Page 1: The Scuttlebutt Vol. 16 No. 6 June Jun Scuttlebutt.pdf · The Newsletter of the Korean War & Service Veterans of Lake County (FL),

The Scuttlebutt Vol. 16 No. 6 June 2013

The Newsletter of the Korean War & Service Veterans of Lake County (FL), Inc., Chapter 169, Chartered 1998 P.O. Box 491428, Leesburg, FL 34749-1428

T he Memorial will

begin at 10:00

a.m., Saturday, July 27,

2013, at the beautiful

Veterans Memorial at

Fountain Park, Leesburg

(near city hall).

The Villages Twirlers

Flag & Drum Corp will

provide entertainment

prior to the Memorial,

beginning at 9:15.

Memorial Program

printed on Pg. 5.

T he ground was hard and

rocky, and we had to chip

away with our trenching tools.

Then it began to rain real hard,”

recalls eighteen-year-old BAR man

Norm Fosness as he lay in wait for

the North Korean Communists

near the town of Osan, South Ko-


Fosness was with Task Force

Smith, a small contingent of about

500 infantry and artillery of the

21st Infantry Regiment, 24th Infan-

try Division. They were the first

U.S. ground troops committed to

the defense of Korea; their mission

was to delay the Communist ad-

vance to the south.

“I couldn’t see very far; there was a

hill in front of us,” Fosness contin-

ued. “Suddenly a T34 (Soviet) tank

popped into view as it came around

a curve in the road maybe 1,500

yards away.”

“Then another and another; I start-

ed to count the tanks,” Fosness re-

counts. “I quit at 16! “I knew we

were in big trouble! I knew then

that this was not just a few bandits

crossing the 38th parallel!”

“And they didn’t run when they saw

American uniforms!”

This story, indeed all of the Korean

War up to today, will be painted by

Keynote speaker, Tom Thiel, who

served as a foot-soldier in 1951-52

in Korea, when he invites us to

“Remember Korea 60 Years Ago.”

Initially referred to as a “Police Ac-

tion” or “Conflict,” the Korean War

spanned a 3-year brutal period

(Anniversary Continued on page 5)

Korean Veterans to Remember the 60th Anniversary of the Armistice!

Above photo is from the 2012 Celebration of the 59th Anniversary of the Armistice ending the Korean War. Chapter 169’s Honor Guard is presenting colors, and President Wally at the lectern and Don Baron in background. We are asking every member who can to come on July 27!

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Vol. 16 No. 6 June 2013 The Scuttlebutt

W e had another out-

standing speaker,

Steven Rinck, President,

Dade Battlefield Society at

our June26th meeting.

Having interesting speakers

who are not attempting to

sell us anything is making our meetings more excit-

ing. We are also managing to keep the meeting work

portion time to a minimum.

Next meeting is set for viewing the Eddie Ko CD de-

picting his early years during The Korean War. We

were unable to view this during his visit to our Chap-

ter due to technical difficulties.

The Sergeant at Arms duties are being modified. He

will still be at the entrance to the meetings taking at-

tendance, selling 50/50 tickets and report on the


However, the Color Guard leader will advance the

Guard, post and salute the colors, lead the group in

the Pledge of Allegiance, and ask the Chaplain to offer

a prayer. After that, the Leader will dismiss the Color

Guard and retire.

The Sergeant at Arms will pass the member sign in

sheet to the first table and ask that it be passed

around the room to ascertain attendance. He will

continue to run the 50/50 drawing toward the end of

the meeting, call for a flag salute, then turn meeting

over to the Chaplain for a final prayer.

After that, the meeting will be adjourned. Once ad-

journed, the Color Guard will retire the Colors.

I believe a pressing requirement is to get younger Ko-

rean SERVICE Veterans involved with our Chapter.

We need to be creative about this. These Service Vet-

erans are out there. I ask each of you to give thought

to this and offer your input at our July meeting.

One final note: I was surprised that we didn't have

more of you coming to the 60th Armistice celebration

on July 27 at VMFP.

This is a once in a lifetime opportunity. I ask that

those of you that did not raise your hands when I

asked who was planning to attend, PLEASE RECON-



President’s Column

E ustis HS has provided us with

the long-awaited DVDs of our

interviews. They gave us four sets

of four DVDs.

Disc 1: Auto execute. Nice start up

menu. Bill Shumaker, Jimmy Cor-

bet, Joel Briggs, Ozzie Schreiber,

and Ron Psonak interviews. Will

play on DVD player or Computer.

Disc 2: Same as Disc 1; Carol Beck-

er and Tom Thiel interviews.

Disc 3: No start up menu. Contains

data files of the interviews. Runs

OK in Windows environment. Con-

tains Dick Pfahler, Gene Vollmer

and Wally Jones interviews.

Disc 4: Same as disc 3. Interviews

of DJ Lynch and Don Van Beck.

Also contains December 3, 2012 TA

at Eustis

We received no recorded interviews

by: Al Scheutz, Art Canale, Charlie

White, Claus Tiesman, Gloria Cor-

bet, and Jack Reynolds. Col

Cangelosi said he would try to get

the files for these interviews, but I

have not heard back from him.

They did a very good job of photog-

raphy and sound, except that I

(Tell America Continued on page 7)

Tell America Program—DVDs of our Interviews, etc. by Thiel

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When in the Course of human events, it becomes nec-

essary for one people to dissolve the political bands

which have connected them with another, and to as-

sume among the powers of the earth, the separate

and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of

Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the

opinions of mankind requires that they should de-

clare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men

are created equal, that they are endowed by their Cre-

ator with certain unalienable Rights, that among

these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

—That to secure these rights, Governments are insti-

tuted among Men, deriving their just powers from the

consent of the governed,— That whenever any Form

of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it

is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and

to institute new Government, laying its foundation on

such principles and organizing its powers in such

form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their

Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate

that Governments long established should not be

changed for light and transient causes; and accord-

ingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are

more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable,

than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to

which they are accustomed. But when a long train of

abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same

Object evinces a design to reduce them under abso-

lute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to

throw off such Government, and to provide new

Guards for their future security.—Such has been the

patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now

the necessity which constrains them to alter their for-

mer Systems of Government. The history of the pre-

sent King of Great Britain is a history of repeated in-

juries and usurpations, all having in direct object the

establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these

States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a can-

did world.

He has refused his Assent to Laws, the most whole-

some and necessary for the public good.

He has forbidden his Governors to pass Laws of im-

mediate and pressing importance, unless suspended

in their operation till his Assent should be obtained;

and when so suspended, he has utterly neglected to

attend to them.

He has refused to pass other Laws for the accommo-

dation of large districts of people, unless those people

would relinquish the right of Representation in the

Legislature, a right inestimable to them and formida-

ble to tyrants only.

He has called together legislative bodies at places un-

usual, uncomfortable, and distant from the deposito-

ry of their public Records, for the sole purpose of fa-

tiguing them into compliance with his measures.

He has dissolved Representative Houses repeatedly,

for opposing with manly firmness his invasions on

the rights of the people.

He has refused for a long time, after such dissolu-

tions, to cause others to be elected; whereby the Leg-

islative Powers, incapable of Annihilation, have re-

turned to the People at large for their exercise; the

State remaining in the mean time exposed to all the

dangers of invasion from without, and convulsions


He has endeavoured to prevent the population of

these States; for that purpose obstructing the Laws

for Naturalization of Foreigners; refusing to pass oth-

ers to encourage their migrations hither, and raising

the conditions of new Appropriations of Lands.

He has obstructed the Administration of Justice, by

The Declaration of Independence 4 July 1776 Page 3

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refusing his As-

sent to Laws for establish-

ing Judiciary powers.

He has made Judges de-

pendent on his Will alone,

for the tenure of their of-

fices, and the amount and

payment of their salaries.

He has erected a multi-

tude of New Offices, and

sent hither swarms of Of-

ficers to harrass our peo-

ple, and eat out their sub-


He has kept among us, in

times of peace, Standing

Armies without the Con-

sent of our legislatures.

He has affected to render

the Military independent

of and superior to the Civ-

il Power.

…Portion Removed...

In every stage of these

Oppressions We have Pe-

titioned for Redress in the

most humble terms: Our

repeated Petitions have

been answered only by

repeated injury. A Prince

whose character is thus

marked by every act

which may define a Ty-

rant, is unfit to be the rul-

er of a free people.

Nor have We been want-

ing in attentions to our

British brethren. We have

warned them from time to

time of attempts by their

legislature to extend an

unwarrantable jurisdic-

tion over us. We have re-

minded them of the cir-

cumstances of our emi-

gration and settlement

here. We have appealed to

their native justice and

magnanimity, and we

have conjured them by

the ties of our common

kindred to disavow these

usurpations, which, would

inevitably interrupt our

connections and corre-

spondence. They too have

been deaf to the voice of

justice and of consanguin-

ity. We must, therefore,

acquiesce in the necessity,

which denounces our Sep-

aration, and hold them, as

we hold the rest of man-

kind, Enemies in War, in

Peace Friends.

We, therefore, the Repre-

sentatives of the united

States of America, in Gen-

eral Congress, Assembled,

appealing to the Supreme

Judge of the world for the

rectitude of our inten-

tions, do, in the Name,

and by Authority of the

good People of these Colo-

nies, solemnly publish

and declare, That these

United Colonies are, and

of Right ought to be Free

and Independent States;

that they are Absolved

from all Allegiance to

the British Crown, and

that all political connec-

tion between them and

the State of Great Britain,

is and ought to be totally

dissolved; and that as

Free and Independent

States, they have full Pow-

er to levy War, conclude

Peace, contract Alliances,

establish Commerce, and

to do all other Acts and

Things which Independ-

ent States may of right do.

And for the support of this

Declaration, with a firm

reliance on the Protection

of Divine Providence, we

mutually pledge to each

other our Lives, our For-

tunes and our sacred


[New Hampshire] Josiah Bartlett Wm. Whipple

Matthew Thornton [Massachusetts Bay] Saml. Adams John Adams

Robt. Treat Paine Elbridge Gerry [Rhode Island] Step. Hopkins

William Ellery [Connecticut] Roger Sherman Sam'el Huntington

Wm. Williams Oliver Wolcott [New York]

Wm. Floyd Phil. Livingston Frans. Lewis Lewis Morris

[New Jersey] Richd. Stockton

Jno. Witherspoon Fras. Hopkinson John Hart Abra. Clark

[Pennsylvania] Robt. Morris Benjamin Rush Benja. Franklin

John Morton Geo. Clymer Jas. Smith Geo. Taylor James Wilson

Geo. Ross John Hancock [Delaware] Caesar Rodney

Geo. Read Tho. M'Kean [Maryland] Samuel Chase

Wm. Paca Thos. Stone Charles Carroll of Carrollton [Virginia]

George Wythe Richard Henry Lee Th. Jefferson Benja. Harrison

Thos. Nelson, Jr. Francis Lightfoot Lee Carter Braxton [North Carolina]

Wm. Hooper Joseph Hewes John Penn [South Carolina]

Edward Rutledge Thos. Heyward, Junr. Thomas Lynch, Junr. Arthur Middleton

[Georgia] Button Gwinnett Lyman Hall Geo. Walton

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Vol. 16 No. 6 June 2013 The Scuttlebutt

from June 25, 1950 to July 27,

1953. Certainly, it was brutal to the

Koreans, but it was also brutal to

the U.S., which suffered about

170,000 total casualties, with more

than 54,000 killed and of those

about 34,000 Killed in Action.

There were some 3,746 taken as

POWs, and 8,142 Missing in Action,

most of whose family members still

await positive identification of their

son’s, brother’s, or husband’s re-

mains, and whose government is

not aggressively supporting the


Some have written that the Korean

War was the first war the United

States lost, but nothing could be

further from the truth.

We clearly stopped the growth of

Communism in S.E. Asia, and that

contributed to the fall of Com-

munism throughout most of the

world. South Korea today is a bea-

con of freedom and a republic form

of government in that part of the

Asia and indeed the world. It is a

donor nation with an economy

ranking near the top ten in the

world, and one of the leading mak-

ers of autos, electronic products,

ships and other important items.

And, all of this in a space roughly

half the size of Florida!

Even this though has been at a

price. From the 1953 Armistice, the

U.S. has continually maintained a

fighting force in S. Korea of some

30,000 troops, some 120 of whom

were also killed in action. These

Korean Service era veterans are

who we are especially inviting to

come to our Memorial, and to join

our Chapter.

For more information, please con-

tact Wally Jones, (800) 400-5959,


(Anniversary Continued from page 1)

The Veterans Memorial at Fountain Park

60th Anniversary of the Korean War Armistice

Saturday, July 27th, 2013

Presentation: 9:15 The Village Twirlers Flag & Drum Corp.

Welcome: 10:00 Wally Jones, President KWVA Chapter 169 & Art Canale, 60th An-

niversary Chair & Past President KWVA Chapter 169

Post Colors: Joel Briggs, Director KWVA Chapter 169 Color Guard

Invocation: Jack Reynolds, Chaplain, KWVA Chapter 169

Pledge of Allegiance: Retired Navy Captain Gerry Sexsmith

National Anthem: Don Baron, 169 member, & Master Drummer

Jerry Peacock & assoc.

VMFP: Don Van Beck, CEO, Art Canale & Dick Pfahler, Veterans Memorial at

Fountain Park, brief overview of VMFP

Poem: Retired Captain Gerry Sexsmith - Poem of a Veteran

Keynote Speaker: Tom Thiel, Past President & Historian, KWVA Chapter 169,

“Remembering 60 years ago”

Presentation of Wreath: Wally Jones, Don Van Beck, Tom Thiel, & Gerry Sexsmith

Benediction: Jack Reynolds, Chaplain KWVA, Chapter 169

Prayer: Silent prayer

Rifle Salute: Mike Weber, Commander, Continental Veterans Association Honor


Taps: Edie DeLaMater, Bugler, Continental Veterans Association, & Master Drum-

mer Jerry Peacock

Retire Colors: Joel Briggs, Director KWVA Chapter 169 Color Guard


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Vol. 16 No. 6 June 2013 The Scuttlebutt

Chapter Color Guard:

Color Guard report for June, one

engagement, Flag Day June 14th at

the Villages, manned by Joel

Briggs, Art Canale, Gordon Talbot,

Art Iversen, and Dave Lavery.

In May we were overwhelmed,

May 26th Freedom Flight at the


May 27th, Villages Veterans Me-

morial & Ferran Park, Eustis

(photo below).

We performed a Flag Folding cere-

mony at both Steeplechase and the

Carriage House with the same crew

attending both events.

May 29th, United Way in Mount

Dora, photo above Briggs, Scheutz,

Simunek, Shumaker and Lynch.

For the month of July we have July

4th at the Villages.*

Then on July 27th there are two


10 AM at the Villages* with Art

Iversen (Commander), Gordon Tal-

bot, Gunther Noder, and Dave


9:15 AM at Veterans Memorial

Fountain Park, Joel Briggs

(Commander), Al Schuetz, Bill

Shumaker, Don Lynch, Bill


I want to thank all who helped out

and to ask our members, especially

new ones, to volunteer for the Col-

or Guard.

Joel Briggs, Color Guard Director

(* Note: as this goes to press, the July 4 has

been canceled, and I am uncertain about

the Villages portion of July 27. EDITOR.)

-----Original Message-----

From: united way To: Joel Briggs

Sent: Thu, May 30, 2013 9:16 am

Subject: United Way

Joel, Please express our sincere thanks

to Bill, Bill, DJ and Al for presenting

colors at our Annual Meeting. We are grateful to each of you for your service

to our great country.

/S/ Terri Kracht Campaign/Marketing

Director United Way of Lake & Sumter Counties.

Memorial Day, May 27, at Ferran Park, Eustis. Chapter members from left: Thiel, Sue Mason, Art Burk (front), Jack Reynolds, Gloria and Jimmy Corbet, Bill Shumaker and Bill Simunek. Jack and the two Bills presented the wreath. Gloria Corbet served as MC, and Thiel read names of the deceased. More of our members should attend this event!

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Vol. 16 No. 6 June 2013 The Scuttlebutt

Our June Member meeting

was special; five new members

joined our ranks!

Thanks to Carol’s photos, we

are able to introduce four of

the five; somehow our leaders

failed to get that fifth signee in

front of Carol’s Nikon!

Upper left is Frank S.

Dressler, of Newcombe Cir,

Lsbg. Frank served from 1950-

1951, with AF, 314th TC Gp,

62d TC Squadron.

At left is Diane Weinbaum,

who lives on Misti Dr, Lsbg.

Diane served from 1991-1993,

with the Army’s 121st Evac


At right is Frank Keaser,

who served 1954-1958, Navy,

USS Salem, Macon, ARD 14,

USS Glacier. Frank and Dyann

live on Sunset Dr, Lsbg.

Right below is Thomas H.

Loeschke, who served 1950-

1953, with the Army Sec Agen-

cy. Tom and Beverly live on

Meadow Bend Dr, Lsbg.

Finally, Joe Ruseski, of Mt

Homer Rd, Eustis is the one

our camera missed. Joe served

1952-1953, with the 1st Marine

Div. Photo next meeting Joe!

Welcome to all!

Please get involved!

Five New Members at our June Meeting!

would have liked to have had the

camera "see" the interviewers, and

perhaps some still photos.

I have watched all of my own and

very limited portions of all other

recordings. You all did very well.

But we are getting old; we repeated

ourselves a lot. And we also gave

different "facts" about Korean War.

To watch all 12 interview files

would take at least 15 hours.

I have kept one complete set, and

have divided the others and where

necessary made copies so that each

interviewee has the

DVD with their in-

terview (and the oth-

ers that are on that


By now I hope you

have viewed it, and

perhaps portions of

the other interviews

on the disc.

What to do from here on?

It would be nice it we all had com-

plete sets; I do not have software to

make copies; my wife has made

some copies, but I do not want to

ask her to do 18 sets!

And I had visions of a single DVD

with all of us on it telling an overall

story of them interviewing us.

I probably could make that disc

from portions of each member’s

interview. But I do not know how to

do that now. Does any of you know

how, or do you have a family mem-

(Tell America Continued from

page 2)

(Tell America Continued on page 8)

And this is Dan Peski,

who joined with us at the

May meeting. Dan served

in 1952-1953, with the

Army’s 82d SLT. Dan and

Mary Asch live on Nack-

man Pl, The Villages.

Welcome DAN!

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Vol. 16 No. 6 June 2013 The Scuttlebutt

Department of Florida

Harold Sievers is the DoF Chaplain

Tom Thiel is the DoF News Editor, Historian, and Webmaster.

Tom attended the June 5 Executive BoD meeting in

St. Petersburg. Accepted DoF Historian position, and

has compiled digital DoF History from Graybeards

and old newsletters. Will meet with Tom Gaffney on

July 3 to accumulate more source material.

Fall Council Meeting will be September 28, Fort My-

ers, place TBD.

W ith the Board’s encour-

agement, we have start-

ed planning a new idea for Chap-

ter 169 to raise funds to support

our programs.

Chapter 169 will host a walk-a-

thon with the funds split equally

three ways—The Wounded War-

rior Program, The Villages Honor Flight and KWVA

Chapter 169.

Leesburg High School has agreed for us to use the

track around their football stadium.

The date has yet to be determined, but it will be on a

Saturday, possibly in the spring,

The Schools where we do The Tell America program

will be contacted to ask them to do the walking and

getting people to pledge money.

We will need contact various clubs, (Military, Kiwa-

nis, Lions, Rotary, etc.) for their support.

We also will need to contact the communities in the

area such as Continental, The Villages, Plantation,

Water Oak etc.

And, we will also need to contact business's in the ar-

ea to be sponsors in the $2000, $1000, $500, and

$250 categories.

We will not ask our members to walk.

But, members will be needed before, during and after

the event.

You can see this is a big project and we expect all the

members to work sometime or other.

We have had several people volunteer already and ask

that you contact me to see how you can help.

No other Fund Raiser events are planned. We need to

start contacting Publix stores to re-

serve dates for Tell America Fund

Drives now.

Art Iversen 753 0139

Walk-a-thon Tell America Fund Drive planned; your help will be needed! by Art Iversen, 1st VP, (352) 753-0139

ber who might help us on


Below, DJ (Don) Lynch

doing a Tell America pro-

gram at








Employees meeting.

Eustis HS has accepted

our offer to do TA in Fall,

Lsbg no for ROTC but

maybe for History.

Mount Dora no reply.

(Tell America Continued from

page 7)

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Vol. 16 No. 6 June 2013 The Scuttlebutt

Bob, an Honorary Chapter and KWVA Associate Mem-ber, advises us that we can now view our Salute vide-os as YouTube’s.

Bob hosted Wally Jones and Tom Thiel on April 5; it is now available at Click Salute.

If you have a story and would like to appear on Sa-lute, call Bob.

P lease


our ailing

members in

your prayers

and thoughts, and also

inform your Chaplain

when either of you has a

health issue.

Bob Moore has been se-

riously ill and unable to

come to our meetings. We

sent a card; but, you may

contact Bob and Janice at:

798 North Shore Dr.,

Leesburg, FL, 34748,

(352) 360-1180,

[email protected].

If either of you are experi-

encing health problems,

please let me know.


Chaplain Jack Reynolds (352) 728-3928

P in sales have been flat recently. We have sold 80 pins since the May 8th

meeting, for a total of 598 pins, either sold or given as gifts. Total receipts to date are

$2,160. We needed to sell 220 to begin making a profit. Initial cost was $862., profit to date is $1,298. Consider-ation is being given to placing an AD in Graybeards.

PIN sales; net $1298 profit!

Joel Briggs (352) 233-9320, [email protected]

G ood news—I finally heard

from Dick Garfield who is

a local quartermaster formally of

chapter 267. He is in the New

York area for the summer.

His Phone number is 814 739 2804. You can E-mail

him at [email protected]. He does have the in-

ventory with him so call or e-mail him with your

order and he will mail it to you. There is a 10per-

cent mail cost with a maximum of $5.00. He will

enclose the bill and will expect you to sent a check.

There is an online catalog at

Chapter 169 Shirts—



Art Iversen, 1st VP, (352) 753-0139

Salute and other You Tube Programs

Wally Jones & Tom Thiel

Jack Reynolds

Korean War Veterans Memorial

Peace Medallions

Right — Don Struhar with

his Korean Government’s

Peace Medallion.

Call or see Thiel imme-

diately if you have not

picked up yours.

Thank you to those who thanked CG Kim!

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Vol. 16 No. 6 June 2013 The Scuttlebutt

July 2 Membership — 86! As of July 2, the Association Online Membership DB

shows us with 86 members; 83 Regular and Life Ac-

tive (they logged all our new members on July 2)!

The Chapter Membership DB, however, shows 92 as it

also includes our 6 Chapter Honorary Members. We

use this file for all Scuttlebutt mailings, Color Guard,

medallion, service record and other logs and distribu-


1. Regular and Life Active Members 83

2. Associate Members 3

3. Inactive Members 0

4. Total Members Assoc DB 86

5. Honorary Chapter Members 6

6. Total in Chapter Membership DB 92

Whenever one compares 169 membership with other

chapters, they must use the total shown in #4 above.

FYI CID173 now has 69 Active, 11 Associate, giving a

total of 80; They also have 7 Inactive.

Chapter Honorary Members (CHM)

The Chapter Roster also includes six persons who are

shown as Chapter Honorary Members. Such members

do not pay dues, and may or may not be members

of the Association and get Graybeards. Each is


Our CHM should be included in all Chapter Ros-

ters and Scuttlebutt distributions; they are:

1. Rev. Joseph H Ryu, The Villages

2. Pst. Choong E. Kim, Korean Baptist Ch., Ocala

3. Zillah Gaston of Summerfield

4. Joan Klawunn, Ocklawaha

5. Ted Morford, Jr., Lakewood Ranch, FL (CID

FL #199)

6. Don Struhar, Leesburg (CID MA #299)

Rev Ryu, Pastor Kim, and Zillah Gaston were ap-

proved as CHM at the June 12 BoD Meeting.

Jackie Gleason made Joan a CHM years ago.

Ted and Don are special cases; both are Associa-

tion Life Members, but they are members of another

Chapter. Per Association Bylaws and Procedures, a

member is limited to only one Chapter for official

purposes, but may participate in other Chapters, ex-

cept for holding office.

So, Ted and Don, that is why we cannot show you as

Member of our Chapter, but we are very happy to

have you as a 169 Honorary Member! We have other

Honorary Members too, but they are 169 members!

New members, we welcomed you on Page 5, and

THANK YOU for choosing CID 169. May we suggest

you to link up with our Color Guard, Tell America, or

other activities and become known in our Chapter.


Our Wells-Fargo bank balance as of July 1 is


The table below (Gloria provided all but one of the

tables in this SB) shows the income and expenses for

the first six months of 2013; it also compares our cur-

rent level vs. what was budgeted for the various levels

we report to the state to renew our solicitati0n status.

Gloria Corbet, with Tom Thiel

2011 2012Actual Actual Budgeted 28-Jun Comp w/Budg

INCOMEDues $2,084.00 $2,631.00 $2,800.00 $1,282.00 ($1,518.00)FundDrive $5,185.50 $6,012.92 $6,000.00 $3,350.66 ($2,649.34)FundDrivePrj $1,270.00 $288.00 $500.00 $1,881.84 $1,381.84OtherInc $2,474.00 $1,863.00 $1,900.00 $925.33 ($974.67)Xclude $0.00 $907.00 $900.00 $50.00 ($850.00)Total $11,013.50 $11,701.92 $12,100.00 $7,489.83

EXPENSES availableCGeneral $1,747.04 $2,649.10 $1,000.00 $420.00 $580.00CScholarship $2,000.00 $1,850.00 $2,000.00 $1,775.00 $225.00DOF $112.00 $150.00 $200.00 $30.00 $170.00Insurance Oct $127.22 $127.00 $140.00 $140.00KWVA $1,000.00 $2,030.00 $2,050.00 $982.00 $1,068.00MemBen $1,467.06 $484.45 $500.00 $280.93 $219.07Mtg&Con $160.60 $770.50 $1,000.00 $382.88 $617.12Postage $238.00 $207.70 $230.00 $174.91 $55.09Printing $470.31 $923.69 $1,000.00 $476.59 $523.41ProjExp $434.96 $862.10 $0.00 $47.98 ($47.98)STATE Feb $80.00 $71.25 $80.00 $80.00 $0.00Supplies $3,133.35 $3,258.05 $3,000.00 $2,126.08 $873.92Xclude $0.00 $748.00 $900.00 $35.00 $865.00Total Expenses $10,970.54 $14,131.84 $12,100.00 $6,811.37

Net for Year $42.96 ($2,429.92) $0.00 $678.46

2013 INCOME & EXPENSE REPORT for JUNE- - - - - - - - - 2013 - - - - - - - - -

Page 11: The Scuttlebutt Vol. 16 No. 6 June Jun Scuttlebutt.pdf · The Newsletter of the Korean War & Service Veterans of Lake County (FL),

M embers whose dues—Association, Department

and/or Chapter—that are payable anytime up

to November 30, 2013 are shown at the right.

Dues are: Total $37.00; That covers $10 Chapter, $2

DoF $2, and $25 Association.

All in bold are OVERDUE; please pay prompt-

ly. Unless we have your dues in hand by the end of

the month shown you will be removed from the mem-

bership roster. Association Life Members must still

pay Chapter and Department dues.

The Chapter Due Date is 30-days prior to the

Association Renewal date to allow us time to pro-

cess your payment.

DO NOT wait for your Association notice as that is

too late!

All questions about your membership status

should be addressed to Gloria Corbet.

Please use Renewal

Form on last page.

Pay to: KWVA Chapter 169. Mail to: KWVA Chap-

ter 169, 16035 Umatilla Pl, Umatilla, FL, 32784.

If you are having problems with maintaining your

membership with all the economic difficulties, please

call me before letting your membership lapse. Wally

Jones (904) 716-3360

Membership—Dues Dates—Assoc, DoF, Chapter—thru Nov. 30. Page 11

Vol. 16 No. 6 June 2013 The Scuttlebutt

Deadline for receipt of material submitted to the Scuttlebutt is Friday following each Member Meeting.

2013-14 Officers and Directors

* Boosters *


Cassulo John R044084 05/12/13 37.00$  

Deeley Paul R042245 06/07/13 37.00$  

Goebel Herb R002010 08/01/13 37.00$  

Briggs Joel R044259 08/11/13 37.00$  

Olson Harry R041430 09/05/13 37.00$  

Horvath Bert R042556 09/19/13 37.00$  

Tiesman Claus R042616 10/10/13 37.00$  

Cahill Wally R044407 10/14/13 37.00$  

Sell Warren R027577 10/25/13 37.00$  

Talbot Gordon R042682 11/06/13 37.00$  

Gruber Joe R040778 11/09/13 37.00$  

Pfahler Dick R040780 11/09/13 37.00$  

Corriveau Ben R040801 11/16/13 37.00$  

LaLiberte Joe LR20953 11/26/13 12.00$  

Sherwood Bill R044492 11/28/13 37.00$  

Back,Bill $2.00Corbet,Jimmy $13.00Falo,Tony $5.00Friedman,Jack $16.00Gaston,Zellah $25.00Hanold,Audley $28.75Hanold,Audley $20.00Houp,Jim $10.00Jansen,Ted $10.00Peever,Doreen $15.00Pfahler,Vi&Dick $9.00Shumaker,Bill $3.00Sinai,Dave $3.00Sinai,Dave $56.00Stover,Alan $50.00Tench,WilliamN. $50.00unknown $2.00Zettelmoyer,Dick $35.00


Position LNAME NNAME Phone  Phone Cell Email

President Jones Wally (800) 400‐5959 (904) 716‐3360 [email protected]

VP 1st Funds Iversen Art (352) 753‐0139 [email protected]

VP 2nd Mem Lynch Don (352) 748‐7009 [email protected]

Secretary Peever Dee (352) 748‐0549 [email protected]

Treasurer Corbet Gloria (352) 483‐0570 [email protected] 

Membership & Funds Mgr Corbet Gloria (352) 483‐0570 [email protected] 

Asst Sec/Treas

Dir Activities

Dir Assistance and Aid

Dir At Large Gruber Joe (352) 750‐0286 [email protected] 

Dir At Large Van Beck Don (352) 343‐1529 (352) 552‐3399 [email protected]

Dir At Large White Charlie (352) 787‐1885 (352) 630‐0825

Dir at Large and Founder Gleason Jackie (352) 245‐9691

Dir Chaplain Reynolds Jack (352) 728‐3928 (352) 350‐4016 [email protected]

Dir Color Guard Briggs Joel (352) 233‐9320 [email protected]

Dir Editor Thiel Tom (352) 357‐3943 (352) 408‐6612 [email protected]

Dir Historian Thiel Tom (352) 357‐3943 (352) 408‐6612 [email protected]

Dir Historian, Photo Becker Carol (352) 394‐5451 (321) 231‐1465 [email protected]

Dir Publicity

Dir Quartermaster Iversen Art (352) 753‐0139 [email protected]

Dir Sgt at Arms

Dir Tell America Thiel Tom (352) 357‐3943 (352) 408‐6612 [email protected]

Dir Veterans Affairs

Dir Webmaster Thiel Tom (352) 357‐3943 (352) 408‐6612 [email protected]

Imm. Past. Pres Thiel Tom (352) 357‐3943 (352) 408‐6612 [email protected]

Page 12: The Scuttlebutt Vol. 16 No. 6 June Jun Scuttlebutt.pdf · The Newsletter of the Korean War & Service Veterans of Lake County (FL),

The Scuttlebutt Korean War & Service Veterans of Lake

County, Chapter 169

Tom J. Thiel, Editor

19147 Park Place Blvd.

Eustis, FL 32736

MEMBER RENEWAL & CODE OF CONDUCT ONLY MEMBER RENEWAL & CODE OF CONDUCT ONLY MEMBER RENEWAL & CODE OF CONDUCT ONLY (new members use New Member Application) (new members use New Member Application) (new members use New Member Application) DATE: _____ /_____/ 2013 NAME:__________________________ Spouse Name:________________________

ADDRESS (if changed): __________________________ (APT/SUITE/LOT #__________

CITY: __________________________ STATE:___ ZIP:__________-_________

TELEPHONE: (____)__________________ Cell (____)__________________

email: ____________________@_______________ DOB:__________________

Chapter 169 Dues: $10, Amt Enclosed: $_________ ASSOC. NUMBER:__________________

Dept. of FL Dues: $2, Amt Enclosed:$ _________ Requested of all Chapter Regular and Life Members

Association. Dues: $25, Amt Enclosed: $_________

Chapter Boosters: Amt Enclosed:$__________


Check_____ Cash_____ Signature: _________________________________

I understand that by paying my dues I am entitled to participate in membership meetings and activities, receive the Scuttlebutt either by email or snail

mail, vote, and serve as a chapter officer, director, committee or color guard member. I also hereby swear to uphold the Constitution of the United

States, and the Bylaws of the Korean War Veterans Association, Inc., and the Lake County KWVA Chapter # 169, so help me God. (TJT 2/25/2013)

Pay to: KWVA Chapter 169. Mail to: KWVA Chapter 169, 16035 Umatilla Pl, Umatilla, FL, 32784

Korean Vets to Remember 60th 1

President’s Column 2 Tell America Program—DVDs 2

Declaration of Independence 3

July 27th, 2013 Program 5

Chapter Color Guard 6

Five New Members 7 Walk-a-thon 8

Chaplain, QM, Pin Sales; Bob 9

Bob Peters, Peace Medallions, 9 Membership and Funds 10 Chapt Officers & Directors 11 Member Renewal 12 Pay My Dues & CoC Form 12

Inside this issue

My signature below and checking the box at left indicates I subscribe

to the KWVA Code of Conduct.


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