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    PART II: THE ORIGIN OF SATAN, EVIL, AND SIN....................................1

    The Real Origin of Sin.....................................................................................1

    Only God is Responsible...................................................................................5

    Fate of the Shuttle Victims...............................................................................7A Famous Theologians View of the Gospel.....................................................8

    Did God Create an Unpredictable World?.....................................................10

    Three Possible Answers..................................................................................11

    Whence Satan the Devil?................................................................................12

    The Illusion of Free Will.................................................................................16

    Never Forget the Lords Prayer......................................................................20

    Who is Accountable for the Crucifixion of Jesus?..........................................23

    A Few Thoughts Regarding Christendom .....................................................28

    They Speak with Forked Tongue....................................................................28


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  • 8/7/2019 The "Lake of Fire" Series Part 2


    PART II:


    The Real Origin of Sin

    I heard a world-famous televangelist say in his sermon that it was never Godsin-

    tentionthat Adam and Eve disobey His command and sin by eating of the forbidden

    tree. Most Christians would agree. They think God did not want Adam to sin; and

    Adam did not need to sin. If Adam hadnotsinned, we would all be living in a giant

    Garden of Eden to this very day. We would be in perfect health, there would be no

    sorrow, we would have pleasure twenty-four hours a day, we would never die, we

    would be happy and God too would be happy.

    If Adam had shown just a little restraint the world wouldnt be in the giant mess

    it is in today. Oh really? Well, why then didnt Adam exercise restraint. What went

    wrong? Did the first humansmalfunction? Was there aflawin their original design.

    God was the Designer; is God theblame? Not according to Christendom. Is He at

    leastresponsible? Not according to Christendom. But why not?

    Now listen carefully. Here is wisdom beyond its years. When a scientist creates

    an experiment or machine that malfunctions, is he responsible for the malfunction?

    Yes. Does he hold the experiment or machine responsible? No. Does he hold God re

    sponsible? No. Okay.

    Now then, according to Christendom, when God creates an experiment or ma

    chine that malfunctions, is He responsible for the malfunction? No. Does He hold

    the experiment or machine responsible? Yes. Does He hold man responsible? Yes.

    See the wisdom?

    I have just shown you one reason why God calls the WISDOM of this world,


    For the wisdom of this world is foolishness[Greek: stupidity]

    with God. For it is written, He takes the wise in their own


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    craftiness(I Cor. 3:19).

    First, Christendom assumes that Gods creation of humans malfunctioned they

    did NOT!

    Second, they assume that God is not responsible and does not take responsibility

    He DOES!

    One unscriptural assumption added to another unscriptural assumption does not

    equal a Bible Truth!

    Few indeed have ever stopped long enough to consider that just maybe God in

    tended for the world to be in the hellish mess that we find it. Not for all eternity, but

    for the present, for a period of time, for a great purpose. It just seems so wrong toChristian thought to believe that God would have purposed such an evil and un

    happy world. But look at the alternative. Are we to believe that God tried (albeit un

    successfully) to make a good creation, but was unaware of its potential to run amok?

    And ever since, God must therefore either lack the love for humanity to straighten it

    out, or He lacks the power and ability. But either way it disowns Gods sovereignty

    and presents us with a God who either CANNOT or WILL NOTSTOP THE IN-

    SANITY! They would have us believe that Gods solution to rid the world of sin and

    evil is to torture most of humanity in fire for all eternity.

    The whole idea is blasphemous. If a carnal-minded human can take responsibil

    ity for an invention that malfunctions, I submit, that God is bigger and more re

    sponsible than puny man. Be it known to all that God takes full responsibility for

    His creation, and absolutely nothing in His creation is malfunctioning. Heres the


    If a thousand Christians were given the assignment to write an essay describing

    the world as it was after God completed it, but before man sinned, I am positive that

    we would get one thousand essays describing the unbelievable beauty, harmony, andperfection of all creation including man and beast. However, would such essays be

    based on the Scriptures? Lets look at a little understood Scripture.

    For the creature[and/or creation itself]was MADE subject to

    VANITY NOT WILLINGLY, but by reason of Him [thats God]

    who HATH SUBJECTED the same in hope. Because the

    creature itself also shall bedeliveredfrom the BONDAGE OF

    CORRUPTIONinto the glorious liberty of the children of God.

    For we know that the WHOLE CREATION groans and travails

    INPAINuntil NOW(Rom. 8:20-22)!

    Wow! Did you know that Scripture is in the Bible? Have you ever meditated at

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    Part II: The Origin of Satan, Evil, and Sin3

    length on its meaning? This one Scripture does much damage to Christian doctrine.

    From a strictly carnal-minded approach, this Scripture is devastating. Lets see

    what these words entail from StrongsGREEK DICTIONARY OF THE NEW TEST-


    VANITY: empty, profitless, vain, transientness [temporary],

    depravity [wickedness].

    BONDAGE: slavery, subjection, subserviency.

    CORRUPTION: shrivel, wither, spoil, ruin, deprave, defile, destroy,

    decay, perish.

    GROAN: moan, calamity, be in straits, murmur, grief, grudge,


    TRAVAIL: pangs, to pain together, travail as in birth.

    PAIN: anguish, toil for daily subsistence, starving.

    The force of these verses in Rom. 8:20-22 is inescapable. It was God HIMSELF

    who subjected the whole creation to vanity, and He didnt ask anyones permissionbefore He did it. And it is only GodHimselfwho will deliver the whole creation from

    the bondage of corruption, pain, and suffering. Make no mistake about it: God is the

    Creator of evil, and He takes full responsibility for thedeliverancefrom the con

    sequences of all the evils that have caused the creation to groan and travail in

    PAIN until NOW as Paul describes. God takes responsibility for the temporary fail

    ures of creation so that He can take all the credit and glory for its successes.

    And most of the glory that God will receive is from the glory that He gives to all


    It was not possible for Satan NOT TO SIN he was created for the express pur

    pose of being Gods Adversary, and so, of course, he was a sinner FROM THE BE


    It was not possible for Adam and Eve NOT TO SIN they were created for the

    express purpose of being molded into the image of God, and so of course, they had

    to eat of the forbidden tree of the knowledge of good and evil or they would have

    NEVER reached this firstspiritual stepin becoming LIKE GOD (in His IMAGE), a

    step of paramount DIVINE REQUISITE:

    And the LORD God said, Behold[consider, to perceive, to know, to

    understand], the man is BECOME AS ONE OF US[Hebrew for

    God iselohiymwhich is the plural ofelowahh, hence us], TO KNOW

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    GOOD AND EVIL(Gen. 3:22).

    Knowing good and evil is one of the most essential requisites in being formed

    in the image of God. To truly know both good and evil they HAD to partake of its

    source, which was the TREE of the knowledge of good and evil, which then DE

    MANDED that they SIN in order to obtain this knowledge. NO OTHER TREE IN


    And so it was GOD, and none other than GOD, who intended from the beginning

    that Satan and man SIN! That does not make God a sinner, for a sin is a mistake,

    a missing of the mark, a falling short of the glory of God, and God has NEVER


    what He was doing and how things would turn out BEFORE He created ANY

    THING!Declaring the end from the beginning(Isa. 46:10). Satan and man

    are accountable for their sins, because they sinned willingly from their heart, but

    God takes responsibility for their sins, and therefore had already provided them a

    Saviour BEFORE the foundation of the world:

    But with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without

    blemish and without spot: who verily was FOREORDAINED


    fested in these last times for you(I Pet. 1:19-20).

    And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose

    names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb[Christ]

    slain from the FOUNDATION OF THE WORLD(Rev. 13:8).

    Is anyone so nave and blind as to believe that God had prepared a Lamb, a Sac

    rifice, His SON, to be slain for the sins of the world at a time when theologians

    would have us believe God didnt even KNOW there was shortly coming such a thingas SIN? God knew; God is smart! It was God who created the tree of the knowledge

    of good and evil. It was God who placed it right in the middle of the garden to catch

    Eves eye. It was God who made the tree particularly attractive and desirable. It

    was God who placed in the humans the desires and passions that would CAUSE

    them to partake of the forbidden fruit. It was God who placed Satan the serpent in

    the garden to tempt Eve and fill her head with the glories of enlightenment. It was

    God who had ALREADY made preparation for their salvation through the slain

    Lamb of God.

    Only ignorant and foolish theologians would ever charge God of being ignorant of

    the conduct and behavior of His own creation. It was not the temptation or decep

    tion entering INTO Eve that caused her to sin and bring separation from her Creat

    or and God. It was what was already in her that caused her to sin. Proof:

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    Part II: The Origin of Satan, Evil, and Sin5

    For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulter-

    ies, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies (Mat.


    Notice it:And when the woman saw[in her heart]that the tree

    was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eye[in her

    heart], and a tree to be desired[in her heart]to make one wise

    [an idol of the heart], she took[For out of the heart proceed

    thefts]of the fruit thereof, and did eat(Gen. 3:6).

    Did you notice that last phrase and did eat? It was not the eating of the

    fruit that made her a sinner she had ALREADY sinned by looking, lusting, andfantasizing about her potential wisdom. It was AFTER she sinned that she did


    The good news is that all of our suffering is for a grand purpose and will ulti

    mately bring huge rewards. Just two verses before, Paul tells us how God subjected

    the whole creation to these many evils and he gives us this comforting thought:

    For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time[groaning

    and travailing in pain together until now Ver. 22]are not worthy to

    be compared with the GLORY which shall be revealed in US

    (Ver. 18).

    Only God is Responsible

    I am going to cover considerable Scriptural material in this series that many may

    not think directly relates to the Lake of Fire-Second Death. Trust me, it does. It will

    be of little value for me to just technically prove from the Scriptures that God doesnot eternally torture anyone in the lake of fire-second death, or anywhere else for

    that matter.

    In the light of todays spiritual darkness and global apostasy, it is most needful

    to understand some basic spiritual truths before launching into a word-for-word ex

    planation of the dozen or so verses related to the lake of fire-second death. We will

    do that, but before we do, we are going to learn a great deal about God, life, death,

    the Scriptures, the purpose for our existence, and the destiny of the whole human

    race. All in one paper? Ill try to hit the high spots.

    Most Christians have a one-sided and often evil concept of judgment. They think

    of it primarily as a negative and horrible thing that wicked people must go through

    before being sentenced to some fabled fiery hellhole of torture and eternal damna

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    Judgment is not reserved exclusively for the wicked, nor is it a one-sided sen

    tence of doom. There are many problems with the orthodox teaching of judgment.

    Much emphasis is placed on a few Scriptures taken out of the context of all of Gods

    counsel regarding judgment. The subject is too large even for this paper, however, I

    will try to present both sides of judgment.

    Judgment has both a positive and a negative side. That is judgment itself con

    tains both. The result of the two faces of judgment, however, I am happy to report,

    will not perpetuate the dual masks of comedy and tragedy for all eternity, but

    rather a smiley face for all.

    If people could only see that God is not a carnal-minded human as themselves.He is GOD The Great Creator, Sustainer, and Saviour of all GOD! God has a

    plan, a procedure, and a purpose for this creation. Precious few have even a basic

    understanding of what it is. Nothing in creation is out of control from Gods per

    spective. Nothing ever surprises God or catches Him off guard. God does not view

    the activity of His creation from His celestial vantage point unaware of what people

    will do next. God knows all in advance. God doesnt just know what will happen in

    the future, He causes all that will happen in the future. God IS the future. God is

    the Alpha and the Omega He IS the beginning; He IS the end, and nothing can be

    different from what God says MUST BE.

    We have got to get away from the God allows certain things mentality and syn


    God BRINGS ABOUT. God SAVES. God does not allow things that He has not

    foreordained to be! This popular doctrine among the religions of the world is utter

    unscriptural foolishness. The teaching suggests that man does things that God had

    no previous knowledge of, does not approve of, wishes would have never happened,

    but nonetheless, He allows them. Certainly He allows them in as much as He

    does not disallow them, but this still begs the question as to their true origin. God

    is the Creator, not Satan.

    For OF Him, and THROUGH Him, and TO Him, are all things:

    to Whom be glory for ever. Amen(KJV Rom. 11:36).

    Seeing that OUT of Him and THROUGH Him and FOR Him is

    all(Concordant Version).

    Does this also include EVIL?

    That they may know from the rising of the sun, and from the

    west, that there is none beside Me, I am the LORD, and there

    is none else. I form the light, and create darkness; I make

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    Part II: The Origin of Satan, Evil, and Sin7


    THINGS(Isaiah 45:6-7).

    There are many many things in life that are very hard to accept and deal with in

    our weakened spiritual state. I cannot, after all this time, get the images of the

    Twin Towers collapsing on thousands of people, out of my mind. Or maybe even

    worse, the men, women and children in the four planes that knew they were

    destined to a violent disintegration in fire! I get teary-eyed every time I think of it.

    It is extremely traumatic to contemplate. And now another shuttle disaster! One at

    the hands of evil terrorists; the other an accident, fate, providence? But what is

    gained by trying to take all of these things out of the realm of Gods responsibility?

    God and God only has the ability-to-respond. Man is not running Gods creation,God is. How can any doubt it?

    We all have our own personal financial, health, social, mental, and spiritual tri

    als in addition to thousands of other problems in our home, community, state, na

    tion and world which can easily overwhelm us if we are not well grounded. Do we

    think all these things just invented themselves and brought themselves into exist

    ence? I tell you No; these are all the design of an all-wise God.

    People freely admit that God knows every sparrow that falls, the individual

    names of one hundred billion billion stars, and the number of hairs on five and onehalf billion peoples head at any given second of the day, but that He is, nonetheless,

    just not concerned with the smaller details of your life.

    Fate of the Shuttle Victims

    Lets reflect for a moment on the Space Shuttle. It was heart-wrenching to say the

    least in realizing that there were seven astronauts in that shuttle which we all

    watched dozens of times from different videos tracking its re-entry. Some of them onboard were professed Christians. But for sure one, Col. Ilan Ramon, was a Jew who

    did not profess Jesus as His Saviour. So when the rubber hits the road, where does

    Christian doctrine stand on Col. Ramons eternal destiny?

    Did not all of Israel show extreme remorse over their fallen Son and Hero? Yes

    they did I saw them myself! Did peoples from all around the world show remorse

    for his death? Yes they did. Did people all over America show remorse and profound

    sorrow over his death (along with the others, of course)? Yes, we all saw it on nation

    al TV. Did you show remorse for this Jewish Astronaut who gave his life in serviceto his country? I am sure you did. And I can testify to the fact that I certainly did

    and still do. Regardless of his religious affiliation, was not Col. Ramon a brave,

    smart, loving, astronaut and family man? Now then, what about God? Does God love

    Col. Ramon as much as his family, friends and country did? What happens to fine

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    young Jewish men like Col. Ramon when they die without accepting Jesus Christ as

    their Lord and Saviour? According to Christian theology, where is Col. Ramon now

    that he is dead? You will now see some of the reasons why I breathe and why I write

    these papers.

    A Famous Theologians View of the Gospel

    Christendom teaches that when a person dies in his sins, without repenting or ac

    cepting Jesus Christ as his personal Saviour, that person is then doomed to the

    damnation of the fires of hell for all eternity! And it matters not whether that per

    son was a loving husband, a loving father, or a fearless hero for his nation. Accord

    ing to this immutable Christian doctrine of eternal torment, Col. Ramon is rightnow burning and suffering unspeakable torture in the fires of some eternal hell.

    Why? Because he was Jewish and not Christian by religion, thats why. Would these

    Christian theologians and preachers get on international television and tell their

    audiences that since Col. Ramon was Jewish that he is now burning in the fires of

    an eternal hell, and that God will never, ever let him out or ever show the slightest

    mercy on him? Not in a million years. Does anyone believe that the words hypo

    crite and coward are inappropriate here?

    Let me give you a few quotations regarding the gospel from world famouspreacher, teacher, author, and theologian, Dr. James Kennedy. Allitalicsare Dr.


    This is the light of Christ. It is the light of grace, and it is not incum

    bent upon God to extend it to everyone. Let us make it very clear that

    it is not incumbent upon God to extend it toanyone.

    Therefore, the light of Christ is not extended to everyone

    And thus we see the exclusivity of the Gospel

    But because God extends it [the light of Christ] to some does not

    mean He must extend it to any other.

    He [God] doesnt have to be gracious or merciful to any guilty


    So the idea that Godowesto everyone some offer of mercy is totally

    foreign from [to?] the Bible.

    The great Charles Spurgeon said that the amazing thing is not that

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    Part II: The Origin of Satan, Evil, and Sin9

    everybody isnt saved; the amazing thing is thatanybodyis saved.

    Heavenly Father, I pray that your Spirit will give us a clear vision of

    the plight of the lost those who are on their way to eternal perdition,

    to damnation forever.

    The above quotations are from a Sermon by James Kennedy, A.B., M.Div.,

    M.Th., D.D., D.Sac.Lit., PhD., Litt.D., D.Sac.Theol., D.Humane Let., entitled:What

    About Those Who Have Never Heard?Without a doubt, this is the most blasphemous

    and evil sermon I have ever heard in my 62-year life! But are we not learning that

    even these bad sermons that blaspheme Gods character, are also Gods intention?

    His greatest enemies and adversaries always included the shepherd, the Scribes,the priests, and those inimitable religious leaders in every era The Pharisees!

    I thought that it was fitting and a nice gesture of our President to state that al

    though the astronauts did not make it back to earth, his prayer was that they are

    ALL SAFELY HOME! He is of the Christian faith, but he did not assign Col. Ra

    mon to the fires of hell for his Jewish non-Christian faith. I believe there are many

    Christians that wouldnt touch the despicable doctrines of a James Kennedy with a

    ten foot pole. Its true, they are safely home. They are all in Gods keeping. They are

    all asleep (there are dozens of Scriptures that say that the dead are sleeping until

    resurrection) awaiting the resurrection of the dead.

    And those that were not believers will be judged. That judging will involve the

    lake of fire which is the second death. But does that mean that Col. Ramon and any

    other nonbelievers will be tortured for all eternity? Remember that fateful day when

    all of our hearts went out to Col. Ramons and his six companions? Remember how

    that NASA and our whole nation would have done ANYTHING at ANY expense if

    we could have saved them? Remember how you felt? But the big question to answer

    now is how will GOD feel when Col. Ramon stands before the judgment seat of


    Will God hate Col. Ramon for being deceived and not accepting Christ as his Sa

    viour? Will God teach Col. Ramon His truths so that he too can know the Truth (Je

    sus) and be set free? Or will He throw Col. Ramon (along with ALL his Jewish fam

    ily members and the WHOLE NATION of Jesus rejecting Jews) into a lake of fire

    that will torture their flesh with steel-melting fire for all eternity? Do the high

    priests of Christendom really have Scriptures that contradict the hundred or so

    Scriptures I have quoted in this present paper? Is there a single Scripture in the en

    tirety of the Bible that actually says God will torture anyone for all eternity? There

    is NO such Scripture and NO such thought. You will all see the proof before this

    series is finished.

    The fate of Col. Ramon according to the teaching of Christendom is inescapable.

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    Since he rejected Jesus Christ as his personal Saviour, he is right now this minute

    screaming his guts out in the fires of hell in agonizing pain and terror fare worse

    than the horrors of his space shuttle breaking up and burning in re-entry into the

    earths atmosphere! That, my dear readers, is what their teaching demands. WillCol. Ramon go from burning up in reentry, to burning in hell until judgment, and

    then be transferred to the lake of fire to burn for all eternity? Is this mercys des

    tiny? This is unscriptural insanity.

    I am not out of touch with the realities of real life. I would be happy to swap war

    stories with any of you. I know that there are many things in life that are hard, and

    painful, and difficult to endure. Why are these things here, who is responsible, and

    where will it all end? There is a way to understand these things from Gods per

    spective. He has not left us in the dark as to the source, meaning, and purpose of allthe evil in the world today even though things are often difficult to emotionally and

    spiritually accept.

    I do not hesitate to add however, that there are also many wonderful and beauti

    ful and loving things in the world as well. I trust most of us dont have too much

    trouble dealing with the beautiful and loving side of life. It is the painful side of our

    human experience that is sometimes difficult to believe has a reasonable purpose

    for its existence. Even our Lord, who was involved in the creation of all things (Col.

    1:15-20), and knew the purpose of all things (Eph. 1:11), and knew that He was tobe the Savior of all mankind (I Tim. 2:4), and the Saviour of all creation from vanity,

    slavery, and corruption (Rom. 8:21), nonetheless, when seeing Jerusalem headed for

    utter destruction because of rejecting Him and His gospel, He WEPT over it (Luke

    19:41)! God has pity on weak and foolish humanity, whom He Himself has created

    that way.

    Either God Himself is the Creator of good and evil and all that is and will bring

    about a total healing, restoration, and perfection of all there is, or, God is not the

    Creator of good and evil and all that is, and therefore is not responsible for the messthe world is in today which supposedly will end with most of humanity going to hell

    in a hand basket to suffer insanely suffer for ALL ETERNITY! All Scripture and

    sanity itself tells us the former is the Truth. Christendom and insanity tells us that

    the latter is the truth.

    Did God Create an Unpredictable World?

    Here is one of the most profound Scriptural Truths that you will ever learn. GOD is

    the originator and Creator of the entire universe and everything that is in it! GOD

    is responsible for the entire universe and everything that is in it! And to say other

    wise is both unscriptural and foolishness.

    Why there is evil and tragedy in the world;

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    Part II: The Origin of Satan, Evil, and Sin11

    Why people do evil things to other people;

    Why the innocent must suffer at the hands of the wicked;

    Why people are born with debilitating defects;

    Why the whole world lies in spiritual darkness and paganism;

    Why billions live and die without ever hearing the name of Jesus

    Christ their Creator and Saviour;

    Why men are often tortured by providence and nature itself which operates completely and independently apart fromanyman.

    When we understand these things we will understand the lake of fire and second

    death, and a thousand other things that happen in our lives today as well as in the

    lives of all humanity since Mother Eve!

    Three Possible Answers

    1. ACCORDING TO ATHEISTS: The human race is the by-product of a blind,

    unintelligent, accidental, evolutionary process started billions of years ago

    by a humongous cosmic BIG BANG. Therefore NO HIGHER POWER is re

    sponsible for anything. If anyone believes this, then the Scripture speaks to

    YOU when it says:

    The FOOL has said in his heart, There IS NO God (Psalm 53:1).

    2. ACCORDING TO CHRISTENDOM: The human race and angelic messen

    gers are the perfect creation of an all-wise, all-powerful, all-knowing, unde

    ceivable, untrickable, unfoolable, intelligent, and loving GOD. Thats the

    good news. Heres the bad: Gods first and most perfect specimen created

    out of the combined intelligence, power and wisdom of a perfect God, was a

    great spirit archangel they call, Lucifer. (Incidentally and Scripturally, Lu

    cifer was never a proper noun or name foranyone)!

    The Christian teaching is that before God ever created the first man, this

    perfect archangel whom Christians call Lucifer,went bad! He was perfect

    but he turned bad! He turned into a bad angel (excuse me,archangel). DidGodcreatehim to turn bad? No. Did God know that hewouldturn bad? No.

    Did God wish that hehadntturned bad? Yes. But was there anything God

    coulddoabout it? No. Why did Gods first and greatest creation to that

    time,malfunction?How can a PERFECT creation by a PERFECT Creator

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    malfunction?Houston WE HAVE A PROBLEM! God doesnt have a

    problem; Christendom has a problem. And it is the BIGGEST single prob

    lem in all Christendom! It is huge. It is this very Satanic LIE that has giv

    en birth to the most evil doctrines on the face of the earth in the history ofthe world!

    According to this Christian theory [hypothesis], the very first thing that

    The Omnipresent, Omnipotent, Omniscient, Creator God made, not only

    malfunctioned, but turned into a DAMNABLE, DIABOLICAL DEVIL! This

    devil has ever since, relentlessly wreaked havoc on every facet of Gods cre

    ation which will consummate with a lake of fire that will continue to in

    sanely torture most of the human race for all eternity! Salvation is pictured

    as Gods nearly vain attempt to salvage but a few from the grasp of this colossal cosmic experiment gone amok! Gods Spiritual Frankenstein Monster

    has turned on Him and His children. And it has already been predeter

    mined that Satan will be the final Victor when all the marbles are counted.

    Not a pretty picture. This is the god that the world of paganism is supposed

    to put their eternal confidence in! A god who cannot or will not protect his

    own children from this cosmic wolf in sheeps clothing. (Small g intended).

    And you think I am too hard on the doctrines of Christendom? You have no


    Hence it is Satan that is supposedly responsible for introducing evil into

    the world. Satan supposedly chose to disobey God and therefore we also

    must choose, on our own, by our own power, as to whether we will follow

    and obey Satan; or follow and obey God. This is the Christian position on

    this matter of good and evil.

    3. ACCORDING TO GOD AND THE SCRIPTURES: Dont get me wrong,

    Christendom did not originate this theological problem (Satan did); they

    merely continue to parrot the original author. Satan LIES! Yes he does. Heis a LIAR, and the FATHER of lies and he has ALWAYS been that way

    since his CREATION (John 8:44). Satan was NOT Lucifer (a supposed

    perfect archangel) from the beginning; Satan was Satan from the begin

    ning. Satan is an EVIL creature. He has been an evil creature from his

    very creation. Satan is not the result of a Godly experiment gone wrong!

    Satan is functioning PERFECTLY as Gods adversary. Satan is essential to

    the purpose and salvation of the whole human race. That is why God cre

    ated him in the first place.

    Whence Satan the Devil?

    According to Christendom, Satan created himself. He was supposedly a perfect

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    Part II: The Origin of Satan, Evil, and Sin13

    archangel and then CHANGED HIMSELF INTO A DEVIL. Is this Scripturally

    true? Who created Satan?

    1.You are of your FATHER the DEVIL [the GREAT DRAGON, OLD SER

    PENT, the DEVIL, and SATAN {Hebrew forAdversary I Pet. 5:8} Rev.

    12:9], and the lusts of your father ye will do He was a murderer

    FROM THE BEGINNING, and abode not in the truth[from the begin

    ning], because there is no truth in him [from the beginning]. When he

    speaks a lie, he speaks of his own: for he is a liar[from the begin

    ning], and the father[the beginner]of it(John 8:44).

    2. Now the SERPENT was more subtle than any beast of the field

    which the LORD GOD hadMADE(Gen. 3:1) God made this serpent which TALKED with Eve as an articulate, intelligent, creature. Satan

    did not possess this serpent of the field, Satan was this serpent! Satan

    doesnt possess snakes! Satan himself was CREATED A SERPENT. Even

    Paul acknowledges that it was the SERPENT that deluded Eve, and not

    some other creature possessing a snake (II Cor. 11:3).

    And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between

    THY SEED and her seed, it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt

    bruise his heel(Gen. 3:15).

    This serpent that shall bruise the heel of Eves seed (singular seed

    Christ) is clearly Satan the Devil who also has seed, thy seed. Jesus said,

    You are of your father the Devil?(John 8:44). Satan the Devil has

    seed; he is a father: a father has children and followers of like nature.

    No literal snake ever produced a seed that bruised the heel of Jesus.

    Snakes do not eat dust but Satan dines on mankindBe sober, be vigil-

    ant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh

    about, seeking whom he may devour[Greek: (lit. or fig.) gulp entirely,

    swallow up] I Pet. 5:8). And he seeks to devour mankind who are dust of

    the earth (for dust thou art.Gen. 3:19).

    3. By HIS SPIRIT He hath garnished the heavens; his HAND has

    FORMED THE CROOKED SERPENT(Job 26:13). God garnished the

    heavens by His SPIRIT, because they are a thing of great glory, beauty, and

    splendor. But the crooked SERPENT God formed by His hand at ARMS

    LENGTH. Thus indicating it was something necessary, but not of His

    HEART AND SPIRIT! Satan is called the crooked serpent. This word

    crooked comes from a Hebrew word that is not translated crooked any

    where else in the Bible. The word in Hebrew isbariach,and it means afu-

    gitive, Strongs#1281. And fugitive is from the Hebrew wordnuwa,

    Strongs#5128, among its several meanings are: to [go] up and down, and

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    14The Lake of Fire Series

    to and fro, and to sift. Remember that God names things according to

    what theyareand what theydo:

    (A) And the LORD[is this a high enough authority for everyone?]Said

    unto SATAN[not a heretofore archangel], Whence comest thou? Then

    Satan answered the LORD, and said, From going TO AND FRO in

    the earth, and from walking UP AND DOWN in it(Job. 1:7 and 2:2).

    It is the crooked [fugitive] SERPENT SATAN who goes TO AND FRO

    and UP AND DOWN in the earth! God created Satan for this purpose.

    (B) And the LORD said[is this a high enough authority for everyone?],

    Simon, Simon, behold,SATAN[not a heretoforearchangel]hath de-

    sired to have you, that he maySIFTyou as wheat(Luke 22:31).

    It is the crooked [fugitive] SERPENTSATAN who SIFTS men like

    wheat! God created Satan for this purpose.

    4. Behold, I have created the smith[thats me]that blows the coals in

    the fire, and that brings forth an instrument for His work, and I

    have CREATED THE WASTER TO DESTROY(Isaiah 54:16).

    [waster Hebrew:shachath,decay, ruin, batter, cast off, corrupt, destroy,

    lose, mar, perish, spill spoil UTTERLY WASTE, #7843, p. 115,Strongs

    Hebrew and Chaldee Dictionary].

    God created the WASTER, not the archangel who later supposedly be

    came Satan, but from theBEGINNING God said He created The

    WASTER and He created him TODESTROY Now then, WHOS role is it

    to destroy the flesh of man so that the spirit may be saved?

    In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, when you are gathered to-

    gether, and my spirit, with the power of our Lord Jesus Christ, Todeliver such an one UNTOSATANfor DESTRUCTION of the flesh,

    that the spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus(I Cor. 5:4-


    It is SATAN who was created from his very beginning to be the WASTER

    to DESTROY mens flesh (carnal mindedness) so that they learn not to

    blaspheme (I Tim. 1:20). Satan started with Adam and Eve and he isnt fin

    ished YET!

    5. And no marvel[Gk: to wonder with ASTONISHMENT]; for Satan him-

    self is transformed[Gk:meta schematizo, transfigure to change the

    outward form or appearance, to make GLORIOUS]into anANGEL OF

    LIGHT(II Cor. 11:14).

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    Part II: The Origin of Satan, Evil, and Sin15

    6. I am the LORD, and there is none else, there is no God beside me: I

    girded you, though you have not known me: That they may know

    from the rising of the sun, and from the west, that there none be-

    side Me. I am the LORD, and there is none else. I form the light,

    and create darkness: I make peace, AND CREATEEVIL: I the

    LORD do ALL[even the creation of evil and even the creation of Satan]

    THESE THINGS(Isaiah 45:5-7).

    Satan is evil, God created evil, God CREATED SATAN!

    7. He that commits sin is of the DEVIL[Gk: Adversary, Satan]for the

    Devil SINS FROM THEBEGINNING. For this purpose the Son of

    God was manifested, that He might destroy the WORKS of the Dev-il(I John 3:8). So was it AFTER a supposed Lucifer archangel meta

    morphosed into Satan that he sinned, or did Satan the Adversary sin from

    the BEGINNING?

    Can the high priests of Christendom ever get anything Scripturally correct?

    They cite Isaiah 14 and Ezekiel 28 (I will write a paper on these two chapters in the

    near future) as proof that Satan was once a perfect and glorious archangel.



    read in the divine, inspired, infallible Word of God thatcontrariwise, it is SATAN


    GLORIOUS ANGEL OF LIGHT! The Scriptures teach the diametric opposite from

    what Christendom is teaching. But it is mandatory that they teach this lie, because

    it is mandatory that they deny every Scripture that says GOD CREATED EVIL or

    EVIL CREATURES! It doesnt fit their theology. They must find a way that allows

    God to torture billions of people in fire without being evil Himself or even respons

    ible for doing so. The origin of sin and evil must be placed on the creature ratherthan the Creator. This way the creature is responsible for everything and the Creat

    or is responsible for nothing!

    And so it is stated that men CHOOSE to go into the lake of fire and suffer etern

    al pain, and Gods hands are tied by a doctrine that Satan has planted into the

    hearts of all men everywhere. An idol of the heart of such magnitude that men will

    DIE to preserve it. Deceived humanity has perceived this idol to be of the greatest

    value of anything that can ever reside in the heart of man including the Holy Spirit

    of God!

    And just what is it, specifically, that gave this fictitious archangel the ability to

    metamorphose himself into a devil? Which thing also then permits God to torture

    humanity eternally in fire, without it being His fault? Which thing also empowers

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    16The Lake of Fire Series

    man with the ability to thwart the VERY WILL OF GOD ALMIGHTY?

    The Illusion of Free WillHere it is, the magical source of mans imagined deity. It is, of course, HUMAN

    FREEWILL. Or, as in the case with Satan, SATANICFREEWILL. And just

    what is human and satanic free will? It is a fictitious power that Satan and all hu

    mans imagine they have, which gives them the power to make choices that have NO

    CAUSE. Do not mistake what I have said. Choice is not the power to MAKE choices.

    We all have that power. Choice is a power of the brain, mind, and spirit. It is a logic

    al functioning mechanism. Even a sophisticated computer can make choices based

    on other data at its disposal contained in its memories. But making choices is not I repeat is NOT, judging, determining or selecting something BASED ONNOTH-


    The first edict of the physical universe is CAUSE AND EFFECT. There cannot

    be an effect anywhere in the universe, on earth, in a laboratory under strict con

    trols, or in the mind of a human being that does not have ACAUSE! It is axiomatic!

    It is not debatable! It is a LAW OF GOD! And therefore, the most lawless of all law

    less conceptions possible is that man can make choices and decisions that are NOT

    BROUGHT INTO EXISTENCE BY EITHER INTERNAL OR EXTERNAL CAUSESAND FORCES!!! It is, in fact, an attempt at nihilism of the very laws of physics.

    And so theologians, philosophers and the worlds greatest wisdom thinkers would

    have us believe that free will is a power even greater than God Himself, seeing that

    even God does not think things, or create things from NOTHING! God does NOT op

    erate the universe by decisions based on nothing and therefore having no cause.

    In Whom also we have obtained an inheritance, being predes-

    tinated according to the purpose of Him who works[Greek: is

    operating]ALL things after[after what? His free will?] Afterthe COUNSEL of His own will(Eph. 1:11)!

    Nor does God create things out of NOTHING:

    IN[Greek is in not by]Him[Christ]is ALL CREATED, that in

    the heavens and that on the earth(Col. 1:16).

    For OUT[the Greek is out not of]of Him and THROUGH Him

    and FOR[Greek is for not to]is ALL(Rom. 11:36).

    So creation is IN Christ, but OUT of God. Not, out of nothing. The universe

    consists of the things of Gods already eternally existing SELF. God is SPIRIT (John

    4:24). And what is matter but invisible spiritual power and energy?

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    Part II: The Origin of Satan, Evil, and Sin17

    Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by

    the word of God, so that THINGS which are seen[physical mat

    ter]were not made of things[were they then made of nothing? NO]

    which DO APPEAR(Heb. 11:3).

    There it is. God made everything out of things that DO NOT APPEAR [invisible

    things] not out of things that do appear [physical things], and this is because GOD


    Now to the King of the eons, the incorruptible, INVISIBLE,

    only, and wise God(I Tim. 1:17).

    God follows His own spiritual laws. Free will sounds like a marvelous and ma

    gical thing it is rather, however, the god of stupidity. It is the height of mans fool

    ishness and human wisdom. It is both ungodly and unscriptural! It is an affront to

    the Sovereignty of God. Man and Satan arenotdeities that can operate independ

    ently of the Creator! The theory is a hoax, a farce, a sham. Its only reality is as an

    IDOL OF THE HEART which will be burned out of every son whom God scourges.

    Of course all theologians are quick to point out that man does not possesstotal

    free will. Mans will is obviouslylimitedwe are told. Oh really? So it is limited free

    will that Satan and all humans possess is it? Does no one ever bother to question

    the contradictions of Christian doctrine?

    limited,a.restricted,Websters Twentieth Century Dictionary,page


    free,a,without restriction,Websters Twentieth Century dictionary

    page,page 682.

    Does everyone know the meaning of the word contradiction?Only Satan could

    convince otherwise intelligent people that they have a limited restricted, free

    withoutrestriction will. For sure man has a will, however, it is anything but


    For it isGODwhich works in you both toWILLand toDOof

    His good pleasure(Phil. 2:13).

    To will requires a work of GOD! We all choose as we choose because there arethings and forces and situations by the millions beyond anyones control that

    CAUSE US TO CHOOSE AS WE DO! It matters not that you cannot see or feel the

    cause. It is there and it does its work on you. And when causes make you choose,

    then that particular choice could not have ever been otherwise. God is the great

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    18The Lake of Fire Series

    CAUSE of all there is. I know Christians by the hundreds of millions deny it and

    deny Gods Word that teaches it. That unbelief and lack of faith, however, does not

    change the facts of Gods Word or the laws of physics.

    That God creates good and peace, there is no question. That:

    Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and

    cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no vari-

    ableness, neither shadow of turning(James. 1:17),

    There is also no question about it among Christians. That God is the creator of

    evil and preordained the sin of Adam, however, is believed by virtually no one.

    And so it is that neither man nor Satan can do anything contrary to the inten

    tion of God. God has a will that includes a final destiny of total perfection of His

    whole creation. God has set man and Satan (his very name means adversary)

    AGAINST HIS OWN WILL for a period of time. But during this period when every

    one goes against Gods will, God INTENDS them to do so. And when God no longer

    intends for there to be any more adversaries or enemies opposing Him or His will,

    He will remove all such opposition (See I Cor. 15:21-28). ALL OF GODS WILL,


    Therefore it should come as no shock to us when we learn that even the destruction and crucifixion of His own Son was Gods INTENTION from before He even cre

    ated the world:

    The Kings of the earth stood up, and the Rulers were gathered together

    against the LORD, and against HIS CHRIST.

    For of a truth against Thy Holy Child JESUS Whom THOU

    [God the Father]hast anointed, both Herod, and Pontius Pilate,

    with the Gentiles, and the people of Israel[God anointed themALL for this purpose], were gathered together, For to do whatso-

    ever THY HAND[the very HAND OF GOD], AND thy counsel[God

    works ALL according to His counsel Eph. 1:11]determined BE-

    FORE[God predestinated His Sons crucifixion before the foundation

    of the world Rev. 13:8]to be done(Acts 4:26-28).

    And so we see that ultimately, behind the scenes, it was really God the Father

    who planned and brought about the Crucifixion of His Own Son! We are allaccount-

    ablefor the death of His Son, because He died on OUR BEHALF and for OUR SINS

    which we voluntarily sinned, but it is God Himself who is RESPONSIBLE for His

    Sons Death. And God takes responsibility. And He takes responsibility for

    EVERYTHING that happens in His creation and universe! Therefore God will bring

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    Part II: The Origin of Satan, Evil, and Sin19

    all things back to restoration and perfection. It is so sad that this grand truth is so

    violently opposed by the enemies of the Cross.

    There are three Scriptural reasons for this evil doctrine of eternal torture in a

    lake of fire:

    1. The heart[of carnal unconverted mankind]is DECEITFUL ABOVE

    ALL THINGS, and DESPERATELY WICKED: who can know it(Jer.


    2. And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the

    Devil, and Satan, which DECEIVES THE WHOLE WORLD(Rev.


    3. Because the carnal[natural]mind is enmity against God; for it is

    not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be(Rom. 8:7).

    The inconsonant, incongruous, inconsistent teachings of Christendom are bewil

    dering. All my life I have heard that God hates SIN, not the SINNER. Why then, ac

    cording to Christendom, doesnt God save the sinner and abolish the sin? Wasnt

    that the purpose of God in the first place? Behold the Lamb of God, which takes

    [Greek: is taking] away the SIN OF THE WORLD (John 1:29). And He is the pro

    pitiation [to be favorably inclined to the sinner because of the sacrifice for him

    merciful] for OUR sins: and not for ours only, but also THE SINS OF THE WHOLE

    WORLD (I John 2:2). As Christ died for the sake of all sinners and paid the penalty

    for all the sins of the whole world, why does Christendom teach that these same sin

    ners for which Christ died, must still be tortured for eternity?

    Now dont all e-mail me at once, telling me that they go to hell in a hand basket

    because they DID NOTREPENTOF THEIR SINS for which Christ died. It is con

    cluded by modern religious theory that most of humanity have DIED IN THEIR

    SINS, neither having repented nor accepted Christ as their Lord and Saviour. And

    this is their simple (albeit totally unscriptural) answer as to why most of the human

    race will be tortured in a hellhole of fire for all eternity! For they know not the

    Scriptures, nor the Plan of God, nor the Wisdom of God, nor the Power of God, nor

    the Sensibility of God, nor the LOVE OF GOD.

    I know that many people think I am too hard on Christian heresy. Thats be

    cause I love them. Would you not show a little hard tough love to your children if

    they were taking mind-destroying DRUGS? Well it is my opinion that Christian her

    esies are mind-destroying drugs as well. This ministry is a love/hate ministry love

    for all Gods creatures and hate for all the spiritual mind-destroying heretical drugs

    out there on the streets and on the air waves around the world.

    Trust me when I say: When one learns the Truth about our All Wise, All Power

    ful, All Loving God, the unscriptural theories regarding an eternal hellhole of etern

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    20The Lake of Fire Series

    al torture will vanish like the dew in the morning Sun. I believe there will be some

    who will already come to know the truth about the lake of fire-second death long be

    fore we ever get to chapters 20 and 21 of Revelation. Before we get there I want to

    teach you a few things about God and His love for humanity.

    Never Forget the Lords Prayer

    I am now going to give you a Scripture to ponder while you read the remaining in

    stallments of this paper. A Scripture that most clergymen avoid like the plague. A

    Scripture that even if they quote it, they will notexplainit. A Scripture that de

    bunks the heresy that a sin against an infinite God demands infinite punishment. A

    Scripture that should shut the mouths of all those who continually condemn me forever suggesting that God will eventually save all sinners, even the Hitlers and

    Bundys of the world. A Scripture that proves God loves sinners even while they are

    yet sinners. A Scripture that proves one doesnt have to prove himself worthy of

    Gods love before God gives His love. A Scripture that proves God knows in advance

    that He will save the very worst of sinners and indeed ALL sinners long before they

    ever even think of repenting.

    First we have to find the worlds worst sinners no, even worse than you. Check

    these out:

    I am innocent of the blood of this JUST PER-

    SON(Mat. 27:24)

    They ALL[priests & citizens]say unto him(Ver


    let Him be crucified

    WHY, what evil hath He done?(Ver. 23) let Him be crucified

    Jesus answered The blind receive their

    sight, and the lame walk, the lepers are

    cleansed, and the deaf hear, the dead are raised

    up, and the poor have the gospel preached to

    them(Matt. 11:4-5) crucify Him

    Come unto me, all ye[sinners] I will give you

    rest(Mat. 11:28) crucify Him

    I[Jesus]have compassion on the multitude[of

    sinners](Mat. 15:32) crucify Him

    For the Son of man is come tosavethat which

    was lost(Mat. 18:11) crucify Him

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    Part II: The Origin of Satan, Evil, and Sin21

    Andgreat multitudesfollowed Him; and He

    healedthem(Mat 19:2) crucify Him

    Suffer little children to come unto Me(Mat.19:14) crucify Him

    Who can be saved? with God all things are

    possible(Mat. 19:25-26) crucify Him

    I am the Good Shepherd(John 10:11) crucify Him

    God anointed Jesus who went aboutdoing

    good(Acts 10:38) crucify Him

    And themultitudes cried Hosanna to the

    SON (Mat. 21:9) crucify Him

    And they[same multitudesas 21:19]allsay

    (27:22) let Him be crucified

    to you all the entire people of Israel Je-

    sus Christ whom(Acts 4:10) you crucify

    Then answeredallthe people His blood be

    onUS(Mat. 27:25) crucify Him

    Andthey[everyone you, me, all of us, (Mat. 27:35) CRUCIFIED HIM

    Now then, are you ready for the Scripture? Are these cruel murderers of the very

    Son of God evil enough to be counted the worst of the worst sinners who have ever

    drawn breath? Even more evil than Ted Bundy?

    First, does anyone doubt that God the Father ALWAYS heard Christs prayers?

    Father, I thank thee that Thou HAST HEARD me. And I knew that thou

    HEAREST MEALWAYS(John 11:41-42). Okay then, heres the Scripture:

    And when they were come to the place which is called Cal-

    vary, there they[everyone you, me, the WHOLE WORLD]CRU-


    But before our Saviour died, He prayed this prayer:

    FATHER FORGIVE THEM for they know not what they

    do(Luke 23:33-34).

    Meditate on that verse for a few hours or years! My prayer is that not one per

    son reading this paper will ever forget this verse and Christs prayer for the forgive

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    22The Lake of Fire Series

    ness of the worlds worst of the worst sinners, before any of them even thought to re


    Now if any of you, in your holier-than-thou self-righteousness, feel that you had

    no part in the death of your own Saviour, who died for you and your sins, you will

    still have to contend with the fact that God honored Christs prayer by forgiving

    those who did, literally, crucify Him, before they ever repented or accepted Him as

    their Lord and Saviour. Do you think that just maybe our Lord knows something

    about the future judgment of these, as of yet unrepentant murderers, that is not

    taught in Christendom today?

    FORGIVE THEM, for they know not what they do.Was this just a bene

    volent gesture on Christs part that has no real meaning? Do we believe that Jesus

    God and Father turned His back on this prayer? Will God answer THE LORDS

    PRAYER? Dont the theological giants of Christendom have Scriptures written in

    figurative, metaphorical, and spiritual symbolism, that if ignorantly taught to be lit

    eral, will contradict our Lords prayer? If it is not possible for God to forgive sinners

    before they repent, then our Lords prayer is doomed. It was then a prayer in vain.

    Jesus prayed in vain. His Father never heard Him. Doesnt it just grind on your

    spirit to even hear such stupid and unscriptural conjectures?

    Millions of times a week people around the world repeat what they believe to be

    The Lords Prayer (Mat. 6:10-13). Matt. 6 is not the Lords prayer. He didnt

    pray that prayer. It was a very short outline of what we are to pray for. But this

    verse in Luke 23:34, really is, The Lords Prayer! Jesus really DID PRAY

    THIS PRAYER! Unlike the hypocritical Pharisees, Jesus did not make a habit of

    praying in public. He commanded us to pray in the private closet of our hearts. Oth

    er than blessing the bread when feeding the multitudes, Christ seldom prayed in

    public. But hanging in total agony on that Passover cross, He prayed in public. He

    prayed for the whole world to hear. And that is because His prayer was not for Him

    self, but for the whole world!

    I will make a wager right here and now that the figurative symbols and meta

    phors in Revelation are obviously not to be taken literally, but that our Lords Pray

    er in Luke 23:34 IS to be taken literally. Do I have any takers?

    Forgive THEMThere is no mistaking who the them are in this prayer.

    World famous preacher John Hagee teaches the world that the Jews did not cru

    cify Jesus, but rather the Romans did. Is that who the them is in our Lords Pray

    er? The ROMANS? Give me a break. Maybe thats why Christians everywhere believe that had they been in Jerusalem on that fateful Passover nearly two thousand

    years ago, they would have never consented to the crucifixion of Jesus Christ! Peter

    too thought that he would never deny his Lord (Mat. 26:34).

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    Part II: The Origin of Satan, Evil, and Sin23

    Since Christendom refuses to do it, I will now show you the real meaning of The

    Lords Prayer.

    Who is Accountable for the Crucifixion of Jesus?

    True, the Romans did crucify Christ, but so did the Jews, so did you, so did I, and so

    did John Hagee as well, and I will now Scripturally prove it.

    For he is NOT a Jew, which is one outwardly, neither is that

    circumcision, which is outward in the flesh. But he is a Jew,

    which is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of theheart, in

    thespiritand not in the letter; whose praise is not of men, but

    of God(Rom. 2:28-29).

    For WE ARE THE CIRCUMCISION, which worship God in the

    spirit, and rejoice in Christ Jesus, and have no confidence in

    the flesh(Phil. 3:3).

    Who are the true circumcision which then becomes the True Jew? Paul says

    we. As soon as we know who the we is, we will also know who is the them. Paul

    was writing to the Phillipians, who lived in Phillipi, a Gentile city in N-central

    Macedonia. So these Phillipian converts were both Gentiles, and true Jews (we

    [Phillipian Gentiles] are the circumcision Phil. 3:3, which are the true inward Jew

    Rom. 2:28-29, the true Israel of God Gal. 6:16).

    Now then, let us see the plain Scriptural truth as to who the them are that Je

    sus asked His Father to forgive. For whomever the Fatherforgiveswill certainly

    not be tortured in an eternal hellhole of fire.

    In Acts 3:6-8 Peter asks Christ to heal a man. The whole city was privy to thismiracle. Peter speaks to the crowd:

    Ye MEN OF ISRAEL[thats us, WE are the Israel of God the

    True Jew] Jesus, Whom ye[thats US]delivered up, and

    DENIED [along with Peter]Him For ye[thats US again]

    DENIED the Holy One and Just, and desired a murderer to be

    granted unto you; and KILLED the Prince of life And now,

    brethren, I am aware that through IGNORANCE[for they know

    NOT what they do]ye did it, as did your rulers The priests,and the captain of the temple, and the Sadducees Annas the

    high priest, and Ciaphas, and John, and Alexander Ye

    RULERS of the people, and ELDERS of Israel Be it known

    unto YOU ALL, and to ALL THE PEOPLE OF ISRAEL, that by

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    24The Lake of Fire Series

    the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom YE


    Why did the HEATHEN rage, and the PEOPLE imagine vain things? The

    KINGS OF THE EARTH stood up, and the RULERS [see I Cor. 2:8] were gathered

    together AGAINST the Lord, and AGAINST His Christ

    For of a truth AGAINST thy holy child Jesus, whom thou hast

    anointed, both Herod, and Pontius Pilate,WITH THE GEN-


    [thats also US], were gathered together, For to do whatsoever

    Thy hand and Thy counsel determined before to be done[CRU-

    CIFY HIM](Acts 3:12-4:28).

    Sorry, but John Hagees Romans only theory has just bit the dust. So again:

    Who crucified our Lord and Saviour? And who is it that are to be forgiven because

    they know not what they do?YOU ALL, ALL THE PEOPLE OF ISRAEL,



    you still think your name is left out of this list somehow?

    The whole world is accountable for crucifying their Saviour Jesus Christ. But as

    it was done in ignorance (for they know not what they do), the whole world will be

    forgiven. So what do these things have to do with the lake of fire? Everything! I am

    trying to show you the mind of God. This is the way God thinks, and feels, and for

    gives, and LOVES! Since you havent learned these things in Sunday School, or

    Wednesday night Bible Study, or Sunday sermons, or even theological seminary, I

    am showing you them now. Weigh Gods Words very carefully.

    The worst sin ever committed by the worst sinners in the history of the universe,

    was the cruel beating and crucifixion of Jesus Christ the Perfect Man and Son of

    God! Does anyone really believe that Ted Bundys crimes were worse than Crucify

    ing the Son of God? Did the men immediately responsible (ultimately Ive shown

    that we ALL were responsible) for His crucifixion show any remorse or repentance

    except Judas? Yet, Jesus Christ asked God toforgive themat the very time that

    they showed no remorse whatsoever.

    Will the Father HEAR these words and ANSWER these words of Christs

    prayer? Are these just the sentimental words of Jesus that will not be heard or

    answered by a HARSH God in Heaven? Just Whose words are these, anyway?

    Where did these words of Jesus forgive them really come from?

    Believest thou not that I am in the Father, and the FATHER

    IN ME? TheWORDSthat I speak unto you I speak NOT OF MY-

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    Part II: The Origin of Satan, Evil, and Sin25

    SELF; but the Father that dwells in Me, HE DOES THE

    WORKS(John 14:10).

    Or was this doctrine of forgive them for they know not what they do before they

    ever repent, a doctrine of Christ that God did not approve of?

    Jesus answered them, and said, My doctrine is NOT MINE,

    but HIS THAT SENT ME. If any man will do His will, he shall

    know of the doctrine, whether it be of GOD, or whether I

    speak of myself (John 7:16-17).

    Any questions as to WHOSE words these were? It is not only our Lords prayer,

    but it is the will of God the Father to forgive them all (US all) for none of them

    knows what they do.

    My detractors cry out, They do TOO know what they do; they have REJECTED

    their Saviour; they deserve to BURN IN THE LAKE OF FIRE FOR EVER! But you

    see, God is not like men who DELIGHT in the eternal death and torture of the


    As I live, saith the Lord God, I have NO pleasure in the death

    [including the second death]of the wicked; but that the wickedturn from his way and live: turn ye, turn ye from your evil

    ways; for why will you die, O house of Israel?(Ezek. 33:11).

    Killing people for their sins is NOT PLEASURABLE FOR GOD! But it is needful

    for a season.

    To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose

    under heaven: A time to be born, and a time to die a time to

    kill, and a time to heal(Ecc. 3:1-3).

    God does not delight or take pleasure in the death of the wicked, but that he

    TURN from his way and LIVE! But neither Israel (nor the Gentiles) knows how to

    turn from their ways. It takes the goodness of God to turn people. I know that

    all the billions of free-willers in the world poke fun at such an idea that man of

    themselves can do nothing:for without Me ye can do NOTHING (John

    15:5). But as for me, I dont believe men anymore; I believe God. Turn, turn, turn

    says the Lord God. But how shall Israel turn when they have no such power orability? Will Israel (all Israel) ever turn and be saved and LIVE? Not by anything

    they can conjure up in their phantom of free will. Enter GOD:

    For I would not, brethren, that ye should be ignorant[but the

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    26The Lake of Fire Series

    WORLD is ignorant and deceived God created a special creature to

    accomplish this very purpose, Rev. 12:9]of this mystery, lest ye

    should be wise in your own conceits; that blindness in part is

    happened to Israel, until[remember there are seasons?]The full-

    ness of the Gentiles be come in. And so ALL ISRAEL SHALL

    BE SAVED[how so, I thought they have to turn from their wicked

    ness and sins, who will turn them?]As it is written, There shall

    come out of Zion The Deliverer, and shallTURN AWAY UN-

    GODLINESS[evil ways Ezek. 33:11]from Jacob[thats Israel]:

    For this is my covenant unto them, when I shall TAKE AWAY

    THEIR SINS(Rom 11:25-27) [it will be pretty hard to torture people

    for all eternity for sins that they NO LONGER HAVE!!!]

    Am I going too fast for anyone? This is not rocket science. These Scriptures are


    Who is it that turns away ungodliness from Israel? Must sinners really, by

    themselves, by their phantom free-will, by their own power, by their own choice, by

    the goodness that lies within them (I speak as a fool), by their self-concocted love of

    God turn away from ungodliness? Get serious. What is the only thing in the uni

    verse that can ever bring a person to repentance? Ill tell you, if you promise tonev-er everforget it!

    Or are you despising the riches of His goodness and forbear-

    ance and longsuffering; not knowing[heres that ignorance thing

    again Satan who DECEIVES the whole world]that the GOOD-

    NESS OFGODleads you to REPENTANCE(Rom. 2:4).

    Once again we are brought back to the CAUSE OF ALL GOD!

    And so, it is the Deliverer (Christ the Lord), not mans free will, which turns

    away ungodliness from Israel. Lets continue the thought:

    As concerning the gospel, they[Israel]are enemies for your

    sakes[the casting away of Israel, Ver. 15]: but as touching the

    election[the sure thing that God had predetermined long before

    there ever was an Israel]they are BELOVED for the Fathers

    sake. For the GIFTS and CALLING OFGOD are without re-

    pentance[changing](Vers. 28-29).

    Forgive them are the very words and the doctrine of GOD THE FATHER! So

    the truth is we have Jesus Christ and God the Father BOTH agreed that FOR

    GIVE THEM, for they know not what they doWILL BE ANSWERED, ACCOM-

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    Part II: The Origin of Satan, Evil, and Sin27

    PLISHED, AND DONE ! Gods words went out of Gods mouth in this prayer for the

    whole sinful world to hear, and Gods words do not return to Him VOID (see Isaiah


    Are you believing all these Scriptures that I am giving you? Or are you one of

    those who thinks he has other Scriptures that contradict all these Scriptures I am

    giving? My whole purpose is to point you to Gods Words. When I come to a Scrip

    ture that is not properly translated, I will point that out also. So far, I believe, all of

    the Scriptures I have presented speak for themselves.

    And it is self-evident that these Scriptures contradict a plethora of doctrines be

    ing taught by the high priests of Christendom.

    Will God somehow change his mind toward this world of sinners which crucifiedHis Son when they are raised at the great white throne to be judged? Forget all the

    Scriptures for the moment that some of you just know contradict this prayer. Con

    centrate on this prayer, and we will go to the thers later. Right here IS the mind of

    God. Right here IS the attitude of forgiveness and love that God has for sinners

    the worlds worst sinners! Why does most of the world of Christendom refuse to be

    lieve our LORDS PRAYER which really has its origin in the will of the Father? Be

    cause it is TOO GOOD! Many will not tolerate a God THIS GOOD!

    Is God fickle? Is God all-forgiving one day at the cross, but then CHANGES intoan unforgiving Indian-Giver at the white throne judgment by taking it all back?

    I am the LORD, ICHANGE NOT; therefore ye sons of Jacob

    [Israel]are NOT CONSUMED(Malachi 3:6).

    But He[God]is in ONE MIND, and who can TURN HIM? And

    what His soul desires[I Tim. 2:4 & Isa. 46:9-11], EVEN THAT

    [whatever He wills or desires]HE DOES(Job 23:13).

    Jesus Christ is the SAME yesterday, and today, and for ever

    [Greek: for (into) the eons also](Heb. 13:8).

    No, God is not fickle: forgiving today; cursing tomorrow. Forgiving the worst sin

    ners in the whole while they are yet sinning is the mind, attitude, and love of God!

    Any theologian who tries to tell you that there are Scriptures that contradict this

    Scripture (whether it be a Scripture on the lake of fire or any other Scripture), is a

    liar and a deceiver.Forgive them [even the theologians who deny the Christ whodied for them]for they know not what they do.

    And so our Lords Prayer WILL BE DONE! Thank God!

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    28The Lake of Fire Series

    A Few Thoughts Regarding Christendom

    Understand that when I use the word Christendom I am making reference toWeb-

    sterssecond definition, The world of Christianity. World in the Greek New Testament iskosmosmeaning the system or orderly arrangement of the whole or some

    part of human society. And so it is this world or system of doctrines and beliefs pro

    mulgated by the clergy and theologians of the institutionalized church that I make

    reference to when using this term. I am not making specific reference to individual

    members of the Christian church who may or may not hold dear to their hearts all

    of the doctrines of mainstream Christendom. It is sadly true that many who profess

    Christianity do not know or understand the doctrines of those they follow.

    So let it be known that Christendom is made up of dozens of millions of wonderful, sweet, loving and kind people. Many if not most of our neighbors, friends, relat

    ives, and immediate family members are professing Christians. And we love them

    all! God loves them all! Sadly, however, much of their doctrine and religious beliefs

    have no basis whatsoever in the Sacred Scriptures. At times I fear that some might

    mistake my total aversion toward unscriptural Christian doctrines as a sign of my

    feelings toward those who promulgate these teachings. Nothing could be further

    from the truth. If you could look down into my heart, you wouldknowthat I harbor

    no ill toward any brother or sister. All will be in Gods Family; All will be purged,

    purified, and perfected, so why have any animosity toward any during this process?

    We must ALL be processed there is NONE that does good [before God processes

    him], no, not ONE (Rom. 3:12).

    Much of Christendom is a religious system of beliefs that are both unscriptural

    and contradictory at times even evil. Often when I quote a Scripture (even without

    commentary), people will say to themselves, Well that cant be. OUR church

    teaches something totally different. And so they will reject the words of God and

    continue to cling to the traditions of men. For that reason, let me give you just a few

    examples of the unscriptural contradictions of traditional Christendom in the hope

    that God will open the minds of at least some of my readers. Trust me when I say

    that all this information is going to be most helpful in understanding the lake of fire

    and the judgments of God.

    They Speak with Forked Tongue

    Most all Christian theologians would claim to believe the first statement of Scrip

    tural Truth that I present below, especially when I cite a Scripture verse with it, butthey will then contradict and refuse to teach the second statement of Truth. Here

    are a few examples:

    Do they believe the fire in I Cor.3:15 burns mansworks, but not the man

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    Part II: The Origin of Satan, Evil, and Sin29

    himself? Yes.

    But do they teach that this same fire in Rev.20:15 also burnsworks,not the

    man? No.

    Do they believe that God is the Creator of ALL? Yes.

    But do they teach that God created EVIL as He says in (Isa. 45:7)? No.

    Do they believe that God is absolutely and totally sovereign (Eph. 1:11)?


    But do they teach that God exercises sovereignty over mans supposed

    free will? No.

    Do they believe that Jesus Christ IS the Saviour of the whole world (I Jn

    4:14)? Yes.

    But do they teach that Jesus Christ will SAVE the whole world? No.

    Do they believe that presently Christonlyhas immortality (I Tim. 6:16)?


    But do they teach the truth therefore that mens souls are mortal and not

    immortal? No.

    Do they believe that the original manuscripts of Gods Word were inerrant?


    But do they teach us that the King James translation, which they say is

    inerrant has gone through THOUSANDS of error corrections since 1611?


    Do they believe that the soul that sins shall DIE (Ezek. 18:4)? Yes.

    But do they teach that souls of deceased sinners are actually DEAD? No.

    Do they believe there are many cults today that need exposing? Yes.

    But do they teach that Christendom, by its OWN definitions, is also a cult?


    Do they believe that Sodom is suffering the vengeance of eternal [aeonian]

    fire? Yes.

    But do they teach that Sodom will be restored to their former estate (Ezek.

    16:55)? No.

    Do they believe in a future resurrection of dead people back to life (John

    5:29)? Yes.

    But do they teach that a resurrection is imperative for dead people to live

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    Part II: The Origin of Satan, Evil, and Sin31

    Do they believe the many Scriptures that liken death to sleep? Yes.

    But do they teach that dead people are unconscious, sleeping till resurrec

    tion? No.

    Do they believe that the last enemy to be destroyed [Gk: abolished] is

    death? Yes.

    But do they teach that ALL death, including the second death,willbe abol

    ished? No.

    Do they believe that all things are possible with God (Mark 10:27)? Yes.

    But do they teach that it is possible for God to save non-believers after they

    die? No.

    Do they believe that every tongue in heaven and earth will confess Jesus as

    LORD? Yes.

    But do they teach that the Holy Spirit inspires this sincere voluntary act (I

    Cor. 12:3)? No.

    Do they believe that good and evil are both in the same tree of knowledge?


    But do they teach that good and evil both come from the same root source?


    Do they believe that God absolutely knows all (I John 3:20)? Yes.

    But do they teach that God knows in advance ALL who will reject Christ?


    Do they believe that Gods love will never fail (I Cor. 13:8)? Yes.

    But do they teach that Gods love will never fail in saving the world He

    loves? No.

    Do they believe the apostles spoke in foreign languages in Acts 2:4-11? Yes.

    But do they teach that of the hundreds of thousands who claim to speak in

    tongues today, not one of them can speak in multiple languages which they

    did not already study? No.

    Do they believe that the masses did not understand Christs parables (Mat.

    13:13)? Yes.

    But do they teach that Christ purposely didnt want them to understand,

    (Vs. 14-17)? No.

    Do they believe the Old Covenant contained the Ten Commandments

    (Deut.4:12)? Yes.

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    32The Lake of Fire Series

    But do they teach a New Covenant which contains a much higher law (Heb.

    8:8-9)? No.

    Do they believe that God created all the spirits and messengers of heaven?


    But do they teach that God also created Satan who was always His ad

    versary? No.

    Do they believe that loving our enemies means doing good and not evil to

    them? Yes.

    But do they teach that God will never subject His enemies to eternal tor

    ture and evil? No.

    There seems to be no end to the Scriptural contradictions of Christian beliefs.

    But we can learn from their mistakes. It is good for us that God makes us dig deep

    for the precious gems of His word. It really is like searching for hidden treasure.

    And I have never found a hidden treasure in Gods Word that has disappointed me.

    Each new discovery brings more appreciation for God and His plan of salvation for


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