Page 1: The Riverview Bursary Program

The Riverview Bursary Program Continuing the Jesuit mission – changing lives

A story that’s changing lives

Page 2: The Riverview Bursary Program

An education for allBursaries have been available at Riverview for almost as long as the College has stood.

The needs-based Bursary Program has played a vital role in ensuring that the College remains true to the Jesuit mission of an education for all.

The Program meets the core challenge of a Jesuit education: to allow for the fullest possible development of the whole person – head, heart and hands.

Bursary recipients give as much as they receive. We all benefit from an educational environment that is truly diverse. Bursary recipients inspire the entire Riverview community.

Where would we be without our bursary families? We could lose our proper perspective. We could forget the importance of generosity, compassion and diversity of opportunity.

The Riverview Bursary Program provides an opportunity for young men to access an education that can inspire them to life-long learning and commitment to faith.


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Riverview Bursaries are not scholarshipsTo our mind the distinction between a bursary and a scholarship is both clear and important. It is the basis of our program, which provides needs-based bursaries to families and boys who would otherwise not be able to enjoy a Riverview education.

Bursaries are not awarded on academic, musical or sporting prowess. They are financially needs based. It is a self-funding program run by the Riverview College Foundation. This is a unique distinction here at Saint Ignatius’ College, Riverview.

There are only three criteria for consideration for the Bursary Program:

l First, the family identifies that they have a financial need, which challenges their ability to give their son(s) the very best education possible.

l Secondly, the fit of the family and the boy to the College is considered. Does this family and does this boy resonate with the Ignatian values that Riverview teaches and follows, and will the boy and his family add positively to the fabric of the College?

l Thirdly, the fit of the College to the boy is considered. Is Riverview the best place for this particular boy to maximise his potential?


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No opportunity is greaterThe story of a person’s life – who they are, and who they will become; the obstacles they overcome and the opportunities they embrace – successes and failures: all these build their story.

There can be many reasons why someone might not achieve their dreams or reach their full potential. The lack of opportunity to access a quality education must not be one of them.

There is no greater opportunity than the opportunity to receive a good education. Providing this has been central to the Jesuit mission across the globe.

The Jesuits at Riverview have always done this; changing the life-stories of people like Cyril Johnson (OR2009), Ben Powell (OR2008), Bill Critch (OR50) and countless others.

Education is life changing, story changing


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It’s not about where I came from: it’s about where I am going

My Story - Bill Critch (OR50)

‘Saint Ignatius’ left me with a lifelong love of learning. I shall grow

old remembering Fr “Twit” Dennett’s Ancient History classes

and Fr Ryan’s encouragement to “write, write, write”. ‘View also

left me with a sense of what was the right thing to do: to help

someone who was less fortunate or had “lost the way”. When

asked what our school motto means, I usually reply that a loose

translation is, give it a go, mate.’

My Story - CYRIL JOHNSON (OR2009)

When Cyril Johnson was eight, his mother moved away and he was

left to fend for himself on the streets of Broken Hill. ‘I felt lost,

annoyed and scared’, he says. ‘I can remember walking around at

night crying and shivering. It wasn’t until I started going back over

my life that I truly realised exactly how far I have come . . . For me,

Riverview is awesome. Ever since I came here, I’ve doubled my

learning results. I now have a future, an exciting future.’

My Story - BEN POWELL (OR2008)

‘For me the opportunity at Riverview was life changing . . . Riverview has

allowed me to gain a better understanding of who I am; it has allowed me to

grow mentally and spiritually … The funds you are donating are more than an

investment of money; they provide the opportunity for young men to grow and

strive to be men for others . . . Your acts of generosity stretch far beyond text

books and the classrooms: you have all provided greater opportunities for

young men to grow in all dimensions of their lives.’


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We can’t help everyoneThe Riverview Bursaries are an expression of the passion for extending educational benefits to all. They bear witness to the generosity and awareness of those that support them.

Those who contribute understand what a simple gesture can do. They understand that small things can make a big difference in other people’s lives.

It is sometimes said that if opportunity doesn’t knock, you should build a door. But sometimes we can’t build a door on our own. We need help.

The bursaries provide a door, and with the support of the community, an opportunity.

We can’t help everyone, but everyone can help someone


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Just a minuteStop and think for just a minute: if you had the ability to change a life for the better, by a simple act, you would do it, wouldn’t you?

It takes just a minute. Donations to the Riverview Bursary Program are fully tax deductible and you can contribute in a number of ways.

l Some people choose to take a six-year pledge to see one boy through senior school;

l Some people choose to enter into a regular giving plan;

l Some Riverview Old Boys choose to contribute through their graduating class appeal;

l Some people choose to donate to specific appeals, such as the Jesuit Community Appeal, the Indigenous Appeal, or the Special Education Appeal;

l Some people choose to make a bequest or establish provisions in their wills.

You can help someone, right now


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The Riverview Bursary Program

Continuing the Jesuit mission – changing lives

The education of young men, no matter who they are or what they

can afford, is core to the Jesuit mission.

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