Page 1: Think First To Choose Best Effective Hearing Protection for Save Ears From Loud Noise With Its Soft Cushion Ear Plugs To Reduce The Frequency Of Noise



Page 2: Think First To Choose Best Effective Hearing Protection for Save Ears From Loud Noise With Its Soft Cushion Ear Plugs To Reduce The Frequency Of Noise


What is hearing protection?

How can I protect ear from very high noise on work place?

Importance of hearing protection? What is an importance of hearing protection?

What a major part I should know while selecting a proper equipment’s for a noise protection?

What types of ear protection are available in market?


Page 3: Think First To Choose Best Effective Hearing Protection for Save Ears From Loud Noise With Its Soft Cushion Ear Plugs To Reduce The Frequency Of Noise

What is hearing protection?

Hear protection means a protect yourself from a very high noise by using ear plugs, ear muffs. Or any object which can reduce the Frequency of noise.


Page 4: Think First To Choose Best Effective Hearing Protection for Save Ears From Loud Noise With Its Soft Cushion Ear Plugs To Reduce The Frequency Of Noise

How Can I Protect Ear From Very High Noise On Work Place?The conform method for preventing

yourself from deafness is to reduce the frequency of noise which is coming to your ear directly well there is no such way to reduce Frequency of voice but yeah! You can wear an Ear muffs, Earplugs by doing that you can reduce the amount of noise which affect your ear.


Page 5: Think First To Choose Best Effective Hearing Protection for Save Ears From Loud Noise With Its Soft Cushion Ear Plugs To Reduce The Frequency Of Noise

Importance Of Hearing Protection? What Is An Importance Of Hearing Protection?

The ability of hearing and understand the different voice with a various frequency plays an important role in daily communication. According to survey 9 million lives affected by daily average exposures is greater than 85 DBA. For job noise exposures in United States, The OSHA publishes a noise standard (1910.95) it includes a permissible exposure limit similarly 8- hours per day with the exposure of 90 DBA. With the action level of 85 DBA. If any worker reaches a limit of PEL the company must take an immediate action and take a proper step to reduce noise level to 90 DBA or lower.What cause Earing lose? We know that our ear is divided in three parts.1) outer ear 2) middle ear 3) inner ear.


Page 6: Think First To Choose Best Effective Hearing Protection for Save Ears From Loud Noise With Its Soft Cushion Ear Plugs To Reduce The Frequency Of Noise

The outer ear which we can see that is connected with ear canal. And it separated by the eardrum with the middle. Small bones which we can see in middle that help to transfer sound vibrations to the inner ear. In this vibrations became nerve impulse, which the brain catch as a music, doors, voice and many more.

When voice become noise it means when voice is to loud its start to kill nerve ending in the last part of inner. (Inner ear) and when it breaks a nerves you may be deaf. And there is no way to recover that injury. The longer you have been touch with loud noise it damaged more and more nerves.


Page 7: Think First To Choose Best Effective Hearing Protection for Save Ears From Loud Noise With Its Soft Cushion Ear Plugs To Reduce The Frequency Of Noise

What a Major Part I Should Know While Selecting a Proper Equipment’s For a Noise Protection?

As earlier mentioned you should wear an ear protecting device if you are working more than 85 DBA. It reduce a level of or I can say a frequency of noise and not cause any damaged to your ear.

In industries where hearing protection is required there should be a proper tanning arranged for a how to use ear protection equipment’s. Also a programme like how to monitor voice and what is the difference of noise and voice I mean worker should be aware of such a basic thing which is related to his or her life. Also they should be train proper for how to keep their PPE safe.


Page 8: Think First To Choose Best Effective Hearing Protection for Save Ears From Loud Noise With Its Soft Cushion Ear Plugs To Reduce The Frequency Of Noise

What Types Of Ear Protection Are Available In Market?

Majorly there are two types of protector are available in market known as 1) Ear muffs 2) Ear plugs

  Ear muffs: - Ear muffs are made from sound attenuating

martial including a soft cushions which is connected as a band so you can wear easily while working.

Ear plugs: - majorly used for a blocking ear canals. They are used as a disposable units also known as disposable ear plugs.


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