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How To Build A Facebook Application

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In: Articles 

By Gareth Rushgrove 

Published on January 22, 2008

Facebook , as you‘ve probably noticed, is everywhere. And with that ubiquity

comes a massive audience just waiting for your web app. Whether you‘re

looking to make things easier for your current users, or you have the perfect

idea for a Facebook-only application, there are a few things you‘ll need to

know to get started.

Getting Started

In order to install Facebook applications, or indeed to write your own, you need

a Facebook account. You‘ll also want to install the Developer application — this

lets you create your own Facebook applications, as well as monitor their usageand configure various settings. You‘ll also need your own web server;

Facebook apps run direct from your own server  — which means that you can

write them in whatever language or framework you prefer. We‘ll be using PHP

in our examples, but the principles are the same for any language.

The Facebook Platform

Facebook have done a pretty good job of documenting the fundamental

components of their platform over on their  developer site. The platform

consists of three core parts:

  API  –  The API defines the various methods through which you can

interact with Facebook. If you‘re not familiar with the idea of an API,

take a look at some recent Digital Web articles: APIs and Mashups for

the Rest of Usand Hacking on Open APIs. 

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  FBML  –  Facebook Markup Language is a custom markup language

 based on various bits of HTML. It‘s similar to Coldfusion or ASP.NET‘s

tag-based syntax, and is used to define the pages in your application.

  FQL  –  Facebook Query Language is SQL for Facebook. A powerful

query language for situations where there are no existing helper methods

in the API, or handy tags in FBML, to do exactly what you need.

We‘ll be stepping through the development of a simple application which will

demonstrate usage of FBML and the API.

As well as the core documentation, Facebook also makes available a set of

useful tools and resources for developers. The tools are particularly useful for

debugging raw API calls or tweaking FQL. The resources section contains

official libraries for PHP and Java, with links to unofficial libraries for

ActionScript, Cocoa, Coldfusion, .NET, Perl, Python and Ruby, and there is

also a growing community wiki. 

A typical page on Facebook is quite complicated, with lots of different

elements on the page. Via FBML and the API you can influence most of these

so it‘s worth getting familiar with the terminology used  before you get started.

If you know your Profile from your News Feed then you‘re good to go! 

Example Application: Birthdays Book

We‘re going to jump straight in to a full-blown application rather than start

with a simple, but pretty useless, ―Hello World‖ example. The application is

called Birthdays Book, and it‘s going to provide you with a list of your friends

on Facebook, ordered by their upcoming birthdays.

The first thing you‘ll want to do is set up your web server with the relevant

Facebook client for your preferred language or framework. Our examples are in

PHP so we want the official PHP library files. 

 Next you‘ll want to create a new application from the Developer

application you added to your Facebook profile earlier. Just click ‗Set Up New

Application‘ in the top right corner of the application page to get started. The

next page has lots of hidden fields that you‘ll need to fill in. Click ‗Optional

Fields‘ to get started. (Obviously you should replace the placeholders with the

location and name of your own application.)

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Field Value

Callback URL

Canvas Page URL My Example Application

Can your Applications be added on Facebook? Yes

Post-Add URL

Developer Mode Yes

Side Nav URL

Private Installation Yes

 Note that some of these only appear once you‘ve answered certain questions.

We‘ll tick ‗Developer Mode‘ and ‗Private Installation‘ while we‘re developing

our app so as to avoid prying eyes — you can un-tick these once you‘re ready

for others to see and install your creation. There are lots of other settings you

can tweak and information you can add, but this is a good starting point for oursimple application.

Building The Application

On this occasion we‘re only going to have one page in our application, but it‘s

still good form to move common behavior and configuration into a separate

file. We start out by including the client library and setting our API key and

application ―secret‖ (password). You should be able to get these from the ‗My

Applications‘ page after you have set up your new application. 

<?php// Include the Facebook client libraryrequire_once ('client/facebook.php');

// Set authentication variables$appapikey = 'YOUR_API_KEY';$appsecret = 'YOUR_APP_SECRET';

// Create the Facebook object

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$facebook = new Facebook($appapikey, $appsecret);

We also set the url for where we are storing our code:

$appcallbackurl = 'YOUR_URL';

In order to use this application you‘re going to have to be logged in to

Facebook, so we‘ll include a snippet from the Facebook code samples to make

sure the current user is set up properly:

$user = $facebook->require_login();

//catch the exception that gets thrown if the cookie has an invalidsession_key in ittry{if (!$facebook->api_client->users_isAppAdded()){


}catch (Exception $ex){//this will clear cookies for your application and redirect them to a

login prompt$facebook->set_user(null, null);$facebook->redirect($appcallbackurl);


Save the above code as config.php. Now that we have our configuration file, we

can start on our main application page —we‘ll call this index.php. First we needto include the above configuration file:

<?phprequire_once ('config.php');

Then we need to get a list of all the current user‘s friends‘ birthdays, which we

will store in the $friends variable:

$friends = $facebook->api_client->users_getinfo($facebook->api_client->friends_get(), 'birthday');?>

It‘s worth breaking this line of code down, as it demonstrates how to make API

calls using the library. We‘re using two API methods in order to get the

information we want: Users.getInfo and Friends.get. 

(Note that the API docs do not provide details of the parameters or parameter

order required by the library —you‘ll need to delve into the source code of your

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chosen library to discover this information. The official libraries are well-

documented with comments so you should be able to find your way around — 

 just remember the API method Users.getInfo becomes

the users_getinfo library method in the PHP library.)

<h1>Birthday Books</h1><style type="text/css"><?php include("style.css"); ?>


FBML is basically the HTML you know and love, so we‘ll include a heading

and a stylesheet. The link element isn‘t permitted and the @import rule isn‘t

supported either, so the simplest solution is to use a server-side include. There

are some more useful CSS tips on the developer wiki. Now we start with the

 bulk of our application.

First we‘ll set-up a couple of empty arrays for storing information about ourfriends. We‘ll also set a timestamp of the current day and month and store it in

the variable $now. We do this so that later on we can work out whether a

 birthday has already occurred in this year. For a full list of formatting options

for the date function see the PHP date page. 


$now = strtotime(date("jS") . date("F"));

$with_birthday = array();$without_birthday = array();

We already have a list of our friends in the $friends variable so let‘s loop

through that. What we‘re aiming for at the other end is an array of our friends

arranged into upcoming birthday order.

foreach ($friends as $friend) {

We‘ll hold details of each person in a placeholder array called $person, then

 place each $person with birthday information into another array

called $with_birthday. We‘re going to want to get at their name, their profile picture, and details of their birthday. For ease of reference we store these

against relevant keys in the array: name, image, month, day, year.

$person = array();$person['name'] = '<fb:name uid="' . $friend[uid] . '"/>';$person['image'] = '<fb:profile-pic uid="' . $friend[uid] . '"linked="true" size="square" />';

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Here we have an example of the special FBML markup tags. Facebook users

are referenced by a unique identifier which is returned by various API methods.

We pass this uid value to the fb:name and fb:profile tags which return the

name and profile picture of that user. A full list of FBML tags, along with lots

of examples of usage, can be found on the wiki. Core documentation really is

one of the strengths of the Facebook platform.

$person['day'] = date("jS", strtotime($friend[birthday]));$person['month'] = date("F", strtotime($friend[birthday]));$person['absolute_timestamp'] = strtotime($friend[birthday]);$person['relative_timestamp'] = strtotime($person['month'] .$person['day']);

if ($person['relative_timestamp'] < $now){// birthday has already happened this year$person['year'] = date('Y', strtotime('+1 year'));

}else{// birthday still to come this year$person['year'] = date('Y');


$person['relative_timestamp_with_year'] = strtotime($person['month'] .$person['day'] . $person['year']);

 Not everyone enters their birthday details into Facebook. We‘ll store those

 people in the $without_birthday array for now. You could always do

something with this information later.

if ($person['absolute_timestamp']){

$with_birthday[] = $person;}else{

$without_birthday[] = $person;}


 Now we have an array of people with birthdays we can loop through, but

they‘re in the wrong order. We‘ll use the handy PHP array_multisort functionto remedy the situation. array_multisort allows us to sort a given dataset

($with_birthdays) by one column (‗relative_timestamp_with_year‘) using

different order flags (in this case SORT_ASC, an ascending sort).

foreach ($with_birthday as $key => $row){

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  $relative_timestamp_with_year[$key] =$row['relative_timestamp_with_year'];}

array_multisort($relative_timestamp_with_year, SORT_ASC,$with_birthday);


All we need to do now is loop through our final, sorted array and output a table

of our friends together with their birthdays. We‘ve thrown in

some microformats to make it possible to export the data later:


$i = 0;foreach ($with_birthday as $friend){echo '<tr class="vevent';

if ($i == 0) {echo ' odd';$i = 1;

} else {$i = 0;

}echo '">';echo '<td>' . $friend['image'] . '</td>';echo '<th scope="row" class="summary vcard"><span class="fn">' .

$friend['name'] . '</span></th>';echo '<td><abbr class="dtstart" title="' . $friend['year'] . '-'

. date('m', strtotime($friend['month'])) . '-' .

substr($friend['day'],0,-2) . '">'. $friend['day'] . ' ' . $friend['month'] . ' ' . $friend['year']

. '</td>';echo '</tr>';



We now have version one of our Birthdays Book application. As a final touch,

we‘ll track how many people are using our application using Google Analytics. 

We can‘t include Javascript in our pages, but there is a handy FBML

tag,fb:google-analytics —  just include your unique identifier from GoogleAnalytics in the uacct parameter.

<fb:google-analytics uacct="YOUR_ANALYTICS_ID" page="Birthdays Book"/>

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The finished application can be found at  and

you can download the source files at 

SummaryOnce you have a simple app up and running the next things you‘ll want to look

at are ways of interacting with the rest of Facebook. Take a look

at Profile.setFBML, Feed.publishActionOfUser , and  Notifications.send to get

you started.

The Facebook platform isn‘t standing still. Look out for the new mobile

additions which allow for mobile optimised content, as well as sending SMS

messages from your apps. Even more interesting are the new Data APIs, which

let Facebook deal with the problem of scaling data storage while you get on

with developing your applications.

If you can already build simple websites you can build Facebook applications.

Being able to use your preferred language or framework really helps and the

quality of the core documentation means the best way to learn is to jump in

with your own ideas.

In the second part of this article we‘ll be taking a closer look at getting

information out of your Facebook applications and onto peoples profile pages.

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