Page 1: THE · NOVEMBER 2014 THE SPIRIT Thoughts from Pastor Robin We are a blessed faith community that reaches out to share



Thoughts from Pastor Robin

We are a blessed faith community that reaches out to share our gifts and talents with others.

We know that everything comes from God and in return, we give our first fruits back in min-

istry and mission to the world. Sometimes it is to fight diseases like malaria, while other times

it provides resources in teaching our young people about the love of a generous and gracious

God. Bible studies, seniors and high school groups, Sunday school and choir are all gifts we

share. Bag meal lunches, supporting Carroll Lutheran Village and giving gifts to those in our

Children’s and Women’s shelters all provide outreach to those in our community.

Here at Holy Spirit we understand that mission and ministry starts out with ourselves.

We ground our faith in Scripture. We hear the Word of God preached and we strive to take

what we know out into our neighborhoods, our jobs and our schools. We eat and drink from

the Lord’s table so we are strengthened and nourished for the work ahead of us. All of this

comes out of a joyful place of giving what has first been given to us.

In the weeks ahead you will be hearing testimonies and stories from people in our con-

gregation who will speak about how we use the resources that God has given to us. Some-

times we think we are only a small part of God’s kingdom, but indeed, God has blessed us


I invite you to hear the stories and think how you use the gifts and blessings that God

has given to you. Be in conversation with God, asking for your relationship to be blessed and

made stronger. Seek ways that you can join into the ministry and mission in this part of the

world we call Holy Spirit Lutheran Church.


Page 2: THE · NOVEMBER 2014 THE SPIRIT Thoughts from Pastor Robin We are a blessed faith community that reaches out to share

Can You Read the Bible in One Year?

Our initiative to read through the Bible began on September 7. If you haven’t started yet, you can begin now. Just pick up with the chapters in the reading plan for today. The adult Bible discussion groups on Sunday and Thursday offer an opportunity to talk about any questions or comments you might have on what you read. Don’t forget the resources available on the “Read Through the Bible” page under the “Grow” tab on our website. The reading schedule for November is below.

AiM Linda

Nov 1 Numbers 14-15 Mark 6:1-32 Nov 2, Numbers 16-17 Mark 6:33-56 Nov 3 Numbers 18-20 Mark 7:1-13 Nov 4 Numbers 21-23 Mark 7:14-8:10 Nov 5 Numbers 24-27 Mark 8:11-38 Nov 6 Numbers 28-29 Mark 9:1-29 Nov 7 Numbers 30-31 Mark 9:30-50 Nov 8 Numbers 32-33, Mark 10:1-31 Nov 9 Numbers 34-36 Mark 10:32-52 Nov 10 Deuteronomy 1-2 Mark 11:1-19 Nov 11 Deuteronomy 3-4 Mark 11:20-33 Nov 12 Deuteronomy 5-7 Mark 12:1-27 Nov 13 Deuteronomy 8-10 Mark 12:28-44 Nov 14 Deuteronomy 11-13 Mark 13:1-13 Nov 15 Deuteronomy 14-16 Mark 13:14-37 Nov 16 Deuteronomy 17-19 Mark 14:1-25 Nov 17 Deuteronomy 20-22 Mark 14:26-50 Nov 18 Deuteronomy 23-25 Mark 14:51-72 Nov 19 Deuteronomy 26-27 Mark 15:1-26 Nov 20 Deuteronomy 28 Mark 15:27-47 Nov 21 Deuteronomy 29-30 Mark 16 Nov 22 Deuteronomy 31-32 Luke 1:1-23 Nov 23 Deuteronomy 33-34 Luke 1:24-56 Nov 24 Joshua 1-3 Luke 1:57-80 Nov 25 Joshua 4-6 Luke 2:1-24 Nov 26 Joshua 7-8 Luke 2:25-52 Nov 27 Joshua 9-10 Luke 3 Nov 28 Joshua 11-13 Luke 4:1-32 Nov 29 Joshua 14-15 Luke 4:33-44 Nov 30 Joshua 16-18 Luke 5:1-16

Agnus Day appears with the

permission of

Page 3: THE · NOVEMBER 2014 THE SPIRIT Thoughts from Pastor Robin We are a blessed faith community that reaches out to share

How Are the Gospels Like Apples?

I realize that when I ask this question, you may think that I’ve been

spending too much time working on the Apple Festival. Or maybe sampling the

hard cider. Or maybe just plain out of my gourd (apple?) But I really mean it as

a serious question!

There are more than 7,500 different varieties of apples. Of these, it would

be easy to pick out four that look different, taste different, and have different

uses. For example, think of Red Delicious, Granny Smith, Gala, and Golden

Delicious. They are different colors and have somewhat different shapes and

sizes, but they have enough common characteristics that we would all

recognize them as apples if we found one lying on the ground somewhere. We

would also know that they weren’t oranges, pears, or any other kind of fruit.

These four apples have different tastes and uses. Some people think a Red

Delicious is not tart enough, while others think a Granny Smith is too tart for

snacking, and still others find a Gala is just right. On the other hand, a Granny

Smith is good for baking, but a Red or Golden Delicious might not be such a

good choice. If you do a little research, you’ll find out that some apples are

actually related to each other. For example, the Gala is a cross between

Golden Delicious and another apple called a Kidd’s Orange Red.

The same kinds of things are true of the four Gospels — Matthew, Mark,

Luke, and John. We know that they’re all Gospels because they all tell the

story of Jesus. On the other hand, we know that the other books in the Bible

aren’t Gospels, even though they point to Jesus. There are similarities

between the Gospels. Some stories appear in two, three, or even all four of

the Gospels. On the other hand, some appear only in one of them. Just as

some apples are related, some of the Gospels are related to each other. If

you’d like to know more about that, I invite you to come to one of the Bible

discussion groups on Sunday, October 26, at 9:30 am or Thursday,

October 29 at 2 pm or 6:15 pm. We’d love to have you join us!

AiM Linda








Page 4: THE · NOVEMBER 2014 THE SPIRIT Thoughts from Pastor Robin We are a blessed faith community that reaches out to share

Message from the Council President

At the special congregational meeting in October, the council presented Holy Spirit’s

Long Range Strategic Plan, the 2015 budget proposal and many changes to the

church’s constitution. Please take time in the weeks prior to the annual meeting to re-

view this information and digest what it means to the life of our faith community.

While there is no vote to make on the Strategic Plan, this is a living document which

identifies what our mission and ministries are today and what directions we will take

in the near future. It will need periodic updating and will be supplemented by annual action plans to help steer

the direction of our ministries, worship, and activities. The 2015 budget and constitution updates will be voted

on in November, so please review the material in these presentations as well. If you need copies of any of this

material please ask Pastor Robin, AiM Linda, myself, or any council member to help you obtain a copy of the

information. I also urge you to attend the annual meeting so that your voice may be heard as we make our

plans and choose our leaders for 2015.

Our ministries are always in need of new hands to keep them running. At the annual congregational meeting

in November, we will be electing volunteers for positions on council, nominating committee, audit committee

and synod representatives. These positions are all opportunities to grow your faith by being a leader of the

Holy Spirit community. Please prayerfully consider supporting Holy Spirit by donating your time and talents

in one of these elected positions.

There are many events scheduled for the month of November including the Apple Fest, Consecration Sunday,

the annual congregational meeting and more. Remember to check the HSLC website calendar at, this monthly newsletter, and the weekly bulletin for announcements and times of

activities and events; and check for sign-up sheets at the back of the worship area.

Peace to all,

Will Stecher

Notes from the Parish Nurse

The holidays are coming starting with Thanksgiving. This is a wonderful time to gather with friends and family

and also has wonderful food! Holidays are notorious for a time of overeating, gaining weight and forgetting about


Here are a few suggestions to help these things.

Before you go to enjoy the wonderful food-even though you want to make sure you have a good appetite-it is rec-

ommended to eat breakfast and/or lunch depending on what time the meal is going to be. In this way you can

avoid the snacking or overeating. In serving size try not to overfill the plate especially when seconds will be avail-


If you’re on medications make sure you continue to be diligent in taking them. Some medications do surround

meal times. If you have a concern about the timing of your medication and holiday meals check with your physi-


The last thing to remember is to continue with any exercise program that you are on. This can be difficult to

squeeze in with all the activities. Remember that even just walking for a short time is a wonderful form of exer-

cise. Walking with family and friends makes the holidays special.

With blessings and wishes for a Happy Thanksgiving,

Dena and Deacon Joyce.

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Consecration Sunday is coming!

Congregations that approach financial stewardship from a biblical perspective do not view the money Christians give to their church merely as a way to pay its bills. Rather, such con-gregations see financial contributions as a way to help people grow spiritually in their rela-tionship with God by supporting their church’s mission and ministry with a percentage of their incomes. Our congregation’s finance committee has selected the New Consecration Sunday Steward-ship Program as a way to teach the biblical and spiritual principles of generous giving in our stewardship education emphasis this year.

New Consecration Sunday is based on the biblical philosophy of the need of the giver to give for his or her own spiritual development, rather than on the need of the church to receive. Instead of treating people like members of a social club who should pay dues, we will treat people like followers of Jesus Christ who want to give unselfishly as an act of discipleship. New Consecration Sunday encourages people toward propor-tionate and systematic giving in response to the question, “What percentage of my income is God calling me to give?” During morning worship on Consecration Sunday, we are asking our attendees and members to make their financial commitments to our church’s missionary, benevolent, and educational ministries in this community and around the world. Every attendee and member who completes an Estimate of Giving Card does so voluntarily by attending morning worship on Consecration Sunday. We urge people to attend who feel strongly opposed to complet-ing a card. The procedure is done in such a way that no one feels personal embarrassment if he or she chooses not to fill out a card. We will do no home solicitation to ask people to complete cards. During morning worship our guest leader will conduct a brief period of instruction and inspiration, climaxed by members making their commitments as a confidential act of worship. We will encourage participation in Consecration Sunday events through the Consecration Sunday team and governing board members. Since we will make no follow-up visits to ask people to complete their cards, we will make every effort to inform, inspire, and commit everyone to attend Consecration Sunday worship. Thanks in advance for your enthusiastic participation in Consecration Sunday events. Consecration Sunday Chairperson, William J. Miller

E.S.C.A.P.E. Ministries

Dear Holy Spirit,

Many thanks for spending your time and resources packing lunches for South Carroll’s

low income families.

These families appreciate your efforts so, as do we.


Julie Shacochis

E.S.C.A.P.E. Ministries

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Early Childhood Learning Center

The Preschool children will be talking about the first Thanksgiving, families and what we are thankful for. Each

child will decorate a t-shirt to wear to their Thanksgiving celebrations. Stories about Pilgrims and Native Ameri-

cans will be read every day. We are working on evaluations to prepare us for the end of the month conferences.

We continue to study our colors, shapes, letters, numbers, and hand writing skills.

The preschool Families have been working hard to get Silent Auction items for our annual Apple Festival on No-

vember 1st. We hosted this event with the Holy Spirit Lutheran Church. Thank you for coming out to support us

and the church in this event.

We are still working towards our accreditation with the Maryland State Department of Education as we continue

to submit our data to the Maryland Excels program. This process will take a few years but we continue to work

towards it.

Our next fundraiser will begin on November 3rd with Claire’s Gourmet. This is some delicious food and desserts

that will be delivered in time for the holidays. You will find some order forms in the back of the church and you

can return them under my office door at any time.

Jennie Jones, Director


Sunday Nov. 2 you get an extra hour to sleep so join after the late service to pack cookies for our college stu-

dents and military members. The "kids" really look forward to this annual delivery so let's show them we are

supporting them. If you have a college student or military member in your family, please double check with

Sharon Hindman to make sure we have their correct address. All goodies are welcome! Also, a sign up sheet

will be in the back of the church. A mentor sign up will be in the back of the church if you are interested in

being a mentor for the 2014-15 school year.

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Church & Village: Partners in Ministry October 2014

New Board of Trustees Elected and Installed Five members were elected to the Carroll Lutheran Village Board of Trustees at the annual Corporation Meeting on September 30. Rev. Kevin Clementson, Dean of the Westminster Conference of the Delaware-Maryland Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and Co-Senior Pastor at Grace Lutheran Church in Westminster and Louna Primm, Executive Vice President and Chief Lending Officer for New Windsor State Bank, were elected to a three-year term. Kay Betz, Al Betz & Associates, Inc. and Outflu-ence, LLC; Ron Fairchild, Smarter Learning Group; and Sandra Ferguson, retired, were elected to their second three-year terms. Continuing to serve the board in their existing terms are: David Bollinger, Barnes-Bollinger Insurance Services, Inc.; Dave Bond, CCRC Actuaries, LLC; Roberta Dillow, Carroll Lutheran Village Resident; Donna Kent, Retired; Edward Leister, Thrivent Financial; Rev. Robin Simpson Litton, Holy Spirit Lutheran Church; Wanda Lynn, Rager, Lehman & Houck, P.C.; Carol Plunkert, Century 21 The Real Estate Centre; George Thomas, Carroll Lutheran Village Resident; and Marlene Titus, Carroll Community College. Quilt Raffle Tickets Available The annual Carroll Lutheran Village quilt raffle is underway through December 6. The 75” by 75” quilt, entitled “Autumn Star,” was hand-quilted by four members of the Village. Tickets are $1 each or $5 for six and are available at the Shop on the Square Gift Shop (Mon.-Sat. 11:00a.m.-3:00p.m.), at the Village Corner Gift Shop, 300 St. Luke Circle on the campus of Carroll Lutheran Village (daily 12:30p.m.-3:30p.m., Tues. & Wed. 9:30a.m.-3:30p.m.) or by calling 443-605-1011 or 410-833-4218. Proceeds benefit the Carroll Lutheran Village Resident Assistance Fund, which supports residents of the Village who have outlived their financial resources. The winner will be drawn at Carroll Lutheran Village on Saturday, December 6. Winner need not be present to win. Upcoming Events at Carroll Lutheran Village

Bone Builders Club – October 17, 1:30 p.m. This osteoporosis support group focuses on bone health. Featured speaker this quarter is Dr. Jason Hammond from Medstar Orthopaedics who will discuss knee arthritis and replacement surgery. Program is free, but please register in advance at 443-605-1070 or [email protected] osteoporosis support group focuses on bone health. Featured speaker this quarter is Dr. Jason Hammond from Medstar Orthopaedics who will discuss knee arthritis and replace-ment surgery. Free. Please register in advance at 443-605-1070 or [email protected].

Beginning Swimming for Older Adults and Fearful Swimming for Older Adults – Fridays, October 31 through December 12.

Beginning swimming lessons geared toward older adults. $35 per person. Please register in advance at 443-605-1070 or [email protected].

Carroll Lutheran Village Voted Carroll’s Best Carroll Lutheran Village was voted Best Retirement Community, Best Assisted Living Facility, Best Nursing Home, Best “Other” Busi-ness Website, and Best “Other” Business Facebook Page by the readers of the Carroll County Times. The winners were announced in late September. Thank you to everyone who voted for CLV – we appreciate your support!

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The Shepherd's Staff

Sponsors the Twenty-First Annual

Thanksgiving Day

Community Dinner Thursday, November 27, 2014 12:00noon – 2:00pm St. John Roman Catholic Church Monroe Street, Westminster, Maryland (Across from West Middle School)

All Are Welcome Free of Charge

In keeping with The Shepherd's Staff’s Mission, this Holiday Dinner has been created to bring together all those who wish to share the Blessings of Food and Friendship on Thanksgiving Day. To Donate or For Information Call 410-857-5944

THANKSGIVING DONATION REQUEST Once again, The Shepherd's Staff is asking for your assistance in making our Twenty-First Annual

Community Thanksgiving Dinner a success on Thursday, November 27th at St. John Roman

Catholic Church, Westminster – 12:00pm to 2:00pm. As always we would be grateful for dona-

tions from the following list:

Dinner Donations

All donations must be dropped off on


St. John Roman Catholic Church, 45 Monroe Street, Westminster.

Bring donations to the church’s School Cafeteria area only.

Butter Onions (bag)

Celery, Salt & Pepper

Lemonade/Ice Tea Mix

10 oz Cold Cups

10 oz Hot Cups

Sandwich bags

Paper Towels

Paper Lunch Bags

5 Gallon Trash Bags

Fruit Pies

Pecan Pies

Wrapped Candy





Page 9: THE · NOVEMBER 2014 THE SPIRIT Thoughts from Pastor Robin We are a blessed faith community that reaches out to share

A 7-Night Bahamas Cruise is being organized for members, family, and friends of Holy Spirit Lu-

theran Church on Royal Caribbean Cruise Line (RCCL) Grandeur of the Seas departing Baltimore on

May 15, 2015. It is a perfect cruise for those who have never sailed before and/or for those that just

want to get away on a cruise without having to fly. A perfect Mother’s Day gift. Ports of Call Itinerary:

May 15 Baltimore, Maryland 4:00 PM Departure

May 16 Cruising

May 17 Port Canaveral, Florida 10:30 AM-9:30 PM

May 18 Nassau, Bahamas 1:00 PM-11:59 PM

May 19 CocoCay, Bahamas 8:00 AM-5:00 PM

May 20 Cruising

May 21 Cruising

May 22 Baltimore, Maryland 7:00 AM Arrival

Deposit for the group rate is $500/cabin and is due when booking is confirmed. The final payment is

due to RCCL by March 1, 2015. All monies paid are fully refundable until the final payment date. The

group is holding the cabins below and the corresponding group rates are shown. Port charges and all

taxes are included. Balconies are also available upon request. Optional insurance is additional and

ranges from $29 to $89 pp. Gratuities, if prepaid are $84 pp. There is a shipboard credit of $50.00/


Cat G2 Ocean View cabins –rate is $1856.18/cabin

Cat I Ocean View cabins –rate is $1822.18/cabin

Cat L Inside Cabins –rate is $1556.18/cabin

Questions: contact Barbara Northrop, 410-552-0104 [email protected]

Booking: contact Phil Golden (World Travel Service) 410-833-1092 [email protected]

Contact Information for Holy Spirit Lutheran Church

Address: Holy Spirit Lutheran Church

2205 Old Liberty Road

Eldersburg, MD 21784 Church Office Phone: (410) 795-6333

Preschool Office: (410) 795-2287


Pastor: [email protected] AiM: [email protected]

Parish Administrator: [email protected]


Parish Administrator—Nancy Thompson, will be in the church office Monday through Thurs-

day 9 am to 2 pm.

Bulletin announcements are appreciated by Wednesday morning.

Newsletter articles are due by the third Friday of each month.

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10-3 Apple F




ht s




All S

aints Sunday

10:45 Dedication of F

urntiure 8:30 &

10:45 Worship

9:45 – Sunday school

Noon – S

pirited Seniors

5pm S

r. High group @



6pm S

pirited Seniors


ony on the harbor 7pm


Mutual M



Pastor visitations

6:30 am M

en’s Breakfast

1pm S

taff meeting

5pm D

eacon meeting @



5:30 Stephen M

inistry 7 pm




2pm A

dult Bible S

tudy @ Library

5:45 Adult B

ible Study @


7:30 Adult C




8:30 Stephen M



Consecration S

unday 8:30 &

10:45 Worship

9:45 – Sunday school



Pastor visitations

6:30 am M

en’s Breakfast

1pm S

taff meeting

6pm P

reschool Board M



Noon S

pirited Seniors

7 pm A



Pastor &


@ C

onference 7:30 A

dult Choir

No B







8:30 & 10:45 W

orship 9:45 – S

unday school N

oon- Congregational m



Noon E






Chapel w




Pastor visitations

6:30 am M

en’s Breakfast

1pm S

taff meeting





Chapel w

/ P



7pm C

ouncil 7 pm




2pm A

dult Bible S

tudy @ Library

5:45 Adult B

ible Study @


7:30 Adult C




8:30 Stephen M



8:30 & 10:45 W

orship 9:45 – S

unday school



Pastor visitations

6:30 am M

en’s Breakfast

1pm S

taff meeting


7 pm A


7:30 pm T

hanksgiving Eve service


Thanksgiving D

ay O

ffice closed




8:30 & 10:45 W

orship 9:45 – S

unday school




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