
The Purgetrailer evaluation

Camera angles

In the start of the trailer, an extreme long shot is used which shows the audience a loving family which connotes that something bad is going to happen to them. The light from the sunset also helps the image with a positive attitude.

Then an establishing shot is used to set the scene. The audience can see that the village is posh and well maintained suggesting that crime and bad things doesn’t tend to happen around these parts. Like the family shot, this connotes that something bad is going to happen because everything seems so perfect.

As they trailer shows what can happen in ‘the purge’, security camera shots are used as evidence to show how violent things can get. This will create tension because the audience knows this is going to happen to the nice family at the beginning.When the purge starts to happen,

this ariel shot is used that shows children getting their weapon together. This will shock the audience because children are portrayed as innocent not murderers. As will as that, this shot looks like they’re being spied on which happens in the purge, you need to know where everyone is as they could be right behind you.

Camera work

A tracking shot it used when the guard is shutting down on the house as the purge begins. This shows the high security needed during this period because this is high tech and is on an ordinary house, not someone famous. It tells the audience what that this night is not safe at all.

As people start to enter the house, lots of hand held camera movement is used to show the panic of the main family. This shot allows the audience to feel as though they are actually there with them and and the trouble they’re in.

Zoom in close ups are also used to create tension.

The point of view if from the main family they doesn’t get involved in the purge, it shows them looking to their next door neighbour and what he’s doing; he’s getting ready for the purge.

As the camera gets closer, the audience and the teenage girl starts to release what he’s doing and that he could easily turn on them, it’s unpredictable which makes the audience on edge.

SoundThe trailer starts off with piano which makes the audience feel calm and relaxed even though this is a horror trailer. During this section there is no dialogue because it would take focus away from the peacefulness.A techno sound starts to play on top of the piano, which sounds like a technological connection breaking and someones trying to hack the system, just like purge people do; it makes a link to the narrative.As footage comes on of people in past purges, alarms and gun shot are heard which shows how violent this night can be. It will make the audience scared for the children in the main family because this is going to happen to them.The announcer of the purge sounds a bit robotic which suggests the era and that technology has become advanced to him either save or destroy the people. Throughout the trailer theres people shouting and screaming which follows conventions because it’s a horror; characters are meant to be scared and they can show that in two ways: body language and sound.As the purgers come to the house they ring the doorbell. This almost subverts convention because this is a polite gesture but they’re there to kill someone. The dramatic irony will get the audience thinking of whats to come.Lastly, during the end of the trailer were the purgers are in the house, theres opera played in the background which again adds to the dramatic irony. The voices sound heavenly which invokes connotations heaven, death and then killing. I think this works well with the clips of people getting killed because it sounds like a big ending.

Mise en scene

A sunset starts of the trailer which gives a positive feel to it, the colours are welcoming and happy which challenges convention of horror. It will make the audience confused and therefore vulnerable of whats about to happen.The whole setting of the trailer is set in a nice estate which again confuses the audience because they wouldn’t expect anything bad to happen here. As the purge begins, the father sets the alarms on and put the shutters down so they’re safe, the cameras and monitors suggests that they have to be prepared and know who's around them because it could mean life or death.You are able to see guns and phallic weapons which are iconography of horror. The audience will know that they symbolise danger and killing, which can only bring bad news to the family.When the purgers come towards the house, they are seen to be wearing costumes and masks, this could be for two reasons; one being that they're ashamed of what they’re about to do and want to hide their identity, or most likely two, the see the purge as some sort of celebration and feel like the have to dress up for the occasion. Blood is used to write a message up on the wall for the family, this connotes horror because red is a stereotypical colour for horror and blood scares people because it’ s meant to be inside your body.Lastly, the American flag is used behind the title sequence. This suggests that the country is proud to have the purge because strengthens the country afterwards. The audience could see this a bit sinister because what country would be proud to have such a violent night legal?


As the broadcast is on TV saying that the purge is about to begin, shots from outside in the street, people getting ready for the purge and the main family start to appear. They fade in frame and fade back out to a black screen until the next shot fades in. This gives a feel of a siren as they flash like this, also connoting that the danger they’re faced with because sirens are used for the emergency services, even though they’re terminated in the purge.

When the purge is shown how bad it can get, they use footage from security cameras. They have the worn out look to at as some are in black and white, most aren’t that clear of footage being a bit blurry or they have horizontal lines across. I think this editing works well because it shows the vast amount of different crimes that can happen and that it looks really realistic and serious because this if footage via the government.After this they show the production company’s name and logo, but even this has the security camera feel to it. As it appears, the logo flickers like it’s losing connection because something has happened such as an explosion cutting the line. They made an iconic feature of a trailer into the genre of horror which I think works really well.Lastly, the fast pace editing helps create tension. When people start entering the house, the different shots are used in different settings of the house, with different characters. This is edited together very quickly which portrays the disorientation of how the main family is feeling, they’re scared and all over the place.

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