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The Transformers RPGBy C.A Helmling

Character creation:Primary stats;

Each character begins with 45 points to be divided among 8 primary statistics. No stat may begin with a number higher than 10 or lower than 1.Strength (STR): A measure of raw physical power. Used to determine the amount of weight a character may lift. Used to calculate structure points and bonuses to hand to hand damage. Intelligence (INT): A measure of knowledge and processing power. Used in determining starting intelligence protocols. Used in calculating initiative bonuses. Speed (SPD): A measure of movement rate. Divided into 4 categories; land (L), water (W), air (A), and space (S). Used in calculating initiative bonuses.Endurance (END): A measure of energy efficiency and structural fortitude. Used to calculate structure points and energy points.Rank (RNK): A measure of your place in the hierarchy of your peers. Used in intimidation and coercion. Also used to acquire services and supplies.Courage (COR): A measure of willpower and strength of character. Used to resist acts of intimidation, coercion, as well as some mind influencing options.Firepower (FRP): A measure of ferocity and power in combat. Used to determine a hit in ranged combat.Skill (SKL): A measure of coordination and grace. Used to determine starting skill protocols. Used to determine melee & hand to hand hits, as well as dodge success in combat.Secondary stats;Armor: Used to resist damage in combat. Determined by several factors in character creation. All characters must have a minimum of 1.Initiative: Used to determine who moves first in combat. Calculated by adding your speed plus intelligence then dividing by 2.Structure: A measure of structural integrity. Points are subtracted as you accrue more damage. Determined by your strength plus endurance and modified by your size class.Energy: A measure of the power that runs a character. Energy is spent in different ways using options and weapons. Energy is calculated by multiplying endurance times 2.Spark: A measure of a character’s life-force. Spark is used as a measure of experience and accumulated points may be spent on character improvement. Everyone starts with 1 spark point.Size class: a measure of physical mass and over all dimensions. Size class has 7 classifications

Class A - humans, cassettes, micromastersClass B - minibots, constructiconsClass C - standard autobots, decepticon jets

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Class D - Optimus Prime, Megatron, Soundwave, DinobotsClass E - gestalt robots, Jetfire, Omega Supreme, Sky LinksClass F - cities, fortressesClass G – planets (Primus, Unicron)

FUNCTION- Your character’s function defines what it was built to do. It is basically your job among your fellow Cybertronian citizens.

Warrior ScientistMechanic EngineerScout EspionageTransport Command

Warrior-Base armor: 8+10 to structure3 starting weapon slots2 starting option slots+2 to pilot, gunnery, and navigate protocols

Scientist-Base armor: 41 starting weapon slot3 starting option slots+3 to computer and history protocols+3 to your choice of biology, chemistry, or physics protocol

Mechanic-Base armor: 52 starting weapon slots3 starting option slots, plus free tool hand option+ 3 to repair protocol+2 to computer, biology, and chemistry protocols

Engineer-Base armor: 62 starting weapon slots4 starting option slots, plus free tool hand option+2 to repair, computer, and physics protocols+3 to engineering protocol

Scout-Base armor: 62 starting weapon slots3 starting option slots+3 to tracking protocol+2 to diplomacy, stealth, and awareness protocols

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Espionage-Base armor: 52 starting weapon slots3 starting option slots+3 to stealth protocol+2 to awareness, computer, intrusion, and navigate protocols

Transport-Base armor: 8+ 2 to endurance2 starting weapon slots3 starting option slots, plus 1 free quantum shunt level+2 to pilot, navigate, and gunnery protocols

Command-(Requires rank of 8 or higher)Base armor: 8+ 10 to structure3 starting weapon slots3 starting option slotsMatrix port+3 to diplomacy protocol+2 to any 5 additional protocols

GRADE-Standard CommercialPerformance Military

Standard-+5 energy points+2 endurance+1 option slots

Commercial-+3 to armor+1 option slot+10 to structure

Performance--2 to armor

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+3 to speed-5 to structure

Military-+5 to armor-3 to speed+1 to weapon damage+1 weapon slot


Class A: up to 3 meters tall-4 to armor½ structure¼ to all energy costs-1 weapon slotLift capacity: strength x 100 + 1000 pounds

Class B: 4 to 10 meters tall-2 to armor¾ structure½ to all energy costsLift capacity: strength in tons

Class C: 11 to 20 meters tallStats remain unchangedLift capacity: strength x 10 in tons

Class D: 21 to 30 meters tall+ 3 to armorx1.5 structurex1.5 energy costs+1 to weapon damages+1 weapon slotLift capacity: strength x 100 in tons

Class E: 31 to 200 meters tall+ 5 to armorx2 structurex2 all energy costs+3 to weapon damages+2 weapon slots+ 2 option slotsLift capacity: strength x 1000 in tons

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Class F: 201 to 2000 meters tall+10 to armorx4 structurex3 to all energy costs+5 to weapon damages+ 4 weapon slots+ 5 option slotsLift capacity: strength x 10,000 in tons

Class G: 2001 meters and up+20 to armorx10 structurex5 all energy costs+10 to weapon damages+10 weapon slotsunlimited option slotsLift capacity: strength x 1,000,000 in tons

PROTOCOLS-Every character begins with 10 + intelligence in intelligence protocols, and 10 +

skill in skill protocols.Intelligence protocols:

Awareness- The ability to notice spot or locate.Biology- The science of living, non-mechanical beings.Chemistry- The science of chemical bonds, reactions, and compounds.Computer- The programming and operation of data processing machines.Diplomacy- The art of creating positive interactions between beings.Engineering- The ability to design and create new machines and structures.History- Knowledge of the past.Navigate- The act of plotting courses and finding locations.Physics- The science of the interactions between mater and energy.Repair- The fixing of all things damaged.

Skill protocols:Balance- The art of maintaining your center of gravity.Climbing- The act of ascending steep and vertical surfaces.Gunnery- The usage of targeted weapons not connected to oneself.Intrusion- The act of gaining access to lock and secured areas.Jumping- To use non flight assisted vertical movement.Perform- To sing, dance, speak, or play an instrument in a pleasant manner.Pilot- To command a non sentient craft through maneuvers.Stealth- To move silently and avoid detection.Swimming- To propel oneself through water unassisted.Tracking- To follow a target through past physical evidence.

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WEAPONS- Weapons are the nuts and bolts of Cybertronian combat. The amount of slots you have to work with is determined by your function, grade and size class.Firepower based:

Pistols-Slots: 1Base damage: 3Energy: 1 point per 10 shots

Rifles-Slots: 1Base damage: 5Energy: 1 point per 5 shots

Cannons-Slots: 2Base damage: 8Energy: 1 point per shot

Rockets-Slots: 1 per FRP amount carriedBase damage: 8Energy: none, but you may only carry as many rockets as your firepower stat per


Missiles-Slots: 2 per FRP amount carriedBase damage: 8Hit bonus: +1 TN (missiles are computer guided, unlike rockets)Energy: none, but you may only carry as many missiles as your firepower stat per

2 slots spent

Weapon modifiers-Heavy: spending an extra slot on the same weapon can increase its damage +1 per

slot spentGattling: a multi-barrel or launcher option adding +3 to damage at the cost of 1

extra slot and +1 energy points per shotVulcan: a rapid fire option sacrificing +2 slots and +2 energy costs per shot to

gain +5 to damageScattershot: a multi-fire or spread shot option that reduces the to hit TN by -3 at

a penalty of -2 to damage

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Skill based:Knives:

Slots: 1Base damage: STR +1

Swords:Slots: 1Base damage: STR +2

Axes:Slots: 1Base damage: STR +2

Flails:Slots: 1Base damage: STR +2

Clubs:Slots: 1Base damage: STR +2

Claws:Slots: 1Base damage: STR +3

Bites:Slots: 1Base damage: STR +4

Bombs & grenades: Bombs and grenades fall under skill weapons because they must be thrown or dropped with precision. Bombs and grenades cost no energy to use, but just like rockets and missiles you may only carry as many as your firepower stat.

Slots: 1 per firepower stat carriedBase damage: 8

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OPTIONS- Each Cybertronian is more than the wires and servos that allow it to move and act. Centuries of ingenuity and experimentation on their mechanical forms have let them house inside their bodies the tools they need to do their day to day work or give them the edge over their enemies.

All Cybertronians have the following options automatically upon creation-1: a communications system with a 1500 kilometer range2: an automated self repair system that can restore 1 structure point per day at a

cost of 1 energy point3: a basic sensor suite that includes optic, audio, tactile and olfactory sensors as

well as a passive infrared and a x10 teleoptics option

Advanced communication suite: An extended com system that has a 1 million kilometer range as well as the capacity to track and route as many com signals as your INT stat.

Slots: 1Energy: none, but you may spend 1 point per round to boost to intergalactic range.

Alternate power source: Inside you is a tap to a power source other than energon. It may be nuclear (Shockwave), antimatter (Megatron), Unicron’s storehouse (Galvatron), or any other source you can think of. For every time you take this option you may tap it for 3 extra points per day to be spent on strength, speed, armor, weapon damage, or as extra points in your energy tank.

Slots: 2Energy: none

Armor enhancement: You have spent an option space layering extra armor on your frame. Each time you take this option your armor increases by 2.

Slots: 1Energy: none

Battle computer: You have an extra logic processor in you that evaluates the current situation and advises you on the best course of action. You have an extra die pool equal to your INT stat that you may divide up to be use on attack and dodge rolls each combat. When it is used up it can only be replenished once combat has ended and a new combat has begun.

Slots: 1Energy: none

Blinding: You may temporarily blind an opponent for 3 rounds if you make a successful ranged attack roll. Blindness confers a +2 penalty to all the target’s TNs for the next 3 rounds.

Slots: 1Energy: 1 point per 3 rounds blinded

Cerebral override: You may make a RNK test (TN = opponent’s INT) vs. your opponent’s COR (TN = your INT) to another’s actions. You may control as many beings

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as your INT stat, however each victim under control lowers all TNs to resist you or break your control by 1.

Slots: 1Energy: 1 point per victim per hour controlled

Cerebral tap: By monitoring emissions from the brain you may read the thoughts of other beings. You must succeed in an INT test vs. the intended victim’s COR. Each success represents 1 question worth of information you may retrieve.

Slots: 1Energy: 1 point per attempt

Darkness: You can create an area of darkness in which no bandwidth of light may escape. All detection rolls within the area are at a -2 dice penalty and all within the area are considered blind (+2 TN to all rolls).

Slots: 1Energy: 1 point per 1 space covered

Decrystalization: You have the ability to affect the crystalline structure of matter to render it more brittle. Each time you use this option on a target its armor rating is reduced by 3.

Slots: 1Energy: 1 point per application

Digestive recharge: You may replenish you energy tank by consuming matter. For every 3 points of damage to a target on a bite attack you may replenish 1 energy point.

Slots: 1Energy: none

Disruption: You possess the ability to adversely affect the systems and processes of mechanical objects and beings. All actions of targets with in range are at a +3 TN penalty because of random system malfunctions.

Slots: 1Energy: 1 point per round per 3 spaces affected

Earth shaking: You have the ability to excite and disturb natural faults in the ground. All beings in your immediate area must make a skill check TN 8 to avoid losing balance and falling to the ground. All structures secured to the ground take your STR in damage.

Slots: 2Energy: 1 point per round

EMP: You can release an electromagnetic pulse that shuts down all electrical systems in a 10 space radius from you. All in range must make an END test TN 8 or be shut down for 3 rounds.

Slots: 1Energy: 2 per pulse

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Energon cube creation: You may generate the quasi-solid energy fields that make up the containers that hold energon.

Slots: 1Energy: 1 point per 10 cubes

Energy nullification: You can reverse the natural flow of energy. On living machines this has the effect of immobilizing them for 3 rounds per energy point spent unless they succeed an END test TN 8.

Slots: 1Energy: 1 point per 3 rounds

Energy projection: You may emit a beam attack from some inconspicuous spot or from some weapon not usually associated with a ranged attack. This does 2 points of damage per energy point spent.

Slots: 1Energy: 1 point per 2 point base damage level

Energy sheath: You have the ability to wrap an appendage or melee weapon in a sheath of destructive energy. This does 3 points of damage per energy point spent

Slots: 1Energy: 1 point per base damage level of 3

Fear: You have the ability to immobilize your enemies with fear for every round you keep this option active. COR test TN = your RNK to resist.

Slots: 1Energy: 1 per round

Force field: You may project a shell of kinetic energy with an armor rating of 3 for each energy point spent.

Slots: 1Energy: 1 point per round per 3 armor points

Friction: This is the ability to increase the friction between molecules. Any movement by your target causes them to take their current SPD in structure damage.

Slots: 1Energy: 2 points per round

Fuel storage: You are invaluable to your comrades for you ability to carry extra energon for consumption. For every slot taken you may carry 10 cubes worth of energon. This is not considered part of your energy pool unless you take a round to take out a cube and consume it yourself.

Slots: 1Energy: none

Gestalt: This is the ability for more than one robot to merge into one larger robot. This option may only be taken if you have at least 1 or more other players that also take gestalt

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predetermined to join with you. Bonuses depend on how many teammates you have. All gestalts use the highest stats of each teammate, except for INT and SPD which are averaged. Secondary abilities are then calculated for the new robot with armor being equal to +2 of the highest team member. Adjustments are then made for the new size class.

2 to 3 robots of the same size move up 1 size class2 robots of different sizes use the same as the largest4 to 6 robots the same size or just 1 robot larger move up 3 size classes7 or more robots is not possibleA gestalt robot may not be above size class ERobots of size class E or higher already my not take gestaltSlots: 3 slots on each robot involvedEnergy: 1 point from each robot involved per round in gestalt mode

Gravity: You may have an effect on the attraction of masses to and in a target. For each gravity increase all targets receive a -1 to STR, SPD, END, and SKL. Gravity may also be lessened and even negated. At 0 Gs, beings without self-propelled flight must make TN 8 skill tests to maneuver about.

Slots: 1Energy: 3 points initially, then 1 point per gravity increase or decrease

Gliding: You may glide from one point to another provided you have sufficient altitude and an atmosphere to glide on. You may move 10 spaces foreword for every space you fall.

Slot: 1Energy: none

Grapple line: You may launch or release a 1000 meter line with a grapple on it. The line has an armor value of 3 and 5 structure points. The line has a weight limit equal to your STR.

Slots: 1Energy: 1 per launch

Holograms: This option allows you to cast realistic illusions. All who see them must make an INT test TN your SKL level or believe them to be absolutely real.

Slot: 1Energy: 1 point per round of use

Integral weapons: Not all weapons have to take up weapon slots. With this option you have concealed weapons within you that may pop out and be used. They can be either melee or ranged and deliver 2 base damage points per slot taken up.

Slots: 1 per every 2 damageEnergy: melee- none, ranged- 1 per 10 shots

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Invisibility: This option renders your character unable to be seen. All enemies must succeed a TN 12 awareness test to be aware of your presence. At this point they still are at a +4 TN to any attacks against you.

Slots: 1Energy 1 point per round of use

Jet boosters: Powerful scramjets allow a character to double his SPD for a limited time.Slots: 2Energy: 1 per round of use

Jump jets: This option allows power assisted leaps of 10x your normal height or length.Slots: 1Energy: 1 per use

Lightning attraction: This is the option that allows you to command the awesome power of the storm. First you must have ambient cloud cover. Secondly you must spend at least 1 round seeding the clouds. The next round lightning strikes are drawn to your character and you may redirect them at any target you choose delivering a base damage of 10 using SKL to hit.

Slots: 2Energy: 6 once, then you have 1d12 rounds of lightning strikes to use

Liquid streamers: This is a powerful high pressure liquid sprayer with up to 5 different liquids that can be carried at once. You must identify to the GM ahead of time what liquids you are currently carrying. Most liquids either do a base 4 damage or incapacitate for 3 rounds but can have unlimited uses based on their purpose.

Slots: 1Energy: 1 point per shot

Magnetism: Powerful magneto generators allow you to exert your STR on ferrous materials at a range of 100 meters or repel ferrous objects with an armor value equal to your STR stat.

Slots: 1Energy: 1 point per round

Micro-factory: Inside you is a factory the output power of the largest factory in Detroit or Pittsburg. Tiny nanoids can reconstruct molecular structures of scrap and raw materials into new parts and materials. You may reprocess up to 1 ton per round for each slot taken.

Slots: 1Energy: 1 point per batch

Modular design: The components of your body are designed to release at key points upon high impact. Your armor reduces damage as normal however each 1 rolled removes a damage point as well. Every 1 rolled means some part of your body released to absorb the damage and a round must be spent putting your self back together. 3 or less ones and

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you are still whole enough to put your self together but over that and you will need help to reassemble.

Slots: 1Energy: none

Multi-form: You have more than your standard 2 forms. The third form is not merely cosmetic, as with standard transformation the extra form conveys another terrain option or combat capabilities. This option may be taken more than once.

Slots: 2Energy: none

Overload: You have the ability to overload cerebral synapses. Targets must roll a COR test TN 8 or be incapacitated for 10 rounds while their brain reboots.

Slots: 1Energy: 3 per use

Quantum shunt: This option allows you to shift a portion of your mass into a subspace pocket allowing molecules of your mass to be compressed and overlap each other on several layers of subspace. This is what allows transformers such as Megatron, Soundwave, and Blaster to have transformations that are considered size class A; while they have robot modes up to size class D. Soundwave and Blaster in addition have this option twice, allowing them access to the subspace pocket to shunt a seemingly unlimited number of cassette soldiers into the pocket.

Slots: 1 (3)Energy: 1 point per size class shift

Rapid change: You have the ability to transform so fast that it is considered an automatic action instead of you normal action for the round.

Slots: 1Energy: none

Recording: You can record and playback anything you have seen or heard with perfect clarity. You may store up to your INT x 1000 hours of information.

Slots: 1Energy: none

Robot flight: You may fly in your robot form at your base SPD stat. all Decepticons get this option for free.

Slots: 1, none for DecepticonsEnergy: 1 point per round

Secondary terrain: You may travel through a second type of terrain at normal SPD even though you do not have a transformation for it.

Slots: 1Energy: none

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Sensors: You have high definition sensor systems capable of detecting more than the standard sensor suite of other robots. You gain three extra dice to roll on all awareness tests. Taking this option twice results in extremely powerful sensor systems that reduce all TN by 3 as well as the extra dice.

Slots: 1 or 2Energy: none for 1 slot, 1point per round for 2 slots

Slave unit: This option designates a piece of you, usually left over from transformation, which is self mobile and possesses a piece of your mind and spark.

All stats are equal to half of yoursArmor is equal to yoursThe slave unit is size class AThe slave unit has 2 slots that may be either weapon or option slotsAll protocols are equal to half yours except one to be designated as fullSlots: 2Energy: 1 extra point of energy per day the slave unit is used

Smoke screen: This option releases a thick viscous cloud of particles that adhere to metal objects, blinding them for +4 to all TN for the 3 rounds it takes to dissipate.

Slots: 1Energy: 1 point per use

Solar recharge: for every round spent in direct sunlight add 1 point to your energy pool. However, you may not exceed your base limit.

Slots: 1Energy: none

Sonic generation: You may release sonic energy in waves that deliver 3 points of damage per energy point spent.

Slots: 1Energy: 1 point per damage level 3

Speed enhancement: your body design is engineered for speed. Add +2 to your base speed stat for each time this option is taken.

Slots: 1Energy: none

Stealth enhancement: Your body is designed to be quieter and to hide easier. All TN for stealth are reduced by 3.

Slots: 1Energy: none

Teleportation: You are able to open a warp in the fabric of space and slip through it. This has a range of 1 kilometer per 3 energy points spent. A skill roll TN 10 with 5 successes is required to reappear exactly where you want to. Each success below 5 places

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you 2 spaces away from your intended target. With 0 successes you appear inside a solid object taking structure damage equal to its armor rating (no armor roll).

Slots: 2Energy: 3 points per kilometer

Telescopic vision: Your awareness rolls for tiny or far away objects is reduced by 3 TN.Slots: 1Energy: 1 point per round

Tool hand: your hand and forearm is a versatile tool appendage. All TN for rolls involving technical aptitude are at -2.

Slots: 1Energy: none

Torque: You may exert tremendous rotational force on an object delivering 2 levels of damage per energy point spent.

Slots: 1Energy: 1 point per 2 levels of damage

Vampiric recharge: You can recharge your energy directly from another robot. A standard melee attack is made doing STR damage. The first point of damage is applied to the structure but every damage success after the first is drained from the energy pool and applied to your pool.

Slots: 1Energy: none

Vortex: This option allows you to create a whirlwind that can toss objects and enemies about with a STR of 10 at size class C. The vortex can be controlled by a skill roll TN 8. Damage allocated is attributed to flying debris and collisions with other objects (base damage 10).

Slots: 2Energy 3 per round

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Initiative: Roll 1d12 and add the result to your initiative bonus. Lowest number declares their action first. Highest declares their action last. The round is then resolved from highest to lowest and all rolls are made.

Actions: As a general rule all characters have 1 action per round. Multiple actions may be taken but all action dice must be divided between the number of actions. For example two actions divide the dice of both actions in half. Three actions divide the dice by three and so on.

Actions in one round include:TransformingMaking an attackDodging an attackParrying an attackUsing an option that requires the spending of energy pointsMoving up to your max rangePerforming the use of a protocol

Attacking: Attacks are made by rolling the number of twelve sided dice equal to either your firepower stat (for ranged attacks) or your skill stat (for melee attacks). Each success over the target number (TN) is a successful attack. In addition every success over the first initial hit raises the damage of the attack by 1 point.

Melee combat target numbers start at 5Ranged combat numbers start at 6Some modifiers to attacks are:

A called shot is +3 to the TNBeing blinded is +4 TNAmbushing an opponent is -3 TNAimed shots are -1 TN for each round spent aiming (max -3)For each size class a target is smaller that you is +1 to the TNFor each size class a target is larger that you is -1 to the TN

Moving targets: Ranged combat against a moving target adds the speed rank of the target (the speed it is moving not its max speed) to the difficulty of the TN to hit. If both target and attacker are moving then the difficulty is only equal to the difference between them.Dodging: you may for go an attack in a round and attempt to dodge the attack by making a skill roll TN 7. Each success on your dodge roll removes a success from your opponent’s attack roll.Grappling: Grappling attacks are resolved by an opposed strength roll TN6. Each success cancels out an opponent’s success. The player that still has successes left is the

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winner. For every 12 rolled your opponent takes 1 structure point in damage. These are cancelled last.

For every size class you possess above your opponent subtract 1 from your TNFor every size class your opponent possesses above you add 1 to your TN

Parrying: You may for go an attack in a round to parry an opponent’s attack by rolling a skill test TN 6. Each success removes a success from your opponent’s attack roll.Armor: So you’ve been hit, but don’t worry you’re not dead yet. You have armor to reduce the damage and maybe even stop it. Roll as many d12’s as your armor rating TN 6. Each success reduced the final damage by 1 point.Wildfire: Sometimes hitting the target isn’t as important as getting a shot at everyone you can. Wildfire reduces your attack by 3 dice and your base damage by 3 levels. You may then use your new calculation to make an attack roll against each target in your fire arc.Critical hits: Sometimes a hit doesn’t just damage, it cripples. For each actual 12 roll on an attack roll that damage point is considered to be a critical hit. Each critical hit deals not only 1 structure point in damage but a point of energy is lost as well (it is considered to have bled out). Critical hits may not be negated by dodge or parry rolls and may only be negated last in an armor roll.Death: If you run out of energy with your structure intact you simply shut down till you can be replenished (this is referred to as stasis-lock). However; if your structure is reduced to 0 or below you begin to lose 1 point per round unless repaired. If you run out of energy then your spark then begins to bleed out. When your spark is gone your character is dead and may not be rebuilt.Falling: Some robots have the ability to fly. Some however cannot, or have damaged flight systems. In these cases the robot must contend with falling. Whenever a robot falls more than 3 times the minimum height for its size class it takes damage. For each height increment past 3 times his height he takes 1 point of damage. Armor may negate the damage but the large amount of kinetic energy raises the TN by +3.

Energy-Energy is the basis for the existence of every Transformer. Just as money makes

the human world go round, in the world of robots it all comes down to energy. Everyone has an energy stat equal to twice their endurance stat and modified by different factors. In addition to energy used in the operation of various options and weapons, every robot uses 1 energy point per day in normal operation (size class will effect this rate).

Some options are capable of replenishing your energy pool on their own; however most of you will be reliant on energon.

1 energon goodie holds 1 point of energy1 energon cube holds 10 energy points

Sometimes energon is not readily available. In emergency cases you may make a repair roll (TN 10) to rig a direct line into your energy converter, but this is slow and inefficient at best. It requires 10 minutes of being hooked into the equivalent of a human power plant main line to replenish 1 energy point.

Stasis lock: When a robot has 0 energy points left he does not die but instead shuts down to preserve his spark. This is known as stasis lock. You may take no actions until your energy level somehow reaches at least 1 point again.

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Running on spark: In most cases when you reach 0 energy points you shut down and enter stasis lock till energy can be given to you, and most of the time this is just what you want. But sometimes you simply must keep going. In such cases you can make a COR test (TN 6) and then you may spend spark points in place of energy points each round you succeed this test. These raw and unpredictable energy points last only 1 round by all weapon and option uses, regardless of usual cost, use only 1 point.

Protocols-Most protocols function the same, roll the number of dice equal to the protocol

you are using. Difficulty will be set by the gamemaster and at least 1 success is needed to accomplish your task, with each success afterward increasing the intensity of success.Most all protocols follow this pattern with the following exceptions:

Repair- Repair functions mostly the same as the other protocols except that each success restores 1 structure point to the object or person you are repairing. You may restore as many points per round as the number of successes you roll.

Engineering- To engineer something you must roll a number of successes equal to the total of all the stats the invention might have (including armor and protocol ranks) plus all the slots its weapons and options take up. Then the number is multiplied by the invention’s size class; x1 for A x2 for B x3 for C x4 for D x5 for E x6 for F x10 for G. You may not build a weapon with a base damage greater than your engineering rank. Your engineering rank also determines the maximum ranks for the stats and armor of vehicles or robots you may build. The maximum structure points of buildings you can construct may be up to 10x your engineering rank.

Jumping- All characters may jump a distance equal to twice their height increment, plus each success on a jumping roll equals an additional increment.

Movement-Movement is based on the speed stat and is modified by the terrain of what your

transformation is. In general you move as many spaces per round (about 6 seconds) as your speed rank.

In combat 1 space usually equals 100 meters.In land or water movement 1 space equals 100 metersIn air movement 1 space is equal to 5 kilometersIn space movement 1 space equals 1 light year

So how fast is my character: Rough vehicle speeds for your transformation can be calculated as follows:

Land = speed x 50 mphWater = speed x30 mphAir = speed x 500 mphSpace = speed x C (speed of light)

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Spark-Inside each Cybertronian is a fragment of the life essence of their creator Primus.

This fragment, or spark, is what gives each Transformer a life of its own, or soul. It is what makes them so much more than just machines running programs. Transformers can actually think and feel for themselves. When a Transformer dies its spark returns to the well of all sparks on Cybertron to rejoin with the spark of Primus. All characters must have at least 1 point of spark at all times or they are considered dead. As you gather experiences in life your spark will grow and your spark level will rise. The spark points you accumulate can be spent on improvements so long as you retain at least 1 point. Also, in desperate situations you may spend a spark point to gain 1 automatic success per point spent, so long as you retain at least 1 point.

You will gain 10 spark points for each completed adventureYou will gain 1 spark point for every natural 12 you roll

Spark points may be spent in the following ways:500 spark to raise a stat 1 point50 spark to raise a protocol 1 point200 spark to add an option slot200 spark to add a weapon slot500 spark to change your grade300 spark to change your transformation300 spark to change your size class 1 step500 spark to change your function

The Matrix-The Matrix is the symbol of Autobot leadership and a piece of the living essence

of Primus himself. First bestowed on Primus’ first creation Prima, it was passed down through every chosen leader of the autobots since then. He who holds the Matrix is the Prime. In order to possess the Matrix an Autobot must meet the following criteria:

They must be of command functionThey must have a minimum courage stat of 8They must be at least size class D

The Matrix measures 3 meters long by 1.5 meters high. The central orb measures 1 meter in diameter. It is considered to possess 15 armor points and 25 structure points.

The Matrix possesses the following powers:20 point die pool- To be used in any task of the holder’s choosing per day or up to

20 phantom energy or structure points per day.Repository of ancient wisdom- The Matrix possesses the accumulated wisdom of

all the past Autobot commanders who have come before. Treat this as a history protocol of 15.

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Light in the darkest hour- For each round it remains open; the Matrix deals 20 points of structure damage to Unicron.

Reformatting- If a Transformer possesses enough spark points the Matrix can manipulate matter to make instant upgrades even if no mechanic or engineer is available.

Humans-You need not be a large metal skinned robot to play in this game. Humans while

not as durable as their Cybertronian counterparts are in possession of their own advantages. Spike Whitwiky held his own along side his metallic friends for nearly twenty-five years. The rules for generating human player characters are as follows:

All humans are size class A (1.5 to 2.5 meters tall)Lift capacity = STR x 100 in lbs.No starting options or weapons, humans use gear insteadNo starting armor without gearStructure = STR + END / 3 (rounded up)Energy – N/A (humans effectively have unlimited energy)Humans receive 2x the starting protocol points

Vehicles and equipment-

Autobot Arc- SPD: 6 Armor: 20 Structure: 50 Energy: 400Crew: 100 Laser canons: 25 base damageAlternate charging: 5 points/ roundFuel storage: 1000 energon cubes

Decepticon battle cruiser- SPD: 6 Armor: 20 Structure: 50Energy: 300 Crew: 100Tractor beam: 7 STR Plasma cannons: 25 base damage

Autobot shuttle- SPD: 8 Armor: 10 Structure: 20Energy: 100 Crew: 10 Belly guns: 10 base damageEmergency separation: SP: 3 AR: 4 ST: 10 E: 40

Decepticon destroyer- SPD: 8 Armor: 12 Structure: 40Energy: 200 Crew: 50Kinetic kill missiles: 20 base damage

Teletran series mainframes- INT: 10 Armor: 3 Structure: 20Awareness: 8 Computer: 8 Engineering: 8 Navigate: 8 Repair: 8Sensor option- level 2 Energon cube creation Advanced com suiteRemote arms: STR 4(B)Sky spy: SPD: 7 Armor: 4 Structure: 10 Sensor option level 2

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EDC human exo-suit: STR: 2 SPD: 4 END: 5 Armor: 3 Structure: 7Energy: 10 Size class: A Transformation, Life support, Tool hand, Blasters: base damage 2

Sparing robot- STR: 5 INT: 2 SPD: 5 END: 2 SKL: 5 Armor: 2 Structure: 7Energy: 4 Size class: C

Slingshot launcher- Base damage: 10 Armor: 2 Structure: 2 Holds up to 5 shots

Autobot escape shuttle- SPD: 10 Armor: 6 Structure: 12 Energy: 30 Crew: 2

Sample characters & generic foes-

Decepticon jets- fighter jets (or pyramid fighters on Cybertron)STR: 4 Function- warrior Weapons- INT: 3 Grade- standard 2 laser MGs: 5 Bombs: 9SPD: 7 Armor- 8 missiles: 9 (x2)END: 6 Structure- 10 Options- robot flightRNK: 1 Energy- 17 acid rain: 2 (1E/R) COR: 2 Initiative- 5FRP: 5 Size class- C Protocols- awareness 2 navigate 3SKL: 5 Spark- 1 pilot 4 gunnery 4

The Sweeps- cybertronic hovercraftSTR: 4 Function- scout Weapons- integral laser: 2INT: 2 Grade- standard integral concussion: 2SPD: 5 Armor- 8END: 4 Structure- 8 Options- robot flightRNK: 1 Energy- 13 sensors liquid streamersCOR: 2 Initiative- 3FRP: 6 Size class- C Protocols- awareness 4 diplomacy 2SKL: 6 Spark- 1 tracking 5 stealth 2

Sharkticons- cybertronic piranha monstersSTR: 3 Function- warrior Weapons- bite: 7 claw: 6INT: 1 Grade- standard tail flail: 5SPD: 1 Armor- 8END: 7 Structure- 20 Options- digestive rechargeRNK: 1 Energy- 15 dog pile attack (each gains 1 extra die for eachCOR: 4 Initiative- 1 Sharkticon in attack group) FRP: 1 Size class- C Protocols- awareness 2 climb 2SKL: 2 Spark- 1 swim 8

Quintesson guard-

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STR: 2 Function- warrior Weapons- e-whips: 6* or mace: 4INT: 5 Grade- standard or blasters: 3SPD: 4 Armor- 6END: 5 Structure- 12 Options- energy sheath (whips)*RNK: 5 Energy- 15COR: 5 Initiative- 5FRP: 5 Size class- B Protocols- awareness 5 pilot 5SKL: 5 Spark- 1 gunnery 4 navigate 3

The Armada- cybertronic aerospace fightersSTR: 4 Function- warrior Weapons- blasters: 6INT: 4 Grade- military missiles: 9 (x4)SPD: 8 Armor- 13END: 6 Structure- 20 Options- robot flightRNK: 4 Energy- 12 secondary terrain (s)COR: 5 Initiative- 6FRP: 6 Size class- C Protocols- awareness 5 pilot 5 SKL: 6 Spark- 1 navigate 5 gunnery 5

Optimus Prime- Peterbuilt tractor trailerSTR: 10 Function- command Weapons- laser rifle: 10INT: 10 Grade- commercial energon axe: 12 (+1/E)SPD: 8 Armor- 16 energy projectionEND: 10 Structure- 60 Options- the Matrix armor enhancementRNK: 10 Energy- 20 secondary terrain (w) slave units x2COR: 10 Initiative- 9 jump jetsFRP: 10 Size class- D Protocols- awareness 8 chemistry 4SKL: 10 Spark- 50 computer 5 diplomacy 8 engineering 4 history 10

Physics5 repair 6 climbing 3 gunnery 8 jumping 4Pilot 8 stealth 3 swimming 6 tracking 5

Roller- (Prime’s slave unit) lunar buggySTR: 5 Function- scout Weapons- laser rifle: 10INT: 5 Grade- commercialSPD: 10 Armor- 5END: 10 Structure- 12 Options- secondary terrain (w)RNK: 1 Energy- 20 sensors recordingCOR: 10 Initiative- 7FRP: 5 Size class- A Protocols- as Optimus PrimeSKL: 5 Spark- as Optimus PrimeCombat deck- (Prime’s slave unit)STR: 8 Function- mechanic Weapons- missiles (x2): 12INT: 10 Grade- commercial laser rifle: 10SPD: 3 Armor- 16END: 10 Structure- 28 Options- quantum shunt tool hand (x3)RNK: 1 Energy- 20 adv. com suite micro-factory

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COR: 5 Initiative- 6 energon cube creation sensors (x2)FRP: 5 Size class- C Protocols- as Optimus PrimeSKL: 5 Spark- as Optimus Prime

Jazz- Porsche P911 turboSTR: 6 Function- command Weapons- solar powered photon rifle: 5INT: 7 Grade- performance flame thrower: 8SPD: 9 Armor- 6END: 8 Structure- 12 Options- blinding secondary terrain (w)RNK: 9 Energy- 16 gliding sonic generationCOR: 8 Initiative- 8 grapple lineFRP: 8 Size class- C Protocols- diplomacy 6 pilot 9 intrusion 6SKL: 8 Spark- 10 stealth 5 navigate 6 gunnery 6

Prowl- police carSTR: 7 Function- warrior Weapons- acid rifle: 5INT: 10 Grade- commercial wire-guided incendiary missiles: 8SPD: 8 Armor- 11END: 9 Structure- 36 Options- battle computerRNK: 9 Energy- 18 sensorsCOR: 9 Initiative- 9FRP: 8 Size class- C Protocols- pilot 6 gunnery 9 navigate 5SKL: 10 Spark- 10 stealth 4 awareness 7

Ironhide- vanSTR: 8 Function- command Weapons- liquid streamers laser rifle: 6INT: 6 Grade- military missiles: 9 grenades: 9SPD: 4 Armor- 15END: 8 Structure- 26 Options- armor enhancement (x2) tool handRNK: 9 Energy- 16 sensors net launcherCOR: 10 Initiative- 5 secondary terrain (w)FRP: 8 Size class- C Protocols- diplomacy 5 pilot 4 repair 5SKL: 8 Spark- 10 gunnery 4 navigation 4 chemistry 8 awareness 7

Bumble bee- VW beetleSTR: 4 Function- espionage Weapons- laser pistol: 3INT: 7 Grade- standardSPD: 8 Armor- 3END: 10 Structure- 11 Options- tool handRNK: 4 Energy- 25 telescopic vision secondary terrain (w)COR: 8 Initiative- 7FRP: 5 Size class- B Protocols- stealth 6 awareness 8 swimming 5SKL: 6 Spark- 10 intrusion 6 computer 4 navigate 4

Spike Whitwiky- humanSTR: 2 Function- warrior Gear- hard hat

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INT: 5 Grade- human tool beltSPD: 3 Armor- N/AEND: 6 Structure- 3RNK: 1 Energy- N/ACOR: 8 Initiative- 4FRP: 6 Size class- A Protocols- repair 4 awareness 5 pilot 5 SKL: 7 Spark- 10 engineering 3 gunnery 4 diplomacy 2 navigate 3 stealth 3

Megatron- Walther PPK pistolSTR: 10 Function- command Weapons- fusion cannon: 15INT: 10 Grade- military particle cannon: 12SPD: 8 Armor- 18 energon flail: 12 (+1/E) saw: 11END: 10 Structure- 45 Options- robot flight quantum shuntRNK: 10 Energy- 20 armor enhancementCOR: 10 Initiative- 9 alternate power source (anti-matter/ x4)FRP: 10 Size class- D Protocols- diplomacy 7 physics 4 pilot 10SKL: 10 Spark- 10 gunnery 10 computer 6 history 8 stealth 4 swimming 5

Awareness 8 navigate 8 repair 4 engineering 4

Starscream- F-16 fighter jetSTR: 7 Function- command Weapons- null rays (x2): 6*INT: 8 Grade- military cluster bombs (x2): 9SPD: 9 Armor- 13 missiles (x2): 9END: 7 Structure- 24 Options- robot flight tool handRNK: 9 Energy- 14 energy nullification*COR: 8 Initiative- 8FRP: 7 Size class- C Protocols- diplomacy 3 pilot 5 navigation 6SKL: 7 Spark- 10 physics 6 repair 5 computers 6 engineering 4 history 3

Thundercracker- F-16 fighter jetSTR: 8 Function- warrior Weapons- drone rockets(x2): 9INT: 6 Grade- military incendiary guns (x2): 6SPD: 8 Armor- 13END: 9 Structure- 27 Options- robot flightRNK: 6 Energy- 18 sonic generationCOR: 7 Initiative- 7FRP: 8 Size class- C Protocols- pilot 6 gunnery 5 navigate 8SKL: 7 Spark- 10 awareness 5

Skywarp- F-16 fighter jetSTR: 6 Function- warrior Weapons- laser MG (x2): 6INT: 5 Grade- military missiles (x2): 9SPD: 9 Armor- 13END: 8 Structure- 24 Options- robot flightRNK: 6 Energy- 16 teleportationCOR: 6 Initiative- 7

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FRP: 7 Size class- C Protocols- pilot 6 navigate 7 gunnery 5SKL: 7 Spark-10 awareness 5

Soundwave- walkman radio cassette playerSTR: 8 Function- espionage Weapons- concussion rifle: 6INT: 9 Grade- military missile launcher: 9SPD: 3 Armor- 13 sonic generationEND: 7 Structure- 37 Options- robot flight quantum shunt (x2)RNK: 9 Energy- 14 sensors adv. com suite recordingCOR: 6 Initiative- 6 energon cube creation cerebral tapFRP: 7 Size class- D Protocols- stealth 8 awareness 8 intrusion 7SKL: 10 Spark- 10 computer 8 navigate 8 pilot 6

Lazerbeak- cassette tapeSTR: 5 Function- scout Weapons- laser cannons (x2): 9INT: 6 Grade- military bite: 9SPD: 9 Armor- 7END: 5 Structure- 5 Options- robot flightRNK: 6 Energy- 10 recordingCOR: 2 Initiative- 7 quantum shuntFRP: 8 Size class- A Protocols- tracking 8 diplomacy 5 stealth 6SKL: 9 Spark- 10 awareness 5

Ravage- cassette tapeSTR: 7 Function- scout Weapons- proton bombs: 9INT: 6 Grade- military integral lasers: 3SPD: 8 Armor- 7 bite: 11END: 8 Structure- 7 Options- robot flight sensorsRNK: 7 Energy- 16 stealth enhancement recordingCOR: 7 Initiative- 6 quantum shuntFRP: 4 Size class- A Protocols- tracking 9 diplomacy 3 stealth 8SKL: 8 Spark- 10 awareness 7

Rumble- cassette tapeSTR: 3 Function- warrior Weapons- blaster pistols (x2): 4INT: 6 Grade- militarySPD: 3 Armor- 9END: 6 Structure- 4 Options- robot flight recordingRNK: 6 Energy- 12 quantum shuntCOR: 10 Initiative- 5 earth shakingFRP: 9 Size class- A Protocols- pilot 4 gunner 4 navigation 8SKL: 6 Spark- 10 perform 4 awareness 5

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The Transformers RPG.Name:Allegiance:Function:Transformation:Grade:Motto:Primary stats- Secondary stats-STR: Armor:INT: Structure:SPD: Energy:END: Size class:RNK: Initiative:COR: Spark:FRP:SKL:Intelligence Protocols- Skill Protocols-Awareness BalanceBiology ClimbingChemistry GunneryComputers IntrusionDiplomacy JumpingEngineering PerformHistory PilotNavigate StealthPhysics SwimmingRepair Tracking

Weapons Options

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