
The secrets of the SPHINX 12-9-14 UCSF I wish I listened to him


Purpose of the sphinx This creation of stone and bedrock from a Giza Plateau know as the Sphinx holds a great place of honor in the Egyptian history. This large human headed lion was supposedly the guardian of Kahafra’s pyramid. Some think that the Sphinx was an Egyptian God due to the fact it was part animal part human(like the God of the pharaohs Horus). Researchers have found the remains of what to be the Sphinx’s beard. People have many theories about the purpose of the Sphinx, but I’ll just stick to the facts.

Mysteries of the legendary Sphinx

The Sphinx may be well know but it still holds very many secrets. There has been rumors that there are hidden passageways in the Sphinx. There was a story that Thutmosis the IV fell asleep under the Sphinx he had a dream that the Sphinx told him if he uncovered the Sphinx(which was buried with sand up to it’s shoulders) he would become the ruler of Egypt.

History of the Sphinx People believe that one of theses pharaohs had the Sphinx. The Sphinx’s creator is one of these pharaohs Khufu, Khafre, Khafre’s brother, or his father. People get this theories by the face of the Sphinx if it looked like his creator. But no one knows who the creator of the Sphinx was and it is still a mystery to this day.

During it’s tie the sphinx has been badly damage and it once had a beard and nose. It’s eyes are very weathered and it has been hard for researchers to figure out what it actually looked like before the weathering. Back then Napoleon's artillerymen were blamed for using the Sphinx a target practice which supposedly brought down the nose of the Sphinx.

The Great Sphinx of today To this day the Sphinx the still is standing tall and now is a great tourist attraction at Egypt and people are allowed to go up to the Sphinx and observe it at a closer range. People have been studying it for years and uncovering it’s secrets. Former Egyptians have been restoring the great statue to it’s former glory. Since the Egyptians have almost fully restored it, it has been looking better than before.

My Conclusion This was my power point about the great Sphinx and some amazing facts about it. It really is an exciting statue and it was really fun typing about it. I hope you liked my power point and that we all learned some amazing facts about it.

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