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Prompt: Spike writes poems about his life with Twilight and his friends.

To Walk Between Worlds

I don’t exist

in pony or dragon world.

For a pony, I am too scaly and sharp, bristling with green embers and raking claws.

For a dragon, I am too small and gentle, averse to greed and gentle.

I walk between worlds, where boundaries mean nothing

Where pony tempers dragon fury and dragon tempers pony softness

Where pony bolsters the pride of a species and dragon bolsters the pride of a kingdom

I walk, unaware of the stranger others see,

Afraid that the wall between the worlds could grow too thin

Uncertain, when the wall crumbles, which world will claim me.

Dragon I am, but Pony am I as well.

Mystery, paradox, and conundrum intermingled and fused

To form a living specter

Yet, I am not afraid of the stranger within.

I know where I belong

Beside the mare who raised me as her own

In Ponyville where we made our home.

With my family and friends, I no longer ghost

But live as a curious creature in a curious world.


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My Hero

My hero isn’t Saddle Rager

She can crush mountains with a single hoof

Overpower any foe

Though her strength is mighty she isn’t my idol

My hero isn’t Daring Doo

The brave explorer can save the world countless times

Discover treasures lost to time

But she just isn’t mine

My hero isn’t Starswirl

His magic was unparalleled

His legend is eternal

But he could never measure up.

No, my hero is a purple mare

She is truly powerful

She saved Equestria countless times

She built a legacy that will never be matched

Raised a dragon on her own

Taught him to walk, to talk, to love

Gave him a home when he had none

Fed him, taught him, humored him

Welcomed him to her home like family

She is light, sometimes too blinding to look at.

Being by her side every day warms my heart


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As she overcomes any obstacle

And brings me through the storm

Her frame is the first in my mind when I think of heroes

For her brilliance strengthens me, inspires me

Every time she outshines the sun.


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Taking Things too Literally

You are my sunshine.

You give me sunburns.

My love is deeper than the ocean.

She drowned.

You’re the apple of my eye.

You really hurt.

The conversation died.

Mouth-to-mouth won’t save it.

I came to a fork in the road.

I was looking for a spoon to eat my cereal not a darned fork.

Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth.

They never brush their teeth.

The night fell.

She tripped on the moon.

It’s raining cats and dogs.

Hope Fluttershy can take care of those strays.

An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

He’s allergic.

Pinkie Pie has a chip on her shoulder.


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It tastes salty.

We should acknowledge the elephant in the room.

Fluttershy, how is he fitting in your cottage?

No, seriously.


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Love Song to Rarity

Lady Rarity

Sapphires are dim when faced with the blue luster of her eyes

Tapestries of nature wilt in the face of her purple locks

Smooth river rocks are rough when faced with her unblemished hooves

Crystal snow becomes mud in the face of her pearly fur

Gentle sway of lilies on a pond, cumbersome when faced with her delicate lips

But her smile, her smile illuminates the world beyond the sun’s powers

Flower petals envy the flutter of her brow

Rivers yearn for the sonorous melody of her voice

Clouds wonder how this heavenly creature fell to the lowly earth

The seasons pass, wishing to spend their lives with her

To caress the lily too perfect for nature

To feel her being surrounding them

To return to her, where they know they belong

That is the maiden whose beauty surpasses nature

That is the song of my heart

That is the glory

that only comes once in a lifetime


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Ode to Applejack

What do I say about the mare who saved me?

Do I say she is selfless, loyal, and kind?

Do I say she is strong, unflagging, and tough?

Do I reach down to pull up the boulder

that all of Ponyville rests on?

Do I present her as a dear friend

when she’s so much more than words can describe?

Is there another who does so much for every pony and never asks for more?

Is there another who treats me with such respect?

Is there another who keeps her friends together in times of trial?

What do I say about the sun that shines on all of us?

Thank you. You, who always treated me with kindness,

You, who saved my life,

You, who shows us that family

is any pony who treats you like family.


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Pinkie Pie the Great

There are no frowns in Ponyville. I’ll tell you the reason why.

Everyone smiles with happy cheer. Thanks to Pinkie Pie.

The party planner extraordinaire keeps us feeling super fine.

She throws us parties and games, and makes the stars shine.

She bounces through the streets and greets every pony with joyful delight.

Makes strangers feel home, gives Ponyville smiles, and loves without spite.

The unhappiness that haunts other places, here it has been all expelled.

Thanks to the pink party pony whose powers remain unparalleled.

Pinkie reminds me that every pony deserves to smile, deserves to party, deserves fun.

Even a dragon without a home, with her, he has one.


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Rainbow Dash, the Bolt of Inspiration

A shooting star blazes on the horizon before fading into the night.

But Rainbow Dash soars past darkness into blinding light.

Her speed makes light look like a slug

As she lights up the sky like a lightning bug.

Rainbow blazes across the sky for all to see

Truly, there is no other pony

Who boasts so much lightning, but would leave her thunder throne

To befriend ponies and dragons here on the stone.

No other mare has her strength, her pride, her keen eagle eye

No other mare makes me long to break through the clouds, to fly

Only Rainbow Dash has shown me the joys of the air

And someday, I hope to join her up there.


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To Fluttershy, the Strongest of All

Real strength doesn’t come from brute strength or might

Real strength is a tender heart that can turn dark to light.

The yellow pegasus who cares for all creatures big and small

Has the most tender, brightest, heart of us all

Like dew on a leaf, her touch is gentle, her presence is nourish

Her heart like summer rain, makes all flowers flourish.

Her unending kindness makes the ground an eternal spring

Butterflies wrap around her head in an angel halo ring.

She can remedy our worries with her fairy song

Can fill our hearts with nectar and make us strong.

The true strength is not one that takes, but one that cares to give

Fluttershy taught me this strength and how the strong must live.


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My friend Starlight

When I think of Starlight, I don’t think of the villain who hurt us

because that’s not her

When I think of Starlight, I don’t think of Twilight’s new pupil

because she’s so much more

When I think of Starlight, I think of the mare who’s come through so much

The mare who learned friendship

The mare who saved us from disaster

The mare who proves anyone can overcome the darkness

The mare who can stand side by side with Starswirl the Bearded

The mare who I call my friend

The mare who calls me family

The mare who triumphs

And I can only stare below her mountain

As she breaks through the sky and brings us the sun

As she descends from the mountain

To share her light with me


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The Song of My Life

I don’t have many friends my age, who would treat me like a fellow kid

But I have Sweetie Belle

I don’t have many mares who would dance with me when no pony else would

But I have Sweetie Belle

I don’t have the mare friend who I’ve wanted for years and years

But I have Sweetie Belle

I don’t have an idea who I am or what I’m supposed to be

But I have Sweetie Belle

Her melody is the song that harmonizes with my joy and my identity

Her games are the one thing that will never make me frown

Her smile makes my sun rise every morning

Her life makes mine beautiful


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Jewel of Ponyville

There is an orchard, but it’s not Sweet Apple Acres

This orchard blooms with youth and loyalty.

There is another number one assistant, but it’s not me

This assistant strengthens the rock that Ponyville rests on.

There is a star, but it’s not a celebrity

This star fell from the sky to join us on the earth.

There is someone, who understands what it feels to never know your parents.

And this someone taught me that family is more than a mom and dad.

That I can find my family in an orchard, a number one assistant, a star,

That they will call me friend and brother.


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Scootaloo, the Iron Pegasus

I believe in you

I believe you will fly

I believe you will ascend to the sky

I believe you will soar to the heavens

I believe you will surpass even Rainbow Dash

I believe that the strongest steel is tempered in the hottest flames

That bending, melting, grinding will make steel unyielding

That steel will be impenetrable as it cleaves the clouds

That steel will make others stronger.

I know you will never stop reaching for your dreams

And knowing that

I will never stop reaching for the skies

To race you across the wind

into legend


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The Few Words of Big Mac

You don’t have to say much

To say that you care.

You don’t have to say much

To say you understand.

You don’t have to say much

To say we’re friends.

You don’t have to say anything

To know we’re brothers.


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Queen Ember of the Sky

The sky wields a scepter and broad wings

She is gentle and kind, humble and noble

She commands an army of fire kings

She loathes the unjust and ignoble

The sky brought fire kings closer to ponies

She tames wild, intractable beasts

She owns her title without ceremonies

Her greatness, I know, will never cease

The sky brought me closer to the noble and loyal

She proved to me that fire kings are not cruel, not her not I

She sits rightfully on her crown so royal

And is more priceless and beautiful than any jewel, Queen of the Sky


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To Thorax, the Brave and Glorious

You say you owe me for bringing you friends

But the truth is I owe you everything, my dear friend.

I owe you for saving me

I owe you for putting my fame before our friendship

I owe you for saving me after I betrayed you

Above all,

I owe you for reminding me what friendship really means.

Friendship has no boundaries.

Differences like ours can’t stop its magic

Pony, Dragon, Zebra, or Changeling

are capable of friendship and capable of love

When we try to control friendship, try to say who’s a friend or foe

that is when we lose sight of who matters, of ourselves.

I am no hero.

You’re the hero, who teaches everyone that friendship and love are clouds and sun

No one can stop the showers on the land, giving life to the world.

The sun will never cease its rays and leave our hearts cold.

No, the sun, the rain, the wind, the snow cannot be stopped.

Friendship does not stop because you’re a Changeling or I’m a Dragon.

Love breaks through our hearts and sets us right.

True heroes keep friendship standing through any storm, through the shadows, and true

heroes like you, teach me that friends would surrender an empire, to keep friendship

blooming when all seems lost.

Your rain, your sun, your love, you make me strong, Thorax.

Because our friendship is true.


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Twilight into Eternity

You deserve so much more

than a few measly words from me.

You deserve ballads and sonnets

that my hands could never compose.

How could I describe you?

The first thing I ever saw

The first family I ever knew

The first hero I ever admired?

It’s impossible.

Impossible to explain how a fire can thaw the blackest night with ease

Impossible to explain when eternity could ever begin or end

Impossible to explain where a dragon born to ponies belongs in the world

Impossible to explain who could be everything that dragon needed

Impossible to explain why a goddess loves a mortal dragon like her dearest son or brother

You surpassed hero to me.

You’re my everything.

If I am strong, your strength is a mountain

If I am smart, your smart is the cosmos in its infinite wonders

If I am tough, you are an unbreakable diamond

If I know love, you dressed me in garments of affection and showered me in treasures.

Treasures, that I will horde jealously, of my every memory of you

Treasures of you feeding me gems by a spoon

Treasures of you guiding my first step, my first word

Treasures of you giving me a name, a purpose, a home

Treasures of you ascending to alicorn

Treasures of your smile.


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Fears of my identity, of my parentage, of my destiny

flow down the calm river and melt into the water when I feel you

By my side, holding me, lifting me past the stars as you transcend the forever.

I will do my part and be the firewood of your mighty spark

The clouds of your brilliant lightning and deafening winds

The soil of your cherry blossom that rains glory across the earth

As you reach greater heights and greater heights still,

Know that I will follow you to the forever

and stay by your side forever.


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Shining Armor the Mountain

If Twilight is my solid ground, then you are my mountain

You stand tall and strong, model everything I must be.

With your shield, you protect the ground from any vengeful clouds

And the crimson bolts of spark you swat away from us earthlings.

You stand atop the earth and aspire her to new heights

You the diamond spire stand constant and comfort earth in woe.

You bear the brunt of the rain, the brunt of hardship, the brunt of the pain

And trickle sweet nectar to her forests and help her grow.

I could never stand as tall as you, but for the earth I will try

And I will protect her as you have, and bear your shield with pride.


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Cadence the Ocean

If Shining Armor is the mountains then Cadence is Twilight’s ocean

She fills Twilight’s world and sustains much life

She has unseen wonders that Twilight alone will know

And affection so deep it feels crushing

She covers the earth and fills it with her waves

In an eternal embrace and tender caresses

Her lullaby is the push and pull of the water

That comforts and rocks Twilight to sleep

She forms Twilight’s shores, tempers her like a clam’s pearl

To show her love never fades

No matter what befalls Twilight she will be beside Twilight

I will follow her part and be the ocean for Twilight’s heart


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Why the Dark Doesn’t Scare Me

The night is brighter than day

When the stars shine through her tapestry

We learn

The light never fails

The darkness is the light.


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I Miss Peewee

The comet burned with white embers

Shone light on all who saw it

The comet tail beamed rays of sun

Entrancing the stargazer.

But it belonged with the stars,

where it could soar free,

not with the stargazer of the earth

The stargazer knows this

But he hopes.

That the comet

will not forget the one who named it.


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They ask for a meaning

I say no

They ask for a message

I say no

They ask for a purpose

I say

Make your own.


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We’re the Same

To a pony, a volcano is a massive fire cauldron.

To me, it’s just a hot tub.

To a pony, a ruby is a priceless, crimson gem.

To me, it’s just a snack.

To a pony, fire is destructive and intractable.

To me, it’s just a breath.

To a pony, friends enrich the currency of our lives.

But to me, they give it beauty.


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We run together. We

Fly together. We

Play together. We

Love together. We.

Stay together.


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When I think of dad, of mom, my mind turns to

draws a blank but turns

where it has to spin

and dizzy


Shining Armor. He’s wrapping his hoof around me.

He’s bringing me to the Hoofball Game.

He’s showing me the Power Ponies.

Twilight. She’s offering me gems. She’s

teaching me to write. She’s

kissing my scaly cheek.

He’s the coals I was tempered o’er

set ablaze with his life sparks.

She’s the smith who forged me

with love.


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Talks with Evil

One day, evil spoke to me. It said lovely weather we’re having today.

I nodded and went about my work.

Another day, evil spoke to me. It said you know it’s all funny, isn’t it.

I ignored him and reshelved the books.

A third day, evil spoke to me. It said you really shouldn’t do this to yourself.

I glared at him and covered my ears.

A fourth day, evil spoke to me. It said wouldn’t you rather be free.

I shook my head and looked away.

A fifth day, evil spoke to me. It said I could give you your hearts desire.

I threw back his key and cried.

A sixth day, evil spoke to me. It said I’ll keep knocking as long as the door’s here.

I didn’t know what to do.

The seventh day, evil looked into my eyes. He became my eyes.

I closed them shut and never let him out.

Until I learned he and I

never spoke.


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Glories of Morn

Morning has broken across the hills, but is still whole.

Morning has relieved the light stars and weary moon.

Morning has broken across the hills, and heads to the towns.

Morning has started life anew.

Given us purpose. Morning has done her miracle.

Made us whole once again.

And filled us with her life.

-To Princess Celestia


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The Muse

They found the muse and they caged her.

They tied her to a chair in their dark lair.

They ordered her to sing.

They made her scream.

They took her blood and drank it. They

tried to make her song their own. They

sometimes succeeded sometimes failed. They left the muse

in a shower of blossoms,

I released her to the air. I watched her meld to the wind and soar away

past the valleys, past the hills, past the oceans, past the town, past

present and future. History tells me we can’t keep her forever and she

tells me that she will come again. We may harmonize a moment

but that moment,

Lives in eternity.


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A New Fairy Tale

They come at me with night armor, with blades of war.

I smile and to show them I’m friendly.

They drew their shields like kites to brace for a furnace.

I couldn’t release a puff at a living creature.

Eyes glinting with adventure, with reckless daring, they charge. They bring their swords

down on my scales.

I try to run but they have me by the tail. They strike again.

I ask them why. It’s just the way things are they say.

They want my treasures. I have none to give. They want my life.

Were my role reversed, I would want,

and in wanting would have many treasures.

But I just want to be friends.

Then you shouldn’t have been born a dragon.

A flash of violet light crumples the knights to dust. Purple embers scatter them.

Mighty wrath flings them into the sky. She screams how dare you touch my treasure!

They flee before my princess.

She drives them off the world. Then returns to our castle.

She tends to my wounds. I praise her for her noble actions.

She just hugs me. And cries with joy.

You are no monster. They

who slash your hide are the monsters. They

who threaten you threaten me.

You are my most precious diamond, and I will guard you jealously.

She sets me on a throne and dresses my scales with robes.

Together, we change the story

to our truly priceless treasures,

to our heart’s tale.


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Discord, Do Your Magic

We all need some chaos.

What’s the fun in going through life without a detour or two?

We all need some zany.

Discord gives plenty of that in his chocolate rain stew.

So let’s get crazy, let’s

forget the rules about this and that and what and how and

oh my this is scary just how crazy we can be making pink sand

castles and ballet buffaloes and live action roleplaying with real

foes and friends kazooing together with a laugh and a squeal

of delight to lose oneself in revelry of disorder and never be blue

because things never get boring with lil’ ol Discord, you

might not be orderly but I don’t mind because rules are fun to bend

and because, I know beyond a shadow of a doubt, that you are my friend.

When the day’s done, we can sit back a while. We can watch the cotton candy clouds fly

past the horizon into the sunset.

When night falls, we’ll tuck ourselves in. We can dream of the fun we had as we fall

sleep and deep beneath.

Then straight back,

to the realm of boundless mischief and eternal play

with no rules, no worries, no night or day

where all run wild and free

in the cosmos, and we see

life is tough, life can feel dreary, life can be tragic

but with Discord, there’s never a moment that isn’t magic


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Twilight Velvet and Night Light, Parents of Twilight and Shining Armor

Who forged the mountains, who tilled the lands?

Arcane magic reached into the abyss, and formed the world I call home.

A touch made the soil, the mountains, and filled the world with treasures.

If the mountain is gentle and powerful and steadfast,

then the being who built him must be nobler than a royal knight.

If the earth is kind and loving and wise,

then the being who nurtured her must be benevolent beyond measure.

What being made the mountains so knightly, what inspired him to protect life?

What being made the land so rich, what inspired her to pursue knowledge?

I tell you, not one but two beings crafted the mountains and tended to the soil.

Two beings crafted the mountain and the land and molded them like clay,

Groomed them into titans, into champions of life.

As my gifts are her gifts and my gifts are his gifts, so their gifts are his gifts so their gifts

are her gifts. Thus, my gifts come from them, the beings who forged the mountains tall

who made the land nourishing.

They who made the mountains and the land. They created

my world.


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Staring at A Blank Page

I gaze into the void, snowy with emptiness.

It sneers at me as I try to fill it.

It consumes my every word and reflects it back.

With a sad farewell, my words fall into the void, which renews itself.

Another blank void, another world to write, another civilization to crumble, another

moment of art seeps into the void. It hungers. It wants my life in words.

I can’t help but give it everything

in hopes to turn this to a war of attrition, to fill it forever I give my heart.

But it’s never satiated.

It’s better this way.

I never knew

how my life words

can fill the void if only a moment,

I could never grasp

how deep, how vivid,

my heart runs


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Proverbs of Spike

A gentle pony, a kind dragon,

should never be angered.

Karma punishes often and rewards only lightly.

It might not seem like it, but everything will work out in the end.

So don’t worry about a problem in the present

It’s future you’s problem.

You can’t spell family without an m and a y which together make my.

Just because some one writes a phrase wisely, doesn’t make them wise.

If some one tries to capture timeless wisdom, they might find themselves disappointed.

If some one offers their life experiences and learns from everything they’ve done, then

maybe they’re on the right track.

You can feel greed and envy. Just don’t act on them.

You can’t make everyone happy, but you can please yourself.

Family means a lot more than mom and dad. Family is any one who cares about you.

You define who you are. Not your species, not your peers, not society, nobody but you.

True love puts others first. Always.


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My Poem to Spike

Dear Spike,

A year ago, I entered a new world

A year ago, I knew exactly what I wanted to be

A year ago, I found that I was alone

A year ago, I learned that nobody thought I was any good

A year ago, I felt empty

A year ago, I almost ended it

So why do I have another year?

Because, I kept dreaming about possible adventures for you

Because, I kept wondering when you’d get the spotlight

Because, I wanted to give you a spotlight

Because, I found a new purpose

I wrote.

I wrote about you and Twilight and all of your friends

I wrote how you went to look for your family but found it in front of you. And learned

that you are never alone.

I wrote how you helped Scootaloo fly. How seeing her dreams come true made you know

that yours would too.

I wrote how you needed your friends and your world darkened without them. I learned

how words can flow from me like a river when you are the river water.

I wrote how an amythyst before bed gave you insane dreams. That might be an adventure

best not mentioned.

I wrote how Twilight defended you from scientists who wanted to use you, and I found

that people loved to read what I wrote. I found that asking for help makes me better. And

that friendship and forgiveness are magic.


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I wrote how you survived a world of monsters and came back home and healed. I learned

how to create a world and a layered story.

I wrote how Garble and Diamond Tiara fulfilled your expectations. Yet another journey

perhaps better not mentioned.

I wrote how Garble’s schemes could never overcome your wit and courage.

I wrote how you and Twilight will never grow apart even as you grow up.

And now, I write this poem to say

You, Spike the dragon, you saved my life.

You gave me a reason to continue.

You became a vessel to my visions.

You endowed me with tools of expression.

You are my muse. You inspire me like nobody else can.

You brought me back from the brink, not with your might, but with your existence, with

your character.

I hope you can forgive me for any pain I put you through, for any pain we put you

through. Know that you will always have a light at the end of the tunnel, and that light

will lead you back to your friends, to your family.

Amidst those ponies, those dragons, those griffons, those changelings, look closely

and you will see me, cheering you on with all my breath.

You’re more than a baby dragon, Spike.

You’re a champion.

Nobody else could bring me back from the abyss

Nothing else could have imbued me with such purpose

Nowhere else have I found the pleasure writing your stories gives me

And never believe you are alone or unloved.


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Although we have never met face-to-face

I know you and you know me.

Although we have never shared a conversation

I consider you a dear friend.

Although our paths may never cross

You are never far from me.


You are my inspiration.

You are my hope.

You are my brother.

Thank you, Spike.

Thank you for being who you are.

Thank you for letting me sing your life in my words.

Thank you for giving me a reason to continue into the unknown.

Thank you for making me a brony.

Until we go on our next adventure

Know that I will keep you in my heart. Always.

And should we venture no more,

Should I create my own world,

Should my hand stop writing,

The lessons you’ve taught me will stay

The person you are will remain

And the spark you ignited in my soul will live for eternity.

As will you, the greatest dragon, the greatest assistant the greatest friend, the greatest

brother, the greatest hero, the greatest

Greatest Fire to ever burn


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On the torch of harmony.


Zephyr Spark

For the final poem, write to Spike as Zephyr Spark about what he means to you


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