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The World’s Simplest Guide to Hair Loss

“Causes and Cures”

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Table of Contents:

All about Hair Loss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

Types of Hair Loss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

Causes of Hair Loss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

Signs and Symptoms of Hair Loss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

Medical Treatments and Natural Remedies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

Coping with Hair Loss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

Preventing Hair Loss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

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What You Need To Know About Hair Loss

A person‟s mane is considered his or her crowning glory. But once a person experience hair loss,

this is no longer the case. Majority of the people who are going through this problem cannot

help but feel shame once they pass through this certain stage.

Many of them try to conceal it using wigs or many undergo through medical treatments and

process such as hair transplants in order to bring back their so-called “crowning glory.”

Although it is quite inevitable to feel shame once one experiences hair loss, this should not

prevent him or her to lose self-confidence totally.

Hair Loss Basics

People—regardless of their age, gender or status—can experience hair loss due to several

factors. If you are one of those who are experiencing this problem, it is a must that you know

the basics of hair loss to give you an idea what to do. Knowing the basics can help you

determine the status of your condition, can give you an idea when to seek medical attention,

can help you decide which hair loss treatments to use and can even help you prevent it if you

are prone to the condition.

One of the misconceptions about hair loss is that age solely causes it. While it is true that age

primarily causes it because of the cells that are already giving up, there are other factors that

might cause it. These include heredity especially if your family has a long running history of

baldness, taking in certain medications for a specific condition and an underlying medical

condition that weakens the person overall system such as cancer and other terminal illnesses.

A person who is undernourished can also experience hair loss being he or she is not getting the

right nutrients to keep the hair grow healthy. People, who are into switching hairstyles that puts

too much pressure on the scalp, may also experience hair loss because the pulling on the hair

such as those in braids or dreadlocks can weaken the roots of the hair.

Temporary hair loss can also be caused by too much stress since people don‟t have enough time

to take care of their mane. It can also be caused by pregnancy since women tend to lose

nutrients for themselves for the growing baby inside. Because of these causes, it is inevitable

that everyone can be prone to losing their hair.

Aside from the probable causes, the next thing that you should pay attention to is the

symptoms. Many people experience the greater effect and burden of hair loss because they did

not pay to much attention to it when it was just starting.

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Experts say that it is common for people to lose at least 100 strands of their hair every day. This

is because these strands are meant to be replaced by new set of strands over time. People who

are losing more than this estimated number of strands should worry that they have greater

chances of losing their hair.

People who are losing more than a hundred strands per day should analyze what might cause it.

Once the cause is determined, she or he can do some lifestyle changes to improve on it. If these

modifications in lifestyle did not work, one should visit a doctor immediately to know what

causes this abnormal amount of hair loss. Going to specialist is very important because aside

from telling you what the cause of the condition is, the doctor will know what treatment will

work for you.

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When to Seek Medical Advice for Hair Loss

To some people, they consider their hair as their best asset. But to those who are suffering from

hair loss, this is not the case. Instead of being a source of pride and confidence, this very

condition serves as a factor that lowers their self-confidence.

Contrary to common belief, age alone does not cause the hair to fall. In fact, more and more

experts agree that there are more particular factors that cause hair loss both in women and men

regardless of age, race, and status in life.

Studies show that it is healthy for people to lose at least 100 strands of their hair every day. This

is because this very phenomenon is a normal part of the hair growth cycle. Usually, the stands of

hair the fell are replaced with a new set of hair stands in less the sixteen weeks or four months.

However, people who experience more amount of hair loss on a daily basis should consider

seeking medical advice. Visiting the doctor about this is very important not only to find out what

causes it but also to ensure that there is no related complication along with the excessive hair


Risk Factors of Hair Loss

Experts say that almost all people are prone to losing their hair especially if they don‟t pay

attention to the risk factors involved. It is said that the primary cause of hair loss can be traced

to heredity. People whose parents have baldness genes are said to have the strongest risk

factor. Hair loss for these people is quite inevitable since nothing can be done when it comes to

their genes. The thinning of hair and receding hairlines usually manifest once one ages.

Aside from heredity, people who are suffering from terminal illnesses such as cancer and auto

immune diseases such as those related with thyroid also have greater risks for hair loss because

the disease themselves weaken the immune system and affect hair growth. Taking in

medications and medical treatment for certain illnesses and conditions also increases the risk to

hair loss as well as alopecia areata, which is may cause permanent baldness brought about by

stress as well as other infections in the environment.

People who do not pay attention to proper nutrition also have higher risks for hair loss

especially those who are low in protein intake. Women who are pregnant may also experience

temporary hair loss since the nutrition in their bodies is shared with the growing fetus inside.

Those who are taking in birth control pills also experience this condition because of the

hormonal changes that take place in the body. People who change hairstyles often and those

who use too much hair treatments may also undergo temporary hair loss.

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The Needed Medical Attention

A person who has at least three risk factors of hair loss should seek medical advice immediately

to prevent further complications. When you go to the doctor, make sure that you point out all

your concerns so he or she can make the right diagnosis and recommend possible treatment

option for you.

The doctor will run some tests to find out what causes your excessive hair loss. Once all the tests

have been made, she or he will then explain your condition and will try to give you medication

or offer you treatments for temporary hair loss. Since no treatment can cure permanent hair loss

such as those caused by heredity and medical conditions, the doctor can give you options to at

least slow down the rate of hair loss.

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Types of Hair Loss

It is only normal for people to lose at least a hundred strands of their hair on a regular basis.

This is because in the normal cycle of a person‟s hair growth—which is expected to last for at

least two to six years—strands of hair fall out regularly and the scalp will grow new ones in

about 12 weeks. However, some people lose more than the expected number of stands in a day.

In fact, there is a growing number of people who experience the burden of hair loss nowadays.

Experts say that many of the people who are losing their hair are not even aware of it. If truth to

be to be told, many of them are nonchalant about the condition of their hair and don‟t notice

that they are losing their crowning glory if not for the comments of people around them.

The Type You Are In

If you think you are one of those who are prone to hair loss, the first thing that you need to

know is what the specific types of hair loss there is are. This will serve as a sign if you are really

into losing your hair in the long run or not.

The first type is the “androgenetic alopecia” or commonly known as the pattern baldness. Males

and females who are prone to this experience slow growth of hair as well as weaker stands of

hair compared before. In this condition, the primary cause could be heredity because the history

of pattern baldness may increase your risks of losing your hair. Because of heredity, age is also

affected which in turn speeds up the rate of hair loss.

Another type is called, “cicatricial alopecia” or the scarring alopecia, which is a type of

permanent hair loss, occurs caused by inflammation. In this condition, the inflammation was

able to damage the hair‟s follicle and later, became scars. Because of these scars, the new hair is

prevented from coming out. Scarring alopecia can be caused by certain skin conditions like

lupus erythematosus and lichen planus wherein experts are yet to discover what is it that causes

the inflammation.

The “alopecia areata” is the type of hair loss, which is considered as an autoimmune disease.

Although there is already a classification for this, the cause of the condition is not yet

discovered. Experts say that those people who suffer from his condition are those who are

generally healthy. Some say that the condition can be caused by autoimmune disorders like

thyroid illness, genes, or certain virus in the environment where the person spends a long time


On the other hand, there is also a type that is caused by a change in the normal hair cycle, it‟s

called “telogen effluvium”. This condition might occur when something shocked system that

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leads to the premature resting of the hair‟s growth. This shock can either be physical but mostly

emotional such as when a person sulks into depression caused by factors like death and other

distress events. It can also be caused by physiological stress that lead fever, changing weight

conditions, deficiencies in nutrition as well as other disturbances in metabolism.

Lastly, the type of hair loss which is becoming popular today, the “traction alopecia”. This

specific hair loss is usually caused by too much hairstyling that puts too much pressure on the

scalp. The pulling causes the roots of the hair to be weak and disables it from growing healthy


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Causes of Hair Loss

Surveys say that one of the things that make people lose their confidence is hair loss. This is

because many people cannot be confident in front and even around with others knowing that

these people are openly staring into his or her bald spots.

Experts say that hair loss or baldness can be inevitable to people especially if their families have

a history of it. These people—whose genes came from older generations who are prone to hair

loss—cannot really do much about it since the condition runs in their genes. But for those who

don‟t have it in their genes and still lose so much hair, now is the time to worry.

What causes hair loss?

More and more people are becoming prone to hair loss because they don‟t pay much attention

to the signs and symptoms of the condition. If you think you are prone to baldness, the first

thing that you need to check—aside from the family‟s history of hair loss—is the number of

strands of hair that you lose in a day.

Although it is quite impossible to keep track to the exact number of strands, a hundred will be

noticeable if examines closely. Experts say that losing this amount of hair is normal because new

stands of hair are expected to grow in 12 weeks. But if the amount is more than this, it is a must

to consider what might cause it.

The following are some of the common causes of hair loss. Although some of which can be self-

determined, it is always best to consult an expert because he or she can pinpoint what exactly

causes your baldness.

1. Diseases, illnesses and other medical conditions.

This is one of the most common causes of hair loss. Diseases such as diabetes, lupus, or those

that are associated with the thyroid glands can affect the growth and the overall production of

hair in the person‟s system.

2. Taking in certain medications.

The side effects of certain medications like those of isotretinoin and lithium and other diet pills

that contain amphetamines are known to cause hair loss especially among teens. People who

are undergoing chemotherapy sessions to treat cancer as well as those drugs for gout,

depression, arthritis, and heart problems may trigger baldness. In women, birth control pills may

also be the culprit for hair loss.

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3. Undernourishment or poor nutrition.

People who have insufficient protein and iron in their bodies will most likely suffer from hair

loss. This is because these two are the most important component that strengthens the hair to

make it grow. Hair loss due to improper nutrition are more common among women because

they are the ones who are more into fad and diets which lead to eating disorders that cause

under nutrition. Experts say that when a person has poor nutrition, there is not enough supply of

nutrients such as vitamin and minerals to sustain the growth of the hair.

4. Undergoing medical treatments.

People who have to undergo medical treatments such as chemotherapy and radiation therapies

are getting more risks in losing their hair because these treatments can kill the hair from the

roots and may even cause a condition called “alopecia” that can lead to permanent hair loss.

Other causes of hair loss include hormonal changes, hair treatments and hairstyling, scalp

infection, “trichotillomania” or hair-pulling disorder, and disruption of the hair‟s growth cycle.

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Hair Loss Caused By Lichen Planus

There are several factors that can result in hair loss. One common disease is a disorder known as

lichen planus. This particular disease is not in itself a direct cause but it is an important trigger

and often causes complications with the scalp and can lead to this problem.

Lichen planus is more of a skin disorder that also affects other areas of the body. Thus, it can not

only affect the skin and body, but also the scalp. When the scalp is affected, hair loss is

experienced. Licen phanus is usually considered to be an allergic reaction and is often associated

with a poor immune system. Some believe that lichen planus is triggered from excessive stress.

Stress weakens the body‟s immune system and render it susceptible to infection and other

health symptoms such as hair loss. The chances of getting another lichen planus attack rise with

the first affliction, even with treatment and prevention measures.

Lichen planus is most identifiable by the changes in the skin that occur. There will be itching in

certain areas of the skin, as well as skin lesions that will appear in a variety of places. The skin

lesions will have a variety of attributes related to their shape, size and color, all which will help

you in identifying the disorder. There may also be nail abnormalities, such as ridges in the nails

that begin to appear. The skin lesions will then begin to move into the mouth area and cause

your mouth to feel dry. From here, lichen planus will begin to show on the scalp area and hair

will be lost from the irritation from the scalp area.

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Once you notice these symptoms, do not wait too long to treat the lichen planus. In most cases,

the symptoms are not severe enough and will simply go away over time. However, there is also

the possibility of the symptoms become full blown and it will be more difficult to treat at that

point in time.

For treatment, you can take prescribed medications. Antihistamines are useful in helping to treat

lichen planus. Vitamin A in the form of ointments and creams are also considered to be

effective. It can be expected that this disorder will disappear after a few months or after a longer

amount of time. Also, ensure a healthy diet and lifestyle to boost your immune system.

If you notice both the above mentioned symptoms and also experience hair loss at the same

time, then it is possible that you can be having lichen planus. To be absolutely sure, it is best to

seek a professional diagnosis. Lichen planus can cause much discomfort to you as it affects your

physical appearance. Understanding what the symptoms of lichen planus are and knowing what

to do will help you repair your skin and treat yourself from hair loss.

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How Stress Causes Hair Loss?

The problem of thinning hair may be caused by a genetic predisposition that comes from a

family history of thinning hair. Health problems such as Hyperthyroid or Hypothyroid conditions;

medications such as chemotherapy, any hormone replacement medications including birth

control pills are culprits often overlooked.

It is normal to shed some hair each day as part of this cycle. However, some people may

experience excessive (more than normal) hair loss. Hair loss of this type can affect men, women

and children.

Are You Stressed?

Thinning hair can also be attributed to stress and trauma that can cause constriction of blood

supply and poor vitamin assimilation to the scalp and hair. Or, simply from poor nutrition and

diet that can include a high consumption of animal fat, high protein and fad diets. Even external

environmental toxins and pollutants, such as chlorine, metals, minerals and water pollution

cannot be ignored. All these factors can be causing your clients' hair to look thinner.

Under a Microscope

The hardening prevents hair growth. The hair cycle slowly becomes disrupted and more hair is

shed than normal. In time hair growth stops completely and baldness results. Here you see an

example of a hair follicle as seen under a microscope.

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Age and Hormones

Most people naturally experience some hair loss as they get older. But age, changing hormones

and heredity cause some to lose more hair than others.

Female-pattern baldness starts with the replacement hairs becoming progressively finer and

shorter. They can also become almost transparent.

It has been recorded that about 50 percent of women experience hair loss have female-pattern

baldness! Unfortunately, it is often permanent just as in men. Not all hair thinning and loss must

be permanent. There has been various cases of perimenopausal women, for example,

experiencing thinning and lost hair who, once their hormone levels become balanced, can

experience the thickness of previously thinning and the regrowth of lost hair that occurred

during the ebbing and flowing hormonal years.

Hot Tips

Get Wavy! Permanents can help give volume to fine-textured hair -- but hair must be healthy,

not dry or brittle. Only a gentle body wave is advised, because tighter waves can damage the

hair. Because chemicals in permanents are harsh, a permanent should be only a last resort for

fine-haired people.

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Symptoms of Hair Loss

Hair loss or baldness is becoming one of the most common problems of people. This is because

more and more factors contribute to it compared before. Called “alopecia” by experts, hair loss

can be categorized into permanent and temporary baldness depending on the condition the

person is in.

Experts say that that most common form of alopecia is called, pattern baldness or the

“androgenetic” alopecia. It is said that this type of hair loss condition affects almost one third of

the men and women in the world. The sad thing about this is it is permanent, meaning there is

no way to go about it but to cope with it.

Knowing the Signs and Symptoms

When a person loses at least a hundred stands of hair per day, it is considered normal. But when

he or she loses more than that estimated amount along with glaring symptoms such as thinning

of the hair, a hairline that is receding, and bald patches in some areas of the head, then you

might be suffering from hair loss.

Studies show that androgenetic alopecia can affect both men and women but the

manifestations differ in some ways. Among men, the thinning of the hair starts at the temples as

well in the crown. In the long run, it is expected that they will be either completely bald or

partially bald. In women, lesser hair loss is expected and though there is also receding hairlines

along the forehead and temple, they will not completely go bald as men do.

The pattern baldness in males are known to begin at such an early age even before their

teenage years. This condition may be characterized by a receding hairline—especially at the

temples—and hair loss at the top of the person‟s head. Eventually, the person can be completely

or partially bald. The symptoms of hereditary pattern baldness in men include thinning or loss of

hair stands starting in the front or forehead, at the crown, down to the sides of the person‟s


Some women start losing hair at puberty but most of those who have pattern baldness do not.

The estimated year is around mid-20s to early-30s. Unlike in men, the androgenetic alopecia in

women starts with the thinning the front or forehead down to the crown. What differs the

hereditary pattern baldness in both genders is that hair loss in women are only limited and they

don‟t experience total baldness.

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Aside from pattern baldness, another permanent type of hair loss is the “cicatricial alopecia” or

the scarring alopecia which is caused by the inflammation in the hair‟s follicles. This result to

scars which hinders the growth of the new set of hair.

When it comes to temporary hair loss, the most common is called “alopecia areata” wherein the

baldness starts from a small and round patch and will grow in size; the “telogen effluvium” which

occurs suddenly and characterized by thinning without patches; “traction alopecia” that is

caused by changing hairstyles which out too much pressure on the scalp and creates bald spots

especially between the rows of the hair, and “trichotillomania” which is caused by a mental

problem wherein the person cannot help him or herself from pulling out the strands of hair from

the scalp and in other parts of his or her body.

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Diagnosis for Hair Loss

Hair loss or alopecia in medical terms refers to the loss of hair due to several factors. These

causes may include such heredity which causes pattern baldness both in men and women, lack

of proper nutrition, taking in medications, certain illnesses such as cancer, thyroid disease or

lupus which weaken the immune system, undergoing medical treatments for certain conditions,

pregnancy, and varying hair styles that put too much pressure on the scalp that hinders hair


If you are losing more than what is expected, now is the time to worry that you might be

suffering from hair loss. If you suffer from symptoms such as the hair falling out suddenly or in

clump, patchy hair loss, red scalp or areas that have flakes, and total loss of hair in almost all

parts of the body, now is the time to visit the specialist. He or she will pinpoint what causes your

hair fall and can offer you alternative treatments and other options.

Visiting the Doctor

If you are visiting the doctor for the first time to seek medical advice on your hair loss, expect

that he or she will ask about your medical and family. The doctor will ask questions on your

recent medical status to know if you underwent treatments that may cause this condition. He or

she will also ask about your family‟s history to know if the hair loss is caused by the genes or

hereditary because this might indicate that you are suffering from pattern baldness.

Before going to the clinic or the hospital, it is advisable to list down the foods that you eat and

the medications you take if there are any. This will help the doctor find out faster what causes

your condition. During your visit, expect that she or she will ask details like your hair care habits,

your current emotional and physiological status as well as other aspects of your life because

your hair loss might be caused by stress.

Aside from asking questions, expect that the doctor will do examination on your hair and your

scalp. This is very important so the doctor will know how much hair you have lost and what is

the condition of your scalp. Be ready because the doctor will examine your scalp to know if

there are signs and symptoms of infection such as redness, scaling or flaking. To be sure about

the diagnosis, there will be a need to pull some of your hair strands to find out how string or

weak it is. This test is called the “pull test”. Seeing how easy the hair comes out from the follicles

will help the doctor determine which part of your hair is resting and which part is growing.

The doctor may also do the following set of tests during your visit:

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1. Getting samples of skin scrapings.

If there are flakes or scrapings, the doctor will get samples of it and examine it to find out if

there is infection or what causes the condition.

2. The punch biopsy.

This is considered as the last option when all the tests are done and no result or diagnosis has

been made. People who suffer from alopecia areata and scarring alopecia are asked to undergo

this test immediately. Here, the doctor makes use of a piece of circular tool to be able to remove

a small section from the deeper layers of the skin.

3. Blood tests.

This is usually not common in screening for hair loss but some doctors recommend it to find out

if the condition might be caused by an underlying medical condition like autoimmune diseases.

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Are hair loss treatments just one big scam?

The hair loss industry is not one that inspires great confidence in most people. I have to admit

this is perfectly understandable given the damage caused by the many rogues and charlatans

who have abused the trust of far too many vulnerable people - people who have received

worthless and even dangerous products or advice in exchange for their hard earned cash. The

end result is the prevalance of a stigma that the industry is hard pressed to shake off.

But is this perception really justified nowadays? Are there no genuine treatments that sufferers

can turn to in a bid to treat the ravages of premature hair loss? The simple answer is YES, there

are several safe, affordable, accessible and effective hair loss treatments currently available.

Some have even been approved by FDA for the treatment of hair loss conditions while others

draw on natural remedies as the basis for commercially available products. Whether or not any

of them are suitable for a given individual depends on a number of important factors.

First and foremost, every individual must determine the exact cause or causes of his or her hair

loss. This may appear to be an over-simplistic statement but the truth is, most people

undergoing a course of treatment for hair loss have proceeded on the basis of self-diagnosis.

Given the fact that premature or excessive hair loss is often associated with underlying medical

conditions, this is perhaps not the most sensible course of action.

My advice in all cases is to seek the guidance of a qualified medical practitioner because the

consequences of not doing so may be serious in a small number of cases. Even where all the

evidence points to the onset of hereditary male pattern baldness it would probably be best to

seek advice, if only to rule out other factors.

Once the cause of hair loss has been properly diagnosed you will be in a position to choose a

suitable form of treatment. This may range from the prescription of drugs aimed at balancing

disrupted hormone levels to the topical application of minoxidil to reduce the symptoms of

male pattern baldness.

Hair loss may be caused by many factors including changing hormone levels, illness, stress,

overuse of strong chemicals, excessive traction, poor grooming practices, side effects of medical

treatment, poor nutrition, weak immune system and the effects of aging. The good news is, all

of these can be tackled with reasonable hope of success but only if you choose the right


The next article in this series will look closely at the various causes of excessive hair loss and

outline suggested treatments that are both affordable and accessible. If you take only two

things from this article, please take these suggestions on board:

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1. Always seek the advice of your physician before undergoing a hair

loss treatment regime.

2. Don't despair, there's often a simple explanation for excessive

hair loss and even hereditary loss or male pattern-type baldness can

be treated successfully for most people nowadays.

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Page 26: The World’s Simplest Guide to Hair Loss · Hair Loss Basics People—regardless of their age, gender or status—can experience hair loss due to several factors. If you are one

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A Hair Loss Cure for Men

Procerin is a natural remedy for hair loss has been found effective in reversing hair loss in men

caused by androgenetic alopecia, the most common cause of male hair loss, thinning hair and

receding hairlines often reffered to as widows peak. Basiclly men suffering from androgenetic

alopecia have extremely high levels of the chemical dihydrotestosterone, a by-product of the

major male hormone testosterone, so when this hormone is converted into DHT the results are

hair loss and this is where Procerin steps in and blocks the production of DHT and unlike other

medications does not with react with testosterone.

Procerin has been scientifically designed to help men retain and regrow their hair. The 17 active

ingredients are all-natural herbal, vitamin, and mineral DHT inhibitors and include, Saw Palmetto

Berries, Gotu Kola, Nettles, Magnesium, Zinc Sulfate, Siberian Ginseng, Vitamin B-6, Pumpkin

Seed Meal, CJ-11 Factor, CJ-9 Factor, and Mura Puma Root, because the Procerin hair loss

product for men contains only natural ingredients the only known side effects are mild stomach

discomfort for the first few days, if you are suffering an illness it is wise to consult your doctor

before use especilly if you are currently taking a MAOI inhibitor.

Studys have shown that Procerin is more effective as a natural hair loss remedy in men aged

between 18-35 and those whose hair is still in a growth phase. Men that still have growing hair

experience an increase in hair count, and improvement in both hairline and thinning at the

crown of their head, becuase hair grows at an extremely slow rate ( about 1" every two months)

it best to take Procerin for at 1-2 months before results can be expected, but some users of

Procerin have reported good results after only 2 weeks, most men take 1-3 months before

before significant increases in hair count occur, not bad comparing to Propecia that can take

upto 6 months for good hair growth results.

So does Procerin work? Procerin has had many good results with many success storys and the

companys boasts that Procerin the natural hair loss remedy works with 92% of men who suffer

androgenetic alopecia the most common cause of hair loss plus Procerin is a cost effective

alternative to other hair loss products like Propecia & Rogaine and unlike prescription

medication Procerin is backed by a 90-Day Unconditional, No questions asked Money Back

Guarantee so you have nothing to lose except your hair of course.

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Female Hair Loss Vitamins

Hair loss is one of the most common problems, and also the most difficult to tackle. While

healthy hair indicates good general health, hair loss can be an indicator of a deeper internal

health problem. Hair loss in women has been attributed to several factors till now: stress, lack of

iron or anemia, condition of the scalp, condition of vital internal organs like the kidneys, liver,

thyroid etc., emotional disturbances, menstrual problems, illness or lack of essential vitamins and

other nutrients in the body etc.

Hair loss generally indicates a deficiency in vitamin B1, vitamin C, lysine and iron. Vitamin C‟s

antioxidant properties help to make skin and hair healthy by aiding body metabolism, and

converting fat and carbohydrates into energy. It helps in the development of healthy collagen

that binds tissues together. Hence it is effective in preventing breakage and split ends. Vitamin C

is present in good quantities in Citrus fruits, strawberries, pineapple, tomatoes, green peppers,

potatoes and most dark green vegetables. A daily dose of 60 mg is recommended for good

health. Vitamin B1 or Thiamine aids in protein building and thus makes the hair healthy, giving it

volume, shine and a good texture. This is ensured by providing nutrition to the scalp. Other

vitamins that help to prevent hair loss in women are: other Vitamin B complex vitamins like

Biotin, Inositol, Niacin and vitamin E. Minerals like iron, zinc, magnesium are also effective in

preventing hair loss. The most common food-based sources of these vitamins are: citrus fruits,

green vegetables, fruits like pineapple, strawberries, kiwi, potatoes, green peppers, vegetable

oils, soybean, raw seeds, dried beans, wheat germ oil, brewer‟s yeast, whole grains, eggs, liver,

rice, milk, fish, turkey, chicken and red meat. Other products found to be efficient in combating

hair loss are Saw Palmetto, nettle root, pumpkin, gotu kola, eleuthero, Uva-Ursi, Muria Puama

and others.

There are hundreds of products in the market today that promise to prevent hair loss. These

products are generally prescribed by experts though some over the counter drugs are also

available. There are companies that specialize exclusively in the production of hair loss drugs.

Information about these products is also available on the Internet on the websites of these

companies. However, it is better to consult a physician to know the exact cause of hair loss

before using any of these products.

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Types of Hair Loss Treatment Available to Sufferers

The hair loss treatments outlined here cannot provide definitive cures for all hair loss conditions,

but they do represent regimes that many sufferers have found useful. In other words, they are

examples of potential solutions that many patients have chosen after honestly assessing the

causes of their hair loss together with their expectations.

Focus on four basic approaches:

1. A drugs based approach for those who don't mind taking strong


2. A commercial product approach for those who prefer a non-drug

solution but who still want a treatment that has a track record.

3. A natural remedy approach for those who prefer to follow the

natural route.

4. A nutritional approach for those who wish to adopt a more

holistic perspective.

It remains a fact that only two hair loss treatments have been approved by the FDA and both

can be classed as strong drug-based medications. Propecia (finasteride) is the treatment of

choice for many men with good reason - it tends to work! It is a powerful drug that inhibits the

formation of DHT in the system, eventually to a level that is sufficiently low to encourage a

normal growth cycle. Rogaine (minoxidil) acts differently in that it stimulates hair growth in both

men and women by overriding the prevailing hair loss symptoms. These drugs can be used

either on their own or in combination. Women should seek professional medical advice before

using Propecia.

The world of commercial hair loss products is much less clear cut and it is here that many

scamsters ply their trade to rip-off unsuspecting customers. The best advice I can give here is

research, research, and more research! Many useful products are available on the market but

none have been approved by the FDA. Probably the best, and certainly most popular,

commercially available products are those containing natural ingredients that have been shown

in field trials to reduce hair loss and encourage regrowth. You can find out more about these

products by visiting the site listed at the end of this article.

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Increasingly, people are turning to natural hair loss remedies as they seek to combat thinning

hair. This has an obvious appeal for many sufferers and there is growing evidence to support the

view that some natural remedies may be effective in curtailing hair loss. The most popular

ingredients of natural hair loss treatments include ginko biloba, green tea, he shou wu, pygeum,

saw palmetto and stinging nettle. Each of these is described in more detail in an supplementary

article entitled "Herbal Remedies That Offer Hope".

It is becoming increasingly evident that poor nutrition and modern lifestyles can have a negative

impact on health, and hair loss is no exception. At the most basic level, improved nutrition can

minimize shedding and support other treatments that encourage regrowth. This can be

achieved by:

- eating adequate amounts of protein.

- eating appropriate levels of useful carbohydrates.

- achieving a healthy balance of dietary fats.

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Selecting a Hair Loss Treatment

We treat it with care, brush it every day and hope it‟s never out of place. But when hair begins to

lose its thickness and leaves our brush draped with locks, it may be time to consider a hair loss

treatment. There are several factors that may lead to hair loss, including certain medications,

medical treatments, improper care, poor nutrition or illness. No matter the reason, the loss of

one‟s hair can be an embarrassing occurrence for many. With a proper diagnosis, a

dermatologist can recommend a customized approach and an effective hair loss treatment.

In the beginning, a patient may be prescribed some type of medication in order to help prevent

further hair loss. This would depend entirely on the determined cause, but is often an early

approach to fighting against continued loss. Perhaps the most widely recognized hair loss

treatment is Rogaine, which is available by prescription only. For individuals who do not seem to

respond to regular treatments, or simply want a fast and effective hair loss treatment, a

transplant may be their preferred approach.

A hair loss treatment is one that helps to prevent recurrence, but a hair transplant is thought to

be a permanent resolution. This procedure includes the removal of skin and hair from another

area of the head and transplanted to the location of hair loss. This procedure is commonly used

on men who are experiencing male pattern baldness because there is usually hair that can be

removed from the back and transplanted onto the balding area. It is important that there be

enough healthy hair to transplant, as well as enough to remain at the donor site in order to

maintain a full look. Certain individuals, such as those with weakened immune systems and/or

Diabetes, may not be ideal candidates for a hair transplant.

Men or women who are suffering from complete hair loss due to certain illnesses and/or

medical treatments, such as chemotherapy or radiation, may find that their only hair loss

treatment is that of artificial hair. Commonly referred to as a „wig,‟ this type of hair is created to

look natural and is carefully selected so that each patient feels that there appearance is not

dramatically altered by the change.

This article is intended to be used for informational purposes only. It is not to be used in place

of, or in conjunction with, professional medical advice or a dermatologist‟s recommendation.

Prior to beginning any hair loss treatment program, individuals must consult a physician for

proper diagnosis and/or treatment.

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Proven Products Combatting Hair Loss for Men and


Nowadays hair loss is not only a concern for males but also for females. Hair loss affects directly

one‟s self-confidence and also creates mental humiliation. Hence there are lots of really good

hair loss products available on the market.

Hair growth products are available in many forms: natural essential oils, natural herbs,

conventional drugs, shampoos, serums, lotions and conditioners. Nowadays there are so many

hair loss products available on the market with the intention to stop or prevent hair loss.

Finasteride, Minoxidil, and Rogainne are the commonly used best hair loss products. Finasteride

is extensively used for treating hair loss and is sold in pharmacies as Propecia. This product

should be used by men only.

Another very popular hair loss product is called Rogaine and is available at drugstores. Rogaine

has to be applied twice daily for 3 to 4 months to get any positive results.

Minoxidil is very much used for hair loss among younger men. It is also considered to be a very

effective hair loss product. But using hair loss products such as Minoxidil continually may lead to

side effects such as a itchy scalp. There might be other complications if these products are used

for hair loss treatment for a long time.

Dr.Proctor‟s Hair re-growth shampoo is one of the best hair loss products made naturally

without any chemical mixing. It has been widely used by hair loss sufferers due to its easy

application. People around the world use re-growth shampoo for treating hair loss. There is

another product called Life Extension Shampoo that supports healthy hair.

ViViscal shampoo, Thymuskin, and Hair genesis are some of the best hair loss products, which

are used for hair treatment. Thymuskin is more effective (95%)) in female than male (67%) for

treating hair loss. This hair loss shampoo clears the hair follicle from debris, dirt, oil and other

waste. The main advantage of thymuskin is that it consists of thymus peptides that diffuse deep

into the hair follicles to clean them.

Viviscal shampoo also helped a lot of people treating hair loss. This shampoo helps to maintain

the hair hale and healthy. Apart from this, the shampoo treats hair loss and thinning of hair.

Viviscal products are available in all forms including scalp lotion, conditioner and tablets. Hair

genesis products are also available as conditioner, topical serum, oral supplements, and hair re

growth shampoo. Hair genesis is especially favored by females. The main action of Hair Genesis

is stopping the action of DHT blockers. Revivogen, Tricomin, and Nisim products are also

available for treating hair loss.

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Hair Weaving and Hair Grafting

It‟s the science of weaving or braiding human or synthetic hair to the roots of existing, healthy

hair so that it grows along with natural hair, thus giving the impression of a thick growth. It‟s

also called hair integration or hair intensification. It‟s a procedure appropriate for people with

thinning hair. It‟s not something that requires a hospital visit; it‟s usually done in salons as a

temporary procedure.

How does it work?

Two or three shafts of hair natural or synthetic are woven into the root area. Some of the natural

hair is woven or braided together to act as an anchor, to which the add-on tufts are sewn,

woven, knitted or glued. The extensions have to be repositioned every five or six weeks as the

natural hair grows out.

Sounds Complex, it is. Apart from the sheer tedium of repeated „surgeries‟, the procedure

stresses the existing hair as well. Also, keeping the scalp and hair clean is a problem, as vigorous

washing could loosen the new hair. The American Hair Loss Council advises the procedure only

for people with plenty of healthy hair, and that too, for periods not longer than a few weeks. A

patch test is essential to ensure the person undergoing the procedure is not allergic to any of

the adhesives or implants used.

Implants for the Hair

A non-surgical implant is the dressed-up term now used for a simple procedure that has been

upgraded over the years. Actually, a non surgical implant describes the attachment of a hair

system to existing hair with surgical glue, and subsequent trimming to ensure the add-ons blend

with natural hair.

What about more long-term solutions?

Hair Graft. This is the most popular surgical method, but it can be done only on people who are

partially bald. The results are permanent and can be achieved in four or five sittings. The

procedure involves removing hair follicles from the back of the head (where the growth is the

most persistent) and implanting them on the pate. This hair grows naturally, requiring no follow-

up action. It‟ll never resemble a thick mane, but it‟s presentable.

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Tissue Expansion

It involves implanting silicon balloons with hair bearing skin on either side of the head. The

implants are inside the skin over the ears so that the hair bearing part of the head expands. The

expansions are then re-grafted in front of the head, so the hair appears to grow naturally from


This calls for two surgical procedures, one at the time of implantation and the other for re-


Any drawbacks to the surgical procedure?

There may be swelling, bruising or mild pain inhibiting normal activity for a couple of days after

the procedure. There may also be numbness on the back of the neck, from where a strip of skin

is removed. Also, it‟s important to remember that individual hair types and characteristics- such

as wavy or curly hair- affect the results.

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Herbs for Hair Growth

Hair is made up of a protein called keratin. The hair that we see and care so much about is

actually nothing but dead cells. The part that is living is below the scalp and is called the follicle.

Near the follicle are the sebaceous glands that make the hair look vibrant and shiny. These

sebaceous glands make the hair look oily or dry depending on the sebum production.

The following are the uses of herbs for hair growth:

The first positive thing about using herbs for hair growth is that there are no side effects

associated with them like the drugs that are available in the market. If you have Lifeless hair, it

can be made better with massage with good herbal oil.

Applying henna to hair deep conditions it. Henna is a very traditional and widely used treatment

for hair growth. This herb is available in tropics. Henna is also used as a natural dye. Henna is

mixed with other herbs like gooseberry, coffee and lemon juice. This mixture is a very good cure

for hair fall.

Massage your hair with warm oil. Take a fresh green coconut and massage some warm coconut

milk into the hair. Keep this on for an hour and a half. This will make the hair soft and healthy.

Use Aloe Vera gel on the hair once in a week and wash your hair.

Hair loss is usually due to infection that harms the follicle. You can get rid of this infection by the

use of the water on the hair with Neem leaves that have been boiled for 5 minutes. Neem is

considered as a natural disinfectant and doesn‟t damage the hair shaft. It is also known to cure

dandruff, which is also one of the reasons for hair loss.

Honey mixed with warm oil and a teaspoonful of cinnamon powder has to be rubbed into the

scalp. This should be left on the scalp for around 15 minutes. This helps in hair growth and helps

in keeping the hair soft and shiny.

Crushed olive leaves mixed with vinegar should be applied on the hair. This a great remedy for

hair loss.

A paste made of honey and egg yolk is also used for hair growth. To counter the smell caused

by egg can be countered by rinsing the hair with lemon juice

Doctors recommend diets rich in nutrients that boost the growth of hair. If your want to stop

hair loss you should include lots of „Vitamin A‟ rich diet. Eat green leafy vegetables like spinach,

milk, sprouted beans and salads. Increase the intake of Protein rich diet and you will naturally

healthy hairs which promote hair growth.

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Good hair adds beauty to your personality and it is only a healthy body that can be capped with

beautiful hair. Eating nutritious diet and protein rich diets that are healthy to your health will

add starts to your crowning glory.

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Pamper Your Hair to Help Them Grow Faster

Short hair is old-fashioned. Thick and long hair is now in vogue. In the prevailing scenario,

everyone has one question on their mind i.e. How to make hair grow faster? Healthy hair

requires an optimal delivery of oxygen to breathe and penetrate. Adequate supply of nutrients

from the circulatory system to the hair follicle is required for hair to grow faster. Hair if deprived

of natural vitamins, proteins, amino acids and other nutrients may lack fullness, strength and

luster thus hurdling the route to hair growth.

Studies conducted earlier have stated that majority of the people are deficient in nutritional

balance because of their busy lifestyle and unhealthy eating habits. In order to keep pace with

faster hair growth, a nutritional diet is mandatory. Increase the intake of green leafy vegetables

in your diet. Drink plenty of water. This improves blood circulation to the scalp and hence helps

hair grow faster.

Hormonal imbalances also hinder the way of hair growth. A hormonal byproduct known as

dihydrotestosterone (DHT) gradually shrinks the hair follicles making them become dormant.

Use natural hair care products to fight DHT and improvise hair growth.

Gentle scalp massage twice or thrice a week promotes faster hair growth. Massaging scalp with

almond or olive oil can supplement hair follicles with nutrients.

In case you are experiencing a sudden hair loss, keep in mind that it may be due to acute stress

or intoxication of the body due to the intake of some toxic metals. Therefore, get awareness on

the pros and cons of a medicine before consuming it. Try to live a stress free life by doing yoga

or meditation. Rely on the natural method of eliminating stress from your life. Do not be

dependent on stress relieving medicines for this purpose.

Vitamins are essential for hair to grow faster. So, pamper your hair with vitamin enrich shampoo.

Limit the use of hair creams and gels on your hair. Deciding the right hair care product is

important. With the increasing concern for hair growth a number of hair care products are

available in the market. It is advisable to authenticate the product before buying it. You can

consult your dermatologist in this effort.

The occurrence of split ends is another stumbling stone in obstructing hair growth. Damaging of

the protective part of hair called cuticle, results in the splitting of hair ends. As they cannot be

repaired, get them removed.

Trim your hair at regular intervals to promote faster hair growth.

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Mayonnaise and beer can effectively serve the purpose of a conditioner. Using them once or

twice a week on your hair can help replenish adequate moisture in hair.

A little care can help you get healthy and lustrous. Coddle your hair to help them grow faster.

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Home Remedies for Hair Loss

It is common for people to lose strands of their hair especially when it is wet or when they comb

it very often. Experts say that there is a need for some strands of hair to fall so these can be

replaced with a new set of hair strands. The average strands should at least be a hundred. Once

there is excess in this estimate, then you might be suffering from hair loss.

If you think you are suffering from hair loss, the best way to deal with it is to visit an expert to

ensure that he or she will give proper diagnosis. People who are prone to permanent baldness

caused by genes or those that are caused by skin disorders, they should consult a doctor what

treatment options are available.

But for those who are experiencing temporary hair loss, they can deal with it even if they are at

home. The following home remedies can be used to deal with hair loss at home:

1. The wonders of massage.

Ancient people have proven that massage can help stop excessive hair fall because it makes the

follicles of the hair stronger. Aside from that, it is also good because it aids hair growth by

putting the right amount of pressure on the scalp. Usually, this is done manually. You can do it

yourself or you can ask somebody to massage your scalp at home. If you don‟t have enough

energy to do manual massage on your own scalp, you can opt for electric hair massage available

in most wellness stores.

2. Hot oil treatments.

Experts say that people who are prone to hair loss can benefit so much from hot oil treatments

because these can help prevent falling hair and can cure minor scalp disorders as well. To get

effective results, at least three treatments are advised weekly. You can do this at home with the

use of a shower cap. You can buy ready-to-use hot oil treatments that contain oils of several

herbs such as sesame, olive, and coconut. For more relaxing hot oil treatment at home, opt for

those that contain essential oils such as thyme, lavender, and others.

3. Aloe vera extracts.

Considered as a “wonder plant” aloe vera is popular to many people—especially those living in

tropical countries—as a remedy for hair loss. Depending on the degree, aloe vera can be used as

a shampoo by using fresh pulp that is directly applied on the hair and scalp, as a hair tonic along

with other herbs, and a drink or oral aloe juice for the body to absorb its ingredients faster.

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4. Mixture of cinnamon and honey.

Many people say that one of the effective home remedies for hair loss is the combination of

cinnamon powder and honey with olive oil because these contain properties that make the scalp

as well as the hair stronger. By coming up with a paste that can be applied directly to from the

hair‟s roots down to the scalp, people can make use of it before they use their favorite shampoo.

5. Extracts of ginger.

A piece of ginger, once chopped and directly applied to the area of the head that has bald

spots, can be an effective hair remedy for hair loss because it aids the healthy growth of hair

follicles. Since it can be smelly, you can also use its extract that is combined with fine lead

powder to get best results.

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Coping With Hair Loss

Hair loss is one of the most difficult things to cope with especially to people who are very

particular about the appearance. But this doesn‟t mean that one should give up his or her life

just because he or she lost the crowning glory!

The best way that people can go about hair loss is to know what causes it. Experts say that hair

loss can either be permanent or temporary depending on the overall status of the person.

Permanent hair loss or pattern hair loss is common to those people whose parents had the same

thing. This is because the condition can be hereditary.

Temporary hair loss on the other hand is usually caused certain medical conditions and illnesses,

which weakens the immune system and eventually, affects the growth of the hair. This can also

be caused by taking in medications and undergoing treatments that use drugs that can be

harmful to the hair as well as hormonal changes during pregnancy in women. This type of hair

loss can also be brought about by changing hairstyles that put too much pressure on the hair

follicles and using too many hair products that hinder healthy hair growth.

Dealing with Male Hair Loss

In men, the most common type of hair loss is thinning brought about by “adrogens” or “male

hormones”. Experts say that men experience pattern baldness even at an early age. And as they

grow older, hair loss becomes more and more obvious especially when thinning starts at the

front and sides of the head.

Many men who experience this condition say that the easiest, fastest, and cheapest way cope

with hair loss is to ignore it. Since male pattern baldness is inevitable due to the genes, it can be

useless to worry too much on something that is inevitable. This will work for those who have

mustered enough confidence not to care too much on what other people would say about

them. But there still those who cannot ignore the effects of hair loss on their lives.

For those who are bothered by hair loss, the best way to go about it is to take an action, a

positive one. In fact, you can do something to fix it through drug and other treatments.

Although these will not totally cure it, these can somehow slow the rate of hair loss. Topical

medicine such as minoxidil or oral medication like finasteride can be used. But, before you take

in any medication, make sure that you consult your doctor first to avoid further complications.

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Going About Female Hair Loss

More than the men, women feel more burdens when they lose their hair. This is because they

are more conscious about how they look and their confidence greatly depends on their physical

appearance. To avoid a feeling of shame, there are many ways to cope with it.

But, before doing anything, make sure that you know what the cause of the hair loss. Visiting the

doctor to know the status of the condition and to ask for available treatment options that might

work on you.

One of the best ways to cope with hair loss among women is to increase the circulation to the

scalp using a soft and multi-tipped scalp massager everyday. You can also use milder shampoos

or those that are formulated to treat thinning hair and receding hairline. To look more

fashionable, women can also use hair accessories such as hats to cover bald spots or areas that

are already showing the scalp.

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Boost Your Self-Confidence Despite Hair Loss

Many people are confident in handling themselves in front of other people because they are

satisfied with the way they look. But for people who are experiencing hair loss, being confident

in front of others can be a difficult thing. This is because they cannot help but think that the

people they are dealing with only focus on their falling crown of glory and not on what they are


While it‟s true that hair loss can greatly affect one‟s overall physical appearance, this is not

enough reason to lose self-confidence totally. If you are one of those persons who are slowly

losing their self-confidence due to hair loss, one of the best things that can be done is learning

how to cope with it.

Coping with hair loss can start with the acceptance that you might really be suffering from a

condition that is really our of your control. Experts say that baldness or hair loss can be

categorized into two—permanent hair loss and temporary hair loss. People who are suffering

from permanent hair loss are those who have the condition in their genes. Since it is hereditary,

one cannot really do so much about it but to learn how to accept it, and try to seek for

alternative remedies that can slower the pace of losing hair. Other conditions where one cannot

really do something about hair loss is if they are suffering from autoimmune illnesses such as

cancer, thyroid complications or lupus. People who have to undergo treatments are also in

greater risks of losing hair fast.

People who are suffering temporary hair loss are those who undergo hormonal changes such as

pregnancy in women or taking in birth control pills as well as those who put to much pressure

on their scalp by changing hairstyles often or those that are using hair products that are harmful

to the hair.

Knowing the cause of your hair loss can help you cope with it easier. Of course, you cannot

determine this on your own so you have to visit your doctor to address your concern. Once he

or she had the final diagnosis, you can now ask for available treatment or options that will work

for you.

Tips to be more confident

People who are losing their hair can still look good despite their condition. Since not so much

can be done about their hair, they should try focusing on other aspects of their body and

personality to look beautiful and be confident in facing others. The following are some beauty

tips and regiments that can be done to boost beauty and self-confidence despite hair loss.

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1. Maximize the potentials of make-up.

For women, make-up greatly affects their overall appearance. If you are losing your hair, try to

get your confidence from your beautiful face with the aid of some cosmetics. To do this,

knowledge in the proper use and application of eyeliner, eye shadows, lipsticks, blush ons and

foundations is a must to help you flatter your features and enhance your overall aura if done


2. Take good care of your skin.

Since the skin is the largest organ of the body, having radiant and youthful skis despite hair loss

can make a lot of difference. To achieve good skin and fair complexion, make it a habit to use

sunscreen to protect yourself from the harmful rays of the sun, avoid smoking, get enough rest

and proper nutrition, learn to relax to avoid too much stress, and get regular exercise.

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How to Prevent Hair Loss

Baldness or hair loss is one of the most dreaded situations people can find themselves into. This

is because this will not only affect their overall physical appearance but can also affect their

emotional status as well.

Experts categorize hair loss into two types—the permanent hair loss and the temporary hair loss.

Permanent hair loss is associated with hereditary factors. People who have a bloodline that is

prone to baldness cannot do much anything about it since it is in their genes.

The pattern baldness or androgenetic alopecia can affect both men and women. In men, pattern

baldness can lead to thinning hair and receding of hairlines even at an early age. Eventually, this

condition may lead them to total or partial baldness. In women, pattern baldness may come at a

much later age and does not lead them to total baldness. Usually, the thinning hair manifests at

their temples and hairlines.

When it comes to temporary baldness, it can be caused by certain factors such as illnesses,

taking in medications for certain conditions, undergoing medical treatments wherein the drug

that was used takes too much toll on the hair, hormonal changes which can either be caused by

pregnancy or by taking in birth control pills, hairstyles that put too much pressure on the scalp

and stops it from growing new strands of hair, and using hair products and treatments that may

irritate the scalp and affect healthy hair growth.

Prevention as The Key

People who have risks for pattern baldness cannot stop the condition but can slower the rate of

hair loss through various treatments. But for those who are undergoing temporary hair loss,

prevention can be the key to avoid total baldness in the long run. The following are some of the

tips that can help prevent hair loss:

1. Proper diet.

Having a diet that is balanced is one of the major keys to prevent excessive hair loss. Eating

foods that are nutritious especially for the hair can be an effective tool to fight against the signs

of hair loss. People who are experiencing hair loss because they are under nourished should take

time to make a diet plan which can provide sufficient nutrients not only for the hair but for the

overall health as well.

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2. Developing good hair habits.

Unhealthy hair habits such as improper handling of the hair can lead to excessive hair loss.

People—especially those who have sensitive scalp—should ensure that they handle their hair

gently especially when it‟s wet. Proper handling to wet hair is very important because the hair is

weaker when wet. If possible, opt for natural air drying methods instead of using electronic ones

such as blower.

3. Stick to one hairstyle for a longer period of time.

This will really help you prevent hair loss because you are letting your hair undergo its normal

growth cycle. If possible, try to avoid hairstyles that are tight like buns, ponytails, or braids

because these put too much pressure on the scalp and hinder it from growing.

4. Don’t twist, rub or pull your hair.

People who experience hair loss are those who twist, rub, or pull their hair often. If it has

become a habit, try to break it. You can do this by focusing on other things instead of putting

too much pressure on your hair and on your scalp.

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Daily Hair Care

Your hair makes you look gorgeous, bold and beautiful. It is your hair because of which you

attract attention of other people. So it is natural that you will always expect that your hair will

look good and as that as people like them. But certainly your hair didn‟t fulfill your expectations

on every other day. Even though some time you feel disappointed because of your hair. The

reason is simple; you are unable to keep them as you want and as others like them. In such a

situation definitely, you would like to spend some time for your hair and then it is obvious to

know about Hair Care.

But before jumping into those hair care tips it is equally important to know that what are the

factors, which affects your hair and hairstyle?

The biologists argue that the characteristics of hair of a person depend on several factors some

of which are inherited. Some factors are genetic means that DNA programming is responsible

for your hairs the way they look. The secretion level of hormones also contributes to hair looks.

And after all, the entire environment especially the air and water greatly affects your hairstyle.

That‟s why, every person some time experience the bad hair day. But if you are willing to take a

little care, you can say good-bye to bad hair day, which might not be permanent and need your

attention time to time.

Tips on Hair Care:

Here are few tips that will help you to either not seeing a bad hair day or to come out if you are

experiencing at present.

*Stick to a healthy life style. Give up your smoking habits, do exercise regularly, eat balanced

diet and use relaxation techniques when stressed.

*Get a deep sleep in night, do not sleep with burdens otherwise you will have a disturbed sleep

enough to trap into a bad hair day.

*If you are using hair styling products and cosmetics, try to avoid using products containing

alcohol particularly in high concentration.

*Do not put hair styling products on your scalps, this will block the pores on your head and may

harm your head and hair both.

*Swimming is a good exercise, do it. But before jumping into a swimming pool wet your hair

enough with plain water. Pool water contains chlorine, which is not good to your hair.

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*Set your hair dryer on cool settings, hot is not for your hair.

*Keep hair dryer moving, do not stick it to one place for long.

*Before using hair dryer, use a good quality towel to dry hair and then use hair dryer to get the

rid of wetness.

*Use a comb that bristles are made of animal hairs, it would be soft on your hairs.

*Always use clean comb / brushes. Clean your comb / brushes with soap or shampoo on a

regular basis.

*Always comb / brush your hair downwards.

*Shampooing your hair is important. Always use good quality products.

*Use trial and error method to select a shampoo for you and choose the one that is best


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