Page 1: The Six Days of Creation by: Eltaib, Johara Gamal A. and Garcia, Erinia S

Aren’t you amazed about the things around you? Do you know where they came from?

Page 2: The Six Days of Creation by: Eltaib, Johara Gamal A. and Garcia, Erinia S

There are many beliefs and theories about the beginning.

Most of the people believed that God created life as well as those things that allow it to take part. This pertains to creation.

Creation’s primary source is the first small book of the Bible- Genesis.

Genesis 1:1 In [the] beginning God created the heavens and the earth.

Page 3: The Six Days of Creation by: Eltaib, Johara Gamal A. and Garcia, Erinia S

The six Days

of Creation

Page 4: The Six Days of Creation by: Eltaib, Johara Gamal A. and Garcia, Erinia S

² At first, the earth proved to be formless and waste.

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DO YOU not find it amazing that the factors that scientists believe are essential for life on any planet appeared in the first chapter of the Bible?

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³ ⁻⁵ God said: “Let light come to be.” Then there came to be light. And God brought about a division between the light and the darkness. And he began calling the light Day, but the darkness he called Night.

---First day

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⁶⁻⁸ Then God proceeded to make the expanse and to make a division between the waters that should be beneath the expanse and the waters that should be above the expanse. And God began to call the expanse Heaven.  

--- second day

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The expanse mentioned is filled with gases making up earth’s atmosphere.

To be habitable by humans, a planet needs an atmosphere with a particular mix of gases.

For life to thrive, there must also be a large quantity of water.

Page 9: The Six Days of Creation by: Eltaib, Johara Gamal A. and Garcia, Erinia S

⁹⁻¹⁰ The waters under the heavens were brought together into one place the dry land appeared which God called Earth, and Seas for the bringing together of the waters. ¹¹ ¹³ ⁻ The earth began to put forth grass, vegetation bearing seed according to its kind and trees yielding fruit.  

---third day

Page 10: The Six Days of Creation by: Eltaib, Johara Gamal A. and Garcia, Erinia S

A planet on which a wide variety of animal life can thrive requires continents of dry, productive land.

The growth of vegetation, as described there, contributes to the rich supply of oxygen available.

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¹ ¹⁴⁻ ⁹  And God proceeded to make the greater luminary for dominating the day and the lesser luminary for dominating the night, and also the stars. 

---fourth day

Page 12: The Six Days of Creation by: Eltaib, Johara Gamal A. and Garcia, Erinia S

The temperature must be right for water on the planet to remain in liquid form. This is one reason why it is required that the planet must be on the right distance from its sun.

For moderate weather, a planet must be tilted to the proper angle and be held in place—in the case of earth, a function fulfilled in part by the gravitational pull of our moon.

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Earth’s abundant water, correct amount of light and heat, atmosphere, and fertile land made life on it possible.

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² ²³⁰⁻  And God proceeded to create the great sea monsters and every living soul that moves about, which the waters swarmed forth according to their kinds, and every winged flying creature according to its kind.

---fifth day

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² ²⁴⁻ ⁵ And God proceeded to make the wild beast of the earth, the domestic animal and every moving animal of the ground according their kinds.

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²⁶⁻³¹ God created male and female.

Further, God blessed them and God said to them: “Be fruitful and become many and fill the earth and subdue it, and have in subjection the fish of the sea and the flying creatures of the heavens and every living creature that is moving upon the earth.”

---sixth day

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Do you know them now?First day

light(day and night)

Third day dry land and seas;


Fifth day

fishes and birds

Second day heaven and waters

Fourth day sun, moon and


Sixth day

animals and man

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Take Note

There is no basis in Scripture for arbitrarily stating that each creative day

was 24 hours long. Hebrew word translated “day” can mean

various lengths of time, not certainly a 24-hour period.

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The End

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Prepared by: Eltaib, Johara

Gamal A. Garcia, Erinia S.

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