Page 1: The World in My Eyes - Maximus "Gladiator"

Title: The World In My EyesAuthor: Laura aka RCLucillaCharacter: Maximus “Gladiator” Rating: NC-17Disclaimer: The following story has been written with no intention of claiming ownership or solicitation, nor does the author claim the movie character(s) as his/her own. The movie character(s) have been borrowed solely out of a love of the particular movie and is not intended for any other purpose but amusement and entertainment.

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Laura closed the trunk of her car and climbed up the front steps of the hotel, a small suitcase in hand. She spotted the front desk, and walked over to the woman waiting behind it.

"Good morning!" she said, smiling. "Welcome to Crowe's Hotel. I'm the owner, Peaches. What can I do for you?"

"I'd like to check in please. I'm Laura -- I think you've been expecting me."

"Oh, yes, of course! Your room is all ready -- I put you across the hall from your friend Tina."

"That's great; thank you!" She looked around the room. "Nice place you have here. The

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drive up was lovely."

"Thanks! It's great to have you here. Now let me have someone help you up with your luggage." Peaches rang the little bell on the desk. "Max!"

A few moments later, there were footsteps from down the hall, and Laura turned to find the handsome, well-muscled form of Maximus Decimus Meridius walking towards her. Her breath caught in her throat, and she had to consciously stop herself from gawking at him. Wearing the uniform of a Roman officer, he had a familiar maroon cloak with fur trim set about his broad shoulders. He came up to the desk and leaned against it, smiling at Laura. "Someone need some help?"

The warm blue-green eyes staring at her made it hard to think for a minute. "Uh... yeah."

Peaches smiled, chuckling. "Don't mind him -- He has that effect on everybody... including me," she sighed, then introduced them to each other, adding, "Max, be a dear and show Laura up to her room." Peaches handed him a key. "It's the one right across the hall from Tina." Maximus nodded, and Peaches turned back to Laura. "You'll love the view of the beach."

"I'm sure I will, thank you," Laura said as Maximus picked up her suitcase and headed for the staircase. She followed him up.

"Will you be staying with us long?" he asked.

"Well, right now, I'm just here for the day." Maximus paused momentarily, looking surprised before she continued, "I have to be home first thing in the morning for some meetings, but I'll be back... Probably anyway."

"Probably?" he questioned, looking a bit dismayed. She looked at him strangely, wondering why he would react that way. "I'm sorry," he said a moment later, "It is not my business what your plans are... But I was told you were staying with us for a while."

"Actually, I'm not quite sure yet how long I'll be staying. I wanted to check things out first. Tina told me this was a wonderful place, but I need to see for myself. Tina's been a friend of mine for a long time -- have you met her?" She knew it was a silly question the moment she'd said it -- Tina hadn't given her many details of her visit her, but she had definitely mentioned meeting Maximus.

Maximus nodded, smiling as he stepped off the stairs and walked down a short hallway. "Yes, I have. We don't see her very often -- she's a very busy lady -- but what little time she has here she spends with John... and me," he added with a quick grin.

Laura looked at him, whispering to herself, "I can see I'm going to like this place..." Maximus overheard her, and flashed her a dazzling white-toothed smile. Her heart fluttered and she thought to herself, Oh, my god...! Oh, yes, I'm *definitely* going to

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like this place...!

They reached her room, and he set the bags down, fumbling with the key. She looked at him, realizing for the first time how over-dressed he was. She pointed to the fur-trimmed cloak. "Aren't you hot in that?"

"Now that you mention it, yes... It was a bit chilly and wet this morning, but I suppose I really don't need it anymore." His hands went to his collar, unfastening the light chain which held the cloak in place. He swept it off his back, draping it over his forearm. "I'm not sure what to do with it right now, though. I won't be going back to my room for a while -- I live over in the Tavern."

"Oh, I could keep it for you," Laura volunteered.

Maximus looked at her seriously for a moment, then grinned softly. "Can I trust you?"

"Absolutely. I'll guard it with my life, I promise."

Maximus chuckled, grinning broadly again, and she thought she was going to faint. "I don't think you have to go that far..." He handed her the cloak, and Laura reverently draped it over her arm.

He picked up her bags and brought them into the room. Moving around the large, cozy sitting room, he turned on the lights for her, opened the closets, and opened up the doors to the bathroom and the bedroom. Out of the corner of his eye he caught her holding the cloak up to her face, inhaling deeply, smelling his scent and rubbing the soft fur. Smiling to himself, Maximus opened the curtains and pushed open the windows to let fresh air in. "Well, if you need anything, let one of us know. Or ask Peaches at the desk." He took a few steps towards the door. "When you're settled, why don't you stop by the Tavern and say hello? Everyone will be anxious to meet you."

"Who's everyone?"

"Myself, Bud, Cort, Jeffrey, John, Colin, Lachlan and quite a few others, plus the other hotel guests. The place is really starting to fill up -- I think there's 25 of you ladies now."

"Is that Bud White?" Laura asked, and he nodded. "Well, I've heard of *him* -- 'L. A. Confidential' is the only other Russell Crowe film I've seen. But as for the rest of guys..." She shrugged her shoulders. "I'm afraid I have no idea who they are."

"There's plenty of time to get acquainted. Just watch out for Sid, though. He's not the -- " He paused briefly. " -- sanest person you'll ever meet -- not by a longshot. Most people also find Hando a bit intimidating at first." That name she knew -- the skinhead from one of Russell's early movies. She hoped she didn't run into him any time soon either.

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"I'll keep that in mind... Do you think you could introduce me around to everyone later?" She lowered her eyes, blushing a little. "I'm kinda shy about meeting new people..."

"No problem -- I'd be happy to. Just drop by whenever you like."

"Thanks, I will."

He couldn't help but notice she was still holding on tightly to his cloak. He took another step closer to her, staring down at her, smiling with warm eyes. The volume of his voice dropped. "Enjoying my cologne?"

"Huh?" she stammered, blushing furiously at being 'caught'.

When he grinned again, she thought she was going to melt into a puddle at his feet. "You can keep the cloak for me," Maximus said. "Summer's coming, and I won't need it again for a while. Besides, Sid hates it, and I don't want anything to happen to it."

"It's safe with me, Maximus."

He put his hand on the wall beside her, leaning in on her. "Question is, Laura... Am *I* safe with you...?"

Her eyes widened. "Me...?" she squeaked, flustered, at a loss for words.

"Well, you know what they say -- it's always the quiet ones you have to watch out for..." He stared into her eyes with an intense gaze.

Her face was a definite shade of crimson now, but then she started to smile. "Yeah, you're probably right..." She chuckled, putting a hand on his chest. "Maximus... You don't know the half of it..." Her hand moved across his chest to his arm, tracing upwards until it reached his face. She stroked his soft beard, stepping closer.

He reached over and swung the door shut. Then he took the cloak from her, laying it on a nearby chair. "Then why don't you enlighten me...?" Maximus leaned in, drawing Laura into an embrace. He put his hands on her shoulders and pulled her closer.

The touch of his fingers on the bare skin of her neck set shock waves through her body. As he leaned in to kiss her, her eyes opened wide and she stiffened. He pulled back as she whispered, "Oh my god.... This isn't right.... You... you can't be *real*...." It was like a bubble had burst, and all of a sudden she realized where she was and who she was talking to. She felt as though she'd been dreaming up until this moment, and had suddenly awakened to reality.

He backed off, looking just as surprised as she was, she realized. "I - I am sorry. I did not mean to upset you or take advantage of you... But I assure you, I am quite real."

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"B-But... But 'Gladiator' is only a *movie*. You don't -- "

She was interrupted by a knock on the door. She stared at him for a few more moments, then turned to answer it. He trailed after her as she opened the door, and discovered an attractive young woman with auburn hair.

"Laura?" the woman asked.


"Hi, I'm Michelle," she replied, smiling. "Tina's not here, but she asked me to come and see you when you got here!" She moved forward and hugged her. "Welcome to the CrowesNest!"

"Thanks!" Laura said as she returned the hug. "I think Tina mentioned you."

As Michelle stepped back, she looked over Laura's shoulder and saw Maximus standing a few feet behind her. "Hello, Max. I see you two have met already. I, uh... hope I'm not interrupting anything."

"Hello, Michelle," Max smiled back. "No, you're not interrupting. I was just helping Laura get settled."

"Well, I was going to give you a little tour of the place, but I'll leave that in Max's capable hands," Michelle said. "I just wanted to drop by and say hello."

"Thanks so much. But please, you don't have to go."

Michelle glanced at Maximus. "No, that's okay; I'll catch up with you later.... But before I go, could I have a word with you, Max?"

"Certainly," Maximus said, moving past Laura. "I'll be back in a moment."

"Sure," Laura said.

Michelle and Maximus moved a few feet down the corridor, then Michelle stopped and whispered, "Well?? Is she the one...?"

He scowled. "We only met a few minutes ago, 'Chelle."

"But surely you can tell *something* already. You told me you'd been having a weird feeling for days now, that someone special was about to arrive..."

He sighed. "I should never have said anything... I'll talk to you later about this."

"But --"

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"Later," he said, raising an eyebrow, and it was her turn to sigh.

"All right, all right; I'll go away and let you two get to know each other," she said, winking as she smiled at him.

He shook his head as Michelle headed back downstairs, and he rejoined Laura in her room, shutting the door behind him.

He found her standing by the open window, staring out. He stood at the other side of the window as she said, "Tina told me this place was magic... but I didn't believe her. But yet, there it is -- the ocean." She shook her head in disbelief. "I should be a thousand miles from the nearest ocean beach." She turned towards him. "And you.... This is unbelievable -- it's really true what she told me....? That *all* of Russell Crowe's characters live here....?"

He nodded. "All 21 of us.... " Her eyes widened. "You must have thought Tina was mistaken, hmmm?"

"Actually, I thought she'd sniffed too much fingerprint powder and had lost her mind." He chuckled, smiling warmly, and once again, she thought she was going to melt at his feet. "So you're...?" She gulped. "You're really General Maximus Decimus Meridius? Commander of the Armies of the North, Commander of the Felix Legions...?" He nodded. "The General who became a slave who became a gladiator who defied an Emperor...?"

He nodded again, chuckling as he bowed his head. "At your humble service, my lady."

"...Oh my god..." She turned away, putting her hand to her face. "Maybe *I'm* the one who's lost their mind... Or I've seen 'Gladiator' a few too many times and now I'm hallucinating."

"I promise you, neither is the case. I -- and this place -- are quite real."

"But... but HOW...?"

It was his turn to stare out the window. "That is very difficult to explain... I've only been here a few months and I'm still getting settled in myself. It was very odd to discover that not only was I 1800 years in the future, but that I suddenly had 20 nearly identical 'brothers'... But I've grown quite used to it in a short time." He turned back to her again. "Would you like to meet some of the others now, to see that this *is* real?"

She shook her head. "I don't think I'm ready for that -- it's hard enough to get used to the idea that I'm talking to *you*!" She managed to laugh, and he smiled back.

An uncomfortable silence fell as they looked at each other. Laura blushed slightly as she

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thought of the kiss they had nearly shared only a few minutes before, and she turned towards the window again, unable to look him in the eye anymore.

"I am sorry if I have made you uncomfortable," Maximus said, his voice softening. "I do not normally behave that way when I first meet the ladies who come here to visit."

"I don't act like that with men I've never met before either," she said. "I don't know what got into me."

"Neither do I," he said softly, appearing quite contrite.

She looked at him out of the corner of her eye. If it had been anyone else, she would have questioned his sincerity. But if he really was Maximus Decimus Meridius, then she could not doubt his words. "I know..." she replied softly, meeting his eyes briefly.

Her attention was drawn back to the window as she saw a figure walk across the lawn, heading towards the beach. Her jaw dropped as she recognized the familiar profile of the lean man with a shaved head in a white tank top. But the tattoos, especially the heavy black bone markings -- which ran from his left hand all the way up to his neck -- caught her eye more than anything. She hardly knew any of the other characters Crowe had played, but he had seen pictures of many of them, and Laura knew that the man who quickly disappeared down the beach really *was* Hando... Just like the man standing next to her *was* Maximus.

When she gasped, his gaze shifted from her to the window. "What is it?"

Her eyes were wide as she pointed towards the beach. "It... It was one of them... I mean, one of you." She gulped nervously. "With the tattoos..."

He looked around, but there was no one in sight. "Sound like Hando," he said.

"I think so..." She leaned on the windowsill. "I can't believe this is actually *real*."

He gave a bemused smile. "That seems to be a common reaction when people first arrive here... It's a beautiful morning. Would you like to go for a walk outside? I could show you around the place."

She shook her head. "No, I'm really not up to meeting anyone else." She looked out at the ocean again. "It is beautiful though. I love the ocean..."

"We don't have to see anyone else. I know a nice spot not far from here with a view of the ocean that I think you'd enjoy."

"Just us?"

"Yes.... Unless you'd like Michelle or one of the other ladies to accompany us."

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"No... that's ok... I - I'd like to go for a walk with you, Maximus." Just calling him by his name seemed extremely weird... and yet it seemed very natural too.... This place was definitely odd, she thought!

He gave another of his dazzling smiles. "Shall we then?" he said, moving back and extending a hand towards the door.

She couldn't help but smile back. "Yes," she said, and followed him out.

They slipped down the back staircase and out the back door of the Hotel, passing through a garden area before turning down a stone-lined path towards the trees off to the left. They had only walked down it a few dozen yards when Maximus stepped off the path and into the grass. "That leads to the stables," he said, pointing ahead on the path. "I'd show you my horses, but East and Cort are there now."

She followed him along a lightly worn path through the short grass and into the trees beyond. They walked for several minutes up a gently-sloping hill until they reached a clearing at the top. The side of the hill that faced the ocean dropped off steeply towards the beach, leaving a spectacularly lovely, unobstructed view. A large fallen log provided a place to sit, and after she remarked about how beautiful it was, their conversation fell silent.

"So... What brought you here?" Maximus asked eventually. "I assume it must have been more than just Tina's invitation."

She nodded slowly. "Yes... it was 'Gladiator', as you might be able to guess." They both smiled self-consciously. "It seems quite strange to actually be talking to you... but I was very moved by the whole story. I went to see it the first time because I've always been fascinated by Roman history." His eyebrows rose, and he smiled softly at that. "But it was the story -- your story --" shesaid with a quick glance at him, "that affected me very much."

"Because I was the 'hero'...?" He had heard that more times than he could count since arriving, but he was beginning to resent it. He knew people meant well, so he was always gracious about it, but truth was that he had never thought of himself as a hero. If he truly had been heroic, Marcus Aurelius, Selene and little Marcus would still be alive....

"Well... yes and no. You were a very brave, honorable man to do what you did.... But it was so much more than that. It could have been just a macho, heroic, blood-drenched revenge movie... But it wasn't. Russell put it on such a human level that by the end, I was in tears when Maximus di -"

She stopped abruptly, raising her hands to her face as she realized what she had said. "Oh, god, I'm sorry... I didn't mean... I'm just having trouble comprehending that you *are* Maximus..."

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But instead of being upset, Maximus merely smiled gently and reached over and put his hand over hers. "Its all right... You meant the end when I died, is that not so?" She nodded mutely. "I do remember that, but it doesn't bother me to speak of it."

"But... But if you remember dying... How can you be here, alive...?"

He sighed softly. "I cannot answer that, anymore than Colin or Hando or Sid can. We all died at the end of our stories, but yet we are here now. It is one of the great mysteries of this place. The others tell me to just accept it, and embrace the life we have here now. It's been a slow process, but I am learning to do that."

"But... how did you get here? I mean, did you, uhm... die in the Coliseum, and then just wake up here...?"

He shook his head slowly. "No, it was not like that..." He turned away, staring out at the ocean.

When he didn't continue right away, she looked away, mumbling softly. "I'm sorry; it's thoughtless of me to bring it up."

"No, do not apologize. I know you must be curious about all of this." She nodded, staying silent, and he continued after a brief pause. "And I would like to tell you about it, so you will understand this place better." He clasped her hand tenderly between his own. "After Commodus died, I fell to the sand of the Coliseum... and everything became black... Then I awoke, feeling as though I'd slept for a long, long time. And when I arose, I discovered the wound was gone... and that I was alone. Totally alone; the Coliseum was empty. I went out into the city, but that too was deserted. I could not even find a single horse... So I began to walk, heading for Hispania."

He paused briefly, and she squeezed his hand, silently encouraging him to continue. "Days and weeks passed, but still I saw no other living creatures... At night, I began to dream of strange things... great machines which moved through the sky, and chariots without horses. It seemed like magic -- lights without flame, moving pictures within small boxes. I did not know what to make of them, but as time passed, it all began to make sense somehow... And I began to have the feeling that I was almost home, even though I knew I was nowhere near Hispania. I began to dream of other people also, men I had never met but who looked like me, who lived in a place along the ocean. One day, as I was walking, I suddenly knew I had arrived... And I found this place, the Crowe's Nest," he said as he waved his hand around him. "The moment I saw the others, I knew who they were -- and who the Creator, Russell Crowe, was. And I knew that I belonged here with them. Even my horses were here -- East told me that the day before I arrived, Argento and Scarto came wandering into the stables."

"Wow," was all she could manage to say, and a long silence fell. "But... What about your family? Are... Are they here too?" she asked hesitantly.

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He looked away again. "Sadly... no. It is only me. None of us has any of their friends or loved ones here, not even our children. But it is possible for us to return to our films and visit everyone, so John and some of the others do that rather frequently."

She studied him carefully. "But not you...."

He shook his head slowly. "I tried... Once." A shadow fell across his face. "I wanted to see my family... but I found my home as it had been the last time I saw Trujillo... in ashes..."

He didn't have to say that he had never tried to go back again.

"That's terrible," she whispered softly, feeling a few tears moisten her eyes, squeezing his hand briefly. "Forgive me again for asking..."

Touched by her concern, he stroked her small fingers with his own broad ones. "Please, there is no need to apologize." He was surprised at how easy it was to talk to her; it was as though he had known her much longer than just an hour. Was this how it had been for John, he wondered, when the Alaskan had first met Tina...? "You have come here to visit us, but I can see that you're uncomfortable about it. I would very much like to put your mind at ease and explain how it is here for me."

"That's very gracious of you... Considering we just met."

"Well... Tina told me -- and all of us -- about you before you arrived. Since you are her friend, I wanted to make doubly sure you feel welcome here," he explained.

"Yes, Tina mentioned you both... Especially John though," she said, smiling softly. "She seems pretty taken with him."

"I believe the feelings are mutual."

He smiled back, and she felt the stirrings of desire as she looked at him. She lowered her eyes demurely, an embarrassed flush creeping into her cheeks as she thought to herself, Get a hold of yourself, girl! You just met the man! As she sat there, trying to regain her composure, something else Tina had mentioned crept into her mind. "Tina told me this place was special, in some very unusual ways. She said... She said that she was drawn here somehow, and to John in particular... She said that happens a lot to the women who come here, that there's usually just one of the men that we're drawn to..." She looked up again, meeting his eyes. "Is that true too...?" He gazed back at her, and she felt as though he were looking right through her.

"Sometimes it happens that way, yes," he said, nodding slightly.

"Just sometimes...?"

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He gave a wry smile. "I honestly do not know. I only know what they tell me... But many of us have been here for some time, years in some cases, without finding anyone. Things don't work out for everyone apparently."

"Oh," she said, her expression falling slightly. She chided herself mentally for even wondering if she had been drawn here for Maximus. True, she was sexually attracted to him -- what woman wouldn't be -- but that was probably all it was. She was sure she only felt close to him because she'd seen 'Gladiator' so many times. And him -- surely he was only being nice to her because of his friendship with John and Tina.

But then, as if he sensed her thoughts, he said, "But I am not here just because of John. *I* want you to feel welcome, and become a part of our world here... If that's what you want, of course."

He was still holding her hand, and the warmth of his flesh seemed to warm her heart as well. Along with other parts of her anatomy, she thought as she tried to hide the blush in her cheeks; his charisma was nearly irresistible.

She smiled at him as she replied, "I think I'd like that. I already feel at home here..." She looked back at the ocean in awe. "It's so beautiful."

He nodded slowly. "This is an extraordinary place.... And beauty is to be found in many places...." He was looking at her as he said it, and she felt a shiver go down her spine. It seemed as though he was going to say something else, but then he turned away, starting out at the sea again. A long silence fell before he spoke again. "I would like to hear more about you. You know much of my life already, but I hardly know anything of yours." She seemed startled, unsure of where to start, and he added, "You said you'd always been fascinated by Roman history. Tell me about that; I'd very much like to hear what a 21st century American woman finds so interesting about Rome."

Her face lit up with a smile. "Now there's a subject I could talk forever about -- history. Especially with someone like you who's lived it!" They both chuckled softly. She began, "There's an old saying: You can't know where you're going unless you understand where you've been. Studying history helps us understand why the world is the way it is today. So many of our customs and laws are based on the Romans. And they certainly were brilliant engineers and architects..."

They talked for hours, on various subjects, but stuck mainly to history, not just of Rome, but of American history, of which she had also studied a great deal, and Maximus knew little. Time seemed to fly by, until they both realized late afternoon was approaching, and that neither of them had eaten since breakfast.

"I think it is time we went back," Maximus said. "We could have dinner together in the Hotel dining room. I'm sure Michelle and many of the others will be there."

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He was dismayed to see her suddenly tense up. "Including the other characters?" He nodded, and she shook her head. "No, I don't think so. I'm still getting used to you -- I'm not ready to see your twin every time I turn around."

"Then we don't have to eat there. I could take you back to your room, and have dinner sent up. You won't have to see anyone else just yet."

"Room service?" He nodded. "That's very sweet of you, but I'm sure you've got better things to do this evening than babysit me. I will have them send some dinner up for me, but I'll just eat in my room alone."

He frowned slightly. "On your first evening here? You shouldn't be alone -- Michelle would be very upset with me if I let that happen, as would Tina and John. And we haven't finished our conversation. I would very much like to hear more about this General Lee you mentioned earlier."

"From the American Civil War?" He nodded. "Well, I do have to turn in early so I can get an early start in the morning for home, but if you really want to listen to me ramble on some more, who am I to argue?" she said with a gentle smile.

"You have not been rambling. I'm sure it will come as no surprise to you that I am very interested in military history," he grinned as he rose to his feet.

"No, it wouldn't," she smiled back. When he held his hand out, she took it without hesitation, letting him pull her to her feet.

"I think if we return the way we came, through the back entrance of the Hotel, we shouldn't run into anyone," he said. "Shall we go?" he asked.

She looked out at the ocean, drawing a deep breath of the fresh salt air. "Yes," she answered after a long pause, and followed him back to the Hotel.

They did indeed make it back to her room without being seen, and once there, Maximus called down to the kitchen and had dinner sent up. Laura hid in the next room when the food arrived, but when she stole a glance into the living room, she realized she needn't have been so careful. The waiter was a tall thin blonde man with gray eyes, and she was relieved to know that not every man in the place was a clone of Russell Crowe. When the man had gone, she sat down with Maximus to a light supper of chicken and summer vegetables and a pitcher of iced tea to drink.

They talked continuously through dinner, completely at ease with one another, as if they were old friends. Their conversation lasted well into the evening too, but when the hour drew late, and Laura grew visibly tired, Maximus prepared to leave.

He rose from the chair where he'd been sitting across from her, stretching after being in one spot for quite a while. "I should go. It's late, and I know you have to get up early

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"Yes, I do," she sighed. "When I decided to just stop by here for the day, I had no idea things would go so well," she admitted. As he moved towards the door, she got up also, following him. They both paused at the door, turning to stare at one another. "I can't thank you enough for your kindness today," she said. "I've had a truly wonderful day, the best I've had in a long time. I just hope I haven't taken up too much of your time."

"Not at all. I've enjoyed myself very much too," he said sincerely. "I'm just sorry you're leaving so soon already. Do you know when you will return?"

"It should only be a few days. I -- " Feeling suddenly shy, she dropped her gaze to the floor. "I very much want to come back, and see you again, Maximus."

His hand moved to her chin, and gently raised her head so she was looking at him again. "And I will be looking forward to your return..." A silence fell between them again, one heavily laden with sexual tension now as his hand smoothed her silky brown hair while he stared into her eyes. "Earlier today, when I first brought you up here," he whispered quietly, "I was much too forward. I hope you've forgiven me for that."

Her hand came up too, resting on his elbow before moving up to his broad shoulder. "There was nothing to forgive," she whispered back. "Part of me did want you to kiss me..."

"And now...?" He had moved closer, his lips only a few inches from hers.

"And now... I still want you to kiss me..." Her voice was barely audible as she moved towards him, her arm slipping around him as she pressed her body against his.

His lips met hers in a tentative kiss, his arm draped lightly across the back of her waist. They tasted each other hesitantly, slowly, savoring each moment. Soon, however, passion stirred in them both, the flames of desire rising quickly as they clung tightly to each other, her mouth opening to his probing tongue, and the kiss deepened.

They separated before things got too heavy, however, and Maximus took a step back. "I think..." He paused to catch his breath. "I think I ought to leave, before things go too far."

"...Yea," she agreed, rather reluctantly, stepping back also. "Its too soon; we only just met," she smiled. "But I'll be back soon, I promise."

"Excellent," he smiled back. "Come to the Tavern when you get back. You can usually find me there, since that is where my room is, on the second floor, above the bar."

"I'll remember that," she said. "And I promise to look after your cloak." He nodded, and they gazed warmly at each other for a few moments, then Maximus moved towards the

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door, laying his hand on the knob.

"Good night, Laura," he said as he pulled open the door.

"Good night, Maximus," she whispered back.

He paused in the doorway, then took a step towards her again, reaching down to take her hand. He brought it to his lips, kissing the back of her hand. "Until we meet again, dear lady," he said with a bow of his head.

She couldn't help but giggle at that -- no man had ever kissed her hand before. She watched as he backed out the door, smiling as he turned and went into the hallway. She slowly shut the door, smiling like a love-struck school-girl now that he was gone. "Oh my god..." she said to herself. "Maximus...." She let out a long sigh. "This place is unbelievable. I have to come back here VERY soon...!"

With another heavy sigh, she went and gathered up their glasses from the living room table and set them in the small kitchenette in the adjoining room. She wandered into the bedroom with a dreamy look on her face, letting her fingers drift over her lips as she remembered his kiss. "God, how am I ever going to get to sleep after that...?" she muttered, chuckling, as she went into the bathroom to get ready for bed.Part One (back to top)

Laura opened the heavy oak door to Crowes' Tavern, stepping inside and letting the door swing shut behind her. It was a cheery place, with lots of dark wood, shiny fixtures, clean floors, cozy tables and pleasant lighting. But there was no one in sight, she noticed with dismay. Having been occupied with business meetings all day, she was looking forward to spending the evening in the company of Maximus and his friends and knocking back a few. She walked in further, hoping to find someone who could at least tell her where he was. "Hello? Anyone home?" There was no answer, and she turned, heading back for the door.

"Leaving so soon?"

The voice from behind her sounded familiar, a bit like Maximus', yet not like his at all. It was smooth and polished, seductive, almost honeyed, but lacking Maximus' warmth. She turned around to face the man now standing in the doorway to the back room. The ice-blue eyes were what caught her attention from the first instant. He had his hand on the rim of his dark sunglasses, pushing them down and lowering his head so he could peer over the top of the lenses at her. His gaze raked over her, from her head down to her toes, then back up again. She'd seen men do that before, undressing her with their eyes... but this time it was different -- if his thoughts could be translated into action, the clothing would surely have been ripped from her body.

It was the most blatant come-on she'd ever seen in her life.

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Involuntarily, she took a half step backwards. "Is the bar open?", she asked, trying to keep her composure, yet could not take her eyes off him. He was fairly tall, about Maximus' height, clean-shaven and just as handsome as Max, if not moreso. In fact, his face was nothing short of breath taking, with smooth, unblemished skin, and soft, full lips that were drawn back into a practiced smile. His auburn hair was neatly combed and gelled, swept over in the front from the left over to the right in a soft wave. The purple suit he wore would have been garish on anyone else, but on him, it seemed perfectly natural. And it fit him well, clinging nicely in all the right spots, suggesting a muscular, well-maintained body beneath.

The man was a study in arrogance and conceit, and she could tell immediately he was the type who not only knew what effect his beauty had on women, but also had no trouble exploiting it. All her instincts screamed to stay clear of him. Yet he also radiated sexuality and animal magnetism, more powerfully than she'd felt in a long time... With the possible exception of Maximus.

"Yes, we're open. Liz is out running some errands," he finally answered, slipping off the sunglasses and sliding them into the pocket of his suit jacket. "I'm minding the store for her." He took a few steps towards her, his gait a confident swagger. "Is there something I can do for you, my dear?", he said in a silky-smooth tone that dripped with innuendo.

"I was looking for Maximus. He told me I could find him here most of the time."

"Ah... Maximus," the man said. She wasn't sure she cared for his tone, one of familiarity mixed with... contempt...? distaste...? She couldn't quite put her finger on it. "He's not here right now -- he went out with the group a while ago, but -- "

She backed towards the door. "Then I'll just come back later. Tell him I was looking for him." Her gut kept telling her to get out, that it wasn't safe to be left alone with this handsome stranger.

"But," he continued without missing a beat, "he should be back shortly. Why don't I fix you a drink while you wait?" he moved behind the bar, rattling some of the bottles as he looked over the stock below. "What can I get you?", he smiled, this time a bit more amiably, most of the chill disappearing from the icy blue eyes. "It's on the house."

She still hesitated. "That's not necessary. I'll just come back later," she repeated.

"Please," he said, extending a hand towards the row of stools in front of the bar. "Have a seat while you wait... Any friend of Max is welcome here."

She stopped. "...You're friends with Maximus?"

He nodded. "We both have rooms upstairs," he said, gesturing to the staircase leading to the second floor.

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He seemed a little friendlier now, but she still wasn't sure about him. What was the name of the guy Maximus had warned her about...? Oh, yeah -- Sid, that was it! "I don't believe I caught your name," she replied, watching him closely.

"My name..." He hesitated, and as she stared at him, his face seemed to blur for a moment and she blinked, shaking her head. " Ted." When she rubbed at her eyes, he seemed concerned. "Are you all right?"

"Yes... It's just been a *long* day, and I've obviously been working too much -- now I'm seeing things...." She looked at him again, then decided, /What the hell...// She was tired, thirsty, and in no mood to go back out and drive around, or even go back to her hotel room. She took a seat on the stool nearest the door, looking past him to see what was on tap. "Give me a Heineken," she said.

"Beer?", He said with a hint of distaste. "Are you sure?" He lifted a dusty bottle of wine from a shelf behind the bar. "Hmmm... Montrachet Grand Cru Red Burgundy, '98... I didn't realize Liz had something this splendid in stock. I must compliment her on her fine tastes." He looked up at her. "It's a wine that's meant to be shared," he purred.

She shook her head. "Heineken -- in a frosted glass, if you have it."

"You don't know what you're missing," he said, frowning slightly. She watched him closely as he went into the small freezer behind the bar and pulled out a thick glass beer mug, filling it from one of the beer taps. He set it in front of her on a coaster, and she took a quick swallow, watching as he took out a corkscrew and opened the wine bottle.

As he poured the wine into a crystal glass, she said, "I hope you're planning on drinking that *alone*, because beer and wine *do not* mix, at least not with me."

He nodded, swirling the wine around in his glass, sniffing it, before taking a small sip. Like a wine connoisseur, he rolled it over his tongue, commenting, "...Highly impressive...Medium bodied, muscular, thick... dense and spicy... Well-balanced and harmonious... it has an extraordinarily -- " She noticed he was staring at her again as he added, " -- *long* finish."

It took a few seconds for the double meaning of his words to register. She shifted in her seat, feeling her face warm. /I'm not going to *touch* that...// she thought to herself. Pretending that his innuendo had gone right over her head, she asked, "You're going to drink the *whole* bottle?" He shook his head 'no', and she said, "Isn't that a waste?"

"I've never believed in denying myself *any* of the pleasures that life has to offer," he said, staring pointedly at her again, his voice low and seductive.

She looked away, staring down at her drink, thinking, /oh lord... I am SO over my head here...!// But still she didn't move. /why am I letting myself get sucked into this...?// When she looked up, glancing at him for a moment, she answered her own question....

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Lord, he was gorgeous...! It didn't seem right for a man to look *that* perfect. Perfect teeth, perfect hair, incredible blue eyes. And his sculpted features were so exquisitely proportioned that surely a Renaissance master had chiseled them in marble.

As he leaned in closer, she could smell his musky cologne -- 'Polo', she noted... which was guaranteed to put her hormones into orbit. /S***//, she thought. /Why did he have to be wearing *that* too!?//

"You never did tell me *your* name..."

She drew back a bit, sitting up straighter as he leaned in closer over the bar. "Didn't I?", she answered, being deliberately evasive. Somehow, telling him her name seemed like it would give him even more control of the situation. But, at the same time as she said it, she unconsciously swept her long brown hair off her face, tossing it back in a rather provocative manner.

Oh, *that* was brilliant, she thought, regretting it instantly. Talk about sending mixed messages...

But his next statement shocked her. "It's Laura, isn't it?"

"How did you know that?", she asked quickly.

"It's no secret about who checks into the hotel," he said, smiling amiably again. "We're all friends here, but you're the only one I haven't met yet."

"Oh..." was all she could manage in reply.

He extended his arm over the bar, and she hesitated for a moment, then moved to shake his hand. But he took her hand instead, quickly bending down to lightly grasp her wrist, bringing it to his lips. "Pleased to make your acquaintance, Laura..." He kissed the back of her hand softly, but it was enough to send a jolt through her whole body.

"Uh.... likewise," she said, pulling her hand away quickly. She slid off the barstool, looking around for the bathroom. Spotting it in the back, she said, "I'll be back in a minute..." As she neared the door, she looked back over her shoulder to make sure he wasn't following her.

Once inside, she locked the door, then ran the cold water, splashing it up on her face a few times. Blotting her face with a towel, she stared into the mirror, thinking furiously. What the HELL was she doing? In spite of herself, she was attracted to him, desperately so, and if he didn't know it before, he sure as hell knew it NOW.

She kept staring at herself in the mirror, wondering what she was going to say and do when she went back out. She briefly considered hiding here in the bathroom until Maximus showed up... but that certainly wouldn't stop Ted from knocking at the door in a

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few minutes if she didn't come out.

Oh, well, there was nothing else to do but march out there and make sure she kept her distance from him until Maximus arrived. Hopefully it wouldn't be long now.... IF Ted was telling the truth about that.

She pondered that possibility, then decided if no one showed up within 15 minutes, she was out of here. Taking a deep breath, and putting on her 'game face', she straightened her clothes and fixed her face, then walked back out.

First glance showed that Ted was gone from behind the bar. /Thank God!//, she thought, then realized her beer and his wine were missing as well.

"I thought we'd be more comfortable over here."

She turned to the side, and found him sitting at a cozy little table in a dark corner, with a single blood red rose in a vase in the center of the table, along with their drinks. /Damn...//, she groaned inwardly, but steeled herself, walking over and scooping up her beer. "I was fine at the bar," she said as she sailed past him, heading back towards the bar and the front door. She slid back onto the barstool, and started to take a sip of her beer.

And stopped, staring down into it. As he approached her, she went around behind the bar and dumped the remaining contents of the stein into the sink. She he poured herself another beer from the tap, and he asked, "Don't you trust me?"

"What do you think?", she replied, then came back around to take a seat. But when he approached, intending to sit beside her, she backed off. "Look, I need some space, okay?", she said, glancing at her watch.

"What's the rush?"

"The rush is I'm leaving soon if Maximus doesn't show up," she said, purposely rattling the rental car keys in the pocket of her jeans. She was nervous -- nervous of him, and nervous about what she might do if she were left alone with him for too long...

"I'm surprised he's not here already," he said, moving away and going to the table nearest the door. "Is *this* acceptable? Take all the 'space' you need..." He started to smile. "And if you really want to leave, you're right next to the door... I'm not trying to scare you."

"Well, you're doing a pretty good job of it."

"I didn't intend to -- I just can't stop myself sometimes around beautiful women..." he purred as he took a seat at the table, motioning for her to join him.

She groaned inwardly at so obvious a 'line'. Yet somehow her feet betrayed her, and she found herself sitting across the table from him. /Get out now!// a little voice inside her

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head called out, but it was drowned out by the raging hormones. She couldn't get enough of those ice-blue eyes...

She sat there, sipping on her drink, watching him watch her. Several minutes passed before he finally spoke, "My room is just up the stairs..."

The world seemed to stop as she pondered that. She wanted him... GOD, she wanted him!, and the only thing that surprised her about his invitation was the fact it had taken him so long to actually say it. Fantasies of a perfect body to match that perfect face blotted out all other thoughts, and images flashed through her mind in quick succession: lips devouring hers; tongue sliding in her mouth; buttons giving way and fabric tearing as clothing disappeared; eager hands sliding up her naked thighs; a hot, sweaty body pinning her to the floor...

Sanity made a last-ditch effort, and she shook her head. "I can't do that..."

"Forget Maximus. He's a fool," he whispered, leaning across the table, reaching to take her hand in his. Once again, his touch was electric.

Her heart was pounding, breath quickening as he caressed her hand. Their eyes locked, and she felt as though she were drowning in those hypnotic, ice-blue pools. She struggled for control, telling herself there was *no way* that she was going to have a fling with a man she didn't even trust as far as she could throw him. But when he brought her hand to his lips, kissing the back softly, then moving to nibble on her fingertips, she was nearly lost...

She jumped a moment later, jolted out of the spell she had fallen under while gazing into Ted's eyes, when she heard the front door open. There was the sound of many footsteps, but because of the partition behind her, Laura could not see who had arrived. She looked at Ted, watching as his expression changed from a seductive smile to a self-satisfied smirk. And she did *not* like the way his eyes changed too -- now it was like looking at a snake. The hold he had on her hand tightened, and when she tried to pull away, he refused to let go.

The group came up to her, Maximus in front, followed closely by Bud White, John Biebe, Peaches, Michelle & Tina. Max looked at Laura with a questioning gaze, then his eyes turned down to their hands, not failing to notice that Laura had to yank her hand free from the man's grasp.

Maximus put his hands on his hips, glaring down at him. "Sid, what are you doing?"

Part Two

Let me take you on a tripAround the world and backAnd you won't have to move

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You just sit stillNow let your mind do the walkingAnd let my body do the talkingLet me show you the world in my eyes

(Depeche Mode, 'World in My Eyes')

Laura jumped a moment later, jolted out of the spell she had fallen under while gazing into Ted's eyes, when she heard the tavern's front door open. There was the sound of many footsteps, but because of the partition behind her, Laura could not see who had arrived. She looked at Ted, watching as his expression changed from a seductive smile to a self-satisfied smirk. And she did *not* like the way his eyes changed too -- now it was like looking at a snake. The hold he had on her hand tightened, and when she tried to pull away, he refused to let go.

The group came up to her, Maximus in front, followed closely by Bud White, John Biebe, Peaches, Michelle & Tina. Max looked at Laura with a questioning gaze, then his eyes turned down to their hands, not failing to notice that Laura had to yank her hand free from the man's grasp.

Maximus, looking strikingly handsome in a plain black T-shirt and blue jeans, put his hands on his hips, glaring down at him. "Sid, what are you doing?"

With a smug smile plastered across his handsome face, Sid looked up at Maximus and answered with a gloating voice, "About to get into the pants of your latest conquest, soldier-boy. Another few minutes and you probably would have found us on top of the table doing the 'nasty'..."

Mouth dropping open, Laura gasped in shock, unable to speak. Maximus' face darkened ominously. "Sid..."

"What...!?" Laura stammered, diverting Maximus' attention. "You bastard...!" she hissed at Sid, but he just smiled back, obviously enjoying himself. Then she realized what Maximus had called him. "Wait a minute... Is *this* Sid? The one you warned me about?" Sid laughed gleefully, almost maniacal, as Maximus nodded. "But... but he said his name was TED...!"

"Ted!?" Tina gasped. "Oh, my god... Sid, you low-life piece of -- "

"What kind of crap are you trying to pull this time?" Bud growled, cutting her off.

"Aw, Sid, she's new here!" Peaches said. "Couldn't you have waited until we had time to, uhm... prepare her?"

"Yes, somebody *should* have warned her about me sooner," Sid said, rising from his chair to go eye to eye with Maximus, "but I guess you were too busy moving in on her

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yourself... General." The way Sid spat out Maximus' title made it sound like the vilest insult. "But on the off chance you *had* said something to her -- and apparently you did -- I didn't see any point in telling her my real name. That would have spoiled all the fun..."

Maximus moved closer, getting right up in Sid's face. Sid stood his ground as Max raged, "Is *that* what this is? Some pathetic game?"

"Life's a game," Sid said. Looking down at Laura, he added, "It's a pity he couldn't have waited a few more minutes to arrive, mon cher -- I could see how much you wanted me...." His hand moved towards her face.

But Laura jerked back, sickened now by the creature that stood before her, and looked up at Maximus, too stunned to be embarrassed. "Who *is* this guy!?"

When Sid reached towards her again, Maximus pushed him away. "Don't touch her."

Sid got angry, pushing back. "Keep your hands off me!"

John, wearing jeans and loose-fitting plaid shirt, quickly moved in between the two, saying, "Take it easy; don't do anything stupid..."

"Hey, nobody asked for your opinion, hockey-boy," Sid snapped. "Stay out of it!" John bristled, and started after Sid too.

"Will somebody PLEASE explain to me what's going on!?" Laura said loudly, and the men stopped.

Michelle turned to Tina. "Don't tell me she hasn't seen 'Virtuosity' yet."

"No, I haven't," Laura said. "I've only seen 'Gladiator' and 'L.A. Confidential'."

There were groans of dismay and disbelief all around. "Oh, god..." Tina said. "You mean you didn't know who he was -- but you've been sitting here *alone* with him...?"

"Yea," Laura nodded. "Waiting for Maximus."

Tina shuddered as she remembered her first encounter with Sid -- it still left her feeling disturbed, even though she had known who he was all along. She couldn't imagine the depths he might sink to if left alone with an unsuspecting victim. Especially when the 'victim' was one of her dearest friends. "Don't you remember me telling you the plot of 'Virtuosity' -- the cop chasing down a computer program that had escaped from virtual reality into the physical world...?" Laura nodded. "Well," Tina said, pointing at Sid. "*That's* the program. Sid 6.7. He's -- " She stopped, not even wanting to say it. "A computer composite of 182 -- "

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"183," Sid corrected.

"Shut up, Sid," John and Bud said in unison.

Tina started to speak, then looked at Laura. She'd never seen her friend this rattled. "Jeez, I can't do this..." She turned on Sid. "What the fuck were you up to?"

Sid smiled sweetly. "If you're not going to tell her who was about to jump her, I'll be more than happy to fill her in..."

"Don't you dare!" Tina practically screamed at him.

"Look, will you just *tell* me already..." Laura insisted. "How bad can it be?"

"You have no idea..." She took a deep breath. "Now don't go crazy on me... Sid is composite of 183 serial killers..."

"Serial killers...? 183 SERIAL KILLERS!?... You have *got* to be kidding," Laura said, not believing her ears. But the others shook their heads, and she looked back at Sid, her skin starting to crawl as he studied her intently -- like she was a bug under a glass. "Ted...?" Suddenly, things clicked in her head, and she staggered back, out of her chair, trying to put as much distance between her and Sid as she could. "Ted Bundy...? Oh, my god...!" The color drained out of her face as she backed right into Bud, shaking so much that he had to hold her up. "Oh, my *god*... I think I'm going to be sick..." she said, holding her hand over her mouth. She could taste the acid in the back of her throat, her stomach churning.

Thunderclouds formed in Bud's eyes as Tina and Maximus hovered worriedly around Laura. "What the hell did you do to her?" Explosively, he launched himself at Sid, pushing him back all the way across the floor to the bar. "You little shit, what did you DO!?"

Sid literally bounced off the wooden bar rails, and pushed back at Bud. Max and John joined in the fray, each grabbing for one of White's arms. It took both of them to hold the cop off Sid.

Michelle and Peaches joined a moment later. "Guys, come on! STOP IT!"

"Damn it, Sid," Bud growled, still straining to break free from John and Maximus. "I told you before -- leave the women alone! Especially the new ones! If you hurt her, so help me, I'll hack you into little pieces, and then pull that damn software module right out of your fat head!"

Sid just giggled, smoothing out his purple suit and straightening his collar. "Oooo, I'm so scared... Wendell," he snickered. "You really are SO predictable -- the 'White' knight charging to the rescue of the damsel in distress... Doesn't it get boring?" He snickered

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again with a nerve-grating, maniacal cackle.

Bud tried to go after him again, and Maximus and John pulled him further back. When Max had control of Bud, John moved forward, putting himself between Bud and Sid. "Everybody... Hey! QUIET!" Everyone stopped. "Thank you," John said, the sound of his calm voice settling everyone down. "Now before we all kill each other, let's at least find out what actually happened." He turned and looked at Laura.

All eyes turned to her as she sat back down and took a long drink from the beer stein with a shaky hand. Maximus released Bud, and moved to her side, putting a consoling hand on her shoulder. Taking a deep breath, she was visibly calmer now, looking up at him to say, "He didn't actually DO anything... yet."

"I could have told you that," Sid complained.

"Shut UP, Sid!" the whole group said in unison.

"Then why did you react like that?" Maximus asked.

"Yes, do tell," Sid cooed. "You know, she's smarter than she looks. Hopelessly naive, but there's hope for her yet... Especially with my *personal* assistance..." he purred in that low seductive voice, staring at Laura again, and she blanched, covering her eyes with her hands.

The thunderclouds were brewing in Bud's eyes again. "Sid, so help me, if you don't shut the hell up -- !"

Maximus raised his hand, gesturing to Bud to let it go, and Bud quieted. Max turned back to Laura, gently squeezing her shoulder. "Go on..."

"He --", Laura began, lowering her hands. "...Hell, I can't believe that I -- " Realizing what she was about to reveal, she stopped, then took another deep breath, trying to calm down again. "I just... freaked when I realized why he was calling himself Ted." Still shaking, she reached for her glass again, but it was empty. John picked it up and went to the bar to refill it as she continued. "Ted Bundy used to target women who looked just like I do right now -- young, white, with long straight brown hair parted down the middle -- I remember that because it freaked me out the first time I heard it. And it still gives me the creeps..." John brought back the beer stein and she took a stiff drink. "Thanks." She shivered as she glanced over at Sid, unable to look him in the eye anymore. "...He set me up... the WHOLE time, he was just setting me up... for the kill... He kept coming on to me. I didn't like the way he was acting, but he kept telling me he was a *friend* of Max's and that I should just wait here for him... He wouldn't leave me alone. I wanted to go, but he kept insisting I stay. I don't even know *why* I stuck around. He was just so... smooth," She stopped, then put her head down on her folded arms. "And to think I came here to relax and get away from it all..."

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"Unfreaking believable..." Tina glared at Sid. "I'd really like to borrow that .38 right now, Bud."

"You won't need it -- 'cause I'll kill the asshole myself." Bud shook his head. "You really are one sick, twisted, mother-fu -- " He caught himself, glancing at the women, " -- son of a bitch."

"Thank you", Sid smiled, leaning back against the bar. "I wouldn't actually have harmed a hair on her lovely head -- you know I don't do that anymore, at least not *here*." He grinned. "But as far as jumping her bones is concerned -- well, why not?" He walked back over to Maximus, getting in his face again. "You'd already done that, pal, but I thought I'd show the lady a *real* good time..."

Maximus had been quiet up until now, evaluating the situation, watching Sid gloat as Laura spoke. "You really do hate me, don't you, Sid?"

"The great General Maximus? How could anyone possibly hate *you*?" Sid's voice still held its usual cool, polished tone, but now there was mocking, derisive edge as well. "Just because you showed up 2 months ago acting like you owned the fucking place." Hostility flared in the icy blue eyes for a moment, then Sid composed himself again. "You walk in, and the girls -- especially the new ones," he said as he looked at Laura, "practically fall at your feet, don't they? And why not? You're so brave and strong and -- honorable." Sid spat the word. "What bullshit.... But I have a news flash for you, pal -- you're not the only rooster in this hen house. I've been here for 5 years, and I can still turn 'em like that," he said as he snapped his fingers. Smiling, he strolled over near Laura -- as near as Bud would let him anyway. "You should keep a closer eye on them, you know. They're terribly fickle. She may have the hots for you, but a few more minutes alone with me, and she would have been on her knees." Sid laughed as Laura paled. "So much for being a 'champion', Stud... or should I say, 'Dud'..." Sid cackled at his own little joke.

All the while, Maximus looked like he was about to eviscerate Sid.

"I don't believe what I'm hearing," Tina muttered, then leaned down and whispered in Laura's ear, "You didn't tell him about you and Max, did you?"

She thought she was being discreet, but Sid overheard, and spoke before Laura could answer. "She didn't have to. It was written all over her face the moment she mentioned his name."

Laura put her hand over her face again, mumbling, "Oh, god..."

"Don't be angry, mon cher," Sid continued, smiling, "You just got caught in the middle of all this..."

"I wasn't talking to you, you creep!" Tina snapped, steaming over how her friend was being treated. "Will you lay off her? God, Sid, you are so freaking jealous of Max it's

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"Jealous?" Sid laughed, lip curling up in distaste as he looked at Maximus. "Of *him*? Don't be absurd..." He turned his attention to Tina, walking over to her. "But could it be *you* that's the jealous one, Tina? That night we first met, *we* could have been so good together, my dear, if only you hadn't let the 'Three Stooges' here interfere. But now, you see your friend with me instead --", he cocked his head to the side, "could it be that you've reconsidered my invitation...?"

Tina shook her head in disbelief. "You are a real piece of work..."

"Yes, I am," he said arrogantly, and stepped closer. "Care to find out what it's like to be with a *real* man? Forget these fools..." He leaned in closer, and Tina stepped back in disgust.

John appeared between them, pushing Sid away from Tina. "Leave the lady alone!", he snapped.

"The 'lady'?" Sid's eyes narrowed as he looked at the two. "Ah, now I see," he grinned. "The two of you, between the sheets...?", he leered. "I should have known... But I still have hopes for us, Tina," he added, winking at her, chuckling as John fumed. Sid took a slow step back, the slimy smile still plastered to his face, and continued, "You are so pathetically predictable, all of you. And so easily manipulated." He turned his attention back to Maximus. "I'm grateful Laura showed up when she did, because she played right into my hands... And quite possibly into my bed, if you hadn't interrupted us..." He grinned. "It makes for a very effective demonstration, don't you think... Max?" He walked up to Maximus, going eye to eye once again.

Bud came up and patted Maximus on the shoulder. "Personally, I'd love to clean his clock right about now, but I'll leave that to you, my friend." He backed away, folding his arms across his chest, waiting with anticipation.

"You are beneath contempt," Maximus growled with barely restrained rage. "To treat a woman this way is unconscionable, even for you."

Sid waved dismissively in Laura's direction. "She'll get over it."

"That isn't the point."

"Then what is?"

Maximus drew back and decked Sid, dropping him to the floor. There was a soft round of applause from the group. "THAT is..."

But Sid climbed quickly back to his feet. "Oohhh, aren't you the tough one? Where's the sword and shield, Gladiator? Maybe we ought to go a few rounds, eh? You know, I've

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always admired the Romans -- bloodthirsty lot, just like me... So what'll it be -- how about some lions and tigers?"

His fist raised for another blow, Maximus' eyes narrowed as he looked at Sid, who seemed inordinately pleased with himself. Especially with the fact that he had finally provoked a reaction from the normally stoic Spaniard....

Maximus slowly lowered his raised hand and took a step back from the cyber-reject. "Games over, Sid. No one wants to play anymore." He walked back over to the table and sat down beside Laura.

Everyone was silent, stunned by Maximus' reaction. But no one more so than Sid. "What...?" Sid almost stammered. "You're just going to walk away? After what I just did to your lady-friend?"

"That's right, Sid," Maximus replied.

"But... but you can't do that!", he protested, sounding very much like a child who's toys had been taken away.

Maximus just stared coolly back at Sid, barely taking his eyes off him as he reached over and put his hand over Laura's, grasping it gently.

Shaking his head, Bud was the first one to speak. "You're a better man than me, Max -- I would have beat the shit out of him a long time ago.... But -- " he said as he took off his jacket and rolled up the sleeves of his white shirt, walking slowly over towards Sid, "that doesn't mean I'm going to listen to any of this crap anymore. Party's over, Sid. Time to crawl back into your hole for the night."

Sid scowled. "Like hell. It's just getting interesting."

Bud stared at him with a death glare, his voice deceptively quiet. "Either you go up to your room and STAY THERE, or I drag your ass up there myself and sit on you all night..."

"Don't threaten me, pig," Sid hissed.

John walked over and joined Bud. "Let me give you a hand..."

They both grabbed Sid, who protested, "Hey, watch the suit!" He looked back and forth between them. "What is this -- 'Good cop, Bad cop'?"

"Wrong," John said, "Try 'Bad cop, Bad cop'."

"You?", Sid laughed as they hustled him up the stairs leading to the second floor. "Bad cop? In your dreams... Sheriff 'Fife'. Andy let you have any bullets today?" He snickered

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John just rolled his eyes. "Can it, Sid."

"Say good night to the nice ladies, Sid," Bud said as they reached the top of the stairs.

As Bud and John forced him down the hallway, Sid turned to Bud and quipped, "Don't you think you're taking the 'dumb muscleman' stereotype a bit too far? Then again, 'dumb' is certainly very apropos..."

"You forgot 'big, clumsy ox'," Bud said, pretending to stumble as he slammed Sid into the wall. "Oh, sorry, how careless of us," Bud said apologetically -- then John slammed Sid into the opposite wall. Sid went limp in their arms, the impression of the wood paneling etched into one side of his face, blue goo oozing out his nose. Bud and John disappeared down the hallway, dragging Sid behind them.

Below, Laura, Maximus, Tina, Peaches and Michelle looked at one another and let out a collective sigh of relief. "Thank *god* he's gone..." Laura muttered.

Peaches shook her head. "I don't think I've ever seen Sid *that* bad... I don't know what's gotten into him lately."

"I think Tina hit the nail on the head," Michelle replied. "He really is jealous of you, Max."

"You may be right... But he has no reason to be." Maximus shook his head, looking at Laura. "I just wish he hadn't dragged you into his little scheme for revenge against me."

"That makes two of us," she said.

Michelle headed towards the bar. "Anybody want a drink?" Everyone nodded, and they all got up to fix their own drinks, with the exception of Laura, who already had her beer. Then they moved to a larger table, leaving two empty seats and full drinks for Bud and John.

A few minutes later, everyone was seated, drinks in hand, when Bud and John came back down. Again, Max and the women applauded the returning heroes.

"Thanks... Prince Charming is out cold," Bud smiled. "We tied him to the bed with a lamp cord, away from anything with glass in it, and I barricaded the door from the outside. It won't hold him forever, but at least we'll have some peace for a while." He took the empty seat, picking up the glass of scotch. "Thanks, guys," he said, taking a swig. "Tell me something, though -- why do *I* always get stuck being his freakin' babysitter?"

"Because you enjoy it so much," John grinned as he picked up his beer.

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Bud rolled his eyes. "Oh, yeah, sure... God damn pain in the ass," he grumbled, sipping on his drink. Then he looked over at Laura, his demeanor softening. "You okay, honey?"

She nodded, smiling at him. "Yes... At least I think I am. Right now, I just feel shell-shocked." She looked around at the group. "Thank you all for rescuing me, but..." She sighed, shaking her. "I can't believe how STUPID I was. I could tell he was just feeding me a line, but I fell for it anyway." She put her hands over her face, "He was so damn convincing, I actually believed he was sincere for a while there."

"You wouldn't be the first person who was deceived," Tina said. "Men like that are total sociopaths. They can seem like the nicest people in the world on the surface, but underneath -- the scum of the earth. They're masters of seduction and deception."

"But with Sid," John said, "it's also just a big game."

"A game Sid hates to lose," Max added as he moved closer to Laura, putting a comforting arm across her shoulders. "We have to be more careful about warning the new people about Sid, Peaches."

"Maybe we should making seeing 'Virtuosity' a requirement when you check in," Peaches said. "I just assumed Laura had."

"Sounds like I have a lot of catching up to do," Laura said.

"I've got some tapes you can borrow," Michelle volunteered.

"Better yet, we ought to put them on the in-house movie channel. All Russell Crowe, all the time!" Peaches laughed, and the others joined in.

"I'll see if I can scrounge up a bootleg copy of 'Gladiator'," Tina said, looking at Max.

"Sounds good to me," he chuckled.

There was silence around the table for a moment, and Laura looked back and forth between John and Bud, pointing at them. "Uhm, this is probably going to sound ridiculous after what just happened -- but would someone care to introduce us...?"

Peaches choked on her drink. "You mean you don't know *them* either?"

"Well, I'm pretty sure you're Officer Bud White," she said, looking at Bud.

He nodded, smiling. "Pleased to meet you, Laura."

"Thanks," she smiled back, then turned to look at John. "But I'm afraid I have no idea who you are."

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John stood up, brushing his long hair back from his face as he extended a hand to her. "John Biebe. Pleased to meet you too, Laura."

As they shook hands, Michelle asked, "You've never seen 'Mystery, Alaska' either?" Laura shook her head. "Boy, you *do* have some catching up to do! How about 'Quick & the Dead'? Do you know who Cort is?" Laura shook her head again. "Well, you'll meet Cort later; in the meantime, we'll have to set you up with that tape too."

As if on cue, the front door opened, and Liz walked in, followed by Cort, who was carrying a case of scotch. "Speak of the devil..." Bud said.

"Hi, everybody," Liz said as she approached the table. After they all said their hellos, and introductions were made, Liz looked around the room, stepping closer to the bar as Cort set down the scotch. "Have you seen Sid? I left him in charge while I went out to get some supplies."

"THAT was your first mistake," Peaches said, and the others nodded heartily in agreement.

Liz looked puzzled. "Did I miss something...?"

There were chuckles all around. "Oh, yeah!" Michelle said emphatically. "Have a seat you two, and we'll fill you in...."

... When they had finished, Liz sat in stunned silence for a few moments. "I don't believe he did that...!" She smacked her hand down on the table. "That pig! This is the *last* time I leave him in charge!"

"Somebody really ought to string that boy up someday," Cort said in a soft Western drawl, tossing his wavy brown hair out of his eyes as he shook his head in disbelief.

Shaking her head too, Liz turned to Laura. "I am *so* sorry I wasn't here."

"Don't apologize," Laura said. "It's not your fault he's a jerk."

"Yes, but it's still my place," Liz replied. "I hope you don't let Sid change your mind about coming here again, or staying at the hotel."

"Not at all. I'm not going to let the likes of him chase me out of here. Too many other nice people around to let that happen." She smiled at Tina, then gazed warmly at Maximus. "... But the thing I don't get is *why* you let a creep like that stay here?"

The men all looked at each other. "Max, didn't you explain it to her?", John asked.

"No, it never came up," Maximus said.

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"Well," John continued, "it's sort of a 'package deal'. We're *all* Russell Crowe's characters, good and bad. So along with myself and Max and Bud and Cort, you get guys like Sid -- and Hando. Now there's *another* one you need to watch out for, but luckily Hando doesn't come around much."

"But unfortunately Sid likes this place," Cort said. "Wherever you find a group of people, you'll find Sid. He loves to be the center of attention."

Laura glanced up towards the second floor landing. "How long do you think he'll be out?"

"Long enough," Bud grinned. "We made sure of that; didn't we, John?"

John raised his glass, and Bud brought his up to clink against it. "That we did!"

Laura smiled, laughing along with the others, but she was still nervous, continually glancing up at the second floor, a fact that did not go unnoticed by Maximus. "Maybe we all ought to go out and get some air," he suggested. "It's getting a bit stuffy in here."

John caught the look Max gave him. "Yea," he agreed. "That's not a bad idea... But where should we go?"

"Well, it's a beautiful evening out," Peaches said. "And it'll be getting dark soon. How about taking a walk down to the beach and watching the sun set?"

Everyone agreed it was a great idea, and Bud and Cort went behind the bar to gather some refreshments in a cooler to take along. "You ought to come with us too, Liz," Michelle said.

"It's tempting -- but I really should stay and keep an eye on the place. Not to mention Sid." She glanced at the clock. "Besides, Jeffrey will probably be here soon, and I wouldn't want him left all alone."

"Who's Jeffrey?", Laura asked.

"Jeffrey Wigand, from 'The Insider'," Liz answered. "He tends to be a loner... But he comes in here around this time every day for a drink at the bar. I don't want to disappoint him."

"Personally," Bud said as he closed the full cooler, "I think the guy's kinda odd, but," he shrugged, "I guess he's okay..."

As the group got themselves organized, Liz moved around the tavern, straightening things up. Suddenly there was a shriek, and everyone hurried over as she exclaimed, "Oh, my god!" She was holding up the half-empty bottle of Montrachet Grand Cru Red Burgundy that Sid had offered Laura earlier. "*Who* opened this!?"

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Laura stepped forward, saying, "Take a guess," as she looked up towards Sid's room.

"The *idiot*!", Liz seethed. "This stuff costs $150 a bottle! I was saving it for a special occasion!" She let out a frustrated, angry sigh. "Oh, I am just going to *kill* him when I see him!"

"You're going to have to stand in line for that privilege, Liz," Bud quipped, grinning.

"Everybody ready?" Cort asked, and they all started to move towards the door. He and Bud carried the cooler between them as they all went outside. As they started to cross the parking lot, a middle-aged, white-haired man got out of a silver Audi and approached them.

Maximus stopped. "Hello, Jeff. How are you tonight?"

"Oh, not bad. The usual, you know. Not much going on these days." Wigand looked at the group, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose. "You all leaving?"

As Maximus and Jeffrey talked, standing face to face only a few feet apart, Laura couldn't help but stare at them. They were alike, but so unalike. Maximus stood straight and tall, with tan skin, lean muscles, dark brown hair, and a soft beard. Wigand seemed to slump a little, shoulders rounded forward, a good 40 pounds heavier than Max, with pasty white skin, thinning grayish-white hair, clean-shaven, with glasses. Both had eyes with the same vibrant shade of blue-green -- but even there they differed. Wigand's seemed somewhat dull and listless when compared to the inner strength and fire that shone in Max's gaze. It didn't seem possible that they were two sides of the same man...

"Yes, we were going down to the beach," Max answered, interrupting Laura's train of thought. "Would you care to join us?" he offered, ignoring the dirty look Bud gave him in response.

Wigand didn't see it, however, and glanced over the group again, noting that the group had 'paired off' already -- Maximus with Laura, John with Tina, Cort with Peaches, and Bud with Michelle. "Uh, no," he said, politely declining, "I'm just going to have a quick drink and then call it a night. Long day, you know."

"I'm sure," Maximus smiled. "Good night, Jeff. Just do yourself a favor and stay away from Sid's room tonight. He's been even more obnoxious than usual."

"I'll remember that, thanks." He looked at Tina, smiling a bit. "Nice to see you again, Ms. Stewart." As Tina nodded in response, Wigand's eyes moved to Laura. "I don't believe we've met. You must be Ms. Stewart's friend Laura that I've heard about. Jeffrey Wigand," he said, extending a hand to her.

She shook it briefly. "Pleased to meet you."

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"I hope we'll be seeing more of you too."

"Oh, I think so," she smiled politely, noticing an impatient Bud as he shifted his weight from one foot to another. "I'm sure we'll have time to get acquainted later, but right now, we have to go."

"Oh, of course. I don't mean to keep you. Good night, everyone." Jeffrey waved and went inside Crowes' Tavern.

"Nice save, Laura... Come on; let's go," Bud said, tugging on the cooler and pulling Cort forward. "Before he decides to invite Sid along too," he called over his shoulder, looking at Maximus.

"I don't see what's wrong with trying to include him," Maximus answered.

"Hey, Max -- picture this: four guys, four women. Do the math!" he laughed. "Who needs a fifth wheel? Even *he* knew it."

"He does have a point, Max", Peaches said as she took Cort's free arm.

"I think I'm getting it," he said, smiling down at Laura as she walked beside him, and the group headed down the path leading to the beach...

Part Three

I'll take you to the highest mountainTo the depths of the deepest seaAnd we won't need a mapBelieve meNow let my body do the movingAnd let my hands do the soothingLet me show you the world in my eyes.

"World In My Eyes" (Depeche Mode)

The four couples -- Maximus and Laura, John and Tina, Cort and Peaches, Bud and Michelle -- strolled leisurely along the beach as the sun sank ever lower towards the ocean on the western horizon. Barefoot now, they carried their shoes in their hands, pants rolled up to mid-calf -- if they weren't already wearing shorts -- as they splashed through the surf.

Even though it was near dusk, the sun was still quite hot, and the men had stripped down somewhat to avoid the heat. Maximus had peeled off his black T-shirt altogether, strolling along bare-chested. Looking tan, lean and buff, he was quite a striking figure, and it was all the girls could do to keep from pouncing on him. Slightly more modest, and

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perhaps a bit more self-conscious about his weight -- not to mention his white skin, unaccustomed to the summer sun of these latitudes -- John only unbuttoned his plaid shirt. Cort merely unbuttoned too, rolling up his sleeves, and Bud took off his shirt, leaving only a white undershirt.

The women, deciding to maintain some modesty as well, had to make do.

"So where is this 'perfect spot' you keep talking about, Peaches?" Bud complained. "We've been walking forever, and this thing isn't exactly light, you know," he said, swinging the cooler slightly.

Maximus walked faster and caught up to him, saying, "I'll take it for a while," as he set his shoes on the top of the cooler beside his shirt, joining Bud's shirt and shoes and Cort's shoes.

"Thanks, pal," Bud said, smiling, patting him on the shoulder after he handed the cooler off to him. John came up to Cort, and took over his spot, adding his own shoes to the pile.

Cort dropped back to put his arm around Peaches, who answered, "It's gotta be close now. I *know* it's around here somewhere... Just keep going."

"Whatever," Bud sighed, then smiled slightly as Michelle came up beside him. He started to put his arm around her waist too, but she shied away, however, and gave him a dirty look. "What was *that* for?" he asked, pulling his arm back to his side.

"You shouldn't assume things, Officer White," she said, sounding offended for a moment, but then started to giggle when Bud looked confused. She moved away from him, saying, "Sometimes, a girl likes to be chased." And with that, she took off down the beach, laughing.

"Hey! Come back here!" Bud called, staring at her with his hands on his hips -- and then he took off down the beach after Michelle.

"'Chelle! Wait up!" Peaches yelled after them, then ran ahead too.

Cort looked at Maximus and John, sighing and shrugging his shoulders. "Women," he grumbled, and jogged off after Peaches.

John and Maximus stopped, setting down the cooler, looking at Laura and Tina. "Don't look at me," Tina said. "I'm not going anywhere."

"Neither am I." Laura agreed.

"Well, good," John huffed, "because I'm not dragging this thing all the way down the beach for nothing, just so they can have their own little party up there."

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"Well, if they don't come back, maybe we can have our own little party," Tina suggested, winking at John, who smiled in return.

"Sounds good to me." Laura laughed, glancing at Maximus.

He grinned softly, picking up the cooler. "Come on, John; Bud will be back soon enough." John took his end as Maximus added, "Because we've got the *beer*."

John laughed as they set off down the beach again. "Yea, you're probably right."

They walked a few minutes more, then Laura stopped and looked down the beach, pointing. "There they are... I think they found Peaches' perfect spot." They left the water's edge and headed inland, across the hot, dry sand, towards a lone palm tree where they could see and hear their companions. "Ow, that's hot!" Laura said as she walked quickly through the burning sand, hurrying towards the green hillside ahead. Tina followed after her, cursing the sand too, leaving the men behind as they lugged the heavy cooler up the gentle rise of the beach. The high-pitched squeals of laughter grew louder, and soon they caught sight of Peaches and Michelle who had Bud pinned to the ground, tickling him unmercifully. Bud laughed playfully, pretending to be overcome by the two women, as Cort stood over them, shaking his head. "I never thought I'd see you surrender that easily, Bud." He grinned.

"All depends on who I'm 'fighting' against." Bud suddenly went after the girls, tickling their sides, and they scrambled away, smacking into Cort and pulling him down into the sand too.

"Your turn, Cort!" Peaches giggled as she reached under his shirt to tickle his side, Michelle doing the same on the opposite side.

"Hello, ladies!" Bud said to Tina and Laura, climbing to his feet, brushing the sand out of his clothes and hair as he watched them approach. They dashed past him with a quick "Hi", heading for the patch of green grass at the base of the hill.

They stopped there, sighing in relief, rubbing their feet. "Damn, that sand's hot!" Tina said.

Bud laughed, turning back towards the ocean. "Where's -- ?" He spotted John and Maximus and headed over to them as they approached. "Perfect timing," he said as he flipped open the lid of the cooler, sending all their shoes and clothing sliding off into the sand, not even bothering to wait for them to set the cooler down before he snatched a cold beer out of the ice. "Thanks, guys." He grinned, popping open the can and taking a quick swig.

Maximus and John paused, shaking their heads, dropping the cooler. "The hell with it," John said as he continued on to the grassy hill, Maximus at his side. The slope of the embankment was such that it formed a natural 'chair', flattening out long enough for a

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person to sit before it dropped off again, leaving plenty of room for legs and feet. Maximus sat down on the soft carpet of grass that covered it, but John moved on to where Cort lay in the sand, arms outstretched, on his back, shirt half off him as Peaches and Michelle continued their 'assault'. "Having fun?" John said, a twinkle in his eyes.

"Hell, yea!" Cort said, abruptly turning the tables on the girls as he rolled, bringing his arms together and trapping them beneath him. They squealed with delight, and the rest of the group could not help but join in the laughter as the three rolled playfully in the sand.

Cort's shirt was lying in a heap in the sand by the time they all got up, all smiles as they brushed the sand off each other. His long chestnut hair was streaked with dust and sand, and he combed it out with his fingers. "Nice idea to come out here, Peaches," he said, looking out at the sunset. "Beautiful evening."

"I'll second that," Laura said as she stared out at the huge orange disk of the sun as it sank lower on the horizon. "This is heaven." She breathed deeply, smelling the air. "It's so clean; I love that salt smell. When you grow up in the Midwest, all you ever get is sunsets over cornfields -- if you're lucky."

"Yea, tell me about it," Tina said with her soft Louisville accent. "It's wonderful -- look at all those colors.... Orange, red, gold..."

"Definitely very romantic," John said as he stepped up behind Tina, resting his hand on the small of her back. Tina looked back and gave him a small smile.

"Yea, I guess it is kinda pretty," Bud said as he went over and dragged the cooler closer. "Anybody want a drink?"

Michelle rolled her eyes. "You're *so* romantic, Bud."

Bud looked puzzled. "What?"

"Hey, where are my shoes?" Cort asked, looking at the empty top of the cooler. John pointed to a spot a few yards away, and, grumbling, Cort went to retrieve all of their shoes and socks and shirts.

Chuckling, the others joined Maximus as he sat on the grass embankment, settling back with their drink of choice to watch the sun go down.

Laura, sitting on one end, next to Maximus, holding a can of RC Cola, felt her attention divided between the lovely sunset and the sight of the four handsome men lined up together. She studied them, so lost in thought that she did not hear Bud ask her a question.

"You awake?" Maximus asked, shaking her slightly.

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"Yea... Sorry, Bud, could you say that again?"

"I was just wondering how you were doing... Where were you? You looked liked you were in another time zone."

"I'm doing okay, thanks... Actually, I think I was in another reality. I keep thinking about Wigand... I guess I don't understand how you guys can look alike, and yet be so *different*. When you," Laura said to Maximus, "were standing next to him ... It was like night and day. Sid would have more in common with you than he did. I don't get it."

The four men looked at each other and exchanged a knowing look, smiling between themselves.

The girls all sighed, nearly swooning at the sight. "Aw, geez, guys -- don't DO that," Peaches said, nearly spilling her can of Mountain Dew. The guys looked puzzled. "THAT smile, four times over -- at the SAME time...? You'll give us all heart failure."

They all laughed, and Bud, who was in the middle of taking a swig of beer, choked as he tried to laugh, spraying some of the beer, the rest of it coming out his nose as he struggled to breathe and swallow at the same time. They all laughed as Michelle scooted away in an attempt to not get drenched with beer.

"Thanks... Thanks a lot, guys", Bud complained, then accepted a few Kleenex from Michelle.

"That was pretty funny, Peaches", Tina said, "but very true!"

The men all looked embarrassed -- even Bud had a slight flush in his cheeks.

"So," Bud said, clearing his throat and trying to shake off the embarrassment. "Who's gonna answer Laura?"

No one spoke up, and Laura looked at Maximus.

"I'm not sure I can give you an answer -- I'm still settling in myself." He looked back at Bud.

Bud sighed. "Ok, I'll give it a shot... The way I see it, you'd really need to ask Russell that question. He's the one who gives us definition and life. Before each of our movies, we were all just ideas in a writer's head. As far as *how* he manages to make us all so unique and separate from one another... " He shook his head. "All I can say is that he throws himself into a part totally, so he gives a new and different piece of himself to each of us -- his characters... I know that probably doesn't make much sense, but that's the best way I can express it." He looked at the others. "Unless someone else has a better explanation. Personally, I'd like to know myself."

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Maximus, John and Cort shook their heads. "No, I think that's as good an explanation as any," John said, turning to Laura. "So have we totally confused you yet?"

Laura chuckled. "A bit... But I think I do 'get it'. But I'm just surprised you all know who Russell Crowe is."

"Of course we do," Cort said matter-of-factly, as if that were so obvious. "He's a part of us, and we're a part of him."

Laura pondered that. "Maybe I'm just having trouble comprehending that Sid is a part of him too." The others started to respond, but before they could, she continued, "But I'm not going to let that bother me. I'm enjoying myself way too much right now." She smiled. "This is wonderful. Tina, I can't thank you enough for suggesting I come here. I just love Crowes' Tavern."

"Well, I'm just glad you can say that after Sid... Well, we won't talk about *that* anymore, at least not tonight," Tina said, then took a drink from her bottle of Jack Daniels Lynchburg Lemonade.

"No, we won't," she said, leaning in closer to Maximus, relaxing against him. He kissed the top of her forehead as he pulled her closer.

"Hey... I think we've got company," Cort said, squinting as he looked down the beach.

"Who is it?", Laura asked, adjusting her glasses.

"Can't tell yet," Cort said. "Looks like two people..."

Bud stood up, shielding his eyes with his hand in an attempt to see farther. "Better not be who I'm thinking..."

"Oh, god," Tina said. "It's not... not Sid, is it?" Laura shuddered, and Maximus leaned closer to her.

"No, I don't see any purple..." A few seconds later, Bud started to smile. "Well, I'll be damned..."

"Who is it?" Michelle asked, setting down her wine cooler as she stood up too.

"It's Jeff." Bud's grin got wider. "And he's got a *woman* with him."

"You're kidding." Peaches got up. "When did that happen...? Who is it?"

"I don't recognize her." Bud looked back at the others. "Anybody know her?"

They were all standing now, and could see the couple approaching. "I wonder..."

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Michelle said. "Could that be Wendy...?"

"She's not due 'till tomorrow," Peaches said, then shrugged. "But I suppose she could be early... Come to think of it, she *did* mention she liked Jeff."

"Well, we're about to find out," Bud said as the couple neared, and he took a few steps towards them, waving. "Hey, Jeff...!" When Jeff and his companion got within normal conversation range, he asked, "Who's your friend?"

The two reached Bud and stopped as the others joined them. "Hello again, everyone," Jeffrey Wigand said. "This is Wendy."

"I thought that was you...!" Michelle said. "Glad to meet you, Wendy; I'm Michelle."

There were introductions made all around, and Wendy said, "I hope you don't mind us interrupting, but when I got in, no one was around but Jeffrey and Liz. She told me you had come down here, so I figured... Why not?" She took Jeff's arm, saying, "I practically had to drag him along with me -- I didn't want to walk all this way by myself, but he didn't want to 'crash' the party."

"Hey, don't worry about it," Bud said. "We just came out here to get away from... " His eyes shifted to Laura for a minute. "Certain people, but you're more than welcome to join us. Only problem is..." He looked at the cooler. "We're going to run out of drinks *real* soon."

"I wouldn't worry about that," Jeff said. "Liz told us to tell you she was going to drive down in a while with some more drinks. And maybe some food."

"Thank you, Liz!" Bud smiled, raising his beer can into the air.

"Have a seat, you two. Get yourselves something to drink and watch the sunset with us," Tina said.

As Wendy moved off, talking to the girls as she grabbed a bottle of root beer out of the cooler, Bud leaned closer to Jeff, lowering his voice so that the women would not hear. "Nice job, pal... It's about time." He smiled and patted Jeff on the back.

"It's, uh, not easy to compete around here," Jeff said. "By the time I meet any of them... The four of you usually have the market cornered, so to speak."

"Well, this one's definitely got eyes for you."

"You think so?"

"Oh, yea... Not that I wouldn't mind spending time with her myself -- she's cute... But..." Bud stopped, looking between the very youthful-looking Wendy and the graying Jeff a

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few times.

"Don't even say it, White." Jeff bristled. "I'm not THAT old."

"It didn't even occur to me," Bud said innocently. At that moment, Michelle came up to him, taking his arm and pulling him towards the group.

"Leave Jeff alone, Bud," she said.

"But -- but I didn't do anything!" Bud protested.

"Sure, you didn't." Michelle chuckled as Jeff moved off to join Wendy and the others on the embankment.

They all made small talk for a while, explaining to Wendy and Jeff what had happened with Sid.

After a while, Laura asked, "I've been meaning to ask you -- the six of you anyway -- where were you this afternoon, before you showed up at the bar to 'rescue' me from Sid? It looked like you'd all been out somewhere together."

Peaches said, "Oh, it's too bad you missed it. We looked for you, but you weren't around. We decided to educate the boys on the finer points of 21st century shopping malls."

Bud groaned, John grimaced, and Maximus just looked bemused.

Laura and Wendy laughed as Peaches and Michelle playfully hit Bud and John. "It wasn't *that* bad," Peaches said.

"Oh, yea, sure," Bud said. "Why don't you tell them the *real* reason we went." Peaches and Michelle looked innocent. "Come on, fess up -- you didn't need all three of us." Bud pointed at Maximus. "HE was the one who needed clothes. One or two of you could have taken care of that yourselves." He gave a knowing grin. "You just wanted to show us off."

Peaches and Michelle exchanged guilty looks, as did Tina. "Okay, okay," Peaches said. "We're busted." All three laughed together. "Picture this, you two," Peaches said, pointing at Wendy and Laura. "The three of them, walking side by side, through the mall, with the three of us on either side." She laughed. "You should have *seen* the looks they got. This one woman nearly fell over her husband trying to get a better look at them." There were giggles from all the women.

"Especially from the back," Michelle added. There were more giggles, and the guys looked embarrassed.

"See, I *knew* it!" Bud said, slapping his leg. "And you guys didn't believe me!" He

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pointed at Maximus and John.

John turned to Tina. "So it was a conspiracy, huh?"

"Uh-huh," Tina said, nodding quickly. Then she laughed as John shook his head.

"I've never seen such good service in my life." Michelle laughed. "If it was a female clerk -- they were falling all over themselves to help the guys!"

Laura laughed along with the others. "Oh, my...! It sounds like you had fun. I'm so sorry I wasn't around!"

"But didn't anybody notice them?" Wendy asked. "I mean, in a not-so-good way? Isn't that creating a little too much attention? They're not supposed to be together in the 'real' world... Are they?"

"Well, we thought about that," Tina said. "But if anyone asked about the resemblance -- and a couple people did -- we just said they were brothers."

"Yea, we should probably be more careful next time, and only take one or two out at once," Peaches said. "But we just couldn't resist." She looked at Cort. "I wanted you to come too, but I suppose it's just as well that you were out with Liz."

"Thank the lord for small favors," he quipped, and Peaches poked him in the ribs.

Michelle said, "You guys shouldn't be complaining all that much. They talk about women loving to shop, but, geez, we couldn't drag *you* out of some of those stores."

"We almost lost John in the sporting goods store," Tina said.

"And Max in House of Knives," Michelle said.

"And Bud in Sharper Image," Peaches said.

Laura laughed. "House of Knives?" She looked at Maximus. "I didn't know there was such a thing."

"I didn't either," Tina said. "But there is -- and he found it."

"They have some very high quality weapons. Very nice," Maximus commented, then frowned at Peaches. "But someone wouldn't let me buy anything."

"We only had a budget for clothes, Max; money doesn't grow on trees," Peaches said.

"So what *did* you buy?" Laura asked.

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Peaches answered, "Pants, jeans, shoes, socks, underwear, shirts... The works. Max needs things more than anyone. It's not like he can set foot away from here in that..."

"Skirt?" Bud grinned.

Maximus turned slowly and glared at him. "...'Skirt'...? That's the *uniform* of the Imperial Roman Army..."

"Maybe so." Bud snickered. "But it still looks like a skirt to me."

Maximus' eyes darkened, and Michelle, sitting between them, leaned back to get out of the line of fire. "Hey, don't hurt me, guys...!" she said, holding up her hands. "I'm only an innocent bystander."

Laura took Maximus' arm, saying, "Max, I'm sure Bud didn't mean it... Did you, Bud?" She glared at White.

Bud just grinned. "Aw, hell, it's a *joke*... Lighten up, will ya, Max?"

"Come on, you two," Peaches said. "Don't get into a fight over something this trivial." Maximus glared for a bit longer, then settled back. Peaches sighed and turned to Jeff, who had been just sitting and listening, not saying a word, looking a bit bored and uncomfortable. "What about you, Jeff? Would you like to come with us next time we go?"

Jeff seemed flustered. "Uh... You'd want *me* to come with?"

"I wouldn't ask if we didn't... So, do you even *like* the mall?"

Jeff smiled slightly, pushing up his glasses. "Well, my ex - " He paused, glancing at Wendy before continuing, "was the shopper -- I just paid the Amex bills.... But now that I'm not part of the corporate scene anymore... or married..." He shrugged. "I haven't been in a mall in ages."

"Well, you ought to check out the Sports Authority when you do go," John commented. "I noticed they had a nice golf pro shop. And a big driving range in the back, on the other side of the parking lot."

Jeff's eyes lit up at the mention of the word 'golf'. "Really...? I'll have to remember that."

"I'd like to come too," Wendy said, eyeing Jeff, smiling a bit. Jeff smiled back.

"Sure, that'd be fine," Peaches said.

Tina giggled. "You know, it's a miracle we got out of that mall alive. Especially after we found Barnes & Noble, Suncoast Video, CompUSA and Musicland all *next* to each

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other...! It was like a feeding frenzy -- we couldn't pull out the charge cards fast enough!"

"Oh, god, it's a good thing I wasn't there!" Laura said. "I would have *no* money left!"

"Me too!" Wendy said. "I'd spend all my college money!"

"You know, Tina," Michelle said. "I noticed you and John found time to do a little shopping on your own..."

Tina had a guilty look on her face. "...Huh...?" she said, avoiding looking at John, who was trying to hide a grin.

"When we were in Brooks Brothers, getting some stuff for Max, you guys just disappeared for a while. And came back with a bag you kept trying to hide... Where'd you go?"

"Uhm," John muttered, his long hair hanging in his face, hiding his eyes. "Suncoast video... And then the... Uh -- Body Shop..."

"Isn't that the place with the bath oils and lotions and -- " Laura grinned. "Massage oils...?" The girls looked at Tina, 'ooo'-ing.

"He, uh... bought me something," Tina said in a soft voice.

"And *what* would that be...? John?" Cort grinned.

John glanced at Tina, then looked down at his feet. Tina was a bit pink in the cheeks as she said, "I'm NOT telling...!"

There were more 'ooo's and 'ah's, everyone laughing. Laura leaned over and looked at Tina. "We'll talk later," she whispered.

John glanced between them both. "You two are best friends, right?"

"Yep, we go *way* back," Laura said.

"How *much* do you tell each other...?"

"Oh, not a lot," Tina said. "Just -- everything...!"

Maximus leaned forward. "Everything?" he said, raising an eyebrow, looking at John.

"Pretty much, yea," Laura said, and she and Tina grinned, exchanging looks between them.

"Oh, you two are in trouble." Bud laughed. "They say the gals are worse than guys when

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it comes to 'locker room' talk."

Maximus and John looked at each other again, then at Laura and Tina, who both looked down at the ground, blushing.

Maximus said softly to Laura, "We need to talk later."

John just looked at Tina, raising one eyebrow.

"Don't say it. I know -- we need to talk too," Tina said, and John just nodded.

"So, anyway..." Laura said, desperate to change the subject. "Doesn't sound like you spent much time in the women's shops." Michelle, Peaches and Tina shook their heads. "Well, you wouldn't find me in there either -- I'm not much for clothes, as you may have guessed." She indicated her plain T-shirt, blue jeans and running shoes. "My office is pretty laid back, so I don't need much of a wardrobe."

Maximus asked, "What exactly do you do?"

"Oh, nothing exciting," Laura answered. "I'm a 'techie' -- I do engineering work for telephone switches for a telecommunications company."

"So *you're* the one I complain to about my phone bill!" Michelle said.

"No, I'm the one you *thank* when your call to the other side of the planet goes through in about 2 seconds...!" Laura smiled. "I know nobody sees it that way, but that's the way it goes. Nobody notices what I do until the phone *doesn't* work or the bill comes... Including *me* - I complain about my phone bill too!" She laughed. "Okay, I'll stop before your eyes start to glaze over. I know what I do is kinda boring to most people."

"Not necessarily," Bud said. "I don't think I ever met a lady engineer before."

"There still aren't that many of us, even in this day and age, but I can assume there were *none* back in the fifties." Bud nodded. "Well, just don't give me any lines about 'women and machinery don't mix', and we'll be fine!"

Bud laughed. "Fair enough."

John looked at Bud. "Best car mechanic I ever met was this lady up in Fairbanks." He turned to Laura. "Maybe you can fix the jukebox the next time it breaks."

"That's not quite up my alley, but I could give it a shot... Maybe that way I could 'earn my keep' around here and help out."

Cort, who was chewing on the end of a long stalk of grass, said in his soft Western drawl, "If you want to help, that's great. Otherwise, you don't really have to do *anything*. We

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all just like you ladies' company."

There was a chorus of "Aw!"s from the girls.

Peaches snuggled close to Cort. "Well, the feeling's mutual, gentlemen," she said with a smile.

Everyone settled down to watch the last of the sunset, the girls snuggling with the guys; even Jeff was letting Wendy lean on him. The scene was quiet, calm and serene, the horizon ablaze with vibrant colors as only the top quarter of the sun's disk remained. Seagulls cried overhead, and a soft, warm breeze ruffled their hair.

Laura, who was on the far end, leaning against Maximus as he put his arm around her, heard something off to the side, and turned towards it...

...And let out a half-scream of surprise and fright as Sid 6.7 seemed to appear out of nowhere from behind her. Several of the men, including Maximus, leapt to their feet.

"Having a party, and I wasn't invited?" Sid said as he moved around in front of the group. "Not very polite of you."

Bud let out a long sigh, giving Sid a nasty look. "Just can't take a hint, can you, Sid...? How the hell did you get loose? You're supposed to be out for the night."

Sid laughed. "You actually thought *that* would hold me for long? You're slipping, White." He looked over the group. "My, how romantic." His honeyed voice dripped with sarcasm. "All of you paired off... Ah, I see you brought along preacher-man too," he said, eyeing Cort. "Killed anybody today, Reverend?" He snickered.

Peaches gasped. "Sid!" She held onto Cort's arm while he rose to his feet, his hands balling into fists. "Don't let him get to you, Cort," she said. "He's been trying to stir up trouble all evening."

Before Cort could say anything, Sid moved on, the corner of his mouth turning up into a twisted smile as he eyed Jeff and Wendy. "My, my, my... What have we here...? I see they took pity on you, Jeff, and let you join their little beach party." Jeff reacted, anger reddening his face. "So who's the chick?" Sid asked. "Is that your date...? Or your daughter!" Sid giggled, with his usual annoying little cackle.

"Look, pal," Bud said, stepping forward again. "That's Wendy, and she's new today too, so I'm warning you right here and now: Lay off her, or I'll knock those 'beautiful' teeth down your throat."

Sid totally ignored Bud, taking at step towards Wendy. "Wendy, Wendy," he said, shaking his head. "Since you're new here, I'll forgive you your faux pax... I know that you probably got stuck with the *old* whistle-blower here, when all the other young studs

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there were taken." There was a collective groan of disbelief around the group, and Jeff paled slightly, glancing at Wendy, obviously wondering if what Sid said was true. "But there's still time to 'trade up'," Sid continued in a seductive voice, taking another step towards Wendy, extending a hand towards her, staring at her with his icy blue eyes. "Come with me, my dear, and I'll show you what it's like to be with a *real* man."

But Wendy shrank back in disgust. "God, you're a pig." She went to Jeff's side, taking his arm, pulling him close. "A *real* man? You don't know the meaning of the word, Sid. Jeffrey is *ten times* the man you'll ever be! And for your information, I am *not* with him just because he was somebody else's 'leftovers'. I'm with Jeffrey because I *want* to be." She looked up at Jeff, smiling. "He was willing to sacrifice *everything* he had to stand up for what he believed in. He wouldn't let the tobacco giants push him around. It would have been a hell of a lot easier for him to just walk away, and keep his mouth shut like everyone else, but he didn't. He stood up for what was *right*; even though it ended up ruining him, and costing him his family, he told the truth!" she said passionately. Then she paused, realizing she was getting a bit carried away.

There was a spontaneous round of applause from around the group in response. "Nice job, Wendy," Bud said, glancing at Sid. "Good way to put the little bastard in his place." Sid glared at him, and Bud turned to Jeff. "Better not let this one get away," he said, winking at him before turning back to glare at Sid.

Jeff looked down at Wendy, a mixture of gratitude and pride shining in his eyes. "I don't think anybody's ever stuck up for me like that," he told her quietly. "I didn't think anyone understood why I did what I did." He bent down, and kissed Wendy on the cheek. "Thank you," he whispered.

Wendy smiled radiantly at him. "You're welcome. You deserve it, Jeffrey." They stared into each other's eyes, and Jeff began to give all the appearances of an awkward teenager with a crush.

But Sid groaned in disgust, shattering the moment. "How revolting... Can you possibly get any *more* saccharine?" He shook his head. "And I had such high hopes for us, Wendy," he said with mock disappointment.

As Wendy's jaw dropped, John stepped forward, saying, "Do us all a favor and go back to the Tavern, Sid. You're not welcome here, not after that stunt you pulled earlier with Laura, and certainly not after *this* little performance."

"I was just having a little fun. It's not my problem you all can't take a joke," Sid said.

Maximus stepped forward, going eye to eye with him again. "Fun? You can't play games with people's emotions like that. Did you hear her scream?" he said, gesturing back at Laura. "She's still upset because of what you did to her."

"Of course it's fun. It's a game -- it's *all* a game."

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Maximus' fists clenched. "Not to her it's not... You have *no* honor, Sid."

Sid laughed hysterically. "Honor...? Pu-lease!"

The men closed in around Sid, forming a circle. "So what do we do with him this time?" Bud asked. "Beat the crap out of him? There's five of us now -- we could kick his ass into next week without breaking a sweat."

Cort tossed away the stalk of grass he had been chewing on. "I may have renounced violence," he said. "But in this case, I believe I'll make an exception."

"Is that the *only* solution you have to anything, Bud?" John questioned. "Beat it to death?"

"Works for me," Bud said. "You got a better idea, Sheriff?"

John pondered that, staring at Sid. Then his mouth turned up in a slight grin. "As a matter of fact, I do. Gentlemen, if you please --" He looked over his shoulder at the ocean.

There were grins all around as they picked Sid up.

"What...?" Sid protested, then his eyes widened as he realized where they were headed. "Oh fuck..."

Bud, hanging on tightly to Sid as he fought to get away, grinned broadly and said, "Don't bother fighting, Sid. You're going in, like it or not."

"Hey, wait...! My suit...! My shoes!"

No one said anything as they waded into the ocean until the water nearly reached the bottoms of their rolled-up jeans. Then the five -- except Jeff, who watched -- each took an arm or a leg, and they swung Sid between them. "On 'three'," John said as they swung the squirming cyber-psycho, gaining momentum. "One..."

"Let go of me, you cretins!"

"Two..." Sid swung higher, faster...

"You can't do this!" Sid screamed.

"Watch us," John said, "... and THREE...!" He smiled as they all let go, and Sid went flying several yards out into the surf, fancy purple suit and all. The men patted themselves on the back as the girls came up behind them, cheering and clapping.

"Nice going, gentlemen," Tina said, watching as Sid sputtered to the surface. He tried to

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stand, only to get knocked over again by an incoming wave. Another cheer went up from the group. Tina came up behind John, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek. "Great idea. I love it!"

Sid waded back in until the water was waist deep, cursing up a blue streak. "You idiots! This is salt water! My purple suit is ruined! And my shoes -- they're imported Italian leather!"

"Maybe you should have thought of that *before* you decided to come down here and crash the party." Bud watched at Sid slogged towards them, then took a step closer to him. "And where do you think YOU'RE going...?"

Sid kept coming at him. "To get dry."

"Think again, pal." Bud rushed forward and pushed Sid, who lost his footing and fell back into the water. Bud pounced on him, getting him in a headlock, holding Sid's head underwater. Sid thrashed as Bud held him down. Bud let him up briefly for a few gasps of air, then dunked him again. "Too bad we can't drown the rat," he said, looking up at the group, who laughed and cheered.

He held him down until Sid was nearly choking, then abruptly released him, taking a moment to rub his hand through Sid's wet hair, sending it in all different directions, before wading back to the shoreline. "Next," he grinned, soaked from head to toe.

Maximus took a turn next, angry and stone-faced as he grabbed Sid by the wet lapels and dragged him further out into the water again. As the surf crashed around them, Maximus was just as soaked as Sid as he held the struggling man under for a dangerously long time. Just as some of the girls were about to express concern, Maximus pulled him back up to the surface. "Is this fun, Sid? Having a good time?" he said mockingly. He gave him just long enough to gasp a few breaths, then shoved him back underneath the waves. He held Sid down for a long time again, until Peaches said, "Uh, Max... I think that's too long..." Maximus looked at her, then seemed to reign himself in. He started back for the shore, and Sid resurfaced behind him, gasping for air. Maximus looked over his shoulder at him, saying, "The time for honoring yourself will soon be at an end... Sid." As he got his breath back, Sid swore like a sailor at Maximus' retreating form.

"Next," Maximus said as he reached the beach.

John, Cort and Jeff looked at each other. Cort extended a hand, saying, "It was your idea, John. Be my guest."

"Thanks," John smiled, then walked into the water. "Don't go anywhere, Sid," he said as cyber-boy tried to head away from them, swimming down the beach. But the group just followed Sid from the shore, watching as John tried to chase him down. Sid proved to be a strong swimmer, however, so Cort took off down the beach, heading Sid off, and he and John closed on Sid, dunking him again.

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"Wedgie!" John laughed, and Sid yelped before he went under again.

Bud turned to Jeff. "You ought to join 'em."

"I - I don't know. You all seem to have a handle on it..."

Bud responded, "Well, besides what he just said to you and Wendy... Last month, when someone messed with your laptop and put that bullet in your bed... Didn't we figure out it HAD to be Sid?"

Jeff reacted, eyes growing dark as the anger resurfaced. "Yea, that's right." He reached down, pulled off his shoes and socks, then handed his glasses to Wendy.

"Go for it, pal." Bud laughed, slapping him on the shoulder as Wigand's temper kicked in full force, and he charged down to where John and Cort had Sid trapped.

"All right -- Go for it, Jeffrey!" Wendy cheered and the rest joined in, clapping and laughing. Sid, who was turned in the opposite direction as Cort mussed his hair, never saw Jeff coming, and was knocked under when Cort stepped out of the way at the last moment. Sid came up choking, coughing up the water he had sucked into his lungs, but Jeff didn't leave much chance for him to recover. A well aimed punch to the jaw and another few dunkings later, Jeff stepped back as Sid floundered in the water.

John and Cort came up to Jeff, and the three smiled at each other in satisfaction. "Nice teamwork, eh, boys?" John grinned as he patted them both on the back. Then they left Sid and returned to the shore.

"Felt good, I'll bet," Bud laughed, talking to Jeff as he rejoined Wendy.

"Definitely, YES," Jeff said as he slipped his glasses back on.

Everyone was laughing at Sid's plight, including Maximus. They all watched as Sid slowly slogged back up to the beach, looking very much the drowned rat, his wet hair tangled in a hundred different directions. As he reached the edge of the surf, one shoe stuck into the slurry of sand -- and came right off his foot. Sid stopped and pulled it up out of the sand, staring at it in disgust before turning it over to shake the water and sand out of it, then dropped it on the ground. The girls were doubled over with laughter, the men nearly in the same state as the sand at Sid's feet turned purple as the dye from his suit ran down his body. Sid didn't say anything, merely gazing at his tormenters with an icy stare.

"Sid, I swear, I've never seen you look more 'beautiful' than you do right now!" Bud was laughing so hard there were tears in his eyes.

Sid just gave him the finger.

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The group turned around as Liz arrived in her pickup truck, slowly driving down the small hill and onto the sandy beach. As she climbed out of the truck, Bud waved to her, saying, "Hey, Liz! Great timing!"

"I've got more beer and soda and stuff, plus some fried chicken and potato salad if anyone's hungry," Liz called out to the group. Then she noticed the commotion around Sid. "Hey, what's going on?" She caught sight of Sid -- who was very wet and very pissed -- her jaw dropping. "Oh, my God...!" She began to laugh. "Oh, this is just too funny!"

Sid moved to leave.

But John stepped in front of him. "Not so fast." He turned, grinning back at the girls. "Ladies, I do believe it's YOUR turn now!"

Laura, Tina, Michelle, Wendy, Peaches and Liz let out a whoop, and darted past the men en mass, heading for Sid -- who looked as close to panic at that moment as anyone had ever seen him. He tried to run, but, with one shoe off, he couldn't get any decent footing in the wet sand. The girls tackled him, sending him sprawling into the surf.

"Hey!" Laura said. "I get first shot at him, okay?" The others agreed, and Tina, Michelle, Wendy, Liz and Peaches held onto a struggling Sid while Laura stood in front of him, fists raised. "Looks like I finally get to put those TaeBo tapes to good use."

A bedraggled Sid stared back at her, the oily charm resurfacing. "Ah, mon cher, you don't really want to do that to ME, do you?"

"Hell, YES!" Laura pulled her fist back to strike, but then at the last minute, took a step back and delivered a quick round-house kick, hitting him squarely in the nuts with her foot. Sid groaned, falling to his knees, face turning white as he clutched at his groin.

The men on the shore groaned in sympathy also, wincing at Sid's plight. Bud turned to Maximus. "Do yourself a favor, pal, and DON'T piss that woman off." Maximus agreed.

The girls attacked Sid, pulling him down into the surf and sand, mashing his face into the water and sand, rubbing handfuls of sand into his hair, and into his clothes. Soon they began to strip the clothing off him -- jacket, shirt, pants, shoes and socks, until he was left with nothing but a pair of black jockey shorts. Soaked to the skin and full of sand themselves, the girls finally abandoned their prey, and moved away to rinse themselves off. Rejoining the men who waited on the beach, they laughed hysterically, squeezing the water out of their hair and clothes.

"God, that felt good!" Laura said.

"Oh, yea, definitely!" Peaches agreed. "I haven't had this much fun in ages!"

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They watched Sid, who just sat there in the sand as the waves swept in on him. Clearly exhausted, the cyber-psycho appeared to have been beaten for once. The mass of purple fabric that had once been his beloved suit floated near him, and he picked up a corner, then looked away, dropping it in disgust.

"Hey, what happened to his back?" Peaches asked, pointing to the three blue scratches down one of Sid's shoulder blades. "Who did that?"

Wendy held up her hands, showing her *very* long, strong fingernails. "Guess I got a little carried away," she said.

"Maybe you should get those cut," Jeff said.

"I don't think you'd want me to... They have *other* uses." She stared up at Jeffrey, a small grin on her face.

"Hmmm... You'll, uh... have to show me sometime." He smiled back.

"So," John said. "Are we through with Sid yet?"

Maximus replied. "Not a chance."

"Then what next?" Peaches asked.

"I know," Liz said, running back to her truck. She came back a few moments later with a shovel, and went to Bud, whispering in his ear.

He doubled over with laughter. "Oh, that is great!" He walked up to Sid. "Pal, you should've stayed in the Tavern, but, no, you just didn't know when to quit. You never did!"

Bud held a shovel-full of sand over Sid's head. "I'm only going to ask you this ONE more time... Do you promise to leave the girls alone from now on?"

"Fuck you, Bud!" Sid snarled, buried up to the top of his shoulders in the wet sand, struggling to free himself.

Earlier, they had dug a pit in the sand, then the men had wrestled Sid down into it, on his knees, hands tied behind his back with some shoelaces. Then they held him there until the girls had pushed the sand back into the pit, burying Sid.

"Watch the mouth, Sid," Bud said as he dumped the sand on Sid's head, and Sid let loose with more profanities as he spit out the grains that fell into his mouth.

Everyone just laughed as John, Wendy, Laura and Tina, kneeling in circle around Sid, packed more sand around him until he was buried up to his neck. "Let me go...! You can't

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do this to me...!" Sid protested.

John said, "Newsflash, Sid -- Nobody's gonna help you out of this."

Bud went back to the truck and retrieved his plate of food and his can of beer, joining the others as they finished off their meals from their impromptu picnic. It was dark now, and only the beams from the truck's headlights provided any illumination.

Maximus picked up the shovel, and for a moment he looked like he was going to smack Sid on the head. But then he just scooped up more sand, and dumped it over Sid's head. The sand was up to his chin now. "Sleep well, Sid." He chuckled then walked away. The others followed, heading towards Liz's truck.

"So we just leave him here? All night?" Wendy asked.

"That's right," Cort answered. "Maybe after the seagulls and the crabs have at him, he'll be a bit more agreeable."

"You know what we should have done," Bud said, and everyone looked at him. "We should have buried him over there." He pointed to a spot very near where the surf crashed onto the beach. "So when the tide comes in later..." He grinned. "He'd be in deep shit!"

John shook his head. "As much as I'd like to do that, we couldn't. Like it or not, he's still one of us. We can't drown him, Bud."

"I know, I know... But I can dream, can't I?" He laughed, and they all continued back to the truck.

"Hey...!" Sid called after them, whining like a small child. "Where are you going? You can't just leave me here like this!"

No one even bothered to turn around -- they all just chuckled as they walked up the slope and piled into the bed of Liz's pickup, packing up their trash, carrying the empty cooler and their clothing. Then they drove off, waving goodbye to Sid, laughing, leaving him alone on the dark, lonely beach.

As they drove along the dirt road back to the Tavern, Tina groaned suddenly, saying, "Oh, no! I just thought of something horrible!"

"What is it?" John asked as he tied his shoes.

"Well, doesn't Sid use glass to regenerate himself?" Everyone nodded. "But... But don't they make glass out of SAND sometimes?"

Everyone looked at each other, then moaned. "Oh, no," Peaches said, putting her hand over her eyes. "I just hope it doesn't work the same way."

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"I don't think it does," Michelle said. "We were at the beach with him a while back, and he cut himself on something. And I remember he did try to use the sand to heal it... But it didn't quite work right. I'm not sure why. You would think it would be the same, but apparently not."

"Well, that's good to know," Tina said.

Laura looked at them all with a bewildered expression. "Glass? Sand? Regenerating...? What the *heck* are you guys talking about?"

Michelle looked at Tina. "You DEFINITELY have to sit this woman down in front of 'Virtuosity' and educate her."

"Yes; I keep forgetting." Tina looked at Laura. "The movie explains everything."

"Nevertheless," Maximus said, slipping his black T-shirt back on. "I don't trust Sid to stay put. Someone should come back in a few hours and make sure he hasn't gotten out."

"I'll volunteer," Bud said, smiling. "Although I think even Sid knows enough to lay low for the rest of the night -- and maybe the rest of the week -- even if he does get out of that pit."

"Maybe so... But I still don't trust him," Maximus said as Liz pulled up in front of the Tavern. Everyone piled out, heading for the bar, but Laura hung back.

"I hate to be a stick in the mud, but I think I've had more than enough excitement for one day," she said. "I'm going to call it a night and go back to the hotel."

"I suppose I can't blame you," Bud said, "after what Sid put you through. You sure you're okay, honey?"

Laura smiled warmly. If anyone else had called her 'honey' like that, she would have objected, but from him, it sounded sweet. "Yes, I'm sure. Thanks, Bud, I appreciate everything you've done for me tonight." She looked around at the group. "That goes for everyone. You've really made me feel welcome, in spite of what you-know-who did." There were smiles and 'you're welcome's all around.

"I'll walk you back to the hotel," Maximus said.

"I'm okay -- you don't have to do that."

"No, I don't," Maximus said, looking a bit bemused. "But I am." He took her arm, and started walking up the path the hotel with her, looking over his shoulder. "I'll be back later."

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Bud grinned. "MUCH later, I'll bet!"

Maximus, ever the gentleman, gave Bud a dirty look, and turned away, walking slowly up the path with Laura.

"That goes double for you, of course," Laura said. "I can't thank you enough for sticking up for me the way you did. That was just... wonderful."

"It was the least I could do considering it was ME Sid was really after, not you," he said. "I'm just sorry I didn't warn you more thoroughly about him, or that I didn't get back sooner than I did."

"Hey, it's not your fault I'm stupid." She stared down at the ground, and he stopped, turning to face her. "I've never been more embarrassed in my whole life... or more humiliated."

"Damn him," Max muttered. "It's NOT your fault. Sid can't get back at me directly, so he tried the indirect approach, through you. He used you as a pawn in his own selfish little game. It's ME he was trying to humiliate."

"I know that... But I also know I'm not some innocent little schoolgirl. I'm a grown woman who should have known better. The guy had all the charm of a used car salesman, but I fell for it anyway." She shook her head in disgust. "Sid may as well have the word 'sleazy' tattooed on his forehead, but I ignored it... Because I was flattered that he found me attractive." She looked down at her shoes again. "And... And because I was attracted to him, just like he said." She sighed. "If you hadn't shown up when you did, I don't know what would have happened." She couldn't look at him, afraid of what she might see in his eyes now. She glanced up briefly to say, "So, look, now that you know, if you want to go back to the bar... That's okay; I can make it back to my room just fine on my own."

Maximus merely looked amused. "Do I look like I'm going anywhere?" She looked up and he moved closer. "Do you really think it comes as a shock to me that you were attracted to Sid?"

Face flushing red, Laura muttered, "Oh, my god...!" She turned away, putting her hand over her face. "Was it THAT obvious!?" She moaned a bit and walked away from him. "I'm gonna die... Somebody, just shoot me and get it over with... Give me the shovel and let me bury myself next to Sid."

"No, no... You've misunderstood." He walked up behind her, putting his hands on her shoulders. "ALL of us here understand how it must be for you ladies -- we all have the same face, the same body, more or less... It's only natural that if you find me attractive, that you'd find Sid attractive as well."

"ALL of you feel that way?" She turned back to face him. "I guess that's the thing I just don't 'get' around here. I mean, there's us girls, who basically come and go as we please,

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when we have the time to come visit you all here.... But there are usually several of us around at any given time, and we all find all of you attractive... And it's hard to sort out who 'gets' who without 'stepping on each others toes'... But how do you GUYS do it... Don't you get... jealous of each other? I mean, if I -- for example -- were to spend time with Bud tomorrow... Would it bother you?"

Maximus shook his head slowly. "Honestly... No it wouldn't, not in the way you mean." He paused, pursing his lips as he pondered his next words. "I know it's very confusing, because it's new to me too, and I'm just getting used to I myself. But this is the way that I understand it... Each of you, when you come here, brings a part of herself with her, and changes the reality of this place. And I think each of you experiences their own 'reality' too; so that you're not 'stepping on each other's toes' any more than we are. You can be with me or with Bud or whomever and not have to worry about one of the other ladies being jealous. And the same goes for us... We only exist in this 'world' because of you. Russell may have brought us to life initially, but in time, we'll all just fade away if no one remembers us. So now, our lives depend more upon you than they do on Russell or the writer who originally created us... We... We owe our lives to you ladies -- So, yes, we do tend to be as accommodating as possible... Does that make ANY sense at all... Or am I just crazy?" He smiled softly at her, drawing out a smile from her too.

"Actually, I think we're ALL crazy here... But yea, it does make a weird sort of sense." She sighed and rubbed her forehead. "God, this is WAY too deep for me right now. I am really tired." She hugged her arms against her chest, putting her back to the cool wind that had sprung up. "Not to mention FREEZING! I have got to get out of these damp clothes before I catch cold."

Maximus put his arm around her, pulling her against him as they started back towards the hotel. "I'll keep you warm, my dear," he smiled.

"How? You're not much drier than I am."

"Oh, I'm sure we'll think of something." He chuckled as they walked.

They continued the rest of the way in silence, entering the hotel and climbing the stairs to the second floor. They stopped outside of her door, staring at each other.

After a long silence, Maximus asked, "So... Is this good night...? Or not...?"

Laura looked down, then up again. "Not." She pushed the key into the lock and opened the door. "I don't want to be alone tonight... And not just because of Sid." She walked in the room, and he followed, shutting and locking the door behind them. She went to a table, turning on a small lamp, and he followed, coming up behind her, putting his arms around her.

"There's something we need to discuss, before we become otherwise... engaged," Maximus said. She looked at him. "Tina."

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She turned away. "Uh-oh... I was hoping you'd forgotten about that."

He shook his head. "How much DO you and she talk about between yourselves?"

She blushed. "I plead the fifth on that." He looked at her, puzzled, and she realized the slang term probably went right over his head. "Let's just say we get a little personal."

"HOW personal?" When she didn't answer, he sighed. "I want you to promise, from now on, what goes on when we're alone is strictly between us. What's said in this room, stays in this room. I don't want you two... uh, 'comparing' John and I."

She sighed. "I won't... I promise."

"Good." They were quiet for a while, holding each other, and he lowered his head, softly kissing the side of her neck. She relaxed, leaning back against him as he said, "I am so sorry Sid said those things to you. If there was any way I could make him take them back, I would."

"Thanks... But you can't, can you...? Tell me... Am I really THAT naive, like he said?"

He held her close. "Actually, I think you are." She pulled back, hurt, looking over her shoulder at him, but he just smiled. "That's not necessarily a bad quality. I think it's... refreshing. The world can be such a harsh, terrible place at times... It's nice to know there's some innocence left in the world..." He had a faraway tone as he spoke, and Laura couldn't help but wonder if he was thinking of all the terrible things that had happened to him as the general turned slave turned gladiator, so she didn't dare ask him what he meant. He was quiet for a bit, softly caressing her hips with his hands, nuzzling her behind the ear. She shivered slightly, both from desire and from the cold, and it seemed to shake him out of his thoughts. His hands moved more amorously, fondling her through the damp shirt. "I think it's time we got you out of these wet things..."

"You too," she whispered as his hands went under the shirt...

"In time..." His large hands cupped her fullness, each thumb stroking the sensitive tips. She moaned and leaned her head back, turning until her lips found his. Her arm hooked back behind his head, hand coming to rest in his short hair, running her fingers through it as they kissed deeply, tongues exploring, dueling playfully. They paused twice, briefly, to peel off their damp shirts. Her skin felt clammy and damp in the cool night air, and even though his broad chest against her back warmed her quickly, she still shivered slightly, raising a few goosebumps. "Still cold?" Maximus mumbled, and Laura nodded. "Can't have that, now can we?" Between kisses, he whispered, "Lets get you under the blankets... I promise, I'll keep you warm all night..."

He made no move right away, however, standing there, kissing her passionately while his hands kneaded her breasts until she was breathless with desire. Then he slowly led her to

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the bed, quickly pulling back the sheets. They kicked their shoes off, then helped each other out of their socks, wet jeans and finally damp underwear. Chuckling, they brushed the sand off each other, making a game of it as they caressed it away from every little nook and cranny that the sand had worked itself into. Then he guided her down onto the bed with him, and they snuggled underneath the blankets, beginning to giggle and laugh quietly as they fondled and caressed each other, each managing to find the others ticklish spots. Slowly, their lovemaking became more earnest, and as their passion grew, so did the heat as they wrapped around each other under the heavy blankets. Finally a sweaty Maximus tossed the blankets aside, asking, "Warm enough yet?

"No... But I'm getting there," she grinned as she pulled his mouth down to hers. Their hands were everywhere, exploring, touching, caressing. Soon, his lips left hers, and he slid down her body, mouth seeking out the fullness of her breasts. She arched beneath him as he pleasured her there, his hot mouth drawing her in, his tongue teasing the nipples, swirling around them. Then he abandoned her breasts, sliding lower, kissing and teasing her bellybutton with his tongue before moving between her legs. His mouth was hot, lips as soft as flower petals, tongue doing indescribable things. He had his hands beneath her buttocks, pulling her against his mouth, tongue lapping at her. Soon she was nearly incoherent, whimpering with the joy of it, his gentle passion overwhelming her.

And all the while she had been fondling him, caressing his body, stroking him until he was rock-hard. Eventually he slid back up, pausing only briefly to kiss her breasts again, then rolled onto his side, pulling her with him. He snuggled close, pulling her leg over his hip, and let her hand guide him inside. They both moaned as he pushed himself in, going deep. "Max..." she sighed, moving her hips until they fit perfectly together, then moved down on him, taking him all the way in. He breathed deeply, moaning, and his mouth hungrily devoured hers as he pulled her tightly to him.

They moved together, hips moving in harmony with one another as they coupled, slowly, easily now as they learned the rhythms of the other. In this position, she had to work nearly as hard as he, rocking against him, pushing herself on him to get full penetration. "Oh, Maximus..." Laura sighed and laughed softly to herself as she added, "That name is certainly VERY appropriate, my love..."

He chuckled, a low, deep rumble in his chest that gave her goosepimples all over again. "You think so...?"

"Oh, I KNOW so..." she said, moaning softly at the sensations flowing through her body with the sweet friction between them. She lost herself to the sheer pleasure of it, forgetting everything else in the universe but him, burying her face against his neck. Her fingers dug into his back as she clung tightly to him, pressing her body against him, desperate for every last inch of contact between them. They were both moaning continually now, breaths coming fast and quick as the rhythm and intensity of their coupling slowly rose. His hand went to her butt now, pushing her harder against him, trying to go even deeper. They were almost beyond verbal communication now, letting their eyes and hands tell each other what they wanted.

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Eventually though, Max whispered in her ear, "Let me know when you're close..."

"Oh, you'll know..." she said, and tried to laugh, but it came out as a groan. The tension was building inside her, but she knew she wasn't ready just yet. "Don't worry about me though ... just do... what you need to do," she said between panting breaths.

"Uh-uh," he grunted, shaking his head. "Ladies first..."

She smiled at him, touched at his concern for her. "A true gentleman... I didn't think... there were any of those left...." He smiled back, a dazzling smile that nearly made her come right there. "You are so beautiful, Max... but are you sure you can wait...?"

"Depends..." he panted. "... How long...?"

He shifted slightly, changing the angle between them, and she gasped for a moment, feeling the tension intensify. "Not long..." she whispered. "God, that's SO good..." The tension grew to almost painful levels as she built towards her climax, moaning ever louder as Maximus began to thrust a little harder, a little faster.

"Come on, baby... come on," he urged. "... Haven't got... much time..."

Laura was whimpering now, insides almost shaking as she teetered on the edge of the abyss... then finally went over with a cry of joy. Her whole body seemed to spasm as the orgasm rippled through her abdomen. He groaned loudly too as the muscles contracted around him as he thrust.

"...Shit..." he whispered, fighting to stay in control and make it last just a little bit longer before he too peaked. She turned into a wild woman in his arms, writhing and twisting as her orgasm continued, his thrusting making it go on seemingly endlessly, like aftershocks from an earthquake.

Finally she began to calm down -- but that was when he finally lost it, his thrusts increasing to a near-frenzy, driving hard and fast against her as he began to reach his own peak. His groans got louder, and finally he let out one last long moan, almost like an animal, as he spent himself inside her. He shuddered around her with his last few thrusts, and she felt the sudden dampness between her legs as his body pumped its life within her. He clutched her tightly, almost forcing the breath out of her lungs as the powerful spasms wracked his body, his breath thundering in her ears as he panted heavily.

Finally he calmed, lying still and quiet as his breathing slowed. Eventually, they drifted back to reality, and each other, opening their eyes, staring fuzzily at one another. A silly grin turned up the corner of his mouth as he kissed her. "You okay?"

Her only reply was a long, satisfied moan, which came out sounding like the purring of a contented cat.

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"I'll take that as a yes."

She giggled, letting herself mold against his lean body, pressing herself into every curve she could find. "Definitely a yes," she said as she kissed him, gently and leisurely now, her arms wrapping around him as his did the same around her body.

"Are you warm NOW?"

She giggled again. "I think we passed spontaneous combustion levels a long time ago."

They tenderly caressed and stroked each other, basking in the fading afterglow of their union. Still lying side by side, they were still intimately entwined. Neither had any desire to change that state of affairs, and they held each other, staring into each other's eyes, exchanging soft kisses.

She nuzzled his ear, her nose close to his damp hair, and she could smell the salt from the ocean. Actually, she could taste the salt on him, and wondered if it was the same for him. Did she taste and smell of the ocean also?

He heard her soft noise, and asked, "What?"

"I know this isn't the most romantic thing to say at a moment like this... But I feel really sticky right now... And not just for the obvious reason... I can smell the salt in your hair... and I think there's more sand left in a few places." She laughed quietly. "Hell, there's some sand in bed with us. We didn't quite get it all."

"I know... We should have taken a shower before we got into bed," he said, stroking her face. "But we can take one now..."


"Not much fun taking one alone," he quipped, smiling, then turned serious, whispering, "But then that means I have to leave you..." He slowly moved his hips back and forth, and she moaned. "And I don't want to do that just yet... You're so WARM," he sighed.

"So are you," Laura whispered back, snuggling close. "I wish we could stay just like THIS forever..."

"So do I." Maximus held her close, settling her into his arms as his eyelids drooped. "Forget the shower... At least for a while..." He laid his forehead against hers, closing his eyes, as did she, feeling safe and warm and content in his strong arms...

Part Four

Let me put you on a ship

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On a long, long tripYour lips close to my lipsAll the islands in the oceanAll the heavens in motionLet me show you the world in my eyes

("World in My Eyes", Depeche Mode)

The morning after the beach party, when Maximus had gone, Tina, Michelle and Wendy had shown up at Laura's hotel room, videotapes and DVD's in hand. They all tried valiantly to weasel information out of her about how things had gone with Maximus the night before, but Laura held firm to her promise to him, and she refused to discuss it. Disappointed, but understanding, they settled in to give Laura her 'education' on the finer points of Russell Crowe and his movies.

First they had watched 'Virtuosity', then 'Mystery, Alaska' and 'The Quick and the Dead.' After that, there wasn't enough time to watch the 2-1/2 hour long 'The Insider', so, in spite of Wendy's protests, they decided to save that for another day. Instead they had popped in "L.A. Confidential" -- which Laura had already seen -- fast-forwarding through it to see Bud's good scenes.

'Virtuosity' had been a stunning eye-opener; Laura couldn't believe that the smooth-talking stranger she had met in the bar had in reality been such a monster. But she was still having trouble reconciling her feelings, especially after seeing Sid's 'birth scene'. Maximus had an exceptional body... But, lord, so did Sid! She'd already seen Max 'up close and personal', but the sight of Sid's smooth, naked body on the screen had sent her hormones back into the stratosphere. They had slowed down the DVD at that point, watching it frame by frame, each of the women drooling over the firm ass, lean body and well-defined muscles of his magnificent male form -- not to mention the brief glimpse of something 'dangling' between his legs...

Sid was indeed as 'beautiful' as he claimed to be. In spite of Sid's homicidal ways, Laura couldn't help but continue to be attracted to him. And she also couldn't help but feel sympathy for Sid -- after all, he wasn't really human. Everything he was had been programmed into him -- and he knew only the basest, darkest emotions of humanity. As far as she knew, no attempt had ever been made to show him the other side of the coin. As Sid himself had said in one scene, "What I am, is not my fault. It's not even my choice." Sid seemed very much like a child trapped in a man's body, seeing the whole world as his playground.

Laura had enjoyed the rest of the movies, particularly 'Mystery, Alaska,' now that she knew everyone. But 'Virtuosity' seemed hardest to forget.

As Laura and Tina grabbed a quick bite to eat in the hotel restaurant, Tina confided to Laura that she and John also had been together the night before. Then the two had had quietly compared 'notes' about John and Maximus, in spite of their earlier promises to the

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men not to do just that. "What they don't know won't hurt them!" they giggled as they discussed the intimate details of the previous night's activities. They left the restaurant together, heading down to Crowes' Tavern, promising they'd email *all* the details to each other -- and the rest of the List -- when they got back to the 'real' world.

They found Maximus and John at a table together at the tavern, waiting for them. The women got their drinks at the bar, then went over to join the men. Laura felt a bit weak at the knees as she approached Maximus, remembering their night of passion together. Tina seemed to be in a similar state.

Giddy and light-headed at the sight of the handsome Maximus, who was back in his Roman uniform, Laura was tempted to throw herself at him as he rose to pull out her chair for her. But she stopped herself, having previously discovered that Max was not keen on 'public displays of affection'.

And neither was John, it seemed, judging by his reserved greeting of Tina. But Laura couldn't help but be a bit envious of the short but very loving kiss that John gave her before they sat down. Maximus did pull her close, however, kissing her softly on the cheek before guiding her into her chair. Then he too sat down, across the table from John.

Tina said, "I hope we didn't keep you waiting too long. We got a little carried away with our Russell Crowe film festival today!" she joked.

"No, we just sat down a few minutes ago," John said. "So, Tina, did you educate her about Sid and show her 'Virtuosity'?"

"Yes, she did." Laura shook her head. "Unbelievable. It's still hard for me to believe that was the same guy. I suppose I should be happy Sid didn't do anything worse than he did, besides just impersonate Bundy."

John shook his head. "Don't worry; won't happen -- not here. He'll never hurt you, not like *that*."

"How does that work?" Tina asked.

John paused and shrugged his shoulders. "I'm not sure, to tell you the truth. All I know is he can't actually kill somebody here."

"That's good to know," Laura said. "But the funny thing is... I actually felt kinda sorry for Sid by the end. I mean, he was right. He didn't ask to be programmed that way. Even after the head games he played with *me*, I didn't think he deserved to have the plug pulled at the end of the movie." Then she shrugged. "Or maybe I'm just prejudiced because of this place and RC."

"You felt *sympathy* for Sid?" Maximus asked, sounding quite surprised. "After what he did last night?"

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"Well... Yea. In the movie, I did. That doesn't excuse what he did to me, of course. But…"

Tina interrupted her. "But you still feel sorry for him." Laura nodded, and Tina shook her head. "Laura, like I was trying to tell you earlier -- Don't get too sympathetic about deviants like Sid. It's human nature to try to find good in everyone, even someone like Hitler, but the good isn't always there. Serial killers and mass murderers love to give logical reasons for their actions, even attempt repentance. They accept no responsibility. It's everyone's fault but theirs: society, their parents, teachers, the Jews, whomever. They're misunderstood. The victim brought it on themselves -- Gacy was good at that. So was Louisville's serial killer Cleo Green: the victims were prostitutes or loose women; he was ridding society of them. Bundy blamed pornography."

"I understand all that," Laura said. "But Sid is a *machine*."

"I do realize that Sid was programmed, so the fault is initially his creator's. But there comes a time when Sid has to take responsibility for his actions," Tina said. Inwardly, she thought Laura felt *too* much sympathy for Sid, wondering if there wasn't another reason for it, but didn't want to bring it up in front of Maximus.

"She's right," John agreed. "Sid tends to hide behind that sometimes, claiming it's not his fault. You'd think if he's smart enough to realize that, he should be smart enough to change it... But people don't always see the obvious about themselves -- in that respect, Sid is more human than he admits to."

"Yes, I think he is," Laura agreed. "When I was watching the movie, I *did* see Sid in a different light. Maybe we shouldn't have been so hard on him last night."

"Well, I'm glad you said that," John said. "Because I heard that some of the guys -- Bud included -- felt sorry for him too. He told me they went back to the beach an hour or two after we left him there alone and helped Sid dig himself out of the sand pit."

Maximus' eyes widened. "What...!? No one told me."

"Well, we thought it was best." John laughed. "We know how much you enjoy each other's company."

"They should have left him there all night," Maximus said emphatically.

"Max, you just don't understand yet -- you're new here. Sid is one of us, like it or not. In a way, we're all brothers now."

Maximus snorted with disgust. "I have *nothing* in common with Sid."

"You have more in common than you think -- we all do. In time, you'll realize what I'm

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saying is true," John said.

"I'm actually glad to hear they dug him out. I was starting to feel guilty that we got too carried away," Laura said.

Tina looked at Laura, thinking to herself, /What the hell are you talking about? This little f--k did a number on you, and you think *we* went overboard!?// But what she said out loud was, "Well, *I* don't feel the least bit sorry for what we did. He definitely had it coming to him - it's about time - but..." She sighed. "Well... In spite of all that, I'm glad Sid didn't spend the *whole* night out there... But that's my soft side showing." John gave her a little pat on the hand, smiling. "So what happened, John? What did Sid do when they let him go?"

"Nothing apparently," John answered. "He wouldn't even take the dry clothes they brought him. He just put his wet purple suit back on and walked back to the tavern by himself. I heard he went to the bar for a drink, and started talking with Angelina... Don't know what happened after that. No one's seen him. Sid's probably upstairs sulking in his room -- which is pretty typical for him when he gets his ego bruised."

"You said *Angelina* was talking to him?" John nodded, and Laura smiled. "Maybe there's something else going on with Sid -- Angelina said she had 'plans' for him."

Tina smiled too. "Yea... I think Sid's in trouble."

"Why do you say that?" John asked.

Tina and Laura looked at each other. "I don't know," Laura said, hiding her grin behind her glass of beer. "Just a hunch."

"All of you would best be advised to stay away from Sid," Maximus said.

Tina laughed. "Tell that to Angie!"

Laura laughed too. "I think we ought to change the subject -- Angie might think we were making fun of her..." She looked at John. "I finally saw 'Mystery, Alaska' today."

John smiled. "I was wondering about that." He looked at Tina. "You said you were going to make sure she saw it."

"Well, she did -- and it was great!" Laura said. "I liked it a lot... In spite of the fact that I..." She paused, clearing her throat. "I don't like hockey." John looked askance. "Nothing personal, of course, John. I just never cared much for the sport. At least not the 'professional' variety. A friend of mine has a saying -- 'I went to a fight last night, and a hockey game broke out'."

"Well, that's not *real* hockey, you know. Not like the kind we play."

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"Oh, I know, I know," Laura agreed. "I enjoyed the movie though, I really did." She looked at Tina. "She can attest to that." Tina nodded. "John, you were..." Laura and John looked each other, each blushing a bit. "Uh... Oh, god," she said, turning away, unable to look John in the eye. "Hell, I can't tell you what I thought of you in the movie... Not to your face...!"

John winced. "Is it THAT bad?"

"No, no! I don't mean it that way!" Laura protested. "I thought you were wonderful!" They all chuckled as John blushed. "That's why I can't say anything else -- I'll embarrass myself to death."

"I don't mind." John grinned.

"Well, I do!" She looked away and sighed. "I'll tell you later, just not right now... But I will say I enjoyed the movie. Lots of interesting characters; I really felt for all of them. Especially your situation, John." She looked at him sympathetically, and he nodded.

Tina took his hand. "We all do. You're a great guy, John."

"Yea, I'd pick you over old Chuckie-boy *any* day!" Laura laughed. "But then that's pretty much a no-brainer if it was a contest between the two of you...! That face, those blue eyes, and that sexy hair... Definitely no contest!" John blushed more -- and then so did Laura as she realized what she'd said. "Oh, god..." She looked at Tina, giggling. "Let's talk about something else. Like 'The Quick and the Dead', since Cort's not here!"

John laughed. "Fair enough... I know, it's a bit strange, isn't it -- talking about our movies with us, I mean. But I think eventually you'll get used to it."

"You may be right." Laura sighed. "Maybe I'll tell you *later* what I thought. I just feel too self-conscious doing it right now... Let's talk about 'The Quick and the Dead' instead."

"You had time to watch that too?" Maximus asked.

"Well, most of it," Laura said. "We actually fast-forwarded through a few parts. I don't think I missed much, from what I saw. I'm not a big fan of westerns. But what I thought of Cort is basically what Tina told me: 'Fast hands, spent the movie in chains'." They all laughed. "The movie itself was a bit boring... I zoned out during most of Sharon Stone's scenes. And poor Cort! I wish he had more to do than sit around in chains all day. Likeable guy though. I definitely felt for him, being forced back into being a gunslinger after having tried to turn his life around." She nodded her head. "Good guy; I just wish he'd had more to do. AND I wish they'd left the bordello scene in. Michelle had a little clip of that on her laptop that she showed me." She hit the tabletop lightly a couple of times. "Damn...! WHY they cut that, I'll never know!"

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"Me either!" Tina agreed.

"Cort is cute, though -- I love RC with long hair," she said, winking at John. He grinned back.

"And what about *short* hair?", Maximus grumbled.

"Aw, Max!" she said, leaning against him and putting her arm around him. "Of course I love RC in short hair too... I just plain love RC!" she laughed, hugging him.

"No," Maximus said, shaking his head. "I think you meant that. You prefer Russell with long hair." He was solemn as he turned to John. "Don't you agree?"

"Oh, yes, definitely," John said, equally serious, as he flipped his long brown locks out of his face. "Who wouldn't prefer him that way?"

"Obviously you've been spending time with the wrong character," Maximus continued, deadpan, as he looked at Laura, who looked back at him, bewildered. He turned to John again. "Sounds like she should be with you instead of me."

"You may be right, Max."

"Oh, no," Tina protested, hooking her arm tighter around John's arm, pulling him closer. "Sorry, guys, but he's spoken for already." She glanced at Laura. "I saw him first."

"Oh, come on, guys; stop it," Laura protested.

Maximus ignored her. "Well, if not you, John, maybe we should set her up with Cort."

"Only if you could get Peaches to give him up," Tina said. "And I don't think that's going to happen."

"You're probably right," Maximus said.

Laura looked between them all. "Max..."

"But who else is left?", he continued, still ignoring her.

"Well, there is Jeff, the one from 'The Sum of Us'. His hair's a bit long," John said.

"But he's gay, isn't he?" Tina asked.

Maximus nodded. "Not much of choice there then."

"Max...!" Laura protested. "Will you cut it out? I do *not* want Jeff or Cort or John -- " She stopped, glancing at John. "No offense."

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"None taken," John said, a smile threatening to erupt on his face as he glanced at Maximus.

"I can't think of anyone else who qualifies. Looks like you're out of luck, Laura," Maximus said, sighing. "Unless we could persuade Bud to grow his hair out..."

Tina sputtered a bit, unable to hold back the laughter, and John turned away, hiding a smile too. Laura rolled her eyes. "Are you all through now?"

Maximus started to smile. "Or maybe I should grow *my* hair longer." Soon he was laughing quietly, flashing a toothy grin. "What do you think?"

Laura leaned back in her chair, crossing her arms over her chest and glaring at them. "I think you're all full of it," she huffed.

John burst out laughing, Tina dissolved in a fit of giggles, and Maximus leaned his head back, chuckling loudly, a deep belly laugh that lit up his whole face and made his brilliant blue eyes sparkle like sapphires.

Laura still glared at them. "You think this is *funny*?" she said, not sounding at all pleased. Then she tucked her head against her chest, hiding her eyes, sounding hurt. "It's cruel."

The laughter faded, the smile disappearing from Maximus' face as he struggled to comprehend her reaction. "It's just a joke," he said in a light tone.

"Is that what my feelings are to you -- a joke? You must think I'm awfully shallow if all I care about is your hair." She glanced at him, a pout on her lips. "Maybe I *should* find someone else then..."

John and Tina looked at each other, smiles still on their faces. Their mutual, unspoken conclusion seemed to be that they weren't buying it. But Maximus was -- or perhaps had decided he couldn't afford *not* to take it seriously. "Laura..."

"I *will* go find Bud -- at least he knows how to treat a woman like a lady," she said. "Unlike *some* people." She breathed in, sniffling, and raised a hand to her face, as if wiping a tear from the corner of her eye.

Tina was smiling, shaking her head as Maximus bent closer, taking Laura's hand. "I'm sorry," he said quietly. "I didn't mean anything by it..."

Laura finally lost it, a smile spreading across her face as she failed to hold back a chuckle. Grinning like the proverbial cat that swallowed the canary, she looked up at him and said, "Gotcha...!"

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Maximus threw himself back in his chair as Tina and John laughed uproariously. "I *knew* it!" Maximus said. He glared at Laura, pointing a finger at her. "You're going to pay for that..."

She just laughed in reply. "I'll be looking forward to it," she said, wiggling an eyebrow at him as she picked up her beer and took a long drink.

Maximus' smile returned, and he shook his head, chuckling.

"That wasn't a bad bluff," John said. "Remind me to be careful of you if we ever play poker together."

Laura grinned.

At that moment, a new face appeared at the table. Laura turned towards him -- he was younger-looking than John, with short hair and rather outrageous 'Elvis' style sideburns. "Hello, mates!" He greeted them with a warm smile.

"Colin," John answered, nodding his head in acknowledgement and smiling. "I've been wondering if you'd be here tonight -- " He extended a hand towards Laura. "Here's the lady you've been wanting to meet. Colin, this is Laura -- Laura O'Brien."

Colin smiled broadly as Laura stood up. "Pleased to meet you, love -- I'm Colin O'Brien!" With that, he moved towards her, pulled her into his arms, and kissed her. Her eyes widened, and she glanced at Maximus. But Colin did not stop, kissing her deeply, and she began to kiss him back.

Pretty soon, Maximus stood up, clearing his throat.

Colin released her, and Laura practically sagged back into Maximus, a dreamy look on her face. "Haven't you ever heard of 'kissing cousins', mate?" he said in response to Maximus' disapproving glare.

"You two are *not* related, Colin," John said.

"Hey, you never know," Colin said. "Got any family down under, Laura?"

"Not that I know of. My family's all in America." Then she smiled. "But seeing as how my grandfather was from the old country, and since my family never was 'lace curtain' Irish... Well, it's entirely possible some distant cousin got shipped off to the penal colonies in Australia!" She laughed. "So we *could* be related!"

"Good enough for me," Colin said, putting his arm around her again. He looked at John and Maximus. "You two been taking good care of my 'cousin'? I hear Sid was a royal pain in the ass last night."

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"Yes, he was," Laura answered, "but everyone's been taking care of me since then." She slipped away from Colin, and moved back to Maximus. "VERY good care!" she said as Max pulled her close.

"I can see that," Colin said, almost sounding jealous for a moment. "Well, don't want to interrupt you. I've got plans of my own anyway. I talked Lachlan into watching the bar tonight so Liz can have a break." He smiled broadly. "With me, of course!"

"I'm sure she'll enjoy that," Tina said.

Tina, Laura, Maximus and John made small talk for a while after Colin left. Soon after, Tina and John excused themselves to go take a walk together alone. Maximus and Laura stayed in the bar, joining Bud and Michelle for most of the night, laughing, drinking and telling stories. Wendy and Jeffrey joined them for a time, and later Peaches and Cort. Some of the other Crowes' Tavern residents -- Lachlan, Alex, Jeff and East -- stopped by to introduce themselves too. There were other guests there as well -- Theresa, Emma, Loria, Jen, and a few others who lurked in the back corners of the bar.

No one saw a sign of Sid or Angelina however.

When it got late, and things started to break up, Maximus decided it was best that they call it a night. He walked her to the hotel, but left her there, by mutual agreement, sharing a long goodbye kiss before parting...

Laura opened up the curtains in her hotel room, letting the bright morning sunlight flood in. She looked around at the cheery room, thinking how wonderfully decorated it was, with movie posters from 'Gladiator' and 'Mystery, Alaska', along with other pictures. But... there was one picture she really didn't care for. It was modern-style art, one which didn't seem to quite match the rest of the decor. She remembered that Peaches had said that she should make herself at home here -- and she definitely planned on staying a long time at Crowes' Hotel -- so she decided to replace the picture, and maybe bring something from home later for a more personal touch.

She took it off the wall and headed out the door with it, intent on giving it to Peaches before getting something to eat in the restaurant. She bounded down the steps, feeling better than she had in ages, and went to the desk, greeting Peaches warmly.

"Morning, Laura. What can I do for you?"

"I was wondering what to do with this." She explained briefly what her plans were. "Is there somewhere I can put this?"

"Down in the storeroom, I guess. There are other pictures down there -- see if anything else appeals to you. It's down in the basement -- go down the stairs, take a left, then the first door on your right."

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"Okay, I'll do that."

As Laura turned to leave, Peaches asked, "I meant to ask you this last night. How'd you like the little RC-fest yesterday?"

"God, I can't believe I missed all those movies." She smiled. "It was heaven! I already feel like I've known these guys for years!"

"Yea, me too. Don't know what I'd do without them. This is a great place. The boys are wonderful."

"They certainly are!" Laura agreed.

"What about 'Virtuosity'?"

"I wonder why everyone keeps asking me that," Laura joked, shaking her head. "That was... something else. The movie itself was lousy, but Sid..." She shook her head again. "He's certainly a twisted SOB. But charming somehow... I know that doesn't make much sense." She chuckled.

"No, it doesn't. But I understand what you mean. Sid is unique." Peaches glanced at the clock -- and gasped slightly. "Oh, no. Is it that late? I asked Cort to help with something out back. Sorry, but I have to go." She put out a sign on the desk that said: 'Back in an Hour' "See you later, Laura."

Peaches left, and Laura headed down to the basement with the picture.

A few moments later, Sid 6.7 melted out of the shadows of the hallway leading to the restaurant kitchen, smiling to himself. Checking first to make sure no one else was around, he quietly followed Laura down the basement stairs.

Laura hunted through a large box in the cluttered storeroom, wondering what treasures might lie here somewhere. So far, though, nothing had struck her fancy, but there were many boxes to go through -- this was only the first she'd opened. She was closing it back up when she heard the door creak behind her.

"Hello. Lovely morning, isn't it?"

The sound of THAT voice made her blood run cold. She froze for a minute, then turned around. Sid 6.7 was there in the doorway, in a green suit with a black tie and a white shirt, walking slowly into the room. Her heart dropped into the pit of her stomach as he shut the door behind him. "What are you doing here?" she demanded, mustering as much courage as she could, but inside, she was shaking.

"I came to see you, Laura... You haven't been back to see me."

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She stared at him, a bit incredulous. "The last time I saw you, you were up to your eyeballs in sand. Literally. And if I had anything to say about it, you'd STILL be there! I don't want to have anything to do with you, not after what you did to me."

"Ah, mon cher. Let's just forget that unfortunate -- incident..." He said with a measure of distaste. "The others put you up to it, I could see that. But as far as not wanting anything to do with me... Well, we both know that's not true, don't we?" He started towards her.

"Stay away from me!" She backed away.

He stopped. "Why would I want to do that?" He cocked his head. "I've been thinking about us. About how it was between us that afternoon when we first met." His voice was low and sensual. She remembered *that* voice from 'Virtuosity', during the scene where he shared VR with Sheila. His eyes met hers. "Haven't you thought about it too...? About what might have happened if we hadn't been interrupted...?"


He shook his head, clucking his tongue. "You know that's not true either. You *have* thought about it -- many times in fact... Why lie to me? I saw your eyes that day -- I know you wanted me as much as I wanted you. Why are you denying it now?"

"Because it makes me sick to think about it! You treated me like some plaything, to be used and tossed away like yesterday's trash. I never even want to lay eyes on you again, and if you don't get away from me, I'm going to scream bloody murder," she threatened, but couldn't help but wonder if anyone would hear her if she did. Peaches would be gone for a while, and it seemed like they were the only two people in the hotel.

He held up his hands, palms out and open. "I'm not a threat. The door isn't locked -- you can walk out any time you like." He took a step closer.

"Stay away from me," she repeated, backing away again, breathing hard as the adrenaline surged through her.

He tucked his hands behind his back, taking another step. As she retreated again, he whispered, "I'm not going to hurt you. I won't touch you -- not unless you want me to." The ice blue eyes locked with hers. "But you DO want me to, don't you? I can see it in your eyes now, the same way I could see it when I asked you to come to my room."

"You're crazy," she said, breathing hard.

"Quite possibly," he said with a quick grin. Then it faded, the intensity returning to the brilliant blue eyes. "But not about this." He moved closer.

This time when she stepped back, her backside came up against the wall. Trembling, she said, "Please don't do this."

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"Do what? I told you, you're free to go anytime." He stepped back slightly, extending his arm towards the door. "Go on. I won't stop you..." When she didn't move, standing there, staring at him, like a deer caught in the headlights of an oncoming semi, he inched closer. "Seems like I was right," he whispered. Another step, and now he was right up next to her, nearly nose to nose.

Shaking, breathing hard, she squeezed her eyes shut. "Don't do this to me... please," she pleaded.

"Do what?", he asked again. "I'm not forcing you into anything. I have no weapons... And I won't hold you against your will." She could feel his warm breath on her face, smelling his cologne, and she trembled. He moved his lips close to her ear, but not touching. None of his body touched her, although he was very close. "What are you afraid of...? Me...? Or yourself...?" He pulled back, those hypnotic eyes drawing her in again. "You want me to touch you... Don't you...? Like this...?" His hand moved slowly, lightly touching hers and she jumped slightly. "It's all right" he cooed, whispering in her ear again, his warm breath caressing her skin. "I won't hurt you... remember that... You can walk away whenever you want..." His fingertips lightly traced along her bare arm, travelling upwards slowly.

Swallowing hard, she stood there, frozen, unable to move, unable to break free of those eyes. A chill went down her spine at the touch of his hand. She couldn't stop shaking, couldn't stop panting, couldn't stop *him* as his hand went to her face now, fingertips tracing the line of her jaw before touching her lips. "Please... don't..." she breathed, knowing just how stupid that sounded. Why couldn't she move? It made no sense that after everything he'd done to her, she STILL wanted him. And wanted him so badly in fact, that every nerve in her body was screaming for her to reach out and touch HIM.

And it certainly didn't help that she'd seen 'Virtuosity' yesterday -- the image of his 'birth' into the real world was seared into her brain. His body was magnificent.

"Leave if you want," he repeated in that low, honeyed voice, as he brushed his soft lips against her ear and side of her face for a moment. Her breath caught in her throat, but still she couldn't move. "Why don't you leave, Laura...? Tell me..."

She squeezed her eyes shut, clenching her fists as she pressed herself back against the wall. "Leave me alone," she pleaded. "I can't do this..."

"Yes you can." His hand wandered down the front of her shirt. "Just let yourself go. Don't fight it..."

His fingertips found a raised nipple beneath her bra and shirt, and he lightly brushed across it. She moaned sharply, involuntarily, and opened her eyes in time to see the wolfish, triumphant grin on his face. It faded again into an intense, sexually charged gaze. "You can't tell me *now* that you don't want me... Admit it..." He lightly stroked her

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breast, and her legs felt as though they were going to buckle under her.

"Why are you doing this to me?" she said as she struggled to maintain some control. "Haven't you done enough already...?"

"Oh, no... Not nearly enough...." He leaned in, mouth opening to cover hers. Her lips opened willingly to his tongue, and he pressed against her, delivering what could only be described as a devastating kiss. His tongue dove deep, quickly subduing hers before he sucked her tongue into his own mouth for a bit. His hands went to her hips, slowly caressing upwards until they reached her breasts. He fondled her through the thin T-shirt, arousing her quickly, as his mouth began to conquer hers, his kisses hungry and passionate. She began to lose herself in the sensations racing through her body, and she struggled to retain her grip on reality.

But, abruptly, he pulled back a few inches, his blue eyes filling her field of vision for a long minute, appearing as though they were about to swallow her whole. Then Sid stepped back, moving several feet away to the support column in the middle of the room. She looked at him, bewildered.

"You've seen my movie now, haven't you?" She stared blankly, trying to clear the fuzziness left in her brain from his kisses. "'Virtuosity'." She reacted slightly, and he smiled. "I knew they'd make sure you saw it, so you could see how 'terrible' I am... But they can't just show you the 'bad' parts... They have to show you *all* of it. So now you know just how 'beautiful' I am." She watched as he slowly took off the green jacket, hanging it on a nail on the column behind him. "But that's just a picture on a TV screen." He untied his tie, and started unbuttoning the crisply pressed white shirt. "The real thing is much more impressive, I assure you." He made quite a show of removing his shirt; his movements were slow and deliberate, and he flexed his muscles, letting her see them ripple beneath the smooth, unblemished skin.

When he had removed the shirt, he hung it and his tie on the nail too. The motions were fluid and graceful, and she swallowed hard, truly overwhelmed by Sid's beauty. It was a different kind of attraction than what she felt for Maximus' strong, masculine form. She felt the same animal magnetism from Sid now that she had experienced the first time they met, a raw sexuality that made her heart pound in her chest, her body reacting to his charismatic presence.

"It's yours for the taking; all you have to do... Is walk over here... and take it, Laura." She stared, fighting against the instinctive reaction to his invitation. He kept smiling, and raised his hand, motioning with his finger for her to come closer... The same way he had in the movie when his 'virtual' self had summoned Daryl.

She swallowed hard, knowing she should leave now and walk out the door instead of going to him... But now, just as when she was in the bar, her feet had a mind of their own, and she found herself standing in front of him.

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"I knew you couldn't resist." His arms encircled her, pulling her close and into another kiss. She began to kiss him back, pulling herself against him. They kissed hungrily, almost pawing at each other, and his hands returned to fondling her breasts, drawing a low moan from her. "Tell me you want me," he whispered. When she didn't respond, he repeated the question in a more forceful, demanding tone. "Tell me..."

She drew a shuddering breath, her heart pounding in her chest, every fiber of her being crying out for him, and she finally succumbed.

"Yes, I want you. God help me... I want you, Sid."

He smiled in triumph. "There now -- that wasn't so hard, was it?"

She paused and hung her head, leaning against his chest. "Oh, yes it was," she said quietly. "More than you'll ever know." Her hands came up to his waist, feeling the firm, lean muscles beneath the incredibly smooth skin and, almost against her will, her hands began to caress him.

His hands settled over her buttocks, pulling her against him. He turned slowly until she had her back against the column, and he leaned against her, pressing his hips against hers, letting her feel his arousal. "See what you do to me?", he whispered as he nibbled on her neck below the ear, his tongue licking the side of her neck once or twice. They entwined themselves around each other, the kiss deepening. When her hips began to move rather insistently against his, he pulled back, whispering, "Not so fast... I like to savor my victories." He ran a finger down her face. "I want you to tell me what you want, otherwise you can't have it... I love it when you talk dirty," he said, fondling her through her shirt.

He stopped when she stiffened again. Her dignity made one final stand as she stared back at him. "Isn't it enough that you won? You don't have to humiliate me."

Sid pondered that, and she could almost see his dark side battling with his intellect. "Fair enough," he finally said, "but with a few conditions... You still have to let me know what you want. And don't fight me anymore."

"But I thought you got off on that," she shot back, her wits starting to come back a little now that the internal tug-of-war had ended.

The evil smirk put in an appearance for a moment. "Sometimes..." Then he sobered. "But not always... not now," he said, turning his head to nibble on her earlobe, his tongue sweeping around the curves and insinuating itself into the ear canal. "I want you to give yourself to me completely." The sound of his breath thundered through her, and she moaned, relaxing against him.

As Sid freed her long brown locks from their ponytail, running his fingers through her hair, she stared over his shoulder, eyes half closed, not really seeing anything. But

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eventually she realized that although the door was shut, it was unlocked. "What about the door...?" she murmured as his hand pulled her shirt out of her jeans and slid up underneath it.

Casting a quick glance behind him, Sid continued his caresses, his hand reaching her breast. "The hell with it... Nobody's home."

"Sid," she said, "if you're setting me up for another little 'surprise'... " She stopped kissing him, looking him dead in the eye. "So help me, I'll go get Bud's .38 and put a bullet in your head."

Realizing she meant it, Sid stopped, pulling his hand out from her shirt. He let go of her, then strode quickly to the door, locking it and wedging a chair under the handle. "Happy now?" he said as he came back to her, sliding into her arms. "That's *not* what this is about this time."

"Better not be," she said as he pulled her shirt up, quickly undoing the clasp on the back of her bra. He pulled her against him again, hiking her leg up to wrap around his hip as he kissed her, all the while fondling her now bare breasts. Eventually her shirt and bra disappeared entirely, stripped off easily by Sid's practiced hands, and she moaned into this mouth as his hands teased and aroused her full breasts. He was finding all the right spots, quicker than any man she'd ever been with, leaving her breathless. They exchanged long, wet kisses all the while -- Sid seemed determined to reach her tonsils with the tip of his tongue.

She trembled with anticipation as his hand went to the front of her blue jeans, fingers deftly undoing the button and zipper. His hand slipped inside, down between the jeans and her panties, moving to cup her between her legs.

He smiled as he kissed her. "Ah, cherie.... You haven't been honest with me, have you...? I knew you were lying... I must have made you wet the minute I walked into the room." He kissed her hungrily, his hand moving against the dampness and she gasped with pleasure. Losing herself to the sensations racing through her body, she almost didn't hear his next question. "Do I make you wet, my dear...?" he purred in her ear, tongue licking the side of her neck. "Is that true?"

It took a while to find her voice again, and between kisses, she answered, "You know you do..."

His kisses became more insistent as he pushed the jeans down off her hips, and she wiggled out of them with his assistance. Past the point of rational thought, she pressed her nearly naked body against his as they kissed with abandon now. She could feel his strong arousal through the thin fabrics of her panties and his trousers as he pressed her against the column. By some unspoken, mutual consent, they abruptly moved away from the column, Laura fumbling with Sid's belt buckle as they moved towards a pile of old blankets that were off in a corner. His pants were sliding down to his ankles by the time

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they pulled each other down onto the blankets, and it didn't surprise her at all that he wasn't wearing any underwear. He kicked free of his shoes and pants, then his socks, until he was naked. Pausing briefly to rid her of her panties, Sid crawled on top of her, pinning her beneath him as they pawed at each other like animals, his hard erection poking into her belly.

As she settled beneath him, getting used to his weight, she felt the fear resurface as she wondered what he would be like 'unleashed'. But he actually seemed to noticed her reticence, and completely surprised her when he lowered his head to give her a decidedly compassionate, gentle kiss on the lips. "I know what you're thinking... but don't... I won't force you into anything."

He spread her legs apart with his knees, and she moaned softly, trembling with anticipation now, staring up into those cool aquamarine eyes. He shifted, and she felt him press against the edges of her folds. "Do you want me inside of you?", he whispered, brushing his lips across hers. "Say it..."

"Sid..." she protested.

"Say it," he repeated.

"Yes, I want you inside me," she whispered as she kissed him, sliding her hands up grab his buttocks. Moaning as he slowly entered her, she gasped a little at his girth, tensing. So he stopped, again totally surprising her, waiting for her to relax beneath him. "Better... much better," he whispered as they began to rock together.

They both lost themselves to their union, beyond thought and reason, existing as one for those moments. And it seemed to go on for hours, she thought, as he rode her, thrusting in and out with long, fluid strokes. She had her legs wrapped around his waist, hanging on for dear life as they coupled. Her body gave itself to him over and over, until she thought there was nothing left to give. But her passion was not easily quenched either, and she managed to keep up with him far longer than she thought she could. He possessed extraordinary stamina, however, and kept going long after she thought possible for a man. Eventually he too reached his peak, stifling what surely would have been a howling cry if he had given it voice, as he spent himself within her.

Finally his sweaty body stilled, and he lay atop her, panting as he slowly regained control of himself and his body. Sleepy, his eyelids drooped a bit, and for once those blue eyes actually looked normal. Stretching languidly, he brought a hand to her face, pushing the hair out of her eyes. "So is that what you wanted?" He kissed her slowly, deliberately, and she kissed him back.

"...Yes," she admitted after a long pause. She had no choice but to keep staring up into his eyes, as he had not moved, still lying atop her, his full weight pinning her against the blankets and concrete floor beneath. Eventually she shifted, saying, "I can't breathe..."

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He moved, but only slightly. His eyes had turned ice blue again as he smiled down at her. "I like it here; don't you?"

She decided it was best not to answer him. Already she was beginning to feel remorse for what had happened here, now that the fog of lust was lifting from her brain. She turned her head, wrenching her eyes away from his. "Let me up."

"Uh-uh." He shook his head briefly as he lowered his head, nuzzling her neck. He lifted off her, slipping to her right side, but not enough to allow her to get up. His leg lay heavily across hers, pressing down, and his arm was across her torso as his hand moved to one breast. "I hadn't actually finished yet," he said as his mouth moved back to hers, kissing her passionately.

"Don't," she said, making a feeble attempt to push him away.

"Let's not start all that again," he muttered as his hand fondled her breast. "I want you to enjoy this, and realize what a mistake you made by not taking me up on my offer sooner."

Before she could respond, he leaned down and kissed her once again; deep, leisurely, wet and hot. At the same time, his hand slid down between her legs, massaging her intimately. Her "Oh, god..." came out as an incoherent moan as her whole body responded to the sensations radiating from the expert touch of his hand. Whatever doubts she'd had were erased from her brain as her libido took over again, and she spread her thighs wide apart, the muscles in her abdomen contracting in anticipation of what would soon follow. Breathing heavily, she pushed against his hand, craving deeper, more intimate contact.

Abandoning her mouth, his lips moved down as he shifted to lay claim to her breasts. Covering one nipple, he drew her into his hot mouth, tongue picking up where his fingers had left off. Teasing the tips, he tasted her sweetness, the suction of his mouth drawing her deep. Her body responded from deep within as well, moaning loudly as the rhythm of his mouth began to match the rhythm of the hand between her legs. She trembled beneath him, panting. "Oh, god..." she muttered. "...Sid..."

"I'd ask if you enjoy this," he remarked, momentarily raising his head. "But I believe the question would be superfluous." His mouth returned to her heaving breasts, and this time, his teeth closed around the areola, nipping lightly. She groaned louder, her body nearly writhing beneath his now.

His massaging was becoming torture as the tension built inside her. It soon became obvious that he was playing with her -- he seemed to enjoy bringing her close to an orgasm only to ease off at the last moment. Her head thrashed from side to side as she clutched at the blankets beneath, whispering, "Sid... Please...!"

"Please what?", he asked, feigning ignorance of her plight. "You'll have to tell me."

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She hesitated. "I thought we agreed... Don't make me beg."

"Under the circumstances, I don't think that's really too much to ask," he whispered. He rubbed a little harder, and she arched up towards him with a sharp groan.

When her breath came back, she looked at him, using her free hand to bring his mouth back to hers, kissing him passionately. "Make me come, Sid... Please..." She wasn't sure that would be enough to pacify him, and she waited for his answer.

Fortunately, Sid was being unusually magnanimous today, for he only smiled and said, "All you had to do was ask..." His fingers probed the delicate folds, sinking down into the warm, slick channel. She nearly went over the edge again at that moment, moaning very loudly. "You see," he said as she relaxed again beneath his sensual touch. "I'm not the monster everyone seems to think I am."

"I wonder about that," she said, but Sid just grinned.

She gritted her teeth a moment later, fighting back a lusty cry as his fingers went deep. "More..." she whispered, "Please..." She was begging for it now, but no longer cared. She panted, short, quick breaths, then alternately moaning as the rhythm of his hand and mouth began to match that of her body, and the tension built to explosive proportions. His fingers found just the right spot, and the world turned inside out for a minute as she came again, fighting back the urge to scream at the exquisite pleasure he was causing. She curled in on herself, grabbing at him, digging her nails into his shoulder blades as the muscles contracted around his hand.

When the orgasm had faded, she slumped back onto the blankets. Thankfully, Sid left her alone for a while, allowing her to drift back to him naturally. When she finally opened her eyes again, he was tracing geometric patterns across her belly. "I've always enjoyed doing this the first time I bed a woman," he said, almost to himself. "I like learning her; what turns her on, how to make her body follow my lead... How to make her beg for me." He looked at her with an odd smile. "It's like learning to play an instrument."

She went cold at that, recalling Sid's perverted 'orchestra' in 'Virtuosity'... It made her ashamed for what she'd just let him do to her -- a man who could kill with no more concern than turning out a light WAS a monster.

He kissed her again, caressing her, before slowly disengaging. Finally, he rolled onto his back, then sat up. "I think it's time we got out of here. Someone's going to miss us soon..." Then he smiled to himself, chuckling. "Actually, it's *you* they'll miss. If *I* disappeared -- they'd probably throw a party."

"I'm sure they would."

He stood up, and she stared up at him, almost gawking; he was so stunningly handsome, his body so well built. He caught her staring, and smiled broadly. "Do you think I'm

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beautiful?" he asked, looking extraordinarily pleased with himself.

She sighed, then admitted, "Yes, I do. You ARE beautiful."

"Of course," he grinned. "What do you think I've been telling you...? But you act like you'd never seen me before now. The other night you ladies had me stripped down to my shorts," he grumbled. "Surely you noticed *that*."

"Actually, no I didn't. At least not enough to take a real good look." She looked away, remembering how angry and hurt she had been that night, and WHY. She could hardly look at him. "I was so angry I couldn't see straight. What you did to me..." She couldn't finish, wondering how she could possibly have slept with him after all that.

"You think too much." He picked up his pants, and began to get dressed.

"No, I don't think *enough*," she countered, pulling the blankets over her nude body, suddenly feeling exposed in front of his piercing stare.

"Well, don't forget," he said as he buckled the belt around his waist. "You did get your 'revenge' on me that night..." She saw him wince just at the memory of the blow to his groin. "That HURT."

"Served you right," she countered, and he drew back, almost offended. Assuming it was possible for Sid to BE offended. "It was pay-back for what you did to me. Consider us even."

"I'd hardly consider it even, considering you also ruined my clothes," he huffed. "AND nearly drowned me... AND buried me in the damn sand."

She stifled a smile as she started looking for her own clothes. Most of them were over by the column, laying at Sid's feet, but he made no attempt to help her, instead smirking as he watched her wrap up in a blanket as she walked over and retrieved her jeans, bra, shirt, socks and shoes.

"That's rather unnecessary, don't you think?" he said, giggling softly at her sudden modesty as she turned her back to him to finish dressing. She ignored him, and they both dressed in silence. Finishing quickly, she watched as Sid tied his tie, noticing that his hair, which she had managed to muss pretty well while they made love, was back in place, perfect as could be. She wondered how he managed that, then decided she didn't really want to know what the full capabilities of a cyber-psycho were.

She looked over at the door, sobering as she realized she'd have to return to the 'real' world in a moment, wondering what she was going to do. What in the hell was she going to tell Tina? *Should* she tell Tina? She was her oldest friend after all, but still... This was SID she was talking about...! And Maximus... Dear god, what was she going to do about *that*? Would he possibly understand?

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Probably not, she noted with a sigh. Sid heard her and looked over at her. "Problem?"

She nodded. "I want you to do me a favor," she began, not knowing how to say this without making things much worse. "I'm asking you not to say anything to anybody about this."

"Especially Maximus," he finished for her. She nodded. He paused, then shrugged. "No reason for me to say anything to anybody, not even to piss them off." The smirk on his face grew to a grin as he added, "Might even be fun to sneak around behind the fool's back." She looked confused, then appalled, and he added, "You DID know this wasn't just a one night stand, mon cher..."

"I - I can't do this again," she stammered.

"That's what you said before." He came up to her, drawing her into a lusty kiss. "Don't tell me you *never* want me to fuck you again... Cause we both know you'd be lying."

He was making her hot again, the way he touched her, the way he kissed her. She looked up into his eyes. "I can't fool around behind his back... I won't. Besides, I'm a lousy liar; I'd get caught in no time."

"He's so stupid, he'll never catch on. Not if we're smart." He kissed her again. "Ordinarily, I'd say invite him along next time... But he isn't my type." He chuckled that maniacal little laugh. "And I sure as hell ain't his!"

"Sid..." She paused, searching for the words that might get through to him. "This won't work," she said, sighing, realizing *nothing* would get through to Sid once he made up his mind. He ignored her, and she watched as he went to the door, unblocking it and turning the lock. "Wait..."

"Sorry, gotta go. Places to go, people to see." He came back over to her and swept her into his arms, bending her back into a deep, sloppy kiss. "Until next time, cherie..." With that, he let her go, practically dropping her to the floor as sailed out the door.

She stood there for several minutes, dumbfounded, then sat down on a crate, burying her face in her hands. "Why do I feel like I just made a deal with the devil?" she muttered to herself.

Part Five

Late in the afternoon, Tina came down the second floor hallway of the hotel, pulling out her room key. She paused in front of her door, noticing the noise coming from across the hall in Laura's room. It sounded like the TV volume was turned up *very* loud; she wasn't sure, but it sounded like a scene from 'Virtuosity' was playing. She crossed to the other side of the hallway and knocked on the door. There was no response at first, so she

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knocked again, calling her friend's name. A few moments later, she heard the deadbolt turn, and the door opened.

"Hi, Tina," Laura said quietly, looking a bit dejected, and walked away from the door. She went back to the sofa where she'd obviously been sitting for a while. There was a beer can sitting on the coffee table in front of her, with several empty cans laying on the floor beside her. Tina looked at the TV, noting it was indeed 'Virtuosity' that was playing -- Laura was staring blankly at Sid's image on the screen during the scene in the MediaZone nightclub.

Tina was alarmed; this wasn't at all like her friend's normal behavior. Laura never drank alone, and definitely not *that* much. "What are you doing?" she asked. "Did something happen?"

"You could say that..."

"Why are you watching 'Virtuosity'? I didn't think you would want to see *that* again."

"You would think so." She took a sip out of the beer can. "I'm just trying to figure something out... Do you find Sid attractive? Is he sexy?"

"Is that a serious question?" Tina quipped. "This is Russell Crowe we're talking about; Sid's still got Russell's face and body. I think it's a different kind of sexy with Sid, though. Sort of... dark, I guess."

"I've been thinking the same thing..." She sighed heavily. "*Why* does he have to look like the rest of them?"

"Uh... They're all Russell's characters; you know that." She looked at Laura, knowing there was something terribly amiss here. Something she just wasn't getting. "Laura, what's going on?"

Laura took another sip, staring at the TV as Sid pulled out a gun and blew the head off the robot bartender. "You don't want to know... I can't believe it myself."

"Believe what?"

Laura sighed. "I don't really want to admit to this, but I gotta tell someone... And you're my closest friend." She shuddered slightly as Sid screamed at the crowd to get on its knees. "You're not gonna believe it... *I* don't believe it." She turned away, unable to look Tina in the eye. "I... I was with Sid."

Tina stared for a moment, not comprehending. Then her eyebrows climbed up her forehead. "What...? You mean, *with* Sid... As in 'slept with'?" Laura nodded. "Oh, my god." She was almost speechless. "When did this happen...? Where? Here?"

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"No, no... We were, uhm, down in the storeroom... This morning."

"The storeroom?" This was already becoming unbelievable. "Huh?"

"I went down there to look for some new pictures," Laura began to explain, pointing to an empty spot on the wall. "I didn't like the one that was hanging there, and Peaches told me I could go down and look for a new one... I hadn't been down there long, maybe 3 minutes, when Sid showed up. He must have followed me."

"Oh, lord! That creep, did he -- did he force himself on you?" Tina asked, afraid to hear the answer.

"No... Maybe it would've been easier if he had." She laid her head against the arm of the sofa. "There was something that happened when Sid and I first met that I never told you or anyone else... Sid propositioned me, and I was *this* close to going for it." She held her hand up, her thumb and forefinger nearly touching. "You know how smooth he is, and I didn't know what kind of psycho he really was." She sighed. "I thought after I found out the truth about him, not to mention what happened at the beach, that that would be the end of it... But it wasn't. I watched 'Virtuosity', and even though it made me sick, I couldn't get *that* scene out of my head."

"When Sid is born," Tina said, knowing exactly what Laura was referring to.

"Yea." She took a deep breath. "So he came on to me again and was saying he knew I wanted him, and all kinds of shit. I didn't know what to do; he wouldn't leave me alone."

Tina shook her head in disgust. "That son of a bitch; I'll *kill* him."

Laura put up a hand. "No, it wasn't like that. He didn't lay a hand on me -- at least not right then." She sighed again. "I could have left, but I didn't. I swear, it was like I couldn't get my feet to move. It's those eyes; they're just... hypnotic or something." She picked up the beer and downed the rest of the contents. "He was right... God help me, he was right. I wanted him... And it happened."

Tina's mouth was hanging open. "YOU slept with Sid... Miss Straight Arrow... Slept with Sid the psycho."

"Yea, that's about what it boils down to." She banged her head against the wooden edge of the sofa. "God, somebody just shoot me."

They both sat quiet for a while. "So...?" Tina asked. "What happened?"

Laura raised her head. "You mean you want *details*?"

"No!" Tina said, quickly. Then she hesitated, adding, "Uhm, well, now that you mention it... Yea!" Laura groaned, looking embarrassed. "Come on; we tell each other

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*everything*, right...? Was he... Was he good?" she asked, a bit embarrassed herself.

Laura started to smile. "Uh-huh." She blushed, giggling a bit at the memory. "Oh, *man*, was he good! He knew all the right things; I was out of my head in no time -- I tried not to think about *how* he knew what he did, and after a while, I didn't care.... Not that Max isn't good too, but it was totally different with Sid."

"Different how? Like... kinky?" Tina was leaning close, hanging on her every word.

"No, believe it or not. At least not much anyway. I figured he'd be dragging out the handcuffs and leather, but no, it was... normal stuff. He would've liked me to talk dirty to him, but when I balked, he backed off. It just felt... dangerous, like forbidden fruit or something. Dark and a little sleazy." She stopped when she realized what she was saying. "God, will you listen to me? What is it about the guy that makes me so -- ?" She couldn't quite finish the sentence.


Laura laughed softly. "Yea... I couldn't believe it was happening. It was like a dream or something. Or a nightmare. I haven't figured out which yet. Depends on Sid, I guess... Which is what scares me." Tina asked why. "Because I thought of it in terms of a one night stand. You know -- get it and him out of my system. But I don't think that's the way Sid sees it -- as he was leaving, he mentioned 'next time'."

"Oh, hell."

"Tell me about it." She sighed again, shaking her head, running her fingers through her hair nervously. "God, what am I gonna do? What do I tell Maximus? I have to tell him, sooner rather than later, because I don't trust Sid to keep his mouth shut like he said he would. But what if Max doesn't understand or forgive me? I wouldn't blame him if he didn't, but I don't want to lose him."

"Uh, well, Laura... You know --"

"If I didn't want to lose Max, I shouldn't have slept with Sid." Laura finished Tina's sentence for her. "I know, I know... But I couldn't help it. I had it so bad for him I couldn't stop myself." She hung her head in shame. "Aw, geez, how can I *possibly* tell Max!? Any suggestions...? Or should I just throw myself off a bridge *now* and get it over with?"

Tina paused briefly. "I vote for the bridge."

"Oh, hell... That little creep. Why did he have to corner me like that? I'd be fine if he'd just kept his distance. I might have thought about it, but he just kept bugging me... Damn those eyes. He's just so smooth - he has an answer to *everything*."

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"Well, you remember what I told you about sociopaths."

"I *knew* all that, but... But when you're face to face with someone like Sid, and he's touching you... It's a whole different ball game. You stop thinking and start reacting."

Tina shook her head. "You realize this is gonna be a tough sell with Max, no matter what 'spin' you put on it. If it were Bud or Cort -- or John," she added somewhat hesitantly, " -- he probably wouldn't mind; the guys seem to be pretty... accommodating. But Sid..." She shook her head again. "After what he said to Max - and you - the other night... Max will have a *real* hard time with Sid."

"I know. I'll just have to make him understand. If not..." Laura sighed. "Hell, I did this to myself. Got nobody else to blame."

"You said it, I didn't..."

"Thanks a lot! Some friend you are," she said jokingly. She found herself skipping back through the DVD to Sid's 'birth' scene. They both watched it again, nearly drooling over the 'butt' shot. "See what I mean," Laura said, abruptly shutting off the movie after Sid said, 'I think I'm gonna like it here.' "You're doing it too. Now I really understand how those serial killers did it -- they're so smooth, you don't realize what's happening until its way, way too late. I guess I'll just have to throw myself on Max's mercy and hope to hell he understands." She sighed heavily, chewing on a fingernail. "But the thing that REALLY scares me is -- God help me -- It could happen again. If Sid gets me alone again somewhere, I swear, I don't trust myself not to go for it again. There's still a part of me that's... curious about 'the dark side' of Sid."

Tina's eyes widened. "Oh, no!" She shook her head emphatically. "Do not go near this guy anymore. He's bad news; you're just asking for trouble, girlfriend!"

"I know, but like I said, can't help it. You know I have a weakness for 'bad boys'."

"Yes, I know. But I also know what happened to you the last time you fell for one of them." She looked at her, feeling sorry she had brought it up when she saw Laura's face pale. "You already know they're not worth it."

"Yea, I do. You'd think I'd learn after I got burned as bad as I did... Even if Max weren't in the picture, *that* would be reason enough to stay the hell away from Sid."

"Exactly... And you know, Max might forgive it once, but not *twice*."

"I know. I gotta be strong." She smiled, wiggling her eyebrows. "Maybe if I sneak into Max's bedroom every night, I'll be too tired to bother with Sid!"

"Now that's a good idea." Tina laughed. She shook her head, walking over to the DVD player, where she picked up the case for 'Virtuosity'. "Sid..." She shook her head again. "I

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still can't get over it. You and Sid..."

"Tell me about it..."

"Uh... I was wondering..." She looked at Laura, her face starting to redden with embarrassment. "No, forget it; I can't say it."


"Well... Just out of curiosity... Uhm, well, we all know that Sid's made of that blue nano-goo... So I was wondering... Since he bleeds blue... What about... you know... his 'swimmers'...?" She raised an eyebrow. [**See Author's Note at end of story**]

It was Laura's turn to blush. "You mean -- ?" Tina nodded, giggling. "Oh, god..." Her mouth opened and closed a few times. "Hell, I can't say it either..." She ran her fingers through her hair, then stopped. "Wait..." Laura went into the bathroom, and came out a few moments later, carrying something behind her back. She came up to Tina, and, from behind her back, showed her a pair of white cotton panties, which were now stained a shade of pale blue. "Does *this* answer your question?"

Tina's eyes widened, and she clapped her hand over her mouth. "Oh, my god...!"

"I think I'm going to have to throw these away. I tried washing them, but the blue won't come out." She blushed a deeper shade of red. "Funny thing is, I didn't even notice it until after Sid left. I was straightening up the blankets we had been laying on when I noticed... well... I think you get the idea." She giggled self-consciously. "I took the blanket with me and ran upstairs to take a shower... Actually, I've taken *three* showers now... But at least I was wearing *blue* jeans..." She watched as Tina turned redder too. "Hey, you *asked*, you know!"

Tina put her hand over her eyes. "Geez, I'm sorry I did! Definitely TOO MUCH information!"

"Yea, you're probably right." She walked over to the trashcan and tossed in the panties.

Tina giggled, face still flushed with embarrassment, as was Laura's. "Uh, I think I oughta go to my room for a bit... And take a cold shower of my own." She headed for the door as Laura giggled too. "I'll be back... Unless I decide to give John a call," she said, smiling, as she opened the door and hurried across the hall.

Laura avoided the Boyz for the rest of the evening, especially Maximus, holed up in her room on the pretense of not feeling well, watching 'The Insider' and several other RC movies, trying to take her mind off Sid. She spent a restless night alone, unable to sleep, and was up at the crack of dawn the next morning. It was a glorious day, too wonderful to waste staying inside, so she put on her athletic shoes and went for a long walk down to the beach and back.

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As she neared the hotel after walking a few miles, she had broken into a slow jog, needing to work off some of the nervous energy she still felt, and also to try to keep in shape while she was here. So when she finally reached the back door of the hotel, she was sweaty and out of breath. She stopped beside the back gate, pausing to catch her breath, then put her leg up on the fence, slowly stretching, cooling down her muscles from their workout. She bent down to touch her toes, spreading her feet wide apart, stretching her hamstrings. The stretching felt good, and she bobbed down a few times, touching her elbows to the ground as she bent down.

She slowly pulled her feet back together, stretching her arms upwards to finish things up. Then she turned around, heading for the back door of the hotel.

Only to pull up short as she found Sid 6.7 a few feet from the door, smiling appreciatively at her. "Don't stop on my account. You have a lovely body," he said, his eyes sweeping up and down her form. "Better without clothes, of course. But definitely very flexible. I didn't realize you were athletic."

She rolled her eyes. "If I didn't know better, I'd say you've been following me." She glared at him.

"I've done nothing of the kind," he said innocently. "I merely saw you leave earlier. But, yes, I *did* wait for you to come back." He came forward, pulling a single rose from behind his back. "This is but a small token of my affection, my sweet -- To truly celebrate the consummation of our passion would require filling your room with roses, but that seemed a bit ostentatious... And it would have attracted too much attention. We don't want to 'arouse' suspicious, now do we?" he said in his usual smooth, honeyed voice.

"Sid, I don't have time for this," she said, trying to push past him, refusing to take the rose. Looking at him now made her wonder what in the hell had possessed her yesterday; it almost seemed liked she'd dreamed being with him down in the cellar.

He caught her arm as she passed, gently but firmly pulling her to him. "You don't have to go just yet."

She managed not to panic, staring back at him with a cool gaze. She was determined *not* to lose it in front of him again. "I don't want to talk to you," she said, pulling free. Thankfully, he let her go without a struggle.

"I've been thinking... Come back to my room, and we'll pick up where we left off. We did things your way; now I'll show you *my* way." The smile he gave her sent shivers down her spine, this time a mixture of desire -- and fear.

Determined not to let him get to her anymore, Laura glared at him. "I'm not interested -- and I'm busy."

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"That's not true. You are interested -- you know you are."

"Yesterday was a mistake. I let my guard down, and I let this place get to me. It shouldn't have happened. Max --"

"Is a fool," Sid interrupted.

"Maximus is the only one I want. Kindly leave me alone from now on."

Sid took her hand, bringing it to his lips, dropping the rose. "If he was the only one you wanted, you wouldn't have been with me."

In spite of herself, her body responded to his touch. He drew her closer, and she looked around. Anyone could see them here. "Sid -"

"No one's here but us." He touched her intimately, hand rubbing her between her legs. "You know you want me." He leaned in, lowering his head to nuzzle the shell of her ear and then her neck, kissing her in just the exact spot that was guaranteed to send shivers over her whole body and make her go weak at the knees, drawing a soft moan from her lips. /Damn the man's perfect memory!// she thought as her resolve began to weaken under the assault of her body's insistent demands.

She remembered how wonderful he had made her feel yesterday, his hands now touching her again in many of her most sensitive spots. And he was wearing her favorite men's cologne too, 'Polo', which was guaranteed to put her hormones in orbit. A lusty haze descended on her brain as Sid's hands and lips worked their magic on her body, and she began to consider the possibility of taking him up on his offer and following him to his room...

But something Sid had said yesterday forced itself into her brain, the alarm bells sounding in her head. 'I've always enjoyed doing this the first time I bed a woman... I like learning her; what turns her on, how to make her body follow my lead... How to make her beg for me... It's like learning to play an instrument...' The tone of his voice made her go cold now, just as it had then.

Sid was using what he had learned yesterday to 'play' her now...

She summoned her strength, saying to herself. /Control! Stay in control!// She forced her thoughts away from Sid, calling up the image of Maximus, and what his face would look like if he were to find her like this. This time, it was enough to put the steel back in her spine, and she pulled away, pushing him back to arm's length.

"No. Do NOT touch me again," she said firmly, shying away when he reached for her once more.

"Why do you insist on fighting against the inevitable?" He took a step towards her, and

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she backed away. He stopped this time, but the onslaught of words continued. "I can satisfy your desires in ways Maximus would never even dream of." The seductive grin was back. "There are ways of pleasuring each other that would -- "

"Turn my stomach?" she interrupted, desperate to shut him up.

But it didn't phase him in the least. "Or turn you on... Consider the possibilities. Think of all the lurid little fantasies you've had, the ones you've never told another living soul... And imagine them coming true... With *me*. I think you already know I'm game for *anything*..."

She realized that it was pointless to argue with him -- and that it only served to encourage him further. She had to leave, and leave *now*. She glared at him, hands on her hips. "That's it. I've had it. I am NOT going to discuss this any further, now or ever." She marched past him, and when he tried to grab her arm again, she quickly twisted free. "I'm not playing the game anymore, Sid. Take your toys and go home." She marched past him, and this time, he didn't stop her.

"When you decide to come to your senses -- you know where to find me." His voice was gloating, supremely confident that it was only a matter of time that she succumbed to his invitation. She didn't even look back, opening the back door to the hotel and hurrying inside. Sid thankfully did not follow, and she rushed upstairs to her room.

She slowed as she heard voices from the hallway, and sighed with relief as she spotted Bud at the far end with a woman she didn't recognize. Sid would not want to deal with Bud, assuming he did try to follow her after all.

"Morning, Bud," she greeted, managing a smile.

Bud turned, smiling back. "Good morning, Laura."

She looked past him at the woman with a suitcase. "Who's your friend, Bud? I don't think we've met yet."

"Probably not directly," Bud said, putting his arm around the woman and walking towards Laura. "Laura, this is Tammy. Tammy, this is Laura."

"Tammy!" "Laura!" came the greetings in unison.

The girls moved forward to hug each other as Bud grinned, "Guess you *do* know each other."

"Hey, you made it!" Laura said. "Welcome to Crowes Hotel and Tavern! Did you just get here?"

"Yep, just arrived," Tammy said with a big smile on her face as she put her arm around

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Bud's waist. "Lucky for me, this handsome guy was in the lobby. He offered to see me to my room."

"Well, you're in good hands with Officer White. Definitely knows how to treat a woman like a lady -- Don't you, Bud?"

"Well, I -- " Bud stammered a bit, obviously embarrassed.

"Oh, I'm sure he does," Tammy said, pulling Bud closer. "You were right about this place," she said to Laura, sighing slightly as she glanced at Bud. "It's definitely very... special."

"Oh, it's most definitely that!" Laura laughed. "Well, I'm sure you want to unpack after your trip. Come by later, when you're settled, and we'll talk, okay?"

"Sure thing," Tammy said as she and Bud went back towards her room. "It's great to finally meet you in person, Laura."

"You too, Tammy." She watched as Bud opened the door for Tammy, and the two disappeared into her room.

Just before the door closed, she heard Tammy say, "Bud, why don't you stay for a bit and help me... unpack...?"

Laura chuckled as she went into her own room, quickly shutting and locking the door behind her. Her smile faded as she walked over to the window, staring out towards the tavern, her mind obsessing over her conversation with Sid.

She rubbed the side of her neck absently, still feeling the lingering affects of Sid's kiss... Truth be told, her whole body was feeling the affects of Sid's appearance. He was right about one thing -- she was still very much turned on by him. In spite of his sleazy ways -- or perhaps because of them -- she could not get the thought of him out of her head.

She closed her eyes, remembering how incredible he had made her feel yesterday. Before he had even touched her, she had been so turned on that it became impossible to fight the urge to be with him. And he still turned her on, with his seductive voice, incredible eyes, incredible body... No matter what her common sense told her about staying away from him, she still craved his touch, his caress... the lips that left scorching trails across her skin... the hands that made her body come alive... the hips that --

Her eyes snapped open. "Oh, god..." she muttered, shaking her head vigorously to clear the images from her mind. But they wouldn't go away, no matter how hard she tried. His voice seemed to echo in her head. 'I'm game for anything..' No matter how much she thought of Maximus, remembering the gentle but intense passion of the nights she'd spent in his arms, Sid inevitably crept into her fantasies.

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She found herself staring at the tavern, mentally counting the windows, wondering which one belonged to Sid... Wondering how she could sneak into his room without anyone noticing.

She pulled away from the window with a groan. "Damn it, get out of my head, Sid!" she said to herself. She knew Sid wasn't worth the risk of screwing things up with Maximus. But she couldn't keep Sid's voice out of her head either. 'Imagine them coming true with me...' It seemed to echo in her skull until she growled, "Stop it...! Stop it, stop it, stop it...!"

The walls were closing in on her and, suddenly, she felt the urge to flee -- but not into Sid's arms. She had to get the hell away from here, away from Sid and the enormous temptation before she compounded one mistake with another. Tina had been right -- Maximus might forgive a momentary weakness, but *not* a repeat performance.

Turning abruptly, she strode to the closet, pulled out her suitcase, and began throwing her clothes into it. "Damn it, Sid," she muttered to herself. "You win -- for now. You wanted to chase me away from Max... Now you've got your wish..." She gathered her things in a hurry, leaving everything in a jumbled heap in the suitcase, then forced it shut. "Max, forgive me," she muttered, "but I cannot stay here a minute longer. If I do, I'll end up in Sid's bed, and I won't have a prayer of explaining it to you -- or myself." She grabbed her purse and rental car keys, then picked up the suitcase and went out into the hallway.

She lugged her suitcase down the stairs, and was heading for the front door when she heard Peaches call out, "Laura...! Are you leaving...!?"

Laura stopped, taking a deep breath before turning around. She set down the suitcase and walked back to the desk. "Yea, I am -- but just temporarily. I need to take care of a few things back in the 'real' world... But I should be back in a few days... I think." She forced herself to sound normal, but inside, she was frantic to get away before Sid had a chance to stop her.

"Oh, well that's too bad, but I understand. We'll miss you around here -- I know Maximus will, but I'm sure he's told you that already himself."

Laura looked away for a minute. "Actually... I haven't had a chance to tell him. This was a last minute decision, and I need to get going right away." There was no way she could talk to him face to face right now. "So could you tell Max for me when you see him?"

"Tell me what?" Maximus said, startling her as he came into the lobby. She jumped rather noticeably.

"Take it easy -- it's only me," he said, smiling as he put his hand on her shoulder.

"Sorry -- I didn't hear you come in." She took another a deep breath, pasting a neutral look on her face.

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He looked over at the suitcase. "Going somewhere?"

"Yea -- like I was just telling Peaches, I have to leave for a while. Maybe a couple of days. Something came up at the office, and I really have to go back and deal with it... Reality is such a pain," she joked, trying to appear 'normal'. "I wish I could stay here all the time, but, hey, you gotta do what you gotta do, right?"

"I'm sorry to hear that -- I was looking forward to having breakfast together now."

Damn! She had forgotten all about that; Sid had her so rattled lately. "Oh, so was I. I'm sorry, but I just can't stay."

"That's all right -- I understand," he said. "Are you leaving right now?" She nodded. "Well, let me help you to the car." Laura said goodbye to Peaches, and he picked up the suitcase and walked with her out to the parking lot. "When do you think you'll be back?"

She hesitated. She needed a few days to get her head together, but wasn't sure exactly how long it would take to be able to sort things out. "Uhm, I really don't know for sure. Two, three days... maybe a week," she shrugged.

Those warm blue-green eyes studied her face. "Everything okay?"

Damn him, he noticed everything. "It's nothing," she said, "Just... office politics. Nothing like Imperial politics," she joked, smiling slightly, "but it's still enough to drive me crazy sometimes."

Maximus opened his mouth to say something else... But then stopped. She could tell he knew something was up, but respected her privacy enough not to ask. Damn, why did he have to be so wonderful? It just made her feel guiltier. "We'll all miss you; hurry back," he said, interrupting her thoughts. He looked around, noting that they were alone, and pulled her close. "Don't forget us," he said as he kissed her, slowly and intimately. She clung tightly to him, kissing him back with equal fervor. She didn't know how long it would be before he held her in his arms like this again, and she wanted to memorize every detail.

They separated reluctantly, and Maximus stepped away and opened the car door, putting the suitcase inside.

"I don't think there's much chance of me ever forgetting this place," she smiled, wanting nothing more than to melt into his strong arms again. But she felt terrible about what had happened with Sid, and she wondered if Maximus would understand.

But she didn't have the courage to admit the truth to him right now. /Coward!// she thought to herself, but said out loud, "I, uh... really need to get going." She climbed behind the wheel, and he shut the door for her. She rolled down the window, and he

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leaned on the frame.

"Drive carefully -- we want you back in one piece," he smiled. He kissed her briefly once more, then backed away as she started the engine.

"Thanks -- I will." She let it warm up for a minute, then put it in reverse. "Bye, Max. Tell the rest of the guys I'm sorry I didn't get a chance to say goodbye, but I couldn't wait."

"I will," Maximus said, then watched as she backed up the red Dodge Viper convertible. She peeled out of the parking lot, sending up a cloud of dust in her wake, heading home.

Part Six

The landscape flew by in a blur as Laura drove her rented red Dodge Viper convertible down the highway, top down, wind whipping past her face and disturbing the few wisps of hair that had escaped from her ponytail. 80's songs played on the radio, and she tapped the steering wheel in tune to Duran Duran's "Wild Boys", humming along.

Her destination was only a few miles more down the road, and she had a big smile plastered on her face as she gunned the accelerator, anxious get there. She had the road to herself, and it had been that way for quite some time now. Ever since that last turn-off, which was hidden from the main highway, she'd been alone on the road. Luckily, hardly anyone knew about this place, and there were no cops -- at least no *real* ones, she grinned -- so she floored the accelerator, the speedometer climbing quickly as the V8 engine responded. The display soon read over 120 mph, and, as the surrounding fields and trees sped by, her heart raced, exhilarated by the speed. She had always wanted to open it up on the highway, but never had the opportunity before, at least not in a car like this. She felt safe here, because somehow the rules of the 'real' world didn't seem to apply here.

She had only been gone six days, but it seemed like ages since she'd set foot in Crowe's Tavern. It was amazing just how much she missed everyone in just that short time. And it was equally amazing how quickly she had grown to love everyone there.

Well, *almost* everyone, she noted, the smile fading from her face.

She sobered as she thought of Sid, and the reason she had left here in the first place. Six days of solitude and soul searching had led her to the conclusion that she had been so overwhelmed by the testosterone levels in the place that she hadn't stood a chance. Although normally very conservative, she had gotten caught up in the freewheeling atmosphere, and let her hormones get the better of her. And although Sid 6.7 was a jerk and a slime ball, he still shared the same eyes, the same body, the same overwhelming maleness of all the other incarnations of Russell Crowe. Although she was still kicking herself for letting herself get talked into sleeping with Sid, she had gotten over the guilt, realizing she was only human and could hardly be expected to think rationally when it came to Russell Crowe.

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She just hoped Maximus would understand when she told him -- and she did intend to tell him. She was not about to let Sid hold that over her head for a minute longer than she had to.

She had decided that from now on, no matter what Sid said or did, she was not going near him again. While it was true that she still felt a certain attraction to him, she knew that she was just asking for major trouble if she continued to have any kind of contact with him. And it was certainly *not* worth screwing things up further with Maximus.

It was going to be tough, she knew, to control herself around Sid though. He *was* charming -- in a dangerous sort of way. And she had to admit also that she was fascinated by his darker side. But several more viewings of 'Virtuosity' had convinced her he was *much* too dark for comfort. And additional viewings of 'Mystery, Alaska', 'L. A. Confidential', 'The Quick and the Dead', 'The Insider', 'The Sum of Us', 'Breaking Up', 'Heaven's Burning' and 'Gladiator' had convinced her she very much needed to explore all the other options available in the CrowesNest.

/Willpower, Laura!// she reminded herself. /Willpower!//

Beginning to recognize familiar buildings and landmarks, she took her foot off the accelerator, slowing the car to 'normal' levels. There was the ice rink... and the stables... and the movie theatre... and Lachlan's air-strip... and Max's small plot of land that he was turning into a garden... and even the 9-hole golf course that was being built for Jeffrey.

She tapped the brake as she neared the quaint old Victorian-style building that was Crowes' Hotel... And there was Crowes' Tavern next to it! she noted with a smile. She could not wait to get out of the car and say hello to everyone!

She drove up to the front of the tavern, deciding that going to her room and unpacking could wait until later. Pulling into a parking spot, she noticed that it was nearly empty of other cars, and she wondered where everyone was, hoping the place wasn't deserted again.

She got out of the car, and, as she started up the steps, the door swung open abruptly, and Colin dashed out, literally running into her, almost knocking her off her feet.

"Whoa...!" Colin exclaimed, grabbing for Laura before she fell. He pulled her close. "Sorry about that... Cousin," he grinned as he wrapped his arms around her, pulling her into a deep kiss. Her knees started to buckle when his tongue slid into her mouth.

Eventually he released her, stepping back, and she literally had to shake herself back to 'normal'. "I think I'm going to like being 'kissing cousins'!" She smiled warmly at Colin.

"I already know I do," Colin said with his thick Australian accent, chuckling. "So where've you been, love? Haven't seen much of you lately -- Maximus has looked a bit

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lonely the last few days."

"Well, I had to go back home for a while. As much as I'd like to stay here forever, I can't." She wondered what had happened while she had been gone. "Did I miss anything? Thing's been quiet around here?" She also wondered how long it would be before Sid opened his big mouth and blabbed their secret to everyone in sight.

"As a matter of fact, they have been quiet." He glanced at his watch, looking up at the hotel. "I'd stay and chat, love, but Peaches wanted me to help her out up at the hotel. I'm late already."

"Oh, sure, that's fine. I was just going to say hello to everyone at the bar."

"Well, there aren't many people to say hello to. The place is pretty empty this afternoon. I'm not sure where everyone went... Off in the country for a drive or something, I think."

Laura groaned. "Damn. Just my luck. I always seem to miss everybody... Is Sid with them?"

"Don't know. Could be -- I haven't seen him for a while either. Well, gotta run. See you later, love!" He gave her another kiss, not nearly as intense this time.

"Goodbye, Colin," she said, and went inside as Colin trotted off up the hill to the hotel.

The bar *was* nearly empty, she noted with dismay. Or at least there was no one she really knew. There were only two couples in the back, most likely Russell's characters that she didn't know yet, with female list members she had only met in passing. But no Max, John, Bud, Cort or Jeffrey. /Damn,// she thought to herself, waving to the others. /Why do I always get here when everyone's out?//

But at least this time she felt comfortable enough to go behind the bar and fix herself a drink -- non-alcoholic this time. She wandered around, looking up towards the second floor, wondering if she should go up and knock on a few doors, but then decided not to. Who could tell what she might 'disturb'?

She wound up in front of the jukebox, checking to see how extensive the selection was. She set her can of RC Cola on top of the machine and looked at the titles. As it turned out, there were many familiar groups and songs -- with TOFOG featured prominently, of course -- including many of her 80's favorites. She spotted one title in particular, and smiled broadly, whispering to herself. "Depeche Mode! 'The singles 86-98'! Awesome!" It was one of her favorite albums!

Including her favorite of all, "World in My Eyes". She selected the song, and watched as the CD slid into the player. A moment later it began...

Let me take you on a trip

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Around the world and backAnd you won't have to moveYou just sit still

Now let your mind do the walkingAnd let my body do the talkingLet me show you the world in my eyes.

She had always loved this song, but now doubly so, as it was so *perfect* for Russell Crowe. She started swaying her hips to the sensual rhythm, singing along softly, listening to the low, erotic, breathy voice of the lead singer, Dave Gahan...

I'll take you to the highest mountainTo the depths of the deepest seaAnd we won't need a mapBelieve me

Now let my body do the movingAnd let my hands do the soothingLet me show you the world in my eyes.

That's all there isNothing more than you can feel nowThat's all there is

Russell Crowe had captured her heart the first time she had seen 'Gladiator', with his quiet nobility, strength, courage and passion. Maximus was a true hero in every sense of the word. She had gone to the movie with low expectations, having never seen Russell before, assuming it was going to be some blood'n'guts action flick that would be forgotten by the next day. But the scope of it had overwhelmed her, the lead actor quickly grabbing her attention. He looked imposing and striking and gallant as he strode through his troops, with a regal fur cloak about his broad shoulders; then later astride his horse, galloping down the hillside, sword in hand.

But it was the bloodied, world-weary soldier, who answered Caesar's question of how he could reward Rome's greatest general, with a tired, heart-felt, "Let me go home...", who had captured her heart instantly.

She had read many books on Roman history, and knew that a man who could lead an army to victory could literally hold the world in his hands if he so choose... But Maximus' quiet refusals, his, honest "With all my heart... No" to Caesar's offer of the imperial throne itself, were quiet testaments to the honor and integrity of the man. From then on she had watched every frame with baited breath: heart-sick for him when he discovered his murdered family; cheering him on in the arena; holding her breath when he confronted Commodus; then crying as she mourned his passing after the final battle when

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he finally was at peace, rejoining his beloved family at last.

The song continued, and she hummed along...

Let me put you on a shipOn a long, long tripYour lips close to my lips

All the islands in the oceanAll the heavens in motionLet me show you the world in my eyes

That's all there isNothing more than you can feel nowThat's all there is

After seeing 'Gladiator', she had walked out of the theatre totally blown away, happy and sad at the same time. Happy that Maximus was at peace, but sad that he had died. It was a very strange feeling, one which she had re-experienced each time she went back to see the movie. Curiosity over the handsome, wonderful actor named Russell Crowe had driven her to the Net, only to discover she had managed to miss every single one of his previous films, including the critically acclaimed 'L. A. Confidential'. A trip to Blockbuster had corrected that oversight, and she was so impressed with him as Bud White that she'd bought her own copy of the film. And it had also prompted her first visit to the CrowesNest when Tina had invited her to come.

Let me show you the world in my eyes...

On her last visit, the ladies had introduced her to many more of Russell's movies. Ever since then she had marveled at his ability to submerge himself in the character he was playing, to the point that each role was totally unique and separate from any other. Only the eyes seemed to remain the same... And yet they too changed from one man to the next -- you almost could see the souls of his characters in his eyes, not his own....

Let me show you the world in my eyes...

She closed her own eyes as the music washed over her, still swaying her hips in time with the sensual rhythm, imagining all the various incarnations of Russell Crowe that she had grown to know and love, thinking that perhaps the song lyrics should be "Let me show you the WORLDS in my eyes".

"You appear to need to let *my* body do the talking, cherie," a voice said, very close to her ear.

Laura managed not to jump, cursing herself for not paying attention to her surroundings, considering how good he seemed to be at popping up out of nowhere. She steeled herself,

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readying herself for the inevitable confrontation with him, and turned slowly to face Sid 6.7, meeting his ice blue eyes with her own. And she held his eyes, determined not to let him get the better of her in any respect. "I suppose your ego would lead you to assume that, wouldn't it?"

Sid chose not to respond to that, instead saying, "You disappeared on us, my dear. You didn't even say goodbye -- I was crushed," he said with mock dismay.

"I'll bet..." She looked him over, noticing he was wearing his purple suit again. She was surprised to see it looking clean, pressed and neat, almost like new. The last time she had seen him wearing it, it had been soaked through with ocean salt water and draped with seaweed. "I could have sworn that was ruined," she said, pointing to his suit.

"I have more than one," Sid said. "It's my favorite." He preened a bit, running his hands down the suit before straightening the collar. He moved closer, and she felt his hand in a very intimate spot. She didn't react, instead glancing around, hoping no one could see what was happening. As Sid smirked, she realized he had strategically placed himself so no one *could* see anything. "Move your hand." Her voice was low, but firm.

He moved his hand, from side to side, massaging the crotch of her jeans. She gasped slightly, then elbowed him in the ribs. "That's *not* what I meant. RE-move your hand."

His hand did leave her body, but he stood where he was, uncomfortably close, his eyes never wavering from hers. His smiled softly, sensuously running his tongue over his lips. She took a step back, folding her arms across her chest. "Don't start with me. It's over, Sid. I -- "

"It hasn't even *begun*." Sid grinned suggestively.

"It's over," she repeated. "I don't want to see you anymore. I --"

"You know that's not true." He started towards her again, this time she held her ground, staring him down. Or at least trying to, considering he was 5'11" and she only 5'5".

"Sid," Laura said tightly, her voice rising a bit. She caught herself, glancing at the other patrons, and lowered her voice so only he could hear. "Look, I don't want to continue this with you. It's over. I'm staying with Maximus -- and only Maximus -- so I can't see you anymore. I won't deny that I was attracted to you -- "


"All right, fine -- I *am* attracted to you. It would be foolish to say otherwise. But that doesn't mean I'm going to do anything about it anymore. It *was* a one-night-stand -- It was fun, I enjoyed it, but that's it. Sorry to burst your bubble, but one roll in the hay doesn't qualify as a lifetime commitment."

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"Whoever said anything about *that*?" He grimaced, looking as though he'd just stepped in something disagreeable. Then he smiled again, oozing charm as he whispered, "But why does it have to be *one* roll in the hay? There are *so* many possibilities... And don't forget; I'm not a normal man --"

"You can say that again."

"Precisely." He smiled.

"I didn't mean it as a compliment."

"I know -- but I take it as one anyway. Why be boring and ordinary...? Why *have* boring and ordinary in your bed...? Let someone else 'take care' of Maximus. I'm sure he'll have no trouble replacing you, considering the number of ladies here... You'll be much better off with me; you know that, don't you?"

She rubbed the bridge of her nose, sighing, "Just how stupid do you think I am? Do you think I'll conveniently forget the fact that you told everybody in the bar the other day that you were out to prove that you could 'turn' a woman just like that?" She snapped her fingers. "That you could steal a woman from Maximus or anyone else whenever you felt like it?"

"But I can. And I have," Sid smirked. "You belong with *me*, not Maximus, or any of the others... I've decided that 'pairing off' can have its advantages."

She had to stop herself from gawking at him. THIS was a new twist. "Would you mind translating that for me please? Are you saying... that you want me for a ... a *girlfriend* or something...?"

He cocked his head to one side, looking away for a moment. "...Or something." His eyes turned back to her. "I thought it might be... interesting... to have a woman of my own too. Like the others do."

Laura rolled her eyes, shaking her head. "You sound like I'm nothing more than a trophy... That is SO flattering. I can't tell you how impressed I am that you find it 'interesting' to spend time with me." Her voice dripped with sarcasm.

But he only smiled at that. "You've changed since the first time we met -- for the better I must say. I like your attitude -- much more like mine."

"I haven't changed at all. When I was here the first time, I was so overwhelmed by the place I couldn't deal with it. I've felt more at home here than I ever expected to, and my inhibitions just dropped."

"Nothing wrong with that."

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She glared at him, ignoring him, and continued, "But I had a few days to let my head clear -- and my hormone levels --"

"Too bad."

"And now I see things a lot more clearly. I know what I want, and that's Maximus. And I don't want to be involved with you anymore. And that's final."

"But how can you possibly conclude that, if you don't even know how good it can be with us? The other morning..." He smiled and put his hand on her arm, trailing a finger down her bare skin. "Was just the tip of the iceberg. You have no idea what other kinds of pleasures are just waiting to be taken." His mouth moved next to her ear, and he whispered some of the 'pleasures' he had in mind.

Her cheeks flushed crimson at the graphic details, and she jerked away, so he wasn't touching her anymore. "Get this through your head -- I'm not interested." She pretended she had not heard anything of what he had said.

"Ah, Laura, why be so stubborn? Maximus will not go lonely, I assure you. There are plenty of others who would be more than happy to take your place, and you'll only be a distant memory to him."

It was getting very hard not to let him get to her, but she managed to hold her tongue, glaring at him. "I'm not even going to dignify that with an answer."

"But the two of us... We could make beautiful music together," he continued, once again ignoring what she'd said, and he turned towards the jukebox and started to make a selection. "You like Depeche Mode?" She nodded. "Perhaps you'll remember this then..." He pressed a few buttons on the jukebox, and a song began a few moments later.

She immediately recognized the opening music to 'It's No Good', which was off the same album as 'World in My Eyes'. She had always liked this particular song, and wondered why he had chosen this.

The reason became apparent when Sid began to sing softly along with the lead vocalist.

I'm going to take my timeI have all the time in the worldTo make you mineIt is written in the stars above

The gods decreeYou'll be right here by my sideRight next to meYou can run, but you cannot hide

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Sid was staring into her eyes as he mouthed the words, and a chill began to travel down her spine. She had never thought of the lyrics as being anything more than just a simple love song, but with the connotation Sid was giving it, it began to sound sinister and obsessive... Like a stalker...

Don't say you want meDon't say you need meDon't say you love meIt's understood

Don't say you're happyOut there without meI know you can't be'Cause it's no good

I'll be fineI'll be waiting patientlyTill you see the signsAnd come rushing to my open arms

When will you realizeDo we have to wait till our worlds collideOpen up your eyes

You can't turn back the tide

She interrupted him mid-way through the song. "Is there a point to this?" She was determined *not* to let him see that he had rattled her. Although he already had. In a lot of ways, she had never really taken Sid seriously, knowing that this place was out of the ordinary, and somehow 'safe', no matter what outrageous things came out of Sid's mouth. But now she was starting to wonder if she shouldn't be taking this *very* seriously. Could he really turn violent here? John said Sid could not hurt anyone... But come to think of it though, John had said Sid could not 'kill' anybody... That was a far cry from harassing and threatening her.

"Does there have to be?" Sid answered during a break in the lyrics, then went right on singing the chorus again along with the vocalist until the song ended.

"If you're trying to scare me into staying with you, it won't work."

"Scare you?" He seemed genuinely puzzled. As if he were truly unaware of the connotations of his actions. She did not see how Sid could be oblivious to his thinly veiled threat. But Sid was not quite playing with a full deck, was he? Could he be mistaking sex and obsession for intimacy? He had said he had been interested in 'having a woman around', just like the rest of the Boyz from the CrowesNest. Was Sid jealous of

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the attention they were getting and wanted it himself just to 'fit in'?

As she heard the tavern's front door open, she shook her head, wondering why she was trying to rationalize this. It didn't matter what Sid meant. The fact was, he was giving her a major headache -- and giving her the willies big time. "Yes, you're scaring me.... Don't threaten me, Sid. That's hardly a way to get me, or any woman, to 'cooperate'."

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw John Biebe come in, heading for the staircase to go up to the second floor. But he slowed to stop before he started up the stairs, perhaps overhearing what she had said. But he definitely had to notice her defensive stance and the way Sid was leaning in on her.

If Sid noticed John, he didn't show it -- after all, he did have his back to John. But she knew he had heard the footsteps when he answered, backing off slightly, "You've misunderstood me, Laura. I meant nothing of the kind."

John caught her eye, giving her a look that asked her if she needed help. She turned confidently back to Sid, letting John know she was ok -- for the moment. John stayed where he was, watching, as she responded to Sid, "You could have fooled me."

"I've never needed to resort to measures like that here. You can ask several of your other lady friends," he said with a smirk. "They might not choose to admit it, but they have more than just a... casual knowledge of me as well." There was a telling glint in his eye, but she refused to take the bait and ask just exactly whom he was referring to. "They've had nothing to fear from me, and neither do you."

She wasn't buying it, not one bit, but decided it was pointless to argue with him. She just wanted him to go away, and go away *now*, before she lost her nerve and showed her fear to him -- or before she lost her temper. "I don't give a rat's ass *what* you meant. I don't have anything further to say to you, so just get the hell out of my face," she said firmly.

At that, John stepped forward. "You heard her, Sid -- leave *now*."

Sid slowly turned and glared at John. "No one asked *you*. Mind your own business, Biebe."

"Whatever goes on around here *is* my business." He moved to stand in front of Sid, folding his arms across his chest. "And if she doesn't want to talk to you, I expect you to leave... Got it?"

Sid stood his ground. "Don't tell me what to do. *I* live here too."

"When the ladies are here, they're our *guests*." He looked at Laura. "Is he bothering you?" She nodded, and John looked back at Sid. "You don't bother our guests. Since you can't play 'nice', I'm sending you to your room."

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Sid scowled. "How witty." He turned his attention back to Laura, cranking up the charm again. "Very well then..." He tried to take her hand, but she pulled away. "Until *next* time, mon cher." He smiled one of his 'beautiful' smiles and stepped away, heading for the stairs. He paused at the first step and winked at her suggestively. Then he climbed the stairs and disappeared up into his room.

Laura let out a huge sigh of relief. "Thank God! Does the man *ever* shut up?"

John chuckled. "I don't think so." He came over and hugged her. "Welcome back, Laura. We missed you." He kissed her affectionately on the cheek.

She hugged him back. "I missed you too."

"When did you get back?"

"About a half hour ago."

"And Sid was the only one around?"

Laura nodded. "Just my luck -- again. Bad karma, I guess."

John smiled. "*Very* bad.... So where did you run off to anyway? You just up and disappeared on us that morning. What's it been now -- six days?"

"Yea.... Uh, like I told Maximus, I had business to take care of back home. Just one of those last minute things."

"I understand how it goes. Tina's not here -- she's busy working too." But then he looked at her closely. "Look... Forgive me for being nosy, but... Did Sid have anything to do with you leaving the way you did?"

Laura looked away, chewing on her lower lip. Suddenly deciding that she needed some advice on how to approach Maximus with her little secret -- and how to deal with Sid -- she answered, "Yea... A *lot* to do with it." She sighed heavily. "Do you have time to talk? I *really* need some advice."

"Actually, I've got the whole rest of the day -- I decided to bow out of the road trip this time. Too much 'togetherness' gets on my nerves sometimes," he grinned.

She smiled back. "Well, in this case, their loss is my gain."

John moved towards a booth. "This okay?" She nodded, following. Before they sat, he asked, "Can I get you something?"

She nodded strongly. "I could really use a drink right now. Beer's fine."

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"Coming up." John went to the bar as she sat down, and he returned a few minutes later with two full mugs of beer. He took the seat across from her, watching her as she took a sip of her drink. When she didn't say anything, he eventually asked, "You said you needed advice?"

She sighed. "Yea -- sorry. I'm procrastinating. I guess I just don't want to say what I have to say."

She paused again, and John asked, "What did Sid do this time?"

"It -- it's not what Sid did that's the problem. It's what I did *with* Sid." She rubbed her forehead. "I don't know how to say it other than to be blunt... I -- I slept with Sid." John's eyebrows rose slightly, but he didn't say anything. "You don't seem surprised. Did Tina tell you?"

"No, she didn't say a word to me. Although I knew she was upset about you leaving so suddenly, but she wouldn't tell me why... But when I saw you just now, with him... The body language was different. More... intimate."

"Oh, great," Laura muttered. "I was hoping it wasn't obvious..." She looked away, then turned back. "Okay, so you're not surprised. But you probably think it's pretty strange considering how angry I was with Sid when I first met him."

"Well... Yea, it does seem a little odd under the circumstances," John admitted. "But I do understand that you ladies find *all* of us attractive, Sid included."

She sighed. "Yes, I do. But it wasn't like I set out to sleep with Sid. He found me alone one day, when no one was around... And it just... happened. He *is* attractive."

"You don't have to justify it to me."

"Maybe I'm just trying to justify it to myself... I regretted it as soon as it happened. I didn't know how to deal with it, or what to say to Max, so I took the easy way out and -- and I just took off back home," she admitted.

"Tina was worried about you, you know. You didn't even say anything to her before you left."

"Well, I ran into Sid again, and.... Well... I was afraid 'it' might happen again if I stuck around." She hung her head. "I felt like the walls were closing in -- I was afraid I'd be weak again and let my hormones get the better of me. So I just left before anything could happen..."

He nodded to himself. "Well, I'm just glad to know you're okay... Tina asked me to keep an eye on you when you got back if she wasn't here, to make sure you're all right." He

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smiled softly. "I'm glad Tina has a friend like you."

"I'm glad I have her as a friend too. I don't know what I'd do without her. But I feel bad about not telling her before I left, but there just wasn't time. I had to get away from Sid." She sighed. "And I was a little embarrassed about the whole thing, because she *did* warn me about him, but I wouldn't listen... But now I really regret sleeping with him, because Sid won't leave me alone. He seems to think we're an item now or something. And today, just now... frankly, he's starting to *scare* me."

John's eyes narrowed. "Scare you how?"

Laura explained what Sid had said to her, and about the song he had played and sung for her. "I know I brought this on myself," she said after she had finished her story. "But he crossed way over the line today, and I don't know what to do. You know Sid better than I do -- could he do something like that? Attack me, I mean?"

John shook his head, rubbing his beard. "Just when I think I've seen everything from him..." He let out a long sigh. "My gut instinct is no, he won't hurt you like that. But exactly where the line *is* with Sid... I honestly don't know anymore. Ever since 'Gladiator' opened and Maximus arrived, Sid's been acting very strange -- even for him. He just doesn't know how to deal with Max's popularity, and he's reacting in odd ways." He shook his head again, absently stroking his long auburn hair. "He actually *said* he was interested in having a girlfriend too, like the rest of us?" She nodded. "That's definitely a new one. If I didn't know better, I'd say Sid's feeling *lonely*."

"Well, personally, I don't give a damn *what* Sid's feeling. I've wasted far too much time already trying to rationalize his behavior -- that's what got me into this mess in the first place. What I need to know right now is whether or not I need to take his innuendo seriously."

John sighed. "Well, I hate to say this... But I don't think we can afford *not* to take him seriously."


"*We*. I'm not about to sit back and let Sid do whatever he pleases. And I think I can speak for just about everyone of the other guys here -- we'll protect you from Sid."

"If you can."

He nodded firmly. "We'll take care of him -- don't worry." He smiled.

Laura sighed inwardly, noting that John's smiles were just as dazzling as Max's. And Bud's. And Cort's. And Jeffrey's. And Colin's! This place could be very dangerous to a girl's blood pressure! "Thanks, I appreciate it," she told John, smiling back at him. "But -- " Her smile faded. "John... There's something else I need your advice about more than

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anything... Maximus."

She saw John's eyebrows raise a bit as he took a deep breath, pushing the hair out of his eyes as it fell forward. "Do you intend to tell him about you and Sid?"

"Yes -- I have to. It's just a matter of time before Sid tells him himself. If he hasn't already." She paused. "Do you think he might have?"

He shook his head. "I'm sure I'd know about it if he had. You'd probably be able to hear the explosion all the way back into the 'real' world." He smiled briefly, then sobered again. "I'm glad you've decided to tell him, but, honestly, it's *not* going to be easy, Laura. There is so much bad blood between those two now."

"I know -- and a lot of that's *my* fault." She put a hand on her forehead, rubbing her temple. "He's going to be furious, and I can't say as I'd blame him. Here he tries to defend me and protect me from Sid after the psycho scares the crap out of me, and what do I do...?" She shook her head. "God, how could I be so stupid as to let this happen?" She turned to him with a forlorn look. "How can I explain this to him, John?"

John let out a heavy sigh. "Maybe you ought to explain to me exactly what happened."

"In detail?"

"Uh, as much as is relevant. I don't care to know *that* much about Sid's sex life."

"All right; here goes..." Laura took a deep breath. "The day before I left, I had gone down into the storeroom in the basement of the hotel. No one was around, not even Peaches. But Sid was, unbeknownst to me, and he followed me down... He started coming on to me as soon as he walked in the door, and he propositioned me again."


She breathed another sigh. "I never did tell anyone this at the time, but that first day when I met Sid, he asked me to come to his room with him... and I almost went for it then. And he knew it.... Well, in the basement, he picked up where he left off. He wouldn't leave me alone. But -- " she added as John started to react, "He did NOT force me into anything. If anything, Sid went out of his way to make sure I knew I had a choice to walk out if I wanted... But I didn't. I don't know what happened... Ah, hell, I DO know what happened. I..." She swallowed hard, an embarrassed flush creeping into her cheeks. "I wanted him so bad I couldn't see straight, and I went for it. I didn't think about the consequences, or what Max might think, or how Sid would feel about it. I just did it 'cause it felt good and I wanted to have some fun... Max told me once that you guys didn't really get jealous of each other that much, that you understood if we were attracted to others. He even said that he understood that I was attracted to Sid. I used that to rationalize what I was doing, but in retrospect, I should have realized that to Max, feeling that way and doing something about it are two entirely different things." She shook her head. "You probably

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think I'm terrible - or a slut."

John grimaced. "No, I do *not* think that."

"Thanks," Laura said, sighing with relief. "But honestly, John, I am NOT the type of woman who sleeps around. I've never done anything like this before -- I'm usually very conservative. But this place..." She swirled the beer around in her mug. "I guess I just didn't take it all seriously. It was like a game... But I'm only now beginning to realize that it's *very* real for all of you guys, and that I just can't treat your feelings so cavalierly like I was. Like I have with Max -- I was taking him for granted. And now I'm going to hurt him when I tell him, and I'm just sick about it. If I could take back what I did, I would. But I can't... God, I am *so* screwed," she muttered, twisting a paper napkin in her hand and pulling it into shreds. "I'd love to blame Sid for this, but I can't. It's MY fault, plain and simple...." She finally stopped, looking back at John. "So can you help me? Or is it hopeless with Max?"

"It's never hopeless," John said, sighing. He paused for a minute or two, taking a slow drink from the beer mug, collecting his thoughts before continuing, "But as I said, it won't be easy. There's one main thing you have to remember when you talk to Maximus -- be honest. No head games, no excuses, no lies, no tricks -- be straight with him, and tell him the truth. He may not understand right away, but at least he'll respect you for *that*."

Laura sighed. "But probably not much else..."

"You don't know that. But you should be prepared for the worst. I don't want to sugar coat this; he *is* going to be upset, I know that already. He hasn't settled in completely yet, and he just doesn't understand about Sid. He doesn't want to admit that he has a lot in common with all of us, including Sid. And he doesn't really know how different this place is from the normal world for the gals... And you may not be able to make him understand either. It'll be something he has to work through for himself. In the meantime..." He shrugged. "It won't be pretty..."

"That's comforting." She grimaced.

"Uh, you wanted my advice," he reminded her.

"I know -- and I'm not trying to 'kill the messenger'. I screwed up, and now I have to pay the piper." She sighed again, taking a long drink of beer, draining the glass. "I feel like getting wasted right about now..."

"I'd offer to get you another one, but I think you ought to take it easy. When are you planning on telling Max?"

"The sooner the better. I cannot take the chance that Sid might say something before I do... Where is Max anyway? Some kind of drive in the country?"

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"Yea; it's him, Bud, Cort, Jeffrey, Wendy, Michelle, Peaches and Loria. I think they were going up into the mountains. They won't be back for hours, maybe not until around midnight."

"Damn." She scowled. "Guess I'll have to wait until morning... Not that I'm in any big hurry to get my head taken off, but I know I have to do this."

"Good idea. The longer you wait, the worse it'll be."

"I know -- best to get it over with, right?"

"Exactly." He reached over and took her hand. "I wish I could be more encouraging, but as you've already realized, Max can be a bit stubborn about some things."

"And he's a very moral, honorable man. He's going to have a hard time accepting the fact that I could find someone as amoral and dishonorable as Sid attractive enough to sleep with." Laura shook her head. "When I look at it that way, I wonder about it myself."

"Don't be so hard on yourself. You're human like the rest of us. And I know you and Tina and the others come here as an escape from the real world. It's somewhere you can relax and be yourselves." He lowered his voice. "I know she already told you this but... When she spent her first night here, it wasn't with me -- It was with Max. We both understood how difficult it was for her, and how unique this place is... But Max knows she's been with me since then. And he also knows I'm not jealous of him. Max was the one who drew her here in the first place, so I have no problem with them having been together.... And then there's what happened the *third* night she was here..." He raised an eyebrow, and she nodded in understanding.

"She did tell me all about it," she said quietly. "But I would never bring that up and embarrass you or Tina or Max."

"I appreciate that. But when Max calms down after the initial shock, he should remember all of that and realize this place *is* unique. The rules are different here, as he knows all too well..."

"I can only hope..." Laura sat quietly for a while, then glanced at her watch when her stomach rumbled. It was nearly 5:00 p.m. "You doing anything for dinner?"

"No, I'm not." He smiled, aquamarine eyes twinkling. "Is that an invitation?"

"Of course it is," she smiled back. "I'm buying -- consider it a thank you for listening to my tale of woe."

"You don't have to do that. You're important to Tina, so that makes you important to me too. And Maximus is important to all of us. I want to see you both happy."

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"As happy as you and Tina?" she smiled warmly, patting his hand.

John blushed. "Something like that."

"I insist, John -- I'm buying."

"All right -- my mother told me never to argue with a lady," he grinned.

"And I promise, I won't bend your ear about this all night. I'm sure there are plenty of other things to talk about."

"There definitely are. Do you want to go now?"

"Yea, I had an early lunch, and I'm starved. You?"

"Sure, now's fine. I'm always hungry, to be honest," he admitted.

"But you're just a growing boy, aren't you, John?" Laura teased as he finished his beer...

Part Seven

Seated at a cozy table for two in the restaurant at Crowe's Hotel, John and Laura sat laughing and talking over their main course -- swordfish for her, steak for him.

"You know, Laura... You never *did* tell me what you thought of 'Mystery, Alaska'," John grinned after a short lull in the conversation.

She grinned back. "No, I didn't, did I...? I suppose this is probably a good time, since there aren't any witnesses. I won't embarrass Maximus or Tina -- just YOU, John."

They both laughed. "I think I can handle it."

"Well, I don't know if *I* can, but I'll give it a shot...!" She paused. "It's actually not anything that earth-shattering -- I don't know why I couldn't have said it before... except I would have felt funny with Max around." She smiled. "I almost wish I'd seen your movie before I met you, because it's definitely colored my thinking. You were such a stand-up guy for me that night with Sid that that's really the way I see you in 'Mystery, Alaska'... Guys like you, who are low-key, may not get the glamour and attention that the hero-types like Max do... But that doesn't make you any less a hero yourself. You were a great father, a great husband --"

"Not in the movie I wasn't" John interrupted, shaking his head.

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"You were going through a rough time. I think you handled things pretty well, considering all the shit you had to deal with at once -- getting bumped from the team, the Priceworld guy getting shot, Chuckie-boy showing up. Not that Donna's complaints weren't valid, but you came through in the end. You made things right with her, and you came through in the big game. It didn't matter that you didn't win; you guys did great just to come close to winning. It was too much of a circus -- if you had played those guys the way you always played in the Saturday game, you *would* have beaten them. Like you said -- 'we can skate'."

He gave her a lopsided smile, blushing a little. "Even if I am 'slow in the foot'?"

"Hey, it's tough getting a little older, when you realize you're not a kid anymore... I ought to know; I'm older than you, John."

He looked skeptical. "You? Come on -- you're not older than 34."

"Thanks for the compliment, but, yea, I'm older than you. I've been fortunate not to look my age -- not yet anyway," she said, crossing her fingers, laughing. "But, hey getting bumped from the team in favor of a young kid would be tough thing for anybody to take. Like I said, I think you handled it pretty well. You'd make -- er, made -- a good husband and father. I just wish I could find a guy like you," she said wistfully. "But unfortunately, back in the 'real' world all I seem to find are guys like Sid," she joked.

"You'll find one -- just keep looking," John said.

"I'm trying... But back to you and 'Mystery'... I really enjoyed it though. I'll never be a hockey fan, but I think I appreciate the game more than I used to.... I liked your little town. I come from a big city myself, so I sometimes wish I had that kind of relationship with my neighbors... Russell did a great job with you, you know. That's the only time I've seen him with a wife and kids, but it seemed very natural."

"Max is -- or was -- married."

"But you don't actually see him with his wife and son... I liked seeing the domestic side of you," she grinned, blushing a bit herself as John smiled self-consciously. Her smile faded a bit. "Do you miss them? I mean, do you even get to see them if you're here?"

"I know this sounds weird, but this is basically a moment out of time for us all.... And actually, if we want to, we can 'go back' to our movies for a time."

"Really? I didn't know that. When -- how -- do you do that?"

He paused, his brow furrowing. "Do you know how *you* get back and forth from here?"

"Not really, no," she admitted.

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"Well, neither do I," John laughed. "It just...happens... when I want it to."

Laura shrugged. "I guess that's an answer...." She stared at him. "I'm kinda glad Tina's not here. This way I can tell you how wonderful I think you are, John. You were a great guy in 'Mystery, Alaska', and here, with me, you've been fantastic. I've been really nervous about what I'm going to tell Max, and then Sid threw me for a loop with his little surprise. I don't know what I would have done if you hadn't been there." She reached across the table and took his hand. "Thanks so much."

John squeezed her hand back. "You're welcome, but you looked like you were doing okay by yourself."

She smiled. "Well, I'm glad you thought that, so maybe Sid did too. Truth is, I was scared shitless. I thought I was prepared for him, but I didn't anticipate him reacting this way." She held his hand tight. "I don't like to play the 'damsel in distress' but I was glad for the help."

"There were other people around. They could have helped. The guys all know what Sid's been up to."

"Yes, but YOU handled the situation very nicely, and I thank you. And I thank you too for being such a great dinner companion. Tina's right, you know -- you're too modest, John."

He smiled, blushing slightly. "You don't have to thank me -- I'm just looking out for you like Tina asked. And Max would want me to keep an eye out for you too."

"Well, that may not be true for much longer," she said, sighing, her smile fading.

John winced. "Sorry; didn't mean to bring that up again."

"No, it's okay. Max should be back soon, so it's just a matter of time now." She turned around, looking towards the windows. "Can you see the Tavern from here?" John nodded. "Let me go check." She went to the window, but did not see any new cars in the parking lot. She came back to John, saying, "Nope, not yet." She finished the last of her desert, pushing back from the table. "I'm stuffed -- that was great."

"I enjoyed it too -- the chef here does a great job."

"I noticed..." Her brow furrowed. "Tell me -- how do you find 'regular' people to work here anyway? Who are they...?"

He laughed. "THAT is a question best left alone. Just consider them part of the 'magic' here."

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"O...kay..." She decided to accept that and just move on. "Well, I think I've taken up too much of your time today. I'm going to go up and unpack and settle in while I'm waiting for Maximus." She pushed back from the table and got up.

John got up too. "You sure? Don't leave on my account."

"No, that's okay. I need time alone to collect myself before I talk to Max."

"I understand." They started for the exit. "Let me walk you up, at least."

"You don't have to do that."

"I insist... I don't want to alarm you, but I want to make sure Sid's not lurking around."

Her face paled a bit. "You know, I actually forgot about him for a minute. Thanks for the offer -- I WILL take you up on it."

As they neared the maitre-d's desk, they spotted Jeff Mitchell there, talking quietly with one of the male waiters. Jeff was leaning across the counter, smiling softly, his blue-green eyes sparkling as he spoke quietly, obviously flirting with the tall, thin young man. And it was apparent from the way that the handsome blond smiled back that there was more than just a friendly relationship between the two. She watched as Jeff's fingers brushed the other man's hand, clearly a loving caress between two people who shared a deep affection for each other, if not more...

When John and Laura neared, and the two men realized they were being watched, they separated, their smiles fading. Jeff's face was a bit pink with embarrassment, and he fidgeted, nervously pushing his long hair out of his eyes.

But John smiled amiably as he approached them. "Evening, Jeff," he said as he came up beside him, giving him a brotherly pat on the shoulder. "You shouldn't be uncomfortable on my account."

"I'm not, John, but..." His voice, with its Aussie accent, trailed off as he looked at Laura.

"It doesn't bother me -- really," she insisted. "If it's what makes you happy, Jeff," she smiled warmly, "that's all that counts."

"Thanks," he smiled back, relaxing noticeably. "Maximus told me you were okay, but I wanted to make sure. Some people are more open-minded about it than others." He turned back to the waiter, who had been trying to look busy. "This is Rick; Rick, this is Laura."

"Pleased to meet you," she said, nodding to him, and Rick replied in kind.

"I'm surprised to see you, John," Jeff said. "I thought you were off on that road trip with

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the rest of them."

"No, I decided to pass. Just wanted some quiet time for a change."

"Well, it certainly was quiet over at the tavern when I left there not too long ago. The place was practically deserted -- except for Sid and some poor unfortunate souls who had to put up with him." Jeff shook his head. "Is it me or has he been even more obnoxious than usual lately?"

John and Laura exchanged a look, rolling their eyes a bit. "No, it's not you. Sid's been *impossible* lately," John said.

"I certainly won't argue with you about that," Rick said, and they all turned to him. "When Sid found out that Jeff and I were -- well, more than friends, he wasn't exactly kind." His gray eyes held a hint of anger. "I still find it hard to believe that Jeff -- and you, John -- are related to that creep."

"That makes two of us," Laura said.

Jeff turned an apologetic eye towards Rick, patting his hand for a moment. "Like I said before, I'm truly sorry about that, mate. It's best to just ignore Sid when he gets like that." He gave Rick a half-smile, and Rick returned it.

As she saw the intimate look that passed between the two men, she was struck by the sudden feeling that she and John had interrupted something rather personal. "Well, John, let's get going, shall we?" she said as she took his arm. "Jeff, it was nice to see you again. Rick, nice to meet you."

"Yea, we gotta go," John said. "Bye, Jeff; Rick..."

"Ta, John; Laura." "Good night, Laura; Sheriff," came the replies.

John led Laura out of the restaurant and into the lobby of the hotel. She glanced back as they rounded a corner, catching a glimpse of the two men leaning towards each other again before they disappeared from view. "Guess that answers the question I've been wondering about..."

"And that is?" John asked.

"What Jeff does for 'companionship' around here." They stopped beside the deserted front desk; a small sign indicated that guests should use the house phone for assistance. "It's not like he could ever be with you or the rest of the Boyz. I mean, you guys are all basically 'brothers', aren't you?"

"In essence, yes, we are." John nodded. "It is difficult for Jeff sometimes because all our guests are female -- or at least that's all I've seen. We don't see a lot of Jeff because of that

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-- he feels left out, and not everyone's comfortable with him being gay either. And, as they mentioned, Sid gives him a hard time, and so does Hando when he's around... You remember me telling you that we can go back 'into' our movies when we want?" Laura nodded. "Well, Jeff does that a lot, to be with Greg and his dad."

"That's too bad, because I really liked Jeff in 'The Sum of Us'. He seems like a very decent, warm, caring man."

"Well, I think maybe he's beginning to feel a little more at home, because I've seen him around more often lately. Could be Rick has something to do with that... But yes, you're right; Jeff's a great guy."

After retrieving her suitcase from where they'd left it behind the desk, Laura and John went upstairs to her room, and John unlocked the door, going in first.

"Coast is clear," he said, and she joined him. "Let me just take a quick look around..." He checked all through the room -- bedroom, bath, closets and even under the bed -- until he was satisfied there was no sign of Sid. Tossing her keys onto a table, he said, "Looks like you're all clear. Thanks again for dinner." He walked towards the door.

"Thank you again for the company." She walked over to him and kissed him on the cheek. "You're such a sweetheart, John."

She stepped back slightly, remaining close to him, staring into his eyes. Eyes that were warm and compassionate, that had calmed and soothed her fears over the past couple hours. Eyes that were the same brilliant shade of blue-green as Maximus'...

They both moved towards each other, hesitantly, and their lips met. His mouth was soft and sensuous, like Maximus', and they kissed tenderly. Then it deepened, mouths opening, her tongue brushing lightly across his lips as their arms slowly wrapped around one another. She pulled him close, pressing herself again his firm body, reveling in the feeling of his strong arms embracing her...

Her fingers slid up his arm, then his neck, to entwine themselves in his long silky hair...

Hair which was *not* like Maximus'...

She stopped herself, realizing that although John was very much like Maximus, he was definitely not Maximus, and could not be a substitute for her gentle giant...

They both stepped back, averting their eyes from each other.

"Uh... I think I'd better leave now," John said.

"Yea..." she said softly, backing away from him. "I'm sorry -- I shouldn't have done that... Tina would kill me."

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"I kissed you too, you know..." He sighed heavily. "I did enjoy dinner -- but I didn't mean it to be anything more either."

"You know... I probably shouldn't say this... but if Max weren't around... You'd be my next choice." They both smiled self-consciously. "But the fact is, Max is here, and so is Tina. So I'm not going to screw things up further. Besides," she joked, "I don't intend to sleep my way through every guy in the place... I learned my lesson with Sid." But she thought to herself, /Not that I hadn't thought about it...// Then she added, chuckling softly, "And I don't think *this* would go over very well --" Her voice changed slightly, rising in pitch. "'Gee, Max, guess what? I slept with Sid. Oh, and, by the way, while I was waiting for you to come back, I got desperate and jumped John too.'... NOT a good move!" She chuckled again, shaking her head firmly.

John sputtered, blushing noticeably but laughing too. "Uh, no, I don't think that would go over too well either..." Their nervous laughter faded, and then he said quietly, "But it's okay; I understand... Remember what Tina told you about her and Max..." He raised an eyebrow. "But I am flattered..." His eyes danced as he smiled.

She sighed. "Oh, don't smile like that, John -- you'll never get out of this room alive!"

John started to laugh, then stifled it, the blush creeping back into his cheeks. "I'll try..." He backed towards to door. "I'm definitely going, before we get into real trouble." Turning the doorknob, he pulled the door open. "If Sid bothers you again, let us know."

"Thanks... And if you see Maximus before I do, tell him I'm looking for him, okay?"

He nodded. "Will do.... Goodnight, Laura." He paused briefly, then turned away, stepping into the hallway and shutting the door.

She let out a heavy sigh. "Jeez, woman, what are you *doing*?" she muttered to herself. All the male companionship here was definitely getting to her. "I hope Tina doesn't find out about this... Even if she *was* with Max before..." She smiled, shaking her head, wandering over to the window. She looked down towards the tavern, noting there was still no sign of any new cars in the parking lot. As she gazed out the window, she spotted John as he walked down the path, heading into the bar. She saw him look back before he went in the door -- and he waved at her. She waved back, then stepped back from the window.

She opened her suitcase, unpacking and settling in again. There were more things in the trunk of her car, more personal effects, but she decided she would retrieve those later. Finally she curled up on the sofa, turning on the TV, surfing through all the channels before stopping on an old re-run of 'Star Trek' on the SciFi Channel. She kept the sound low, trying to clear her head, then closed her eyes for a bit, and promptly fell asleep...

She began to dream soon after drifting off... The mists swirled in her head... And she

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found herself in the dark, in the bedroom of her hotel room, under the covers, nestled warm and snug as a gentle summer breeze stirred the curtains through the open window....

The covers pulled back slowly as a figure appeared at the side of the bed, sliding under the sheets with her, moving close. The presence was definitely masculine, with large hands that touched her face in the darkness before pulling her close. It was a bearded mouth that pressed against hers, the soft hair tickling her skin as he kissed her. The gentle but insistent probing of his tongue opened her lips to him, deepening the kiss. She brought her arms up around him, pulling him close, her hands going to his head to stroke his silky locks. At first she had thought it might be John, but the shortness of his hair dispelled that notion. She ran her hands over the lean muscles of his arms, and when her fingers found the familiar scar on his left shoulder, she smiled to herself as she whispered, "Maximus..."

He was silent as his hands made love to her through the silk pajamas, sensuously caressing her body and arousing her deeply. She kissed him passionately, wrapping around him...

Abruptly, a rumble of thunder shattered the quiet, and a bolt of lightning lit up the room for a few moments. A cold wind blew in, sending the curtains high into the air, and the temperature dropped noticeably. She shivered beneath the sheets, snuggling close. "Max, close the window," she whispered.

He did not respond, groping at her now, his hands no longer tender and loving. "Max...?" She heard him chuckle... which became a giggle as his face pressed against the hollow of her neck, roughly nuzzling her throat ... A smooth, shaven face...

Alarmed and confused, she pulled away, sliding across the bed, reaching for the light switch. The lights went on...

And she screamed when Sid sat up, moving to straddle her hips before she even knew what was happening. "Surprise..." he grinned down at her, moving to grasp both her wrists, pinning her beneath him.

"Where's Max?", she demanded.

"Maximus is gone -- you're with me now, Laura." He pulled her wrists towards the headboard, and she watched in horrified fascination as restraints seem to melt out of the wood and wrap themselves around her wrists. Sid let go of her, moving back to sit on her legs. "And you're not going anywhere."

She screamed again, but he only laughed. "Scream all you like -- no one can hear you."

She struggled. "Let go of me!" She tried kicking him, but it was futile; he had her too well pinned. "Get off me, Sid!"

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"No," he said simply. His hands went back to her body. "You won't come to me, so you've left me no choice. Cooperate, and maybe I won't tell Maximus everything."

"What?" She struggled feebly.

"Do what I say, and Maximus doesn't have to know about us. Fight me, and I'll still have you... And then I'll tell him every little detail. How you begged for me, how you responded to me... Remember, I can recall it all in *exact* detail. And I will to the esteemed General Maximus Decimus Meridius." He giggled. "I can't wait to see the look on his face."

"Dammit, NO!" She struggled as his hands ripped open her nightclothes, buttons popping.

"Tell me you want me..." He slid down her body and put his mouth between her breasts. "Tell me you want me inside you."

"HELP!" she screamed. "MAX...!!!"

Laura jerked awake with a scream stuck in her throat, rolling off the sofa as she struggled with a non-existent attacker. She wound up on the floor, face down.

She lay there for a moment, collecting herself. The room was quiet, brightly lit, with the window shut, the TV now showing a repeat of "Star Wars". Shaking, she got up and looked around. There was no one there but her. She ventured hesitantly into the bedroom, but it too was unoccupied, the bed still made. She went around the hotel room, turning on every light she could find, opening every door. Then she went to the window, hesitantly looking out.

But it was a calm, beautiful night, the moon shining brightly.

"God, what a nightmare," she muttered as she shuffled into the bathroom, splashing water on her face. Then she went back to the sofa, watching TV again. But she did not close her eyes, and eventually, after about a half-hour, she got restless, deciding she just simply could not wait any longer to talk to Maximus. The suspense was killing her. She decided she was going down to the bar to wait for him, even if it took all night. Even if she had to deal with Sid again.

Hesitantly opening the front door of Crowe's Tavern, Laura peered inside, spotting John at the far end of the bar. Fortunately there was no sign of Sid, so she walked in, heading towards the handsome sheriff.

He glanced up from his beer, looking mildly surprised. "They're not back yet."

"I know. I decided to wait here for him -- I just want to get this over with." She fidgeted

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with her hands, looking warily around the bar.

"Sid's in one of the back booths, with a couple lurkers. I've been keeping an eye on him." He noticed how her face paled at the mention of Sid's name. "You okay? Did he do something else?"

"Not exactly." She sighed. "I dozed off while I was waiting, and I had this horrible nightmare about him." She shuddered. "That's why I came down -- I don't want to go back to sleep, and I can't stand having this hanging over my head any longer. I'm going to talk to Max as soon as he gets back -- hopefully, he had a good time, and he'll be in a good mood."

John shrugged. "It's your call... Want a drink while you wait?"

"No, I want to keep a clear head. Thanks anyway."

"Could be a long wait, you know."

"I know... Do you think you could let me into the room? I can wait there without worrying about Sid."

John looked disconcerted. "Laura, uh... I thought we discussed this. I don't think it'd be a good idea if we were alone..."

She looked at him for a minute, then grimaced, swatting him playfully on the shoulder. "No, John, not *your* room. Get your mind out of the gutter, Biebe... I meant *Max's* room -- can you let me in so I can wait in peace?"

"Oh..." John smiled sheepishly, a flush creeping into his face. "Well, yea, I guess I could do that. Considering it's you, I don't think Max would mind."

"Good... You know, you really must miss Tina, if you thought that's what I meant," she grinned.

"Well, I thought -- after what happened in the hotel -- I... " He stopped and let out a heavy sigh, shaking his head. "Forget what I thought." He smiled. "Yea, I *do* miss her." He stood up and dug his keys out of the pocket of his blue jeans. "You want to go up now?"

She glanced towards the back. "If Sid's here, yea. I do *not* want to deal with him right now." John nodded and led her to the stairs, and they went up to the second floor together. "You have keys to everything?"

He shook his head. "No, just Max's room and a couple others." Stopping in front of Maximus' door, he sorted through the ring of keys, then chose one, and opened the door. He stood in the doorway, ushering her in. "I'm gonna go down and wait for them at the bar. I may need to run interference if Sid's around."

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"That's so thoughtful, John."

"Well, I figure I'd better let Max know you're up there -- and lord knows what Sid's capable of these days."

"Thanks again." She quickly kissed him on the cheek, then backed away, into the room. "Good night, John."

"Good night... And good luck," he said as he shut the door.

She stepped into Maximus' room reverently, almost in awe. She had been here once or twice before, but only briefly, not long enough to really check the place out -- any nights they had spent together had been in her hotel room.

The room was efficiently laid out, a place for everything and everything in its place. It was decorated very much like his general's tent in 'Gladiator'; heavy fabric draped most of the walls, with simple wooden furniture and subtle light fixtures that resembled torch sconces. Over in one corner, there was even his family shrine.

She wandered over to the closet and opened it up. There were an array of uniforms and costumes there, beyond the 21st century wardrobe the girls had bought him, including his general's uniform, his brown tunic, his blue gladiator tunic, and his armor. She ran her hands over the rich fabric of the general's uniform, smiling softly, remembering how striking he looked in the movie when he wore it. She thought of his wolf's-fur cloak, which hung in a place of honor in her closet -- Maximus had given it to her to keep safe for him, as she was its official 'keeper' -- closing her eyes as she imagined him wearing it.

She found one of his shirts folded up, and she picked it up, holding it to her face, inhaling deeply. Not yet laundered, it smelled like Maximus; he rarely wore cologne, but his own body's scent was unmistakable, the pheromones nearly intoxicating. She smiled softly as she inhaled again, then set it down.

Growing bored and restless, she wondered how she could pass the time, unable to find even a magazine. She did not want to start going through his things without his permission, afraid to touch anything and risk angering him before they even spoke. But then she spotted a TV remote, and discovered a small color TV/VCR tucked in the corner of his dresser. She tuned it to a news channel, keeping the volume low, and settled onto the bed. One noticeable difference between this room and the real one was the size of the mattress. In 'Gladiator', he didn't seem to have much more than a cot, but now he had an overstuffed king-size bed. The heavy bedspread smelled like him too, and she laid her head on her arm, against the fabric, and sat back and watched TV. Even though the hour was late, she was wide awake, mentally rehearsing what she was going to say, hardly paying attention to what was on the screen.

Half an hour later, she heard movement outside the door, and a key jangling in the lock.

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Sitting up quickly, she turned off the TV, and swung her legs off the side of the bed. The door opened as she took a deep breath, and, as she stood up to greet him, Maximus walked in. He smiled when he saw her, and she felt her heart pound. His smiles, like all of Russell Crowe's incarnations, were guaranteed to take her breath away. And he was such a handsome man, his blue-green eyes sparkling, accented well by the navy-blue shirt he wore with black denim jeans. Although she loved him in uniform, she was becoming quite attached to the sight of his lean body and backside in a pair of jeans.

He shut the door behind him, dropping his keys on the small table by the door. Grinning, he strode over to her, arms reaching for her. "You're back," he said, hugging her warmly. Then he took her face in his hands and leaned in to exchange a deep, affectionate kiss. "I was surprised to see your car when we arrived. If I had known you were coming back today, I wouldn't have gone with the rest of them...." He kissed her again, his strong arms pressing her against him. "I've missed you, Laura."

"I've missed you too, Maximus." She hugged him tightly for a long moment, then stepped back. "Did you have a good time today? John said you were headed up into the mountains."

"Marvelous time actually -- I just wish you had been there to share it. The scenery was beautiful. We went hiking for a while, then just sat and enjoyed the view for an hour or two before we hiked back down. Quite a nice 'road trip', as they call it." He moved towards the foot of the bed, patting the spot beside him. "Come, sit and tell me what *you've* been up to."

She was having trouble keeping up pretenses, knowing she would have to drop the 'bombshell' on him very soon. "At home?" she said as she sat next him. "Not very much, besides work. I've been putting in a *lot* of overtime. That's the reason I had to leave, remember?"

"Yes, I do... And to be honest, I wasn't entirely convinced that was the only reason you left when you did." He put a hand to her face, stroking her cheek. "Was there something else to it? Tina seemed quite disturbed that you left without saying a word to her. She would not betray your confidence, but I sensed that something had happened which had upset you."

"Uh..." She could not look at him, struck by a sudden case of cold feet. She wanted to say something and start explaining about Sid, but the words would not come.

He watched her for a moment, then said, "I'm sorry -- I didn't mean to pry. It's your business, and if you don't want to tell me, that's fine. I just don't like seeing you upset." He smoothed her hair back, kissing her forehead softly. "So tell me -- what are you doing here tonight? It's awfully late for a visit." He pulled back, smiling suggestively. "Did you have something in mind, my dear?" He glanced over to where he could still see the impression of her body in the bedspread. "Waiting for me to join you in bed?" he whispered, arms snaking around her waist and pulling her into his embrace. His lips

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pressed against hers with a growing passion as he lowered her to the bed. His hands caressed her, and she began to lose herself to her desire for him. She wanted to be with him, maybe for the last time... But she knew she couldn't. He would never forgive her for letting him believe all was well, and *then* give him the news about Sid.

She pushed against his chest. "Max... no... Wait." He looked bewildered as she almost wrenched away from him, sitting up again. "I came here tonight because I need to talk to you."

He sat up again. "Can't it wait?"

"No, it can't." She took a deep breath. "I need to tell you why I left so suddenly the other day." She fidgeted with her hands, staring down at them.

"All right then; I would like to know what has you so upset."

She grimaced. "You may not say that when I tell you..." she mumbled.

His brow furrowed. "Whatever it is, it can't be that bad. You -- "

"Max," she interrupted, "Please, just let me tell you and get this over with, before I lose my nerve." He leaned back, staring at her as he motioned for her to go ahead. She took a deep breath, forcing herself to calm down, telling herself she was not going to cry in front of him. "Do you remember that conversation we had about a week or so ago, when we talked about how all of you guys related to one another...?" Maximus nodded. "And you said that you... understood that us gals were attracted to *all* of you?" He nodded again. "And that you wouldn't really be jealous... even if we -- or I -- was 'with' someone else....?" He nodded, but only after a long pause. His expression was starting to change as he began to realize the direction the conversation was going. "Did you mean that?"

He was quiet for a moment, eyes turned away as he digested that. "Are you saying that you were with someone else here?" he asked quietly.

"Yes," she whispered, swallowing hard.

He let out a long sigh. "I suppose I shouldn't be too surprised... He is a good man, someone you might have been with if not for me..."

It was her turn to be bewildered. "Who are you talking about?"

"John, of course. I saw how concerned he was about you just now... And that might explain why Tina was a bit upset too."

"Oh, god..." She hung her head. "No... That's not it. It's not John."

Maximus looked more confused. "Not John?" She shook her head. "Then... who?" His

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eyes widened slightly. "Colin?"

"No," she sighed. "Max, please, I don't want to play 20 questions." He stared blankly at her, and she knew he did not understand the reference. "Just let me explain this in my own way... That night, you also said that you understood if I was attracted to any and *all* of Russell's characters... Remember?" He nodded again. "Even someone like... Hando...?" She still couldn't say Sid's name.

"Yes, I did..." He took a long breath. "What are you trying to tell me?"

"...You also said you weren't shocked that I could be attracted to someone like... like Sid too..." She took a deep breath, steeling herself, and looked into Maximus' brilliant aquamarine eyes.

Eyes that slowly turned icy blue, the muscles in his face tightening into a grimace. "Sid?" He practically growled the name. "You had *sex* with Sid...?" She nodded, and he leaned back, pulling away from her before rising to his feet, storming away angrily. "That degenerate madman? Who terrified you so much that you could barely stand the sight of him...!?" She nodded again, hiding her face in shame. "After all the contemptible things he said and did to you -- and me -- you allowed him into your bed!?" he questioned, incredulous.

"Actually, it wasn't my bed... It was the basement," she muttered.

"What...!?" He stared at her, unable to speak for a moment. Then he continued, demanding, "I want you to explain this to me. How, and when, did this happen?"

"But you *said* you weren't surprised I was attracted to Sid when I first met him." She was trying to stay in control, and not cry, but she never had been able to deal with other people's anger well, and the tears were threatening to flow.

"When you *first* met him, yes. But after that, I thought you hated him. What changed?"

For a brief moment, behind the anger, Laura saw the hurt in Maximus' eyes. Seeing that was ten times worse than the anger, she thought. She recalled John's advice -- 'be straight with him' -- and began, "You have to understand how *different* this place is from normal reality for me -- for all of us. You're all the same guy -- Russell Crowe -- but yet, you're not. It's such a fantasyland here that I didn't take it seriously. It wasn't real to me. In a way, *you* didn't seem real either. I felt like I could do whatever I wanted without any repercussions. I didn't stop to think how anyone else might feel... not even you... " She stole a glance at him, wincing at the cold, harsh look in his eyes -- and the hurt. "I'm sorry; you don't know how sorry I am. If I could take back what happened, I would. But I can't -- and I feel terrible about it, because now I've hurt you, and that's something I never wanted to do."

He didn't react, staring coolly at her. "Those aren't the details I wanted."

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She looked away. "Yea, I know. I just want you to know all that up front." She turned away, then got up, walking to the far corner of the room. "I was attracted to Sid from the moment I laid eyes on him. I'm attracted to *all* of Russell's characters -- I've said that before. And when I met Sid, I had no idea he was a 'bad guy'. All I knew was that he was one of Russell's characters. He was charming and smooth and very sexy.... So when he made a pass at me that night, before you got there, I almost took him up on it. Frankly, I was flattered that someone like him would find me attractive." She sighed. "Then I found out what he was *really* up to..." She shook her head. "He did scare the hell out of me, and I was very angry with him. I felt like a fool. I wanted to beat the crap out of him, so I was glad he showed up at the beach so we could all teach him a lesson... The next day, though, was when I saw 'Virtuosity'..." She shook her head, rubbing her forehead. "Even though I saw how awful he was, I still felt sorry for him by the end. I know it doesn't make sense, but I did have some sympathy for him."

"I remember -- I didn't understand it then, and I don't understand it now."

"Actually, neither do I... He is a jerk, but... Hell, I don't know. He's very attractive, and I just ignored everything else... " She paused, clearing her throat. "*It* happened the day before I left.... In the morning, I went down into the cellar looking for something... and Sid followed me down..."

His eyes blazed. "Followed you...? If Sid forced you into anything, I'll break his neck."

"No, no -- he didn't...." She looked away. "I could lie and tell you he *did* force me -- nobody would believe him over me... But the truth is, it was consensual. He came onto me, and made a pass... And all I could think about was having a good time... So I said yes." She hung her head. "I don't know what it is about him -- he's so smooth; he has an answer to *everything*. I begged him to leave me alone, but he just wouldn't leave."

"Why didn't *you* leave?"

She paused. "I don't know," she said quietly.

"You... you 'don't know'?" Maximus blinked, struggling to control his temper. "What kind of an answer is that? How can you not know?"

"Because I don't. I honestly don't know what it is about Sid that makes him so attractive. There's a part of me that finds his dark side... exciting," she admitted.

Maximus gawked at her. "I do not believe I am hearing this," he muttered. He shook his head, pacing across the room for a few moments. Then he set his hands on his hips, glaring at her. "You are an adult woman. How could you let yourself be manipulated by his obvious lies? Sid cares nothing for you -- you know that. He is using you to get to me. Do you not understand *that*!?"

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His voice rose sharply, and she jumped slightly. "Yes, I do understand."

"Then WHY!?" he hissed. "And do *not* tell me you don't know."

"Because I made a mistake," she said, struggling to hold back the tears. "It was wrong, and I knew it, but I did it anyway. I was human -- I screwed up. All my life I've played it safe, but here, I felt like I could really be myself, and not worry about what other people think. But I got carried away -- I let it go too far. I didn't set out to have sex with Sid. It just happened. He seemed to know my weaknesses, and the next thing I knew..." She choked back a sob. "The damage was done. I wish I could turn back the clock and change it, but I can't. But I'm trying to be straight with you now. I wanted you to know what happened, and why, before Sid told you himself. I would do anything not to have hurt you like this... But I can't erase it. All I can do now is take responsibility for my actions and try to make amends... If you could understand how I could be with John, and forgive it, why can't you at least consider doing the same with Sid...?"

For a few moments, she thought she was getting through to him. But then he turned and answered, "Because John would be discreet. No one beyond the three of us would ever know of it. But Sid will take GREAT pleasure in announcing it to the world." He paced again. "How could you be so blind to his intentions? He told you he was after you merely to anger me -- he feels threatened by me, and he looked on you as an opportunity to humiliate me. If you had ignored him, eventually he would have gotten bored and moved on to some other scheme. But by doing this you have played right into his hands. In due time, he will make sure *everyone* knows what happened between you two. I would not even put it past him to be so crass as to go into the details of exactly what you did together. Whether I want to know them or not -- and I assure you, I do NOT -- Sid will make certain I DO hear of them!" he ranted. "Did you not consider THAT when you allowed him to bed you!?" She was shaking, just barely able to stop the tears from flowing, as she softly answered 'no'. Maximus paced the room once again, then stopped. "If you have so little regard for my feelings that you did not even consider them, then we have nothing more to say to each other." He walked to the door. "Please leave."

Her heart dropped into the pit of her stomach. "Maximus, no. We can work this out -- don't walk away."

"There is nothing further to say." He put his hand on the doorknob. "I saw Sid downstairs -- I'm sure he would be interested in your company tonight."

She gasped; his words stung. "I do NOT want anything to do with Sid again; I swear it. I have no intention of going near him ever again."

"So you say... *now*."

She grew angry at the implied insult, and her face flushed. She momentarily thought of throwing his own behavior and his liaison with Tina back in his face, but held her tongue, knowing it would only make things worse. "I've been honest with you. And when I said I

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won't have anything to do with Sid again, I *meant* it." She walked to the door, glaring at him. "I suppose *you've* never done anything dishonorable in your whole life, have you, General? Must be nice to be so perfect." There was fire in her eyes, but at the same time, her lower lip trembled, and a few of the tears brimming in her eyes rolled down her cheeks.

His hand fell away from the doorknob as he stared at her, conflicting emotions warring within him. For a brief moment, behind the anger she could see the depths to which he had been wounded, as well as the desire to forgive her. But then he turned away, his expression hardening as he folded his arms across his chest. "Please go," he said firmly.

Hurt and angry too, she could only think of escape now, and she jerked open the door. "Excuse me," she muttered as she fled down the hallway.

Part Eight

Hurrying away from Maximus' room and down the stairs, tears blurring her vision, Laura headed for the front door of the tavern, trying to keep her composure long enough to make it to her room in the hotel without breaking down.

John, standing behind the bar, fixing Lachlan a drink, saw her come rushing down the stairs. He started towards her, realizing, to his horror, that Sid had moved near the door sometime earlier. John came around the bar to stop him, but it was too late.

Sid walked in front of the door, blocking Laura's path. Skidding to a stop, she blanched as he took hold of her wrist, pulling her into an intimate embrace. "Ah, cherie, don't cry," he said, his voice louder than normal, carrying through the bar. He kissed her softly on the cheek. "Maximus was no good for you anyway -- you know you're better off without him. Now that you've *had* the best with *me*, why settle for ordinary anymore?"

The bar went silent, and her face went white. Shock turned to rage as Laura growled, "You bastard!" as she pulled back and slapped him *hard* across the face. The sound echoed briefly in the room, and she looked around to see all the shocked stares and open mouths. "Damn you, Sid," she whispered, more tears slipping down her cheeks as she wrenched away from him and barreled out the door.

Sid, with the imprint of her hand outlined in pale blue on his face, merely chuckled. "Women. Can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em." He sighed. "We were just having a *lover's* quarrel. You know how it is. I should check and see how my *girlfriend* is doing." He moved to follow her, but John's hand, coming down on his shoulder, stopped him, whirling him around.

"Don't you DARE go out that door," John threatened. Then he looked over at the bar where Bud stood, astonished at what he'd just seen. "Bud!" He motioned the cop over. "Shut him up -- now. Stuff him in a closet or something until I get back."

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He handed Sid over to Bud, who grabbed him by the lapels on his purple suit. "Sure thing." He looked at John. "What the hell's going on?"

"I'll explain later."

"Or I will," Sid grinned.

"Not another word, Sid," John said menacingly. "Not another fucking word!" He glared at Bud, who caught his drift. He hustled Sid into the back room as John ran out the door.

He ran flat out up the hill towards the hotel, and caught up with Laura three quarters of the way up.

Laura tried to hide her face as tears streamed down her cheeks. "John, please, just leave me alone."

"Geez, honey, I'm sorry; I was trying to keep an eye on Sid so he wouldn't bother you... Damn him!" John cursed. As she put her hand over her eyes, he added, "I take it that it didn't go well."

"No... Max told me to leave; he doesn't want to talk to me anymore." She sobbed, collapsing into his arms when he moved closer. "What am I going to do? I don't think he's going to forgive me for this!"

"Aw, hell." He held her close, patting her gently on the back as she sobbed into his shirt, dampening it. He sighed heavily. "I wish Tina was here to help."

"So do I..." She sniffled. "I don't belong here. I never should have come. I wish I'd never laid eyes on Sid -- I was a fool, and now I'm going to pay dearly for it..." Fresh tears flowed. "Maybe I should just go back home again. I barely unpacked anyway."

"No, don't leave. Give Maximus some time to let the shock wear off."

"I don't think more time's going to make a difference, not after what he said. He hates Sid, and now he hates me for being with him. He thinks I don't care about him or his feelings."

"Well, that's bull, and he knows it. Give him time to think it through -- I told you that before."

"The more time that goes by, the more chances Sid has of rubbing it in his face. Now everyone who was in the bar knows about the whole damn thing." She pulled back, drying her eyes, trying to get control again. "And god knows what Sid's saying right now." She looked down at the

tavern and shook her head. "How can I face everybody again?"

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"Nobody's gonna hold it against you. We all know how Sid is."

She took a few deep breaths, settling down. "I hope you're right."

"I know I am. As soon as I'm sure you're okay, I'll go back down and do some 'damage control' -- explain what happened to everybody."

"Are you going to talk to Max too?"

He shook his head emphatically. "No way -- not tonight. He'll be too upset to be reasoned with. But I will talk to him later -- if you want me to."

She paused, then nodded, "Yea, maybe you can make him understand my side of it. I'd really appreciate it if you could. Thanks so much -- you've been great. Again." She managed a smile. "What would I do without you?"

John blushed a bit. "You'd manage... Why don't you go up and get some sleep now?"

"God, I don't think I can sleep, not after this." She pulled a Kleenex out of her pocket and blew her nose.

"You gonna be okay tonight?"

She nodded. "As good as I can be under the circumstances." She wiped at her eyes again. "I'm gonna go up and have a good cry -- and try to think up a reason to get out of bed tomorrow," she joked half-heartedly.

"I'll come check on you in the morning. Maybe once the dust settles from all this, you'll see it won't be so bad after all," he said. She just shrugged. "And maybe Tina will be back tomorrow."

"God, I hope so. Maybe I should send her some email telling her to get over here right away."

"If you do, tell her I said 'hi'... and that I - I miss her." John looked away, his cheeks turning pink.

Laura smiled warmly. "I know you do... I'll be sure to do that." She kissed him on the cheek briefly, then stepped away, backing towards the hotel. "Night, John. Thanks again."

"You're welcome. See you tomorrow." John watched as she continued up to the hotel, waiting until she had gone in the door before turning around and heading back down to the tavern. He shook his head, muttering, "What a day... I'm gonna kill the little bastard, I swear it..."

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When John walked in the door of the tavern, conversation stopped as everyone turned to him. They -- Cort, Bud, Wendy, Jeffrey, Michelle, Colin, Peaches, Liz, Loria, Tammy, Lachlan, Trisha, Ilaria, Alex, Stef, Zach and Sy -- were all congregated together at the bar, obviously discussing what had happened. Bud came forward. "I did what you said -- locked him in the storage closet in the back. So what's up? Is there something going on with Sid and Laura -- or did Sid just make it up?"

John paused, pondering his next words. "No... Sid did not make it up." There were glances and whispers all around. "Look, I'm not going into all the details -- I don't even know them myself -- but the condensed version is that something *did* happen between Sid and Laura before she left last time..." He lowered his voice. "Now it's really none of my business -- or anyone else's -- *what* happened, but I know from talking to Laura that she regrets what she did. Especially since Sid's being even more of a pain in the ass that usual, as you just saw for yourself." He sighed. "Needless to say, I would *not* be telling you all this if it weren't for the fact that Sid will surely be spouting off with his own version of the truth... But on top of all that..." He looked up towards the second floor and Max's door. "Laura just told Max about it. Which is the reason why she went flying out of here like that."

Jeffrey shook his head. "I doubt Max took the news too well, considering how much he and Sid despise each other."

"Probably not -- but that's between them, Jeff. Let them work it out themselves." He took a deep breath. "In the meantime though, we're going to have to keep an eye on Sid -- and keep him away from Max as much as possible until this blows over."

"Sid's probably dyin' to rub it in Max's face," Colin said.

"Exactly," John said. "So I really don't think we want this place to turn into a war zone, do we?" People shook their heads. "Then do what you can to keep them away from each other." He looked around. "Anyway, end of speech. I just thought you all needed to know what's happening here..."

He stepped behind the bar, finishing up with the drink he had been fixing for Lachlan before he had been interrupted, and the group broke up, going back to their respective tables, talking quietly amongst themselves. Wendy and Jeffrey started the jukebox back up.

John looked at Bud and caught his eye, motioning him over. "What do you want me to do with Sid?" Bud asked.

"That's exactly what I wanted to talk to you about," John said quietly, so only Bud could hear. "We've got another problem I didn't mention."

Bud sighed. "Now what?"

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"Where is he? Back there?" John pointed to the door to the office. Bud nodded, and John motioned for him to follow. They went into the office and closed the door behind them. Now John could hear Sid pounding on the door of the back closet. He spoke quietly. "Every time I think I've seen it all from Sid, he comes up with something new... Just do me a favor and don't go off on me when I tell you this, Bud."

Bud scowled. "That bad?"

"Judge for yourself." He went on to explain what Laura had told him about what Sid had said and done when she'd arrived earlier in the day.

Bud paced angrily. "Son of a bitch... That sounds like -- what do you call 'em now -- stalkers?" John nodded. "That kinda shit is part of his program too, isn't it?" John nodded again. "A girlfriend? Je-sus -- I thought that was a joke when he said it just now..." He started towards the closet. "I'm gonna break his face."

John caught his arm. "I asked you not go off on me. I need your *help*, and that's not gonna help things any."

"Then what's *your* solution?"

John sighed. "I don't know... We can't watch Sid 24 hours a day -- maybe someone should stay with her instead. You, me, Cort or Colin -- whoever."

Bud grinned briefly. "I doubt she'll mind that much."

"She'd mind it a lot less if it were Max."

Bud shook his head. "Yea... Lord, I can just imagine how he took *that* news... Not a pretty picture, I don't think."

"Didn't seem like it. Max is very black and white when it comes to Sid. He just doesn't get it yet... Getting used to Sid wasn't easy for any of us, but it's been even harder for Maximus since Sid's so jealous of him. He hasn't let up on Max since the minute he got here, and now he's going to have a field day with *this*."

"Not if I have anything to say about it..." Bud gestured towards the closet where Sid still pounded on the door, yelling to be let out. "Why don't we just leave him there until this blows over?"

"We can't just lock him up."

"Then somebody better go hide Max's swords."

There was a half-smile from John. "Not a bad idea." His smile faded as Sid's pounding

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resumed after a brief break. "We have to let him out."

Bud sighed. "I suppose so..." He went to the closet. "You gonna behave yourself if I let you out, Sid?" he said loudly.

"Get me the fuck out of here -- NOW, White!"

"That wasn't the answer I was looking for... Good night, Sid." He started to walk away. The door shook as Sid apparently threw himself at it, cursing again. The doorknob rattled furiously... Then the whole handle fell out onto the floor. But the door stayed locked.

"Damn it, White! Unlock this door!!"

John rolled his eyes. "Great." He got a screwdriver from the office tool box, and went to work on the lock, kneeling in front of the door. After a few minutes of effort, the lock released. John stood up as Sid shoved the door open, barely missing hitting John in the nose.

Sid barely gave the sheriff a second glance as he got in Bud's face. "The hell is your problem?"

John barely suppressed a smile at the blue handprint on Sid's cheek.

"I was about to ask you the same question." Bud grabbed Sid by the collar, shoving him against the wall. "It's not enough that you have to be a royal pain in the ass -- now you gotta start threatening the ladies."

Sid looked confused. "I haven't threatened anybody."

"The hell you haven't -- when you talked to Laura earlier today, you scared her half to death."

Sid pulled away from Bud, stepping forward and straightening his suit. "Obviously you've been misinformed. My conversation with Laura was of a personal nature. You've mistaken my persistence for aggression."

"The woman doesn't want you -- get that through your head. She's with Max."

Sid smiled. "I believe what you saw a few minutes ago disproves that."

"I also saw her slap you -- that disproves your theory."

"Merely a lover's quarrel, as I said. She's just playing hard to get."

Bud was becoming enraged. "SID...!"

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John stepped forward. "Let me try... Look, Sid, just listen to me -- "

"No," Sid interrupted, folding his arms across his chest, glaring at them both. "YOU listen to ME... This is my home too, and I have as much right to be here as anyone else. And I'm tired of the rest of you trying to tell me what to do. In case it escaped your notice, John, I did not force Laura into *anything*. She came to me voluntarily, of her own free will." Sid smirked. "Quite voluntarily, actually, so don't bother trying to insinuate I forced my affections on her."

"I'm not," John said. "I agree that whatever went on between you two before she left *is* your business. BUT, Sid -- now listen to this carefully -- " Sid rolled his eyes. "BUT... that does *not* give you the right to harass her now that she's back. She decided to stay solo with Max, so that means she doesn't want to see you anymore. So that means you leave her alone -- do *not* talk to her. Do... you... understand, Sid...?" John said, slowly, enunciating every syllable.

Sid's eyes burned with anger. "Don't patronize me, hockey-boy." John barely reacted to that, and Sid continued, "The double standards you employ are truly amazing."

"And what 'double standard' would that be?" John asked.

"If the situation had been reversed, where she had been with me first, and then slept with Maximus..." He stopped and cocked his head. "Although *that* would never happen," Sid grinned. "Once she'd had the best, she'd never bother with the second string."

Bud rolled his eyes. "Get to the point."

Sid ignored the interruption. "If Maximus was in my position, every one of you would be cheering him on -- 'Way to go, Max... Go for it, Max," he said with a mocking voice. "The more outlandish he was in trying to win her over, the more you'd applaud, because you'd think it was 'romantic'... It could be truly sickening, but you wouldn't bat an eye. But *me* -- of course you always assume the worst."

"Given your history, how could we assume anything *but* the worst," Bud quipped.

"I have done nothing but explain to her the benefits of being with me over Maximus."

"Oh, I think you've done a hell of a lot more than that," John said. "You keep bugging her, even though she's told you to stay the hell away from her."

Sid grinned. "I don't put much stock in that, considering she was also telling me that five minutes before she took my pants off and begged me to bang her on the cellar floor."

Bud leaned in, pointing a finger right in his face. "You watch your mouth!"

John moved between them, pushing them apart. "I don't give a damn what happened

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before. Right *now*, she's telling you stay away, and that's what you're going to do... Besides, your argument would be a hell of a lot more convincing if you didn't have her handprint on your face." He had to force himself not to smile at the bright blue mark across Sid's cheek.

"What?" Sid walked across the room to a small mirror on the wall, and studied his reflection. "Oh... That's easily taken care of... " He raised a hand to his face, running it over the mark. Bud and John watched Sid's face shift for a moment -- then the blue mark vanished, and the normal skin tone returned as if nothing had ever happened. Then he turned back to them. "This is becoming tiresome, gentlemen. Whether Laura wants to be with Maximus or not has become a moot point -- he clearly has *rejected* her -- and, seeing as she is now free, I am perfectly within my rights to pursue her further. And it is not for either one of you to say otherwise."

"The hell it isn't!" Bud argued. "I think the next addition we make around here should be a prison! How'd you like to share a cell with Hando?"

Sid merely laughed. "Amusing thought, Wendell." He pushed past them, moving towards the door.

"Hold on," Bud said, moving to block his way again. "You're not leaving this room until you agree to leave Laura and Max alone!"

"For tonight and tomorrow morning," John added. Bud protested, but John continued, "Sid *is* right -- we all have free run of the place, even him." He turned to Sid. "Just stay clear of them until about noon tomorrow. Max and Laura are off-limits."

Bud grimaced. "What good is that gonna do?"

"It's better than nothing," John sighed. "What else can we do? Whether we like it or not, we can't lock him up." He turned to Sid. "Can you at least abide by *that*?"

Sid glared at Bud. "Even though some people refuse to believe it, I *can* be a reasonable man." He looked back at John and sighed. "I agree -- noon tomorrow."

John looked skeptical. "You'll stay in your room until then?"

"In my room?", Sid scowled, then nodded. "Agreed." He turned back to Bud. "*Now* do I have your permission to leave, Officer?", he said sarcastically. "Or are you going to try to stuff me back in the closet again?"

"Don't tempt me!"

"Bud..." John said quietly, and Bud looked at him. "Let it go -- for now."

Bud stared at Sid for a few moments longer, then sighed heavily. "Fine." He walked

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towards the door. "But you're going up with an escort. I'm gonna make damn sure you keep your promise and don't go near Max's door."

Sid just glared back, and sauntered towards the door to the bar. He passed Bud without a word, opening the door and heading out into the tavern, Bud and John close behind. The lively conversation that was going on between the many patrons stopped once again as everyone watched Sid and his escorts make their way up to the second floor.

The room was still quite silent a minute later when John and Bud returned. They both went behind the bar, pouring themselves a stiff drink, and Colin asked, "What the hell was that all about?"

John sighed wearily, started to open his mouth... Then closed it again. "I'll explain in the morning," he said, rubbing his throbbing head. Colin raised an eyebrow, but didn't say anything, instead turning back to Michelle and resuming their conversation.

But Bud didn't help John's headache at all when he stepped closer, growling, "Noon? What the hell was *that*, John!? Don't you know what the little prick is going to do at 12:01 tomorrow afternoon!?"

John turned and glared. "Whatever it is, we'll deal with it at 12:02. Look, I just wanted to get him to back off. You know Sid -- he doesn't give a damn if it's the middle of the night -- he'd be knocking on Max's door right now if I hadn't gotten him to agree to wait."

"But it's only 12 hours -- what good does that do?"

"It gives Laura and Max time to collect themselves, even if it is a short time. We can't just lock Sid up for the duration, Bud, and you know it."

"But --"

"Can it, Bud!" John snapped, his nerves frayed. "I don't want to hear it. Whatever's going to come of this, we'll deal with it tomorrow." He rubbed his temple again. "Right now I'm going to try to get rid of this damn headache and get some sleep. I suggest you do the same." He threw back a shot of whiskey, then headed off to his room on the second floor.

Late the next morning, there was a knock at the door, and Laura, who was still in bed, staring blankly at the wall, ignored it at first. Then the knock became more insistent, and a voice called through the door. "Laura...? You okay?" It sounded like John, but she wasn't sure. But it definitely was not Maximus. She lay there for a few seconds, then sighed and rolled out of bed. As she stumbled towards the door, there was a louder rap on the door. "Hang on; I'm coming," she said, pausing in front of the mirror. Wincing at her reflection, she roughly combed her hair into place, knowing she looked like hell with her puffy, bloodshot eyes, a result of crying most of the night and morning.

She looked down at herself, deciding that the black nightshirt, which nearly reached her

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knees and covered her top quite modestly, was okay for company. Then she moved to the door, opening it just enough to peer out at the person in the hallway. "Hello, John."

"Good morning," he smiled, sounding irritatingly cheerful.

"That's a matter of opinion... Frankly, life sucks right now."

He smiled sympathetically. "Yea, I suppose it does... Can I come in?"

She paused briefly, then sighed. "Yea, sure; why not?" She stepped aside, opening the door. John came in, and she closed the door behind him.

"How are you doing?" John asked. "Sid didn't bother you anymore last night, did he?"

"Thankfully, no." She looked at him. "You don't have to do this, you know."

"Do what?" he asked, a bit too innocently.

"Baby-sit. You already went above and beyond the call of duty last night, John. I'm sure you're sick of playing referee between me and Sid and Max. You don't have to hang around."

"I told you before -- Tina would want me to keep an eye on you until she gets back."

"That's sweet of you." She managed a brief smile. "But I don't feel like talking much. I appreciate your concern, but..."

"I know, I know... You just want to be alone and sulk," he said with a slight smile.

"Basically, yea." She rubbed her bloodshot eyes.

John sighed. "I wish there was something I could do.... Were you able to get a hold of Tina?"

She nodded. "By email, yes -- hopefully she'll be coming back later today. And before you ask, yes, I told her that you said you missed her." She managed a smile. "And she said to tell you she misses you too." John beamed at that, and she added, "Well, it's nice to know *somebody's* enjoying themselves around here..." She walked over to the sofa and plopped down onto it. "I need drink."

John's brow furrowed. "It's 9:30 in the morning."

"And your point is...?" She sighed. "You know, I normally never drink, but right now, I just want to get wasted and forget everything that's happened. And forget how badly I screwed up my life."

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He sat down beside her on the sofa. "You can't sit here all day and wallow in it."

"Why not...?" She sniffed, rubbing her eye. "I really think I should just go, John -- leave the CrowesNest and not come back. I don't want to stay here if Max won't even speak to me. And I sure as hell don't want to deal with Sid anymore."

John scowled. "Oh, come on. You can't let Sid win." He raised an eyebrow. "So get dressed, and come with me down to the rink; we'll go skating together. It'll take your mind off things."

She grimaced. "Ice skating? I don't think so; I told you, I don't like hockey."

"I'm not asking you to play -- just come out with me and get some exercise."

She shook her head. "Uh, John... I can't skate..."

His eyebrows climbed. "You can't?"

"No, never learned, not even roller skating or roller-blading. And definitely not ice-skating -- I had weak ankles when I was a kid."

"Well, all the more reason to come with -- I'll teach you."

She shook her head again. "I don't think so. Spending the morning falling on my ass is not my idea of fun."

John sighed, folding his arms across his chest. "You need to get out of this room -- I'm not leaving until you say yes."

"Then you're going to be here a while." John stared at her, raising an eyebrow, until she finally said, "Okay, okay -- you win. I'll go. Just so long as you promise not to laugh at me when I ended up spending the whole time polishing the ice with my butt."

John chuckled, then stopped himself. "I promise, I won't."

"Guess I better get dressed." She got up and headed for the bedroom. Then she stopped. "Have... Have you seen him this morning?"

"Max?" Laura nodded. "No, I haven't. Alex said he saw him leave before dawn. Scato is gone from the stables, so we figure he's out riding."

She wandered over to the window, looking out. "I hope he's okay..." She was quiet for a few moments, then turned back. "What about Sid?"

"Don't you worry about Sid -- we'll deal with him."

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"Whatever way we have to. Don't concern yourself with him." He stood up. "Now are you going to get dressed, or are you just trying to stall?"

"Okay, I'm going," she said with a slight smile, then disappeared into the bedroom.

After a quick shower and a change of clothes, she headed downstairs with John. Before they headed to the rink, John insisted she eat something however. So after a quick bite in the restaurant, they headed out.

Just as they were walking down the front steps of the hotel, Bud was approaching. "Just the person I was looking for," he said, nodding to Laura.

"Are you checking up on me *too*?" she asked.

"Well, uh... Yea, I guess so," Bud admitted, then turned to John. "Everything's okay?"

"I'm still in one piece, if that's what you mean, Bud," she said, smiling slightly. It was difficult *not* to be cheered up by the two of them being so concerned about her. "John talked me into going skating. Actually, *he's* going to skate -- I'm just going to slide around the ice on my butt since I don't know how to skate."

John smiled. "I going to teach her -- and you ought to come too. You never learned either."

Bud scowled. "Some other time."

Laura took his arm. "Oh, come on, Bud; join us. I could use the support -- literally. I'll need someone to hang onto to keep from falling!"

He shook his head. "No way. You're not getting me on a pair of skates."

Laura reached over and took John's arm too, pulling him closer. "I thought you guys were supposed to be cheering me up."

"Yea, Bud; you're supposed to be cheering her up," John grinned, a little too broadly, she thought. "You can't turn the lady down in her hour of need."

"Oh, no," Bud protested. "You're *not* getting me to do this -- that's low, John."

Laura suspected there was more going on here than met the eye, but one thing was certain -- Bud did *not* want to go skating, which seemed to make John more determined to see it happen. Deciding to play along with John, she gave Bud a forlorn look, hanging on his arm. "Bud, *please*... Come with me; I could really use the company. Yesterday was really awful, you know."

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Bud grimaced. "Aw, geez, honey..." He looked into her wide, melancholy eyes... And she watched him melt. "Shit..." He sighed heavily. "All right, all right... I'll go."

"Thank you," she smiled, standing up on tiptoe to kiss him on the cheek. "You're a sweetheart, Bud."

As Bud's face flushed, John grinned, adding, "Yea, Bud; you're a sweetheart."

Bud turned a cold eye on John. "Just shut up... I don't want to hear another word outta you about this!"

"Who, me?" John said innocently.

She glanced between the two, brow furrowing. "Did I miss something?"

Bud gave John a dirty look before answering, "Nothin', honey. Don't worry about it." John merely laughed, and led them all down the path towards the ice rink.

A few moments later, they heard the drone of an engine in the distance, and looked skyward towards its source. Along the horizon, they spotted the silhouette of a bi-plane, and watched as it flew towards them. Shielding her eyes against the sun, Laura followed its progress, her eyes widening a bit as the plane swooped down abruptly, heading straight for them. The plane's wheels seemed to be skimming the ground as it neared, and they all ducked, throwing their arms over their heads as the plane whizzed over their heads.

Laura heard Bud mutter a few obscenities as they all stood again, turning to watch the plane fly away, narrowly missing the top of the hotel as it climbed skyward again. The pilot waved to them, waggling the plane's wings before he made a leisurely turn, heading out into the distance.

Bud shook his head and sighed, "I hate it when he does that."

Laura watched as the plane disappeared from view. "Lachlan?"

"Who else?" John said, chuckling.

Smiling, Laura said, "That looks like such fun! I love to fly..."

"Have you mentioned that to Lachlan?" John asked.

"No; it never came up." Her face brightened. "Do you think he'd take me for a ride if I asked?"

Bud laughed. "Try and stop him. He loves to take people up with him -- especially the

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ones of the female gender -- and show off. Just be careful that he doesn't get too carried away, or you might end up tossing your cookies over the side of the plane," he chuckled.

She shook her head. "I doubt that'll happen to me; I've got a cast-iron stomach."

"You'll need it," Bud chuckled as they set off for the ice rink again...

/Where had John wandered off to?// Michelle wondered as she strode briskly down the gently-sloping path from the hotel, heading over towards the ice rink. He wasn't in the Tavern, and a check of the hotel had revealed he was not there either. But, then, neither was Laura, so she figured it was a pretty good bet John was with her -- particularly since he had said that he was going to keep an eye on Laura for a while, at least until Tina came back.

Michelle sighed, rubbing her bloodshot eyes. She hadn't gotten much sleep last night; no one had, not after what had happened with Sid and Laura and Maximus. They were all still in shock over the turn of events.

Sid had certainly outdone himself *this* time, she thought to herself, shaking her head. With his *very* public announcement last night when he'd accosted Laura -- as she tried to leave the Tavern after her argument with Maximus -- Sid had managed to humiliate both her and the Spaniard in one fell swoop. She still cringed when she thought of the look on Laura's face when Sid had announced to the whole world that she'd slept with him. She wanted to strangle Sid for doing that to her friend right after what had surely been a terrible scene with Maximus.

No one had seen the Spaniard since then, and she could only hope that he was all right. But judging by the tears on Laura's face as she'd left his room, she doubted Maximus was doing very well right now either. He was a proud man, and doubtless the news that Laura had been with Sid had come as a shock. Although she understood why he would be furious, she also understood how it could happen. Sid, although a bit of a snake at times, was also as 'beautiful' as he often boasted he was. Although she was a bit surprised that Laura had slept with Sid, it nonetheless did not come as a shock to her, considering the obvious attraction for Sid that Laura had exhibited when she had first seen 'Virtuosity' that day after their trip to the beach. Sid could be quite the charmer when he wanted to be -- and since it had been Laura's first exposure to the CrowesNest and all it's residents, it was easy to see how she had been overwhelmed by all the delicious temptations here. With all the various incarnations of Russell Crowe practically at her fingertips, the fact that Laura had surrendered to temptation with Sid was almost inevitable.

Unfortunately, she doubted Maximus would see it that way -- and Michelle sighed. She didn't want to think that it was impossible for the two to reconcile, but it certainly would be an uphill climb...

Nearing the ice rink, Michelle entered through a side door. There was a short flight of stairs up to the main level, and she climbed them quietly, then stepped out into the back

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of building. She looked around, quickly spotting three people at the far end of the ice. There was John, all right, just as she had predicted. And Laura too. But when she realized who the third person was, she clapped her hand over her mouth to keep from crying out in amazement.

It was Bud!

"Oh, my god!" Michelle muttered to herself, laughing quietly. "How the hell did John get *him* out there?" She chuckled as she watched Bud hanging onto the boards, desperately trying to stay upright, angrily waving off John's attempts to help. "Oh, they're never gonna believe this!" she muttered, then dashed back down the stairs and out the door before she was spotted, heading back to the Tavern. She ran all the way, giggling, and burst through the front door.

"You *gotta* come see this!" she announced to the startled group.

"Whoa, love," Colin said, sliding off his barstool to join her. "Where's the fire?"

"Come see what?" Stef said.

"It's Bud," Michelle said with a huge grin. "In the *ice rink*. I think Laura and John talked him into going *skating*...!"

"Damn!" Cort said. "I didn't think that was possible!" He got up from the table where he'd been sitting with Syrena. "This, I *do* have to see!"

"Me too!" came a chorus of voices from Colin, Syrena, Jeff Mitchell, Stef and Trisha. Colin put his arm around Michelle, "Lead on, darlin'," he said as they all headed out the door.

Part Nine

"I told you this wasn't a good idea," Laura said, grimacing as she rubbed her sore butt as John helped pull her to her feet after yet another fall on the ice. "I'm going to have bruises everywhere at this rate," she grumbled.

"You're gettin' better, Laura -- just keep trying," John said encouragingly as he steadied her on her ice-skates again. Then he looked over at his other student. "You too, Bud."

"Stuff it, Biebe!" Bud snapped as he clung to the boards at the edge of the ice rink. His ankles wobbled as he tried -- unsuccessfully -- to keep his feet stationary beneath him. "I'm with her; this was a bad idea."

"Bud, I keep telling you -- relax. Don't lock your knees. You're too stiff." John glided across the ice effortlessly and stopped beside him.

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"Forget it; I've had it," Bud growled, slowly pulling himself along the railing that ran along the top of the boards, balancing precariously on the sharp blades of his skates as he made his way towards the exit off the ice.

"Aw, come on, Bud," Laura said as she moved clumsily on her skates, waving her arms to keep her balance. But she was managing to stay upright. "If I can do it, anyone can!" She stumbled forward, heading straight for John, unable to stop herself. "Whoa...! Where are the brakes on these things?" She flailed her arms, trying to change direction. But John merely turned, catching her around the waist, and the two spun 360 degrees together before stopping. "Thanks, John," she sighed.

"Anytime," he smiled as she steadied herself, clinging to his blue plaid flannel shirt, then pushed off him, heading towards Bud.

"Come on, Bud," she repeated. "Give it another try. It's fun!"

Bud muttered a few profanities under his breath, then sighed and looked at her. "Okay -- but this is it." He took a deep breath, then turned himself to the side, hanging onto the rail with one hand, taking small steps with his skates, gingerly moving forward. He kept swearing under his breath as he moved, but he stayed on his feet.

"Hey -- you're skating," Laura said as she slowly passed him by.

"Yea... Maybe I am," Bud muttered as he slowly drew his hand back, away from the railing, and skated a few feet under his own power. "Maybe this will actually work..." he said, managing a small smile.

"All right, Bud!" came a voice from the other side of the rink. John and Laura looked up to see Trisha waving and clapping. "Way to go!" Behind her were Michelle, Colin, Jeff Mitchell, Syrena, Stef, and Cort.

Bud, startled by the noise, turned sharply. It threw off his precarious balance, and he started flailing his arms, trying to stay upright. "Aw, shit!" he exclaimed as he lost the fight with gravity and fell back, landing hard on his ass.

The group laughed hysterically at the sight, the men clapping as they hurried around the edge of the rink towards the trio.

John and Laura came over to Bud. "You okay?" John asked.

Bud sat up with a groan, his hand rubbing the back of his tan trousers. "Get away from me! You set this up; didn't you, Biebe? What the hell are *they* doing here!?"

"Don't blame John," Michelle said, laughing as she stopped at the edge of the rink near them. "It was me -- I was looking for John earlier and saw what was going on. I *had* to get the others!" She laughed more.

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"I'll get you for this, Michelle," Bud threatened.

Laura looked puzzled. "Did I miss something? What's the big deal about Bud skating...?"

John smiled. "The big deal is that no one's *ever* gotten Bud on the ice before." He shook his head. "I don't know how you managed it, Laura -- you must have the magic touch."

"Or maybe the bloke's gone soft in his old age," Colin joked. Bud just glared at him.

Trisha leaned over the rail near Bud. "Oh, Bud, I'm so sorry; I didn't mean to startle you like that!" she said with genuine concern.

"That's okay, doll," he said, managing a soft grin for her.

"Let me help you out," Trisha said. "John, can I borrow a pair of skates?" she called.

John pointed to a shelf full of skates nearby. "Take whatever fits -- that goes for everybody."

Laura stumbled over to Bud, passing him and crashing into the boards. "Ow...!" She reached down and rubbed her bruised shins. "Hey, sorry, Bud... I had no idea about all that." She extended her hand to help him up.

"I know; don't worry about it," Bud said as he climbed to his feet, then clung to Laura for support until he got his balance back again. Laura smiled to herself, enjoying the feel of Bud's strong arms around her, if only for a few moments.

The new arrivals all traded their shoes for skates, and joined the trio out on the ice. Michelle and Colin skated off together, Trisha helped Bud along, and Cort joined up with Stef. Sy chased after John a bit as Laura headed in Jeff's general direction. He was hanging onto the railing too, just like Bud, and Laura floundered over to him, grabbing the railing with a sigh of relief.

"Can't skate either, huh?" Laura said.

"Not ice skating -- never learned," Jeff said with a warm smile. "I've never been around for John's skating lessons before. But I can roller-blade, so it can't be all that different." He smiled. "Just gotta get the hang of it..."

"Maybe we can help each other out," she smiled back. "... Does John give lessons a lot?"

Jeff nodded. "Fairly often, from what I've heard. Just about everybody but me and Bud can skate, at least a little. Although I doubt that goes for Sid and Hando." Laura paled at the mention of Sid's name, and Jeff winced. "Oh, hell, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to bring

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that up. I, uh... I heard about what happened last night... I'm, uh, sorry Sid was such a jerk."

"Hey, it's okay; it's not your fault," she said. "I suppose *everybody* knows what happened by now, don't they?" Jeff nodded. "Well, I'm doing my best not to let the asshole get to me. Besides, it's half my own fault anyway," she grumbled. "But I don't want to talk about him." Jeff nodded again, and they both ventured out onto the ice tentatively. "Where's Rick?"

"Working, I'm afraid. I'm just waiting for him to finish his shift."

"Well, I'm glad to see you again, Jeff. I don't think I mentioned this before, but I really loved 'The Sum of Us'. Great movie -- you and your dad had a great relationship."

"Thanks." Jeff beamed at the compliment. "Dad's a great guy."

"Yes, he is. I thought it was wonderful how he accepted your lifestyle. 'Unconditional love' may sound a bit cliché, but that's what it was... You're lucky, Jeff. Not many people have that from the people they care about." She stumbled for a moment, but Jeff caught her arm, and they both steadied themselves.

"That's very true," Jeff said as Laura moved away again, but keeping within arm's reach. "I know so many people who were thrown out of the house or disowned when they came out of the closet." He smiled wistfully. "I'm damn lucky to have him. I just wish he... he hadn't gotten sick," he said quietly.

She patted Jeff on the back, then took his arm, pulling herself close. "He's a very lucky man to have a son like you -- if you don't mind me saying so," she added with a grin, not wanting to upset him.

"Thanks again." Jeff smiled warmly. "I really appreciate that."

"Well, it's true. I wouldn't say it if it wasn't. Listen, should join us some night, you and Rick."


"Max and me. We'd -- " She stopped abruptly, catching herself. She turned away, tears stinging her eyes. "Hell... I can't say that anymore, can I?"

Jeff didn't seem to know what to say. "Look, uhm... I'm sure thing's will work out. Maximus seems like a pretty reasonable guy...." He put his hand on her shoulder reassuringly.

"I hope so," she said quietly, trying to compose herself before she lost it in front of him.

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"Hey, are you okay, Laura?" came Michelle's concerned voice from behind her. Laura turned around as Michelle and Colin skated up to them.

"As good as I can be under the circumstances." She directed a wan smile at Jeff. "I was just crying on Jeff's shoulder a bit..."

"Anything we can do, luv?" Colin asked.

"Yea," she said, forcing a smile on her face, banishing any lingering tears. "You can help teach a couple of 'rookies' like us to skate." She nodded at Jeff. "He can't skate either." She smiled, then took Colin's arm. "Can you help me out and let me lean on you for a while, cousin?"

"Sure thing, luv." Colin smiled back. The four formed a line, with Colin and Michelle on the ends, and Laura and Jeff in the middle, and the group set out across the ice, quickly loosening up again and starting to laugh and joke as Laura and Jeff tried to keep up with Colin and Michelle.

Meanwhile, Stef had joined Trisha in helping Bud along. They were about ten feet from the boards, with Cort hovering nearby as John skated towards them, backwards, circling around behind them in a broad arc. Sy trailed after him.

"See, Bud, it's not so bad after all, is it?" John said.

Bud threw him another dirty look. "Easy for you to say, Gretsky; quit showing off. Just because you were born on skates doesn't mean the rest of us are gonna be good at it..." He lost his concentration, and his ankles started to wobble. For a moment, it looked like he was going to go down again, taking the ladies with him. "Damn!" He struggled to stay upright, drawing them both against him tightly as they fought to hold his weight. Cort hurried up from behind and grabbed Bud's shoulders for a moment until he had regained his balance, then moved off. "Thanks, pal," Bud called over his shoulder, then turned to the ladies. "You too, girls."

They were both smiling a bit too happily, he realized. "You sure you didn't do that on purpose, Bud?" Stef asked.

His brow furrowed, and he was about to ask what she meant when he realized where his hands were.... And began to blush furiously. In his attempts to steady himself, he had grabbed hold of them both around the upper torso... with his hands firmly attached to a very feminine part of their anatomy. "Aw, hell..." He let go, dropping his hands to his sides. "I - uh... I'm sorry... I didn't mean..." His blush deepened. "I did *not* do that intentionally, I swear!"

"Sure you didn't, Bud," John grinned as he skated by, plenty of white teeth showing as he chuckled softly.

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"Yea, right, Bud -- we believe you," Sy commented, voice heavy with sarcasm too as she caught up with John, catching his arm and spinning him around. They laughed together and sprinted off down the ice.

"Classy, Bud, classy," Jeff joked as he and Michelle and Colin and Laura neared, all of them laughing. "I haven't seen a move that smooth since high school."

Bud scowled. "Oh, for Christ's sake, it was an *accident*...!" He protested, but stopped when the two gals on his arms got his attention again.

"Don't listen to them," Trisha said.

"Yea -- who said we *minded* that at all, Officer White?" Stef said with a soft laugh.

"Oh, *really*, Stef?" Michelle giggled as she, Colin, Jeff and Laura sailed past on their way to the other end of the rink.

"I guess I'll give you three your privacy," Cort said, winking at them as he skated over and took Michelle's arm, joining the four.

"Oh, really?" Bud repeated, smiling at Stef and Trisha, and the trio moved slowly across the ice.

"Take a look at that," Laura said, pointing to Sy as she chased after John as the two skated quickly around the perimeter of the ice, gaining speed. "Think Tina ought to be jealous?" They watched as the gap widened between the two -- John Biebe might have been 'slow in the foot' compared to his teammates but not to the amateurs here.

John's lead over Sy quickly lengthened to nearly half a lap. "Oh, the hell with it," Sy muttered and cut across the middle of the rink.

"Hey, that's cheating," John said, laughing as he slipped away from her just as she was about to catch up with him.

"So whad'ya gonna do, Sheriff? Put me in the penalty box?" Sy smiled.

"No... But Tina just might if you keep this up, Sy," John replied, a twinkle in his eye as he skated towards the far end of the ice.

Sy scowled a bit. "... I'm just teasing, John."

"I know," John grinned, winking at her. He turned and skated to the boards, stopping alongside to open a small door. "Anybody mind if I practice for a while?" he called over his shoulder. No one objected, and John swung the door open all the way, stepping behind the boards to pull out a small, netted goal, a hockey stick and a dozen hockey pucks. He set up the goal, then picked up his stick, skating away with one puck as he

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headed towards the red line.

"You guys ought to stay on that half of the rink," he said to the group, who had all stopped skating to stand and watch the Alaskan. They all nodded, and continued to watch with keen interest as John moved with an almost fluid grace across the ice, guiding the puck in front of him with the hockey stick, picking up speed as he skated near the goal. He swerved at the last moment and swung around the net from behind, circling along the boards towards the red line before doubling back, advancing quickly towards the goal and sending the puck careening into the net with a powerful slap shot.

John had turned in a wide arc, heading away from the net and back towards center ice when there was burst of applause from his 'audience', the cheers coming primarily from the ladies. John scowled, stopping in front of them. "You mind telling me *what* you're cheering for? I'm playing myself -- I just took an easy shot into an untended goal. I'm practicing to keep my reflexes sharp."

"Come on, John," Stef said. "Give us a break. We just like watching you in action." The other women laughed, nodding their agreement.

John shook his head, sighing as his face turned a definite shade of pink. "Just go back to skating, will you please? I'd appreciate it if you didn't stare at me the whole time."

"All right, ladies, show's over," Colin joked as he herded them all back from center ice. "Give the man some room; you can watch the rest of us 'in action'," he grinned.

"I think it's getting a little deep in here," Trisha quipped as she hooked her arm tighter around Bud's, and they moved off together. The others joined them, laughing and talking amongst themselves. John kept practicing power plays on his half of the ice; the girls would stop to watch him occasionally, but eventually they almost forgot about him. After a while, John lined up a dozen pucks near the net, and started to hit them as hard as he could into the goal. Most of them found their target, but one of the last pucks went slightly awry. It hit the metal upright dead-on, ricocheting straight back at him. John tried to deflect it, yelling, "Heads up!" but it went sailing past him.

Out of the corner of his eye, Bud saw the errant puck heading straight for Trisha, who stood beside him, her back to John. He pulled her out of the way just as she started to turn, but their feet became tangled up together. Bud twisted away, trying to avoid landing on top of Trisha, taking the brunt of the fall as the two went down hard. The puck went skittering across the ice, and bounced harmlessly away from everyone.

The whole group converged on the two, and John hurried over. "Everybody okay...?" he asked worriedly, stopping at Bud's side. "Sorry about that. I was picturing Sid sitting in the goal, so I guess I got a little carried away." He grinned momentarily, then sighed, "I guess I shouldn't have been doing that with you all here."

Bud glared up at him as he and Trisha sat up. "No shit, John..." He turned to Trisha. "You

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She nodded. "Thanks," she said as she leaned forward to kiss his cheek. "Are you okay?"

Bud reached behind him, rubbing his hip. "Yea... What's one more bruise when I've got so many already?" he grumbled. "And that's the *last* one I'm going to get, because I'm leaving. Now. I'm going back to the tavern where I intend to buy all the ladies a drink to thank them for their assistance." He smiled at Trisha, Stef, Sy and Laura.... But when his gaze fell on Michelle, so did his smile. "All of you *except* Michelle, that is."

Her smile faded to a confused pout. "Me!? Why not?"

"Because *you* started this. Like I told Tina once -- I don't like 'stool pigeons', 'Chelle," he grumbled.

"Come on, Bud... They all wanted to come -- I didn't force them," she protested.

"But you *told* them," he scowled as he started to get up. "You --" His voice cut off abruptly as he winced, hands clutching at his left knee as he sat back on the ice again. "Damn."

"What is it?" Trisha asked worriedly, moving close and laying her hand on his shoulder.

"I think I did something to my knee," he muttered, using his hands to slowly flex the joint.

"Keep still," John said, moving beside him. "Let me take a look at it."

Bud glared, holding out his hand, palm towards the sheriff. "I think you've done enough damage already."

Laura spoke up. "No, Bud, let him see -- John probably knows more about these types of injuries than any of us."

"She's right, Bud," Jeff said. "Let John take care of it."

"Whatever you're gonna do," John said. "I'd suggest moving to the bench *off* the ice. And let us take you there so you don't put any weight on it."

Bud sighed. "Whatever. Just get me up off this damn ice before I freeze my ba--" He paused, face flushing as he glanced at the ladies. "Uh... freeze my butt off," he added, mumbling.

They all laughed as Cort and Colin helped Bud to his feet, and guided him off the ice. Trisha and Sy sat beside him on a bench as he took off his skates before rolling up the left leg of his tan pants above the knee. Sy whistled appreciatively, and the other women

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joined in. "Nice legs, Bud!" Michelle laughed as Bud ducked his head to his chin for a moment, his handsome face flushing a charming shade of pink.

John knelt in front of him, gently moving Bud's knee. "How's it feel?"

Bud winced slightly. "Like I twisted it or something."

"I can't say for sure, but I don't think it's too bad. Try putting some weight on it." They all helped Bud to his feet, and he slowly shifted his weight onto his left leg.

"I think it might be okay," Bud said, taking a few tentative steps. "I can walk on it. Just hurts a bit when I bend it," he said, wincing again.

"It's probably just a light sprain," John said. "I've got some knee braces in the locker room -- sit down, and I'll go get one. It'll help you walk until it heals."

Once fitted with the knee brace, Bud was able to move around with minimal discomfort, and they all headed back to the tavern together after changing back into their regular shoes. They strolled along slowly, keeping pace with Bud, who favored his left leg slightly as he walked, supported on each arm by Trisha and Sy.

John chuckled softly as he walked along with Laura, Michelle, Colin and Cort. Stef and Jeff were slightly ahead. "Bud's certainly milking this for all it's worth..." he said softly, so Bud wouldn't hear him. "Not that I blame him for letting Trisha and Sy hang on him, though."

"Careful, John. Better not let Tina hear you say that," Laura teased, winking at him. John just laughed.

Colin pulled Michelle closer, his arm snaked around her waist as he leaned down to kiss her forehead. "Don't worry, luv. *I'll* buy you a drink -- as a little 'thank you' for *your* assistance out there on the ice." He glanced over his shoulder at Bud. "Some people have no manners..." He stared pointedly at Bud, but the cop didn't seem to notice, all his attention occupied by the ladies on his arms.

Michelle glanced over at Bud too, shaking her head. "Bud's just being Bud; he doesn't like to be embarrassed, Colin. I'm not upset." She started to smile. "I'd do it again in a heartbeat -- getting to see him fall on his ass was worth having him pissed at me for a while." She chuckled. "He'll get over it." Colin just grinned and pulled her closer.

Jeff, who had been laughing and chatting quietly with Stef, suddenly slowed his pace, muttering "Uh-oh..." The others, following the direction of Jeff's gaze, looked off to the left and saw a figure approaching.

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It was Maximus.

They were all headed down converging paths on their way back to the tavern, and it was obvious they were all about to merge onto the same path at the same point. John noticed Laura's face pale slightly, and she grabbed his arm for a moment. He could feel her hand tremble before she released him again, moving away from him and Cort.

Maximus, dressed in a simple brown Roman tunic and leggings, glanced over in their direction, but did not seem to be looking at any one person in particular. His face wore a neutral expression, betraying no hint of emotion.

They all stopped when they met. Cort spoke first. "Been out riding, Max?" Maximus nodded. "How's Argento doin' today?"

The Spaniard's eyes brightened slightly at the mention of his beloved horse. "Much better; almost like his old self -- the infection's gone, thanks to Ilaria and Wendy, and the leg's nearly healed. He still needs a few more days rest, though, so I took Scato out instead."

"Glad to hear it," Cort said. "We haven't been ridin' together in a while, Max -- let me know the next time you go out."

"I will." Maximus' eye swept quickly over the group, and he nodded curtly to them. "If you'll excuse me..."

Laura observed the exchange between the two, feeling as though as though it was all some horrible nightmare. Maximus wouldn't even look at her, his back to her as he spoke with Cort. She wondered what they were talking about; Argento, Maximus' beautiful black stallion, was the calvary officer's pride and joy, along with Scato, the equally beautiful chestnut stallion. "Maximus," she found herself saying, her voice sounding far away, even to her. "What happened to Argento?"

The group seemed to hold its collective breath, everyone looking back and forth between the two as the Spaniard paused, his back stiffening slightly. He glanced briefly to the side, but never actually looked at her. Looking at Cort, he said, "I believe you know all the details." With that, he turned and continued on his way. No one said a word, or even moved until Maximus had climbed up the steps of the tavern and disappeared through the door.

Feeling as though someone had just kicked her in the gut, Laura felt the sting of tears as they welled in her eyes again, and she turned her face away from the rest of the group. She took several deep breaths, willing herself to stay calm, in spite of the heart-wrenching pain of him turning his back on her like that.

As the men hung back, talking quietly amongst themselves, the women gathered around her.

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Michelle spoke, "Laura, I'm sure it'll work out. Max just needs some time; in the end, he'll realize how much you mean to him."

"No, I don't think so. You weren't there last night; you didn't hear what he said." She sniffled, and Sy handed her a Kleenex. "He's not going to forgive me for this, and why should he? I was a fool to let myself be taken in by Sid -- I knew Max hated him but I did 'it' anyway." She blew her nose.

"So you had a little quickie with the guy?" Sy said. "So what? It's not the end of the world. The only way Sid is going to ruin your life is if you *let* him."


"Don't let Sid win -- this is *exactly* what he wants, you know," Sy continued. "He's probably watching this whole thing right now and laughing his ass off." They all glanced up at the tavern windows, but there was no sign of Sid. "Give Max some time -- his pride's been wounded. He may be a helluva guy... but he's still a *guy*. He needs some time to sort it out and brood a while and maybe even fight it out with Sid..." She sighed. "I know it sounds cliché, but it's a 'guy thing'."

Laura shook her head dejectedly. "You didn't see the way Max looked at me last night... It's over. He doesn't want to see me anymore..." She sniffled again. "You know I love this place, and I've made a lot of great friends here, like you all," she smiled briefly at the gals, "But I don't want to stay here without Max. If he won't talk to me, then there's no point in me staying. Especially now that Sid's being so creepy." She looked up at them. "Did John tell you what he did yesterday?"

"No," Stef said, "But Bud did. I weaseled it out of him late last night." She looked over at the tavern. "That rat. Sid's such a scum-bag," she said, shaking her head. Then a smile crept onto her face. "A cute rat though..." She turned back to Laura, serious again. "Look, I wouldn't beat yourself up over this. I can't say as I blame you for wanting a quickie with Sid, even if he is one sick puppy."

Laura smiled briefly, letting out a small chuckle. "Thanks... I think." She sighed. "Sid really scared me yesterday... The way I feel right now, I just want to get the hell out of this place, and never come back. If I never see Sid again, it'll be too soon."

"Give it some time," Michelle insisted. "Give Max a chance. Don't bail just yet."

She sighed. "I won't, I promise. I need to talk to Tina first, see what she says." She looked up, staring down the road. "She said she was coming this afternoon; I hope she gets here soon..." She wiped the corners of her eyes, collecting herself. "What did happen to Argento anyway?"

Trisha spoke, "He and Max took a little spill the other day. Luckily, Max walked away

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without a scratch, but Argento had a nasty cut on his foreleg. Ilaria was able to help, because she owns horses too, and Wendy's studying to be a vet, so she helped. Argento seems to be fine now, from what Max said. It happened when you were away."

In the meantime, the men were huddled together nearby. Visibly agitated, John paced across a small section of grass. "We gotta do something about this."

"Whoa, John," Colin said. "Leave them be. Let them work it out for themselves -- you're just asking for trouble if you stick your nose in this."

Bud leaned on a post that lined the path, favoring his injured knee. "Colin's right -- when the dust settles, let *them* pick up the pieces. Max has every right to be upset." He shook his head briefly. "I still can't believe it -- Laura and Sid..."

Cort sighed. "We shoulda seen this comin' the first day they met; the way the sparks we're flyin' between the two, we shoulda known somethin' was up."

"Look, of course I understand why Max is upset," John said. "I would be too under the circumstances. But I'm worried about this, guys. This is serious -- very serious. We could lose her -- and Max could lose her -- permanently."

"What're you talking about, John?" Colin asked.

"I'm talking about her packing her shit, getting in that car and *never* coming back. She's so upset that that's exactly what could happen."

Bud scowled. "Don't you think you're exaggerating. Laura, leave the CrowesNest? No way; she loves this place."

"Yes, she does. But why does she love it, Bud? Who brought her here in the first place?"

The men all looked at each other and said, virtually in unison, "Maximus."

"Exactly," John continued. "Take that away, and add Sid being the asshole that he is, and stalking her on top of everything else, and what possible reason does she have to stay? Do you really think that the rest of us bunch of idiots is enough to hold her here?"

He paused briefly, and from the women's group they all distinctly heard Laura say, "I just want to get the hell out of this place, and never come back. If I never see Sid again, it'll be too soon..."

"You see? That's the 3rd or 4th time I've heard her say that in the last 24 hours." John ran his hand through his hair. "Do you think Max realizes what that means? We've all been here long enough to know that without them --" he pointed at the ladies, "we ain't got

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shit. If they all bail on us, then we just fade away."

The men all looked at each other. "Don't you think that's going a bit overboard?" Jeff said. "We're just talking about Maximus and Laura here."

"No, I don't think I'm going overboard. And I AM talking about Max. He hasn't been here long enough to understand how things work here."

"And YOU have?" Bud countered. "Look, John, the rest of us have been around a lot longer than you -- we understand just fine about what you're saying."

"Do you? Then maybe YOU can go in there and make him understand what's at stake. I'm tellin' ya, there's a damn good chance Laura's gonna walk. She's new here too -- she hasn't had a chance to really settle in either. Sid spooked her last time, and she disappeared for a week. Now, Sid's being a psycho, and with Max not talkin' to her, I don't think she'll ever come back if she leaves again."

"And just how do you know that, mate?" Colin asked.

"I'm not sure -- I just know, that's all. It's a gut feeling I have..." John looked over at Laura, who was wiping her eyes. "I'm gonna go talk to Max right now."

Colin shook his head vigorously. "I wouldn't -- he's still steamed. Give him time to cool down."

"I don't think we have time to wait." With that, John turned on his heel and strode briskly towards the front door of the tavern.

"John..." Bud called, but the Alaskan didn't even slow down, instead opening the door and disappearing inside. "Damn," Bud muttered.

John paused inside the front door, letting his eyes adjust to the muted light in the tavern. It was not necessary to search for Maximus, however; the Spaniard was sitting at the bar, near the door, nursing a crystal glass half-filled with whiskey, staring blankly at the wall behind the bar. The rest of the place was thankfully empty. He glanced up at the second floor, half-expecting to see Sid appear, but a check of his watch told him it was just past 11. Miraculously, Sid seemed to be sticking to his word that he wouldn't bother anyone before noon.

John approached Maximus quietly, sliding onto the barstool on his left. After a long pause, he asked softly, "How're you doing?"

The Spaniard did not respond at first, taking a slow sip of whiskey as he kept staring straight ahead. Finally he replied, "I've had better days..." His voice was flat and dull, not at all like his usual rich, vibrant baritone. He never took his eyes off the spot in front of him, his gaze hooded, betraying the hurt that lurked just below the surface.

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"I - I know about what happened with Sid and Laura... She told me last night before she talked to you." John saw Maximus' jaw tighten. "And then Sid broadcast it to everyone in the place last night... I tried to shut him up, Max, I really did... But it didn't do any good; everyone knows all about it now." The Spaniard took a deep breath, sighing, but still said nothing, his face a stoic mask. But John couldn't help but notice that his knuckles were turning white as he gripped the glass in his hand. "She was in tears last night when she left; she's devastated about what happened between you two... Sid *is* out of the picture, pal. He made a total ass of himself last night, and she's told him -- on numerous occasions -- that she doesn't want anything to do with him again..."

John hoped that would make his 'brother' feel better, but Maximus' expression hardened further, jaw clenching, and John sighed. "Look... I know you're upset, and I know you're hurt... But, please, give her a break, okay? Don't you think you're being too hard on her?"

Maximus finally turned, looking John up and down with a cold, unforgiving eye. "Taking her side too, John? She been with *you* too?"

John let out a small gasp of surprise and shock. His blue-green eyes blazed momentarily with anger... But then he calmed himself, yet replied tightly, "You know, I ought to take your head off for that..." Maximus glared back, then resumed staring at the wall. "I know you're hurt, but that doesn't give you the right to treat her like dirt now. The woman is so upset she's ready to leave again -- permanently. Is that what you want? To drive her out of her so she *never* comes back?"

John paused, waiting for some kind of response, but there was none. "If that doesn't mean anything to you -- fine," John sighed. It was beginning to feel like he was talking to the proverbial brick wall. "But think about this before you write Laura off. Think about what *you've* done. Remember Tina's first night here?" John raised an eyebrow, and Maximus looked away. "True, Laura wasn't here yet, but *I* was. We all decided Tina should be with you, because that's what *she* wanted... And I know you haven't forgotten Tina's third night." John paused and let that sink in. "Since then, it's been me and her -- but I don't have a problem with the fact that you were with her, pal. And Laura doesn't have a problem with the fact that you were with Tina either."

Maximus' eyes narrowed in confusion. "Why would she? As you said, we hadn't even met yet."

"But --"

Maximus held up his hand. "I understand what you're trying to say. But it's hardly the same thing at all. It was a *mutual* decision between the three of us. No one went behind *your* back, John." Anger and hurt blazed in his eyes.

John stared down at the bar, nodding, "Yea... I see your point."

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"A woman should not behave in that manner. A Roman lady would never have done such a thing."

"From some of the things I've read about Rome, I wouldn't be too sure about that," John quipped. Then he cocked his head, focusing on the inflections Maximus had used. "A *woman*...? As in it would be okay for a man...? Do I detect a bit of a double standard here?" Maximus said nothing. "This isn't the 2nd century, and you're not in Rome anymore. Have you forgotten that little talk we had a while back about the 21st century? This isn't the world you left."

Maximus turned sharply. "If that kind of behavior is 'acceptable' now, I do not think I wish to remain here any longer."

"Look, I never said it was 'acceptable'. Laura shouldn't have done what she did. But there's such a thing as extenuating circumstances. Life isn't as black and white as it was in the Roman world. You've watched TV with all of us -- things like this happen sometimes.... The rules are different, especially here in the Crowes Nest -- it's not like the Rome you knew... You need to get past this and get over it, Max."

The look Maximus gave John bordered on the incredulous. "'Get over it'...? Sid is a lying snake!"

"Maybe so. But the 'lying snake' is your brother -- *our* brother. Like it or not, we're all part of one another. In time, you'll learn to accept that, just like we've all learned to accept the fact that there's a little bit of Sid in *all* of us..." The corner of Maximus' lip curled up, and he snorted derisively. "The gals all see that a lot clearer than we do -- because of Russell... And that's why things like this happen, because sometimes the lines between our characters are a little blurry for them..." John's voice dropped to a low whisper. "Max, I know you won't like this -- *none* of us here really likes the idea... But when Laura looks at Sid, she sees a lot of *you* staring back at her."

As John paused, Maximus turned a harsh eye towards him. "Sid is *not* a part of me." Then he turned away again, his expression hardening further.

John sighed as his chin dropped to his chest, and he shook his head. "All right, fine; Sid's an asshole." He looked up again. "Nobody's gonna argue with you on that point. But just because you hate him doesn't mean everyone has to feel the way you do... She's not marrying the guy, for god's sake. She made a mistake *once*, and now she regrets it, but you're acting like she committed some unforgivable sin... It was her *first* visit here. You remember how odd it was for you when you first arrived. This place takes some getting used to, for the ladies as well as us. You're being way too hard on her..." Maximus looked more thoughtful, but still did not say anything. "Look," John continued. "I'm telling you, she's seriously considering leaving and never coming back. And if she does that, you're screwed, pal, because she can come and go here as she pleases, but you can't, not into her world."

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John stared at Maximus, waiting for a response, but when it came, it was not the one he had hoped for. The gladiator's voice was cold as he said, "I do not need to be lectured, John."

John threw up his hands, shaking his head. "Why do I even bother...? Well, you can't say I didn't try. If you want to be a stubborn son of a bitch, that's your choice." He slid off the barstool and turned his back on Maximus as he headed for the door.

When John came back out of the tavern, the whole group was clustered around Bud, who was sitting on the picnic bench beside the building, enjoying the attention as some of the girls fussed over his sore knee. Yet the cop looked decidedly uncomfortable as he sat at an odd angle; apparently his butt was just as sore as his knee.

Colin noticed John approach and walked over to him. "You talk to Max? Any luck?"

"Yes and no." John shook his head, running his fingers through his long auburn hair. "I don't know if I got through to him at all... He just wasn't listening."

"I told you that before, mate -- it's too soon."

"Is that the only thing you can say?" John snapped. "'I told you so'?"

"What's really goin' on here?" Colin asked, eyes narrowing. "You look like you're worried about more than just Max and Laura..." John didn't say anything, and Colin nodded in understanding. "I get it. You're afraid if it happens to them, it could happen to any of us... or you..."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"It means that you might be afraid that *another* certain someone could leave too. They're both relatively new, they're friends... If Laura leaves, maybe Tina might too," Colin said.

John turned sharply. "Ain't no way that's gonna happen. It's two totally different circumstances -- Sid isn't involved. And just 'cause they're friends doesn't mean they're joined at the hip. Tina's got a mind of her own, in case you hadn't noticed."

"Oh, I've noticed..." They looked at each other, and Colin raised an eyebrow. Sticking his hands in the pockets of his jeans, John wandered away from Colin, kicking at a few stones on the ground. Then he sighed. "Yea, maybe you're right. Maybe I'm being paranoid, but the thought has crossed my mind lately... And that's why I don't want to see it happen to Max, because he doesn't *know*..." He turned his eye on the Aussie. "Doesn't the idea of 'Chelle leaving and never coming back scare the shit outta *you*?"

Colin swallowed hard, glancing towards Michelle. "Hell, yea, mate," he said quietly. "How do you think I knew that's what had you all fired up...?"

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The two men looked at each other, then John began to smile softly. He patted Colin on the shoulder. "Let's just do what we can to make sure Max doesn't throw it all away... mate."

Colin grinned back. "Sure thing, mate." He turned slightly, eyes narrowing as he looked out at the horizon. "You may be right about one thing..." John looked puzzled. "It ain't gonna happen." He grinned again, nodding towards the road.

John turned around, and smiled broadly when he recognized the Chrysler Sebring in the distance as it drove down the road towards the tavern. "Not if I have anything to say about it."

Colin patted John on the shoulder. "I didn't think so," he said, still grinning as he moved away, heading back towards the rest of the group as John sauntered over towards the parking lot.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Part Ten

Waiting at the edge of the tavern's parking lot, John watched the Chrysler Sebring draw closer, his smile showing more in his blue-green eyes than on his face. But when Tina put her hand out the window, waving at him, he grinned broadly, taking a few steps forward as the car slowed to turn into the parking lot.

Easing the car into a parking space a few feet away from where John waited, Tina anxiously shifted the car into park, then shut off the engine. Before she could open the door, however, John beat her to it. "Welcome back, darlin'," he whispered in a husky voice as he bent down, not even waiting for her to step out of the car before he leaned in and kissed her.

It was a hot, passionate kiss, his mouth laying claim to hers as his hand moved to the back of her head, pressing her hard against him. Tina's eyes were glazed over by the time they separated. "Oh, my...! It's good to *be* back!" She pushed the hair out of his eyes. "I missed you so much, John. You have no idea how lonely I've been without you."

"I've missed you too. It's not the same here when you're not around; it seems so empty," he said quietly, gazing warmly into her eyes. He kissed her cheek, perching on the edge of the seat beside her. "It's so good to see you again, darlin'." He smiled warmly as he slipped his arm around her shoulders.

She glanced to her right, looking through the passenger's side window at the group. "What's going on? I got email from Laura yesterday saying to come back right away -- all she said was that she'd told Max about Sid, and that now he's not speaking to her... What happened, John?"

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John sighed heavily, looking down at the ground. "All hell's broken loose around here in the last 24 hours. If that's all she told you, I think I'd better fill you in on the details, because it's complicated, and I doubt she's gonna want to talk about *all* of it." John gave Tina a short, very condensed version of what had happened, starting with when he had found Sid hitting on Laura again after she had arrived back at Crowe's Tavern. Tina listened in stunned disbelief, shaking her head when John described what Sid had done the previous night.

Then he told her about the events of that morning, finishing the story with, ".... So I gave up talking to Max, and came out here. We're still tryin' to cheer Laura up, and she's putting on a brave face, but I think she really needs to talk to you, Tina."

"I'm sure she does -- we've known each other a long time and shared a lot.... But I'm not sure how much good I can do in *this* situation, especially if Max won't even listen to you." She shook her head again. "Sid... that little shit. I think Bud had the right idea that night at the beach. We should've drown the rat when we had the chance."

"Oh, he's been in rare form lately, all right." He let out an explosive sigh, raising his voice slightly. "I could just wring his neck too -- he does *not* realize the damage he can do with just a few words."

"Oh, I think he knows *exactly* what he's doing," Tina fumed. "He just doesn't *care* about how other people feel. Probably because he has no feelings himself."

"I wouldn't be so sure about that," John said. "Sid *does* have emotions -- they're just buried so deep he doesn't know what to do with them. But they're there -- that's what's driving him to act so strange lately.... But I'm just grateful he's actually sticking to his word and leaving Laura and Max alone. No one's seen him at all this morning."

"I'm sure it's just a matter of time before he tries to confront Max." She shuddered. "It makes me cringe just to think about it. I know Max can take care of himself, but I certainly don't want to see him -- or Laura -- get hurt further in the process."

"No one wants that, darlin'." He paused, gazing into her eyes as he gently pushed her hair off her forehead. "You know what I'd like to do right now...? Take you upstairs and give you a proper 'welcome back'..." He smiled as her face flushed slightly; her innocent shyness, even after all the passionate nights they had spent together, was very endearing to him, and one of the things he loved about her. "But," he sighed. "I think you ought to go over there and talk to Laura now -- she needs you.... Not that I don't," he joked, "but right now, I think you'd better see her.... I - I'm afraid she might be thinkin' of leaving the CrowesNest for good."

Her eyes widened. "Oh, no, John...! She wouldn't do *that*!"

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"I wouldn't be so sure. You didn't see the look on her face when Sid made his little announcement last night."

"*That* bad?" John nodded. "I have to go talk to her, John."

"I know... But just one more minute, okay?" He smiled, leaning forward to kiss her again.. His tongue slipped past her open lips, seeking her warmth. They both moaned quietly as his tongue danced with hers.

John was the first to pull back, sighing wistfully as he caressed her face. "I think we better quit while we're ahead. Otherwise, we're gonna end up in the back seat together," he said, his warm aquamarine eyes dancing mischievously.

Tina laughed, blushing a little. "Now there's a thought." They chuckled together, then she said, "Really, John; I have to go over there."

John nodded reluctantly as he stood up. Extending a hand to Tina, he helped her climb out of the car. She stretched slowly, arching her back as she tried to work the kinks out of her muscles, stiff from sitting for hours behind the wheel. John drew a hissing breath between his teeth as he watched her. "Darlin', don't do that..." he whispered, eyes darkening with desire. "Or we really are gonna end up in the back seat..."

She blushed as she glanced over the top of the car at the waiting crowd, then her eyes dropped to the growing bulge in the front of his pants. "Down, Sheriff," she giggled as she reached forward and buttoned the bottom three buttons on his open blue plaid flannel shirt, the shirt-tail hanging down to cover the 'evidence'. She kissed him quickly on the cheek, then walked around the car, heading towards Laura and the rest of the group. John shoved his hands into the back pockets of his jeans and followed a moment later.

Jeff was the first to notice Tina as she walked towards the group. "Hey, Tina!" He walked over and greeted her with a big bear hug. "Welcome back! How was your trip?"

"Long and tiring..." She hugged him back, then stepped away slightly as John joined them. "But I'm glad I'm here." She watched as the others wandered towards her. "How's Rick?"

He tossed his head as his long brown hair fell into his eyes. "Fine, thanks." She noticed he smiled warmly, obviously pleased that everyone seemed to be accepting he and Rick as a couple.

"Hey, Tina!" Sy said as she came up to her, hugging her too. It was a group hug all around as they all said their hellos to her. All but Bud, who remained on the bench, his leg propped up on a box.

Laura was last, and the two held each other tightly for a long minute.. "I came as soon as I could," Tina said.

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"Thank you *so* much. I knew I could count on you," she smiled. Then her smile faded as she looked over at the tavern. "Last night was a nightmare. I knew he was going to be upset, but I never thought he'd throw me out like that." She sighed heavily. "I need your help, girlfriend."

"Well, that's what I'm here for. Why don't we go up to the hotel and have a nice quiet talk there?" Tina suggested.

"Sounds great to me."

Tina glanced at John. "Do you mind if he comes with?"

"Not at all.... Not unless *he* minds. He's probably sick of seeing my face by now," Laura joked.

"Not at all, Laura," John said sincerely.

"Let's go then. I'd really like to change clothes after that long drive." It was then that she noticed Bud sitting on the bench, his pants leg rolled up above the brace on his knee. "Bud...!? What happened to you?" Tina asked worriedly, hurrying over to him.

He stood up, with only a little difficulty, she noticed. "It's nothin'; just twisted my knee a bit." He turned a disapproving eye on John. "I fell on the ice; no thanks to the Sheriff here."

Tina turned to her companion in confusion. "John...?"

"Bud, I said I was sorry -- it was an accident!"

Stef turned and smiled at them both. "Hey, John -- I thought that was Bud's line!"

Tina looked at them both, wondering why Bud was blushing slightly and why John, Laura, Stef and the rest of the group were all laughing. She turned to John. "What did I miss? Bud fell on the ice? Were you skating?"

John nodded, and Laura answered, "Yea, John and Bud were sweet enough to try to cheer me up by going skating with me. John was trying to teach me -- and Bud -- how to ice skate. Then Michelle and the others came by too and joined us." She looked at Michelle and winked. "Then John practiced for a while, but one of the pucks got away from him and almost hit Trisha. Bud pulled her out of the way, but he fell and hurt his knee."

"I think you left out a few of the more interesting details, Laura," Sy said. "Like Officer Friendly here getting up close and personal with Trisha and Stef." She grinned as Bud flushed a deeper shade of pink.

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Laura looked at Bud, shrugging. "Hey, I tried to give you a break, Bud."

Tina shook her head slightly, confused. "What?" She looked at Bud.

"Thanks, Laura." Bud put his hand over his face, rubbing his brow, sighing. "Just forget it, Tina. I'm not even going to bother trying to explain anymore -- they've all had enough laughs at my expense for one day," he grumbled, then threw himself back down onto the bench in disgust.

Stef bit her lip, trying desperately to contain the laughter that threatened to erupt as she watched the cop's face pale slightly as he tried to stop the look of abject pain from spreading across his handsome features. Apparently, in trying to nurse his injured knee, he had forgotten his very sore tailbone.

"Uh, no, Bud... I think there was one more left," Sy said, hiding her face behind her hand, trying desperately not to laugh too. That set off Stef, who lost it.

"Sorry, Bud," she gasped as tears rolled down her cheeks. "I know it's not funny... but... but the look on your face..." She dissolved into a fit of giggles. Cort, Jeff, Colin and Michelle were soon doubled over too. John seemed to be losing the battle as well.

Laura and Trisha, however, tsked at them all, going over to Bud. "It's not funny, guys," Laura chastised them. "I can sympathize, Bud," she told him, rubbing her own bruised tailbone.

Trisha sat down beside him. "Don't pay any attention to them," she said, taking his arm.

Bud swallowed hard, and finally breathed again, his macho pride refusing to let him acknowledge the fact that slamming his sore butt down onto the bench had been painful as hell. He managed a smile at Trisha, gingerly standing up again. "Thanks, doll," he said, his voice slightly strained. He turned to Laura. "You too; thanks." Then he glared at the others. "But the rest of you can go to hell." He turned back to Trisha, leading her towards the tavern. "Come on, hon; I still owe you that drink."

As the hysterical laughter calmed, Tina just looked more confused. "What the heck was *that* all about...???"

John came over and put his arm around her. "I'll explain on the way up." He gestured to Laura, who followed the two as they set off up the gentle hill towards the hotel. The others followed Trisha and Bud into the tavern.

As they passed her car, Tina stopped. "Oh, John, could you help me with my bags? They're in the trunk."

"Sure thing, darlin'," he said, leaning down to kiss her cheek before taking the keys and retrieving two suitcases from the trunk.

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"Thanks," Tina smiled, standing on tiptoes to peck him on the cheek when he returned. "So what's this I hear about you practicing? And I missed it?"

"Well, I'll be happy to give you a private demonstration sometime," John smiled back as he carried the suitcases, trailing after Laura and Tina. Tina just grinned in response....

".... So he didn't even look at me; he told Cort that *he* could tell me the details about Argento, and then he just walked away and went into the bar..." Laura took a sip of her iced tea and sighed, looking across the sofa at Tina, who was listening patiently to her story. John sat in the high-backed, overstuffed chair next to Tina. "It was so surreal... I couldn't believe he wouldn't even talk to me." She took a deep breath, keeping the tears at bay. "He is so angry and so hurt -- I don't know if he'll ever get over this."

Tina sighed. "I know it seems bad right now... but I'm sure that Max will see the light -- just give him a little time. He cares about you, Laura -- and deep down, he knows you really care about him too. And I'm sure he knows too that Sid doesn't mean anything to you...." She shook her head. "Sid... that... that asshole! I'm going to make sure he sees the business end of my baton again the next time I see him!"

"There are a whole lot of people who are in line ahead of you on that, darlin'," John said.

"I don't know what I'm going to do when I see Sid again," Laura said. She fidgeted with her hands. "You know, they say that each of has a special connection with one character in particular. When I came here, I was sure it was Max... But -- but now I'm no so positive.... I mean, Tina, when you first came, it was Max who drew you here, but then you and John found each other." She paused as the two smiled at one another, both blushing slightly. "Maybe... maybe Sid's the one I have the connection with here..."

"What?" Tina nearly jumped out of her chair. "What would make you say THAT!?"

"Well, it seems like every time I turn around, there he is. Every time I arrive here, it's like he's waiting for me... Like he knows when I come and go..." She hid her face in her hands. "Hell, I don't know what to think anymore. This whole situation is just too insane for words."

"I wouldn't put much stock in all that," John offered. "Sid usually has nothing better to do than hang around and harass the gals -- it's his entertainment. You're not the first person he's been obnoxious to, and you won't be the last... Although I admit he's gone way overboard this time, but that's just because of Max. This isn't about you, Laura -- there's no 'connection' with Sid. It's between Sid and Max -- you just got caught in the middle."

"No, I let myself get caught in the middle, and I made things worse." She brushed her hair out of her face, looking over at John. "You talked to him today, didn't you...? Right before Tina showed up..." John nodded. "I thought so. I haven't asked, because I figured

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if you had *good* news, you would have told me already..." John glanced away for a moment, and she took a deep breath. "How bad was it?"

John sighed. "It wasn't actually bad... It just wasn't all that good." He watched as her face fell slightly. "Colin was right -- it was too soon to talk to him. He needed more time to cool down. I don't think he really heard much of what I said... Especially after I told him that Sid made sure *everybody* knows about the whole situation."

Laura nodded, wincing. "That's exactly what Max *didn't* want to happen. I can only imagine what Sid'll say to him when they do finally see each other..." She looked out the open window, sighing. After a moment, she turned back to them. "Thanks, John. I appreciate you trying to help."

"I wish I could have done more."

"You've done *too* much, John; I'm sorry I've dragged you into the middle of this."

"It's no problem, really." He grinned softly. "After all, I am the unofficial peacekeeper and referee around here."

Laura turned back to Tina, pointing at John. "This guy deserves a medal. He's stuck with me practically from the minute I got back yesterday -- sort of like the big brother I never had. I don't know how I would have survived the last 24 hours without him."

John beamed, blushing furiously, as Tina smiled, patting the sheriff's hand. "He's the best, isn't he?"

"Yep... Well, *almost* the best. No offense, John, but Max is top of the line as far as I'm concerned," Laura said. "Even under the circumstances."

"Yes, he is very special. They're all very special," Tina said, and both women sighed. John blushed again, rolling his eyes a bit. Tina laughed, then turned to Laura, "I guess we can recess the RC appreciation society for a little while... So what's this I hear about you thinking about leaving the CrowesNest?"

"... I don't want to... but it seems like it might be best..." she said softly, hanging her head.

Tina shook her head. "Uh-uh. Don't even think about it. You're not leaving this room until I'm sure you've changed your mind about *that*..."

After a half-hour of talking and joking, Laura was feeling much better. "Anybody need something else to drink?" she said as she got up, heading to the small refrigerator for another bottle of iced tea.

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Tina shook her head, and John said, "I'm fine thanks.."

Laura pulled the ice-cube tray out of the tiny freezer, filling her glass back up with ice, and poured the bottle's contents into her glass. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw John take Tina's hand, bringing it to his lips as they stared at one another. Realizing that the two hadn't seen one another for a while, and that they were probably anxious to be alone, she decided it was long overdue that John was 'rewarded' for his patience and support over the last 24 hours.

Not wanting to embarrass them, however, she started to wander back to the sofa, stifling an exaggerated yawn. "You know, I really appreciate you guys cheering me up, and helping me see things a little more clearly... but I'm kinda tired. I'm gonna take a nap for a bit; I didn't get a whole lot of sleep last night." She stifled a smile at the surprised - and rather lusty - gleam in John's eyes as he glanced at Tina.

"You sure? You gonna be ok?", he said, obviously trying not to sound too over-anxious to be leaving.

She did smile now. "Yes, John; I'm okay. Your 'babysitting' duties are over. I'll be fine." She walked over and hugged Tina. "Thanks so much; talking to you really helped a lot. I swear, I'm not going to do anything stupid like run off again."

"I'm glad to hear it... I just wish I could do more," Tina said, hugging her back. "Should I try to talk to Max later too?"

Laura shook her head. "No. I think it's best to leave him alone from now on; otherwise he'll think everyone's ganging up on him, and he'll be even more pissed at me for putting people up to it."

John had walked over to the phone. "Just let me take care of one last thing..." He picked up the receiver and hit the "0" key. "Peaches? Hi, it's John. Listen, I'm up here in Laura's room. Are any of the guys in the lobby with you by any chance......? He is? Can you put him on the phone.........? Hey, Jeff, hang on; I'm putting' ya on speaker...." He hit the speakerphone button, and put the receiver down. "I'm up in Laura's room with her and Tina.."

"Afternoon, ladies," came Jeffrey Wigand's even voice. Laura and Tina greeted him in return. "What can I do for you, John?"

"I've been keeping an eye out for Sid and making sure he doesn't bother Laura, but I'm going to be.... busy for a while," he said as he winked at Tina. She blushed in reply. "So can you hang out there for a while, and make sure Sid doesn't try to sneak upstairs? I'd appreciate it if you could."

"No problem. I'm here helping Peaches with the new software Bugdog... er, Kelly put in. Looks like we'll be a while, so I'll run interference if Sid dares show his face." Wigand

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snorted. "Personally, I think Kelly *should* try to reprogram him as a Teletubby. The man's a menace." [See Author's note 1 below]

"I'd love to be in on that myself, Jeff!" Laura said, laughing.

Jeffrey chuckled warmly. "I'm sure you would."

"Is Wendy down there with you?" Laura asked.

"No. She had to leave early this morning." The disappointment in Wigand's voice was almost palpable. "She had to get back for her classes." He sighed heavily. "I don't see too much of her anymore; she's so busy now."

"Jeff, I know she'd love to spend more time with you," Laura said sympathetically. "All of us girls would love to spend more time in the CrowesNest, but we're all so busy with things back home."

"I understand; I really do... It's just that -- that the days are too damn long when she's not around," Jeff admitted.

"Tell me about it," John muttered under his breath. Tina squeezed his hand, and the couple smiled tenderly at one another.

There was a long pause, then Wigand cleared his throat. "Anything else, John?"

"Nope, that's it. Thanks, pal."

"Anytime." There was a click as he hung up the phone.

"Poor Jeff," Laura said, shaking her head. "Thanks, John; I may just wander down there later and sit with them. Maybe he can give me some advice about handling office politics... Although he may not be the best person to ask advice from regarding that," she joked.

"It's worth a try." He moved to Tina's side, slipping an arm around her waist. "If you'll excuse us then, I'm gonna take this little lady across the hall now and help her... relax," he grinned as Tina blushed.

Laura came to his side, standing on tiptoe to peck him on the cheek. "Thanks again, John -- I owe you big time."

"No you don't." John blushed, then walked to the door with Tina. "Take it easy; if you need anything else -- "

"I'll call someone else," Laura finished for him, grinning. "Now get out of here you two... I'm sure you're dying to be alone."

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"Well, now that you mention it..." Tina said as she opened the door. "Bye, Laura; I'll talk to you later."

Perched on a barstool, Michelle laughed along with the others clustered around the bar as Andy was telling jokes. She glanced sideways to her left at Maximus, trying not to be too obvious that she was watching him. He joined in the laughter too, but she could tell it was a bit half-heartedly, the sadness evident in his normally bright aquamarine eyes. As he sipped on his drink, she couldn't help but wonder how much he'd already had -- it wasn't like Maximus to drink this much so early in the day. But then, he didn't often have as bad a night as he'd had last night.

Since they'd returned from the ice rink, several others had joined the group in the bar. Besides herself and Maximus, there were Colin, Cort, Bud, Trisha, Stef, Sy, Andy, Jeff, Lachlan, Liz, Ilaria and Zack. They were all milling around the bar, doing their best to lift Maximus' spirits without being too obvious about it.

But Michelle couldn't help but sense that Maximus knew exactly what they were doing. He seemed a bit uncomfortable about the whole thing, as he had always been a very private man, and having everyone know about his 'situation' was undoubtedly making him uneasy. It was becoming obvious that he wanted to leave and be alone... Yet he stayed, and she wondered why.

She glanced over at Bud. The cop scowled at her, but then Trisha elbowed him in the side with a disapproving look, and Bud managed a half-smile in her direction before turning to Trisha to try to smooth things over with her.

Chuckling to herself, Michelle turned toward Cort who sat on her right, glancing up into the large mirror behind the bar for a moment.

And discovered, to her horror, that Sid -- who stood out like a sore thumb in his green suit -- was standing on the second floor landing, watching the people below, particularly Maximus, with a predatory smile on his face. A check of her watch confirmed that it was just after 12:00 noon.

She leaned slowly toward Cort, discreetly elbowing him, then pointing towards the mirror. He glanced up, the smile on his face fading as he caught sight of Sid too. He lowered his eyes, taking a casual sip of his drink, and said quietly, "I'll take care of it." He eased away from the bar a moment later and came around Maximus, going over to Bud. He whispered in the cop's ear, then the two headed towards the stairs.

But Sid wasn't about to be silenced. "Don't bother trying to stuff me in a closet again, White," he announced loudly for all to hear as he strode to the top of the stairs, folding his arms across his chest. "I'm *not* leaving."

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The room went quiet instantly, eyes darting back and forth between Maximus and Sid. Maximus' smile faded, and his back stiffened. He set down his drink and turned slowly towards Sid, who had started down the stairs.

"How was the ride this morning.... General?" As usual, Sid spat out Maximus' title, managing to make it sound like a vile insult.

Michelle glanced worriedly at the Spaniard. "Max..." she whispered, extending a hand towards him.

But Maximus brushed it away, sliding off the barstool and standing to face Sid, glaring coolly at him. "I've been waiting for you, Sid -- I was beginning to wonder when you'd crawl out of your hole... What amazes me is that it's taken you this long to gloat over what you think is some kind of victory."

The two squared off about six feet from one another. Bud and Cort, who had now been joined by Colin, stood slightly off to the side. "You want us to help you 'take care' of him?" Bud asked Maximus.

Maximus shook his head. "This is my business, gentlemen." He glanced at Bud, raising one eyebrow slightly. "Private business."

Bud nodded in understanding. He backed away, limping only slightly, his eyes scanning over the group. "You heard the man," he said, gesturing towards the front door. They all looked at each other, then began to move quietly towards the door, giving Sid a wide berth. A voice whispered from the back, "But I want to see this..." Bud threw him an angry glare, and Andy quieted, especially after Sy elbowed him in the ribs.

"What's the matter, Gladiator?" Sid taunted. "Don't want any witnesses? Afraid people might learn the truth about you?"

"This is between you and I. They need not be involved."

"Oh, but I think they should. We're all friends here, aren't we?" Sid moved towards the door with them. "And if you don't want them here, well, I'll just have to tell them all about it myself, won't I?"

"Can't you do anything without an audience? Is your ego that fragile?"

Sid's eyes narrowed dangerously for a moment, an angry gleam in his eyes as he turned back towards Maximus. Then the honeyed smile reappeared once more. "Ego? I would think yours is big enough to fill this room," he sneered. "I will win the crowd; I will give them something they've never seen before," Sid said, imitating Maximus' voice almost perfectly. "If that isn't ego, I don't know what is."

"It's not ego if you actually do it," Sy said.

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Maximus glanced briefly in her direction, giving her a small, appreciative smile before turning back to Sid. "I fail to see what that has to do with anything."

"I don't doubt it," Sid smirked. "I suppose it's difficult for a 'hero' like yourself to comprehend that I could do exactly what I said I would -- take your little lady away from you." Sid giggled. "The truth hurts, doesn't it, General? I've stolen your girlfriend right out from under you..." Sid cackled with glee. "And now she's 'under' me!"

Maximus didn't even flinch, obviously prepared to deal with Sid's gloating.

But Bud White wasn't. "SID!" he bellowed. "Shut the fuck up! Don't you dare say another word about Laura!"

"Bud," Maximus said, raising a hand. "Please, this is my business, not yours."

"Sorry, Max; you're wrong. It *is* my business. It's all of our businesses," he said as he gestured towards the group, "when cyber-boy here starts trashing you or anyone else in the CrowesNest. Especially one of the ladies," he growled, advancing on Sid, his bad knee forgotten.

The rest of the men moved forward, forming a semi-circle behind Bud. "If you can't keep that big mouth of yours shut, Sid," Colin said, "You're going to have to answer to *all* of us for it."

"Us too," Stef said, as she and the other women moved in behind the men. "We're not going to listen to your bullshit either."

Sid looked mildly disconcerted, glancing warily at the group. Discretion should have told him to be more cautious, but he was enjoying himself entirely too much to keep quiet.. "I have won, general -- whether you want to admit it or not." He grinned.. "She came to me *so* willingly, you know. It's too bad you weren't there to see it. It would have been... enlightening." Sid ran his tongue over his lips mockingly. "She -- "

Sid could not complete the sentence, as the breath was knocked out of him when Bud, Cort and Colin shoved him up against the wall. "Damn it, don't you ever listen!?" Bud raged.

"Let him go," came the low voice from behind them. Bud, his fist raised, stopped and looked over his shoulder at Maximus. "Let him go, Bud," the Spaniard repeated slowly, glancing at Colin and Cort.

Colin looked like he wanted to bash Sid too, but backed off under Maximus' imposing stare. "Come on..." he said, pulling on Bud's shoulder.

Bud looked at Maximus, then took a deep breath and let go of Sid's lapels.

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Maximus looked at the three as he said, "Take them out of here..." as he gestured towards the group and the door. "Now." His tone was final, with a slightly upraised eyebrow for emphasis. Bud retreated, taking Colin and Cort with him, and herded the group out the door.

Sid and Maximus resumed their staring match, and as she was leaving, Liz said, "Just remember one thing, boys -- take it outside if you start fighting. I don't want the place busted up."

Maximus nodded to her as he watched them all leave. When the door had shut, Sid's mocking voice taunted him again, "So it's just you and me, Gladiator... Mano y mano." Sid grinned. "Whad'ya gonna do?" Max didn't answer. "Maybe we ought to compare notes about a certain someone that we both know rather intimately. Our time together that morning was rather brief, but oh so satisfying," Sid gloated. He grinned again as Maximus' eyes narrowed briefly, nostrils flaring.

He paused, arms folded across his chest, glaring at Sid before responding, "I know what you're trying to do."

Sid continued to smirk. "And what might that be?"

"Become Commodus." The name hung in the air between them. Sid managed to hide his surprise, but not entirely. "You're two of a kind; both the same sniveling cowards, vile creatures who have no concept of decency or honor and who cannot stand the sight of it in anyone else. You try to destroy what you can't understand -- but like him, instead of facing me directly, you go after those dearest to me behind my back." He cocked his head, smiling without humor. "They were right in 'Virtuosity' -- you aren't capable of an original idea. All you can do is offer a pale imitation of Commodus' madness."

After a long pause, Sid answered with feigned ignorance, "I don't know what you're talking about."

Maximus snorted, shaking his head. "As I thought -- you can't even admit the truth... Men like you should not be allowed to walk free.." He uncrossed his arms, dropping them to his sides. "You used *her* to get to me -- you didn't give a damn about her feelings, did you?" Anger showed clearly in his blue-green eyes. "She was staying here for the first time, and you knew damn well how vulnerable the ladies can be until they settle in. So you went after her, told her what she wanted to hear, just to get her into bed so you could throw it back in *my* face."

Sid threw his head back and laughed. "Is *that* what she told you? And you *bought* it?" Sid giggled as he continued, "Oh, my dear Maximus, you don't know how wrong you are. I didn't force the poor woman into anything -- she came to me willingly and freely; hell, she practically begged me to fuck her." Maximus flinched slightly, almost

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imperceptibly, but Sid noticed it of course, and his smile widened. "If you like, I can enlighten you with all the intimate details."

"I already know all I need to about what happened. And any further details from you will only serve as further proof of what a low and disgusting creature you are. For a man to discuss such things about a woman he's been with is unconscionable."

"And your point is?" The self-absorbed smirk continued unabated. "She didn't seem to mind getting 'low and disgusting' with me. And I'm sure she won't mind doing it again."

Maximus breathed heavily, his control beginning to slip. "I'm warning you --

Stay away from Laura."

"Ooo," Sid sneered, "Getting territorial, aren't we...? I'll do whatever I damn well please. She's fair game. Especially since you tossed her out on her ass last night -- what business is it of yours what she and I do now?"

Maximus took a step closer, fists clenching. "I said -- Stay away from her," he said in a low growl.

"If you can't keep her in line, that's not my problem," Sid said. "Since you're through with her, I'm staking my claim, general. She's *my* girlfriend now." He saw the confused look in Maximus' eyes. "Oh, she didn't tell you? That morning in the cellar wasn't just a one-time thing. She's *mine* now, and you can't have her back." A giggled erupted from him.

Maximus clenched his jaw, fighting back an angry retort.. "Leave her out of this. If you have a problem, you take it up with me. Stand up to me like a man -- assuming you're even capable of it."

Sid's face darkened with anger, his eyes narrowing to icy blue slits. "You wanna fight?" He took off his suit jacket, tossing it on a chair nearby. He loosened his tie and stepped closer. "You got it," he said as he unbuttoned his cuffs and rolled up his sleeves. "Take a swing at me." He raised his fists in front of him like a boxer. "I know you're dying to."

Maximus clenched his teeth so hard that the veins stood out in his neck. "I'm not going to fight you."

"Why not? Could it be that all that gladiator hype is nothing but a lot of bullshit?" Sid looked him up and down. "You're nothing special, but me,"

Sid grinned proudly, "I'm not human. No bones to break. You can empty the chamber of White's .38 and it won't even slow me down."

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Maximus took a deep breath, briefly closing his eyes as he relaxed the hands that had balled into fists. "I'm not playing anymore," he said simply, stepping back a few paces. "And I'm leaving."

As he turned towards the door, Sid followed. "Bullshit. You wanna pop me one, don't you?" he taunted. "Come on, Max; go for it." Maximus just glared, then turned around and walked towards the door. "How dare you show your back to me?" Sid snarled, in a chilling imitation of Commodus' voice, and Maximus shivered for a moment.

And kept walking towards the door.

Sid, with a bellow of rage and frustration, charged him. Max whirled, dropping into a defensive crouch, and was pushed back into the doors as Sid plowed into him. They grappled with one another as the doors swung open and out, and they tumbled outside into the bright sunlight, rolling down the stairs together.

Michelle paced in front of the group outside as they milled around. "So what are we supposed to do -- just stand here while they're probably trying to kill each other in there...?"

"Yea," Bud said from his spot on the picnic bench, his bad leg stretched out in front of him. "Just leave 'em be, 'Chelle. Let 'em work it out themselves."

"... 'Work' it out? You mean beat it out of each other."

"If that's what it takes," Bud said matter-of-factly.

Michelle rolled her eyes. "Men," she huffed. "Can't you solve things in a way that doesn't involve pounding on each other?"

"Not when you're dealing with someone like Sid," Colin said as he came up to her, slipping an arm around her waist. "You can't reason with a bloke like that... Don't worry, luv; if there's anyone that can take care of themselves, it's Max."

"I know that; it's not his body I'm worried about...." She glanced towards the door, staring. "Its Sid's big mouth. God only knows what horrible things he's saying about what happened... and about Laura..." She shook her head. "I could just kill him."

"That's why Max made us go outside," Lachlan said. "He doesn't want anyone to hear what Sid says about her." He turned a concerned gaze on the tavern doors too.

"I wish John was still here -- he'd be more level-headed about it."

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"Leave John out of it -- he's put up with too much of this shit already." Cort glanced up at the hotel, smiling slightly. "He's probably the only one having a good time right now. Him and Tina... I figure she ought to be done talkin' to Laura by now, and the two of 'em are sharin' some... 'quality time'."

"Yea," Michelle said.. "John's certainly missed her. It looked like they were ready to make out in the back seat of the car when she got here." She grinned.

"Speaking of quality time, 'Chelle..." Colin said as he pulled her close, whispering in her ear.

She blushed, giggling softly. "Later, hon," she whispered back, kissing him on the cheek. Colin's arms circled her waist, holding her close, a little more possessively than usual, and she couldn't help but wonder if he was more disturbed by Maximus and Laura's difficulties than he was letting on.

She laid her head against his broad chest, running her hand across his back reassuringly. She had begun to notice that all the guys had seemed a bit edgy lately, obviously troubled by Maximus' problems. She sighed quietly as Colin gently kissed the top of her head, and she closed her eyes as she listened to the quiet peacefulness of the birds chirping and the wind rustling the leaves of the trees...

The calm did not last long, as the front doors of the tavern flew open, slamming into the iron railings along the short flight of steps. Out tumbled Maximus and Sid, locked together in mortal combat as they came crashing down the steps, rolling off the last step with painful grunts, continuing down to the pathway and rolling onto the grass beyond. Fists were flying in a blur on both sides, and Michelle, like the others, froze for a moment as they watched the melee.

Bud was the first to move, swearing colorfully as he jumped off the picnic bench, hurrying towards them. "Bloody hell," Colin muttered, then pulled away from Michelle, moving to join Bud and the other men. But they all stopped a few feet away from the two, watching as they continued to trade blows.

Blue nano-goo oozed from Sid's nose as Maximus hit him in the face, snarling, "Stay away from her!"

"Like hell," Sid hissed back, hitting the gladiator in the ribs several times in quick succession. Maximus grunted painfully and rolled, pinning Sid beneath him, hands reaching for his throat.

"What the hell are you all standing there for!?" Stef said to the men. "For god's sake, break them up before they kill each other!!"

The men looked at each other, then moved in to pull the two apart. It took the combined strength of all seven to separate them. Bud had Maximus around the neck, pulling him up

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and away, aided by Colin, Andy and Zack. Blood from the cut on Maximus' chin stained Bud's crisp white shirt. "Easy, pal, easy! He's not worth it!"

Sid struggled against Lachlan, Jeff and Cort, grinning maniacally as blue nano-goo ran down his face and neck. "Hey, Maximus!" he taunted. "How's the wife and kid...?" He paused for effect. "Still -- " He never finished the sentence, as Lachlan punched him in the face at the same time that a collective gasp went up from the group. The girls' jaws dropped, and several put their hands over their mouths as they all looked at Maximus. Shock and horror turned quickly to pure rage, and Maximus tore away from the four who held him, barreling into Sid and knocking him out of Lachlan's grasp, throwing him to the ground. Sid's head hit *hard* against the inlaid-stone walkway, and he went as limp as a rag doll, knocked out cold. [See Author's Note 2 below]

But Maximus sat on his chest, hands locked around his throat as he tried to squeeze the life out of Sid. "Fuck," Bud muttered, wrapping an arm around Maximus' neck again as the others moved in also to pull Maximus off Sid before he killed him. But Maximus yanked on Bud's arm, pulling the cop across his shoulder and over, and Bud flipped over and landed on his back in a painful heap in front of Maximus. He wheezed, the breath knocked out of him, and it took all six of the other men to drag Maximus off Sid and to a safe distance 20 feet away.

Trisha knelt beside Bud, helping him struggle into a sitting position. Stef joined her in helping him to his feet. Bud watched Maximus, who was finally coming back to his senses as he drew great heaving breaths, slowly calming down enough to quit struggling against his brothers.

Cort, who held Maximus' right arm in an iron grip, said, "We're not gonna let you kill him, Max, even if does deserve it... If we let you go, you gonna calm down?"

Max stared at Sid, panting, as he slumped back slightly against the others. He nodded slowly, and they released him. Maximus turned and walked away, wiping his forehead with the sleeve of his tunic. He winced when he ran his hand through his hair, his fingers coming away tipped with blood from the small cut near the hairline.

The girls approached him hesitantly. "Max...?" Michelle said quietly as she touched his arm. He looked at her with a blank stare. "Come inside and let us take care of that." His lip was still bleeding too, starting to swell slightly. He nodded after a long pause, and let the girls lead him back into the tavern. They passed Sid without a word, and the men trailed behind them into the bar, leaving the cyber-psycho on the ground, still out cold, with a small pool of nano-goo around his head. Bud, with Trisha and Stef, lagged behind, limping badly now.

Nobody said a word as they all filed into the bar. Maximus sat down on the same stool as before, picking up the nearly full glass of whiskey in front of him and downing it in one long swallow.

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Sy looked at him, saying quietly, "I'll go get the first aid kit, hon, and I'll be right back." She turned to Andy who had taken up his station behind the bar again along with Liz. "Get some ice -- lots of ice." She looked around at the rest of the Boyz, several of whom looked like they had taken a few shots from Maximus or Sid. "We're gonna need it."

Andy hurried into the backroom, while Sy headed for the storeroom. Cort reached over the bar and picked up a half-empty bottle of whiskey, pouring Maximus another drink. The Spaniard picked it up and drained it immediately. He closed his eyes, wincing as the alcohol stung the open cut on his lip, then slowly opened his eyes again, blinking quickly. The blank stare faded, and he looked around, finally focusing on the people around him, relaxing a little. The tension in the room dissipated slightly.

Maximus had turned, looking at Bud with a remorseful gaze. The cop was sitting in a chair at the table by the door, his leg propped up on a chair opposite while Trisha sat beside him. "Bud... I - I'm sorry. I didn't intend to hurt you."

Bud shook his head. "No offense taken. My mistake anyway. I shoulda known better than to try and grab you from behind." He managed a soft chuckle. "I'm lucky you didn't have any weapons on you, or I'd be in a lot worse shape than this right now."

Maximus managed a small smile in return before he turned back to his glass, which was now full again, thanks to Liz. He stared down into it, sighing heavily.

Ilaria, who had been standing nearby, stepped closer and gently laid her hand on his arm. "It'll be okay, Max," she said quietly, not knowing what else to say, but feeling as though she had to say something. Max turned towards her, giving her a grateful look before he picked up the glass and took a drink, slowly this time.

Andy reappeared from the back room with a large stainless steel bowl full of ice cubes. Michelle emptied some of them into a smaller, empty popcorn bowl nearby, then pushed the big bowl towards Maximus' hand. "You need to ice that down," she said, pointing to his right hand. It was already beginning to swell, and the skin over the knuckles had split and begun to bleed. He held up his hand, flexing it slightly, wincing. With a resigned sigh, he slid his hand into the ice, wincing again for a moment before relaxing when the cold seeped into his flesh and numbed the pain.

Sy returned at that moment, carrying the first aid kit. She came up on Maximus' left side, easing onto the barstool beside him. "Turn this way, hon, and let me take a look..."

Colin and Lachlan stood together near the door, watching as Sy dampened a clean cloth, raising it to the Spaniard's face to clean the blood off his chin and forehead. Colin clasped Lachlan's shoulder, saying, "Good shot, mate. If he'd finished that sentence..." He shook his head. "I don't even want to think about it."

"I just wish I'd been able to stop him before Max realized what he was about to say..." Lachlan snorted. "Bloody bastard. I can't believe he'd actually say something like that."

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"When he said it to Parker in the movie, Sid thought it was *funny*, remember?" Colin glanced towards the door. "What do we do with him? Leave him out there?"

"Maybe we ought to pull out the software module for a while. Give things a chance to calm down." He sighed heavily. "John's gonna have a fit when he hears this."

"I'm sure he will... But no one's gonna tell him yet. Tina's been gone a while; they need to be alone, mate."

"That they do," Lachlan said, grinning softly as he glanced out the narrow windows at the front of the Tavern, catching a glimpse of the Hotel up the hill. "Lucky, lucky, lucky..."

John had barely closed the door to Laura's room behind them when Tina felt his arms encircle her waist, pulling her close. "Oh, darlin'," he whispered, his lips brushing her ear. She turned in his arms, her own arms reaching up to loop around his neck as their mouths found each other. He pulled her to him tightly, pressing his lips against hers in a smoldering kiss, bending her back slightly as he molded himself against her. His hands dropped to her rear, squeezing lightly before one dropped lower, hitching up her skirt so he could run his hand over her thigh.

"John," she managed to say between kisses, but he didn't seem to hear her.

"John," she repeated, more insistently, and this time he grunted, "huh?"

"We're in the middle of the hallway," she said, pushing him back slightly. He wouldn't let go however, turning with her and moving towards her door.

"Key," he muttered, and she fumbled in her pocket for it. She tried to open the door, but he took the key, breaking away from her momentarily to struggle impatiently with the lock. He swore under his breath when it wouldn't open instantly, then breathed a sigh of relief when it clicked and the door swung open. He pulled Tina inside with him, swinging it shut with his foot. He turned the lock with one hand, the other still wrapped around her, and he began to lead her towards the bedroom. "I need you, darlin'. Now." He broke off the kiss to unbutton his flannel shirt, stripping it off and letting it fall to the floor.

"Now...?" she whispered as his hands went back to her body, starting to remove her clothes.

"NOW." His voice was husky and full of desire as he slowly led her towards the bed. They left a trail of discarded clothing from the front door to the bed, and when John pulled her down onto the mattress with him, they were both naked.

"Darlin'," he whispered as he enveloped her in his arms, wrapping his large, strong body around her shorter frame. He kissed her passionately, tongue eagerly parting her lips and seeking out the warmth of her mouth. As he rubbed his body against hers, she could feel

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his arousal as his hard cock poked against her belly. His mouth left hers as he slid down her body, until it had found the swell of her breast, taking it in his mouth, sucking greedily. One hand teased the other breast while the other hand swept across her hips to part her thighs, stroking her intimately. She moaned, whispering his name as she trembled with desire and anticipation.

"You do want this, don't you?" he asked, pausing as he pleasured her breast. His answer was a long, throaty moan from her.

"Oh god yes, John. I want you so much. I haven't been able to think of much of anything else *but* this since the last time we were together." He slid back up her body to kiss her lips, and when she ground her hips against his, it was his turn to moan.

He shifted, pulling her leg over his hip and slowly entered her warm, slick channel. They both groaned with the sheer pleasure of it, kissing hungrily as he sank deeper into her body. Panting, he rocked with her, thrusting in and out easily as she arched into him. He buried his face against her neck, humming deep in his chest as she gave herself to him.

He smiled at her soft noises and whimpers as their body's rhythms began to match each other's, and she rocked with him now. He thought briefly of slowing things down and making it last longer, but his body had a mind of it's own. His intensity rose quickly, and soon he had grabbed her buttocks, pushing her against him as he thrust hard and fast. His hand slipped between them to reach her clit, stroking it in rhythm to his thrusts and soon she came for him, spasming around his manhood, driving him wild with lust. He thrust harder now, nearing his own peak, and soon he joined her, coming with a low growl...

They lay together quietly afterwards, gazing into each other's eyes, kissing softly. "Welcome back," he whispered as he gently caressed her back. "I've missed you..."

"I've missed you too, John," she whispered back, pushing his long auburn hair out of his eyes. "I know I've been gone for a while... But, John... I can't help but wonder... Is there something going on that I don't know about...? You don't seem... yourself, love."

John sighed, ducking his head, laying his forehead against hers. "Can't fool you, can I?"

"No, so don't even try," she joked. When he didn't respond, her grin faded. "What is it?"

"Darlin'... I didn't tell Laura this... But yesterday and today, I wasn't just worried about her and Max... I was worried about us...." He swallowed hard. "Scared that something might come between us... That you'd stop coming here too for some reason..." he admitted.

"Oh, John!" She pulled him close, hugging him tightly. "No... Whatever happens between Laura and Max, it's got nothing to do with US..." She kissed him tenderly.. "Don't you ever worry about that; finding the CrowesNest -- and you -- has been the most wonderful

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thing in my life. I can't imagine not coming here.... you mean so much to me, John," she said reassuringly.

He gazed lovingly into her eyes. "You mean the world to me too, darlin'." He kissed her passionately, but when their lips parted, his eyes lowered, and he whispered hesitantly, "I - I know you mean that now, but -- "

"Shhhh," Tina said, putting a finger over his lips. "No 'buts', Sheriff. You're the most wonderful man I've ever met. I'm not likely to forget you anytime soon." John started to open his mouth to say something, but she leaned in and kissed him, silencing him. When they separated after a long minute, Tina whispered, "Let me show you just how much I love you..." Her body moved sensuously against his, and they melted into each other's arms once again....

[Author's Note 2: For those who haven't seen Virtuosity, or don't remember the line, at one point Sid taunts Parker Barnes with the line, "Hey, Parker! How's the wife and kid? Still dead, huh?"]

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Part Eleven

Soaring above the landscape below, the yellow bi-plane turned leisurely,heading inland after flying over the ocean for a while. Laura leaned over the side, a huge smile plastered over her face as she watched the forest slowly slide past beneath them, the wind whipping around her head in the open canopy. Lachlan sat behind her, piloting the plane.

"This is wonderful!" she said, speaking into the small headset. "I never knew how much *fun* it is to fly like this!"

"Glad you're enjoyin' it." She could hear Lachlan through the small speaker in her ear. "Wanna take her for a while?"

She looked over her shoulder at him, incredulous. "Me...!? Fly...?"

"Why not? Just keep her straight and level. Take the controls, and just hold her on course. You can do it, luv." Lachlan's enthusiasm was infectious, and her initial fears faded.

"If you insist..." She hesitantly put her hands on the controls.

A few moments later, Lachlan said, "Sky's yours now. Keep her steady."

Laura stared out at the horizon, eyes darting back and forth to the instrument panel, her heart pounding in her chest. She gripped the wheel tightly, but slowly began to relax. She turned the controls slightly, by accident, and felt the plane respond, wings dipping slightly on the right, turning in a leisurely circle. "Oh, dear!" she said, starting to panic,

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but Lachlan talked her through setting the plane back on course again, and she was able to relax again when they were flying level and straight. It was an exhilarating feeling, being at the controls, flying high and fast above the earth. She understood what a rush it was for a pilot to fly a plane like this, and wished she could stay up here forever with him.

She shifted in her seat, pushing slightly on the wheel, again not intentionally, but the plane began to nose downwards, rather dramatically it seemed. She started to panic again, eyes darting all over the instrument panel, but Lachlan reassured her again. "It's al'right. No worries... I'll just take 'er back again though, okay?" She said it was. "I'm gonna turn 'er around, and head back towards the hotel."

He turned the plane again, heading back over the ocean briefly before following the shoreline back up the coast.

She leaned over the side once more, enraptured by the incredible view from this altitude, still finding it hard to believe she was actually up here. Barely an hour ago she had been on her way to lunch, and now here she was, a thousand feet up!

She'd bumped into Lachlan on her way to the restaurant, and during their conversation she had mentioned she had seen him flying yesterday, and wouldn't mind going for a ride sometime...

The next thing she knew, she was bouncing around on the back of his motorcycle, her arms wrapped around his torso as they headed towards the airstrip. A few short minutes later, and they were taxiing down the runway...!

Lachlan was a sweetheart, she thought, smiling to herself. Charming, easy-going, always with that warm-hearted grin and a glib tongue. He had a talent for always saying the right thing; he'd had her laughing and giggling before they'd even reached the airstrip.

She looked over her shoulder at him, and he winked at her, smiling happily. She returned the smile and turned back around, settling in to enjoy the ride.

After a long silence, Lachlan pointed out the front of the plane. "Look, someone's out for a walk." There was laughter in his voice when he added, "It's Bud." The short-haired man wore tan pants and a long-sleeved white shirt.

As Lachlan nudged the nose down, and the plane dropped, Laura said, "Lachlan, he's gonna be mad. He hates it when you do this."

"That's the whole point, luv!" Lachlan chuckled.

Laura watched out the side of the plane as the figure looked behind him, noticing the oncoming noise. He turned abruptly, heading inland and towards the trees. Lachlan

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muttered, "Not so fast, Bud," laughing as he turned the plane slightly to compensate, swooping down on the cop.

As they neared him, Laura's eyes narrowed, realizing the man on the beach was wearing white suspenders... and his head was shaved. "Uh, Lachlan... I don't think that's Bud."


When the man turned, she got a clear look at his face and stubbled jaw and the stark black line of the tattoo that run up the left side of his neck. "Shit," she said as she watched him trip over something on the ground, falling face-first into the sand. "It's Hando!"

"Bloody hell," Lachlan muttered, trying to pull the plane up out of its dive. But it was too late. Laura put a hand over her face, shielding herself from Hando's gaze, but was close enough when they passed over him to read the raw anger in his expression as he screamed obscenities at them, shaking his fist in the air.

The plane climbed back into the sky at Lachlan's direction, and she looked over her shoulder at him. "I don't think he could recognize me... But you're in trouble, Lachlan. He looked *really* pissed off."

"So I noticed," Lachlan grumbled. "Bloody marvelous..."

They turned inland again, and Lachlan decided to give her a demonstration of the plane's acrobatic capabilities before landing. After a dizzying series of turns, dives and spirals, which left Laura with a spinning head, Lachlan headed towards the airstrip and brought the plane down in a perfect 3-point landing.

"God, that was *fantastic*...!" Laura said after the plane had stopped, and Lachlan had cut the engine. "Woohoo!" She turned to look back at him, beaming. "When can we go up next...!?"

"Whenever you like, luv," Lachlan answered, smiling happily. "It's nice having company up there."

"I love flying," she said. "It's so incredible up there. It's like the whole world belongs to you... Do you...? Do you think you could teach me, Lachlan? To fly, I mean? I've wanted to take flying lessons ever since I can remember."

"You serious?" She nodded. "Well, sure, why not?" He unstrapped himself and took off the headset, then climbed out of the cockpit. She followed suit, a bit unsteady. He stood on the ground below as she clambered out of the front seat and onto the wing. He held his arms out to her, and she crouched down, sliding down the wing and into his arms.

She tried to stand, but her legs proved to be a bit wobbly. "Whoa, luv!" he said as he put his arms around her, trying to steady her on her feet.

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"I guess I wasn't ready for that last spiral!" she said, feeling a bit lightheaded now that they were on the ground again. She clutched at his bomber jacket, laughing. "Geez, now I feel stupid after I said flying doesn't bother me!"

Neither one of them heard the pounding of horse hooves until Maximus, astride Scato, came trotting up around the plane. She gasped at the unexpected sight of him, particularly since she and Lachlan were wrapped around each other in a rather intimate-looking embrace. Maximus looked surprised too, obviously expecting to find only Lachlan in the plane and not her.

Lachlan did not miss a beat, continuing to smile and laugh, resisting Laura's attempt to pull away from him. "Afternoon, mate!

"Good afternoon, Lachlan..." He glanced at her. "Laura," he said, nodding to her, then turning his gaze towards Lachlan. But his eyes kept drifting back towards her.

"Took her up for a little joy ride, but I guess I got carried away," Lachlan said. "Poor girl can barely stand up, I made her so dizzy." He chuckled as he turned to Laura. "Sorry 'bout that. You all right now?"

Laura could not take her eyes off Maximus as she answered Lachlan. "Yea, I think so." Lachlan let her go, and she pushed away from him, standing on her own now. "Thanks for the ride; that was great, Lachlan."

"Like I said before; any time, luv," he grinned, then looked up at Maximus. "Did you want something, Max?

Maximus paused briefly, then said, "No... I merely saw you land, and thought I would say hello." A forced smile tugged at the corner of his mouth, and his eyes drifted back towards Laura.

Both were silent, then Laura asked, "Can I talk to you...?" There was a long pause, then Maximus nodded. Speaking to Lachlan, he said, "If you will excuse us..."

"Sure," Lachlan said, moving towards the rear of the plane as Maximus turned Scato slightly to the left, letting the horse walk slowly away from the plane as Laura followed.

He reined Scato to a halt, staring down at her. She looked closely at him now, noticing the cut on his lip, the bruised cheek and the bandage that was wrapped around his right hand. Even so, he cut a striking figure astride the big chestnut stallion. Even without the uniform and battle-armor, Maximus was such a handsome, regal-looking figure on horseback, and her breath caught in her throat.

She took it as a good omen that he was agreeing to speak with her, but she also could not help but notice the uneasy look in his eyes as they flicked towards Lachlan occasionally.

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"It's not what you think," she began. "Lachlan was telling you the truth. I was dizzy when I got off the plane."

"What does it matter what I think?"

"It matters to me... Because you don't trust me." Maximus turned, looking out ahead at the horizon, but said nothing. She sighed, continuing, "Lachlan was just trying to be nice. And I told you I loved to fly. Don't you remember me saying I'd always wanted to learn how to fly a plane, Max...?" She saw his face soften a bit, and he turned towards her, nodding. "Lachlan's just a friend." He still didn't say anything, staring into her eyes with a definite softness now. She took a deep breath, not wanting to say anything to upset him, but knowing there was one subject she could not ignore for long. "I... I heard what happened with Sid yesterday. I'm sorry, Max -- he had no right to say that."

At the mention of Sid's name, the Spaniard's demeanor changed quickly, his face hardening again, his back stiffening and a shadow falling over his eyes. "Sid is what he is; he behaved precisely as I said he would." Anger tinged his voice as he added, "Any fool could have seen that coming."

Lowering her eyes, Laura admitted, "I deserved that; I know I did. I should have realized the kind of damage he could do... Max, I'm sorry; I wish I could make it up to you. Sid doesn't mean anything to me; please believe that. I don't love him... I don't love Lachlan... But, Max, I -- I do love you," she whispered, swallowing past the lump in her throat. "Please, won't you just talk this out with me...? Give me a second chance..."

He continued to stare straight ahead, briefly glancing in her direction a few times. There was a long pause, and she could see the doubt and indecision and -- dare she hope? -- forgiveness pass across his face. But then she saw him stare down at his battered right hand, clenching it slowly into a fist, and she knew he was thinking about Sid. Eventually, he turned to her and said with a resigned sigh, "What is there to say that has not already been said...?" She choked back a sob, and he paused briefly again, haunted eyes catching hers for a moment before he kicked Scato lightly in the sides and galloped off, heading towards the forest in the distance.

She watched him go, hugging her sides. A lone tear fell down her face, but there were no more. So many tears had fallen in the last few days that she must have exhausted the supply. She wandered back to the plane and Lachlan, who had been watching from a discreet distance.

"Give it a little more time," the pilot said quietly. "I was there yesterday when he and Sid went at each other. That's not something you forget overnight."

"I know... That's the kind of thing you never forget..." she said hollowly. "Thanks for the ride, Lachlan; I did enjoy it." She took a deep breath, wrenching her gaze away from the

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retreating figures of man and horse. She plastered on a smile she didn't feel, and linked arms with Lachlan. "Take me back, will you?"

Lachlan patted her arm affectionately. "Sure thing, luv," he said, heading towards the hanger.

As they slowed to a stop in front of the tavern, astride Lachlan's motorcycle, they spotted Michelle leaving the tavern.

"Hey you two! How was the flight?" she asked.

Laura gave a half-hearted smile as she climbed off the motorcycle, releasing the grip she had around Lachlan's waist. "It was okay."

"Don't sound so excited," Lachlan joked as he turned off the engine. When Laura didn't respond, Lachlan sighed and looked at Michelle. "We ran into Max," he said as he climbed off the motorcycle.

"Oh, dear." She moved closer to Laura. "What did he say?"

Laura opened her mouth and started to say, "He -- " Then she stopped, staring out at the horizon in the direction Maximus had been riding. "It doesn't matter. I'd really rather not talk about it..."

Michelle put her arm around Laura. "Like we've told you before -- give it time. Give Max some time."

Laura attempted to smile. "I'll try."

"Hey, why don't you come down to the beach with us? Colin and I and a bunch of the others were going for a swim. You too, Lachlan -- join us!"

"Sounds great, 'Chelle," Lachlan agreed enthusiastically, but Laura hesitated, and he told her, "Come on -- you can't go back to the hotel and sit there all alone. Me mates and I'll cheer you up!" He smiled, with that near-lethal grin that each and every one of his brothers possessed, and Laura couldn't help but smile back.

"Well.... okay. You're right -- I don't want to be alone right now. Are you leaving now?"

"Yep. So go get your swimsuit! You too, Lachlan."

Lachlan nodded, but as he turned back towards the tavern, he stopped short as Hando came striding up to him. "What the fuck is your problem!?" the skinhead demanded, shouting in Lachlan's face. "You think that was funny, asshole? You tryin' to fuckin' kill me?"

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"Sorry, mate. Mistaken identity," Lachlan said, refusing to be intimidated. They had never gotten along well, considering Hando idolized a man who was responsible for the deaths of so many of his mates.

"Actually it was my idea." Laura tried not to flinch when Hando turned the angry scowl on her, but wasn't successful. "I thought you were Bud." Face to face with Hando for the first time, she couldn't help but stare at him. Although equal in stature to Lachlan and the other Boyz, Hando somehow seemed taller and more imposing. He did remind her more of Bud than any of the rest, but it was only a superficial resemblance. Bud also had a ferocious temper, but yet the cop also had a soft streak a mile wide.

There was nothing soft about Hando; the man was hostility personified. Her eyes were drawn to the visible tattoos: the word "skinhead" across his throat, and the thick black line of the bone tattoo that emerged from the collar of his shirt and ran up behind his ear. She'd seen "Romper Stomper" for the first time only a few days before, and the thought of the rest of the tattoos that covered his body, particularly the Nazi swastikas, made her skin crawl.

Lachlan looked surprised at her lie, but didn't say anything to Laura, turning instead to Hando, "I'll be more careful next time."

"Smart boy... 'Cause if you pull that shit on me again, I'll take your fuckin' head off," Hando growled. There was a long pause as he looked Laura up and down. "Heard about you..." He cocked his head slightly, taking a drag off the cigarette that he held between two fingers. The swastika on the back of his right hand stood out vividly against his pale skin. "From Sid." He didn't smile, but there was a gleam in his eye.

"I can only imagine what he said," Michelle said.

"I don't think I want to know," Laura sighed.

There was another long pause as Hando stared at her. "No, don't think you do..." He took another drag of the cigarette. "Saw what was left of Sid after the General finished with him yesterday... And they say *I* cause too much trouble," he said with a sneer.

Michelle shook her head. "Sid's been obnoxious lately."

"Wasn't talkin' about *him*..." Hando stared at Laura, and she bristled a bit under his imposing stare.

"Back off, mate," Lachlan warned.

Laura pulled herself together, resisting the urge to retreat to Lachlan's side. "I don't have to explain myself to you, Hando, or anyone else."

"Except the General." His steely eyes seemed to bore right through her.

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"That's enough, Hando," Michelle said. "We were just leaving... for the beach."

Hando said nothing as he tossed his cigarette butt on the ground, grinding it out with the heel of his heavy boot. He stared at them all for a moment before turning and heading into the tavern.

"Charming guy," Laura said sarcastically, inwardly sighing with relief. "Hell of a way to be 'introduced'."

"Don't mind him," Lachlan said. "Thanks for takin' the heat for my little stunt. Didn't have to do that, though."

Laura shrugged. "Just thought I'd do you a favor... He looked like he was ready to pound you."

"Hando always looks like he's about to pound someone," Michelle said.

"Enough about him," Lachlan said. "Now run up and get your gear, we'll meet you in the hotel lobby."

"Al'right, mate," she said, imitating his Aussie accent. "Back in a tic!"

Lachlan rolled his eyes as she walked off, then chuckled as he headed for the tavern.

Laura dashed up the stairs to her room, unlocking the door. Leaving it slightly ajar behind her, she headed for the bedroom. She pushed open the half-closed door and went straight to the bureau, pulling open a drawer and hunting for her swimsuit. "I know it's here somewhere," she muttered. "And I have to bring the sunscreen -- I'll barbeque in that sun if I don't..." Suddenly, the hairs on the back of her neck rose, and she knew she was not alone. She glanced up, looking over her shoulder.

Sid was sitting on the bed, his back against the headboard, a self-satisfied smirk on his handsome face. He was nearly naked, wearing only a pair of black silk boxer shorts. And they didn't quite cover everything; his arousal was quite evident. "I've been waiting for you, cherie..."

/How did he get in here?// she wondered, initially frightened at the idea of being alone with him after his earlier 'stalker' comments. But she quickly collected her wits. "What are you doing here? And how the hell did you get in here...!?" Laura demanded.

"I have my ways... I thought we might... talk," Sid grinned as he patted the bed beside him. The sheets and blankets had already been turned down. "Your self-appointed body guards have been annoyingly persistent, so I had to be rather inventive about getting you alone.... I didn't see you at all yesterday; I was lonely, cherie," he said with mock sincerity.

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"Oh, please," she snorted. "You just want to get laid."

"That too," he grinned. He slid off the bed with cat-like grace, sweeping a hand towards the side table. "I thought we might relax and have a drink..." There were two wine glasses on the table, along with a bottle of red wine and a small plate of cheese and crackers. "And have something to eat... before we nibble on each other..." He moved closer, managing to place himself between her and the door.

She glared angrily. "Sid, I don't know how you got in here, but I have *no* intention of spending *any* time with you! So kindly take yourself and that shit outta here right now."

"Now why would I want to do that? After I went to all the trouble of surprising you." Sid looked genuinely puzzled. "Don't you like it? I thought you ladies enjoyed it when your boyfriends were being... 'romantic'. I saw Colin do this for Michelle a few weeks ago. She was quite pleased." He picked up the wine bottle, turning the label to the front. "If you don't like the wine, I can get something else."

She rubbed the bridge of her nose, shaking her head. He was doing it again. Trying to imitate the others... And failing miserably. "Sid, it's only 'romantic' if I want you to be here in the first place. And you're not my boyfriend. I told you before -- I don't want to see you anymore."

"I know -- but by the time I leave, you'll have changed your mind about all that." When he took another step closer, she moved towards the door, but he blocked her, and she wound up with her back against the wall between the door and the bureau. His hand caressed her face as he leaned in to kiss her. "Come to bed, cherie..."

She put her hands on his chest and shoved him back. "Don't your ears work? Get away from me!" She slipped out the door into the living room, but he caught up with her again, blocking her way to the hallway. She glanced towards the window, noticing it was open slightly. /So that's how he got in// she thought, knowing for certain it had been closed when she had left earlier.

"You're beautiful when you're angry," he grinned. "But there's no need to be so coy. Maximus isn't involved anymore."

At the mention of the Spaniard's name, she went red with anger. "Like hell," she seethed. "Did you think I wouldn't find out what happened yesterday...? How could you say things like that about me? And how could you say *that* to Maximus!?"

"We merely had a difference of opinion yesterday. Hardly anything worth getting upset about."

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"Are you nuts!?" Sid just grinned in response. "You tried to torment him about his *family*, for god's sake. If you think I'll ever forget that, or forgive you for it, you're even crazier than I thought you were!"

He tilted his head to one side as he responded, "I didn't think you'd mind if I used that line; you are the Keeper of it, aren't you?"

She paused, stunned. "What?"

"Michelle's Keeper list. Among other things, you're the Keeper of two of my lines from 'Virtuosity': 'Hey, Parker; how's the wife and kid? Still dead, huh?' and 'Love the suit'." He repeated them exactly the way he had spoken them in the film. "And you're also the Keeper of my character module." He smiled. "I always knew you really *did* care, cherie."

"How -- How do you know that?" she stammered.

Sid just laughed. "It's on the Internet, where anyone could see. Did you think *I* wouldn't be able to find it?"

"But.... Even though that's true, it doesn't mean anything. I liked them in the film -- so what? But that doesn't change the fact you had no right to say such a thing to Maximus...! God, you're such a pig!", she fumed.. "It makes me sick to think I slept with you, you stupid bastard!"

He looked at her with a hungry stare. "Passion like that should be shared." He came towards her, moving quickly, catching her arm and pulling her to him. "You belong with me, not Maximus." She struggled to get free of him, but his grip only tightened. "Why waste all that energy, cherie, when it could be put to *much* better use...?"

"Let go of me," she said firmly, pushing against his bare chest, but he refused to release her, wrapping his arms around her and lowering his head to nuzzle her ear. His perfect memory was at work once again, and he nibbled the shell of her ear in just the right spot to send shivers up and down her entire body. She fought against the almost instinctive reaction, but Sid noticed it anyway.

"I know you still want me, cherie. We have a connection here in the CrowesNest, you and I... *Not* you and Maximus... Can't you see that now...?" Sid whispered in her ear, the feel of his hot breath against her skin making her shiver more. Except for the thin layer of silk of his boxer shorts, Sid was naked, and his firm, muscular body pressed into her curves. One arm was firmly locked around her back, preventing her escape, but the other roamed down her flank, caressing sensually while his tongue licked the side of her neck.

Repulsed and excited all at the same time, Laura knew she was in deep trouble here. It was obvious Sid was not going to let her go, and she wondered if he would go so far as to force her to have sex with him. Trembling slightly with fear now, her brain churned,

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trying to figure a way out of this. She glanced towards the door, noticing, to her immense relief, that she'd left it slightly ajar, a fact which Sid -- thankfully -- had not noticed.

Screaming her head off was the first option that came to mind. She'd seen Cort down in the lobby with Peaches, and with the door open, someone would surely hear her. But she quickly decided that having the guys once again rescue the 'damsel in distress' was going to be her last resort. She had to try to get rid of Sid on her own first.

She started to relax, but slowly, not wanting it to be obvious she was faking it. She responded to his touch non-verbally, molding herself against his body, leaning into his kiss. "Mmmm.... That's more like it," she heard him mutter. She ran her hand suggestively over his back. "You know it's *me* you have the connection with here, not that Roman fool..." He kissed her deeply, mouth claiming hers in a lusty embrace.

As he pulled her hips against his, letting her feel his arousal, her libido made a brief but enthusiastic attempt to sway her from her plans.. Joining him in the bedroom again did have its temptations... But none that were worth throwing away whatever small chance that remained for a reconciliation with Maximus.

She kissed him back, just enough to be convincing, and let her hands drift up to the side of his face. She gazed into his aquamarine eyes with a sultry look, whispering seductively, "Sid... there's something you should know..."

Sid grinned, relaxing his grip, letting his hands wander over her more sensitive spots. "And what might that be...?" he said as she leaned to the left, putting all her weight on her left leg.

Which left her right leg free, and she jerked her knee upwards suddenly, with all the strength she could muster, into Sid's groin.

"Ooff!" was the strangled sound that emerged from Sid's throat as he doubled over, hands dropping from around her to move reflexively towards his groin.

She wrenched free of him, snarling, "*THAT* is the only kind of 'connection' that we'll ever have between us, Sid!" She shoved him, and he back-pedaled, trying to keep his balance, but was tripped up by the edge of the oriental rug and went sprawling backwards, falling over the coffee table and landing in a heap at the foot of the sofa. "Don't you *ever* come in here again without my permission, do you hear?" she yelled. "Just stay the hell away from me! I am *never* going to sleep with you again -- do you understand that?"

Sid recovered quickly, grinning wickedly as he lay there with one leg draped over the coffee table. "Ooo, you want to play rough, do you...? I like that."

As he struggled to get up, she threw up her hands, groaning. She strode to the door, and swung it open. "Get the hell out of here, Sid! NOW!"

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"Temper, temper," he said as he climbed to his feet. "Don't you think you're being a bit dramatic?"

She was spared a reply by the sound of two sets of footsteps hurrying up the stairs. They came closer down the hallway, and Cort came into view, followed closely behind by Peaches. "What's goin' on up here?" the preacher questioned Laura. Then his eyes fell on Sid, and he was taken aback at Sid's lack of clothing. He turned towards Laura again. "What happened? You okay?"

She nodded, glaring angrily at Sid. "I came up here and found him dressed like that." The words came out in a rush, and she paused, taking a deep breath to calm herself. "I think he got in through the window.. I told him to leave, but I just can't get rid of him."

"We'll handle it," Cort said tightly, glaring at Sid before moving back out into the hallway. "Colin...! Get up here now!"

"No need to concern yourselves with this," Sid said, attempting to brush off Cort's concerns. "We just got a little.... carried away," he said with a seductive wink at Laura.

"Like hell!" Laura snapped. There were more footsteps on the stairs, and Colin and Michelle joined them.

"There's no cause for alarm, gentlemen," Sid said, trying to appear as though nothing was wrong.

"Don't even bother trying to talk your way out of this," Colin said as he and Cort came over and grabbed him. "Didn't you learn your lesson yesterday? You've been told to stay away from the lady."

"You okay?" Peaches asked Laura.

"Yea, I'm fine," she nodded as Michelle came over to her.

"Take your hands off me," Sid snarled as Cort and Colin manhandled him.

"Nice outfit, Sid," Cort quipped as they dragged him to the large window. Colin pulled back the curtains and pushed up the sash. A warm breeze wafted in as Sid struggled as they pushed him forward.

"I'm perfect capable of leaving on my own -- by the door," Sid protested, trying to hang on to the windowsill.

"Too bad you didn't use it earlier," Cort said as they pried Sid's hands away and shoved him through the open window.

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The sound of Sid's cursing could be heard clearly from below, and the girls rushed over and looked down. Michelle and Peaches stifled smiles at the sight of Sid, nearly naked, with blue scratches everywhere as he struggled to climb out of the rose bushes.

"Nice shot, guys," Michelle said. She spotted Sid's clothing and shoes piled on a nearby chair. She gathered them up, then tossed them, one by one, out the window. Most of them landed on Sid or in the rose bushes; one well-aimed shoe even hit him in the head. They all watched as Sid extricated himself from the bushes, gathered his clothing and what was left of his dignity and stalked off towards the tavern.

Everyone came away from the window, and Cort put his arm around Laura. "You all right? Did he hurt you?"

"I'm fine," she said, smiling with relief, "And no, he didn't hurt me." She sighed, dropping onto the sofa. "He snuck in here somehow and was waiting for me when I came up to get my bathing suit so I could go swimming." She shook her head. "He just wouldn't leave, so I used my knee to convince him to get lost," she said, raising her right leg.

Colin winced briefly, then said reassuringly, "Well, he's gone now."

"I think we should still go to the beach," Michelle said. "You ought to get out of here and get some air."

She nodded. "Yea, I don't want to stay here right now," she said as she got up again, looking towards the bedroom. "Check this out though." She led them into the bedroom, and showed them the wine and cheese on the small side table. "He was planning some kind of afternoon rendezvous... He said he was copying something you," she said, pointing to Colin, "did for Michelle a while back. He was trying to be 'romantic', if you can believe that." She sighed heavily, shaking her head. "He just won't give up."

"Romantic, eh?" Colin said, walking over to pick up the wine bottle. "What'll the bastard think of next...?"

"Maybe this finally taught him a lesson," Michelle said. "So, did you find your swimsuit?"

"What...?" Laura said, staring at the wine bottle, hugging her arms around her chest as she tried to will herself to stop shaking. "Oh, uhm, no... but it's here somewhere." She went back to the bureau,digging through a drawer for a bit before pulling out the one piece blue suit. "Here we go."

"Come on then; let's go," Michelle said. She hung back as they all went out the door, peering at the wine and cheeses, shaking her head before hurrying after the group.

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Scato picked his way through the forest at a leisurely pace, with occasional guidance from Maximus as the two made their way back towards the stables.

Maximus was in no particular hurry to get back, more than content to enjoy the solitude of his solo ride through the trees. He was deliberately staying away from the usual paths, intent on being left alone with his thoughts. He'd gotten up before dawn this morning and headed straight for the stables, saddling up Scato and going out for a ride at sunrise. He'd spoken to East briefly as he'd headed out, but since then, he hadn't seen another living soul.

He just couldn't deal with the day to day mundane details of life in the CrowesNest anymore. It seemed that every time he turned around, someone was trying to cheer him up, or talk to him about Laura or Sid. Everyone was full of advice and suggestions, and it was starting to drive him insane. It was impossible to keep anything private in the small, close-knit community; the fact that everyone knew the details of his present difficulties with Laura gnawed at him constantly. He supposed that he should be used to such things; an army camp was hardly much different when it came to gossip and rumors. But this was his private life, and to have Sid broadcasting it to anyone who cared to listen was almost too much to bear at times.

But where could he go? Maximus thought to himself, sighing. He and his brothers only existed here in this special place, but at times like this, it began to feel like a prison. All of them had the option of escaping back into their movies whenever they wished, but for Maximus, the prospect held little appeal. He'd tried to return to see his family numerous times, but he'd never been able to see them *alive*. Every time, no matter how hard he tried to change things, he always arrived at Trujillo in time to see the column of thick black smoke rising from the ruins of his home...

He was locked into the time-frame in which 'Gladiator' had taken place. He could visit his troops, but only during or after the battle in Germania, where the moments of peace and quiet were few and fleeting. That left the rest of the story -- slavery and death and blood in the arena...

In view of those alternatives, staying in the CrowesNest wasn't a hard decision.

Maximus sighed as he drew near enough to the stables to catch sight of them. He had considered the idea of heading up into the high country and joining The Man for a while... but he found himself being drawn back here for some reason. He'd had an odd feeling gnawing in the pit of his stomach all morning, something he could not identify, but could not seem to ignore either. It wasn't hunger, although getting something to eat was something he needed to take care of soon... No, he could not quite put his finger on it, but he felt as though he should stick close to 'home' today.

As Scato emerged from the trees and onto the firmly packed ground surrounding the stables, he dismounted. Taking Scato's reins, he led his chestnut stallion into the stables and over to the horse's stall. The place was thankfully empty -- East and Nero were gone,

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and no one else was around. Relaxing a little, Maximus removed the bridle and saddle from his faithful steed, and, after seeing that the horse was fed and watered, set about the task of grooming him.

As he brushed Scato's coat and mane and tail, gently removing every twig and burr, his mind began to wander, churning over the subject which had dominated every waking thought for the last few days...

Sid and Laura. The thought of him touching her made him see red. The thought of her *letting* him touch her sent his blood pressure through the roof. He had listened to the arguments from John and the others, debated it over and over again in his head, tried to look at it from every conceivable angle, but it always came down to one thing.

Why. He could not for the life of him understand *why* she would consent to having sex with man like Sid.

Three days now, and he had no answers, and he suspected three more weeks or three more months wouldn't change things. He could have understood it, and eventually accepted it, if it had been any other of his 'brothers'... But Sid...!? It was truly maddening.

He finished grooming Scato, and, after putting everything away, stood in the door to Scato's stall, staring down the hill towards the hotel. He kept thinking about Laura, knowing that, in spite of everything, he missed her terribly. The last time she had left the CrowesNest, he had waited patiently for her return, and the evening she had surprised him by coming to his room, he had been looking forward to being with her, perhaps even sharing her bed...

But all that had changed when she had told him the truth about what she had done with Sid. The world had been turned upside down, and for the first time, he had wished he had never set foot in the CrowesNest. He could not get the mental image of them in bed out of his head; both times when he had inadvertently run into her in the past few days, he'd been unable to even speak with her, so overwhelming was the jealousy he felt..

Maximus closed his eyes, sighing, and he wandered back into Scato's stall, closing the door behind him, retreating into a dark corner and sitting down in the hay. He leaned back against the wooden walls, thinking, trying to make sense of it all.

He knew he could not go on like this. One way or the other, this had to be resolved. But he did not know what to do. Yes, he was hurt and embarrassed, but severing their relationship permanently seemed much too drastic. He still missed her, wanting very much just to hold her in his arms and feel her soft kisses on his face again... But how could he put this behind him when he just did not understand what she could possibly see in Sid 6.7...?

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He sighed to himself, running his hand through his short hair, trying to cope with the see-saw of emotions that constantly played through him. He wondered if perhaps John hadn't been right. Maybe he was being too harsh and unforgiving...

Yet he hated Sid with a passion, especially after that terrible 'joke' Sid had tried to make two days ago about his beloved family. He was slowly getting over that, knowing that Sid was just trying to get under his skin, and he chided himself for letting himself be goaded into a fight. Sid enjoyed nothing more than playing mind games with people; he should have known better than to listen to him...

It made him pause, though, when he considered the fact that even though he himself had known Sid for some time, and was used to the childish games, he had *still* gotten drawn into them. He wondered once again if he was being fair with Laura, who was unprepared for Sid's tactics...

He sighed again. He missed her; that was a fact he could not ignore... And he knew he owed it to her to at least talk with her again...

But he just didn't know if he was ready to do that yet...

His thoughts were disturbed when he heard voices approaching, and someone entering the stables. He sat still, not making a sound, not wishing to be found.

"Max...? Maximus, are you here...?" It was a woman's voice, but he couldn't identify who it was. "East...? Is *anybody* here....?" He heard two sets of footsteps nearing, then stop a few feet away from Scato's door. "I can't believe this... We walk all the way up here, and no one's around."

"I wonder where Maximus is?" a second voice said. From the Italian accent, Maximus guessed it was probably Ilaria. "Argento and Scato are both here, but we didn't see him at the garden, or at the gym or his practice area."

"Maybe he went for a walk on the beach," the first woman said. He heard her sigh loudly. "Damn... Well, lets rest a bit before we head back..." He heard the sound of one of the wooden benches creaking, and he assumed they had both sat down. "So much for trying to cheer him up; can't even find him... You want some of my water...?"

"Yea..." There was a pause, and he heard the faint sound of a bottle being opened. "Thanks, Angie."

Ah, Maximus though. So that's who the other woman was -- Angelina.

"After what Sid said to him the other day," Ilaria said, "I'm not surprised he hasn't wanted to hang around the bar. It was terrible of Sid to bring up his family like that -- how could he think of such a thing?"

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Maximus stared at his still-bruised right hand, wondering the same thing.

"You're forgetting Sid's name," Angie said. "The S stands for sadistic. It amuses him to harass and torture people like that."

"I know... But he is an awful man. Peaches told me what he did yesterday to Laura."

"Sneaking into her room? Yea, I heard all about it too. Wouldn't let her out... How typical."

Maximus leaned forward, trying to listen closer, still not revealing his presence. Sid? Sneaking into Laura's room...?? What...? He hadn't heard anything about it... Then again, he hadn't actually had more than a two minute conversation with anyone since yesterday morning.

"Michelle and Peaches said Laura found him in her room nearly naked," Ilaria said, "and he wouldn't leave. They heard all the shouting downstairs, and Michelle said Laura was very upset, even after Cort and Colin tossed Sid out the window."

"He just doesn't give up, does he?" Angie sighed. "Well, John and Laura said that Sid's got it in his head that she's his 'woman' now, no matter what she says. I thought they were exaggerating about Sid stalking her... but not anymore, not after what Sid did yesterday. Apparently the fight with Max didn't change Sid's mind at all."

Maximus, although succeeding in keeping quiet, was becoming quite upset, his hands clenching, ready to pound Sid again after he'd specifically told him to stay away from Laura...

"I just wish they'd patch things up -- whenever you walk into the tavern now, it seems like the whole place in on edge over this," Angie said.

"Well... I don't blame Max for being upset," Ilaria admitted. "I still don't quite understand how Laura could have sex with Sid when she was with Maximus."

Maximus stopped his mental ravings at Sid, listening intently to what the women were saying. Ilaria's question was exactly what had been confounding him for days now.

There was a long pause. "You don't like Sid much, do you?" Angie asked in a light tone.

"No, I do not; he is a despicable man," Ilaria said emphatically, and Maximus couldn't help but nod and smile briefly in agreement.

"Well, that may be true," Angie said, "But for some of us, Sid does have his charms... Quite a few in fact," she said with a soft laugh.

"Uh, Angie..." Ilaria said hesitantly. "I don't mean to be nosy, but..."

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"But you've heard the stories and you're wondering if they're true," Angie said. "You want to know if I've been 'with' Sid too..." He could not quite hear Ilaria's answer, but assumed it was a 'yes' when Angie continued, "Well, the stories are true." Maximus nodded to himself. That bit of news did not come as a surprise; he'd seen as much with his own eyes. "So I think I can answer for Laura about what makes Sid so attractive... He's very sexy in his own way. Not that Max and the others aren't. But Sid's attraction is very primal; it's just raw sexuality, without all the... niceties of modern life."

"But I LIKE all the niceties. I do not think I could be with a man who did not have them."

Angie chuckled. "I'm not saying I'd want that all the time. But as an interesting little... diversion, Sid fits the bill quite well," she said with a contented sigh. "And I can't speak for Laura entirely, but I would imagine that's part of the attraction for her too. It's the 'bad boy' thing. Sid's wild and unpredictable; you never know quite what he's going to do. That makes it exciting.."

"Maybe I understand that... But Laura knew Max hated Sid. If I were Max, I would be upset too."

"Well, in Laura's defense, I have to remind you that Sid's a hell of a con-man when he sets his mind to it. She hadn't even seen 'Virtuosity' when she first met Sid... They always say these serial killers can seem like the nicest guys when they're luring in their victims... And he's got Russell's face and body to go along with it. Sid may be a twisted little bastard, but that still doesn't change the fact that he's sexy as hell and he knows it... I really don't blame Laura for what happened -- I think Max ought to be a little more understanding. I honestly don't think she meant to hurt him. She'd only been here a few days, and the first exposure to all the guys is a bit overwhelming, what with all the testosterone that's practically oozing out this place. And Sid took advantage of it."

"I understand more now... But I don't think Max does. He's a Roman... he comes from a different world. He's not used to such behavior, especially from a woman he cares about.... Max is such a wonderful man; if he were with me, I would not waste my time on someone like Sid," she said firmly.

Maximus smiled to himself, grateful for Ilaria's words. Everyone else seemed to be trying to push him into accepting a lifestyle which was alien to him.

Angie sighed. "True... I think Laura's realized that too, now that Sid's shown her his true colors. I know she's very sorry for what happened... but Max won't even give her the time of day. She was pretty down the last time I saw her."

"I know -- she was talking of leaving again, so Sid wouldn't bother Max anymore because of her," Ilaria said.

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"Doesn't she realize that won't matter to Sid -- he'll find another excuse to antagonize Max instead."

"I tried to tell her that, but she doesn't want Max hurt anymore on her account. I don't know if even Tina can talk her out of leaving this time."

"Really? I didn't realize it was that serious."

"It is. I hope she doesn't leave; we were becoming such good friends," Ilaria said, sighing.

"Hopefully it won't come to that before they patch things up..." Maximus heard the wooden bench creak, and the scuffling of boots on the dirt floor. "Well, are you ready to go back? Maybe some of the guys will be around for lunch...."

Angie and Ilaria left, heading back towards the hotel. Maximus continued to sit in Scato's stall, his head spinning. He'd had no idea that Sid had been harassing Laura, and wondered why no one had told him. He replayed the talk he'd had in the bar with John in his head -- it was agreeing with a lot of what Angie said, and he realized that the way she and Laura saw things *was* different from his Roman upbringing. Perhaps he was being too harsh and rigid about it. Maybe it was time to at least sit down and discuss it... before Laura left. A chill ran through him at the thought. John had told him she might do it, but he hadn't believed it. But listening to Ilaria made him realize it was a possibility he couldn't afford to ignore. He *should* talk to Laura again before things deteriorated further, and it became hopeless to reconcile.

He got up, patting Scato for a moment before leaving the stall and walking out of the stables and into the sunlight. He stared down in the direction of the hotel for many minutes before turning on his heel and walking into the woods again. He needed time to collect his thoughts and decide what he was going to say before seeking Laura out at the hotel.

He paused, however, at the edge of trees, looking back over his shoulder again. The odd feeling was back, nagging at him to return to the tavern, the pull even stronger now. He didn't know why or where it was coming from, however, so he turned back to the forest, walking deep into the undergrowth until he found a shady, secluded spot, and sat down against the trunk of a large oak tree to think...

Several hours later, Maximus strolled down the path towards the tavern, lost in thought. He had deliberately avoided passing by the hotel, taking the long way, not wanting to run into anyone. He had decided he was going to speak to Laura this afternoon, but he needed to freshen up first. He was dirty and sweaty from his walk and the morning ride; he was in desperate need of a shower and change of clothes before he would even consider seeing her. He strode up to the front of the tavern and the short flight of steps, entering through the heavy oak doors. He was halfway to the stairs leading to his room on the second floor when he heard a voice call his name. "Max!"

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He stopped as John approached quickly after practically bolting out of his seat in one of the back booths, followed by Tina. "Where've you been, pal? We've been looking everywhere for you," John said quietly, his words coming out in a rush.

Maximus sighed. "I needed to be alone. I've been out... riding, walking. What did you want?"

"I - " John stopped, glancing around the tavern. There weren't very many people in the place; Maximus spotted Zack and East in one of the back booths with a few of the ladies. But they were all staring at him, and John... Well, John looked decidedly uncomfortable, not quite able to meet his eyes. Neither could Tina. An odd, uneasy feeling began to grow in the pit of his stomach. "I don't think we should talk here," John said. "Can we go up to your room for a minute?"

He nodded. "I was going there anyway. I need a shower." As they climbed the stairs together, Maximus asked John, "Why didn't you tell me Sid has been harassing Laura? I heard what happened yesterday with him sneaking into her room."

"Who told you that?" John asked.

"Does it matter?" he said as they reached Maximus' door and he unlocked it, ushering Tina and John in before him.

John shrugged and said, "Guess not. Look, Max, I wanted to tell you, but Laura wouldn't let me." Maximus' brow furrowed, and John added, "She said she didn't want you to think she needed to be 'rescued' or something."

"She didn't want you coming back to her just because you felt sorry for her," Tina explained. "She said she created the problem with Sid and she had to fix it."

Maximus nodded, frowning briefly, muttering, "Someone should have told me..." Then he looked up at them. "What did you want to see me about?"

John sighed, running his hand through his long hair nervously. He glanced at Tina before answering, "Look, Max, I don't know how to tell you this other than to just come right out with it.... Laura's gone."

He paused, a feeling of dread creeping over him. "When will she be back?" he asked, swallowing hard.

John sighed again. "Damn.... Max, she left. For good. She... She said she's never coming back." Maximus stared blankly, and John turned away.

"We tried to talk her out of it - believe me, Max, you don't know how hard I tried," Tina said when John seemed unable to continue. "But it was no use. John tried to find you, hoping you could stop her, but no one knew where you were." She sighed, looking at him

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with apprehension. "Laura packed up *everything* and left two hours ago. She told Peaches not to hold her room anymore because she wouldn't be needing it again..."

Maximus just stared. "Did she say anything else...?" he asked quietly, swallowing past the lump in his throat, not quite believing what he was hearing. But in his gut, he knew it was true; that odd feeling he'd had all day must have been because she was leaving... and he'd ignored it...

"No. But she did leave something for you.." John walked over to the chair by the corner, and Maximus drew a sharp breath, his blood running cold, when he realized his wolf's fur cloak was draped across it. The one he had given Laura for safe-keeping. John picked up an envelope from the chair seat and brought it to him. "I think this probably explains things...." He held it out, and after a long pause, Maximus took it, staring down at it. John stood there for a moment, then patted him on the back, saying, "If you need to talk later, we'll be downstairs." He walked to the door and opened it, pausing to look back. Maximus still hadn't moved, staring down at the envelope in his hands. Tina patted him on the arm, and started to say something. Then she stopped, crossing over to John and they left the room, shutting the door quietly behind them.

Maximus walked slowly over to the chair and sat down. He closed his eyes for a moment, then opened the envelope and read the note inside.


By the time you read this, I'll be back in Chicago. I've left the CrowesNest. For good.

I've caused you so much heartache in the last few days, and I can't stand to see you hurt any further. You don't know how sorry I am that Sid said what he did. It's all my fault, because I was stupid enough to think that Sid wouldn't be so low as to do or say something like that. As long as I stay in the CN, he'll just keep torturing the both of us over what happened, and I can't bear the thought of hurting you even more than I already have.

Please believe me, though, when I say that it's killing me to have to do this. You're such a special man, and very special to me. I know you probably don't believe that anymore, after what happened with Sid, but it's the truth. Sid was a mistake, a huge mistake, but I know I can't turn back the clock and change it. I've hurt you, and embarrassed you, and I'll never forgive myself for that.

So I know it's the best for both of us if I leave. I know that in time you'll get over this, and move on with your life. And I'll find a way to move on with mine, even though I feel like I'm leaving a piece of myself behind in the CrowesNest.

I'm returning your wolf's fur cloak to you. I can't be its Keeper anymore; you'll have to find someone else to hold it for you.

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I meant what I said yesterday, Max. I love you, and I'll always love you.



He read the letter twice, then three times, unable to believe what he was seeing, hoping that he had somehow missed something the first time around. But finally he lowered his hand, dropping the letter to the floor. He turned, laying his hand on the edge of the cloak, running his hand over it. He remembered the day he had given it to her for safekeeping; she had held it tightly against her body, almost reverently, discreetly inhaling his scent from the fabric. He brought the rich fabric to his face, inhaling deeply... and felt his heart constrict when he detected the faint smell of *her* clinging to the fabric now.

He dropped the cloth, rising from the chair to wander over to the window. Sighing heavily, his chin dropped to his chest as he leaned down on the windowsill. His mind, as it began to recover from the initial shock, began to churn. What was he supposed to do now? Chase after her? How could he? John's words from a few days ago began to replay in his mind: "...I'm telling you, she's seriously considering leaving and never coming back. And if she does that, you're screwed, pal, because she can come and go here as she pleases, but you can't, not into her world...."

It was true; he was trapped here in the CrowesNest. On a couple of occasions, he had gone out riding, heading in a perfectly straight line away from the hotel and tavern. After riding for hours, he had been unable to find a way out. On the contrary, twice he had wound up back where he started, and he had been sure he had been following a straight path. Even Lachlan had told him that he had tried flying out of here. He had flown for hours, his instruments never wavering from a straight-line flight, but yet he too always ended up right back over the hotel and tavern. There was no escape for any of them.

"Damn!" he exclaimed, slamming his fist down on the windowsill. He'd waited too long, and now she was gone, and there was nothing he could do about it. He could never leave the CrowesNest...

Suddenly, his head came up, the forlorn look on his face fading as an idea began to form in his head.

He could not leave the CrowesNest ALONE...

He'd been able to leave from time to time when one or more of the girls had taken him and the others on a road trip of some kind. When they'd visited that mall to buy clothing, it was a real world mall. And there was one person in particular who held the key to it all.

He picked up the letter and stuffed it in his pocket, then hurried out the door and down the stairs. John and Tina were sitting at the bar, and he rushed over to them. "Where's Michelle?"

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"I'm not sure; probably at the hotel. Max, are you okay?" John asked.

But Maximus wasn't listening, already halfway to the door. He ran quickly up the gently-sloping hill to the hotel and into the lobby, crossing to the stairs, taking them two at a time as he ascended to the second floor. He sprinted down the hallway, stopping at Michelle's door, knocking loudly. "Michelle...!?"

A door down the hall swung open -- the door to Laura's room -- and Michelle peered out. "Max? I'm over here." He walked over to her, panting slightly from his run. "John told you?" she asked hesitantly, and he nodded. "Max, I'm so sorry; Peaches and I were just straightening up in here, wondering what we should do with the room..."

"Do nothing," he said sharply, then closed his eyes, willing himself to calm down. "Michelle," he said quietly, but urgently, as he opened his eyes again. "You must help me..."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Part Twelve

Settling deeper in the bucket seat, Laura's eyelids drooped with fatigue as she rested two fingers on the bottom of the steering wheel, leisurely guiding her Pontiac Sunfire as it rolled down the Stevenson Expressway.

'Rolling' at a snail's pace of 15mph, to be exact. She sighed heavily, riding the brakes as she had for the last 20 minutes, staring with frustration at the seemingly endless line of brake lights ahead of her. It was Friday afternoon rush hour, the traffic heading northeast into the city backed up bumper to bumper. The windows were closed and the air-conditioning going full blast, as was the radio, in an attempt to keep out the dust and the noise of the construction crews who were not-so-busily tearing apart the roadway off to her left. Three lanes of traffic narrowed down to two on the busy highway, as it had for months now. "Only six more months of this to look forward to," she muttered sarcastically to herself, trying to keep calm. Even though it was a relatively pleasant summer day outside, the sun beat down through the windshield, making her sweat slightly, in spite of the air-conditioning.

Then she sighed, muttering again, "I don't know what I'm in a hurry to get home for... Nothing special to look forward to *this* weekend, is there...?" She brushed away the wetness from the corners of her eyes, wishing she could somehow forget about the CrowesNest and all its inhabitants. Ordinarily, she'd be anxious to get home and get ready to head out for another wonderful weekend with Tina and Michelle and Peaches and all the Boyz... and Maximus...

But that wouldn't be happening ever again, would it?, she thought bitterly. She'd thrown it all away for some stupid fling with Sid 6.7, and now she could never go back. Sid

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seemed to think he owned her now, and wouldn't leave her alone, tormenting her whenever he had the chance. Worst of all, Sid was tormenting Max as well. It was no wonder he wouldn't even talk to her anymore. She'd made his life miserable too, and as long as Sid was around to constantly rub it in their faces, it would be impossible to salvage their relationship. Leaving was the only sensible thing to do. Even though it had felt like she'd torn her heart out to leave Maximus behind, she knew it was the best thing for everyone, especially the Spaniard. Maybe now, once things settled down, he could find happiness with someone else. All the other ladies in the CrowesNest were wonderful people, and even though it was hard to imagine Max with someone else, she truly wished him well. After all the terrible things he'd had to endure in 'Gladiator', the man deserved some happiness and peace at long last.

She sighed again, turning her attention back to the traffic, hoping it wouldn't take too much longer to reach her exit.

Ten minutes later, she came to the ramp, and held on tight to the wheel as the Pontiac bounced along on the rough pavement. After a few hundred feet, the orange construction cones and barricades disappeared, and she merged onto LaGrange Road. Letting out a sigh of relief, she tapped the accelerator, matching the speed of the other traffic, zooming southward towards her apartment building. At the last minute, she decided to make a little detour, heading for the strip mall a few blocks from home. She pulled up next to the China Garden restaurant, hopping out of the car to put in an order for her favorite fried rice and Mongolian Beef. After a short wait and a brief chat with the owner, she was back in the car, enjoying the smell coming from the large brown paper bag. She was in no mood to cook, and the wonderful Chinese food would last her for a couple days at least.

It was a short drive over to the apartment complex, and she pulled into the parking lot, smiling as she spotted an empty parking space right in front of her apartment windows.

Struggling with her bags and packages, Laura climbed out of the car, setting the Chinese carryout bag on top of the roof. As she shut the car door, she glanced briefly towards the main door to the apartment building, noticing that there was a tall, broad-shouldered white man with short dark hair and a beard, tan pants and a white short-sleeved polo shirt standing off the side, staring in her direction. For a moment she thought to herself that the man looked like Maximus...

Then she shook her head, blinking back a few tears. It seemed like *every* man with short dark hair and a beard reminded her of Max or Russell Crowe. She had gotten used to seeing Russell's face every time she turned around when she was in the CrowesNest, so now, she had come to expect to see him all the time.

Better get over that pretty quick, she scolded herself, knowing that she was going to have to learn to get over it. That was over and done with now; it was time to move on with her life. She would never see Maximus again...

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As she gathered the bags into her arms and over her shoulder, she suddenly stopped.... The man's dark hair was cut *exactly* like Russell Crowe's in 'Gladiator'. She looked up slowly, and her heart leapt into her throat as her eyes locked with the man who was slowly walking towards her, with a gait she would know *anywhere*.


Her jaw dropped open as she stared in shock. "Oh my god..." she muttered. He had a slight smile on his face as he came nearer, bowing his head to her slightly for a moment in that very characteristic gesture of his. Her arms shook as she became lightheaded, dropping everything at her feet. He walked around the cars as she just stood there, thunderstruck, unable to believe her eyes. She shook her head, rubbing her eyes, but when she looked up again, he was still there, closer now.

"You look like you've seen a ghost," he said with a trace of a grin. God, that *voice*! The low baritone was unmistakable!

"I think I have..." He stopped a few feet in front of her, and she hesitantly reached out and touched his arm. "Oh, God, you're real!" she exclaimed. "I - I thought I was hallucinating."

"Of course I'm real," Maximus said with an amused smile.

"But -- But how!?" Laura stammered. "You -- You can't leave the CrowesNest... Unless..." She looked around the parking lot. "Unless... Are some of the girls here? Michelle, did she bring you?"

"No. Michelle helped me and allowed me to travel here. But I'm alone," he replied.

"But how did you find the place? Michelle has my address, but how did *you* manage to find this place all by yourself....?" She stood there, gawking at him, feeling very much like she had the day she'd first visited the CrowesNest. It couldn't be him -- it just *couldn't*, not standing here in front of her apartment...!

He paused. "How do you manage to find the CrowesNest?"

"Well... I don't know. I just... do..." She shrugged.

"It's much like that for me. I just.... knew somehow where to find you. Just as you are drawn to us in the CrowesNest... I am drawn to you... I've been waiting here for you to come home, Laura," he said softly, staring into her eyes.

And her heart melted. "Oh, Max..." She stared back at him, but her broad smile faded as she began to remember why she'd left the CrowesNest in the first place. "But I -- I thought you weren't speaking to me anymore," she said, lowering her gaze to stare down at the pavement.

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Maximus sighed heavily and replied, "That's what I came to see to you about. I wanted to speak to you at the hotel ... But they said you'd gone... for good."

"Yea," she said quietly. "Did you get my note?" He nodded, and she looked back into his eyes. "What did you want to talk about...?"

"I ---" He stopped, glancing over as a couple with a little girl in tow passed nearby, staring at them. "Must we discuss this out here...? May I come in?"

"Oh! Yes... yes of course!" She blinked a few times, snapping back to 'reality' as she realized they were standing in the middle of the parking lot with all her belongings lying at her feet. She knelt down, picking up her bags.

"Let me help you," Maximus said, taking most of the bags from her as she retrieved the large brown paper bag containing the Chinese carry-out from the roof of the car. "My things are over there," he said, gesturing towards the main door to the apartment building. He followed her there, waiting as she opened it with her key, and held it open for her, afterwards quickly retrieving his duffel bag.

"My place is just down the hall," she said, leading him through the lobby and past the elevator, then down the hall a few doors before she stopped in front of #106. She pulled out her key ring again, and unlocked the door, pushing it open. She paused there. "Go on in."

Maximus shook his head. "Ladies first."

Laura nodded and walked in the darkened hallway, Maximus close behind. She waited until he had passed by, then closed the steel door, locking the deadbolt while flipping on the hallway and adjoining kitchen lights. "Well, this is it," she said. "Be it ever so humble, there's no place like home." She looked around the living room, wincing. "Sorry about the mess -- I wasn't expecting company..."

He glanced around the room; it didn't seem like a mess to him.. Most noticeable were the stacks of books and videotapes. "It looks fine to me," he said as he set down the bags.

Placing the carry-out bag on the kitchen counter, she said, "I picked up some Chinese food on the way home -- There's plenty to share; they always give me twice as much as I could possibly eat."

"I'm not hungry."

She stood there for a moment, silent, not knowing quite what to say to him. "I'd give you the grand tour, but there's not much to see. Just this," she said, indicating the open kitchen/dining room/living room, "and the computer room. Also known as my bedroom..." She pointed to the adjoining room.

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He looked around, smiling softly at the large 'Gladiator' poster on the living room wall. "Very nice... You said you live alone? No roommate?"

"Nope, it's all mine... Can I get you something to drink?"

"Actually, yes. Just some water.. I've been out there waiting for quite some time."

"Oh? How long?" she asked as she went to the refrigerator.

"I'm not sure. Two, maybe three hours..."

"Oh, my...! It's a good thing it's such a nice day. I wish I'd known you were coming, though. Maybe I could have left work early." She pulled out some bottled water. "I almost stopped to go shopping too on my way home; you'd have been waiting quite a while longer if I'd done that."

"I would have waited as long as it took," he said, staring at her as she poured the water into a glass. She smiled softly, blushing a little, and he excused himself, going into the bathroom and shutting the door.

When he came back out, she handed him the glass of water. "Thank you..." He gulped it down quickly, and as he finished it, she went back to the fridge and pulled out another bottle.

"Guess you were thirsty." Maximus nodded, setting down the glass. They stared at each other once more.

"You, uh... You said you wanted to talk..." Laura said awkwardly.

He nodded, moving towards the sofa. "Would you sit with me?" Laura hung back for a moment, fidgeting with the water bottle, then set it down on the counter before she walked slowly over to the sofa and sat down beside him. She could not look him in the eye, instead staring down at her hands which she kept folded in her lap. "When they told me you'd left the hotel for good, I didn't believe them. Until John told me you'd taken everything with you. Except my wolf's fur cloak..." He swallowed hard, and reached into his pocket and pulled out her letter, unfolding it. "And this." He stared at her face, but she still could not meet his eyes. "Why did you leave like that, without even saying goodbye...?"

There was a long pause before she answered. "I did leave you the note... It's my fault that Sid said those horrible things to you... about your family." She heard him sigh softly. "And it's my fault for falling for his lies... I didn't want you to get hurt any more than you already were, because of me. I thought that Sid might leave you alone if I left... Besides, I didn't see any point in staying, considering you'd told me you didn't want to have anything to do with me again..." She stopped briefly, blinking away the tears brimmed in

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her eyes. "I couldn't stand it that you wouldn't talk to me. The CrowesNest was so special to me... because *you* were special to me, Maximus." He sighed again but did not respond. "I knew I'd miss everyone else -- I'd made some great friends, both with the other Boyz, and the other women who come there too. But that wasn't enough to make me stay, especially not with Sid making my life miserable too... So I packed up and left... I thought the note said it all..."

"You should have come to me first; I would have listened."

"Would you, Max? I'd tried to talk to you a couple of times, but you kept shutting me down. I thought it was best just to make a clean break. Besides... Sid was scaring me, and I had to get away.."

"I had no idea he was doing that to you; stalking you and harassing you like that and sneaking into your room. John told me you asked him not to tell me -- why?"

"Because I didn't want you to feel like you had to come to my rescue like some damsel in distress. I created the problem; it was my responsibility to deal with what I'd done. If we were going to be together again, I didn't want it to be because you felt sorry for me."

"I am not here because I feel sorry for you; I'm here because I want you to come back with me." He raised his hand, laying it gently on her shoulder, and her face began to brighten.

"Really? You want me back in the CrowesNest?" He nodded. "Does... does this mean you want to try to work things out...?" she asked hesitantly.

"I would not be here if I didn't."

"Oh, Max..." She moved towards him, hesitantly laying a hand on his shoulder. When he began to smile softly, she dissolved into tears of relief, and she let him pull her into his arms, wrapping her arms around his chest and hugging him tight. "I'm so sorry, so very sorry... I never meant to hurt you."

Maximus kissed the top of her forehead and stroked her hair. "... I know."

She gasped slightly, and pulled back to look into his eyes. "You do...?"

Nodding, he replied, "Sid is very skilled at manipulating people. He has a talent for twisting the truth to suit him. The CrowesNest can be disorienting at first -- Sid took advantage of that. And, as I've discovered recently, you are not the only one who finds Sid... attractive." He could not quite keep the distaste out of his voice when he said the word. "While I will never understand how that could be so, I can at least accept that it could be true. And, even though I do not like to admit it, we are brothers. Physically, we are nearly identical, and that was surely confusing to you."

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She drew back, shaking her head. "No. As much as I'd like to rationalize and excuse what I did, and blame it on Sid, I can't do that. Truth is, I was just plain stupid. Sid got to me that day, and I... I let my glands do my thinking for me and..." She looked away, as did he. "Well, you know the rest. It's not a pleasant thing to think about, but it happened, and we have to deal with it."

Maximus nodded slowly. "You're right; we do." He cupped her face in his hand. "As a citizen of Rome, I was raised to believe certain things about the relationship between men and women. Those things are not easy for me to forget. I know it is a new world here, and I try to see things as all of you do... but it is not easy..." He lowered his head, dropping his hand to his side. "When I think of you, with him..." He stopped, breathing hard through his nose. "All I want to do is strangle him..."

"And me too...." She swallowed hard, trembling a bit when he nodded.

"Sometimes, yes..." he admitted. Eventually, he looked back up into her eyes. "I do not understand... But I want to understand."

She lowered her eyes. "I'm not sure I understand most of the time," she said quietly. "I know this is going to sound like I'm making excuses again, but I'm not... Thing is, when I first got here... It didn't seem real. None of it. You're all characters from movies, for god's sake. It was just like a crazy dream. I saw you and the rest of the guys as just some two-dimensional cardboard cutouts. Walking, talking fantasies. I didn't see you as real people, with emotions and feelings and minds of your own. I never realized just how much you meant to me, and just how much I could possibly hurt you... until I saw the look in your eyes when I told you about Sid..." She sniffled, choking back her emotions. "I'm so terribly sorry I hurt you. I know I can't change what happened in the past, but, please, if you can find it in your heart to forgive me, just give me a second chance.." She stared into his eyes. "I swear, I won't ever make the mistake of taking you for granted ever again...." She looked at him, holding her breath.

"You're right... We can't go back and pretend it never happened... But... I believe what you've told me," he said as he looked up into her eyes. "Perhaps... we can try to start over again." A corner of his mouth turned up into a small smile as he raised a hand to her face, caressing her cheek before pushing a few errant locks of hair back over her ear.

She brightened, but wasn't quite sure of what she was hearing. "You mean that? You'll take me back...?"

His smile widened, and he nodded, pulling her closer. "How could I not? I was drawn to you, just as you were drawn to the CrowesNest... and me."

She beamed, smiling with relief. "You have no idea how much you mean to me." She reached up to stroke his beard. "I'd have been heart-broken if I could never come back to the CrowesNest again."

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"As would I," he said, smiling back, as he leaned forward until his lips hesitantly met hers. He pulled her closer, into a deepening kiss, and they molded against one another, wrapping themselves around each other in a loving embrace. "I've missed this," he whispered as he hugged her, holding her against his broad chest, lowering his head to nuzzle her neck.

"So have I." She sighed, stroking his back as he nibbled her ear.

"Mmmm." The sound rumbled deep in his chest, vibrating through to her, making her body tremble slightly. He pulled back a few moments later, gazing deeply into her eyes. "I should ask this before we get too involved... Did you have plans tonight? Can you stay with me now...?"

She smiled. "Even if I had plans -- which I don't -- I'd cancel them. Actually, I'm free tomorrow too. I had wanted to go shopping and take care of some things around the apartment... But they can wait." She kissed him softly on the lips.

"So I have you all to myself? No one will interrupt us?" His hands caressed her shoulders and back.

She nodded. "We're all alone -- I'll even unplug the phone." Her breath was already starting to quicken at the hungry look in his eyes. "But what about you? How long can you stay?"

"A few days; I cannot be away from the CrowesNest for long, even if you are here with me. But," he smiled as he stroked her hair. "There is plenty of time for us to be alone and become... reacquainted."

She smiled again. "I like the sound of that."

"I thought you might," he replied, eyes twinkling as he chuckled softly.

They stared into each other's eyes, smiling, and she laid her forehead against his, sighing. "Hold me..." He gathered her into his arms, hugging her against his chest, softly kissing the top of her head. "I didn't think I'd ever see you again... much less hold you like this..." She squeezed him tight.

"Neither did I, when I read that note..." He kissed her forehead. "Thank the gods Michelle was able to send me here..." He pulled back, gently putting his hands on both sides of her face. "Don't ever scare me like that again."

"I won't; I promise," she whispered.

He stared into her eyes, softly stroking her hair, then leaned towards her, tilting his head slightly as he moved to kiss her. Their lips met in a tender kiss, which quickly deepened as their mouths opened to one another, tongues seeking out the warmth of each other's

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mouths. They leaned back against the sofa, getting comfortable together. Slowly he pulled her closer, swinging her legs up onto the sofa until she was sitting across his lap. His forehead bumped against her glasses, and he smiled, gently taking them off her face and laying them aside on the end table. He pulled her against him more intimately now, mouth refusing to surrender hers as his tongue dove deep into her mouth. His hands caressed her shoulders and back, then moved underneath her shirt, pushing it up until he reached the clasp on the back of her bra.

He paused there, fumbling with the clasp, unable to undo the fastenings, still kissing her all the while. Eventually she smiled, chuckling softly as she broke away. "Let me do that, okay?" she said, reaching behind her to release the clasp. He scowled briefly at how quickly she had been able to do it, and she smiled again. "Years of practice, you know," she said, then moved back into his embrace, kissing him passionately. His hands moved under her shirt again, caressing the bare skin of her back before one moved forward, pushing her bra out of the way as it sought out her breast.

She moaned softly as he fondled her, his large warm hands kneading the soft flesh and his fingers teasing the nipples until they grew hardened and aroused. She was breathing hard, as was he, their passion quickly beginning to escalate. Although it had only been two and a half weeks since they'd been together like this, it seemed liked an eternity had passed, and both were eager to make love to one another again. He shifted, pulling her with him as he started to lie down on the sofa, laying her beside him as he slowly hitched up her shirt, fingers drawing abstract designs across her abdomen, moving ever higher as he kissed her deeply once more. Shifting again, he brought his legs up onto the sofa.

And managed to knock one of his heavy boots against the wooden arm of the sofa, making a rather loud noise, startling them both. Both paused and pulled back, smiling and then laughing quietly as they stared into each other's eyes. "Perhaps we should move elsewhere," he said, glancing towards the bedroom. "I think your bed will be more comfortable than here."

"I think so too," she said as they both sat up. He rose to his feet, pulling her with him, then bent down to slip his arm behind her knees, starting to sweep her up into his arms. But she resisted, saying, "Wait; no, not yet." His brow furrowed in confusion as he set her back down, and she quickly added, "Give me a couple minutes, okay?" She kissed him quickly, then slipped out of his arms, and he watched as she went to the stereo. Tuning the radio to a soft, easy-listening station, she smiled as she crossed over to the opposite wall, turning off the lights. "This will make things a little more romantic," she said, moving into the kitchen to put the Chinese food into the refrigerator. He watched with amusement as she went towards the bedroom. "I'm going to slip into something a bit more... 'comfortable'," she smiled, "so wait for me out here, okay? In the meantime, you can get more 'comfortable' too," she said, winking at him.

Chuckling softly, he replied, "Just don't take too long. I'm not a very patient man at the moment."

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She just smiled and said, "I think it'll be worth the wait, General," then scurried into the bedroom. A few moments later, she came back out with something clutched in her hands, heading into the bathroom. He made a move to follow her, but she giggled as she shut the door. "Stay there!"

The door shut, and Maximus stared at it a few moments, shaking his head and smiling. Then he sat down, taking off his boots and socks. He stripped off his shirt, folding it neatly and laying it across the back of the sofa. Then he stood, starting to unbuckle his belt, when his gaze wandered over to the bookshelves nearby, and the word "Rome" in large letters on the spine of one book caught his eye. He walked over and pulled the thick volume off the shelf. 'A History of Rome' by Michael Grant. He looked closer at the rest of the books, noticing nearly a dozen more that were related to Roman history in some way. He scanned over the rest of the bookshelf, noting that the majority of them were history books. It hardly came as surprise, however; Laura had always told him she'd been a history buff, and particularly fascinated with the Romans. But it was interesting to see just exactly where her interests lay. He flipped open the book in his hand, always curious about how Roman history had flowed after the reign of Commodus. He had plenty of books on the subject himself, given to him by various people in the CrowesNest, but it was endlessly fascinating to him to read different perspectives on the subject.

He'd been flipping through the book for a couple minutes, lost in thought, when he heard the bathroom door open. He glanced up... and nearly dropped the book when Laura re-emerged from the bathroom.

She had taken her hair out of the ponytail, and her long brown hair flowed over her shoulders and down her back. She was now dressed in a black satin and lace teddy and matching panties... which left precious little to the imagination. He swallowed hard, setting the book back on the shelf, whispering, "You're beautiful..."

"You like it?" she said as she ran her hands down her hips provocatively. "It's the best I could do on such short notice."

"I love it," he said, smiling as he walked towards her. "Very sexy." He came up to her, gathering her in his arms, bending down to kiss her as she stood on tiptoe. They kissed slowly, but with an underlying passion, as his large hands settled on her buttocks, pulling her against him as they kissed.

"I thought you were going to get more comfortable too," she said in between kisses. "You left your pants on."

"Well," he said, grinning, his voice deep and husky, "I thought you might take care of those for me..." His hips pressed against hers, and she felt his growing arousal.

She kissed him again, then pulled back to whisper, "I think I can do that..." She ran her hands over his broad shoulders, caressing the lean, well-muscled biceps. He was such a

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deliciously well-built man overall, but particularly in the upper-body, with strong arms and a broad, firm chest. She nuzzled his neck below his ear, her fingers tracing lazy circles around his shoulder blades as his own hands entwined themselves in her silky hair. Then she began to slide down his body, leaving a trail of kisses down from his throat to his chest, stopping to focus her attention on his left nipple. Just above it lay the small birthmark that Maximus shared with all his brothers, and she kissed it lovingly, listening to his quiet noises of approval, before moving lower. Her lips skimmed across the washboard muscles of his abdomen, dropping ever lower until she was kneeling in front of him.

She ran her hand slowly over the growing hardness beneath the fabric of his pants, listening to him sigh and groan with pleasure. She unbuckled the belt slowly, teasingly, then unbuttoned and unzipped his fly with equal slowness. Maximus was breathing hard now, his hands resting on the top of her head as she pulled his pants down off his hips. Marveling once again at his huge, muscled thighs, she pressed her mouth against his navel, kissing it softly, her tongue darting out to tease its recesses as her hand began to stroke the length of him through the boxer shorts. She felt him shudder as he drew a sharp breath, his manhood stiffening further beneath her hand.

After a few more loving caresses, her hands went to the waistband of his boxers, sliding them down off his hips, all the way down to his ankles to join his pants. She helped him step out of them both, then moved him back a couple feet until he was leaning against the wall. She looked up at his face, smiling at the enraptured, hungry expression on his face as he gazed down at her, gently grasping her head and guiding it towards his erection as his hips thrust slightly forward. Her arms went around his hips, grasping his firm, lean ass, as she put her mouth on him. He gasped, whispering her name as his head tilted back, then muttered, "Oh, gods...."

She ran her lips and tongue down the length of him before wrapping her mouth around the semi-erect head. He made soft, unintelligible moans and grunts as she took him deep into her mouth, while one hand moved to cup his balls, stroking and caressing them. He quickly grew harder until the blood had fully engorged his throbbing maleness. He was panting as his heart pounded, nearly whimpering with pleasure as her mouth and tongue sucked and teased him unmercifully. He kept whispering her name, encouraging her to take him deeper, and she did, until he was nearly mindless with desire and longing. As her tongue teased his sensitive tip, she felt him shudder deeply, his hands tightening their grip on her shoulders as he whispered, "More... I'm nearly there..." Panting loudly, he thrust his hips in rhythm with her, and she squeezed his balls gently, firmly stroking the base of his shaft as she sucked harder until she knew he was about to come.

She took him deep, and held on tight as his hips bucked, and he came with a loud groan, spilling his seed within her hot mouth, and she swallowed his essence. She licked his manhood as it began to go limp again, and Maximus slumped against the wall, his knees nearly giving out beneath him. She let him come back to himself in his own time, softly caressing the tight curves of his buttocks. Eventually, he stirred again, opening his eyes, and she stood up, letting him fold her into his embrace. Sighing contentedly, he kissed

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the top of her head, caressing her face before bending down to kiss her. They kissed deeply, passionately, sensually rubbing their bodies against one another. Finally Maximus drew back and spoke, "That was wonderful... You've never done that before; not like that." He kissed her again. "I enjoyed that very much, my love."

She beamed at him. "I wanted to show you just how much I care about you, and how much you mean to me. By the time this weekend is over, I want there to be no doubt in your mind that you're the only one that matters to me."

"I think I already know that..." A slow smile spread across his face. "But I certainly will not object to further demonstrations like that."

"I didn't think you would," she said, giggling softly. He smiled down at her, his hands amorously caressing her hips and sides, moving to cup her breasts. His thumbs stroked the already hardened nipples through the satin of her teddy, and it was her turn to moan, shuddering slightly. As he lowered his head to nuzzle her ear, he kept teasing her nipples, muttering, "You like that, don't you...?"

"You know I do..." she moaned quietly, a wet heat already building between her legs, her panties dampening.

"Let's get you to bed then," he said, bending to slip his arm behind her knees, sweeping her up into his arms. She did not object this time, smiling and laughing giddily as he carried her into the bedroom. The bed had already been turned down, and he laid her down beside him as they slid between the cool sheets.

They kissed once more, his hand entwining itself in her long, silky hair as his other hand fondled her breasts. He made love to her with his lips, tongue probing deep into her willing mouth while his fingers played with her nipples just the way she liked, softly stroking the sensitive tips while occasionally squeezing them between his strong blunt fingers. She was moaning quietly, trembling with anticipation as he caressed her through the satin fabric. "I love this outfit," he said, "You look wonderful in black... but I want to see more... and I know what you want...." He slid the strap off one shoulder, sliding the teddy down until one large, firm breast was exposed. He rubbed the nipple with his fingers, and she sighed contentedly. Then he slid down her body, pausing as his mouth hovered a few millimeters from her breast. His tongue flicked out to brush across the nipple, and she moaned softly as he played with it with the tip of his tongue for a minute or two. Then he pulled her to him, covering the nipple with his lips, drawing it deep into his mouth, sucking gently.

She moaned again, her hands lovingly caressing his back and shoulders and flank, then his face and hair. She pressed herself against him, responding to his ministrations. She quivered in anticipation as one hand drifted down her side and across her leg to rest near her thighs, gently stroking with one finger. She spread her legs apart in anticipation, but his hand merely brushed across her inner thighs but went no higher. He was sucking hard on her breast now, nipping at it with his teeth from time to time, and as the heat between

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her legs grew more intense, the longing and desire become unbearable. "Max... I want you..." she muttered. "I need you..."

"Patience..." he whispered, "...patience..."

She smiled briefly. "I thought you were the one who was impatient..."

"That was before..." He put his mouth on her again, sucking hard, and she whimpered softly, rubbing her hips against him. He kept stroking her thighs, and her impatience grew.

"Touch me... please, Max," she breathed.

"Whatever you want, love," he whispered, and his hand trailed leisurely up her thigh until his fingers brushed across the damp fabric at the crotch of her panties. She moaned loudly, feeling the muscles flutter and contract at the contact with her most sensitive spots.

"More..." she muttered, starting to push her panties down. He let her pull away long enough to pull off the panties, and then the teddy, and then they were able to press against one another, completely naked now. She guided his hand back between her legs, sighing loudly when he brushed across her wet folds. She shuddered when his fingers found her clit, and she began to writhe against him. "More... Max, please... more..." He was being frustratingly slow and deliberate until she felt as though she was going to explode if she didn't come soon. She pushed against his hand, and finally he rubbed harder and quicker, his free hand finding the breast he wasn't already suckling, fondling the nipple. She trembled, feeling the tension build in her belly until she finally came with a load groan, crying out his name, curling her body around his. At long last, two of his thick fingers slid into her slick channel as her body spasmed wildly around them. She ground her hips against his hand, trying to deepen the penetration as he kept rubbing her clit. The orgasm kept coming, and she cried out again in ecstasy as she felt him roll her onto her back. He slid on top of her, covering her body with his, pushing her legs far apart with his knee until she felt his cock brush against her folds, and she gasped. "Max, I need you inside me," she pleaded, and in a moment, he had filled her completely, sliding in to the hilt in one quick thrust. They both groaned now as he pulled out part way, then thrust back in with deliberate slowness..

"I want this to last," he whispered as he buried his face against her neck, covering her throat with tiny kisses as his hips thrust against hers. She wrapped her legs around his waist, meeting his thrusts, trying to quicken his pace, but he took control, slowing the pace for them both. He pumped in and out of her warm, wet channel with a gentle rhythm, letting them both build to another orgasm together, with plenty of time to enjoy the pleasures they were giving one another.

Neither said much, their mutual groans and moans eventually coming in unison as they coupled, the sweet friction between them growing so intense it blocked all other thought

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from their minds. Occasionally he managed to fondle or suckle her breasts, which drove her ever further into a lust-induced haze, until she was writhing and groaning beneath him before another orgasm rippled through her body. Feeling her tighten around him spurred him to thrust ever faster until he was pounding into her, and smaller orgasms rumbled through her body like aftershocks, driving Maximus into a frenzy until he too finally came, crying out her name as his body pumping its essence deep into hers...

Sometime later, when both had settled back to earth, she cuddled up against his chest, thinking to herself how grateful she was that it wasn't necessary to worry about 'protection' with him. She could let herself go, and so could he, without worrying about a condom or other birth control. She knew it bothered Maximus that, like all his other brothers in the CrowesNest, he was sterile and could not father a child, so she never said anything out loud, but it was enormous comfort to her that there would be no 'surprises' in nine months.

"Was that what you wanted?" she heard him whisper, and she snuggled closer, moaning affirmatively, feeling warm and safe and happy in his strong arms again. He ran his hands along her back and through her hair, and she sighed contentedly. He kissed her face, then lay quietly with her for a time before sighing too, this time with a bit of regret. "I hate to do this, but I have to get up..." he said as he slowly disengaged from her. She moaned her disapproval, clutching at him briefly before opening her eyes and releasing him. He kissed her tenderly, then climbed off the bed and headed for the bathroom.

She lay there for a few seconds, smiling blissfully as she looked around the room. Her gaze fell on her PC, and then the bulletin board next to it. It was covered with pictures of Russell Crowe from many of his movies... including pictures of Sid... And one of Commodus and Maximus from 'Gladiator'. "Oh, my..." she muttered, climbing out of bed and snatching her robe from the hook on the back of the closet door. She started to take the bulletin board down, but then stopped, not knowing what she would do with it once she took it down. Besides, the pictures weren't *that* bad; hopefully he wouldn't mind seeing them. She glanced towards the bathroom, then turned on the PC. She hadn't checked her personal email since she'd left for work in the morning, and she couldn't resist logging on for a minute.

She had just signed on and was downloading her email when Maximus returned. He stood in the doorway, staring at her with a confused and rather bemused look. "What are you doing...?"

She blushed slightly. "Uh... Just thought I'd check my email for a minute...." She looked at the subjects and senders of the emails, and smiled. "Looks like a lot of people want to know what's going on." She opened up an email from Michelle with a subject line that read "A package is on its way". She read the note, then laughed. "Seems like everyone wants to know if a certain 'package' arrived here safely." She looked over her shoulder at him. "I guess you could say that you're a 'special delivery'." She grinned. "They want to know how it's going..."

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He scowled playfully. "Tell them it's none of their business," he grumbled. She chuckled and started to type a reply, but then he said, "No, wait. Tell them I arrived safely, and I will be here for a few days. And don't say *anything* else."

"But it's Michelle -- surely I can tell *her*."

He shook his head. "No. This is our time together. They'll all find out what happened when we get back." She saw him glance at the bulletin board, and do a double take... But he did not say a word, instead turning back to watch her type.

She typed what he had said, then asked, "Aw, come on; she'll kill me if I don't give her details."

"She'll live. Send it like it is," he insisted, and she nodded reluctantly, sighing as she hit the send button.

"Okay, fine.... But what about Tina? I have to tell HER!"

"No," he said firmly, leaning over her and putting his hands down the front of her robe. "Turn that damn thing off, and come back to bed," he insisted as he fondled her, kissing the back of her neck.

She moaned, arching back against him, and logged off the PC. "I won't argue with that," she said as he pulled her up off the chair, her robe falling to the floor as she slipped into his embrace. They walked backwards together, then fell onto the bed, laughing as they wrestled playfully together, rolling back and forth across the bed until they molded against one another in a more intimate embrace once more...

Much later, they lay cuddled up with one another, resting quietly beneath a light coverlet, gazing lovingly into each other's eyes, kissing occasionally. "I should probably be tired," she said, grinning softly, "but I'm not; I'm wide awake. I feel so alive when I'm with you; every nerve in my body is tingling."

He smiled back, caressing her face tenderly. "So is mine. I could stay here in bed and make love to you forever... I've missed you," he whispered in her ear as his hips moved intimately against hers. "I've missed this..."

"I've missed you too," she whispered back, tears welling in the corners of her eyes, hardly knowing anymore where she ended and he began. She ran her tongue slowly across his lips, and they kissed tenderly. "It just keeps getting better and better between us. Even in the CrowesNest, it wasn't *this* good..."

"And the more we learn about each other, the better it will get," he replied, nuzzling her ear and breathing in it, smiling as she trembled slightly. "And I intend to learn as much as I can in the next few days," he said as she snuggled closer to him.

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"I like the sound of that," she replied, eyes twinkling as she kissed the top of his shoulder, using it as a pillow as she laid against him. "I'm so happy to be here with you..." A moment later, her stomach rumbled, and she blushed, then started to chuckle, and he joined in. "And, as you may have noticed, I'm also hungry," she said.

"Guess it's time we fed you then," he said, smiling back, kissing her forehead. "Actually, I'm rather hungry myself. You said something earlier about having picked up some food for dinner...?"

"Yea, Chinese... Do you like that? It's fried rice and Mongolian Beef."

He shrugged. "I guess I'm about to find out..." He pushed back the covers, and sat up with her. "Come on; let's get some dinner..."

Twenty minutes later, they were seated around the small dining room table, helping themselves to the reheated fried rice and Mongolian beef. Maximus was enjoying the new cuisine, although he had admitted that he was so hungry now that just about anything would have tasted good.

They ate quietly for a while, then Laura glanced at him, catching him looking at her in an odd way. "...What? Something wrong...?"

"No. I was just wondering about something..." She gestured for him to continue, and he asked, "I know you said you live here alone, but I'm curious... Have you always lived here alone?"

She turned away, face paling slightly as she turned her head. "...No."

Maximus nodded. "I thought as much... He was someone you cared for. Who hurt you very much." She looked down, nodding. He reached out and took her hand. "The man must have been a fool."

"So was I, for thinking he would change..." There was great sadness in her voice, and he squeezed her hand.

"What happened?"

"I -- I don't want to talk about it, Max. Not tonight; maybe not ever..."

She was clearly shaken, and he sighed, cursing to himself for bringing it up. He got up and moved to her chair. "I'm sorry; I didn't mean to upset you. That's the last thing I want to do tonight." He leaned forward and kissed her cheek. "Finish your dinner, and we'll go back to bed..." He grinned as he stroked her hair. "We've got a lot of lost time to make up for."

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"Yea, we do," she said, grinning back, her face brightening again as she banished the old memories. "You know, I hate fighting, but making up afterwards does have a few perks..." She wiggled her eyebrows at him. "Make-up sex. It's been pretty fantastic so far, hasn't it?" she giggled.

"Yes, it has," he grinned back, his hand sliding inside her robe again. "So let's hurry up and finish dinner, so we can pick up where we left off." He nuzzled her neck before returning to his chair and shoveling down what was left on his plate.

"Sounds good to me," she laughed, and busied herself with finishing her portion. Once they were done, they put the leftovers away, and headed straight for the bedroom again. As Maximus slid the robe off her shoulders, pulling her down with him onto the bed, she said, "Tomorrow we should go out someplace special together; Chicago has a lot of things we can do. I have to at least take you out once while you're here."

"What did you have in mind?" he said as he kissed the hollow of her throat, covering her body with his as they wrapped around one another.

"... I don't know yet," she said, finding it hard to think as his hand slid down her hip. "I -- I'll have to check into a few things tomorrow..." She moaned as his fingers dipped between her legs, and they stopped talking again....

"When are you going to tell me where we're going?" Maximus complained from the passenger's seat of the Pontiac.

Laura just grinned. "Forget it, General; I'm not giving you *any* information until we reach our destination." She giggled at the frustrated look on his face. She turned her attention back to the road, focusing once again on the late Saturday afternoon traffic on the busy expressway. They were moving -- not terribly fast -- but they were moving, heading northeast up the Stevenson Expressway. "For the hundredth time, Max -- it's a surprise."

"Don't I get any hints?"

"I've already give you all the hints you're going to get." She smiled, reaching over to take his hand. "I told you before -- I want to do something really special for you. For *us*." She brought his hand to her lips and kissed it briefly. "We're going to dinner, but it's not your ordinary restaurant. We could have stayed around my house and done that." She paused, swearing under her breath as a cab darted into the lane ahead of her. "But Chicago is my home-town. I was born and raised here, and I want to show you how special it is to me. Oh, I complain about it a lot, I know; I hate the traffic and the congestion and the weather sucks, especially in the winter... But it's still *home*, and there are a lot of wonderful things to do around here." She squeezed his hand. "This is on me; it's my town, and you're my guest. I told you I wanted to make it all up to you, and make you forget about... well, you know." She gazed lovingly at him, squeezing his hand again.

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"Let's not discuss all that tonight, shall we?" Maximus suggested. "We should put it out of our minds, and concentrate on having a good time." He brought her hand to his lips, and kissed it.

"Sounds good to me," she said, adding, "But I just want to make this night *very* special. To show you how very special you are to me, Max."

After a few minutes, she said, "All right; I'll give you one hint..." He raised an eyebrow. "That's where we're going." She pointed out the windshield, finger stretching out towards a large cluster of tall buildings in the distance.

He leaned forward in his seat. "What is that?"

"That's Chicago."

He looked puzzled. "I thought we were in Chicago already."

She shook her head. "No, this is just the Chicago metropolitan area. *THAT* is downtown Chicago -- the center of the city."

"We're going to one of those buildings?" he questioned.

"Not exactly. Someplace close by though... You'll see," she said with an enigmatic smile. He just sighed, shaking his head, and settled back in his seat.

Both were quiet for a while, Maximus staring out the windows with keen interest, watching all the cars and buildings as they passed them by. They both listened to the soft classical music coming from the tape deck; Laura would have preferred something more modern and upbeat, but Maximus had not yet acquired a taste for 20th century music, so they had compromised with some Mozart selections.

She could tell he was watching the buildings of downtown as they loomed ever larger, but as they neared the city, more and more buildings right along side the highway blocked his view, and she watched him constantly move his head to get a better view. As she noted the signs for I-94 starting to appear, she said to him, "Wait a little bit, and you'll be able to see things better," she said. He nodded, smiling as he squeezed her hand again.

He surprised her by leaning over quickly and kissing her cheek tenderly. "Whatever it is you have planned, thank you," he said quietly. "It means a great deal to me to be able to share part of your world like this, even for a brief time."

She smiled back, blinking the tears from her eyes. "You're welcome," she said in a choked voice. "I'm just grateful you're here with me. I hope you have a good time tonight, and that you like my little surprise."

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"As long as you are with me, I know I will enjoy myself tonight," he smiled back.

She smiled happily, turning her attention back to the road as she eased the car over onto the ramp to the northbound Dan Ryan Expressway. The ramp passed under the huge bridge deck which held the highway, and they curved around and up along the ramps, until finally the large walls on their right dropped away, and they merged onto the 10-lane highway. Managing to watch Maximus at the same time as she watched out for merging cars, she smiled to herself again at the look of sheer awe on the Spaniard's face now as he leaned forward, staring out the front windshield.

They seemed to be nearly on top of the towering skyscrapers of downtown Chicago, the huge black form of the Sears Tower dominating the scene. But even though it was the tallest, there were so many other high-rises nearby that even the tallest building in North America was nearly lost amidst its neighbors.

The look on Maximus' face very much resembled his expression when he had first seen the Coliseum in 'Gladiator'. He shook his head, muttering, "I have seen pictures of large cities, but to see it personally is a truly different thing... It is hard to believe men can build such things..."

"It amazes even me sometimes. You see that building there, the tallest one with the white towers on top..." Maximus nodded. "That's used to be the tallest building in the world until just recently -- the Sears Tower. 110 stories. It's too bad we don't have time to go up to the top, because on a beautiful day like today, you could see 4 different states. Illinois, which we're in now, plus all the way north to Wisconsin, south-east to Indiana, and all the way east across the lake to Michigan."

"What lake?"

"Lake Michigan. Downtown Chicago is built right up against it."

"Will we see that?", he asked, and she had to force herself to keep a neutral expression.

"Yea, we'll see it at some point," she said nonchalantly, not wanting to give any of the secret away just yet, then turned her concentration back to the road as she neared the next turnoff. "Just keep watching out the windows, and you'll see some of those buildings up close." She turned off onto the eastbound Eisenhower Expressway, heading for Congress Parkway.

As she drove, and the highway ended, narrowing down to normal city streets. They passed right by the towering skyscrapers that seemed to stretch endlessly into the sky, and Maximus continued to look like a typical tourist, gawking at the sights of the busy downtown as they began to inch their way through the heavy traffic.

"People live in these things?" he asked incredulously.

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She shook her head. "No, most of them are office buildings. People work in them during the day, then go home at night."

"You work in a building like this?"

"Well, not around here, and not this big, but, yea, I sit in an office all day. That must seem pretty strange to you, being career military like you were."

He nodded. "Yes, it seems very odd. I cannot comprehend that people *choose* to live like this..."

She laughed. "People like me, you mean?"

He looked embarrassed, quickly saying, "No, of course not." She looked at him, still chuckling, and he smiled, "Well, yes. I don't understand it."

"That's okay; I don't understand it either sometimes." The light in front of her turned red, and she hit the brakes hard to avoid a bicycle messenger that zipped by out of nowhere. "I used to work down here years ago, and crazy as it seems, I actually miss it sometimes." He looked at her like she was indeed a bit crazy, and she laughed. "I'm a city girl; what can I say...?"

Both were quiet for while, and eventually they made their way past Dearborn and State Streets, traveling through to the east side of downtown, clearing the canyons of the towering buildings, emerging into daylight again as they crossed Michigan Avenue and turned towards the green open spaces of Grant Park. Maximus seemed to relax a little once he saw trees and grass again, and he smiled as they headed further east, finally turning onto Lake Shore Drive. Off to the right there was the broad blue expanse of Lake Michigan and the marina nearby, with hundreds of boats docked there, with many others visible sailing out on the lake itself.

"I assume that's the lake you've been talking about," he said, and she nodded. "But it doesn't look like a lake to me; it's almost like an ocean."

"It is huge, isn't it? But, no, it *is* a lake. One of largest fresh-water lakes in the world, to be exact."

"It's quite nice."

"Yes, it is. You couldn't ask for a better day to come down this way.. It's beautiful and warm, and not much of a breeze. The lake looks calm as a pond today," she said happily, thinking to herself that she hoped it stayed that way for the rest of the evening.

He stared out at the lake as they drove northward, then asked, "Are we getting close?" She nodded but said nothing more. "Aren't you going to tell me *something*...?" She chuckled and shook her head. He growled in frustration, pretending to be upset with her.

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"I'm going to get you for this later, my dear. I'm not sure how, but I will punish you for this," he said with mock sincerity.

"Ooo, that sounds like fun," she said, wiggling her eyebrows at him, and they both laughed. "Just hang in there a little while longer; we'll be there soon."

"I should hope so," he grumbled. "Seems like we've been driving forever." He continued to watch out the windows, marveling at the contrast between the massive buildings looming on the left, and the idyllic, serene lakefront on the right.

They turned off Lake Shore Drive, and after a series of turns and stops, pulled off into a huge parking lot. Reading the signs as they drove by, he turned to her and asked, "Navy Pier? Is this a military post?"

She smiled, chuckling. "No, not anymore. Originally it was built by the Navy, but they abandoned it ages ago. The place went to hell, and then the city decided to renovate it a few years ago. They did a great job, because now its one of the top tourist attractions in the city. There are shops and restaurants and theatres and all sorts of things down here now. I don't know if you noticed it as we were driving up, but there's even a Ferris wheel here."

He nodded. "So this is where you're taking me? Are we going to a restaurant in there?"

"Well.... Yes and no," she hedged.

He groaned, slapping his hand lightly against the dashboard. "You're determined to torture me, aren't you?"

She laughed, but he didn't seem amused this time. "Look," she said, "just don't ask me any more questions about it, okay? We'll get there when we get there..."

"I *will* get you for this," he insisted, shaking a finger at her..

"Do us both a favor, and wait until you see where we're going before you say anything." After driving around a bit, she finally found an open parking spot, and pulled into it. "Thank god," she said, turning the engine off and opening the car door. Maximus got out first, closing his door and moving quickly to her side of the car before she got more than one foot out the door. He held it open for her, extending his hand to help her to her feet. It was not something she was used to seeing from modern men, and she smiled at him, pecking him on the cheek. "Thanks," she said, retrieving her purse from the back seat before standing and straightening her skirt.

While she had been getting dressed earlier this afternoon, she had debated whether to wear a skirt or not. Normally, she went everywhere in pants; a pair of dress pants would have been perfectly acceptable where they were going. But seeing as how it was such a

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special night for them, she decided to dress up just a bit, and had put on a white skirt with a yellow print blouse with a pair of low heeled white shoes.

She decided it was well worth the extra effort when she'd emerged from the bathroom and seen the look in Max's eyes. He'd showered her with compliments, so much so that they almost hadn't made it out of the apartment.

Luckily, Michelle had insisted that he bring a nice change of clothes with him when he'd left the CrowesNest, so Maximus was also dressed smartly, in beige dress pants with a crisp white button-down shirt.

He offered her his arm, and, after a quick kiss, they headed off towards Navy Pier.

After a long walk, they made it to the boardwalk along the south side of the pier, strolling leisurely through the crowds, taking in the sights. Along the edge of the pier many boats were docked, big and small, the majority of them for sightseeing. "This is lovely," he said, staring out at the sailboats on the horizon.

"It certainly is," she sighed, holding him close. They stood and stared for a while, then she glanced at her watch. "Well, we've still got some time to kill, so lets go look around..." They wandered into the shopping area, window shopping as they meandered from store to store.

At one point they came upon a video and movie memorabilia store, and they both stopped there, smiling to themselves at the large poster of 'Gladiator' that hung in the window. It was the American release poster, not the French version that hung in her living room. "I never liked that poster, you know," she commented of the rather drab brown and black and tan tones. "It's so dark and boring."

He turned away, a slight flush in his cheeks. "I don't think I will ever get used to seeing myself like that."

"I guess it would be pretty strange," she agreed. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw a group of young women standing a few yards away, staring at them. Staring at Maximus, to be exact, pointing at him and the poster. "Oh, god," she muttered, discreetly pulling him away and heading in the opposite direction from the women. "I forgot about one thing when I brought you out here."


"That people might recognize you and think you're Russell."

"Do you think so?" She nodded, and he asked, "What can we do?"

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"I don't know. I sure as hell am not leaving after coming all this way...." She looked around the mall, and smiled when she spotted something a few doors away. "I have an idea..."

A few minutes later, they emerged from the shop, with Maximus now wearing a pair of dark sunglasses. "Is this really necessary?" he complained, fidgeting with them. "It's too dark now."

"Well, inside it probably is, but when we go back out into the sun, it'll be okay. But, yes, it's necessary." She guided him back outside, and she stood blinking in the sunlight. "Maybe I should have brought mine too," she said, then glanced at her watch again, smiling. "Well, you'll be happy to know I can finally tell you what we're doing tonight."

He let out a huge relieved sigh. "At last. I thought you were never going to tell me. Now what is it?" he asked anxiously.

She hooked her arm around his, leading him down the boardwalk. "Come this way, General." They strolled down a short distance, and stopped in front of one of the large boats docked alongside the pier. 'The Spirit of Chicago' was painted across her bow. "Well, what do you think of her?"

His eyes brightened as he smiled. "We're going sailing?"

She nodded, beaming at him. "Actually, it's a dinner cruise. It'll be boarding in a few minutes, and in about a half-hour it leaves the dock. It lasts 3 hours, which includes a nice quiet dinner for two," she said, squeezing his hand, "and a long sightseeing tour of the city from the lake. We'll be sailing just a little before sunset, so we'll see the city from the lake while it's light out, then by the time dinner's over, it'll be dark out, and the city will be all lit up. It's really something to see. I haven't done this in years, so I'm really looking forward to it too. Especially when I have such a charming dinner companion," she grinned. "That's why I was so happy it's such a nice, calm day. We won't have to worry about our plates sliding across the table..." She paused, looking at him anxiously. "So...? What do you think...?"

"I think... it's wonderful," he said, smiling down at her. "I'm very pleased." He leaned down and kissed her forehead.

"I wanted to do something really special, and I thought of coming here while you were in the shower this morning. I was able to make the reservations online, so everything's all set. I just have to pick up the tickets over there," she said, pointing to a nearby booth.

Just after they left the booth with their tickets, 'The Spirit of Chicago' began to board, and Maximus and Laura got in the line with the other diners...

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

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Part Thirteen

Leaning against the solid wall that was Maximus' chest, his arm draped possessively around her waist, Laura sighed contentedly, looking back as the pier grew ever smaller behind the wake of 'The Spirit of Chicago'. The boat rocked slowly as it headed out into Lake Michigan, and their bodies swayed together in a gentle rhythm.

"I can't get over how beautiful it is today," she sighed. "We couldn't have asked for more perfect weather than this." Nightfall was quickly approaching, the sun sinking behind the Chicago skyline, barely visible now, bathing the western horizon in a golden glow.

Maximus nodded. "I would say that when it comes to 'surprises', you made an excellent choice." He breathed deeply. "The air is already cleaner. And the view is truly wonderful."

"Wait until we get farther out." She watched as they neared the breakwater. "It's calm enough that we'll probably go a bit further out and get an even better view of the whole skyline."

"Where exactly are we going?"

"Well, we don't actually go anywhere. We just cruise up and down the lakefront near downtown. But we're going slow enough that it'll take quite a while... there's plenty of time to enjoy all the sights along the way."

"As well as all the beautiful sights aboard ship..." he said quietly, gazing down at her as his fingers softly stroked her hand..

"That too..." she whispered, swallowing past the lump in her throat. Now that they were in public, she knew he would not be any more affectionate than that, so that made his occasional romantic gestures, like this one, even more special. She also tended to be rather reserved in public, so in that, they were much alike.

The boat turned southward, and they shifted to the other side of the boat, finding an open spot along the railing. Laura leaned against it, with Maximus standing protectively behind her, both balancing their wineglasses on the top of the rail.

As they cruised southward, she continued to point out various buildings and landmarks, adding whatever bits of trivia she knew.

Then, pointing to the shoreline nearby, she said, "... And that's the Chicago River, behind those things that look like big gates."

Maximus pushed his sunglasses up to his forehead, squinting to see better. "... Why is it blocked? To protect it from invaders...?"

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Laura laughed -- leave it to a soldier to see it that way. "No, those gates are called locks. The water level of the river is lower than the lake, so a boat goes in there, between that lock and another one, and the locks close, and then by using pumps they lower the water level -- and the boat -- to match the river. They open the lock on the other side, and then the boat can go down the river and through the city and head south."

Maximus looked puzzled. "Why is the water in the river lower?"

Laura grinned, chuckling to herself. "Because the river runs backwards..."

Maximus stared, his brow furrowing deeper. "Backwards....?"

"Yep. The river originally ran through the city and into the lake. But, a hundred years ago, they built the locks to make the water flow in the other direction, from the lake into the river instead. I think this is probably the only river in the world that runs backwards."

He looked even more confused "... Why would they do that...?"

"Sounds crazy, doesn't it?" she said, still grinning. "Well, the reason is, people used to use the Chicago River for... well, basically it was an open sewer, with all sorts of organic and industrial waste. And it all went into the lake and contaminated the water. Since the city got its drinking water from the lake, they had to do something, because many people died from cholera and typhoid fever. So, instead of stopping people from dumping into the river, they changed the direction of the river instead, and dug a canal to connect it with the Des Plaines River. So now the river flows south into downstate Illinois and eventually to the Mississippi River. I can imagine that at the time, the people downstate weren't too happy about it, but they did it anyhow. But nowadays, the river is much cleaner, and there's really no reason for it to go backwards... but I have no idea what effect trying to change it back would have. So they'll probably just leave it the way it is forever."

"Amazing..." he said, shaking his head.

"Yea, it was a hell of a feat of engineering to do that. But then, the Romans did some pretty ambitious building in order to have fresh, clean water in Rome too, didn't they...?"

Maximus nodded, grinning for a moment. "So they did..."

Both were quiet for a while, enjoying the view -- and each other's company -- as the boat continued at its leisurely pace. After a while, Laura spoke again, pointing to the stretch of trees along the shore behind the marina. "That's Grant Park -- remember we drove through it earlier?" Maximus nodded. "There are miles of public parks and beaches up and down the lakefront. Luckily, they were smart years ago by not letting anybody build factories or warehouses down here. There are lots of museums and galleries in the city too, several of them right here. Behind those trees," she pointed straight towards the shore, "is the Art Institute of Chicago. And down there," she pointed further south, "is

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the museum campus -- the Field Museum of Natural History, the Shedd Aquarium and the Adler Planetarium..."

Maximus listened intently as she explained what some of the other large buildings were; then she pointed towards the shoreline again as they came within view of a large fountain and a towering jet of water that came from its center. "That is Buckingham Fountain. Hopefully we'll come back by here after dark, because it's very pretty at night with colored lights."

He looked at it for a long moment. "I think I've seen that before..."

"Really? Where? On TV?"

"I believe so... On something I've seen Andy watch several times... 'Married with...'" He shrugged. "...Something... I don't remember exactly."

She paused, then grimaced slightly. "'Married with Children'...?"

He nodded. "I believe that was it. They showed a picture of that fountain in the beginning."

Laura groaned. "Oh, god... And here I thought Andy had taste..." She shook her head. "Don't tell me you watch that... crap," she said, her lip curling in distaste.

"No. I don't understand the humor."

"Neither do I. Well, good for you. Just don't let that make you think badly of Chicago. There are lots of other TV shows and movies that are a bit more flattering... like 'E.R.'" He looked at her blankly. "It's about a hospital...?" He shook his head. "Well, there are movies about Chicago that are better than that. In fact, when we get back to the CrowesNest, we'll have to have a little film fest sometime and invite anybody who wants to come.... Let's see, there's 'The Blues Brothers', which is probably my favorite Chicago movie... 'Ferris Bueller's Day Off'... 'Running Scared'.... 'The Fugitive'... And 'The Untouchables'. It takes place about 80 years ago, back in the 1920's, when Al Capone and a bunch of other gangsters -- that's another word for criminals -- almost took over the city." She laughed briefly. "Although I don't know if I really want to show that to everyone and remind people about it, even if it is a really good movie. I swear, to this day, people from out of town seem to think Capone and his gang are still around, hanging out on every street corner with a tommy-gun in their hands. That's one stereotype I don't think Chicago will ever live down..." She looked at him. "You have no idea what I'm talking about, do you?"

"No... Before we met, all I'd ever heard about Chicago is Michael Jordan."

"Well, that's good to hear. Too bad Michael's retired now. People might have forgotten about Capone completely..." She turned, glancing inside the dining area of the boat. "I

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think we should go inside now. They'll probably start serving soon. Besides," she grinned, holding up her empty wineglass. "I need a refill... and it looks like you do too."

He ushered her through the small group of fellow sightseers who were clustered behind them, and held open the door for her as they went back into the dining area. Following her up the stairs to the small balcony above the main seating area, they made their way to the small table in the corner that they had staked out earlier when they'd first boarded. He made sure she was seated first, then sat down beside her.

She smiled warmly. "Thank you, sir. Nice to see chivalry isn't dead."

He laid his hand over hers. "This is a special night, and you are a special lady. You deserve nothing but the best." He gazed intently into her eyes.

"Aw, Max," she whispered, blushing slightly. "But I'd say *we* deserve nothing but the best."

He smiled. "Quite true." His hand went to his face, slipping off his sunglasses. "I don't think I need these anymore. It's too dark, and I can't see you that well," he said as he put them in the pocket of his shirt.

"Hopefully no one will recognize you here. But I think we can risk it -- I didn't like it when you were wearing them, because I couldn't see those beautiful eyes of yours," she grinned.

It was his turn to blush, a definite pinkness creeping into his tanned face. "I do not understand the fascination you ladies have for our -- and Russell's -- eyes," he said, shaking his head, lowering his eyes self-consciously.

She lowered her voice. "Have you forgotten what I told you? You have 'bedroom' eyes, Max."

The blush deepened, and he held her hand tighter as he grinned slightly. "I haven't forgotten." His smiled widened, and as the candlelight from the table centerpiece glittered in his warm aquamarine eyes, she thought she'd melt on the spot.

"Keep looking at me like that, and I may just drag you under the table," she smiled back, putting her other hand over his.

"I'd like to see that," he replied playfully, eyes dancing.

"Would you like another drink?" a voice said from close by, and they both looked up, a bit startled to find the waitress standing there..

Laura turned back to him, lowering her eyes in embarrassment, wondering how much the woman had overheard. Laura nodded to him, and he replied, "Yes, we'd both like another

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glass of wine." The smile on his face was polite and reserved now, but nonetheless, Laura noticed the waitress' reaction, as the woman turned to focus her attention solely on the Spaniard, leaning a bit closer, and smiling sweetly at him.

"What were you drinking, hon?" she asked.

Laura nearly rolled her eyes at what she perceived as an overly-familiar tone, but said nothing, listening as Maximus answered, "House white for the lady, red for myself."

The woman jotted it down on the pad in her hand, then asked, "Have you decided what you want for the main entrees? You have a choice of beef, chicken or fish."

"I believe I will have... the beef," he answered, then looked at Laura, raising an eyebrow.

She glanced quickly at the small menu card in the center of the table. It was a set menu, with a limited choice in entrees. "I'll have the fish," she answered after a brief pause.

The waitress wrote down their choices, then smiled at Maximus again. "I'll be bringing the salads soon. My name's Katie -- if you need anything tonight, just ask," she said in the same flirty tone.

"Thank you," he replied, then turned back to Laura as the waitress left. He noticed his companion's rather enigmatic look. "...What?"

"You've certainly made a 'friend' tonight," she said in a light tone, and he relaxed after having tensed a bit, realizing she wasn't upset about the woman's attitude. "Not that I blame her, you know. Any woman who *isn't* attracted to you must be blind," she joked, squeezing his hand.

"Jealous?" he teased, bringing her hand to his lips and kissing it softly.

She kicked off her shoe under the table. "Should I be?" she teased back as she ran the side of her foot up his calf.

She watched his eyebrow climb up his forehead as her foot reached his knee, and chuckled softly at the surprised look on his face.

"Someone's in a playful mood tonight," he quipped, grinning again as he regained his usual calm composure, leaning closer across the table.

"Must be the wine," she smiled.

"Indeed...? Then perhaps we should order a bottle instead of a glass," he joked.

She laughed. "Trying to get me drunk, General?"

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"Something like that."

"Well, don't forget that I have to drive home. I have to watch how much I drink."

"Pity," he said, his grin fading slightly.

"But, keep in mind that we have that bottle of champagne for when we get home."

He nodded; they had stopped at a liquor store before heading downtown, as they were not sure how late it would be when they returned. "I've never seen you drunk; it should prove interesting," he smiled.

"I don't think I've *ever* been falling-down drunk. Contrary to what people expect because of my Irish name, I don't drink often. And when I do drink a lot, I either get very sleepy... Or very sick!"

He frowned slightly. "I don't think I like either choice."

"Well, I know just how much I can drink and stay mellow without overdoing it, so don't worry."

At that moment the waitress returned with their wine. "Here you are, sir... ma'am," she added, almost as an after-thought. They both pulled back, letting go of one another's hands, as the filled wineglasses were set in front of them and the empty ones removed. "Can I get you anything else?" she asked in the same solicitous tone as before.

"No, thank you," Maximus politely replied, and the woman nodded and left the table.

"Someone's looking for a nice tip," Laura commented. "I wonder if we should tell her *I'm* the one who'll be leaving it."

Maximus' expression turned slightly serious again. "Are you sure this isn't costing you too much money?"

"Of course not. Max, for the tenth time, you are my guest, and this is my treat. There's nothing wrong with a woman paying for a man, you know."

"I do know. But I also know you have to work very hard to earn a living, and I don't want you to waste it on me."

She smiled affectionately at him, taking his hand again. "Max, I could never 'waste' it on you. I want to show you how special you are to me." She caressed his hand. "I want this to be an evening neither of us will forget."

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"You've already succeeded in doing that. The evening's barely begun, and I've already had a wonderful time, my dear." He softly stroked her hand with his thumb. "Any time we spend together is special."

They gazed lovingly at one another, letting their eyes communicate their feelings for each other. After a long silence, Laura pulled back, seeing the serving cart approach their table. "Ah, dinner's served," she said to him as a waiter approached with their salads...

They laughed and chatted throughout dinner, occasionally stopping to stare out the large picture windows as night fell and the city awoke with light. Maximus finished every bit of his meal, as well as a good portion of hers, and still complained of being hungry. They both consumed a good deal of wine, and by the time dessert was over, Laura was feeling decidedly giddy, although Maximus barely showed the affects of the alcohol at all.

A D.J. began to play after-dinner music, and a small area for dancing was cleared in the middle of the lower level. The music was all modern rock, which did not suit Maximus well at all, so they sat and listened for a while before Laura suggested they go back outside. Maximus agreed quickly, grateful to get away from what he considered to be so much 'noise'. As they reached the bottom of the stairs and were about to go outside, however, a slow love song began to play, 'I Will Always Love You', and Maximus stopped. He had noticed Laura had wanted to dance earlier, but here was one he could actually tolerate and hopefully dance to.

"Would you like to dance?" he asked, turning to her.

Her eyes lit up, and she nodded quickly. "Very much."

He led her to the small dance floor, taking her in his arms, holding her close as they began to sway together to the soothing melody. "This is so wonderful," she whispered. "So romantic. I still can't believe you're here with me. Thirty-six hours ago I thought everything was over, that I'd never see you again..." She looked up at him, tears glistening in the corners of her eyes.

He smiled down at her. "But I am here, and it is far from over, my love." They swayed slowly together, nearly oblivious to those around them. "And we'll be back in the CrowesNest soon, as though nothing ever happened."

She started to smile. "I miss that place already. Tina and John. Michelle and Colin. Peaches and Cort. Trisha and Bud. I'll bet they'll all be pretty happy to see us back -- *together*. That's another reason why I left, you know. I felt like I was just dragging everyone else down with me, and upsetting everyone."

"That's in the past now too. I know that they will all be very pleased to see you again. Tina would be most upset if you never came back, and that would certainly disturb John."

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"I'll be glad to see them again too," she said, then they both fell silent, dancing together and just holding each other close.

But the song ended all too soon, and another faster rock song came on. Maximus grimaced, sighing, and she stepped back from him. "Let's go outside. I know you hate this stuff." He merely nodded and followed her out onto the bow of the boat. They climbed up a flight of stairs onto another deck, where there were fewer people and a better view. The moon had risen while they dined, and it cast its pale glow across the water behind them while the lights of the city twinkled before them.

She wrapped her arms around her chest, rubbing her upper arms against the cool breeze. "I knew I should have brought a jacket; I'd forgotten that it can get a bit chilly out here once the sun goes down."

He came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her, turning so that his body shielded her from most of the wind. "I'll keep you warm," he said softly in her ear.

They watched in silence as the boat cruised at an unhurried, both mesmerized by the view. Beyond the dark waters of the lake, the city lights rose into the night sky, like glittering jewels. The skyline was impressive during the day, but now that night had fallen, with the city set against the blackness, alone and silent, the universe seemed to shrink, leaving them alone on the water, enjoying the silent beauty.

"Now I understand why you brought me here..." Maximus said quietly. "It is as though the gods reached up, and pulled the stars down from the heavens and set them here upon the earth..."

She smiled softly. "That's lovely, Max..." She leaned back against his strong body. "I'd forgotten just how incredible the view is at night... And the moon's nearly full too -- you couldn't ask for a much more romantic setting than this."

"I think not," he said, his arm tightening around her waist

After a while, they found an unoccupied bench and sat quietly together, just staring over the rails, enjoying the moment and the view and each other's company....

"Which one is best, do you think?" Laura pointed to three photographs on the wall in front of them. They were back on the pier again, standing with other recently-disembarked passengers in a small, enclosed area.. A photographer had taken everyone's picture onboard at least twice, and the prints had been displayed on arrival and were available for purchase.

Maximus looked them over, then pointed at one. "I think you look best in this one."

"Really?" she said. "I don't think I look good in any of them, but I'll take your word for it."

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He scowled slightly. "You look lovely in them all."

"Thanks," she beamed, smiling at him, and turned to the cashier. "We'll take this one...."

As they walked away, Laura tucked the picture into her purse, saying, "I'm glad they were taking pictures, since I didn't bring my camera. Now at least we'll have something to show everyone when we get back the CrowesNest."

"And now I have proof you were wearing a skirt," Maximus quipped, grinning softly.

She swatted his arm lightly. "Not you too...! I thought you said you didn't care what I wore!"

"I don't. But that doesn't mean I don't like to see your legs," he replied with a twinkle in his eye, and she started to laugh, blushing a bit.

"Thanks... Okay, I get the point. The girls will be surprised too -- its an occasion worth writing down on their calendars: July 2000. Laura wore a skirt!" she giggled.

"They'll hardly believe it," he chuckled.

"All right, all right; you've had enough fun with this," she teased, taking his arm and guiding him away from 'The Spirit of Chicago'.. "So what now? Do we stay here a while, or head home?"

"Home?" He sounded disappointed. "Did you want to leave now?"

"No -- but I wasn't sure if you'd had enough."

"Not at all. I'd like to see what else is here."

"Fine with me. I need a little more time to let the wine wear off before I drive home anyway." She looked around, wondering where to take him next. Her eyes wandered back and forth across the pier -- and then skyward. She grinned as she said, "How about a ride on that?" She pointed to the Ferris wheel, the top half of which was visible over the roof of the stores they stood next to.

He stared as the huge wheel, its spokes illuminated with multi-colored lights, turned slowly against the black sky. "Ride...? Up there?" he asked hesitantly.

"Yea, it's just for fun. You sit in those little carriages on the outside edge of the wheel, and it turns and you go around a few times. I'm sure the view's fantastic from up top." Maximus looked uncertain, and she grinned. "Don't tell me the Commander of the Armies of the North and General of the Felix Legions is afraid of heights."

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He paused. "I do not think so... But I have never been that far off the ground...."

"Lachlan's never taken you for a ride in his plane?" He shook his head. "You really ought to ask him sometime. It's a blast!" she said enthusiastically. "Assuming you can stomach his little stunts."

"That's why I haven't gone. No doubt he would try to see just how much I could take," he said.

"Well, this is pretty tame. Its just a Ferris wheel; come on," she said, tugging on his arm, and he reluctantly followed. They made their way to the inside entertainment area, but were dismayed to discover a long line to board the ride.

"Damn," Laura said. "I should have known... Looks like you're off the hook -- I'm not going to make you stand in line for an hour for something you really don't want to do."

"Thank you," he said, looking a bit relieved. "So now what?"

"I don't know..."

They ended up just wandering around, observing everything. Maximus was fascinated with all the people and activity of the place. Eventually they tired of all the noise and music from a live band that was playing outside, Maximus especially so, and they wandered back outside to where the boats were docked. They found a quiet bench in a relatively darkened spot to just sit and watch everyone and stare out at the moon-lit lake.

A warm summer breeze wafted in from the south, barely strong enough to ruffle their hair. "They call this the Windy City...?" Maximus remarked at one point. "It does not seem so to me."

"That's because it actually has nothing to do with the weather. Most people -- including those who live here -- think that's the case. But it actually dates back about a hundred years to a New York newspaper columnist who called Chicago the 'Windy City' because the people here bragged so much about the Columbian Exposition -- that's like a world's fair," She explained and then grinned. "So basically she was saying we were all full of it -- hot air, that is." She leaned against him, his arm around her, her head resting on his shoulder. "So what do you think of Chicago? Did you have a good time tonight, Max?"

"This place is fascinating. And of course I've had a wonderful time. I just wish I could stay here longer, and you could show me more. I wouldn't want to live in a place like this permanently, but I would like to see more of the modern world, and how you live your life here.

"I wish you could stay longer too... When did you say we had to head back? Monday morning?" He nodded, and she sighed. "That's too bad. There's so much more to show you.... Maybe you can come back with me the next time I go home."

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He shook his head sadly. "No. I cannot do that. The others have told me that we can only leave the CrowesNest on rare occasions. We only exist in the CrowesNest, and leaving there... somehow... can jeopardize our existence in both worlds. I do not understand it myself... But Bud told me that since I've been in the CrowesNest such a short time, it's even more dangerous for me to leave."

She quickly lifted her head from his shoulder. "Dangerous...? You never said that before.." She looked alarmed. "Should we go back soon then?"

"No, no," he smiled. "We have time." He kissed her forehead. "And I do not want to leave here soon.... It is very difficult to keep things to myself in the CrowesNest. At least here we have privacy."

"Tell me about it," she grumbled. "I - " She began -- then stopped herself.. She had been about to mention the fiasco with Sid 6.7 that night when he'd announced to one and all that she'd slept with him. But Sid was hardly a good topic to bring up right now. "I know what you mean," she continued, barely missing a beat. "Everybody's so friendly, but sometimes I wish they all didn't know *everything* that goes on around there..."

He nodded, softly caressing her arm. "Will you do something for me?"

"What?" she replied as she looked at him.

"Promise me that our time together here will *stay* private. I don't want everyone to know about this. I'm not talking about this evening -- you can tell them all about the boat and dinner -- but the rest..." He softly kissed the side of her face when no one was looking. "Should stay our secret..."

"I promise I won't say anything... But I think they're gonna know *exactly* what we've been doing all weekend," she grinned.

"But they will have to use their imaginations to fill in the details... Agreed?"

"Agreed." She began to grin again. "I wouldn't want to tell the girls too much anyway -- they might get jealous, you know. Then they'd *all* want you -- as if they don't already!" she said as she laughed softly.

It was too dark to tell if he was blushing, but she suspected he was. "But that hardly matters...," he said in a low, soft voice, "because *you* are the only one I want."

"Aw, Max," she whispered quietly, swallowing past the lump in her throat. They gazed into each other's eyes as he raised a hand to her face, smoothing her hair and caressing her cheek before leaning in to kiss her. His full lips were soft and gentle, and she pressed herself against him as his arms slipped around her waist...

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"Hey, pal; get a room!" came a laughing voice from a group of teenagers who were walking by. Maximus' head jerked around, startled, and his eyes focused ominously on the boy who had spoken. He and his friends had already passed by, however, and were absorbed in their own conversation again. Laura put her hand on his chin, turning his head back to her.

"Ignore them, okay. It was just a joke." She pulled away, grinning softly. "They do have a point though -- we ought to go someplace else if we're going to carry on like this."

She could see that he was embarrassed by being caught necking in public -- but she could also see the desire in his eyes as he whispered, "Where?"

"Back home," she said as she stood up, extending a hand to him. "Let's head back to the car, okay?"

He nodded and stood up, taking her hand as they walked briskly towards the parking lot.

She drove quickly down the darkened expressway, heading away from the city and back to her apartment. The radio was tuned to the station that played Saturday night love songs, and both of them were softly humming along from time to time. Max had his arm draped behind her neck for a while, but then shifted, pulling his arm back, his hand dropping to her shoulder. "Tonight was lovely," he said, "But there is more 'celebrating' to be done, my love..."

She glanced at him, smiling warmly at him. His hand slid off her shoulder, down the silky fabric of her blouse, over the rounded curves of her breast, before it came to rest on her upper thigh. He slowly ran his hand along her leg, and she sighed contentedly.. "That's nice, Max..." He smiled softly, and continued his attentions. "Keep this up, though, and I might get so distracted that we'll wind up in a ditch," she chuckled.

His smile fell, and he turned to look out the window, nervously watching how quickly they were travelling. He snatched his hand away, moving it to his own leg. "Sorry."

She had to laugh at the apprehensive look on his face. Maximus hadn't quite gotten used to the speeds of modern travel. "Max, no. It was a joke; I didn't mean for you to stop." She laid her hand on his. "The road's pretty quiet for once -- we've got another 15 miles of open road ahead of us." She took his hand and guided it back to her thigh. "I can drive okay; just don't get *too* carried away."

He leaned over and kissed the shell of her ear. "If you say so..." He settled back, staring at her face as he resumed his gentle caresses, his hand moving slowly back and forth along her leg from knee to hip. She sighed quietly, squirming in her seat a bit as she forced her eyes to stay on the road ahead. She eased off the accelerator slightly, the speed of the car dropping below 60 mph, allowing herself a little more breathing room in case she *did* get too distracted by what he was doing.

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His sensual touch, not to mention the hungry look in his eyes, began to arouse her deeply. The whole evening had been deeply moving, terribly romantic and so wonderful she had a hard time believing it was real.

But the longing she felt in her body was very real. The touch of his hand stirred powerful desires in her, and a glance over at his lap told her she was not alone. She breathed deeply, panting slightly as his hand wandered up her torso to her breast. She wanted very much to touch him too -- the thought of putting her hand in his lap and feeling his growing hardness was extremely tempting... But then she reluctantly decided it was best if she kept both hands on the steering wheel -- she was getting too distracted as it was.

He leaned over again, kissing her ear as he whispered, "How much longer?"

She squirmed slightly, keeping her eyes firmly on the road. "Fifteen minutes... It's tempting, though, to pull off somewhere and crawl into the backseat with you," she grinned.

"Then why don't we...?" he whispered.

She giggled, then moaned softly as he fondled her curves. "Because there isn't anywhere to pull off." She gestured at the seemingly endless road ahead. "By the time we get to an exit, we'll be five minutes from the apartment."

He nibbled on her neck. "But I want you *now*..."

The low, husky tone of his voice took her breath away. She gazed at him longingly as she answered, "Oh, Maximus... I want you too." She almost lost herself in the those wonderful eyes when the car drifted over onto the shoulder of the road, and the tires rolling over the grooved pavement made a high-pitched whine that jolted her back to reality. She guided the car back to the center of the lane as Maximus moved away, his hand pulling back to his own lap.

"Sorry," he apologized again, sounding a bit nervous as he looked down out the window.

She laughed slightly, trying to dispel his fear. "I told you not to get too carried away." She smiled at him, watching that slow grin reappear on his face. She reached out and took his hand, guiding it back to her thigh again. "It won't be long... Patience, General. If I can wait, so can you," she said, winking at him. He grinned back, and they chuckled together.

His hand remained stationary this time, but just the mere heat of his flesh, so close to her sex, was enough to make her ache unbearably, the wet warmth growing within her. After a few minutes, she sighed with relief as the signs for their exit came into view. "Almost home," she grinned at him as she took her foot off the accelerator, slowing as she steered over onto the exit ramp, taking the tight curve at a leisurely pace. "Five minutes." He slid closer as the car merged onto route 45 and they headed south towards her apartment.

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When his hand moved down to slide underneath her skirt, she sighed again and turned, quickly kissing the side of his face before turning her attention back to the road.

She turned onto 79th street, finally slowing to a stop at a stoplight. A big semi blocked the turn lane, so she had to wait out the light. Maximus took to opportunity to lean over and kiss her, and the feel of his hot mouth on her tender lips sent a jolt through her whole body. The light changed to green all too quickly, and he sat back again when the car started moving. But his hand remained on her thigh, pushing her skirt up slightly as his fingers neared her most sensitive area, but went no further. "Max," she sighed as she managed to make the turn onto the darkened street. "Four more blocks..." She resisted the urge to floor the accelerator, instead forcing herself to stick to the 35 mph speed limit -- the local cops had a habit of setting up a speed trap over the next hill, and she had no desire to get caught for speeding *now*. Sure enough, there was the familiar black and white squad car tucked in the parking lot of the dry cleaners, waiting for an unsuspecting motorist to come zooming through. But not her, she smiled as she passed by at a safe 34 mph.

Two more blocks, and she eased into the parking lot. Noting that there were no other people were around at this late hour, she pulled into a spot near the side door. She had barely shut off the engine and the lights when Maximus pulled her to him, his mouth hungrily capturing hers as his hands roughly caressed her body. "I want you NOW," he growled.

"God," she whimpered, trying to get to him. But there was a steering wheel, a gearshift and the cassette holder in the way. She was determined to crawl into his lap nonetheless... but succeeded only in banging her knee painfully against the dashboard. "Ow!" She stopped, rubbing her knee, and they looked at each other.

And promptly started laughing, the sizzling tension between them dissipating slightly. "I think it's time we went inside, love," he chuckled, kissing her forehead softly.

"I think so too," she said, smiling as she moved back into the driver's seat. They both climbed out of the car, but Maximus hurried around to her side, nearly sweeping her off her feet as he guided her towards the building. "Wait; we forgot the champagne," she said, and he reluctantly allowed her to retrieve it from the trunk. He slammed the trunk closed, and dragged her with him, bottle in hand, to the door of the building. "Someone's in a hurry," she quipped as she pulled out the key, unlocking the main door.

This time, however, he picked her up, carrying her over his shoulder as she clamped her hand over her mouth, trying to keep from laughing loudly and bringing half her neighbors out to look. He took the keys from her, and opened the apartment door, with her still slung over his shoulder. He brought her inside, careful not to bump her head, and locked the door behind them, flicking on the lights. Stopping briefly to put the champagne bottle on the kitchen counter, he carried her into the bedroom and deposited her on the bed. He stood before her, beginning to strip off his clothes.

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But she just looked at him with a mischievous grin, scampering off the bed and ducking under his outstretched arm as she scurried out into the living room, laughing and giggling. "If you want me, you're going to have to catch me, General!"

He stared for a moment in astonishment as he unbuttoned his shirt, then grinned and took off after her. He chased her into the living room, but she eluded his grasp with a shout of laughter, dashing into the kitchen. He played cat and mouse with her as they ran through the open kitchen/ dining room, until finally he cornered her in the living room, catching her around the waist and pulling her against him, wrapping an arm around her tightly so she could not escape him again.

They laughed heartily, with her breathing hard and him not winded at all, as she struggled feebly to free herself. "No fair; you're faster and stronger than I am," she complained.

"Whoever said life was fair?" he replied as he held her securely with one arm as the other began to remove her clothes. She pressed close, lips seeking out his, and as they moved quickly back towards the bedroom, they left a trail of discarded clothing in their wake.. By the time they reached her bed again, they were both naked, and they fell onto the sheets in a tangle of limbs, both mindless with desire as they kissed hungrily. By unspoken mutual consent, she went to her knees beneath him as he bent over her, and he took her from behind.

He entered her quickly, sinking deep, sliding easily within her warm, very wet sheath. Already extremely aroused, she came with his third stroke, whimpering and crying out with joy. He drove quickly into her willing body, his animal grunts filling the air. As he pounded against her, she had a fleeting image of Hando and Gabe together like this in 'Romper Stomper'... But it faded quickly as her universe narrowed to him and their blissful joining. Neither of them spoke a coherent word, but their bodies expressed everything that needed to be said.

Primal and raw, their lust seemed unquenchable as they ground their bodies into one another. Her voice rose in volume to match his as they gave voice to the incredible energies that sang in their bodies. Conscious thought faded and instinct took over, their bodies moving in a dance as old as time itself. With one hand on her hip and the other holding her breast, he took control of her body, driving her to yet another shattering orgasm as he neared his own release. Her cries of sheer ecstasy fueled the searing fire in his veins, and he thrust powerfully into her willing body..

He came with a guttural howl, his body pumping its life into hers as he tilted his head back, pushing her firm ass against his hips a few last times as the blissful euphoria washed over his body. He let go of her, and she collapsed on the bed beneath him with a satisfied, albeit exhausted, sigh. He collapsed beside her, covering her body with his, enveloping her in his embrace, kissing her tenderly. She sighed again, and, after a long pause, whispered, "Wow.... That was amazing..." His response was a long, contented moan as he settled her beneath him, arms wrapped securely around her.

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"So were you, love..." he said as the warm glow of his own release began to fade, smoothing her hair away from her face. "Thank you for such a special evening, for sharing this part of your life with me..." He softly kissed the back of her neck and shoulder.

"... If you hadn't tracked me down the way you did, this never would have happened. I never knew we could be together like this, in my world... even if it is for a short time..." The damp skin of her back pressed against his broad chest, and she could feel the pounding of his heart.

"I didn't know it was possible like this either," he said. She shivered slightly as her body cooled, and he pulled a sheet over them, nestling her protectively against his body, spooning with her. "But I am grateful that it was -- I do not know what I would have done if you'd never returned to the CrowesNest..."

"Shhh," she soothed. "I'm with you now. And I'll be coming back with you when the time comes."

He was silent for some time, and she thought he'd fallen asleep when she heard him ask quietly, "Have I made you happy? Is the way I love you... pleasing to you...?" There was an oddly hesitant tone in his voice, as if he were expecting a negative response, but she assumed it was just her imagination.

"Is that a serious question...?" The moan that came from her throat was deep and sensual. "You must know how 'pleasing' you are to me.... You were incredible just now. You're the best, Max..."

"Then promise me something..."

"Anything," she murmured.

"If you ever find this part of our relationship.... wanting... promise me you will tell me... I cannot make you happy if I don't know if you're displeased..."

She was instantly wide awake, eyes opening slowly.

Damn you, Sid, she thought to herself.

Maximus had never mentioned this subject before, but it was painfully obvious that the Spaniard's masculine pride had been wounded more than she thought when, a week earlier, she had told him about Sid. Demanding to know why she had been with Sid, Max had dragged the confession out of her... that she found Sid's dark side 'exciting'. No doubt he'd taken that to mean that he himself was unexciting.

Realizing that he was still uncertain about their relationship, in spite of everything that had happened or been said in the past two days, she sighed softly, holding tight to the

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arms that encircled her. She paused a long while, choosing her words carefully, hoping to reassure him without getting into a long, drawn out discussion -- or argument -- over what they'd already hashed over. "Max... I've never been displeased with any part of our relationship. If that's how you thought I felt, I'm truly sorry. Being with you in bed has never been anything but wonderful."

There was a long pause. "But..."

She turned over, facing him, raising a hand to caress his face. "There are no 'buts'. I know what I said, but its over. I made a mistake -- he knew all the right things to say to make me *think* that's what I wanted... But its not so..." She kissed his cheek. "You drew me to the CrowesNest, Maximus. You and you alone. No one else will come between us again... I - I love you, Max. I loved you practically from the moment I first saw you in 'Gladiator'... and I'll always love you."

He smiled, eyes glittering in the soft light. "I love you too... we are connected, you and I..." He leaned in and kissed her. "Don't ever leave me again..."

Tears welled in her eyes. "I won't, Maximus... I won't..." They held each other closely, drifting to sleep in each other's arms....

Maximus stood beside Laura in the small kitchen, pouring some orange juice into two glasses as she finished scrambling the eggs, scraping them out of the pan and onto two plates. "Going for a run this morning?" she asked.

"No, not today. I'll just stay here and relax with you." He set down the carton of juice, leaning against the counter for a moment as he rubbed his forehead, grimacing slightly.

She looked at him, noticing he seemed a bit drawn and haggard. "Something wrong?"

Shaking his head, he replied, "I'm just a little tired... headache."

"Tired, eh? Wore you out last night, did I?" she said, wiggling her eyebrows.. After a short nap following their first coupling, they'd continued their lovemaking, seemingly unable to get enough of one another.

With a bemused smile, Maximus said, "You wore ME out?" He chuckled softly. "I think not..." He took her in his arms. "Allow me to demonstrate," he said as he kissed her passionately, leading her towards the bedroom.

"But what about breakfast?" she protested half-heartedly as her robe slipped to the floor.

"It can wait..."

She was half-asleep when she heard the telephone ring. Groaning softly, she rolled, coming face to face with Maximus as she muttered, "I'll let the machine get it." He

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grunted, slowly waking up again after having fallen into a heavy sleep right after they had made love. She listened to the answering machine's message, then the half-intelligible voice, saying something about selling magazine subscriptions. "Don't those people ever give up....?" she yawned as he stirred, slipping out of her embrace, shuffling out of bed and into the kitchen. She listened to him run the water in the sink, then closed her eyes, pulling the sheets over her head.

She had nearly fallen back to sleep when she heard Maximus' ragged voice say, "We must go back."

Her eyes opened quickly as she threw off the sheets, alarmed by the urgent tone to his voice, and they widened as he leaned against the doorframe, looking like death warmed over. She sat up, asking worriedly, "Max? What's wrong?"

"Something is not right..." He took a step towards her -- and staggered, almost falling to his knees. She was up and at his side in an instant. "John warned me not to stay away too long," he explained as he leaned on her, and she was shocked to feel him tremble violently. "I didn't believe him... but now..." He shook his head in an attempt to clear it. "You must take me back to the CrowesNest."

"Oh, god!" she exclaimed. "Max, why didn't you say something!? I didn't know!!"

"I didn't realize it myself. I thought we had until tomorrow morning."

"We'll leave right away," she said, trying to appear calm, although she was shaking with fear inside. "Let me just take a really quick shower and get cleaned up; we'll hit the road as soon as I pack." She rushed around the room, gathering up an outfit to wear. "You get dressed too."

He sat down on the bed for several minutes, conserving his strength, then began to gather his belongings. He listened as she took a shower in record time, then watched as she dashed out of the bathroom, throwing on her clothes, flinging spare clothes into the suitcase at the same time.

He tried to talk to her several times, but she wasn't listening, running around the apartment in a near panic. Finally he caught her arm and stopped her.

"Calm down, Laura. I'm ok. There's no need to be upset."

She didn't look convinced. "How long do we have?"

"I --- I don't know," he admitted.

"Shit," she muttered. "Then we're leaving NOW."

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Once he was ready, she hurried him out the door, and they tossed their suitcases and duffel bag into the trunk of her car, and took off for the highway.

Maximus laid back in the passenger seat, eyes closed, as they drove westward down I-80, and she glanced at him frequently, frightened at how bad he looked. His face was pale and drained. And he was fading before her eyes, the colors in his face, his hair, his eyes -- even his clothes -- starting to lose their hue. She drove as fast as she dared, knowing they could ill afford to be stopped for speeding, praying they hadn't waited too long.

She put her hand over his, squeezing it gently, not at all reassured when he squeezed her hand back and opened his eyes, giving her a wan smile before closing his eyes again. His hands were trembling, and his skin was cold and clammy.

"Hang on, Max; hang on," she whispered, brushing a tear from her face as they raced homeward...

Part Fourteen


Silently repeated, the words had become a litany in the last hour, as Laura struggled to maintain her composure in the face of the nearly paralyzing fear. She stared straight ahead at the black ribbon of asphalt that stretched out ahead of the car, seemingly endlessly amid the cornfields, out into the western horizon. Her hands tightly gripped the steering wheel, her nails digging into the plastic, as she forced herself to take steady, even breaths.

She was fighting a constant battle to keep the tears at bay, but she kept telling herself that she had to stay strong and in control for Maximus' sake. It was up to her and her alone to get him back safely to the CrowesNest where he belonged. She glanced briefly at him as he sat slumped beside her in the passenger seat of her Pontiac, his eyes closed and his face turned slightly towards her. He'd been sleeping for quite a while now, but she could tell by the shallow, slightly labored breaths that he was growing weaker with each passing mile. She'd been driving for hours now, only stopping once to fill the gas tank, and the strain was beginning to take its toll. She rubbed the back of a shaky hand over her tired eyes, finding it hard to stay focused on the road. Each and every trip to the CrowesNest was different -- it was never the same route twice -- and she wondered how long it would take this time. Maximus wouldn't last much longer at this rate, she knew in her heart, and she was terrified at the thought of losing him now that they had finally reconciled.

"Oh, Max...." she whispered quietly, moving her right hand down from the wheel and laying it on his thigh. She gently ran her hand up and down his leg, wondering how she'd ever be able to forgive herself if anything happened to Maximus because he had left the CrowesNest because of her.

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When his hand moved to cover hers, she jumped, startled, as he softly said, "Careful, little girl... Don't start something we're not able to finish..."

She smiled to herself, relieved that he was awake, and briefly amused at the fact that her hand had come to rest nearly over the crotch of his pants. She looked over at him, and managed not to let her smile fade, in spite of the fact that she was frightened once again as she gazed into his eyes. His beautiful aquamarine eyes -- which were normally so vibrant and sparkling and full of life -- were a dull, listless shade of gray now. They were beginning to match the shade of his skin, which was now gray and ashen too. He looked terrible, but she made sure she did not let him know it.

"Well, we could always pull over and crawl into the back seat for a little while..." she joked half-heartedly, turning her attention back to the road.

"That sounds tempting," he replied, his voice still a quiet whisper. He tenderly held her hand, brushing two fingers slowly over hers. "...But I think we should wait until we get back to the CrowesNest. Then we can pick up where we left off..."

"That sounds tempting too," she replied, turning to smile warmly at him. He smiled back, and she watched as his eyes slowly closed again. She swallowed hard, then tentatively asked, "How are you feeling?"

".... Tired..... Very tired," he replied, sighing heavily, his breathing noticeably labored. "But I'm sure I'll be fine once we get back."

"Yes, I'm sure you will," she said, silently praying for that to be true. "I know that the Boyz will know what to do."

"They'll be ready for us," he said. "... They know we're coming... I... I can feel it... I know it sounds strange... But I can feel *them*..."

"Really?" she asked, looking closely at him. "One of the girls -- Michelle, I think -- was telling me that all of you Boyz have a connection to each other too... but I didn't realize you could communicate with each other."

"Neither did I... I can't actually talk to them... But I know that they're with me... And that they want me to come home... I think they know that we're on our way." He chuckled softly. "I suppose I can no longer deny that we are indeed 'brothers'."

"No, I don't suppose you can... We'll be there soon, Max. Just be patient; I'll get you home."

"I know you will," he said, smiling up at her. "I trust you."

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"Thank you," she smiled, blushing slightly, squeezing his hand. His eyelids drooped, then closed, and her smile fell. She struggled to think of something to say; she felt it was important to keep him talking. "Max..." she began. "What do you want to do when we get back? After we get settled again, I mean. What do you think of going riding? I'm sure Argento and Scato have missed you. We could have the restaurant pack us a lunch and head out into the woods. Or down to the beach... What do you think...? Max?"

"...That sounds lovely. I have missed my horses too..." He took a deep breath, wheezing slightly. "But how to choose...? Making love with you on the beach... or on the soft grass in the woods...?" He started to smile. "How about both...?"

She laughed slightly. "You're insatiable, General. Don't you ever think of anything else?" she teased.

"I could say the same for you, my dear, after the last 2 days..." he countered, then fell silent once more.

"Well, with you around, what woman wouldn't want to spend day and night in your arms?" she said softly, squeezing his hand. He smiled and squeezed back, but didn't say anything. She turned back to the road, brushing a stray tear from her face, praying that Maximus would hang in there long enough to get him home safely.

After about 20 minutes, Maximus suddenly sat up, pushing himself forward in his seat, gesturing out the windshield. "Turn there," he said, pointing to an exit sign that came into view.

"Where did that come from?" she said, picking up the map from the dashboard. "There isn't supposed to be another exit for 7 miles."

"Turn *now*," he insisted, then slumped back. "Don't ask me how I know this is the way -- I just know," he whispered, clearly exhausted just by the effort of sitting up.

"Okay, Max, I'm turning," she said, slowing the car and easing off onto the exit ramp. It led onto a small, two-lane highway that meandered through the cornfields. They were alone on the highway now -- there wasn't another car anywhere in sight. "This must be it," she said, almost to herself. "It just... feels right." He did not answer, and she assumed he had fallen asleep again. She concentrated on guiding the car through a series of turns and curves through the fields, and then into a dense forest that seemed to appear out of nowhere. The sunlight filtered dimly through the thick tree limbs and leaves above. Then, just as suddenly, the trees thinned out, falling away from the road, and they were back in the bright sunlight again.

Things began to look *very* familiar, and when the car reached the top of a hill, Laura let out a heavy sigh of relief, smiling happily.

There was the ocean!

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She could just make it out on the edge of the horizon, beyond another thicket of trees, but there it was! They were back in the CrowesNest!!

She tapped the brakes and took her foot off the accelerator, steering over to the shoulder and stopping at the side of the road. "Max! We made it! We're back!"

She turned to him, and her smile fell when she noticed he hadn't moved or responded to her. "Max...?" she repeated, gently nudging his shoulder. But he just lay there, motionless, and she felt her blood turn to ice. "Max...!?" She shook him, a bit harder now, but still there was no response. "Oh, god... Max!!" She leaned closer, checking for a pulse and breathing. He was alive... but barely.

"Oh, shit...! Oh, god, what have I done...?" Tears began to stream down her face. "Max, please wake up... We're back now; you said you'd be okay once we got back..." She shook him again, almost violently for a moment, but it was obvious now he was unconscious. "Max!" she cried, hugging him tightly, more tears flowing. After a few moments, she regained control of herself, letting go of him and settling back into her seat. "I'll get help -- the Boyz will know what to do..." Dragging a sleeve across her eyes, she shifted the car back into drive, and floored the accelerator, taking off down the road in a cloud of dust.

"Where the fuck are they?"

Bud paced back and forth in front of the tavern, agitated and impatient. His hands were jammed deep into the pockets of his loose-fitting trousers, the collar of his white shirt open a few buttons beneath the rumpled suit jacket. He was wearing the same clothes that he'd had on the day before, as did many of his brothers. Most of them hadn't slept much the night before, and the strain was beginning to show on them all now that late afternoon was approaching.

"They should have been back a long time ago," he ranted. Bud's fuse was the shortest of all of his brothers, and it was showing with full force now, especially since Trisha wasn't around to calm him down.

"Take it easy, Bud," John said as he sat on one of the benches in front of the tavern, his arm around Tina. "Making yourself crazy is not going to bring Max back here any faster.."

"One of us should be out there looking for them," Bud continued as if he had not even heard John. "The damn car could've broken down, and they're stranded somewhere."

"And how are we going to find them if they are?" John replied. "How do we know which route they took? They could be anywhere... No, we all stay here and wait."

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"I'm fuckin' tired of waiting, John." Bud took a hand out of his pocket, rubbing his forehead before running his fingers through his 50's crew cut. "Max is in deep shit -- I can *feel* it," he said, patting his heart briefly, "And it's driving me nuts."

"We *all* feel it, Bud," John reminded him, gazing out at the horizon, hoping that by sheer force of will they could bring Max back home before it was too late.

Tina rubbed John's arm, trying to console him. "What are you feeling now...? Is Max that bad...?" she asked quietly, not really wanting to hear the answer.

"Yea, it's bad, darlin'," he answered, laying his head against hers.

Frightened by the anguished look in his eyes, Tina said soothingly, "Laura would never let anything happen to Max. I'm sure they'll be back soon."

He nodded. "I know he's on his way back... I just hope it's in time," he said, wringing his hands.

"We never should have let him leave in the first place," Bud continued to rant, continuing his pacing. "He's only been here a couple months -- he has no idea what can happen to him. Someone else should have gone after Laura and brought her back here instead."

John shook his head. "You saw how determined he was. He wanted to go after her, and he wasn't going to take 'no' for an answer."

"This is all my fault," came a muffled voice from the open tavern doorway. Michelle was clinging to Colin, wiping a tear from her eye as she buried her face against his broad chest. "If anything happens to Max, I'll never forgive myself.... I'm the one who helped him leave."

"I keep telling you, 'Chelle, it's not your fault," Colin said as they both sat down on the tavern steps. "And we don't even know for sure what's going on.... I'm sure he'll be just fine, luv," he said, softly kissing the top of her head as he hugged her tightly.

"Colin's right, Michelle," Bud said. "It was up to us to make sure he understood what kind of a risk he was taking. And we blew it," he said, casting a sideward glance at John.

John sat up straight, glaring at Bud. "Don't you start with me again. I warned him about *everything*, White. I don't know what the hell happened -- maybe he wasn't paying attention, or maybe it's just that damn indestructible general/gladiator complex he has -- but I DID warn him. And *you* talked to him too, so don't get self-righteous with me... Besides, we don't know yet *why* he's late. So just keep your accusations to yourself, okay...?"

Bud turned away, staring down at the ground, kicking at a stone. "... Sorry, John..." he said quietly. "I -- I'm just worried about him..."

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John relaxed, as did the rest of the group. More of the brothers had wandered out from the tavern now -- Lachlan, Cort, Alex, Jeff Mitchell and Jeffrey Wigand were clustered around Colin and Michelle on the stairs. Some of the ladies were there too, following after the men -- Liz, Peaches, Stef and Sy. "We're all worried about him, Bud," John said.

Tina watched as Lachlan, Jeff and Alex wandered out into the parking lot, staring out at the eastern horizon. "Lachlan...?" she called out, and he turned towards her. "What's going on...?"

"Not sure..." He turned back towards the road leading to the Real World. "I just have this odd feeling."

"Me too," Jeff said. "I think... I think he's almost here. I can't really explain it, but...." His voice trailed off, and, shrugging his shoulders, he moved to Lachlan's side.

"God, I hope so," Tina said. "Last time I checked, Laura hadn't even read my emails telling her to bring him back immediately." She shook her head. "It isn't like her not to check her email right away."

"Maybe she was occupied with other things," John said with a brief grin, kissing the side of her face.

Tina blushed slightly. "Yea, maybe," she giggled. "I'll be *very* curious to hear what they've been doing these last few days... All alone at Laura's apartment..." she grinned.

"Well," John said quietly, "if you find out anything from her, do me a favor and tell *me*, because I know I'll never get anything out of Max." There was a rather amorous gleam in his eye as he looked at her.

"But I thought you two didn't want us to talk about that kind of stuff between us girls," she joked, softly stroking his hand.

"Well, I think we've decided that's a lost cause," he smiled. "I -- "

He didn't finish the sentence, his attention suddenly drawn away to the road. A red car was speeding over the top of the hill, its driver frantically honking the horn as it neared the tavern.

"That's Laura's car!" Tina exclaimed as she and John jumped up, and all of them moved forward into the parking lot. More people streamed out of the tavern to join them.

The car horn wailed in a continuous blast as the car neared the parking lot, its brakes screeching loudly as it turned, sliding sideways several feet and kicking up a cloud of dust and gravel before it as it finally came to a stop a several yards from the group. They all rushed forward, surrounding the car.

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Laura leaned across Maximus' limp body, flipping open the door lock. Bud yanked open the passenger door, and John was the first to lean inside, kneeling on the doorframe as Laura sobbed, "Oh, god, John! Help him! He passed out, and I can't wake him up!" Tears streamed down her face as she clutched at Maximus' shoulder. "I -- I thought once I got him back here, he'd be okay!" she stammered, her words coming out in a rush.

John put his ear to Maximus' chest, sighing with relief as he heard the steady, albeit slow, heartbeat and felt his chest rise and fall with a shallow breath. He turned back towards the others, looking up at Bud who waited anxiously behind him. "He's alive, but he's unconscious. Help me get him inside." He backed out of the car, unbuckling the seat belt and tilting the seat back so that the gladiator lay almost prone. Bud moved beside him, and between the two of them, they were able to pull Maximus out of the car and into the waiting arms of the rest of his brothers.

Laura climbed out of the car, hurrying around to the passenger side. Her path to Maximus was blocked, however, by what seemed to be a wall of men.. A wall of very handsome men, of course, and even in her distress, she did not fail to notice how *many* handsome men were clustered around the general's limp body as they carried him towards the tavern. It seemed as though every single one of Russell Crowe's incarnations were present, a sight she'd never seen before here. John, Bud, Cort, Alex, Steve, Zack, East, Jeff, Colin, Lachlan, Arthur, Jeffrey, Andy -- they were all here -- even Kim Barrett, Dominic Maloney, Johnny and the seldom-seen Jack Corbett and Mannie. And Hando was there as well, hovering at the edge of the group, looking decidedly disturbed too before he caught sight of her and began to stare daggers in her direction. Everyone was there -- with the notable exception of Sid 6.7, which she was grateful for.

She managed to elbow her way through part of the crowd as they entered the tavern, and laid a hand on Maximus' arm, whispering to him, "It's okay now, Max; it's okay. You're back home now." She caught a glimpse of Sid at the bar as he watched them all head towards the back of the tavern, but she turned away, ignoring his amused smirk as Colin said, "Let's put him in the fireside room."

"Damn he's cold," Lachlan said. "His skin's like ice."

"I think he's in shock," John said. "We have to warm him up."

When they reached the door to the fireside room, Bud and John carried him through, and the rest of the group filed inside quickly, moving to the sofa where they gently laid Maximus down. "Get some blankets," John barked at the others. "And someone start a fire." No one moved, staring at Maximus with worried, anxious glances.

Bud looked up and growled, "MOVE IT, damn it!! This isn't a goddamn freak show!"

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That startled them all, and they moved in a flurry of activity, Andy and Arthur scurrying out of the room first, saying they'd bring blankets. Cort and East and Mannie went to the fireplace, gathering wood and kindling from the corner and stacking it in the hearth.

Colin left in search of the first-aid kit, and Lachlan disappeared, saying he'd come back with some water and a glass of wine, in the hopes that the alcohol might help revive him. Jack and Kim and Johnny wandered back into the main room while the others milled around and watched. "Is there anything else we can do?" Steve asked, obviously wanting to help but at a loss as to what to do.

Bud and John looked at each other. "I don't know," John said, brushing his hair back from his face. "Just stay close. We may need everyone later -- depends on how soon we can bring him out of this." The other's nodded in understanding, and a few more wandered out into the next room.

Meanwhile, Laura had knelt down at the side of the sofa, near Maximus' head, reaching over the armrest to tenderly stroke his forehead. "Can you help him, John? Max said you'd know what to do," she said, brushing a few stray tears from her cheeks. The rest of the ladies had gathered around her too, watching worriedly.

"We're going to do everything we can for him. Now that he's back in the Nest, he shouldn't get any worse. It's just a question of how long it'll take for him to get better," John said, laying a reassuring hand on her shoulder.

There was a short silence, then Bud spoke. "Why did you wait so long, Laura? Max should have been back here by last night." There was more of an edge in his voice than he had intended, but he was too upset to take it back.

Laura looked up at him, momentarily taken aback at the hostility in his tone, and glanced around to find that everyone was staring at her too, waiting for an answer. She stared back at Bud, letting her hand rest against Maximus' cheek as she replied in a steady, calm voice, "Bud, I love Max. Do you really think I would *knowingly* let something like this happen to him...?" Bud blinked, his brow furrowing slightly, and she continued, "I didn't bring him back sooner because I did *not* know that anything like this could happen.. Max himself told me we didn't even need to leave until *tomorrow* morning!"

White's jaw dropped slightly. "Tomorrow...!?" He shook his head in disbelief, and Laura nodded.

"Yes, *tomorrow*, Bud. When he started to get sick this morning, I rushed him back here as fast as I could. Believe me, if I had *any* idea that this could happen, I never would have let him stay as long as he did. But he kept assuring me that everything was fine, and that we had plenty of time. He..." Her voice faltered, cracking slightly as she looked down at the Spaniard's face again. "He wanted to spend more time alone... Maybe he said what he did so I wouldn't worry." She stroked his forehead again. "But I'm sure he didn't

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realize something like this could happen if he stayed away too long.... God, this is all my fault. He left the CrowesNest because of me..."

Bud snorted, glaring at John. "Tomorrow...? How the hell did he get that idea, John?" He looked over at the ladies. "Michelle?", he said, staring pointedly at her, accusation written all over his face.

"Bud," Michelle began, "I did *not* tell him -- "

"Excuse me!" a voice said loudly, and they all stopped, looking over at Jeffrey Wigand. "This is *not* the time for this," he said firmly, a rather disgusted look on his face. "Later, we can figure out what happened, and how to keep it from ever happening again. But for right now, we need to concentrate on making sure Maximus recovers. That's the only thing that matters right now -- not which of you is most to blame!" he snapped.

They all looked at each other, rather sheepishly, and there were muttered apologies all around. A moment later, Andy and Arthur returned, each of them carrying a couple of heavy blankets. "This is probably more than you need," Andy said, "but we weren't sure, so we brought a lot."

"Thanks, guys," John said, as he and the ladies spread two of the warm blankets over Maximus' body, leaving only his face exposed, gently removing his heavy boots as well. The smell of burning wood began to permeate the room, and East, Cort and Mannie stepped back from the fireplace as the small fire crackled in the hearth, slowly growing in intensity as the larger logs began to burn, and the temperature of the room slowly rose.

Colin returned, Lachlan close behind, and John kneeled in front of the sofa, opening up the first-aid kit that Colin handed him, rummaging through it until he found the small vial of smelling salts. He opened the top, and waved it under Maximus' nose a few times, but there was no response. "Damn..." the Alaskan muttered under his breath and put the kit away.. Then he tried the wine Lachlan brought, pouring a small amount into the Spaniard's mouth, but again there was no response.

John sat back on his haunches, then gratefully accepted the chair that Tina brought over for him. He smiled a brief thank-you to her as he sat down, then turned back to Maximus, shaking his head. "He's out cold... And I don't think he's going to snap out of this anytime soon. It's going to take a while to get his strength back. He was pretty far gone when he got here."

"Believe it or not, he actually looks better now than he did right before we got to the CrowesNest," Laura said, sitting down on the chair that Michelle brought for her, laying her hand on his forehead again. "He was so pale, that he was actually *gray*... His face, his eyes, even his clothes... They were all gray, as though the life was just bleeding right out of him..." She studied his face, managing a small smile. "At least I can see a little bit of pink in his cheeks again."

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"That's exactly what was happening -- the life *was* bleeding right out of him," Bud said as he leaned up against the wall, studying the General from across the room. "If we leave here for too long, we just... fade away after a while." He swallowed hard and turned to stare out the window. The others looked away too, obviously just as uncomfortable with the thought as Bud was. "We can't exist in the Real World for long."

Laura hung her head for a moment. "God, I wish someone had told me that *before* I left." She sighed heavily. "But Jeffrey's right -- this is no time to worry about how this happened." She reached beneath the blankets and took Max's right hand in hers. "All I care about now is making sure Max is okay." She brought his hand to her lips, kissing it softly.

Tina patted her friend on the shoulder and looked over at John. "So what happens now? What do we need to do for Max?"

John glanced down at the floor, then turned slowly to look at Bud. They shared a long look between them, then they both stared at the floor again. John got up, pacing in front of the sofa as he brushed his long auburn locks out of his eyes. "I -- I don't know," he finally said.

"None of us knows," Bud added. "Nothing like this has happened before, at least not as seriously. A couple of times before, some of the guys -- Lachlan and Alex, I think -- stayed away a little longer than they should have, but they were both fine once they got back here."

Lachlan rose from his chair in the far corner and took a few steps forward. "About a year and half ago, some of the ladies took me out on a bit of a walkabout in the Real World," he said with a slight grin, winking at Peaches and Liz. "We were gone for days, and I got a bit done in, that's true. But once we got back here, I was right as rain." His gaze turned downwards to Maximus, and he frowned, shaking his head. "But I've never seen anyone as bad as this." Laura paled at that, and he added quickly, "Sorry, luv -- I'm sure he'll be al'right in a tic. Can't keep a bloke like the General down for long." He smiled reassuringly.

"I hope so," she whispered.

"So what are we supposed to do?" Michelle asked. "Just sit here and wait for him to wake up?"

"I'm afraid that's all we can do right now, luv," Colin said as he came to her, putting his arms around her and pulling her against his chest. "It's up to Max now."

The room was quiet for a time, the only sound coming from the crackling of the fire. They all stood around, watching Maximus, waiting for some sign or indication that he was regaining consciousness. But there was none, and finally Jeff Mitchell spoke up, suggesting they all go to the bar for a pint. Most seemed reluctant to leave, but eventually

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followed Jeff back out into the main room... but not before they each cast a worried glance in the Spaniard's direction.

Now only John, Bud and Colin were left in the room, along with Laura, Tina, Michelle, Stef and Kath.

Tina moved to John's side, then sat down in his lap. As he wrapped his arms around her, she looked at Laura and asked, "What happened with you and Max? I don't mean about him getting sick -- I mean what happened when he first got to Chicago? Did you two patch things up?"

Laura smiled at her friend, grateful to have something more pleasant to talk about. "Yea, we did. Having all that time alone gave us plenty of time to work things out. And we did -- Max forgave me for what happened with Sid, and we decided to just start all over again. It was a *wonderful* weekend," she said, smiling widely, blushing a little. "I -- uh, can't tell you everything. Actually, I can't tell you most of it, because I promised Max I'd keep the details private... But I think you can probably guess what we spent a lot of our time doing..." She lowered her head, her cheeks turning a definite shade of crimson.

The women started to giggle and the men looked amused. "Uh, yea, I think we have a pretty good idea!" Michelle joked, chuckling softly.

"So what *can* you tell us?" Stef asked with a wicked grin. "Did you two go out at all -- or did you spend the whole weekend in bed...?"

Laura blushed more, and Bud said, "Come on, Stef; that's kinda personal. I don't think you should be discussing that now. Especially since he's..." He gestured towards Max's inert form, his voice trailing off.

"I'm not going to say anything else, Bud," Laura said, taking Max's hand in both of hers, stroking it softly. "I promised him I wouldn't talk about it -- and besides, we don't know for sure exactly what's happened to Max. Maybe he can hear us...." She leaned down, whispered softly in his ear that she loved him.

There was a long pause, then Kath said, "So I guess this means we're not going to get any of the 'intimate details'," she joked.

"Nope... But I can tell you what we did last night." She smiled to herself. "I took Max out on the town in Chicago -- to Navy Pier to be exact. It was SO romantic -- I don't think I'll ever forget it..." She went on to describe the whole evening, including the drive downtown, the dinner cruise on Lake Michigan, and the visit to Navy Pier itself. "... We even got a picture of the two of us on the boat -- I'm pretty sure I packed it." She looked up, turning towards one of the windows. "I just realized my car is still sitting out in the middle of the parking lot. And all our stuff is still in the trunk."

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"Don't worry about it," Colin said. "We'll get someone to park the car and bring your things in later."

She smiled gratefully, "Thanks.... I just hope we packed all of Max's things. The way we flew out of there, its a miracle we remembered anything."

"We're just glad you're both back." Tina got up and hugged Laura. "I'm so glad you two patched things up -- it's just terrible that things ended up this way though... I wish I'd been able to reach you before Max got sick -- I tried to send you email, since I know you're always online all the time when you're home... But I guess you two were, uhm, 'busy'..."

Laura nodded. "Max wanted us to be totally alone this weekend -- not even any electronic interruptions, so as a favor to him I stayed off the computer." She put her face in her hands, shaking her head. "We picked a hell of a time to 'disappear', didn't we...?" She rubbed her eyes, brushing back a few tears. "I can't believe this is happening. Everything was just wonderful this weekend, and now..." She leaned down to lay a gentle kiss on Max's forehead, then smoothed his hair back. "It's so scary to see him like this."

Bud, who had been watching quietly from his spot near the door, turned away slightly, his thoughts drawing inwards. He felt guilty at having nearly jumped down Laura's throat earlier -- after listening to her describe the romantic evening she and Max had spent together, he realized just how deeply she and Maximus cared for one another. He had begun to have serious doubts about their whole relationship after learning what had transpired between her and Sid, but he was now convinced Laura and Maximus had a strong connection here in the CrowesNest, and that what had now befallen Maximus had been a tragic mistake. And Maximus had deemed their relationship was important enough to him to go chasing into the Real World, risking his own safety, so who was he to dispute that...?

He shifted his weight from one foot to another, raising a hand to rub the back of his neck. He was tired and stiff, his body unable to relax at all, not with Maximus still in danger. It was as if Maximus' weakness was sapping the strength from them all -- he could feel it in his bones, and he suspected all the others could to.

He rolled his head slowly from side to side, trying to ease the crick in his neck. Out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of purple, and turned slightly, realizing the Sid was sitting at the far end of the tavern, perched on a barstool that allowed him a direct view straight into the fireside room. Straight at the sofa... and Maximus... And Laura.

Moving nonchalantly, Bud glanced briefly at John, nodding as he slipped out of the room, pulling the door shut about a quarter of the way, which was enough to block Sid's view inside.

He walked purposefully towards Sid, who saw him coming and stared back at the cop with the cool, self-assured smile that always seemed to be plastered across his face.

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"What the hell are you lookin' at?" Bud asked sharply.

"Like everyone else, I'm merely concerned about our 'dear' brother..." Sid said with mock sincerity.

"Don't give me that bullshit. I know that look, Sid. You can't wait to move in on her again, now that Max is temporarily out of commission."

"You could be right," Sid smirked. "Or perhaps I was thinking, 'How the mighty have fallen'... Interesting turn of events, don't you think?"

"If you don't wipe that goddamn smile off your face, Sid, I'll do it for you.... You think this is *funny*!?" Bud asked, incredulous.

Sid smiled even more broadly than before. "Extremely."

"Haven't you been listening? He could have died...." His voice dropped. "Shit, he still could."

"Personally, I think this place has become much too crowded. One less self-righteous 'hero' would hardly be much of a loss." Bud stared in astonishment, and Sid continued, "My cherie may be sad for a time, but once I'm done 'consoling' her, she'll have forgotten all about her beloved 'General'... All's well that ends well, eh, White?"

"You're even more twisted than I thought." Bud growled, but Sid only giggled, infuriating him further. "Listen, you bastard, you'd better not lay a finger on her, or even talk to her. And don't even think about goin' near Max, not with that attitude."

"Don't you ever get tired of trying to run my life?"

"What I'm tired of is you causing trouble around here. Max wouldn't even be in this mess if it wasn't for you."

"What a delightful thought," Sid grinned. "And I'd be happy to take credit for it... if only I knew *how* I supposedly accomplished it."

"You're the one that scared the shit out of her, sneaking into her room and damn near attacking her. Max never would have had to go after her if you'd just left her alone like you were supposed to!"

"I had nothing to do with his decision to leave ... nor with his carelessness about staying away too long."

A new voice spoke from the next booth. "If ya really want to know who's to blame for this shit, try lookin' in the goddamn mirror..." Hando, settled back in the corner of the

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booth with his mug of beer, had been quietly observing the events unfolding around him, but now he leaned forward out of the shadows.

Sid turned and stared. "Well, well... It speaks," he quipped.

Bud said, "What the hell does that mean?"

"If ya hadn't let these damn bitches take over the place, you wouldn't have these problems. The General wouldn't be in trouble if it wasn't for *that* one in there," Hando said, pointing to the fireside room. "You're both fuckin' crazy t' be fightin' over the likes of her," he said, pointing at Sid.

"Someone has to show her the error of her ways -- I'm the only one who could satisfy her," Sid said, preening a bit as he smoothed the lapel of his suit.

"The only reason ya want her is because the General does.... It's pathetic the way ya fawn over 'em -- all of ya. You won't see me takin' fuckin' orders from a woman," he said to the room at large. Many of the others had wandered over to see what was going on, and they all glared or scowled at Hando.

"Why don't you crawl back under your rock again? Nobody asked your opinion," Bud said.

"Nobody asked yours either," Hando shot back.

"What are you doing here anyway? You usually don't bother to get involved with anything."

"What the fuck do ya think?" He gestured sharply towards the fireside room. "We finally get a bloke in here that's got his shit together, and I don't want to see anything happen to him. The rest of ya....." he said as his eyes swept over the room, "can sod off for all I care.."

Sid rolled his eyes. "Don't tell me you've bought into that 'noble hero' bullshit too."

"Fuck off, Sid." Hando stared at him for a long moment. "Sounds like I heard right -- you *are* jealous of 'im..."

Sid's face darkened, and Bud couldn't help but grin slightly. "Since when do you pay attention to anything around here?" Sid replied, scowling.

"I know more than ya think I do... I see stuff; more than I want to most of the time.... Enough to know I don't want any goddamn part of the shit that goes on around here."

"Then the feeling's mutual," Bud said, folding his arms across his chest. "Because no one wants you around either."

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Hando leaned back in the seat, a cold smile turning his lips. "You can fuck off too, White."

Bud's eyes clouded, and his arms came back down to his sides slowly as he glared at Hando. "Don't you have someplace else to go?" he warned.

"No..." Hando glanced briefly towards the door to the fireside room. "Not until he gets on his feet again..."

"Aw, how sweet," Sid mocked. "You *do* care, don't you, Hando...?"

Hando glared at Sid, and Bud turned on him, "Just shut the hell up, Sid! This whole mess *IS* your fault, and you know it! You're not happy unless you're causing trouble."

"That's because it's so damn boring around here otherwise," Sid shot back.

There was a loud 'bang' against the wooden bar startled them all, and they turned to find Jeffrey Wigand glaring at them. He had his hand around a heavy glass beer stein, and he slammed it down again. When he had everyone's attention, he looked around in disgust. "What the hell is wrong with you people? Doesn't anybody listen to me? I leave for a few minutes, and you're at each other's throats again!?"

"No one asked for your opinion either, old man," Hando growled.

Wigand's face reddened, and he looked like he was about to take Hando's head off, but then he took a look long at the fireside room, and paused. When he spoke again, his voice had dropped back to a conversation level. "Everybody, just calm down. I know we're all upset by what's happened -- "

"Speak for yourself," Sid said.

But Wigand ignored him, giving him a dirty look. "But there's no reason to fight over this. You three -- " He pointed at Bud, Hando and Sid, " -- ought to go to opposite corners and cool down for a while."

When the three started to protest, Jeff Mitchell and East stepped up behind Jeffrey, and Jeff said, "He's right -- knock it off, all of you."

East nodded, "Come over to the bar, and I'll buy you a drink, Bud."

Bud sighed. "All right. But I have just one last word for you," he said, staring at Hando. "If I *ever* hear you use that word again -- and you know the one I mean -- to refer to the ladies around here, I promise you, you will regret it..." He raised an eyebrow in emphasis and with a warning glance at both Sid and Hando, followed East to the other end of the

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bar and sat down. Without a word, Andy poured the cop a glass of scotch and set it in front of him.

Jeff, along with Steve, approached Sid. "Come on, Sid; plenty of room in the back. You'll just get yourself in more trouble if you stay there."

"What's wrong with that?" he said, but then sighed as he noticed the rest of the group was ready to join the two and probably forcibly haul him off. "Very well... For now," Sid said and walked to a booth in the back of the tavern.

Jeffrey looked at Hando, but the skinhead just glowered back at him. "I ain't movin', old man, so don't even ask." He picked up his beer mug and leaned back against the seat, disappearing into the shadows once more.

Wigand surveyed the bar, which was now calm and quiet. "It'll do...." he muttered, sighing with relief, and returned to the office behind the bar.


The voice seemed to come from far away, and she buried her face deeper in the crook of her arm. "Go 'way..." she muttered sleepily. "I don't wanna go to work today..."

A hand touched her shoulder, shaking it lightly. "Laura," the voice repeated, louder this time.

She jerked awake with a start. When her eyes opened, her first sight was that of Maximus' face, which was inches from hers as she lay curled up on the armrest of sofa. Earlier, she'd been lying there, watching him, and evidently she had fallen asleep. But her hopes that it was *Max* who had wakened her were dashed when she discovered that his eyes were still closed, and he lay motionless, just as he had for the past several hours.

She looked up, discovering that it was John who had shaken her. "Sorry; guess I dozed off," she explained, rubbing her eyes. She sat up in the chair gingerly, wincing as her back protested after being in such an uncomfortable position for so long. She looked around, noticing that many of the Boyz had filed back into the room. It was dark outside now, and the firelight flickered, creating highlighting that further enhanced the rugged good looks of their handsome faces.

Some of them were carrying what looked like a cot, and she asked, "What's going on?"

"We're going to take Max up to his room. We thought it might be more comfortable for everyone, and maybe the familiar surroundings will help..." John paused, shrugging slightly. "We really don't know what else to do right now besides make him comfortable."

"How's he been?" Bud asked. "Any signs he's waking up?"

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"Not that I've seen," Laura said, sighing. "He is improving though -- his color's much better, he's warm, he's breathing normally, and his heartbeat seems strong and steady. But he hasn't moved at all, at least not that I've noticed." She reached out to stroke his forehead.

"You don't mind if we move him, do you?" Bud asked.

"Of course not. It's getting late, so we probably should get him into bed... although I never thought that it would be necessary -- I thought he'd just need a little bit of rest, and then he'd wake up," she said, her voice trailing off as she swallowed hard, tears springing to the corners of her eyes. She blinked them back, and stood up, moving away from the sofa. "Go ahead."

They brought over the cot, using it as a makeshift stretcher, and placed it on the floor beside the sofa. Then John, Colin and Bud lifted Maximus off the sofa, gently laying him down on the stretcher. Lachlan, East and Cort joined them, and they picked up the stretcher and carried Maximus out the door and into the tavern, heading for the stairs that led up to the second floor. Laura trailed closely behind, pausing briefly at the foot of the stairs, her eyes straying from Maximus to look around the tavern.

The remainder of the Boyz were clustered around the bar, their eyes following Maximus. Some of them looked her way and smiled at her briefly. But she also spotted Hando at a booth in the corner. He watched Maximus with a guarded, intense expression, but when he noticed her looking at him, he gave her a cold look that went right through her. She turned away quickly... And then someone else caught her eye.

Sid was sitting at a table in the back, and when she made eye contact with at him, he smiled seductively, raising his glass of wine to her and winking.

She averted her eyes, shaking her head as she hurried after the others. Maximus was sick, Sid was picking up where he left off, and now she seemed to have made an enemy of Hando... As bad days went, this one definitely ranked at the absolute bottom.

She helped the others get Maximus settled and take off all his clothes -- except his underwear -- to make him more comfortable before tucking him into bed under several layers of blankets. He never moved or responded in any way during the entire process, having sunk deeply into a coma-like state.

After milling around aimlessly for a while, they all decided to setup a watch schedule, as there would be a constant vigil at his bedside, night and day, until Maximus recovered. Laura refused to leave him at all, so dinner was sent for her and the others who remained. John and Bud took the first watch, and Tina and Michelle stayed also to keep them company.

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Laura pulled a comfy chair from the corner of Maximus' room, and set it next to the bed, sitting down and taking his hand. "God, this is such a nightmare," she muttered as she stared at his handsome face. "I keep expecting to wake up and find out it was all just a horrible dream..." She sighed, breathing deeply, fighting to keep from crying.

Tina patted her on the shoulder. "It'll be okay. Just give him time -- he just needs to get his strength back."

"That's what we said hours ago..." She rubbed her eyes, then turned to them. "Could you... Could you leave us alone for a little while? Maybe, if he can hear me, I can reach him. But I just need a little privacy to do it."

"Sure thing, doll," Bud said as he and the others got up from their chairs and went to the door. "Do you want us to let you know when the food gets here?"

She nodded. "I'm really not hungry... but I know I need to eat something." She turned back to Max. "He'd be upset if he knew I wasn't eating..."

"Yes, he would," John said, ushering the others out of the room and beginning to swing the door shut. "Let us know when you're ready," he said, and quietly closed the door.

Laura turned to Maximus, leaning on the edge of the bed to kiss him gently on the forehead, then on the lips. "I'm so sorry, Max," she whispered. "This is all my fault. This whole mess never would have happened if I'd been smart enough to stay away from Sid.. There's always a price for a mistake like that... but you weren't supposed to be the one who had to pay it..."

She got up and moved to the other side of the bed, sliding under the blankets, cuddling up next to him. She covered part of his body with hers, warming him, gently laying her head on his shoulder. She could hear and feel the steady beating of his heart, and watched the slow rise and fall of his chest as he breathed. "I love you so much... I'd do anything to make you well again... If only I knew what would help..." She turned to look at his face. He looked like a different person when he slept, so much the little boy. "I don't know if you can hear me, Max. If you can, I want you to know we're doing everything we can to make you better... You just have to meet us halfway... You have to wake up." Tears started to spill from her eyes, and she had trouble speaking now. She sniffled as the tears rolled down her cheeks, falling onto his chest. "I love you..."

Her hand roamed across his chest, through the dark fuzzy hair, tenderly caressing the lean muscles. She stroked his body intimately, hoping to elicit a reaction from him this way. "Do you remember what we talked about in the car? We said we'd go for a ride, down to the beach, or into the woods... or both..." She smiled, kissing his shoulder lovingly. "We were going to make love on the beach, remember...? Or in the soft grass in the meadow... You remember, don't you...?" Her hand moved across his thigh, and more tears spilled from her eyes. "I miss being with you already. I want to make love to you again, Maximus. I want to feel your arms around me... your lips on my lips..." She rose up on

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one elbow, kissing him on the mouth, her tongue managing to slip past his teeth and into his warm mouth. But there was no response, and she moved back again, staring down at him.

"Wake up, Max... You're safe now; you're back with your brothers. Everyone's very worried about you. They need you around here, you know... Who's going to take care of Scato and Argento while you're gone...? I'm sure they miss you too... And your garden, Max; who's going to look after it? Things are just starting to bloom -- it needs your attention. I'm no farmer; I wouldn't know what to do..."

He continued to lie there, unmoving, and she wiped away a fresh set of tears. "Wake up, Max, please," she said in a choked sob. "I'll never forgive myself if anything happens to you... I love you so much..." She dissolved into tears, burying her face against the curve of his shoulder, weeping uncontrollably for several minutes, dampening his skin, until she was cried out and the tears dried.

She lay there, draped across his body for many minutes, until there was a soft knock at the door. "Laura...?" It was Tina's voice. "They just brought the dinner trays. You ought to come have some before it gets cold...." Laura sniffled, wiping her hand across her wet, bloodshot eyes, and called, "I'll be out in a minute or two...." She sat up slowly, staring down at Maximus. Not once had he moved at all, and she sighed sadly, sliding off the bed. She grabbed a handful of Kleenex from the box on the nightstand and blew her nose. She gave Maximus a kiss on the forehead before straightening her clothes and moving to the door, opening it...

The next morning she awoke, after dozing fitfully from time to time during the night, as Rick crept into the room with a tray full of food. Sunlight was streaming in through the windows now, brightening her spirits a little. Maximus still hadn't moved, but she could tell he was getting stronger, and she was sure it was just a matter of time before he regained consciousness.

Jeff Mitchell and Lachlan were with her now; sometime earlier -- she wasn't sure when -- they had traded places with East and Cort, who had stood the late night watch. Jeff smiled when Rick appeared, and he went to help him with the tray. As they set it down on the table, Lachlan came to her and said, "Time for brekkie, luv. You hungry?"

"A little," she lied. She really didn't have an appetite for anything, but she knew the three would give her a hard time if she didn't eat something.

"Everything okay?" Rick asked, and they nodded. He took a few steps towards the door. "Leave the dishes and the tray with Liz when you're done. Someone will come by later to pick it up."

"Rick," Laura called, and he stopped. "Stay a minute and have something too."

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The handsome young blond seemed surprised. "Well, uh... I don't know. I ought to be getting back."

Lachlan waved him back too. "Stay a minute and take a load off."

Rick looked at Jeff, who smiled and pulled a chair close to him. Rick smiled back and sat down. "Thanks. I guess they won't miss me for a few minutes." They all picked at the breakfast tray, pouring coffee and buttering the toast. "How's the General doing?" Rick asked.

"Not so good," Laura said sadly, but did not elaborate further.

"We're not really sure what's wrong," Lachlan said. "Physically, he seems all right now... but he hasn't woken up. We think it's some kind of coma."

"I never realized something like this could happen to you all..." he said, shaking his head as he looked at Maximus. "How are you all holding up?" he asked, but Lachlan and Laura knew the question was really meant for Jeff.

"All right, I guess," Jeff sighed as he stared at the Spaniard, chin propped on his hand. Rick reached over and ran his hand reassuringly over his lover's back. "It's tough, though -- the waiting, I mean. I remember it was like this with Dad... Not knowing what was going on, or if he could hear me or not. Its pretty scary..." he admitted, and Rick patted him on the back.

"It's going to work out all right. He's a tough one; he'll pull through, you'll see," Rick said encouragingly.

"That's what I thought about my Dad..." Jeff muttered, lost in his own thoughts. Then he realized what he'd been saying, and turned an apologetic eye towards Laura. "Sorry, luv. Don't mean to be so negative. This just reminds me of Dad a little too much, ya know."

"I know, Jeff. It's ok," Laura said.

"You okay?" Rick asked.

Jeff smiled weakly. "I'm managing. Haven't had much sleep though; I'm just tired." He took Rick's hand and squeezed it gently. Rick moved closer and let Jeff lean against him.

They all waited in silence for a while, until Rick said, "Well, I really do have to go now. They'll be wondering what happened to me." He stood up, still clasping Jeff's hand. "Let me know if you need anything."

Jeff stood too. "I will; thanks..." he said and followed Rick to the door. "Talk to you later," he said, then leaned forward to give Rick a brief kiss on the cheek. Rick pulled him into a hug, and held Jeff tightly for a few moments. Then the two separated, and Rick

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left. Jeff came back to his chair and sat back down again, casting an apologetic glance at Lachlan and Laura. "Sorry about that."

"What are you apologizing for?" Lachlan said. "I don't have a problem with it, you know that. I'm just glad you've finally found someone, mate."

"Don't be sorry on my account either," Laura said. "I know I don't know either of you very well, but you obviously care about one another, and that's all that really counts."

"True," Jeff said, smiling at her. Then he looked down at the breakfast tray. "Come on, you two; eat up. The cook's goin' be upset if he finds out we didn't eat anything." He picked up a slice of bacon. "It's pretty good, you know."

Laura stared at the plates, and had to admit the food *was* quite good. "All right, I'll have a little more," she said, moving to take another half of a bagel and some cream cheese. Lachlan joined in, and soon they had polished off most of the tray except for a box of dry cereal..

"That was good," Lachlan said, leaning back in his chair. "So, luv -- when's the next flying lesson?" he asked.

She smiled her first genuine smile in what felt like days. "Soon, I hope. You have no idea how much I loved that flight you took me up on."

Lachlan laughed, a warm smile lighting up his face. "Even when you were screaming at me while we were making those kamikaze dives?"

She laughed too. "Yea, even then. I can't wait to learn to fly on my own, so then I can try that myself and scare the shit outta *you*,

Lachlan Curry!"

Lachlan just shook his head. "Won't work, Laura," he grinned.

"Why not?"

Jeff chuckled. "Because he thinks he's indestructible when he's up there. No fear, right, Lach?"

He nodded. "No fear... No worries, mate. The sky belongs to me here." He cocked his head as he studied her. "So you really want to do this? Learn to fly?"

"Of course I do! I've been saying that all along. What do I have to do to convince you? Get down on my knees and beg?"

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There was a twinkle in Lachlan's eye as he chuckled. "Well, that's a start, luv. Didn't know you felt that way about me though," he teased.

She rolled her eyes, then crumpled her napkin into a ball and tossed it at him. "You're terrible.. Max is lying over there, unconscious, and you're flirting with me," she said, shaking her head, pretending to be upset, but laughing to herself nonetheless.

Lachlan just grinned. "Well, I wanted to put a smile on that lovely face."

She shook her head. "You don't know when to quit, do you?"

"Nope, never learned," he said, grinning even more.

Jeff sat there, shaking his head at them both. "And I thought Rick and I were embarrassing," he joked as he reached into a small duffel bag at his feet. "Anyone for a game of cards while we wait?" he said, holding up a deck. Laura and Lachlan looked at each other and shrugged. Why not...?

About an hour when by, with Laura losing miserably at poker to the two Aussie's. She stared unhappily at the pile of 'chips' (which were actually Cheerios that had been left over from the breakfast tray) in front of each man, but there was barely a small handful in front of her.

"Without bad luck I would have no luck at all," she sighed, throwing down her lowly pair of 8's while Jeff chuckled as he scooped the pot into his pile. "I should have known better than to play with you two..."

Laura's voice trailed off abruptly when she caught a hint of movement out of the corner of her eye. She turned towards the bed, and let out a strangled cry of relief as she watched the Spaniard's head move slightly, and a soft noise, like a quiet sigh, escaped his lips. "Max!"

All three scrambled out of their chairs and rushed to the bed. Laura crawled beside him, laying her hand against the side of his face. "Max... Maximus, wake up... It's Laura... Wake up, Max... You're home now; we're back in the CrowesNest... Open your eyes, Maximus... You're safe now..."

Maximus moved his head slowly from side to side, his lips moving, speaking so softly it was almost imperceptible. His eyes stayed closed however, and he did not respond to her, his head beginning to move it an almost agitated manner.

"Come on, mate; open your eyes," Lachlan said. "This is Lachlan. I'm here with Jeff Mitchell -- you know us, mate... You're in the CrowesNest.... Wake up, Maximus," he said, raising his voice slightly.

"Wake up, General," Jeff said, "there's a lady here who's worried about you, mate...."

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He still did not respond, his lips moving more, his voice rising to a low whisper, but they could not understand the words.

"What is it, Max? What are you trying to tell us...?" Laura asked, stroking his cheek.

They listened and watched in silence, until Lachlan spoke, "I hate to say this... but I think he's still in the coma, or whatever he's in. Sounds like he's dreaming... or maybe he's delirious..."

Laura shook Maximus' shoulder lightly, and the Spaniard's words rose in volume briefly, but that was the extent of his reaction. She brushed a tear from her face as she sighed, "I think you're right.... But what's he saying? I don't think that's English."

Jeff shook his head.. "No, it isn't... I'm not sure... But I think its Latin."

"You could be right.... Is Ilaria here? She's the only one who might be able to translate for us." Lachlan told her Ilaria had had to leave a few days ago. "Damn...." She leaned down over him, speaking gently. "What is it, Max? Can you tell us in English? I can't understand you..."

They listened in silence for a few minutes more, and eventually they were able to make out two words. The names "Selene" and "Marcus".

"He must be dreaming about his family..." She scooted off the bed and went to his small shrine in the corner of the room. Reverently removing the small figures of his wife and son, she brought them over to him, pulling back the blankets to bring his arm out from under the covers. She laid the statuettes in his open hand, then wrapped his fingers around them, holding his fist closed.

She blinked back a few tears, and felt an overwhelming sense of loss...

It took a few moments before she realized that not all of the emotions she felt were her own... But there was something more, and she opened her mind to it, feeling as though an icy hand were closing over her heart. She felt cold all of a sudden, chilled down to the bone, and fear began to wash over her. She looked up at Jeff and Lachlan, swallowing past the lump in her throat. "Something's wrong... I don't know what exactly... But I *do* know this is *not* good..."

The two looked at each other, each of them having similar reactions slowly creeping over them. "I know," Lachlan said. "I don't like this either." Jeff nodded in agreement.

"I think I should get the others. Maybe they can figure out what's going on," Jeff said as he rose from his seat at the foot of the bed and went out into the corridor.

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Laura and Lachlan kept talking to Maximus, continuing to try to get through to him, but it was futile. A short time later, they heard the sound of many footsteps hurrying down the hall, and Jeff reappeared, followed by Bud, John, Tina, Michelle, Colin, Cort and Peaches.

"What's happening?" Bud demanded as he rushed to the bed. Alex appeared too, slipping into the room behind them.

They explained what had occurred during the last few minutes, then Laura admitted, "I'm scared -- I just have this terrible feeling about this..."

"So do we," Lachlan said. "Can you feel it, John...?"

John paused, staring long and hard at the Spaniard. "Yea..."

"Can't you do anything?" Laura pleaded, feeling helpless and frustrated. She looked down, and noticed that the statuettes had fallen out of his hand as he flexed his fingers slightly. "Max, come on; you have to hear me..." They all watched as his hand rose slightly off the bed, fingers moving as though he were trying to reach for something.

"What is it, mate?" Lachlan said, laying a hand on the Spaniard's shoulder. He gasped a moment later when thoughts not his own flooded over him, flying by in a jumble.... In a moment it had settled, and he found himself out in the open, the sun shining down from an oddly colored sky. The clouds were hazy, almost luminous, with an ethereal glow to them. His hand touched something, and he looked down to find himself walking through a field of golden wheat, the tops of the stalks brushing the palm of his outstretched hand. He looked up again, gazing down the hill, and noticed, far in the distance, the figure of a woman... with a young boy at her side...

Another hand touched his arm, and Lachlan jerked back again, returning to the present, and turned to watch the color drain out of John's face as he slowly drew his hand back from the pilot's wrist. Lachlan gulped, swallowing hard, asking softly, "...Did you see it too...?"

John nodded slowly. "Dear god..."

"What...!?" Bud demanded. "What the hell did you see!?" The others stared at Lachlan and John, waiting for an answer.

"...I saw what Max was seeing, in his mind," Lachlan said with a shaky voice. "...It was the wheat fields... Elysium..."

"He thinks he's back in 'Gladiator'... We're losing him," John added with an anguished sigh.

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"No!" Laura said with a choked sob. "Do something! For god's sake, somebody do something...! Max," she said desperately, clutching at his shoulders. "Don't do this. If you can hear me, Maximus, don't do this! Come back to us!" Michelle, Tina and Peaches moved to her side too, calling out too to the Spaniard.

"This can't happen," Bud muttered, shaking his head violently. "This isn't fucking happening!" He turned on John. "What the hell should we do?"

"How should I know?" John groaned, feeling as helpless and frustrated as anyone else.

Alex, who had been watching from the doorway, suddenly moved forward and pushed his way through the crowd. "I've got an idea," he said, purposefully climbing onto the bed. "Get everybody in here that you can round up! Get them in here now! I don't think we have much time!" He reached Max and gently, but firmly, moved Laura aside and pulled all the blankets down off the Spaniard. "If we can see what he sees, it should work the other way too. If enough of us can get through to him, maybe we can pull him back into our world again."

Bud stared. "... That's crazy!"

"You got a better idea?" Alex shot back, then looked at John. "It's our only hope, John."

John paused, then nodded. "You're right." He turned to Lachlan and Bud. "Go get the others." They dashed out of the room, but Jeff Mitchell had already preceded them, and within 5 minutes the room was filled. Roused from their beds, or sitting at the bar, all the Boyz had been within shouting distance of the General, none of them, except Sid, having left the building since Maximus had returned yesterday. They all clustered around the bed -- East, Mannie, Andy, Arthur, Kim, Johnny, Jack, Zack, Steve, Jeffrey, Dominic and Hando -- as the others quickly filled them in on what was happening. Sid was conspicuous by his absence, but no one missed him under the present circumstances.

Several of the ladies had joined them -- Kath, Stef, Liz and Sy, along with Tina, Michelle and Peaches -- and they huddled around the men too as East asked, "What do we do now?"

Twenty-six pairs of eyes turned to Alex. He seemed a bit unsettled by all the sudden attention, but quickly took charge. "Doll," he said to Laura, "come closer and hold him; talk to him. Boys," he said, looking up at his brothers, "gather 'round him, and put your hands on him. Make body contact, like Lachlan did when he 'saw' what Max did. Or touch someone who's touching him if you can't get close enough to him."

"Like touch telepathy or something?" Zack said as he, Mannie and Kim rubbed shoulders as they moved to the foot of the bed, each managing to lay a hand on Max's right ankle or calf. "Sounds like an episode of 'Star Trek'," he said.

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Laura looked up and smiled briefly. "It certainly does," she said as she cradled Maximus' head in her lap. "Hang on, Max, hang on..."

"Try to reach him," Alex said, his hand on Max's shoulder. "He might have lost his way; show him the way back..." They all nodded and closed their eyes, concentrating...

Maximus walked slowly down the gently sloping hill. With each step, the heaviness seemed to lift from his body, until he felt freer than he ever had in his whole life. Happier than he ever thought possible. He looked around him, eyes drifting over acre upon acre of golden wheat all around him. His open hand swept over it, his fingers trailing through the swollen grain spikes. His gaze drifted along the winding dirt road, following it to the top of the hill on the horizon, and he smiled as he recognized the pink-stoned house set among the giant poplars.



Faraway on the dirt road, his eyes found and lingered on the distant figures of a black-haired woman and the small child at her side. His wife and son. Selene and Marcus.



"Ancestors, whisper to them that I live only to hold them again," he said softly, smiling, and began to quicken his pace towards them.


The voice was close, coming from behind him, and he paused. Something seemed to be pulling him backwards, but he resisted, moving down the hill once more.

"Maximus!" There was not one voice now, but many, echoing through the quiet fields. He stopped again, and turned to look behind him.

Many men stood behind him, perhaps as many as twenty, all of the same height, the same build.... the same face. His face. His brow furrowed as he stared at them. He felt as though he should know them. But their names floated just beyond reach, and he could only mutter, "What do you want?"

"Its time to come back with us," one of them said as he took a step forward, holding out his hand. "You don't belong here, Max."

Maximus studied him a moment longer, the shoulder-length auburn hair jogging a few memories. Recognition came slowly. "John...?" The man nodded, smiling. "I -- "

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Maximus turned to look over his shoulder, his gaze falling on the young boy once more. "I must go now..."

"No, Max," an insistent voice said, and Maximus turned as another of the men stepped forward. His mind churned slowly, and eventually put a name to the face.. Bud. "It's not your time, Max. We're here to bring you home. To the CrowesNest. You remember the CrowesNest, don't you...?" Maximus nodded slowly, and saw the others step forward, joining Bud and John.

"We're all here to help you, mate, to bring you back," Colin said.

Maximus turned back towards the road again, and discovered that they had moved further away, towards the house, growing smaller and fainter. "No... My family... Selene and Marcus are waiting for me..." he said with an anguished sigh.

"We're your family too now," Jeff Mitchell said. "We're brothers -- and we need you back."

"Maximus... you can't forget Laura either and what she means to you.... What you mean to one another," Lachlan said. "She's waiting for you; she loves you very much, mate... Do you want to leave Laura all alone?"

"It's not your time," Cort said. "Take my hand -- come back with us..."

Maximus turned and looked down and the preacher's outstretched hand. The others had moved closer, forming a semi-circle around him. The panic that had filled him when he saw his family fading away subsided, and he felt safe amid these men... his brothers. Yet still he hesitated. He did not want to leave; a few moments before, he had wanted nothing more than to collapse into the arms of his wife and child and find true peace at long last.

But at the same time he knew that his brothers were right. This was not his time... He didn't belong here, not now. There was another life waiting for him -- with another woman he loved very much, and who loved him too.... Laura...

With a resigned, painful sigh, he turned away from the pink-stoned building and golden fields for the last time, and allowed the men to encircle him. Many hands reached out to him now, but his eyes focused on the tattooed back of one hand in particular. He looked up into the piercing eyes of the lean figure in a long blue coat. "You don't belong here, Max," Hando said in a calm voice. Maximus reached out, and grasped the painted hand...

Everyone in the room jumped when Maximus gasped suddenly, drawing in great gulps of air, as if he were a drowning man struggling to breathe. The men took a few moments to snap out of their reverie, and Hando gasped loudly too, reeling back, nearly loosing his footing. Steve and Colin were nearby, and tried to steady him, but he violently rebuffed their efforts to help, quickly recovering himself.

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As Maximus' eyes fluttered open and his breathing calmed, Laura leaned over him, tears rolling down her face as she spoke, "Max? Can you hear me? Are you all right...?"

His eyes looked up, focusing on her. "Laura...?" he said in a raspy voice. She nodded, smiling like an idiot, too overcome with emotion to say anything. He looked around, brow furrowing as he realized all his brothers were huddled around them, many of them still with their hands on his body. "...What's happened...? Where am I?"

There was a collective sigh of relief all around, and the men stepped back, breaking the physical contact with him, leaving only Laura who still cradled his head in her lap. "What's the last thing you remember?" Bud asked.

"I --" he croaked through his parched lips, and Michelle poured him a glass of water from the pitcher on the nightstand, handing it to Laura. She helped Maximus drink a few sips, then he took the glass in his own steady hand, quickly draining it. "Thank you," he muttered, then continued, "The last thing I remember, Laura and I were in her car, driving back to the CrowesNest.... And then I must have fallen asleep... I had the strangest dreams... I... I dreamt I was in Elysium," he said quietly, looking down at his hands. "And all of you -- my brothers -- were there..." Then his brow furrowed as his fingers touched the smooth curves of the statuettes of his wife and son that lay beside him on the bed, and he looked up again, his eyes sweeping over the group. "But... that wasn't a dream... was it....?" he asked, his hand closing around the figurines.

John shook his head. "No, Max, it wasn't. We were all there with you. You see, by the time Laura brought you back here, you were unconscious. We couldn't wake you up, no matter what we tried. So we brought you up here and put you in your bed, where you'd be more comfortable. That's why you're laying there in your underwear," he said with a soft grin. Maximus seemed to realize that fact only now, and his cheeks reddened slightly as he realized there were women besides Laura present in the room. There were a few chuckles, mainly from the ladies, as Laura helped him pull the sheets up around him again. "Anyway, that was yesterday. This morning, you started to take a turn for the worse. We realized we were losing you, that you were ready to join your family in Elysium..."

Max closed his eyes briefly. "Yes... But how did you know that?"

Lachlan spoke up. "Because when I touched you, mate, I saw it too. Just like it was happening to me. We are brothers, you know -- it's a stronger bond than any of us realize sometimes."

John nodded. "So when we discovered what was happening, we knew we had to bring you back before it was too late." John turned and looked over at Alex. "Actually, Alex had the idea of how to get through to you." He shook his head, gesturing at Ross. "Obviously, you were right. But how did you know what to do, Alex?" The others turned, listening intently, wanting to know the answer to that question too.

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But Alex just shrugged. "I don't know. Lucky guess, really. I suppose, after all the strange stuff I went through with Myra in 'Rough Magic', it taught me to think outside the box... This place has a lot of magic to it too, ya know."

"So somehow, you were able to reach me... in Elysium?" Max asked. "How is that possible?"

"You weren't in Elysium. At least not yet," Bud replied. "You were unconscious... we were able to reach you in your dreams... and talk you into returning to the land of the living."

"Well," Laura said with a smile, hugging him for a moment, "however you managed it, I'm grateful that Max is okay. Thank you, all of you."

"Actually," Jeffrey said, turning to look at his brother in the long blue coat, "one of us in particular was able to pull him over the final step..." They all turned to look at Hando too, some with nods of thanks and appreciation, others with expressions of amazement.

Hando glared back, uncomfortable and unaccustomed to such attention. "What're you all staring at...?" He met Maximus' eyes for a moment, and the Spaniard bowed his head respectfully. Hando ducked his chin to his chest and hurried out the door. They could hear his heavy footfalls as he rushed down the wooden stairs and then the sound of front door of the tavern slamming shut.

The girls looked at each other in bewilderment. "Would somebody explain what that was all about?" Kath asked. "Are you saying that *Hando* was the one who convinced Max to come back?"

"Seemed to be," Bud asked, equally surprised. "Max...? Why did you take his hand over anyone else's...? Do you remember?"

"It is difficult to explain... And the whole experience is hazy at best... I've made friends with many of you in the short time that I've been here, but Hando seemed the most aloof, the least willing to accept us all as brothers. If he could reach out to me, in spite of that.... It convinced me that I did belong here..."

"I'll be damned..." Laura said. "I never would have guessed..." She shook her head. "I suppose I should thank him." She looked around the room. "Thank you all for your help."

"I owe you all a debt as well," Maximus said as he sat up, propping himself up against the headboard. "Thank you for looking after me."

Wigand shook his head. "You needn't thank us. You're family. We couldn't afford to lose you."

"No, we couldn't," Laura said, smiling happily, wiping a tear from the corner of her eye.

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When there was a lull in the conversation, Bud ventured, "Max.... There's one thing about all this that's been a bit... confusing," he said, trying to be as tactful as possible. "...This should not have happened..." The others looked at him, giving him warning glances. "You were supposed to come back sooner, Max. We told you that you should returned in 36 hours -- 48 hours tops -- and that it was dangerous to stay away longer than that... But Laura tells us you didn't plan on returning until today.... What happened...?"

Maximus looked down, as embarrassed as anyone had ever seen him. "I... made a mistake... Lachlan told me he once left the Nest for 4 or 5 days and he only experienced some minor fatigue. I thought I'd be fine for 3."

"But, mate," Lachlan said, looking a bit confused himself. "I also told you I'd been here for more than 5 years when I did that -- not 3 months."

"I told you the same thing, Max," John said. Then he paused, looking at the Spaniard's face. "... Tell me... Did you think we were exaggerating about the dangers...?"

Max sighed. "Honestly... Yes, I did..." There were a few groans of disbelief, chiefly from Bud. "And I felt perfectly fine.. I saw no reason to come back so soon."

"And you were havin' a good time and didn't want to come back... Did ya, mate?" Colin asked.

"...No... I didn't," he admitted, turning to look at Laura with a tender expression, taking her hand.

Laura, however, did not know whether she wanted to kiss him -- or strangle him. "But, Max, why didn't you tell me --?" she began, then stopped. The last thing she wanted to do -- now that he was healthy again -- was to get into an argument with him. She sighed, and said, "Well... we'll talk about that later, when you're well again."

"Then maybe you can explain it to me too," Michelle said, looking like she also did not know whether to hug him or hit him. "Max, you *promised* me you'd be careful -- do you have any idea how terrible this has been for *me*? If anything'd happened to you, it would have been my fault -- I sent you out there," she said in a trembling voice, tears in her eyes too.

Maximus held his hand out to her, and firmly grasped hers when she moved closer. "I'm sorry, Michelle. I didn't mean to upset you. I am truly grateful to you for allowing me to find Laura..." He sighed, genuinely contrite. "I was so preoccupied with finding her that I did not consider anyone else." His warm eyes stared into hers. "Can you forgive me?"

Michelle smiled, tears of relief rolling down her cheek. "Of course I can, Max," she said, bending down to hug him around the neck. "I'm just thankful you're all right now," she said, wiping her cheeks..

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Andy picked up a box of Kleenex from the dresser and brought it over to the bed, handing it to the Laura and Michelle. "Here, I think you two are going to need these," he joked, a wide smile on his face.

"Not just them," Tina said, reaching over to grab a Kleenex too, wiping the corners of her eyes. Kath, Stef, Liz, Sy and Peaches did the same.

Bud, however, was still shaking his head in disbelief and muttering obscenities under his breath. "We have to make sure this never happens again, John. I say we create a new rule around here -- no one leaves until they've been here at least a year. Little side trips to the mall are fine, but we can't risk letting this happen to someone else."

"Bud, I don't think you have to worry -- because after this, I'm sure no one will want to leave the Nest ever again," John said.

"I believe you're over-reacting, Bud," Max said.

"Over-reacting...?" Bud looked a bit incredulous. "Max, are you out of your -"

Jeffrey stepped forward, laying a hand on Bud's shoulder. "I think this can wait, Bud. Let the man recover before you take his head off."

John stepped forward too. "Take it easy, Bud -- it's over now. We can all sit down in a couple days and discuss it, but for now, just relax...Okay?"

Bud looked at John and Jeffrey, then Max, and, after a long pause, sighed heavily. "Okay, fine... whatever..."

John looked at Jeffrey. "Thanks, pal. Maybe I won't have to be the referee around here all the time after all," he smiled.

Wigand pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose with one finger. "Well, sometimes I feel like I'm back at my old job... Teaching high school," he said, shaking his head. "The 'boys will be boys' excuse is wearing a little thin around here," he complained. The ladies laughed, but the men mainly looked embarrassed or indignant.

Laura was fussing with the pillow she'd put behind Maximus' back, trying not to turn into a blubbering mess now that the crisis was over and her adrenaline levels were beginning to crash. "How are you feeling now?" she said, running a hand up and down his arm.

"I am fine -- truly I am," he said, flashing a warm smile at her, then at the others as well. "In fact, I feel quite relaxed... But thirsty," he said, looking over at Michelle.

"Let me get you some cold water," she said, disappearing into the bathroom with the pitcher.

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"I am also quite hungry -- ravenous, to be exact," he said, and there were chuckles all around.

"I don't doubt it," Bud said, smiling. "You've missed quite a few meals." He turned to Jeff. "Could you give Rick a call and tell him to have the kitchen stand by? I think they're about to have a *huge* order come in," he grinned.

Jeff smiled. "Sure thing," he answered and left the room, but not without giving Max a warm handshake, welcoming him back. Many of the others left also, after pausing to shake his hand or give the Spaniard a hug. Michelle came back out in the meantime, and Max drained another two glasses of water before setting the glass aside.

Eventually the group dwindled down to John, Tina, Colin, Bud and Michelle. They talked for a bit, then Max asked, "I do not want to appear rude, my friends... but I ask if you could allow us some privacy for a few minutes..." he said, looking at Laura. "I will come downstairs soon -- I do need to eat something, I assure you," he joked.

They all understood, and left.

When the door had closed, Maximus pulled Laura against him. "Come here," he whispered, embracing her, then bringing his hands to her face. He smiled warmly before he kissed her, his strong arms crushing her against his chest.

She ran her hands over his shoulders and upper arms, and could feel the power and strength in his body once again. The kiss slowly deepened as they clung to each other, kissing as though they had not seen one another in months. After a while, Max pulled back, laying his forehead against hers as they gazed into one another's eyes. His brow furrowed as he noticed tears forming in the corners of her eyes. "What is wrong? I'm all right, my dear -- you needn't cry..." he said, raising a hand to brush the wetness from her cheeks.

"I'm sorry," she said, sniffling. "I'm just so relieved you're alright -- you have no idea how scary the last 24 hours have been for me. Max, I -- I thought you were going to die..."

He softly kissed her forehead. "No, I don't know exactly what you've gone through -- but I can guess. I owe you a great debt for getting me back here safely. I know it was frightening for you, but I'm proud of how you handled it. You were very brave, my dear."

She smiled. "I don't feel very brave -- I was scared to death..." She took a deep breath, calming down. "But you don't have to thank me -- I'd do anything to help you, you know that. I love you, Max. You mean everything to me -- I'd never forgive myself if I let anything happen to you."

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"Nothing has happened to me..." He assured her, rubbing a hand up and down her back. "And I owe you an apology -- I should have been honest about the risks I took by leaving the CrowesNest. But I didn't want you to worry, and I knew if I told you what John told me, you'd insist on returning right away.... I wanted to see more of your world, and to spend more time alone with you.... It meant so much to me to share part of your life with you, even if it was only for a brief time," he admitted. He kissed her softly, then sighed. "I never realized something like this could happen to me..."

She sighed too.. "I know you didn't.... I understand, but... I just wish you'd told me up front."

"So do I," he admitted, "But that is a thing of the past. I cannot change what happened. But I can promise it will not happen again."

"Damn right, because I'm never letting you leave here again," she said firmly.

He frowned. "No more boat rides...?" he teased.

She shook her head emphatically. "No more boat rides.... At least not in Chicago." She raised her hand to his head, smoothing his bed-tousled hair. "But there are plenty of things we can do here... You promised to take me riding, remember? Down to the beach, or into the woods..." She smiled and kissed him tenderly, whispering, "We could find a quiet spot and make love on the beach and..." she kissed him again, adding with a smile, "well, I think you can use your imagination for the rest..."

"Only my imagination?" he said with a raised eyebrow, chuckling.

She laughed, blushing slightly. "For now, yea..." She leaned back and stared at him, smiling happily. "I'm so happy to see you laughing and joking again..." They both paused as they heard his stomach rumble, and they laughed again. "Sounds like it's time you had something to eat. You need to get your strength back."

"I feel strong enough to pick up where we left off in your bedroom," he said, nuzzling her ear for a moment. "But I do indeed need to eat.... And," he sighed reluctantly, "that means I should get up and get dressed so I'm ready when they bring lunch over."

"Yes, you should." He reluctantly pulled away, swinging his legs over the side of the bed and setting his feet on the floor. She hurried to get up too, saying, "Take it easy at first; you've been in bed for a whole day and you might get lightheaded..." She laid her hand on his arm and watched as he stood up. ".... Feeling okay....?"

He nodded, smiling. "Never better." He took a few tentative steps; his legs were slightly wobbly for a moment, so he walked slowly around the room. "No problem," he said. He went to the shrine to his ancestors that he kept in one corner, and carefully replaced the statuettes that he still carried. He said a quick, silent prayer, then went over to the closet. "Now I need some clean clothes." He opened the door, and took a pair of khaki trousers

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off a hanger and slipped them on. Then he reached back into the closet, saying, "But there is one thing I must do before we go downstairs..." He brought something out, shielding it from her view with his body. "You left this here before you went home... but now you must take it back. I still want you to look after it..."

He turned and handed her his wolf's fur cloak. She put her hand to her mouth, blinking back more tears as she took it from him. "...Like I said before... It's safe with me, Max; I am its Keeper... I'll guard it with my life..."

"I don't think you have to go that far," he replied, repeating his very words the first time he had given it to her for safekeeping, and they both smiled.

He kissed her softly. "...And if you ever feel you have reason to return it to me again... Tell me to my face," he said with a gentle reprimand in his voice.

"I promise," she whispered, wrapping her arms around him. "But that'll never happen..."

Sid sat in the bar, staring up at the second floor landing... Towards where he knew She was... With *Him*.

The others were giving him the cold shoulder, ignoring him, leaving him to sit alone at a table and brood. They all thought that he had been too vindictive to even bother to show his face in support of his 'brother' Maximus in his hour of need...

But they were wrong.... at least to a point. He had followed them all up to Maximus' room, and watched the proceedings from the hallway, unnoticed in the near hysteria that had overcome the room for a time. He had observed the rest of his so-called brothers huddle around the fallen General, participating in some absurd 'group hug' until Maximus had regained consciousness. He had laughed silently at the ridiculous notion that they all shared some kind of mysterious 'connection' between them all -- in spite of the fact that he himself had felt a definite weakness and sense of unease for the last 24 hours, which had now lifted.

It seemed equally absurd that Hando had played some role in the General's recovery, yet Sid had seen the skinhead's face as he'd fled the tavern, and realized that the man actually *did* harbor some feelings for his dear brother.

Such a pity, Hando, he thought to himself, shaking his head. And I had such high hopes for you.

It was also a pity that She had chosen to humiliate herself by fawning all over the General once he had woken up. He'd watch her blubber like a schoolgirl before he'd been forced to retreat to his room, lest he be seen watching them. White had been particularly short-tempered lately, and Sid did not fancy a fight with him at the moment.

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Ah, cherie, why do you insist on wasting your time with him? You know you and I are destined to be together, he thought to himself, a cold smile on his lips. Soon I will show you the error of your ways... and your gladiator will be nothing be a forgotten memory once we are together.

Sid's smile widened as he picked up the wineglass that sat before him, swirling its contents slowly. He'd bide his time... until the perfect moment arrived.

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