  • 0| Ivan Migliozzi THE WORLD OF THE TBOTS(10pages)



    10 pages, Chapter 1, published with a permission from the author

    traduced from Italian into English by Igor Pop Trajkov



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    Alice, the dinner is ready!

    Im coming, just a minute!

    She is not quite successful in unsticking her eyes from the book she is reading. Harry

    Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban: a classic piece from the literature for children. She likes the

    adventures of Harry, Ron and Hermione: though she cannot properly imagine many of the things

    that are written in the book.

    For example the expression for Hogwarts: truly a strange month for traveling, all of

    them together are in a big old car subdivided in carriages in which is also passing a witch who is

    selling caramels and something else for eating How can one carriage pass over another?

    Alice had been thinking about this on and on again. Certainly this strange transport

    should be something that once was very usual; something that was being used all-day-through

    for traveling, not for delusional things but for foolishness: yes, those foolishnesss from the old

    times! Alice was a very curious girl since she couldnt hand with the questions of this creation so

    she already decided that she didnt just notice anything while having spent some time in

    browsing on Internet regarding the various information about this strange vehicle.

    Alice was casually crushed by the book of the young magician during one of her

    afternoons in the library. Again in this afternoon she decided to walk till the corner that

    intercepts the Garibaldi Street and Street of the Druids where the library was, she didnt want to

    use the minidread that was a present from her parents she received few months before her 14th

    birthday. She adores spending all days in this half-abandoned location where few people that

    were still reading were holding in their hands a book were passing their time in a hurry and just

    for the sole cause of holding once the books they ordered.

    But she actually adores going to the person in the library, she adores the sent which is in

    the edition of the big classics restored but also the order that reigns in the rest of the space in

    this library. Thousands of lucid tbooks, with not even a drop of dust on them, all in this rigorous

    alphabet order and ready for an excursion towards the outside world once if somebody ever asks

    for them.

    That particular afternoon two days before she had went to take the tbook bestseller of the

    day, The Returning of the Lights of the New Bot, from the author that was very in in that

    period, Clinio Bretta. But, as it usually happened, she got attracted by the big classics. It was

    strange, in particular for her, to see those enormous books in different bindings, colors and

    weights that were occupying that much space. Often she was wandering, she was asking herself

    why is the presence of these books, or as they were named in a more pejorative manner, as being

    called printed paper.

    Why were they ever printing them on paper? It occupies so much space, it collects dust

    and they can be torn apart! Once she told her father.

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    I honestly dont know how to explain you this, answered Narseo.

    You are always assuming questions that are so difficult to which I dont know how to

    answer to What shall I tell you?! Look on Internet! Often Narseo didnt accomplish

    answering many of the questions of his daughter, the questions to which not even he was capable

    in answering, so his answer was also the same: Look on Internet!

    Alice adores books that are real and proper, with that fascination they have in them.

    When she reads a printed book it seems to her that the feeling, the emotions, the sensations must

    be so real, so real so that their transmission to the reader would be the best.

    Some two days before, when she started in the dustiest zone in the whole library, inhaling

    the scent of the paper, she threw a glimpse at the illustration that was showing two boys on a

    flying bird and she was attracted. After a quick reading of the plot she decided she should read

    the whole book.

    She borrowed the book, or otherwise this was the borrowing of the tbook, she took a

    certain number of screen-pages to comply, with various authorization and caution. With the

    tbook she stopped to insert the code of her ID card and immediately she had the book in her

    hands. For Harry Potter, Alice had to fill a form on the screen with her personal data and two

    different forms with the data of her parents, which were not, and the last, so she had to give

    authorization for taking amounts directly from her credit card in the case of lack if restitution

    after the eight following days.

    Only eight days for reading of all of these pagesshe began talking to herself.

    Sweetheart, please dont be sad said a grown tbot that was sitting across the screen near

    to her, while intending to request some tbooks. The old classics he continued that, sad

    between us, prefer the contemporary bestsellers, those types of books as those of Hmgh

    How was his name Clinio Bretta in an educated manner Alice finished this phrase.

    Yes, that one Lets say, the old classics can take for only 2 days. It is truth that a bit of

    Energy is necessary for couple of hours that are necessary to finish a book, but nobody ever said

    it is easy to appreciate a book

    Yes, I understand sir, but I feel far more tired by her when I have to finish a book! and

    with a beautiful smile Alice devised the old tbot.


    Alice, everything is cooling. Move on here! Dont make me re-prepare everything.

    Stand up!

    Deciding that this is the moment to stop with the book so that she could have breakfast;

    but firstly she threw a brief look outside her window. It was a shiny summer day, there was a big

    beautiful sun and the sky was clear blue; obviously Alice couldnt comprehend that it was

    becoming quite warm. At the beginning of the summer the temperature of the house was

    reaching 23. Every year as the warm season was coming closer the discussions between her and

    her parents was about - what shall the house temperature be during the summer period.

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    Obviously they wanted a temperature around 18, at most 20, they adored the coolness, but for

    her this temperature was too low. This year, but only after a chain of discussions, she acquired to

    obtain a temperature a degree higher than the previous year. The same problem, but other way

    round, she presented every year with the arrival of the winter: if she didnt remind her parents of

    her situation, she was risking in dying from freezing.

    There I am! Hello mama, what nice did you prepare me for today?

    Finally! Hello Alice said Cloe.

    This is a time for us to see each other.

    Ciao Narseo, hows going?

    Alice, you know I dont like it when you call me by my name All good with me

    thanks, did you have a good sleep?

    Wonderfully answered Alice showing a big beautiful smile to her father. I rested

    properly well: why do you think I didnt? Finally the summer vacation had begun! This year I

    dont have exam and now I have all the summer in front of me to do whatever I want.

    Bless you intervened Cloe. I have to go to work even today, on Sunday

    Alice knows well that her mother loves her work and that she expressed this sadness

    without being very convincing. Cloe was a very particular social assistant, from those that are

    not easy to be found. Only thanks to her work Alice today can be here, with two fantastic

    parents, even though they are in a situation that needs to be defined for them more particularly.

    This here continued Cloe taking the plate in front of Alice. Now I have to go to work

    properly, well see each other at the supper. I am coming back later, Narseo, thinking you will

    prepare the supper for Alie.

    Of course sweetheart answered Narseo. Have nice working hours, till later!

    Ciao mamma, till later! Alice looked outside her window and saw her mother leaving

    and driving the street with her family dreadcar.

    Good daddy, what shall we do this morning? Alice asked the question already knowing

    what its answer will be. Sunday mornings she spent with her father many years already were

    always the same, yet she adored to pass them like this.

    Everything begun when, many years earlier, Cloe brought home for Alice a big can filled

    with little plastic squares with different dimensions and colors that were supposed to be

    connected between each other in order to create constructions. Alice did not become immediately

    fascinated: this originated from a game from the old times, a game she had never seen and that

    she neither achieve to understand how it functions.

    She spent all days connecting hundreds of plastic pieces but without giving them a certain

    form that she intended to create. She was so passionate to spend hours and hours in her room

    searching the form for the construction. Nevertheless Narseo was not at all a kind of father that

    asks a lot of questions, he informed himself how does this new game function and did not quite

    understood what is it about, to make Alice a surprise, while she was sleeping, in the room with

    the laundry he brought all the pieces and in a space of it he created a construction of a real

    architect, which as the matter of fact he was. The morning after Alice found in the laundry a

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    castle of thousand colors, with tens of windows, a towel and also a little bridge that was opening

    at the entrance. His amazement was truly big and thanks to the father she dedicated all the next

    week to this. But after a week Alice was tired from that fantastic castle and decided to

    deconstruct the construction so that she can create a new one. However this time she asked her

    father to work on this together with her and without using the Energy. At the beginning Narseo

    was in a difficulty and Alice was not having much fun. Later later, in the next Sundays, together

    they invented many other creations: a boat, a palace, a skyscraper, a little car, a bridge and many

    other things. The problem was not in constructing but in thinking what to construct.

    The problem is always the same said Narseo.

    What are we constructing today?

    I have an idea said Alice with an amusement. Lets construct the express for


    What? What is it about? I dont think you ever felt you are going to mention this. It is a

    beautiful problem you proposed me to construct something like this that nobody knows what is

    it! Narseo was having fun and Alise was somewhat sensing what he felt, though from the voice

    obviously she wasnt noticing what he was in about: she begun to interpret all the little gestures

    of her father and those that cannot be understood by the state of the mind, and this same she felt

    about the mother.

    However the situation was very complex and complicated for those that did not

    understood that well.

    It seems that I understood that it is about a piece of a big, but very big, family dreadcar

    in which the people travel all together. And that is so big that is passing also with a truck to

    transport the food

    Who would like to tell me that nobody but you knows well what it is about? interrupted

    her Narseo. That is unquestionably a big problem. How can we construct anything when

    nobody but the two of us knows about it?

    Alice is a bit awkward, immediately not wanting to show the reason for it to her father,

    but after a moment she enlightens her face with a new look and says: Lets see on Internet!

    Perhaps well find something.

    Climbing from above is Alice, once entered; she sees that her father closed himself in the

    doorstep without entering.

    Move on dad, what do you do shut like that?

    How can you live in the middle this chaos?

    Alice looked around her but everything seemed more or less all right. There was some

    cloth to be put on the chair, and a bed to be tided But at other times the situation was

    doubtlessly worst.

    You may not pretend your room is in order: that is not a human approach. You two are

    very precise. When I enter in your room it seems as I am entering a library. Everything is

    precisely on its place, everywhere without even a drop of dust. Dont mesmerize me that you or

    the mama place the clotes in the closet by alphabetical order as they do it with the tbooks in the

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    library. Instead the edition of the grand classics much better suits my room. Alice made a big

    smile thinking about the paragon she had made, she enjoys thinking about how can she delude

    her father regarding the way he behaves, but he doesnt quite understand her humor.

    Espresso said Alice in a high voice after she had turned off the green pulsation-button

    from the pc she had on her desk. In a second the pc managed to illuminate more this room, with

    its strong artificial lighting, so the screen is filled with stripes, as each stripe was anticipated by

    the number that followed the word espresso.

    Stripe one continues Alice. Immediately on the screen is being opened number one, but

    it was showed something that was not expected to be seen. It was visible a small white cup with

    a hot smoke and it read:

    The espresso is a drink obtained by the profusion of the hot water through the

    pressure that is passing through a layer of toasted coffee, machined and pressed; by

    passing through the coffee powder, the pressure of the water increases and the drink

    reaches the atmospheric pressure. The espresso coffee was born in Milano at the

    beginning of the 1900, following the invention of the machine that could produce it,

    which was perfected by the ing. Luigi Bezzera in 1901. Espresso is a drink obtained by

    the producing and technological treatment of the seeds of Coffea arabica and Coffea

    robusta, prepared accordingly to the technological process

    You should have told me that you wanted to construct a big cup said Narseo while

    Alice was reading.

    But I dont understand how it is possible that the people do the travels inside a cup

    I did not research that, pa! Alice interrupted him. Lets see the other images on the

    screen. I am sure I searched what I intended to.

    However the cup is not an ugly idea continued Narseo, without touching the issue

    that is just opened by Alice. We should construct one that occupies the whole room, we were

    never thinking of this.

    Stripe two said Alice, ignoring her father.

    This time the pc opens the page of the dictionary, in which in all details is explained the

    significance of the word espresso.

    Espresso (p.pass.,agg.,s.m.) 1 part. Pass expressing 2 agg means openly,

    unequivocally 3 agg rapid, intercepted by 4 cm of letter or envelope which compared

    with the others is more rapid than normally,; the special stamp with which is posted.

    There is no track of the espresso that she intended; Alice begins thinking that and this,

    like for example the gangs that are robbing in the suburbs or the farts, were products of


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    Eh, pa said Alice as being a bit more disconsolate, I think we should better take in

    consideration your idea to make a pretty cup. I dont renounce the research, but I will do it

    calmer in the days to come. Perhaps that strange espresso we will begin to construct already in

    the next Sunday. Narseo, did you hear what I just said?

    But Narseo does not answer to the daughter. He is, as usually, on his feet and perfectly

    unmovable, but it is very strange that he doesnt respond and not even revealing a brief glimpse

    at the daughter. He is completely concentrated at the screen of the pc, as being hypnotized. Alice

    is already used on the certain comportments of her father, she doesnt remain upset anymore. But

    she is not used to watch that, suddenly he is without any obvious motive, blocking himself

    without facing what is happening around him. Suddenly the screen of his pc becomes black, the

    stripes that are showing espresso disappear and are showing a very strange thing. By not

    looking after her father anymore and without asking what just happened, Alice concentrated her

    view towards the monitor. After the image that was just researched disappeared from the screen,

    in a shortest period of time appeared the completely black screen, after which slowly slowly

    begun to became brighter and on and on and on, moment after moment, the blackness from the

    screen became gray, after what a room appeared. Alice saw a room with two beds for sleeping

    which were designed very plain, one of them was unmade.

    Immediately her look concentrated on the right side of the screen. At the wall was one

    library, an immense library that covered the whole wall, entirely with real books, as the ones she

    could see only in the library. Not the simple usual tbooks but books that are dusty, heavy, with

    colorful bindings and reach with designs. She already half-closes her eyes so that she could

    distinguish better the details, she cannot believe what she sees. Than her attention moves on the

    beds, at the wall where the posters were hanging. The one which is above the bed on the right

    side in the first scale depicts a boy clinging n a bulge, as he was falling in a ravine and his only

    probable salvation was in the tip of the rock. As he cannot stop himself, his right leg was being

    grabbed by a girl, and behind her there is another boy attached to his leg and then another one,

    but the poster is too small so nobody could see clearly how many are the boys grabbing each

    other for the reason of avoiding from falling down. Alice also saw a written line, which thought

    she tried as hard as possible, she didnt manage to read it. The other poster which was on the left

    side had a another written line, likewise this one was too small for anybody to read it,

    representing a man alone intending to see his watch by holding it raised in front of his spectacles

    whose visibility seemed blocked by the sunlight. He is on his feet and beneath his legs are

    passing two strips of fire. The room is not as the ones from her school friends, it is very similar

    to her own. This room is very particular, as the ones that can be seen only in the old movies, but

    as the ones that only she, and only gratefully to her immense curiosity, she noticed in the old


    Alice was so intended to observe the poster that initially it was not as for the one that

    agrees that there is somebody that is moving in the room; at the left side appeared a boy. She can

    see him very well, as he is reflected exactly in front or as he is having that same look with

    curiosity. Alice managed to see that he has the most beautiful green eyes, bright flesh, blackberry

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    lively hair, rather unkempt, marked features, as much as a boy with charm and tails at his age can

    have. He is looking directly straight at her, as it seems he is not being interested in anything in

    particular, his movements are spontaneous as one can do a thing completely in a normal manner,

    as he is not being upset by the fact he sees a girl in front of him that has a fixation on him.

    Come-on boys, move on and enter all of a sudden said the boy from the screen.

    Alice sensed his voice, though completely motionless, without managing how to react,

    without managing what to think. In front of her on the screen featured the other two boys

    followed by two girls. The two new entrees were of the same age as the first one, one of them

    was with a visage that was very long and thin and it was quite evident that he was the tallest in

    this group; the other one was very short, with a very round face, with spectacles and short hair.

    Come-on Miki, move and get in. What are you waiting for? said the girl that was the

    tallest one.

    Keep firm! said she, this time referring to the girl that was the smallest one, that was

    jumping towards her and the tall boy that were trying to see her, though her.

    Everythings OK! It seems we do appear but the screen is black What has happened?

    Alice saw the face of the boy coming nearer to the screen as she could entirely

    distinguish the small freckles on his cheeks and on his nose.

    From the clarity that was present on it, the screen was slowly slowly beginning to become

    darker, the imagery was briefly fading, Alice could not see anything anymore, she heard only a

    voice, that was probably by one of those other two boys that said: We are here, finally it seems

    that we are going Come-on, enter on Internet that we are searching Than the voice

    disappeared and unexpectedly as it was missing reappeared on the screen with its written


    So who is there?

    Alice did a leap, she was so upset and immobilized from what she just saw, that she

    couldnt remember any more of the presence of her father near her.

    Alice, everything fine with you? You seem kind of pale to me!

    Yes, I am all right automatically responded Alice.

    She remained immobilized couple of seconds, without properly managing to understand

    what she has just seen on her screen. For a moment she thought that maybe it will be the best to

    tell about this to her father, but in the next moment she decided not to reveal anything. At first

    she begun trying to understand what she has seen, who were those boys, what was that room

    All in all she had many questions which she could not answer and now she preferred not to talk

    about them.

    Are you sure you are all right?

    Of course pa, it is you that remained immovable in front of the pc for few minutes, not

    me said for herself Alice.

    I remained immovable? obviously Narseo had heard well what the daughter had just

    said. This doesnt seem proper to me However, I saw that all went well, have we decided

    what we are going to do? Lets make a beautiful cup!

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    Alice thought that maybe this was the case in which she should behave normally, to

    spend this morning with the father and maybe later to clarify what the housework will be.

    Surely, everything in order. For the first time we are making the espresso All the time we will

    be discovering what does that precisely mean!

    The rest of the morning they spent calmly passing the time in the laundry constructing

    that giant cup. Unquestionably the help of Narseo was precious regarding the issue of the project

    for the construction, how to seem to truly do things indeed realistically and, in the cases of the

    most complicated constructions, to do things while they were standing; but Narseo had problems

    with doing things manually. Fortunately Alice was very good for this: with her little fingers, that

    were tiny and careful, she succeed easily to handle the small particles and fit them.

    Alice, while she was working, didnt succeed in removing the thought of what she had

    seen. She continued by asking herself thousands of questions, continued to think of that room

    and of those boys. Anyway the morning passed quickly and at its end the end the construction

    was completed.

    It went very well said with satisfaction Narseo. This time in deed we did a beautiful


    Actually the cup was beautiful: they both gave their best to this construction. Perfectly in

    the middle of the room, not covering even a half of it. It was red with green borders. But since it

    wasnt enough beautiful Narseo insisted that he wanted to decorate it with yellow flowers that

    did not embellish anywhere else.

    Surely mama will be astonished said Alice with satisfaction.

    This is not going to be destroyed in at least couple of weeks time.

    It happens that Cloe always didnt want to destroy their constructions: she gave to them

    beauty as they give a piece of cake. But as usually, after a couple of days, Narseo in a complete

    secrecy, after taking a beautiful photo, in a second destroys everything by putting it back in the

    pieces from the can. Obviously Alice was on the side of the father: otherwise they could not have

    spent another Sunday together.

    Now I can see, I came a bit of a fame Declared Alice while looking the father with a

    beautiful smile. Dont worry, you dont have to cook for me Now I am going to hear with

    Druina and I am going to go with her to Robys.

    From the expression of Narseo we can see that he would be truly very happy if he didnt

    have to cook but he felt guilty that he had let Alice to go eating outside without even trying to

    convince her to stay home, when, without any conviction, he said: Are you sure you want to go

    out? To mama I said I have cooked something for you, if you like you may eat here and then go

    with Druina

    No, dont worry about me, now Im going to hear her and organize myself.

    Druina said Alice after she touched the green button of the t-watch that she kept on her

    wrist. Who is it?

    The t-watch slightly vibrated, after what a lively voice could be heard.

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    Ciao, Alice! Of course it is us! You just called by me! So how things are going? What

    are we doing? Well see what we are going to do now or later? For me it is perfectly well now, I

    begun to become bored and I have indeed quite many things to tell you about. I do think this

    vacancy begun well. You know, yesterday evening I was at Aidas place and while going there,

    do you know who I met with? You could never guess! Yes, yes, exactly him! Danio! The

    beautiful, the most beautiful. This time not only he watched me but he even saluted me! After he

    continued watching me

    Druina! said Narseo.

    Oh, good afternoon Mr.Narseo, I didnt know you were there too

    Ah ah ah, you left me no time to salute you. Now I am leaving you to your gossips

    Narseo walked away from the room while shaking his head.

    There, I have told you

    Druina wait interrupted Alice. You will tell me everything about this while before I

    drink an ice tee. How about- lets meet at Robys in 15 minutes time?

    Fifteen minutes said the a bit perplexed Druina. Two minutes, and I am already


    Yes, if you want to stay and wait for me all alone than thats all right for me. How many

    times I have told you: when I am a bit hanged out by something, I cannot prepare myself with the


    Sorry, I am not always forgetting. It is all right if I expect you there, hoping ever to meet

    Danio! How beautiful he is, cool, strong

    Ok, ok Alice cut the conversation. Till very soon! She pressed the red button and the

    conversation between the two girl-friends concluded.

    Alice was in those less than fifteen minutes, she was rather in a hurry: and she had

    something truly interesting to tell her friend, but for that as always she would have to wait her to

    let her speak.

    She went there in her minidread and after a couple of minutes she was already at Robys

    parking space.

    Through the glass she saw Druina intending to speak with the waitress that was having

    this shift, Cronida, who in that moment surely wanted to be in another part. She was watching

    around, searching for clients that would have called her ordering and not paying any attention to

    Druina, that was calmly continuing to talk; but now Alice would be the one to enter and save that

    unpleasant situation. With a hurrying walk she entered the place, picked one chair and moved it

    near Druina.

    There, Alice is arrived said Cronida addressing Druina. The best it would be if I leave

    you and go to order your drinks. Only tea for Alice and t-cola for Druina?

    Surely said together the two friends. With a big relief the waitress went away from the

    table and by walking in a hurry she disappeared behind the door.

    So, Alice, I have already told you about Danio. Yes, this time he saluted me and he also

    smiled! Lets hope that in the afternoon he will come here. I hope he will arrive and I would like

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    to make you see that he is watching me. This time he will salute me as he did yesterday evening,

    and probably he will like to sit together with us. I already told about this to Aida, but you know

    how is she, if she doesnt see she doesnt believe.

    Yes, I know how she is. But now and I have something to tell you about, something a bit

    particular that captured me this morning said Alice, interrupting the friend, hoping with this

    phrase she will make her curious so that she would decide that this is the moment when she is

    supposed to end talking and begin to listen. But Druina continued for at least the next ten

    minutes to speak all and even faster about Danio. She was explaining all of his tiny movements,

    all of his expressions, all of his looks. She was describing all this so well that Alice felt as and

    she too was there and saw him in that moment, as she too participated at the appointment in the

    previous evening. She knew Druina rather well (she was her best friend) so she knew that she is

    a good friend, but she was also aware that Druina was capable of speaking continuously for at

    least an hour and only after that she could listen. Probably.

    Another ten minutes passed, now the conversation of Druina moved from Danio to the

    friend Athos, then subsequently she turned to Aida. After a while the tee drink was finished and

    Alice begun initiating losing the thread of the conversation, not being able anymore to stay inside

    the tales of her friend.

    Sorry Alice said a bit unexpectedly Druina, as she became aware the attention of her

    friend was falling. Now tell me about your thing. Something that Athos has told you about

    Danio that I should know of?

    No Druina. I am sorry that my thing concerns neither Danio nor Athos. This happened

    this morning while I was in front of the pc with my father. Suddenly, without any explanation,

    without touching anything, a video appeared and then I saw a room Alice described the room,

    the library, the poster and the boys inside the screen. She tried to remember as many details as

    possible, as much as she can give to Druina as she felt her intention was also to see all this once

    again, so that she would not forget, so that she wont forget those visuals.

    Alice, I dont know what to tell you said Druina trying to be sweet and full of

    understanding. Are you sure you didnt dream about all this? I mean, it is quite strange to see

    those boys, above all - all of them together, all of a sudden. Besides in a room like that How to

    describe it, filled with strange things. Are you sure you didnt dream all this? Sorry that I told

    you like this, but I cannot think of any other explanation continued Druina, not without trying to

    escape a little from the apprehension of what she was supposed to say. We both know that when

    you are trying to understand the old things, when you like the printed paper I mean, when you

    like the books. Ech you know, when somebody is like you! It is as you are dreaming with your

    eyes opened.

    For the first time since they met, Druina didnt know what to say; evidently she was

    embarrassed and nevertheless she really couldnt understand the diversity that existed between

    the hearts of the two friends, this was one of those moments when one can make no pretense of

    anything. So, strangely, one remains wordless, prudently avoiding saying something that may

    hurt Alice.

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    I understand what you want to say said Alice with a tone full of understanding towards

    her friend. You shouldnt worry. We are different, we know, thats so evident!! Alice smiled

    and continued whispering: Let me assure you that I was not dreaming and I would like to make

    you understand what happened. The only problem is I dont know how.

    Just in this moment entered Danio with his friend Athos, and Alice, indicated with an

    invisible movement of her eyes that the two friends already entered, she said immediately:

    Dont worry Druina, now lets speak of something completely different: look who has just


    Hi, Danio, ciao! shouted Alice attracting the attention of Danio, who was walking

    towards her and she already saw he was approaching their table.

    Ciao, Alice he said with a friendly intonation. Druina, how nice to see you, how are


    Mhmm Druina gave a truly incomprehensible answer, beginning looking around and

    agitating; Alice thought if in case he immediately arrives to her friend the closeness of Dario

    would have been manifestly embarrassing for her.

    I think she is just fine today said Alice, continuing to search to speak anything that

    could distract Danio from his fixating on Druina that he did without yet understanding what he

    has said. The vacancy has already begun!

    Suddenly Druina stood up, threw a signal at Alice and went towards the door; she didnt

    even look at Athos that was standing at the entrance talking with Cronida, and going out so

    politely. Alice quickly saluted Danio and, while exiting, Athos, followed her outside the place.

    Already outside Druina, soaked with a shame mixed with anger, shouted a ciao to Alice

    and used her Energy to disappear as soon as possible from the Robys parking place. Alice

    remained astonished with the behavior of her friend and continued feeling guilty for inviting

    Danio at their table, though she thought she was making a favor to Druina: unfortunately things

    did not go as she expected.

    Now with her spirits low she entered the minidread and went home.

    The evening went as any other, she was having her dinner absentmindedly while her

    father was speaking with her mother about the work he will attend tomorrow. Alice felt guilty for

    what happened in the afternoon, was unable to decide whether she should call Druina as soon as

    she finishes with her dinner or shall she wait till tomorrow. After she finished with her dinner she

    went in her room where, at the monitor of the pc, immediately appeared in her mind the visuals

    she saw that afternoon. She accessed with avidity, hoping she will see again those boys, perhaps

    she could even succeed having conversation with them. She spent the evening in video chat with

    Druina who, after a moment of embarrassment, all the time seemed tranquil and joking about the

    afternoon reaction.

    Alice was all relieved concerning her friend but her attention, resulted by this little

    problem, was now turned towards the pc: she was waiting with anxiety to see whether anything

    is going to happen.

  • 12| Ivan Migliozzi THE WORLD OF THE TBOTS(10pages)

    Finally, after she researched absentmindedly the information about the espresso, she

    dragged herself on the bad, closed her eyes

    Hi, Alice! Alice Wake up, its me! Alice saw in her room the boy with the green

    eyes, the boy with the freckles: he was exactly in front of her.

    Ciao said whisperingly Alice. How come you know my name? What do you do here?

    Alice was not at all frightened by the presence of this unknown boy in her room; it gave

    her a strange sensation, a kind of security. At the same time she began to comprehend that the

    situation is not real She looked around and she rediscovered in the room what she had seen in

    the afternoon, exactly at the bad aside the library. Suddenly all books begun to fly around the

    room, the swirling opened volumes were passing in front of her eyes. Alice figured out that all

    this was a dream, but she didnt want to wake up. She wanted to know.

    Who are you? Where did you find me? she cried in her dream referring to the boy

    whose name she didnt know. But hence he began leaving the room, without paying any

    attention to her anymore. Alice lifted up herself on the bed in a hurry but all of a sudden the

    room transformed itself into Robys place; there was no trace of the boy and at the end of the

    place was Druina who with a big signal told her to come closer to her

    And after this unexpectedly Alice woke up. She find herself again in her bad, in her

    room. With even more questions she was unable to answer.

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