Page 1: The Rack Pack Foundation

The Christi Anderson

Rack PackFoundation

Sarah Dufour, Founder

Public Relations Final ������������ǣ��������������ǡ�����������ǡ������������������ơǡ�������������

Page 2: The Rack Pack Foundation

Executive SummarySince the end of September, our group has been in contact with The Christi Anderson Rack Pack Foundation and worked directly with the organization to accomplish its goals. This �����������������������������������������������������������������������ơ����Ǥ

����������������������Ǧ���Ƥ���������������������������������������������������������������providing care bags. All of its previous materials were donated by multiple volunteers and therefore had stylistic discrepancies.

We discovered that their brand identity was not consistent, their volunteer outreach was limited, and their size restricted its ability to accomplish the ultimate goal of reaching every woman in Utah with breast cancer. Despite these struggles, many of these issues could be addressed with limited costs and could be remedied within a short amount of time.

Our involvement with The Rack Pack focused on one goal: to provide every woman in Utah with breast cancer a care bag. All of our work strives for the accomplishment of this goal. We assessed its previous forms of communication, its organizational structure and other demands placed on the organization, in order to determine what we could do to assist The Rack Pack.

We analyzed its publics to better understand who we were trying to reach. We used this analysis to create targeted messages to increase visibility of The Rack Pack.

All of this work helped us develop targeted objectives, strategies and tactics to achieve the ��������������������������������������ơ������������������������������Ǥ��

���������������������������������������������������������������Ƥ�������������������������pertinent information that not only increases visibility of the rack pack but also encourages participation of the organization. These deliverables target multiple audiences to help The Rack Pack grow in multiple areas.



Organization History and Mission Statement...............................................................................1

Communication Audit................................................................................................................2-4

Values & Goals ..........................................................................................................................5-6

Analysis of Publics ....................................................................................................................7-8

Organizational Chart .............................................................................................................9-10

Strategies ..............................................................................................................................11-17

Deliverables ........................................................................................................................18-32

Press Release.......................................................................................................................33-34

Timeline .....................................................................................................................................34


Appendix A.........................................................................................................................36-37

Appendix B.........................................................................................................................38-39

Table of Contents

Page 3: The Rack Pack Foundation

In 2007, Christi Anderson was diagnosed with a rare form of breast cancer. At age 30, Anderson and her family lived in a world of mastectomies, radiation, genetic testing and chemotherapy. Her journey included many ups and downs, but Anderson lost her battle with breast cancer on February 7, 2010.

Anderson’s family started The Christi Anderson Rack Pack Foundation as a way to cope with their loss. They also started it to make sure no one has to experience cancer alone.

The Rack Pack took its name from Anderson’s Race For the Cure Team and it provides care bags for anyone undergoing treatment for breast cancer. The foundation began in May of ͖͔͕͔������������Ǧ�ơ��������������������͗Ǧ��������������������������������������������������at the Huntsman Cancer Institute.

The Rack Pack participates in many tabling events from farmer’s markets to the Twilight Concert Series. It has been a member in local walkathons, bike races, and fundraisers. It was a recipient of the LIVESTRONG Community Impact Project grant and used it to facilitate a cancer transitions program in 2012.

Overall, the Rack Pack spends the majority of their time building and supplying care bags, with a long-term goal to reach every one undergoing breast cancer treatment in Utah.

The original mission statement was written by Sarah Dufour, and was two paragaphs long. It ���������������������������ǡ�����������������������Ƥ����������������ǯ���������Ǥ�������������original mission statement and made it more concise. After much collaboration and edits, this is the new mission statement for the organization.

We are The Christi Anderson Rack Pack Foundation and our goal is to make sure nobody has togo through breast cancer treatment alone. We aim to reach every woman in Utah going through treatment for breast cancer by providing our care bags and an understanding support team.Health challenges can be devastating to the body, the spirit, the budget, and the family. ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������ơ����������your ability to cope with it. We feel properly equipped to help—with a care bag, a hug, a text message, a phone call, a friend. We want you to know that you have someone to go through this cancer experience with.

The Rack Pack is honored to have your back.

Media used by The Rack Pack Foundation, Prior to 2013


The brochure was donated by a close family friend and focuses on potential donors and ������������������������������������������������������Ǥ�������������������������������ơ����������������������������������������������������������������������������Ƥ�������������Ǥ�For example, potential donors are targeted by advertising the option to sponsor a bag or to buy the jewelry sold in order to raise funds. The brochure also targets potential care bag recipients with information on the contents of each care bag and the toll of cancer ����������������������������������������������Ǥ�������������������������������ơ������ǡ������������������������������������Ƥ���������������������������������Ǥ�������������ǡ��������������targets volunteers or potential donors and a second brochure to reach out to potential care bag recipients and their loved ones. In addition, one panel of the brochure mentions the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics and a blog about educating people on skin, home, and food products. This additional information could confuse a reader or lose their interest. If this ������������������������������������������������ǡ������������ƪ������������������������������������������������Ƥ���������Ǥ�

The design of this brochure is not up to par with design standards one would usually see in ���Ǧ���Ƥ���������������������Ǥ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ơ���������������Ǥ������������ǡ����������������������������������The Rack Pack need to be used. If the wings on the back of the brochure are integral to the image of the organization, it needs to use the image in all of their media. The brochure is text heavy, mainly because several publics are targeted.

1 2

As an organization, The Christi Anderson Rack Pack Foundation hopes to reach every woman in Utah undergoing breast cancer treatment. Its current communication activities are focused on core stakeholders, care bag recipients and current volunteers and donors. Its growth has been thanks to word of mouth. However, its communication materials up to this point have been mostly donated by volunteers and close friends.

Organization History Communication Audit

Mission Statement

Page 4: The Rack Pack Foundation

If The Rack Pack reduced the number of words, the brochure would read better. The bleeds around the brochure may add unnecessary printing costs. Also, if The Rack Pack chose a ��ơ���������������������ơ����������������������������������������Ǥ�


The Rack Pack’s newsletter is dispersed quarterly via email to those that request it on the website. Since the newsletter is only sent out periodically, the amount of information is substantial. If the content was sorted in a visual way, the material could be more accessible to the reader — since one reader may want to learn solely about upcoming events and another may want to read about a fundraising bash they were mentioned in. The upcoming �����������������������������������������������Ƥ�������������������������ǡ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Ƥ���Ǥ�����������upcoming events section, they should place the information in a hierarchical order of importance. This newsletter targets current volunteers and donors and therefore it might ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Ƥ������explaining what will be needed in the near future.

To create a consistent image, The Rack Pack Foundation logo should be an integral aspect of the newsletter design, along with the same color schemes and fonts found in the style guide. This consistency ensures that publics important to their success will to instantly recognize their communication materials. To make the content more readable, it would be best to increase the leading within the paragraphs. Also, the font sizes, spacing, and headings should be consistent throughout the newsletter. Images add personality to a newsletter; enlarging the pictures while retaining quality (72ppi for web/300ppi for print), and organizing the images would separate the content and provide more space.

Fundraising Flyer

�������������ǯ��������������ƪ��������������������������������������������������Ǥ����������������ƪ������������������������������������������������������������������������������Ǥ���������������������������ƪ����ǡ������������������������������������������������������age range of 27-47, a middle-income or higher family with some money to spend on a fun night for a good cause. For each fundraising event, The Rack Pack should write out ������������������������������������������������������������������ƪ���������������������accordingly.

The Rack Pack Foundation logo is sizable in this document; however, the organization name should be included. The foundation name does not stand out in its current location on the page. Unnecessary words can sometimes make a document weightier than it needs to be. If they try to limit the number of words and keep the text concise and simple, it will create a clean and professional look. The information should be placed in order of importance to ensure that the reader understands the information they need.


�������ơ������ǡ���������������������������������������������������������������������������Rack Pack Foundation’s success. This provides the target audience with only the pertinent information that is relevant to them. The stakeholders important to The Rack Pack’s success are the care bag recipients and their loved ones, volunteers, donors, and potential ���������������������Ǥ�������������������������������������������������Ƥ��������������������resources The Rack Pack needs.

Volunteers need communication materials that tell them why helping is important, what �������������������������������������������ǡ������������������ƪ�������������������������experiencing breast cancer treatment.

Potential donors need communication materials that focus on why The Rack Pack should ��������������������������������������Ǧ���Ƥ�������������������������Ǥ����������������������������Ƥ����������������������������ǡ���������������������������������������������������symbolic returns they are going to receive on their investment.

Care bag recipients and their loved ones need communication materials that focus on what The Rack Pack provides, that it is free, and how to request a bag. Lastly, with the organization’s size as a key factor, their future communication activities ������������������������Ƥ����������������������Ǥ�����������ǡ����������������������������has an abundance of volunteers but needs more donated items for its care bags, the �����������������������������������������������Ƥ�������������������������������������������������������ƪ�����������������������������������������������������Ǥ������������������the small number of people that run The Rack Pack Foundation by allowing them to focus on �������������������������Ƥ���������������Ǥ��

3 4

Page 5: The Rack Pack Foundation

�����������������������������Ƥ�����������ǣ��������������ǡ��������ǡ������������ǡ���������������and values. We found each of these elements in the values and goals of The Christi Anderson Rack Pack Foundation. However, before we could identify any of its goals, we needed to understand its core values.

The Rack Pack values friendship and comfort and wants to implement these values through the challenging experience of breast cancer. These values were set in stone with its creation. The family that started this foundation did so in memory of their sister who died from breast ������Ǥ����������������������Ƥ���Ǧ����������������������������������������������������wants to reach out to others going through the same thing. Through a shared experience, the foundation wants to create genuine relationships with its publics. The Rack Pack desires to give those going through breast cancer a more comfortable experience and will share its knowledge with whoever asks for it. The most obvious way The Rack Pack demonstrates this value is by providing care bags to these people.

The Rack Pack also values the close-knit and small feel its company currently has. When we met with our contact, she stressed the importance of each bag being handmade. Unlike manufactured bags, The Rack Pack care bags are personalized with handwritten notes. ���������������������������������������������ơ��������������������������������������cancer when they see that someone took the time to make them more comfortable.

Because of this “homemade” feel, the Rack Pack does not want to grow too much larger than it is. If it grew too large, they would either see the process as a hassle or need to mechanize the process. Both of these actions would go against the values of The Rack Pack.

��������������������������������ǡ����������Ƥ�������������������������������������������work towards.

Goal 1: To increase the number of volunteers for The Rack Pack

The Rack Pack currently has a devoted group of volunteers, who make all of the bag deliveries possible. However, to reach its goal of giving a bag to every woman in Utah �ơ����������������������ǡ��������������ǯ����������������������������������������Ǥ���������not currently have the manpower to reach this goal.

�������������ơ��������������������������������������������������������������������������needs to extend its ability to distribute bags. We hope The Rack Pack will reach this goal by �����������͖͔͕͗Ǥ����������������������������������������������������Ƥ���������������������������than is standard at Rack Pack events.


Values and Goals Goal 2: To provide people with an opportunity to give a care bag to a loved one undergoing breast cancer treatment

Many of those that run The Rack Pack are Christi’s family members. They have a special insight into what it’s like to watch someone you love go through breast cancer. They have experienced the helplessness and worry that others feel andthey understand the desire to help. By increasing The Rack Pack’s bag making abilities, it gives more people a chance to help and feel useful. This goal works towards creating relationships not only with those the �����������������ơ����ǡ���������������������������������������ơ����Ǥ�


This goal strives to create relationships with patients and volunteers. In working towards this goal, we will give The Rack Pack the materials it needs to handle the versatile nature of �����Ǧ���Ƥ�������������������������������������������������Ǥ��������������ǯ���������������ƪ�������������������������ǡ������������������������������������������������������������������key publics.


All of these goals interconnect as they sprout from The Rack Pack’s values. Because of this, ��������������ơ������������������������������������Ǥ���������������������������������������room to grow, we recognize that what we have done for them this past semester is only the beginning.

Page 6: The Rack Pack Foundation

Potential Volunteers/Donors

�����������������������������ǯ�����������������������������������Ƥ�����������������������������items and manpower requirements, especially during the month of October. Potential volunteers want to help for a variety of reasons, including possibly having a loved one who survived or passed away because of breast cancer. Volunteer commitment may ��������Ƥ�����������������������������������������������ǡ���������Ƥ���������������������help is needed. This would be an excellent option for donation items, table volunteers at breast cancer awareness events, or the extra manpower needed when putting together a large number of care bags. College students can provide their resources—whether that is business, communication, marketing knowledge, etc.—in exchange for real-world experience. This may be a more appealing option since the commitment level will be higher, as long as they receive internship credit for their work.

Loved Ones of Care Bag Recipients

For the loved ones of those going through breast cancer, The Rack Pack Foundation has done a wonderful job of targeting this public. This strong relationship comes from the organization being familiar with this public, their values, and their characteristics. This public has a strong focus on family, which The Rack Pack understands because their experience ����������������������������������Ǥ������������������������Ƥ������������������������������were in a hospital waiting room, wishing they could do something to help Christi. This is what eventually inspired The Rack Pack Foundation and this is what they know best. This public is exhausted emotionally and physically, they want so badly to help their loved one through this experience but only so much is possible. A care bag is something that is possible—with items included that only an individual who has gone through cancer treatment or those with a loved one who has gone through this traumatic experience would know to include, like underarm pillows in case the individual going through treatment has �����������������������������ǡ�������������������������������ơ�����������������������nausea. This is the public The Rack Pack knows best.


Analysis of PublicsWe discussed the publics important to The Christi Anderson Rack Pack Foundation’s success with Michele Earlewine, Christi’s mom, and an invaluable member of the foundation. Even though The Rack Pack would love to reach every woman in Utah undergoing breast cancer treatment, it does not have the time or manpower to meet that goal. In addition, she also explained that the non-commercialized feel is something they want to hold onto as an organization; the handwritten notes and TLC given to each care bag is what separates The ���������������������������Ƥ���������������Ǥ�

With that said, one of the publics most important to the success of The Rack Pack is the close friends and family of Christi Anderson. This close-knit group is the heart and soul of the organization and where the majority of donations and volunteers come from. Their love of Christi is what has continued to motivate them to give their available resources (e.g. time, money, donation items). They have an active role in the organization and their wish for its success comes from a deeply personal place.

Care Bag Recipients

The Rack Pack focuses mainly on the care bag recipients. This public diverges into two groups, the care bag recipients and those who request care bags on behalf of their loved ����Ǥ�������������������������������������������������ơ�������Ǥ������������������������breast cancer treatment who request a bag for themselves will need to be treated in a more sensitive manner; they could be embarrassed or ashamed to request help for themselves. This possibility means that new pathways of communication need to be opened up for this public. This might create a way for people to submit a bag request anonymously for someone going through treatment or by creating targeted ads for those going through breast cancer without a strong support system. In particular, it seems important to The Rack Pack Foundation to target those without a loving support system. The Rack Pack should spend more time targeting this public with their communication media. Right now, The Rack Pack is mostly focusing on loved ones that are supporting someone going through breast cancer, by targeting them in places such as hospital waiting rooms.

Larger Donors

Even though outside donors and volunteers are not consistently targeted by The Rack Pack, they play an important role in the organization. Michele explained that when they ask for �����������������������������������ǡ������������������������������������������Ƥ�������������Ƥ������ǤǤ�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Ǥ�����������Ƥ��������������������������������������������Ǥ�������organizations usually set aside a certain amount of money to use towards charitable causes. Making face to face contact, providing a deliverable to leave with them that details what ������������Ƥ���������������������������ǡ������������������������������������Ƥ�������certain date leads to a better chance of receiving material resources from this public.

Page 7: The Rack Pack Foundation

Goal: To reach every woman in Utah with breast cancer

Goal: To provide people with an opportunity to give a care bag to a loved one undergoing breast cancer treatment

Goal: To increase the number of volunteers for !e Rack Pack

Objective: To deliver 30% more care bags in 2013 than in 2012

Objective: To increase the number of !e Rack Pack volunteers by November 1st

Strategy: Create a visual brand for !e Rack Pack.

Tactic: Send out volunteer postings on Utah Commission of Volunteer’s website.

Strategy: Distribute brochures to major oncology o"ces in Salt Lake Valley

Strategy: Find resources and connect !e Rack Pack to them.

Strategy: create a plan for growth

Strategy: Improve !e Rack Pack’s organization.

Tactic: create a style guide.

Tactic: create templates and examples.

Tactic: Research outside resources

Tactic: Provide resource contact list

Tactic: understand available resources

Tactic: Create inventory tracker sheet

Tactic: Read textbook for guidance.

Tactic: provide written plan of suggestions and ways to implement them.

Objective: To improve !e Rack Pack’s ability to reach their audiences.

Tactic: Distribute brochures once every two months

Organizational Chart


Page 8: The Rack Pack Foundation


Before we could identify The Christi Anderson Rack Pack Foundation’s goals and values, we needed to get to know them. We spent a good part of this project going to events and ��������������������������ǡ�����������������������������Ǥ����������Ƥ�������������������and values after learning about the organization. The following objectives, strategies and ����������ƪ������������������������������������������������������Ǥ�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������Ǥ���������������ƪ���������������objectives, strategies and tactics currently available to The Rack Pack.

Through public relations tactics, we addressed and developed key objectives within the organization. Through conversations with The Rack Pack and using our lessons as a ���������ǡ������������������Ƥ�����������������������������������������������������������Ǥ������������������ǡ����������Ƥ���������������������������������������������������������these objectives.

1. Objective: To increase the number of The Rack Pack Volunteers by Nov. 1st, 2013

�����������������������������������������������������������������ơ������������������������out to volunteers and donors. The Rack Pack wants to inform their primary audience (those going through breast cancer) of the availability of care bags. It plays more on emotions when addressing volunteers and donors by appealing to their desire to help. The Rack Pack can use Monroe’s Motivated Sequence in reaching out to volunteers and donors.

1. Attention: The Rack Pack uses Christi’s story to get volunteers and donors attention. In doing so, they demonstrate that tragedy strikes close to home and its devotion to combating this tragedy.

2. Need: The Rack Pack starts with Christi’s story to inform the audience of what those going through breast cancer experience. While The Rack Pack can’t cure cancer, it provides a service that will help people feel cared for during their treatments.

3. ������������ǣ����������������ơ��������������������������������������������ǯ�������������as comfortable as possible.

4. Visualization: The audience volunteers may help will be uncomfortable and possibly alone, without comfort throughout the process.

5. Action: volunteers and donors can give supplies for bags, money or time to make the bags, or they can participate in promotional events.

a. Strategy: Create a plan for growth

Because this project only lasts for a semester, we will not provide further assistance. This organization will continue to grow. We will provide them with a timeline and instructions on to use these materials, criteria to judge their success and a timeline to track their rate of

growth. We do not want to leave The Rack Pack with the materials and no sense of how to use them.

Public Relations teaches us that the best practices of an organization come from creating and following a plan. When an organization creates a plan, it keeps its actions in line with its value based mission and helps it secure needed resources. Planning also helps an organization manage and track available and future resources. When an organization does this, it will know what actions it needs to take to secure needed resources. This plan for growth will help The Rack Pack understand how to proceed. This will lead to more planned actions rather than reactionary ones.

i. Tactic: Provide written plan of suggestions and ways to implement them

Once we had all of the information necessary to create a plan for growth, we created one. This plan will eliminate any confusion in implementing changes. We made these suggestions ������������������������������������ǯ������������������������������������������������������Ƥ��������������Ǥ�������������������ơ��������������������������������Ǧ���Ƥ�������������������out of a family’s home and wants to remain small. The Rack Pack wants to make a large impact while still hand making its products.

b. Strategy: Find resources and connect The Rack Pack to them

The Rack Pack’s biggest obstacle is the health care laws that prevent them from reaching out to those going through breast cancer treatment. We connected The Rack Pack to the publics that can contact this primary audience. This obstacle further proves Resource Dependency Theory in that The Rack Pack can’t contact its primary audience with current resources. If given the right connections, The Rack Pack can reach out to those going through breast cancer treatment.

We provided them with contact information instead of starting the relationships for them. Since we are a third party, it would be inappropriate for us to start a relationship and expect them to take over. Once The Rack Pack has the proper contact information, it can start and maintain those relationships. This practice will be more successful and meaningful long-term, as these sources will look out for The Rack Pack instead of providing them with one time opportunities.

i. Tactic: Research outside resources

Any organization that wishes to expand needs resources to support their growths. We ���������������������������������������������������������������������������ơ����Ǥ����researched support groups, volunteer organizations, clinics and patient outreach in order to provide The Rack Pack with resources that will best match its personality and ability to work.

The Rack Pack told us the problem it struggled with most was contacting patients. Current 12


Page 9: The Rack Pack Foundation

health care laws prevent organizations from contacting those going through breast cancer directly, so The Rack Pack needed other ways to contact them. If it cannot connect to this primary audience, The Rack Pack cannot function. We researched alternative methods of contacting those going through breast cancer so that The Rack Pack can better reach out to them.

ii. Tactic: Provide resource contact list

��������������Ƥ�����������������������ǡ����������������������������������������������information for other organizations. We encourage The Rack Pack to use this information to create its own relationships. Because The Rack Pack is a personal organization, this approach works best. This foundation makes personal relationships with all of its audiences, and needs to continue this practice with future resources.

The Rack Pack does not have a corporate feel and does not want one. Because it values helping those going through breast cancer as more of a friend, it needs connections with other resources that share this value. The resources we provided to The Rack Pack will be open to a more friendly relationship.

iii. Tactic: Send out volunteer postings on Utah Commission of Volunteers website

�������������������������������������������������������ǡ��������ơ����������������������������������������������������������������Ǥ�����������ơ�����������������������organizations to promote events to a larger audience. This service gives The Rack Pack another medium to connect with audiences unavailable before. It can reach audiences in mediums they prefer to interact in and will positively contribute to the existing breast cancer support community.

The Rack Pack will gain a presence in the volunteer community and expose its identity to audiences who want to help. Its current volunteer core developed through word of mouth. The service also requires little maintenance, so it will not need to extend large amounts of time or energy on this tactic

We feel The Rack Pack should create these postings themselves. The postings will mean more if they come from the organization.

2. Objective: To deliver 30% more care bags in 2013 than in 2012

��������������������������������������������������ơ����������������������Ǥ����������to reach this goal, the foundation needs to create more bags. This goal is more of an overarching goal and will likely never be reached. Instead of focusing on this improbability, we felt The Rack Pack needed something to work towards. The organization needs to keep track of bags delivered using the inventory tracking sheet. Doing so will help them track ���������������������Ǥ�����������������������������������������������������������ơ���������breast cancer in Utah successful if this objective is met by the end of 2013. 13


In order to increase the number of bags distributed, The Rack Pack needs to increase awareness of its services through educational and outreach materials.

Families and loved ones that support those going through breast cancer may interact with The Rack Pack brochures in the waiting area while their loved one undergoes breast cancer treatment. These audiences will be thinking about how to help their loved one and will better notice take one of these brochures.

��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ơ�that help them through the experience. Because they come to the clinic on a regular basis, ��������������������������������������������ơǤ������������������������������������������������������������ơ������������������Ƥ�������������������������������������������Ǥ

i. Tactic: Distribute brochures once every two months

Because those going through breast cancer need their own brochure, The Rack Pack will need to replenish the brochures at the clinics at a regular basis. This will ensure that the audience will have access to updated information.

3. Objective: To improve The Rack Pack’s ability to reach their audiences

Because The Rack Pack aims to help breast those going through breast cancer feel more �����������ǡ�����������������������������ơ������������������������������Ǥ����������������monetary and material resources, but it also needs ways contact its primary audience without breaking any laws.

������������������������������������������������������Ƥ����������������������ǡ���������������need resources like materials and volunteers. Most of these key resources are not controlled by the organization and in order to get those necessary resources, organizations need to build relationships with the proper publics. The resources The Rack Pack needs are controlled by those going through breast cancer, their loved ones, donors and volunteers. Each of these publics help The Rack Pack get closer to helping those going through breast cancer feel more at ease in their cancer experience.

The ability to help those going through breast cancer will make or break The Rack Pack’s success. The foundation has had positive feedback from audiences they helped in the past. ��������������������������������������������ơ����������������������������������������������the future. We will provide The Rack Pack with the tools needed to better reach its primary audience and let them know about this service. Sarah mentioned that most people don’t know this service exists.


Page 10: The Rack Pack Foundation

i. Tactic: Create templates and examples

Along with the style guide, we provided visual examples of documents The Rack Pack might use to reach out to patients or volunteers. Because they struggled with design in the past, providing The Rack Pack with visual examples will help it see the possibilities available within the style guide. We cannot anticipate every type of document that they may need in the future, but by we hope to make future document creation easier with a baseline of comparison.

������������������������������������������������Ƥ��������������������Ƥ����������Ǥ���������our deliverables target volunteers and some target those going through breast cancer. Each ����������������ơ�������������Ǥ��������������������������������������������������������support; a message The Rack Pack demonstrated that its audiences need.

Materials aimed at volunteers and donors provide general information about the organization and ways they can help. These deliverables play on this audience’s pathos by sharing the story of those going through breast cancer.

We tried to demonstrate our understanding of The Rack Pack’s mission with our examples of �����������������������������������������Ƥ�����������Ǥ������������������������������������to reach their publics and create a stronger community connected to the organization.

ii. Tactic: Create a style guide

Sarah mentioned that it had problems with design. To address this concern, we created a �����������Ǥ�������������������������������������������������������������������ơ����������������color scheme and logo. This style guide will eliminate any confusion in creating further documents. The guide also explains each visual element and how to use them.

We designed this style guide to help those in the organization more easily create their own visuals. This style guide will help the foundation establish credibility. Those who were previously hesitant to contact The Rack Pack might reconsider. A visual identity will also establish brand recognition. People are more likely to return to or recommend an organization they can remember and recognize. Some of the most successful organizations have clear brand recognition and an established visual identity. Its audiences know what that foundation does and what they can expect from it. When an organization maintains a visual identity, it becomes something that people can relate to and connect with.

b. Strategy: Improve The Rack Pack’s organization

The Rack Pack experienced a large amount of growth in a short amount of time. Because it operates from home, The Rack Pack’s structure needs to solidify and grow to meet demand. At a bag-making event we attended, we noticed that it did not always know how many supplies they had.

We developed a clear message to let those going through breast cancer know that this service is available. The Rack Pack also wanted to reach out to families of those going through breast cancer, in case they do not feel comfortable asking for help on their own.

The Rack Pack wants this audience to know that they are not alone. This message will help �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ơ������by breast cancer in Utah.

a. Strategy: Create a visual brand for The Rack Pack

When an organization establishes and sticks to a visual brand, it becomes more credible. As The Rack Pack adopts a visual identity, those going through breast cancer will recognize the organization and can remember and recommend it to others. This credibility will build �ơ����������������������������������������������������������������Ǥ�

Sarah expressed concern about the organization’s design skills. So, we created a simple visual brand that The Rack Pack can easily reproduce.

Because The Rack Pack aims to contact those going through breast cancer treatment, it ���������������ơ������������ǡ������������������������������������������������������Ǥ����used bright but simple colors to try to look welcoming and inviting to these audiences. The Rack Pack recognizes that they experience grim circumstances and need some cheer. The visual brand we created strives to capture the cheer that The Rack Pack puts into each care bag.

Successful message development accompanies successful visual representation of the message. We took the following steps in creating this brand.

1. Discovering the right message: we strived to communicate The Rack Pack’s care and support. By using bright colors and simple designs, we feel its image will support and comfort this primary audience.

2. Organizing the message: we recognize that people going through breast cancer or those supporting them have a lot on their mind. We presented the message in a straightforward and simple format to get the information across without overwhelming the important publics.

3. Finding the best words and images: our team went to a couple of The Rack Pack’s events �����������������������������������������������ǯ��������Ǥ����������������������������ơ�of their existing copy, as we feel they know their publics better than we do.

4. ��������������������ơ������������ǣ���������������������������������������������������in a hospital or clinic waiting room. These people are already in the process of breast cancer treatment, so this discomfort sits at the front of their mind. This audience is most focused on the medical situation in this location, which makes the materials more �ơ�����������������������������������������������������������Ǥ�

15 16

Page 11: The Rack Pack Foundation

To assist The Rack Pack Foundation, we collaborated with the organization to create a set of deliverables that can be utilized immediately. Following will include examples of what a deliverable would entail, overall design, and description of distribution.

General Information Brochure

Audience targeted: Potential volunteers and donors.

Location audience will interact with deliverable: Tabling and educational events, races, and fundraisers.

Suggested methods of distribution: This brochure will represent The Christi Anderson Rack Pack Foundation to those unfamiliar with the organization and their purpose. These brochures should be present at the previously suggested events.


Deliverables�����������������������������������ǡ��������������������Ƥ������������������������������������������������������ơ����Ǥ�������������������������������������������������������ơ��������a corporate manner. The Rack Pack still wants to work from home and personalize each bag ���������Ǥ����������������������������������ƥ����������������������������Ǥ�����������������will help it organizing and keep track of its resources without making major changes to the way it works.

i. Tactic: Understand available resources

Before we could provide an accurate plan for growth, we had to fully understand The Rack ����ǯ���ơ����������������������������Ǥ������������������������������������������������������plan for growth instead of helping us provide contact information.

When we understood what The Rack Pack had, what it wanted to do and where it wanted to go, we came up with a fair plan for expansion.

In part of our research, we needed to get to know the organization better. We attended some of their events and interviewed major shareholders in the foundation. When we developed this insider view, we could provide sound and feasible recommendations to help the organization get to a goal that matched its values.

In a sense, we worked to understand our public (The Rack Pack) in order to help it better understand and reach out to its publics.

ii. Tactic: Create inventory tracker sheet

�������������ƥ������ǡ�������������������������������������������������������������������it possesses. We created a tracker spreadsheet that will help it know exactly what and how much it needs. The Rack Pack will know what donations are needed and if it needs volunteers when they use this spreadsheet. This way, it can maximize how many bags it produces while still making them in home and providing that handmade touch.


Page 12: The Rack Pack Foundation


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Christi was diagnosed w

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astectomy, chem

otherapy, radiation and genetic testing.

She competed in the Race for the Cure

with a large team

of supporters that continues on in her m

emory: Christi’s

Rack Pack. Christi lost her battle on February 7, 2010.

Our sisters battle and great exam

pleinspired us to continue helping those ZKR�ÀJKW�DV�VKH�GLG��:

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If you’d like to help the Rack Pack comfort

those undergoing breast cancer treatment,

please consider donating.


RQHWDU\�GRQDWLRQV�and volunteers to donate their tim

e to our cause.

If you are interested in dontating, please em

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These darling bags come equipped w

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and all donations go to support breast cancer patients.

Page 13: The Rack Pack Foundation

Patient Brochure

Audience targeted: Those going through breast cancer treatment and their loved ones.

Location audience will interact with deliverable: Clinic or hospital waiting rooms and examination rooms.

Suggested methods of distribution: The Rack Pack should hand deliver these bro-chures to help make contacts with working nurses and faculty. It should re-stock them every �����������������������������������������������������������ơǤ��

21 22

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Page 14: The Rack Pack Foundation

Patient Flyer

Audience targeted: Potential care bag recipients and their loved ones.

Location audience will interact with deliverable: Bulletin boards in clinic/hospital waiting rooms or examination rooms.

Suggested methods of distribution: It would be best to have these brochures hand-delivered, to help make contacts with working nurses and faculty. Re-stocking every month ���������������������������������������������������������������������ơǤ��


We’ll Help You!

What W

e DoW

e provide care bags for anyoneundergoing treatm

ent for breast cancer. These darling bags com

e equipped with

comfort item

s and toiletries to help you through your treatm

ent.The Rack Pack’s got your back!


and all donations go to support breast cancer patients.

Christi was diagnosed w

ith a rare form of

breast cancer in 2007 after she found a lum

p in her right breast. She received a double m

astectomy, chem

otherapy, radiation and genetic testing.

She competed in the Race for the Cure

with a huge team

of supporters that will

go on forever: Christi’s Rack Pack. Christi lost her battle on February 7, 2010.

We now

have a beautiful angel w

atching over us all and we see signs of

her love in all we do. W

e are better people for having Christi in our lives. W

e love her so m


Our bags are tailored to m

ake your cancer treatm

ent as comfortable as

possible. With activities to distract you

during chemo and toiletries to help you

feel beautiful, we hope they w

ill bring a sm

ile to your face.

Most of all, w

e want you to know

that you don’t have to go through this alone. If you need support, or even just a friend to talk to, don’t hesitate to contact us!



The Christi Anderson

Rack Pack Foundation









Page 15: The Rack Pack Foundation

Volunteer Flyer

Audience targeted: Potential volunteers and/or donors.

Location audience will interact with deliverable: Bulletin boards in churches, hospi-tals, clinics, and on college campuses.

Suggested methods of distribution: �������������������������ƪ���������������������boards on a semi-regular basis, once every one or two months.



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Thank-you cards

Audience targeted: Volunteers and/or donors.

Location audience will interact with deliverable: Preferably, a hard copy received in the mail.

Suggested methods of distribution: At The Rack Pack’s discretion.


Audience targeted: ���������������������ƥ���������������������������������������professional relationship with The Christi Anderson Rack Pack Foundation.

Location audience will interact with deliverable: Any formal business communication such as grant requests, news releases, and formal letters.

Suggested methods of distribution: See style guide.


The Christi Anderson Rack Pack [email protected](801) 949-2821 2276 E. 10095 S.Sandy, UT 84092

Page 16: The Rack Pack Foundation

Style Guide

Audience targeted: Internal document for foundation members and volunteers.

Location audience will interact with deliverable: To create a consistent identity, this style guide should be used any time a new document is created or a current document is adjusted.

Suggested methods of distribution: Any member that creates or alters The Rack Pack’s documents should have a copy of the style guide as a reference.




We are !e Christi Anderson Rack Pack Foundation and our goal is to make sure nobody has to go through breast cancer treatment alone. We aim to reach every woman in Utah going through treatment by providing care bags and an understanding support team.

Health challenges can be devastating to the body, the spirit, the budget, and the family. Being fortunate enough to have a support team during a crisis can make a huge di"erence in your ability to cope with it.

We feel properly equipped to help, with a care bag, a hug, a text message, a phone call, a friend. We want you to know that you have someone to go through this cancer experience with. !e Rack Pack is honored to have your back.


����¡�����Ŵ�� When designing any type of brochure, newsletter, or #yer, it’s important to remember what your brand is. Most people o$en will remember an organization based o" of two elements. !ose are the logo, and the color scheme. With a very distinct logo, it’s important to play o" of the key colors of pink and black. Pink and black are very eye catching colors, and due to their distinctness can wear the eye out. Because of this, complimentary colors must be used to create balance. !ough these complimentary colors are very distinct, they create an asthetic balance with the pink and black. !ey add variety and color to the page yet do not overhwhelm or distract. !ese colors are already used through most of the communication mediums our organization uses, yet they must be used in moderation. Only headlines and subheadlines are appropriate for color usage.

R: 232

G: 43

B: 135

R: 186

G: 228

B: 234

R: 21G: 138

B: 155

R: 236

R: 43R: 0

G: 217

G: 232G: 0

B: 67

B: 44B: 0

Page 17: The Rack Pack Foundation


������£���� Consistent logo usage is important to establish familiartiy. Because of this, the use of the logo must be deliberate.

!e color logo is the primary logo used by the organization. !e colors of the logo are consistent with the color scheme of the organization, and helps create brand familiarity. When using this logo, cost of printing and size must be considered. !e color logo will always be used on brochures, "yers, the website, thank you cards, and banners. !e pink body color and blue wings must adhere to the color palette found in this style guide. We advise against using a stroke on the logo unless it is necessary to di#erentiate the logo from background colors.

!e size of the logo is "exible, and may be appropriately sized depending upon what medium the logo is being used on. !e black and white logo will be used on faxes, letterhead, and envelopes. !e cost of printing color for these items is not a necessary cost, and most of the printing for such materials is preferred black and white.

When it comes to printing the logo on any other material, the logo use is dependent upon the organizations preference.




Typography adds to your company’s visual identity just as logos and colors do by establishing a visual that your audience can expect. We recommend using the bolded font Gabriola for the company name and in text headers.

We recommend using Segoe UI in body text for PC.

We recommend using Minion Pro in body text for Mac. We have used these fonts in our templates so you can see the examples below.

������¡�£¤������¡£��������������¦���¤����ှ��¡�������¤�������ဿ (Minion Pro) !e Christi Anderson Rack Pack Foundation provides “LoveHandles” care bags for anyone currently undergoing therapies for breast cancer. !ese darling tote bags are full of comfort items, toiletries, jewelry, wristbands, things to do during chemo, upli"ing thoughts, snacks and much more. To sponsor a bag, purchase a pair of Rack Pack Foundation earrings, wristbands, or make a cash donation, please visit our Shop/Donate page. We are a 501(c)(3)nonpro#t foundation and all donations go directly to the personal support of breast cancer patients.

!e letterhead should be used on any formal type of communication. Formal documents will be for grant requests, printed thank you letters to business partners, envelopes and thank you cards. Typically, those receiving these documents will have had only professional relationships with the organization.

!e use of black and white in the letterhead is intentional. Most professional documents do not include color. Color can undermine the professional view of an organization, and is an uncenecessary expense.

Page 18: The Rack Pack Foundation

Excel Spreadsheet

Audience targeted: Internal document for foundation members and volunteers.

Location audience will interact with deliverable: To be used by any foundation member that requests or tracks donation items.

Suggested methods of distribution: Any foundation member that tracks or requests donation items should use this spreadsheet to ensure that all the needed donation items are received.

31 32

Resources Spreadsheet

Audience targeted: Internal document for foundation members and volunteers.

Location audience will interact with deliverable: To be used by any foundation member that is responsible for recruiting volunteers.

Suggested methods of distribution: Any foundation member that requests volunteers should use this spreadsheet to ensure that volunteers can be contacted.

Page 19: The Rack Pack Foundation

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE FOR MORE INFORMATION:January 14th 2013 Holly King Public Relations Director (605) 867-5309 [email protected]


The classroom is expanding, and not because of technology. At Westminster College, professors are getting creative with their teaching techniques.

“Students can only learn so much from textbooks and lectures,” said Dr. Kim Zarkin, professor of a public relations course. “I decided that for students to understand how these lessons apply to the professional world, they needed some real world experience.”


�������Ǧ���Ƥ������������������������������������������������������������������������Ǥ�����������͖͔͕͔ǡ���������������Ǧ���Ƥ������������������������������������������������������������cancer treatment. Though The Rack Pack had experienced success, lack of time and resources was becoming a setback.

“My dream is to provide every woman in Utah undergoing breast cancer with a care bag,” said founder Sarah Dufour. “But honestly, it’s a lot of work to do that alone. I needed help reaching �������������ǡ���������������������������������Ƥ�����Ǥdz�

Help was found when Alicia Rogers, a junior communication major, contacted Dufour.

����������������������������������������������������ǡ������������������Ǧ���Ƥ������������Ƥ��from her public relations assignment.

“I thought The Rack Pack sounded like such a fun organization, and what they do for women in Utah is really inspirational,” Rogers said. “I just wanted to help them accomplish their goals.”

������ǡ���������������������������������ǡ������������������ơ����������������ǡ�����������������to create a public relations campaign for The Rack Pack. The campaign focused on creating community awareness, and increasing volunteer participation.

“It was a really rewarding experience,” said Keni Nelson, a senior communication major. “Working �������������������������������������������������������ƪ��������������������ǡ�������������������������us throughout our project.”


Press Release The work the students did for The Rack Pack will be seen around Salt Lake Valley, and have already �����������Ƥ���������������������Ǥ

“The work these ladies did was just incredible! I couldn’t have been luckier,” said Dufour. “I already have big plans for the future, and I couldn’t have done it without their help.”


We wrote the press release in such a way that it emphasized the strong relationships that develop when students engage in the community. We wanted it to show how well prepared Westminster students are due to their real world application of their work, and how Westminster’s strong committment to the ����������������������������������������Ǥ�������������������������������Ǧ���Ƥ�����������Ƥ�������working with Westminster students due to their skills.

October is Breast Cancer Awareness month. Many morning news programs run special ����������������������������������������Ƥ��ǡ�����������������������������������������ǡ�and breast cancer events throughout the month. Having an interview on a morning news program would spread awareness of The Rack Pack and would reach target audiences on a much grander scale. September 9th Send personalized pitch letters to Good Morning Utah (abc4), 2 News this morning (KUTV) and Utah’s Morning News (KSL). Pitch letters should include information as to why you’re a good choice for a news segment.

September 23rd Follow up with news programs

September 25th Create talking points outline. Highlight key points of organization, and emphasize why you think the public would like to know about your goals.

September 30th Send additional materials as necessary

October 7th Secure slot with news programs

October 8th- 31st Promote The Rack Pack on at least one morning news show 34


Page 20: The Rack Pack Foundation

The Christi Anderson Rack Pack Foundation can gage the success of our plans by tracking its progress in various areas over the next calendar year. For best accuracy, however, The Rack Pack should begin tracking how many bags they’ve delivered. By keeping track of how many bags are given away annualy, the organization can better gage the success of changes in communication. After an average number of bags given away is determined, The Rack Pack should see a 30% increase in distribution of sponsored care bags by January 1, 2014. It should also anticipate a 50% increase of volunteer participation in that time. The Rack Pack should feel more prepared to track these increases due to the organization system we created. It should also feel more prepared to keep track of its resources and supplies.


AssessmentRack Pack Brainstorm Notes – October 6, 2012����������ǣ����������������������������������������ơ����������������������ǡ����������awareness, increase fundraising, and volunteer support. Strategies: Create visual brand for rack pack, provide resources, research patient contact methods. Tasks: Create style guide and templates, research current methods, learn health laws, volunteer, reach out to volunteers, fundraise, attend events, publicize events, update website. Goals: To improve the quality and number of people the Rack Pack connects with. Possible Objective? 1. Include publics, resources, values, message, and media. 2. To improve �������������������������������������ơ����������������������Ǥ�

Rack Pack Brainstorm – October 17, 2012����������������ǣ������������������������ǡ�������������������������ơ����Ǥ�Ȉ� ����������������������������ǤǤǤ��������������������������������������������������Ǥ�Ȉ� ��������������������������Ǥ�Ȉ� ���������������ǫ�

Rack Pack Brainstorm – November 1, 2012AliciaȈ� ������������������������������������ơ�����Ȉ� ��������������������������Ȉ� ������������������Ȉ� �������������Ȉ� �����������������Melody Ȉ� ���������������������Ȉ� ���������������������Ȉ� �������������Ȉ� �����������������KeniȈ� ��������������������Ȉ� ��������������Ȉ� ���������Ȉ� �������������Ȉ� ������������������Holly Ȉ� ����������Ȉ� ����������������Ȉ� ����������������������������Ȉ� �������������Ȉ� ������������������

Appendix A


Page 21: The Rack Pack Foundation

Questions for Sarah: Ȉ� �������������������ǫ������������������������������������������ǤȈ� ������������������������������Ȉ� ����������ƪ���Ȁ����������������Ȉ� �����������Ȁ�����������������������Ȉ� ����������������������Ȁ�����������������������������������Ȉ� ����������������ǫ�����������������ǫ�

Rack Pack Brainstorm – November 26, 2012What should the formatting of the paper be? Should it be the same style as the style guide and deliverables? Ȉ� ���������������������������ȋ����������������ȌȈ� ������Ƭ������������Ȉ� ������������������������������Ȉ� ��������������������������������Ȉ� ������������������������������������������������Ȉ� ���������ǣ�ƪ�����������������������������Ǥ�Ȉ� �������������������ǡ���������������������������Ǥ������������������Ǥ���������� � “volunteer” or “donations” somewhere on volunteer brochure. Suggestions for a plan? Ȉ� ������������������������������Ȉ� �����ǡ����������������������������������������ǯ�������Ǥ� Our goal vs. their goal? Ȉ� ����Ǧ���������Ǥ� a. Our tools on how to get there. Timeline? Ȉ� ������������Ǥ�Ȉ� �����������������������Ȉ� Dz���������������������������������������Ǥ��������������������������������������� morning show in October.”


Presentation Outline

ALICIAȈ� How we found The Rack Pack: Ȉ� Wonderful organization, word-of-mouth spreads quickly; Lana Ȉ� Christi’s StoryȈ� Diagnosed with a rare form of breast cancer in 2007Ȉ� Double mastectomy, chemotherapy, radiation, and genetic testingȈ� Christi lost her battle with breast cancer on 2/7/2010Ȉ� Care bagsȈ� Mention how during treatment, loved ones want to help and can’t. They can’t cure

������ǡ�������������������������ơ��������������ǡ������������������������������������ǥ�care bags.

Ȉ� What the care bags includeȈ� Mission Statement/What they stand forȈ� Mission is to ensure that no one has to go through breast cancer treatment alone.

HOLLY Ȉ� ���������Ƥ��������������������������Ȉ� ����Ǧ�ơ����������������ǡ�͖͔͕͔������������ǯ���������������������������������ǤȈ� The proceeds bought a memorial for Christi and helped sponsor a three-day walker.

eventsȈ� Ribbon cutting ceremonies, pilates in the park events, tabling events at farmers markets

and twilight series, bike races, walk-a-thons, Desperado Dual in Panguitch in August, 2011.Ȉ� Majority of energy/time on assembling care bags. Recently, they have become even

�������ƪ��������������������������������������ǡ�������������������������������Community Impact Project Grant, which allowed them to fund cancer transition programs.

Ȉ� These programs have an emphasis on diet, emotional well-being, etc. and helped breast caner survivors that have been out of treatment for less than 24 months.

Ȉ� Hosted martini bash fundraiser, huge success, helps raise money to help support local breast cancer patients. Will be a recurring event.

Ȉ� ���������������ơ����Ȉ� ��������������������ơ������������ǡ�ƪ����ǡ����������ǡ��������Ƭ��������ǡ��������ǡ����ǤȈ� ���������������������������������Ƥ��������������������������ǯ������Ǧ��Ǥ�

MELODYȈ� ����Ƥ����������������������ǡ�������������������������������������������������Ȉ� Impressions of client: dedicated and enthusiastic, but didn’t have the plan or resources

to reach wanted goalsȈ� What we learned about our client from going to their eventsȈ� 3 goals:

Appendix B


Page 22: The Rack Pack Foundation

� ͕Ǥ������������������������������ơ����������������������������Ǥ���������������������� � their organization; it’s what they do and all of their audiences help them achieve this. Still need to keep personalized touch with bags and not get too big. 2. Provide loved ones with and opportunity to give a care bag to those going through breast cancer. Rack Pack is in a special position to understand this audience. 3. Increasing the number of volunteers for The Rack Pack. Ȉ� They need more manpower in order to expand, as their current volunteer force consists

of their friends.

KENIȈ� We took their bold identity and applied it consistently through their communication

�ơ����Ǥ�Ȉ� The organization is very committed to their style. They like the hot pink and black

combination, and wanted to use colors that were complimentary. We respected that decision, and adhered to that in all of our designs.

Ȉ� Brochures, Flyers, Letterhead, Style Guide, SpreadsheetȈ� Brochures were created to address two key audiences. One audience was volunteers.

����������������������������������������������Ƥ�������������������������������ǡ�and provided a brief history of the organization. The other audience was families and ��������Ǥ�����������������ǡ��������������������������������������������Ƥ���������������by The Rack Pack, and what their purpose was.

Ȉ� Flyers were created to catch the attention of volunteers and families/patients. These simply provided very brief descriptions of what The Rack Pack is, and provided contact information.

Ȉ� To facilitate professionalism and consistency, a style guide was created. This led to ���������������������������������������������ǡ���������������������Ƥ�����������������������������ǡ�ƪ����ǡ�����������ǡ������������������������Ǥ�

Ȉ� Conclusion: The Rack Pack has had a strong beginning and has already helped so many women in Utah. We hope, through our work, by us providing resources, TRP will be able to accomplish their ultimate goal of providing support for every woman in Utah undergoing breast cancer treatment.


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