





100 100 100 100 100 100

200 200 200 200 200 200

300 300 300 300 300 300

400 400 400 400 400 400

500 500 500 500 500 500

France Spain Russia Prussia & Austria

England Other

Louis XIV was known for building this?

A 100

What is the Palace at Versailles

A 100

“I took military and territorial rights from the Huguenots”

A 200

Who is Cardinal Richelieu

A 200

A Huguenot is…

A 300

What is a French Protestant

A 300

When signed, it gave religious freedom in France

A 400

What is the Edict of Nantes

A 400

Two quotes of Louis XIV

A 500

What is “The state, It is I” ,

“I am known as the Sun King.”

A 500

The ruling family in Spain before the Thirty Year’s war

B 100

Who are the Hapsburgs

B 100

Phillip II is best known for…

B 200

What is a defender of Catholicism

B 200

Where Columbus first landed in the New World

B 300

Islands in the Caribbean Sea

B 300

Phillip II opposed these people (two types)

B 400

The Muslims and Protestants

B 400

The Treaty of Tordesillas was between Portugal and Spain

to do this

B 500

What is decrease conflict over the claiming of new


B 500

“ I expanded my country’s borders in the south and west

into Poland”

C 100

Who is Catherine the Great?

C 100

“I defeated the Ottoman Turks to gain a port on the

Black Sea.”

C 200

Who is Catherine the Great

C 200

Ruling family in Russia after Ivan IV

C 300


C 300


C 400


Place A Wager

Two main goals of Peter the Great

C 400

Warm water ports and Westernization of Russia

C 400

New Capital city of Russia under Peter the Great

C 500

St. Petersburg

C 500

Ruling family in Austria

D 100


D 100

This war was fought over religion, territory, and power

D 200

Thirty Years’ War

D 200

Militaristic monarch of Prussia

D 300

Frederick the Great

D 300

Divine Right and

Absolutism (define)

D 400

Total power to rule given by God

D 400

The Thirty Years’ War ended by…

D 500

The signing of the Peace of Westphalia

D 500

Charles I signed this document which limited the

Monarch’s power

E 100

Petition of Right

E 100

King during the establishment of Jamestown

in 1607

E 200

King James I

E 200

English Civil War was fought between…

E 300

Cavaliers- King’s supporters

Roundheads- Puritan supporters of Parliament

E 300

General during the English Civil War fighting on the side of the


E 400

Oliver Cromwell

E 400

Government with a legislative body and a king/ queen

E 500

What is a Constitutional Monarchy

E 500

Portuguese captain who sailed around the Cape of

Good Hope

F 100

Who is Vasco da Gama

F 100

Chinese reasoning for rejecting European offers of trade

F 200

What is China felt it was superior, the rest of world had

nothing to offer

F 200

Japanese policy to control foreign ideas

F 300

What is isolation or closed- country

F 300

Conquistador of the Aztecs

F 400

Who is Hernando Cort`es

F 400

New World area originally

founded by the Dutch

F 500

New York

F 500

The Final Jeopardy Category is:

Indian Spices

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He founded the navigational school on the coast of Portugal

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Who is Prince Henry the Navigator

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