Page 1: The White Legacy--Generation 1, Chapter 4

WANNA DANCE?The White Legacy:

Generation One, Chapter Four

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Welcome back to another exciting installment of the White Legacy!

Last time, everyone mourned the loss of young Bal. A candlelight vigil was held on his teenage birthday, after which the healing process began in earnest. The two remaining children, Toro and Arie, reached their teenage and childhood birthdays respectively, the more functional and luxurious version of Spring Snow Estate was built, and I scored a point in my war with Snow.

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So, ready for your big day?

Snow: “Let’s just get this over with.”

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Yes everyone, the day has come. We have a birthday girl in our midst. Forgive me Patrick, but you don’t seem too excited.

Patrick: “My beloved wife will look handsome even after taking her birthday. This is a monumental step to take in all of our lifetimes, but ultimately it will not matter what color her hair is. Snow is still ma cherie.”

Snow: “Teehee. I love you, honey.”

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Toro: “Gross. Author, are you sure I’m related to them?”

Pretty sure.

Arie: “Yaaay Mom! Happy birthday!”

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Snow makes a wish, which we’ll never know because of the old “it won’t come true if you tell someone” adage. However, we can make a pretty good guess that either it was for Bal’s safe return someday, or for me to drop dead.

And then…

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…haha, I never noticed the pained “I’M GETTING OOOOOOLD!!!” expression on my sims’ faces here before…

Snow: “Would you get on with it?”

Alright, alright.

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We have the legacy’s first elder. And I don’t think I could have picked a better birthday dress, Snow White.

Snow: “At least it’s not pink.”

Yeah, I think I’ll let you go out in dignity.

Snow: “Hey, whoa! I’m not in the grave yet!”

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Snow aged very, very gracefully. I toned her eyeliner down a little and added glasses (her eyes got kind of weak in her old age, but don’t go telling her I told you that), but her adult hairstyle still fit her as an elder, and she really did pick the perfect dress. I’m impressed by her choice, actually. Between her whitened hair and her clothing and her super-pale skin, she really kind of puts new meaning to “Snow White.”

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Toro: “Now you listen here, nanny. We have all told you before countless times and I’ll tell you again, one last time. We. Don’t. Need. You. I am a teenager now, and I am more than capable of watching after my own sister!”

Nanny Red: “No, you listen, boy. You are clearly unsuited to the manifold duties of childcare. I am merely trying to help take care of you two, like I promised your poor mother after your brother’s tragic disappearance. I am far more responsible and competent at nanny-ing than you.”

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Toro: “Hmph. Stupid nanny.”

I’m inclined to agree with you, kid. I have seriously fired that nanny as many as six, seven times, and she keeps coming back.

Arie: “Come on, Toro! Don’t just walk away! Go get her! And, uh, what was that about brothers?”

Toro: “Do your homework, Aral.”

Arie: “It’s ARIE, TORY!”

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Nanny Red: “There, you see? You can’t even keep one from disobeying you and calling you names!”

Toro: “She’s doing her homework, isn’t she? That’s better than you’ve ever done.”

Nanny Red: “Kids these days! I am done with this family!”

Toro: “Victory is sweet.”

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Hey Toro.

Toro: “Yeah?”

Guess what.

Toro: “What?”

You have wallpaper now.

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Toro: “Oh yeah? You know what I don’t have?”

What’s that?

Toro: “A girlfriend.”

I see you are your mother’s son. I was beginning to have my doubts, but your stunning display of gratitude just proved it.

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Well well well, look who’s returned. Mehehehe.

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Look who just got burglar alarms installed two days ago! WHO’S LAUGHING NOW, BURGLAR!?!?

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Arie: “Waaaa! Mom! Papa!”

Burglar Ugly-Face: “Get back here, you little brat!”



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Snow: “Huh? Wuz goin on?”

Oh, nothing much. Just a BURGLAR TRYING TO KIDAP ARIE. Get going and RESCUE YOUR DAUGHTER.

By the way, nice choice in jammies. I sense a theme.

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Snow: “Oh no you don’t! I am not losing another child!”

Burglar Stupid-Head: “What, now I’ve gotta deal with the mother bear, too!?”

Snow: “Arie, outside! The police car should be coming up any minute! Run!”

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Burglar Doomed: “A burglar alarm. Why do they always have a burglar alarm?”

Toro: “YO! What do you think you’re doing, coming after my little sister!? You’re about to feel THE PAIN!!”

Officer: “Hey kid, could you just, uh, stand back? This is kind of my job…”


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…hey. Officer. You didn’t really just… lose, did you?

Officer: “Uh… no…?”

Burglar Expletive: “I’m outta here! No amount of bounty money is worth this!”

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Snow: “…Author.”

Hey, I did not cause the burglar to come in and chase Arie. Burglars are beyond my control.

Snow: “That is not what I mean, and you know it.”

I don’t know who you’re talking to… you’re not looking at me, after all… rather, off into middle distance…

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Patrick: “Come, children. I do believe your mother would like to have a private word with the Author. Arie, please allow me to fix for you a large, pleasant cup of hot chocolate.”

Arie: *sniffle* “Okay.”

Hey, wait a minute! Don’t leave me alone with her!

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Toro: “Heh, good luck, Author.”

Hey, Toro! Not you too! Stick around a little longer!

Toro: “Not in a million years. I know what my mom’s like when she’s angry. She may be old, but she can still tongue-lash you into next Tuesday. I’m getting some of that hot chocolate—in the kitchen.”

Thanks a lot.

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Right, so we’re alone. Was there, uh, something you were going to say?

Snow: “What did that burglar mean by bounty money?”

I really, honestly, didn’t see it coming. It really shouldn’t have happened. But then the burglar came running into your bedroom, and Arie was running in front of him, and it looked an awful lot like he was chasing her…

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Snow: “I take it from this royal run-around of yours that you’re not going to tell me what’s going on around here?”

Well, no. To be quite frank, it would ruin the story. I am an author, you know.

Snow: “Is this how Bal was taken? Did a burglar sneak into the house while we were asleep and didn’t have burglar alarms and took him?”

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No, that’s not how it happened. Besides, you were all awake at the time, remember? You had just become pregnant with Arie, and were telling Patrick about it.

Snow: “So you know what did happen?”

…yes. But I can’t tell you right now.

Snow: “…”

Is there something you want to say?

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Snow: “…is my son dead?”

…no. I can tell you that much. But that’s really all I can say.

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Snow: “…I’m going to go get some of that hot chocolate. And Author?”


Snow: “You better not let a thing happen to Arie or Toro. I want them to lead nice, normal, boring lives.”

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Well Patrick, you’ve done it.

Patrick: “Uh?”

You’ve completed your impossible want. You don’t have to bounce between thinking caps and energizers anymore. You can get off that exercise bike, too.

Patrick: “…oh. Um, thank you very much, Author.”

No, thank you. I love legacy points.

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Arie: “Hi Mom! Welcome home! I love you so very much!”

Snow: “Alright, what did you do this time?”

Arie: “Nooooothing.”

Snow: “I… guess this is the last time we’re going to go through this, huh?”

Arie: “Mom, are you seriously crying right now?”

Snow: “No! Go get your homework done! And disarm that booby trap you set for your brother!”


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That’s right, we’re about to have our first teenage girl in the legacy! And better yet, this time I remembered to put the cake somewhere where we’ll get good pictures! Everyone’s actually in the picture! Yay me!

Arie: “Hey Author! It’s MY birthday, not yours!”

Yay Arie!

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Arie gets the traditional birthay makeover, and gets to keep that braid that’s quickly becoming her signature.

Arie: “Mind explaining the neck ribbon to me? It’s really kind of inconvenient.”

Don’t worry about it. I’m just following through on a deal I made with your mother before you were born. I won’t make you wear it as an adult. Just as a teenager and young adult.

Arie: “Gee. Thanks.”

See, that was definitely sarcastic.

Snow: “Attention all children! Front and center!”

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Arie: “What’s this about, Mom?”

Snow: “Well, kids, as you know, you are part of the legacy I founded.”

Toro: “Uh-oh, news flash, Arie. We’re in a legacy. The world is ending.”

Patrick: “Children, behave. Listen to your esteemed mother.”

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Snow: “Yeah, shut up and pay attention. I’m about to choose the heir.”

Toro: “The heir?”

Snow: “The heir of the legacy will reign over Generation Two, and will be responsible for getting married, having the next generation of children, and presiding over the family. They will be forever enshrined as an important part of the legacy family tree. The spare will have no responsibilities to have a family, but will likely live forever young in a motherloded mansion somewhere, and will probably be around to see my tenth generation descendant. Your ninth.”

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Toro: “Well, I guess I’ll be the bigger man and settle for spareship. Good luck with the heirship, Arie. You’ll be great.”

Arie: “Now wait just a minute! You’re totally the heir! I’m not giving up eternal youth and riches without a fight!”

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Patrick: “Children, the choice is not yours to make. It is your mother’s. And as I understand it, the choice has already been made.”

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Snow: “Toro, you’re the heir.”

Arie: “Really? Cool. News flash, Toro: all is right with the world.”

Toro: “Whaaaat? Why me?”

Snow: “Well…”

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Snow: “I think I’ll make Arie the heir!”

Nope, Toro’s heir. I has planz. Mehehehehe.

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I don’t think it went down quite like that… I know I didn’t have such a pathetic evil laugh…

Snow: “Well, that’s that, and now you know. Off to bed with the two of you. Toro, it’ll be off to college with you in two days. Arie will be joining you in about a week, so the two of you had better pick up your grades and work for your scholarships. Sweet dreams.”

Patrick: “Have a pleasant rest, children.”

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Snow: “I resent being made to stay up and skill when the rest of my family are enjoying their nice, comfortable beds.”

You are so close to your last promotion, I can smell it. When you’re The Law, you can stop using the energizer and relax. For now? Humor me.

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There, you see? One harmless sleepless night and some lightning befriending on Toro’s part, and you are not only at the top of your career, but you’ve got enough that I can fully decorate the kitchen.

Snow: “Does this mean I get to work on my impossible want?”

Haha, no. You’re a family sim. That makes your impossible want to have ten kids. I’m thinking you might be a bit too old for that, princess.

Snow: “Or I could have twenty grandchildren…”

You think you’re going to get ten kids each out of your Pleasure and Fortune sim children? I don’t think so. You’re dreaming.

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You know, Toro, I’m not so sure that’s what your parents had in mind when they told you to get ready for university.

Toro: “I’m only got one day left before I leave. It’s not like I’m going to get any more skill-based scholarships. What do you want me to do, try earning the Tsang Footwork Award at the last minute?”

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Toro: “I’ll get you for this, Author.”

Hey, it was your idea.

Wait a minute. I think there’s something missing here…

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Toro: “Aw, man, why do I have to dance with my sister?”

Arie: “Why do I have to dance with my brother?”

You both need the scholarship money. Besides, if you really wanted me to, I could always sweeten the deal a little.

Toro: “Nothing could be more humiliating than this.”

Arie: “I second that motion.”

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Patrick: “Dance in this way, children! You will both receive that prestigious scholarship if I have any choice in the matter!”

Arie: “…hey, Toro. Wanna dance?”

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Toro: “Hey, Author.”

What’s up, Toro?

Toro: “Nothing. Just wanted to say the new kitchen is awesome. Thanks. But don’t tell my Mom I told you that.”

Your secret’s safe with me, Toro. And, you’re welcome. I can see we’re going to have a long, happy generation together.

Toro: “What’s that supposed to mean?”

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I’m part of the heirship package. You’re stuck with me, buddy.

Toro: “…aw, dangit. I was really kind of hoping you were just around for Mom, and you would retreat or just, you know, go away when I took over.”

No such luck. I’m really feelin’ the love here, Toro.

Toro: “What, would you want to have an all-powerful author narrating your every action?”

Touché, my young friend. But that doesn’t change anything, you know. I’m sticking around, and that’s that.

Toro: “Pfft. Just let me cook my layer cake, and try not to narrate.”

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With the expertise of a master chef, Notoro White mixes the cake batter and puts the disgusting-looking raw meat-colored goop into a metal pan. He slips it into the oven…

Toro: “Author, I’m warning you…”

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…and precisely seven minutes later, pulls out a perfect, iced and decorated layer cake, complete with a serving platter.

Toro: “Author, come on.”

Hehe, okay, okay, I’ll stop.

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Toro: *eyebrow cock*


Toro: “Arie, if you want some cake, there’s still a whole platter of it on the counter over there.”

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Cake senses: satisfied.

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So, Patrick. I see it’s time for The Big One. Any thoughts?

Patrick: “I have lived a grand life. I had the honor of being chosen as the spouse of not only a legacy founder, but also none other than Snow White, the finisher of my duet. I shall continue to live the remainder of my life to the fullest, and aid my children in the pursuit of their dreams.”

Well said. Now blow out your candles already.

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Snow: “Well, honey, it certainly doesn’t look like you have my fashion sense. Would you like me to go with you to the boutique to help you pick out a real outfit?”

Toro: “YEAH! Way to stick it to the Author, Pops!”

Arie: *blink*

Patrick: “I do not dare look down. Is it truly so hideous?”

Toro: “Hey, Pops, are you related to GOOPY GILSCARBO?”

Patrick: “Oh, no. I do hope this is not being recorded by the Author.”


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Arie: “Cake is the most delicious food ever invented.”

Where are your parents? I still need to get your dad’s birthday close-up.

Arie: “The carpool pulled up before they could go to the clothing store. They just left to get Pops’s new outfit; they should be back soon. Can I have more cake?”

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Arie: “Hello! White residence! Arie speaking!”


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Arie: “Well, that was rude.”

Toro: “Hey, Arie! Who was on the phone?”

Arie: “Nobody. They just hung up. Wrong number, I guess.”

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Patrick my good man, elderhood suits you.

Patrick: “You do not suppose that the moustache goes a modicum too far?”

Nah. I don’t get to use that moustache often, but Patrick, you rock it. You make a great elder.

Patrick: “You flatter me. But, I believe we have more pressing business to attend to than showering my person with compliments."

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Toro: “Hey, Office of Admissions? Hi. The name’s Toro White, I’m coming to your school right now, and I’m a legacy heir. Hook me up with all the sweetest deals you’ve got.”

Got enough ego there, Toro?

Toro: “(Gotta have something. I don’t have eternal youth and an endless supply of money, like some people. And shush up Author, I’m on the phone!)”

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Arie: “Hey, doofus! I’ll see you in a few days!”

Toro: “HEY! Let up, Arie! I’M supposed to be doing this to YOU!”

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Arie: “Okay Mom, I’ve said goodbye. He’s all yours now. I’m going back to bed.”

Snow: “Thanks for that. I hope you didn’t hit him too hard.”

Arie: “Nah. His head’s fine. At least, it will be. Meehee.”

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Snow: “Bye, Toro. Be safe. Have lots of fun. Keep in touch. We’ll see you at your graduation party.”

Toro: “Aw, Mom…”

Patrick: “Farewell, son. I am quite sure your interlude at university will be magnificent.”

Snow: “We love you, Toro. Be safe.”

Toro: “I will, Mom.”

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So off he went.

Toro: “What, you’re not going to bother saying goodbye?”

Nope. Cause I’ll be seeing you in college.

Toro: “You’re even at college?”

You bet. I wasn’t kidding when I said you’re stuck with me, kid.

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So Arie, how does it feel to be the last one separating your parents from empty nest syndrome?

Arie: “It feels great. It’s so awesome to not have to deal with my idiotic big brother anymore. …how long will it be until I get to go to college, again?”

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I notice, Arie, that you seem to like dancing.

Arie: “Huh!? No way!”

I’m watching that fun bar. It got up to near full, and now is flickering up and down at a good enough pace that you can just keep dancing as long as you want. I know what you’re doing.

Snow: “She’s enjoying dancing now that she doesn’t have to dance with Toro.”

Arie: “Mom! I told you! That whole ‘dancing with Toro’ thing is a secret!”

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Arie: “You know, I had always assumed this was Toro. I was kind of missing him a little bit, and decided to look at his portrait. But this isn’t him, is it? The hair lays too flat. Plus, what I can see of the eyes are green, not blue.”

Snow: “…no, it isn’t Toro.”

Arie: “Well, who is it?”

Snow: “Your other brother, Baltic.”

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Arie: “I have another brother!? Well where is he, space? How come I’ve never met him? Why didn’t you tell me?”

Snow: “Bal was our firstborn. We had the pleasure of raising him until he was a child, but then he disappeared from his bed in the middle of the night. We never saw him again. It was while I was pregnant with you; Toro was just a toddler. He knows about Bal because he remembers when we were searching the hardest for him, but after Bal’s teenage birthday came and went, we pretty much stopped looking. The subject just never came up with you, and it was too painful to just tell you out of nowhere.”

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Arie: “Do we know what happened?”

Snow: “No. The Author does, but she’s not telling. But he’s not dead, we know that much.”

Arie: “…what was he like?”

Snow: “He was… a good kid. He cared a lot about other people. He always lost at chess because he didn’t want to hurt any of the pieces. He liked to read, and he had the brightest little smile…”

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Snow: “I’m so tired… definitely time for bed…”

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Snow: *shock*

Patrick: “Ah, good evening, ma cherie! As you can see, we have managed to live to see the luxurious redecoration of our master bedchamber! I suppose it may have helped that I recently designed the most popular game that has ever been created—I speak of course of The Mims—and therefore collected the funds necessary to properly attire several of the rooms in our estate.”

Patrick’s hit it on the nail, though he could probably have used about half of the words he did. Congratulations, Snow, you no longer have to live like the legacy founder you are.

Snow: *shock*

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Ramen for dinner again?

Arie: “Not all of us have the skill and patience to cook cakes and pies for every meal *cough* Tory *cough*.”

You’re going to get along really well in university, kid.

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And so it has begun. Patrick, what are you doing?

Patrick: “I am currently cooking the perfect lobster thermidor for my most deserving family.”

You realize that the rest of your “deserving family” are asleep, and Arie’s already had dinner anyway?

Patrick: “Those are meaningless details.”

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Nice going, Arie. As long as you keep it up, I’m quite sure that also will come in handy in your future.

Arie: “I still have no clue what you mean, but to be completely honest, I don’t care. Now, I think I have something important to do.”

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Arie: “Hey, Toro! Yeah, I’m on my way! Get my room ready! Kthnxbye!”

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Snow: “Goodbye, sweetie. I know you’re not going to be coming back here to live, but you’re welcome home anytime. Don’t torment your brother too much while you’re at school. Call us all the time. I love you tons.”

Arie: *sniffle* I love you too, Mom.

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Patrick: “Good luck, Aral. You will have a monumental impact on the world. Of that, I am quite sure. I love you.”

Arie: “Love you too, Papa. I’ll see you guys soon, okay?”

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And so with one last finger gun, Arie left the legacy house. I’ll be seeing you in college, Arie!

Arie: “Yeah, see you there, Author. How’s Toro doing?”

Oh, I’m sure you’ll be thrilled to see what he’s been doing all this time. Wait till you see.

Arie: “Oh, great.”

…wait, what’s that sound? Is that the phone ringing? Anyone going to answer it?

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Patrick: “I do believe, my lady, that this means we are faced with an empty nest until Notoro returns come Thursday.”

Snow: “Teehee. I think you’re right, Patrick. We are the only ones left in the house. What do you suppose we should do?”

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As we all know, all elders are boring, especially when they’re living on their own without their children or grandchildren. So, let’s not waste any more time and get right down to the college cha—

Snow: “Wait, wait a minute. Hold on.”

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Something the matter?

Snow: “As a matter of fact, yeah, there is. I know how these things go down. Toro’s reign as heir begins when he goes to college, and suddenly I’m demoted to the matronly mother figure who stands in the background and takes care of the grandkids until I kick the bucket.”

You’re a family sim, are you not? Aren’t all family sims supposed to be sweet and grandmotherly?

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Patrick: “Oh, dear.”

Snow: “I will not become a minor character! I demand more slides!!”


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Snow: “I vehemently protest this treatme—wait, what?”

Granted. As in, granted in the past tense. You just got three more slides than I had planned on giving you.

As I was saying before we were interrupted, Snow White has now kindly stepped down as reigning heir, and the Age of Notoro has begun! Catch you at college!

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