
ScrollCard ID SlidersThe Scroll MKIII001 to 00501 to 10BIBLE QUOTES11Enter Card ID001-01Answer(Ecclesiastes 1:1-2) The words of the congregator, the son of David the king in Jerusalem. The greatest vanity! the congregator has said, the greatest vanity! Everything is vanity!BIBLE CHARACTERS11Enter Card ID001-01AnswerThe Apostle Paul who was called Saul at the time. (Acts 9:8)BIBLE EVENTS25Enter Card ID002-05Answer1) Turning stone to bread for selfish reason.2) Offered all the kingdoms of the Earth if he does an act of worhip to devil3) Jump off the top of a Holy temple so the angels will save you. (Matt 4:1-11 and Luke 4:1-13)BIBLE LANDS & PLACES11Enter Card ID001-01AnswerThe River Jordan (see Bible Lands brochure or any secular atlas)

Bible QuotesBible QuotesCard idBible Quotes - QuestionsBible Quotes - Answers001-01Where is this found in the Bible: "The greatest vanity!" said the congregator, "Everything is vanity"?(Ecclesiastes 1:1-2) The words of the congregator, the son of David the king in Jerusalem. The greatest vanity! the congregator has said, the greatest vanity! Everything is vanity!001-02Where is this found: "Be wise, my son, and make my heart rejoice, that I may make a reply to him that is taunting me"?Prov 27:11001-03Who said: "This means everlasting life, their taking in knowledge of you, the only true God, and of the one whom you sent forth, Jesus Christ."?Jesus Christ (John 17:3)001-04What book of the Bible quotes this: "The greatest vanity!" said the congregator, "Everything is vanity"?The book of Ecclesiastes (Ecclesiastes 1:1-2)001-05Who is bruised in the heel at Genesis 3:15?Jesus Christ was impaled in 33CE (Research)001-06What book of the Bible says this: "The fruitage of the Spirit is Love, Joy, Peace..."?Galatians (5:22)001-07Where is this written and who said it: "If anyone wants to be first, he must be last of all and minister of all"?Mark 9:35

So he [Jesus] sat down and called the twelve and said to them: If anyone wants to be first, he must be last of all and minister of all.001-08Who wrote the first 5 books of the Bible?Moses under inspiration by God. (Research)001-09Where is this in the Bible: "This means Everlasting Life, their taking in knowlegde of YOU.."?John 17:3001-010Where is this in the Bible: "For God loved the world so much that He gave His Only Begotten.."?John 3:16002-01Who quoted from the scroll of Isaiah about himself and where is this in the Christian Greek scriptures?Jesus Christ. It is found in the account at Luke 4:16-19002-02The commission to preach: "..this good news of the kingdom all the inhabited earth .." is found where in the bible?And this good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations; and then the end will come. (Matt 24:14)002-03What is the first poetic expression in the Bible?Adam's poetic expression after God (Jehovah) presents the Woman (Eve) to (Genesis 2:23).002-04What is sharper than any two-edged sword according to Heb 4:12?the word of God; the Bible

For the word of God is alive and exerts power and is sharper than any two-edged sword and pierces even to the dividing of soul and spirit, and of joints and [their] marrow, and [is] able to discern thoughts and intentions of [the] heart.002-05Who was this said to and what book is it written in: "Your people will be my people, and your God my God."?These words were said to Naomi and was written in the book of Ruth (Ru 1:16,17)002-06What is the only book in the Bible where Serephs are mentioned and how many wings do they have?The Book of Isaiah. (Isaiah 6:1-7)002-07Where is this in the bible: "And let us consider one another to incite to love and fine works..."?And let us consider one another to incite to love and fine works,not forsaking the gathering of ourselves together, as some have the custom, but encouraging one another, and all the more so as YOU behold the day drawing near.(Heb 10:24-25)002-08Where in the Bible is this found: "..But let God be found true, though every man be found a liar.."?Romans 3:4002-09Where in the Bible is this found: "All the same, wisdom is proved righteous by its works."?Matthew 11:19002-010Where in the Bible is this found: "For mere oppression may make a wise one act crazy, and a gift can destroy the heart."?Ecclesiates 7:7003-01Where in the Bible is this found: "All his spirit is what a stupid one lets out, but he that is wise keeps it calm to the last."?Prov 29:11003-02" All scripture is inspired of God and beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight." - Where in the bible is this?All Scripture is inspired of God and beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight, for disciplining in righteousness,that the man of God may be fully competent, completely equipped for every good work.

(2 Tim 3:16)003-03Where in scripture is this found:- "However, become doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves with false reasoning"?The Letter of James (Chapter 1:22)003-04What scripture supports the idea that the Earth is a sphere before science had confirmed it?"There is One who is dwelling above the circle of the earth, the dwellers in which are as grasshoppers, the One who is stretching out the heavens just as a fine gauze, who spreads them out like a tent in which to dwell.."(Isaiah 40:22)003-05Part of Einstein's theory of relativity is in harmony with what scripture about God being the source of energy and power?Einstein's equation E=mc (squared) is in harmony with the discription of Jehovah God's Power (Isaiah 40:26)"Raise YOUR eyes high up and see. Who has created these things? It is the One who is bringing forth the army of them even by number, all of whom he calls even by name. Due to the abundance of dynamic energy, he also being vigorous in power, not one [of them] is missing"003-06What scripture shows that God has and will continue to give mankind time to learn about his promises and repent?Jehovah is not slow respecting his promise, as some people consider slowness, but he is patient with YOU because he does not desire any to be destroyed but desires all to attain to repentance

(2 Pet 3:9)003-07What quality is a tree of life to those taking hold of it?WISDOM (Proverbs 3:13-18)003-08When it says at Gen 4:26 .."a start was made of calling on the name of Jehovah" what does it mean?This was not done in a respectful way and may have been done in a worthless way (see (Exodus 20:7) You must not take up the name of Jehovah your God in a worthless way, for Jehovah will not leave the one unpunished who takes up his name in a worthless way.(2 Kings 19:16) Incline your ear, O Jehovah, and hear. Open your eyes, O Jehovah, and see, and hear the words of Sennacherib that he has sent to taunt the living God.) - (Research)003-09What scripture should you bear in mind when making plans for "today or tomorrow"?The scripture that mentions: If Jehovah wills, we shall live and also do this or that. (Ja 4:13)003-010What is "The lamp of the body" according to Matt 6:22-23?It is "..the eye."Matt 6:22-23

The lamp of the body is the eye. If, then, your eye is simple, your whole body will be bright; but if your eye is wicked, your whole body will be dark. If in reality the light that is in you is darkness, how great that darkness is!004-01What does the greek rendering of Endurance mean?The Greek verb hypomeno, literally meaning remain or stay under, is rendered remain behind in Luke 2:43 and Acts 17:14. It also came to have the sense stand ones ground; persevere; remain steadfast, and is thus translated endure. (Mt 24:13) The noun hypomone' usually denotes courageous, steadfast, or patient endurance that does not lose hope in the face of obstacles, persecutions, trials, or temptations.004-02What does it say next after these words - "Pay constant attention to yourself and to your teaching.."?In 1Tim 4:16, the second part says:-

.."Stay by these things, for by doing this you will save both yourself and those who listen to you."004-03Where is the only occurrence of the word "lodgment" found in the NWT of the Holy Scriptures?To incite or be concerned to promote the qualities of agape or unselfish love and fine Christian works004-04What does the text at Prov 17:17 say?A true companion is loving all the time, and is a brother that is born for when there is distress004-05Where does it mention the contrast of the fall of goods ones to the fall of bad ones?Prov 24:16

For the righteous one may fall even seven times, and he will certainly get up; but the wicked ones will be made to stumble by calamity004-06Where does it say "...Evildoers themselves will be cut off, but those hoping in Jehovah are the ones that will possess the earth."?Ps. 37:9

Evildoers themselves will be cut off, but those hoping in Jehovah are the ones that will possess the earth.004-07What is for a protection the same as money?Wisdom (Eccl 7:11-12)004-08To whom was it said "And the woman proceeded to go on her way and to eat, and her face became self-concerned no more"?HANNAH (1 Sam 1:15-18)004-09Where does it say "...for he that is not against YOU is for YOU."?Luke 9:50

But Jesus said to him: Do not YOU men try to prevent [him], for he that is not against YOU is for YOU.004-010Where does it say "he that is not on my side is against me..."?Matt 12:30

He that is not on my side is against me, and he that does not gather with me scatters.005-01005-02005-03005-04005-05005-06005-07005-08005-09005-010

&C&"Village,Plain"&18The Scroll&CPage &P of &NBruce:Additional reference from WT Library required.Bruce:Major change to reflect difference in BQ and BC (ref 001-03) question/answerBruce:Additional reference from WT Library required.Bruce:Additional reference from WT Library required.Bruce:Additional reference from WT Library required.Bruce:Major change as this is what is "said" not "quoted".

Bible CharactersBible CharactersCard idBible Characters - QuestionsBible Characters - Answers001-01Who was struck with blindness on the road to Damascus?The Apostle Paul who was called Saul at the time. (Acts 9:8)001-02Who, when instructed to go to Ninevah, proceeded to go to Tarshish?The prophet Jonah (Jon 1:1-3)001-03Who wrote: "The greatest vanity!" said the congregator, "Everything is vanity"?King Solomon (Ecc 1:1)001-04Where do the 144000 go and what do they do there?They go to Heaven and rule as Kings and Priests with Christ Jesus for the Thousand Years - Judgement Day (Rev 5:10)001-05Who wrote: "The book of Hebrews"?Paul @ 61 CE001-06Who is: "Babylon the Great" as shown in Revelation (Rev 17:15)?The world empire of false religion - worship in opposition to Jehovah God.001-07Who wrote: The first letter to the Corinthians?The Apostle Paul (1 Cor 1:1)001-08Who wrote: The book of Judges?Samuel (Research required)001-09Who were the earthly mother and father of Jesus who became the Christ?Joseph and Mary (Matt 1: 18-20)001-010How many lines of decent was Enoch from Adam?7 generations (Jude 14)002-01Who will: "..Never ...allow the righteous one to totter." and where in scripture is this found?Throw your burden upon JEHOVAH himself, And he himself will sustain you. Never will he allow the righteous one to totter. (Ps.55:22)002-02What happened to Mephibosheth when he was five years old?Mephibosheths nurse began to carry the five-year-old boy and flee in panic. At that time he had a fall and was lamed in both feet. (2Sa 4:4)002-03What was Jacob's name changed to?Then he said: Your name will no longer be called Jacob but Israel, for you have contended with God and with men so that you at last prevailed.

(Gen 32:28)002-04What was Abraham and Sarah's names before God made a covenant and blessed them?A'bram and Sar'ai(Gen 11:31-12:1)002-05What secular training did Luke have?He had training as a Physician(Col 4:14)002-06What was Matthews vocation before becoming a disciple of Jesus?A Tax-Collector(Matt 10:2)002-07How old was Caleb when Israel took possession of the Promised Land?85 years old

(Josh 14:6-11)002-08Which tribe did God make a covenant with that they should be set aside for tabernacle service, including the priesthood?Jehovah made a covenant with the tribe of Levi, that the entire tribe should be set aside to constitute the tabernacle service organization, including the priesthood.

(Ex 40:2, 12-16; Mal 2:4)002-09Jehovah made a Covenant with whom to be a "Priest Like Melchizedek"?Jesus Christ

(Psalm 110:4, and Hebrews 7:1-3, 15-17)002-010How many brothers did King David have?Seven brothers (1Sam 16:10)003-01What do we now know to be "The book of the law of Moses" refered to many times in the Hebrew Scriptures?"...just as Moses the servant of Jehovah had commanded the sons of Israel, as it is written in the book of the law of Moses: "(Josh 8:31)

Reference:- (Pentateuch).This anglicized Greek word (meaning five rolls or fivefold volume) refers to the first five books of the BibleGenesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy.003-02Which Gospel was named after the surname of the inspired writer?The "Gospel" or "Good news" according to MarkThe divinely inspired record of the ministry of Jesus Christ written by John Mark (Acts 12:25) - Research003-03How old was Noah when he and seven others entered the Ark?And Noah was six hundred years old when the deluge of waters occurred on the earth(Gen 7:6)003-04After the flood of Noah's day, who's father was named Cush?Nimrod(Gen 10:8 & 1 Chron 1:10)003-05Of the three sons of Noah, in which ones line of decent was Abraham - Shem, Ham or Japheth?Shem(Gen 17:10-27)003-06Where is this found in the Bible: "For his invisible [qualities] are clearly seen...even his eternal power and Godship.."?Jehovah's invisible qualties clearly seen in creation(Rom 1:20)003-07Who said: "This means everlasting life, their taking in knowledge of YOU..." and where is it wriiten?Jesus Christ (John 17:3)003-08Where is found the account of Josiahs kingship in Judah and how old was he when he began ruling as King?The account is in 1 Kings Chapter 22 and he was 8 years old when he began to rule as King

(1 Kings 22)003-09Which bird did Noah send out first as the waters were subsiding?RAVEN (Gen 8:6, 7)003-010How long was Noah and his family in the Ark?One solar year after Noah and his household of seven members safely went into the ark they safely came out from it upon the mountain range of Ararat and let loose the birds and animals.(Gen 8:20 - 9:17)004-01How many proverbs was Solomon able to speak?3000 proverbs!

(1 Kings 4:32) And he could speak three thousand proverbs, and his songs came to be a thousand and five.004-02What did Aquila and Priscilla do for trade?They were tentmakers by trade

Acts 17:34004-03What other name was Solomon known as?Jedidiah (2 Samuel 12:24-25)004-04What birth names were given to Shadrach, Mechach and Abednego?Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah. (Daniel 1:6)004-05What was the first city mentioned in the Bible?The city of Enoch (Ge 4:17).This was not the same Enoch that walked with God004-06Which two tribes of Earthly Israel is missing in the twelve tribes recorded at Rev 7?Ephriam and Dan

(Research)004-07Who did Shobi, Machir and Barzillai care for during Absalom's rebellion?David, Absalom having rebelliously taken the throne and seeking David's death (2 Samuel 17:27-29)004-08Who was Belteshazzar better known as?Daniel was called Belteshazzar (Daniel 1:7).004-09Who was Ichabod, and what does the name mean?1Sa 4:17 - 22; 14:3

(Ichabod) [Where Is the Glory?].Son of Phinehas born after the death of Phinehas; brother of Ahitub; grandson of High Priest Eli. The name Ichabod, given to him by his dying mother while giving birth, signified that glory had gone away from Israel in view of the capture of the Ark and the deaths of Phinehas and Eli.1Sa 4:17-22; 14:3.004-010Who was Zaphenath-paneah better known as?Joseph was called Zaphenath-paneah (Ge 41:44,45)005-01005-02005-03005-04005-05005-06005-07005-08005-09005-010

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Bible EventsBible EventsCard idBible Events - QuestionsBible Events - Answers001-01How many received Holy Spirit in the Upper Room or Chamber on Pentecost 33CE?120 at Pentecost in 33 CE (Acts 2:3)001-02How long was the prophet Jonah in the belly of the great fish?3 days (Jon 1:17)001-03When did the appointed times of the Nations (or the Gentile Times) begin?607 BCE (Research)001-04When was Adam created according to Bible chronology?In the year 4026 BCE (Research)001-05How long were the Israelites dwelling in Egypt before the Exodus"?430 years ..And the dwelling of the sons of Israel, who had dwelt in Egypt, was four hundred and thirty years.(Exodus 12:40)001-06What Covenant was established between God and all earthly beings following the Flood in Noah's day?The rainbow covenant was made between Jehovah God and all flesh(human and animal), as represented by Noah and his family, in 2369 B.C.E

(Ge 9:8-17; Ps 37:29 - Research)001-07According to Rev 12:6 & 14, how long is "for a time and times and half a time"?3.5 x 360 days = 1260 days (or years - Ezekiel 4:6)001-08What period refered to in Daniel starts in 607 BCE and finishes in 1914 CE?The Appointed Times of the Nations/ The Gentile Times

Reference:- and they will fall by the edge of the sword and be led captive into all the nations; and Jerusalem will be trampled on by the nations, until the appointed times of the nations [the times of the Gentiles, King James Version] are fulfilled

(Luke 21:24) Jesus' reference(Dan 4:10-16) Daniel's reference to time period "seven times"001-09What was the last camping site of the Israelites before crossing the Red Sea?Pihahiroth (Ex 14:1,2 ; Nu 33:7,8)001-010How many plagues befell the Egyptians before they let the Israelites go?10 Plagues. (Exodus 7-12)

first, Nile becomes bloodsecond, frogsthird, gnatsfourth, gadfliesfifth, pestilence on livestocksixth, boilsseventh, haileighth, locustsninth, darknesstenth, firstborn dies002-01How many humans survived the flood during Noah's day ?Eight:- Noah and his wife, Shem and his wife, Ham and his wife, Japheth and his wife. (Gen: 7:13)002-02How long were the Israelites dwelling in Egypt before the Exodus"?430 years ..And the dwelling of the sons of Israel, who had dwelt in Egypt, was four hundred and thirty years.(Exodus 12:40)002-03How long did the Israelites travel in the wilderness after leaving Egypt?40 years - (Ex 16:35)002-04How many missionary tours did Paul complete?Three Missionary Tours (Research)002-05What Covenant was established between God and all earthly beings following the Flood in Noah's day?1) Turning stone to bread for selfish reason.2) Offered all the kingdoms of the Earth if he does an act of worhip to devil3) Jump off the top of a Holy temple so the angels will save you. (Matt 4:1-11 and Luke 4:1-13)002-06What Covenant was established between God and the Nation of Israel following the Exodus from Egypt?The Law covenant between Jehovah and the nation of natural Israel was made in the third month after their leaving Egypt, in 1513 B.C.E. (Ex 19:1)002-07How many times were the armies of Israel to march round the city of Jericho during the first 6 days?Once each day for six days (Josh 6:2,3; 6:12-13)002-08How many times were the armies of Israel to march round the city of Jericho on the seventh day?Seven times on the Seventh day (Josh 6:15)002-09How long did it take for the waters to be parted at the Red Sea during the Exodus?The parting of the Rea Sea took all night. (Ex 14:21,22)002-010From which city was Saul, who became the Apostle Paul, raised?Then Paul said: I am, in fact, a Jew, of Tarsus in Cilicia, a citizen of no obscure city. So I beg you, permit me to speak to the people.

(Acts 21:39)003-01A she-ass or donkey spoke to whom after he began to beat it?Balaam (Numbers 22:23-28)003-02What was the time limit God set for the corrupt world brought about by humans and materialized angels before the flood?Before the Flood, God fixed a 120-year time limit for the corrupt world that humans and rebellious materialized angels had brought about. (Genesis 6:1-3)003-03What were three of the things that Jesus taught his disciples to pray for?1 - let your name be sanctified. (4000 Credits)2 - Let your kingdom come. (4000 Credits)3 - Let your will take place, as in heaven, also upon earth (4000 Credits)

(Matt 6:3)003-04What took place in heaven soon after Jesus was enthroned as King?Soon after he received Kingdom power, Jesus took action. War broke out in heaven, says the Bible. Michael [another name for Jesus] and his angels battled with the dragon [Satan the Devil], and the dragon and its angels battled. (5000 Credits)

(Rev 12:7)003-05According to Revelation 12:12, what was to be the result of the war in heaven?Gods faithful spirit sons rejoiced that Satan and his demons were gone. Humans, however, would experience no such joy. Instead, the Bible foretold: Woe for the earth ... because the Devil has come down to you, having great anger, knowing he has a short period of time. - (5000 Credits)

(Rev 12:12)003-06When and by whom had ancient Babylon been put down?Babylon was conquered by Darius, king Mede and Cyrus, king of Persia and ceased to be the Third World Power of Bible history. (Daniel 5:30 & 6:28)003-07How did Jerusalem come to be reoccupied following the fall of Babylon by Cyrus?It began to be rebuilt and reoccupied by the exiles whom the Persian conqueror, Cyrus the Great, released from captivity in Babylon in the year 537B.C.E.(Ezra 1:1 to 3:2.)003-08How was Revelation communicated to the apostle John and then to the congregations?John received the inspired record through an angelic messenger. He wrote it in a scroll, transmitting it to the congregations of his time.

(Rev 1:1, 4)003-09How long did it take to build Solomon's Temple?Seven and a half yearsThe work was completed in seven and a half years (from spring 1034B.C.E. to fall [Bul, the eighth month] 1027B.C.E.).1Ki 6:1,38.003-010Which three disciples did Jesus take to a lofty mountain as witness to the transfiguration?Peter and James and John his brother (Matt 17:1)

Six days later Jesus took Peter and James and John his brother along and brought them up into a lofty mountain by themselves. And he was transfigured before them, and his face shone as the sun, and his outer garments became brilliant as the light.004-01How old was Issac's father and mother (Abraham and Sarah) when he was conceived?Abraham was 100 yrs old and Sarah was 90 yrs old - Gen 17:17

. . .At this Abraham fell upon his face and began to laugh and to say in his heart: Will a man a (100) hundred years old have a child born, and will Sarah, yes, will a woman (90) ninety years old give birth?004-02What was the last camping site of the Israelites before crossing the Red Sea?Pihahiroth (Ex 14:1,2 ; Nu 33:7,8)004-03When was the Garden Of Eden destroyed?After Adams banishment from the paradisaic garden, with no one to cultivate it and to take care of it, it may be assumed that it merely grew up in natural profusion with only the animals to inhabit its confines until it was obliterated by the surging waters of the Flood, its location lost to man except for the divine record of its existence.(Ge 2:15).004-04Where was Abraham or Abram living before God told him to leave and move to a new and strange land?Gen 15:7, Neh 9:7

Then he added to him: I am Jehovah, who brought you out of Ur of the Chaldeans to give you this land to take it in possession.

You are Jehovah the [true] God, who chose A'bram and brought him out of Ur of the Chaldeans and constituted his name Abraham004-05Where was Paul when he revealed who the "Unknown" God was?Athens (Acts 17:16-33)004-06When did Jerusalems Destruction by Babylon take place?Jerusalem's Destruction occurred in 607BCE004-07When was the prophet Jeremiah proclaiming the impending destruction of Jerusalem?The prophet Jeremiah was proclaiming the destruction of Jerusalem about six years before it's happening (ie 613 B.C.E).004-08How Long was Jesus Ministry and when did it start?Three and a half years beginning at the fall of 29 C.E.004-09What year was Jesus (the Son of God) born on Earth?In the fall of 2 B.C.E004-010What day of the week did Jesus die on a torture stake?It took place on a Friday (This is evident from what John wrote, which shows that the following day was a great sabbath). (John 19:31)005-01005-02005-03005-04005-05005-06005-07005-08005-09005-010

&C&"Village,Plain"&18The Scroll&CPage &P of &NBruce:Get a WT Library reference for this answer.

Bible Lands & PlacesBible Lands & PlacesCard idBible Lands & Places - QuestionsBible Lands & Places - Answers001-01What River connects The Sea of Galilee to the Salt or Dead SeaThe River Jordan (see Bible Lands brochure or any secular atlas)001-02From what province were most of the Apostles chosen by Jesus ChristGalilee (Mt 4:18-22; Lu 6:12-16)001-03Where was Jesus bornBethlehem (Mt 2:1)001-04Where was Mary when she become pregnant with "the Son of God"Nazereth (Lu 1:26-38)001-05How far is Nazareth from Bethlehem in Judah93 miles or 150 klimetres (it-1 Bethlehem p.300)001-06What Bible land is referred to as "the City of David" or "Zion"Jerusalem (2Sa 5:7)001-07Where were the seven congregations referred to in Revelation situatedIn the distrcit of Asia Minor (it-2 Congregations of Revelations p.945)001-08Name the seven cities referred to in the book of RevelationPergamumThyatiraSardisSmyrnaPhiladelphiaEphesusLaodicea(it-2 Congregations of Revelations p.945) (1000 Credits for each one recalled)001-09Name the six world powers described in Daniel Chapter twoBABYLONIA from 607B.C.E.MEDO-PERSIA from 539B.C.E.GREECE from 331B.C.EROME from 30B.C.E.ANGLO-AMERICAN WORLD POWER from 1763C.E.POLITICALLY DIVIDED WORLD in the time of the end(dp Who Will Rule The World? chap.9 p.139)001-010Philip encountered a man in a chariot reading the scroll of Isaiah; where was he fromEthiopia (Acts 8:26-35)002-01002-02002-03002-04002-05002-06002-07002-08002-09002-010003-01003-02003-03003-04003-05003-06003-07003-08003-09003-010004-01004-02004-03004-04004-05004-06004-07004-08004-09004-010005-01005-02005-03005-04005-05005-06005-07005-08005-09005-010

&C&"Village,Plain"&18The Scroll&CPage &P of &NBruce:Add reference for materials.Bruce:Add reference for materials.Bruce:Add reference for materials.Bruce:re-worded

Key Principles & BeliefsWHAT JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES BELIEVECard IDBeliefScriptural ReasonBible is God's Word and is truth2 Tim. 3:16, 17;2 Pet. 1:20, 21;John 17:17001-01Bible is more reliable than traditionMatt. 15:3;Col. 2:8001-02God's name is JehovahPs. 83:18;Isa. 26:4;42:8,AS;Ex. 6:3001-03Christ is God's Son and is inferior to HimMatt. 3:17;John 8:42;14:28;20:17;1 Cor. 11:3;15:28001-04Christ was first of God's creationsCol. 1:15;Rev. 3:14001-05Christ died on a stake, not a crossGal. 3:13;Acts 5:30001-06Christ's human life was paid as a ransom for obedient humansMatt. 20:28;1 Tim. 2:5, 6;1 Pet. 2:24001-07Christ's one sacrifice was sufficientRom. 6:10;Heb. 9:25-28001-08Christ was raised from the dead as an immortal spirit person1 Pet. 3:18;Rom. 6:9;Rev. 1:17,18001-09Christ's presence is in spiritJohn 14:19;Matt. 24:3;2 Cor. 5:16;Ps. 110:1,2001-10We are now in the 'time of the end'Matt. 24:3-14;2 Tim. 3:1-5;Luke 17:26-30002-01Kingdom under Christ will rule earth in righteousness and peaceIsa. 9:6, 7;11:1-5;Dan. 7:13, 14;Matt. 6:10002-02Kingdom will bring ideal living conditions to earthPs. 72:1-4;Rev. 7:9, 10,13-17;21:3,4002-03Earth will never be destroyed or depopulatedEccl. 1:4;Isa. 45:18;Ps. 78:69002-04God will eliminate present system of things in the battle at Har-MagedonRev. 16:14,16;Zeph. 3:8;Dan. 2:44;Isa. 34:2;55:10,11002-05Wicked will be eternally destroyedMatt. 25:41-46;2 Thess. 1:6-9002-06People God approves will receive everlasting lifeJohn 3:16;10:27, 28;17:3;Mark 10:29,30002-07There is only one road to lifeMatt. 7:13, 14;Eph. 4:4,5002-08Human death is due to Adam's sinRom. 5:12;6:23002-09The human soul ceases to exist at deathEzek. 18:4;Eccl. 9:10;Ps. 6:5;146:4;John 11:11-14002-10Hell is mankind's common graveJob 14:13,Dy;Rev. 20:13, 14,AV(margin)003-01Hope for dead is resurrection1 Cor. 15:20-22;John 5:28, 29;11:25,26003-02Adamic death will cease1 Cor. 15:26,54;Rev. 21:4;Isa. 25:8003-03Only a little flock of 144,000 go to heaven and rule with ChristLuke 12:32;Rev. 14:1,3;1 Cor. 15:40-53;Rev. 5:9,10003-04The 144,000 are born again as spiritual sons of God1 Pet. 1:23;John 3:3;Rev. 7:3,4003-05New covenant is made with spiritual IsraelJer. 31:31;Heb. 8:10-13003-06Christ's congregation is built upon himselfEph. 2:20;Isa. 28:16;Matt. 21:42003-07Prayers are to be directed only to Jehovah through ChristJohn 14:6,13, 14;1 Tim. 2:5003-08Images should not be used in worshipEx. 20:4, 5;Lev. 26:1;1 Cor. 10:14;Ps. 115:4-8003-09Spiritism must be shunnedDeut. 18:10-12;Gal. 5:19-21;Lev. 19:31003-10Satan is invisible ruler of world1 John 5:19;2 Cor. 4:4;John 12:31004-01A Christian ought to have no part in interfaith movements2 Cor. 6:14-17;11:13-15;Gal. 5:9;Deut. 7:1-5004-02A Christian should keep separate from worldJas. 4:4;1 John 2:15;John 15:19;17:16004-03Obey human laws that do not conflict with God's lawsMatt. 22:20, 21;1 Pet. 2:12;4:15004-04Taking blood into body through mouth or veins violates God's lawsGen. 9:3, 4;Lev. 17:14;Acts 15:28,29004-05Bible's laws on morals must be obeyed1 Cor. 6:9, 10;Heb. 13:4;1 Tim. 3:2;Prov. 5:1-23004-06Sabbath observance was given only to Israel and ended with Mosaic LawDeut. 5:15;Ex. 31:13;Rom. 10:4;Gal. 4:9, 10;Col. 2:16,17004-07A clergy class and special titles are improperMatt. 23:8-12;20:25-27;Job 32:21,22004-08Man did not evolve but was createdIsa. 45:12;Gen. 1:27;Matt. 19:4004-09Christ set example that must be followed in serving God1 Pet. 2:21;Heb. 10:7;John 4:34;6:38004-10Baptism by complete immersion symbolizes dedicationMark 1:9, 10;John 3:23;Acts 19:4,5005-01Christians gladly give public testimony to Scriptural truthRom. 10:10;Heb. 13:15;Isa. 43:10-12005-02

Sheet1LIST OF PUBLICATIONSLIST OF PUBLICATIONSBiblesBiblesConcatanateRbi8 New World Translation Reference Bible (1984)Rbi8NewWorldTranslationReferenceBible(1984)New World Translation Reference Bible (1984)Reference WorksReference Worksit-1 Insight, Volume 1 (1988)it-1Insight,Volume1(1988)Insight, Volume 1 (1988)it-2 Insight, Volume 2 (1988)it-2Insight,Volume2(1988)Insight, Volume 2 (1988)dx30-85 Index (1994)dx30-85Index(1994)Index (1994)dx86-09 Index (2009)dx86-09Index(2009)Index (2009)rs Reasoning (1989)rsReasoning(1989)Reasoning (1989)PeriodicalsPeriodicalsg Awake! (1970-2009)gAwake!(1970-2009)Awake! (1970-2009)km Our Kingdom Ministry (1970-2009)kmOurKingdomMinistry(1970-2009)Our Kingdom Ministry (1970-2009)w Watchtower, The (1950-2009)wWatchtower,The(1950-2009)Watchtower, The (1950-2009)BooksBookssi All Scripture (1990)siAllScripture(1990)All Scripture (1990)bt Bearing Witness (2009)btBearingWitness(2009)Bearing Witness (2009)my Bible Stories (2004)myBibleStories(2004)Bible Stories (2004)bh Bible Teach (2005)bhBibleTeach(2005)Bible Teach (2005)bw Choosing (1979)bwChoosing(1979)Choosing (1979)cl Close to Jehovah (2002)clClosetoJehovah(2002)Close to Jehovah (2002)cj Commentary on James (1979)cjCommentaryonJames(1979)Commentary on James (1979)ce Creation (1985)ceCreation(1985)Creation (1985)ct Creator (1998)ctCreator(1998)Creator (1998)dp Daniels Prophecy (1999)dpDanielsProphecy(1999)Daniels Prophecy (1999)po Eternal Purpose (1974)poEternalPurpose(1974)Eternal Purpose (1974)fy Family Happiness (1996)fyFamilyHappiness(1996)Family Happiness (1996)fl Family Life (1978)flFamilyLife(1978)Family Life (1978)ka Gods Kingdom Has Approached (1973)kaGodsKingdomHasApproached(1973)Gods Kingdom Has Approached (1973)lv Gods Love (2008)lvGodsLove(2008)Gods Love (2008)gm Gods Word (1989)gmGodsWord(1989)Gods Word (1989)gh Good News (1976)ghGoodNews(1976)Good News (1976)gt Greatest Man (1991)gtGreatestMan(1991)Greatest Man (1991)te Great Teacher (1971)teGreatTeacher(1971)Great Teacher (1971)hp Happiness (1980)hpHappiness(1980)Happiness (1980)hs Holy Spirit (1976)hsHolySpirit(1976)Holy Spirit (1976)ip-1 Isaiahs Prophecy I (2000)ip-1IsaiahsProphecyI(2000)Isaiahs Prophecy I (2000)ip-2 Isaiahs Prophecy II (2001)ip-2IsaiahsProphecyII(2001)Isaiahs Prophecy II (2001)jd Jehovahs Day (2006)jdJehovahsDay(2006)Jehovahs Day (2006)kc Kingdom Come (1981)kcKingdomCome(1981)Kingdom Come (1981)kj Know Jehovah (1971)kjKnowJehovah(1971)Know Jehovah (1971)kl Knowledge (1995)klKnowledge(1995)Knowledge (1995)lp Life (1977)lpLife(1977)Life (1977)pe Live Forever (1989)peLiveForever(1989)Live Forever (1989)sh Mankinds Search for God (1990)shMankindsSearchforGod(1990)Mankinds Search for God (1990)sl Mans Salvation (1975)slMansSalvation(1975)Mans Salvation (1975)be Ministry School (2002)beMinistrySchool(2002)Ministry School (2002)cf My Follower (2007)cfMyFollower(2007)My Follower (2007)pm Paradise Restored (1972)pmParadiseRestored(1972)Paradise Restored (1972)tp73 Peace and Security (1973)tp73PeaceandSecurity(1973)Peace and Security (1973)jv Proclaimers (1993)jvProclaimers(1993)Proclaimers (1993)re Revelation Climax (1988)reRevelationClimax(1988)Revelation Climax (1988)sg School Guidebook (1992)sgSchoolGuidebook(1992)School Guidebook (1992)Ssb Sing Praises (1984)SsbSingPraises(1984)Sing Praises (1984)sn Sing to Jehovah (2009)snSingtoJehovah(2009)Sing to Jehovah (2009)su Survival (1984)suSurvival(1984)Survival (1984)lr Teacher (2003)lrTeacher(2003)Teacher (2003)ts This Life (1974)tsThisLife(1974)This Life (1974)tp True Peace (1986)tpPeace(1986)TRUE Peace (1986)tr Truth (1981)trTruth(1981)Truth (1981)uw United in Worship (1983)uwUnitedinWorship(1983)United in Worship (1983)go World Government (1977)goWorldGovernment(1977)World Government (1977)ws Worldwide Security (1986)wsWorldwideSecurity(1986)Worldwide Security (1986)wt Worship God (2002)wtWorshipGod(2002)Worship God (2002)yp Young People Ask (1989)ypYoungPeopleAsk(1989)Young People Ask (1989)yp2 Young People Ask, Volume 2 (2008)yp2YoungPeopleAsk,Volume2(2008)Young People Ask, Volume 2 (2008)yy Youth (1976)yyYouth(1976)Youth (1976)YearbooksYearbooksyb Yearbooks (1970-2009)ybYearbooks(1970-2009)Yearbooks (1970-2009)BrochuresBrochuresbm Bibles Message (2009)bmBiblesMessage(2009)Bibles Message (2009)hb Blood brochure (1990)hbBloodbrochure(1990)Blood brochure (1990)ba Book for All (1997)baBookforAll(1997)Book for All (1997)br84 Centennial (1984)br84Centennial(1984)Centennial (1984)na Divine Name (1984)naDivineName(1984)Divine Name (1984)dg Does God Care (2001)dgDoesGodCare(2001)Does God Care (2001)je Doing Gods Will (1986)jeDoingGodsWill(1986)Doing Gods Will (1986)ed Education (2002)edEducation(2002)Education (2002)gf Gods Friend (2000)gfGodsFriend(2000)Gods Friend (2000)gl Good Land (2003)glGoodLand(2003)Good Land (2003)bp Government (1993)bpGovernment(1993)Government (1993)gu Guidance of God (1999)guGuidanceofGod(1999)Guidance of God (1999)jt Jehovahs Witnesses (2000)jtJehovahsWitnesses(2000)Jehovahs Witnesses (2000)br78 JW Brochure (1989)br78JWBrochure(1989)JW Brochure (1989)pc Lasting Peace (2009)pcLastingPeace(2009)Lasting Peace (2009)le Life on Earth (1982)leLifeonEarth(1982)Life on Earth (1982)Lmn Look! brochure (1986)LmnLook!brochure(1986)Look! brochure (1986)op Our Problems (1990)opOurProblems(1990)Our Problems (1990)pr Purpose of Life (1993)prPurposeofLife(1993)Purpose of Life (1993)rq Require (1996)rqRequire(1996)Require (1996)ol Road to Life (2002)olRoadtoLife(2002)Road to Life (2002)la Satisfying Life (2001)laSatisfyingLife(2001)Satisfying Life (2001)sj School (1983)sjSchool(1983)School (1983)sp Spirits of the Dead (2005)spSpiritsoftheDead(2005)Spirits of the Dead (2005)ti Trinity (1989)tiTrinity(1989)Trinity (1989)kp Watch! (2004)kpWatch!(2004)Watch! (2004)we When Someone Dies (2005)weWhenSomeoneDies(2005)When Someone Dies (2005)ie When We Die (1998)ieWhenWeDie(1998)When We Die (1998)wj Why Worship God (1993)wjWhyWorshipGod(1993)Why Worship God (1993)wi World Without War (1992)wiWorldWithoutWar(1992)World Without War (1992)BookletsBookletsnc All Nations Collide (1971)ncAllNationsCollide(1971)All Nations Collide (1971)td Bible Topics (1984)tdBibleTopics(1984)Bible Topics (1984)bq Blood (1977)bqBlood(1977)Blood (1977)dn Divine Rulership (1972)dnDivineRulership(1972)Divine Rulership (1972)dy Divine Victory (1973)dyDivineVictory(1973)Divine Victory (1973)es09 Examining the Scriptures2009es09ExaminingtheScriptures2009(2009)Examining the Scriptures2009 (2009)es10 Examining the Scriptures2010es10ExaminingtheScriptures2010(2010)Examining the Scriptures2010 (2010)es11 Examining the Scriptures2011es11ExaminingtheScriptures2011(2011)Examining the Scriptures2011 (2011)gc God Cares (1975)gcGodCares(1975)God Cares (1975)og Gods Sovereignty (1975)ogGodsSovereignty(1975)Gods Sovereignty (1975)hu Human Plans Failing (1974)huHumanPlansFailing(1974)Human Plans Failing (1974)sc In Search (1983)scInSearch(1983)In Search (1983)ku Kurukshetra (1983)kuKurukshetra(1983)Kurukshetra (1983)dt Liberation (1980)dtLiberation(1980)Liberation (1980)mn Look! booklet (1970)mnLook!booklet(1970)Look! booklet (1970)ml More to Life (1975)mlMoretoLife(1975)More to Life (1975)sv Saving the Human Race (1970)svSavingtheHumanRace(1970)Saving the Human Race (1970)fu Secure Future (1975)fuSecureFuture(1975)Secure Future (1975)sm Submission (1983)smSubmission(1983)Submission (1983)us Unseen Spirits (1978)usUnseenSpirits(1978)Unseen Spirits (1978)vi Victory Over Death (1986)viVictoryOverDeath(1986)Victory Over Death (1986)TractsTractskn35 All People (1997)kn35AllPeople(1997)All People (1997)kn19 All There Is to Life? (1974)kn19AllThereIstoLife?(1974)All There Is to Life? (1974)T-17 A Peaceful New World (1992)T-17APeacefulNewWorld(1992)A Peaceful New World (1992)kn31 Armageddon (1982)kn31Armageddon(1982)Armageddon (1982)T-20 Comfort for the Depressed (2000)T-20ComfortfortheDepressed(2000)Comfort for the Depressed (2000)kn22 Crime and Violence (1976)kn22CrimeandViolence(1976)Crime and Violence (1976)T-21 Enjoy Family Life (1998)T-21EnjoyFamilyLife(1998)Enjoy Family Life (1998)kn37 False Religion (2006)kn37Religion(2006)FALSE Religion (2006)kn24 FamilyCan It Survive? (1977)kn24FamilyCanItSurvive?(1977)FamilyCan It Survive? (1977)T-71 Fate Rules Our Lives? (2001)T-71FateRulesOurLives?(2001)Fate Rules Our Lives? (2001)kn20 Good News (1975)kn20GoodNews(1975)Good News (1975)kn18 Government (1974)kn18Government(1974)Government (1974)T-72 Greatest Name (2001)T-72GreatestName(2001)Greatest Name (2001)kn29 Happy Life (1981)kn29HappyLife(1981)Happy Life (1981)T-74 Hellfire (2001)T-74Hellfire(2001)Hellfire (2001)kn28 Hope (1980)kn28Hope(1980)Hope (1980)T-16 Hope for Dead (1987)T-16HopeforDead(1987)Hope for Dead (1987)T-25 Immortal Spirit (2001)T-25ImmortalSpirit(2001)Immortal Spirit (2001)T-23 JehovahWho Is He? (2001)T-23JehovahWhoIsHe?(2001)JehovahWho Is He? (2001)T-18 Jehovahs WitnessesWhat Do They Believe? (1992)T-18JehovahsWitnessesWhatDoTheyBelieve?(1992)Jehovahs WitnessesWhat Do They Believe? (1992)T-24 Jesus ChristWho Is He? (1999)T-24JesusChristWhoIsHe?(1999)Jesus ChristWho Is He? (1999)T-26 Know the Bible (2001)T-26KnowtheBible(2001)Know the Bible (2001)kt Know the Truth (2008)ktKnowtheTruth(2008)Know the Truth (2008)kn33 LifeHow Did It Get Here? (1985)kn33LifeHowDidItGetHere?(1985)LifeHow Did It Get Here? (1985)T-15 Life in a Peaceful New World (1994)T-15Lifein aPeacefulNewWorld(1994)Life in a Peaceful New World (1994)kn27 Love (1979)kn27Love(1979)Love (1979)kn36 New Millennium (2000)kn36NewMillennium(2000)New Millennium (2000)kn30 Planet Earth (1981)kn30PlanetEarth(1981)Planet Earth (1981)kn26 Relief From Pressure (1978)kn26ReliefFromPressure(1978)Relief From Pressure (1978)kn17 Religion (1973)kn17Religion(1973)Religion (1973)rp Road to Paradise (1990)rpRoadtoParadise(1990)Road to Paradise (1990)kn23 Suffering (1976)kn23Suffering(1976)Suffering (1976)T-27 Suffering to End (2005)T-27SufferingtoEnd(2005)Suffering to End (2005)kn16 Time Running Out (1973)kn16TimeRunningOut(1973)Time Running Out (1973)T-13 Trust the Bible (1987)T-13TrusttheBible(1987)Trust the Bible (1987)kn32 United, Happy Family (1983)kn32United,HappyFamily(1983)United, Happy Family (1983)T-14 What Do Jehovahs Witnesses Believe? (1987)T-14WhatDoJehovahsWitnessesBelieve?(1987)What Do Jehovahs Witnesses Believe? (1987)T-73 Who Are Jehovahs Witnesses? (2001)T-73WhoAreJehovahsWitnesses?(2001)Who Are Jehovahs Witnesses? (2001)T-22 Who Really Rules the World? (1992)T-22WhoReallyRulestheWorld?(1992)Who Really Rules the World? (1992)kn25 Why Are We Here? (1978)kn25WhyAreWeHere?(1978Why Are We Here? (1978kn34 Why Is Life So Full of Problems? (1995)kn34Why IsLife SoFullofProblems?(1995)Why Is Life So Full of Problems? (1995)T-19 Will This World Survive? (2005)T-19WillThisWorldSurvive?(2005)Will This World Survive? (2005)kn21 Your Future (1975)kn21YourFuture(1975)Your Future (1975)yi Your Life (2002)yiYourLife(2002)Your Life (2002)

List Of PublicationsLIST OF PUBLICATIONSReference CodePublication NameBiblesRbi8New World Translation Reference Bible (1984)Reference Worksit-1Insight, Volume 1 (1988)it-2Insight, Volume 2 (1988)dx30-85Index (1994)dx86-09Index (2009)rsReasoning (1989)PeriodicalsgAwake! (1970-2009)kmOur Kingdom Ministry (1970-2009)Wt, wt or wWatchtower, The (1950-2009)BookssiAll Scripture (1990)btBearing Witness (2009)myBible Stories (2004)bhBible Teach (2005)bwChoosing (1979)clClose to Jehovah (2002)cjCommentary on James (1979)ceCreation (1985)ctCreator (1998)dpDaniels Prophecy (1999)poEternal Purpose (1974)fyFamily Happiness (1996)flFamily Life (1978)kaGods Kingdom Has Approached (1973)lvGods Love (2008)gmGods Word (1989)ghGood News (1976)gtGreatest Man (1991)teGreat Teacher (1971)hpHappiness (1980)hsHoly Spirit (1976)ip-1Isaiahs Prophecy I (2000)ip-2Isaiahs Prophecy II (2001)jdJehovahs Day (2006)kcKingdom Come (1981)kjKnow Jehovah (1971)klKnowledge (1995)lpLife (1977)peLive Forever (1989)shMankinds Search for God (1990)slMans Salvation (1975)beMinistry School (2002)cfMy Follower (2007)pmParadise Restored (1972)tp73Peace and Security (1973)jvProclaimers (1993)reRevelation Climax (1988)sgSchool Guidebook (1992)SsbSing Praises (1984)snSing to Jehovah (2009)suSurvival (1984)lrTeacher (2003)tsThis Life (1974)tpTRUE Peace (1986)trTruth (1981)uwUnited in Worship (1983)goWorld Government (1977)wsWorldwide Security (1986)wtWorship God (2002)ypYoung People Ask (1989)yp2Young People Ask, Volume 2 (2008)yyYouth (1976)YearbooksybYearbooks (1970-2009)BrochuresbmBibles Message (2009)hbBlood brochure (1990)baBook for All (1997)br84Centennial (1984)naDivine Name (1984)dgDoes God Care (2001)jeDoing Gods Will (1986)edEducation (2002)gfGods Friend (2000)glGood Land (2003)bpGovernment (1993)guGuidance of God (1999)jtJehovahs Witnesses (2000)br78JW Brochure (1989)pcLasting Peace (2009)leLife on Earth (1982)LmnLook! brochure (1986)opOur Problems (1990)prPurpose of Life (1993)rqRequire (1996)olRoad to Life (2002)laSatisfying Life (2001)sjSchool (1983)spSpirits of the Dead (2005)tiTrinity (1989)kpWatch! (2004)weWhen Someone Dies (2005)ieWhen We Die (1998)wjWhy Worship God (1993)wiWorld Without War (1992)BookletsncAll Nations Collide (1971)tdBible Topics (1984)bqBlood (1977)dnDivine Rulership (1972)dyDivine Victory (1973)es09Examining the Scriptures2009 (2009)es10Examining the Scriptures2010 (2010)es11Examining the Scriptures2011 (2011)gcGod Cares (1975)ogGods Sovereignty (1975)huHuman Plans Failing (1974)scIn Search (1983)kuKurukshetra (1983)dtLiberation (1980)mnLook! booklet (1970)mlMore to Life (1975)svSaving the Human Race (1970)fuSecure Future (1975)smSubmission (1983)usUnseen Spirits (1978)viVictory Over Death (1986)Tractskn35All People (1997)kn19All There Is to Life? (1974)T-17A Peaceful New World (1992)kn31Armageddon (1982)T-20Comfort for the Depressed (2000)kn22Crime and Violence (1976)T-21Enjoy Family Life (1998)kn37FALSE Religion (2006)kn24FamilyCan It Survive? (1977)T-71Fate Rules Our Lives? (2001)kn20Good News (1975)kn18Government (1974)T-72Greatest Name (2001)kn29Happy Life (1981)T-74Hellfire (2001)kn28Hope (1980)T-16Hope for Dead (1987)T-25Immortal Spirit (2001)T-23JehovahWho Is He? (2001)T-18Jehovahs WitnessesWhat Do They Believe? (1992)T-24Jesus ChristWho Is He? (1999)T-26Know the Bible (2001)ktKnow the Truth (2008)kn33LifeHow Did It Get Here? (1985)T-15Life in a Peaceful New World (1994)kn27Love (1979)kn36New Millennium (2000)kn30Planet Earth (1981)kn26Relief From Pressure (1978)kn17Religion (1973)rpRoad to Paradise (1990)kn23Suffering (1976)T-27Suffering to End (2005)kn16Time Running Out (1973)T-13Trust the Bible (1987)kn32United, Happy Family (1983)T-14What Do Jehovahs Witnesses Believe? (1987)T-73Who Are Jehovahs Witnesses? (2001)T-22Who Really Rules the World? (1992)kn25Why Are We Here? (1978kn34Why Is Life So Full of Problems? (1995)T-19Will This World Survive? (2005)kn21Your Future (1975)yiYour Life (2002)

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