Page 1: THE. POINTER - University of Wisconsin–Stevens Point · THE. POINTER Beat Eau ... in.,. to engage in a series of debates .Purple & Gold Radio Hour Iiam Lorbeck, ... cal College,

Win The Last One




Series III Vol. VI No. 18 Stevens Point, Wis., February 25, -l-932 Price 7 cents

MILWAUKEE -. BEATEN BY ~POINT, 25..,2 _1 DebatersEngag.eMin-nesota Colleges SEASON CLOSES PO INT TEAMS Th~!;!/~!R. "STAY AWAY FROM . i FRIDA y NIGHT IN MINNESOTA ~'.~;~~~~1~~bau .!.~~~.~~.~~~,.~~~~~:] AT EAU CLAIRE D U R I N G WEEK Frida.y, February 26 Five people recentiy tried to Pointers Off In Shooting Baskets;

. Purple & Gold Radio Hour "cr~sh the gates" and_ ~ake en- Make Nine In Seventy-Three AU-school party try mto the college building, but Attempts

Team in Minneapolis and Vicinity For Series of Difficult


Tuesday, March 1 were foiled in their forceful at- Stevens Point may place itself Girls' Basketball tempt by a few minor oostruc- in the first division of the basket-

tournament tions. Not that newcomers are ball conference if it can defeat Thunida.y, Ma.rch 3 unwelcome here, but to gain en- Eau Claire tomorrow night. After

The varsity debate teams, ae- Girls ' Basketball trance they must com~ on foot; winning over the Cream City and eompanied by Professor Leland M.. tournament and not on Saturday mghts. with the possibility of stopping Burroughs. left for Saint Paul and At any rate, the yarn is that a Bill Zorn's men the Kotal pro-l\Iinneapolis early Tuesday morn- Frida.y, March 4 Chrysler sedan, driven by Wil- teges should finish with an aver-in.,. to engage in a series of debates .Purple & Gold Radio Hour Iiam Lorbeck, of Custer, is the age of .625. with various colleges in that vici- missile which so rudely dented O t la. Milwa.ukee nity. 'fhey will participate in a Al 1 A • J d the doors at the west entrance of u P ys . round-robin tournament at St. Umnus S lue the main college building. It was The crowd, which was the larg-Thomas College in St. Patti Tues- Wi"th B' d C'. snowing Saturday night about est that the basket ball season has day, Wednesday and Thursday. A l LOO r TOm eight o'clock, and vision was poor. brought to the new gym, was b a n q u e t for the contestants, Colleg.::e Student With the incentive of a traffic tre~t~d to sor_ne spectacular and coaches and judges will conclude . . · . mix-up, the naughty vehicle, thrilling playlll:g but a. very poor the activities. A silver loving cup, CaJ?tam Ferdmand A. Hirzy, a coming up Normal avenue, climb- brand of shootmg. Pomt usually denoting first place, will be a- p1·omment loca_l alu~us, has un- eel the curb, crossed the Reserve (Continued on pngc 3, col. 1) warded the winner of the argu- dergone a serious illness and a street sidewalk traveled along · mcnts at that time.. · 1~a"jor operation during whic_h a the walk leadU:g to the college, ·FAMOUS ALUMNA

Debate Women 's kidney was removed. On_Fr1daJ:' mounted three steps and smashed of last week Oscar Christenson iuto the doors 25 feet east of the .

Wednesday afternoon the teams of Gillett Wis. was selected for a t et ' PAYS VISIT TO were in . Minneapolis for engage- blood tr•i~n, and his contri- s rT~~ new method of coming to · ments with two women's teams at bution greatly aided Mr. Hirzy to school proved to be unharmful to ?lfac Alester College. . It was withstand the operation which the occupants of the car and to HER ALMA MATER hoped tha_t n debate mi~ht be !lr-_ was made the following day. the wild chariot itself. The build-range~ with St. Olaf or Hamline Christenson's blood sh o w e d ing snffered from this new inno-on Friday. perfection in the test, and several vati<in to the extent of $200. Two Alumna. ·or '97 "And One Of

Return Friday Night other boys who were sent over to of the four heavy doors were First Pointer Editors '.l.'he teams will return sometime the local hosp~tal by Coach Kotal, broken ·beyond repair. The cen- Enjoys Our City

Friday night in order to begin were not needed. Hirey's fra- ter post was torn out and the BY GEORGE MAURER preparation for the conference de. ternity, the Phi Sigma 's also plac- frame work above it caved in. Miss Margaret Ashmun, noted bates which wm ·be held Frid y, ed i~s roll _at the service~ of the Glass in the doors an~ ~rame was author and writer, and an alumna Mnrch 4th. The negative tea SR_1tal Friday, but Christenson broken. A reckless dr1vmg charge member of the local college, is going to Eau Claire while the af- was) e only one considered for was presented to Lorbe~k, he paid spending several weeks in Ste-firmative team meets Oshkosh the tra s. a fine of $15 and costs of $5.20. vens Point, being a guest of Mrs. here. The debaters making the A. M. Nelson, 912 Clark Street .. prcs~nt t_rip are qetestine Nuesse, -Old ri"ar Pi"pe Gets l.Iot And "I have notice_d ipany civic im-Ce~r1c .Vig, Laurm Gordon, Tom fl! provements including your new Sm ith , Clarence Styza and Mar- s ..1 , C T k s k Whiting Hotel., the Insurance build-lowe Boyle. fuaenf S Qr J Q eS Q mo e ing, and additions to the college

. since my last visit h!)re ten years "0 look! Henry Brezinski 's car text book and ,drove it neatlY. a o " commented Miss Ashmun ·

=k= t tJ int=k=f=-===l'P"ulJJ""'-·"""'=" ,.,houted-Glg W:_01ig ou-glrum,oi::the-cnr wind . m emg interviewe . The au-= r\ · fVl-1 ~ as she gazed out one of the Home The cushion was heaved in a snow thor 's home town is at Rural,

Economics' room windows last drift and the blaze smothered. In near Waupaca. NOTES Friday morning. the meantime a fire extinguisher Alumna. Of '97

"Hank's" Whippet sedan was had been yrocured from the col- Miss Asbmun was one of the Alumni from New York City on fir'e--and it was all the fault of lege. · first stµdents to receive a diploma

to the Philippine Isla.nds' his old faithful briar pipe which Just to play safe "Jack" set from the local college (at that '98 F . h H F had been left parked on the ·front the apparatus into action. "It time a Normal school) having

Engli~h. 11~. ;'. 19~t~~sh

0*~~: ~it::ion in an overheated condi- was more darn fun playing with graduated in 1897. She was active cal College, Chicago. Phys1c1an, After detecting the blaze Olga it," commented Jack afterward. in school activities and was one of 1144 N. ~ enmore A;e., Los An- dasbed down the hall and secured Then too, we must give "John the first Pointer editors. ~eles, Cahf. (M. 1905, _Janet l\fac- the services of Messers. John The ,Janitor" honorable mention "Our paper back in the '90's Gr,egor ) . . Wied, Samuel Bluthe, Rodney for saving a carton of cigarettes was more of a literary type with a

98 ~ A t F ft·om the back seat. After the ' 11 t · eluded " she . ' r1mm, . ugus · : our ;rea_r Krueger and Richard Rothman. rew co ege no es m ' Latin. Pl: B., Umv. of WIS. Prmc1- The quartet of volunteer fire- disturbance the cigarettes were said. Miss Ashmun received her pal . of ~1gh School, Los Banos, fighters hurried to the scene on replaced in the car only to be M. A. degree from Madison in Cah.forn1a. North Fremont street only to find taken by some unknown party 1908. "She has completed 25

'9_9, Gesell, .Arnold L. Two year the car doors locked. , or parties. of stale books and has written many mag-atm and German. - Fh~B.--1-903- .fili=ili aze-gaiii:in-g-rapr · gli'l'et ·es-a in ;i,tioJ~· -h Wl'tti l'-l. - par----

(Con_tinued on pogo !l, co/ 2) headway " Dick" snatched his smoker." (Continued on page 2, col. 4)

Page 2: THE. POINTER - University of Wisconsin–Stevens Point · THE. POINTER Beat Eau ... in.,. to engage in a series of debates .Purple & Gold Radio Hour Iiam Lorbeck, ... cal College,


Vol. VI. THE POINTER No. 18. ~

Published Weekly nt Ste,·cns' Point by tho students of the Centro,! ~isconoin ~ SOC IE T¥ ~ Stntc Teachers Colleq-c. Subscription Price. $2.00 per yenr. -

Entered as second-class matter May 26, 1927, nt the post office at Stevena CID DELTA RHO Point, \Visron1tin, under the ·Act of Mnrch 3, 1879.


Editor . .. ... .... . . .. • .. . . .... Burton E. Hotvedt, Tel. 548J or 47; Office 1584 News Editor ... . ..•...... .. . ........ . ............ : .. . .... George R. Maurer Society Editor .. ................ . . ... , ......... . . ....... Gcorginnn J. Atwell Sports Editor .. .... , ......... ... .. .. ...... . .............. . Snmuel H. Blutbo Humor Editor .... .. . . • . .•.. •. ..•.... ... .. . ...... . ............ Cletus Collins Editor ............... .•.. . •· •. . ................. . .. Florence Woboril Proof Reador::i . . . ..•. .•..•.. •. .•.....•...... Natalie Gorski, Dorothy McLain Rop.:>rters .............•.. .. .. . ....... •.... Oscar ·Christenson, Marlowe Boyle Typist , .... . . . ............ .' ..... ....... . . . ........ .. . . . ,., ..... Estelle Buhl au•iness Man.ager . . : . .. . .. . ...•.....• .. . . ... . ........ Cedric Vig, Tel. 810-J Circulation .... . .......... . ........•..•..•.... ...... . ......... Frank Tuszka Ass 't Circulation :Mgr .....•.....•.. . ... . . . ........ .... Magdelene Knapstein Faculty Adviser ....... . . ..... , ... . . , ......... ... .... Raymond M. Rightsell

You don't have to be crazy to be editor of The Pointe1·, but it helps.

POINT GETS SUPPLEMENTARY TOURNAMENT After attempting to hold the High School basketball supplemen­

tary t ournament at Iola for several the meets will be held at the loca.l college. Iola. ha.s found it unprofitable, a.nd ·its loca.l team will be invited to the district tournament a.t Wisconsin Rapids. Mr. Schmeeckle has announced the Pa.ul F . Neverman, secretary of the W . I. A; A., ha.s given his sanction to the propos­ed holding of the tourney here:

This is as it should be. Although Iola. handled the tournament very capably, the teams should meet on iiome floor that is not the home floor of one of the competitors. Show these prep athletes a. rea.J college when they come here March 17, 18, a.nd 19.

Instead of "talking straight fr01n the shouJ.der" why n.ot have it 01·iginate a little higher up.

r .... ~~if iii~ .. ·1 I I I i

Job Printers l · Publishers l i Book Binders I


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Eight nien pledged to Chi Delta Rho fraternity at its meet­ing last l\Ionday, Feb. 22. The men pledl:\'ed nre Tom Holliday, Iron Mountain, Mich., F rank !Cle­ment, Leopolis, \Vis., Clarence Konopacki, Stevens Point, Wis., Robert McDonald, $teven Point, Wis., Kenneth Schlyter, Witten­berg, Wis., Bernard Slowey, Phil­lips, Wis., Winston Thomas, New London, Wis., and Wilfred Enge­bretson, Stevens Point, \Vis.

'l'he men were guests at a series of smokers held at Hotel Whiting in the weeks preceding the issu-ance of invitations. ·

Chi Delta Rho fraternity was organized last year and since then ha. increased its active member­ship from nine to sixteen, having two alumni. The advisers are Mr. Rightsell and l\Ir. Knutzen.


'l'au Gamma Beta has chosen the .following girls as pledges for this semester: l\lisses B o n i t a Newby, P lover; Olga Leonardson, l\Iarinette; Ethel F lorence, and Ruth Reedal, Phillips. '


The Y. \V. C. A. members were hostesses at a Washington tea which was served in the living­room of Ne! on Hall 'l'hursday, February 18.

,,\ very interesting program bad been planned by the committee and radio music was enjoyed.


All facu lty and college women are invited to attend the weekly Y. W. C: A. meeting which is to be held in the recreation room of Nelson Hall tonight at 7 :30.

l\Iiss Seen has charge of the dis­cussion. Do you remember the Yery interesting discus ion she lead once before j 'fhis one will be ju ·t as interesting. Again, everyone is welcome.


+ 'fhree students have been clect-

~;i,i~;;;;;~i,=;;;:;,:;.;;;;:.;:.+i+i.:=f=;;~:::::~~~~~=~d..a cce tccl as led"es to the

For All Occasions

Hotel Whiting Block

~ GCFPA n ;,,-~• 1 ' • 1 1 1 • • 1 Kappa-chapter- o Ph-i- Sigm · p·


Manhattan Shirts Schoble Hats

Holeproof Hosiery Munsing Underwear

·Hansen Gloves


silon, national teachers college fraternity. men are Cle­tus Collins, Kendall, Wis., nnd Ashur' Shorey and Guy Krumm, both of Argonne, Wis.

Collins is a Sophomore in the High School department. Krumm and Shorey are freshmen. Krumm was high scorer with the Varsity team this past season, while Sho­rey played steadily with Vrobel's B team.

Home Made Candy AT -Men's Wear

~~~~~--'"""':"--~-,~ ~~~4lll~-=-'ETWEEN'1'HE-THE'A1'R:ES---111-Hlll-.,..-'~'~-1"1t-r:a.-t~ ,,_




(Co ntinued from pugc 1, col. 4)

ticularlY interested in 18th cen­tury literature.

Her latest book is "Singing Swan" which is a biography of · the poetess Anna Seward. An­other book for children, "Susie

ugur Beet," has 1·ecently been completed by Miss Asbmtin.

Ma.ry Louise Ashmun " i\ly most valued prize today is

my little adopted blue-eyed baby girl,'' rejoiced l\fis Ashmun, as she tenderly pressed Mary Louise, ai,:e 3, to her bosom.

~Cary Loujse was adopted when an infant of one and oue-half years. Soon after her adoption ~l iss Ashmun and the child sailed to .England. 'l'he two remained · abroad for over II year 1·etu1·ning in 1931. "i\ly little daughter was too yoUJ1g to enjoy the trip to l,;ngland," l\Iiss AshmUJ1 averred, "but on the return voyage to A­merica she enjoyed the ocean cl'Uise and new sights immense-ly." .

Will Return Miss Ashmun spends much of

her time in , ew York; Massachu­setts, Connecticut aud other east­c l'll states. She will return to the ea. t after her visit in the city. ~[i s Ashmun 's mother, i\irs. C. S. AshmUJ1, a pioneer resident of \\ aupnca and Stevens Point, died in Waupaca a month ago.

Enjoys Our City At pre ent Mi s \shmun is

composing a book pertaining to li tern ry resea rch work and the British museum. ' .'I enjoyed my visit in Stevens Point, and I hope my daughter nnd I will be able to ,·isit the city soon," concluded the author. It was in honor of the \Vl'iter thnt the :Margaret Ash­mun club was namecl .

WELSBY'S" DRY CLEANING Prompt Service 688

The comfortnblc nnd homelike

tlor.mitory for women of Centro.I

State Teachers College

Dining Room

· for both men nnd women ·


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MAY A. ROWE Director

(Graduate Dietitian)

Page 3: THE. POINTER - University of Wisconsin–Stevens Point · THE. POINTER Beat Eau ... in.,. to engage in a series of debates .Purple & Gold Radio Hour Iiam Lorbeck, ... cal College,


SEASON CLOSES, I W. A. A. l Phi f/:i:: t:i:::ment AT EAU CLAIRE · After the Varsity is ~hrou~h !...-------------.i with the seasan at Eau Claire Fr1-

1'h~ name of Lodcmia Johnson, day night, the Phi Sigma Epsilon's

' BENEFIT SHOW Buy your Tickets

For " Touchdown",

March 3 - 4 from a. Sigma Zeta.n


(Continued from page 1, col. 4)

ma in ta ins a good eye for the hoop but on this occasion it took 73 tries at the basket to make the ball go through nine times. The "roll" play was greatly respons­ible for the local 's effectiveness.

·who 1s a membet· of the Fresl~man will attempt to show . that the basket ball teams, was omitted prowess of the college player is .------------­from the list of players presented not to be over-looked in compari- STEVENS POINT BEVERAGE CO. in The Pointer last week. son to the strong amateur teams in

Milwaukee Ahead

DID YOU KNOW this area. Eight of their men will '!'hat papers are being po,;tecl on be entered in the tournament to be

the bulletin board in the game held at St. Peters' large gymna­room where those planning to en- I sium Sunday, Monday, and Tnes-ter 'the ping pong and dart baseball day of next week. · tournaments may sign Y The squad will perhaps be made

'!'hat three weeks have been up ofThompson,Bergerson,Chvala, spent on the study and correction Peterson, Krumm, Rickman, An­of posture by the Freshman Phy- drc, and Keener. They will be sical Education cla ·ses Y · pitted against such teams as the

Orange Crush -· Cocoa Cola Chocolate Baby

and other high 11...;de soft drlnko.

fkm 61 1106 Water St.


Now At Moderate Prices


Mihvnukee was ahead of the Kotalmen at the end of the first half with a tally of 16 to 12. More effective guarding by Stevens Point held the vis itors down dur­ing the latter portion of the game while the offensive opened up with more successful shooting. The Inst few minutes of the game were thrilling when Stevens Point began to stall and tire l\Iil wnukee players forced · issues and netted themselves a fie ld goal and a free throw, bringing the score up to 25 t.o 21, where it remained. Co~en, "narcl for Milwaukee, was bamsh­etl from the floor for unsports­man-like conduct.

Th&t the Freshman and Wau~au Red Birds, ~·[nrshfield Sophomore teams have been Card inals, Stevens ~ornt Spor t ._ ___________ __.

selected and Edna. Crocker is Shop~, a1;1d Red Gramte .. The For- .--------------, of the Alley Ca.ts, Lu- esters fail~d .to enter t his tourn~- Manna) lraining Lumber cille Str ochota heads the ment, .but 1t 1s understood that !i Sophomore Jugglers, Agnes th~ college boy are . successful m Spratler pilots the Freshman any way they w!ll challe~ge Muckelheads, and Yvonne th~ Forestei;s to a city _chami;non-

VETTER MFG. GO. Dallich commands the Fresh- sl11p game. rhe fratermty, ,~1th . a man Shiners? much weaker team, placed tlnrd 111 1--------------'

· the Central Wi. cousin Amateur .--------------r. Phone 88

The summary: . . Stevens Point (26)

S° FG FT. Krumm , f . . .. 23 4 0 Pctcr~on, f . . . 0 0 1 Klement, f . . . 2 1 0 Thompson, c .. 20 1 1 Winn, c . . .... 0 0 0 Cashman, g, i, 8 3 1 Baker, " . . . . . 9 0 2 Gr gory, g . . . 11 0 2 .Alberts, g . . . . 0 0 0

- - -'l'ota ls 73 9 7 Milwaukee (21)

s• FG FT Hohler, f ..... 15 5 0 Sckornica, f .. 12 2 0

. . . . .. ] 0 0

Vrobel' s Team Places Third PF

0 2 3 It is all history now and well 2 known that Vic Vrobel 's college 0 B team ,miked away with third 2 place at the amateur tournament g held in the college gym last week.

0 '.l'he consola\ion series gave Point _ and opportunity to trounce Am-9 hcrst and make up for the defeat

1 g-h·en by Rothschild. . PF The B team lost its Inst game to ~ Schofield 23-12 last Saturday 1 night in the new gym. The Scho-

tournament last year after losing an 0Ye


r-time to the Sport Shops, the winners.


"HELLMANS" Thousand Island Dressing

Mayonnaise Dressing

Sandwich Spread


Better Than The Rest



Opposite Post Office



FERDINAND A. HIRZY "ltb• 8ift Counftlor"

Ernst, f E lliott, c ..... 6 Gother, g · · · ·· 1


2 2 0 0 0 0

3 l'ield team was a strong one, com- '-------------2 posed of five members of the 0 Wausau High School state cham-


..... l\Iyhre, g Cohen, g ..... 1 0 1 2 I

2 pion team of 1929. The B tea'.11 0 Schommer, g 0 0 - - - _ has won a majority of their

Totals 36 9 . 3 11 ga mes this year. "Shots at basket. Free throws missed: Stevens

Point - IGement, Thompson, Gregory, ' Cashman 2. Total 5. l\Iilwaukee - Hohler, Gother, Co­hen 2 Ellliott 3. Total 7.

Ref~ree: Barnum, Madison. mpire : Stoneman, Madison.


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Shoppe Phone 753

,~ THE' POWDER PUFF Beauty S hop Service you

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• - .----nl"HONE-625

Page 4: THE. POINTER - University of Wisconsin–Stevens Point · THE. POINTER Beat Eau ... in.,. to engage in a series of debates .Purple & Gold Radio Hour Iiam Lorbeck, ... cal College,


ALUMNI NOTES Associate Professor, Yale Univer-s ity, ew Haven, Conn. (M. 1918, 'fheresa B. Anderson).

'10, Ziegler, Florence A., Two _ Univ'. of Wis. , Ph.D. 1906, Clark year English. Ph. B. 1913, Univ. of

ll--i;===========al! lJniv., M. D, 1915, Yale University. Wis. , Teacher, High School, Sagi-Professor of Chi ld Hygiene , Gra- naw, Michigan. -


(Continued from pago 1, eo\. 1)

.A. number of the dormitory girls d S J 1 y 1 U · ·t R · uate c 100 , a e mvers1 Y- e- '11, Glennon, Geor,..0c N. , Two

helped entertain the Woman 's · l 78- El l St H ·SIC es o c ware ., r e.w aven, year English. State Distributor of Club Washington's birthday pro- Conn. (M. 1909, Beatrice Chan- Buick Automobiles, 1\Iilwaukee, gram held at the Library Club di ) rooms Monday. Lila Kenyon, er . F Wis. (1\I. 1917, Anne McCauley). '01, GilbePt, Edward M. our , 2 . Blanche Tyler, Vivian Enge, Olga E 1. h B A 1907 Pl D · 1 ·, Flagle1, Lyla D., Two year

year ng is · · · ' 1· · II E · B S 1930 U · Leol!ardson, Jennie Newsome, and 1914, Univ. of ,vis., Professor of om~ conom~~s. · · , mv. Inez Braun took part in the cos- Botany, Univ. of Wis., 1\Iadison. of ~ll~neso~. l eacber, ~ome Eco­tume play, "Solemn Pride". Thyr- (M. l910,°Esther Lowry ) . nom1cs, . Stat~. Teache1s College, za Iverson tapped the " \Vooden 'Ol, Grimm, Jolrn C. 'l'wo year Eu,i1 Cla ire, \\ 1s. · . Soldier" dance with A.lice Soren- J<Jnglish. Vice President, Hill, Join- 14_, Hanna, Mary E., Four yr. son. er & Co., Investment Bonds, New English. T~acher, Rural Dep~rt-

Elizabeth Sansum and Patricia York City. (M. He'len Rodearmel, m~nt, C. S. r. C., Stevens Pornt, Cowan were hostesses at a "\>Vash- 1909). Wis. • i~~ton Coffee" in the Nelson Hall '01, Hamilton, Guy C. Two yr '15, Hamilton, Frederic-k L. , livrng room Monday afternoon. English. Bu iness Manager The Two year German. Graduate, \>Vest Dainty elate and cheese sandwiches acramento Bee Sacram~nto Point. Officer, U.S. Army, Front were served )vith the coffee. · Calif. (M. 1906, Elizabetli Gould/ Royal, Virginia.

About an hour later our Wash- '02, Herrick, Alfred J. Four yr. '16, Hofsoos, Emil. Tliree yr. ington dinner party was in pro- En_gli~h. Ph. B. 1909, "!~iv. of Wis., High School. A. B. 1921, Univ. of gress. Dinner was served in the Prmc1pal of the Trarnrng School, ,, is. Dirctor of Research, Macllfa­liaht of red candles and in the C. S. T. C., Stevens Point, Wis. (M. nus Inc., (Advertising), Detroit, .c;mpany of American flags. The 1904, Iva R. \Tan Tassel). Mich. (M. 1924. Ruth Kallgren). song "Can She Bake a Cherry '06, F~ller, William D. !our '17, Fitzgerald, .Alva M., Two

'28, Herriolr;"l<'aith E-, Two yr. Intermediate. 'l'eacher, Elemon­tar~· chools, Elmhurst, ru.

'28, Herrick, Graal A., 'l'wo yr . Grammar. •reacher, Elementary Grades, Brent Schoo1. Baguio, Uountain Province, Plrilippine lllland ·.

'31, Fritsch, Emery G., Foul" year High chool. B. Eel., 1931, C. S. T. C., .Assistant Principal, Dorchester, Wisconsin.

'32, Habeck, Charles W.~ Four year High School. B. Ed., 1931, C. S. T. C., Principal of Free High School, Iron Belt. \Yisconsin. (M. l!J25, Dorothy MacMiller).


40 Years Quality Foot Wear

417 Main St. Pie" announced the dessert which year English. Ph. B. 1910, Umv. of yea? Home Economics. Manager, comu'.iemorated the fatal end of a Wis., of Wis., A. 111:., Univ. of Cafeteria, Papaikou, Hawaii Ter- ,-------------·• tree which met the blow -o'f Father Maine, 1917, Ph.D., Univ. of ritory. Washington's little hatchet. The ~ash., 1926. Professor of Educa- '17, Gilson, William J ., Five­Star Spangled Banner sung as a h_on and Psychology, Mode~to Ju- year English. County Supt. of patriotic closing brought to an end mor Colle_ge, Modesto, Calif. (M. Schools, Sturgeon Bay, Wis. (M. ano. ther of the delightful Nelson 1906, Nellie E. Bi;adley) . 1921 Wanda Lorbecki) Hall parties. '06, Gesell, Gerhardt A. Two , ' . i"""-------------. year English. Financial Agent . . _ 17, G'leason, Nell C:, Three r1.



Easil:, Acceaaible :&%pens& Belativel:,· Low

Location Unsurpaaaed For He&lthtlllneaa

An In!luence All Well As a Scllool Credits Accepted At AU UnivenitiN

Degree Courses For AU Teachen Special Training For Home Economtca and

Rural Education

Send For Literature


Cleveland Board of Education, ~igh School. Ph. B. 1:Jruv. of Wis., Address, Bolton Square Hotel, r eacher, Intermecliate Gra~es, Cleveland, Ohio. St~te Normal School, Superior.

~'06, Fults, J.E. Four year En- W'.s1.8 G d M glish. Assistant State. Supt. Indus- , or on, Alice ·, 1:'w~ yr. trial Education, Springfield, Illi- Sta~e Graded School Prmc1pal. nois. (M. 1908, Margaret Maher) . Ass1s~ant, ~ounty Normal School·,

,07 H ff ' Ell A Merrill, Wis. , . o man, en . Two yr. ,18 H t H R Th

English. Graduated, Wis. Univ. . , er z, arry ·• ree _yr. Library School, 1922. Librarian, High Schoo_!. Scout Executive. Forest Products Laboratory, Ma- Oshkosh, Wis. ('M. 1923). dison, Wis. '19, Heffron, Pearl M., Three

'09, Fromm, Edward A. Four year High School. Ph. B. of Chica­year English. Fox Farmer, Ham- go, 1921. Teacher, Marquette burg, Wisconsin. (M. 1919, Alice Univ. Milwaukee. Frederick). . '19, Henderson, Helen W. Two

'09, Gleason, Theresa. Two yr. Y;a.r Home E~onomics. Ph. B. 192_5, English. B. A. 1921, Catholic Uni- Umv .. of Chicago. Instructor m versity, Washington, D. C., M.A. _Cloth_rng, State N?rmal College, 1927 Columbia University Now Bowling Green, Oh10.





,, 'iZ ' mna

ALWAYS FRESH Siste~ Mary Ba/lil, O. S. B. Teacher. '1~, Hill, Lawrence S., Five yr. American History & Economics; Enghsh. B. S. 1919, New York College of St. Scholstica Duluth State College for Teachers, Dea1J, ._ ____________ _. Minn. ' ' School of Physical Education, I-

'10, Halverson, Henry M. Four thaca College, New York. (M. WELCOME TO year English. Ph. B.1916, Univ. of 1928, Dorothy E. Wright). THE Wis., A. llI., 1918, Univ. of Iowa '20, Glennon, Bertha E., Three POINT



==-=-.::ac:-==----n"'-=1::1 ...


Ph. D. 1922, Clark University'. year High School. B. A., Univ. of CAFE Wis., Teacher En.,.lish High

-••••tttlllltllllll!lllllttt"'-"Q'•~~.~~nlh-:~~1t~A~vAn~s~'p:ofin~t"-;;;Wt1:·~:· :--;::;:-::tlll, i:r.;;:.;:,;:;:;-;;:-;;;~fir-i'¥=:r;r"::=:=r=J~I=== THE BEST EVIDENCE t '23, Gear, Ethel C. Three yea r Here you wJU firurt;ood f High School. B. S., Univ. of Min- Food, Clean, Courteous

Phone 380

No Extra Charges for Collection and

Delivery \


4U-Main St.

OF A WELL BAL- • nesota, 1926. Teacher of Latin and Service all designed to :r~!;i_s~, High School, Minneapolis, make you and your friends ANCED MAN IS A




COOK STUDIO Mgr. Edwa~d P . Block

452 Main St. Phone 407W

'25, Herrick, Virgil E., Two yr. comfortable and conten­J unior High School. Ph. B. 1929, ted while you are our M.A., 1930, University of Wiscon- guests. sin. Teacher & Res·earch Director, 305 MAIN STREET Country Day School. Resides, 2536

j N. Cramer St., Milwaukee, Wis. STEVENS POINT, WIS. (M. 1930, Helen Damn:)e).

18 5 7 The Month of Birthdays 19 3 2 It's Our 75th Anniversary

H. D. McCULLOCH CO. .a. .. 'UDKN!J'"..t8 •T-<>RL

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