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Performance Enhancement of Desktop Multimedia with Multithreaded Extensions to A General Purpose Superscalar Microprocessor


submitted in partial satisfaction of the requirements for the degree of


in Electrical and Computer Engineering


Mark Alexander Pontius

Thesis Committee:Professor Nader Bagherzadeh, Chair

Professor Fadi KurdahiProfessor Nikil Dutt


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© Mark Pontius, 1998All rights reserved

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The thesis of Mark Pontius is approved:



________________________________________Committee Chair

University of California, Irvine1998


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LIST OF FIGURES........................................................................................

LIST OF TABLES..........................................................................................

ABSTRACT OF THE THESIS......................................................................

1. INTRODUCTION.......................................................................................

1.1. THE PROBLEM.........................................................................................1.2. RELATED WORK......................................................................................1.3. OVERVIEW OF THIS THESIS......................................................................

2. THEORY OF OPERATION......................................................................

2.1. A MULTITHREADING PRIMER...................................................................2.2. BENEFITS AND DRAWBACKS OF MULTITHREADING..................................

2.2.1. Cache Effects....................................................................................2.2.2. Instruction Scheduling......................................................................2.2.3. Branch Prediction............................................................................2.2.4. Hardware.........................................................................................2.2.5. Software...........................................................................................

3. ARCHITECTURE......................................................................................

3.1. MULTITHREADED SDSP ARCHITECTURE.................................................3.1.1. Block Diagram.................................................................................

Cache / Memory Interface........................................................................................................Fetch Unit................................................................................................................................Reorder Buffer / Instruction Window (RBIW)..........................................................................Functional Units.......................................................................................................................

3.2. NEW AND MODIFIED UNITS.....................................................................3.2.1. Thread Control.................................................................................3.2.2. Registers...........................................................................................

3.3. INSTRUCTION SET...................................................................................3.3.1. New instructions...............................................................................

m_fork(R), m_fork_n(R,N)......................................................................................................m_join(R), m_kill_all()............................................................................................................m_exclusive_run(on/off)..........................................................................................................m_thread_num()......................................................................................................................m_read_ipc_reg(R), m_write_ipc_reg(R,D), m_inc_ipc_reg(R), m_dec_ipc_reg(R)................

3.3.2. Instructions for simulation only........................................................m_get_shared(), m_set_shared()..............................................................................................m_quick_run(on/off)................................................................................................................m_marker(N)...........................................................................................................................

3.4. SHARING OF MEMORY BETWEEN THREADS..............................................

4. SIMULATOR..............................................................................................


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4.1. OVERVIEW..............................................................................................4.2. STRUCTURE.............................................................................................

4.2.1. Initialization.....................................................................................4.2.2. Scalar Preprocess Execution............................................................4.2.3. Superscalar Modeling.......................................................................4.2.4. Thread Scheduling............................................................................4.2.5. User Interface...................................................................................4.2.6. Statistical Data Generation..............................................................

4.3. THREAD MEMORY MANAGEMENT..........................................................4.3.1. Shared Memory Model.....................................................................4.3.2. Private (Non-Shared) Memory Model...............................................4.3.3. Multiprogram Memory Model..........................................................

4.4. ATOMIC TRANSACTIONS..........................................................................4.5. SIMULATOR INTERNALS...........................................................................4.6. SIMULATOR LIMITATIONS AND POTENTIAL IMPROVEMENTS.....................

5. BENCHMARKS.........................................................................................

5.1. THE MULTIMEDIA DESKTOP ENVIRONMENT............................................5.2. PROGRAMMING ENVIRONMENT...............................................................5.3. DISCUSSION OF THE INDIVIDUAL BENCHMARKS AND DATASETS..............

5.3.1. Workload and datasets.....................................................................5.3.2. Profile..............................................................................................5.3.3. Properties.........................................................................................

6. RESOURCE ANALYSIS RESULTS.........................................................

6.1. DEFAULT PARAMETERS...........................................................................6.2. FETCH LIMITS..........................................................................................

6.2.1. Fetch Block Size...............................................................................6.2.2. Fetch Alignment: Prefetching...........................................................6.2.3. Branch Prediction............................................................................6.2.4. Instruction Cache.............................................................................

6.3. DATA AND PIPELINE LIMITS.....................................................................6.3.1. Functional Units: ALU, FPU, Load/Store........................................6.3.2. Data Cache......................................................................................6.3.3. Instruction Window Depth................................................................

6.4. THREAD PARAMETERS.............................................................................6.4.1. Completion Slots..............................................................................6.4.2. Thread Scheduling Algorithm...........................................................

6.5. INTERACTIONS AND OTHER IDEAS...........................................................

7. CONCLUSION...........................................................................................

7.1. DISCUSSION OF RESULTS.........................................................................7.2. WHAT DOES IT TAKE TO MAKE MULTITHREADING VIABLE.......................



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APPENDIX A: MORE ABOUT THE BENCHMARKS..............................

NLFILT: NON-LINEAR FILTER FOR IMAGE ENHANCEMENT..............................MPEG2E: MPEG II VIDEO COMPRESSION.......................................................

The second mpeg2e loop: fdct....................................................................POV: PERSISTENCE OF VISION RAYTRACER....................................................

APPENDIX B: SIMULATOR REFERENCE...............................................

NAME...........................................................................................................SYNOPSIS....................................................................................................DESCRIPTION.............................................................................................COMMAND LINE OPTIONS......................................................................

APPENDIX C: SHOWSTATS REFERENCE...............................................

NAME...........................................................................................................SYNOPSIS....................................................................................................DESCRIPTION.............................................................................................COMMAND LINE ARGUMENTS...............................................................OUTPUT FORMATS...................................................................................

-table outputs:............................................................................................-profile outputs:..........................................................................................

APPENDIX D: RAW DATA..........................................................................

CD ROM.......................................................................................................


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FIGURE 2.1. DATAFLOW DIAGRAM FOR X=A+B+C+D BEFORE (A) AND AFTER (B) OPTIMIZATION...................................................................................

FIGURE 2.2. THE SAME PROBLEM AS A MULTITHREADED PROGRAM.......................FIGURE 3.1. PROCESSOR BLOCK DIAGRAM............................................................FIGURE 4.1. SS SIMULATOR USER INTERFACE..........................................................FIGURE 4.2. MEMORY BLOCK DIAGRAMS IMMEDIATELY AFTER A FORK IN EACH

MEMORY MODEL...............................................................................FIGURE 4.3. COMMUNICATION BETWEEN SIMULATOR PROCESSES IN THE PRIVATE

MEMORY MODE.................................................................................FIGURE 6.1. CPI VERSUS THREADS.........................................................................FIGURE 6.2. IPC VERSUS THREADS.........................................................................FIGURE 6.3. SPEEDUP VERSUS THREADS................................................................FIGURE 6.4. BLOCK SIZE, KEEPING INSTRUCTION WINDOW TO 32 ENTRIES............FIGURE 6.5. PREFETCHING.....................................................................................FIGURE 6.6. BRANCH PREDICTION.........................................................................FIGURE 6.7. INSTRUCTION CACHE..........................................................................FIGURE 6.8. INSTRUCTION CACHE USAGE..............................................................FIGURE 6.9. BLOCKING VS NON-BLOCKING INSTRUCTION CACHE.........................FIGURE 6.10. INTEGER ALU..................................................................................FIGURE 6.11. FLOATING POINT UNITS....................................................................FIGURE 6.12. LOAD/STORE UNITS..........................................................................FIGURE 6.13. DATA CACHE....................................................................................FIGURE 6.14. DATA CACHE USAGE........................................................................FIGURE 6.15. RBIW DEPTH....................................................................................FIGURE 6.16. INSTRUCTION WINDOW COMPLETION SLOTS....................................FIGURE 6.17. SCHEDULING ALGORITHM................................................................FIGURE A.1. EXCERPT FROM THE THREADED VERSION OF NLFILT...........................FIGURE A.2. INPUT AND OUTPUT IMAGE FROM THE EDGE ENHANCEMENT FILTER

NLFILT...............................................................................................FIGURE A.3. INPUT AND OUTPUT IMAGES FROM MPEG2E PING PONG SEQUENCE.....FIGURE A.4. EXCERPT FROM FULLSEARCH ROUTINE IN MPEG2E. ORIGINAL

VERSION WITHOUT THREADS.............................................................FIGURE A.5. EXCERPT FROM FULLSEARCH ROUTINE IN MPEG2E. MODIFIED


SHARED MEMORY THREADS..............................................................FIGURE A.8. EXCERPT FROM MAIN LOOP OF POV BENCHMARK BEFORE

THREADING.......................................................................................FIGURE A.9. EXCERPT FROM MAIN LOOP OF POV BENCHMARK AFTER THREADING.


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FIGURE A.10. OUTPUT IMAGE FROM POV RAY TRACER...........................................



ENVIRONMENT..........................................................................................TABLE 5.2. PROPERTIES OF THE BENCHMARKS............................................................TABLE 5.3. INTEGER SUITE BREAKDOWN.....................................................................TABLE 5.4. FLOATING POINT SUITE BREAKDOWN.........................................................TABLE 6.1. DEFAULT RESOURCE CONFIGURATION......................................................TABLE A.1. PROFILE OF THE BENCHMARK NLFILT........................................................TABLE A.2. PROFILE OF THE BENCHMARK MPEG2E......................................................TABLE A.3. PROFILE OF THE BENCHMARK POV............................................................TABLE D.1. RAW DATA...............................................................................................


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Performance Enhancement of Desktop Multimedia with Multithreaded Extensions to A General Purpose Superscalar Microprocessor

Master of Science in Electrical and Computer Engineering


Mark Alexander Pontius

University of California, Irvine, 1998

Professor Nader Bagherzadeh, Chair

A multithreaded microprocessor architecture is proposed that is optimized for

common multimedia applications. The architecture is defined to support up to seven

lightweight threads entirely in hardware, with instructions for managing,

synchronizing, and communicating between these threads. Three different memory

models are presented to simplify porting of applications: Shared Memory, Private

Memory, and Multiprogram. A simulator is presented to accurately model program

fetching, scheduling, and execution with an out of order issue superscalar processor

based on the SDSP. Eleven benchmark applications are analyzed for single and

multithread behavior including resource utilization, branch prediction accuracy, code

growth, cycles per instruction, and others. Processor resource tradeoffs are compared

and simulated: fetch block size, fetch alignment, branch prediction, instruction cache,

functional units, data cache, Instruction Window depth, completion slots, and


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scheduling algorithm. The results of which indicate that 3 to 5 threads are sufficient

to produce up to 20% higher instruction throughput.


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1.1. The Problem

Achieving high program execution rates can be accomplished in many ways.

The instruction pipeline can be lengthened so that high clock rates can be used. The

instructions can be made more complex to accomplish more every cycle. Instructions

can be scheduled to execute more than one every cycle. All of these have been tried

in commercially viable processors, but still more speed is needed. Over time, each of

these will progress down their diverging paths, but eventually they will all reach their

performance limits. [HAR94, WAL93b]

The super-pipelined processors have more complex forwarding logic or

sacrifice execution of consecutive dependent instructions. The complex instruction

set processors will reach the point where a few very powerful instructions will take

up much of the processor resources, but are likely to be rarely used. The multiple

issue processors reach the point where finding additional independent instructions

becomes very expensive and the maximum utilization is only rarely achieved.

For this thesis, I look at a way of breaking out of the current limitations of

multiple issue processors by specifying in the software groups of independent

instructions called threads. The superscalar processor fetches from one of these

threads each cycle and places the instructions into a common pool from which ready

instructions can be executed out of order.


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I focus on applications which are likely to be found on the typical desktop

machine, which weighs heavily on multimedia. These applications are well suited to

the multithreaded processor because of their data parallelism and task independence

[DAN98, FLY98]. Traditional processor studies have focused on scientific programs

as they have been the target applications for the high-end processors. Today, the

consumer market is driving the high-end processors, and scientific machines are

adapted from commercial silicon.

1.2. Related work

The SDSP architecture was developed by Steven Wallace [WAL93a] as a

generic RISC microprocessor to study the multiple issue capability of superscalar

architectures and tradeoffs. The processor consists of a central Reorder

Buffer/Instruction Window (RBIW) which performs register renaming and out of

order issue. The processor handles exceptions precisely by only retiring instructions

in order as they shift down to the bottom of the RBIW. A VLSI design of the RBIW

including the Scheduling Unit was done at 100MHz in .8 micron (1 micron drawn)

CMOS by Nirav Dagli [DAG94] which demonstrates the feasibility of the


The SDSP has a history of multithreaded extensions. Manu Gulati [GUL94,

GUL96] proposed a version with a partially shared register file, a deep Instruction

Window, and full Instruction Window commit bypassing. Benchmarks were taken

from multiprocessor benchmark suites, with speedups achieved in the range of 20-

55%. Mat Loikkanen [LOI96] proposed a version that featured Thread Suspending


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Instruction Buffers which allow a long latency instruction to sit outside the

Instruction Window, rather than require out of order commit. They are called Thread

Suspending Instructions because when one of these instructions is fetched, that thread

must be suspended or the single TSIB would not be able to prevent the Instruction

Window from stalling. It has a partially shared register file. Long latency remote

loads were added to the instruction set to provide for a distributed memory parallel

processing model. The benchmarks were taken from multiprocessor benchmark

suites and hand crafted in assembly to optimize the loops. Speedups as high as 3.3

times were achieved.

The Simultaneous Multithreading (SMT) processor designed by Dean Tullsen

[TUL95] used independent programs interleaved each fetch cycle (more than one

thread may be fetched every cycle) into a superscalar processor to increase resource

utilization. It does not improve single program performance, but provides throughput

increases. Jack Lo [LO97] modified the SMT architecture to support multithreaded

applications, and compared the performance to that of a single chip multiprocessor to

show that static resource partitioning leads to lower utilization and lower

performance. Steven Wallace [WAL98] modified the SMT architecture to

speculatively execute less-likely instructions in extra fetch slots and called it

Threaded Multipath Execution. This increases single process performance by

utilizing the mechanisms already in place for multithreading.

In 1991, Prasadh [PRA91] proposed interleaving instructions from multiple

VLIW threads. The instructions were scheduled at compile time into independent


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VLIW groups of 4 instructions, then were dynamically interleaved from among all

available threads to eliminate NOP’s. Stephen Keckler and William Dally [KEC92]

tried something similar, dividing instructions from compiler optimized VLIW threads

to multiple Functional Unit clusters with a mechanism called processor coupling.

Matthew Farrens and Andrew Pleszkun [FAR91] used interleaving of

instructions from multiple threads to mitigate the dependency problems of an in order

issue deeply pipelined processor. This works only if enough threads are available.

Single thread performance is poor.

Many examples exist of coarse grained threading, in which the switch takes

several cycles to complete. Anant Agarwal [AGA92] proposed switching threads

when network or memory latencies are encountered in the April Alewife

multiprocessor. Richard Eickemeyer and his coworkers at IBM [EIC96] described

using coarse grained switching on cache miss with transaction processing software.

Soundararajan and Agarwal [SOU92] have a few hardware contexts, and many

additional contexts in memory. The hardware contexts can hide cache miss latencies,

while network latencies are hidden by a background switching of contexts to memory

called dribbling registers.

Henk Corporaal [COR93] describes an architecture called Transport

Triggered much like dataflow, in that programs are described as movements of data,

and the operations are triggered when the data arrives. This can be considered very

fine-grained multithreading, or simply a different way of expressing standard

superscalar out of order execution.


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1.3. Overview of this thesis

Chapter 2 describes what can be accomplished by adding multithreading to a

microprocessor. Chapter 3 shows the architecture of the processor. Chapter 4

describes the simulator with its capabilities and limitations as they pertain to getting

clear, realistic data. Chapter 5 goes into detail on the multimedia benchmarks used,

analyzing their properties and determining their suitability to operation in a

multithreaded environment. Chapter 6 looks at the numbers generated by the

simulator, showing trends in thread performance, resource requirements and thread

related extensions to the processor. Chapter 7 brings together the conclusions in the

previous two chapters and discusses the feasibility and promises of multithreading.

Appendix A goes into more detail on some of the benchmarks, and what it

took to convert scalar applications to multithreaded ones. Appendix B is the

Simulator reference, describing all of the parameters that have been varied in this

thesis. Appendix C is the Showstats reference, explaining all of the fields in the data

tables in both equation form and detailed description. Appendix D contains some of

the raw data, as well as instructions on accessing all of the data in electronic form for

those curious people with an idea that I missed something.


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2.1. A multithreading primer

Programs are expressed as a series of operations. Some require the results of

a previous instruction, and are said to be dependent. For example: X = A + B + C +

D could be programmed as three instructions: Y = A + B, followed by Z = Y + C,

followed by X = Z + D. As can be seen in the dataflow diagram Figure 2.1a, the

second instruction is dependent on the first. The third is dependent on the second.

This takes 3 cycles to complete since none of the instructions are independent.












+ +

+Y Z

a b



Figure 2.1. Dataflow diagram for X=A+B+C+D before (a) and after (b) optimization.

The compiler could re-organize the program into Y = A + B, Z = C + D, X =

Y + Z. In this case the second instruction could begin before the first one completed,

exposing more parallelism to a superscalar microprocessor. The dataflow diagram in

Figure 2.1.b shows that the third is still dependent on the first two, so the program

takes 2 cycles to complete. This is a speedup of 33%.

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A superscalar processor generally has an Instruction Window containing

several instructions listed in program order, from which it can pick and choose

several instructions to execute every cycle. This has the limitation of only looking at

a small piece of the program at a time, and will seriously limit the amount of

parallelism that can be exploited. The example equation given here could be

effectively handled by today’s superscalar processors because of the small size of the

problem. If the + operation was something more complex with many instructions, a

superscalar processor would be unable to see the parallelism.

The programmer or compiler can simplify the problem by splitting the

program into threads as shown in Figure 2.2. Each thread has no dependencies

between it and other threads of operation. This allows the threads to all be executed

at the same time without the processor having to check for dependencies. In the

example above, each equation now appears to the processor as part of independent

instruction streams, and all can be executed at the same time, no matter how complex

the operation is.







Figure 2.2. The same problem as a multithreaded program.

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With just a few threads of execution, enough independent instructions can be

found with a modest Instruction Window to saturate the execution ability of a

superscalar processor which has a limited number of Functional Units.

2.2. Benefits and drawbacks of multithreading

The following sections discuss some of the benefits and problems to be

expected in a processor capable of executing multiple instruction threads at the same

time. These will be explored further in the results section later in the thesis to

explain the experimental data. Table 2.1 summarizes them by category.

Table 2.1. Benefits and drawbacks of multithreading.

PROs CONscache · shared cache locality

· ability to hide misses· allows non-blocking ICache

· reduced locality

scheduling · reduced data dependencies· improved load/store bypassing· out of order commit · stall sharing

· bursty use of Functional Units

branch prediction

· reduced need for accuracy· constructive aliasing in BTB

· destructive aliasing in BTB

· hardware

· simpler branch prediction· increased resource utilization

· increased resource contention· Thread Control Unit· bigger register file· more bits in RBIW and

Scheduler· non-blocking Instruction Cache

· software

· reduced OS context switching · more complex to write· difficult to debug· code growth

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2.2.1. Cache Effects

The most common perception about multithreaded programs is that they have

reduced cache locality. By having multiple different routines running concurrently,

there is a potential for instruction and Data Cache conflicts to occur. However, fine

grained threads such as is supported on this processor, are often executing the same

section of code so that Instruction Cache entries for one thread are the same ones

going to be requested by other threads. Data Cache locality is not likely to

significantly change when a routine is multithreaded. The same data is going to be

accessed by one thread in order, or by multiple threads slightly out of order. Whether

the locality of reference for instruction or Data Cache is likely to increase or decrease

is dependent on the nature of the code being executed.

The penalty for a cache miss is much less on a multithreaded microprocessor.

For data misses, there are more independent instructions that belong to other threads

that can be executed while the data is fetched. For Instruction Cache misses, again

other threads are available to be fetched, so long as a non-blocking Instruction Cache

is used. The non-blocking Instruction Cache is useless to a single threaded processor.

2.2.2. Instruction Scheduling

By interleaving blocks of instructions from different threads in the Instruction

Window, fewer of the instructions available to the Scheduler have dependencies.

This allows more instructions to be issued early in the Window, when they have more

time to complete [TUL95].

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A load instruction cannot be issued before a prior store instruction because the

dependency check using addresses is too complicated for the Scheduling Unit

[WAL93a, DAG94]. This can be relaxed for multiple threads, since each thread can

have a separate sequential state. By allowing loads to pass stores from different

threads, there are additional opportunities to better utilize the Load/Store Units.

A long latency instruction does not mean a stalled pipeline in a multithreaded

processor. The only reason that instructions must commit in program order is the

requirement for precise exception handling. By having independent threads in the

window, different threads may commit out of order with respect to each other

without sacrificing the exception handling ability. Thus, a stall by one thread would

not stall the entire Instruction Window [GUL94]. By giving a thread with one of

these instructions in the window a low priority, the processor will not have as many

dependent instructions waiting and blocking other threads from using the processor’s


Some instructions take too long to execute and can never complete before

reaching the end of the Instruction Window. These include Floating Point

computations and Load instruction Data Cache (DCache) misses. In tight loops or

synchronized threads, more than one thread is likely to have one of these instructions

in the window at the same time. Since there is no data dependency between the

threads, they can all be executing in different Functional Units (presuming there are

enough resources) at the same time, turning several separate long stalls into just one.

I call this effect Stall Sharing.

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The same thing that leads to Stall Sharing, namely multiple threads executing

the same code with the same type of resources being needed at the same time, may

also result in resource shortages. If there are not enough resources available, some

ready instructions may sit around waiting for a Functional Unit.

2.2.3. Branch Prediction

A single thread processor with a mispredicted branch will result in 1 to 4

fetch cycles grabbing useless instructions. With multiple active threads, some or all

of these cycles will be spent fetching from other threads, minimizing the number of

invalid instructions fetched. With the reduced dependencies mentioned above in

instruction scheduling, branches are often resolved earlier in the window, further

reducing bad branch fetching.

If two threads are executing loops of the same code, but with different data,

the branch predictor can make poor predictions for one or both of those threads. For

example, if low values branch one way while high values branch the other, and two

threads are working the same routine through a dataset from opposite ends, the

branch history of each thread would be different.

Alternatively, the two threads executing loops of the same code could have

constructive effects on prediction accuracy. If the loops are doing the same type of

operation in each thread, their branch patterns are likely to be similar, allowing the

predictor to learn the pattern more quickly and thus make more correct decisions.

Again, whether branch prediction improves or degrades is dependent on the

routines being executed. The branch predictor could be designed to keep predictions

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for each thread separate, but at the cost of increasing its size or reducing its

effectiveness for a single thread.

2.2.4. Hardware

With the lower dependence on branch prediction, a much simpler algorithm

can be implemented without degrading performance as much as on a single threaded

processor. This additional space saving can be used for implementing the additional

hardware described below that multithreading requires.

The higher instruction throughput of a multithreaded processor will increase

the resource utilization. This can be a good thing, considering that the same

resources are now being used more effectively. It can also mean that some resources

now become over utilized, and may become new bottlenecks. This can lead to

decisions to add more resources like Functional Units or issue ports.

The only new Functional Unit is the Thread Control Unit. It handles forks

and joins, as well as controlling exclusive_run locking, identifying thread numbers,

and storing ipc_reg registers.

For each thread, a full set of registers is needed. This makes the register file

for an n-way threaded processor n times as large. This processor architecture only

accesses registers at instruction fetch and retire, and is done one fetch block at a time.

Only one thread’s register file is accessed for reads and one for writes each cycle.

This fact will help reduce the complexity of the large register file.

The Instruction Window needs to store the thread number for each

instruction, which also acts as the upper bits of the register number during register

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remapping. The thread number is checked when scheduling the Load/Store Unit.

The thread number also must be checked when instructions are being invalidated due

to exceptions or branch mispredictions.

The non-blocking Instruction Cache described above takes slightly more area

than a blocking cache. This can be achieved by making the cache dual ported, or less

expensively by adding additional buffering or partitioning into independent banks.

2.2.5. Software

Relative to lightweight hardware threads, Operating System controlled

threads are expensive to switch. By having multiple lightweight thread contexts in

hardware, the required number of Operating System controlled context switches is

reduced. Since many of these multimedia applications already have many threads,

the additional support in hardware will reduce the demands on the Operating System

to schedule and switch them.

Multithreaded programs are more difficult to write and verify. Because of

their non-sequential nature, data locking, atomic transactions, and explicit

synchronization must often be used. Care needs be taken to handle exceptions, which

may be difficult in a parallel routine.

The additional instructions involved in forking threads, then setting up their

registers, handling data locks, synchronizing, and finally joining, creates a certain

amount of code growth. These are more instructions that do not apply directly to

complete the original program, but must now be executed as well. In the benchmarks

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simulated, this overhead was anywhere from 6 to over 100 instructions per thread


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3.1. Multithreaded SDSP architecture

The multithreaded extensions are a minor change to the SDSP architecture

[WAL93a, WAL96]. Figure 3.1 shows the system block diagram. The only new

item is the Thread Control Unit. Minor internal changes were made to other units to

support or enhance the multithreaded operation.

3.1.1. Block Diagram








Reg File




Figure 3.1. Processor Block Diagram

The Fetch Unit takes information from the Branch Prediction and Thread

Control to generate addresses for the instruction stream. Instructions come through

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the Fetch Unit, which passes them to the Instruction Window while it scans for

branches that need predicting, and in some configurations, prefetch buffering is done.

Instructions enter the Instruction Window, which is a FIFO of instructions to

execute. The Reorder Buffer contains the source and destination register values or

tags, and shifts in lock-step with the Instruction Window. Together, these two units

are called the RBIW, after the two abbreviations. When an instruction in the RBIW

is ready to execute, it is sent to one of the Functional Units. Results are passed back

to the Reorder Buffer to update the register state and pass along to the following


If instructions are complete when they reach the bottom of the Instruction

Window, they are retired. The result of any branches is passed back to the Branch

Prediction Unit, and registers are committed to the Register File. If the instructions

are not complete when they reach the end of the Instruction Window, the fetch

process is stalled until the instructions complete.

Each unit is described in further detail below.

Cache / Memory Interface

The Instruction Cache contains a copy of the most recently used instruction

memory contents. Instructions are fetched from here if they are present. If not, the

requested fetch fails and the Scheduling Unit will select a different thread for the next

cycle’s fetch. Meanwhile, the data is requested from the next level of the memory

hierarchy, L2 Cache or Main Memory. The Thread Scheduler is notified when the

instructions are ready, so it can re-try the failed instruction fetch.

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If while a cache fill is in progress, a different thread misses, then its request is

queued up behind the current one. The latency between request and completion of a

cache fill is modeled at 5 cycles, but consecutive requests complete at a minimum

interval of 3 cycles, representing a pipelined fill.

The Data Cache works in much the same way, but communicates with the

Load/Store Unit. When a load or store misses the cache, it is set aside while the

cache fill progresses. Consecutive misses are queued up as in the Instruction Cache

with the same delays, the maximum of 5 cycles latency or 3 cycles interval.

Fetch Unit

Instructions come through the Fetch Unit on their way to the Instruction

Window, are decoded, scanned for branches, and in some configurations are


Branch Prediction

For each block of instructions, a lookup is done in the Branch Target Buffer

(BTB) to see if there is a record of this being a known branch. Two bit branch

prediction [YOU95] is used to provide reasonable accuracy of the prediction. If a

branch is predicted, a new address is used the next cycle in which that thread is

fetched, otherwise, the next sequential address is used.

Prefetch Buffer

The prefetch buffer may be used to store up instructions that are ready to

enter the Instruction Window. In the simplest model, no prefetch buffering occurs

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and only instructions that fall within the cache block are passed on. The next model

called self-aligned or dual fetch, does not buffer the instructions, but always fetches

two consecutive cache lines and aligns them to remove any empty instruction slots at

the beginning of the block. The full prefetching model described by Wallace

[WAL96], but unused in this thesis, uses a double length cache line, and keeps the

unused instructions in its buffer for the next time that thread is fetched. With this,

most instruction alignment problems are eliminated, but upon reaching a

mispredicted branch, this must also be invalidated. The final prefetch model, ideal,

simply assumes that this prefetching works 100% of the time and every cycle can

fetch a full fetch block of instructions.

Reorder Buffer / Instruction Window (RBIW)

Together, the Reorder Buffer and the Instruction Window make up the core of

the processor. Instructions are kept in order here while executed out of order by the

Functional Units. Registers are kept with instructions. If the register contents are

known, the value is read during decode and stored in the Reorder Buffer. If the value

has not yet been calculated by an earlier instruction still in the window, the tag

number for that upcoming result is stored instead. When the earlier instruction

completes, the tag is replaced by the result. When all operands of an instruction are

ready, the instruction is eligible for scheduling to a Functional Unit the following

cycle. The scheduler gives priority to the oldest instructions that are ready. When an

instruction finally is assigned to a Functional Unit, it passes is source register values

along, and waits for the result.

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Each cycle, instructions in the bottom of the RBIW are checked for

completion. If all instructions in the bottom block are done, their destination

registers are committed to the Register File, and the instructions are retired

(discarded). The result of branches is also passed back to the Branch Prediction Unit

to update its history.

Functional Units

There are several Functional Units so that more than one instruction may be

processed at the same time. Each instruction is assigned a source and destination data

path to the RBIW. There are Integer, Floating Point, Load/Store, and Thread Units.

The Integer Units are the most plentiful, and can process any integer

arithmetic or logic operation. Some Units may not have multiply or divide

capability, as these are not as common of operations. The scheduler is aware of

which Units can perform which operations.

The Floating Point Units are more expensive, in terms of real estate and

turnaround time. It may take several cycles for a complex floating point operation to

return its value. Some types of operations could be pipelined through this unit, so

more than one operation may be in progress at any one time. Others such as divide,

do not allow pipelined operation, and will block further instructions from entering.

Table 1 shows the latency involved with each floating point instruction.

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Table 3.1. Latency of Floating Point instructions

Single Precision Floating Point Instructions

Double Precision Floating Point Instructions

1 abs_s, neg_s 2 abs_d, neg_d3 c_eq_s, c_ne_s, c_ge_s, c_lt_s 3 c_eq_d, c_ne_d, c_ge_d, c_lt_d5 cvt_d_s, cvt_s_w, cvt_w_s 5 cvt_d_w, cvt_s_d, cvt_w_d5 round_w_s, trunc_w_s, ceil_w_s,

floor_w_s5 round_w_d, trunk_w_d, ceil_w_d,

floor_w_d10 add_s, sub_s 15 add_d, sub_d10 mul_s 15 mul_d20 div_s 25 div_d40 sqrt_s 80 sqrt_d

The Load/Store Unit is capable of queuing up store operations, while safely

doing loads by checking the queue before reading memory. In the event of an

exception in the RBIW, some queued up stores may need to be invalidated, so this

unit is notified in such an event. Note that stores cannot exit the Store Queue until

after their corresponding instruction has retired from the Instruction Window, as the

potential exists for an exception.

3.2. New and Modified Units

3.2.1. Thread Control

The Thread Control Unit handles m_fork() and m_join() instructions, as

well as maintaining the state of all IPC_reg registers. It also communicates with the

Fetch Unit to do a round-robin fetch of the different threads. From the Instruction

Window, it appears as a Functional Unit.

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3.2.2. Registers

The standard SDSP register set consists of 31 integer registers plus register 0

which is hardwired to a value of zero. Each thread, however, has an independent set

of these 31 registers. The initial value in the registers for a new thread is undefined

after a fork. This means the hardware does not need to copy or initialize the register

contents every time a new thread is started. The penalty is that register variables

cannot be used across thread forks. For the case where a procedure call immediately

follows a fork, this should not be a problem, but for forking inside a tight loop, this

can be disadvantageous, as the data must be stored in memory or one of the IPC_reg


By copying a subset of the registers on each fork, then this problem could be

minimized. To minimize the architecture changes, I chose not to do this, and let the

software copy registers it needs on a case-by-case basis.

3.3. Instruction Set

The SDSP architecture defined by Steve Wallace [WAL93a] has a RISC

instruction set. All operations are register-to-register, and contain up to two source

and one destination registers. In addition to the existing instruction set, several new

instructions to support multithreading were added.

3.3.1. New instructions

The instructions listed below are shown as they appear in C sourcecode, much

like function calls, but they are compiled into opcodes by gcc_sdsp.

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Table 3.2. Abbreviations used in instruction definitions.

R IPC_reg register numberN an integer numberon/off a boolean (an integer in C)D an integer data value

m_fork(R), m_fork_n(R,N)

The fork instructions are the core of the multithreaded instructions. When a

m_fork() instruction is encountered, a new thread context is created. The new

thread has the same PC and register contents. The variation m_fork_n() takes an

additional input N, and creates several threads. Each time a new thread is created,

the IPC_REG specified by R is incremented.

m_join(R), m_kill_all()

The m_join() instruction is used to terminate threads. The IPC_REG

specified by R is decremented. If the number goes below 0, then this was the last

thread to reach the m_join() and is allowed to continue. Otherwise, the thread is

terminated and its resources are de-allocated. In private-memory simulator mode,

thread 0 is always the one to continue after a join because it simulates the quickest.

The m_kill_all() instruction is used primarily for catastrophic error handling, as

it immediately terminates all threads except one. It can also be used for some

applications in which many threads are looking for a solution, and the first to find

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one can call off the hunt by killing all other threads. This is not used in any of my

benchmarks except in its error handling role.


For atomic transactions, the m_exclusive_run() instruction can be used

to suspend all other threads during the critical section of code. This is particularly

useful for isolating sections of the benchmark that contain non-reentrant library calls

(notably malloc and printf), or merely sections that behave poorly in a

multithreaded environment. If a join is encountered during exclusive_run, then

exclusive_run is turned off.


The instruction m_thread_num() allows the thread to find out which

number it is. Threads can use this information any way they want. In most

benchmarks, this is used to determine which subset of data to process by each thread.

It is also useful to identify which thread is the parent and which is the child. The

return value from m_fork() is this same number, but because of the limitations of

using stack registers near a fork, it is often convenient to have this as a separate


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m_read_ipc_reg(R), m_write_ipc_reg(R,D),

m_inc_ipc_reg(R), m_dec_ipc_reg(R)

Inter-Process Communication Registers (ipc_regs) are the best way for

threads to pass data to each other. These registers are used to count forks and joins,

but may also be used by the threads to pass results, coordinate data, or synchronize

operation. In addition to the read and write commands, atomic increment with read

and decrement with read are available. This is useful for allocating which thread

should work on which subset of data. A job queue can be set up, with an ipc_reg

acting as the index. Each thread can do an m_inc_ipc_reg() on that index to get

its job assignment, knowing that it has gotten a unique result.

3.3.2. Instructions for simulation only

m_get_shared(), m_set_shared()

These two instructions are used to explicitly synchronize data between threads

when using the Private Memory implementation of the simulator. It transfers a block

of memory between threads. For single processor machines like I am studying, this

instruction is not intended to be implemented in hardware, but is a workaround for

the limitations of the simulator. For multiprocessor systems, a DMA subsystem

could be built to handle the explicit memory copying.

In some benchmark programs, the threads should be re-written to use Shared

Memory, but since they were originally written for single thread operation, threads

have many places where they stomp on each other’s operation. Without a compiler

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that understands threads, these would need to be painstakingly re-written, a rather

time-consuming operation. Instead, the simulator can be placed into private-memory

mode, which completely isolates the threads in their own copy of the memory space.

When results need to be passed, these instructions transfer just the data needed.


This instruction is used to speed up the simulation process. Since

initialization code is often not threaded, and adds little to the benchmark’s value,

using m_quick_run() allows the programmer to define sections of the benchmark

to run through a subset of the simulator. During quick_run, only a single thread may

be executed, and it does not go through the superscalar model. This results in a 100

fold increase in speed in these sections of the benchmarks. Statistics are kept

separately while in this mode, and are not included in the analysis done here.

The primary use for this instruction is the ray trace benchmark pov. During

the image description file read and parsing, no attempt was made to thread the

benchmark. For complex images, this takes a long time in the simulator, but is a

small portion of the actual benchmark. By using qucik_run through this portion, the

more complex scenes can be simulated within a reasonable time.

If -hybrid is not included on the simulator command line, m_quick_run()

instructions are ignored and treated as no-op’s.


This instruction simply prints a debug string to standard out:

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“cycle: MARK [thread] = N”

It can be used to trace order within multithreaded code, or a quick printout of

an integer variable without requiring the benchmark to deal with the overhead of a

printf call.

3.4. Sharing of memory between threads

The architecture specifies that all threads share the same memory space.

Some modifications were made to the simulator to allow Private Memory be

available if required to simplify porting of code not originally designed to work in

Shared Memory. There is no mechanism in the defined architecture to support this,

but a discussion in the following chapter describes the practical limits of bending the

rules while still getting a reasonable estimate of multithreaded performance.

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simulator: A device that enables the operator to

reproduce or represent under test conditions

phenomena likely to occur in actual performance. –

Webster’s Dictionary.

4.1. Overview

The objective of this simulator is to test the architecture defined in the

previous chapter, and to determine the effectiveness of using threads to increase

parallelism in a superscalar processor. To simplify the overwhelming task of porting

a variety of benchmarks to the multithreaded model, two variations were made to the

simulator that do not exactly follow the architecture, but are approximations of it in

certain situations. These are described below in the sections on Private Memory and

Multiprogram Memory Models.

This chapter will first show the structure of the simulator and its capabilities.

It then covers the various memory models. Next comes a description of some of the

internal workings of the simulator, and finally a list of limitations and potential


4.2. Structure

The basic SDSP simulator, from which this simulator was developed, consists

of six main sections, Initialization, Scalar Preprocess Execution, Superscalar

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Modeling, Thread Scheduling, User Interface, and Statistical Data Generation. These

are described in the following sections.

4.2.1. Initialization

This set of procedures parses the command line, creates and clears all data

structures and statistics to be used and reads the benchmark into memory performing

remapping and symbol table resolution. Any symbols not resolved within the

benchmark are checked against Operating System calls known by the simulator, and

replaced with traps to be handled by the simulator if required. If the inputs are

tracefiles, the files are opened, piping them through gunzip if necessary.

4.2.2. Scalar Preprocess Execution

These routines execute the instructions in order. They do all the ALU,

Memory, and Operating System calls. This generates a trace of instructions that are

passed along to the superscalar routines. In the Private Memory mode, these may be

executed by different Unix processes. If a tracefile is to be generated, the executed

instructions are written to disk. If a tracefile is to be read, one instruction at a time is

read from the disk and passed on to the superscalar model.

Statistics are kept for procedure profiling and instruction class frequency.

4.2.3. Superscalar Modeling

The superscalar section 'fetches' instructions from the scalar preprocess

routines for each thread. It puts the pre-executed instructions into the Reorder

Buffer/ Instruction Window (RBIW), performing register renaming. Each cycle, it

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scans the Window for ready instructions, allocates the execution resources, and then

marks the instructions as completed. The oldest instructions in the window are

retired if they are compete. If not, then fetching and shifting of instructions is

prevented, creating stall cycles. This entire procedure is iterated for each simulated

clock cycle.

Statistics are kept for items such as fetch alignment, branch prediction,

Scheduling Unit stalls, and resource utilization.

4.2.4. Thread Scheduling

Threads are scheduled in each cycle for the following clock. The default

algorithm uses a Least Recently Used (LRU) method to select threads that have not

been fetched in a while. Alternatively, a simple Round Robin can be used. The third

algorithm available, Count, orders the threads based on the number of instructions

each thread has in the Instruction Window [LO98]. Priority modifiers can be

specified that cause skipping of threads that have an unknown predicted branch, a

known mispredicted branch, an Instruction Cache miss, or a floating point instruction

in the Window.

Statistics are kept for number of switches attempted, when exclusive_thread

was active, or only a single thread was available.

4.2.5. User Interface

An optional graphical interface shown in Figure 4.1 using X allows

displaying of the contents of the RBIW, as well as controls for stepping through the

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program one cycle at a time. Breakpoints can be defined and registers examined to

help in debugging. Info mode can be toggled on and off to display a detailed trace of

what is going on inside the simulator.

Figure 4.1. ss simulator user interface.

4.2.6. Statistical Data Generation

Scalar, superscalar, and multithreaded statistics are gathered throughout the

program. Upon completion of the simulation, statistics can be printed, or saved as a

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binary file. This can be parsed later with the program showstats, or combined with

other outputs to generate a variety of statistical reports.

4.3. Thread Memory Management

Three memory models are implemented in the simulator: Shared Memory,

Private Memory, and Multiprocess. Figure 4.2 shows how memory is allocated

immediately after a fork in the program. For Shared Memory Model, the thread gets

a new stack pointer, but all memory is shared. For Private Memory Model, the

thread gets a copy of the current data and stack segments. For Multiprogram

Memory Model, the thread is allocated unique addresses for instruction, data, and


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Shared Private Multiprogram



thread 0 thread 0 thread 0thread 1 thread 1 thread 1

Figure 4.2. Memory Block diagrams immediately after a fork in each memory model.

I = program instruction memory, Data = static data and heap,

Stack = program stack (temporary variables, procedure calls, etc.).

4.3.1. Shared Memory Model

The Shared Memory Model is the one which was described in the

Architecture chapter, and is the default model. A new thread gets a unique stack

pointer, but shares all memory with the other threads. Instructions begin fetching

from the very next address for both threads.

Care must be taken when writing benchmarks for this model, that no thread

interferes with the other threads use of memory. Global variables may be read freely,

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but writes should be controlled by locks or in atomic blocks to prevent data

corruption. Stack data may not be used across a fork because the child will not see

the same stack pointer as the parent. One way of avoiding this is to do a procedure

call immediately after the fork, and declare all local variables there. Each thread will

place its local variables in a different stack. Another way is to use the interprocess

communication registers, which all threads have shared access to.

One more problem is that some of the standard C library routines are not

reentrant capable. Routines like malloc and printf have been seen to break

when called by two Shared Memory threads at the same time. Either avoid these

calls in a threaded section, or make them atomic with the m_exclusive_run()


4.3.2. Private (Non-Shared) Memory Model

The Private Memory Model was implemented to make the porting of

benchmarks easier. Some benchmarks were not written with shared-memory

multithreading in mind, and have large amounts of read/write global data structures.

To port these to the Shared Memory Model would require rewriting each of these

data structures. A good compiler could handle this, but one is not currently available

for this architecture. To keep from having to extensively rewrite benchmarks, each

thread gets a copy of the data and stack memories. Each thread can continue using

the memory as if it were private, and program operation is unaffected.

When data synchronization is required, the new instructions

m_set_shared() and m_get_shared() can copy a block of data from one

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thread to another. This is used in the benchmarks to write their results to thread 0

before terminating. In this model only, thread 0 is always the thread to continue after

a join. If it reaches the join before other threads, it goes to sleep until all others have

terminated. This simplifies the explicit sharing of data, as well as speeding

simulation as discussed below in the section titled simulator internals.

The drawback to this is that realism is sacrificed. Two diverging copies of

data memory are aliased onto the same memory addresses. The Data Cache model

treats these as identical for determining cache hits or misses, so one can expect higher

hit rates than normal.

A hardware implementation of this would be difficult at best. A DMA engine

would be required. To prevent having to copy the entire Data and Stack spaces

before starting the child process, a map could be maintained, much like a dirty cache

indication, and only duplicate memory when a write occurs. This would be

expensive to implement, and is not proposed as a proper solution. Instead, treat this

model as an approximation to the Shared Memory Model. Only the occasional write

to this memory would result in an additional cache miss. The additional benchmarks

this makes available to us, makes up for the small loss in accuracy.

4.3.3. Multiprogram Memory Model

The Multiprogram Memory Model allows independent programs to be run as

if they were threads. They are all mapped into memory space, but since each has its

own address range, no conflicts occur. This model is expected to have higher

Instruction Cache miss rates, since there is no code sharing going on. Also these

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independent programs may have addresses that alias to the same block in the cache

further increasing the miss rate.

This is implemented in the simulator as multiple trace reads. Each benchmark

program is run separately and creates a long instruction trace file. The multithreaded

simulator can then read multiple tracefiles as threads, remapping the address as each

instruction is read.

The multiprogram model could be implemented in a real processor simply by

having Operating System support that can handle the process threads.

This model may also be an approximation of programs that have multiple

threads doing completely different functions like user interface, file I/O, and data

processing all in parallel. They would look much the same as this model, with

different threads accessing different instruction routines and different data, while still

being in one program. Since none of my explicitly threaded benchmarks use this

popular variety of threading, the multiprogram model is a good approximation and

adds to the diversity of benchmark architectures to study.

4.4. Atomic transactions

atom: an indivisible particle. -–Webster’s


As in all parallel processing environments, some activities need to be handled

atomically, such that no other thread's activities could interfere or change a value in

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the middle of another's critical section of code. In a multithreaded microprocessor,

this is quite easy to do. The instruction m_exclusive_run() temporarily locks

one thread into exclusive execution. When the transaction is complete, it is called

again to unlock the thread. This locking can be arbitrarily nested, such that

procedure calls which have locked sections can be called within locked sections of

code, and the thread is only unlocked when the number of unlocks equals the number

of locks. If a join is encountered, any exclusive_run lock is broken to prevent

processor deadlock.

This locking mechanism can allow the unmodified use of non-reentrant

library calls within Shared Memory simulations by placing a lock before and an

unlock after. This can also be used to track down a section of code that is causing

cross-thread interference, by selectively placing locks and unlocks and running the

program to see when the problem disappears. It can usually be narrowed down to a

single line of offending code.

There is a slight performance penalty associated with an exclusive_run

section of code. Any time that an exclusive instruction is anywhere in the Instruction

Window, the normally loose rules for loads and stores from different threads being

allowed to issue out of order are tightened to prevent something from interfering with

the atomic transaction. This tightening of the rules also applies if a fork or join

instruction is in the window, as these are also synchronization commands.

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4.5. Simulator internals

With the Shared Memory Model, all threads execute in the same Unix

process. This runs quite fast and efficiently. All memory conflict resolution is

handled by the benchmark program, instead of the simulator, and is thus the more

difficult model to program for.

For the second model with Private Memory, the simulator forks off a separate

child process for each thread, shown in Figure 4.3. This allows the benchmark to

execute without much fear of side effects due to other threads. There is a penalty for

this, and that is speed. The act of forking under Unix is a relatively big event,

duplicating the context of the process. In addition to this overhead as each thread

starts is that now all process communication must be explicit. With threads executing

in separate processes from the superscalar model of the processor, every instruction

must be passed through this communication channel. Note that thread 0 is always

executed by the same process as the superscalar simulator. This eliminates the

communication overhead for one of the threads and speeds simulation.

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Thread n


Thread 3


Thread 2


Thread 1


Thread 0

Command Pipe

Instruction Stream Pipe

Command Pipe

Instruction Stream Pipe

Command Pipe

Instruction Stream Pipe

Command Pipe

Instruction Stream Pipe

Figure 4.3. Communication between simulator processes in the Private Memory mode.

Bold Rectangles indicate separate Unix processes and arrows indicate pipes.

The separate processes communicate through pipes. Each thread gets two

pipes exclusively allocated to it. One feeds a stream of instructions from the scalar

execution portion to the superscalar process. Another pipe called the command pipe

sends information to the threads when needed such as:

· Acknowledgment of receiving instructions. This lets the thread know at what

point the superscalar unit is consuming its instruction stream. If the thread

was allowed to generate instructions at its own speed, it would quickly create

a very large buffer of executed instructions, and either crash or run very

slowly. Once it knows how far the supervisor is ahead, it will only execute a

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few instructions before checking where the supervisor process is at. The

process will suspend itself automatically if the supervisor has not sent any

messages back on the command channel, keeping the thread from getting too

far ahead.

· IPC register value when thread executes an ipc_read command. This allows the

value to be loaded into the scalar unit's register so it can be acted upon.

· Fork authorization. When a thread executes a fork command, it needs to assign a

thread id to the new child process. Since each thread does not know what

other threads are active, it can only get this information from the superscalar


· Join termination. When a join command executes, it needs to determine whether

or not to proceed. The superscalar process sequences the different thread's

instructions, and then can correctly assign which threads are to be terminated

or continue.

· Shared memory data. Similar to an IPC value, but can send an arbitrary sized

block of data, along with a destination address. This allows child processes to

store their results in the parent's memory space without its intervention, or to read

a block of data from the parent.

For the third memory model, Multiprogram, each program is pre-executed by

a separate simulation, which generates a tracefile. The Multiprogram simulator reads

each of these trace files in from a file. If the file has a .gz extension, a pipe is created

through the gunzip program to decompress the stream on-the-fly. This has about a

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10% speed penalty for the simulation, but results in much lower storage

requirements. Each instruction read from the stream is remapped into its own

address space by adding a constant offset per thread. Any addresses used by the

instructions such as loads, stores, and control transfers are also modified. From

there, the instructions are passed into the Shared Memory Model of the simulator and

processed normally.

4.6. Simulator limitations and potential improvements

No simulator is perfect in its ability to represent real operating conditions.

This simulator is very accurate in many ways, but does have its share of limitations.

The following list describes all of the ones I have become aware of.

· The compiler does not understand threading instructions, and treats them as

procedure calls. This typically results in these instructions being expanded

into 2 to 3 real instructions, as it expects to pass the parameters in particular

registers. The actual threading instruction is later translated from a trap call

into the instruction opcode with source registers matching the procedure call

standard variable passing registers. This additional overhead appears to be

trivial compared to the real multithread overhead of loop initialization.

· No easy mechanism is present to support stack variables across forks. This

makes writing benchmarks difficult, and increases the amount of loop

initialization overhead in the multithreaded code.

· No Level 2 Cache model is implemented.

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· The store queue in the Load/Store Unit is not modeled in detail, but is assumed to

always have an available entry for new stores when they are requested.

· The Operating System is not simulated. The simulator traps Operating System

calls and makes those requests to the Operating System it is running under.

The Operating System would be very good to simulate because of the

inherent threaded nature of its tasks, but because of the size of the sourcecode,

it is not feasible to simulate at the level of detail which this simulator runs.

· Faster simulation would enable longer benchmark runs. I had to make the

tradeoff of long simulation runs verses diversity of parameter variations. I

chose shorter runs (8-35 million instructions) with more variety of

parameters. These shorter runs do not fully reflect the cache effects.

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5.1. The Multimedia Desktop Environment

Previous studies of multithreading have focused on high performance

scientific or server applications. I show in these simulations that the multimedia

desktop has much to gain from the same techniques. Significant data parallelism,

real-time latency intolerance, and interfacing to low bandwidth I/O devices all fit the

multithreaded model’s best aspects.

Most of the tasks to be performed on a multimedia desktop machine are easily

adaptable to multithreaded operation, and many already are, because of the inherent

parallelism in them. Also, since multimedia implies more than one type of media at a

time, many of these will be running concurrently. Lack of performance may readily

be seen by the user as long latencies or poor quality and detracts from the system’s

usefulness. Table 5.1 shows how the selection of benchmarks are representative of

many of these categories of tasks, giving insight into whether they provide an

appropriate mix of instructions for a multithreaded microprocessor.

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Table 5.1. Some typical desktop tasks in a multimedia desktop environment.

Items in bold are represented by benchmarks in this thesis.

Media Example uses BenchmarksVideo play movies, video conferencing, movie

authoring, 3D games, gesture recognitionmpegd, mpeg2e

Still Images

image filtering, compression, scene rendering, object recognition

nlfilt, cjpeg, pov, xmountains

Audio compression, filtering, speech synthesis, voice recognition, music synthesis

sox, say

Text OCR, handwriting recognition, spellcheck, translation, searching


I/O file compression, virus scanning, Internet, printer preprocessing, home automation


AI artificial intelligence, remote agents

5.2. Programming environment

The benchmarks used were written in C and available freely as UNIX source

code. The programs were compiled using the SDSP version of the gnu C compiler.

The -O2 optimization command was usually used. Threads are added by including

m_fork_n() procedure calls in the C source code. These are left as unresolved

links by the compiler and linker, and are interpreted by the simulator as extensions of

the processor instruction set.

Not wanting to completely re-write the benchmarks, I looked for easy ways to

add multithreading. The main data processing loops in the program have been

divided into multiple threads. In this way, concurrency is increased without too

much overhead of initiating threads.

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For some applications, the processing is done in nested loops. This leads to

the dilemma of where to place the threading. With an inner loop, more forking and

joining adds more overhead. With a long outer loop, any unbalance in the workload

can result in a significant period of time where a limited number of threads finish the

remaining iteration after the others have completed. In general, coarse grained

threading was preferred, but in mpeg2e, a relatively fine grained threading was used.

See Appendix A for details on how the benchmarks were threaded.

5.3. Discussion of the individual benchmarks and datasets

This chapter describes the benchmarks used. First, the benchmarks are

described with their data sets. Then, statistics are shown for each benchmark with a

default hardware configuration.

5.3.1. Workload and datasets

Name Data in Data out Instruction Countmpeg2e 3 image frames 320x280 3 frame MPEG2 movie 35,918,652

Mpeg2e is a video compression program. It reads a set of images, and creates

an mpeg2 video stream consisting of I, B, and P type frames. This dataset has one of

each type frame and comes from the popular ping-pong sequence, but scaled down to

provide smaller images more suitable to simulation, as well as more appropriate for

video conferencing applications which demand real-time performance. All other

parameters were set to their defaults provided with the sourcecode [MPE94].

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Name Data in Data out Instruction Countnlfilt 100x100 image 100x100 image 19,192,033

Nlfilt is a non-linear image filter. The edge enhance module simulated here is

typical of image processing. Only the image processing routine was included, file

I/O was not. This was chosen because the typical interactive image editing

application loads an image once, then performs a series of filters interacting with the

user in real time. Real time performance is the key factor in user interaction. The

sourcecode was taken from the netpbm library [NET93] routine called pnmnlfilt

[PNM93]. The code was modified by replacing all library references with local

routines that use a simple binary file format, trading flexibility for simulation speed.

Name Data in Data out Instruction Countpov simple.pov scene desc. 25x25 pixel image 7,962,116

Pov is the Persistence of Vision ray tracer [POV96]. It creates an image by

tracking rays of light as they bounce around a scene full of geometrically defined

objects. This may be used to view a proposed architectural design, or fantasy world

in fine detail. It is not typically run in real time, as there are less precise methods

available for quick previews or real-time games.

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Name Data in Data out Instruction Countisuite N/A N/A 8,000,000 gzip Text file compressed file 2,000,000 mpegd 3 frame MPEG1 movie 3 individual frames 2,000,000 diff Two text files list of lines that

differ 2,000,000

cjpeg gif image jpeg image 2,000,000

Isuite consists of four integer programs run in parallel. Each program was cut

off at 2,000,000 instructions to balance the load. Gzip compresses data files to

conserve storage or network bandwidth [GZI93, LZ77]. Mpegd decompresses a

video stream in real time for immediate display of movies, game animation, or

downloaded entertainment content [PVR93]. Diff is a typical text filter

representative of a whole class of applications that consist primarily of file I/O with

limited computation [DIF93]. Cjpeg compresses images for storage and

transmission. It is also used in very low power processors with low clock rates in

digital cameras where speed and efficiency are very important [JPG96, WAL91].

Name Data in Data out Instruction Countfsuite N/A N/A 8,000,000 xmountains seed number image of fractal terrain 2,000,000 whet iterations N/A 2,000,000 say text phrase audio speech file 2,000,000 sox audio file filtered audio file 2,000,000

Fsuite consists of four floating point programs run in parallel. Each program

was cut off at 2,000,000 instructions to balance the load. Xmountains generates a 3D

view of terrain based on the infinite resolution of fractals, as would be used in a flight

simulator or similar program [XMO95]. Whet is a benchmark application that is very

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heavy in floating point operations. Its only purpose is to stress the floating point

capabilities of a processor [WHE87, CUR76]. Say can convert text into speech, and

can be used to provide a more natural interface to the computer [SAY94, HOL64,

KLA80]. Sox manipulates an audio waveform, in this case just upsampling it, but

with the right algorithms, it could as well provide multichannel surround sound

separation, or audio special effects [SOX94, SMI93].

5.3.2. Profile

The benchmarks were all profiled to determine what routines formed the core

loops, and which contained the most processing. These were selected for re-coding

with threads. The profiles that can be found in Appendix A include information

about how much additional overhead is in the 4 thread run of the program versus the

single thread run.

5.3.3. Properties

Table 3 shows properties of the benchmarks. The figures represent the single

thread version under default conditions, except for the last four items which are for a

4 thread run. Tables 4 and 5 later on will break down isuite and fsuite into their

component parts. See Appendix 3 for detailed description and equations for each


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Table 5.2. Properties of the benchmarks.

label: mpeg2e nlfilt pov isuite fsuitememory model: Shared Shared Private Multiprogram Multiprogramcycles: 10,685,764 2,795,696 4,676,530 1,392,791 4,573,652float work: 0.269 0.014 1.519 0.000 1.504instructions: 35,918,652 19,192,033 7,962,116 8,000,000 8,000,000quick_instr: 257,583 1,059,949 1,436,048 0 0CPI: 0.297 0.146 0.587 0.174 0.572IPC: 3.361 6.865 1.703 5.744 1.749avg fetch: 6.748 7.691 5.675 6.495 6.336avg issue: 3.182 6.808 1.345 5.257 1.454total delays: 57.377% 11.840% 74.165% 14.291% 74.916% su stalls: 36.188% 7.901% 62.936% 7.113% 68.230% br delays: 20.970% 3.850% 11.036% 6.348% 6.291% i delays: 0.219% 0.089% 0.193% 0.831% 0.396%i swap: 58.342% 0.000% 40.819% 24.567% 44.128%d swap: 44.818% 41.056% 0.000% 92.738% 5.201%i miss: 0.088% 0.020% 0.129% 0.187% 0.286%d miss: 0.035% 0.082% 0.035% 2.607% 0.079%fetch deficit: 15.722% 3.886% 29.158% 18.959% 21.029%pred rate: 35.081% 66.986% 73.591% 93.896% 66.283%br penalty: 2.851 3.441 2.349 2.079 2.324commit bypass: 0.112% 0.013% 1.456% 1.177% 0.694%fetch cycles: 6,818,806 2,574,800 1,733,330 1,293,718 1,453,051code growth: 0.421% 0.005% 0.045% 0.000% 0.000%%threaded: 34.459% 99.076% 92.171% 95.180% 81.447%total threads: 1405 4 73 4 4speedup 19.433% 2.891% 14.843% 8.817% 16.019%

The item float work is a weighted sum of floating point operations, with the

weight being the number of cycles it takes to complete that type of operation, then

normalized to the total number of instructions in the benchmark. Thus, pov and

fsuite are very heavy users of floating point, while mpeg2e and nlfilt use less, and

isuite uses none.

The average fetch entry shows that our default mechanism of dual fetch does

a pretty good job of retrieving 5.6 to 7.6 instructions. This forms the upper limit on


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The cycles per instruction (CPI) or its inverse (IPC) varies considerably

across the benchmarks. The floating point apps have much lower rates of instruction

throughput than the integer ones, which indicates the floating point operations are a

significant source of the stalls in the Scheduling Unit. Looking down at the total

delays, and the next three items after it, which break down the cause of delays, one

can see the dominance of Scheduling Unit stalls in those floating point applications.

Branch delays are also a considerable portion of the delay, which indicates

that the default mechanism of two bit history branch prediction isn’t always a good

performer. The pred rate entry for mpeg2e shows that its prediction rate is only 35%.

The br penalty line shows that for each of those mispredicted branches, an average of

2 to 3.5 fetch cycles are wasted.

The commit bypass item show what percentage of stalls were avoided by

being able to commit from slots farther up the Instruction Window, and is less than

1.5% for all benchmarks. For these single threaded applications, the only situation

this is ever used is to eat the pipe bubbles on completely invalidated blocks after a

bad branch prediction has been detected.

Instruction and Data Cache miss rates are very low, well under 1% in

all but the isuite Data Cache. This translates into less than 1% delays for all

instruction fetch delays. The significance of the swap items is described later in the

next chapter.

Up to now, all the items in the table have been describing the single thread

benchmarks. The last 4 lines describe what happens when 4 threads are used. The

code grows for all but the suites, but less than half of one percent for the worst case.

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The suites don’t have code growth, because the programs don’t change, as it is only

interleaving the different programs.

The %threaded entry shows that for nlfilt, pov, and isuite, greater than 90% of

the cycles have more than one thread available, while fsuite has 81%, and mpeg2e

only has 34%. The suites are only less than 100% because of load imbalance, some

components have a higher IPC than others and complete early. For the threaded

applications, the percentage reflects how much of the program is essentially scalar,

and cannot be easily threaded.

The total threads line shows that most benchmarks were threaded very coarse

grained. Mpeg2e has the highest number of threads, but also had the highest amount

of code growth, showing the cost involved in fine grained threading.

The last item is the most important. This shows the amount of speedup

between the scalar version and the 4 thread version. For nlfilt, it is very low, about

2.9%. This application already has the highest IPC. For the other integer

application, isuite, it also was low at 8.8%. The floating point applications did better,

14.8% to 19.4%. The speedup numbers are nowhere near the many times speedup

that others have reported when simulating scientific applications designed for parallel

machines, but for the small amount of extra cost involved in adding multithreading to

a superscalar processor, they are quite good.

Table 5.3 shows the benchmarks that make up the isuite benchmark and their


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Table 5.3. Integer Suite breakdown.

label: gzip mpegd diff cjpeg isuitecycles: 625,530 412,310 583,134 408,932 1,392,791float work: 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000instructions: 2,000,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 8,000,000quick_instr: 0 0 0 0 0CPI: 0.313 0.206 0.292 0.204 0.174IPC: 3.197 4.851 3.430 4.891 5.744avg fetch: 4.828 5.152 3.907 5.451 6.495avg issue: 3.081 4.396 2.976 4.674 5.257total delays: 33.928% 6.524% 14.868% 14.940% 14.291%su stalls: 2.177% 3.576% 9.270% 2.071% 7.113%br delays: 31.408% 2.344% 5.342% 11.306% 6.348%i delays: 0.342% 0.603% 0.256% 1.563% 0.831%i swap: 0.000% 0.604% 0.000% 26.625% 24.567%d swap: 55.488% 79.334% 94.032% 52.303% 92.738%i miss: 0.103% 0.128% 0.058% 0.347% 0.187%d miss: 2.221% 2.489% 5.565% 0.479% 2.607%fetch deficit: 39.706% 35.684% 51.186% 32.102% 18.959%pred rate: 51.422% 98.207% 94.389% 76.860% 93.896%br penalty: 2.914 2.857 1.983 2.236 2.079commit bypass: 0.095% 0.399% 0.044% 0.236% 1.177%fetch cycles: 611,901 397,564 529,079 400,461 1,293,718code growth: 0.000% 0.000% 0.000% 0.000% 0.000%%threaded: 0.000% 0.000% 0.000% 0.000% 95.180%total threads: 1 1 1 1 4speedup: N/A N/A N/A N/A 8.817%

In the integer suite, gzip has the lowest throughput (IPC), and thus is the

cause of only having isuite 95% threaded, due to load imbalance between the

different programs within the suite. The low throughput on gzip is primarily due to

poor branch prediction. Cjpeg, another compression routine also has poor branch

prediction. On the other end of the spectrum, the decompression routine mpegd has

over 98% prediction accuracy

The text comparison program, diff, has the highest Data Cache miss rate,

more than double any of the other benchmarks at 5.5%.

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Table 5.4 shows the benchmarks that make up the fsuite benchmark and their


The floating point application suite has a low %threaded amount at 81%, due

to the xmountain’s low throughput, making the load imbalanced. The reason for that

is it has a very high float work rating, more than double the other applications. It

also has the lowest avg fetch.

Despite the imbalance, the combined suite has 16% speedup, which is high

because the floating point latencies can be hidden by multithreading.

Table 5.4. Floating point suite breakdown.

label: xmountains whet say sox fsuitecycles: 1,783,308 862,390 736,496 840,616 4,573,652float work: 3.213 1.210 0.656 0.936 1.504instructions: 2,000,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 8,000,000quick_instr: 0 0 0 0 0CPI: 0.892 0.431 0.368 0.420 0.572IPC: 1.122 2.319 2.716 2.379 1.749avg fetch: 4.144 5.199 5.900 5.869 6.336avg issue: 0.759 2.009 2.413 2.121 1.454total delays: 75.990% 56.812% 56.364% 62.068% 74.916%su stalls: 68.144% 51.959% 47.930% 55.328% 68.230%br delays: 7.592% 4.472% 7.275% 6.396% 6.291%i delays: 0.254% 0.381% 1.158% 0.344% 0.396%i swap: 6.858% 1.065% 40.880% 2.422% 44.128%d swap: 3.936% 0.000% 4.786% 0.699% 5.201%i miss: 0.187% 0.170% 0.500% 0.169% 0.286%d miss: 0.176% 0.016% 0.144% 0.030% 0.079%fetch deficit: 48.301% 35.123% 26.624% 26.756% 21.029%pred rate: 66.840% 78.021% 54.232% 65.724% 66.283%br penalty: 2.288 2.343 2.417 2.395 2.324commit bypass: 2.193% 0.012% 0.024% 0.007% 0.694%fetch cycles: 568,089 414,301 383,482 375,520 1,453,051code growth: 0.000% 0.000% 0.000% 0.000% 0.000%%threaded: 0.000% 0.000% 0.000% 0.000% 81.447%total threads: 1 1 1 1 4speedup N/A N/A N/A N/A 16.019%

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6.1. Default parameters

In a system that’s nearly infinitely configurable, choosing where to start is

difficult but critical to finding the best solution and most interesting interactions.

The configuration developed by Wallace [WAL93a] was the starting point, but it was

necessary to scale some of the resources up to take full advantage of the increased

parallelism available to the multithreaded benchmarks. Hundreds of preliminary

simulations were run that are not documented here, in order to see where the

interesting bends in the graphs occur, while not having any one resource low enough

that its limits mask other effects. Using that, a set of parameters was selected as a

starting point for the rest of the runs. These are summarized in Table 6.1, along with

the limits imposed by the architecture or simulator.

From the default resource configuration, one parameter is varied at a time (or

occasionally related parameters are changed as a set) to see how performance is

affected. This gives insight to the resource requirements and dependencies in the


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Table 6.1. Default Resource Configuration.

PARAMETER AVAILABLE RANGE DEFAULTfetch block size 1-16 instructions 8 instructionsdepth of RBIW 1-15 blocks 4 blockscompletion slots 1-15 blocks 2 blocksnumber of threads 1-7 4thread scheduling X,R/L/C,I,B,P,F LIBPFmaximum issue/result ports 1-16 16functional units: ALU 1-16 8functional units: FPU 1-16 4functional units: Multiply 1-16 4functional units: Load/Store 1-16 2result bypassing off / on onI Cache 0-512 KB 64 KBD Cache 0-512 KB 64 KBCache Associativity 1-8 way 4 waycache latency/interval 1+ / 1+ 5 / 3cache line size 1+ fetch blocks 1 fetch block (32 bytes)prefetch off / dual / ideal dualbranch prediction algorithm 2 bit / always not taken / perfect 2 bitbranch prediction table size 0-256 entry shared / each 256 entry sharedmisprediction bubbles 0+ 1thread stack size any $8200 bytes (32.5 KB)

Figure 6.1 shows Cycles Per Instruction (CPI) as the number of threads is

varied for each benchmark. Note that some of the benchmarks do not have all the

threads graphed. For the suites, only 1, 2, and 4 threads were run, since the suites

each have 4 programs in them. If an odd number were run, it would not be an

accurate result because of the load imbalance. The final column, average, is an

average of all the benchmarks. Sometimes Instructions Per Cycle (IPC) feels more

intuitive than CPI. For those, the data is inverted in Figure 6.2 to show IPC. The

rest of the thesis will stick to CPI for consistency [EMM97].

Figure 6.1. CPI versus threads.

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Figure 6.2. IPC versus threads.

Nlfilt has the most inherent parallelism, approaching the 8 instructions per

cycle fetch limit, and thus the least to gain from multithreading. Pov and fsuite have

the worst performance, and most to gain from the additional parallelism. These two

use of floating point extensively.

Figure 6.3 shows this same data represented as speedup, which is the relative

execution time of the multithreaded benchmark versus the single threaded.

Figure 6.3. Speedup versus Threads

The first few threads provide significant speedup, but after 4 or 5 threads, the

additional overhead begins to outweigh the diminishing gains from more parallelism.

These trends have discontinuities in them due to the load imbalance with certain

numbers of threads that are not multiples of the loop sizes. This can be seen in

mpeg2e and nlfilt, which have better performance on 6 threads than they do on 5.

For nlfilt, 3 threads is the best. For pov, 5 threads is best. For the suites and mpeg2e,

4 threads is best.

For all the remaining threaded runs in this thesis, 4 threads were used. This

was chosen to be the same for all benchmarks for consistency. Among all

benchmarks, 4 threads is close to the greatest speedup.

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6.2. Fetch limits

Instruction fetching is the first bottleneck in the processor pipeline. If

instructions cannot be fetched in enough quantity, the processor will spend much of

its time idle. Several parameters control the flow of instructions into the processor.

The following sections look at fetch block size, fetch alignment through self-aligned

fetching or prefetching, branch prediction, and Instruction Cache.

6.2.1. Fetch Block Size

In Figure 6.4, the size of the fetch block is varied while the total size of the

Instruction Window is kept at 32 entries.

Figure 6.4. Block Size, keeping Instruction Window to 32 entries.

The default configuration of 8/4 is the best for all the multithreaded cases.

The larger fetch block 16 is just slightly better in the highest throughput single

threaded cases. These must have very little data dependence, or the pipe would stall

frequently with only two cycles between fetch and retire.

6.2.2. Fetch Alignment: Prefetching

Figure 6.5 compares fetching models. No prefetch means that a single cache

line is fetched each cycle. Dual fetch refers to fetching two cache lines every cycle,

then re-aligning the instructions to begin at the start of the block. This is also called

self-aligned fetch block. Perfect fetch refers to a theoretical prefetch scheme that

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always returns a full block of instructions, even when the block is misaligned or

correctly predicted branches occur within the block.

Figure 6.5. Prefetching

Dual fetch is approximately 6-7% slower than perfect fetch. Considering the

additional cost of prefetching and fact that it would most likely increase the pipeline

length, then dual fetch is a good compromise.

The no prefetch configuration of single threaded pov has much worse (+29%)

performance than the dual fetch configuration. The multithreaded pov only has

+11% difference, indicating that the threading can compensate for some of the poor

fetch performance. In all the other applications, no significant difference exists

between the benefits gained by improved fetch schemes for single and multithreaded


Nlfilt gets no performance increase with any of the fetch improvements,

indicating that its performance is not limited by fetch.

6.2.3. Branch Prediction

The branch prediction mechanism is responsible for reducing the amount of

garbage instructions fetched by the processor. In Figure 6.6, the bsimple model

always predicts not taken. 64 and 255 are the number of entries in the branch target

buffer, a two bit counter mechanism for determining if a branch should be taken or

not. 256 each refers to separate branch target buffers for each thread. Perfect

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predictor is never wrong, and shows the possible performance limits to the branch


Figure 6.6. Branch Prediction

It is obvious from this graph that branch prediction is a much smaller share of

performance with multithreaded programs than single thread programs. Expensive

dynamic prediction is important in the single thread models, but of little benefit when

multiple threads are available. Also shown is that inter-thread interference can often

reduce the effectiveness of the two bit branch predictor, such that the simple not-

taken prediction performs better in both mpeg2e and nlfilt, and is about the same in

the others.

For the multithreaded case, all models achieve nearly the same results as the

perfect prediction because there is time to resolve the branch while other threads are

executing. Bsimple actually outperforms any of the other real cases because it never

discards the instructions within the fetch block after the branch instruction until the

branch has been resolved, while the other models will mistakenly discard these on a

false taken branch prediction.

6.2.4. Instruction Cache

In Figure 6.7, the Instruction Cache is varied from 16K to 256K with both a

direct mapped (1-way) and an associative (4-way) arrangement. Perfect refers to a

cache that never misses, giving a best case reference point.

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Figure 6.7. Instruction Cache

For all but pov with a small cache, the associative cache does not gain us

much, and in threaded fsuite and nlfilt, a small associative cache can perform worse

than direct mapped.

It is possible that these benchmarks are not run long enough to show all of the

cache effects. To test for this, Figure 6.8 shows the percentage of instruction misses

that replace data in the cache (as opposed to hitting an empty cache entry). An

indication that this is a poor model of steady state performance is if the graph is not

near 100%. The graph shows that most benchmarks only approach 100% for the

smallest cache, and some like nlfilt and isuite never get very high at all. This

indicates that much longer simulations are needed to accurately model cache effects.

The only exception to this is pov, which has swap rates over 90% for all of

the direct mapped cache models. Back in Figure 6.7, we can see that for pov, the

threaded version had slightly less dependence on cache size for the multithreaded

version than the single thread one. This is as can be expected, since the

multithreaded processor is not blocked from executing other threads when a cache

miss occurs. From this benchmark, we can also see that the associative cache

performs better than the direct mapped, as less contention is seen.

Figure 6.8. Instruction Cache Usage.

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Some very good papers have been written on cache models for multithreaded

applications [JOU90, MCF91, BLU92, LEE95, FAR97, LO98, PHI96], and our

results here, though seriously limited by the under-utilization of the cache, agree with

them that spatial locality is reduced while threads can compensate for the additional

misses. For real cache model analysis, a much simpler processor model is usually

used to handle many times the size of instruction runs we can use here.

Figure 6.9 shows a comparison of blocking versus nonblocking Instruction

Cache. The differences are too small to see.

Figure 6.9. Blocking vs Non-Blocking Instruction Cache.

6.3. Data and pipeline limits

Once the instructions are in the processor, there must be enough Execution

Units to process them all with minimal stalls. The Data Cache must be able to

provide the required memory accesses in a timely manner. Finally, the Instruction

Window must be large enough that instructions have a chance to execute before

causing a stall

6.3.1. Functional Units: ALU, FPU, Load/Store

Figure 6.10 compares CPI while varying the number of Integer Execution

Units (ALU).

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Figure 6.10. Integer ALU

For the floating point applications, 4 ALU’s are enough to reach maximum

performance, for the integer heavy applications, 8 ALU’s provide additional speedup.

In mpeg2e, the additional performance gained by going from 1 to 4 threads

has increased the reliance on ALU Units. While in the single thread version, only

2.3% improvement is seen when going to 8 ALU’s, the threaded version shows 5.9%

improvement when adding those same additional ALU’s. This is due to the

additional resource utilization of the multithreaded version.

For all benchmarks, more than 8 integer ALU’s are entirely unused. This is

likely due to the maximum fetch bandwidth of 8 instructions per cycle becoming the


Figure 6.11 varies the Floating Point Units (FPU).

Figure 6.11. Floating Point Units.

Floating point intensive programs like pov and fsuite can make use of up to 8

or even 12 Floating Point Units. The first 4 are quite effective, beyond that, it is a

cost/performance tradeoff to determine if additional units are worthwhile.

The existence of threads does not appear to place an extra burden on FPU


Figure 6.12 varies the number of Load/Store Units. Each of which can

perform one load or one store each cycle.

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Figure 6.12. Load/Store Units.

The second Load/Store Unit is of significant performance importance. In

nlfilt, it cuts execution time nearly in half, taking CPI from 0.27 to 0.14 for either

single or multithreaded runs. In mpeg2e and isuite, the presence of a second

Load/Store Unit improves performance more for multithreaded versions than scalar.

More than 2 Load/Stores has little or no effect, probably due to the

precedence rules for executing loads before preceding stores within the same thread.

6.3.2. Data Cache

In Figure 6.13, the Data Cache is varied from 16K to 256K with both a direct

mapped (1-way) and an associative (4-way) arrangement. Perfect refers to a cache

that never misses, giving a best case reference point.

Figure 6.13. Data Cache

Data Cache has very little impact on performance of these benchmarks. It is

quite likely that our data set size is too small to see much effect with the short

simulation runs done. To test for this, the following graph 6.14 shows percentage of

cache misses that cause a swap to occur (as opposed to filling an empty cache line).

If these are not near 100%, then the simulation has not reached the steady state

condition. This is the case for all but the smallest cache sizes.

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Figure 6.14. Data Cache Usage

Because the cache model is nearly useless with these small simulation runs, I

refer the reader back to the comments made about Instruction Cache in Section 6.2.4.

6.3.3. Instruction Window Depth

Figure 6.15 varies the depth of the Reorder Buffer / Instruction Window

(RBIW) which determines how long an instruction has to complete before stalling the

processor. Note that the default case has two Completion Slots, so one stalled thread

will not stall the entire processor, but two will.

Figure 6.15. RBIW depth.

For the integer benchmarks isuite and nlfilt, a depth of more than 4 blocks is

nearly useless. For the floating point intensive applications however, 6 and 8 entries

will give better performance.

6.4. Thread parameters

There are some parameters that do not do much for a single threaded

processor, but can significantly impact performance with multiple threads. Being

able to bypass a stalled thread in the Instruction Window, and having a non-blocking

Instruction Cache are two such items. The thread scheduling algorithm can also have

an effect on the mix of instructions available.

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6.4.1. Completion Slots

Figure 6.16 shows the result of being able to retire instructions from farther

up in the Instruction Window, if the entries below it are not from the same thread.

Figure 6.16. Instruction Window Completion Slots.

There is a slight improvement in single thread performance, only because

pipe bubbles from blocks of instructions that were invalidated after a mispredicted

branch can be squashed with this mechanism. In multithreaded operation, we get

approximately 15% speedup from just one extra completion slot.

Performance of multithreaded applications can be even worse than their scalar

versions if completion bypassing is not allowed, as seen in fsuite. This is because the

high occurrences of floating point instructions are frequently stalling the pipeline.

The original code had the floating point operations grouped together, they are

benefiting from stall sharing as described in Chapter 2. However, when the multiple

threads are interleaved, these instructions are spread out, and do not benefit from this

stall sharing.

6.4.2. Thread Scheduling Algorithm

Figure 6.17 shows the results from changing the thread scheduling algorithm.

Figure 6.17. Scheduling Algorithm.

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The scheduling algorithm is very customizable, and a variety of techniques

were tried here. The algorithm name comes from abbreviations for the various

options enabled. Normally, a new thread is chosen every fetch cycle, unless X is

specified to indicate coarse grained threading. With coarse grained threading, thread

switch only occurs when the current thread gets a low priority.

The order in which threads are checked can be one of three: R (Round Robin

order), L (Least Recently Used order), and C (Count order). Round Robin order

simply goes in thread number order 1, 2, 3, … Least Recently Used order modifies

this to account for the occasional fetch stalls in threads. If a thread loses its turn

because of an Instruction Cache miss, or other priority mechanism, this allows the

thread to get the next available slot when the priority changes, instead of having to

wait for all other threads to get another turn. The final ordering mechanism is Count

order, which looks at threads first which have the fewest instructions in the RBIW.

After the order specification, a series of priority flags are used: I (Imiss

priority), B (Bad Branch priority), P (Prediction priority), F (FPU priority). These

can lower the priority of a thread, allowing other threads to fetch instead. Imiss

priority lowers a thread’s priority if it is waiting for an Instruction Cache miss, since

the thread cannot possibly get any instructions it would be a waste of a fetch cycle.

Bad Branch priority is similar, there is a single cycle delay between when a bad

branch was detected and the Instruction Cache is ready with the correct instructions.

This gives a thread a lower priority during this cycle because it would be a waste of a

fetch cycle. Prediction priority lowers a thread’s priority if there is a predicted

branch in the Instruction Window. This can benefit performance if branch prediction

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is poor. FPU priority lowers a thread’s priority of a floating point instruction is in

the window. Since FPU instructions are likely to stall, a second fetch to this thread

may plug up the Instruction Window (because it only has 2 Completion Slots). By

giving preference to other threads, the chance of plugging the remaining completion

slot is reduced.

The algorithms that use floating point priority work better than those that do


The ordering parameter has a very minor effect. LRU performs very slightly

better than pure round robin, and count performs almost as well as LRU in some

applications, but worse in others.

The coarse grained switching has a slightly worse performance as can be

expected because it does not benefit from the additional data independence of

consecutively fetched blocks of code being from different threads.

The lesson here is that having a more complex scheduling algorithm does not

matter very much, but on the other hand does not cost very much either. The only

parameter that is important to have is FPU priority.

6.5. Interactions and other ideas

Some combinations have interesting properties, and may be looked at in the

future. These include scheduling coarse with no prediction, prefetch with deeper

Instruction Windows, or high number of Completion Slots with few Floating Point


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Some items not looked at, but which could potentially have interest. The

maximum issue and write ports may be reduced to less than the virtually 100%

connectivity that was simulated here. Multithreading may allow us to reduce these

expensive resources more than would be reasonable in a single thread

implementation. Register file ports may be reduced using Steve Wallace’s system of

fetching the registers after the instructions are in the RBIW, instead of during the

decode stage [WAL97]. Better branch predictors could be tried, although we have

shown that branch prediction is less important if multiple threads are available.

Multiple threads could be fetched each cycle and interleaved at a finer grain, as is

done in the SMT architecture [TUL95, TUL96]. Predicted not-taken branches could

be fetched when no other threads are available in hopes of executing instructions that

eventually are needed as has been done by Wallace in the SMT architecture


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7.1. Discussion of results

In Chapter 5, the characteristics of the multimedia benchmarks were explored.

The diversity of their workloads is the most striking aspect. Some have very high

floating point usage, while others are entirely integer. IPC ranges from 1.7 to 6.8 just

for the single thread case. Speedups range from 2.8% to 19.4% once threaded.

Some stall primarily due to resource contentions, while others have poor branch

prediction performance.

They do share one important feature: Threaded versions perform better than

single threaded versions when given the proper resources.

That leads to Chapter 6, studying the benchmark behavior as resources are

varied. Some resources didn’t affect multithreaded applications any differently than

single thread applications: fetch block size, FPU, and Instruction Window depth.

Other resources had some instances where they were marginally more or less

important for multithreaded applications than single thread ones: fetch

alignment/prefetching, Integer ALU, Load/Store Units, and thread scheduling


Some had strong effects on multithreaded code that wasn’t seen on the single

thread versions: branch prediction and Completion Slots.

The Instruction and Data Cache analysis was largely useless because of the

small benchmark runs. It was difficult to get the cache heavily enough utilized to see

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real trends in the results. For these we referred the reader to several excellent papers

that studied cache in detail with much simpler processor models, which seems to be

the only way to do it.

7.2. What does it take to make multithreading viable

This thesis has assembled an extension of a superscalar processor to handle

multithreaded applications. The benchmarks covering our target application space

proved to be so varied as to make generalizations about their characteristics useless

except to say they are diverse. The key resources needed in the hardware boiled

down to support for less than a half dozen threads and a mechanism to prevent

pipeline stalls (Completion Slots). With this, we gained a degree of immunity to bad

branch prediction and up to 20% higher instruction throughput.

Is this a high price to pay for a small performance gain, or a small price to

pay for a big performance gain? Actual implementation details will give those

numbers when it comes time to build a processor. Multithreaded processors will be

built. It is an attractive and inevitable step in increasing performance in the

multimedia desktop machine.

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AGA92: A. Agarwal, "Performance Tradeoffs in Multithreaded Processors", IEEE Trans on Parallel and Distributed Systems, Sep 1992.

BLU92: Blumofe, "Managing Storage for Multithreaded Computations", MS Thesis MIT, Sep 1992.

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DIF93: Haertel, Hayes, Stallman, Tower, Eggert, Free Software Foundation, “gnu diff sourcecode”, 1993.

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EMM97: P. G. Emma, "Understanding Some Simple Processor-Performance Limits", IBM Journal of Research & Dev, Feb 1997.

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FAR97: Farkas, Chow, Jouppi, Vranesic, "Memory-system Design Considerations for Dynamically-Scheduled Processors", DEC/WRL Tech Report 97.1, Feb 1997.

FLY98: Flynn, Tetzlaff, "Multimedia-An Introduction", IBM Journal of R&D V42,N2, 1998.

GUL94: Gulati, "Multithreading on a Superscalar Processor", MS Thesis UCI, Dec 1994.

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GUL96: Gulati, Bagherzadeh, "Performance Study of a Multithreaded Superscalar Microprocessor", HPCA, Feb 1996

GZI93: Free Software Foundation, “gzip sourcecode version 1.2.4”, Oct 1993. Ftp://

HAR94: H. W. Hardenbergh, "CPU Performance, Where are We Headed?", Dr. Dobb's Journal, Jan 1994.

HOL64: Holmes, Mattingly, Shearme, “Speech Synthesis by Rule”, Language Speech 7, 1964.

JOU90: Jouppi, "Improving Direct-Mapped Cache Performance by the Addition of a Small Fully-Associative Cache and Prefetch Buffers", DEC/WRL Tech Note TN-14, Mar 1990.

JPG96: The Independent JPEG Group’s JPEG Software, “cjpeg sourcecode release 6a”, Feb 96.

KEC92: S. W. Keckler, W. J. Dally, "Processor Coupling: Integrating Compile Time and Runtime Scheduling for Parallelism", ACM, Jul 1992.

KLA80: Klatt, “Software for a Cascade/Parallel Format Synthesizer”, Journal of the Acoustic Society of America, Mar 1980.

LEE95: Lee, Jamil, "Memory Block Relocation in Cache-Only Memory Multiprocessors", Unknown Publication, 1995.

LO97 : J. L. Lo, S. J. Eggers, et al., "Converting Thread-Level Parallelism to Instruction-Level Parallelism via Simultaneous Multithreading", ACM Transact on Computer Systems, Aug 1997.

LO98 : Lo, Eggers, et al., "An Analysis of Database Workload Performance on Simultaneous Multithreaded Processors", ISCA98, Jun 1998.

LOI96: Loikkanen, Bagherzadeh, "A Fine-Grain Multithreading Superscalar Architecture", Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques, Oct 1996.

LZ77: Ziv, Lempel, “A Universal Algorithm for Sequential Data Compression”, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory vol. 23 no. 3, 1977.

MCF91: McFarling, "Cache Replacement with Dynamic Exclusion", DEC/WRL Tech Note TN-22., Nov 1991.

MPE94: MPEG Software Simulation Group, “MPEG2 encode sourcecode”, 1994.

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NET93: “NetPBM Library release 7”, Dec 1993. Ftp://

PHI96: J. Philbin, et al., "Thread Scheduling for Cache Locality" by Philbin, et al (NEC, U Tromso Norway, Yale, Princeton), ASPLOS, Oct 1996.

PNM93: G. W. Gill, “pnmnlfilt.c sourcecode version 1.0”, Jan 1993. (This program is one component of NetPBM [NET93].)

POV96: POV-Ray Team, “Persistence of Vision Ray Tracer sourcecode version 3.0”, Jul 1996.

PRA91: R. G. Prasadh, C. Wu, "A Benchmark Evaluation of a Multi-Threaded RISC Processor Architecture", International Conference on Parallel Processing, 1991.

PVR93: Portable Video Research Group (PVRG), “MPEG1 decode sourcecode”, 1993.

SAY94: N. Ing-Simmons, “say sourcecode version 2.0”, Nov 1994.

SMI93: Smith, "Bandlimited Interpolation - Introduction and Algorithm", Publication unknown, Jan 1993.

SOU92: V. Soundararajan, A. Agarwal, "Dribbling Registers: A Mechanism for Reducing Context Switch Latency in Large-Scale Multiprocessors", MIT/LCS Tech Memo TM-474, Nov 1992.

SOX94: L. Norskog, “Sound Tools release 11, patchlevel 12”, Aug 1994.

TUL95: Tullsen, Eggers, Levy, "Simultaneous Multithreading: Maximizing On-Chip Parallelism", ISCA95, 1995.

TUL96: Tullsen, et al., "Exploiting Choice: Instruction Fetch and Issue on Implementable Simultaneous Multithreading Processor", ISCA, May 1996.

WAL91: Wallace, "The JPEG Still Picture Compression Standard", Communications of the ACM, Apr 1991.

WAL93a: Wallace, "Performance Analysis of a Superscalar Architecture", MS Thesis UC Irvine, Sep 1993.

WAL93b: Wall, "Limits of Instruction-Level Parallelism", DEC/WRL Research Report 93.6, Nov 1993.

WAL96: Wallace, Bagherzadeh, "Instruction Fetching Mechanisms for Superscalar Microprocessors", Euro-Par '96, Aug 1996.

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WAL97: Wallace, “Scalable Hardware Mechanisms for Superscalar Microprocessors”, PHD Dissertation UC Irvine, 1997.

WAL98: Wallace, Calder, Tullsen, "Threaded Multiple Path Execution", 25th Int. Symposium on Computer Architecture, Jun 1998.

WHE97: “whetstone benchmark in C sourcecode”, May 1987.

XMO95: S. Booth, “xmountains sourcecode version 2.2”, University of Edinburgh, Jun 1995

YOU95: C. Young, N. Gloy, M. D. Smith, "A Comparative Analysis of Schemes for Correlated Branch Prediction", Harvard Tech Report, Jun 1995.

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nlfilt: Non-Linear Filter for Image Enhancement

Nlfilt is a non-linear image filter program. The edge enhance module

simulated here and shown in Figure A.2 is typical of image processing. The source

code was taken from the netpbm library [PNM93, NET93] routine called pnmnlfilt.

The code was modified by replacing all pbm library references with local routines

that use a simple binary file format to improve simulation speed and eliminate

porting the library to SDSP. Only the image processing routine was included in the

simulation statistics. The simplified I/O routines were excluded from the simulation

statistics by use of the m_quick_run() instruction. The typical interactive image

editing application loads an image once, then performs a series of filters interacting

with the user in real time. Therefore, we want to focus on the real-time portion of the


Nlfilt uses the Shared Memory Model. Threads are forked at the beginning of

the image processing loop. Each thread works on every nth row, with n being the

number of threads. When no more rows need processing, the threads join and a

single thread outputs the file. Figure A.1 shows a code fragment containing the

threaded loop.

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...if (num_threads > 1) { m_fork_n(0,num_threads-1); main_inner(); /* multithreaded loop */ m_join(0);} else { main_inner_1(); /* single thread optimized loop */}...

void main_inner_1(void) { /* optimized version for single thread */ xel *orow, *irow0, *irow1, *irow2, *ip0, *ip1, *ip2, *op; int pr[9],pg[9],pb[9]; /* 3x3 neighbor pixel values */ int r,g,b, row,col; int po,no; /* offsets for left and right colums in 3x3 */ orow = o_image; for (row = 0 ; row < rows; ) { irow0 = irow1 = irow2 = &i_image[row * cols]; if (row != 0) irow0-=cols; if (row != (rows-1)) irow2+=cols; for (col = cols-1,po= col>0?1:0,no=0,ip0=irow0,ip1=irow1, ip2=irow2,op=orow; col >= 0; col--,ip0++,ip1++, ip2++,op++, no |= 1,po = col!= 0 ? po : 0) { pr[0] = PPM_GETR( *ip1 ); /* grab 3x3 pixel values */ pg[0] = PPM_GETG( *ip1 );

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pb[0] = PPM_GETB( *ip1 ); pr[1] = PPM_GETR( *(ip1-no) ); pg[1] = PPM_GETG( *(ip1-no) ); pb[1] = PPM_GETB( *(ip1-no) ); pr[5] = PPM_GETR( *(ip1+po) ); pg[5] = PPM_GETG( *(ip1+po) ); pb[5] = PPM_GETB( *(ip1+po) ); pr[3] = PPM_GETR( *(ip2) ); pg[3] = PPM_GETG( *(ip2) ); pb[3] = PPM_GETB( *(ip2) ); pr[2] = PPM_GETR( *(ip2-no) ); pg[2] = PPM_GETG( *(ip2-no) ); pb[2] = PPM_GETB( *(ip2-no) ); pr[4] = PPM_GETR( *(ip2+po) ); pg[4] = PPM_GETG( *(ip2+po) ); pb[4] = PPM_GETB( *(ip2+po) ); pr[6] = PPM_GETR( *(ip0+po) ); pg[6] = PPM_GETG( *(ip0+po) ); pb[6] = PPM_GETB( *(ip0+po) ); pr[8] = PPM_GETR( *(ip0-no) ); pg[8] = PPM_GETG( *(ip0-no) ); pb[8] = PPM_GETB( *(ip0-no) ); pr[7] = PPM_GETR( *(ip0) ); pg[7] = PPM_GETG( *(ip0) ); pb[7] = PPM_GETB( *(ip0) ); r = (*atfunc)(pr); /* call filter 3 times */ g = (*atfunc)(pg); b = (*atfunc)(pb); PPM_ASSIGN( *op, r, g, b ); }; orow += cols; row ++; };};

Figure A.1. Excerpt from the threaded version of nlfilt. (continues next page)

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void main_inner(void) { xel *orow, *irow0, *irow1, *irow2, *ip0, *ip1, *ip2, *op; int pr[9],pg[9],pb[9]; /* 3x3 neighbor pixel values */ int r,g,b, row,col; int po,no; /* offsets for left and right colums in 3x3 */ orow = o_image + m_thread_num()*cols; for (row = m_thread_num() ; row < rows; ) { irow0 = irow1 = irow2 = &i_image[row * cols]; if (row != 0) irow0-=cols; if (row != (rows-1)) irow2+=cols; for (col = cols-1, po= col>0?1:0,no=0,ip0=irow0,ip1=irow1, ip2=irow2,op=orow; col >= 0; col--,ip0++,ip1++, ip2++,op++, no |= 1,po = col!= 0 ? po : 0) { pr[0] = PPM_GETR( *ip1 ); /* grab 3x3 pixel values */ pg[0] = PPM_GETG( *ip1 ); pb[0] = PPM_GETB( *ip1 ); pr[1] = PPM_GETR( *(ip1-no) ); pg[1] = PPM_GETG( *(ip1-no) ); pb[1] = PPM_GETB( *(ip1-no) ); pr[5] = PPM_GETR( *(ip1+po) ); pg[5] = PPM_GETG( *(ip1+po) ); pb[5] = PPM_GETB( *(ip1+po) ); pr[3] = PPM_GETR( *(ip2) ); pg[3] = PPM_GETG( *(ip2) ); pb[3] = PPM_GETB( *(ip2) ); pr[2] = PPM_GETR( *(ip2-no) ); pg[2] = PPM_GETG( *(ip2-no) ); pb[2] = PPM_GETB( *(ip2-no) ); pr[4] = PPM_GETR( *(ip2+po) ); pg[4] = PPM_GETG( *(ip2+po) ); pb[4] = PPM_GETB( *(ip2+po) ); pr[6] = PPM_GETR( *(ip0+po) ); pg[6] = PPM_GETG( *(ip0+po) ); pb[6] = PPM_GETB( *(ip0+po) ); pr[8] = PPM_GETR( *(ip0-no) ); pg[8] = PPM_GETG( *(ip0-no) ); pb[8] = PPM_GETB( *(ip0-no) ); pr[7] = PPM_GETR( *(ip0) ); pg[7] = PPM_GETG( *(ip0) ); pb[7] = PPM_GETB( *(ip0) ); r = (*atfunc)(pr); /* call filter 3 times */ g = (*atfunc)(pg); b = (*atfunc)(pb); PPM_ASSIGN( *op, r, g, b ); }; if (num_threads > 1) { orow += cols*num_threads; /* pointer arithmetic */ row += num_threads; } else { orow += cols; row ++; };};

Figure A.1 (cont). Excerpt from the threaded version of nlfilt.

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The if statement in the first line shows that single thread performance was

kept optimized by executing the original code without additional threading overhead.

Only if num_threads is > 1 does the new version of the loop get executed.

Within the if statement, the threads are forked and a procedure is called. Within the

procedure, stack variables may be used, since each thread has a unique stack pointer.

The loop itself is initialized with the thread number as starting point, and then each

increment statement adds num_threads to skip to the thread’s next line.

Figure A.2. Input and output image from the edge enhancement filter nlfilt.

Table A.1 is the profile of nlfilt. Each line shows statistics for one procedure

in the program. This data is gathered during the 1 and 4 threads default configuration

simulations based on the number of instructions fetched within each procedure

address range. The first column lists the percentage of instructions fetched from each

routine. The second column adds all child procedures called by that routine. Note

that there are some minor errors in this amount due to the simulator being unable to

always follow the program hierarchy. In particular, the _main routine is usually

slightly over 100%. The next column counts the number of times which the

procedure is called. Column four is the raw instruction count for a single thread

execution. Column five, thread penalty, is the difference between multithread and

single threaded instruction counts. This shows that main_inner_1 in the single

thread run is replaced by main_inner in the multithreaded run. The % thread

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colunm shows the percentage of time that more than one thread was active when

instructions in the procedure were fetched. The last column is the procedure name.

The leading underscore is an artifact of the symbol table format. Multiple prefix

underscores are used by library routines. See Appendix C for a more detailed

description of the fields.

Table A.1. Profile of the benchmark nlfilt.

% instruc % parent # calls # instr. + tpenalty % thread. symbol 64.8025 % 64.8025 % 34200 12436972 + 0 100.000 % _atfilt4 0.0000 % 0.0000 % 0 0 + 6624518 99.998 % _main_inner 34.5121 % 99.3146 % 1 6623609 + -6623609 0.000 % _main_inner_1 0.5549 % 0.6826 % 1 106491 + 0 0.000 % _atfilt_setup 0.0813 % 0.0813 % 44 15610 + 0 0.000 % _triang_area 0.0339 % 0.1225 % 11 6501 + 0 0.000 % _hex_area 0.0072 % 0.0072 % 11 1391 + 0 0.000 % _rectang_area 0.0037 % 0.0053 % 1 710 + 0 0.000 % _sqrt 0.0016 % 0.0022 % 1 301 + 0 0.000 % __fwalk 0.0010 % 0.0010 % 2 190 + 0 0.000 % _scalb 0.0006 % 0.0011 % 5 113 + 0 0.000 % ___sflush 0.0005 %105.5217 % 1 89 + 16 8.571 % _main 0.0005 % 0.0005 % 2 90 + 0 0.000 % _logb 0.0001 % 0.0001 % 1 27 + 0 0.000 % _finite 0.0001 % 0.0023 % 1 20 + 0 0.000 % _exit 0.0000 % 0.0022 % 1 8 + 0 0.000 % __cleanup 0.0000 % 0.0000 % 1 1 + 0 0.000 % __exit

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mpeg2e: MPEG II Video Compression

The benchmark mpeg2e takes a sequence of images, and creates an MPEG2

video stream [MPE94]. The ping pong sequence was used, and is shown in Figure


Figure A.3. Input and output images from mpeg2e ping pong sequence.

A profile of the program (shown in Table A.2 at the end of this Section)

indicates that two routines make up the bulk of the fetched instructions. dist1 and

fdct each take approximately 25%. The third, at 10% is putbits, part of the output

stream routine, which lacks the explicit data parallelism that makes threading so

simple. No other single routine takes more than 4.5% of the execution time.

Because of this, we can focus just on the first two routines to get the best return on

(programming time) investment.

dist1 is a part of the motion estimation routine, and calculates a quality

value for the difference between two integer arrays (16x16 or 16x8). The operation

consists of many integer operations in nested loops, good fodder for multithreaded

optimization. Each execution however is fairly quick, and the number of forks and

joins would be significant, the profile run had nearly 1,700 calls.

The routine fullsearch calls dist1 about 50 times each time it is

invoked, and is also an easy location to insert the thread forks and joins. It takes one

macroblock of the picture, and determines the best motion vector between the

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previous frame and the new block. It consists of a couple nested loops with repeated

calls to dist1. Figure A.4 shows the loop before threads are added.

The multithreading was added by forking before the loop begins, and then

having the n threads work on every nth comparison. Load balance is not much of a

problem, because each iteration is a similar complexity to all others. Figure A.5

shows the loop after threads were added.

... for (l=1; l<=sxy; l++) /* sxy is either 8 or 16, depending on instance */ { i = i0 - l; j = j0 - l; for (k=0; k<8*l; k++) { if (i>=ilow && I<=ihigh && j>=jlow && j<=jhigh) { d = dist1(org+i+lx*j,blk,lx,0,0,h,dmin); if (d<dmin) { dmin = d; imin = i; jmin = j; } } if (k<2*l) i++; else if (k<4*l) j++; else if (k<6*l) i--; else j--; } }...

Figure A.4. Excerpt from fullsearch routine in mpeg2e. Original version without threads.

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int order[] = { /* precalculated i,j pairs for fullsearch */ -1, -1, 0, -1, 1, -1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, -1, 1, -1, 0, -2, -2, -1, -2, 0, -2, 1, -2, 2, -2, 2, -1, 2, 0, 2, 1, ...

#define FULLSEARCH_INNER_QUICK(myi, myj, myk, myl, myd, myzz, mynum) for (;m_dec_ipc_reg(4) >= 0;) { m_exclusive_run(1); /* atomic */ myi=s_i0-order[m_inc_ipc_reg(5)]; myj=s_j0-order[m_inc_ipc_reg(5)]; m_exclusive_run(0); if (myi>=ilow && myi<=ihigh && myj>=jlow && myj<=jhigh) { myd = dist1(s_org+myi+s_lx*myj,s_blk,s_lx,0,0, s_h,m_read_ipc_reg(1)); if (myd<m_read_ipc_reg(1)) { m_exclusive_run(1); if (myd<m_read_ipc_reg(1)) /*repeat as exclusive*/ { m_write_ipc_reg(1,myd); /*dmin = myd*/ m_write_ipc_reg(2,myi); /*imin = myi*/ m_write_ipc_reg(3,myj); /*jmin = myj*/ } m_exclusive_run(0); } } };

Figure A.5. Excerpt from fullsearch routine in mpeg2e. Modified version with Shared Memory threads. (continues on next page)

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...s_org = org; s_blk = blk; /* shared read only pointers */s_lx=lx; s_i0=i0; s_j0=j0; s_h=h; /* shared read only integers */m_write_ipc_reg(1,dmin); /*dmin = d;*/m_write_ipc_reg(2,imin); /*imin = i;*/m_write_ipc_reg(3,jmin); /*jmin = j;*/m_write_ipc_reg(4,(sxy+1)*(sxy+1)); /* number of iterations */m_write_ipc_reg(5,-1); /* current position in order[] */m_fork_n(0,num_threads-1);switch (m_thread_num()) {case 0: FULLSEARCH_INNER_QUICK (i_0, j_0, k_0, l_0, d_0, zz_0, 0); break;case 1: FULLSEARCH_INNER_QUICK (i_1, j_1, k_1, l_1, d_1, zz_1, 1); break;case 2: FULLSEARCH_INNER_QUICK (i_2, j_2, k_2, l_2, d_2, zz_2, 2); break;case 3: FULLSEARCH_INNER_QUICK (i_3, j_3, k_3, l_3, d_3, zz_3, 3); break;case 4: FULLSEARCH_INNER_QUICK (i_4, j_4, k_4, l_4, d_4, zz_4, 4); break;case 5: FULLSEARCH_INNER_QUICK (i_5, j_5, k_5, l_5, d_5, zz_5, 5); break;case 6: FULLSEARCH_INNER_QUICK (i_6, j_6, k_6, l_6, d_6, zz_6, 6); break;};m_join(0);dmin = m_read_ipc_reg(1);imin = m_read_ipc_reg(2);jmin = m_read_ipc_reg(3);...

Figure A.5. (cont.) Excerpt from fullsearch routine in mpeg2. Modified version with Shared Memory threads.

The complex looping mechanism that searches in a spiral from center to edge

is a problem for the multithreaded code. It was done because dist1 can abort a

comparison when it knows the current match is worse than the best one seen so far,

making many comparisons exit well before the entire array has been checked. The

most likely match for two frames is right in the middle of the block with no or little

motion. By checking for this situation first, the remaining checks are much quicker

The first solution to this strange ordering was to get rid of the nested loops,

and to make a single loop that has a more complex increment statement. This proved

inefficient as each thread was forced to do too much redundant processing just to

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select what to work on. Instead, the complex looping has been replaced by a pre-

initialized array of coordinates. Each thread can simply take the nth location in this

list, and doesn’t have the overhead of repeating the compare and increment

statements many times for each iteration of the loop.

The threads are written for the Shared Memory configuration. Upon reaching

the fork, each child thread gets a unique stack pointer, while sharing data memory.

All read-only variables that are stored on the stack (org, blk, lx, i0,

j0, and h) must be copied to data memory versions, which have been defined as

static, placing them in the program’s shared data area. Three variables, dmin,

imin, and jmin, are stored in ipc_reg registers, for easy sharing between

threads. Some variables (i, j, k, d, my_num, and zz) are duplicated for each

thread, so that each thread can use a different set without interference. To make the

code recognize which set of these to use, the loop has been converted to a macro that

is instantiated once for each possible thread.

Since all threads are looking for a value of d<dmin, there is a chance that

more than one thread will find a match at about the same time. To prevent data

corruption, the read/write set must be an atomic transaction. However, a successful

comparison only happens around 1% of the time. Dropping into exclusive_run

each comparison would waste cycles and unnecessarily limit parallelism. Instead, the

comparison of (d<dmin) is first performed unprotected; Then, only if the condition

is met, exclusive_run is set, and the comparison is repeated before updating the


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The second mpeg2e loop: fdct

The other routine that has been threaded is fdct, forward discrete cosine

transform, shown in Figure A.6. The threaded version is shown in Figure A.7.

... for (i=0; i<8; i++) for (j=0; j<8; j++) { s = 0.0; for (k=0; k<8; k++) s += c[j][k] * block[8*i+k]; tmp[8*i+j] = s; }

for (j=0; j<8; j++) for (i=0; i<8; i++) { s = 0.0; for (k=0; k<8; k++) s += c[I][k] * tmp[8*k+j]; block[8*i+j] = (int)floor(s+0.499999); }...

Figure A.6. Excerpt from fdct routine in mpeg2e. Original version without threads

The routine fdct consists of two sets of nested loops, with the inner multiply

executed 512 times each. The variable c[8][8], is a double precision floating

point array, so each multiply takes 15 cycles to complete in the Floating Point Unit.

The more of these we can get into the Instruction Window at the same time, the more

parallelism we can achieve (assuming we have enough Functional Units to work

them in parallel).

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#define SHARED static /* shared variables are declared static */

#define FDCT_INNER_A(myi, myj, myk, mys) for (myi=0; myi<8; myi++) for (myj=m_thread_num(); myj<8; myj+=num_threads) { mys = 0.0; for (myk=0; myk<8; myk++) mys += c[myj][myk] * s_block[8*myi+myk]; tmp[8*myi+myj] = mys; };

#define FDCT_INNER_B(myi, myj, myk, mys) for (myj=0; myj<8; myj++) for (myi=m_thread_num(); myi<8; myi+=num_threads) { mys = 0.0; for (myk=0; myk<8; myk++) mys += c[myi][myk] * tmp[8*myk+myj]; s_block[8*myi+myj] = (int)floor(mys+0.499999); };

void fdct(short *block) { SHARED int i0, j0, k0; SHARED int i1, j1, k1; SHARED int i2, j2, k2; SHARED int i3, j3, k3; SHARED int i4, j4, k4; SHARED int i5, j5, k5; SHARED int i6, j6, k6; SHARED double s0, s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6; SHARED double tmp[64]; SHARED short *s_block; s_block = block; m_fork_n(0,num_threads-1); switch(m_thread_num()) { case 0: FDCT_INNER_A(i0,j0,k0,s0); break; case 1: FDCT_INNER_A(i1,j1,k1,s1); break; case 2: FDCT_INNER_A(i2,j2,k2,s2); break; case 3: FDCT_INNER_A(i3,j3,k3,s3); break; case 4: FDCT_INNER_A(i4,j4,k4,s4); break; case 5: FDCT_INNER_A(i5,j5,k5,s5); break; case 6: FDCT_INNER_A(i6,j6,k6,s6); break; }; m_join(0); /* synchronize */ m_fork_n(0,num_threads-1); switch(m_thread_num()) { case 0: FDCT_INNER_B(i0,j0,k0,s0); break; case 1: FDCT_INNER_B(i1,j1,k1,s1); break; case 2: FDCT_INNER_B(i2,j2,k2,s2); break; case 3: FDCT_INNER_B(i3,j3,k3,s3); break; case 4: FDCT_INNER_B(i4,j4,k4,s4); break; case 5: FDCT_INNER_B(i5,j5,k5,s5); break; case 6: FDCT_INNER_B(i6,j6,k6,s6); break; }; m_join(0);...

Figure A.7. Excerpt from fdct routine in mpeg2e. Modified with Shared Memory threads.

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The middle nested loop has been divided up so each of n threads takes 1/n of

the iterations. It could have been done the same with the outer loop instead, the

choice was arbitrary. The array tmp[][] is calculated by the first loop, then used

by the second, so the threads must be synchronized between them with an

m_join() followed by a new m_fork(). The second set of nested loops is

threaded in the same way as the first loop.

Load balancing is not a problem in either loop, because each iteration has

exactly the same complexity.

As in the fullsearch, shared variables are defined as static, so that they

are allocated in data memory instead of on the stack. Each variable has been

duplicated for each thread. The loop was turned into a macro that lets each instance

reference a different set of variables.

Table A.2 shows the profile of mpeg2e sorted by % instructions. See

Appendix C for description of the fields.

Table A.2. Profile of the benchmark mpeg2e.

% instruc % parent # calls # instr. + tpenalty % thread. symbol 25.1379 % 27.3676 % 216 9029448 + 150336 99.859 % _fdct 24.8493 % 24.8493 % 1695 8925783 + 0 51.081 % _dist1 10.1725 % 10.1736 % 13207 3653913 + 0 0.000 % _putbits 4.4671 % 4.4671 % 9 1604556 + 0 0.000 % _calcSNR1 2.9100 % 2.9100 % 138 1045259 + 0 0.000 % _quant_non_intra 2.8469 % 12.5056 % 6278 1022598 + 0 0.000 % _putAC 2.5124 % 2.5124 % 216 902448 + 0 0.000 % _add_pred 2.4562 % 2.4562 % 1728 882240 + 0 0.000 % _idctcol 2.2815 % 2.2815 % 216 819504 + 0 0.000 % _sub_pred 2.1133 % 2.1133 % 1728 759090 + 0 0.000 % _idctrow 2.0234 % 2.0234 % 138 726794 + 0 0.000 % _iquant1_non_intra 1.8621 % 1.8621 % 47 668841 + 0 0.000 % _dist2 1.7910 % 1.7910 % 78 643302 + 0 0.000 % _quant_intra 1.5831 % 1.5831 % 87 568628 + 0 0.000 % _pred_comp 1.4463 % 2.2382 % 13880 519507 + 0 99.463 % _floor 1.3815 % 1.3815 % 144 496224 + 0 0.000 % _var_sblk 1.3149 % 1.3149 % 78 472324 + 0 0.000 % _iquant1_intra 1.3108 % 1.3108 % 36 470844 + 0 0.000 % _variance 1.2071 % 1.2071 % 12 433572 + 0 0.000 % _bdist2

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1.0154 % 7.8405 % 103 364745 + 0 0.000 % _putnonintrablk 0.7920 % 0.7920 % 6103 284496 + 0 99.445 % _ceil 0.7396 % 6.6983 % 78 265672 + 0 0.000 % _putintrablk 0.5565 % 1.5108 % 175 199876 + 0 0.000 % _vfprintf 0.5416 % 25.3910 % 36 194556 + 2268 83.907 % _fullsearch 0.4723 % 0.4723 % 13 169650 + 0 0.000 % _clearblock 0.3969 % 0.3969 % 1141 142565 + 0 0.000 % _bcopy 0.3037 % 0.3324 % 396 109098 + 0 0.000 % ___qdivrem 0.2345 % 4.8040 % 216 84240 + 0 0.000 % _idct 0.1867 % 0.5084 % 414 67055 + 0 0.000 % ___sfvwrite 0.0999 % 21.5775 % 3 35899 + 0 0.000 % _putpict 0.0914 % 29.7405 % 3 32841 + 0 0.000 % _transform 0.0914 % 7.4078 % 3 32841 + 0 0.000 % _itransform 0.0836 % 0.1193 % 67 30026 + 0 0.000 % ___dtoa 0.0518 % 0.3962 % 3 18604 + 0 0.000 % _stats 0.0501 % 0.1403 % 288 18009 + 0 0.000 % _fread 0.0453 % 0.0453 % 1276 16271 + 0 0.000 % ___ucmpdi2 0.0402 % 99.9986 % 1 14426 + 0 0.000 % _putseq 0.0373 % 0.1438 % 78 13384 + 0 0.000 % _putDC 0.0357 % 0.0357 % 9 12807 + 0 0.000 % _border_extend 0.0330 % 0.0357 % 282 11838 + 0 0.000 % _memchr 0.0320 % 1.6150 % 29 11486 + 0 0.000 % _pred 0.0311 % 29.8020 % 36 11157 + 0 0.000 % _frame_ME 0.0277 % 0.2354 % 3 9945 + 0 0.000 % _read_y_u_v 0.0273 % 2.0507 % 138 9798 + 0 0.000 % _iquant_non_intra 0.0259 % 0.4582 % 434 9310 + 0 0.000 % _open 0.0185 % 0.0258 % 36 6660 + 0 0.000 % _rc_calc_mquant 0.0178 % 1.3328 % 78 6396 + 0 0.000 % _iquant_intra 0.0177 % 1.3992 % 3 6368 + 0 0.000 % _calc_actj 0.0156 % 0.0376 % 36 5596 + 0 0.000 % _putmv 0.0151 % 2.1025 % 36 5440 + 0 0.000 % _predict_mb 0.0147 % 0.2147 % 103 5293 + 0 0.000 % _putACfirst 0.0119 % 2.1144 % 3 4281 + 0 0.000 % _predict 0.0102 % 0.0478 % 18 3672 + 0 0.000 % _putmvs 0.0102 % 29.8207 % 3 3669 + 0 0.000 % _motion_estimation 0.0101 % 1.4661 % 151 3624 + 0 0.000 % _fprintf 0.0088 % 0.1769 % 198 3168 + 0 0.000 % ___umoddi3 0.0088 % 0.0132 % 18 3150 + 0 0.000 % _log 0.0073 % 0.0073 % 21 2610 + 0 0.000 % ___sfp 0.0073 % 0.0074 % 48 2605 + 0 0.000 % _malloc 0.0068 % 0.0303 % 35 2450 + 0 0.000 % _putmbtype 0.0067 % 0.0214 % 36 2396 + 0 0.000 % _putmotioncode 0.0067 % 0.0106 % 39 2394 + 0 0.000 % ___sflush 0.0053 % 0.0187 % 35 1890 + 0 0.000 % _putaddrinc 0.0048 % 0.0048 % 143 1722 + 0 0.000 % ___cmpdi2 0.0046 % 0.0046 % 3 1644 + 0 0.000 % _dct_type_estimation 0.0044 % 0.0150 % 21 1566 + 0 0.000 % _fopen 0.0043 % 0.0045 % 21 1560 + 0 0.000 % ___swhatbuf 0.0040 % 0.0098 % 21 1433 + 0 0.000 % _fclose 0.0039 % 0.0588 % 24 1416 + 0 0.000 % _sprintf 0.0039 % 0.1008 % 52 1404 + 0 0.000 % _putDClum 0.0039 % 0.1681 % 198 1386 + 0 0.000 % ___udivdi3 0.0038 % 0.0040 % 27 1377 + 0 0.000 % ___swrite 0.0038 % 0.0136 % 22 1374 + 0 0.000 % ___smakebuf 0.0034 % 0.0034 % 67 1206 + 0 0.000 % _isnan 0.0034 % 0.0034 % 67 1206 + 0 0.000 % _isinf 0.0030 % 0.0030 % 73 1073 + 0 0.000 % _strlen 0.0030 % 4.7003 % 3 1062 + 0 0.000 % _calcSNR 0.0027 % 0.0262 % 20 980 + 0 0.000 % _putcbp 0.0027 % 0.0668 % 1 972 + 0 0.000 % _putuserdata 0.0024 % 0.0078 % 13 865 + 0 0.000 % ___swbuf 0.0023 % 0.0023 % 20 810 + 0 0.000 % _logb 0.0020 % 0.0489 % 26 702 + 0 0.000 % _putDCchrom 0.0020 % 0.0094 % 10 702 + 0 0.000 % ___srefill 0.0019 % 0.0019 % 21 684 + 0 0.000 % ___sflags 0.0017 % 0.0017 % 51 612 + 0 0.000 % _bitcount 0.0015 % 0.1155 % 3 552 + 0 0.000 % _writeframe 0.0015 % 0.0087 % 12 540 + 0 0.000 % ___swsetup 0.0014 % 0.0014 % 83 486 + 0 0.000 % _finite 0.0013 % 0.0083 % 28 476 + 0 0.000 % _fflush

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0.0013 % 0.0013 % 21 460 + 0 0.000 % _free 0.0012 % 0.4013 % 3 422 + 0 0.000 % _rc_update_pict 0.0011 % 0.0788 % 9 405 + 0 0.000 % _fwrite 0.0011 % 0.1128 % 3 402 + 0 0.000 % _calc_vbv_delay 0.0010 % 1.4542 % 3 354 + 0 0.000 % _rc_init_pict 0.0008 % 0.0008 % 18 288 + 0 0.000 % _ldexp 0.0007 % 0.0121 % 16 247 + 0 0.000 % _alignbits 0.0007 % 0.0008 % 21 240 + 0 0.000 % ___sclose 0.0007 % 0.0007 % 10 234 + 0 0.000 % ___sread 0.0005 % 0.1091 % 1 197 + 0 0.000 % _rc_init_seq 0.0005 % 0.0009 % 3 186 + 0 0.000 % _rc_start_mb 0.0005 % 0.0005 % 18 180 + 0 0.000 % ___negdi2 0.0005 % 0.0136 % 18 162 + 0 0.000 % _log10 0.0004 % 0.2358 % 3 141 + 0 0.000 % _readframe 0.0004 % 0.1535 % 3 136 + 0 0.000 % _putpicthdr 0.0003 % 0.0003 % 1 121 + 0 0.000 % _frametotc 0.0003 % 0.0329 % 1 92 + 0 0.000 % _rc_init_GOP 0.0002 % 0.0110 % 1 63 + 0 0.000 % _putgophdr 0.0002 % 0.0197 % 1 61 + 0 0.000 % _putseqhdr 0.0002 % 0.0002 % 27 54 + 0 0.000 % _write 0.0001 % 0.0002 % 3 45 + 0 0.000 % _vbv_end_of_picture 0.0001 %100.7170 % 1 40 + 0 0.000 % _main 0.0001 % 0.0001 % 21 40 + 0 0.000 % _close 0.0001 % 0.0001 % 21 40 + 0 0.000 % _fstat 0.0001 % 0.0001 % 10 18 + 0 0.000 % _read 0.0000 % 0.0064 % 1 14 + 0 0.000 % _putseqend 0.0000 % 0.0000 % 20 8 + 0 0.000 % _sbrk

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pov: Persistence of Vision Raytracer

The benchmark pov is a ray tracer [POV96]. It reads a scene description file,

parses it, preprocesses it, then renders an image pixel by pixel. The read, parse, and

preprocess routines do not lend themself to multithreading, and are only executed one

time at the beginning of the program. Therefore these routines have been left scalar.

The threading was done to the ray-tracing portion of the code. Each thread is

initially assigned one pixel. When that pixel has been complete, an ipc_reg

increment command is used to get the next available pixel. At the end of each scan-

line, the threads join, and a single thread writes the resulting line of the image to a

file. The next line begins with another fork. Figures A.8 and A.9 show the contents

of the main loop before and after threading.

.../* Loop over all columns. */for (x = opts.First_Column; x < opts.Last_Column; x++){ Check_User_Abort(FALSE); /* Check for user abort. */ trace_pixel(x, y, Current_Line[x]); /* Trace current pixel. */ plot_pixel(x, y, Current_Line[x]); /* Display pixel. */}output_line(y); /* Write current row to disk. */...

Figure A.8. Excerpt from main loop of pov benchmark before threading.

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.../* Loop over all columns. */m_write_ipc_reg(1,opts.First_Column-1);m_fork_n(0,max_threads-1);for (x=m_inc_ipc_reg(1); x<opts.Last_Column; x=m_inc_ipc_reg(1)){ Check_User_Abort(FALSE); /* Check for user abort. */ trace_pixel(x, y, Current_Line[x]); /* Trace current pixel. */ plot_pixel(x, y, Current_Line[x]); /* Display pixel. */ m_set_shared(Current_Line[x],Current_Line[x],sizeof(COLOUR));}m_join(0);output_line(y); /* Write current row to disk. */...

Figure A.9. Excerpt from main loop of pov benchmark after threading.

Pov uses the Private Memory Model because of the large number of global

read/write variables. This model allows threads to be added with just a few lines of

code, and no significant rewrite. The loop increment variable is stored in an ipc_reg

register, and shows the effectiveness of the atomic read/increment command by

allowing each thread to select the next available pixel for processing, no matter what

order the threads complete their previous one. The command m_set_shared() is

used to copy the completed pixel into thread zero’s memory space. When all threads

have reached the end of the row, thread zero writes it to the file before beginning the

next line by forking off the threads again.

Figure A.10 shows a sample output from pov using the scene description file

simple.pov provided with the simulator source code.

Table A.3 is the profile of pov. See Appendix C for description of the fields.

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Figure A.10. Output image from pov ray tracer.

Table A.3. Profile of the benchmark pov.

% instruc % parent # calls # instr. + tpenalty % thread. symbol 19.2683 % 19.2683 % 2755 1534161 + 0 100.000 % _bcopy 16.5334 % 24.7711 % 1900 1316404 + 0 100.000 % _sqrt 12.0237 % 12.0237 % 10171 957339 + 0 99.994 % _memcpy 4.6843 % 4.6843 % 3950 372970 + 0 100.000 % _scalb 4.0106 % 6.0535 % 1794 319332 + 0 100.000 % _compute_lighted_texture 2.8172 % 9.1793 % 3985 224306 + 0 99.990 % _Intersection 2.3439 % 3.8582 % 1537 186624 + 0 100.000 % _create_ray 2.2189 % 2.2189 % 3950 176670 + 0 100.000 % _logb 2.1894 % 2.1907 % 2288 174324 + 1194 99.030 % _malloc 2.1255 % 11.3995 % 5038 169234 + 0 100.000 % _Determine_Apparent_Colour 1.8588 % 1.8588 % 1177 148003 + 0 99.936 % _Intersect_Plane 1.8448 % 2.4343 % 1699 146885 + 0 100.000 % _Intersect_Sphere 1.7671 % 4.7460 % 1699 140699 + 0 100.000 % _All_Sphere_Intersections 1.7058 % 4.5442 % 1755 135817 + 0 100.000 % _Diffuse 1.6974 % 3.9346 % 4608 135146 + 3 99.957 % _Trace 1.4051 % 2.9477 % 47 111875 + 0 0.000 % _Write_Targa_Pixel 1.3151 % 1.3151 % 2304 104706 + 0 0.000 % _floor 1.2242 % 3.8260 % 1196 97474 + 0 100.000 % _do_light 1.2155 % 1.2155 % 3122 96782 + 0 100.000 % _Ray_In_Bound 1.1743 % 4.7242 % 2259 93496 + 624 100.000 % _pov_malloc 1.0700 % 1.7613 % 1332 85198 + 0 100.000 % _block_point_light 0.9771 % 3.4883 % 1177 77800 + 0 99.977 % _All_Plane_Intersections 0.8584 % 0.8584 % 768 68347 + 0 99.870 % _Clip_Colour 0.6911 % 0.6911 % 3050 55026 + 0 100.000 % _finite 0.6656 % 2.9998 % 2304 52992 + 0 99.966 % _trace_pixel 0.6309 % 2.0354 % 1196 50232 + 0 100.000 % _do_texture_map 0.5765 % 0.5770 % 3533 45905 + 6 100.000 % _open_istack 0.5444 % 1.7309 % 1227 43344 + 0 99.336 % _pov_free 0.5408 % 0.5408 % 598 43056 + 0 100.000 % _Attenuate_Light 0.5286 % 0.5286 % 2286 42090 + 0 98.033 % _free 0.5116 % 0.5116 % 304 40736 + 0 100.000 % _do_diffuse 0.5016 % 0.5016 % 768 39936 + 0 99.870 % _do_fog 0.4968 % 0.4968 % 2261 39557 + 267 100.000 % _mem_stats_alloc 0.4356 % 2.0128 % 598 34684 + 0 100.000 % _Compute_Pigment 0.4258 % 0.5558 % 305 33900 + 0 100.000 % _do_phong 0.4206 % 0.4206 % 1288 33488 + 0 100.000 % _Point_In_Clip 0.4050 % 0.6443 % 150 32250 + 0 100.000 % _log__D 0.3853 % 15.5184 % 818 30675 + 0 100.000 % _block_light_source 0.3681 % 1.1761 % 793 29310 + 648 97.637 % _Start_Non_ Adaptive_Tracing 0.3665 % 1.6976 % 2304 29184 + 0 99.870 % _Do_Finite_Atmosphere 0.3383 % 0.3404 % 768 26936 + 168 100.000 % _initialize_ray_ container_state 0.3259 % 0.7498 % 450 25950 + 0 100.000 % _pow 0.3079 % 0.3079 % 598 24518 + 0 100.000 % _create_texture_list 0.3024 % 0.3024 % 344 24080 + 0 100.000 % _Sphere_Normal 0.2990 % 0.5016 % 768 23808 + 0 99.870 % _do_atmospheric_scattering 0.2894 % 0.4919 % 768 23040 + 0 99.870 % _do_rainbow 0.2502 % 0.2767 % 840 19920 + 0 0.000 % _Write_Targa_Line 0.2411 % 0.2411 % 768 19200 + 0 99.870 % _plot_pixel 0.2328 % 0.2328 % 598 18538 + 0 100.000 % _Copy_Ray_Containers 0.2315 % 0.2315 % 768 18432 + 0 100.000 % _All_Light_ Source_Intersections 0.2315 % 0.2315 % 768 18432 + 0 100.000 % _Check_User_Abort 0.2219 % 0.2219 % 768 17664 + 0 99.870 % _gamma_correct 0.2026 % 0.2508 % 768 16128 + 0 99.870 % ./spheres.o 0.2026 % 0.2508 % 768 16128 + 0 99.870 % ./super.o 0.1809 % 0.4842 % 150 14400 + 0 100.000 % _exp__D

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0.1774 % 0.1774 % 3531 14124 + 0 99.972 % _close_istack 0.1696 % 0.1696 % 2051 13500 + 0 100.000 % _copysign 0.1361 % 0.1361 % 2261 10836 + 0 99.336 % _mem_stats_free 0.1294 % 0.1294 % 1288 10304 + 0 100.000 % _incstack 0.1068 % 0.1068 % 170 8500 + 0 99.412 % _do_skysphere 0.1055 % 0.2783 % 105 8400 + 0 100.000 % _filter_shadow_ray 0.0829 % 0.3254 % 254 6604 + 0 100.000 % _Plane_Normal 0.0686 % 0.0686 % 1366 5464 + 0 100.000 % _Initialize_Ray_Containers 0.0619 % 0.3224 % 170 4930 + 0 99.412 % _Do_Infinite_Atmosphere 0.0543 % 0.0998 % 48 4320 + 0 0.000 % _freopen 0.0368 % 0.1088 % 288 2933 + 0 0.000 % ___sflush 0.0283 % 0.0283 % 150 2250 + 0 100.000 % _ldexp 0.0225 % 0.0244 % 25 1794 + 0 0.000 % ___swhatbuf 0.0211 % 0.0350 % 83 1679 + 0 0.000 % ___swbuf 0.0194 % 0.0590 % 50 1541 + 0 0.000 % ___smakebuf 0.0154 % 0.0320 % 116 1224 + 0 0.000 % ___swrite 0.0130 % 0.0343 % 49 1035 + 0 0.000 % ___swsetup 0.0121 % 0.0121 % 30 960 + 0 0.000 % ___sflags 0.0112 % 0.0112 % 24 888 + 0 0.000 % _Prune_Vista_Tree 0.0108 % 0.0332 % 47 858 + 0 0.000 % _output_line 0.0087 % 0.0087 % 24 696 + 0 0.000 % _check_stats 0.0051 % 0.2018 % 260 408 + 0 0.000 % _fflush 0.0038 % 0.0054 % 1 301 + 0 0.000 % __fwalk 0.0036 % 0.0079 % 26 288 + 0 0.000 % ___sclose 0.0009 % 0.0009 % 1 72 + 216 100.000 % _Inside_Sphere 0.0008 % 0.0017 % 6 66 + 198 100.000 % _create_istack 0.0008 % 0.0008 % 1 60 + 180 100.000 % _Inside_Plane 0.0012 % 0.0012 % 50 96 + 0 0.000 % _close 0.0008 % 0.0010 % 2 64 + 0 0.000 % _Destroy_Text_Streams 0.0006 % 0.0053 % 8 48 + 0 0.000 % _close_all 0.0006 % 0.0006 % 24 48 + 0 0.000 % _dup2 0.0006 % 0.0006 % 30 48 + 0 0.000 % _open 0.0006 % 0.0006 % 116 48 + 0 0.000 % _write 0.0006 % 0.0008 % 5 47 + 0 0.000 % _Destroy_IStacks 0.0006 % 0.0006 % 25 46 + 0 0.000 % _fstat 0.0005 % 0.0017 % 4 37 + 0 0.000 % _Destroy_Frame 0.0004 % 0.0006 % 5 32 + 0 0.000 % _Free_Noise_Tables 0.0004 % 0.0006 % 2 30 + 0 0.000 % _destroy_libraries 0.0004 % 0.0004 % 2 29 + 0 0.000 % _FreeFontInfo 0.0001 % 0.0001 % 1 11 + 33 100.000 % _Inside_Light_Source 0.0003 % 0.0009 % 4 26 + 0 0.000 % _Close_Targa_File 0.0003 % 0.0003 % 2 25 + 0 0.000 % _Deinitialize_ Radiosity_Code 0.0003 % 0.0003 % 2 24 + 0 0.000 % _Destroy_Skysphere 0.0003 % 0.0003 % 2 21 + 0 0.000 % _Destroy_Light_Buffers 0.0003 %118.0327 % 4 20 + 0 0.000 % _main 0.0003 % 0.0003 % 2 20 + 0 0.000 % _exit 0.0002 %106.3712 % 29 18 + 0 0.000 % _FrameRender 0.0002 % 0.0004 % 5 17 + 0 0.000 % _Deinitialize_ Lighting_Code 0.0002 % 0.0006 % 3 15 + 0 0.000 % _Terminate_POV 0.0002 % 0.0004 % 2 14 + 0 0.000 % _destroy_shellouts 0.0002 % 0.0004 % 4 14 + 0 0.000 % _Terminate_Renderer 0.0002 % 0.0002 % 2 13 + 0 0.000 % _Free_Iteration_Stack 0.0002 % 0.0005 % 5 13 + 0 0.000 % _Deinitialize_ VLBuffer_Code 0.0002 % 0.0011 % 5 12 + 0 0.000 % _Destroy_Camera 0.0001 % 0.0001 % 2 11 + 0 0.000 % _Deinitialize_ Atmosphere_Code 0.0001 % 0.0001 % 1 11 + 0 0.000 % _destroy_histogram 0.0001 % 0.0001 % 2 10 + 0 0.000 % _Destroy_Random_Generators 0.0001 % 0.0001 % 23 4 + 12 100.000 % _sbrk 0.0001 % 0.0003 % 3 9 + 0 0.000 % _Deinitialize_BBox_Code 0.0001 % 0.0003 % 3 9 + 0 0.000 % _Destroy_Blob_Queue 0.0001 % 0.0003 % 3 9 + 0 0.000 % _Deinitialize_Mesh_Code 0.0001 % 0.0001 % 2 9 + 0 0.000 % _Destroy_Vista_Buffer 0.0001 % 0.0001 % 2 8 + 0 0.000 % _Destroy_Atmosphere 0.0001 % 0.0001 % 2 8 + 0 0.000 % _Destroy_Bounding_Slabs 0.0001 % 0.0006 % 2 8 + 0 0.000 % __cleanup 0.0001 % 0.0002 % 1 6 + 0 0.000 % _mem_release_all

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0.0001 % 0.0001 % 2 6 + 0 0.000 % _mem_stats_init 0.0000 % 0.0000 % 1 1 + 0 0.000 % __exit

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Multithreaded Superscalar Simulator

based on SDSP by Steven Wallace

with multithreaded extensions by Mark Pontius


ss - simulate the SDSP multithreaded microprocessor


ss [-options] executable [executable options]

ss [-options] -scalar -tracegen executable [executable options]

ss [-options] -trace tracefile1 ... tracefileN


Ss simulates the specified executable or tracefiles as if they were run on a

multithreaded SDSP microprocessor.

The first version reads an SDSP executable program and simulates it.

The second version reads an SDSP executable program and creates a tracefile.

The third version reads n tracefiles, and treats them as coarse grain threads to

be simulated.

The simulation consists of a cycle-by-cycle correct emulation of the real

microprocessor, with register file, Instruction Window, Reorder Buffer, Scheduling

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Unit, Execution Units, Instruction and Data Cache, and Thread Control, all fully



Ss will allow the following command line options. They may be placed in

any order, and later options will over ride earlier ones. The internal variable names

are listed to give a better idea of exactly what each option does. This is followed by a

description of where and how that option may be used. Note that TRUE=1 and


This is an incomplete list. Items that were unused in this thesis have been

omitted. Please refer to the man page for other options.

· -ai <arg>

ss.i_associativity=arg (default 4)

Sets the degree of associativity for the Instruction Cache. Examples: a 1

Kbyte, direct mapped (1 way associative) cache with line size of 32 bytes has

32 entries direct mapped to the lower 10 bits of memory addresses. A 4 way

associative cache with the same parameters would have 32 entries grouped in

8 groups of 4, with each group mapped to the lower 8 bits of memory

addresses. If cache line replacement is required and there are no empty entries

in the associative group, a pseudo random number is generated to determine

which entry will be replaced.

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· -ad <arg>

ss.d_associativity=arg (default 4)

Sets the degree of associativity for the Data Cache. See -ai above for more


· -alu <arg>

ss.alu_number=arg (default 8)

Sets the number of Integer Execution Units.

· -bsimple

bsimple=TRUE (default FALSE) .. ss.bsize=0

Enables a very simple not-taken branch prediction algorithm.

· -bstat

bstatflag=statflag=TRUE (default FALSE)

Creates a raw (binary) statistics file with the name <benchmark>.bstat that

can be post-processed by showstats to display all results and parameters of the

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run. If not specified, only a few multithreaded statistics are printed to screen

at the end of the run.

· -btbsize <arg>

ss.bsize=arg (default 256)

Sets the number of entries in the BTB (Branch Tar get Buffer) used in branch

prediction. Each entry is direct mapped onto instruction address space, every

linesize bytes, and contains the predicted next address for that fetch block. It

also contains two bits of history for each entry, so that two mispredictions are

required for it to change the state of the prediction. The special case of size 0

indicates a perfect predictor (never wrong).

· -btbthread

ss.ind_predict = TURE (default FALSE)

If set, each thread has an independent BTB. These BTB's retain their history

across join/fork, but always apply only to their own thread number.

· -c <arg>

ss.max_decode = arg (default 8) .. fetchblock = arg*4

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Sets the number of instructions decoded per cycle. Each instruction is 4 bytes

long, so the fetch block is adjusted to match.

· -cslots <arg>

ss.completion_slots=arg (default 2)

Allows completion from any number of slots (blocks) in the bottom of the

RBIW. For a higher block to complete, bypassing a stalled block below, it

must not contain any valid instructions from the same thread as a stalled

block. This allows a different thread to bypass, or a block that's been

invalidated due to mispredicted branch (thus eating up a bubble).

· -dinterval <arg>

ss.dcache_interval = arg (default 3)

This sets the number of cycles between consecutive dcache accesses when

pipelined requests are made.

· -display <arg>

Parsed by X initialization routine to set window parameters.

· -donothing

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Causes simulator to exit immediately with no errors. Useful for making a

phony run in a make file.

· -dpenalty <arg>

ss.dmiss_penalty=arg (default 5)

Sets the number of cycles latency before a Data Cache miss returns data.

Requests may be pipelined one every dcache_interval cycles.

· -dual

dualflag=TRUE (default TRUE)

A type of prefetching, in which two consecutive cache lines are fetched, so

that alignment of the first instruction is not a problem. This is now default, so

see -nodualfetch below to turn it off.

· -estat

estatflag=statflag=TRUE (default FALSE)

· -extend

extendflag=TRUE (default FALSE)

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A type of prefetching that can allow fetching past a control transfer. Doesn't


· -fpu <arg>

ss.fpu_number=arg (default 4)

Sets the number of Floating Point Execution Units.

· -gz

gzip_trace_mode=TRUE (default FALSE)

This option pipes the trace generation output through gzip. This is useful for

creating large trace files that may otherwise overflow disk space (or quota).

This can slow down the simulation significantly. Does nothing if tracegen

isn't set. It does not affect the automatic detection of .gz extensions on read


· -help

Print usage information.

· -hybrid

hybrid=TRUE (default FALSE)

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Hybrid mode enables portions of a benchmark to skip the superscalar

simulation, and just run through the scalar part. It is started and stopped by

m_quick_run(on/off) calls within the benchmark. If hybrid mode is

disabled, these instructions are ignored. Hybrid/quick_run can speed up

benchmarks by a factor of 10.

· -i

interactive=TRUE (default FALSE)

Interactive mode displays detailed information every cycle on what

instructions are being executed, as well as the state of many variables. It may

be toggled on and off in the X interface control panel for single stepping

through a small section of benchmark.

· -iinterval <arg>

ss.icache_interval = arg (default 3)

This sets the number of cycles between consecutive icache accesses when

pipelined requests are made.

· -in

inflag=TRUE (default FALSE)

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Redirect stdin from file. .in is appended to the benchmark name.

· -ipenalty <arg>

ss.imiss_penalty=arg (default 5)

Sets the number of cycles latency before an Instruction Cache miss returns the

requested block. Requests may be pipelined one every icache_interval cycles.

· -l <arg>

ss.lsize=arg (default 4*ss.max_decode-1 or double that +1 if


Line size. Used in the instruction and Data Cache.

· -limit <arg>

limit_instr=arg (default 0)

Stops the simulation after number of instructions has been reached. Note that

fetching will continue until the end of the current fetch block, so a few extra

instructions may be fetched. Primarily used in -scalar -tracegen mode, which

doesn't have this problem (fetch block is effectively 1).

· -load <arg>

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ss.load_number=arg (default 16)

Set the number of Load Execution Units. See -ls below for more information.

· -ls <arg>

ss.merge_loadstore=arg (default 2)

By setting this parameter <= load_number and store_number, the load and

store units can appear as one. If set to >=load_number + store_number, the

load and store units appear independent. If set between those two limits, some

units will capable of either function, and others can only do one.

· -mul <arg>

ss.mul_number=arg (default 4)

Set the number of integer Multiply Execution Units.

· -multiprocess

multiprocessflag = TRUE (default FALSE)

Enables Multiprogram model (Private Memory). In this model, memory is not

shared between processes, and data results must be explicitly copied with the

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m_set_shared() instruction. This model simulates slower, and is not as

realistic, but allows easy coarse grained threading for some benchmarks.

· -n

interactive=FALSE (default FALSE)

Disables interactive mode. See -i above.

· -nobypass

bypassvalue=1 (default 0 => bypassing on)

With bypassing off, results from Functional Units must write into RBIW one

cycle, before dependent instructions can be issues the next cycle. With

bypassing on (default), result writes can be bypassed to the dependent

instructions being issued the same cycle.

· -nodualfetch

dualflag=FALSE (default TRUE)

Turns off dualfetch (see above).

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· -out

outflag=TRUE (default FALSE)

Redirect stdout to file. .out is appended to the benchmark name.

· -paralleltraces <arg>

paralleltraces=arg (default 0)

When reading trace files as threads, paralleltraces determines how many may

run at any one time. The first set begins at cycle one. The next set begins only

when all of the first set have completed. Simulation statistics are kept between

runs. Each thread is still remapped to a unique address space, even ones that

are run at different times.

· -perfect

perfectflag=TRUE (default FALSE)

Makes instruction fetching perfect. No fetch block alignment checks are made

and a fetch block may contain several branch instructions. This is the ideal

prefetch model.

· -profile

profile_mode=TRUE (default FALSE)

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Creates an execution profile which contains the % of instructions in each

routine and the % of the routine is threaded. It uses the symbols in the source

file, so it cannot work with trace inputs. If hybrid mode is enabled, quick_run

instructions are not counted. If the -bstat option is used, the profile

information is included in the bstat file and can be viewed with the -profile

option to showstats. If -bstat is not used, then the profile table is dumped to

standard output.

· -pipebub <arg>

pipebubvalue=arg (default 1)

After a branch misprediction is detected by the benchmark (branch executes),

this is how many idle cycles it takes before execution along the correct path

may continue.

· -prefetch

prefetchflag=TRUE (default FALSE)

Simulates instruction prefetching. Cache line size default is double, so on any

instruction fetch cycle, more instructions than needed will be read. The extra

instructions are kept waiting until the next cycle, where they may be grouped

with instructions from the next fetch. This allows many alignment problems

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to be avoided. It is not perfect, because of branches. See the -perfect option

above for an ideal prefetch model.

· -r <arg>

ss.max_write=arg (default 2*max_decode)

Sets the maximum number of write ports in the Reorder Buffer/Instruction

Window (RBIW). If more instructions complete in a cycle than there are

write ports. Units must wait until the following cycle to return their data.

· -s <arg>

ss.isize=arg (default 16)

The size (in bits) of the Instruction Cache. A 16 bit icache is 64K bytes. See

the note above in -ai for how to set the associativity of the cache.

· -scalar

scalarflag=TRUE (default=FALSE) .. ss.max_decode=ss.max_rb_entry=1

This handy flag turns off all superscalar modeling. It runs about 10 times

faster, and is useful for debugging benchmarks and generating trace files. It

does not model a one-way superscalar version of the processor because none

of the resource checking is done. If more than one thread is used, it will

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simply switch threads every 4 instructions (unless controlled by an

exclusive_run section of the benchmark) to approximate superscalar operation

for inter-thread communication purposes.

· -scalarstat

scalarstatflag=TRUE (default FALSE)

With this option, detailed scalar statistics are kept such as register usage

distribution, run length, instruction class distribution, and register lifetime.

· -schedule <arg>

ss.sched_algorithm=arg (default "LIBPF")

arg may be a combination of XRLCIBPF

Determines what algorithm and priorities are used for thread switching. It is a

bit mask sum of the available options. They are specified by one letter

abbreviations (in any order) from the following list. X= Coarse Switch (only

switch threads when the current one has a low priority. Must also specify at

least one of the priority options I, B, P, F, or the thread will run to completion

before switching). R= Round Robin order (threads are checked in numerical

order 1.. 2.. 3.. etc.). L= Least Recently Used order (threads with the least

recent access are checked first). C= Count order (threads with fewest

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instructions in the window are checked first). I= Istall priority (threads with

icache misses in progress get low priority). B= Bad Branch priority (threads

with known bad branch delay slots get low priority). P= Prediction priority

(threads with any predicted branches that haven't been completed get low

priority). F= Floating Point Unit priority (threads with floating point

instructions in the window get low priority).

Only one of the order parameters may be specified (R, L, or C), and if none

is, then R is assumed.

· -store <arg>

ss.storenumber=arg (default 16)

Set the number of Store Execution Units. See -ls above for more information.

· -trace

traceflag=TRUE (default FALSE)

Trace files are read, bypassing the scalar execution portion of the simulator. If

more than one tracefile is supplied, each is assigned to one thread. If the trace

filename ends in .gz, it is piped in through gunzip to decompress it as it is

read. This slows down the simulation slightly, but places much less demand

on disk space. See -tracegen below for creating trace files.

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· -tracegen

tracegenflag=tracefileflag=scalarflag=TRUE (default FALSE)

The benchmark is run through the scalar execution portion of the simulator.

Each instruction is written as a binary data structure to a trace file. This only

works with scalar program, and cannot make a multithreaded trace. Each

instruction is 48 bytes for disk usage estimation. If the -gz option listed above

is used, the trace file is piped through gzip to reduce file size. Each gzip'ed

instruction takes approximately 14 bytes. Since benchmarks are usually

measured in the millions of instructions, this can yield quite large files.

· -tstack <arg>

ss.thread_stack_size=arg (default THREAD_STACK_SIZE)

Sets the size of stack used by each thread > 0. An odd number here is useful

for reducing cache interference.

· -u <arg>

ss.max_issue=arg (default 0)

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Sets the number of issue ports in the Instruction Window. If more instructions

are ready for execution than there are issue ports. The newest instructions

must wait until the next cycle.

· -visualtrace

visualtrace=TRUE (default FALSE)

If -profile is also set, then a trace of which procedures are being executed is

printed to standard output. Each time an instruction is fetched, and it is not in

the same routine as last cycle, the message "visualtrace: symbol" is printed.

The hierarchy of routines is shown by indenting an additional space each time

a subroutine is called, and indenting one less space each time the parent

routine is returned to. This doesn't work for recursive calls, or if the call stack

gets more than 100 deep. If this is the case, the indentation will stop following

the hierarchy, but otherwise correct execution will continue. Trap instructions

that are encountered are displayed as TRAP name (#num), indented as any

procedure call would be. This is very useful for debugging programs. If -

profile is not set, only TRAP calls are displayed.

· -w <arg>

ss.max_iw_entry=ss.max_rb_entry=arg (default 4)

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Sets the number of blocks in the Reorder Buffer/Instruction Window (RBIW).

Each block contains ss.max_decode instructions. Every cycle in which a stall

does not occur, the blocks are shifted down one making room for new

instructions to be loaded into the top, and retiring instructions in the bottom.

More blocks means each instruction has more time in the window in which to

complete before causing a stall.

· -x

XWindows=TRUE (default FALSE)

This enables the X window interface. It consists of a control window and

several optional data windows. The controls allow single stepping through a

benchmark, or trace runs that stop after a number of cycles or a particular

instruction address is reached. The Instruction Window can be observed, and

is color coded to indicate instruction state. The file ~/app-defaults/sdsp is used

to configure this interface.

· -z <arg>

ss.dsize=arg (default 16)

The size (in bits) of the Data Cache. See notes above in -s and -ad for more

information on the cache.

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showstats -display processor statistics for a run of ss.


showstats [-options] files


Showstats displays the statistics from a run of the ss superscalar simulation.

The raw statistics files are created by giving the -bstat option to ss which generates a

file with the .bstat extension. This is the file given on the showstats command line.


Showstats will allow the following command line options. They may be

placed in any order, and later options will override earlier ones. This is a partial list,

refer to the man page for other options.

· -catalog

Displays a line for each block of data in the .bstat files (i.e. STAT_SS,

STAT_THREAD, etc.). Useful for seeing what types of data were recorded in

the file as this varies with simulator options.

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· -one_profile

Displays the execution profile generated by the -profile option to the

simulator. This shows the percentage of time spent in each routine, and how

much of that time was threaded (num_valid_threads > 1).

· -profile

Displays the execution profile generated by the -profile option to the

simulator, comparing two runs. The first is assumed to be single threaded, the

second is multithreaded. The thread overhead is shown in addition to single

profile shown by -one_profile.

· -table

Formats output into a table containing the most interesting run parameters and

resulting statistics. Each line is preceded by the benchmark name for easy

labeling of data rows.

· -v


Displays the following additional information. 3+: header(magic, stat_type,

version, time, length) 2+: traptrace(iov: base, legth) 1+: traptrace(argcount,

args,, return, errorno, iovcount)

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Showstats can display many different statistics for a given run. These are

summarized below by the order they appear within the various output displays. The

variable or equation used is shown so you can see exactly what is being measured.

These variable names may be searched for in the simulator source code. Directions

are given for what command line options in the simulator ss would have been used to

set the parameters.

-table outputs:

· label:

This field contains the first word in the simulated program command line

which is usually the benchmark name. In the case of the suites, the first word

is the name of the first trace file. For the specific cases of gzip.trace[.gz] and

xmountains.trace[.gz], they are identified as isuite and fsuite repectively. This

is hardcoded into showstats.c.

· threads:


The maximum number of threads in the threadfile at any one time. It was

controlled by the benchmark, or the -paralleltraces option if tracefiles were


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· decode:


The number of instructions that may be fetched (decoded) each cycle. This

was controlled by the -c option.

· depth:


The number of blocks in the RBIW. This was controlled by the -w option.

· cslots:


How many blocks (fetch blocks) in the bottom of the RBIW are allowed to

complete. Only one block completes in any one cycle, but if the bottom block

is stalled, this number shows how far up the window was searched for blocks

that could bypass it.1 means no completion bypassing. This was set by the -

cslots option.

· alu:


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The number of Integer ALU Execution Units available. It was set by the -alu


· mul:


The number of Integer Multiplication Execution Units available. It was set by

the -mul option.

· fpu:


The number of Floating Point Execution Units available. It was set by the -

fpu option

· load/store:

ss.merge_loadstore or ss.load_number and ss.store_number

The number of Load and Store Execution Units. If only one number is shown,

then load and store units have been merged into one. If not, three numbers are

shown like this: loads/stores (merged). It was set by the -ls, -load, and -store


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· line size:


The number of bytes in a cache line. It was set by the -l option.

· i cache size:

ss.isize*ss.i_associativity, ss.i_associativity

Size of the Instruction Cache in bytes, and its associativity. It was set by the -s

and -ai options.

· d cache size:

ss.dsize*ss.d_associativity, ss.d_associativity

Size of the Data Cache in bytes, and its associativity. It was set by the -z and -

ad options.

· btb size:

ss.bsize or bsimple

Size of the branch target buffer in entries. If the flag bsimple is set, then

bsimple is displayed.

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If ss.bsize is 0, perfect pred is displayed. If ss.ind_predict is set, the word

each is shown after

ss.bsizeto indicate separatebtb's for each thread. It was set by the -btbsize, -

bsimple, and

-btbthread options.

· thread model:


The memory model used during the run, either shared-mem, multiprocess

(private mem), or multiprogram (multiple trace files). It was set by the-

multiprocess or -trace option.

· prefetch:

perfectflag, prefetchflag, dualflag, extendflag

The type of prefetching used (if any). If perfectflag is set, perfectfetch is

displayed. If prefetchflag is set, prefetch is displayed. If dualflag is set, dual

fetch is displayed. If

extendflag is set, extend fetch is displayed. If none are set, no prefetch is

displayed. Note that these items are checked in this order, and if more than

one is set, only the first is displayed. It was set by the -perfect, -prefetch,-dual

and -extend options.

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· schedule:


The thread scheduling algorithm used. This field displays a summary of the

various options that may individually enabled or disabled. See ss for more

details on what they mean. The options are as follows: X= Coarse Switch, R=

RoundRobin order, L= Least Recently Used order, C= Countorder, I= Istall

priority, B= Bad Branch priority, P= Prediction priority, F= Floating Point

Unit priority. These were set by the -schedule command line option.

· ---results---

This is a spacer between the parameters above and the results below.

· cycles:


The number of superscalar cycles simulated.

· float work:


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An indication of floating point workload in a benchmark. This is the total

number of cycles floating point instructions would have taken if they were

executed one at a time. With more than one fpu, they likely would have

executed in parallel, but this is not shown here.

The normalized float_work field in the thesis took this number, and divided

by the number of instructions.

· instructions:

total_inst (is derived from the ss.fetch_count histogram)

The total number of valid instructions fetched. It does not count junk

instructions fetched by a mispredicted branch, nop's, or garbage due to

misalignment. It also does not count quick_instruc tions (see below).

· quick_instr:


The number of instructions that were executed by m_quick_run() while

hybrid mode was set. These instructions were not counted in any other

statistics shown here.

· CPI:

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Cycles Per Instruction. The average rate of completing instructions.

· IPC:


Instructions Per Cycle. The average throughput of the processor. The only

difference between this and avg fetch below, is that this counts all cycles,

including icache misses and Scheduling Unit stalls.

· avg fetch:


Average number of instructions fetched per fetched block. This takes into

account mis-alignment of fetch blocks, branches within blocks, and nop's.

· avg issue:

average of ss.issue_count[]

Average number of instructions issued per cycle. Only instructions issued are

counted, so it doesn't count trap_os instructions which are handled differently

by the simulator.

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· total delays:

(ss.stall + ss.bad_branch_cycle + ss.icache_delay) / ss.cycle

Percentage of cycles that the processor is waiting. The sum of the following 3

item breakdown.

· su stalls:

ss.stall / ss.cycle

Percentage of cycles that the RBIW cannot shift due to incomplete

instructions in the last block. This is typically caused by long latency

instructions, register dependence or Functional Unit bottlenecks.

· br delays:

ss.bad_branch_cycle / ss.cycle

Percentage of cycles that fetch garbage instructions due to bad branch


· i delays:

ss.icach_delay / ss.cycle

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Percentage of cycles that fetch fails due to an Instruction Cache miss. This

includes the initial fetch, as well as any retries because it is the only available


· i swap:


Number of times that a block is swapped out of the Instruction Cache. This

does not count Instruction Cache misses that don't result in a swap. It is an

indication of thrashing or too small a cache if this is a large number.

· d swap:


Number of times that a block is swapped out of the Data Cache. See notes

above on i swap.

· i miss:

ss.imiss / ss.itry

Percentage of attempted instruction fetches that result in a cache miss. If no

Instruction Cache, then displays as N/A.

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· d miss:

ss.dmiss / ss.dtry

Percentage of Data Cache accesses that result in a cache miss. If no Data

Cache, then displays as N/A.

· fetch deficit:

((ss.max_decode * ss.itry) - total_inst) / (ss.max_decode * ss.itry)

Percentage of wasted fetch slots. Takes into account same items as avg fetch

shown above.

· pred rate:

(total_branch - ss.bad_branch_count) / total_branch

Percentage of times that branch prediction was correct.

· br penalty:

ss.bad_branch_cycle / ss.bad_branch_count

Average number of cycles wasted per bad branch. Includes any time

instructions are invalidated in the current block that didn't need to be, or any

fetches along the bad branch path before the misprediction was detected, and

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(if no other thread fills the slot) the delay cycles incurred by the -pipebub

option while the icache is fetching the next correct block.

· commit bypass:

ss.cstalls_bypassed / (ss.cstalls_bypassed +su_stall)

Percentage of cycles where a stall was avoided by bypassing one or more

stalled blocks in the bottom of the Instruction Window.

· fetch cycles:


Number of cycles that a thread switch was attempted. This translates roughly

to the number of cycles fetch is attempted, with the exception of ??

· thread sw:

threadstat.switches / threadstat.attempted_switches

Percentage of attempts to change threads that succeeded (had more than one

valid and ready thread).

· only thread:

threadstat.only_thread / threadstat.attempted_switches

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Percentage of attempts to change threads that failed because only one thread

was valid.

· exclusive th:

threadstat.exclusive_thread / threadstat.attempted_switches

Percentage of attempts to change threads that failed because exclusive_run

was set. This occurs in benchmarks that are performing atomic transactions.

· total_threads:

threadstat.forks + 1

Cumulative number of threads executed.

-profile outputs:

· % instruc:

This column represents the percentage of instructions that occurred in this


· % parent:

This column represents the percentage of instructions that this routine was a

parent routine of. In other words, cumulative total of this routine's % instruc,

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and all subroutines. This number is not always accurate, in the cases where

the hierarchy gets confused, some parents may be counted more than once. It

is primarily useful as a comparative number, not an absolute one.

· # calls:

Number of times this routine was called.

· # instr.:

Number of instructions fetched in this routine (in the single threaded version).

· + tpentalty:

Number of additional instructions in the multithreaded version which is called

the thread penalty.

· % thread:

Percentage of fetch cycles in this routine that had more than 1 thread active at

the time. Useful for determining how much of a routine was threaded.

· symbol:

The procedure name for this line of data.

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The following is an example output from showstats. This data was used in

the number of threads graph in Chapter 6. The fields are explained in Appendix C.

Table D.1. Raw data mpeg2e label: mpeg2e mpeg2e mpeg2e mpeg2e mpeg2e mpeg2e mpeg2e mpeg2e threads: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 mpeg2e decode: 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 mpeg2e depth: 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 mpeg2e cslots: 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 mpeg2e alu: 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 mpeg2e mul: 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 mpeg2e fpu: 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 mpeg2e load/store: 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 mpeg2e line size: 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 mpeg2e i cache size: 64K (4 way) 64K (4 way) 64K (4 way) 64K (4 way) 64K (4 way) 64K (4 way) 64K (4 way) mpeg2e d cache size: 64K (4 way) 64K (4 way) 64K (4 way) 64K (4 way) 64K (4 way) 64K (4 way) 64K (4 way) mpeg2e btb size: 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 mpeg2e thread model: shared-mem shared-mem shared-mem shared-mem shared-mem shared-mem shared-mem mpeg2e prefetch: dual fetch dual fetch dual fetch dual fetch dual fetch dual fetch dual fetch mpeg2e schedule: LIBPF LIBPF LIBPF LIBPF LIBPF LIBPF LIBPF mpeg2e ---results--- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ mpeg2e cycles: 10,685,764 9,041,598 9,017,560 8,609,206 8,800,814 8,787,066 8,953,615 mpeg2e float work: 9,674,452 9,674,452 9,674,452 9,674,452 9,674,452 9,674,452 9,674,452 mpeg2e instructions: 35,918,652 35,969,052 36,019,452 36,069,852 36,120,252 36,170,652 36,221,052 mpeg2e quick_instr: 257,583 257,583 257,583 257,583 257,583 257,583 257,583 mpeg2e CPI: 0.297 0.251 0.250 0.239 0.244 0.243 0.247 mpeg2e IPC: 3.361 3.978 3.994 4.190 4.104 4.116 4.045 mpeg2e avg fetch: 6.748 6.742 6.735 6.729 6.722 6.716 6.710 mpeg2e avg issue: 3.182 3.765 3.779 3.963 3.881 3.891 3.823 mpeg2e total delays: 57.377 % 49.528 % 49.296 % 46.788 % 47.847 % 47.663 % 48.547 % mpeg2e su stalls: 36.188 % 29.774 % 29.774 % 26.954 % 28.297 % 28.006 % 28.819 % mpeg2e br delays: 20.970 % 19.491 % 19.253 % 19.553 % 19.274 % 19.376 % 19.447 % mpeg2e i delays: 0.219 % 0.263 % 0.268 % 0.281 % 0.276 % 0.281 % 0.282 % mpeg2e i swap: 58.342 % 59.035 % 59.935 % 60.133 % 60.272 % 60.827 % 61.896 % mpeg2e d swap: 44.818 % 44.829 % 45.371 % 45.049 % 44.778 % 46.691 % 46.535 % mpeg2e i miss: 0.088 % 0.090 % 0.092 % 0.092 % 0.093 % 0.095 % 0.097 % mpeg2e d miss: 0.035 % 0.035 % 0.036 % 0.036 % 0.035 % 0.037 % 0.037 % mpeg2e fetch deficit: 15.722 % 15.807 % 15.889 % 15.971 % 16.052 % 16.133 % 16.205 % mpeg2e pred rate: 35.081 % 35.177 % 35.272 % 35.366 % 35.462 % 35.571 % 35.640 % mpeg2e br penalty: 2.851 2.231 2.187 2.110 2.116 2.114 2.151 mpeg2e commit bypass: 0.112 % 9.298 % 14.375 % 25.390 % 21.427 % 20.457 % 19.801 % mpeg2e fetch cycles: 6,818,806 6,349,588 6,332,707 6,288,719 6,310,465 6,326,128 6,373,320 mpeg2e thread sw: 0.000 % 32.505 % 32.765 % 34.459 % 34.911 % 35.382 % 32.938 % mpeg2e only thread: 100.000 % 63.238 % 63.381 % 63.824 % 63.627 % 63.437 % 66.873 % mpeg2e exclusive th: 0.000 % 0.128 % 0.128 % 0.130 % 0.130 % 0.130 % 0.129 % mpeg2e total threads: 1 469 937 1,405 1,873 2,341 2,809

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nlfilt label: nlfilt nlfilt nlfilt nlfilt nlfilt nlfilt nlfilt nlfilt threads: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 nlfilt decode: 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 nlfilt depth: 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 nlfilt cslots: 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 nlfilt alu: 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 nlfilt mul: 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 nlfilt fpu: 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 nlfilt load/store: 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 nlfilt line size: 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 nlfilt i cache size: 64K (4 way) 64K (4 way) 64K (4 way) 64K (4 way) 64K (4 way) 64K (4 way) 64K (4 way) nlfilt d cache size: 64K (4 way) 64K (4 way) 64K (4 way) 64K (4 way) 64K (4 way) 64K (4 way) 64K (4 way) nlfilt btb size: 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 nlfilt thread model: shared-mem shared-mem shared-mem shared-mem shared-mem shared-mem shared-mem nlfilt prefetch: dual fetch dual fetch dual fetch dual fetch dual fetch dual fetch dual fetch nlfilt schedule: LIBPF LIBPF LIBPF LIBPF LIBPF LIBPF LIBPF nlfilt ---results--- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ nlfilt cycles: 2,795,696 2,750,643 2,711,331 2,714,859 2,734,072 2,729,128 2,737,744 nlfilt float work: 273,725 273,725 273,725 273,725 273,725 273,725 273,725 nlfilt instructions: 19,192,033 19,192,884 19,192,921 19,192,958 19,192,995 19,193,032 19,193,069 nlfilt quick_instr: 1,059,949 1,059,949 1,059,949 1,059,949 1,059,949 1,059,949 1,059,949 nlfilt CPI: 0.146 0.143 0.141 0.141 0.142 0.142 0.143 nlfilt IPC: 6.865 6.978 7.079 7.070 7.020 7.033 7.011 nlfilt avg fetch: 7.691 7.690 7.690 7.690 7.690 7.690 7.690 nlfilt avg issue: 6.808 6.920 7.020 7.011 6.962 6.975 6.953 nlfilt total delays: 11.840 % 10.385 % 9.085 % 9.203 % 9.841 % 9.677 % 9.961 % nlfilt su stalls: 7.901 % 8.573 % 7.735 % 7.891 % 8.537 % 8.372 % 8.659 % nlfilt br delays: 3.850 % 1.717 % 1.254 % 1.216 % 1.208 % 1.210 % 1.207 % nlfilt i delays: 0.089 % 0.095 % 0.095 % 0.095 % 0.096 % 0.096 % 0.095 % nlfilt i swap: 0.000 % 0.000 % 0.000 % 0.000 % 0.000 % 0.000 % 0.000 % nlfilt d swap: 41.056 % 41.156 % 42.092 % 41.636 % 41.767 % 42.349 % 49.018 % nlfilt i miss: 0.020 % 0.020 % 0.020 % 0.020 % 0.020 % 0.020 % 0.020 % nlfilt d miss: 0.082 % 0.082 % 0.084 % 0.083 % 0.083 % 0.084 % 0.095 % nlfilt fetch deficit: 3.886 % 3.894 % 3.894 % 3.894 % 3.894 % 3.894 % 3.895 % nlfilt pred rate: 66.986 % 67.016 % 67.016 % 67.015 % 67.014 % 67.014 % 67.013 % nlfilt br penalty: 3.441 1.509 1.087 1.056 1.055 1.055 1.056 nlfilt commit bypass: 0.013 % 3.715 % 8.055 % 9.571 % 8.672 % 8.884 % 8.188 % nlfilt fetch cycles: 2,574,800 2,514,825 2,501,598 2,500,631 2,500,654 2,500,655 2,500,682 nlfilt thread sw: 0.000 % 95.931 % 97.865 % 99.076 % 99.071 % 99.075 % 98.990 % nlfilt only thread: 100.000 % 0.917 % 1.899 % 0.922 % 0.922 % 0.925 % 0.922 % nlfilt exclusive th: 0.000 % 0.000 % 0.000 % 0.000 % 0.000 % 0.000 % 0.000 % nlfilt total threads: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

pov label: pov pov pov pov pov pov pov pov threads: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 pov decode: 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 pov depth: 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 pov cslots: 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 pov alu: 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 pov mul: 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 pov fpu: 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 pov load/store: 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 pov line size: 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 pov i cache size: 64K (4 way) 64K (4 way) 64K (4 way) 64K (4 way) 64K (4 way) 64K (4 way) 64K (4 way) pov d cache size: 64K (4 way) 64K (4 way) 64K (4 way) 64K (4 way) 64K (4 way) 64K (4 way) 64K (4 way) pov btb size: 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 pov thread model: multiprocess multiprocess multiprocess multiprocess multiprocess multiprocess multiprocess pov prefetch: dual fetch dual fetch dual fetch dual fetch dual fetch dual fetch dual fetch pov schedule: LIBPF LIBPF LIBPF LIBPF LIBPF LIBPF LIBPF pov ---results--- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ pov cycles: 4,676,530 4,322,226 4,176,538 3,982,403 3,936,657 3,954,593 3,978,653 pov float work: 12,090,622 12,090,853 12,091,084 12,091,315 12,091,546 12,091,777 12,092,008 pov instructions: 7,962,116 7,963,299 7,964,482 7,965,665 7,966,848 7,968,031 7,969,214 pov quick_instr: 1,436,048 1,441,419 1,441,289 1,430,442 1,441,256 1,433,365 1,440,614 pov CPI: 0.587 0.543 0.524 0.500 0.494 0.496 0.499 pov IPC: 1.703 1.842 1.907 2.000 2.024 2.015 2.003 pov avg fetch: 5.675 5.674 5.674 5.673 5.673 5.673 5.673 pov avg issue: 1.345 1.455 1.506 1.580 1.599 1.592 1.582 pov total delays: 74.165 % 72.039 % 71.057 % 69.639 % 69.280 % 69.414 % 69.593 % pov su stalls: 62.936 % 64.335 % 64.582 % 64.272 % 63.878 % 64.021 % 64.298 % pov br delays: 11.036 % 7.547 % 6.331 % 5.223 % 5.277 % 5.252 % 5.177 % pov i delays: 0.193 % 0.156 % 0.145 % 0.145 % 0.125 % 0.141 % 0.118 % pov i swap: 40.819 % 38.787 % 35.697 % 34.154 % 31.804 % 33.041 % 31.934 % pov d swap: 0.000 % 21.927 % 23.377 % 24.359 % 23.625 % 24.359 % 23.994 % pov i miss: 0.129 % 0.124 % 0.118 % 0.116 % 0.112 % 0.114 % 0.112 % pov d miss: 0.035 % 0.045 % 0.046 % 0.046 % 0.046 % 0.046 % 0.046 % pov fetch deficit: 29.158 % 29.161 % 29.164 % 29.166 % 29.168 % 29.171 % 29.173 % pov pred rate: 73.591 % 73.571 % 73.573 % 73.550 % 73.563 % 73.555 % 73.555 % pov br penalty: 2.349 1.483 1.202 0.945 0.944 0.944 0.936 pov commit bypass: 1.456 % 10.472 % 14.683 % 19.460 % 21.316 % 20.206 % 18.952 % pov fetch cycles: 1,733,330 1,541,527 1,479,239 1,422,847 1,421,991 1,422,818 1,420,448 pov thread sw: 0.000 % 75.906 % 87.267 % 92.171 % 94.691 % 94.785 % 95.158 % pov only thread: 100.000 % 4.039 % 3.975 % 4.251 % 4.137 % 4.074 % 4.102 % pov exclusive th: 0.000 % 0.000 % 0.000 % 0.000 % 0.000 % 0.000 % 0.000 % pov total threads: 1 25 49 73 97 121 145

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isuite label: isuite isuite isuite isuite threads: 1 2 4 isuite decode: 8 8 8 isuite depth: 4 4 4 isuite cslots: 2 2 2 isuite alu: 8 8 8 isuite mul: 4 4 4 isuite fpu: 4 4 4 isuite load/store: 2 2 2 isuite line size: 32 32 32 isuite i cache size: 64K (4 way) 64K (4 way) 64K (4 way) isuite d cache size: 64K (4 way) 64K (4 way) 64K (4 way) isuite btb size: 256 256 256 isuite thread model: multiprogram multiprogram multiprogram isuite prefetch: dual fetch dual fetch dual fetch isuite schedule: LIBPF LIBPF LIBPF isuite ---results--- ------------ ------------ ------------ isuite cycles: 1,392,791 1,332,572 1,269,990 isuite float work: 0 0 0 isuite instructions: 8,000,000 8,000,000 8,000,000 isuite quick_instr: 0 0 0 isuite CPI: 0.174 0.167 0.159 isuite IPC: 5.744 6.003 6.299 isuite avg fetch: 6.495 6.496 6.496 isuite avg issue: 5.257 5.495 5.766 isuite total delays: 14.291 % 10.372 % 5.957 % isuite su stalls: 7.113 % 5.541 % 2.184 % isuite br delays: 6.348 % 4.378 % 3.452 % isuite i delays: 0.831 % 0.453 % 0.321 % isuite i swap: 24.567 % 25.724 % 26.289 % isuite d swap: 92.738 % 93.427 % 93.619 % isuite i miss: 0.187 % 0.190 % 0.192 % isuite d miss: 2.607 % 2.939 % 3.030 % isuite fetch deficit: 18.959 % 18.959 % 18.959 % isuite pred rate: 93.896 % 93.889 % 93.912 % isuite br penalty: 2.079 1.370 1.034 isuite commit bypass: 1.177 % 33.668 % 77.466 % isuite fetch cycles: 1,293,718 1,258,725 1,242,249 isuite thread sw: 0.000 % 76.312 % 95.180 % isuite only thread: 100.000 % 12.081 % 4.731 % isuite exclusive th: 0.000 % 0.000 % 0.000 % isuite total threads: 4 4 4

fsuite label: fsuite fsuite fsuite fsuite threads: 1 2 4 fsuite decode: 8 8 8 fsuite depth: 4 4 4 fsuite cslots: 2 2 2 fsuite alu: 8 8 8 fsuite mul: 4 4 4 fsuite fpu: 4 4 4 fsuite load/store: 2 2 2 fsuite line size: 32 32 32 fsuite i cache size: 64K (4 way) 64K (4 way) 64K (4 way) fsuite d cache size: 64K (4 way) 64K (4 way) 64K (4 way) fsuite btb size: 256 256 256 fsuite thread model: multiprogram multiprogram multiprogram fsuite prefetch: dual fetch dual fetch dual fetch fsuite schedule: LIBPF LIBPF LIBPF fsuite ---results--- ------------ ------------ ------------ fsuite cycles: 4,573,652 4,263,629 3,840,978 fsuite float work: 12,030,035 12,030,035 12,030,035 fsuite instructions: 8,000,000 8,000,000 8,000,000 fsuite quick_instr: 0 0 0 fsuite CPI: 0.572 0.533 0.480 fsuite IPC: 1.749 1.876 2.083 fsuite avg fetch: 6.336 6.336 6.342 fsuite avg issue: 1.454 1.560 1.731 fsuite total delays: 74.916 % 73.076 % 70.110 % fsuite su stalls: 68.230 % 68.442 % 66.113 % fsuite br delays: 6.291 % 4.425 % 3.845 % fsuite i delays: 0.396 % 0.209 % 0.152 % fsuite i swap: 44.128 % 45.469 % 58.378 % fsuite d swap: 5.201 % 5.409 % 7.040 % fsuite i miss: 0.286 % 0.293 % 0.384 % fsuite d miss: 0.079 % 0.079 % 0.080 % fsuite fetch deficit: 21.029 % 21.028 % 21.029 % fsuite pred rate: 66.283 % 66.211 % 66.268 % fsuite br penalty: 2.324 1.520 1.192 fsuite commit bypass: 0.694 % 11.416 % 20.867 % fsuite fetch cycles: 1,453,051 1,345,488 1,301,558 fsuite thread sw: 0.000 % 58.334 % 81.447 % fsuite only thread: 100.000 % 15.270 % 13.197 % fsuite exclusive th: 0.000 % 0.000 % 0.000 % fsuite total threads: 4 4 4

Page 143: Thesis - Henry Samueli School of…  · Web view28/11/1998 · Pov is the Persistence of Vision ray tracer ... or


Additional data can be accessed in electronic form on the World Wide Web:

The data is also available on the CD-ROM that is present with the hard copy

of the book at the University of California, Irvine library. The CD-ROM is recorded

in single-session 640MB ISO9660 format, and may be read on nearly any CD drive

under Unix, DOS, Windows, or many others. The information is present on the disk

as both a gzip compressed tar archive for Unix machines, and a zip file for DOS /

Windows machines. It contains the following items:

· Complete source code for the simulator and all benchmarks.

· All data for this thesis in both text and .bstat binary files for use with showstats.

· Installation instructions

· Manual pages for the simulator and showstats.

· Binary files compiled and ready-to-run under FreeBSD Unix 2.2.1 on an Intel

x86-based PC.

· The text and graphs of this thesis in Microsoft Word and Excel formats,

postscript, text, and html.

· A few related papers in postscript format.

· A snapshot of the UCI Advanced Computer Architecture Group website.

Any questions about this thesis, or the accompanying disk can be directed to:

[email protected]

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