
The RNB Times Bikaner, Tuesday, March 31, 2017 By RNB Global University Vol. III Issue III



KUALALUMPUR, MARCH 7, 2017 The Malaysian Government goes with

the tag line, “Malaysia Truly Asia” this could not be truer. As I was to soon

find out that Malaysia is a potpourri of people, food, music & architecture.

DAY ONE, 1st MARCH: On a full belly we started our Capital tour, which

included architecture splendors merging the old and new seamlessly. To

name a few, we saw the National Mosque, Sultan Abdul Samad’s Palace,

Merdeka Square, the National Monument, Tien Ho Temple, Blue Mosque

and the Putrajaya Temple that had 252 step to the top. Our next stop was

KL towers, which is 3000 ft. higher than the rest of the city giving a bird’s

eye of its urban beauty. Our cameras were working overtime.

DAY TWO had us visiting a Batik factory. The walls were lined with

paintings and never could have imagined an industrial compound with

such creativity. The second industry on our list was Royal Selangor

followed by Yakult where we saw the making of their products. After all

the technical touring it was time for fun and we landed at KLCC Aquaria

where we saw exotic fishes and sea life. Finally tired we checked onto the

luxurious Pearl hotel.

DAY THREE was all about speed thrill and fun. This was my favorite part

of the visit. We went to Sunway lagoon, which boasts of 6 different parks.

Our focus was the Water Park followed by the Amusement Park, the

Scream Park and then the Wildlife Park. Tired and content we hit the bed

with a happy sad feeling. Happy because we were having so much fun and

sad because the next day was our last day in Malaysia.

DAY FOUR was dedicated to improving Malaysia’s economy. I mean, we

decided to spend the day mostly shopping. The shopping list was eclectic

to say the least. It had everything from a fridge magnet to a laptop on it.

Finally it was time for the “Pièces De Résistance” The Petronas Twin towers. Our cameras were working overtime and so were our shooting

skills. After all the pictures had to make an impression on Facebook,

Wassapp and whatever else’s out there.

The airport was our last bastion to load up on Chocolates and last minute

Malaysian souvenirs before we settled down to get back home

-Kajal Soni, BBA II Sem.



BIKANER, MARCH 1 2017: National Research

Centre on Camel (NRCC) and National Research

Centre on Equine (NRCE) Bikaner is a premier

research Centre of the Indian Council of Agricultural

Research (ICAR). Students of BSc and Engineering

had the wonderful opportunity to visit this facility.

Dr. Debendra Kumar, form NRCE, took the students

around the institute and the museum while

explaining about the various research and

development work that is ongoing at the institute.

Research on the genetic improvement of camel is of

top most priority of the institute. While the scientific

research work was brilliant what was even more

brilliant was the Camel milk Kulfi’s and milkshakes

that we all enjoyed before we wrapped up this

exciting trip.

-Editorial Board



JODHPUR, MARCH 6 2017 Very rarely do students

have this golden opportunity to visit the Highcourt

courtrooms. We extend a big thank you to the Registrar

of the High Court Bench, who made this possible for us.

The students were given a brief note about the court

and courtrooms by Advocate Kaushal Gautam, who is a

practicing lawyer at High Court of Rajasthan. He guided

all the students and dictated the Jurisdiction of the

High Court Bench. Before leaving the Courts the

students thanked Mr Gautam whole-heartedly. The

journey back was packed with discussions on what

students saw, learnt and experienced.

-Komalta Bhargava, LLB IISem.


For Crust

32 Oreo Biscuits

½ cup melted butter

For Chocolate Filling

300gm dark chocolate

200ml heavy milk

For Toppings

Fresh strawberries and Kiwis

Chopped nuts (almonds, walnuts etc) optional

Chopped Oreo cookies


1. Place Oreo cookies into the bowl of food processor and blend until crumbs form. Add melted butter and pour over the

crushed cookies. Process until evenly moistened. Press cookie mixture with the back of the spoon and your fingers where

necessary, into the bottom edges of a tart pan. Freeze it for 20 minutes.

2. In small saucepan, place cream over medium-low heat for a few minutes to get hot. No boiling or simmering needed.

Remove from heat, pour over chopped chocolate and let it rest for 2-3 minutes. Stir until dissolved.

3. Pour chocolate filling over Oreo crust and top it with fresh strawberries and kiwis. Refrigerate for at least 2 hours or

overnight- Serve!!

-Priyanka Baid, MBA II Sem.


BIKANER, MARCH 8 2017 Mr. Sunil Bhardwaj was the showman and under his creative guidance quite a few

interesting performances entertained the crowd on the Womens Day Celebration. The celebration started with

our Hon’ble President Lt Gen R.K. Karwal PVSM, AVSM, SM**, VSM (Retd.) congratulating the women faculty and

students on this occasion and further cheered on the tenacity and courage women have displayed in every field.

Rahul Kagdikyal sang a melodious song praising and highlighting the sacrifice and strength of women. Games

such as knotting the tie and Button Sewing Competition The first one to get a tie knotted and to sew a button was

the winner. Pragya Shuba Ramawat won the Knotting the Tie game and Meghna Bagree was the first to sew the

button. It was short and sweet affair and the women left feeling very special.

-Editorial Board


MUMBAI, February 27 2017: Four days full of excitement, fun learning and exploring this describes our

Mumbai trip. Mumbai the financial, commercial and entertainment capital of India did not disappoint us, first on

our list were the celebrated landmarks like Gateway of India, Juhu Chowpaty.

Day 2 was for educational visits; we visit Adlabs & Imagica, Mumbai’s famous 300-acre theme park. What was

real interesting was the engineering and technology behind the rides that make Imagica such a favorite among

theme parks. We challenged ourselves on dare devil rides and experienced the winter wonderland at the snow


Day 3 we visited the Jawaharlal Lal Nehru Ports Ltd. A port operation center, we were in awe of the

computerized operation of the vessels through the Radar system. The engineering behind the loading and

unloading of containers was unbelievable.

Later we also visited the automated plant of Amul to understand how the country’s largest dairy optimizes

operations to achieve high efficiency.

Day 4 was when we were to depart and it was only befitting that we paid our obeisance at the ever so powerful

Siddhivinayak, Temple of Lord Ganesha. We offered our prayers and made our wishes for a blessed future. Before

we realized it, it was time to board our train for Bikaner, but the memories that we made and the things that we

learned will always be cherished by us.

-Shivangi Goyal. BBA, IV Sem.



Chandigarh, March 23, 2017 Confederation

of Indian Industry CII Punjab State Office along

with CII-Avantha Centre for Competitiveness

is organizing one day Training Program on HR

FOR SMEs. Meghna Bagree, Nikunj Chandak,

Ashima Gupta, Ajit Bhura, Yogesh Duggal and

Darshana Jain from MBA II Sem. Attended this

conference. They returned feeling more

knowledgeable on understanding employees

career planning, stress management, conflict

resolution, creative and strategic thinking and


-Editorial Board


Bikaner March 20, 2017: Dr. Arundeep Ahluwalia an

Environmental & Geoscience activist from Shoolini University,

Solan delivered a guest lecture on Excitements of Mother

Earth & its environmental issues & disasters. The interactive

lecture comprised of various aspects related to our

environment. Main emphasis was laid on ‘Pollution’ and

‘Global Warming’ and their threatening consequences on

mother earth. He used the example of Antarctica as a habitat

and the effect of pollution in the region. Later in his talks he

introduced the concept of ‘Geoparks’ and its various aspects,

the meaning of Geoparks and its necessity in India as of date.

He then highlighted the issues related to pollution. Further

explaining its ill effects on health and wellbeing citing our

nations capital as an example. The role and duties of a student

towards society as well as towards curbing pollution were

also explored.

-Editorial Board.

-Editorial Board



BIKANER, MARCH 25 2017 The topic selected for the

3rd Moot Court Competition, dealt with Indian Penal

Code 1860, Consumer Protection Act 1986, Law of Torts

and Indian Evidence Act 1872. Students argued their

case on medical negligence through various viewpoints.

The arguments were supported with proper evidence

and proof to make a valid session. A total of total 5 teams

participated in the competition. The Judges for the

proceeding were Dr.Hans Raj Arora, School of Law and

Dr. Sanjoy Paul, School of basic and applied Science. The

winning team was of Komalata Bhargava and Aastha

Baid as Mooters and Mukund as their researcher. The

runner up team was Divya Tulsiyani and team, followed

by Arif Khan and team in the third position.

-Editorial Board



BIKANER, MARCH 25, 2017 A Guest lecture by Ms.

Samta, on how to conduct Annual General Meeting

and Board Meeting was organized in RNBGU, for

BBA 4th semester and B.Com 2nd semester

students. The session was divided in two parts. The

first part of the session was to teach about the basic

aspects of AGM and Board Meeting. The second

part provided students with actual examples of the

meeting. The session was interactive and students

participate keenly. During the session, several

questions were asked by students, which were duly

answered with examples. At the end students

understood the principles and procedures of

conducting a meeting.

-Pranjal Chaturvedi, BBA IV Sem.


AUSCHWITZ, POLAND, July 23, 2013: The 2nd world war has always been of utmost interest and importance to me.

The 2nd World war is that one pre 9/11 event that changed the world, as people knew it then. It was an event of

extremities- loyalties, inhumanity, courage, love, sadness, poverty every human aspect was at its peak. Also to me it was

the last Man's Man and Woman's Woman War..... Before drones (technology) if not completely then almost completely

replaced a soldiers war cry. A soldier very rarely now fights a known enemy it's the non-uniform clad enemy of

terrorism, insurgency and civil war that they deal with.

A soldier’s uniform brings words like honor, dignity, service and protection to the forefront and yet here was an army

largely devoid of all these sentiments and attributes. A self-proclaimed superior race/superior army ... so insecure and

so inhuman???? There is hardly a documentary on Auschwitz that I haven't watched and I was always uncomfortable

about how badly I wanted to come here. Why do I want to go to a place with such sadness and cruelty? I never did have

that answer until I stood right outside the camp after completing my visit to Auschwitz.

I am not going to go into how many barracks etc. etc. you will find in Auschwitz but instead I’ll share what went through

my mind while in the camp. To begin with Auschwitz has to be visited with a camp guide, so at the very beginning we all

were given a set of earphones a radio thingies to hear our guide and a visitors tag. We were instructed to remain close

with the group, not to wander off and that bathroom breaks were to be taken only before or after the tour and that

nothing was to be eaten during the tour. These instructions at any other place would be normal tour instructions and

not effect me the way they did now. I had a very small (and in no way comparable) glimpse of what it feels to be

instructed on your every move, to lose your identity and be known only with a badge/id - no name just a statistic. I

conclude Conformity is key in Auschwitz - then and now. I understand that all this is to make the tour logistically

smooth for us and I in no way had a issue with that.... but still it just makes you think that with the cruelty inflicted on

the inmates here and with no sign of humanity what was it like? For example a prisoner could use the restroom only

twice a day once in the morning and then the night, no bodily functions could be performed in between and were

punishable, this was not one of the harshest but most basic rules of the camp.

I look around to see a lot of Jewish people and wonder if they lost any loved ones here? Many groups are signing Jewish

songs.... I don't know what they mean but they sound inspiring and uplifting maybe it's the attitude of their song or the

expression on their faces... I see some older Jews crying and kneeling down to pray in front of the gallows and prison

cells. I find myself saying a quick prayer as well- god please give them peace and let this never ever happen again to a

people. After my prayer I feel trivial because my prayer seems very un-profound and even simplistic for what I’m

asking. Three hours pass between holding back tears, looking away, cringing and deep breaths and I finally walk across

the barbed wire opening that once was the electrified fence - on purpose I walk away from the group, sit in the shade

take off my ear phones and sing a couple of lines out loud.... just because I AM FREE AND I CAN.

Finally under the shade of a tree right next to where the Nazi Camp Commandant was hanged for war crimes I have my

answer to why I always wanted to come to Auschwitz.... it is to understand the gravest inhumanity of man towards

mankind and to witness the best example of human spirit to overcome and survive.

-Namratta Kaushal, Asst Prof. CLD.










RNB Global University RNB Global City Ganganagar Road, Bikaner T +91-151-5156000

F +91-151-5156001


Faculty Editor – Namratta Kaushal, Asst Prof. Designed by – Mr. Pankaj Swami, Executive-IT

CONGRATS to the following Students on starting their New Job!

Aarti Rathi- E- Com shipping Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

Uma Sharma- 94.3 FM

CONGRATS & BEST OF LUCK to ones that are yet to start…….

Varun Arora – Talent 4 assure Assessment services Pvt. Ltd. (Multiple Offers)

Madan Mohan- Talent 4 assure Assessment services Pvt.Ltd. (Multiple Offers)

Diwanshu Gaur - Talent 4 assure Assessment services Pvt. Ltd. (Multiple Offers)

Ankit Sand - Talent 4 assure Assessment services Pvt. Ltd. (Multiple Offers)

Deeksha Bhura- Premier Info Assists Pvt. Ltd (Multiple Offers)

Sonali Bhansali- Premier Info Assists Pvt. Ltd

Madan Mohan- Tech Mahindra (Multiple Offers)

Diwanshu Gaur- Tech Mahindra (Multiple Offers)

Diwanshu Gaur - Premier Info Assists Pvt. Ltd (Multiple Offers)

Sachin Sarda- Premier Info Assists Pvt. Ltd.

Sonali Bhansali- TCI Express

Ankit Sand- TCI Express

Anmol Baid- Mind IT Solutions LLP.

Varun Arora- MIND IT Solutions LLP (Multiple Offers)

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