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Q1 2011 Moments...

In this Issue: • President’s Message ….. pg. 2

• JCI Searches for Outstanding Young Zimbabweans… pg. 3

• Counting Your Impact… pg. 4

• JCI AMDEC South … pg. 5

• JCI Gweru ... New Kid OFF The Blocks… pg.6

Upcoming Events

JCI Africa and Middle East Conference

Bamako, Mali – May 10 -15

JCI Global Compact Summit

June 20 to 23, New York City, United States

JCI Zimbabwe Mid Year Conference

July 8 - 10, Harare, Zimbabwe

JCI Zimbabwe National Convention

September 30 – October 2, Masvingo, Zimbabwe

JCI World Congress

November 1 – 5, Brussels, Belgium

The Young Active Citizen

The Official JCI Zimbabwe Newsletter

First Quarter, 2011


Does Your Impact Count? Does it ever matter that you live? To whom, and why? Does it count that you do the job you are employed to, or run the business you are in? What difference does what you know and can do make to others’ lives? We have gone past the first quarter of the year 2011, is it significant to anyone other than yourself that you have been existing for these days, let alone the rest of your life? ... Continued Page 4

Who Are the Ten Most Outstanding

Young Persons of Zimbabwe? The search for the 10 outstanding young persons of

Zimbabwe has gathered steam as JCI Zimbabwe seeks to

identify, celebrate and honour young people between 18 and

who excel in their chosen fields

... Continued Page 3 Zimbabwe Hosts ”JCI Southern Africa”

IVP Visit Opens Doors for Greater Impact

She also had the opportunity to address JCI Zimbabwe members and prospective members at a meeting hosted by JCI Harare at the Harare Club where she encouraged them to continue to work towards creating positive change through projects in their communities. 2011 JCI Zimbabwe President Mahatchi was very upbeat about the outcomes of the meetings, hailing them as key turning points between the organisation and the business community. “We had the opportunity to explain our Corporate Partnership Program, the United Nations Global Compact program and various projects we are running in the local communities where JCI Zimbabwe is representedand how businesses and their employees can benefit by partnering and being members of JCI”, he said. Vice President Rania Haddad was born and resides in Beirut, Lebanon. She is a Web Developerprofessionally. She was JCI Lebanon National President in 2009, and JCI North Africa and Middle East Development Councillor in 2010. She is also a certified JCI Trainer and a graduate of the 21st JCI Academy that took place in Tachikawa, Japan. She is assigned to Syria, Egypt, Jordan, Tunisia, Morocco, Mauritius, South Africa, and Zimbabwe. She speaks English and Arabic.

2011 JCI Vice President for Africa and the Middle East assigned to Zimbabwe, Rania Haddad visited the country from the 1st to the 4th of March, 2011. She held meetings with some of Zimbabwe’s leading business organisations, the United Nations Resident Representative, and the Minister of Youth Development, Indigenisation and Economic Empowerment, Honourable Saviour Kasukuwere. Accompanied by 2011 JCI Zimbabwe National President Patson Mahatchi and members of the National Executive Board, JCI Vice President Haddad held meetings with management at Netone, African Distillers, Econet Wireless, Kingdom Bank and TN Bank.

JCI National organizations in Southern Africa converged in Harare for the 2011 JCI Africa and Middle East Development Council (AMDEC) South meeting held from 27 to 29 January 2011. The regional meeting, organised by JCI City on behalf of the national organisation, was held under the theme “Get Involved”. The gathering was an early year treatment for the visiting members who did not only get training to prepare them for the year, but also attended the glittering JCI Zimbabwe Northern Region Presidential Induction Dinner held at the 5-star Rainbow Towers. ... Continued Page 3

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Go! Impact the World

So, what is JCI? An international organization of young active citizens aged between 18 and 40. What Does JCI Do? It provides development opportunities that empower young people to create positive change. How Does Young People in JCI Create Positive Change? Through projects that provide Leadership skills, Entrepreneurship, Fellowship and Social Responsibility (the 4 pillars of JCI). How Does One Join JCI? All JCIs are members of Local organisations. Join a Local organisation in your area, attend meetings, get involved in projects and help others create positive change in your community. Where do JCI members meet?

• At the ZNCC offices on Thursdays in Bulawayo and Gweru

• At Harare Club every Wednesday and at the Motor Industry Pension Fund every first and last Thursday of the month in Harare,

• At the Civic Center on Thursdays in Kwekwe, and

• At the Hellenics Club on Thursdays in Mutare.

• All meetings start at 530. Where Can I get more information? Visit our website, our blog, join us on facebook or follow us on twitter. You may also email us [email protected] or phone +263 774 302 442.

2011 JCI Zimbabwe Theme

Impact Through Active Participation


Dear JCI Members, Potential Members, Alumni, and Friends of JCI & JCI Zimbabwe, Greetings. I am greatly elated by your dedication and passion to JCI given the milestones that we covered in our first quarter. This would not have been possible without each of you playing your role to be better as well as to make our communities and the world around us a better place. I see positive direction in living the JCI mission of creating positive change through the various programs and activities that we are running as well as accelerated progress in fulfilling our theme for this year ‘impact Through Active Participation’ iTAP.

Let me congratulate JCI Zimbabwe for successfully hosting the Africa and Middle East Development Council Meeting (AMDEC) South in Harare in January and of course to JCI City led by Local President Darlington as the hosting Local Organization. We managed to have Mr. Gunther Meyer, all the way from JCI World Headquarters come and spend some time with us and train JCI Admin, JCI Achieve, JCI Corporate Social Responsibility and JCI Networking, WOW!!. What an opportunity of a lifetime. Gunther is an amazing trainer and humorous too.

You remember the “Just Google it” phrase? Thank you to our friends JCI South Africa, JCI Botswana and JCI Mauritius for the support. We enjoyed overwhelming support from our corporate partners too. Kingdom Bank donated $1,000 towards our JCI Nothing But Nets project at our Northern Region Dinner. Isn’t that music to your ears fellow JCIs and friends? We cannot miss Impact Through Active Participation with this kind of support and action by all of us. We hosted the 2011 JCI Vice President for Africa and the Middle East Ms Rania Haddad all the way from Lebanon. It was such a pleasure to have her at our disposal and use her presence to unlock more relationships with corporates. The IVP is an amazing and inspiring person, I enjoyed every minute I spent with her. I am sure all of you found it a pleasure to meet the IVP as well as to listen to her presentation at the membership meeting. We all got updated and inspired on what is happening to JCI at an International level and got advice as the National Board which we will forever cherish. We managed to hold our Officers training as planned and we have had trainings being held in almost all Local Organisations, the most notable being in Gweru and Mutare. Thumps up to the National Training Director Tinashe and all trainers especially National Vice President Francis Mwale, National General Legal Counsel Matthew Mutavayi, JCI City EVP Uno & Past National President James Chitenga who have always been ready to train even on short notice. We have just come out of the impact month and we are assessing how we have fared. Please be asking yourself what you have done for the impact month

as a member, as Local President, as an Officer, or as a member of National Board. What have you done to advance the UN Millennium Development Goals? Have you donated yet towards the JCI Nothing But Nets Campaign? Have you implemented the commitment you made (for those who attended JCI CSR)?. As we push the partnerships we have forged, we need to walk the talk and play our part through iTAP. Are we above all driving ourselves to make sure we GO IMPACT the World as per the JCI 2011 theme? As we advance the UN MDGs, we are very privileged to have forged a partnership with NetOne that will see us work together in the next few months to make an impact towards eradicating malaria.

You are aware that this year we are running JCI Ten Outstanding Young Persons of the World competition (JCI TOYP). This will start off with Ten Outstanding Young Persons of Zimbabwe, which will culminate in our JCI TOYP of Zimbabwe Dinner on the 30th of July 2011. Please spread the word and invite entries for this exciting competition. As you can see, there are more and exciting times coming in 2011 for JCI Zimbabwe. Special accolades go to our National Public Relations Director, Mr. Lloyd Ngwenya for keeping the organization in the limelight. We have received good and ongoing publicity for AMDEC South, IVP Rania’s visit and lately on the JCI TOYP of Zimbabwe Project. Well done and keep us in the media. To all the members, thank you for playing your part in living the Impact of two by inviting your friends to JCI and more importantly for paying your Subscriptions on time. Let’s share ideas as we go so that we can make 2011 a great year and of course JCI Zimbabwe a beacon that shines. Enjoy all the holidays that are coming and as you relax with your families, please reflect on JCI. Yours in JCI Service Patson Mahatchi 2011 JCI Zimbabwe President



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Q1 2011 Moments...

JCI Zimbabwe Seeks Outstanding Young Persons

... from page 1 The JCI Ten Outstanding Young Persons of Zimbabwe program recognises the achievements of young people in categories ranging from business accomplishments, humanitarian efforts to outstanding leadership, medical and cultural achievements. By recognising these young people, JCI encourages them and others to seek excellence and serve others. Nominations are being accepted through the JCI website (form on, via email and hard copy forms being distributed through a local bookshop chain, Innov8. The entrants will be subjected to a judging process by a panel comprising representatives of JCI Zimbabwe partners, sponsors and accomplished academics, among them Zimbabwe National Chamber of Commerce President Trust Chikohora, Zimbabwe Open University Vice Chancellor Dr. Primrose Kurasha, Kingdom Financial Holdings Chief Executive Officer Lyn Mukonoweshuro and 2011 JCI Zimbabwe President Patson Mahatchi. Program Director, Tinashe Nyaruwanga of JCI City encouraged fellow JCI members and young people to submit themselves and other young active citizens for the prestigious international award, whose past Zimbabwean winners include Environmentalist Charlene Hewat, Cultural icon Advocate Sabelo Sibanda, Child Rights Activist Betty Makoni and entrepreneur Strive Masiiwa. Nyaruwanga said “If you are outstanding or know of any young person outstanding in theirfield of work, please nominate them for the JCI TOYP program. We will honour them at aNational Awards ceremony in July, before submitting them for the international JCI TOYP Program, where they will compete with other nominees from more than 100 countries for a chance to be one of the Ten Outstanding Young Persons of the World” Honourees at international level receive a free round trip airline ticket to Brussels, Belgium, to attend the JCI World Congress to be held from 1 to 5 November, 2011. In Zimbabwe, the program, has generated a lot of interest with corporate support coming from such companies as the Zimbabwe Mining Development Corporation, which has pledged to support the program to the tune of USD 5,000. More companies are expected to come on board to support this initiative.

The JCI TOYP Ten Categories Nominations can be made under one of the following categories. Nominees can only be selected under one of the categories.

1. Business, economic and/or entrepreneurial accomplishment

2. Political, legal and/or governmental affairs

3. Academic leadership and/or accomplishment

4. Cultural achievement

5. Moral and/or environmental leadership

6. Contribution to children, world peace and/or human rights

7. Humanitarian and/or voluntary leadership

8. Scientific and/or technological development

9. Personal improvement and/or accomplishment and

10. Medical innovation For more information visit,, or contact the Program Director on [email protected]

Harare Based Local Organisations Tackle Orphan hood and Vulnerability

In response to the social challenges of their communities, JCI Zimbabwe’s Harare based

affiliates JCI City and JCI Harare have taken the resultant effects of the HIV/AIDS

pandemic on society head on with projects aimed at assisting orphaned and vulnerable

children in the city. Zimbabwe’s capital city experienced years of high HIV/AIDS

prevalence which accounted for many productive lives, leaving orphaned children without

care. The Local organisations have joined community members to assist the children, to

provide material and psychological support.

JCI Harare works with Felly’s Orphanage, an organisation in Mbare that provides young

children with daily meals. JCI members assist in sourcing for food and other requirements

for the children. Through its life skills training project, JCI City is running a year long Life

skills training course for orphaned and vulnerable teenagers in the high density suburb of

Mufakose, in partnership with an organisation called Blossoms Children’s centre, which

provides the same with material support. Both projects are in line with Millennium

Development Goal Number 1, which seeks to tackle poverty, especially amongst the

vulnerable members of society.

JCI Mission:

To provide development opportunities that empower young people to create positive




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Does Your Impact Count? ...Continued from Page 1 It may sound ridiculous that someone asks if your life matters. Others may even accuse the writer of taking the great gift of life for granted, but if we think about this deeply, we may find that this is a pertinent question to ask. It’s an issue necessary to ponder on every now and again, and it’s important for each of us to be able to find a clear answer to it. It certainly mattered to millions of Indians that Mother Theresa and Mahatma Gandhi lived. It is of significance to millions of African Americans that a young orator called Martin Luther King lived and used his gift of speech to change their lives. It counts to a lot of people living with disabilities in Zimbabwe that one Jairos Jiri was born and went out to implement his ideas of assisting those with physical disabilities. What about for you? Who is going to care that you lived? Will family and friends shed tears of real remorse and loss at the way you touched their lives, or they will just do it out to meet social expectations, when you pass on? Will it be that difficult to write your eulogy that people will end up using the same empty rhetoric, or they will easily find specific and unique ways to describe the way you are living your life right now? Outside your friends, family, relatives and colleagues, who else would care that you once lived. What of the business you run, who will notice if shuts today? Why? Is it because its really serving humanity or its causing environmental damage and threatening sustainable livelihoods. What of your neighbourhood, JCI Local Organisation, your family? Will anyone care if any of these institutions you belong to cease to exist. If not, perhaps your impact doesn’t count. If it does, is it for the right reasons? You don’t need to become a national or international icon for your impact to count. You start with where you are. All it takes is active participation in whatever is going on around you right now, in your home, work, college or whatever other community you belong to. That way, you start impacting, and your impact will start counting. Start with the small actions that make a big difference. Showing affection to your children and spouse, maintaining a clean neighbourhood. Do things differently in the office, educate others about you can individually make your organisation a better corporate citizen. Membership to JCI gives you a myriad of ways to be active and make a difference by undertaking community projects, raising funds to eradicate malaria, finding ways to tackle community problems or to air your concerns about particular issues. Just to be active and participate in what is going on around you, and begin your journey to making an impact that counts, through active participation.



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Q1 2011 Moments...

JCI AMDEC Meeting Fosters Cooperation … from page 1 At the end of the meeting, JCI Africa and Middle East Development Counsellor responsible for the Southern Region and Chairperson of the meeting Mr Samuel Moyo announced that JCI National Organisations in attendance had adopted the JCI Active Citizen Framework to draw on the strengths of key partners from business, civil society and government in implementing JCI projects. Represented at the meeting were the following countries and their Chief Delegates: JCI Botswana (National President Thatayaone Kokorwe), JCI South Africa (National Executive Vice President Lucia Motloung), JCI Mauritius (National President Ryad Subratty) and the hosting National President Patson Mahatchi. 2010 JCI Executive Vice President for Africa and Middle East and JCI Senator Joseph Pheto from Botswana also attended the gathering. Speaking at the dinner held to induct 3 Local Presidents of JCI City, Harare and Mutare, National President Patson Mahatchi echoed Moyo’s sentiments by calling on government, the business community and other civic organisations to get involved in impacting communities for a better world. He conceded that none of the three pillars of society could hope to create real positive change in society on their own, and they should all see projects run by JCI as platforms for combining efforts to bring about the desired changes. In highlighting the capacity of JCI members to create positive change in their communities,Mahatchi chronicled some projects through which JCI Zimbabwe has attained positive change over the years, including the establishment of the First Street Mall in Harare, establishment of junior councils and construction of part of the Airport School in Bulawayo. He also mentioned the Blood Donation Drive run annually by JCI Kwekwe and JCI Gweru’s involvement with Batsirai Old People’s Home In an almost instant endorsement of JCI Zimbabwe’s programs, Kingdom Bank pledged USD 1,000 to support the JCI Nothing But Nets program, a global initiative to eradicate malaria by 2015, as part of the United Nations Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). The financial services group’s Chief Executive Officer, Mrs Lyn Mukonoweshuro was the Guest Speaker at the occasion while Honourable Tapiwa Mashakada, the Minister of Economic Planning and Investment Promotion was the Guest of Honour. Training was also provided in Corporate Social Responsibility (JCI CSR) and networking (JCI Networking) to both JCI members and JCI corporate partners. The AMDEC South meeting is held yearly to strengthen the capacity of JCI National Organisations to deliver the JCI mission, and involves training and workshops. The Africa and Middle East are in JCI is split into four areas, and each hosts such a meeting at the beginning of each year.

AMDEC South Meeting Highlights

� Attendance by more than 60 delegates from Botswana, Mauritius, South Africa and Zimbabwe

� Internationally certified training courses facilitated by JCI Training Administrator and International Training Fellow Gunther Meyer

� Half day Growth and Development

Workshop facilitated by AMDEC South Counsellor Samuel Moyo

� Launch of the JCI Active Citizenship

Framework by the AMDEC Counsellor

� More than 60 JCI members and members of corporate partners graduated from the four JCI Certified Training Courses: JCI Achieve, JCI Admin, JCI CSR and JCI Networking.

JCI Vision

To be the leading global network of young active citizens.

The regional meeting was held mainly to prepare JCI Local and National leaders for their roles in the year, and included JCI certified training courses, JCI Admin and JCI Achieve, courses designed to help JCI members manage their Local Organisations better for greater positive impact. All members graduated with certificates

JCI Certified Courses offered at the 2011 AMDEC

South Meeting

� JCI Achieve - a Local Organization Development Course that uses discussions and case studies to understand and establish the local organization’s identity, purpose and what it can do to accomplish JCI’s Mission.

� JCI Admin - a Local Organization Management Course that covers the structure of the local board, management of the Local Organization affairs, the conducting of meetings, planning and the importance of having community activities for the achievement of JCI’ s Mission.

� JCI Networking – A course on turning your personal contacts into lasting, trusted and productive connections and relationships.

� JCI CSR – a course designed to create awareness in Active Citizens that individuals have responsibility to their community and the environment.

Visit to learn more about JCI Training and register for upcoming courses.



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We believe: That faith in God gives meaning and purpose to human life, That the brotherhood of men transcends the sovereignty of nations; That economic justice can best be won by free men through free enterprise, That governance should be of laws rather than of men, That earth’s great treasure lies in human personality And that service to humanity is the best work of life.

JCI Gweru, one of the two Local Organisations to be affiliated to JCI Zimbabwe at the 2010 National Convention in Victoria Falls has weathered teething problems and emerged as one of the potentially strong Local Organisations in JCI Zimbabwe. The Local Organisation has shown some resilience with new and old projects being implemented to effect positive change in the Midlands town. Members of the Local organisation seem to have integrated well into the boarder JCI Zimbabwe family, always being represented and participating fully at national functions. The Local organisation has also made full use of resources available at its disposal, calling National Officers and trainers from neighbouring Local Organisations to conduct training on project planning, The strength of the Local Organisation has also come from its ability to run projects relevant to its community. It has strong ties with the Midlands State University (MSU) student community, where there is a thriving satellite extension of the Local Organisation. Students have found it easier to implement academic practical projects, through skills they have learnt through JCI. Led by Local President Shepherd Manhokwe, himself an academic, the Local organisation have been assisting key community institutions such the Gweru General Hospital and the Batsirai Old People’s Home.

JCI Gweru Rises from Strength to Strength Tips to Making Your Local

Organisation the best

It is often said that every JCI member has the responsibility of making their Local Organisation and their community the best in the world. However, what is often not said is what makes a Local Organisation the best. Here are a few things you can do (as a member at whatever level) to make your Local organisation the best: Create an Identity Members, potential members and other stakeholders must be able to clearly distinguish your organisation from others. That uniqueness is created by you the members, collectively. Leave out that uniqueness in your workplace, home and elsewhere, making it the selling point to potential members and partners. Attract the right membership A Local Organisation is as good as its members. Typical JCI members fit into the organisation’s philosophy and beliefs (remember the oath of membership) and are looking for opportunities to grow. Make every member understand and identify with the JCI mission and vision. Run Impactful Projects JCI exists to create positive change in the communities through running projects. Members come to JCI for an opportunity to be involved, to learn and be active in projects. Identify challenges in your community and rally other young people towards solving the problem. Learn more about JCI flagship projects like the JCI Creative Young Entrepreneur Award (CYEA), JCI Ten Outstanding Young Persons of the World (JCI TOYP) or the JCI Nothing But Nets project. Find out which one responds to your community needs and use it to create positive change. Create Synergies Creating positive change is a mammoth task. Your Local Organisation can’t do it on its own. We require partners like local government, local chambers of commerce, the media and other Non-Governmental Organisations to tackle issues our communities face. Use the vast JCI international network to collaborate with other Local Organisations across borders. Travel to international events and host national ones tobring the international experience home. Have Fun … But Remain Professional To many members, JCI is an extra activity that comes after work, school or other full time commitments. It’s a place to do something different from their 8 to 5 routines, so make sure it is as refreshing as possible. That doesn’t however mean that you should take everything casually. Meetings should always start and end on time, and while formal, should remain professional and orderly. Create opportunities for socialisation by arranging weekend activities like socials and sporting activities.

JCI Zim Seeks Greater Role in Attaining MDGs ... United Nations Affairs Commissioner Appointed ... Projects Refocus on MDGs ... Sustainable Partnerships Created JCI Zimbabwe has taken a strategic direction to increase its participation in attaining the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). JCI is an implementing partner of the United Nations in the attainment of MDGs, and local organisations in Zimbabwe have deliberately adopted projects that address the MDGs as part of their programs. Past National Officer Itai Arthur Manyere has been appointed 2011 UN Affairs Commissioner. This is meant to increase cooperation between JCI Zimbabwe and UN agencies in the country. He is working with Local Commissioners appointed at Local level, in implementing UN related projects, notably the JCI Nothing But Nets project. A quick survey on the activities of Local Organisations shows that almost all of them have an MDG related project

The JCI Nothing But Nets program, an international initiative aimed at eradicating the prevalence of malaria in Africa by 2015 has received ramped up attention this year, with every JCI national event raising at least USD 500 in cash and pledges towards the cause. Corporate organisations like Kingdom Bank and Netone have contributed resources towards the program. The funds raised will go towards procuring Long Lasting Insecticide Treated (LLIT) bed nets to be donated to malaria prone areas in Zimbabwe.

At the JCI AMDEC South meeting held in January, JCI Zimbabwe invited its corporate partners to attend the JCI CSR training course for no charge. The organisation sought to create awareness in Active Citizens that individuals have responsibility to their community and the environment for greater acceleration towards the MDGs. The visit by JCI Vice President Rania Haddad early in the year also gave the National organisation an opportunity to strengthen relations, particularly with the United National Resident Representative whom the delegation met. The UN Affairs Commissioner took the opportunity to market the UN Global Compact principles to all corporates visited. Preparations are also already underway to send a delegation to the 2011 JCI United Nations Global Partnership in New York, USA from June 20 – 23.

JCI in Africa and the Middle East adopted MDG number 1 (reducing extreme poverty by half by 2015) and 6 (Reducing the incidence of HIV/AIDS, Malaria and other diseases) as priority areas for the region. Notwithstanding the challenges, Zimbabwe has made some strides towards attaining halting and reversing the spread of HIV and Aids and malaria but is unlikely to meet MDG 1. Resultantly, JCI Zimbabwe Local Organisations have targeted MDG 1 in most of their activities, implementing plans that both address cases of extreme poverty and empowering the communities towards sustainable economic activity.



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P.O Box 6488, Harare

Tel: +263 774 302 442

+263 772 251 674



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