Download - The Wolf Story



The  Wolf  Story  By  Moka  Gagnon  

Once upon a time….. There was a little girl named Moka. Moka loved adventures and loved to play outside. She would climb a tree, swing on a rope and even play archery. One Sunday Moka announced that she was going out to work on archery in the woods. While she was walking toward her archery target she heard steppes behind her and looked back to see three wolves were following her. She yanked out her bow and arrow and shot one in the middle she was just about to kill the biggest when it jumped at her and yelled, “STOP”. Moka fainted and woke up in a wolf den staring up at a medium sized wolf staring at her. Moka started to run when she noticed that she had paws instead of hands. What is happening to me she thought. She rushed over to the river to drink some water. She looked up to see herself and screamed a horrifying scream I am a wolf She kept on screaming. Until she passed out, When the same wolf came up to Moka. Moka screamed so loud that it almost broke her own ears. got right up and yelled in the wolf’s face, “What did you do to me? Why is this happening?” The wolf answered in a sweet voice, so sweet that it didn’t sound real. “Well I am wolf mum you should call me Mum. You killed my dad you on his 69th birthday which was today so you deserve a punishment and the punishment is that you have to stay a wolf till you do three good deeds then you get to change back into human.” Why did you do this? Moka questioned in a tone that was so vicious that it sounded if she was going to tear apart Wolf Mum’s head. “Well you are cold hearted and were just about to shoot my husband.Who would do such thing?” Moka stopped talking and just laid her head down to think if that was true. I am cold hearted I killed a wolf, hurt my friends feelings five times already. What am I? Well 30 minutes later Wolf Mum told Moka to play with the other three wolves. Moka scampered off into the woods till she heard a bunch of voices yelling ‘slow poke’ and ‘you are so slow that a snail could beat you.’ Then she heard crying. She went a little further and saw a boy wolf crying while the other two wolves

laughed and made fun of him. She saw that it was a boy. Moka saw that he had the most beautiful gray, black, brown and white fur she ever saw. He had the most adorable eyes with a twinkle every time he blinked. He also had the most biggest and bushiest tail in the whole entire wolf world. She noticed that she was drooling and immediately stopped. She went toward the boy and started pat his back and calm him down. When he calmed down he looked up and ran away I called for him and said I want to be your friend. He stopped short in his tracks and started to run towards me and answered “you are going to be my friend” he stammered. I never had a friend. Well You just found one right in front of you. “That means I am your friend still stammering the wolf boy answered.” So why are you crying is it because your sisters are making fun of you? Well half is right. They are my step sisters not my real sisters. My real twin sisters died from a forest fire and my mom took me while my real dad took my twin sisters. They tried to get out , but got trapped in the den and died. So my mom married an evil dad with evil twin sisters. She still doesn’t know that they are evil. Well they have no reason to make fun of you even if you are really really slow. Well I don’t believe that you are slow. My favorite line in a book that I read said “That everybody can do anything only if he/she believes that he/she can.” You know what? I am pretty fast at running it’s just that I never actually got encouraged by my sisters or other family members. I did get encouraged once, before the fire from my dad. Go up to them and say you want to play tag and that you will be it. Sure! Anyways what’s your name Moka said to the wolf boy. He replied back I’s something really stupid you really don’t want to know. Yes I do I exclaimed! Well ok my name is Little Bunny.

I was trying hard not to laugh , but it came out. I stammered that is the best name I ever heard. Really Little Bunny shouted yippee! Go get em Little Bunny! I watched from behind the bushes I saw Little Bunny run like a cheetah and the two girls crying while running to catch Little Bunny. I came out and said to the wolf girls that they were babies they stopped crying and ran home. Then after that moment Moka felt a tickling sensation and felt like she was getting lifted up from the ground then it stopped like nothing happened. Little bunny came up to me panting and said call me lil’bunny. Ok lil’bunny let’s go get some water. We went over to the river and drank till are bellies looked like it would blow up. We went to the den and over heard lil’bunnies parents talking about the human world how that a day for a wolf is a year for humans. I stopped in my tracks and barged in and yelled mum and cried” you mean I have been here for a year already.” Calm down it’s ok mum said. Yes that is true ,but we sort of stopped time there so your parents won’t even notice that you are gone. Go to bed now dad wolf yelled. Ok Ok what is your problem? Nothing is my problem now go. Lil’bunny came over and pulled me to his room you will sleep here we don’t have much space in the other rooms all because of my evil sisters pink makeup room. I was thinking about the tickling sensation and made up my mind that that was the sign to doing good deeds. I woke up very early to see everybody howling and crying all except the wolf dad who was smiling and the two sisters smiling at each other. I was looking for lil’bunny , but he wasn’t there. I went up to them and asked why are you howling and crying?

Because a hunter came in the middle of the night to steal one of us to eat and keep wolf skin to keep warm in the winter. Well he was about to grab you, but my darling son bit the hunter so instead of grabbing you he grabbed my son. I ran to the city to find my wolf friend. I remembered I had the power to smell faster and way better. I smelled a mans bottom, a flower and a wolf. A wolf I ran toward the direction and scared many people who were running after me. I found lil’bunny chained to the table. I saw that there was a lock. I needed the key I looked around for the key and found out that the key was on the hunter. Moka growled at him and bite his hand I took the key and put the key in the hole, but didn’t turn because of the rifle shooting me. I turned the key and lil’bunny ran out towards the door. I was falling I got shot Lil’bunny ran over to me and grabbed me and ran out towards the den. I felt the tickling sensation and I stopped bleeding and got out of lil’bunnies jaws and ran with him. When I came back other hunters were there. They killed everybody. I was really nice and howled and bite everyone of the hunters. I was raging mad how could they do this. While they were running I dug a hole in the den and put them in it and kissed all of them except the sisters and dug it all back and wrote on the ground. I wrote To dear family I thank you for taking care of me for a little while. From Moka. Then all of a sudden I turned back into a human. Then Lil’bunny nudged me. I knew that he just understood what happened. I ran home and lil’bunny followed me. I turned to him as soon as we got to the door and said you do not deserve a weird name like that instead we will call you big wolf. He nodded at me for his understanding. I nodded back and knocked on the door. My mother came to the door and said why are you home so early. I looked at her a strange way and said what are you talking about. My mom answered back 10 minutes ago you said that you were going to go out to play or do archery. I remembered everything. I showed my family big wolf and they thought he would be a great pet, friend and family. Epilogue Moka’s family lived happily ever after. While big wolf grew so big he couldn’t even fit in the bath tub. After that experience Moka never hurt another animal ever again. Not even a fly well she would kill mosquitos once in a while , but she never actually killed another mammal again.  

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