Page 1: THE YBH OF PASSAIC HILLEL THIS WEEK: IN FOCUS March 30, … 30 2012 girls.pdf · -Morah Stern 2 The students of YBH of Passaic—Hillel were privileged to dedicate their learning

Parshas Tzav 7 Nissan 5772 March 30, 2012

Format design used with permission from Pirchei Agudas Yisroel ofAmerica.



Dvar Torah: Tzav

By Rabbi Berel Hirschman (2B)

Zmanim for Passaic

Candle Lighting 7:02 PM

Krias Shema M”A — 9:14 AM Gra — 9:51 AM

Zman Tefilla M”A — 10:30 AM Gra — 10:54 AM

Shkia 7:20 PM

Motzei Shabbos

8:21 PM

O n the eve of Shabbos Hagadol, as Pesach is fast approaching, we sometimes get bogged down in the mundane preparations. We try not

to grumble . . . or worse, but tearing apart the oven does not always feel spiritually uplifting. I saw a beautiful thought from Rabbi Ephraim Nisenbaum in his commentary on the Hagaddah. I will try to keep this thought in the forefront of my mind for the remainder of our Pesach prepara-tions, and I would like to share it with you.

When we sit down to the seder next week, we will recite in Kiddush, “Asher bochar banu micol am “ ..”who chose us from every nation.” Just imagine a person who bought a lottery ticket for a $20,000,000 drawing. The person knows that his chances of winning are very slim, yet he plunked down his money because if he won . . . who could imagine winning such a big prize? Would ecstatic, or delirious, or perhaps another fifteen adjectives, fully describe the winner’s feelings? I doubt it.

There are approximately six billion people on this planet. Fewer than fifteen million are Jews. Of that number, how many Jews understand and appreciate their heritage? So, from all the billions of people in the world, I was given a winning lottery ticket, the Torah. What kind of odds are those? However, our prize is more precious than any lottery jackpot. We have a Torah of 613 mitzvos, and we attend yeshiva where we can learn to properly appreciate this gift. How fortunate are we! Words could not fully capture the excitement of our windfall! So, when a stove knob in the mop bucket gets flushed down the toi-let, clogging it, and the burner cannot be coaxed into relighting after having such a thorough scrubbing, I will try my very best not to lose my cool. After all, it is a small price to pay for the winning ticket!


YBH of Passaic—Hillel 270 Passaic Avenue Passaic, NJ 07055

(973) 777-0735

Honor or remember a loved

one by dedicating an issue of

the YBH of Passaic-Hillel

News which reaches over 400

families per week. Dedica-

tions for yahrzteits, refuah

sheleymas, etc. are $100 an

issue. Call (973) 777-0735

e x t . 1 3 4 o r e m a i l

[email protected].

L ast week, the 6th graders were privileged to have Rabbi Shlomo Orenstein from the Chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundation come and speak to them. He inspired

them with a dramatic and powerful משל about keeping our mouths pure so that our and was חולה should be answered. He then asked the girls to daven for a תפילות amazed that every girl immediately took out a pen to write down the name! Rabbi Orenstein expressed, “This is the first class I have ever seen with such exemplary behavior!” In the zechus of שמירת הלשון may we be זוכה to ישועות and רפואות.

Apr 4

Limudei Kodesh (Boys: Gr. 1-8) 12:30 PM Dismissal

No Sessions for Girls & ECD

Apr 5 No Sessions Bedikas Chometz

Apr 6 No Sessions Ta’anis Bechorim Erev Pesach

Apr 8—15

No Sessions Pesach Break

Apr 16 Sessions Resume

Apr 19 Yom Hashoah

Apr 25 Yom Hazikaron

Apr 26 Yom Ha’atzmaut

Apr 30 –May 4

IOWA Achievement Testing (Gr. P1A—8)


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פיה פתחה בחכמה

Gila Kuzniar, Rina Beth Friedman, and Ilana Zoldan (1G-

P) cleaned the water fountain.

When we were learning about קרבנות, Baila Traiger (1G-

P) told us that one reason why someone would bring a .was if he crossed the ocean safely קרבן

In Chumash, Malky Kreitman (1G-P) figured out the defi-

nition of the word “ ולמשול” by remembering the same shoresh from another word, ”לממשלת“ .

Shalva Eisenberg (6G) got 71/75 in the Regional Chidon

HaTanach Contest. As a result, she will go onto the Na-tional Chidon HaTanach Contest!

Chayala Cohen, Sara Leah Ledereich, Shalva Eisenberg,

and Aliza Kurtz (6G) were able to figure out the question of י‘‘רש about the words שמן כתית“ ” based on a previous

י‘‘רש we learned earlier in the parsha!

Chavi Sommer (6G) recognized the explanation of a

word in Rashi by connecting it to a previous פסוק we had learned.

Avigayil Greenberger remembered that we had the word

“ונועדתי” at the beginning of the year when we learned about the ארון!

Mazel Tov to 5G on completing Parshas בא!

Mazel Tov to 6G on completing Parshas תצוה!

A Message From the Mechaneches

I t is quite apparent at YBH that Rosh Chodesh Nissan has arrived! As you walk into the lobby,

you are greeted by our “ צדקניות” in the 2nd grade leaving חזייל .מצרים state:

בזכות נשים צדקניות נגאלו אבותינו ממצרים” “ ל-ובזכותן עתידין לב גא

It was in the זכות of the righteous women that our forefathers went out of מצרים and it will be in their זכות that, in the future, we will be redeemed. On Monday, the girls received “money rolls” as a special Rosh Chodesh treat. Could you guess why? To remind us of the special giving money to the poor so - מעות חיטים of מנהגthey can also celebrate the מצוות of Pesach. Songs and inspirational Divrei Torah re-verberate through the halls as the morahs inspire the girls with beautiful lessons to share at the seder. Wishing you an enjoyable Yom Tov — !חג כשר ושמח

-Morah Stern


The students of YBH of Passaic—Hillel were privileged to dedicate their learning


4 Nisan - March 27 In commemoration of the yahrtzeit of Gertrude Baliff, great-grandmother of Natan (8B), Geula (4G), Shoshana (2G), & Shmuel (Pre-1-A). Sponsored by Linda & Daniel Pittinsky.

5 Nisan - March 28 In commemoration of the yahrtzeit of Avraham Abish ben Moshe, great-grandfather of Avigail (6G), Atara (4G), & Elisheva (1G) Greenberger. Sponsored by the Greenber-ger family. To dedicate a day of learning, please contact Chani Karpel at (973) 272-8344 or Zipporah Gasner at (973)471-7045. Al-though we try to accommodate last-minute dedications, we would greatly appreciate a week's notice, when possible.

Parnas Hayom

SCHOOL PICTURE DEADLINE Please send in your school pic-tures to the YBH office and pay-ment for the ones you want to purchase by April 2.



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Mrs. Stein

D uring the past few months, the 1st grade girls have learned so many skills and con-

cepts. We celebrated the 100th day of school by making posters of 100 items, learned about pat-terns, and made necklaces out of cereal. We then celebrated Dr. Seuss’ birthday. The girls read to the class from a Dr. Seuss book and learned rhythm and fluency. We have worked on counting by 2’s, 5’s & 10’s through 100 both forward and backwards and about money concepts. We are involved in a great unit on nutri-tion, learning about the food pyramid and healthy eating. The week after Pesach we will be practic-ing for the IOWA’s!

Class Acts—1G

Mrs. Schusterman-Bank

T he girls in our class are really shining stars! Last month we celebrated our much antici-

pated 100th day of school. We counted to 100 various ways, we hopped, made necklaces and crowns, shared our collections, and had so much fun with 100! We then celebrated Dr. Seuss’ birthday, and we have been reading an assortment of Dr. Seuss books at story time. In reading, we are making terrific pro-gress. The girls enjoy acting out the West Afri-can folk tale “Too Much Talk.” We are also read-ing our classroom collection of books, and writing our responses to them. The girls enjoy writing in their journals every day, and have many interest-ing things to share. In math we have been working on shapes, patterns, fractions, probability, and place value. We also enjoy listening to, reading, and interpreting poetry. We look forward to an exciting next few months!

Class Acts—1G

Morah D’vorah

T the year is flying by and are doing so many nice things in first grade. We have added

many tefilos to our davening and are able to write a complete sentence in Ivrit. All of the girls are reading nicely and we do our Tehillim for kriah practice We started learning Chumash Bereishis. We are able to pick out so many shoroshim from the pesukim. Our Pesach preparations are in full swing. We are learning the Mah Nish-tanoh of course, along with everything else we have to know to follow along at the seder. Wait until you see the beautiful Haggados and matzo bags that we are bringing home for Yom Tov. Gut Shabbos and Gut Yom Tov.

Class Acts—1G

Morah Reiner

H ere in Morah Reiner’s class, we learn and grow while having lots of fun, too. Starting

from קריאה with our fluency and speed increasing, we practically sound like the girls in ‘כתה ב ! Our חומש play propelled us into learning with excitement and joy. We even have חומשspecial centers with פועלים puzzles, ראש מילה matching, and a full length מילים בחומש matching words to pictures. Ask the girls to sing our ראש song, which we love to שרשים song and our מילהdo with motions. After such firm grounding in

שרשים& ראש מילה , the girls can sometimes figure out a whole פסוק on their own! As each יום טוב approaches, we get transported back to the scene of action. For Pu-rim, the girls were treated to a live puppet show with adorable puppets and cheerful songs. For Pesach, a special guest, יחניה בן גבריאל, visited our classroom all the way from מצרים and held the כתה spellbound with his experiences as an The girls should continue to grow and learn .עבדwith joy. Shep nachas!

Class Acts—1G

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T he PTA would like to thank the people involved in making the Purim Costume Superstore a suc-cessful fundraiser. First, we greatly appreciate the support of our sponsors: The Law Firm of Al-

len L. Rothenberg, P.S. Ledereich, MD, Kid Clan, and Family Eye Center. The store would not be possible without the planning and coordination of our three co-chairs: Rachel Novick, Yael Pahmer and Estie Turkel. In addition, we would like to acknowledge the contribu-tion of two individuals who work behind the scenes. Mrs. Baila Karfunkel once again created a beauti-ful poster for us, and Mr. Michael Friedman who made many arrangements that allowed the store to run smoothly. Lastly, the store would not function without many volunteers. We greatly appreciate your sup-port.

Thank You


Sara Arochas Ilana Bachrach Laurie Bennett Rachel Besser Devorah Citer Judy Citer Joyce Davis Eteh Fischbein Judy Frenkel Shira Freudenberger Dina Galimidi Dvora Gelfond Penina Goldman Adina Hahn Miriam R Heimowitz Etana Kamara Sam Kamara Naomi Korbman Aliza Kurtz Chava Kurtz Amitai Levin Aviva Levin Hindy Lifshitz

Chaya Lomnitz Esther Markowitz Shiffie Merzel Chaya Milchman Norma Mintz Elise Nerenberg Bryna Nissel Nechama Novick Aliza Pahmer Shira Pahmer Aliza Kurtz Chava Kurtz Amitai Levin Aviva Levin Hindy Lifshitz Chaya Lomnitz Esther Markowitz Shiffie Merzel Chaya Milchman Norma Mintz Elise Nerenberg Bryna Nissel Nechama Novick

Aliza Pahmer Shira Pahmer Kara Palley Gwen Persin Gila Prince Abigail Rothberger Tziona Schlachter Shira Schmidt Tamar Schock Timi Schon Carrie Schwartz Leah Schwartz Elisheva Yocheved Siegfried Hadassah Siegfried Helen Stareshefsky Dorit Wallen Miriam Weiner Batya Wernick Chaya Wilk Susan Wisotsky Rachel Yamnik

All contributions that your children have collected for Od Yosef Chai is due in the yeshiva office by

Monday, April 2nd.

Attention 1st—8th Grade Parents

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C ongratulations to the following girls who handed in beautiful pictures and/or sources corresponding to the שרשים for the month of אדר!

GARDEN OF ROOTS - גן השרשים


1G Shaina Blejer Ayelet Bruder Rina Friedman Daniella Hahn

Shulamit Khayyat Gila Kuzniar

Tzeela Lifshitz Shana Milchman

Baila Traiger Ilana Zoldan

2G Adina Berlin

Shoshana Besser Rachelie Blumenfeld

Perel Davis Shifra Giloni Esti Karpel

Chana Suri Manticof Leora Nissel Aura Pahmer

Shoshana Pittinsky Shoshana Ringer Yakira Rothberger

Chaya Rybak Shira Bracha Segal

Goldie Siegel Maayan Sommer

Devorah Weinstein Yaeli Weisberger

Irit Wiseman

3G Rena Cohen Eliora Coren Racheli Hack Russy Hirsch

Chaya Karfunkel (a פסוק as well)

Chana Rothenberg Esther Sebbag

4G Hadassah Freedman

Sara Frenkel Zahava Giloni Rena Glasser Shira Levin

Nava Mandel Kayla Mayerfeld Adina Schmidt

Ateret Witty

5G Elana Berlin

Shayna Brenner Shoshana Erblich

Yael Friedman Temima Hirschman

Ruthie Manticof

6G Atara Levin

Baila Weisberger

The new שרשים for the month of ניסן are:

1G & 2G: קרא 3G & 4G: ירא 5G & 6G: נשא 7G & 8G: נגש

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Not Potatoes Again! An abundance of foods for Pesach

A community cookbook by the friends

and families of the students of YBH

If you missed it last time - or if you'd like some extra

copies, our popular Pesach cookbook is available

again this year. Don't miss out on all those fabulous recipes!

To get your copies, fill in the order form below and return it to the office in

an envelope marked " Pesach Cookbook". Don't forget to order extra copies

- it makes a great gift.

We have a webpage with ordering information and sample recipes. If you

know anyone who might be interested, point them to:


I'd like to order _____ copies of Not Potatoes Again! at $16 a


(Child's) Name: _______________________ Grade: _______

Total Enclosed _______________

Mazel Tov:

To Mr. Ephraim and Mrs. Elana Sudwerts

on the birth of their daughter Adina Baila(Avi 1B-G, Eli 4B, Shoshana 6G).

REMINDER: The last day to

buy vouchers in yeshiva before

Pesach is Tuesday, April 3.

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Box Tops Contest!

The first 5 kids in each set of grades

to bring in 50 Box Tops or more receives a special prize!

Boys Grades 1-4

One on one chavrusa with Rabbi Perlstein!

Boys Grades 5-8

One on one chavrusa with Rabbi Leiner!

Girls Grades 1-4

Group lunch with Mrs. Hebel!

Girls Grades 5-8

Group lunch with Morah Stern!

Everyone who brings in 25 or more Box Tops will get a prize.

All Box Tops must be submitted no later than May 18th.

Rules: Box Tops are to be submitted to the office in a sealed Ziploc bag. A note inside

should state the name, grade and number of Box Tops of the submitting student. Please do

not write on the bag. Expired Box Tops will be discarded. Please do not send in any Box

Tops taped, glued or stapled onto paper.

Make sure to go to to do all your online shopping and earn Box Tops with your purchases!

Contact D’vora Gelfond for information about our Box Tops program

973-685-4215 or [email protected]

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March 2012

Dear Parents,

Please plan ahead for the upcoming Pesach vacation regarding

voucher purchases.

You may purchase vouchers in school through TUESDAY, APRIL 3RD, from 8:00 AM to 10:00 AM.

Our volunteers will have a limited supply of vouchers over the vaca-



All of our volunteers need to be called before you go to their

homes. The following is a list of the volunteers, their phone numbers

and addresses with their usual selling hours:

Miriam Bacon, 441 Rutherford Blvd., Clifton, 973-472-9688 Monday - Thursday

8:30 PM - 10:00 PM

Melissa Listhaus, 28 Dakota Street, 973-614-1782 Monday - Friday

2:30 PM – 5:30 PM


Dina Brody

Dina Brody

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Dear Parents:

Here is some information regarding our voucher program. You may buy all vouchers and Hillel Cash from

Dina Brody or the voucher volunteers.

During the school year, vouchers are sold in the office between the hours of 8:00 AM – 10:00 AM, Mondays

through Fridays.


Miriam Bacon Melissa Listhaus

441 Rutherford Blvd., Clifton – 973-472-9688 28 Dakota Street – 973-614-1782

Selling Hours: Selling Hours:

Mon – Thurs – 8:30 PM – 10:00 PM Mon – Fri – 2:30 PM – 5:30 PM

Below is a list of all vendors who participate in our voucher program. It is separated into two categories;

vendors who utilize Hillel cash and vendors who utilize their own vouchers.



Dental: Allwood Family Dentistry

Dr. Jeffrey Kranis

Dr. Elli Schulman

Other Medical Services: Dr. Philip Ledereich (ear, nose, throat)

Dr. Melissa Steinberg (ophthalmologist)

Dr. Jerry Sanders (chiropractor)

Family Eye Center


Dry Cleaners: Bings

Champion Cleaners

Charm Cleaners

The Cleaning Coach

DeLuxe Cleaners

Family Cleaners

Franks Cleaners

Fred’s Cleaners

Sunflower Cleaners

Tower Cleaners

V.I.P. Cleaners

Food Stores: A-1 Nutrition

Jerusalem II Pizza Shop

King of Delancey

Kosher Konnection

Menagerie Caterers

Prima Pizza


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Pharmacies: Quick Check 1. No Tobacco

2. No Lottery Tickets

Miscellaneous Berman Books

Computers Plus Norman Rosner – 973-773-2848

Discovery Toys Sara Davis – 973-778-8802

Emes Cabinets

Eva's Corner

Moshe Gelfond, CPA 973-780-5440

Kesser Gifts & Judaica

Alyssa Komarow-Dance & Aerobic Classes

Rabbi Eliezer Krohn Mohel – 973-773-1430

Leah’s Wig Boutique 973-778-6727

Rabbi Zelig Mandel 973-777-9167

Mercy Home Care

OMO, Inc.

The Pampered Chef S. Vann – 973-471-1844

Passaic Park Auto Service (Brook & Broadway) Repairs Only

Perfect Party Place

Rainbow Appliances

Raineri Amoco Center Repairs Only

Simcha Portraits & Photography P. King – 973-594-1595

Barry Stein Tax & Accounting 646-284-3377

Summit Oil

Symphonia Ely Katz-973-777-5077

Tifereth Israel Rentals Only

Video Gordi E. Blejer – 973-778-6549

Visions Eyewear

Wayne’s Service Center Repairs Only

Weiss Enterprises Water Treatment Systems

Yitzchak Weiss, CPA 973-472-0180

Yudin’s Appliances


A & P Gap Pathmark Bloomingdales

Acme Home Depot Shop Rite Lord & Taylor

Banana Republic Kohl’s Shopper’s Vineyard Saks

Barnes & Noble Land’s End Stop & Shop

Bed, Bath & Beyond Macy’s

Corrado’s Marshalls T.J. Maxx

Costco Old Navy Waldbaums

Food Basics

Please keep this list handy so that you can get the most use out of this program. Each vendor has their own policy

regarding change. Please respect their wishes in order to ensure the continued success of this program.

If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact me at the school.

Yours truly,

Dina Brody

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