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Subject: Rishi Devra AKA Devra Patton West and the role that Dr. Julio Williams MD plays in her Cult / Criminal Racketeering Gang.

Rishi Devra AKA Devra Patton West and the role that Dr. Julio Williams MD plays in her Cult / Criminal Racketeering Gang.

Upon arriving in Cave Creek AZ in 2011, Devra Patton West changed her ‘stage’ name / alias from the Ascended Master Surya Ma to the Ascended Master ‘Rishi Devra.’ She also awarded herself several new accolades / titles including the following:-

The Regent of the Spiritual Hierarchy for the Western Hemisphere.


The Regent of the Great Masters [see below]

In addition to the new titles and accolades that she has awarded herself since arriving in Arizona, this con artist and violent convicted criminal, as part of her latest batch of lies and propaganda, states that she is:- “A blessing for all souls.”

And the latest lies and propaganda declare that she is:- “The light that stands behind leaders and world servers across the globe.” And, “As an instrument of mercy, she offers the phenomena of Divine Grace Healing.” And, “The Karmic resolution of divine dispensation.”

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Is this is a miracle transformation for Devra Patton West since arriving in Arizona? Or just the latest iteration of her cult / criminal racketeering business model that is underpinned by her extensive knowledge of the occult. Hidden knowledge that has allowed her to get away with theft, fraud, extortion, attempted murder, murder and the mental and physical abuse of just about everyone she came into contact with who refused to submit to her will and play the medieval surf to her version of a medieval baron. Below is brief summary of her activities (the tip of the iceberg) while operating as the Ascended Master Surya Ma in Montana between 2005 & 2010, before being expelled from that state.

1. Arrest Warrant for Criminal Check Fraud. 2. Conviction for Assaulting Dr. Cole MD & News Article announcing same.
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3. Becoming the subject of a Sheriff’s Sale to force her to pay her creditors $2,000,000 in court judgments and interest.

4. Whistle-blower’s judgment against Devra West for fraud. 5. Defendant in fraud case brought by Larry Brazda and others. 6. Defendant in fraud case brought by ‘Top to Bottom’ Construction. 7. Vicious Assaults on female members of her cult i.e. Susannah Felder & Beatrice McGuire, Jamie

Haywood and Dr. Pat Cole MD. 8. The Students who took out loans for Devra West after being told, “They would be closer to God.” 9. West’s son’s criminal record. Like mother like son? 10. Arrest Warrant for felony theft.

And below is a brief summary of her activities (the tip of the iceberg) while operating as the Ascended Master Devra Ji in Montana between 1995 & 2005

1. A J White – Charity Board Member and witness to fraud. 2. The whistleblower – Consultant defrauded out of wages and shares. 3. Barbara Costantino – Personal Secretary and witness to Devra West’s attempts at ‘rewriting’ history

so as to blame each victim expelled from the cult. 4. Tania Hurley – House keeper who was convinced that Devra West was / is insane. 5. Kathleen Francisco – Assistant house keeper and witness to Devra West’s criminality. 6. Diane Stoner – Personal secretary and witness to Devra West’s criminality. 7. Kendall Strnad – Devra West’s daughter in law and the victim of occult attacks. 8. Jamie Haywood – Devra West’s daughter in law and the victim of occult attacks.

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9. Carlida Finch – Employee given the option to join the cult or be fired and witness to Devra West’s plan to murder Dr. Pat Cole MD.

10. Debra Coffey – Assistant Teacher and witness to the mental and physical abuse meted out by Devra West towards students targeted for extortion.

11. Ingrid Smith – Teacher and witness to cruelty meted out to amongst others her 6 year old son. 12. Rebekah Edminster – Teacher witness to cruelty towards students and employees by Devra West. 13. Judy Morris – Student that alleges that many students were pressured into taking take out loans to

give money to Devra West apparently being told that the more money they gave the closer to God they would be!

14. Elaine – Student who speaks to the $250,000 emerald necklace she saw Devra West wearing and the fact that she believes that she has millions stashed away.

15. Susannah Felder – Employee partially scalped after being assaulted by Devra West. 16. Beatrice McGuire – Student who had her ear partially ripped off for challenging Devra West’s lies in

public. 17. Anandra George – Student repeatedly physically abused and forced to write false statements about

the whistleblower that Devra West intended to use in court. 18. Lisa Swidler – Student / Teacher probably murdered by Devra West to keep her quiet about two

serious crimes she witnessed against other students. 19. Mike Hendrickson – Student defrauded out of $200,000 by Devra West when the overdraft he

guaranteed at the charity’s bank was emptied into a personal trust fund for Devra West and her eldest son Rob Meador.

20. Dave Kushner – Student defrauded out of $30,000. 21. Joseph Costantino – defrauded out of $20,000 in wages; after fighting Devra West at tribunal

agreed to settle at 50 cents on the dollar. 22. Marion Cantwell – Student kidnapped, held captive and beaten until she agreed to give up part of

the sale proceeds of her house (tens of thousands of dollars?) to Devra West as a ‘donation.’ Lakeside MT calling herself ‘Surya Ma’ 2005 to 2011. The following image gives details of some of the crimes committed by Devra West during that time period bearing in mind most crimes are committed against cult members and remain hidden inside the cult.

And while we have scant records for her reign of terror in New Mexico between 1991 &1995, it is clear from at least one victim, that there was a reign of terror. Dr. Pat Cole MD was viciously assaulted by Devra West in 2006, as part of a campaign of violence whose objective was to literally beat the crap out of Dr. Cole until she agreed to hand over her entire net worth amounting to $1.3 million to Devra West. Which is exactly what happened see Whitefish Pilot, Bigfork Eagle and several emails that her friend Rebecca West (no relation to Devra West) sent to the whistleblower in March of 2007. Part of the records made available to the police who were called to the assault was a document entitled ‘Pats Records ATTACHMENT TO FL CO Sheriff's’ if one reviews this document you can see that it clearly refers to “abuses by Devra West dating back to her time in New Mexico.”

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Then there is a statement from a fellow class mate, Satya, who attended the Robert Jaffe School of Energy Mastery between 1990 & 1991 with Devra West. In her statement Satya refers to Devra Patton West as a deeply disturbed psychopathic person / personality, who manipulates everyone around her which included Satya, who was defrauded out of $6,000 by Devra West. Upon completing the course in 1991, Devra West declared herself to be an Ascended Master and anyone not agreeing, was accused of “blocking the energies.” Going further back in time another witness, Jeremy Samuelson, commented in his statement that he knew Devra & Jack West back in the 1980’s and 1970’s when they were both pot growers (presumably drug dealers) and that Devra & Jack West conned him out of $10,000. Long story short, we have a pattern of behavior that clearly indicates that Devra Patton West is a narcissist, who manipulates and abuses everyone she comes into contact with while insisting that each person that she interacts with her adopts the role of subservient slave while she plays out her delusions of being a divine being / Greek Goddess. Follow this link to view the ‘protocol’ that in Montana she insisted everyone followed in her presence.

Above: left it is all about the money. Center: the natural order – survival of the fittest. Devra west regards

herself as the apex predator. Right: Millions of dollars a year from organized crime fund a luxurious lifestyle and allow this narcissist to live out her delusions of grandeur while ‘lording’ over the sheeple.

The current sales pitch consists of a website up full of lies and propaganda which includes a fake life story / bio along with fake testimonials and outrageous claims about her ‘divinity’ which are all apparently allowed under religious freedom laws even though she is asking for 6 figure donations from the public based on those lies. Then we have the reality of her past incarnations in Montana (and New Mexico before that) which can best be described by two images. Above, the natural order is survival of the fittest. In her mind, the occult knowledge she possesses makes her the ‘apex predator’ which has allowed her these past 27 years to commit all manner of serious crimes with plausible deniability. Both victims and witnesses are targeted with occult ‘under the radar’ violence, with the clear intention of intimidating them into emptying their bank accounts into hers, intimidating them into not going to the police, civil courts and not going public about their experiences.

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Above top left: the members of her cult in 2002. Bottom left: Most treated like cattle and ‘harvested’ as and

when she needs money. Right: Students to her unaccredited school, employees and consultants all manipulated into becoming members of her cult and converted into cash in one form or another.

Above; several persons in the photo above, taken in the summer of 2002, ended up being ‘blessed’ Devra West. One was murdered (Lisa Swidler) one was defrauded out of shares and salary amounting to $760,000 (the whistleblower). One was severely beaten on several occasions and had her entire net worth extorted from her amounting to $1.3 million (Dr. Pat Cole MD) and one was defrauded out of $200,000 (Mike Hendrickson). One was defrauded out of $30,000 (Dave Kushner) and one was kidnapped, beaten, held captive and only released after she agreed to make a large ‘donation’ to Devra West who told her that if she went to the police she would be killed (Marion Cantwell). There were many other victims of mental and physical abuse such as Carlida Finch, who was told that she must join West’s cult and be a low paid or no paid slave or be fired. Similarly, employee Rebecca West (no relation to Devra West) was the subject of overt and covert violence by Devra West, who tried to intimidate her into withdrawing a statement she made on behalf of her friend, Dr. Pat Cole MD, who Rebecca saw Devra West viciously assault. Follow this link to a harrowing email she sent to the whistleblower entitled ‘Help Me.’ Then, there were the violent assaults and mental and physical abuse meted out by psychopath, West, who believed that state and federal laws did not apply to her or the unfortunate souls trapped inside her cult.

From left to right: Susannah Felder; second left Beatrice McGuire; center Dr. Pat Cole MD; second from right

Ingrid Smith’s son; and far right the golden Labrador dog that was abused by Devra West.

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Above, violent assaults on three female members of her cult. Susannah partially scalped after daring to challenge Devra West after Susannah caught her stealing $80,000 from the charity. Beatrice had part of her ear ripped off in front of a crowd at a seminar after challenging West’s lies. Pat Cole was repeatedly hit over the head with the heel of West’s shoe until blood ran down the victim’s blouse. Devra Patton West does not reserve her criminality and violence just for adults. One student, a professional educator, reported that Devra West assaulted her 6 year old son. Devra West was gifted a dog by a student in 2002. Shortly afterwards, a couple of employees who worked for Devra West in her residence reported that the dog used to empty its bladder every time Devra West approached it. Of course Devra Patton West would have been jailed decades ago but for the support given by the senior members of her cult / criminal racketeering gang.

Above: Liar for hire and all round scum bag Geoffrey Reynolds CPA. This bottom feeding accomplice to

organized crime is currently working for McSwain & Co accountants in Olympia WA. Last week we focused on the support given to Devra West by accomplice, Geoffrey Reynolds CPA, a bottom feeding scum bag, who agreed to be complicit in West’s plot to murder the whistleblower and when that failed, joined with West and fronted a conspiracy to bankrupt the whistleblower. The motivation by West for both the murder plot and the conspiracy to bankrupt him were a) revenge for the whistleblower going public about her criminal racketeering business model in Montana and b) to force down his websites which contained an on-line library of her past criminality making it impossible for her to reincarnate in Arizona until that information was removed. You can review the bulletin dedicated to Reynolds role in West’s criminality by going here. Criminality that also included money laundering and making false pleadings to a Montana court for the purposes of extorting $5,000,000 from the whistleblower. This week we are going to focus our attention on Dr. Julio Williams MD who, unlike Geoffrey Reynolds, probably agreed to be an accomplice in West’s criminal racketeering business model only after extensive brainwashing and conditioning. All cult members have to go through the process of ‘submitting’ to the will of the ‘Master Teacher’ occult thief / suspected serial killer, Devra West, before being allowed to remain in her presence. Long story short, if you have integrity and a moral compass, you are quickly ejected from her presence as a student or an employee. However, if you are corrupt like Reynolds or weak minded, and come from a country (Dominican Republic) steeped in black magic and the occult like Julio Williams, then you are ideal material for an accomplice in organized crime.

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Above left: Williams a doctor and a heart surgeon is shamelessly used by Devra West to give her criminal

racketeering business model some respectability. Above right: Williams getting a ‘blessing’ from the occultist unaware that she is using ritual magic to bind him to her will. Note the dazed woman in the foreground.

Once indoctrinated, the subject of blackmail or just out of fear, the members of her cult do Devra West’s bidding no matter how criminal or how detrimental to their careers; as in the case of Julio Williams (and Geoffrey Reynolds). Below is a catalogue of how Dr. Julio Williams MD factored in Devra West’s criminal actions against the whistleblower and fellow physician, Dr. Pat Cole MD. 1. After the whistleblower was defrauded by Devra West in 2002, and after he launched his fraud lawsuit against her in 2003, Julio Williams, along with two other cult members, all gave their names to a ‘hatchet piece which was clearly written by Devra West and published by her on her website. As is her practice, the statement, defamatory in nature about the whistleblower while eulogizing her as a saint, appeared to be authored by Williams, Cole and Cornell. Why would three perfect strangers defame the whistleblower and risk court action unless they were members of a cult doing as they were told? 2. In 2007, Williams gave a glowing testimonial from West’s website while she was posing in the Flathead Lake community as a multi-billionaire. Williams gave his testimonial, knowing that West was misrepresenting another person’s multi-million dollar lakeside property as belonging to her. He did so knowing that at the time, Devra West was being evicted from two rental properties in quick succession and knowing that she had a lien for $2,600 in in unpaid employment insurance. Below is an excerpt from his gushing sycophantic testimonial; the full statement can be viewed by going here.

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Above: Note that Williams refers to Devra Patton West as Dr. Devra West. West is not a doctor of anything unless you count the two fake doctorates that she insists the Christ awarded her in person. Also note Williams

sickening reference to the fact that “we graciously and fondly call her “Surya Ma.’ Gag!

Devra West is a card carrying Satanist, who has a history of substance abuse (like porn loving wife beating son) and to get these facts from the horse’s mouth, so to speak, you need go no further than to read the transcript of the custody hearing at which Devra West appeared as a witness for her aforementioned son. Go here to review part 1, part 2 and part 3. Part 1 is Devra West’s testimony which is a pack of lies from start to finish, and part 2 is the harrowing statement given by West’s daughter-in-law, who according to her statement, was made pregnant under age by West’s son, was forced to have an abortion by West’s son (because it would look bad in court when fighting for the custody of his infant daughter from his then wife, etc. etc. This is the pig’s ear that Julio Williams was trying to sell to the public as a silk purse, for the obvious purposes of luring more victims into the kill zone of West’s cult / criminal racketeering gang. 3. On January 6 2007, some 6 months before the whistleblower went public about Devra West’s criminality, and 6 months before Devra West’s failed murder plot, Julio Williams obviously acting upon instructions from Devra West, wrote a threatening email to the whistleblower John Watson; the following of which is a short excerpt. You can review the entire email by going here.

This email clearly represents a threat, as evidenced by the tone of the email. The fact that Williams, a total stranger to John Watson, would even write this email, let alone allocate $2,000,000 to Devra West’s defense fund, makes it clear that he is a senior member of Devra West’s cult. His money did not make any difference, as in 2008, Devra Patton West was ‘convicted’ of defrauding the whistleblower as evidenced by the judgment handed down by the court and the news article published in the Ravalli Republic about the hearing.

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4. On July 12 2007, the first of two news articles were published by the Whitefish Pilot newspaper, to be followed on August 9 2007 by Bigfork Eagle after John Watson shared what he had learned about Devra West’s criminality while researching his lawsuit against her. The centerpiece of both news articles was Devra West’s vicious assault on her student / business partner, Dr. Pat Cole MD in early April 2006, as part of a campaign to extort $1.3 million from the victim. Here is how the victim described the attack to the Whitefish Pilot newspaper. "She has told me that she has the 'spiritual' power and authority to 'take me out,' to be composted," Cole wrote in the temporary restraining order statement. Cole claims Devra West threw a lamp at her and hit her with a briefcase, cell phone and her hand. "She took off her shoe and hit me on the top of my head, causing my scalp to bleed onto my face, neck and clothes," Cole's statement reads. "She threatened to kill me with a gun to my head, 'blowing my brains out,' and advised me to commit suicide by slitting my wrists, after I'd taken out an insurance policy on myself." Photos taken after the alleged beating were submitted to the sheriff's office. There was zero doubt that Devra West had assaulted Dr. Cole MD because the police were called to the crime, there were plenty of witnesses and because Devra West admitted the assault in a letter entitled ‘The Law of Severity on the Path to Purification’ that she sent to all the members of her cult on April 17 2006. In the letter, West sought to justify the attack upon Cole by asserting that Cole was a Nazi in the WWII death camps in another lifetime. No mention of the $1.3 million that West successfully extorted from Cole or the $2,000,000 that Devra West owed her creditors / past victims of crime in court fines and interest! However, Williams (in common with senior cult members Geoffrey Reynolds and ex-husband Jack West) immediately published two statements of denial (that West had assaulted Cole) on West’s website, which are shown below here.

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And a year later, immediately after this news article appeared announcing Devra West’s conviction for that assault....

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Julio Williams doubled down on his lies by publishing the following statement referring to the news article as a ‘misprint.’

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5. In the joint statement that Williams, Cole and Cornell signed their names to in 2003, Williams stated and I quote, “I stake my honor and credibility on defending her personal integrity and establishing the truth.” What follows are three examples of just how far Dr. Julio Williams will go to defend his occult thief / suspected serial killer cult leader.

And this…

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And this….

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The huge amount of publicity that resulted from the news articles meant that the ‘divine being’ routine, which is the center piece of Devra West’s multimillion dollar a year fraud scam, would no longer work in Montana, as everyone was aware that Devra West was a compulsive liar and a violent psychopath to boot!

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Above: The above statement appeared on West’s website in 2007. Not only was she then claiming to be holding open the gates of time but also insisted that her two doctorates were awarded to her in person by the Christ.

After the whistleblower’s websites, containing a library of documents about Devra West’s criminal, past were forced down in 2010 as a result of a conspiracy brought against him by Devra West and Geoffrey Reynolds (after the murder plot failed) West and her cult were free to set up their criminal racketeering business in yet another western state – Arizona. Accordingly, Devra West reincarnated herself in Cave Creek AZ, Reynolds’ old home town, complete with a new name, new fake life story, a new vehicle for fraud, the ‘Golden Flame Foundation’ and a raft of new titles some of which can be seen at the top of this email. Before we go any further, let me make it abundantly clear that since Julio Williams MD joined West’s cult in the year 2000, he must have been be totally aware of West’s criminality. Below is a brief summary of Devra West’s criminality between 2005 & 2010, while masquerading as the Ascended Master ‘Surya Ma’ at which time Williams was acting as a senior member of her cult.

1. Arrest Warrant for Criminal Check Fraud. 2. Conviction for Assaulting Dr. Cole MD & News Article announcing same.

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3. Becoming the subject of a Sheriff’s Sale to force her to pay her creditors $2,000,000 in court judgments and interest.

4. Whistleblower’s judgment against Devra West for fraud. West tried to murder the whistleblower to stop this information being available to the public. After the murder plot failed West & Reynolds tried to bankrupt the whistleblower to stop this information being available.

5. Defendant in fraud case brought by Larry Brazda and others. 6. Defendant in fraud case brought by ‘Top to Bottom’ Construction. 7. Vicious Assaults on female members of her cult i.e. Susannah Felder & Beatrice McGuire, Jamie

Haywood and Dr. Pat Cole MD. 8. The Students who took out loans for Devra West after being told, “They would be closer to God.” 9. West’s son’s criminal record. Like mother like son? 10. Arrest Warrant for felony theft.

6. Rebecca West, (no relation to Devra West) makes it clear what an important part that Julio Williams played in Devra West’s criminal racketeering business model. In a March 2007 email, entitled ‘Help Me’, she explains that Julio Williams is the only one funding her criminal gang and did so then, to the tune of $100,000. Here is an excerpt from that email. I am aware that the only person still financially supporting Devra (the finance controller is out of money), is Dr. Julio Williams and he gave her $100,000 last week. Devra spends money so fast that this funding will not last long. I know she has hoarded all her expensive jewels, artwork and artifacts and in addition I contemplate how much money/jewels she has stashed in order to bail herself out in the event you are able to take her down completely, or if the funding does not come through. 7. However, in spite of the above, Williams agrees to reprise his role as senior ‘liar for hire’ and chief marketing spokesperson by publishing the following appeal for funds for the ‘Divine Feminine.’ Julio Williams agreed to do this knowing that Devra cannot stand women and frequently violently assaults them, as indicated at the top of the page against Susannah Felder, Beatrice McGuire and Dr. Pat Cole MD. Here is his statement.

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8. In 2014, he posted the following on Social Media on the ‘Meet Up’ site hoping to attract more victims.

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Over the past few years, the vehicle for Devra West’s criminal racketeering fraud scam has gotten much more sophisticated, and the ‘Golden Flame Foundation’ has been replaced by the ‘Omni Awakening’ which takes racketeering to a whole new level. Her pay portal is especially designed to receive large single donations, so as to accommodate the huge figures she charges for ‘Divine Grace Healings’ (she was charging $500,000 in 2002 for this) and ‘Dispensation of Karma.’ Those who become the subject of extortion are asked to go to her pay portal and make a large ‘donation’ in this way the whole process is seen to be at arm’s length with victims appearing to make voluntary donations. 9. However, in spite of being well aware of Devra West’s obvious criminality, we see Julio Williams once again pimping for new victims on behalf of his cult / gang leader, Devra Patton West, as occurred recently when he made the following post on her website.

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1. Note Williams is promoting ‘Sacred Sundays with Rishi’ knowing that she is the head of a criminal racketeering gang and quite possibly a serial killer. 2. Note that Williams has shown his dedication (and how big an accomplice he is of West’s) by renting a property near hers as a venue for organized crime. 3. Note that in spite of his knowing her criminal history so well he still gives a gushing testimony that includes the comment that she is a “virtual wellspring of living divinity.”

10. A week ago Julio Williams MD posted the following vomit-inducing message on his cult leader’s Facebook page.

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In the penultimate sentence he states, “As the mantle of the Divine feminine is placed under your auspices.” Below here are four examples of psychopath Devra Patton West’s contempt for the divine feminine.

Above from left to right. Devra West applying her philosophy of the divine feminine to employee Susannah Felder, partially scalped. Student Beatrice McGuire had part of ear ripped away. Business partner Dr. Cole repeatedly hit over the head with the heel of Devra West’s shoe until blood ran down her blouse. Student

Marion Cantwell kidnapped, held captive and beaten until she agreed to make a large cash ‘donation,’

Fourth right: The description of a narcissist i.e. a self-serving, manipulative, evil asshole with no soul. One of Devra West’s expensive stage managed photos as she attempts to portray a sow’s ear as a silk purse.

11. Today, yes today, propaganda whore Julio Williams in attendance at the latest in a series of seminars held by Devra West where she auditions future victims while ass licker Williams moves amongst the crowds to see which of the potential victims is both wealthy and gullible. Below, the latest from West’s most loyal accomplice in organized crime.

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Above: Ass licker Williams can barely contain himself and probably did not even wait for today’s session to be over before posting this sickly testimonial. Of course he conveniently forgets all the scores of victims who received her “medicine for the soul” in Montana and New Mexico before that. Some of those victims are

mentioned at the top of this email along with her arrest warrants, a conviction for assault etc.


WILLING ACCOMPLICE IN HER CRIMINAL RACKETEERING BUSINESS MODEL. 12. It became obvious in 2007 that the whistleblower was going to succeed with his fraud lawsuit against Devra West. And, after he shared his research with two newspapers (Whitefish Pilot & Bigfork Eagle) which resulted in them publishing in July 2007 & August 2007 two news stories about Devra West’s criminality, she was left with no choice but to act outside the law. We believe that Devra West murdered ex-student Lisa Swidler in 2005, to cover up two serious crimes then and maybe she has murdered many others; after all, any murders committed by her are ruled by the coroner as death by ‘natural causes.’

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Clearly, Reynolds was briefed about Lisa Swidler’s murder by West and perhaps the murder of others who got in the way; this would explain why Reynolds chose to share, in what he thought was an ‘off the record conversation’ with the Bigfork Eagle reporter, that the whistleblower would be dead within 12 months or in jail for reacting to what Devra West was going to do to John Watson and his family. We cannot be sure whether Julio Williams was in on the ‘murder plot’ and West’s use of the occult to target the whistleblower and his family but as a senior member of her cult and an 18 year student at West’s school for occult studies it is likely that Williams was fully aware of West’s intentions. This would also explain why Williams, after receiving at least 200 emails from John Watson complaining about the campaign of ‘under the radar’ violence being directed at him and his family by Devra West, why he had not shared those emails with the police! Clearly as an accomplice, he cannot share them with the police as he is fully implicated in her murderous criminal racketeering conspiracy. Perhaps it is time to see what kind of doctor Julio Williams MD is and what his patients think of him.

Unfortunately, according to some patient reviews, it look like Dr. Williams is as bad a doctor as he is a liar with the patient below suggesting that if you see him, “run the other way.”


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Here is a link to those testimonials:- Back to Devra Patton West and the latest iteration of her guru / cult / extortion racketeering business model. Devra Patton West and accomplices are estimated to have

extorted $30 to $50 million from scores of victims in NM, MT & currently AZ with their ‘divine being’ scam.

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Above top row far left: The same ‘divine being’ propaganda used since 1991 in New Mexico. Second left: Surya ma. Right: Mug shots from two arrest warrants in Montana. No problem pack up and move to another western

state where they do not prosecute ‘white collar’ crime or any crime if you masquerade as a religious leader.

Above second row left: Devra West proving yet again that she can walk, hold out her right hand while wearing a king sized bed sheet. Center: The description of a narcissist. Right: After 27 years of heading a criminal

racketeering business model Devra West can afford to live in mansions and live out her delusions of grandeur.

Here is how the latest con works. A series of seminars are announced by the ‘divine being’ like these currently being advertised the most recent one was scheduled for December 1 to 7 2018.

Sedona Gateway Retreats - Intro to the Path of Enlightenment

May 26 thru 29th July 28 thru 31 Sept 2 thru Sept 5 Oct 18 thru 21 Dec 1 thru 7

Step 1. Those identified as wealthy targets when attending seminars like those listed above are invited to attend a ‘Private’ Sessions or a ‘Private’ Intensive’ as advertised on her website below here.

Step 2. Those targeted are duped / manipulated / pressured into believing one of the following two scenarios. 1. Divine Grace Healings. Victims are convinced that they are suffering from a totally non-existent brain tumor or a cancer, which Devra West guarantees she can cure for a large fee. In reality Devra West,

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having identified a wealthy target, induces the symptoms of a serious illness in the victim using the same occult knowledge she uses against those who oppose her. Two of her admin staff who worked for her in 2002, overheard her say, after receiving a phone call, that she had just made $500,000. Apparently, this was the fee paid by one victim who thought they had been cured of a condition that Devra West had in fact given them! Listen to two of her admin staff, Diane Stoner and Kathleen Francisco talking about one this.

2. Karmic Resolution. Devra West convinces the targeted individual that she and they were sisters in a former lifetime, during which, the target betrayed Devra West in that lifetime and must now, in this lifetime, make financial reparations (for those nonexistent wrongs). If the target does not agree to pay, the target becomes the subject of a campaign of occult attacks designed to convince them to pay! Devra West uses this scam against wealthy female heiresses like the one below who has ‘donated’ millions to her charitable causes. After the heiress’ son found out how much money had been given / extorted by Devra West, he phoned Devra West demanding that the money be returned! Please read this email from Devra West’s office manager in 2007, wherein she writes about this matter and many others.

Above: Devra West extracting millions of dollars from a wealthy heiresses, who she convinced owed her from a

previous lifetime. With others she just promises to remove bad karma for a very large fee! Step 3. The victims go to the Sage of Sedona’s ‘Pay Portal’, recently updated, which is now set up to receive single donations of $500,000 or more by pressing one or a combination of buttons

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and empty your bank account into hers. Note her standing there with her hands out saying “give me, give me.”

This well-oiled criminal / racketeering scam has been going on for 27 years, right under the noses of the FBI and the IRS. At the very least, it is wire and mail fraud! At the very least, it is illegal for a lay person, even if they are claiming to be a ‘divine being’ to be able to cure / heal someone. Apparently, not so for Devra West! At $500,000 a go, it is no wonder she can afford the trappings, clothing, lifestyle and home of a multi-millionaire even though she claims to be penniless and the funds she extorts from victims are nowhere to be seen, let alone declared to the IRS as income in her tax returns. If you are on Devra West’s mailing list, or know anyone who is who would be prepared to forward either the list or a recent email (we may be able to recover the list from the ‘Bcc’d’ window), please respond to this email. We need to circulate the truth before many more victims get mentally and physically abused, financially ruined or worse. Richard Squires. PS Our website is at this address: PPS Below is an image pulled from a video posted the ufoswlg YouTube channel entitled ‘9 Ways to Spot a Fake Guru or Spiritual Teacher.’

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Here is the link to the above video. Please also be sure to read the last several week’s bulletins by following these links:- Bulletin published 14 October 2018 - Rishi Devra: Satanist Death Cult Targeting Sedona & Scottsdale AZ. Bulletin published 21 October 2018 - The Rishi - The Door Has Opened to More Victims! More Sacred Knowledge Revealed! Bulletin published 28 October 2018 - Rishi Devra Halloween Edition – Just How Scary and Dangerous is Devra Patton West? Bulletin published 04 November 2018 - Rishi Devra – From Most wanted in Montana to Planetary Regent in Arizona – All in 8 Years! Bulletin published on 11 November 2018 - The latest propaganda from con artist and violent convicted criminal Devra Patton West says that she is a “Blessing for all Souls.” Bulletin published on 16 November 2018 - Geoffrey Reynolds CPA – Ex-Devra Patton West (Rishi Devra) cult / gang member desperate to leave his criminal racketeering past behind.

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