







Submitted to the Graduate Faculty of Texas Tech University in

Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for

the Degree of



August, 1972


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m Jin I am deeply grateful to my major advisor, Dr. John S.

Mecham, for his direction of this thesis. I am thankful

to Drs. Francis L. Rose and Robert W. Mitchell for the time

and equipment they provided. I sincerely thank Mr. Mike

Bishop, Mr. Scott Simpson, Mr. Greg Mengden, Mr. Tony

Mollhagen, and especially my wife, Donna, for their assis­

tance in collecting the fish of this study. I am grateful

to Dr. Joe R. Goodin and, again. Dr. Francis L. Rose for

their constructive criticism of this manuscript. This

research was supported in part by National Science Founda­

tion Grant {GB-13791) under the direction of Dr. John S.










Morphological Analysis 10

Electrophoretic Analysis 12


V. SUriMARY 3 9




Table Page

1. Analysis of Variance, Single Classification Males v.s. Females 25

2. Regression of Morphological Characters on Distance from Southernmost Locality 26

3. Descriptive Statistics for Pectoral Rays, Dorsal Rays and Vertical Bar Number-Males 28

4. Descriptive Statistics for Anal Rays and Principal Caudal Rays 30

5. Degree of Correlation between Scale Number and Vertebral Number 31



Figure Page

1. Sample Localities for Fundulus zebrinus 16

2. Typical Male and Female F. zebrinus 18

3. Descriptive Representation of Lateral Scale Number with Respect to Locality 20

4. Variation in Eye Diameter with Respect to Locality 22

5. Electrophoretic Pattern Differences between F. zebrinus and Cyprinodon rubrofluviatills 24




According to the current literature there are two spe­

cies of the genus Fundulus in the saline, alkaline waters

associated with the upper regions of the Central Plains

drainage systems. These two fish, F. zebrinus Jordan and

Gilbert and F. kansae Garman, exhibit morphological charac­

ters not observed elsewhere in the genus. These include a

lengthy convoluted gut and weak, slender pharyngial teeth.

Two characters have been utilized in differentiating

the two fish. The first character, lateral scale number,

is found in many recognized keys (Blair, et al., 1968; Eddy,

1969; Knapp, 1953). In F. kansae the lateral series number

is given as 52 to 64 scales while in F. zebrinus the scale

count varies from 41 to 49. The other character, eye diam­

eter, has been only infrequently mentioned (C. L. Hubbs,

1926; Koster, 1957). Hubbs simply reported that F. zebrinus

had a larger eye. Koster compared the eye diameter to the

width of the preorbital bone. In F. kansae the width of the

preorbital was reported as being two-thirds or more of the

diameter of the eye while in F_. zebrinus the bone width is

no greater than one-half to two-thirds the diameter of the

eye. According to Koster, the preorbital size is essen­

tially the same size in both species.

There has been some disagreement as to the ranges of

the two fish, but the concensus of most contemporary workers

is that F. kansae is found from South Dakota to northern

Texas and eastern New Mexico, or more generally the Arkansas

River basin east to Missouri; F. zebrinus is found in the

Brazos, Colorado, and Pecos River drainages of Texas and New


Several authors (Miller, 1955; Metcalf, 1966; Pfliger,

1971) have suggested the possibility of conspecificity be­

tween F. kansae and F. zebrinus but have lacked sufficient

evidence to support this contention. This study was under­

taken with the objective of determining the systematic

relationships of the two animals.



Specimens for analysis were collected at the 20 local­

ities indicated in Figure 1. These localities were dis­

tributed from the lower portion of the Pecos drainage in

southwestern Texas northward to the Smokie Hill River in

the west-central portion of Kansas (least distance approxi­

mately 573 miles). Eight distinct drainages were sampled,

these being from north to south; Smokie Hill River, Arkansas

River, Cimarron River, Canadian River, Red River, Brazos

River, Colorado River, and Pecos River. Samples from numer­

ous localities within the Canadian, Red and Brazos River

drainages were studied in order that the supposed range

limits of the fish could be closely inspected.

All fish were collected with a fine mesh, 20 foot seine.

The fish were most generally found in the stream bed proper

where the water was shallow with a moderate rate of flow, or

in the side pools adjoining the main body of water. The

fish definitely seemed to prefer a substrate of sand or fine


The fish were kept in styrofoam containers for transpor­

tation to the laboratory. Upon arrival in the laboratory a

random sample of the fish were preserved in 10% formalin;

the remaining fish were kept in aquaria, styrofoam coolers,

and large plastic containers. All fish were kept in an


environmental room with the water temperature stabilized at

20.0 - 1.0°C. The fish were maintained on a diet of shrimp

flakes and commercial tropical fish food.

Freshly preserved fish were allowed to set for several

days before measurements and counts were taken. This was

done to allow completion of preservation, as these fish

would be grouped with aged museum specimens. Setting also

affected erosion of the mucous layer covering the scales.

This layer seriously hinders the counting of scales.

Four measurements were recorded (to the nearest 0.1 mm)

for each fish. These were: standard body length, predor-

sal length, eye diameter, and body depth immediately poste­

rior to the operculum. A binocular, widefield scope was

used as an aid in taking all measurements. Counts were

made of six meristic characters for each fish. These in­

cluded numbers of pectoral rays, dorsal rays, anal rays,

principal caudal rays, vertical bars, and lateral scales

(from the first scale in contact with the operculum to the

last large scale in the region of the hypural plate).

Scales were counted on both sides and averaged if there was

a difference. Any mean value ending in 0.5 was raised to

the next whole number.

The scales in these fish are normally quite difficult

to count, and a technique was devised which greatly simpli­

fied this problem. After all other measurements and counts


were taken, the fishes were placed in close proximity (7-10

cm) to an incandescent bulb and allowed to dry slightly.

They were then placed in a solution of methylene blue in

distilled water (1:200) for a period of approximately three

minutes. They were again dried for three to five minutes

under the lamp. With the aid of a dissecting scope the

scales could then be easily and accurately counted. Upon

return to the formalin the fish gradually lost their blue

color and were in no way harmed. The ray counts generally

proceeded without difficulty, but on occasion drying or

backlighting was necessary.

The fish were also sexed at the time of measurement.

This is a relatively simple procedure. The males have much

bolder barring than do the females (Fig. 2). The male has

a rounded anal fin while in the female it is angular. The

female also has a low sheath around the anterior portion

of the anal fin. Another sexual difference, previously un­

recorded, is a black spot located above the pectoral fin

just posterior to the operculum. This spot is consistently

present in the males and absent in the females.

When possible, thirty animals, including fifteen males

and fifteen females, were analyzed from each locality. A

total of thirteen localities afforded this number of animals.

Where only a lesser number could be obtained, the animals

were measured and counts taken in the same manner but the


sample was not included in the analyses of variance or re­

gression analyses as unequal sample size greatly burdened

the analysis. All samples were analyzed in terms of

descriptive statistics.

Each character was first analyzed for the presence of

sexual dimorphism. This was accomplished by single class­

ification, analysis of variance. If sex influenced the

phenotypic expression of a character the males and females

were compared separately; if sex did not create a bimodal

distribution they were combined for study.

Data for certain characters suggested clinal variation.

To evaluate a possible clinal change in phenotypic expres­

sion the various mean values for each character were re­

gressed against locality on a south-north axis, the

southernmost locality being assigned a value of zero. All

other values were expressed in miles from this locality.

The locality was considered the independent variable and the

character, the dependent variable.

Twenty animals, five from each of four localities, were

examined for possible correlation between vertebral number

and lateral scale number. The scale counts were made as

previously described except that the scales were not stained,

The vertebral counts were made after clearing and staining

the fish in a modified method of Taylor (1967) as described

by Mitchell (1971). Vertebral counts were taken from the


first unfused neural spine to the last neural spine on the

hypural plate.

Logrithms were utilized where ratios were involved in

the evaluation of a character. Instead of dividing one

character by another, the log of the smaller value was sub­

tracted from the log of the larger. This technique mini­

mizes problems of normality often associated with ratios.

This procedure was used in evaluating eye diameter (log

standard length - log eye diameter) and predorsal length

(log standard length - log predorsal length).

Attempts were made to analyze four protein systems,

these systems being, hemoglobins, aromatic esterases, gen­

eral proteins, and lactic dehydrogenase. Horizontal starch

gel electrophoresis was the method applied in studying these

systems. Animals for electrophoretic study were collected

from ten different localities, ranging from the Smokie Hill

River in west-central Kansas to the Pecos River in south­

western Texas (Fig. 1; sites listed alphabetically). They

were maintained in the laboratory as previously described.

At least five fish from each locality were analyzed for each


Each animal was prepared for study in the following

manner. The fish was held in one hand, and with a pair of

sissors in the other, the body was transversely cut into two

pieces, the cut being made just posterior to the anal


opening. The anterior portion of the fish was immediately

dropped into a graduated centrifuge tube (15 ml) containing

two drops of Sigma 14-5 anti-coagulant solution and six ml

amphibian Ringer's solution. The tube was gently shaken as

the fish was bled to prevent clotting of the blood. The

fish was removed after bleeding had stopped and the tube

was placed in ice. The liver of the fish was then removed

and placed in a centrifuge tube surrounded by ice.

The tube containing the blood was then centrifuged for

five minutes at 300 rpms, the supernate removed, six ml

Ringer's added, the red blood cells suspended by shaking

and again centrifuged. This procedure was repeated again

and the supernate discarded. Three drops of distilled water

were added to the "RBCs" as a hemolyzing agent. The cells

were further hemolyzed by freezing and thawing. Again the

tube was centrifuged to free the hemoglobin of cellular

debris. The hemoglobin was then placed in a freezer for

subsequent study.

Three drops of distilled water were added to the tube

containing the liver. It then was reduced to a homogenate

with a glass rod. The homogenate was centrifuged and frozen

for later use.

Separation of blood hemoglobins was accomplished by

utilizing the pH 8.6 buffer of Smithies (1959). The gels

were formed in a 12 x 20 x 0.8 cm mold using 12%


Electrostarch and stock buffer diluted one volume buffer to

four volumes de-ionized, distilled water; the electrode

buffer was not diluted. Electrophoresis was accomplished

using both the "comb plate" method and the paper tab method.

Both proved similarly successful. DC voltage was supplied

by a GELMAN Model # 38201 power supply. The gels were run

under refrigerated conditions for five hours at 200V. Stain­

ing was effected with Amido-schwartz lOB (0.2 gm in 250 ml

methanol); acetic acid: distilled water (10:2:10). De-

staining and hardening of the gel was carried out in the

just mentioned solution minus the Amido-schwartz black.

The methods applied in the esterase study were essen­

tially the same as that previously described, the exception

being that liver homogenate was used rather than blood and

a different staining technique was utilized. The reagent

for esterase staining contained one ml alpha-napthyl acetate

(1 gm/100 ml acetone), 20 mg Fast Blue RR and 50 ml Tris-

malate buffer at a pH of 7.0. The sliced gel was placed in

this solution for a period of five to thirty minutes.

The buffer systems used in the analysis of LDH were

the same as previously described. Staining was accomplished

by the tetrazolium method (Fine and Costella, 1963).

The fourth system, general proteins, was run with the

same technique as described for hemoglobins except that

liver homogenate was used in the slots.



Morphological Analysis

Thirteen of the 20 localities provided a sample of 15

males and 15 females. Studies of sexual dimorphism and

clinal variation were made on these samples.

Of the seven characters analyzed for sexual dimorphism

only one revealed sexual variation. The position of ante­

rior insertion of the dorsal fin is located more posteriorly

in females than in males. For the samples studied, the dif­

ference was found to be highly significant (0.001 level).

No other characters, other than those mentioned in the

previous section, showed any evidence of sexual dimorphism

(Table 1, A-G). Although no statistical testing was con­

ducted on the smaller samples with regard to sex it was

assumed that these samples do not differ markedly from the

larger samples in this respect. For this reason the males

and females were combined for analysis of the descriptive

statistics for all characters except predorsal length and

barring (limited to males). This was done in order to

provide a larger sample size.

The regression of scale number upon location on a north-

south axis proved to be statistically highly significant

(0.001 level). In other words, as distance from the



southernmost locality increased, there was a corresponding

increase in scale number (Fig. 3). As may be seen, the

correlation is not perfect but a definite trend is indi­

cated. The several noticeable reversals in scale number

seem to be random in nature as the variation in one partic­

ular stream is in some cases more pronounced than that

observed in adjacent drainages.

As eye diameter rather than preorbital width appears

to vary geographically, eye diameter was analyzed in terms

of standard body length, the margin of error being less

critical. As mentioned previously, log values were used to

alleviate problems of normality. The resultant log value

was regressed on locality and again the results proved to

be highly significant (0.001 level). Some component of

location affects eye diameter in a statistically significant

manner. The results of this regression is given in Table 2F.

As log values were used in analyzing eye diameter, confi­

dence interval and standard deviation are not presented.

The difference in terms of log values for each locality is

graphed in Figure 4 so that some concept of the geographic

variation in eye diameter may be observed. In this case

the larger logrithmic values denote a smaller comparative

eye diameter.

The characters, pectoral fin ray number, dorsal fin ray

number, anal fin ray number, and principal caudal ray number


were evaluated in the manner described for the previous two

characters. Tables 3 and 4 give the mean values, one stan­

dard deviation and 95% confidence intervals for each local­

ity. These data are not presented graphically as there are

no consistent geographic trends. Significant variation is

observed in comparing certain localities but this variation

does not appear to be correlated with north-south locus or

drainage system.

Body depth was recorded for each fish but it was later

decided to disregard this character. The body design of

the fish is such that nutritional state and stomach contents

affect body depth.

Vertical bar number was recorded for all animals but

only analyzed in the males, as barring in the females was

sometimes faint or absent. Here too, minor variation of

number could not be attributed to either stream system or

north-south location (Table 3C).

Both methods, pooled and unpooled, of correlating ver­

tebral number and scale number (Table 5, A-B) gave the same

results. Scale number is significantly correlated with

number of vertebrae (0.05 level).

Electrophoretic Analysis

Of the four systems studied, only two, the hemoglobins

and esterases, gave results adequate for critical analysis.

Neither system revealed any differences among localities


and there was no indication of isozyme polymorphism at any

locality. The two systems are shown in Figure 2. To facil­

itate presentation of the different electrophoretic patterns

the typical complete banding is drawn for each system.

This method of presentation is used for two reasons: one,

no difference was observed among the various localities

studied, and two, no single gel was representative of all

localities. One or two locations always seemed to run

"lopsided" or streaked. Each system was run repeatedly, so

in the case where a sample ran poorly on one gel it could

be checked for consistency on another gel.

The most highly resolved system proved to be the hemo­

globins. Four anodal and four cathodal bands were expressed

(Fig. 5). The leading anodal band appeared wide but clearly

and consistently defined. The two intermediate bands were

separated only slightly with the faster being the better

defined band. The slowest of the four was well defined but

showed little movement. The cathodal bands appeared as two

distinct pairs, one slow, the other intermediate in speed.

Another member of the family Cyprinodontidae (Cyprinodon

rubrofluviatilis) was run with the Fundulus for comparison.

This fish is commonly found in much the same habitat as the

plains killifish. While no differences were evident among

the killifish the pupfish was obviously different. Its pat­

tern is shown in Figure 5B. It separated into three anodal


bands, the lead band migrating only as far as that of the

second Fundulus band. There were five distinct cathodal

bands for Cyprinodon as opposed to four in Fundulus.

The study of aromatic esterases in Fundulus gave the

same results as did the hemoglobins: no variation was

noted. A wide leading anodal band (Fig. 5C) followed by a

weakly defined, narrow band was observed for Fundulus, while

Cyprinodon expressed a weak leading band and a narrow, well

defined second band. No cathodal bands were observed for

either of the two fish.



Figure 1



m 7 •• wii" - fan {•-»? . ^ i a - « - , . J








u d

•H fa




A Fundulus

B Cyprinodon





C Fundulus

D Cyprinodon

- s l o t

F igure 5



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Locality Correlation

Little Silver Creek, Tex. Method One—Pooled values for scale # vertebrae # each locality-equal weight

n=4 d.f.=2

r^2 = 0.959*

^.05 (2)= 0.950

LS 1 LS 2 LS 3 LS 4 LS 5 Y

42 45 46 46 48 45.4

28 30 29 30 30 29

t.01(2)= °-950

Dbl. Mtn. Fork, Brazos, Post, Tex. scale # vertebrae #

p 1 P 2 P 3 P 4 P 5 Y

45 46 50 41 43 45. 0

29 28 29 29 28. 75




Two--Pooled localities


= 0.611**

'^.05(16)= 0.468

.01(16)= 0-590

Pease Riv., Roaring Sp., Tex. scale # vertebrae #

RS 1 RS 2 RS 3 RS 4 RS 5 Y

46 47 51 50 49 48.6

30 29 30

29 29.5

Smokie Hill River, Kansas scale # vertebrae #

SH 1 57 30 SH 2 58 30 SH 3 57 30 SH 4 58 32 SH 5 54 32 Y 56.8 30.8



Most of the characters analyzed in this study exhibited

remarkably little geographic variation. Variation in pec­

toral ray number, dorsal ray number, anal ray number, prin­

cipal caudal ray number, and vertical bar number (males)

appeared to be for the most part of a random nature. For

each character there are localities with mean values that

appear to be significantly different from those of certain

other localities, but no consistent geographic pattern is

indicated by these differences. The localities showing the

greatest divergence for one character may exhibit almost no

difference for another.

The two characters, eye diameter and lateral scale num­

ber, exhibit geographic variation in terms of a north-south

cline. Eye diameter decreases with increasing north lati­

tude (Fig. 5) while scale number increases with increasing

north latitude (Fig. 3). The expression of these characters

is related to their location at a statistically, highly

significant level.

While the cause of these clines may well be of a ge­

netic origin there is persuasive evidence that one or both

characters may be under environmental influence. Salinity

and water temperature, as well as other environmental



factors, can modify morphological appearance in some ecto-

thermal vertebrates and invertebrates. Previous workers

have found that temperature in particular can affect pheno­

typic expression in fishes. One of the earliest workers to

discuss the effects of temperature was Garman (1895). In

the very paper that he decrees F. kansae a species distinct

from F. zebrinus he implies that the characters that dis­

tinguish them may not be valid. The following paragraph is

a direct quote from his paper:

By recent discussion attention has been directed to a decrease in the number of vertebrae, of fish in general, in and toward the torrid zone, and sev­eral theories have been propounded to account for the phenomenon. The species of this family (Cyprinodontidae) and others have been somewhat carefully studied,-first to determine the facts, and second, to test the theories . . . It is true a decrease obtains (vertebral number), with few exceptions, in the direction of warmer waters, but warmth of water is attended by both increase in the amount of food and decrease in the need of it, thus lessening the comparative activity of the species. Some would ascribe the differences directly to natural selection. This hypothesis of course cannot be proved; it begs the entire question. It is also found that with the decrease in number of vertebrae, there is in some cases a decrease in the number of fin rays and scales.

A considerable amount of experimental work has been

done by various workers which tend to support and explain

some of the basic ideas of Garman. Gabriel (1944) found

that in F. heteroclitus vertebral number was higher in fish

hatched at lower temperatures and, conversely, was lower at

higher temperatures. Svardson (1952) in working with the


coregonids found that by transplanting these fish he was

able to demonstrate the environmental plasticity of certain

characters. He indicated that scale number could be af­

fected by temperature and nutritional state of the female

parent. Taning (1952) delved deeper into the problem and

was able to relate the effect of temperature on the pheno­

typic expression of a certain character to a particular

time frame in the embryological life of the fish.

Salinity may also have an effect upon expression of

scale number. While Taning found that vertebral number is

set before the vitelline membrane becomes permeable to salts

Motley (19 34) , in working with Salmo kamloops, found that

scale number was set later in ontogeny. The vitelline mem­

brane, may at this time, be permeable to various ions.

It is apparent that environmental factors may affect

the development of certain morphological characters in

fishes, although these factors may not have the same effect

in all species. Only future work will provide the exact

cause of clinal variation in lateral scale number and eye

diameter in Fundulus. For the present it can only be said

that although genetic differences may be involved, there is

reason to suspect that the variation is the result of the

direct effect of some component of the environment.

Only two of the electrophoretic systems studied gave

sufficient resolution to be considered reliable. These' two


systems, hemoglobins and esterases, were run repeatedly and

all results were the same--no difference could be observed

at the molecular level. In comparing the electrophoretic

bands with another member of the same family, Cyprinodon

rubrofluviatilis, obvious differences were noted.

On the basis of the evidence of this study, there seems

no justification for maintaining any taxonomic distinction

between the two fish. They quite obviously do not merit

separation at the specific level and there does not appear

to be sufficient justification for separation at the sub-

specific level. Lateral scale number and eye diameter are

the only characters studied which show appreciable varia­

tion and this is of a clinal nature. This geographic varia­

tion could be an expression of environmentally influenced

phenotypic plasticity rather than an expression of genetic

differences. Various workers, with other fish, have shown

that scale number can be influenced by various components

of the environment. Though the effects of various environ­

mental components upon eye diameter have not been investi­

gated it may well be that the same forces are operating in

this case.

In accepting the fact that the two fish are conspecific

the problem of what they should properly be called then

arises. After a thorough review of the literature it was

concluded that Fundulus zebrinus Jordan and Gilbert stands


as the first available name for the fish in question. The

following sijmmary of the literature is offered in support

of that conclusion. It also provides a taxonomic history

of the fish.

Fundulus kansae=zebrinus v;as first recorded by Dr.

C. M. Girard (1859). The Fish were collected by a Lieuten­

ant J. C. Ives, the locality being listed as "between Fort

Defiance and Fort Union, New Mexico." Girard proposed the

taxon, Hydrargyra zebra, "in allusion to the numerous lat­

eral bars." The generic allocation, however was incorrect.

Giinther (1866) assigned the name, Fundulus zebra, to the

fish and gave its distribution as the "upper affluents of

the Rio Grande del Norte." Jordan and Gilbert (1882) again

listed the fish of Girard, calling it F_. zebra. In the same

publication, however, F. zebra was also listed as a synonym

of F. adinia. In the addendum to their work of 1882 (p.

891), Jordan and Gilbert noted that Fundulus zebra was pre­

occupied in the genus and proposed the replacement name,

Fundulus zebrinus. Gilbert (1884) gave a full description

of F. zebrinus based on three specimens from Ellis, Kansas.

He stated that they were the first specimens seen since the

original discovery of the species in 1859. The name,

Fundulus kansae, was proposed in 1895 by Garman who placed

it in a separate subgenus (Plancterus). He indicated that

this fish was not the one to which F. zebrinus was first


applied. The type locality was given as Kansas. Jordan

and Evermann (1896), however, stated that:

. . . There is no doubt that the original F zebra is the species called zebrinus by us and ka^nsae by Garman. It came from some point between 'Fort Union and Fort Defiance.' In other words, it came from the headwaters of the Canadian River or the Rio Grande. No species of this type has been re­corded from the upper Rio Grande, but the species called zebrinus and kansae is in all the upper waters of the Arkansas basin, to which the Canadian River belongs, and doubtless in the streams above Fort Union.

In the same paper Jordan and Evermann suggestec3 that

the subgenus (Plancterus), possibly merited generic status.

Carl Hubbs (1926) did elevate Plancterus to generic rank and

included two species, P. zebra and P_. kansae, the former with

41 to 49 scale rows, a more robust body and larger eyes--the

latter with 52 to 64 scale rows. The name, Plancterus, was

subsequently used by Koster (1948) in a description of the

spawning activities of the killifish. In Knapp's work of

1953, however, the generic epithet, Fundulus, was used. He

listed F. zebrinus with a distribution that included the

Rio Grande and tributaries from Brownsville to New Mexico,

and F. kansae with a distribution that included the upper

Arkansas River basin and upper parts of the Red, Colorado,

and Brazos Rivers. Miller (1955) reviewed the genus,

Fundulus, and denounced Hubbs' recognition of Plancterus.

He gave the distribution of F. zebrinus as the upper por­

tions of the Colorado, Brazos, and Pecos River drainage,


and that of F. kansae as from South Dakota to Texas (Red

River) and New Mexico (Arkansas River). Subsequent authors

have followed Miller.

It seems clear that the name Fundulus zebrinus, pro­

posed by Jordan and Gilbert in 1882 as a replacement name

for the Fundulus (Hydrargyra) zebra of Girard, is the

earliest available name, predating the name, Fundulus kansae,

by some thirteen years. The name of the Plains killifish,

therefore, should be Fundulus zebrinus Jordan and Gilbert.



According to the current literature, there are two

species of the genus Fundulus in the saline alkaline waters

of the Central Plains region of the United States. These

fish are F. zebrinus and F. kansae. These forms have been

distinguished on the basis of lateral scale number and eye

diameter. Recently, several authors have suggested the

possibility of conspecificity between the two fish.

An analysis was made of variation in a number of char­

acters in order to determine the systematic status of the

two forms. Emphasis was placed on morphological analysis.

Ten characters were analyzed, either singly, or in combina­

tion if size was a factor (i.e., eye diameter v.s. standard

body length). Only two characters yielded variation of in­

terest. Both lateral scale number and eye diameter vary in

a clinal manner. Relative eye diameter decreases in a north­

ward direction on a north-south axis while scale number in­

creases in the same direction. This variation seems to be

in no way associated with the various drainage systems or

with the presumed distributional limits between the two

fishes. Direct environmental effects rather than genetic

differences may be the cause of this variation.

Electrophoretic analysis of two protein systems, hemo­

globins and esterases, failed to reveal any differences in



the fish. There was no indication of molecular variation

among the various localities studied, nor was there evidence

of isozyme polymorphism at any particular locality. It was

concluded that there is no evidence to support separation of

£. kansae and F. zebrinus as distinct species.

A review of the taxonomic literature indicates that the

name Fundulus zebrinus Jordan and Gilbert should be applied

to the populations formerly included in F. zebrinus and F.



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