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The Newsletter ofHendersonville

Presbyterian Church

October 2020VOLUME 35 NUMBER 10

Dear Hendersonville saints!Pericles once said, “What you leave behind is not what isengraved in stone monuments, but what is woven into thelives of others.” He was speaking about the desire withineach of us to leave a Legacy. Each of us desires to leave alegacy, and each of us has been impacted by the legacysomeone before us left. Sometimes we have been impactedby difficult legacies. Sometimes we have been impacted bylegacies that are blessings in our lives. But if push came toshove, I think that each of us would agree that we would hope to leave a positivelegacy which would bless and impact our loved ones as well as our church family forgenerations to come.Paul had the same desire. He had invested in so many relationships with youngerbelievers, that as he writes to Timothy, he is hoping to leave a Legacy which willimpact future generations of leaders. Paul is writing 2 Timothy from prison in Rome.He is on his last leg, and he knows that the end is near. Nero is about to unleash ahorrible persecution upon disciples of Jesus, and Paul is writing to share his lastwords with Timothy and the Church at Ephesus, which Paul loved so much.We are spending the fall studying 2 Timothy and looking at the truth of Legacy.During this series we will spend time celebrating the Legacy left to us by those whohave gone before us—Kirkin of the Tartans! We will celebrate and remember thosewhom we love who have joined the Church Triumphant this past year—All SaintsSunday! We will remember our heritage through the Protestant Reformation—Reformation Sunday! We will also look at the Legacy we are leaving even now. I willpersonally be excited to officially begin my Installed Ministry with you on October 25and will work hard to leave a Kingdom Legacy behind here at HPC!Leaving a Legacy is important, and as disciples of Jesus Christ, we have a hugeopportunity to impact the lives of the next generation for the Kingdom of God!I hope you will join us for this 10-week series called Legacy. I also hope you will joinus for some special worship experiences this Fall.Those are:

Kirkin of the Tartans – October 18 at 11:00 a.m.Reformation Day Celebration – October 24 & 25 at 5:00pm and 11:00amrespectively.My Installation Service – October 25 at 11:00 a.m.All Saint’s Day – November 1 at 11:00 a.m.

Yours in Christ,


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Session Highlights

UPDATEVolume 35 Number 10October 2020

The Newsletter ofHendersonvillePresbyterian ChurchPastorRev. Rob McClellandEditor:Brenda BradshawProduction:Church Office

Deadline for submissions is the21st of each month.


Deacon’s Meeting -Oct 12, 6 pmSession Meeting - Oct 19, 6:30 pm

The complete minutes of session meetings are posted on the SessionBulletin Board in the Fellowship Hall as soon as they are approved.

The stated Session meeting took place in the church fellowship hall at6:30 pm on Monday, September 21, 2020, moderated by Pastor Rob.The meeting was opened with prayer by Deacon Judy Van Wagoner.All Elders were present except for Marvin Thomason, who wasexcused. The minutes of the August 17, 2020 stated Session meetingand amended minutes of the June 28, 2020 Congregational meetingwere approved by consent. Written reports on the EPC GeneralAssembly meeting that was held by Zoom on September 17th and 18th,2020 were received.Bookkeeper Rick Stewart presented information about the benefits ofconverting to the new ACS Realm membership information, andfinancial and payroll system. The system was approved and will beenacted as soon as possible.Deacon Van Wagoner gave an oral report about the activities of theDeacons during the past month.The Session received and approved by consent the recommendationsof the September 4, 2020 meeting of the Church Re-opening TaskForce. The approved recommendations become official policy of HPCin response to the Covid-19 pandemic until conditions change.Carol Broyles, Mimi Jamieson and Marvin Thomason were elected tobe voting commissioners at the virtual EPC Mid-Atlantic Presbyterymeeting that will be held on Saturday, September 26, 2020 from 9:00am until 3:00 pm.There will be a called Session meeting to be held at 6:30 pm onMonday, October 5, 2020 for the purpose of reviewing the proposedchurch budget for 2021 and to call for a Congregational meeting tohear the report of the Officer Nominating Committee and vote on thenominees for Deacons and Elders for 2021.The Session approved paying the full September quarterlybenevolences because of the Lord’s graciousness and members’generosity in providing more than sufficient donations in the pastseveral months.The Session also approved sending several one-time gifts. A one-timegift of $1,000 will be sent to John Hever from the Missionary CareFund. A one-time gift of $500 will be sent to Missionary Joy in Europe.A one-time gift of $1,000 from DF 255A will be sent to theHendersonville Water and Sewer Department to help pay delinquentwater accounts.Baptisms were approved for Sam Morris, Julia Everson, KassandraEverson, and Elliana Everson. The Session also approved a requestfrom the CE Ministry to allow the church Youth Group to resumemeeting inside the church in the Youth Room rather than continuing tomeet outside the church.

— Louis Haynes, Clerk of Session

Deadline for the UPDATE is the21st of each month. If you haveinformation or articles for theNovember UPDATE, please getthem to us by October 21.You can leave written copy/photosin the Communications mailbox inthe Church office, or send elec-tronically to the church office ordirect to Brenda Bradshaw :

[email protected] for your cooperation!




Our Christian sympathyis extended to theurfamilies and friends.

Charlie ByrdSeptember 26, 2020

Judy HummerOctober 1, 2020

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A joyful group of family and friends gathered in the Garden to bear witness asSamuel James MorrisElliana Hope Everson

Kassandra Grace EversonJulia Christine Everson

confessed their faith in Jesus Christ and were baptized.This sacrament, as described in the EPC Book of Order, proclaims God’s forgiveness

and our redemption in Jesus Christ and marks us as adopted children of our heavenly Father.It indicates our engrafting into Christ, our rebirth, the remission of sins,

and our ability by the power of the Spirit to walk in newness of life.

God bless you, Sam, Elliana, Kassandra and Julia!

The Sacrament of BaptismHendersonville Presbyterian Church

Memorial GardenSaturday, September 26, 2020

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A tributeto

John LampleySeptembr 27, 2020

A series of colleagues andfriends took to the lectern tohonor John Lampley upon his retirement after 25 years of faithfulservice to HPC.The tribute began with the presentation of the colors by Scoutmembers and continued with words of thanks and shared storiesof John’s contribution over the years—including his willingness toshoulder whatever burden was placed upon him as a staff mem-ber; his administration of the Time and Talent program for manyyears, his original organization of the Stephen Ministry program atHPC and his role in making it such a strong component of ministryhere and, finally, his service to the youth of our church and to thecommunity at large through his selfless, lifelong involvement withthe Boy Scouts of America.Well done, John.

Our church supports StephenMinistry, a one-on-one confidentialministry provided by lay peoplewho are trained to support andextend the care that pastorsprovide.Since the beginning of his leader-ship at Hendersonville PresbyterianChurch, Pastor Rob has beenextending an invitation to ourmembers to meet with a StephenMinister in our parlor after ourservice. Pastors will always be onthe front lines of care, especiallyduring times of crisis. But there arealways many more needs for on-going, one-to-one care that pastorscannot meet by themselves.Our Stephen Ministry is God’sLove in Action! Could you benefitfrom the confidential one-on-onecare and support of a StephenMinister? Do you know someoneelse, perhaps a friend, neighbor,co-worker, or relative who couldbenefit from Stephen Ministry?You can meet with a StephenMinister after church, or haveregular visits when situationsrequire more extensive care.Our needs become apparent in allour lives at one time or another.There are times when we all needto share praises and concerns withfellow Christians in prayer. Thisopportunity is provided for each ofus on Sunday mornings followingour 11am service. A StephenMinister is available to help youreceive the help you need—andyou can receive that just bysharing your concernwith someonewho cares. If you feel this wouldbe of help to you, please answerthe call when Pastor Rob extendsthe invitation to visit with a StephenMinister in our church parlor afterthe 11:00 o’clock service. Or callthe church office and a StephenMinister will be in touch with you.

For several years, the Leadership Team has tossedaround the idea of switching to a calendar year instead ofour current September -June schedule. This would allowus to follow the church calendar.

With the uncertainty surrounding Covid-19, we have decided that this is agood time to make the switch. Instead of meeting monthly fromSeptember to June , we will meet monthly from March to December,beginning in 2021. We will end the year with a combined Christmas /A Time Apart celebration.In the meantime, we hope to schedule some informal activities or serviceprojects this Fall if it is safe to do so. Please stay tuned for furtherprogramming details.We look forward to the time when we can all come together and embraceeach other. In the meantime may we find ways to be the loving embraceof God to others around us.—The Women in Ministry Leadership Team

Women in Ministry Update

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We have three special worship opportunitiescelebrating our legacy planned for this fall . . .October 18, 11am - Kirkin’ O’ the TartansWe will hold a modified Kirkin’ with our plaid tartans displayed in thechoir loft. Guest bagpiper, Joe Bailey will play “Highland Cathedral,”“Amazing Grace,” and “Scotland the Brave.” The flags will be in astationary display in the choir loft, and the processional and recessionalwill include Piper Bailey, Pastor Rob McClelland, Beadle Bruce Hatfield,Kathleen Guice Reid carrying the USA tartan and Chuck Rouse sportinghis Morrison kilt carrying the District of Carolina Tartan.Guest soloist, Brian Tribby, will sing arrangements of Albert Hay Malotte’s“The Twenty-Third Psalm” and “The Lord’s Prayer” as well as “I CannotTell” to the tune of “Londonderry Air.” Since seating is limited, churchmembers with reservations will be seated first. The community mayview live stream.October 24 (5pm) and 25 (11am) Celebration of Reformation DayWe will celebrate the day Martin Luther is said to have posted his ninety-five Theses on the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg, Germany onOctober 31, 1517—later identified by protestants as the beginning of theReformation.October 25 is also the day that Pastor Rob McClelland will beinstalled as pastor of Hendersonville Presbyterian Church at the11:00am worship service.November 1, 11am - All Saints’ DayThis day of remembrance is sometimes called the Solemnity of AllSaints, honoring all the saints, known and unknown. At this service wewill read the names of those who have graduated from our Henderson-ville Presbyterian Church to the Church Triumphant since last October.After the reading of each of the names of our dearly departedcongregants, a bell will toll to honor their memory.It is good to celebrate our Christian heritage!



A message from Gayle

The tartan flags will remainin the choir loft for all three

of these celebrationSundays,

so that more membersand viewers may have theopportunity to join in the


1. Click on to the link on theweb page.

2. Fill out the form on theback of the attendancesheet on October 4 or 11.

3. Email or call the churchoffice


BlessedBlessedBlessedBlessedBlessed t t t t to be ao be ao be ao be ao be a Blessing. . . Blessing. . . Blessing. . . Blessing. . . Blessing. . .

We are so blessed to have suchwonderfully talented people sharetheir gifts with us during these tryingtimes.Thank you all so much!


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Creative Beginnings

Although this year has been a challenge, we stillwant to get the message of Jesus’ love to as manychildren as possible—Operation Christmas Childwill continue this year.Due to the loss of several fundraisers, financial

donations are needed more than ever to cover the cost of shipping theshoeboxes and the outreach classes for the children.Pennies for Shoeboxes will be collected at all services on November 15.Look for the big silver buckets at your normal point of entry into church.Please start saving your loose change each day, every bit helps. A Rummage sale will be held October 3 with the standard Covidprecautions taking place. Again, this year, our church is a regional collection center. Collectionweek is November 16–23. Sign up sheet will be outside of the churchoffice. Pack-a-Box Party will include church members only and will be donethree times. On Oct 31, boxes will be packed for 2–4 year-olds; Nov 7will be for 5–9 year-olds; and Nov 14 will be for 10–14 year olds. Bake sales will be held again on October 24 & 25 after church services.Items may be purchased under the portico and taken home toenjoy. Please do not consume them on chuch property. All baked goodswill be priced in even dollar amounts, so that it won’t be necessary tomake change. OCC shoe boxes are available for those who wish to pack their own.Look for them on Saturdays in Fellowship and on Sunday in the ElevatorLobby downstairs and in the Narthex upstairs. Your ongoing support is appreciated.

November will mark the 24thanniversary of Wyly “Gib”Campbell’s first day as a volunteerat IAM. Since 1996, Gib hasvolunteered in the pantry, been adriver for food pick-ups, worked asan Intake Facilitator and currentlyis back in the pantry as a volunteerduring Drive-Thru Tuesdays.Gib started at IAM as a matter ofcuriosity. “My church was con-tributing money to IAM and Iwanted to see what they were allabout. I volunteered with the intentof only staying a few months.Twenty-four years later, I’m stillhere,” he says with a laugh.Gib and his wife Nancy (who is aClothing Closet volunteer) live atCarolina Village and are membersat Hendersonville PresbyterianChurch. Gib attributes his longevityas an IAM Volunteer to two things.“I like that the staff really appre-ciates us as volunteers. And overthe course of many years I’ve seenhow much of difference IAMmakes in people’s lives.Thank you Gib … and thank you toall our volunteers that make IAMsuch valuable resource for somany here in Henderson County.And congratulations from yourchurch family, too!

Recognize anyoneyou know?

It’s Gib Campbell!Its hard to tell when we all wearmasks, but this is Gib. He washonored this month in the IAMNewsletter’s “Volunteer Spotlight.”Here’s what was written:


Creative News:School is in full swing! We are not able to have some ofour annual traditions, such as Day Apart at the AppleOrchards, or our Harvest Brunch, but we are starting newtraditions! We are using an application for smart devicesthat allows the teachers and parents to communicate and share picturesand videos of the children playing throughout the day. Parents are sograteful for Hendersonville Presbyterian Church for standing in the gapand providing education for their preschoolers during their “virtual”learning they are having to provide at home with oldersiblings! We are thrilled to see smiling faces, prayinghands, and running feet again. What a blessing it is toserve our community and see children learn about thelove of God.If you are available and would love to work with ourpreschoolers as a substitute teacher, please callMichele Revis at 828-708-3966 for more information.Deuteronomy 31:8 It is the Lord who goes before you.He will be with you; He will not leave your or forsakeyou. Do not fear or be dismayed.

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Children & Youth & Families

Student MinistryThe youth continue to hang out onSaturday afternoons at 4 pm to readthrough the book of Mark. We alsotry to hang out once a month out-side. We had an amazing time atthe Sherrill’s in September, eatinggood food, roasting marshmallows,and running around outside. Ournext gathering will be October 17.We will meet at a park at 1:30pm.

Happy Fall, everyone!The days and seasons seem to be flying by as we continue to livethrough a most interesting and challenging year. It is not just challengingfor adults but also for many of our youth and children, as they adjust tonew ways of interacting with people, going to school, and living life. May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust inhim, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the HolySpirit (Romans 5:13).Please pray this verse over our children and youth as they come to yourmind

Children’s MinistryThe children continue to meet viaZoom, on Saturday morning at9:00 am. We are studying the lifeof Jesus Christ and how Heimpacted the world. We arefollowing His ministry and will belearning about some of the thingsHe taught. As we go deeper, wehope to apply Jesus’ ministrymethods to our own lives andbecome kingdom movers.

... Jesus said, Suffer little children,and forbid them not, to comeunto me: for of such is the

kingdom of heaven.— Matthew 19:14 (KJV)

Save the date fora family camp out the

first weekend in November.Details to come.


King StreetContemporary Worship

Saturday, 5 pmFellowship Hall

Youth Sabbath SchoolSaturday, 4 pm

Traditional WorshipSunday 11 am

on the Sanctuaryor





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Joyce MasonLaura MorrisLarry JonesNorma Irvin, Ralph MitchellDoug DiRienzo, Justice GesslerPat NeueschwanderConner HovendonMary FranksElizabeth DeRidder, Jane MehergJoAnne ThomasRay PalmerClara Bayne,Susan HurannaLinda ColeCalvin ComptonJanet BrinerDan Demirgian, Jan Stewart

This month I am going to switchfrom telling you about new booksto new DVD studies in our library.Through the years our DVD libraryhas grown to an extensive array ofBible studies for small groups orindividual use. As your librarian,I am pleased to say most of thesestudies have been donated bygroups or individuals after theyhave been used, and this type ofgift is very much appreciated.So, I have three studies to tell youabout. First, Chip Ingram is apastor in California and is anauthor of fourteen books and alsoother DVD study material. Not thefirst in our library, this study iscalled “Holy Ambition.” From theback cover, he says, “In thispowerful series you will learn howGod uses ordinary people to doextraordinary things, and theprocess by which He molds menand women for His purposes. Itbegins with the Holy Spirit workingfirst in you and then though you.”No study book is included, joinChip and embark on this journeyof Holy Ambition.Secondly, a book and Study Guideby popular Christian writer, MaxLucado, is titled How HappinessHappens. Although the world canbe a disappointing place, we canbe God’s representatives to bringabout a cascade of kindness!While we cannot solve everyproblem, we can bring smiles toa few faces and in this way, wemight even initiate a quietrevolution of joy. Please checkthis study out!And the last recommendation Ihave for you is called The Story ofHeaven by Max Lucado andRandy Frazee, and has a studyguide included. This is a threeweek exploration into the hopeand promise of heaven. This studywill provide you the opportunity to

Thank you for all the cards,emails and messages I havereceived during my recentsurgery.I am doing very well. Iappreciate you all so much!Thanks again!Rená Johnson

Thanks for all your prayers,while I was in Mission Hospital.I can answer the phone, but Icannot see well enough tomake a call. Still need prayersto restore my vision. Please note the change to myemail address: [email protected] and thanks to all mychurch family,Marilyn Haynes

But the fruit of the Spirit islove, joy, peace,

patience, kindness, goodness,faithfulness, gentleness and

self-control.Against such things

there is no law.— Gal 5:22-23 (NIV)

learn and apply Biblical teachingabout heaven to your everyday life.Your eyes will be opened to what isbeyond the glorious finale of God’smasterfully told story of life here onearth. Discover the heart of God’sStory and the joy that comes asyou align your story with God’s.

—Sara Emel

Library News–Continued THANK YOU NOTES

We are blessed to be a blessing!

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Hospital Visitation Schedule

Oct 04 Judy Van Wagoner 697-5963Oct 11 Scott Perry 696-5764Oct 18 Linda Ander 707-8205Oct 25 Donna Dalton 674-0335

Thanks to all involved in hospital visitation


INTERFAITH ASSISTANCEMINISTRY (IAM) helps citizensof Henderson County who arein financial need.The IAM pantry focus forOctober is canned sweet potatoes& green beans, stuffing mix, gravy,cake/pie mixes, coffee (singleserving bags or individua one-potsizes, canned tuna and chicken, fruitjuice, peanut butter, spaghetti sauce.Other foods and personal careitems are always welcome.Clothing needs: Athletic shoes-allsizes, new underwer and socks-allsizes, kids winter coars, kids jeans,kids masks.You can leave your donations atthe church.

Let’s show our love toour shut-ins

with cards, prayersand visits.

* At HomeSee Church Directory

* Ray and Beverly Barstow* Don Bentzen* Geri Sorrell

* Ardie Steven

Beverly DavidsonMountain Home

Health and RehabEverett Lamb

Carolina Villag Med CenterRoom 112

Rosie PardueWesley Court Assisted Living

916 Wesley CourtBoiling Springs, SC 29316

Irene SolbakkenCarolina Reserve

Frank AhernJean AustinRay and BeverlyBarstowJeanie BeinertMary BenoitDon BentzenCarol BroylesLloyd and Sharon CandellTeresa ComptonDeanna CrawfordNadine DillonJauhneil DurhamNancy EnglandJim FinchMarilyn HaynesPeggy Finch-HyattLynne HemenwayEd and Barbara HendersonCahrlie HorneBob HollisEverett LambRobert MennellaNancy PayneBobbie and Dave RadcliffeJoanne RadmanEd SmithIrene SolbakkenGeri SorrellLinda StephensLarry Stepp, SrDave StewartBob and Becky ThrowerJack TownsendSarah WalrathHeidi WeickerPaul WeinertMildred WzorekMary Fran ZarmerCarol Adam’s Niece TammyJan Alford’s brother JakeRick Austin’s mother

And All Those in Military ServiceThe Matthews’ son Nick and wife Alaura in South Carolina; their sonPete and wife Laura in Arizona, and their son Sam in Virginia; and

John Woodham’s son Tee

Clara Baynes mother-in-lawGil & Carol Broyles grand-daughter Kristen and Jeff

Dana Conlon’s grandson KalebDonna Dalton’s grandson RyanLen and Ruth Dykstra’sgreat-grandson Hudson

Marilyn Frenier’s niece LeslieKathy Gagnon’s brother-in-law

Russell and wife CarolKathy Haynes’ niece’s husbandChristian

Bob and Linda Hollis’ son ScottEva House’s daughter’s in-laws,Richard & Mary Wolfe

Eva House’s cousin RobinEva House’s friends:Evelyn Douglas, June Beddingfield,Becky Knapp, The Hollers, Ray &Christie Strickland

Ben and Willie Johnson’s grand-daughter Kathryn

Nancy Lindsay’s mother PatLarry and Caryl Mobley’s neighborWayne Ockovic

Betty Muller’s granddaughterChelsey Mossberg

Fran Ohlsen’s husband MiltonNancy Payne’s son ChrisPeggy Richardson’s friends Roger& Brenda Peters

Dale & Anita Rozell’s son-in-lawDanny

Ed Smith’s daughter Kimberly DayLynette Stark’s mother and fatherand friend’s mother Gloria

Linda Stephen’s family friend’sbaby Hudson

Bette Lee Taylor’s friend Barbara’sdaughter Carolyn

Charles Young’s mom Joan

For prayer chainconcerns, please call:Tanya Jones at 692-8678 orthe church office.

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Another month has passed, and we look forward to serving ourchurch members in as many ways as possible.Don’t be afraid to call us to do things which may be too risky ordifficult for you to do. Remember we love you all!This month we were requested to paint Pastor Rob’s office. Withinless than a week we mobilized five members to help. The job tookthree days and was done by Grant Sitler, Doug DiRienzo, LarryMobley, Scott Perry, and Dick House. It was organized by RoyHathaway.and supervised by Ralph Mitchell.A grateful thank you to all who helped.What can we do for you?Contact Roy Hathaway at 828 676-8788 to ask for service.

These two funds were establishedin September 2013 to replace theno longer available, long-standingLovett Fund. The only source ofmonies now for missionary trans-portation costs for Table Talks or topreach; shortfalls; or special needsnot covered by the church’s annualBenevolence support, is from theMissionary Care Designated Fund.When Henderson County organi-zations our church supportsthrough Local Missions are in needof extra monies for their support,the only source is the Local Mis-sions Designated Fund.This is a reminder that, should youwant to give to either of theseaccounts, please write your checkto the church and on the bottomstate either “For Missionary CareDF” or “For Local Missions DF.”Both committees thank you.

Designated Fundfor Missionary Careand Local Missions

The Great CommissionAfter His resurrection Jesuscommanded his disciples asrecorded in Matthew 28:18-20:

And Jesus came and said tothem, “All authority in heavenand on earth has been given tome. Go therefore and makedisciples of all nations, baptizingthem in the name of the Fatherand of the Son and of the HolySpirit, teaching them to observeall that I have commanded you.And behold, I am with youalways, to the end of the age.”


Please save your coins and bring them to church on the weekendof November 14-15 to deposit in the containers provided.The cost of shipping one box has increase significntly over the pstfew years and, because of the generosity of our church family, wehave many, many boxes to ship.If we collect all the boxes we expectto this year, our costs will exceed$10,000.This is not a budgeted cost. We havebeen able to generate what wasneeded in previous years through ourvarious fund raisers, including theBazaar and Teacup Raffle, which wewere unable to do this fall beause ofthe Covid crisis. Due to your support,we have made great headway—but we’ve still got a long way to go.So, don’t forget to bring those pennies. And, oh yes, those nickels,dimes and quarters too. Bills and checks are also quite welcomed!Many, many thanks!

Fix - ItFriends

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Coming from Asheville, NC., Rev. Phillip Baronhas spent most of his ministry outside ofAmerica. He began in the Philippines workingfor Campus Crusade for Christ (now CRU ) inthe 1980s, and partnered with us in 1985. Bythen he had married Rachel also a CRU worker,(now deceased) ,and both worked oncampuses across the Philippines.Their next assignment expanded their area toinclude all of Southeast Asia. During this time they mentored andcoached CRU staff and built up a large cadre of young believersfocused on spreading the message of Christ.In 2011 Rachel developed a Southeast Asia-wide summer project called“Hybrid.” Over the course of two weeks students opened up campusesin countries that had no existing ministry. This project evolved and madeHybrid an integral part of CRU’s ministry.In 2013 following a furlough in the US, they returned to Manila. Phillipjoined the CRU Global Campus Team with an expanded worldwideterritory. He was training the staff in the “Catalytic Strategy” which wasto be used on all campuses. This strategy’s focus is expansion byusing one staff member to work with students from many differentuniversities. This has evolved into small teams springing up on manywide-spread campuses.In 2016, as part of the Global Campus Team, Phillip and Rachel weregoing all across the world working with team leaders. Because theteam’s headquarters was in the US, they moved to Charlotte, NC wheremost of their children lived.In 2017 on a return trip from North Africa, Rachel followed up on somemedical complaints that had been bothering her, which led to a diagnosisof colon cancer. She went to be with the Lord in September 2019.During her ministry Rachel raised up hundreds of disciples who honorher legacy by pursuing their calling in all aspects of ministry in all partsof the globe. Another aspect of her ministry was seen in the depth oftraining that the staff was given. Rachel was usually the organizerof the many training sessions around the world.Since the death of his wife, Phillip has spent much more time withfamily, has become an Elder in his local church, and continues toconduct world-wide virtual training sessions for CRU.

JOY DOSSETT, EUROPE:“It is amazing how I am in myapartment, but I am doing myministry helping women in othercountries by praying on my phoneand on-line. While COVID isclosing down in some ways it isopening up in others. Good iscoming out of it. In this noisy darkworld God opens doors. Godspeaks. God heals.”

DR. DENGTHUAMA, MYAMAR:“There is no on-line churchworship due to unavailableinternet. We admitted 30 newstudents at our Seminary last June20, but cannot begin teachingclass due to government orders. Ihave on-line teaching class forfinal year students only and amwriting a student textbook.”

MINDY HENSON, UKRAINE:“We conducted our children’scamp in late-August, even duringthese challenging times ofquarantine restrictions. Theylearned about Jesus through theiradventures in the land of Narnia.In September I took clothes,coffee, tea and cookies to achaplain for the military in easternUkraine.

A look at how three ofour missionaries are

ministering underCOVID-19


Audio CDs of the Sunday morningworship services, and Table Talkprograms will be delivered or mailedto those unable to watch the serviceslive. Please call the church office at692-3211 to request copies.



“I will lift up my eyes unto the hills,from whence comes my strength.”

—Psalms 121:1

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Hendersonville, NCPermit No. 16

Hendersonville Presbyterian Church699 North Grove StreetHendersonville, NC 28792-3729Tel: 828 692-3211Fax: 828 692-6872e-mail: [email protected]



The Logos Hope left its 2½ month stay in Curacaoand sailed on to the Bahamas. David and the crewarrived in Freeport, Bahamas on September 10. Theentire crew remained quarantined on the ship, whilethe final inspection requirements were completed.Finally, on September 18, after 8 months ofpaperwork, and 4 relocations to different port cities,always anxiously awaiting quarantined certificationinspectorsthe the final inspection requirements werecompleted! God answered many prayers!Many have been asking when David will return home.His 2-year term has been extended. He felt God tel-ling him to remain on the ship a while longer, so hehas asked to stay for at least 5 more months. He willcontinue as the ship welder and hopefully soon re-engage in one-in-one ministry as the COVIDrestrictions lift.Tentative plans are for the ship to remain in Freeportthrough September 25. They are awaiting the arrival ofa container of supplies from the States and approval tosail to Nassau, Bahamas, where they will pick up theremaining new recruits. Plans are being made for reliefassistance ministry in the Abaco Islands. Please keepthis in your prayers.

Also pray for the planning of the “pre-ship” training ofnew crewmembers that ordinarily takes place at an off-site location but is now taking place aboard ship. Alsopray for the crew to have a renewed sense of God’sblessings and encouragement as they navigate thesecontinual changes and patiently endure the wait-and-see plans.David is so appreciative of the faithful prayers andfinancial support you have given him over this 2-yearterm. If you wish to support David for this extendedperiod, you may give to HPC, designating the gift togo to David Demirgian. Thank you for partnering withhim to share the love and hope of Jesus Christ.


as of Sept. 22, 2020

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