Page 1: The King’s Messenger May, —Volume 56, Issue 5 empower all · period in 2019 which help offset some of the decline

The King’s Messenger May, 2020—Volume 56, Issue 5

Christ the King Lutheran Church, a caring community committed to empower all people to know Christ and to make Christ known.

COVID-19 Creates Opportunities To Bring Church into Our Homes

Images of Home Altars from CTK Members

Page 2: The King’s Messenger May, —Volume 56, Issue 5 empower all · period in 2019 which help offset some of the decline

Greetings CTK family!

I am just writing to update you on a few items happening at our church over the past few weeks. However, I would first like to say how PROUD I am of our church body. Our pastors, deacon, staff, and volunteers have stepped up in this time of uncertainty and done an amazing job! Everything about doing church as we’ve always done it at CTK has been thrown out the window the past few weeks. This pandemic has forced our staff to be creative and “WOW” they really have been. This COVID-19 situation has obviously been challenging for every human being on the planet. It is not often that you can say that and maybe never until now. It has definitely changed how life will be going forward into the future for all of us. Some of this is change for the good and some of the change isn’t so good. I’m optimistic. I believe that many of the things I’ve taken for granted over the years will now mean so much more to me. I’ve always loved attending church services…especially Christmas and Easter

season. I’ve loved attending Community Supper every Wednesday evening the past couple of years. I LOVE my friends that make up the Theology on the Ave group that meets during confirmation classes on Wednesday nights at the Tav on the Ave. You know what….I’ve loved these things in the past and now I am missing them more than ever. I love to interact with people in person. I am a social butterfly. This past few weeks has challenged me with less opportunities to be out in public…virtually none. However, it has dramatically increased the time I am spending at home with my family. It is different, but I am grateful to God for this opportunity to see that I need to spend more of my time at home doing family time. Our kids our growing up quickly and I don’t want to miss any more time with them than I have to. I think COVID-19 has allowed people to look at their lives and see where they were out of balance. What is really important to you and what are the things that can be removed from your life. I think (hope) that this will also lead more of

us to spend more quiet time with God. God wants you to have an intimate relationship with him through prayer, scripture, meditation, and many other ways. God is always there waiting on you. He is available to us…we just need to make the time for him. I think that this is happening for many people including myself. Making more time for HIM.

I would like to make one request on behalf of the Council at CTK. We have 4 Council members with terms expiring at the end of June. If you have interest in helping lead CTK out of this pandemic and on a new journey with (hopefully) a new senior pastor in the next few months, please email me. You don’t need previous experience on a Board or Council. We just need people with passion! This is an exciting time for Christ the King and we’d love for you to be part of mapping it out! Please send me an email if you’d have interest in serving on our Council or one of the various Commissions. We’d love to have you!!

Shannon Sinning, Council President

A Message from our Council President

Financial Update—from Chris Austin, Treasurer

Page 2

Finances continue to be a large focus of the church council given the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. As you will see below, we saw a 16% decline in giving March of 2020 when compared to March of 2019. We were able to reduce operating costs when comparing to the same time period in 2019 which help offset some of the decline in giving. On a positive note, the Church was able to obtain

a loan through the Paycheck Protection Program. This potentially forgivable loan program is a new opportunity for small businesses that was created in the CARES Act passed by the federal government a few weeks back. This loan will provide stability to the church and our staff as we continue to navigate through these uncertain times.

Page 3: The King’s Messenger May, —Volume 56, Issue 5 empower all · period in 2019 which help offset some of the decline

Living Life as Easter People By Pastor Audrey Easter Sunday was

celebrated differently this

year due to COVID-19.

However, the Easter

message remains the

same. Christ has died, he

is risen indeed, Alleluia. Our lives have changed due to the

global pandemic but let us not forgot how our lives have also

been changed and continue to change knowing that Christ

rose from the dead in order for us to have new life. What

does this mean for us in these times where we now live lives


The disciples were filled with fear in the days following

Jesus death. There is an abundance of fear in our world as we

hear each day

the number of

deaths in our

country due to

Covid-19. It is

easy to be filled

with fear


people of all

ages, genders,

religions and

ethnicity are all

vulnerable. But

as Easter

people, do we

want to live in

fear or as

people of hope

and peace? As

the disciples

who were

huddled behind

closed doors

with fear after

the crucifixion, Jesus entered their fearful hearts and

repeatedly said to them, "Be not afraid. Peace be with you."

A friend recently sent an image of a graph that asked the

question, "How do I want to be during COVID-19?" There

are three ways to respond: fear, learn, or grow. Fear is real

and is not to be minimized, but it can easily bring despair and

hopelessness. I find it amazing to see how quickly we have

learned new ways to adapt our lives by “social distancing”

and “shelter in place”. I admit there are moments I wander

onto a path of fear, and when I catch myself on that path, I

find myself repeating Jesus words, "Peace be with

you". This simple phrase or mantra has a way of center-

ing me and reminds me that God has power over fear

and death. God’s power can give us the strength to

transform our fears and help us grow.

How do we live and grow as Easter people during a

pandemic? Some have found new purpose in life as

they focus on what we can do rather than what we can't

do. Many have reconnected and reestablished

relationships with family and friends. Families find they

have more meal and/or play time together. I continue to

be amazed at the number of new skills people have

developed especially in technology as they have Zoom

gatherings. Service to others

embodies the

living Christ

through our

generous acts

of kindness to

care for our


Each day I

give God

thanks for the

many and



workers" who

provide our

daily needs for

food, health, &

shelter. Thank

you for all you

do. Here at

CTK, I have

been touched

by so many of

you who have

found this time to deepen one's own spiritual life

through prayer, meditation and worship.

When might we be able to gather together again for worship at CTK? God only knows. God also wants us to be safe. In the meantime, may we continue to grow in our faith as we find new ways to be a community, supporting one another as we strive to reflect lives of the resurrected Christ, not filled with fear, but live lives of life, hope, love, and peace. The graph you see above may be found here.

Page 3 The King ’s Messenger

Page 4: The King’s Messenger May, —Volume 56, Issue 5 empower all · period in 2019 which help offset some of the decline

Dear Congregants,

Greetings from your Senior Pastor Call Committee. We pray that this message finds you in good health.

Please consider this the forth of our updates which will continue to be monthly at a minimum. With our ability to gather in person greatly hindered, please feel free to contact us at our email addresses if you have any comments and/or questions. Remember while we will do our best to make all aware "where we are" and "where we shall be going", some matters must remain confidential.

First, you may recall that we completed the Site Profile some time ago. You may read it at the CTK website.

Second, we completed the questions for the Candidates we anticipate asking at the first interviews of the Candidates. Third, we received names and profiles of potential Senior Pastor candidates from the Synod. Fourth, we completed our review of the information attached to each Candidate and have agreed on whom we will interview as Candidates to become our next Senior Pastor.

These are JUST first interviews that we anticipate will be completed by the end of the first week of May. Additionally, we have much work to complete before arriving at the stage of which candidate(s) will receive a second interview. This includes watching sermons,

interviewing references for the candidates, reading what is happening at their present congregations, etc.

Your Call Committee continues to "meet" by way of email, text and google. This work is just foundation for our weekly meetings on Thursdays by Zoom (see, photo of a recent meeting). If you are not aware of Zoom, it affords us the opportunity to "video" conference as a substitute for our in person meetings.


We ask all for your prayers as we enter this phase of the Call process.

The Call Committee prays that you all will be safe and healthy,

Todd Lundquist, Chairperson Andrea Petzel, Vice Chairperson Kate Hansen, Secretary Amy Baack Darcie Jacobs Tyler Maas Dan Rickbeil

Jim Hatleli, Alternate Di Storvick, Alternate

Nancy Patterson, Council Liaison

Call Committee Update

Page 4

Call Committee

Zoom Meeting

To our New


Members: Due to COVID-19 and not knowing when we will be back for worship, we are going to be postponing our new member orientation and reception to the fall. We will set a date later this summer. We know several who have expressed interest in joining Christ the King as a new member before we had to close our doors. You still can! Simply email Pastor Tim and he can coordinate that. Again, our official orientation and reception of new members is being moved to the fall.

Page 5: The King’s Messenger May, —Volume 56, Issue 5 empower all · period in 2019 which help offset some of the decline

You are invited to participate in a Zoom forum with Pastor Audrey on Monday evenings from 6:30-7:30 p.m. as she leads conversations on how to live resilient lives as Easter people. Pastor Audrey will share her research studies on the subject of resiliency and introduce daily practices that can reduce stress while cultivating spiritual growth. No book is needed and you can drop in on any session. Sign up online here. May 4 Introduction on Resiliency/Research Findings June 9 Purpose and Meaning May 11 Gratitude June 15 Forgiveness May 18 Compassion June 22 Play May 25-No class Holiday June 29 Prayer and Meditation June 1 Acceptance

Operation Stockings Are Hung Personal Hygiene Drive

We’re Looking for Spring Clean-up Peeps

Faith Formation on Facebook

Change the Date: Confirmation Postponement

Spring is a time of seeing the beauty of God’s creation come back to life. Bulbs bursting with color, trees budding, and birds singing so loudly in the morning, you tend to wake up even before the smell of coffee fills the air. With this also comes the need to remove last fall’s leaves that stayed through

the winter, branches and twigs need to be gathered after nature’s trimming process, garbage stuck in the bushes needs to be thrown away, and other odd jobs around the church grounds. If you’re willing to come in at your convenience, please contact Ingrid in the church office if you wish to help spruce up the outdoor church property.

these students and this important faith

milestone in October 2020! Please

mark your calendars for Sunday,

October 25th for an extra-special


In response to all that is happening in

our world and lives, we announce the

postponement of Affirmation of

Baptism for this year’s 9th grade CLUB

students. We will not confirm this

spring. We look forward to celebrating

Greetings, CTK families and friends! Did you know there is a Facebook page dedicated to CTK families? Log on to Facebook and search “CTK Faith Formation”. When you join the group you will be able to see posts from Deacon Billie Jo, Wendy, and Ingrid to help you and your family connect with God, one another and the

CTK community during this time of physical distancing. In addition to devotions and les-sons, this place can be a community where we gather together to share in our joys and strug-gles, lift one another up, and connect with our brothers and sisters in Christ. Can’t wait to “see” you there!

Page 5

Cultivating Resilience Forum Begins May 4th

Our personal hygiene drive initiative for our Christmas Stocking 2020 project was put on hold this spring due to COVID-19 and physical distancing, but we have come up with a creative way for you to still contribute without leaving your home! Simply visit the and click on the link for the personal hygiene drive to be connected to an Amazon Wish List. There you will find suggestions for shampoos, toothbrushes, and other personal care items that you can purchase and have shipped directly to CTK. Of course if you already have items to donate or choose to pick some up locally with your grocery order, we will happy to have you drop them off after our stay-at-home order expires.

Have you heard of Amazon Smile? Go to and shop Amazon as you usually would. When you check out, select Christ the King Lutheran Church in Mankato and we’ll receive 5% of your order, every time you shop… free for you, money for us. It’s a win win! All proceeds received before December 1st will go toward Operation “Stockings Are Hung”.

Page 6: The King’s Messenger May, —Volume 56, Issue 5 empower all · period in 2019 which help offset some of the decline

Support for Parents

We continue to suspend on-site worship services until it is safe for us to physically gather for worship as a community. Fortunately we are able to gather through the use of technology during this time. We continue to offer two opportunities for worship each week. Sunday 9:30 a.m. a blended service, incorporating

traditional and contemporary liturgy and music. Wednesday 6:00 p.m., a reflective/meditative

service with music. All services are live through our website or Facebook page. If you are unable to watch the live service, replays are available in both locations. If you don’t have a computer, you can also see the Sunday service broadcast on Sundays at 3:00pm and Tuesdays at 10:00am on Consolidated channel 7 or Spectrum/Charter channel 181.

The CTK worship staff had thoughtful and prayerful conversations whether or not to offer “virtual communion” for our Holy Week and Easter services. We decided to provide two options for our digital community to participate in Holy Communion during this unique time of COVID-19. When Holy Communion if offered, worship participants watching our services digitally may choose one of two options:

Option 1: set a table in your own home with bread and wine and share in the meal of the Lord’s supper;

Option 2: fast from communion and wait until we are able to gather as a community.

There are different perspectives within the ELCA about communion practices during this pandemic. We encourage you to read both. Perspective 1 and Bishop Eaton’s Response to communion.

The beauty found in either of these options is that God’s gift of grace and blessing comes to us in both options. Whether we meditate on the words of our communion liturgy or physically partake in the bread and wine, we are reminded that God is with us always. Holy Communion at CTK will be offered on the 1st, 3rd, and 5th Sundays of the month until we can gather in our worship space safely. The Word and Sacrament Commission supports both options for Holy Commun-ion be made available for the worshiping community here at Christ the King Lutheran Church.

Words do not do justice to the gratitude we feel because of the way the friends and families of CTK have welcomed us into your homes during this time. Please continue to share your home worship photos and stories of how you are impacted with us.

Worship in These Times & Holy Communion

Page 6

MOTHER’S DAY KITS Hey Kids! Shhhhh, don’t tell Mom! Mother’s Day is fast approaching, and since it’s hard to get to the store these days…we have put together kits for you to assemble for your Moms…just in time for Mother’s Day – Sunday, May 10th. Kits are available for delivery or pick-up (if the Stay-at-Home is lifted) at the Pfau Street entrance to CTK, on Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday May 4, 5, or 6 from 9am-4pm. Please call 345-5056, or email [email protected] Ingrid to reserve your kit. We only have 50, so first come, first served! Instructions included in the kit, or watch Facebook on Monday, May 4th for the 11am post for the how-to-assemble video. P.S. And…there will be a Father’s Day kit coming in June!!!

Are you a parent or guardian needing to connect with others? Whether you are looking for other parents to share the joys and struggles of distance learning or bounce ideas off of about how to balance your work and home responsibilities when you find yourself never really taking off either hat these days, Deacon Billie Jo wants to hear from you! In the hopes of equipping our families for their current situations, we need to know what your needs or wants are. Shoot Deacon Billie Jo a quick email to let her know you are interested and from there she can begin to facilitate community and connection to help us meet our needs as parents and caregivers.

Resurrection Gardens

Page 7: The King’s Messenger May, —Volume 56, Issue 5 empower all · period in 2019 which help offset some of the decline

With Christ in the School of Prayer—Pastor Donohue

Tuesday Morning Coffee & Conversation—Now Through Zoom!

Fourteenth Lesson – by Andrew Murray “When you stand praying, forgive, if you have anything against any-one; that your Father also which is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses.” Mark 11:25

A word before Professor Murray speaks: I have too many projects that keep me occupied during this COVID-19

self-confinement that I don’t spend a lot of time watching TV.

But when I do, I have an interesting reaction to many commercial ads. Shoulder to shoulder crowds are cheering in sports arenas, large groups are gathered for a BBQ in the neighbor’s back yard, people hug, pat each other on the back and shake hands. I catch myself saying: “Don’t do that! You are putting yourself and others at a high risk! Obey the social distancing protocol!” But then I remember, these commercials were filmed long before the world was plagued by this novel coronavirus. Someday we will be back to hugging, handshaking, and cheering in

crowded grandstands. This word by Andrew Murray was written long before our current crisis. But it is valid for any situation ... espe-cially for today! The message of this chapter can be summarized in these few words by Andrew Mur-ray: “Love to God and love to our neighbor are inseparable; the pray-er from a heart, that is either not right with God on the one side, or with other people on the other, cannot prevail. Faith and love are essential to each other.”

conferencing meeting called Zoom. Participants are now responsible to make their own coffee (or another preferred beverage) but I still lead the conversation portion of the morning. We will continue in this format until the time that we are able to be together again at Christ the King. If you would like to join the group, all you have to do is sign up here and I will send

you the link to join in on the discussion. —Pastor John

A Note from Pastor John Petersen. For over 20 years now I have led a weekly Bible study that focusses on the three lessons that are used for our regular Sunday worship services. It has had different names, usually based on the day that we met. The current version is called Coffee and Conversation and it meets every Tuesday morning at 9:00am in the Fireside Room. For the past several weeks – due to all the issues connected with Covid-19 we have been convening via a video

Page 7

Watch and Wonder

Have you ever wanted to be part of a Bible study or similar group that simply requires you to show up? Have you ever watched a great television show or movie and found yourself thinking about where God was in it? Do you miss being able to chat about a recent tv show with coworkers or friends? Whether you said yes to one or all of these

questions, have we got the group for you! Join Deacon Billie Jo on Sunday nights at 7:00pm beginning May 17th for our new group, Watch & Wonder. In this group, together we will watch an episode of the sitcom The Good Place and then spend time in conversation about the episode. Together we will join the show’s main character Eleanor

Shellstrop where she surprisingly finds herself in the afterlife as she learns it’s never too late to change. Teens, young adults, and adults welcome! This could be an awesome experience for a teen and parent to do together. Sign up online to receive the Zoom link.

Pub Theology

Are you interested in deep theological discussion? How about good fellowship and community? What about having both with a beverage of your choice? If so then our Pub Theology group might be for you! Join us in our digital pub on Wednesday nights at 8:00pm for a

time of theology, discussion, fellowship, and beverage. If you are interested in joining us, please register on our website here, and the Zoom meeting link will be sent to you. We look forward to having you with us!

Page 8: The King’s Messenger May, —Volume 56, Issue 5 empower all · period in 2019 which help offset some of the decline

Christian love and sympathy to… The family of Adele Thompson, who passed away on

March 28th. Adele was the wife of Pastor A. Milford Thompson, who was an Emeritus Pastor at Christ the King in the 1980’s and 1990’s.

Deb Wilson and family upon the death of Deb’s mom and long time member Shirley Wilson, who passed away on April 23rd.

High School Senior Recognition

Thursday Night Zoom Book Study

Page 8

Weekly Zoom Book Study with Pastor Tim An Altar in the World: A Geography of Faith

– Barbra Brown Taylor Thursday Nights @ 6:30pm starting May 14

Duration 12 Weeks (1 chapter per week) If you’re interested in finding the sacred in the small things, this book is for you. Barbra Brown Taylor, an ordained Episcopal priest, now professor, helps us slow

down and to take notice of everything around us. This is the spiritual practice of being wholly present, present in ourselves and present in the world. The simple and ordinary things that we do in life can become holy moments, acts of meditation, and prayer themselves. If you are interested in joining us on Thursday nights starting May 14th, register on our website and you will receive the proper Zoom links. Don’t forget your book!

Seniors we want to celebrate you! We know that there are a lot of questions right now about the status of graduation ceremonies, but we want to make sure as your church

family we take time to celebrate this big milestone in your life. We will be doing Senior Recognition as a church family for you! We are not sure when that will happen but we

want to let you know that you are on our hearts and we are thinking about you. Stay tuned for future updates!

DIY Disinfecting Wipes Ingredients: 2 Cups Distilled Water 1 Cup Isopropyl alcohol at least 70-91% concentration 1TBSP Dawn dish soap 3 Drops Tea Tree Oil (optional) 1 Paper Towel Roll


1. Cut your paper towel roll through the middle with a serrated knife.

2. Flip them over and stick into a jar or previous Lysol/Clorox wipes box.

3. Mix together the water, rubbing alcohol, and dawn dish soap.

4. Pour around the edges of the paper towel roll. Let it soak in for 2 minutes.

5. Pull the middle paper towel roll out and throw away. Now you can pull from the middle

6. Store in closed container with lid.

DIY Wipes

Blessing of the Pets Join us for a Blessing of Pets on ZOOM Wednesday, May 6th at 4:00pm. This is a way we

can all get together with our faithful companions (and as of late, coworkers). We can’t wait

to meet your cat/dog/horse/snake/gerbil/fish! Sign up here online.

Parish News

Page 9: The King’s Messenger May, —Volume 56, Issue 5 empower all · period in 2019 which help offset some of the decline

Page 9

Online Devotionals for Any Age (as organized by the Faithful People Commission

and staff members of Christ the King) We are considering ways to serve the people of CTK during the Covid19 shelter in place.

There are blogs, daily devotions, and other links to faith based sites… here are some. Feel free to share your resources you have found helpful with any of our pastoral staff or Deacon Billie Jo.

Resources, stories and news from the ELCA Offices an on-the-go companion for your journey, offering a faith reflection every day A daily devotion brought to you by the alumni of Luther Seminary A food family resource with activities Guided meditations for mind, body, and soul Free resources to bring hope and encouragement during this time

Center for Spirituality & Healing (U of M) Advancing the health and wellbeing of individuals, organizations and communities Father Richard Rohr’s Daily Meditations focus on the theme Action & Contemplation Faith lens—a great weekly resource for teens and adults A great family resource with activities A blog for women longing for ‘community’

Receive a Bible verse of the day

A Heart-felt Thank You From Your Church Staff

We continue to be touched by the many different expressions of gratitude for the staff of CTK during this time of the pandemic. Every day we are grateful for the opportunity to serve God’s church. We are already seeing how God is using this ministry in a different way, to reach out to you, the community, and beyond.

Give by QR Code—It’s Easy! Begin the photo mode on your cell phone

and hover over the code on the right—

this will take you directly to our giving

page—give with ease!

Page 10: The King’s Messenger May, —Volume 56, Issue 5 empower all · period in 2019 which help offset some of the decline

222 Pfau Street

Mankato, MN 56001

Phone: 507-345-5056

Fax: 507-345-6115

Visit us online!

Contact the Staff Christ the King’s Phone Number: 507-345-5056

Pastor Audrey Lukasak: ext. 23

Pastor Timothy Bowman: ext. 26

Pastor John Petersen: ext. 24

Billie Jo Wicks, Deacon of Faith Formation : ext. 19

Accounting Office: ext. 22

Al Lee, Technology Arts Director: ext. 36

Amy Olsen, Communications Director: ext. 21

Chuck Hoogland, Organist: ext. 25

Garrett Steinberg, Music Director: ext. 37

Ingrid Winkler, Ministry Support Assistant: ext. 1

Wendy Paulson, Director of Children’s Ministries: ext. 20

VIRTUAL Weekly Worship Schedule

Wednesdays 6:00pm

Sundays 9:30am

Virtual Communion 1st & 3rd Sundays

———— Worship services are

broadcast on Charter channel 181

and Consolidated

Communications channel 7

Sundays at 3:00pm and

Tuesdays at 10:00am

Deadline for Newsletter Articles Next Month: Tuesday, May 26

Page 11: The King’s Messenger May, —Volume 56, Issue 5 empower all · period in 2019 which help offset some of the decline

May Zoom Schedule


Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 2 10:00am Women’s

Retreat Reunion

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10:30am Coffee Fellowship

8:00pm Young Adult

6:30pm Cultivating Resilience

9:00am Coffee & Conversation 10:00am Staff 1:00pm Worship Mtg.

6:30pm Justice & Peace

10:00am Staff 11:00am Book Discussion 4:00pm Blessing of the Pets

7:00pm Grades 7-9

7:00pm Choir 8:00pm Pub Theology

10:00am Staff 5:30pm Call Committee

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 10:30am Coffee Fellowship

6:30pm Cultivating Resilience

6:30pm Women’s Bible Study on Angels

9:00am Coffee & Conversation 1:00pm Worship Mtg. 4:30pm Executive Committee 5:30pm Proclaim Comm.

10:00am Staff 11:00am Book Discussion 3:00pm Grades 5 & 6 Game Day 7:00pm Grades 7-9

8:00pm Pub Theology

10:00am Staff 5:30pm Call Committee

6:30pm Book Study

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 10:30am Coffee Fellowship 7:00pm Watch & Wonder 8:00pm Young Adult

6:30pm Cultivating Resilience

9:00am Coffee & Conversation 1:00pm Worship Mtg. 6:30pm Church Council

10:00am Staff 11:00am Book Discussion 7:00pm Grades 7-9 7:00pm Choir 8:00pm Pub Theology

10:00am Staff 5:30pm Call Committee

6:30pm Book Study

24 25 26 27 28 29 30 10:30am Coffee Fellowship 7:00pm Watch & Wonder

Memorial Day

(No Meetings, Office Closed)

9:00am Coffee & Conversation 1:00pm Worship Mtg.

10:00am Staff 11:00am Book Discussion 3:00pm Grades 5 & 6 Game Day

7:00pm Grades 7-9

8:00pm Pub Theology

10:00am Staff 5:30pm Call Committee

6:30pm Book Study

31 10:30am Coffee Fellowship 7:00pm Watch & Wonder 8:00pm Young Adult

Office Hours



Live stream worship every Sunday morning at 9:30am and Wednesday evening at


Virtual Communion

hosted May 3rd & 17th during our 9:30am

worship service

Television Broadcasts Sundays, 3:00pm

Tuesdays, 10:00am

Channels: Charter/Spectrum: 181

Consolidated: 7

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Vacation Bible School

July 27-31



3 year olds through Grade 4

Operation: Stockings Are Hung 2020

Personal Hygiene items collection for May

Donate through our Amazon wish list. For more information see page 5 in this newsletter.


August 31-Sept 3 / 8am-4pm

Amazing adventures for kids in grades 5-7

Tune in to the CTK Facebook page where you can join the CTK Faith Formation group to stay connected! Our world changes every day it seems...but we have some things planned to help you stay involved in ministry here at CTK. Here is a schedule of things for the month of May…

Activities, stories, devotions: FB posts every Monday, Wednesday, Friday at 11am.

Join us for a Blessing of Pets on ZOOM Wednesday, May 6th at 4:00pm. We can’t wait to meet your cat/dog/horse/snake/gerbil/fish!

Grades 5/6 Game Days on ZOOM: Wednesdays May 13 & 27 at 3pm. Sign up on the website registration so we can add your information for an invite. Then, a link will be posted on Faith Formation FB group for you to join Zoom on those dates.

Illustrated Ministry: look for the link on the Faith Formation FB page for resources for each week of the season of Easter. A devotion, illustration, coloring page, and children’s worship bulletin are all included for you to download and print to follow up after Sunday worship.

Scripture Doodle: A great way to stay in God’s word, memorize Bible verses, and be creative! Be sure to tune into FB for Scripture Doodling videos!

We’re still planning an all new,

amazing VBS...stay tuned!

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10-31 NO CLUB


As much as we too arelooking forward to thingslike camp & mission trips,the health and safety of allis our ultimate priority. Atthis time, we are waiting tohear from partnerorganizations in regards toplans for summer youthevents. We will let youknow as soon as decisionscan be made!

CLASS OF 2020COVID-19 has really put a cramp in plans for all our graduating

seniors, but we at CTK want to be sure to celebrate ourgraduates! Plans are still being ironed out as we continue to

monitor the physical distancing situation and we willcommmunicate more soon. For now, all graduating seniors are

encouraged to select a baby picture and senior picture andsubmit along with your post high-school plans to Pastor Tim.

We have been pleasantly surprised with theopportunities we have had to connect with

various CTK people and because of this, weare excited to offer to social opportunities for

youth this spring!

Sunday Night Young Adults at 8 pmGroup meets every other week and is geared

toward high school & college students. May 3,17 and 31

Wednesday Night Youth Group (Grades 7-9) at 7 pmCLUB may be done, but that doesn't mean we

can't connect & even have some fun!

CTK YOUTHM A Y 2 0 2 0

Some Highlights for Youth Grades 6-12

Summer Youth Opportunities

"Connect" With Technology

A P R I L 2 0 1 9

So we may celebrate our youth's faith as a community,

Affirmation of Baptism ispostponed to October 25, 2020

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