
"The Truth Will Set You Free"

There have always been those who've violently opposed Our Lady's Message of hope and warning given to the world at Fatima in 1917. The story of the brutal imprisonment of the three child seers by Portuguese government officials is well known. Equally well-documented are the vicious persecutions that many Fatima adherents have endured under Communist and Masonic regimes around the world.

Less familiar to many however is the struggle in the Church itself concerning the Fatima Message and its significance in our own times. Despite official approval of the Fatima apparitions, there remains today a small but powerful group within the Church actively working to suppress Our Lady's full Message.

Above is a photo of some of those who came out to The Rally in Defense of the Faith in Toronto. Father Gruner spoke about the Third Secret of Fatima and how we know it refers to the dangers to our faith in our time. He also spoke of the urgency of having it soon officially released to all the faithful as Our Lady requested.

30 Years of Suppression and Lies!

Without the Pope's knowledge, these self-styled "revolutionaries" have coordinated and led an international campaign to discredit Our Lady and silence Her Fatima words forever. Since 1960, they have single-handedly managed to prevent Our Lady's full Message from reaching millions and foiled every attempt

to fulfill Her solemn requests for the Consecration of Russia and the release of Her Third Fatima Secret.

Despite these scandalous efforts, millions of souls have nonetheless turned to the Message of Fatima and its promise of universal peace. Millions have come to Our Lord and Our Lady in renewed faith and love. Joining in a great grass-roots crusade, over FOUR MILLION people have petitioned the Pope, calling for the Consecration of Russia and many have asked for the public disclosure of Our Lady's Third Secret.

However, the failure of their efforts to squash this great popular crusade has only led the enemies of Fatima to re-double their efforts to silence Our Lady once and for all! In the last two years, a diabolical campaign of disinformation, pressure-tactics and outright lies has been mounted with only one object in mind: TO SILENCE OUR LADY FOREVER!

"The Truth Will Set You Free"

These are Our Lord's own words and indeed it is the truth and our freedom that are in dire jeopardy today. Because Sister Lucy is forbidden to speak or defend herself in public, the enemies of Fatima have felt free to use her name and reputation to perpetrate a vicious hoax on the faithful.

At a time when the world is on the brink of war, Sister Lucy's authority is being shamefully used to manipulate millions into a false sense of security. For more than 50 years, Sister Lucy has steadfastly told us that peace will come only when Russia is specifically consecrated by the Pope and all the world's bishops on the same day and at the same hour. Today we are being asked to believe — on the basis of unreliable witnesses and questionable documents — that she suddenly now believes this solemn request has been fulfilled.

If it were not so tragic and so scandalous, this attempt to perpetrate so blatant a hoax would be merely laughable. As it is, it remains a powerful indicator of how desperate the enemies of Fatima have become as we near the time of decision.

Facts Do Not Lie

We are presenting here the Chronology of a Cover-up in hopes that it will give all Catholics and others of good will the opportunity to judge the facts of the case for themselves. We have left nothing out nor have we added anything of unsupported testimony or documents of dubious value.

We earnestly encourage all those seeking the saving light of Our Lady's Fatima Message to join with us in asking our Holy Father, the Pope, and other Church leaders to free Sister Lucy from her 30-year ordeal of silence and to publicly release Our Lady's Third Fatima Secret. Petition forms and more information is freely available from The Fatima Crusader.

Only when Sister Lucy is permitted to speak openly and freely in a public forum can the terrible uncertainties regarding Our Lady's will and intentions be resolved once and for all.

Finally, we believe that today the stakes are too high and the risks too great to rely on anything but "the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth" (as Our Lord and Our Lady permit us to see it). It is for that reason that we prayerfully request your help in bringing this information to the attention of your family, friends and associates.

In Jesus, Mary and Joseph,

Father Nicholas Gruner

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