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Spring 2009 • The Village at Brookwood

The Silver Lining Savings for Your Retirement Choice

Chef of the Year is a Key Ingredient at The Village

Residents Don and Martha West Make a Difference in their Community

Page 2: The Village at Brookwood - Spring 2009

IIn Uncertain Times, Don’t Wait to Make Plans In today’s changing economic environment in which some are taking a “wait and see” approach to retirement, I am reminded of a proverbial phrase: Time and tide wait for no man. This phrase resonates because it reminds us that human events or concerns cannot stop the passage of time; therefore, delaying one’s decision-making may not be a good idea. Yes, these are uncertain times, but that doesn’t mean you should stop planning for the future that you desire. These days, I am talking a lot about the “Four C’s” found at The Village at Brookwood — all of which are important for a pleasant and secure retirement:

• Comfort. The Village is known for its tranquil grounds, spacious residences, friendly and caring residents, and the security of a Life Care Community sponsored by Alamance Regional Medical Center.

• Community. There are numerous social, leisure and wellness programs, as well as travel opportunities that strengthen and foster new friendships — all of which lead to a happier, healthier retirement.

• Convenience. Our residents enjoy gracious living with an abundance of amenities. The Village is located in central North Carolina close to the beach, the mountains, major airports and universities.

• Choices. It is our fourth “C” — Choices — that I feel is particularly important to highlight this spring. The Village at Brookwood is about choice. Residents can select from a variety of garden homes and apartments available at this time. There are choices of casual or fine dining, as well as choices of programs in which to get involved.

But choices also has a deeper meaning. There is the choice of financial and tax advantages when moving to a Life Care Community. In addition, there is the choice of peace-of-mind for your family members who know that you will be taken care of within our Life Care Community. The fact is, like time and tide, your health status does not wait on the economy. It is important to make choices about your future while the choice is still yours. Choose to explore our warm and caring community today. To learn more, call us at (800) 282-2053 or visit our Web site at

M e S S A g e F R O M T h e e x e C U T I V e D I R e C T O R

ComfortCommunityConvenience Choices

Daniel L. Cuthriellexecutive Director • (800) 282-2053

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D Delectable choices in casual and fine dining are so important here at The Village at Brookwood, and executive Chef Larry Jones is one of the key ingredients to our excellent food. This past March, Jones was recognized for his success and named Chef of the Year by the Triad Chapter of the American Culinary Foundation. “Larry is wonderful to work with,” says Bill Alvino, Dining Manager. “he is always willing to go above and beyond. On weekends such as the easter holiday, Larry and the whole dining staff worked beautifully together to put on the holiday buffet for more than 200 residents and guests on top of their normal daily operational duties. everyone enjoyed the special event, and all the food was delicious.” Jones’ responsibilities at The Village include overseeing meals for the formal dining room, holiday events and catering, as well as creating the dining themes and ice carvings. The Chef of the Year award is recognition by

O Originally from New Jersey, Martha and Don West have actually retired to several different communities: the first in Jekyll Island, ga., and the second in Stowe, Vt., near their son. When they decided to return to warmer weather and be closer to their daughter in high Point, N.C., they quickly chose The Village at Brookwood as the place to call home. “My wife and daughter looked at many different retirement communities in this area, and overall, this was the best in terms of location, construction of the buildings, price, appearance and convenience,” says Don. “This place is beautiful.” The Wests, who have been here for a bit more than a year, quickly became active within The Village. Martha is the co-chair of the Social Committee, and volunteers at the health clinic and the front desk. Don is

R e S I D e N T S P O T L I g h T

the chair of the Dining Services Committee, a member of the Finance Committee and volunteers at the health clinic. Both work in the Village Shoppe, which is run by the Residents Association. In addition, the couple is very active in the larger Burlington community through their church and hospice. “My wife and I prepare breakfast one day a week for hospice patients, and Martha visits with them in their homes,” Don says. “And year-round, we both assist with the hospice Flea Market.” Resident involvement in The Village is part of what makes it such a special community, says Sherri Walker, marketing counselor. “The Wests came in and hit the ground running. They introduced new pastimes — such as mah-jongg — to our residents, and have contributed to important areas such as dining,” Walker says. “Don was even a model in our new ad campaign! “It’s people like Don and Martha that make The Village such a warm, vibrant and caring community among friends,” she continues. “We are so glad they’re here.”

N O T e W O R T h Y

Making a Difference at The Village

executive Chef Larry Jones Is honored

Jones’ peers for his professionalism, service to other chefs and service to the community. “We are so happy that Larry has been recognized for everything that we at The Village experience every day,” Alvino says. “Plus, he truly produces a large amount of excellent food!”

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A R O U N D T h e V I L L A g e

This past January you may have noticed Village residents turning into Village models during a professional photo shoot by North Carolina commercial photographer Steve exum. Many of these pictures are being used in the new marketing campaign for The Village at Brookwood, which revolves around the Four C’s important to retirement: Choices … Community … Comfort … Convenience. To create the new campaign, the marketing team at The Village tapped into their relationship with Alamance Regional Medical Center. “Our relationship with Alamance Regional makes us unique as a retirement community and provides cost efficiencies that we would not have if we chose to work with an ad agency,” said Marketing Counselor Kent Kirchin. “We wanted our marketing campaign to get back to who we are at The Village — a community of people who choose to be here because of its friendliness and warmth — and be able to convey that through our advertising and marketing materials.” In order to communicate the Four C’s, exum took pictures of Village residents in many different venues: dining, art studio, woodworking

Wellness Center Opens in May We’re almost there! Village residents soon will be able to enjoy the heated pool, whirlpool spa, exercise and fitness areas, and other amenities at the Wellness Center. Stay tuned for more information about the grand Opening festivities at the end of May.

The Village Launches New Ad Campaign

and exercise room, as well as within their homes and outside on the grounds. “Steve did an excellent job with the photography, and the residents had so much fun,” Kirchin says. “They were so good at modeling we thought they may have had professional experience!” The Village hired Angela Partin of Partin Design group in Burlington as the art director and Leigh Ann McDonald Woodruff of Winston-Salem as the writer for the campaign. “We are excited to use local resources to convey our message via this new campaign,” Kirchin says. “We are looking forward to spreading the word about The Village!”

Page 5: The Village at Brookwood - Spring 2009 • (800) 282-2053

A R O U N D T h e V I L L A g e

Village Residents on the go It’s wonderful to have time to travel, and Village residents are certainly on the go. Past trips include visits to Manteo, Wilmington, Old Salem and the UNC Basketball Museum. This spring and summer, residents will go as far as Jekyll Island and St. Simons Island in georgia and stay close to home with a planned outing to see the greensboro Symphony. For more information on travel opportunities, contact the Life enrichment Coordinator Ruth Ann Stubblefield at (336) 570-8314.

Upcoming eventsMay 6: WRAL Azalea gardens and Sarah P. Duke gardens. We will travel to two beautiful gardens and enjoy lunch at the Raleigh Farmer’s Market.

May 7: greensboro Symphony Masterworks at War Memorial Auditorium.

May 18-21: Jekyll Island and St. Simons trip

June 11: Bolshoi Ballet performs Don Quixote.

Visiting the Old Courthouse in Wilmington

Dining at Salem Tavern in Old Salem

Go Heels! UNC Basketball Museum in Chapel Hill

Standing on a replica of the Queen Elizabeth II in Manteo

Posing for a picture on the steps of the Tranquil House Inn in Manteo

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A R O U N D T h e V I L L A g e

Looking for the Silver Lining

In this cloudy economic forecast, The Village at Brookwood is creating our own silver lining for people interested in the benefits of a Life Care Community. From now until June 30, The Village is offering some financially attractive savings that will help you begin planning for your secure retirement today.

Why start planning now? Here are the reasons: • Begin living your retirement dreams. Our community offers a multitude of social, leisure, cultural and wellness programs, all of which contribute to a longer, healthier life.

• enjoy the security of quality on-site health care when you need it. Your health status does not wait on the economy.

• Take advantage of the applicable tax benefits of the Life Care agreement.

For more information on our silver lining offer, please call Marketing Counselors Kent Kirchin and Sherri Walker at (336) 570-8440 or toll-free at (800) 282-2053. You may also e-mail them at [email protected].

Keep Up with The Village through Our Web There is always something fun happening at The Village! And we don’t want you to miss out on anything that is happening (such as the planned trip to see the Bolshoi Ballet in Chapel hill on June 11). The best way to keep up with The Village’s current events is to regularly visit our Web site: It’s full of information and easy to navigate so you can find the information quickly, including:





We invite you to log on today and learn more about our warm and friendly community.

Need a Speaker for Your event? At The Village at Brookwood, we are always willing to talk about preparing for a secure retirement. Marketing Counselors Kent Kirchin and Sherri Walker are available to speak at your next church or civic group function. Contact them at (336) 570-8440 or toll-free at (800) 282-2053. You may also e-mail them at [email protected].

We Love Wii! What’s the hottest game at The Village these days? It’s not Bridge or Bingo — it’s Wii! Video games have become more popular among older adults. According to the entertainment Software Association, 24 percent of Americans over 50 played video games in 2007, up from 9 percent in 1999. The Wii, which was envisioned as a next generation video game, can help improve hand-eye coordination and aid in physical therapy. games such as Wii Fit and Wii Sports have the added bonus of getting everyone up and moving. Plus, Wii is a great way to connect with the grandkids! The Village offers scheduled time for Wii games throughout the week, so don’t miss out on this entertaining pastime.

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SSun Protection for Seniors Sunshine, Carolina blue skies and warm weather all beckon to residents of The Village this time of year. But while you are out gardening, walking, fishing, golfing or just enjoying our beautiful community, remember to protect your skin against the sun’s damaging rays. It’s true that the majority of the skin’s sun damage happens before the age of 18, but we have to continue to be diligent in our sun protection. As we age, our skin’s ability to protect us from sunburn and to repair sun damage declines, leading to brown age spots and an increased risk of skin cancer. Below are a few reminders on sun protection while enjoying a healthy, active outdoor lifestyle.

• Use sunscreen and lip balm with a sun protection factor (SPF) of 15 or higher. Apply 1 ounce of sunscreen (2 tablespoons) to your body 30 minutes before going outside. Reapply every two hours.

• Wear a broad-brimmed hat when outdoors. As we age, our hair tends to thin, and our scalp is more vulnerable to damage. A hat with a broad brim helps protect the scalp and the ears, which are a common spot for skin cancer.

• When outside, wear protective, tightly woven clothing. Long sleeves and long pants further the protection.

• Protect your eyes and vision from the sun with wraparound sunglasses that have at least 99 percent UV absorption. Overexposure to sunlight can increase your risk of developing cataracts.

• Seek the shade, especially between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.

Skin cancer is the most common cancer, but it is also the most preventable. Take precautions and then enjoy this wonderful weather! For more information, visit Pam Roney in the on-site health Care Clinic at The Village at Brookwood.

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is all about here.

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