your Job More Fun For Everyone~Inspirations For Raising The Vibration Wherever You Work~

FALL 2005


The film, “A Quest for Meaning” follows two childhood friends as they travel the globe in search for the meaning of life. Questions about the collective beliefs that have shaped Western civilization are investigated, as are the changes in consciousness we now see as more and more people are becoming inspired to live more in harmony with themselves, each other, and the natural world.

Where do we, as humans, belong, if we’re not part of the natural world? And if we’re part of the natural world, how can we survive its destruction?

Without Nature, There Is No Life  In the film, their journey takes two

friends to India, where locals have managed to revitalize the economy following the closing of mines by investing in agricultural education and tools. As followers of Gandhi, they promote the concept of “swaraj,” which is the idea that you are responsible for yourself and the world around you. You must be a good steward. To learn more about Gandhi and his views on economy, they attend a seminar on “Gandhi and Globalization” held by Dr. Vandana

Shiva.  Originally trained as a physicist, Shiva became involved in a movement to protect the forests of the Himalayas. She began writing about ecological problems, and the rest, as they say, is history. Shiva is now one of the most well-recognized faces of the organic farming movement.

As noted by Shiva, large corporations are very good at eliminating small farmers, but they have no viable plan for how to feed the world once all small farmers are gone. “Recognition that nature is the condition of our being alive is the shift we need to make. We have to stop thinking about nature as wilderness, and think of it as the condition for life,” she says.

Creating a Cyclical EconomyAs noted in the film, “You cannot have

unlimited economic growth on a limited planet. You cannot have infinite growth in a finite world.” The current system cannot be fixed; it must be replaced with a new system that takes only that which is required, and returns to the earth something that supports the continued cycle of growth.  

While Marc set out to make a film about alternative lifestyles, just a few

days at Shiva’s ashram completely changed how he viewed the world. “It completely reformatted my hard drive,” he says. “Blinded by progress and technology, [the Western world] has completely lost touch with the essential things in life.” These essentials include not only respect for the natural world, but also the spiritual world. He traveled through France, Mexico, Guatemala, and other Central American countries to learn about shamanism, meditation, and interdependence with nature.

Science Confirms Our Interdependence 

Traveling to San Francisco, the pair follow the path of reason, searching for answers in modern science.  

Ever since the 1950s, scientists have increasingly been confronted with evidence that we are “made of stardust; we are children of the stars.” The atoms that make up your body “are made from the nuclear reactions of the stars.” According to Astrophysicist Trinh Quahn Thuan, “If it weren’t for the stars, we wouldn’t even exist.” What this means is that we’re not only interdependent with

A Quest For Meaning By Dr. Joseph Mercola Story-at-a-glance: (Link to video BELOW)• “A Quest for Meaning” follows two childhood friends as they

travel the globe in search for the meaning of life.• • Questions about the collective beliefs that have shaped Western civilization

are investigated, as are the changes in consciousness we now see as more people are becoming inspired to live more in harmony with the natural world.

• For many, the way to reconnect with nature is through food — planting, tending, harvesting and eating what they’ve grown. Or, at the very least, knowing where the food comes from and how it was grown

• A finite world cannot accommodate infinite consumption. The current system must be replaced with a new system that takes only that which is required, and returns to the earth something that supports the continued cycle of growth.

• Modern science tells us we’re not only interdependent with nature here on planet Earth, but we’re also interdependent with Universe as a whole. Quantum mechanics also tells us that there’s no way of breaking this unity.See video here>

Continued on page 11


nature here on planet Earth, we’re also interdependent with the universe as a whole. In other words, there is only one thing in this universe, and we are all “it.” “The conclusion I draw from this is that science is not the only way to observe reality,” Thuan says. “There are other windows into reality.”

The Root of the Problem Cassandra Vieten, director of the

Institute of Noetic Sciences, adds, “Many of the problems we face … are grounded in limitations in our human consciousness.” While egotism is rampant, we’ve not taken it to the next logical step, which is to realize that self-preservation demands that we include everyone, not just a few that we deem worthy. “Inequity of resources, violence, war, climate change — they spring from the way we view the world,”   

How Collective Beliefs Take Shape   The next stop on their journey is a

visit to Bruce Lipton, Ph.D., who discusses how collective beliefs emerge and take shape. In a nutshell, there are three perennial questions that drive collective world views:  1.    How did we get here?  2.    Why are we here?  3.    How do we make the best of it?  Fortunately,  beliefs that we are only

matter and that spirituality is unnecessary are now changing. We’re starting to see that we got here through adaptive mutations — the ability of an organism to adapt to its environment. Since we’re an interdependent part of nature, it becomes obvious that, as creative thinkers, we are here to create and maintain harmony, and that the only way we can survive is through cooperation.  Slowly but surely, we’re

starting to transition into a whole new world view built on cooperation and interdependence. It’s up to each of us to be this change.

As the producer of the video says, “To change the world, you have to change your vision of it. And in order for this change to take place, we are all called to evolve.”

∆Read full article here:

The creators of A Quest for Meaning are allowing for a full exclusive stream though 3/2/18. A Quest for Meaning is most impactful when experienced together, host a film screening for your community.

Quest For Meaning from page 10

FALL 2005


As we try to make sense of the senseless, let me once again speak about nonviolent action in the face of the culture of violence, its worship of the military, and its idea that killing is a solution for everything. While I still stand by the principles on nonviolent resistance after so many years, the change needed may be much simpler than a massive move to a collective conscience by the entire human race. In fact, it may have begun with a group of high school students.

After the massacre at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High, the powers that be have cleverly shifted the discussion to mental illness. Hearing this, for a second, I thought they were talking about themselves. It made sense: The congress people who are ready to sacrifice anyone's life so they can hang on to their jobs - that's mental illness. The hoarding of wealth for the sake of itself at the detriment of the planet - that's mental illness. An organization that defends the availability of assault weapons in the face of grieving school kids - that's mental illness.

The powers that be say they defend liberty. Whose liberty? Not that of the kids who go to school fearing for their lives. Not that of the loved ones who waved goodbye that morning for the last time. Defending the ability for anyone to own machines the only purpose of which is to kill as many people as possible in the least amount of time - that's mental illness. And don’t be mistaken. A gun is designed to kill, not to save lives, not to enhance life, not to bring goodness into the world. Intelligent, impassioned high school students are taking risks in order to save lives, enhance life, and bring goodness into the world.

Unfortunately, I will not be able to join the "March for Our Lives" in person, as I am on tour in England, a country that has banned semi-automatic weapons just like many European countries, sometimes as a response to events similar to Parkland. Such a ban should be the easy first step to saving lives,

assuming that saving lives is the goal.

You, the students at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High and other high schools, are showing us the way with your clarity and strength in the face of unspeakable grief. You are our conscience and our future. You have stood firm and listened to those who refused to even discuss the accessibility of assault weapons. You've listened to those who responded to you with vague promises of reforms pre-approved by the NRA. You've listened to those who recommended turning teachers into soldiers, and to those who accused you of taking money to help push some anti-freedom agenda.

Do not listen to those who tell you that you are just like them - you are not. If you can stay as open and patient as you are tough and resilient, you will show that you are, as Gandhi said, the change that you want to see in the world. You give all of us hope. We are with you. We will follow you. Do not ever give up. ∆

Please visit Facebook page and website. #marchforourlives

Inspirations for Healing Our Culture

#marchforourlives By Singer, Songwriter, Activist Joan Baez



Sat. March 24 in Washington D.C.

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Editorial ~ My Nickels’ Worth Violence Is Not Entertainment

In addition to the NRA and the ease in which teenagers can get their hands on automatic killing guns, I see a direct correlation to Hollywood’s production of violent TV shows and movies to these mass shootings. Years ago there used to be a multitude of sit-coms on the airwaves. Now, I have to hurry up and turn the channel before I see the violent tv commercials! I am fed up with the human attraction to violence and blood spilling out all over television. In fact, years ago following a mass-murder scene on a daytime drama, I was pissed. I sent letters off to then President George Bush urging him to speak to the movie makers to tone down the violent themes. Sometime after that I recall a news report of him actually doing that, but apparently it fell on deaf ears. And now with the increase of violence on tv, I see a direct link to mass-murders being carried out!

If Hollywood claims to make movies the public wants to see, may I ask who among us wants to see people killing each other? VIOLENCE IS NOT ENTERTAINMENT!!! Even if it is all fake, the message has tremendous influence. It looks real and the message spreads far and wide, and in my opinion gives these unstable kids (and people of any age) the idea that shooting is somehow the answer to their problem! It seems as though each one of them tries to out-do the last one like they will get some huge reward for their actions! Can we please stop the madness? Can someone please do something to stop this madness?!?

Hurray that the survivors of the Florida school shooting are brave enough and fed up enough to be marching on Washington D.C. They are the change they want to see! Bravo! Hats off to all of you!

I hope the changes they seek are forthcoming. I can only hope there will be a similar march on Hollywood someday. –Nancy Freier

FALL 2005


My totem or spirit animal happens to be the Northern Cardinal. Years ago when I lived in the desert in Southern California where there are no Cardinals, I was sad that I would never see one again because they only live in the cold climates. How would I ever get that very special confirmation that my Angels were nearby and listening to me and giving me their special sign through my bird?

One day I was driving west from the desert to Los Angeles and I was thinking about this when I noticed there was a freight train traveling alongside the freeway that was going in the same direction. It was a very long train of probably 50 or more boxcars. I could not help but notice a REDBIRD logo was painted on the sides of each of them – one after the next after the next – as if the angels were saying, ‘We’ll show her there are Redbirds in the desert.”

Gotta love the humor of those clever angels! ∆

OK, you’ve heard one of my angel accounts, now I want to hear yours! Please send them to:

[email protected]

Evidence of Angels By Nancy Freier

[email protected]

“When Cardinals appear, Angels are near.”


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you honor and remember the beautiful life of someone you care about — inspiring you to believe that love lives on.

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A Note About Raven from Animal Speak Dictionary of Bird Totems By Ted AndrewsKeynote: Magic, Shapeshifting, and Creation Cycle of Power: Winter Solstice

The raven is one of those birds that has a tremendous amount of lore and mythology surrounding it, and it is often contradictory. It is a bird of birth and death, and it is a bird of mysticism and magic.

In the near east, the raven was considered unclean because it is a scavenger. It has a long history of being an omen. During the Middle Ages the croak of the raven was believed to foretell a death or the outcome of a battle. (Imagine for a moment that in those days, people listened to the birds for messages!)

The raven is a member of the corvids family, to which belong crows and magpies and other such birds. The only real difference between the crow and the raven is its size, the raven being much larger.

Raven is honored in art and on totem poles. With raven, human and animal spirits intermingle and become one. This is reflected in its shiny black color. In blackness, everything mingles until drawn forth into the light. Because of this, raven can help you shapeshift your life or your being. Raven has the knowledge of how to become other animals and how to speak their languages.

Ravens are also playful and excellent tool users, using stones or other items to crack open nuts. They are birds not intimidated by others, for they are fast and wary. Because of this, they are not easy prey.This implies the ability to teach you how to stir the magic of life without fear. They are also known for their amorous behavior, reflecting the strong creative life force to which they have access.

This creative life force can be used to work the magic of spiritual laws upon the physical plane. It can be used to go into the void and stir the energies to manifest that which you need. All this and more is what raven teaches.

∆To read more about Raven and

others birds and animals, get the book! It is filled with terrific information.

Animal-Speak: The Spiritual & Magical Powers of Creatures Great & Small

FALL 2005


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[email protected]

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