Page 1: The Skeleton Key on Broadway: Three Act Structure

Three Act Structure

Act One

The Setup. Establishing Victim’s background, inciting incident, also establishing Modern day


- Film establishes that this segment is in the Present day. Hard Cut: - The Year is 2085,

Establishing shot of New York City’s Skyline.

- Shot pans down into a street, providing the audience with a duality of New York City’s

lifestyle. The colourful glow of lights and billboards in the skies cover up the dark and murky


- Camera pans into a door and fades.

- Camera fades into an establishing shot of the Detective’s Office, The Detective occupation

and personality is introduced to the audience. Bits and pieces of the detective’s past are

peppered around the office.

- Plot Point: Detective receives an e-mail from an unknown customer, with an assignment to

find a woman playwright. Before he can decline, he is also given a generous advance in

currency. The detective reluctantly accepts.

Act Two

The Confrontation. Conflict Increases, Obstacles and Trials are established, Culmination and

Midpoint. Detective’s tragic background is also expanded.

- Detective checks out the plays the victim has written.

- Detective realises the key to finding the victim is hidden within her plays.

- Detective investigates these clues.

- With each clue lies conflicts/obstacles, with each progressing clue the risks the detective

goes through are raised.

Page 2: The Skeleton Key on Broadway: Three Act Structure

- The Detective learns that the victim used to work for the government and has been integral

in some of the most dangerous assignments in the government’s history.

- It is recognized by the audience that the technology the Victim’s (Name) Grandfather had

once Pioneered is used extensively within the modern day’s world.

- The Detective and Audience learn that the Victim is the Grand-daughter of a pioneer in

modern day technology.

- Through the plays, the Detective and Audience also learn :

– That the Victim’s Grandfather is in trouble with the government. The victim is given

a unique ability to exploit the minds of others.

– Victim’s entire family is killed within her own home by a burglar whilst she was at

opticians. Victim is found and adopted by her Uncle, who is also a Government

official and was ordering the execution under a government assignment named

Operation T-Men.

– The Villain adopts the Victim and trains/uses her for the government’s own means.

A montage of the assignments and training she is given in later years is shown.

– In the middle of an assignment, Victim (Name) realises her family was killed and she

is being exploited by the government for their own agenda.

– Emotionally scarred, vulnerable and realising the far-reaching power of the

government, the Victim (Name) chooses to escape using her abilities and goes into


– Using the Social Security Administration Network. She dons a new quiet and low-key

life as a playwright. Always looking over her shoulder, the victim is cautious. Ever

knowing the Government will be looking for her.

- With the information the Detective has gathered, he finds out the last-known residence of

the Victim and goes to check the apartment out.

- Plot Point: - Detective also realises that the Victim’s unique abilities can help him find his

daughter. Queue dramatic theme music.

Act Three

The Resolution. Climax and Denouement.

- Detective investigates the Victim’s apartment.

- Race against time. Detective finds the victims last written script before her disappearance.

The script implies that the Victim intends to kill herself in order to save herself.

- Detective finds the victim.

- Victim helps to find his daughter(?)

- Detective learns that he has been tailed this entire time by the Villain.

- Audience learns that Villain’s intention is to take the Victim back, dead or alive.

- Climax:-Detective saves the victim from herself. Victim manipulates Villain into believing the

victim and the detective is dead.

- Denouement: - They all live happily ever after…

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