  • 7/30/2019 The Knit Before Christmas Fall 2012


    Founded in 1834,

    SCI is a voluntary,

    ecumenical agency

    affiliated with the

    Episcopal Church that

    provides pastoral care,

    maritime education, and

    legal advocacy services

    for mariners.

    The newsletter of the

    Seamens Church Institutes

    Christmas at SeaProgram

    In this Issue

    The Seamens Church Institute

    Fall 2012 VOlUME 6/NUMBER 2

    The Personal Touch

    Social media advertising appeals tocorporate marketers because it seizes

    on one o the most powerul salestactics known to humankind: peer-to-peer

    recommendations. Through likes, shares,tweets and posts, companies get ans topromote their products with the kind o

    endorsements proven to move merchandiseand generate customer loyalty.

    O course, people share things on theInternet or other reasons, too. Through

    social media, we share news with riendsand amily, testimonials rom our own

    experiences (like how to get a nasty greasestain out o leather) and pictures (how manymore cat photos can there be?).

    Our inheritance

    Lots o great things rely on people passing

    them along. In act, the Bible beganas a collection o stories passed on by

    word o mouth. Even today, much o thedissemination o our customs, culture and

    values depends on an oral tradition.

    In similar ways, the spread o knitting relies

    heavily on people passing it on. Sure, anyonecan pick up a pattern or some yarn at alocal store, but how likely is it that someone

    without a connection to another knitterdoes that? Many people come to knitting or

    crocheting through the urging or inuenceo another person.

    Weaving in new threadsThe prospect o beginning any new endeavorrequiring careul hand-eye coordination

    like playing a musical instrument, sailing,knitting or

    crochetingcanpresent challenges

    to the newcomer.To begin a process

    like knitting (learning a new set o skills),most people need a source (grandmother,

    brother, riend) to share valuable knowledge,perspective and encouragement.

    Perhaps this sustains the culture o knittingcommunities that develop out o learning.

    Both expert knitters and novices seekout circlesonline or otherwisetoconnect to others. The power o a personal

    recommendation continues beyond thenovice stage, as knitters share patterns and

    fnished pieces to inspire and claim victoryater a particularly challenging project.

    Passing it on

    Knitting never stops with one person.Teaching others seems an imperativei

    not a delight. Passing on skill, insightand love make up a large part o knitting

    and crochetings culture. The same holdstrue with Christmas at Sea. A personal

    recommendation o knitting or our charitygets people interested. Teaching others about

    the need or their knitting skills and thejoy they can bring to another human beingthrough their stitches expands our program

    year by year.

    We bank on your continued personal

    recommendations to help spread the word.These connections not only yield more hats

    and scarves but they also raise awareness othe very men and women who wear them.

    The behind-the-scenes work o mariners

    remains mostly untold, but their storyastory o sacrifce and devotionmust not

    remain hidden. Help us spread awareness andincrease the worlds knowledge o mariners.

    Pass it on!

    Just s every stitch romevery knitter contributes to

    mriners wrmth during thewinter months, every dollaryou give to SCI upholdsthe valuable services weprovide and on whichthe entire maritimecommunity depends.

    The Person Touch 1

    TEany Hts 2

    TEany Ht Pttern 3

    B-B Bck Sheep 4

    Pcking Dy 4

    SCIs New Website 5

    Your Stmp o approv 5

    Meet CASs Pin-Up Gir 6
  • 7/30/2019 The Knit Before Christmas Fall 2012


    Christmas at SeaPaige SatoProgram Manager


    [email protected]://

    Fall 2012Published by the

    Seamens Church Institute

    The Rev. David M. RiderExecutive Director

    Editor, Oliver Brewer

    Assistant Editor, Susannah Skiver BartonDesign & Production by BlissDesignThis newsletter is printed on recycled paper.





    to mail?

    2 The Seamens Church Institute The Knit Beore Christms F 2012

    TEany HtsThis November, Tazo Tea iced tea bottles at twelve Starbucks coee shops in central

    New Jersey are getting new caps TEAny Hats, to be specifc.

    As part o a campaign to raise awareness about seaarers work and

    its impact on our lives, SCI has enlisted the help o the regionalmanagement o the worlds largest coeehouse company

    Starbucks. Generously, they have agreed to dress up their TAZO

    iced tea bottles with miniature seaarer watch caps knitted andcrocheted by volunteers rom around the world.

    The hats

    SCI wanted to create a visual reminder that the

    ingredients or many bottled beveragesthings likeruit, coee and teaarrive thanks to the work o

    international maritime workers. What better wayto draw attention than to top each bottle with the

    iconic seaarer hat?

    To launch the pilot or this project, David Thomas,

    manager or twelve Starbucks coee shops in theNew Jersey area, agreed to coordinate the placemento 1,200 TEAny Hats on the Tazo Tea bottles in his

    regions stores. SCI enlisted the help o knitting volunteersthrough Facebook, Ravelry and the CAS blog as well as the

    General Convention o the Episcopal Church, World Wide Knitin Public Day and the trade show or the yarn industry (TNNA), hoping

    to get enough hats to meet this generous oer. Impressively, more than

    90 knitters have contributed 1,778 miniature hats to datefar

    exceeding the goal of 1,200 hats.

    Dressing up

    Managers rom each o the 12 participating Starbucks will come to SCIs

    Port Newark International Seaarers Center or a day o volunteering in lateOctober, each picking up his or her supply o TEAny hats. They have agreed

    to keep putting hats on bottles until the supply runs out.

    Each TEAny Hat, handknit by a volunteer, has its own individual character

    no two look alikemirroring the uniqueness and diversity o seaarers andtheir journeys. Knitters have signed the tags, which explain the project and

    the importance o maritime commerce. The tagline, Baby, its cold outside but especially on the ocean this winter, encourages tea drinkers to considerhow seaarers bring us the comorts o our daily lives through all kinds o

    weather and sea conditions.

    Bottoms up!

    Look or these TEAny Hats on select New Jersey Starbucks store shelves inNovember, and help spread the word. I you want more inormation about this

    project and how to make these miniature hats, email [email protected] represent only the beginning.

    See the TEAny Hatmovement online:



    And our Wall of Fame at

    Come visit theChristmas at Sea

    knitting room inSCIs Port Newrk

    InterntionSerers Center.Emi [email protected]

    to fnd out how.

    Need help? Turnto your knittingfriends forsupport. Checkout Christmas atSeas Facebookpage to meetnew ones.

    looking or PDF o this newsetter tht you cnred on your iPd or emi riend?

    Wnt to shre the work o mriners withsomeone? Send them the oowing ink:http://[email protected]:[email protected]://[email protected]:[email protected]
  • 7/30/2019 The Knit Before Christmas Fall 2012


    ChristmasatSeaC a l E N D a R The Knit Beore Christms Fall 2012 3

    TEAny Hat PatternYOULL NEED0.2 ounces worsted weight yarn (~12 yards)US size 5 or 6 dpns

    CaST ON 24 stitches, dividing equy between 3 needes.Join to knit in the round, k2p2 or 7 rounds.

    Rounds 8 16: knit.

    Round 17: *k4, k2tog repet rom * to end.

    Round 18: *k3, k2tog repet rom * to end.

    Round 19: *k2, k2tog repet rom * to end.

    Round 20: *k1, k2tog repet rom * to end. (8 stitches remin.)

    Cut 4 ti & thred through ive stitches with tpestry neede.

    Cinch top shut. Bring ti through center o ht, tck into pce & cut.

    Weve in ny oose ends with tpestry neede.

    Fod brim over. When compete, ht mesures 2 34 t by 212 wide.

    November 3 Trinity Church,

    Woodbridge, NJ,

    Port Newrk @ 10:30m.

    Pcking event.

    November 3 Cvry Church youth

    group, Port Newrk

    @ 12:00pm.

    Pcking event.

    November 8 Tbernce Gir Scouts,

    Port Newrk @10:30m.

    Pcking event.

    November 910 long Isnd, NY.

    long Isnd Diocesn


    November 10 St. Georges by the River,

    Port Newrk @ 10m.

    Pcking event.

    November 13 Grce luthern Church,

    Cpe My, NJ @ 12pm.

    On-site pcking event.

    November 17 Gir Scout Troup 81918,

    Port Newrk @ 10m.

    Pcking event.

    November 30 Gen Ridge Gir Scouts,

    Port Newrk @ 3:30pm.

    Pcking event.

    December 7 Tbernce Gir Scouts,

    Port Newrk @ 1:30pm.

    Pcking event.

    December 15 St. luke & a Sints, Port

    Newrk, @10m.

    Pcking event.
  • 7/30/2019 The Knit Before Christmas Fall 2012


    4 The Seamens Church Institute The Knit Beore Christms F 2012

    Baa-Baa Black SheepHave you any wool?

    Years ago, Christmas at Sea started a tradition o supplying

    yarn or its knitters. At a time when the program was smalland local and the economy thriving, this practice helped

    SCI collect the hats and scarves mariners needed orwintertime work.

    As the Christmas at Sea git count grew, things began totransorm at SCIs volunteer knitting program. SCI had to

    assess how best to employ the bigheartedness o thousandso knitters and get gits to mariners not just in the Port o

    New York and New Jersey but also across hundreds o miles

    o inland waterways and other ports across the United States.Our belie in the mission compelled us to look closely at

    garments coming in and yarn going out.

    We came to realize that many people used the yarn we supplied

    simply because o institution and tradition. Many believed

    that SCIpreerred knitters to use SCI-supplied yarn or a kindo quality control. In act, SCI only intended the no-costeconomy yarn or knitters who could not aord to purchase

    their own.

    SCI cannot supply free yarn to all of its knitters, and we do

    not think you would want us to either. Doing so would unnelthousands o dollarsmoney that would go to oering supportservices or marinersinto the cost o yarn and postage. It

    would also decrease the individuality each knitter adds to agarment by choosing the type, color and the implementation

    o distinctive yarns.

    Supplying yarn to low-income individuals sets Christmas at Sea

    apart rom other knitting charities, allowing us to welcomeall knitters into our old. And we here at Christmas at Sea

    will continue to try to fnd dierent means to continue thattradition. For most knitters, we hope the partnerships we

    have ormed with online yarn vendor Jimmy Beans Wooland local stores (SCI Knit Spots) provide the encouragementand opportunity to purchase good quality yarn at a air price.

    Thank you or the important contribution you make to thewarmth o mariners, and happy knitting.

    Pcking Dy

    Packing days begin with lots opreparation. 1. Volunteers count

    out gits and ditty bags in groups oten; sort and box toiletries and treats; and

    place stickers on the Santa sacks thathold individual gits.

    2. The frst volunteer in the assemblyline opens each ditty bag and inserts the

    handknit (usually a hat/scar set, butsometimes a vest or pair o socks or a

    helmet) and Christmas cards.

    3. Down the assembly line, another

    volunteer selects two to three toiletriesrom SCIs donated sample-sizedshampoos, lip balms, hand lotions, etc. to

    tide the seaarers over in case they run outwhile at sea.

    4. The next person to receive the bag addsa handul o loose candies, popcorn or

    gum. (N.B. I you have the chance to includetreats when you send your knits, seaarersalways appreciate it.)

    5. The last volunteer puts ten individual

    ditty bags into one large Santa sack. S/Heincludes a puzzle book or deck o cards anda letter rom SCI that gives a shout-out to

    our volunteer knitters.

    6. All the volunteers help put the Santa

    sacks into our holding area or thechaplains to take on board the vessels.

    7. The chaplains deliver thegits starting November 1 until

    we run out. Once on board,the gits are stored until the

    crew celebrates Christmas. Butsometimes, i its really cold,

    the captain lets them open thegits early.


    Receive 20% oChristmas at Sea-appropriate yarn at

    Jimmy Beans Wool. Simply enclose the Jimmy

    Beans Wool receipt with your completed

    CAS project. Check their website at for more details.








  • 7/30/2019 The Knit Before Christmas Fall 2012

    5/6 The Knit Beore Christms Fall 2012 5

    SCIs New WebsiteConnecting with mariners across thousands of miles ofwater and with the folks who support mariners spreadequally as far, SCI launched its own online news source this past July. With the help ofOcean-7Development, a reshaped responsive website provides thelatest information about SCIs work laid out in a dashboardof articles, photos, videos and archives.

    In the Know

    What do you know about SCI? Thissummer at the Episcopal Churchs

    General Convention, representatives othe organization asked attendees that

    question. SCI has designed its new siteto welcome both the newcomer (thosewho know little or nothing about the

    work o the organization) as well asthose amiliar with the 178-year-old

    Institute. Visitors to SCIs new site canhide the inormational banner visible

    on a frst-time visit to Simply click the X next to thewords Im in the know, and the

    banner disappears.

    Additionally, SCI has made it easier to

    fnd the links most requently used by

    mariners and supporters. The Quicklinks on the sites ront

    page allow users to navigate directly to popular inormation,including Christmas at Sea.

    A New Home for Everything Christmas at Sea

    Beginning in 2013, the new website will host all o the

    inormation or our Christmas at Sea knitters, includingpatterns, SCI Knit Spots and guidelines. SCIs site,, will oer oneconvenient place to share withothers the work o the Institute

    and how compassionate stitcherscan get involvedmariners and

    knitters dwelling in the same virtualspace online.

    Online Community

    Need to change your address, view yourgiving history or update your details

    or monthly contributions? SCIs new

    Online Community gives donorscontrol o their fnancial record in theInstitutes database. Using the link

    in the upper right-hand corner o thepage, individuals and companies canregister or events, make contributions

    and sign up or newsletters.

    Your Stampof Approval

    When I was younger,I remember seeing a

    shampoo commercialon TV in which the actresshad such a good experience with the

    shampoo she told two riends, and theytold two riends, and so on and so on.

    While I cant speak to the efcacy othe shampoo, I can state unequivocally

    that the ad succeeded in helping meunderstand the power o opinion. I think

    o the phrasing (she told two riends)and the image o the TV screen breaking

    up into smaller and smaller images asmore people learned about the product.

    Many o our Christmas at Sea knitterscome to us through word o mouth.Almost weekly I get a letter or phone

    call rom a new knitter saying she met

    someone knitting at the

    doctors or dentists ofce,struck up a conversation

    and learned about ourprogram. More recently,

    this word o mouth hasextended into the worldo online networking.

    (You can join theconversation on our

    Facebook and Ravelry pages.)

    Just this month, the reach o word o

    mouth became even more evident.Earlier this year, Yankee Magazine ran a

    story on yarn bombing (when knitters

    decide, under cover o night, to bring aknitted art installation to some landmarkor public object, like a park tree orbench). A CAS knitter responded to

    Yankee by writing a letter to the editor,mentioning that i she had ree time or

    knitting, she preerred to knit or CAS.

    The response rom Yankee knitters has

    been wonderul. Spectacularly, just a ewweeks ago, I received two HUGE boxes

    rom an unrecognized address in upstate

    New York (and yes, I do recognizethe names and addresses o most CAS

    stitchers). I opened the boxes to fnd542 knitted beanies! The group, the Firs

    Presbyterian Women o Watertown,NY, had knit or their local army basein the past, but recently received a

    message that their services were nolonger needed. Timing was in our

    avor when one o their group saw theYankee Magazine story, and voila! CAS

    received 542 mariner caps, which willmake 542 mariners warmer this winter.

    It pleases me to no end when you talk

    about CAS to riends, amily or evenrandom strangers. As a knitter, youpay no higher compliment than torecommend SCI to others. Your stamp

    o approval is so valuable!

    Thank you or sharing your opinions.
  • 7/30/2019 The Knit Before Christmas Fall 2012


    Meet Christmas at SeasPin-Up GirIn our knitting progrms hedqurters in PortNewrk, we enjoy mking connections. We ookorwrd to receiving questions nd comments, ndwe even pprecite just cht. Brbr H o lkePcid, Forid took the time to greet us, shring herstory o how she ound Christmas at Sea.

    The youngest o our children, Barbara grew up

    on Long Island in the 1930s. She began knittingearlyat the age o twelve. During World War

    II, her mother Lucille suggested she knit socks or herbrother serving overseas in the United States Marine Corps. Barbara and her

    amily sent the socks as part o a care package to the South Pacifc, and herbrother reported back that the socks kept his eet dryan even bigger hit than

    moms cookies!

    Barbara married in 1954 and raised six children (three boys and three girls).

    She relocated to Miami Beach in 1974, achieving a successul career in thehotel industry. She retired in 1985 and moved to central Florida. In addition toknitting or Christmas at Sea, Barbara enjoys reading, crossword puzzles and spending time

    with her children and grandchildren.

    Barbara has another claim to ame along with knittingor Christmas at Sea. She shared with us a portrait oher painted by the artist Rol Armstrong. A well-

    known pin-up artist o the early twentieth century,Mr. Armstrong painted Barbaras portrait, naming it

    Bathing Girl. Curious to see? See the picture above.

    In 1990, Barbara started knitting or Christmas at Sea

    ater seeing an article in a newspaper. In 2011, she knit

    more than 100 mariner scarves or SCInearly onescar every three days!

    Paiges note: I LOVE learning more about all our knitters.

    I you have an interesting story (knitting-related orotherwise) and want to share it, let me know! Id love toinclude it in our newsletter.

    A Rose ByAny OtherName

    There is ot in nme. Wht

    the nme o this newsetter,

    The KnitBeforeChristmasI we chnged the newsetter

    nme, keeping the content

    the sme, woud it dd new

    perspective? Woud new n

    sme s sweet?

    What do you thin

    Send your suggestions (new n

    or your pe to keep the curre

    one) to cas@seamenschurch.

    or by mi to 118 Export St .,

    Newrk, NJ 07114.

    Lets Party! Supporting Christmas at Sea,

    Supporting Seafarers

    Many stitchers oten ask how else

    they can support our seaarers andour program, aside rom knitting.

    Did you know that SCI hosts an annual eventaimed at sharing the work o the Institute andits volunteer knitting program?

    The Christmas at Sea Gala and Auction

    at the New York Yacht Club brings togethermany SCI supporters rom all dierent walkso lie, and we would love to see you there.

    Enjoy a great opportunity to meet new people,

    win some terrifc auction prizes and enjoy

    oodall in support o SCI and the marinwe serve.

    Christmas at Sea Gala & AuctionNovember 29, 2012 6:008:30pm

    The New York Yacht Club37 W. 44th Street, New York, NY

    For more information,

    call 212-349-9090.

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