  • The

    I n v i t a t i o n o f t h e S h a r e d L u t h e r a n M i n i s t r y

    o f F a y e t t e C o u n t y

    your invitation to fellowship, learning, serving, and celebrating

    January 2020

    Shar ing God ’s W ord by embrac ing and se rv ing a l l as God ’s fa i t h fu l f ami l y .

    11th Night Concert in its 5th year! Mark your calendar! Sunday January 5 at 1:30 pm is the annual 11th Night Epiphany Concert to be held at St. Paul Lutheran Church in Columbus! This concert features the music of our Colorado River Conference churches. Musicians, choirs, pastors, members are asked to 'brush up' one of their Advent/Christmas songs and present it at the concert. It is always inspiring and gives glory to our newborn King! Our SLM musicians and vicar will be participating! Admission is free. This year our offering is designated to go to the local Via de Cristo for scholarships to their retreats. These retreats are a 3-day course of study designed to renew the body, mind, and spirit and equip the layperson to be the church in the world. It is a Lutheran ministry to renew and strengthen Christian faith. More information will be given at the concert.

    Pastoral coverage during vacations

    Pastor Marcia will be on vacation Dec. 30-Jan. 11. She and Jack will be in N. Carolina with their kids and grandkids! Vicar Jonathan will be on vacation Jan. 6-20. He and Anitta are going to Finland to visit her family. Pastor Candy O’Meara from St. Paul in La Grange, Pastor John David Nedbalek from Bethlehem/Shelby, Pastor David Tinker from Carmine/Waldeck will all cover pastoral needs for the few days our vacations overlap. Call Cheri in the office if you need help. She has all the phone numbers.

    Annual Meeting Dates Set

    St. John, Ellinger will have their annual meeting and election of council on Sunday, January 12th immediately after worship.

    St. Paul, Fayetteville will have their annual meeting on Sunday, January 12th immediately after worship.

    St. John, Rutersville will have their annual meeting on Sunday, January 19th immediately after worship.

    St. John’s Warrenton will have their annual fiscal meeting on Sunday, January 19th immediately after worship.

    Men’s Bible Study Men’s Bible Study meets on the 2nd and 4th Saturdays at 7:00 am. Breakfast and Bible Study at Riverside Café, led by Phil Oestreich, is studying the book of Romans.

  • The Pastor’s Page

    What happens when you cross a Lutheran with a Jehovah’s witness? You get someone who rings the doorbell and has nothing to say.

    That’s one of my favorite jokes. You probably already knew that because I’ve told it a number of times. It’s also one I tell when I do the conferences on Shared Ministry. It always gets a laugh – kind of a nervous laugh, because we know it’s true and we’re a little bit embarrassed by that. Lutherans are notoriously bad about sharing our faith. Potluck recipes, yes! Faith, no! Another thing about Lutherans and evangelism – we don’t know how to invite people into our faith or into our churches. Lutheran evangelism has always been ‘have babies and bring them up Lutheran’! That works OK as long as you’re having babies. But when family size decreases and bringing your children up Lutheran doesn’t keep them in the church, there goes that evangelism strategy. Time for something new! Your SLM church leaders set a goal for us to “GROW!” – Grow in faith and Grow in relationship to each other. We believe we have hit a plateau in our shared ministry. Those who choose to be involved in the Shared Ministry of our four churches are doing so. Those who don’t, don’t. But to keep this running like a well-oiled machine, we need people to be invested in our ministry – active at the local church level but also active in the shared ministry of our four churches. Time for something new! Enter Deepening Faith. Deepening Faith is a small group, faith-building, story-sharing program. Small groups of 6-8 people gather weekly. Each person follows a process to develop their own faith story; then you share your story with your small group. You are affirming of one another. Along the way, you hear the faith story of Pastor Marcia, Vicar Jonathan and your small group leader. We hope that each group will have diversity – different ages and different church membership. That is the opportunity to grow in relationship to each other. We are starting with 4 small groups. Two will meet on Wednesday from 6-7:30 pm in Warrenton (this is the regular WAY time) – one for high school and one for adults. One will meet on Thursday evening, one on Friday morning. Sign up now! Classes begin the week of January 6 and end the 3rd week in February. Books need to be ordered for participants. To offset the cost of the book, you may make a donation of $10 to SLM. Something new is happening! Plan to be part of it! Thank you and God bless you in deepening your faith!

    See you in church!

  • The Vicar’s Voice

    The Vicar’s Voice

    We all need validation. I want to share some Validation Techniques for maloriented and disoriented elderly people. These are from Naomi Feil and there is much more to read online. As we start the new year, some of these are good

    reminders about how to treat everyone.

    1. All (very old) people are unique and worthwhile. - Treat people with respect and as an individual.

    2. Maloriented and disoriented old people should be accepted as they are: we should not try to change them. - Try to meet the underlying need behind the behavior. - People don’t change unless they are ready.

    3. Listening with empathy builds trust, reduces anxiety and restores dignity. 4. Painful feelings that are expressed, acknowledged and validated by a trusted listener will diminish.

    Painful feelings that are ignored or suppressed will gain in strength. - “the cat ignored becomes a tiger”

    5. There is a reason behind the behavior. - Help him or her express emotions to resolve unfinished business. - The brain is not the exclusive regulator of behavior; it is a combination of physical, social, and

    intrapsychic changes that happen during the life span. 6. The reasons that underlie the behavior of maloriented or disoriented very old people can be one or more of the following basic human needs.

    • Resolution of unfinished business issues, in order to die in peace • To live in peace • Need to restore a sense of equilibrium when eyesight, hearing, mobility and memory fail • Need to make sense out of an unbearable reality: to find a place that feels comfortable, where one

    feels in order or in harmony and where relationships are familiar. • Need for recognition, status, identity and self-worth • Need to be useful and productive • Need to be listened to and respected • Need to express feelings and be heard • Need to be loved and to belong: need for human contact • Need to be nurtured, feel safe and secure, rather than immobilized and restrained • Need for sensory stimulation: tactile, visual, auditory, olfactory, gustatory, as well as sexual

    expression • Need to reduce pain and discomfort

    7. Early learned behaviors return when verbal ability and recent memory fails. 8. Personal symbols used are people and things that represent people, things, or concepts from the past that

    are laden with emotion – try to explore and react with empathy. - A doll is treated like a baby, a wheelchair becomes an auto, etc.

    9. They live on several levels of awareness, often at the same time. - Example: An old woman runs out of the nursing home calling, “mama”; she needs to find her

    mother. When asked, “Where is your mother?” the old woman says, “My mother is with the dear Lord.”

    10. When the 5 senses fail, people stimulate and use their ‘inner senses.’ They see with their ‘mind’s eye’ and hear sounds from the past.

    11. Events, emotions, colors, sounds, smells, tastes and images create emotions, which in turn trigger similar emotions experienced in the past. Old people react in present time,

    the same way they did in the past.

  • C H R I S T I A N C A R I N G

    Please remember in your thoughts and prayers our homebound and

    nursing home residents.

    At Home:

    Ellinger: Leda Mae Muske

    Fayetteville: Raymond Domel Irene Hartman Rutersville: James Averyt Bea Brugger Marilyn Koehl Ivy Vasut Warrenton: Katherine Pereiro Iris Jaster

    Out of Town: Rutersville: Dea Simons—Sugar Land Ellinger:

    Nicky Guzman—Bryan Care Inn: Alice Stepanek—Warrenton Lollie Dittmar—Warrenton Jane Keilers—Warrenton

    Colonial Nursing Home: Marvin Unger—Rutersville

    Monument Hill: Mae Dell Harms—Rutersville

    Please continue to hold in prayers: … James Averyt, Brandon Benson, Donna Blockworth, Mel Blockworth, Ed Chovanec, Bruce Dopslauf, Gerald Gest, Nicky Guzman, Sheila Hanke, Dewey Hinton, Ruby Juergens, Terry Ross, Willie Rotter, Marvin Schley, Linda Smidovec, Tom Welch, El Gene Weyand, and the family and friends of Jerry Sauer and Keith Adams. We pray for the safety of all our troops and military personnel around the world.

    We pray for firefighters and police officers, doctors and nurses, and all who work for justice, peace, and understanding.

    ❖ Thanks to our dedicated SLM volunteers who worked at Second Chance during our Dec. 3rd-9th rotation! It was the week after being closed for Thanksgiving and the first week of the month, so we were “swamped” with merchandise and with customers! But our SLM/Mt. Calvary team of volunteers was rewarded with the biggest ever sales receipts for a week at Second Chance---a total of $19,402.50 to benefit Fayette County charities! Our SLM volunteers were Sheron Citzler, Mary Lou Fritsch, Waldine Garlin, Glen Hartmann, Becky Helmreich, Yvonne McCowan, Carolyn McCrory, Helen Oestreich, Margie & Ted Stardig, and Darlene & Lynn Strahan. ~Helen Oestreich

    ❖ I am once again touched by the generosity of the members of Shared Lutheran Ministry. Thank you for all of the goodies and cards. God’s Blessings to you and your family in the coming year.

    ~Cheri Herbrich

    ❖ Dear SLM Family: Once again, Jack and I are overwhelmed by your goodness, generosity and kindness in remembering us this Christmas season. We appreciate every card, gift and well-wish that comes from you. We were blessed beyond belief when the Spirit called us to this ministry 9 years ago. We continue to love our ministry here and all of you who make it possible. May God richly bless you in this season and throughout the new year. ~Blessings, Pastor Marcia and Jack

    ❖ Thank you to Sheron Citzler, Coral Hrbacek, Mary Lou Fritsch, Alice Schmitt, Carolyn Rotter, Vicar Jonathan and Anitta, along with 13 volunteers for distributing 5,464 lbs. of food to 126 individuals for 297 family members. ~Carolyn Rotter

    ❖ Many thanks to all in SLM for welcoming us the last few months. Thanks to all those who have shared Christmas well-wishes, cards, gifts, or food. Your generosity and thoughtfulness is much appreciated. It helped us have a special celebration with family and friends. Christ has come into our world and we see him in each of you. ~Peace and love in Him, Vicar Jonathan and Anitta

  • W E L C A R e p o r t s & N e w s

    WELCA in December SLM offers two women’s Bible Study times through WELCA groups. The second Tuesday of the month, WELCA meets at 10:30 am for Bible Study, lunch and business meeting. That will be January 14 in Fayetteville. Warrenton WELCA meets on Sunday Jan. 19 at 3:00 pm.

    FAYETTEVILLE: Fayetteville WELCA did not meet in December.

    RUTERSVILLE: St John WELCA met Tuesday, December 10, 2019, in the educational building. Pastor Marcia led the Bible Study. Birthdays for December were Leatrice Scholtz 1st, Joyce Wied 3rd, Genelda Stahmer 10th, and Tara Schomburg 9th. The minutes were approved as read and the financial report was placed on file for audit. Three quilts were completed with 6 ladies attending. Next quilting will be January 8th and 22nd. Cheer committee members Sheron and Kelsey reported they had sent cards to the homebound. Forty one quilts were blessed and $250 was received for the Thank offering. Thank you to Joyce, Kathy, and Laurie for decorating for the Christmas dinner. Forty five were served at the Advent Soup supper. Our next meeting will be January 14th in Fayetteville. In December greeters were Helen and Phil, altar guild was Helen and Lorali, and cheer was Betty and Lorali.

    WARRENTON: The Warrenton WELCA hosted the annual Christmas Dinner for Warrenton members on Monday, December 9th. A catered meal by Gary Goebel and a variety of desserts brought by members were enjoyed by the 50 attendees. Gifts were handed out from Warrenton Council and WELCA to Pastor, Vicar, Cheri, and Musicians. The winner of guessing how many pieces of candy in the jar, and not going over the number, was Jack Kifer. He guessed 800. There were 815 M&M’s in the jar. Other winners from the evening were Judy Pieper, Gavin Pietsch, Justin Pietsch, Joni Kloesel, and Cheri Herbrich. The evening ended with a little Christmas caroling.

    2020 Second Chance Schedule

    Shared Lutheran Ministry/Mt. Calvary Lutheran

    JANUARY: 21, 22, 23, 24, 25 (9-3), and Jan. 27 (9-noon)

    MARCH: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 (9-3), and March 9 (9-noon)

    APRIL: 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 (9-3), and Apr. 20 (9-noon)

    MAY: 26, 27, 28, 29, 30 (9-3) and June 1 (9-noon)

    JULY: 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 (9-3) and July 13 (9-noon)

    AUGUST: 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 (9-3) and Aug. 24 (9-noon)

    SEPTEMBER: 29, 30 (9-3) and Oct. dates

    OCTOBER: 1, 2, 3 (9-3) and Oct. 5 (9-noon)

    NOVEMBER: 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 (9-3) and Nov. 16 (9-noon)

    Volunteers greatly appreciated! For Information, contact your SLM Coordinators: Helen Oestreich: (979-966-9458) Darlene Strahan: (979-249-4117)

    Christmas Dinner in Rutersville

  • Youth and Family News

    Sunday school is January 5 Sunday school is for kids from pre-K through 6th grade. Following the format of Day Camp, we learn our lessons through games, Bible Study, food, science, crafts, etc. Jan. 5 our theme is “Jesus Gets Lost in Jerusalem”. Bring your kids, grandkids, neighbors for this fun way to learn important Bible stories.

    The WAY begins January 8 “Wednesdays for Adults and Youth” is the WAY. This session, high school and adults will be following the Deepening Faith series. High school is led by Lee Ann Hartmann, adults are led by Lynn Strahan. We will meet in Warrenton from 6:00 to 7:30 pm for a snack and class.

    First Communion for Carson and Chance

    December Sunday School Fun!

    Children’s Sermon in Rutersville

  • Looking Ahead … Listening to God’s Word

    January 5 ~ Within the gospel reading’s profound words lies the simple message that God is revealed in a human person. Though we may try to understand how the Word existed with God from the beginning of time, the wonder we celebrate at Christmas is that the Word continues to dwell among us. Christ comes among us in the gathered assembly, the scriptures, the waters of new birth, and the bread and the wine. Through these ordinary gifts we receive the fullness of God’s grace and truth. Jeremiah 31:7-14; Psalm 147:12-20; Ephesians 1:3-14; John 1:[1-9] 10-18

    January 12 ~ In the waters of the Jordan, Jesus is revealed as the beloved Son of God. Through this great epiphany, Jesus fulfills all righteousness and becomes the servant of God who will bring forth justice and be a light to the nations. In the waters of baptism we too are washed by the Word, anointed by the Spirit, and named God’s beloved children. Our baptismal mission is to proclaim good news to all who are oppressed or in need of God’s healing. Isaiah 42:1-9; Psalm 29; Acts 10:34-43; Matthew 3:13-17

    January 19 ~ Today’s gospel opens with further reflection on Jesus’ baptism. He is the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world and the one anointed by the Spirit. In the liturgy we come and see Christ revealed among us in word and meal. We go forth to invite others to come and worship the Holy One and to receive the gifts of grace and peace made known among us. Isaiah 49:1-7; Psalm 40:1-11; 1 Corinthians 1:1-9; John 1:29-42

    January 26 ~ Jesus begins his public ministry by calling fishers to leave their nets and follow him. In Jesus the kingdom of God has come near. We who have walked in darkness have seen a great light. We see this light most profoundly in the cross—as God suffers with us and all who are oppressed by sickness, sin, or evil. Light dawns for us as we gather around the word, the font, and the holy table. We are then sent to share the good news that others may be “caught” in the net of God’s grace and mercy. Isaiah 9:1-4; Psalm 27:1,4-9; 1 Corinthians 1:10-18; Matthew 4:12-23

    February Newsletter Deadline

    January 22nd is the deadline for all articles and information to be submitted. Any information received after this date is not guaranteed to be printed in the newsletter. You may email newsletter items to [email protected] or drop them off at the SLM office.

    2020 AMEN Food Pantry Schedule March: 16 & 19 May: 4 & 7 July: 27 & 30 October: 19 & 22 November: 30 and December: 3 Normal operating hours for the Pantry are Monday mornings 9:00—11:00 a.m. and Thursday afternoons 1:00—3:00 p.m.

    Broccoli & Ham Casserole

    Another favorite served at November’s Bunco Submitted by Judy Pieper

    1-10 oz package chopped frozen broccoli 2 cups diced cooked ham

    ¾ lb sliced sharp American cheese 12 slices of bread (regular American also works)

    6 eggs, lightly beaten 3½ cups milk

    2 tbs dried minced onion ½ tsp salt

    ¼ tsp dry mustard

    Cook broccoli according to package directions; drain. Tear bread into small bite size pieces; layer ¾ of bread in 13x9x2 pan. Arrange layers of cheese, broccoli, and ham over the bread; top with remaining bread pieces. Combine remaining ingredients; pour over layers. Cover; refrigerate for 6 hours or overnight. Bake at 325° for 55 minutes. Yield: 12 servings.

    December Invitation Correction-The Bonus Recipe for pumpkin dump cake was from Jeanette Boultinghouse.

  • Shared Lutheran Ministry

    The SLM Council did not meet in December. The next meeting will be held January 21 in Ellinger.

    St. John, Ellinger

    St. John, Ellinger did not hold a Council Meeting in December. The Annual Meeting will be held on Sunday, January 12th immediately following worship. Happy New Year!

    St. John, Rutersville

    St. John Rutersville did not hold a Council Meeting in December. The Annual Meeting will be held on Sunday, January 19th immediately following worship. Happy New Year!

    St. Paul, Fayetteville

    St. Paul, Fayetteville did not hold a Council Meeting in December. The Annual Meeting will be held on Sunday, January 12th immediately following worship. Happy New Year!

    St. John’s Warrenton did not hold a Council Meeting in December. The Annual Meeting will be held on Sunday, January 19th immediately following worship. Happy New Year!

    St. John’s, Warrenton

    SLM Council

    Our Talented Musicians were kept busy in December

  • News and Events

    Christmas Dinner in Warrenton

    Open House in Fayetteville

    The Longest Night Service

  • Shared Lutheran Ministry Calendar of Events

    Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday


    Allison Jordy Birthday Russell Muesse Birthday St. John-Ellinger 160th Anniversary 9:00 AM Joint Worship in Ellinger 3:30 PM Nursing Home Worship Services @Care Inn, 3:30 and @Monument Hill, 4:15


    Brandy Gross Birthday

    31 1

    SLM Office Closed

    Happy New Year!


    Lee Ann Hartmann Birthday 10:00 AM Quilting @ Fayetteville


    Parker Weishuhn Birthday Ruth Horndt Birthday


    10:00 AM Deepening Faith-Leaders Meeting @ Fayetteville


    8:00 AM Worship in Ellinger 8:30 AM Worship in Warrenton 10:00 AM Worship in Rutersville 10:30 AM Worship in Fayetteville 1:30 PM 11th Night Concert in Columbus 3:00 PM Sunday School @ Rutersville

    6 7 8

    9:00 AM Quilting @ Rutersville 6:00 PM The WAY @ Warrenton



    Ruth Roecker Birthday


    Bryce Bartek Birthday 7:00 AM Men's Breakfast @ Riverside Cafe


    St Paul -Fayetteville Annual Meeting following service St. John-Ellinger Annual Meeting following service 8:00 AM Worship in Ellinger 8:30 AM Worship in Warrenton 10:00 AM Worship in Rutersville 10:30 AM Worship in Fayetteville


    Sheron Citzler Birthday 1:30 PM Domino's @ Rutersville 6:30 PM Worship & Music Meeting @ Ellinger


    Carol Bigott Birthday Kristen Holub Birthday 10:30 AM WELCA @ Fayetteville


    Siyer Britton Birthday 6:00 PM The WAY @ Warrenton


    Caeley Kovar Birthday 10:00 AM Quilting @ Fayetteville 5:15 PM Zumba @ Warrenton


    Curtis Karisch Birthday


    AMEN / Central Texas Food Truck @ Waldeck Church, 10:00 am - 11:30 am


    Bristol Smitley Birthday Chris Bell Birthday Maurine Schley Birthday St. John's-Warrenton Annual Meeting following service 8:00 AM Worship in Ellinger 8:30 AM Worship in Warrenton 10:00 AM Worship in Rutersville 10:30 AM Worship in Fayetteville 3:00 PM WELCA @ Warrenton

    20 21

    9:00 AM - 3:00 PM Second Chance Week 5:30 PM SLM Council @ Ellinger 6:30 PM Congregation of Councils @ Ellinger


    9:00 AM Quilting @ Rutersville 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM Second Chance Week 6:00 PM The WAY @ Warrenton


    9:00 AM - 3:00 PM Second Chance Week 5:15 PM Zumba @ Warrenton 6:00 PM Internship Committee Meeting @ Fayetteville


    9:00 AM - 3:00 PM Second Chance Week


    Sydny Tobar Birthday 7:00 AM Men's Breakfast @ Riverside Cafe 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM Second Chance Week


    8:00 AM Worship in Ellinger 8:30 AM Worship in Warrenton 10:00 AM Worship in Rutersville 10:30 AM Worship in Fayetteville


    Jo Nell Glaesmann Birthday 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM Second Chance Week


    Linda Smidovec Birthday 1:00 PM Care Team Meeting @Rutersville


    Jason Vasut Birthday 6:00 PM The WAY @ Warrenton


    5:15 PM Zumba @ Warrenton


    Glen Duke Birthday Marie Von Minden Birthday


    Gerald Gest Birthday Lorali Schultz Birthday Ruth Noska Birthday

  • January 2020 - Worship Leaders

    Altar Guild Color White White Green Green

    1/5/2020 1/12/2020 1/19/2020 1/26/2020


    Assisting Minister Maxine Brugger Annie Mueller Laura Brugger Lucille Koehl

    Reader Martha Staley Sharon Fritsch Gladys Koehl Maxine Brugger

    Head Usher J.R. Koehl Chris Brugger Maxine Brugger Sheila Brugger

    Cleaning Altar Guild Flowers

    Maxine Brugger Laura Burgger Laura Brugger Leona Parks & Sandra Sivek

    1/5/2020 1/12/2020 1/19/2020 1/26/2020


    Assisting Minister Lynn Strahan Jeanette Brown Aaron Gross Maurine Schley

    Reader Lisa Corn Lynn Strahan Maurine Schley Kate Holloway

    Acolyte Audrie Bell Abbie Bell Hayden Hatfield Miranda Gross

    Greeter Billy Graeter Edgar & Marie Von

    Minden Carolyn McCrory Annette Richards

    Altar Guild Carolyn McCrory &

    Carolyn Dolbey Carolyn McCrory &

    Carolyn Dolbey Carolyn McCrory &

    Carolyn Dolbey Carolyn McCrory &

    Carolyn Dolbey

    Flowers See Church Calendar See Church Calendar See Church Calendar See Church Calendar

    1/5/2020 1/12/2020 1/19/2020 1/26/2020


    Assisting Minister Lee Fritsch Laurie Karisch Weldon Hartmann Phyllis Fritsch

    Reader Carol Averyt Heather Muesse Erin Opperman Justin Gaertner

    Usher Chip & Sheron

    Citzler, Greg Noak

    Chip & Sheron Citzler, Greg Noak

    Chip & Sheron Citzler, Greg Noak

    Chip & Sheron Citzler, Greg Noak

    Altar Guild Sherry Noak &

    Darlene Weyand Sherry Noak &

    Darlene Weyand Sherry Noak &

    Darlene Weyand Sherry Noak &

    Darlene Weyand

    Greeter Lorali & Norman

    Schultz Lorali & Norman

    Schultz Lorali & Norman

    Schultz Lorali & Norman


    Flowers Sheron Citzler Carol Bigott Phyllis Fritsch in memory

    of Emily Fritsch Carolyn Rotter

    1/5/2020 1/12/2020 1/19/2020 1/26/2020


    Assisting Minister Megan Buro Brinda Dunlap Harry Schellberg Patsy Buro

    Reader Harry Schellberg Felipe Villegas LouAnn Williams Brinda Dunlap

    Usher Scott & Dawn Moore Roy & Judy Pieper Alice Schmitt,

    Kay Von Minden Megan Buro &

    Jeanette Boultinghouse

    Greeter Charles & Patsy

    Buro Shannon Barnett &

    Felipe Villegas Donnie Wunderlich Jeanette Boultinghouse

    Flowers Open Open Open Shannon Barnett &

    Felipe Villegas

  • Shared Lutheran Ministry

    of Fayette County

    4446 South State Hwy. 237

    Round Top, Texas 78954


    Dated Material: Please do not delay.

    January 2020

    The Shared Lutheran Ministry of Fayette County is a cooperative rural ministry of four congregations: St. John Lutheran in Ellinger, St. Paul Lutheran in Fayetteville, St. John Lutheran in Rutersville, and St. John’s Lutheran in Warrenton. All are member congregations of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and the Texas-Louisiana Gulf Coast Synod. We share pastors and an office/business manager. We share whatever ministry benefits the mission of Jesus Christ.

    Non-Profit Organization

    U.S. Postage Paid

    PERMIT No. 19

    Round Top, TX 78954

    T h e I n v i t a t i o n from the Shared Lutheran Ministry of Fayette County

    January 2020 Parish Leadership

    Reverend Marcia Kifer, Lead Pastor

    Jonathan Mollenkopf, Vicar

    Cheri Herbrich, Office/Business Manager

    Phyllis Fritsch, Shared Ministry Council President

    Parish Communications

    Office Hours: Mon – Thurs, 8:00 am to 3:30 pm

    Office Phone Number: 979-249-3155

    Pastor Marcia’s Home: 979-968-3634

    Vicar Jonathan’s Cell: 979-525-1515

    Rutersville Parsonage: 979-249-3159

    Fax: 979-249-3548

    Email addresses: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]


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