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The Lantern of Saint Christopher

Lighting the Way for Christ

May 2016 Volume CXLXI

Ruth’s Reveries …

Chasing Change has been my moniker for nearly a year. When I attended Kenyon Writers Conference last July, the phrase came to me during a time of prayer in the chapel. For many of us as a congregation, there has been far too much, and highly significant change in the past two years. However, I do believe that we are turning a corner. At least I can say so personally. Life, in a nutshell, is nothing BUT change, embrace it or not. We are living organisms. Over time, we go through various stages of growth and development. The pendulum really swings as is made evident in that we start out dependent upon others and seem to get to that point at the end of our lives. I cannot do today what I did when I was 30 years old. If I am blessed to live until I am 90, I will not be able to do then what I can do today. However, an interesting study showed that we as organisms are changing considerably due to what we now have available along the lines of health, fitness, and wellbeing. The study stated that Olympians who competed in the late 1800’s, winning gold medals, would never come close to qualifying for the Olympics today. Change. Contrary to some belief systems, the church is not simply an institution. Several years ago, I referred to myself as the CEO of the church, which some congregants rather took offense to. Well, when you have to deal with budgets, building maintenance, plugged up toilets, leaky roofs, dead trees, and copying machines…. Yep…. Seems institutional to me. It becomes a rhythm of upkeep. Push that over against what “other churches are doing in your area/denomination”; simply adds the competition component to the mix. Let me just say…. That is NOT classified as holy work! However, if we switch our view of the church as being a LIVING ORGANISM, then that alters how we view change considerably. Creation, humans and animal life, plant forms, etc. has endured to this day via survival of the fittest. That is how/why we have super bugs resistant to antibiotics today. We as a church are very different from our early Anglican roots. Our early Anglican roots are worlds apart from what Jesus left with His disciples. In actuality, I don’t believe we have improved an iota’s worth on the original plan of

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action that Jesus laid out. Go out and make disciples of all nations. Go two by two and don’t take anything you don’t need. Rely on the kindness of strangers and be satisfied where you are. PARAMOUNT to this is the Greatest of all Commandments- THEY WILL KNOW YOU ARE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS BECAUSE YOU LOVE ONE ANOTHER! (How novel is that?!) In all actuality, I believe that the Holy Spirit is swinging the pendulum in the other direction. In a hurting world today, when people need TLC more so than they have ever needed it, they are not coming in droves to our churches. In fact the church is not even relevant, on the radar screen, nada! People don’t come to us for care… why?! Because they don’t know we are Christians because we fail to love. They don’t know us at all. This loving one another was not a SUGGESTION. It was a NEW COMMANDMENT. Most of us know what if feels to be in love. Of course we are not talking about Eros love. We are speaking of Agape love…. The love towards everyone. It is like approaching others with a greeting of Namaste`… may the sacred in me recognize the sacred in you. There is an element of respect and mutuality in that we are ALL sacred, ALL created by the Lover of our Souls, and therefore we need to respond to others with that same love. It doesn’t get any simpler or harder than that.

Our mission then, if we choose to accept it (and I would suggest that we do, otherwise we will have to answer to God for it) is to get out there and love others. Be examples of love to one another. Live by example. In everything you do, consider the thought that “if I do or say x,y,z…. will anyone know that I am a Christian?” If the answer is NO…. then cease and desist! At the bottom line, in a hate-filled world, people gravitate to love, compassion, and gentleness. It is the balm of Gilead for a sin sick world. (It is the concept that you attack more bees to honey than vinegar- Thank you Nana!)

Let’s get back to basics, placing our energies and interests in those who are not in our pews. (And yes, this is a BIG CHANGE!) How can we bring Christ to them? They are NOT COMING TO US! Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different end outcome. The insanity STOPS NOW! We are called to be with others, the strangers in our midst, the hurting world, via SERVANT MINISTRY. How will anyone know we are Christians? If we don’t care, no one else will either.

***And the "Easter Egg Test" Results are: In the last Lantern, I had a little test to see how many of you actually read the Lantern. I received an abysmal 4 eggs in the basket and two "email eggs" saying folks would like to see the Lantern continue. However, the Lantern will continue because it is the vehicle by which the Vestry minutes and financials will be posted. We hope to spruce up the Lantern in the coming months. So, watch what is to come! Of the four eggs, three had some interesting suggestions we may wish to consider for the future. More in the next Lantern.

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The Society of St. Simeon and St. Anna

On April 27, 2016, two of our congregants were received into the Society of St. Simeon and St. Anna. They are Toni Olgeaty and Ed Smith. For those who do not know about this Society, please read the description below. Both Toni and Ed are exemplary recipients of this honor. Congratulations and thank you so very much for your service to God and this community.

The Commission on Affirmative Aging of the Diocese of Southern Ohio sponsors the Society of St. Simeon and St. Anna which celebrates exemplary Christian ministry. The purpose is to recognize, honor, and celebrate the wisdom, experience, maturity, and achievements of older persons (60 and older) in the Diocese of Southern Ohio. • At least 15 years as Episcopalians • Lay or clergy • Faithfully ministered in family, community, church, nation, or world • Publicly acknowledge a positive image of the contributions of aging persons

Honorees are inducted into the Society of Saint Simeon and St. Anna. Like St. Simeon, they offer us the consolation of God through difficult times or when we begin to doubt. Like St. Anna, they inspire us to believe in a liberation that is always fresh and alive with new hope and new energy.

Criteria • Living examples of Christian witness, compassionate lives of faithfulness to the

gospel of Christ Jesus; the hope of the gospel for all persons in the diocese • Outstanding service to the church • Living community of prayer • Model for Christian living • Look to society for images of life that are lived in imitation of Christ

Congratulations to Toni Olgeaty and Ed Smith

who were inducted into the St. Simeon and St. Anna Society April 27, 2016 at Procter Camp and Conference Center.

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Duties • Pray for bishops and diocese • Advise bishops, Affirmative Aging Commission or others when asked • Encourage local parish/mission and other individuals to actively seek knowledge

and understanding of the realities of aging • Continue to present a positive image of aging • Share wisdom as all seek to grow in the stature of Christ

WARDENS’ WORDS Judy Brainard

In an effort to provide transparency to the vestry and its undertakings, Deb Snavely and I, your wardens, will hope to keep you informed as to decisions the vestry makes and our plans for the future. One or maybe both of us will contribute something each month. I chose to go first since Deb was lately vacationing in a Florida paradise, the Dunedin hospital, and she was unable to attend the last meeting. The vestry, in addition to making church decisions, will be undertaking various courses of study to enhance our presence in the community and the world. Ruth has picked out some books to further our knowledge of congregation building and community in Christ. In addition, several members of the vestry will be attending a seminar provided by the Diocese at Proctor on April 30th to learn how to attract new congregants and make better use of church facilities.

One of our recent decisions was the addition of votive candles and Holy Water Fonts to the church. These were donations made by parishioners because they had significance to their spiritual lives and they hoped it would be meaningful to others as well. These donations were sanctioned by the Rector and at two separate vestry meetings were approved by the vestry. If you do not agree with our decisions, we hope you will consider that someone else’s worship may be strengthened.

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Almost all of our vestry meetings are open to anyone. Very rarely do we have an executive session. You are free to attend, bring an issue up, or just sit and listen. The same applies to our commission meetings. I may not have the full list, but there is a Youth Commission, Worship Commission, Fellowship Commission and a Finance Commission. You are free to attend any one of these meetings and to aid you, we will be publicizing the dates on our monthly calendar and in the bulletin. They usually don’t meet on a regular basis, so watch for their dates.

Deb and I are always available to take your suggestions and comments. We would like you to consider this church your home and as a home should, provide you with comfort, support, fellowship and especially an appreciation of the fullness of Christ.


Toni Olgeaty

First, I want to thank all those who participated in, and those who attended our Holy Week Services last month. They all went very well, and Palm Sunday, and Easter were very special this year as well, all thanks to you.

Next, I want to mention that I am desperately low on volunteers as ushers. Please take a few moments to consider volunteering. I would welcome readers, as well. We are about to enter the Summer Vacation period. Many times I show up at church on Sunday, only to find out I am missing a reader, or an usher, or some other position necessary for our Sunday Service. I am not necessarily on the list of names to contact if you are planning a vacation. Please consider helping out. Choir members, during the summer, you might enjoy helping out while the choir is on break. Think about it.

Now, I want to tell you about a Facebook friend of mine (whom I have never met). She saw what appeared to her to be a homeless man at the counter in MacDonald’s trying to come up with $3 in change to pay for what amounted to very little to eat. She went to the front of the line, and put down a $20 bill and told the man to get everything he wanted to eat, and to keep the change. He asked with tears in eyes, if he could give her a hug. She said yes, of course, and just felt so wonderful for having helped him out. I quoted Ruth+ to her: Jesus said Feed the Lambs! Do you know the feeling she experienced? Do we “Feed the lambs?” Is there something we can and should be doing in our own lives? I say yes, but we don’t take the time to think about such things. I challenge you all to come up with some way in which you can help those who are very much in need of help. We are such a generous congregation, but what we need to consider is how we ourselves (one person) can “Feed the Lambs!”

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You are cordially invited (as always) to attend our Healing Services on Tuesdays at noon.

We are there every week, praying for all those in need, and the fate of our church and its members as well. JESUS DOES HEAR OUR PRAYERS, AND JESUS DOES ANSWER THEM! During the summer, here also, you will find us planning for vacations, etc. We need you to help us continue to pray for those in need of our prayers. Forty-five minutes of your time, during your lunch hour is all it takes.

So many things we used to do have disappeared due to lack of funding or interest. Don’t let our Healing Services be one of them. I am THE example of how important our prayers are. I do not believe I would be here today were it not for prayer. Others can tell you how prayer has healed them, or kept them from devastating circumstances. We all need prayer at some time in our lives. There are so many (numbers growing every day) who need help, who need hope. We can help them – family, friends, people we do not know. We can help them by praying for their healing, their safety, for guidance, wisdom, love and comfort. Please join us. We also have those that work covered. Come for prayers in the back of the church, during communion on Sundays. Someone will be there to anoint you with oil, and say a prayer for you and all those you hold dear. Don’t wait until you have nothing left but prayer. Join us now. So: Every Tuesday at 12:00 noon for a Celtic Service lasting about 45 minutes. Back of the church during Communion on Sunday mornings.

ECW – Episcopal Church Women Judy Brainard

The Taft Museum in Cincinnati will have an exhibit of the clothing seen on the TV

show Downton Abbey. It’s a little early to start planning an outing but we need to make sure we can get tickets to see this wonderful exhibit which will be at the Taft from July 2– September 25.

We have chosen 3 dates in July as possibilities to see this exhibit. They are Thursday, July 7, Friday, July 8, and Saturday, July 9. On the sign-up sheet, please indicate which dates you are available. If available on all three, please sign up on all three. We will then choose a date which has the majority of sign-ups. In order to get a group tour and rate, we will need 12 to sign up. The maximum on the group is 20 so there may be a waiting list. The group rate is $17. We will have carpools leaving the church at 10:30 or you can meet us there at noon. We will eat lunch in their lunchroom and then begin our tour. The time of the tour will be announced later.

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The weather cooperated and we had a great turnout for our spaghetti dinner held in April. We served up 100 servings of spaghetti to approximately 80 adults, 6 children and 2 under 3. We made $616.50 because of the volunteers who cooked, chopped, served, cleaned up, sold tickets, washed dishes, and donated nearly every ingredient as well as 2 baskets to raffle. The baskets netted us $105. If you were there, you have fond memories of Toni’s spaghetti sauces, Mary’s salad bar and delicious desserts provided by many parishioners. A special thanks to Matthew Officer who provided the breadsticks from his Fazoli’s restaurant in Huber Heights. Thanks to all who in any way contributed to the success of this night. Did I mention fellowship? Certainly was no shortage of that.

FELLOWSHIP Mary Donnellan

The young ones (called younguns in the South) are cooking! Yay! On May 22 we are having our end of year cookout! There are sign-up sheets in Christopher’s Corner. We need help providing meat and buns. Also, please bring a dish of your choice to go along with hamburgers and hot dogs. Salads, desserts, casseroles – your choice. But be sure to join us for this always fun and happy event. May’s Fifth Sunday Celebration will be international foods. Bring something from your heritage or any food you would like to bring. That will be May 29. Among several other books I enjoyed this month, I read two truly delightful ones. The first is A MAN CALLED OVE by Fredrick Backman. The first pages startle a bit and then the novel settles into a rhythm of events that are hilarious, poignant, and beautiful. I don’t want to give you too much information because I don’t want to spoil anything for you. Read A MAN CALLED OVE. The second book is US by David Nicholls. This is a story of a man, woman and their son that follows a journey so often lived by many of us. But this story is interesting because it is played out in many European locales and on by-ways of the heart that contain surprises, humor and familiar themes. Both books are very well written and worth your time. Mary Donnellan

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May Birthdays 2 Lee Charters 5 Brynn Denton 6 Evelyn Chikwendu 8 Buddy Schneider 9 Brandi Schneider 10 Nancy Kingsbury Bishop 12 Katie Denton 14 Susan Brainard 24 Alice Baldwin 24 Melody Bigi 24 Jacob Haberecht 25 Joshua Turner 31 Andrew Turner 31 Judy Baumgartner

May Anniversaries 26 Amy and Matt Kopp

We would like to include everyone in the celebration of Birthdays and Anniversaries. If we have “missed” your special days, please send your family’s dates for

birthdays and anniversaries to the office.

St. Christopher’s Prayer List For illness, healing: Carol, Betty, Pat, Toni, Daphne, Kathryn, Joann, Peggy, Betty, Caroline, Rob and Christie,

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Sunday Attendance

It is important that we are aware of how many people are in attendance on Sunday. So each month we show the attendance numbers. Remember, statistics indicate that to have a thriving and prosperous congregation, we need to shoot for 100 as the average Sunday attendance.

Sunday Attendance Jan Feb March April

1st Sunday 75 69 57 62 Ash Wed 41

2nd Sunday 53 61 48 57 3rd Sunday 70 58 72 58

Holy Week 35 Maundy Thur 34

Good Friday 18 4th Sunday 73 77 EASTER 144 66 5th Sunday 60 n/a n/a n/a

TOTAL 331 306 408 243

Recently there have been several occasions when lights were left on in the building – downstairs, in the rest rooms, the sanctuary, - just about anywhere. When you are leaving the building, please check the lights. – Just go ahead and turn them off. If someone else is still in the building and needs them, they can turn them back on as needed! THANKS! When leaving the building – please check the following: Lights are out – Men’s rest room upstairs needs to be to OFF. Auto doesn’t work. Outside doors are securely closed and locked Heat/air settings are set back to schedule. If you have been in the office, be sure to shut and lock the door.

There are Checklists available on the bulletin board that can be used when leaving the building, or when there are concerns about doors left unlocked, etc.

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St. Christopher’s Episcopal Church Fairborn, Ohio

Vestry Minutes March 20, 2016

Those present: The Rev. Ruth Paulus, Rick Incorvati, Judy Brainard, Amy Kopp, David Manship, Marilyn Power, Kathy Smith, Deb Snavely, Gail Stauffer, Andrea Haberecht; Excused Absence: Mel Bigi. The meeting was opened with a prayer by Ruth+ at 11:30am. The Minutes of the February 20, 2016 meeting were approved. (Motion: Brainard/Manship) Treasurer’s Report: The Treasurer’s reports were reviewed. Reports:

Facilities & Grounds: Deb reported that Dan patched the roof, hopefully it will resolve the leak into the kitchen. Greeters: Amy is redesigning the welcome packets, she asked that all info be reviewed to make sure it’s up-to-date. Outreach: Marilyn told the vestry that Fairborn has received a grant that will help provide a Vista volunteer to help coordinate a community center-like facility to help provide service for the needy.

Senior Warden:

Deb reported that Rosalie Arnold is sending a bulletin from the Episcopal church in Dunedin, Florida showing the worship service one parish uses monthly to bless donations for the needy.

Ed Smith is helping settle Nancy White’s estate. Her belongings will be stored, temporarily, in the church shed, until the Probate Court has acted. The church will receive compensation from the estate for storage. The youth group will help move the belongings and they will be compensated from the estate for their work. The funds the youth raise will help their summer mission trip expenses.

Deb requested an electronic file of the 2015 Annual Report be sent to her. Rector’s Report:

Ruth’s planned sabbatical is postponed until 2017. Rick Incorvati will be ordained June 11.

Old Business:

Repairs and maintenance to the boiler were $1000.00. A boiler inspector visited last week and found that an improper valve gasket is installed (a 50-pound gasket is where a 30-pound gasket should be) and it needs to be changed.

A motion (Snavely/Power) was made to send $50 to MVERN. It will be doubled by matching funds. The city of Fairborn is selling advertising space in their July 4 handbill. It was decided that the money would

be better spent elsewhere. New Business:

Holy Water Fonts were donated to St. Christopher’s by a parishioner and mounted on either side of the church entrance doors. Other parishioners were surprised, and some were disappointed, by their presence. There was discussion. Deb reminded the vestry that it is rector’s prerogative to approve (or not) any accouterments that may add to a parishioner’s spiritual life, and it is the vestry’s responsibility to be supportive of the rector’s decisions. The vestry was in agreement. Deb also suggested that if a similar situation happens again that an announcement be made telling the congregation of the gift, and teaching them about its use if they choose to use it.

Five Year Plan – parish leadership needs to be refocusing to envision where and what St. Christopher’s will be in our future.

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Other Business:

Deb asked that the traditional altar frontal made by Connie Klarer and the tall brass candlesticks be used more often. They will be used for the Easter season this year.

Andrea mentioned that a parishioner had asked about the Hays van that is parked next to the church. They felt if the van is not to be used then it should be sold so that the church does not have to pay for its upkeep and insurance. Ruth told the vestry the van is being used for youth group outings. Hayward is driving it and he has recently had some repairs made to the van at his own expense.

There being no other business, a motion was made (Snavely/Manship) to adjourn the meeting. Passed. The meeting was closed with a prayer led by Rick Incorvati at 12:40pm. Respectfully submitted, Andrea Haberecht Remember: Best Practices Conferences at Procter, April 30.

Note: the minutes printed in the Lantern are from the previous month, after they have been reviewed by Vestry

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A Gentle Reminder: When planning church activities, please check the calendar posted in the church office to avoid scheduling conflicts. And please post upcoming activities.

May 2016 Events and Announcements, Opportunities Sundays at 9:15 a.m. – Adult Forum: Life Together by Dietrich Bonhoeffer Sunday May 8 – St. Vincent’s Volunteers Sunday May 8 – Mother’s Day Thursday May 12 – 6:30 Youth Commission Meeting Sunday May 15 – Day of Pentecost Sunday May 15 – Discretionary Fund offering Sunday May 15 – ECW Used Book Sale Sunday May 15 – 11:30 Vestry Meeting. Friday May 20 – 6-10 p.m. Girl Scout Movie Night. Sunday May 22 – Trinity Sunday Sunday May 22 – St. Vincent’s Volunteers (next June 12) Sunday May 22 – The annual end of year Church Picnic/Potluck! Monday May 23 – Deadline for June 2016 Lantern articles and info. Monday May 23 – Fairborn Mayor’s Citizen Forum, Time: 7 p.m., Place: tbd. Sunday May 29 – May’s Fifth Sunday

Celebration will be international foods. Monday May 30 – Memorial Day Holiday – church office closed. Sunday School Schedule – 9:15 Adult Forum, and Sunday School for Third

Grade and up. – 10:00 a.m. Sunday School for Pre-K to Second Grade. Saint Clare’s Creature Comforts Needleworkers’ Group: Tuesdays, 10:00 a.m. Weekly Healing Service – Tuesdays at noon a Healing Service with Holy Communion

is held in the church proper. The service is open to anyone who wants to attend. Thursdays – 7:00 pm Choir Practice Check sign-up sheets – On the counter in Christopher’s Corner there are sign-up sheets for altar

flowers**, sanctuary candles, fellowship, St. Vincent’s, ECW activities, Prayer Chain, etc. OUTREACH –Remember Box Tops for Education. Please continue with donations for FISH, including

Bars of soap and other toiletry items, and Food items. And feed your change to our bank -- 2 cents a meal. Prayer Concerns: Please call or email Joyce D'Allessandris to activate the Prayer Chain.

e-mail: [email protected], phone: 254-0005. The May 2016 Lantern – will be online at

A printed copy is available upon request. We are still collecting used printer cartridges. They can be recycled at the office supply stores.

There is a plastic container in Christopher's corner for you to fill!!

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COMING Sunday May 22 End of year Picnic / Potluck

2016 Membership Directory The St. Christopher 2016 Membership Directory is now available. Please check by your name when you take a copy.

**Altar Flowers – Please consider signing up for Altar flowers. We have had many Sundays when no one has made a donation, and we have used previous funds given to cover the cost. When you do signup, be sure to pay for the flowers 2 weeks in advance so that we know that that Sunday is covered, and clearly mark your payment that it is for Altar flowers and the date of the Sunday. Tellers – please watch for the altar flower donations, and include that information on the notepad on the desk in the office.

Girl Scout Movie night! Scouts and non-scouts are welcome! Next: Friday May 20th. For $10, your child gets two movies, popcorn and punch

and you have four hours to yourself! RSVP to Andrea Wintrow!

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St. Christopher’s Episcopal Church May 2016 Fairborn, OH Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Sixth Sunday Easter

9:15 am Adult Forum, Sunday School 10 am Eucharist, Sunday School

6:30-8 GS mtg 30240

10 AM – St. Clare’s Creature Comforts

Noon Healing Service

5:30-7 GS mtg 32760 J. Green


7 Choir

New moon

8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Seventh Sunday Easter

Mother’s Day

9:15 am Adult Forum, Sunday School 10 am Eucharist, Sunday School

St. Vincent’s Volunteers

6:30-8 GS mtg 30240

10 AM – St. Clare’s Creature Comforts

Noon Healing Service

5:30-7 GS mtg 32760 J. Green

6:30 Youth Comm. Meeting

7 Choir

6:30-8:30 GS mtg 31280

15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Day of Pentecost

9:15 am Adult Forum, Sunday School 10 am Eucharist, Sunday School

Discretionary fund offering

ECW used book sale

11:30 Vestry mtg

6:30-8 GS mtg 30240

10 AM – St. Clare’s Creature Comforts

Noon Healing Service

5:30-7 GS mtg 32760 J. Green

7 Choir

6-10 GS Movie Night

8:30-noon Blood

Drive 2 p.m. Rosanne Brown Piano

Full moon

22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Trinity Sunday

9:15 am Adult Forum, Sunday School 10 am Eucharist, Sunday School

St. Vincent’s Volunteers End of Year PicnicPotluck

Lantern Input Deadline

6:30-8 GS mtg

30240 7-9 Fairborn Mayor’s

Citizen Forum

10 AM – St. Clare’s Creature Comforts

Noon Healing Service

5:30-7 GS mtg 32760 J. Green

7 Choir

6:30-8:30 GS mtg


29 30 31 Second Sunday after Pentecost Pr 4

9:15 am Adult Forum, Sunday School 10 am Eucharist, Sunday School

Fifth Sunday - International


Memorial Day

6:30-8 GS mtg 30240

10 AM – St. Clare’s Creature Comforts

Noon Healing Service

(937) 878-5614 1501 N Broad St., PO Box 1026, Fairborn OH 45324

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2016 MAY SCHEDULE 2016

Sixth Sunday Easter Seventh Sunday Easter Ascension Day of Pentecost TRINITY Sunday Second Sunday

after Pentecost May 1 May 8 May 15 May 22 May 29

Worship Leader Lauren Faller Rick Incorvati Tammy Elliott Toni Olgeaty Ron D’Allessandris

Chalice Bearer Cindy Feltz Toni Olgeaty Ed Smith Rick Incorvati James Lester

1st Reader


2nd Reader

Muriel Markley Acts 16:9-15

Rick Incorvati Revelation 21:10,

22 — 22:5

Judy Brainard Acts 16:16-34 Cindy Feltz

Revelation 22:12-14, 16-17, 20-21

Theresa Turner Genesis 11:1-9 Barry Kelley

Acts 2:1-21

Stan Nelson Proverbs 8:1-4, 22-31

Melody Kelley Romans 5:1-5

Debbie Snavely 1 Kings 18:20-29

Toni Olgeaty Galatians 1:1-12

Acolyte Kathy Smith Iyabo Eguaroje Rick Incorvati James Lester Ed Smith

Ushers Telesa and Hayward Learn

Iyabo Eguaroje James Lester

Eleanor and Becky Wood

Ann Foster Gordon Hermann

Telesa and Hayward Learn

Healing Prayers Rick Incorvati Joyce D’Allessandris Cindy Feltz Joyce D’Allessandris Toni Olgeaty

Greeters Judy Brainard Iyabo Eguaroje

Andrea and Alan Haberecht

Telesa Learn Gordon Hermann

Ron and Joyce D’Allessandris

Mary Donnellan Gordon Walbroehl

Altar Guild Eleanor and Becky Wood

Mel Bigi Judy Brainard

Betty Crichton Andrea Haberecht

Kathy Smith, Sierra Lester

Eleanor and Becky Wood

Tellers Rosalie Arnold Bob Bigi

Millie Roach Ed Smith

Cindy Manship Gordon Hermann

Deb Snavely John Stauffer Susan Brainard

Fellowship Lee Charters Pat Emanuel & Melissa

Kathy Smith. Conformation

End of Year Picnic/Potluck

Fifth Sunday International

PLEASE check the schedule and note your assignment(s). If you are not able to serve, notify the person responsible for that assignment and the office (878-5614).

Toni Olgeaty 864-5140 Worship Leaders, Chalicers, Lectors, Acolytes, Ushers Andrea Haberecht 546-1208 Coffee Hour/Fellowship Judy Brainard 879-3987 Greeters Deb Snavely 878-4054 Senior Warden Melody Bigi 878-4058 Altar Guild Melody Kelley (937) 372-6687 Director of Music Rosalie Arnold 878-5097 Tellers Ruth Paulus+ 878-5614 Prayer Requests

CHURCH OFFICE HOURS: 10 AM to 2 PM, Monday through Friday

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