Page 1: The Way of St. James – Just a Pilgrimage or Physical Form ... · pilgrims have traveled from all over Europe to reach his tomb in Santiago . Santiago de Compostela . Pre-Christian

The Way of St. James (Camino

de Santiago)– Just a Pilgrimage or

Physical Form of Person-Centred


A Presentation By

Kristine Vu

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History of “The Way”

The origins of The Way is steeped in mystery and lore

Legend has it that the Apostle Saint James was buried in what is now the city of Santiago de Compostela, the end point of The Way

Since the discovery of his remains in about 812 AD, pilgrims have traveled from all over Europe to reach his tomb in Santiago

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Santiago de Compostela

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Pre-Christian Legend

It’s also believed that The Way had been traversed before the 8th century by Pagans in the area

Legend claims that Pagans followed this same route across Northern Spain, guided by the Milky Way

They walked beyond the area later known as Santiago de Compostela to a coastal region called “Fisterra.”

Fisterra or Finisterra was believed to be the end of the world or a magical place where the living could get in touch with the spiritual world

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Compostela –> Field of Stars

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Medieval Pilgrims Relics of saints were believed to hold great healing

powers, and particularly those of apostles

Thus, Christians from all over Europe would travel to Santiago for penance or for salvation

Activity on the way also helped restore the Christian faith in Spain and in Europe, as many parts of Europe had previously been invaded and conquered by the Moors in the 6th and 7th C. AD

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The Way’s Place in Today’s Society

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Adaptive spiritual meanings?

The Way, unlike most other pilgrimages (i.e. Jerusalem), has evolved to fit with people’s different values, needs and beliefs today.

In the past, Christians and Pagans walked it to become closer to God or the spiritual realm. Where as now, people of all faiths (atheist, agnostic, religious) embark on the journey for various personal reasons.

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Yet, as much as people have varying reasons for choosing to walk The Way (bereavement, changing careers or quitting a job, divorce, loss, quarter/mid-life crisis, or any life changes, etc..), a similar thread runs through what most learn or gain from it…

Regardless of a person’s background or beliefs, I find most wrestle with:

Accepting themselves or accepting a situation

Learning how to listen to and care for their physical and emotional selves (through finding the right walking rhythm)

Finding their heart and learning how to follow it

Symbols of hope, perseverance, love, courage, and faith in the form of objects, stones, or personal belongings (brought from home or found along the way) left on this hilltop 300 km from Santiago

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Valuing Process

Conditions of Worth

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Conditions of Worth

Conditions (behavior, attitudes, achievements, etc…) shaped by our families, communities or culture that we need to satisfy in order to be valued or viewed positively (Rogers, 1961)

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Conditions of Worth Many Pilgrims Face:

- Societal - Familial – Social – Personal --

I’ve met countless people who undertook The Way because they started to doubt the way in which they lived their lives. Many got burnt out from their careers or stressful lifestyles; leading to a re-evaluation of their priorities. They realized they had focused too much on pursuits which are held in high-esteem (i.e. work) but which minimally enrich their lives and those of loved ones. They admitted their self-worth and identity were molded by societal notions of success (career milestones, money, prestige) rather than a personal sense of fulfillment.

“I need to keep on going. It’s worth the sacrifice to reach the next promotion, to attain higher accolade etc…”

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On the other side of the spectrum, a lot of pilgrims feel deflated from the perceived “mediocrity” of their lives. I found that many expressed a dissatisfaction with themselves due to how they compare with others or societal norms. It seemed ingrained in them that they needed to be more than who they are to be content (i.e. better career, be in a relationship). Almost as if their happiness was contingent on whether they met certain social expectations.

“I need to aim higher.”

“Am I truly enough?”

Conditions of Worth Many Pilgrims Face:

- Societal - Familial – Social – Personal --

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How These Conditions are Challenged...

“My worth was always based on how I could keep things together and manage my emotions. Walking day in and day out, with physical strains and fatigue, challenged my sense of control. I became quick to anger and upset sometimes but I discovered these feelings didn’t diminish me like before. Life continued and I was still myself despite embodying these perceived “flaws.” It felt safer to move beyond my boundaries here than in my normal environment. These instances showed me I was still of worth despite not always being how I wanted to be.”

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Core Conditions Manifested

PhysicallySome studies show that talking therapies aren’t effective for

some individuals

There is also evidence that therapy alone – without opportunities to adapt new ways of being and doing externally – isn’t always sufficient in facilitating a person’s desired changes

The Way’s physical endurance and meditative routine, paired with its positive energy and community of people, foster a holistic form of UPR, Empathy, & Congruence that I believe is experienced both emotionally and physically

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“I used to be really unhappy. Yet, something changed within me, being able to do this. When I returned home, people saw the difference and noticed how I cared less about what others thought and how much more secure I had become.”

- Pilgrim from New Zealand

I found that living with the bare minimum in a new environment - where I met different challenges everyday (getting lost, minor injuries, confronting my emotions) and survived - showed me how resourceful I was. This built my confidence and showed me that I was somehow enough… And the fact that I was mostly happy and felt truly alive despite few comforts I had also reinforced that I didn’t need all these things I felt I “should” have.

UPR – Self Acceptance – Self Valuing

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Empathy“During my 2nd time on The Way, I felt an

opening to others I had never fully experienced. I think this came about from the continuous physical endurance that slowly corroded my inhibitions. I felt my new friends’ warmth; I allowed these feelings to surface; I allowed myself to weep for this bittersweet joy…”

“I realized how distant I had been before as these raw emotions hit me hard. Hugs felt like a tactile heart-to-heart and bonding and I could feel the heavy sadness of partings and good-byes. I had always felt ashamed of feeling too much and perhaps it hurt too much to do so. Being able to do this and experience the positive in my vulnerability allowed me to be more compassionate and empathic with myself.”

“You learn how to open up your heart again on The Way and most importantly you learn this isn’t a bad thing. After, you see and experience the world in a markedly different manner because of this…”- Pilgrim from Spain

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Congruence – Aligning Oneself with

One’s Values and NeedsThe self-compassion and self-valuing that’s nourished through new ways of being on The Way allows many pilgrims to distinguish what their genuine needs and values are.

Organismic Valuing Process - > Identifying one’s needs and values lays down the foundation of being able to stay true to them

Lots of pilgrims report that they’ve discovered what it is internally they needed or were searching for towards the end of their journey. The answer was/is rooted internally but the path to a deeper understanding was/is both internal and external.

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Physical CongruenceAligning oneself more with one’s organismic self or valuing process can be achieved through the actual walking:

One needs to be able to go at a pace that reflects and respects one’s energy level and physical capacity at a given moment. Many individuals become injured because they ignore or aren’t aware of their physical limits/needs. A prevalent secondary quest on The Way is to find one’s own walking rhythm. This may appear simple but it’s easy to feel a sense of competition with others and oneself. It can be tempting to surpass one’s natural pace to prove one’s worth or abilities. Again, the battle to reconcile conditions of worth can hamper one’s ability to walk at a reasonable pace. The Way has a mind of its own, however, and neglecting one’s physical limits/needs can result in painful consequences that push one to reconsider one’s needs once again.

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Ending The Way -Transitioning Back to

“Normal Life”

Like therapy, terminating one’s journey on The Way isn’t easy.

The Way espouses its own introspective world and yet it’s also a microcosm of life’s trials and tribulations.

Like therapy, it isn’t an instant cure for any of our obstacles or painful experiences.

Rather, it’s a unique experience that enables us to get closer to what’s important to us and work through any suffering we have endured.

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It’s the Way & Not the Destination That Counts…

“I found that adapting what one has learned on The Way is partially a process that needs to be maintained. As with self-actualization (Rogers, 1961), a complete resolution is an ideal state that we can strive for but that we’ll never completely attain. In fact, the process or “way” is more crucial to being satisfied with who we are. For if we fall down again and lose courage, we know “the way” back up again.”

“The incredible hope, perseverance and love that one experiences and witnesses, however, remains forever in one’s heart. For me, it’s a part of my core, my compass and my anchor. The priceless moments of friendship, connection, and fulfillment will always be a humble reminder of the beauty that surrounds me and that - no matter the circumstances – I am enough…”

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Thank-you for Listening!

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Interdependence of Core Conditions Congruence or knowing and respecting oneself/needs

Being able to accept one’s limits and oneself more

Having compassion for these limits and one’s vulnerabilities

Symbiotic Relationship Between Loving Oneself and Loving


“I found the deeper sense of empathy, UPR, and congruence I personally gained from walking The Way allowed me to be more empathic and accept others more genuinely too. I realized the limits I had within my heart blocked not only my connection and compassion with myself, but also with others.”

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Rogers, C.R. (1961). On Becoming a Person: A Therapist’s View on Psychotherapy. Boston: Houghton Mifflin.

Unknown Author. (2014). History of El Camino de Santiago. Retrieved from

Frances, A.J. (2015) Psychotherapy Works But Not For Everyone. Retrieved from

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