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+44 (0) 7976 751 095 [email protected]

Think Your Career Strategy Isn't Working? Think Again! 19 May 2016

For the results you're creating. For the place in which you find yourself. You’re career strategy is working perfectly. And new results are going to require a new strategy. Find the counterbalance by learning to notice the pivotal moments.

Q. Where are you in your career?

Right where you want to be? Perhaps a little behind?

Perhaps where you want to be - but there's something

missing? Perhaps where you want to be - but nevertheless

wanting more?

Or perhaps you just haven't given it much thought.

And you might say: I don't have a strategy. You do. Or

you might say: I have a strategy, but it's isn't working. It

is. Because here's the thing: your career strategy is

working perfectly.

Your strategy is working perfectly

For the results you're creating. For the place in which you

find yourself. You’re career strategy is perfectly designed to

create your current reality.

Whether you're exactly where you want to be. Or

exactly where you don't want to be. Those results are

created by the career strategy you're employing. Whether

you like it or not. Whether you mean to or not.

And so different results are going to require a different

strategy. Because what got you here won't get you there.

Pressure: it's manageable - but at what cost?

Not many of us see that our results are of our own

making. Relentless pressure at work denies us that clarity

of distance. And whilst the pressure is, for the most part,

manageable, over time it comes at a cost.

We drop into autopilot and stop

performing at our best.

We start accepting once-

unacceptable compromises.

We neglect our personal and

professional development.

We lose sight of our longer-term


Ultimately, we can find ourselves in a career designed by

chance; and a life designed by default.

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+44 (0) 7976 751 095 [email protected]

Providing the counterbalance

I created The Pivotal Moment Method™ to provide the

counterbalance to that pressure, frustration and

compromise of work that has us so often on autopilot and

prevents us seeing more of our pivotal moments.

But we can also provide that counterbalance for ourselves

by learning: to take a mental step back; to reconnect with

our long-term vision; to overcome obstacles and get into

action; and to embed the success habits that will serve us,


A great first step is to ask: How am I doing my career?

How am I doing my pivotal moments?

For a moment, think back over some recent moments of

significance. And notice the sequence of events. Notice,

without judgement, the strategies at work. Be observant.

Be curious. And see what insights that inspires in your


A career by chance? Or a career by choice?

To help you on the next leg of your career journey, I'm

going to ask you to make a decision, right now:

Do you want a career by choice or by chance?

Decide right now. And whatever decision you come to, I

respect that – but let's also acknowledge that "by choice"

or "by chance" is a decision you're making. Just as it's your

choice how much responsibility for your career you are

willing to give to others.

And so I'd love you to download my FREE coaching

workbooks: and get to work shaping your perfect career.

Dan Beverly is a leadership and performance coach helping high-calibre, high-

performing professional women embrace the pivotal career moments.

His mission is to inspire possibility in others: to help us excel in careers without

compromise; and to leave us feeling energised and uplifted by a new future.

Go online to book your “Session Zero” with Dan – and start capitalising on

your pivotal career moments today.

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