

The O’Farrell Charter School Middle School Academy

6th-8th Grade

Mrs. Jill Andersen Principal

6130 Skyline Drive San Diego, CA 92114

(619) 263-3009 Fax (619) 263-4339

Name___________________________ Grade Level______ Homebase Teacher______________________


Table of Contents

Topic Page Number Mission Statement 3 Homebase Teacher 3 Leadership/Administration 3 Bell Schedule 4 Exhibitions 4 Family Support Services 4 The Falcon Way 4 8th Grade Promotion Activities 5 Community Service 6 Student Policies 7-14 Retention 14 Morning Security 15 Library 15 After School Support 15 Health Office 15 Gum/Candy 16 Uniform Policy 17


The O’Farrell Charter School

Mission Statement The O’Farrell Charter School is a community-oriented institution dedicated to fostering high academic standards, ensuring emotional and social growth, and maintaining a safe and secure learning environment for all its students. The O’Farrell Charter School’s academic and extracurricular programs draw on the sustained efforts of motivated students, a talented and well-prepared faculty, and the ongoing commitment of supportive parents or guardians- all committed to the Falcon way-such that all students are empowered to become critical learners and thinkers and responsible, contributing citizens. The O’Farrell Charter School provides a multi-cultural, linguistically and racially diverse learning environment in which students experience educational equity and are encouraged to celebrate their own individuality. Each year, all students are expected to have acquired the fundamental tools and skills needed to move seamlessly onto the next grade level. The Homebase Teacher Homebase teachers serve as the primary source of support for students. They are the main link between home and school. The homebase teacher contacts parents, conducts conferences, maintains student records and portfolios and works with other teachers and staff to ensure student success. The homebase teacher is the primary advocate and advisor for the student. Leadership/Administration Each grade level has a grade level team leader to oversee the grade level student body. The team leader works with homebase teachers to handle all major discipline issues. The team leader is also the point of contact for parents for any major concerns. All concerns should first be discussed with the homebase teacher. 6th Mrs. Pamela Barry 7th Grade-Ms. Ashley Bergman 8th Grade- Mrs. Susan Cuttitta The Principal is available to assist in the event that team leader is not available or not able to address a concern/issue. Middle School Academy Principal: Mrs. Jill Andersen


Middle School Academy Bell Schedule

Period Regular Day Modified Day (Wednesdays)

Breakfast 7:00 am - 7:25 am 7:00 am - 7:25 am 0 6:45 am - 7:25 am 6:45 am - 7:25 am 1 7:30 am - 7:50 am 7:30 am – 7:50 am 2 7:55 am - 9:00 am 7:55 am – 8:45 am 3 9:05 am - 10:10 am 8:50 am - 9:40 am 4 10:15 am - 11:20 am 9:45 am – 10:35 am

Skills/Lunch 11:25 am - 11:55 am N/A Lunch/Skills 12:00 pm - 12:30 pm N/A

7 12:35 pm - 1:40 pm 10:40 am – 11:30 am 8 1:45 pm – 2:55 pm 11:35 am – 12:25 pm

Portfolio Exhibition O’Farrell students at all grade levels must present a portfolio of work to a panel of peers, teachers, parents and possibly community members. Students are to provide evidence that they are prepared to move on to the next grade level. All 8th grade students must earn a passing grade on their exhibition in order to be eligible for promotion activities. Family Support Services Family Support Services (FSS) provides social and emotional services to students and families in need. The available services include, but are not limited to:

Crisis Intervention Individual and Family Counseling After-School Programs Thrift Store Food Programs (emergency/holiday) Community Agency referrals Gang Prevention activities Childcare Information Domestic Problems assistance Medical and/or Mental Healthcare

Information The Falcon Way Preamble: “I have the power to create a great life for myself. My character is demonstrated through high personal and academic standards. I always behave in a way that brings me closer to my goals of success in high school, college and life. I respect the cultural differences in my school community. I follow the rules to keep my community safe and strong. To achieve my goals, I will follow the FALCON Way of Focus, Attitude, Leadership, Citizenship, Organization and Non-Violence.


8th Grade Promotion Activities The Eighth Grade Promotion activities (rehearsal, party and ceremony) are a celebration and recognition of students who have worked hard to accomplish their academic and citizenship goals in order to show readiness for high school. In order to participate, all criteria below must be met by the special progress report day of May 25, 2017 Promotion Participation Criteria:

1. Grades - Students must earn passing grades in all classes. Students who must take Summer School courses to be promoted to the ninth grade are NOT ELIGIBLE to participate in the June ceremony. IEP students must meet or surpass their goals in order to participate.

2. Behavior - Students must receive a grade of satisfactory (S or higher) in the FALCON

Way (citizenship) in all classes by two weeks before the end of school. Students may appeal their case by submitting a written letter to the team leader no later than June 1, 2017 at 3:00 p.m.*

3. No suspensions - Students must not be suspended in the last 6 weeks of school. Students may appeal their case by submitting a written letter to the team leader no later than June 1, 2017 at 3:00 p.m.*

4. Attendance - Students may not have more than 30 absences (including suspensions) for the entire school year. An absence is being off campus for any part of a school day. Independent Study Contracts or Long-term health problems are the exceptions.

5. Non-Violence - Students must not engage in fighting for the entire school year. Students

may appeal their case by submitting a written letter to the team leader by 3:00pm the day the student returns from suspension.*

6. Exhibition - Students must earn a passing grade on their exhibition. Exhibitions take

place on May 25 and June 1.

7. Community Service - Students must earn 12 hours of community service: 4 hours at school, 4 at home, and 4 in the community.

8. No Library Fines or Books Owed - Students must clear any fines and return textbooks.

* Appeal letters must be signed by parents and explain why an exception should be

made in this case.


By volunteering, you have the chance to make a difference in your community that will benefit people you care about. The generosity with your time that you give will provide valuable services, and allow for extra resources to be directed towards other projects. If you take a moment to think about why volunteer work looks good on the resume, you’ll realize that engaging community service says a lot about you as a citizen. Volunteer work isn’t just about how it looks on paper, but more about what you can give and gain from this experience. All middle school students are required to complete a minimum of 12 hours of community service, four hours at home, four hours in the community and four hours at school. Here are some suggested activities:


Home School Community • Clean up around house • Do another family member’s

chore when needed • Prepare and serve a meal • Read to younger brother or

sister • Take care of younger siblings • Help take care of elderly family


• Participate in fund raisers • Help out at after school

functions like dances • Turn in uniforms or PE clothes

that you have outgrown • Ask your teacher if they need

help: -Run errands -Clean the classroom -Volunteer to help other

students • Offer to help in the office or

library after school • Donate items for your HB’s

emergency kit • Pick up trash around campus

• Bring in donations for our annual food drive

• Adopt-A-Family in December with your homebase

• Volunteer to help a neighbor (one you know, of course)with yard work

• Pick up trash in the community • Help out at church • Help out in your clubs or sports

teams • Participate in school sponsored

service events


O’Farrell Student Policies Charter School Contract Agreement All students and their parent/guardian must sign the Charter School Agreement upon enrollment. This agreement states the following:

• Compliance with the Uniform Policy. Students will be considered for suspension on the sixth violation of the uniform policy and continue to be suspended for one day for each additional dress code violation thereafter.

• Appropriate behavior with 10 days or less of suspension or independent learning days per school year. Students will be considered for expulsion on the tenth day of suspension/independent learning day for any infraction.

Inappropriate Behaviors and Consequences The Falcon Way is to be followed at all times. Any instance of inappropriate behavior will be reported to the homebase teacher. The homebase teacher will consult with students, teachers, administrators and parents as needed.

Progressive Discipline Classroom Consequences:

1. Verbal Warning 2. Classroom Consequence with Resolution Sheet (assigned in individual classrooms) 3. Referral

Every day a student is given two chances. The first a warning, second a consequence and the third strike will result in a referral that becomes a progressive discipline consequence.

Progress Discipline Consequences—Each referral moves a student to the next level of consequences. 1. Detention and phone call home 2. Lunch Detention and phone call home 3. 30 minute Friday Night School and phone call home 4. Alternate Class Placement (ISS) followed by a parent conference

1. Includes a written reflection 5. 60 minute Friday Night School and phone call home 6. Parent Shadow or Saturday Suspension (FSS Notification) 7. Four Days of Lunch Detention 8. Independent Learning Day/Formal Suspension determined by the Team Leader and


Some behaviors may require a more severe consequence, bypassing progressive discipline steps. This will be determined by grade level Team Leader and the Academy Principal.


Students who go 10 school days without a referral will move back down to the 1st step in the progressive discipline consequence levels. Peace Weeks

Students may earn rewards by grade level for having weeks where all student practice non-violence. For each one-week of non-violence (no fights), students will earn a jeans day. After four weeks of non-violence, students will earn a free dress day. Review the requirements below each you time your grade level earns this reward to ensure you are dressed properly: Jeans Day

Congratulations on earning a jeans day!! Rules:

• Denim blue, black or gray colored jean material • Writings or logos cannot be more than 50% green, blue, or red • No inappropriate writing or logos of any kind. This includes ANY

gang or drug references. You cannot wear “SD,” “San Diego,” or “Calvin Klein.”

• Long jean pants, jean shorts or jean skirts. • Not too baggy, cannot exceed two pants sizes • Jeans may not have any tears or rips in them. • Skinny jeans are fine as long as they are not skin tight. Skin tight means they are tight

around the thigh, knee, and calf. • Students must still wear the regular uniform shirt/jacket with the shirt tucked in and the

regular uniform belt and shoes.

NOTE: Bring your regular school uniform pants just in case you are asked to change back into your O’Farrell uniform


Free Dress Day .

Congratulations on earning a free dress day! We are so proud of you and your efforts. We want you to enjoy your reward but we also want you to be safe and look your best. Please follow these guidelines when preparing your outfit. Your outfit will be checked at the entrance gate and by your teachers. Color Requirements: Your ENTIRE outfit cannot be more than 50% red, blue or green. If you wear a red shirt, do not wear red pants. If you wear green pants, do not wear a green shirt. A solid red/blue/green shirt is fine, as long as you wear different color pants and shoes.

Gang association is not allowed. The school will determine if an outfit appears to be gang related. Remember, students have earned this non-uniform day as a privilege. Problems arising from not being in uniform will result in disciplinary action for the students involved. We have tried to make adjustments to make this day as great as possible. Make this a safe, fun day!


• Your shirts cannot have inappropriate writing of any kind. This includes ANY gang or

drug references. You cannot wear “SD,” “San Diego,” or “Calvin Klein.” • No inappropriate logos that display drugs or alcohol.

• Shirts cannot be revealing, see-through, low-cut or show your midriff.

• Your shirts must have sleeves. No tank or halter tops. Undergarments may not show.

• If you wear a sweatshirt with a hood, remember you may not wear the hood on campus.


• Pants must be the appropriate length, and cannot be baggy or skin tight. Leggings may not

be worn on their own. If leggings are worn under a skirt, the skirt must be the appropriate uniform length.

• Your pants/shorts cannot have inappropriate writing or logos of any kind. This includes ANY gang or drug references. You cannot wear “SD,” “San Diego,” or “Calvin Klein.”

• No sweatpants, joggers, leggings or pajamas pants.

• Jeans may not have ANY rips or tears in them.

Shoes and Socks

• Shoes must be closed toed shoes. No sandals or house shoes/slippers.

• Any color is acceptable. Y our entire outfit cannot be more than 50% red, blue or green.


• No hats, sunglasses or bandanas.


College Shirt Day

College shirt day will take place the last Friday of each month.

Show your college pride by wearing:

• Any shirt, sweatshirt or jacket that is college/university related • Items may be any color, as long as they have a college/university logo or name • Sports jerseys are not allowed • Items may have a hood, you just cannot wear the hood on campus • Regular uniform pants, shoes, etc. must be worn • Items must have school appropriate logos, sayings, pictures, etc. • Shirts do not have to be tucked in

Students must bring their uniform shirt in their backpacks in the event they need to change back into uniform. Pink Shirt Day In honor of our Anti-Bullying culture on campus, we will have several days throughout the year designated as Pink Shirt Days. Review your student calendar for this year’s pink shirt days. On these days, students may wear:

• Pink shirts, jackets, sweatshirts (the article of clothing does not have to be 100% pink, but must be majority pink…we need to be able to tell you tried!)

• Pink accessories-jewelry and hair • Uniform pants, shoes and belt must still be worn as normal


Inappropriate Items

O’Farrell students are committed to making a great life for themselves by remaining focused on their studies during the school day. Students are not permitted to have items at school that distract from this goal. The FALCON Way states, “I never bring materials to school that may interfere with my learning & my cell phone is turned off during school hours.” Inappropriate items include: pictures, toys, electronics, excess cash, cell phones that are turned on, gum/candy and any other items as determined by a school official. For all offenses, the item will be confiscated and given to the Homebase teacher. 1. First offense – Student can collect Item at the end of the day.

Phone call home 2. Second offense –

Parents must come to school to pick up the item. Detention & phone call home

3. Third offense –

Parents must come to school to pick up the item. Lunch Detention & phone call home

4. Fourth offense –

Parents must come to school to pick up the item. 30 minute Friday Night School & phone call home

5. Fifth offense –

Parents must come to school to pick up the item. Alternate Class Placement & parent conference

6. Sixth offense – Parents must come to school to pick up the item. 60 minutes Friday Night School & phone call home

7. Seventh offense –

Parents must come to school to pick up the item. Parent Shadow or Saturday Suspension & phone call home

8. Eighth offense –

Parents must come to school to pick up the item. Four Days of Lunch Detention & phone call home

9. Ninth offense –

Parents must come to school to pick up the item. Independent Learning Day or Formal Suspension


Recording/Cell Phone Policy NO recording using cell phone or other device. Students are not allowed to take pictures or record in the classroom without the permission of the teacher. Any student who violates this will receive a school consequence. In addition, this is a misdemeanor. (Ed Code 51512) Cell Phones Students are not permitted to use cell phones during school hours. Cell phones must be turned off. They cannot be on silent or vibrate but must be off. Parents may get a hold of students by calling the school office. Staff will confiscate cell phones from students if they are seen or heard in class, during passing period, at lunch—any time before students are walked off campus at the end of the day. The school recommends students do not bring cell phones to school; the school is not responsible for lost or stolen cell phones. Safety All students are to be dropped off and picked up on 61st Street or Skyline Drive; please do not drop students off in the parking lot-this is a safety hazard for students on the sidewalk. Students walking to and from school must use the crosswalks and obey traffic signals. The back gate (facing 61st Street) is reserved for elementary student entry only. Middle school students enter through the main entrance, near the O’Farrell office. High school students enter through the gate near the high school hill, down by FSS, Room 120. Falcon Day Policy School activity days called Falcon Days are held several times throughout the year. Students will be eligible to attend if they have not been suspended during the six weeks prior to the dance, and if they have been following the FALCON Way, as determined by the Homebase teacher. All discipline codes and uniform rules are in effect. Staff members have full authority to admit, refuse, or dismiss any students. Sexual Harassment Sexual harassment can be such actions as and verbal or visual unwelcome sexual advances, request for sexual favors, or physical conduct of a sexual nature by someone from or within the educational setting. The school prohibits any conduct having a negative impact on the student’s academic performance as well as any behavior creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive environment. It is important to report any act of sexual harassment to the homebase teacher. Attendance Policy Regular attendance is expected of all students. It is the key to a student’s success. Absence for any reason is to be reported to the attendance office on the first day of the absence. If parent


contact is not made within three days the student will be unexcused. Students will be released from school only to persons with valid ID, who are listed on their enrollment card. If a student needs to leave school early, the attendance office must be notified in person, or by phone by the parent/guardian and a “blue slip” will be issued. Independent Contracts-If a student will be absent for one or more days, the parent/guardian should request an independent contract. This will allow the student to receive work for the missed class time and receive “credit” for their attendance, rather than their record showing an absence. Please call the O’Farrell attendance office for more information. If a student is absent more than five days in a row, without contact from the parent/guardian, the student is at risk for disenrollment. Students absent more than 30 days throughout the school year will be retained at their current grade level. An absence is not being present for part or all of any school day.

Tardy Policy Students arriving to school during the Homebase class should report straight to Homebase. When they arrive to class they will follow tardy procedures. This will involve filling in the tardy chart and making a phone call to notify a parent or guardian about their consequence. If it involves an after school detention, the teacher will briefly speak with the parent to verify the consequence: 1st Tardy-Phone call home and Warning 2nd Tardy-Phone call home and Detention 3rd Tardy-Phone call home and Lunch Detention 4th Tardy-Phone call home and 30 minute Friday Night School 5th Tardy-Parent Conference and Alternate Class Placement & Parent Conference 6th Tardy-Phone call home and 60 minute Friday Night School 7th Tardy-Parent Shadow or Saturday Suspension 8th Tardy-4 Days of Lunch Detention 9th Tardy-Saturday Suspension Students arriving to school after Homebase must report to the attendance office to check in. Once they receive an admit slip, they must go directly to their Homebase teacher. After following the procedures above, and calling home, they will be given a pass to their proper class. The tardy consequences will reset when students go 10 days without a tardy. Truancy Students who are truant (ditching) will be assigned a minimum of one day of Saturday Suspension.


Cheating Students caught cheating on a class assignment or test will be assigned Friday Night School. Continued instances of cheating will result in more severe consequences.

Grading Policy The O’Farrell academic grading system is based on the following: A = 90-100

B = 80-89 C = 70-79 D = 60-69 F = 0-59

Citizenship grades are based on following the FALCON Way:

E=Excellent G=Good S=Satisfactory N=Needs Improvement U=Unsatisfactory


O’Farrell follows the promotion/retention policies developed by Board of Directors. Students are retained at grade level for the next school year if:

• They earn failing grades in one of the following core courses (language arts, mathematics, science, and/or social studies) in the fall or spring semester and are not able to raise their grades over the summer.

• If student performance during spring assessments is significantly below grade level,

regardless of course grades. • Students miss more than 30 days of school. Medical issues/long term independent study

contracts will be addressed on an individual basis. Students with up to two failing subject grades will have the opportunity to make-up the failed classes in summer school. Students with three or more failing subject grades (first or second semester) will not be allowed to attend summer school and will automatically be retained. The final decision to retain is made by the homebase teacher in consultation with the grade level team, the Principal and the Superintendent.


Morning Security Middle school students will not be allowed onto campus prior to 7:00 am, unless they are enrolled in a zero period class. Zero period classes will meet on the front lawn at 6:45 am. Middle school students may only enter through the main gate. To drop an elementary sibling off you must walk to the back on 61st, drop the student off, and then walk back around to enter through the main gate. Students will be required to remain in this area until 7:10 am. At that point a bell will ring and students will be allowed to all areas of campus. For reasons of student safety, unless enrolled in a zero period class, please do not drop students off on campus prior to 7:00 am. Supervision is not available until that time. As well, after school, students must leave campus by 3:15 pm, unless enrolled and supervised in a school-sponsored activity. Students loitering on campus later than 3:15 pm will receive progressive discipline consequences. Breidenstein Library The library is open M, T, TH, F from 7:00 am until 3:30 pm and on W from 7:00-1:00. A pass is required during class times. Passes are not required during lunch. Library books can be checked out for fourteen days; no more than three books at a time. Over due books will be fined 5 cents per day overdue. Students with overdue books or unpaid fines will lose their borrowing privileges; the second semester report card can be held for unpaid fines. After School Support Additional support will be offered after school, for students in need of support. Students must have an application on file for the Extended Day Program. Club del Sol is held Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 2:50-4:00 for second language students in need of extra support. Extended Day is held every day after school until 6:00 pm for qualifying students in need of extra support. Health Office Any medications for students must be left in the Health Office. The health technician is not allowed to administer medications. Parents will be required to administer over the counter medications for up to ten days. A doctor’s note is required to administer any prescription medicine. A written explanation with a parent/guardian signature and phone number is required to be excused from PE. Excuses for more than one day may require a doctor’s note. Food Allergies Due to food allergies and heightened sensitivity, The O’Farrell Charter School recommends that no nuts of any kind (i.e. peanuts, walnuts, almonds) be brought on campus. Our cafeteria provides food that is nut free, but we cannot guarantee that all food from students brought on to campus is nut free. Please be cautious when bringing food and/or treats on campus. Food from


home should not be shared with others. Students with food allergies should see Mr. Padilla in the Health Office for accommodations. Gum/Candy Gum and/or candy are not allowed on campus. Please enjoy these items at home. Students will receive inappropriate items consequences if caught on campus.


2015-2016 O’Farrell requires that all students wear uniforms. Approved O’Farrell uniforms may be purchased at Mario’s Family Clothing: 28 N. Euclid Ave, or 7761 Broadway, Lemon Grove, 619-264-6081. Please DO NOT purchase anything that is not on the approved O’Farrell Uniform list (found below). Purpose: Safety and Unity Research has shown that students who dress alike also enjoy an increased sense of unity. The same evidence shows that uniforms will increase student safety, reduce violence and make it much easier to identify persons who do not belong on campus. Student uniforms ensure that we avoid styles of clothing that could be misinterpreted as gang-related, distracting, or immodest.

Scholarships/Assistance Assistance may be available for students and families in need through Family Support Services. Contact them directly for more information.

Enforcement Infractions will be routed to the Homebase teacher, who will then follow through with appropriate discipline actions. If a student is not in uniform, the student will remain in their homebase classroom for the remainder of the day or until the parent or guardian is able to bring them appropriate clothing. These additional consequences will be added with each infraction.

First uniform violation- Phone call home

Second uniform violation- Detention and phone call home

Third uniform violation- Lunch Detention and phone call home

Fourth uniform violation- 30 minute Friday Night School and phone call home Fifth uniform violation- Alternate Class Placement and Parent Conference

Sixth uniform violation- 60 minute Friday Night School and phone call home


Seventh uniform violation- Parent Shadow or Saturday Suspension and phone call home

Eighth uniform violations- Four days of Lunch Detention Ninth uniform violation- Independent Learning Day/Formal Suspension for the

ninth and any additional uniform violations The uniform must fit properly, not exceeding one size beyond the correct size and may not be modified, altered or changed in any way. This includes bagging or sagging pants, oversized shirts, skinny pants, safety pins, rubber bands, buttons etc. Clothes may not have a ripped or torn appearance. Rain gear, hats or other extreme weather, non-uniform items must be removed and put away upon campus entry.

Accessories (All Academies)

• Jewelry & Hair Accessories: All jewelry must be plain with no lettering, logos or symbols and black, white, gold, or silver in appearance. Buttons or pins on clothing are not allowed. Hair accessories must be black, white, gold, or silver. Bandanas, scarves, or rags are not allowed. If headwear for religious or medical reasons is required, the head covering must be solid black, white, gold, or silver with no logos or writing.

• Hair: Hair dye, highlights, weaves, extensions, or other any other alterations to hair may only be black, brown, blonde, or red. Hair may not be shaved to show letters or numbers

• Beanies/Hats: An O’Farrell approved beanie will be available for purchase ONLY at O’Farrell in late fall. Students will be allowed to wear the beanie from December to March only when outside. Beanies must be worn above the eyebrows. No other hats, including rags or bandanas, are allowed.

• Mittens/Gloves: May only be worn in cold weather from December to March and may only be worn outside. Mittens/gloves must be plain solid black or plain solid white cotton only. Leather baseball gloves are not permitted. Students may not wear scarves.

• Glasses: Non-prescription glasses or non-prescription sunglasses are not allowed. • Backpacks: Any color/brand is ok. May not be modified or written on except for student’s

name. • Tattoos and Body Piercings: Visible tattoos, body piercings, and gauges are not allowed

with the exception of earrings. All tattoos, including temporary tattoos, must be covered. o Students may wear standard earrings only. Earrings may only have a pin-hole size

opening/post. o No more than 3 earrings per ear may be worn. o Plugs may be used to replace visible body piercings or gauges. Plugs must be

clear or match student’s flesh color. o Bandages to cover visible tattoos or body piercing holes must be plain/neutral-

colored. (Accessories or body modifications that prove to be a distraction will be handled on an individual



PANTS, SHORTS,SKIRTS Only the following Dickies Brand Khaki Pants, Shorts, Skorts in

desert sand or khaki are permitted Boys: • Loose Fit, Flex Regular Straight Fit, Flex Classic Fit, Classic Fit,

Relaxed Fit, Industrial, and Double Knee Work Pant • Flex Waist Flat Front or Flex Classic Fit Pant or Short • Original, Loose Fit, Relaxed Fit, Industrial Relaxed Fit, Slim Fit,

Regular Fit, and Straight Leg Pant • Loose Fit, Relaxed Fit, Flex, Regular Fit, Slim Fit, Flex Slim Fit,

Flat or Pleated Front Short Girls: • Women’s Original Work Pant or Short • Relaxed Straight Flat Front, Pleated, or Comfort Waist Pant or

Short • Women's Relaxed Fit or Classic Fit Straight Leg Pleated Front,

Stretch, or Flat Front Pant or Short • Women’s Curvy Straight Flat Front Pant or Short • Women’s Slim Fit Straight Leg or Stretch Pant • Dickies Girl Juniors Original Fit Lowrider Straight Leg or Classic

Fit Boot Cut, or Boot Cut Stretch Pant • Junior Bull 4-Pocket Short • Classic Fit Bermuda Short or Classic Short • French Toast Pleated Skort Khaki or Jumper

• Long Pants: Must fit properly, worn at the waist

and not be altered or modified. Pants which are too large (saggy, baggy) or too tight (skinny) are not allowed. No rips or tears. No Capri pants.

• Shorts/Skirts: The shorts/skirts must be no more

than 2" above or below the knee and not be form fitting. They must fit properly.


SHIRTS White or Navy polo shirt (long or short sleeved) with the O’Farrell embroidered logo.

• Mario’s has only one style of polo allowed. • Shirts must be properly tucked in at all times so

the O’Farrell belt is visible. JACKETS, SWEATSHIRTS, SWEATERS Crewneck sweatshirt Windbreaker Heavy Fleece Jacket Cardigan Sweater

• Approved items are navy with the O’Farrell

embroidered logo. • Winter garments do not have hoods. • A uniform shirt must be worn underneath any

outer garments. BELTS Black web belt with plain silver hinge buckle

• The belt must match the waist size with extra

length tucked in the belt loops. • Belt may be purchased at Mario’s and O’Farrell

The following items do not have to be purchased at Mario’s, but must meet these guidelines:

UNDERSHIRTS OR TURTLENECKS Solid black, solid white, solid navy or solid grey

• No designs or logos. • Undergarments (bras) may not be visible.

SHOES Solid black or white, or black/white combo

• Leather or canvas shoes with closed toes and

heels. No boots, house shoes/slippers • Soles, logos, and laces must also be black or

white only.

SOCKS Solid black OR solid white (NO black/white combo)

• Must be solid white or solid black • Socks must be 4 inches below the knee • No leggings or stockings


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