Page 1: Thermal structure of continental lithosphere from heat flow and seismic constraints: Implications for upper mantle composition and geodynamic models Claire

Thermal structure of continental Thermal structure of continental lithosphere from heat flow and lithosphere from heat flow and

seismic constraints: seismic constraints: Implications for upper mantle Implications for upper mantle composition and geodynamic composition and geodynamic


Claire PerryGEOTOP-UQAM-McGill, Montreal, Canada

Page 2: Thermal structure of continental lithosphere from heat flow and seismic constraints: Implications for upper mantle composition and geodynamic models Claire

Stability of continental lithosphereStability of continental lithosphere

• equilibrium between chemical and thermal buoyancy (e.g., Jordan 1979) ?


Perry et al. GJI (2003); Forte & Perry Science (2000)

Accurate lithospheric thermal models required (heat flow, crustal heat production)

150 km

Page 3: Thermal structure of continental lithosphere from heat flow and seismic constraints: Implications for upper mantle composition and geodynamic models Claire

Introduction : Global Terrestrial Heat Introduction : Global Terrestrial Heat LossLoss

Pollack et al. (1993)

Page 4: Thermal structure of continental lithosphere from heat flow and seismic constraints: Implications for upper mantle composition and geodynamic models Claire

Continental Heat Flow : example Continental Heat Flow : example from Canadian Shieldfrom Canadian Shield

Page 5: Thermal structure of continental lithosphere from heat flow and seismic constraints: Implications for upper mantle composition and geodynamic models Claire

Heteogenity of Continents …Heteogenity of Continents …

• geological

• compositional

• link between surface geology and lateral variations in Qs

Canadian Shield

Page 6: Thermal structure of continental lithosphere from heat flow and seismic constraints: Implications for upper mantle composition and geodynamic models Claire

• generic thermal model for all cratons ?• influence of temperature + composition on seismic velocity precise thermal model

Page 7: Thermal structure of continental lithosphere from heat flow and seismic constraints: Implications for upper mantle composition and geodynamic models Claire

Thermal Structure of the Continental Thermal Structure of the Continental LithosphereLithosphere

Gung et al. (2003)• variable seismic thickness• d3 detected by tomography

Page 8: Thermal structure of continental lithosphere from heat flow and seismic constraints: Implications for upper mantle composition and geodynamic models Claire

Presentation OutlinePresentation Outline

1.1. Lithospheric thermal structure, upper mantle Lithospheric thermal structure, upper mantle temperatures, and Pn velocity-temperature temperatures, and Pn velocity-temperature conversions from heat flow and seismic conversions from heat flow and seismic refraction studiesrefraction studies

2.2. The thermal boundary layer of continental The thermal boundary layer of continental lithosphere and average mantle lithosphere and average mantle temperatures from a geodynamic flow modeltemperatures from a geodynamic flow model

How does continental heat production affect How does continental heat production affect lithospheric and mantle temperatures ?lithospheric and mantle temperatures ?

Page 9: Thermal structure of continental lithosphere from heat flow and seismic constraints: Implications for upper mantle composition and geodynamic models Claire

Variables of Continental Thermal Variables of Continental Thermal Structure ProblemStructure Problem

Page 10: Thermal structure of continental lithosphere from heat flow and seismic constraints: Implications for upper mantle composition and geodynamic models Claire

Variables of Continental Thermal Variables of Continental Thermal Structure ProblemStructure Problem

(Aavg~0.7 µWm-3) : distribution of radiogenic elements ?


Page 11: Thermal structure of continental lithosphere from heat flow and seismic constraints: Implications for upper mantle composition and geodynamic models Claire
Page 12: Thermal structure of continental lithosphere from heat flow and seismic constraints: Implications for upper mantle composition and geodynamic models Claire

Archean Superior Province, CanadaArchean Superior Province, Canada

Page 13: Thermal structure of continental lithosphere from heat flow and seismic constraints: Implications for upper mantle composition and geodynamic models Claire

Heat Flow Data …Heat Flow Data …

• Qs Tmoho

• correlation VP – T

• mechanical resistance of lithosphere

Page 14: Thermal structure of continental lithosphere from heat flow and seismic constraints: Implications for upper mantle composition and geodynamic models Claire

Distribution of Radiogenic elements_____________

Differentiation Index:

DI = <Asurf> Ac

Slave Province 2.1±0.5

Superior Province 1.2±0.1

Trans-Hudson Orogen 1.1±0.2

Wopmay Orogen 2.3±0.1

Grenville Province 1.3±0.2

Appalachians 2.5±0.2

Province DI

Perry et al. JGR 2006a

Page 15: Thermal structure of continental lithosphere from heat flow and seismic constraints: Implications for upper mantle composition and geodynamic models Claire

Distribution of Radiogenic elements_____________

Differentiation Index:

DI = <Asurf> Ac

Slave Province 2.1±0.5

Superior Province 1.2±0.1

Trans-Hudson Orogen 1.1±0.2

Wopmay Orogen 2.3±0.1

Grenville Province 1.3±0.2

Appalachians 2.5±0.2

Province DI

Perry et al. JGR 2006a

Page 16: Thermal structure of continental lithosphere from heat flow and seismic constraints: Implications for upper mantle composition and geodynamic models Claire

Crustal ModelCrustal Model

distribution of Adistribution of ACRCR in crustal columns in crustal columns Moho temperature estimated using using k(T)Moho temperature estimated using using k(T)

LITH5.0 (LITH5.0 (Perry et al. GJI, 2002) + more recent data) + more recent data Hc, Pn

Principal unknown QmPrincipal unknown Qm

Fixed ParametersFixed Parameters :: Qs, A0, k(T), Hc Qs, A0, k(T), HcFree Parameter : Free Parameter : Qm Qm (constrained by (constrained by

xenolith + heat flow, xenolith + heat flow, A(z) constrained by A(z) constrained by QmQm, , QsQs, , HcHc

Page 17: Thermal structure of continental lithosphere from heat flow and seismic constraints: Implications for upper mantle composition and geodynamic models Claire

Pn velocityPn velocity

Page 18: Thermal structure of continental lithosphere from heat flow and seismic constraints: Implications for upper mantle composition and geodynamic models Claire

Crustal ThicknessCrustal Thickness

Page 19: Thermal structure of continental lithosphere from heat flow and seismic constraints: Implications for upper mantle composition and geodynamic models Claire

Moho depth

Page 20: Thermal structure of continental lithosphere from heat flow and seismic constraints: Implications for upper mantle composition and geodynamic models Claire
Page 21: Thermal structure of continental lithosphere from heat flow and seismic constraints: Implications for upper mantle composition and geodynamic models Claire

dV(Pn)/dT=-0.60x10-3 ± 10% kms-1K-1 (close to mineral physics estimates)

Page 22: Thermal structure of continental lithosphere from heat flow and seismic constraints: Implications for upper mantle composition and geodynamic models Claire

Average Cratonic Mantle CompositionAverage Cratonic Mantle Composition

• on-craton VP-T ≠ off-craton VP-T• predicted/measured VP Qm≥ 12 mWm-2

Perry et al. JGR 2006b

Page 23: Thermal structure of continental lithosphere from heat flow and seismic constraints: Implications for upper mantle composition and geodynamic models Claire

Preferred Mineralogical Composition :Preferred Mineralogical Composition :Superior upper-mantleSuperior upper-mantle

joint Qs + Pn

lithospheric mantle

composition + Qm

Perry et al. JGR 2006b

Page 24: Thermal structure of continental lithosphere from heat flow and seismic constraints: Implications for upper mantle composition and geodynamic models Claire

Conclusions – Part IConclusions – Part I Comparison of large-scale empirical geophysical Comparison of large-scale empirical geophysical

data and in-situ experiments of mantle data and in-situ experiments of mantle composition provide further confidence in mantle composition provide further confidence in mantle temperatures from seismic studies and heat flowtemperatures from seismic studies and heat flow

Joint inversions of heat flow and seismic Pn Joint inversions of heat flow and seismic Pn velocity constrain :velocity constrain : mantle mineralogical compositionmantle mineralogical composition effects of water ?effects of water ?

Average composition of cratonic mantle in Average composition of cratonic mantle in southern Superior Province : ‘Proton’ or ‘Archon’ ?southern Superior Province : ‘Proton’ or ‘Archon’ ? Superior crust was rejuvenated by Superior crust was rejuvenated by

Keweenawan rifting at 1.1 Ga – metasomatism Keweenawan rifting at 1.1 Ga – metasomatism ??

Page 25: Thermal structure of continental lithosphere from heat flow and seismic constraints: Implications for upper mantle composition and geodynamic models Claire

Refine thermo-chem


subcontinental mantle dynamics :

Thermo-chemical structure of cratonic roots

+ upper mantle temperature from heat flow ++ crustal models(test tomographic model)

Using V-T conversio


Page 26: Thermal structure of continental lithosphere from heat flow and seismic constraints: Implications for upper mantle composition and geodynamic models Claire

Thermal Boundary Layer at the base Thermal Boundary Layer at the base of Continentsof Continents

‘rheological’ thicknessof continent

Page 27: Thermal structure of continental lithosphere from heat flow and seismic constraints: Implications for upper mantle composition and geodynamic models Claire

Example from Kaapvaal xenolithsExample from Kaapvaal xenoliths

Page 28: Thermal structure of continental lithosphere from heat flow and seismic constraints: Implications for upper mantle composition and geodynamic models Claire

Model GeometryModel Geometry

Page 29: Thermal structure of continental lithosphere from heat flow and seismic constraints: Implications for upper mantle composition and geodynamic models Claire

Oceanic vs. Continental GeothermsOceanic vs. Continental Geotherms

• δc»δo

• δc depends on A

• (dT/dz)cond =


Page 30: Thermal structure of continental lithosphere from heat flow and seismic constraints: Implications for upper mantle composition and geodynamic models Claire

Effect of Heat ProductionEffect of Heat Production

Page 31: Thermal structure of continental lithosphere from heat flow and seismic constraints: Implications for upper mantle composition and geodynamic models Claire

Distribution of Heat ProductionDistribution of Heat Production

Page 32: Thermal structure of continental lithosphere from heat flow and seismic constraints: Implications for upper mantle composition and geodynamic models Claire

Δt = 0.25 Ga

Page 33: Thermal structure of continental lithosphere from heat flow and seismic constraints: Implications for upper mantle composition and geodynamic models Claire
Page 34: Thermal structure of continental lithosphere from heat flow and seismic constraints: Implications for upper mantle composition and geodynamic models Claire

Continental thickness from Continental thickness from seismic tomographyseismic tomography


from Nettles (2004)

Page 35: Thermal structure of continental lithosphere from heat flow and seismic constraints: Implications for upper mantle composition and geodynamic models Claire

Continental thickness from seismic Continental thickness from seismic tomographytomography


from Nettles (2004)

Page 36: Thermal structure of continental lithosphere from heat flow and seismic constraints: Implications for upper mantle composition and geodynamic models Claire

Continental Thermal Boundary Continental Thermal Boundary


Page 37: Thermal structure of continental lithosphere from heat flow and seismic constraints: Implications for upper mantle composition and geodynamic models Claire

Lateral Temperature AnomaliesLateral Temperature Anomalies

Page 38: Thermal structure of continental lithosphere from heat flow and seismic constraints: Implications for upper mantle composition and geodynamic models Claire

Scaling Law for Average Mantle Scaling Law for Average Mantle Temperature Temperature ΘΘ












Sotin & Labrosse (1999)

Total oceanic area, F

C = 1.02

Page 39: Thermal structure of continental lithosphere from heat flow and seismic constraints: Implications for upper mantle composition and geodynamic models Claire

Continental geometry and average mantle temperature

Perry, Jaupart & Tackley, in prep.

Page 40: Thermal structure of continental lithosphere from heat flow and seismic constraints: Implications for upper mantle composition and geodynamic models Claire

Continent thermal structure and average mantle temperature

Perry, Jaupart & Tackley, in prep.

Page 41: Thermal structure of continental lithosphere from heat flow and seismic constraints: Implications for upper mantle composition and geodynamic models Claire

Effect of crustal accretion on the mantle’s thermal history ?







Model Setup :

Example Present-day Model : Example Archean Model : Htotal = 5 pW/kg Htotal = 10 pW/kgA = 300 pW/kg (~0.9μWm-3) A = 300 pW/kgRaH = 5 × 106 RaH = 5 × 107

Hm + Vo + A × Vc = Ct = Htotal × Vtotal

Page 42: Thermal structure of continental lithosphere from heat flow and seismic constraints: Implications for upper mantle composition and geodynamic models Claire






tial te





Same mean mantle temperaturefrom two models after 1Ga

Page 43: Thermal structure of continental lithosphere from heat flow and seismic constraints: Implications for upper mantle composition and geodynamic models Claire






tial te










s m



Page 44: Thermal structure of continental lithosphere from heat flow and seismic constraints: Implications for upper mantle composition and geodynamic models Claire






tial te









Page 45: Thermal structure of continental lithosphere from heat flow and seismic constraints: Implications for upper mantle composition and geodynamic models Claire

Lateral temperature anomalies between Lateral temperature anomalies between ocean/continent diminished as A ocean/continent diminished as A increasesincreases

Thickness of the thermal b.l. below Thickness of the thermal b.l. below continents depends strongly on A (Acontinents depends strongly on A (A+ + δδ--))

Average mantle temperature may be Average mantle temperature may be scaled as a function of the total oceanic scaled as a function of the total oceanic areaarea Implications for time evolution of mantle Implications for time evolution of mantle

temperaturetemperature Average mantle temperature (and heat flow) may Average mantle temperature (and heat flow) may

not be have been significantly higher than today :not be have been significantly higher than today :Feedback between mantle & continents : Ra, AcontFeedback between mantle & continents : Ra, Acont

Conclusions - IIConclusions - II

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