
The Sustainable Carbon Credit Originator


We are an international company that originates high quality carbon credits by initiating, developing or financing projects globally that reduce the emissions of greenhouse gases.

We sell the carbon credits from our portfolio to organisations that aim to meet their compliance target or to enable voluntary carbon offsetting.

Who we are

OneCarbon International, part of Econcern group

The sustainable energy solution provider

The sustainable energy knowledge and

innovation company

The sustainable energy

project developer

The sustainable energysystem supplier

The sustainableenergy innovation


The sustainablecarbon credit


To realize this mission, we aim to be one of the best CDM, JI and VER project developers in the world.

Our goal is to contribute to the mission of Econcern:

“A sustainable energy supply for everyone”

International Network

| Brazil: Sao Paulo| Chile: Santiago de Chile | China: Beijing| Germany: Cologne, Berlin| | Netherlands: Utrecht | Ukraine: Kiev | Spain: Barcelona | Turkey: Istanbul

Identify and initiate potential carbon reduction projects all over the world.

Participate in CDM, JI and voluntary projects as an off-taker of carbon credits. Where necessary, we add liquidity.

Use our financial and technical expertise to deal with all aspects of emission trading.

What we do

Facts about the carbon market

Countries are able to reduce emissions from the atmosphere in other

countries where is cost-effective

By implementing climate change projects in developing and

industrialising countries carbon credits can be generated

Cost of limiting emissions varies considerably from region to

region, benefit for the atmosphere is the same Kyoto Compliance Market:

Market players Governments

EU Emissions Trading Scheme: Market players


Non Kyoto & Voluntary Offset: Corporations,

Governments, Individuals

CDM/JI Process Management

CDM/JI Process Management

Financial Structuring & Credits




Client needs

Our ServicesOur Services

• Identify potential projects• Commercial feasibility• Initial planning• Project structuring• Contract management• Equipment sourcing• Operation & maintenance

Project Origination

Our services

• Direct work with assets owners

• Determination of project additionality

• Project design document

• Project registration

• Monitoring plan implementation

• Assistance during the verification and certification of greenhouse gases emissions reductions

Carbon Credits Development

Our services

• Project concept note

• Identification of potential buyers

• Advise on credits buyers selection & documentation

• Negotiation and support for the Emission Reduction Purchase Agreement (ERPA)

• Equity support for projects

Project Sales Support

Project areas


– Landfill Gas – Waste Water

Treatment– Biomass

•Wind energy

•Hydro Power

•Coal Mine Methane

OneCarbon and the Gold Standard

•Gold Standard: First independent quality label to CDM/JI and voluntary offset projects.

• OneCarbon is one of the main providers of Gold Standard projects in the market.

• We develop Gold Standard projects for both the CDM/JI market and voluntary market.

CDM Project Cycle

Biomass Project in Costa Rica

Detailes of the projectInstallation of a biomass boiler 35 t steam/hour Replacing bunker boiler Location Puntarenas, Costa Rica

Carbon CreditsGHG reduction: ca. 30,000 ton CO2/a.

EECOPALSA, CDM Gold Standard Project, Honduras

•Biogas power generation plant• Installed capacity: 1 MW•Carbon credits: Gold Standard

CERs (25,000 tons CO2e/year)•Winner of the EDIE Environmental

Excellence Award•Solved environmental problems

of wastewater and lack of irrigation

•Plant started in September 2006•Buyers: Klimarappen (CH)

•Wind farm•Installed capacity 39.2 MW (49 wind

turbine units)

•Electricity generation: 120.8 GWh/yr •Carbon credits (VERs): 94,000


•One of the first ever registered Gold Standard Voluntary Emission Reduction projects

•Operational since January 2007

Mare, Gold Standard Voluntary Emission Reduction Project, Turkey

Thanks for your attention


Florian Eickhold

T:         +34 93 665 78 69M:        +34 66 39 39 964E:         [email protected]:

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