Page 1: THTTBSDAT, JU2O! 13,1872. - Receipts and Expenditures of ......THTTBSDAT, JU2O! 13,1872. - OF THE Receipts and Expenditures of the County of Mercer from May 10th, 1871, to May 8th,

THTTBSDAT, JU2O! 13,1872. -


Receipts and Expenditures of theCounty of Mercer from May 10th,

1871, to May 8th, 1S72._ . „ . _ -11ECEIPTB;—May1 15. Cash rocclvwl fr-in. 11. C.

• : Bolvillc, lute Col-lector...: .*!»:)» 12

" 16V Proceeds of note, TrcntouHanking Co., $10,-000; l**a discount,$182.10.,: ' W.817 81

Juno 3. Proceeds of note, TrentonBanking Co., SlOi-DUO'; 1-vs'flit.uu-iit, " "S1K2.1!).... : - • • 9.817 81

July 25. Proceeds of note, TreiitonHanking' Co., $10,-

l lS178.38....fl.;....1....-

"Atigr^ Ir-Pi'oceeda of note, TrentonB MilkingCo., 910,.0001 loss disepuut,S_7g:_(i..T7

l i . Proceeds of note, Trenton

U,»ai 04


;-*r' OOOj " i M s i ' u ^ i a--" -™* -«i-78:3W,_7£.,»v;;^

6." Prdeiefls of note, Trentou

: . •• ' , OOOj' less discount,-1 ' ' (180,27... ,',;.;,..;,„...••

"." 12, Balance of tax froiii City. * '.. of Trenton for 1870, .;,.„•

Interest on the same,,Oct. 10, Cash received froiu J , C,

Parsons, Coroner,,,,,.,.,." 17, State appropriation" "for

•--, -. - Public Schools ;..„;.," . - 34, i Proceeds of note, Trenton

Banking Co., $10,000 Iless discount, SISJ.IP.,',.'J 73

1U.94B 88600 OS


8,3 IS 88

_,H17 81

Bl_:.L_Bnnkin E_ Co,,'$10,000j ... •

lass discount,"$""18O"»7.".". S,U3, Proceeds of nois, Trenton

Banking Co., SIO.OOO 1less discount, $182.19.... y,817 8:

8T" Cialr-TeeirtYBrr—ft-om- -K-Baldwin, (old luLaber,,. ID 3C

8, Cash received from D, 8,Hutehiiison, (old him.

" i ber);;«7Vvi^;^^,.v v,r^,Ti~—=17—5018. Cash ^received from J,

-—— Jone»rTreiiaurerCity if


TState Tax,,

3lT~Proceeds nf H rBanking Co., 1810,000,lesa dl8_oun.-,-$-S'.k_-,...

2. C—_h received for Ci_urg_Deniaon, Collector WestWindsor Township,State Tux ,

y. Cash received from It.

Wanhingtou township,school tax,.., '.....,

Ca.ih • received from (j.DenisOn, collector, ofWest Windsor tow,u-tihip, county tax '...

Cash received from .Stute

. 4,:{87 90

8,972 48


^ , apportion-ment of two mill Hehool

r t in27. Proceed- of note, Trenton

Banking Co., SlOiOOO;less discount, $130.27....

'X. Cash received from 10. P.Brearley; collector ofLawrence township,'onaccount county Uis

D, Proceeds of no'_,-TrentonHankiulj Co., j.10,000 ;\ l t ^ 7 i

14. Cash received from 1). B.Hutohitifou, old lumber

Cash receiving from Llnd-suv _c Johnston, hem-

J> I 'roeeedii o f -notOr-Tre i i ton^-.7:"...---... -Banking . -Co. , 810 ,000 ;

less discount, (I78.;*i..,,Jl_ . 21_jroeeeds of note, Trenton

...-.•-.. Banking: Co,,.$M,000;less discount,-$17.^,30,,^, -

_*it__rc_s__!'i *™'n •'•Hi!^r:«tei|y;

**pf frreiiiaif; oiKacBuunt'-...= __.: eouiitv.tli;!-,,,.,.,.,,.*,,!,.,

"jrmoli-iiT—eash—rteerwdr *!>n*"1> J "'•'•".• Jones,' Treasurer of oity:

ef.TjBtttnii, on. jMcoiiut, , county-last,,,...".............

Cash received f ro i i i J , ,Jones, 'treasurer of cityolTrehton; Interest sacounty .tax..,-,,*.,.......^..

13, dftsh received from 1*.' Field, old Iron,.,.,,,,,,,,,

April 1; Cash received from E, P.Bronrley, collector of-•Lawrtnoa tow inliip.bal-

-/•'-;Israel;"'Baldwin,';, bridgeWasluugtsu..,,,,U,.i

SkiJlmaii ifc jlise, briupTUojfuwell,,,,, .„„.„.

1,1, T. J , Carson, M, O,, post-mortflin eiaininaiion,,,

17L Joint Briest Mayor, costs,_0. -8," Prior it Boil, alone

bridge Hamilton,,,,,,,,.J , Bujsby, lumber ilimiii-- fonrrr,v;;y,7v^^;svT5^T7r.Tosiah Coirert, bridge CassL street, Trenton,,^,..,,,.,,CfiarieK Miller, bridgu

HopeyToH22, Trenton. Banking Uoin.

piiny, noTe..,.u ,,..',..Orowell , Mnrsh, Clerk,

eightbillH eosta _,.A, B. Parka, Constable.,,

, 1SB 71,

* . 40,30

10 004 S3

arti oo


' 2»u oo

20 00

13,000 00

21ii'392 00

4 A -

V, W. Htrtet, Justice,~ costs

J , C. Parsons, iuqiiL'HSs ,,4U 4831 10



C Ca %*aiisyckel, i'onitfl-ble .. .-. ,.„

O-. L. tiesn,- csn tabH'.T....B. 1.. Hailey, books for

' jail „..„.,„h . J . L. As»ylutn, comity

patients ,John Brie^,,, mjiyor, .n

bilk emtaBkillimm &. Ili4^, lumber.J-tVll»rtlin>7 JiHiiue, in-

4 004 00

ma 0411(1 2 0



C. W, Sirarl, Jiimief,I'imH ,

Crimell Mar.h, Clerk,rniila ,

Alfred Ik'cd.nnlaiy-JudgfK. EShi'pheiil i^ HIMIN, lum-

ber ,, ,Dimii'l lliLj^iu*,, on iii'-

i-miii( I,..,I,..- % >.r.l. i l l , , •

H 7 0

•1 UO

m IUIirtu 00

AV.T.4, (^itii

8 4H> ;•15 0 0

2.5.3U0 .1(1

407 i*H

2» 42

mice Cvnnty ttt^.^ -C'lUtli rtiCL-ivetl Iroin K. 1*-

Hroarl^v, colli:til<tr ofLawfohOO township, iii-turiV t on county tax

A.'/. Vra€uui\\j}S. uote, TreiilouISnnking" t^o., *l0,i>00;"l li $i


s af note,g Co., £10,000;

lean dimzuunt, $182,1!!,^,Proceeds of natut Tj-ent«n

Banking Co,, 810,000 ;less di I182UU

H. J; C. vpar^ons, Jnduest,,,Kstnte of L, K. Wilkinson

servieen as Freeltoldor• W, J, Gibby, County

, B e h o o l Bujierinteu.=- : datil ,A^ , . , , , , . . . . . . .John 11, Heed, bridge in_ Lawreice,,..,...........,.,,,Piekel JjHi.niiiL- aiid Co.' uenient. ;;.,;,',,,«Kish and Ureen, luniber

—— George ;J)eaeon,^rc!»uirH .Court House, ,„., . , . ,

.-• ~li F.WiiHon, coal du,,,,Nuiir, Day, niid Niiur,

1 2 0 1>.I I

170 00

: s:*4 OS

10 110

' Phillips aiid TilHhill.vutii.mittee Kt briiige lit ,ION.

' lleeil'n lilill,.;,.,„,„......

J. W.-ttiulII. 11, I'hiliiifc,, . ; Parting .,,,.,.,„.. (, i..,,,,,,

J . B . Htniildur, bl-id^u.,.,.,11.' J , liuzbyf lumbL-r,..,.......

1), 8. HiiU-hinsoi,, bi'Uli;ii«.Klin '"•"'""

as 76

in no-

ul\ -Xtim nil

ping bridge,...•..•. i..A;.,„•„

pF. s. KaUfubtiuh ȣ L'u

Hnm'ii...Tft-iiton On* Co., gii*i do

Baldwin, i_ .. eute11, Win, Rued," firiiliris.,..,..,,

rd, riirhingCliniieurv st.

sli received for finesnd coalH find lice

rcctiivetl-froiiimil tec on

Vftii8yfikultold lumbei4. 11 00

gM. L. Andersnn, lime,

giind, Uibur^ &? *Ti.Btt!pbi*n Margeruin, s

» p j i

fiij uo

1*. L. C n j , i t | , , ;1). V. P ink , l i r idgi , . . :„ . . . ,J o h i r Wiiildy i l j i '

25 noan on

T, B, riilU'ii,.Htiiiu< ti. \*t ApplegfttUj du. , TT

J. W. Wright, ciib

T . . F . I IOWDII,"III I I I IHT.M..' DnnieL, tllcL'Sii!!, oji lie.

Prineeton Township,State Tas., , „ ,

Caah _

reiililll 1'iikliKC. W. Street, Justico, three


20, J. 0,cine!

VteSi-Wyorolfr;. t;. \iinwycKel,Jeflic Croiley,Ewing Tenvi!3hi]iP L H, Cjileiiiali,' uullHlrllil'L'

.Inlilf1". B, MilK, iln. do,,

W, MacOrelliih,Andrew Lenox, "

W, Street, crimiiml

11. ('ivylt received from J,Rogfra.Collootoi'ofKiuit

' Th

stiiblO, IJ. neHidcoiisiBble,,,,.;

,(.:,• Parsons inuiiesf*.... Will. Hinli. w . 'riniiaii

ftimU Cook,im:w^

Andruw^jiyBT-M i llsloiie.,,.,,, i, „ „iHO.'Hahi—ni*tl riissea -iiir

MiiVsli, IHerk, 7

less discount,, ijl! l.iiil. ....13, iliislijycciviiil from 1".. P.

BrelifleyiT."Collector ofI,liwrenee Tpwiitihip,State tax.............. ••

Cuflh received from B. T.

ti, L* DeTm, con^EllbleA. S. ,

p Lovelnee, " -IsaaeHagerman, "

2'j. 00lo-iioan on30 00 U, V. Fide...... »„...,. . .

11. t ' KohliiiiK iuiiiiest..,.x, 77.received from C V.

Mund,Ct)llector ofillon Townyliii>,

roccivodtVoiu ]1. IH

11. t Kohliiii iuiiiiest..,.C W. Street,

bllli nf LII*I»T W Dijinan,t no UllI^ ot {.n tri

Jiilin Mus t , Mmiir, JO

ohn Hricnt, Miwor, coals» M i l h , l imti i i Cmls

J o h nJ H Horn,Trenton

note.,T..U. llibhle, M. I)., two

noHt inorton tiXHtniiin-tioiio, *..

T. M. Soron«By; inqnitst.

T*i ('L'iUis nf nottf, TiBanking C<>., $10,000 ;lt!BH J7

CtohfroinJ ^oi ^)ti o* Ircnton,

Tientoll IJankin^ Cn ,null

1lohn Uneat,

A I'erniH, bridge


rueeivcil from

It B Wycfcull,anil reptllrlUK brul^i

I Smith Suuddtr, nmnrial nod liiboc, bridges

rutisi'vod frtmi <.>;*•<><;CtlHf?utor o

W* *TiT\Vinditor town^School tftx.

received froiii-l)on, oldhu»b«r

rti Lived iron1 (.i l l

toirc""iiiu1 sund.Phillips, repair

nifC bmlgfA, M. Lanitin^, l'imhelP. T. ttceil,liridgf.Gco. Painter, ..earthl

lumber,Alfred Muirheid. ttotie,


Cash received trom W <Tindidl, collector of Kw-

ig l II

Cath reoaivod'froiu W, C.-Tlndftll, eolUotprpf Ew.

" ing" township, countywi...; . , , ; . . . , , . . , ,^.,^.

t, collector of Molie.well township, senSo!

' .''tu.^.'.'.-u'....'.» ..."_•••'••"-..'Cash redeiveil froni B,.T,

Bart, eolleotor of Hope-_-;'•• ' irtll townshiii, eb'UUty—'—rtaiM,;,.!;.,,„,....,;,„.i,i.,, SCasli received froo. Ri•..-- Buttyau, .ciillejtoi- ,.(i[-

d,!S4b B0

8,2&b 71


sohool tax,,;,..ii.,._i..i,Casli lecelved from J .

- ;c)f Tretttbn, aeh'ooi tai . .

Sf 'Casb reeeivW"froni J , S,; Bojjer»ir drilMtqr-ol'ISiist

' -^ Wjaflg'pr LI a _tow_ahip,ji____bll_^;tdS,i,ri,i..i^

•:: 8, : CMK leeaivBd froiSi M., P .•;- ,-~ Brewfty, collector ofi_-_.._i_LawieBee,':..-... towaship,.

• ::«Bhnol - _ » _ . "••"••Cash reoeif ed froan_r_v

. , "i iBrearUy, oolleeloij -o^]% >3; •Layranea (townshiJ»,baig i;Sv;iii»4oBnt jo t tWu; . ,™. 'dfli'•• CpK receWed M i 11*.':,{'ft vBntoleyj{-iislleotorj; at!'-'A--sliiwrenq^iowMhipj btt'"; )?J;ac4p-nieouatj tar.......•i';; • CMB*™?ei!M; fjop' B,

I'rBniij'pn,' ~'iMi]leeto.r•'• •!

eOU8^1B3E;i..'rt.i,v,,,, ••:'.'"-'.:'; Cash "rifBeWed from OI," Vi

'^•«Ilbivdj:epHMWr-^_t':in-:• SiJi ^ : llton: township^Jol o«l'"/'.£ K»_<ljBouatytaj.I.isijM>''-'J?r,~Cash received frpin' J .;;MrKil"Rn_erfivMMtoT"f' at'j;.u.t :EMt.Winflsprt6WBil ip.

•'^,4yi 44

28,830 :

; j,06p'Ji.

41J 28

,4bt 11

8,422 81

ol.. 10,7W 23

20, Ca»h received from G. n.Bobbins, collector "of

0, L. nean,.A, S. Parks, " .....CiAVl'BtrebftJ'fcstiday'eAltti

14. B. P J WlJton,ashes,,....,,,..»^ -,,,,...

T. Crosier, SheriB; jprorsand witnesses fees....,,,,.

1'4. J , S, Seiidder,• ^ t Orel

Wyekoff . _ . .pairing at Bopesvell

^ ; ' J. 8. Soudder, ——•-=-"•• . • : ' a t J - f

J. Baldwin, repalrlnB atHopowall ...,.,i.,,...,.„,i

Israel Bnldwinjluiiiber,.,Princeton"'Lumber Coin^jiajiTjnmbelJ t Pillion,nn|lieiti .Prior ifc Son.Hlone.T, C. Cotnon, M, D., cer-

tiUcntBof InsanityEmporium oflieco, County

A. W,'HartwoU,/County ; .'": Sqliool l^tarAiuationf,,;, a

J, H, doUraan, ooastablt,J, W. Tiadall, constable, .

.' B..S.' Elli*,County Soliool '' - •es&rflinatloir.i,,,..,.......

I g^Bh»rt)ii'''ri .t" Kiin ijHia- J' heri..i

in |


147 80

B 0818 B09 00

o 00

"TO17 JSluJ'r'Aertf(Wff»IIlre, conn—

ty ctpeiiHcs, *!Le- George Painter, bridge,

EwlngW 8. Yard, Judges feesIt.C.H-obillB, " "

12. C O . Hudililt, costs24 KiCkel, Lunnillg jt Co.,

lime. .* ,,.. . . . . . - *T*. J.1 Lunatic Asyluoi,

County uiitientB.AD. 1, H, Drakoj Jmlgis fus

July 1 A. Beed, 3 months salary,i

188 8a

78 Od7S O(

7 bO


mm v75 00

Joh» Briest, -17 bills,costs, , . .-

! li. Hillinsn, bridges7. L Porker, J r ,Com. of V,

C Bonds.» .8. J, G I"arsous,3 Inquenlji.8i, William Henderson, In-

quests... . - 'O, L. Uean,'pon»t»bl«,A. S. Parks, "J. W. Pignttii, two bull

costs ";.^ \Vi.L-, shmore, two- bills

costsGuitltt, Co,

expfci:seS: ,JYintetunian, touuly ex-

..'.".•;-." r J ; | j , . Soudder, ..tridga,


75 W.36 U

sJ 711'Oti o<



5 0

Cliiirjes1'ing bridge,,

^ewis Eggert, culvert.;

T, JVPullei^ stonij.i,,,,,,,prinbet'.n LirBibBr iCo,f

lunibef ,„..( I-,.,.•••••••israuLJJaldiuii,. brUlge,


;^; aud^tiikes,j,,,,,,V,, „..,,,„. ,lohti Jj, Burroughs^tonu .

and carting.,.., ...i.y.,,.i,JoBiah'Baldwin, bridge.,.Willlain Sjprague, repair.

ingbridge,,,,,,, ,.„,„*,,,,' It. i3. 'Burk.,* repairing.iwhrt!i|ff'^7:^i7T7—rnrr-vSv1

on bridge, HaniiltonD; S.'.Hutehliiioii, labor

_ L: i_=_-nrdvilla-bridge..;,,. .C. it B, Hutcbiniioii, him-.

. . . ,ber, £e.._:.ii.\M-.-«M..,..Jqlin . y«flor, bridge,

" -, Heeds Milli," Lawrfiice'.,- 1 _ _ : B^K,.W:aHda,. Ill mbcrjkijU

"' ='. Court" llouse.;,,,,.;.,.'..„":

L; Lcftfitt, M. D., postmortem ajid certlfiestc.>

> 5, Prior M Bon,AsM.,,....__L20, Ji^C^j'ftrseBt.iniiueay,„,,,

Ili W. T.TJieWiOhfttatiori.cry:,,) i.'..'..... „,„„.___

. . B, B,Bogsrj,,M, D,, cur-.i -!1-;; tiBeata.ri(uasaBity;.,«,,..,

. J, JliBmitbipiUls ifcc,,,,,'; JiBi'iBrByl.Kardware..,,r•. , J . B/Bibble, II: O., post .-

' L < BbrUn;,,^..:,,v,niiii,,.»,---:-" Jacob inertiker, bridge at*

- Jos, Beeds MlliSi,,..,,,.,,- J , C.-Par(on>, inquest..;-.

Crowell^rah, elerk, (iteV

; > . 'O, O,;vHudnut^:-ju5t!qej-. three Mils coatu,..........

.Soring. Shsnglc, justife,. twpjlll* uoit«____^,,\,,,:,

83. J . W,:•bignan;' jMtiee,threa bills coals.:...........

. , e 0. W. Bt-ett, ]uitiee,;3bjlU bMU.-;..»u< •>'•.•'»••.'.'


10 00

7b "IO-15 57

1J0 57

2'.\ 38

13 04


17 34

A, h. pnllC. _ W. -^irtiQE. iiiNihui,'


DaiiieL. courit hriilgs sit.

TrenUut JlHtikffiif -Com.

,C, W, Street,jiiHtk'e,threebill costs,,.,,,,..... ........

. •!.. F, .llartinc, JiisUce,

saiiu Ihi^ununit, CoiiiiNi.big „ .„ . ,„ .„ .„„„„„

M.; Vuiisjckul, ,Jr,, con.. s

' nI,~(Jen. 1 , i.>iihr^)W;

iiier . .• hi... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

•C, V. VtUINynkel,hie,.: '. „.,

Si'nltli 1J.HUbil.;.v,,,. :.;.;,„„.,,.„

Kji Lannhnj, eonVCm, Jsaptoii, lute Mayor,

c sis, •. ,,....,-J, C, INirsotiH,' ' .Trinton Baukiiig Co,,-

uotc.,...'. ;,^.,,.. C. Ilohhinri,

K. H. Drake, " tioW.8. Yaiil, do

. Jojnr G,-PiirminH, iiH(iieNtJohn. Briest,. iiiuyor, . in .

*J,":JJ|-aniei_Jiipgiu^—i*n^a;i^^^_eount bridge;;.u,,i. ,,,,,<

.-George^]!, Koobin,.eultfTu^"lor WaHhingtiiii Huliitul =Fund..'....!.......'.


K. P. Vpl'eilley, juleijtioil".".niuireiiue,,;,.,,,,\,,,.;;...,

"~8, Flyiiv'^^H'airiiig brld--ges';,V..^,,,,,,,,,,,,,.„.,„ :

J, S;"- icudilur, jjuildinKand rejmiriug bridges...

T^^lHraCTTBilldwJll,. BTHl&ts •

•-. '&• I I ; ilutciiinsoii, luiii.licr..,,,.,;,..,,.,....;

,l, M. PliMljii.iun'tijigJ,,,^Kiist^Vliidsor Towniliip,

stone...;...,,,^,,1.,....,..,,iipplflgate ft _iey, lUinhur, .

eehientjJte.„„,,„,„,,,,,._Ueoj"ge._B. PermjCj repair.-

' ."bl'rdgeT,T r.:7..T..,/,;i,TT^7.T^8; II . W, Plilllip»1feJMiiriiig

;C : bridge,., ,,,...^.,,,,,, "Jauic!i .'i'hoiiipsoii, ciirj.

. ' ' i n g atone..;^;.,, ,„,,,,,„,.MArtin=Crftit)^-rcmurin^=

bridge,,,,,.,..,,,,,5:,,,,..,Nulson aiid .Kyo_on",-. re-

; . , . Dairipfi Uriiigcj,,;,.,.,^,• Sotth llnrbout, rejiairliig

•^"bridge,..,..,,,,,;,,,,,,,,,..;-Joseph Sdott, repairuig

bridge.,,,,.,.,^,,,.,,,,,'....,,Henry Voorhecs, bridgg

' Ilppewoll „„;,,.„,„;,. JjiialiBaldwIu, iUi,,dp.,,,

J, \V. WpoivartpH,juedi*;^ ! _ eiim-ttiiL iiriiioni__ _

John H Kstone, *t*.%

C abd S.Jumbtir,


• • ! ! „ - ? - _ _ ! _ - • • •

T"'. 2i 40

20 oo:

•_ lao. as-


0*i 14AO.-00 •

U4 m

-m oi;


' 42 00

: 3s!oo'

13 7S

•,-._u oo..-

32 'a .

41 70

m it •

200 74,_


iliu 33 :

M 81

T^J_^L' ^iinddri^'Hft.'• iiijf »tunc . . . . . . . . . . . . U4 00


Page 2: THTTBSDAT, JU2O! 13,1872. - Receipts and Expenditures of ......THTTBSDAT, JU2O! 13,1872. - OF THE Receipts and Expenditures of the County of Mercer from May 10th, 1871, to May 8th,







Harrison Ford, cartingbtonr 24 70

U llflilall rt pairing

I) S Hiltchinsun, brnl^rIt-T-JnmcvM-inl-ntJ ( hiuie, i arinifi

-Jiis It Held, rtpainu^brid^i- -*

0 and V lhoinp'*oii TLpulrin^ bridge

J C (rrulit, stoni'ihoilliii ( ro/er, uhirlfl,

m< iduilnlH C House 119 700 Gie Dutuon, plumbing

( llniiHc 28 71S Prior and Mon, stnni,

t il K at7i nbiu k A Ijosto\c, Court IIouw, -40 82

1 rLilton Wutir Work Cowuicr bill no 70

Un irk) and Lo , draintlh Limit lloilHi H 10

1 Shi pi nl Mid Son himln_r . . <if '»1

J<ihn Hntbt, Ma\«r 7

.,T. 3 . lt"l{ir.s, ciilliitnr I\ \ indHor School 1 und

11 J 11 (. .1 man, M I» ,|iont morti i* * Tuniina

tioli\\ II (oli limn, M _ D ,

pnst# inortcn e\uunnatiou

T humus ( rti/rr, «ln rill,board of prmnni rs

Taint s d \ (nit h vn, ' 1 •nun 1st wilrd 1 rclitoil

I 3 Irtliilij _i_l<t.ti«Mj_ 2(1wind- Frdilon .

II Naai, (li olioll id ward


_-MJ hi

l-rentnuv?1!, "*flioi W Nubli ilntioil

-mil ward Triintnn i•W. II. JiillVii™, clciuioii

"itll wiir.d.Trenton,l i

dill wanl InntoiiII ^linpsoli, elu tion 7th

\\ aril I renlfni^ I I 111' Sluntfle, ihillini

I list \ \ lndsor(uitiK( I>tnlson, ihdioii

\ \ i it Vi liidsopA <• htaatH iloition

J M Miilnbl ikclloli

It 1 Wmt, ulii tion Hamllliin

(, I I)i an i niiHtuhli( ( V i n n tiki 1 'W I> \ i l i i no rc , i n s t i l l ,

< listsS L I M I , . Mhiint,!', liiHiHi,

S a m u e l 1 v im' , ins l ic i ,

laijiLH ^ Du'iiun ill-itiii ,_

( O I l i idn l l t , ju i l iF i I O S UL \\ atrul, lustni, si*

hills lost*^\ I tillilil loulitv su

pirintmdiut sulariMi i n r Hecsln, diiil |iin

tin l u i_ —)—1* -Itr. irluv,-

1 iiw n ntt si honl fund\\- ( Jinilall mill nor

—^ J v-ingschoM luili!.* __ ^ .—collu toi

IVtiw ftt>n ii hiiol lifutl

311 (10

10 00

i t ' 'Mi

.17 50

17 60

17 .'.0

17 TiO

17 »

J I no

17 r.o

17 r.o•14 W


John Smith, brld){i'T W, Wright, bndjrc

Gray MilliHU Jih( n Mur^i ruin, stoni,

lumber, An< .-It itobiuHou, luuibir(_ tt S HutclllUHOU, luill

Josiah Huzbj, lumbLr1) S Prior A Man, "tout

Josiah Taylor, bridge*Chnrliu Piinfon, carting

&0II S hcott, rtpiiim, Court

HnuiiTlioinnn Gro/cr, bhinfl,

walohiuiin, Ac( hurlci \lc( nbc, bridge,

F xtouvilleIlLiiry Dunkiii, bridgi

I* jctonville iP A Cubbt-rly, m™n

work, bridgi, rxtonV l l l l

Jiuob ClldA >. dirtm*S Ilcmphcld, bridgesCumdeii A Amboy It It

freight .( Hattirn-mti, niftllli;





I t
















i;< 00lomjih Middlttoii, Htomlliort Ai)pli(jKte, tartingA\ lii Virlnrp, hndgl) W JhiHiru.hridKiJ H McUuire, Wirk

C A S Hini liinHon, I uuiber piling, etc

I lli ickc 2 wliLi-lbar

Tnno Mitchfll, ini-tniitiniiI LeviU^l J> ,l*oat_Mi»r

tt m . . -.. _ _pNmu Da; A. Nutvr, print- V

>2 1 ,in oo

In (K)

1". 7 1

)'ie 84

1 ( (1020 (10

J . H.tji'lvcra, on acc«u.ntbridgi rt Ill^htatowii ^

W HondlBMon.coniWbltV. S Par kn, " "

1 J (^iiink cnbusli " "

(j'T> I>uin,C ^ " "lime Crosley, " "Llection li sard Pmict-tou

towiwhiiJ, diction22 W S ttmniniLrL, t krlc of

prnntljury2ij Collector Washington

ip, publip nclic

lVb. 2

apportioumi nt' A S PouglnsH, i onstalile.

Bamuil MillUH, *'W MiCrtlliHh, "

~l h Lamilug, _ "J I ovilcii, "W S Wytkoir,J II Colcinnu, "lohn A VL imon, '*htout Ayi m, "loliu W Horn,A H Psrks,Trenton Hanking Co , t«o

no LS; ) Hnt i.t, nia>or, < ostg

Liudm\ & Johnslon, onaccount -woik hoilsi

W J Oibhcy, CO_^L1IOOI

5 008 007 002 l)U1 00

10 00

17 CO

3i n

2,111 I10 0010 '00

'-'• 10 0010 00

. 10 00'i (K)

10 oO10 5011 1011 JO

i 2 00

20,000 00(,'t 7(>

I'nor it. Sun, htolioPukil , lunuiUK & (u

(.llllOUtF \ \ Vmikirk, LiilvoitKm & Hoopi r, iiiainu

work on work IIDHIL,1 Hilton <iin Cn (.Hurt

H ' i l iakr, M D ci rtih< titt inhiiuit>

J 1 Kartiln., |nstic(i DHN

( \ \ Str* It, lllrttlt ( 4-OHtSd 1 Diau Loustahlr

.'Iti 57

«0 00

JOO 00

11 <iS

-, 00t 70

7 1 '11 ill2 002 00


- 1


— 2't






i II2(1


i l l


110 15

100 00

IS II 1 Jninn, limePiukt 1, 1 inning A. < o

lliuo and ci mi nt'0 Diuiiil HlggllH, on BI

count work houiiT SMOJ, Htati titnsunr,

atnti tat r*i Danii 1 Ili (>in>f, on ai

Kiunt^arilvilh hrnli,LIf,—hrrdnT i. Johiiroirpiu nr

count work IIOUHL10 (.l.n-l'-l-cll bruit-, work •


II ( Itnbbms, nwiariii.

281 0U

•mil ;t«

-118 r>o

T T ^ D l , UoWindHrf wliool lilliil.

I | S I Hurt diction, llopiwell. N. (lintrlul

^~T Jim t—• li ptmn-Hnpi •_M tll 4 di-trid

JO L. Jlnrt, bnillU'F-' b T nn Iiiilier

\ \ 1t r\


rbol^on, Htution-

I-, •'''•I '1'ilverl,

112 'Y,

17 id

17 60io~oo

•i) 'I i

l ! l ( i l

no- — 1 S Mill i lu-itui m1-!*

1 ; L I I I \ M H Mai^h t h i k,iwt ntv t ^ n bilN i »sn

1 iixtiull1, I t l ' anot l^ nnilicHtH

l ima ( m/i i slit-rltl,iiiruiH n i ldwi tn f i l t t s

- u J Jones, ,'lreaBUrnr t>»"-yol 1 rcnton,1!! Imol I iiuil

Dnniil HJKKI"'1 n " ™L

[£ ( OIIl

I l i s t l l l ,

Trootoll Unilkpiilij, notii •

t ^ \ StiLLt


bOI n(l

!l ' l iI 10

I,!1-11 St

" j (.?2 20

•,W IK

1U.0IW 01


2 002 00» (K.

11 0

hli(T I llian (.imstiibk\ \ 1. WMkoll,Zimri Wood, lustm,

O V Meat), tnl lntor .Hamilton SLIIOIII 1 und hi 1

S f Hart School l u n d •>•• •

^\ I (iibby, Lount\ Su- "in riiitiiHlint. uiiiiUn1"'ii111-* » 111

^ ' ~ p "\Taukirk, culvert •*- '21 Daniel HlgMlit, «" I"- . ,

Kiunt Workhouse I " ' '11 1' (jallii(,ir, plans und

bpiciht ationi . **J

- i ; j , -J LiiiiBtiL V»jl«m,_ _

1 3 Tlhs, school MRminatiou • i u

O A\ llartwill, school

Uic. 2 PUIIILI IIiK!;in«i ' • " " L

eoiiiit Ynrdvilln bridgu.J (;. 1'arnoim, iniiucnt.^\ I Aahiiioc, imtiLL,

LOHtH •" " '(. W Mlru-l, iiistKL, 8

irfllfli-OtUi^ ^5—VllH1V«lw«Ir uouatA _

CIOWLII \r11rtn7THTK7—Iblllh coin , vt»-

6, John Unmt, __Mnjnr, 11llillrl tost

11 J indsay A. lohuwton onat-uouilt HOrUioiisc

Lindsa} ^ Johnnton mi

Trenton Hanking" Co,

D 3Lhuyli=r,stoii«biun«Ll iJUa. bridgi- .Wcat WitiiiBor '1 pffimlup

Luniber . •lSuldwitr t •Meirrl«nilwft-J II Slieplmrd,-paintingJohn il Rccd, lumbLr,

•— -59 -If

360" 0

330 0

10,000 0.8.023 00

21 25_ 18 17

18 00

• 201 37

lohn Iliu-st, mayor, ninelion bills tosts ,

t <) I l i i d n n t , i i i s t i i i ,(odn . , .1

__L^\ atu 11, lliitiLL toalHI W T>lf,niin, " ll^i

bills LOHl«_ \ \ , I AHIIHIOII Jllstltf,

I HHtB _ ^ _ _ _A S 1 iiiiiiing, piitiii,

G 1/ Riau, LOiiitnlilcA S VarkH "1 S Mills |u tut 111-


2 Vlfrnl Hi il judge l l imMouth" salar)

C DTIIICI HIKE us, on Be(.omit worK hoiiM

1 0 0(1

10(1 00'

(>00 (10

1 id

1(14 1

C \ \ Stn 11, t OHta Bud

T \ \ Noblr, co t« 11111Iinquests

10 I W DiLiiun, LO'ita and

f rLlitoil Banking Co ,noti

•^ndrt« I ciiox, conMabliiiVf-lt Couk tTti-G P. Ilixlnow^ _ i lo^ -

C C Aan'.-jel.Iy doS A amsckle junr ,doWin Hird di>G IJ I)t-ftn doJ W lindull do^ L Scuddci dnJ riHL'iiniiaii dolohn Itim ln\ dy,_Apcliga4e and Pcy,(i mi nt

D t \ \ \lkiifl, lumbir1 ( .Silvern doL ( Hlilse doP Dalrimplc bridgiJiiinb Uitlduiu do,

I II ^, on 111 mintb i i

I V Wriah. bndgt,(.,1 o I 1 i-ll, bal on

brick, AVorkhoumI 11 d t m i ) , bridgeJohn HuniiL btoiicIV iri-iiii Lvtrhiiiii, tart

Jo wjih—\\ t st, bridgLTlinnuis Cio^Lr, aliirTn,

watclinian~ ~H~rSiuU, Ir , engrossing

< A Potts, plotting lots1 rftnus Atkins, (Jourt

llousilane Mitt-hcll, liistriK.torPatrick Kelly, digging

HI nk— I / I e a v i t t M l> cirtilimtu

—luHitnilv—i *3 Kntzt nbuch iL ( o ,

Lourt HouseIJmdsa> il—Johnm

- mouth stn.( t b n . . . ^I uiihiiy i. lohnstoii,

600 00


IS t.0

•2 70

'I j,t

-t 0,000 00io. 00.U hi)

- -M 0Oli 00u 00

•3-1-00i ' 00;i;t 00:M W:I.4 0032.00

u 0017 »8J7 t(.

~ 8 0JIt <I2

20 00•107 50

21S" 00






< i ,




— r,

l i e






! ' 'S Mills, iiittCniwtll MurHh.clcrl ,livi

billu costsJ Sooy, itati tniisuit*!

Hchool tax'I \\ ( lindull ikction

S 1 Illb, bridge

I Hill, n't'ini and inningI M btiidt, lnbor and mil

ti rial, hi id^o_

1,01] no I

hallini ( on wotkliuuscLindsay S, lolmiton,

bulauce on "\ard\illchrulRi

AV I JSicholsou, btiitioncry, Ai

S 1'iiorA, Son, ijtone(_>iot ( Diuion plumb n(j

( oiirt H01111Ivina Jc Alount, 1 arriagu

for < onstiiblis

V. O. Hiidnnt two bills

Mayor, 28

ore justice,

8 08

John Bneatbillu costa

\ \ h Ash

>- l163

Uiueat . .C n Strcit jiibtiti, in

(|iifitC O IIudnut_ju8tice,

3 70

1 S jMllls justice, costsliaac lIiiKirinun,coustal)le0 C Vainjckel,conntablo

April 2 I. o'Hnra., muttru-iscs forjail . ,

A Rccd judgi, thncinontlla aulurj

»._G W Jnhnaoiijudgo, dcotiou Luw n nr-c

1 W ^ublcjudva olu,tion, Tourth War d

11 G Duvis, bridgesAY in Rci d, bnd^cflJ W Woolrerton, modi


1) S HuUhin>,oii,olecliou2d district Hamilton

I B Itied, bridge-L-Lj^ozix-yhririli, watch


- - limn, A.0 ,Hue A Ilooptr, on account

umsjm .ttotk, WorkHouhc

f Liavitt, M D , poatmortiul (.xiimination

1 Ha\C Mai«h * h rk, indc\injrS Pnoi A Soil^fltoncI J Corjon, l u 1> j>ost

ltiorlim c\nmination11 B N'uir.Jr , ikctiou Jd

ward .

4 (30-2 002 00

9 00

400 00

» 50

17 60i-i 25

11 m16 44

*1 0070 00

10J W

—J ^ ^ - •

Jiwis Puikcr, J r , Lom-inibHinnir, thru month?Milurv

LmisParkir, J r , in t ( i^ t12 Danul lllgtnik baliuice

on work, work hoiiee.W N jLtlriLS, tlii tion

5 th ward.K %nupson, cltLtioii 7th

wardi:t John Driest, 4 hills COHUS.

M N l C o , papcj for_

19 W. y. Guuiincre, election2d ward,

J . W. Whitaker, on ac-count piiiotiiif; court.

B VanLltic, ilcotion20 lolin Urn it, nia^ 01, couth

1 9 MilN justK c, costs~~ J W Dnrniui'jiiitiLL, live

bill*. COi hH Mount, lumce.msti/ Wood,< W Strqet.il1 "J A\ Digniin, Justice, 111

quei 1%27 W-MlCl(.lliih, constable.

U. I/. Deun, 'I. llaijcniian,A S Park 1,Trenton Diinkiiij; Co.,noto.J. II. Silvers, on account

Tli^htstown bridgelobn Itrust majoi, tin

b H l

200 00

10 000 14

151 14

17 60

10 00

17 60


7i 0028r) 81

243 15

17 60

17 W9 00

49i 40

17 50

2) 0017 60H 00» 70

21 184 805 18


! 10,000

(7i n00 -000000

Crowcll Marsh, clerk, 11bill (05K

l- . -S Mills, JUKtlCO,—111—


500 00


102 64

nmlij bndgitiisii budge




' !12



' I111 U7

57, Ml, 01

17 50ti 11J 00li "0

\t 11

•it 7145 00

J L Burroughs stono andcarting

Samuel Hlackwi 11, bndgu<no. R -Porriiie, bndgo,

MiddlesTiiind Mi rccr (1 !~> 00It P l.alngcr,plami, spic

lhciitiuiis work houii 1 iO 00Charks Mi ( uhi, hllin^

ttblltiBCnt nt "I ardvillc 1S2 ~,ftII 1! Smith, bridge ut

kxtonville _Croiswiok and ATkTntown

12 00

10 4«Pike, lolluO K I cl \ on aicouut

bnok lor work house 500 00rano Miti hcil, inatructor 2 ' 00

' L Haj», blaeksmilhiuj;,workhouso 18 0J

Clio Dtuciin, pltiiubiug,worlr. housi _!0 JO

1' S kat/cubach A Co,hurdwmc work hotixt tl ol

II lrelltolL l^iukmg Co,n o t e ) , , ; > - , , , , . - • • 10,1100 ftft

B F Walton, toifl. andwood 205 00

Id L Parker , I r , coinmis. . ^ aiouur, A Jnontlw jtajary „ _ ^ ™ J T J OU

K K Uo^in , M D , twopost mortem ijLiiinluutioiu 20 Oft

Thus C r o u r court house ^^ l'JA M Huti hinson, hhots

for prisoners 'J 70T Bricst, mayor, cost<i 7 OJ

lij ^ Shcjipjirdjjl D ^ postmorttincx.iniinati«ii > 10 00


— & « , ; • • • ;

Wytkoff Btndrlcksnn,. bridg™ •

"it. P. UnHajsur, plans midspLCifiLntions

j H MoGuirc, iron workworkhouse

ChiirU s Fornwm, ckuriiiKmnkn i

Jiioob Willittinn, bndgm\ S LminiiiK, luinbi.rr>»mel Cox, bndKc1 Iinldwiii, oo • -

suial Hill, utouc .

"76 12

52 iO

1,170 7«

85 00

noo10(i 50

15 0022 8647 50

township, public nehoolapportioiliuent 3,079 <"i

Trcaiinrer o fn ty of— I n 11tonj public Hohool ap.portioiinicnt

Lolleotdr of Hamilton.townitliip, public Kchoolnpportiouineiit

D Wurmau, M /D,( iwat- mortem einminittiOn..M Bobm, clothing for

prisoner}! , ,H. S. Armiitrong, paper.JluB_ALUaftp«r,.on aciiou n

28,8 J*» S

7,li'l 8t

10 0C

32!) 7421 1

— nioiion work, work house20 Collector E Windwr twp

public sohool apportion-menr TT. ;

Collector W. Windsor,township, iiublic schoolapportionineiit,

ColtcotorTPrincetoii town-ship, public school ap-portionment ~» . .

Collector hiring townshippublic so]iool Hp|Wrtiou-ment. . . . .

Collei tur Hopewell town-fillip, pubhn nohool »p-poruaiiuient

300 (Ml

1.BW 7

4,601 U

2,184 o

(>,700 2,

. . -);alirtlii£\ urdvi lk bridge

Blaikluu tt (. o , lunilu 1Uuiin S. bom, haniwiircP 1 Slomi hiiivcvingltue x - Hoopcr,on nil ount

mason work workhouicI Kncst, mayor, cost1.Hi O Kobbi in judgeeom

Illoii piCllHL II I>r4ki,judge com

moll pious , , n . . .Win S \ard, |udgc com

nion picasLniwcll Murah, clerk l^

Miiccr BcAilcy, < I ,fici

21 Ircntnn Banking Co,liotc .

r •) Mills, justice, costi.21. lohn Knist, mayor, 1

• hills-TcoiKW IJ 4shiiiore,jualicc, 5

billa tost*,C I) UlldllUt, Jllbticc,

J |\V JJitnau, jmtice,

1 fa Mills, ]uKtici, Bbillacosts

(. W btreU, justice, blulls coata

J B Cokuian Reid, M U ,poat mortem evuiiuuu -

lij bndgi" i m u t i i s i i , budge

Amos Bind lumberA. Itanklu, labor,losiah Baldwin, budgesII- \ Aorhct 1, bridgesl>..B. Colemiln, Hour for

]iusti11 P (.nligcr, plans, Ju

Hirltlstoivn biid|,iIt I' daHjcr, sen ice*

workhouse,J Smith Suiddi 1 .hi ideeT I i r i l V l b

_a_70_^_HI 7.1S5 0011 47

« Vifl3 00

27 404 2S

IB lti5 00

.'100 00'I (Ki-

is 00

19 80

9 3-3

6 IS

JO 40

Jl 15


C W Strict, justice, 111nui sts, d.c

T \V Hiuddtr, i l D ,ccr™"1 tilicnt(r*lnsnmty ™-"

\ \ 111 Henderson, inquestC C Abbott, M 0 , post-

mortem examination .G I Dean, constable(_ C Vansyekel, doA S Park, dolnaiurcrs of Linn 110


5't il

••20-00i 70

1 001 001 00i 00

y rcounty pa.tu.11t5 J.5U7 1

March 2 John Bruit, mayor, 18bills c«t-s 10b

_!l V W,lIaru«eH . 5-0(1IJ Isaac L Cubberlcy, itone

and mninn w ork 7 70J Jl llc«d, hrnU'i U 20L R Hughes, do . 29 20'liuiothy I lefd, ironwork _

for workhouse 1,6»4 8B F . Wnltou, ooal . 18» 01T Crozer, shcriil, wuteh-

man, Ac 61 00JBIII: Mllchcl, instructor. 24 0CII C Jiiirth, modicinrs 16 0JII "Shafer, M D , eertili-

cnto lusanity . . . . 5 01

State Scntinel,adverti3ing 18 1


|1,316 01

10,000 01

240 4

15 4_2 011 4,

c o r e ,Court House ,

Thou Croter, nhnrirt", ju-ror t(.-ea,ikc „ 1.

1<5. Trtnton Banking Com-pany note . . -

C Marsh clerk nine billscosts . .

C W, Street justice, threebill! oosu.....

C. C. Vnii8TCkcl,oonstabl«J.AV, DignmiJuntioe, two

bills coats

J W Phillips biidj,eThos Cio/tu, sheriff,

[jouid ol pri'.mner*.Trenton water Woiks,

wutcr Coint liouaiMaltluw Moses, ice foi —

I nurt BoomAuron , <Jrozcr,~sup«rin-~—«•,

U mil nt uoikhoUHB, 1month salary

Emporium, mhirtisinicnla, Ao

Panul Iliggin^ mrtiug,work-houau —r

Naar, llm iL Naar, priilt"ing, S.c

1 ish i£. GHUI , lumbir,Stockton stri 11 hridgo

- I S Kat/enbaeh &, La ,hardware, iLc, fouit

W I)
















29 40


120 65

91 10

17 I tBhul well, repair

1U£ fctoekton streetbridal . . 4o 52

J W Wliilaker, on account jiiituting ( ouitHoust 25 00

AhclUlfkrtj, lumber 8 45Patrick Convt ly, tux on

stable lot 10 38Hue il Hooker, balance

mason w or t workhouse 102 29 —ILrentonBunkingCo.noto 10,000 00"'lckel Lnuning, huicund

ccmiint 58 18T B Kibble, il D , post-

mortem examination 10 00

0 K Oiffil, (nlhnW T Nicholsou, alationary, A.t>,

Pure 1 rineijiul countybond .. .

Interest on county bondsSamuel Johnston, clerk

A M Johnson, nolicitor(rf-Hnnr*:

S 00

60 01

1,000 004,021 50

12o 00

(fP. McCafTrcy, M U. pby

Hician of Board-Goo K, FEilT-FreEhplrlcr

Israel Baldwin doJoseph Baldwin doC B Robinion do.

100 00

H0111 M Phillips doJ 8 Scuddcr do.


212 Vi481 001»5 «0188 85391 40 -

Amos H Tindall do S7B 60C IJ Vansyokol do. 170 00

~~" Bcni T. Wateon do 542 97- - - Martin Kecsan do 400 00 -

D. B Colcman do. 67 80_ T . JUEul l cu - ,_do. 226 70

D S Hutchinson Ido 171 357 Snnru'el Johnson, postago 1 078, Trenton Bafiking Co , note _IQ,000 00 A^

•CommUsions County Col- -lector 4,307*5

Balance 8,376 15

$413,470 J^

I certify thut. Hie above m a ft trueoopT of the_aeeounta of the County Collector, for the yearending May 10,1872, as examined and approvedby the committees , - " * - - " " J

Clerk of tlit Board of Freeholders, MercerCounty

^ ;0'iCr: ;••



HiiB'ind Ward Its V illghtitowa', N. J.^HS t '& i ^sHonnl—T to 9 a . m . , and 8 to 8 p.'BV,1 '"""• ••''";,•• ltBwri,SBpt?l,187I M ' ; '

- £S'JSI.lJjloor( aliova Untyqnnilst Ohu'roh,v log ItoBBi—Boforo 9 A. If,, anil frotn 1 toiB toTP.M. • ., Aprl-tf

J ,S . J0ES80N, M D.,k

In DAWliS H A I . L , Itlajn •Ireet. .

:^:' jiourrftoiB 7. to 9a , m., 0 te s p; m., &Bd at'/-•swhea Bot profsssleaany eBuaged.

• . . 2-1 dosr alova Mathsdlit Qharoh; frsm

" : B B m w A' B; Y .••. 'tW'THB SPBZNO TISliM

gBsss Jftn i9riThoQflu"rieoh i ^ iy ^ l I i t i F i K

iptBia! attention is ; gives to the slsm€bninobefl: Masin, Drawing nei Palntlrigador the olinrgi] of a gompotoBt ond efficient Io r , " . . ^ j ; . • •• • ..". • • _ • ;

• . ' R E V . W M . M. W E I i l i d , P B I H O I :^ p r i i i , un, , • " . - • •

Olassioal and Soientiflo' Instil'•• . FOR LABlpg AND GENTLEMEN, :

; ^ .MIOHTSTO.WN, N, J, .r ln tQuar to r begins Au just aoth,Seuend-' ** '* NOvorabor sill.Third » 11 .Tnnunry 31.Fourth; 11 ii AjiflUQjli, :liocona at tha Ilnllilnys, two wcoka, ftom D

ber sotli to Jn,n. sd, inaluiilvB.a I. lv. M- A. pf? A/TT ' 4--1\T tst.lnt.1


, IC, J,eipoetfiiilyofi'yrshiiilQrvis'sl to thstown and.iioinity. ,.f l i l i t i U S B

;ie hours frem f'fo 9, A, K.f>nd T to 9 P, K,

".fjiar* .sfBelnol^HdiiMilBiTraniniiitttr^

r|p^.,teH,Ki Station. . --------

M'^: <M. S0I1AN0K, 'i j y S i k j ' • "• •-. ' • - ' " : - - ' - 1 1 - . . . _ • , _ .

tlOltliySKtLOE AT I. AW.

B. A. DAWis, STURGEON113EHT1ST. and MauufiiBtttrBF sf InporrttptiblBettth, -i— >se—"

"A .pmoBnaiEt to IRA'SMOCK'S'Stan.—S£ BatThnBB on Main Btreet, opsilte tha«sall«t0huroh.' . . ... . • r

"laetlieitrnotad WllnOUTPAIN, by thsf Ln«i|hiBg Usj ..B.-«Tho new Patent. Q um Bnie, so valuableti llghtneiijsonifart, andoIeaBliBotSils alia

.ial. An examlaatiun is invited. . - apl

N e s t T o r r a b o g l n s M O W B A Y ,


• thy room OB ,

. OVHR BDIVsril 4 00,'S DHua SIOH]

fhera ha is prapareu to do a general

• TAILORIira DttSINIiS.He feipgytfiiliy galls!ts & §hare of patronagi

PJJITlNfltEltOMIWIiY-ATTENDEb TApril 1,1178, ly


• .11 .opgratloni apportairiing to Dental SBF

uly!6, ]


f; JuBtioe of the j?eaoe,l JIiaHTSTOWK, N. J. .


U , MAIN BT., HroiiTSTOThe mbieriber roipeetfiiily iBfsriris the E

and Gimtlcnien of Hlghtafown and vlaTn't;ha hui pttrohased the nbavt tiallery, aad iiprepared to execute portraits ffOBl loekat t<SIEO, In the hljlheat stylo 0/the art.- '

••--• 0AHIB8 DB VISIT1.for brilllflnaxJsL.tDaii-aBd.f« to be exaalled by those sf any. Gallery iiUhitorl Starea. . • . •

MNLAllQED PHOTOailAPHS taken frnnDaguerreotypes, and Ambrotypei, plain or flnlin Ink or Wiiter Uolors.

-^persons wbo hhve hnd Phstographa takeiMr. AgixiiB, or,Mr. PBIBST, anii have piolf ' jj NT i '

iiB, or,Mr. PBIBST, anii havepi j j a a» NTnjrq Hvfffi^t-liny I j ni ft '

.. Prioe of OAllTjfS DH VISITEB, (S 40 per«•;_•" LAIieBPlIOTOQftAPllB.fl.JS

Lnrge Kiaortment of CIIHOMOS, ENGli

mas,.STEHKOSCOPES, Aa -.—,--•>~ r io t i i ros rriiniea In nil siylon.-

' D, P, iiUTaillNSON. Phptogfiphi

LopaB, No. 59,te?UTootiovor HutJjUinson'3 Hul l , on TlfKaBAY E V E -| | j y ; • ! . : jriHOoraiiqUwuOK, a i l o'ulook,fe.; DegreesQOnferred.the ta^t Tuesday KvoninKiE

M j j i o n t t i , v ) l ' . HENIIY UYJ3,-.N.""O."

jivMy MQNPAY av'DS'iifft, is theowT-TVtHt'CBjifyh (aoouinl itury), 117 e'aldok

v^ ae BiaBtiBgl sseaad Msuday ByeBing oi eagh


ATOII, OJ-OpK, ana


- .:?ubseribBr woulii aa!l attention to 1U§ assort. if-goods, jta whleh he'is eonstrLntly.tnaklBii• rdaXtionHj eaBSlstlBgof ttpiil ^ Silver %y"iitoh=.

d O h U M l i n h s , -ISruftSt Ping of evory=

.- iitiiros, Toys, kof Also inr^g steok of Spqe.* the sgieLrated make of ZjrLiarus'&Mofris:'-wtlpular atteBjioB liiijij to ail kinds of - "-

Hightstoyyn, N. j .


^riee3 t sueh asCaBBelliiidga, JUuakHeuatauJJoney JJrbok,*4o. •'','".'.

A good mpplj far tha lietall Trada conitoBB hand.

'1'liose wigbing to pBfahase In althef larginjl l quBBtltieij will flnd i t jo tBeirJatoroigive me a gall. ; •

;I will »lso knep n full stook of O N I A N D !

lOrjifi 'PLO_Vy.S.^• ir .nfhUH




- SON/. j . y

WrTiiBy iilV for Gain obly, ttud for thi t renuon trill^ 1 " \\ eheaper tbqB BBB be puruUaiyd sisowhyre/

i^ti »^.,poB!taTOJ^n hinid'Tiisdy-WritSB, ' 'I,* AgBBts for 4h« KillhY IlArtyHSTBR, the

aaMioliine initbsiworld-"theoalobriited- ODOtJMBBB-8 i i blWlM8ijBpiB, Duf

ipMi Tiilflp in'tkn »nr.-Jff BleighuBd alud ShoB»,Wugon Boies, i o .

'u flavin;; mMt u set of patterni for the right uad

at lariwi^ftijg

on reasonable tormi

• p l t f •'-..;

t JEWELRY STORIIn Outealt i Bogots' New Building,

-Th§ subsarlber would oall BtteBtlon to the 1stook of gooiii whioh he hasjust ononwl noit dto (Juteajt's Harnsss Shop, eBnsistlnif of (joldgiiyer %V»tghos,tJUard Ouatns. MsdiUllOBs, ijrifirijrofeyory style," JSTirBBi FiHgyr R|nVsi , A.01 vnrfou^ patlyrDTs snvef and plated fea ,^S'Hil Tuule BpoOiHHHiil forks. Quo niturog ffiSl'uii»rij|iairyd.^PiB'tfTOTitT^attenttiin~paTO™8'

to all kinds of repairing, and work warranty!give siitisfaecion or the money refunded.

kinds A No. VPlated Ware,ap 1-ly I.BA YAM1

"-•. Ju.stioe.of tlia Peaoo,Oommisilaner for. taking AuknowlediremaBt i

. ; . ; ; ; proof of Deaa«; \ ; .•".".".

S nonntantly on hand; sueli%'t MotaRogewaad,= Mahogany, and^vaiBut eovaredJ J u l i s h e f l , - - - •.••- . , , , . . - . . : .

I.; A S K U T S lvHi4i ia i lMily-f l i i l i l i iHl a o c o r U l i mtho hlnhegt or'dyr, =

1 Also,.ahroud(i qinfna, Orapa.nnBliTnf.i-n Miyo-aitdflittlu^uHUtiuaitriBjiterjal * " ™ * ' ' ' "

» Ca.server, WuYy pntuted b£ I ^ l s r . - w-.We respyytrully sollylt a eUntiuUBBCB of the ninnuo of tlio public. , , r *

p y attBBaod to at all hoars,B. B. OOJJB tc (J. E OOL.E,' .'". ifllln St., Iliirhtoiowu

.,. ^ A f i rpHIOW & CO.,Bnpoeinri'fo jamei Jl, patherg, WAttaair Kii

. J.

s, N. J.


pHB SBbgeriber, thankful for pist ravore. woi3L respoettullj' eall the Bttontlun of his frioBJsme ftiot that ka ,Is itlU' at his old plaoe on MiuioutBitreet^weBylngf .earpets ag lormorlyWILL SDRNrBil 0HATN AtfD WEAVE (

:,,'-.;•;';'.', BAVOBABLB TEEMS,jtjihortnotlee.^ ' * _ - -

„ , . . . ,_ - ':• ANTHONY COLEHANKlgitBtowB, Jlarel 1, JiTg. ly-

' BTJIiiDBBTiND COXTRACTO]Thofrm of Pflrrlna 1 lloDonilil hnvlnc b»inttivW By mutual - wBsent, the oubsorlhor Bounoyhat M w i l l t i thy l wBsnt, th

nounoyhat M will.continue the

BiislnieM and dlsB,:thaV^Cil^fejto«d»eturn!

•• ThViiwiMl sljtes wllUakept-oa hanfl. arid Ml 1. o u(Mrs My,mull ur-ln perion flllodat iW

li^jd andpaf ap at i ^ i

, ^ h W eor. sfilranklln aad Bidad Btrieti, no

Page 3: THTTBSDAT, JU2O! 13,1872. - Receipts and Expenditures of ......THTTBSDAT, JU2O! 13,1872. - OF THE Receipts and Expenditures of the County of Mercer from May 10th, 1871, to May 8th,


oLxxviii. No. 11. Hightstown, N. J.f ThOrsday, June 13,1872. Whole No. 139M

||(fj-3T0PATHia 'PlIYSlUEfeNL:ft^SlJaaSQNV. ^uono3so^Wwrrafi>tt«BlfV!"J;?" " •;

:iaia*iBd Ward its , Hightsiowri, N, J . j.• rt Honni—? to S.a. B_,, asd 3 te 3 p.'m.!it.own,Soptai,18n tf ' ,• '

* * _ • .

Dr. CHAS. F f DESHLEE, _aiiTSTowN, N . - J —

OlfloQ and residence romilvu'l .to I£tf ST.,.2 doors nb'ovo Univonnliat Church.tOB ItonnS—Boforo 9 A- M., and from 1 toi 6 to T 1-. M. • .., Aprl-tf



in D1WKS HAI.I, , Moin Street.„... ,"f ' '."".hoiiFs^froBi f to s a, ia., 0 to s p m., and Atjgj ay':'-.:".'.,'.';S'wi_oh nbtBrofessioaaily engaged,

fM'i .:'••,., 21 doif ubov-o Methodist Church,"from^ J 1 - " - - s ; : « . ' " M V - : ' -•- ' • ; ••" •' . ' : " • t f ' "

; . J: __., I.XTOI,-Spoetfullyofr.rB hissarvisas to

' J p ! - B . town anal.j-ioinity, ,. , ' . ' • .,ifc^^i:'^-:u.for jnoiiLsa.L3.t,i&4daseja will sseaiya prompt

;JO hours fropi TJto j , A , M. j and T to 9 P . M.

_ . . ^ _ — - . . . . . . . . - -i.imi^

. ££*•}*-:/• Offiut iiBd-cmrdiiwffitiTOo^lffflTO|V£|5pt--'.teR._l;BtatioB. ' '

p | ; ^ j ; >M. SOilANQK,aiiiHTaibwir, N; J , .

p S S '•**G4UI"sH1t,om, AT i i A w .tfjj06 'ob- 26,18T0, ly . •

[\TJ. A. DAWNS', SU.R&EON" D I N T11!/ 1ST, afld ManufaetBrar of In-B-runtiblaTffrTwth,--'.. " : —"-» ' "

|ia,P >i - ^ .oass'asxt to IRA' SMOCK'S Store

|js# :U) <>MalistQb.Breh,' . . .|v|?i- '•"Toetli aijraetad WllnOUT PAIN, by the

" rin< f Lunching das; . ' j | -B.^-The flew Patent Sara Base, so valuable

-.. ''^°i ?8 Hghtness,"eamfQrti.ftnd.eleaBlinQSS,Is.alsag£:.i_i, .ied. AB examination is invited.: . * apl .

| | | S T VR, BDVyABD II. BOVVHB, ';.

J» BUT A I. i D B Q BO JT ,

ifiE'iV -II .operation! apportninlng tn Dental Surgeryreformed,.fttfdsatrifSo^Eiffn^giiaranteed. ' • • ••= ^• uly 6, t , s n , l y . . ' • . ' . - . • * i ,

'max " ' • ' •Idj^ERXNq- SUANGLE, .

•5;f';••' J i i s t i d e o f t h e P e a c e ,

|ffig£j;ipl_y,'- JIIOBTSTOWN, N. J.


'WTNDaOBJ^ODBB, Wo. 59,•rav?STo'eta orer Kutoblnsbn's Hall, on TUKSDAV Era-••?*M;; --• .: K1SO sfeiteli wueK, at 8 Q'uloek,

''Dbjrreoseonforred theIsat^Besday'J-veniiiErlni>aoii montn, ^ . HESElf DYJi, N. t}.

l^'lT:'-»LQDSfl,.Nu,jr._ , L . . . .

t$";. 'EVBi«'MwrgAy mmma,n th«ow.-, ;'Uf-C'G_._r!?h (Itsfond story), atf e'aleek

... tio meetings socOBd Monday sveBiagof Bash

W^^ff^~~ ' • ;—^ ^?8SJ.' TUB HItJHTBTOVVN >


J E W E L R Y STOiiis,MD|Q St., op. Baptist OhBrsh,

^ubseriber would call attention to his assortif-goodt, to whleh ho is ooBBlrifltly making

, «-(l<irtIoBi,ion«l!tlngyf aold to Hllvur W_,t_l_-.,. -o-^—r---ird.GiiiUns,-IVIeilainbni,-Ureaat Plniof Bvory^>^rr.&air°s^vFm^ir-Si&t(ii'bt'rrartbu'ii"p'ft'tterita,'''»w^ 7j'iad-ttl!ttetHPi3a=te^^ftU<H^pf*gn^fe^tffijgr^*tfr^^b^irriSrPoeketraBffcPttiidEniveir-NtlodlySfryi&llBa

'fej^;' :;vxtnros; Toys, &§i Alio lar^e itsok or spey-rvii

:-t(.. : ' i of the celebrated milks of Ijaiftriig'& Morris^6K^f.^-:rtioulttr attention p;iId to-all kinds of. -= - =" *;i••'•• rl if. EBPAIftlNO.

S j ' - f - > ' : ' • : • • . • ' / / • • ' • • • • • - " . ' • . • / • • • J O H N ' - O .


.-,. . • '•Bli'faf OHh oiityVaiid fof thi t reason will^(;»}rcheapB"r tban eiia bo purobiisyd * ^ L "

•:;;.. - ..OoBi^anttyljirhiiTtd'rbady-ftjr^BSB.iAgqints fbr'UhB JSIfthY HAttyiSTBR, the: ,i;-'oheapeht Qayiblflsd;^Iiioiilfle in the worldfcThoj,h1iv*:Bjr.«4le^6:oalobriitod"^TOr/MBlJ

_-":81 HtHl'I'T.,..'IW.THM'SPRING TBltM

commene^i JaB 29.--ThecgurseUf Studye , _eievorythlngBiSshliin'IBJaiiifiorit^iHaHftntfcBtspesial attentlnri io givou to the elementarybranehea;1 Mflsie, Drnwliig agd Palritinjg are us .dsr the sharge of a compsteBt and efficient teacb-

if." _ ! ' • • _ ' • ' • • - • ' • - ' - - ' "

. T ' REV, WM. M. W E t M , PBIKOIPJII..lAprlUjl im . ' , "


Classical and Scientific Instituto,* FOR L4 OIBS AND GENTLEMEN,

IUOHTSTOWN, N. J.First Q.uartor bogliia August 30th.Sotjond u " Novombor SIh.Third " " Jiinunryll.Fourth'. " . " April 10th.llocofls at tho nnll4iayM,twn wtioks, from Deootn-

bor iOth to Jan. ild, hichini^ i,a yiv, }1, A. PHA I"'1, * -T


r J .

Noit Term beglut MONDAY, SEPT. ith,"U?J,


w s MTTAIH, Principal

K-EWISiftnijccff to Lhc public tnat^no^lias takuntbu room on iVIrtln fftrcot,

OVER Duii^nu A co.'S DRUG STORE,whoro ho Is proiuited to do a (general

TAILORINQ BUSINESS,lie respoctfitlly solicits a sharo of piitronaK<5+

OUI'TINO-EItOMP-riiY ATTENDED TO.April 1,18.72.'ly


Tha Jubsoribor rospeotfully informs the Ladiygand GontlEmon of Hlghlstuwn nflil Tiom ty thathe hits purchased tho above Galleiy, and is nowprepared is execute portraits from locket to lifesiso, in the highest stylo Of the art

0ARTE3 DB VISITEjfor brlinan.g^_o£_tone=nnd-ffli4hfuine33 to- naturenot to bo excelled by those of any Gallgry ia theUnited Stares

ENLARBIlD PHOTOGRAPHS token from oldDaguorronrypes and Ambrotypcs, plainer finished^n Ijik or Wiiter Colors _ .Ijik or Wiiter Colors _ .

Persona who hnvo hnd Phologrnphs taken byMr Auxfc.ii gr Mr PRIEST, eiiu hiivo pictur&sfrijmjhn Hnmn Pfn^ntnro»J4^inij-<ime. _

Price ot CAltTES DE VI^IIES, i2 50 per doi• " LAROB PHOTOQRAPHS, | 1 25

Lnrge nannrlment of CIIROMOh, ENOHAV-IN08, STEREOSCOPES, t o

I'lctnrtiji frnmoil i n n i l Ht^lSM.D P aUIOHINSON. Photogripher


K riees, sueh as Uouncil liidge, Ujisk Mouatain,Honey U'rouk, "io- "

A good supply for the Retail Trade constantlyon hand, , .

These wisbiflg to parehase in either largesmall quantitiei, will flad i t jojholt IBtetsst- ,givemea eall, . . • . •

• - ; - • • - • - • : • p L O ^ W S - L :

I will Blio keep a full itook of ONB ANDTWOHORSB PLOWS, suitableJnf.taei'iofjhii.seolIoB,ofiuperlor^aaUty-Bnd-atTfiBiiifjtrfe'gjfej'ftaat. '

apl tf, . ———p-j . JACOB nAItLlr.


fi& JEWELRY STpRE,In Ontaalt i Rogera' Now Building,

Tlie subaorlbor would eall attention to the newstock of gQOils which he has jypt Dpsnofl nost doorto (iutGniVii Harnosg ghnp, spngistlntr of Gold andSllvtr Wittehua^QuitrdU&ftlns ModiUHons, BroasPinaorevQiy itylo, E ir and Finger Rln^s, &of vurlsud putlurna, sflvor untf plated T'ea ^Sfc^Bt = i;bie^ptt&Bfra^MMoTk^7--&an 'fi feBrea^4s t J ~t>atta-reprtfr6tt-=^8ii7-ttgTrlftr fttlenE1iiff"|ialdtT''ft '*f

to all klnili pf rapjziring, and work warraatud log"i\g siitieFiigtiun or the money rofundud

All kinds A No, 1 Plated Ware,ap l-iy . IHA YACJEn,

M R. COKE"fTustioo of tlie l^oace.

Commissioner AuknowludtjomontProof of Doodtj.

R.Furnishing Undertakers




WINDSOR, K. J.13?" Appllantloniifor'Insurancebylottir.oroth

orwiao, p.inttun]]; attondoa toAlso; SurvoyorandCouvoyuIioor,- and Muster

In Chancery ap 1 tf


uiiirccToh?*B. S Stryker, Caleb S. Orcon'; V. 11. Wilkinson,

Win. llnndodk, Joseph Whitukor, D. P. torst,Samuel K. Wilson. J. Maophorson. J; E. Darrah0. W. Blnokfan, Ohnrlnii Scott,,.John K. Smith,

II.(i. Souddor,DanioI-.R;Bodine, Wui. Ilamford3. B STUYKER, PRR81U.KHT.

0. V. 0. 1111 K-t-llY.-V-ir, C . S . O n i H , Trtat:Hlski taken us low as any nthcr reliable Co ,

and all losses promptly ndju*tedM / n N O B T t m l I M/n_NO



JJOUNT & JIMESOW,WholosaFo rommTialonTjeinEf sin-all kln

fcouNTJi K-J> it onvun,.212$.-& _ai3 _llEliGItA^l'S»

«'«•! Vaihluplfii3IBrI,>i,n TfBetween Vosoy andlulton Strccti

AlilJAUL MUtfHT JO^^PIllI JI^HHQH^3?- AU-enieri rsastvtd o,; ; 4B pniietitn/ly Bt.

undid ta [np 1 1 yr

• ' •;•• ....: f i r AUIHORITY^

.-.Laws' of New

, ; •••<•• ' CHAPXIE DL

An Ast iiipplement I9 tho flel entUIod ''An setGonetrajni Hoads," Apprevgd April tiitoouth,eighteen hundred nnd fQrijMii* '••>'

Whyreas, i\ h rypfsssntgil iBat s?erieen gf thehigh,itaji HumBtimcg aeglisdt or rgfuse to make

^,-Bi!d-^kssp=open-neetM!try-^ttttar5;—drninrnrdilelioi in the[r rsipijotivQ ratid dlitrisis, byfeiiiOn' of wbish tiegloetop rsryaiil ihs watef no-

.^umiilfttoa iugiiiil dlgtrioLg, fliid evtrflywi aflflInjures fb^^prepsrty uf iftDtl owsers tn the ad-jniuing towftihipa or wiirda ; fe.p reaiQdy whore*• e f f j _ ; " ' • " • - • • • • - ^ ._- _ '

I, Be It enagtod by the idnjite nnd Qensfal Ai*efflfaly ef fhoStitio uf New Jefsoy, That if anylftnd Ia nny townahip or wartLnf tbia ktnta, or sny,stFssl of fasd, sliftjl be Injured by a flow of \¥ai?>_in QQiigtjquondo'Df tho refusitl or rieglegt of iheQVergegF yr uyersoBra ef ihs- highwijtvi in nn nd^Julnlng iti,Ti!enip ti?eut, make and Regp opeu nfte*sisanry gunQra, drnitei or dltehgs in hU or theirro:id.; diiEfiot, ty draw off the wiitisf from his o#

-U»ir-4itttFfat-i-lh« onBHi.oi a^id liiinl, at'BVatteufof atroot QotUDiisiliinor of the^njd or a'tre&l iTin*'jured, lutfj.prgsSiTt ft petition"to the eourt af.eem^inon ploftglii wbicli sriid rond dUtrljata h jpeiifod;setMng forth iho faeta uudiar oath or nfllrrimtluii,'and (horoupon iaid dourt shall appvlht thros-oftfis shaken freeheldofs la iaid ooiinty, not ry^iijiiigIn said t6tttiahfpS0r wards, who Grithnving laksnnfi nii ih «f (,HifiB,iFii«, ii i n,-t *%i i f li Pii 11 it iiini iin'iui ^ _

HUTCI1INSON, KOETON A, OiODINE, Commission ]>c. lora Noi IbOAlS

Wost Washington Market. NEW.YORK.

tt.D. IIVT.aiilHHOH, ) w „ ,ABIJAUE Boni-E , J ' N " l o r k

JosuUA C. NOHTOM, HightstotrnMay*, 1865 tr.

•The Farmers or our State ore bcoqlnlng very muchinterested oa the iilbjuot nf


i.11 and MASUREH| j



Eiad of


• ! •

flreensnlid MilrlJ | f J lbs ! TO IbiilOHo Droppings j M *' '- 7 '

i-^ i'3M ';•' i 10


—T n "tlm nbwifctftMJi—the ll4tiij mid Bolid drop-Pings of Iho iniimais arc supprised lo be enrefully

tation, by wnshing Or the elTuol of a hot iun. Verylittle yard munuro oomes fully up to this descrip-tion. . . . : • '

not, lor tbu purjioio of resistriitioi

/ftili In g.iod oondition," For 'fuVtiiorluforinSlioBIB rogardto ptiees, io. , address

A, A.-YAllB, Biipt,

July BiBTl. ly ": ~ ' " rroeliold.N, J,


HIGHTSTOWN, N. J,Jobbing promptly attended to, and Buildings pu

up in a superior miinnnrShop on Hareer street, above Duwcl' Hull,npl-ly

^"F^-5»^W«p mmpK^pB»bii"ijutKw«J?!• thO oKaapeit P i . m p ' i n Ihn wnfiH ? ••' , -

ilBir Sleigi-iiBd Bled Shoal,-Wagon BOMS,:ie, :

-r..«:~g matfa a set of uattsrBS for the right und

• • . i » M . ~ . :• : ; > ; , , • . • • • ; • • . • . . • • f i - : , > . . . • • • • • - . - ; .

i)t- itui' AlllELi onreaionsiiielermi[ightstown, March I, 1SS9 ap 1 tf

tiife-JB* •^.•p.RM^AN,7

t f lS l l iTUft l , AOHIqOLTnKAIi.1 IJtBLE" " " ' —MlNTSj—r- .,™7-.--7-:v

gjiiSi>jp|irya;kMD MABONJS-TOOLS,"•'.••;•••l»v«x»ri|ol» isid by BBHderi,

W«ot;lBr'gt\iiOrttt»ntof Table in'd.Poafctt Ont."i^sNobilOiLOlothi *«.,'•*.«.•'"'

, Sept U. 1866. np j ly

Prom GRAY, WTMK00P & CO.,Successors to James M. Oathors, WAHREB KILSS

"W. "W". enton, N. J .^Ct.0C;jCOWABD, Agent, Hlghtstonn, N. JA^?-icK1NNi-r.^«'t»,Oftrp'»itersTllle, N J»p 18 Qm -

COFFINS noniitiibtly on I/and Jjiiohns Metrvlii,Rosewood,- Mahogany, andk^Esunut covered or.Volishtd.

Also. Shroudfi' Q16<res,; Omijej (*ja»hmiir« lifiirt.J

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ i Fig-server, latoijf patontod hy TiXor ft~Co.v ' V • . -

We rospootrdilr solleit, a ooBtlnuaBVo of the pahronnico of tho paulls. ,, - . •* . -~"A:Uortfori-rjrBTBpily BtleTiBSaiWTt all hoarse.

. i p i - i y . , •-•'•... M i B s t , , H i g h t s t o W :

THE snbsorluor, thankful Tor past rnvors, ironldrespoctlullj call tbs iittontlon oflils Irlen.l« to

tlio Tuot tliat ho Is nil) lit hlo old plaoo on Moumouth street, weaving carpets as formerlyWILL FURNISH CHAIN AND WEAVE ON

FAVORABLE TERMS,jitahprt notloo.

„ , . ANTHOtTY CULEMAN.HlEhtstown, March 1,1873. ly-


The drm "of Porrlno k. MoDonald having beenJlnolvcd by iiumHO—oonsent. the lubscrlber anDouuos that ho wlll.contlnuo.thti

E871 Coward & A.sHton.. 1871iSPEINO AND SUMMER STYLES OF


buslncess and also that ho js prepared tofurnlsh

SASH, BLINDS, DOORS, &C.l h c Bin nil sizes will be kept vn liiLnd. ami ftll or-

ders Uy mail or In person filled at short notUo.



furnished anil put up at roatonablo rates. ._OHAS, M. P^RRJNE

Sion eoi. or^rr^nklln and Broad straeti, near



Would rnjpcotfully nnnnuneoto Iho ditiroiis of Ibc vii imtjthat boig prepared to iurnljh


„._''-I".•___.". : : :* I A N T . L IS5 ,—^— In Ma line nf the best Biatorlal

and cheaper than at rhilailelpliia, Trenton, ortlsBBbere, .•Qall nnd «3t»mint hii work"ind BJIOOSL:»att:»»yoouy.iBOBey? "_• ; ' ._• • - ' - • ; r ' - \____ • . -

;« Msrooi itreet, HlihtstSwil

Thetind*ii>l£ni-d would most respeotfully Informbis friends nnd tho public in Eiuiorul that lin hasI f c t h h b H s h l l W l ^ lIBfcen=thB'hnrmsss;B«'IbHshllr(!nWarnH!rly^r«pt=ljyR. A. Outoiilt, where ho Intends to ke»p on handand mjiki) to order, I)onble nnd Hiriglo Silvar-iil'a.ted arid Jlliok mount«d' lij;ht Harness AlsoCnrrrjill nnd lieiivy Itiim iliirnn-H, in.nle of tl.obos^njatenrtl, alidjll Ibo most workman like man*ncr, Constantly on hnnil Collars, Hnltrrs, WhipsBlanket!, Shoots, Tly Nets, Curry Combs, Brush-es, i o Repairing promptly nltsntlod to Howould oall piirtlsuliir attention to his fatentCheck UODII, it is enslly adjusted, dors away millthe bolt, consequontly is not liable to burt a horse

^AJfOjlit^atentJJhnltTag lUld Patentilip_5trapCall and examlno for yourself.


Main Street, Hightatown, N. J.mar 38 Sm

iTOOFESSOk^HDTdrttNfbwfMJi » . . I). D.i% the PHILADELPHIAIJpMinPISTrJBMIufMtBrei thVUeS

•':•'•; «B(10hB*pesiA,tii.iilTeithlBtiieU a i t e d t t o t i i s , '•- •-."••••• > ' • . . • . . - , - .-••

, Ha mslm most bmiiilfal Oomplate Bets, frodiM^H^iUi aBdrgunrtBtaas tbem to last fot MN

^|mistroafliindiFUlsdJlillManAKBB:No aharge bu t tor m a t e r i a l ; . ; • : . / : .' . : - j .?PAI((li_:SS-7j{XTKA0iiu« ay xt.Ifirou 6 i l _ e

aa j—asodnu i io i t too tb . •.-,•:;• , --,. ; ;i OOLEflttBHUIIjDJtNO, « « PIJfB 81; , PHILi:

ADSIiEHIAi^Ppelifroin 9 A.-M.-toffP. M.""- >Pjeitta out this out iad givs BI a oall^. j ^i


"TIOTOB," (Muds by the FIKCLE * I T O H MAnnr'a Co ,

LOOK-faTITOH SHUTTLE SEWING *MA0UINEUses • [olf-BOtling Keedta, which eannot bo sotwrong Does tho entire rants of Family SowingJluniTory ~LioiiT,,BABTiend»M«i'. 'Sold on oasymonthly instojlnieau- Agonu Wonted. •• '

If In their opiiiiJn,.lhy»fiLcts staled" ptloni ore. triie,~thiiy Miall'. delPglmtn jlr .wrfiin"where neeoasary gUtfllts, drains or dftobat'lhall'be made in siiid rond dktrtot to ccnvoy or drawoff the *tter froni the hiyhwny, with (hoilonHtdlindrnntngs to tha owner ot Ibo innil, and uiiikuihoir report in writing tu the clerk of (aid qonlilywho ahull uto-aiiih-esurdtbnimnie-riind if there-iiflor said ovofsoor or uvuracers sbull willfully ro-faso or nogleut to out, uinlte, oIsafile'iiiTd koepopen such gutters', drrilna nnd dilehes so dcni-im-tad, thosaia townshljiin wbiob said rend distfiotslooated shall be iiablo In dniunjaj to any luridowner nf an adjoining luwiisbinTrfiTnrdrof Ib'ljiil"ndjoininu' township iir ward.fur nny'iajury P.UI<tuined by reason otsuoh nouluaEer lofusiii,

_J._ And bo it cnnoto.l, Tlnit any piirsun or per-•ani,-tuwr,iuipsi,r word*, inny within1 slity iliiysnpponl from the deciisi™ of siiiU fruiiliuldors to thoeourt of eommiin pluii! uf anld uuauty, who shallgive flUiil judgment oil tbu ilium, •'- = "

8. And-bo it onnolod; Thiit this aul shrill tflkueDoo! linmodliltoly.

Approvea Aijril 4, 1872 • . . .

• • • . ' • ' CHAI'TBliUxxXYIII.A SUppJ.enitnt tn an_flef r'iiiflmi '• AII-ftflt tOHVpfa

vide.lW lbs ri^istnnioinit^persons enlitltnJ h: the right of Juffnigo In uitluM," iipproviid aUroh_ (Wnnfy.ii-|.otidTjHHt4lMHBHHHl i . y r i hmiuiyd nud . " , .1. Be If enaotod by the Soniito and Oenernl As,

suyiblyoniio State of New Jsrwy, i'biit thopro.viso in tbo fourth section of the nut to wliiuh thisHTa auppleiiiBnt bo and thy'suiuets hcreb^Jopuui;

• 2. And be it enaotoii; Thiit tlio bonrdi

'^.tiJ'UTTil.iysnalu-lij .SL'fegi'rn Until yi;|ilt o'clock ihtbo evoiiing ; nnd ilint the »uventoeiiili Jeoiiun otsiiiil net be and the (iliac is hereby iimundud by^totfdUlhii^dibftwPyJi^OTi^ffciff ih*^^

t-ko efleot U_ ._ ...„_.,,Appruvod April 4, 187S

ouAPTsn oooQLxx__vinAPttrlhar.SupploBioBtJlo tbs aoe enlitled "An

act to Establish a System of Fubllo instruiltlon," npprovod March Iwoiily.lint, ai)>hl«uthundred ami siitj«seven,_== " ^ =

™l~BirtttnaoOT~by!ThTSinrrto,BB8 Qeneraj Assembljr orthoBtato of New Jersey, Tiiilt fnr tliesupport of the Normal gihool, and for oarryltljout the purposes of the net to which Ibis is ri furtlier siipploiBent, Iho BBnuiil sum of _fteen llioiisand diillnrs is hereby appropriatiid, to be paidoat of the treosuryof Ibis state on Ibo wiirraBtofthe eoiiiptroller, ; ' ' . ;.

S. ABd,be it OBhcted, That Ilia sixtieth auction*t_J__j_et,te—whloh ibis- is-a furlbbr-auppleliientpe.j(nd lhasalus ii henby npoaled, «u. ikat tbtlaot sbiill lake effect iintnediately, * ,

| 'AjiprilVml April a^.lBTj • : L ^ _ _

OHApTin'coooxxxiv. <BilpplHnent tn an nutnmiitl_il_UA^ „„> t . j n . r , , , . ,

-Ulo-_schbol-fuiiil-or (his stateJ'-paS-ed—AprllSitth, olghfeen hundred nnd seventy,one.1.. Bo it resnlviid by Iho Heiiato'iiBil (Wueral As.

senibly of the Stiito of New Jersey, That nil Inns.OS wljiuh slliill horenflor be Innile uf innUs to tho itiitOi no» orfo'riBSrly Jjirijf uiiiier lr«.

tor, nr wbmb have boon made slnotf the ninth dnyol April, ci)|bt6BirhiiBdre(l and Jovqutylone, shall,b« Iriimferiaid to Ilio trusloos of. the B4kl1el.fu.1idof thin .(tnto'i and.beooiue a portion uf the free

fWhosUnnaj iinil lh^alJhiannujiJJno-'«li_jiri_-Bj{,

tit1 mime lunnner tlint- otburjuoaeysaroTion dis.-tributudjfiir tliiitpur]v_>B';" *' "" '•; --'••'

8. And bo itoniiotod, That this'aei Ihall takeeuuot iuiniodlatoiy. " '";

Approvud April 2, 187a. - — —

him-iti Uio-tlush, nnd ho full. Uo wn»rtm^Ki-d to a slump and plnced BO thattlio nikuij; lite would not touch him. 1I,»rli'lrUrnU-ly crnnHvl round nnd placedhimself so us to fmu tho rebels, iiful imtlio comjinny'Ritve biit-k in ouo'of* those «1-inoit linnd-tii hum] lijrhtB, I.ttLle rol lerl-is^ed lug hand to Ificfluen iTt,(in st linn

jiiiil nt-hUtd dujui with a sj^h,o£-roli«f, _1,'iji iiliuiwurd the Ber^'onnt lountln

pun ol bliieUtifinlifclLiiini; flora f d

At the sprlm of an arehjiUlie Ereal north tewor,IIiJh~up on ibo wnjl, is an nliget'a head,

And beneath It is oarven a lily flower,With delleata wingj at the side outspread.

They sny thst the sculptor wrought frum the faoe-Of Ilia youth's lost Jove;; of blirproiiiitod brida,

Anil .when Lo iiddod tbo lust md gfnouTo thU features, he dropped hU phiael ftnd died.

ihi-mig t«_.tkj-^nq.i. below.

And tho tighlsioufi csno with lliuir curiou

Uut deep in tlio sbadow, wbero nono mny kaeif. Its bMUI^, Ifco jeia of. lill carving 1 jes,

Xnt. a t early-morn o m tnidsumnieWsdiiy,* "^ ;~WhoB tho ! « y i to the north, for the spaas

Or.ii.few short iiimutu.vlWii fulls j ruy'

Aouruvod April 4, 1172.

• OHAl'TliHto eneouMBO ilia M'nauraotun' of Boot

' B h i S1. He it onaoloil by tlio iSmlpito iind fleiierill As.

sorably of the State of Nuw. Joraej-, Thllt £o_r. tboiffriiiuf (eayenrl'liiilfr-iirter "tlii'pa._ng'a-nT tbi»'not, all the machinery, buildings, real e»laio, andnil other, property owned by'ttnj!'Initividui'kl or1 n d ivjd 11 nl a, oiirporalion of enrporiitlpin ••tirgijii .-TleduBder any law of tbla tints, und mod esolu

gar, nro.heroby oiteiiiptad from Inxiillun lor anypurpiiSo iibnldouvcr ; provided, that thii eiump-lionMroin illation shall not apply to hinds uponwhich beets are raisud Tor tLo purpoao of inaBu.fiigturai«»^^->^i«..^^*«.i^,s,i^?™i^«»^-^^>^*=Ai*^>^.i"«'-^'

2. And he it niijigioi]. That the stock nrany in»eorporated eorppany entfiigdd" delusively ],, [(,,)inniiul'aelure ol'.beet-sugnr in 4his state, held iindoifned hy liny indiyijjuti! or jndividuiiis, ihall beexempt frbiu (Biritiim for any purpoao fur thotlBIB specifim! In thu hrst section of thi« not.^a^And—be»it^Biieieil,-il.'harthli-aor8hTrirtiilfseffect iind be in fume from and aftor its pnssa'go-.

Approved April i. 1B72 ' •

ciiAPTcrt ccooxoivA supplement tu an net entitled "An net lo ap

point commissioner* to ereut an mldmon andmnjja rLpai:i to Iho Sluto IIIIUEH " npproved

"Slureh thirtj one, eiybtuou hundruj nnd nevinty one f1 Bu it enaeled by_tho Senate nnd Qenornl As-

sembly of the StatoolNeiv Jorsoy, rhnt llmro benpproprm^ud tho additional sum or uno bTTnllrednnd twenty thousand dullarHo bo ctpend d bythe said eouiiui^tnhtra niuned in the nut In whichthis is a supplement, f-r tbu cumplatitin oi tbo ud-diliun nnd rLpnlFft to liiu utatu bnuse, nnd for roHoi lull; Iho fonce and II igBl*E on Du uwiiro street

2 And be it enncteil, Jrbnt bu ^ppropnit-tcd tlm further sum nf l],rto Ihouaiiiid dullnra lor

mom#»^liirBr4¥rUiieBtiOB'«fllffBh'OTaffo?n"Wa*thut there bo appriiprlaiod the fifch^r-suiiroTtwo tliousiiad dollars, to be oxpanrigd for and itting up the suprunio cuu>t and nnfe.rooBiit, under tha iireotion of the ghierjustlee 'and Ihe fuflher sojil of lito; llioBSniidMioijiiU fur'furniflling^aBd itlins up thre severiil otTloes nn (hofirst, floor of tho eiiajjylng. to bo Mpondod nsaforesaid , and that the compiriillor nnd tronsurerbe auoeiated nith tjho siild cumiiiitshineri in our-rj|iigout the pri/ri-ipnaarilila noctlan.

from tlino" to tiino dniw his wnrninti upon thot i r f s i i i d i f ha i n n r r f r e u n hsum or sums as shall be nuncssnry for the purpos-es afore*.itd ". nnd thn snid ooinmi--Tsioiier4 shiil]nconunt^tn tlm_rnid_ooii)ptr.illoi-Jor Iho sxpondi-turo« ns nformaid ns required In tho aot to whlohIhilt is a supplement

•I 'And bo it unnoted, That thin not shall takoefft'et immodiutcly

Approved April,i, 1&72.

CHAI'TEH COCOXO.A Supplement to nnnot entitled "An noi to In-

oromo the rovenuo of Jfyo btaln," approvedMarah thirty-first, one thousand ei^ht~hnddri.ilmid nlxty-iiino. — —1 Bo it enaoted by 'ho Senate And General-As-

sembly of the btato of Now Jersey, That thenot to inoronse the revenue of the titftto, approvedMarch^thlrty.fltst,-ona-lhoDS*nd eight -hundredund sixty-nine, bo and the same i l hereby repettl-ed. ^

3. And be It enaoted. That this aot shall boa public am, and take effect immediately

Approved April 3, 1872 ' •

It was

With n r»y uf th

|j!*ny yu iLy angers Inso

J!.Uy»,£f.flo*--»!ldJt Item

gn Ij^ht that


in tha '


X ivc iDnxr o r I D I . L A I X IU.UELLION.

httlo, equnre-built, dnrt-sfcm-ncd, Uinkl injPiod j o u n - H How, w.iaKuowti tho rn^ltnout over na "Littlu l'ot-ter." The nomeenmo from liij trndo be-fore w:ir tiiuca, and from the diet Hint libnnseilwnys lulking shop ntid oxnminingelnys «,tl, nil the cnlhusi ism of u »e,,lo"Ci^t. l i t htiu the fitculty of bULinnin^ iu-lercslud in' uny.Lhint; Hint nny olhur-nianWOH (loii)^ Standiiijr nLllr the fileIhou-h uncotufoilttlilu lnmwlf, he eouldul«.iv» B t i^ea tn^ny in winch to nmkcthe cuffi-e boil, nnd would «nlhu up littlespllnlets and pile undtt oi. nLoiil the lil-lle kctlle with thu ketm-st euio^tuent, nl-tliougli the coffco belonged to the mostIncituru innirin the coiupuny. He show-ed tins kindly intcu-nt in c\ory innu's nT-r.utfl, nud of course was umvur^nlly lik-ed.

At Slnlulijjn tha midst o f lho eccond/lay's battle, LiLtlo I'otle'r left the coai-

'togtrwniqr-lor hrftjieiratitrBevefal"of Uis. oonipiinious. A qujyk ohnnge ofiroaiiian, a now lino of biittlo lormntion;tookjtli.eQj.fter liia tlMpnrturuTttnaLittl-

pPoUer wot soun no inortj for saveriil dayi,•Afto. Ilio tcboU rBtrefttei!, ho was iiolingm. nursB at tbo bpigtiilq Iiospital, llo

A furtboh •dpploment to aa not, entitled "An not. relailTa to taxes in oartiifl eoBnt}ai of Ihlnstatsi" approved,ApiII seaond, OBB thousandeight hnnUrniland «i_ty-nino.v ;..-..••. '. .*7."1 - B e i t anaatad by, the SiBate and Oenara]

Asicmbly at t i n - Blnta.6f:_fiV-fl 'ertoy, T h a i ' t h eeity of TcentOB, in the'aauBty of Maraer. he/inii1H horohy lholu.loil in the said not lo whloh th is ian Buppleuiont, ond tha t the t u u haraiiffer to ba(laieeogil and raised in lK« sold oily of t ronton/forthe purposes mentioned In the said aM; shall bonssested and ralsad -Boprdiflff ta tho provisions ofIhato id not: '••;.. ••'»-;.:'";• *:'yj::-:«ii: •}'-:-';-MAn^WJljn«ya(lLTl!BLJh!«^ aai_hi_l_i_,We,i j l T c o U i n i n o d i a U i l y . L ; , . • •'••.•'•--•'-• •"•'•••.' ' - ' : , . '

j ^ i y t t u k ^ & t i J i M ' n . L ':_•:'- : ; • - _ ^ - i l — H I :

_LB .Asi -elatiTs to the law reporls af.Ksw^fariiyvI: Bo It onnot^d by Ihn Hcnftto tina O*riijriil As-"

leinhlyvof tKBigtatspr If«w JirsejfvJpKiatwhail^awr, trey nf th«;,i this .lato ibnll harfpfWtad^JtsHflJ bi^Mfful for thinWiilritmt^

ra^td pu^^ns^twpbQBdreaiaQptei'aF;fiie^*^@porigr

it.rJk^Wi^^haj'iaSvio^ffisiJItttlBhiiiailBiiBi'(JiatBj;nij(nii»Fj^ii:JH»il»w;J5fld;j^r . . - - . . - .

buCfoubtl the lioipitaj, and the divigioni.urg8on orderpd him on duty, nod diiaov-arlng hii QSooIlanaBBsn nufte, wbiild not'la^liiMlrfttuFB^io'lU'S' -qinpftiiy,: ™~'"'"TT"-Tliere was a, quarrel botflre.ii the onntalnnud tha iurgepn, tho fofnior ieeirig Lit-tIe^ottotai-a-akulkBfriioa-tho latJeriQUiiag liha ni a usarul rnao who had rando amlstnlrB through.noiftiult of his own' Thiteaptain ..raportod ia?pttir;abwn,'witl_outiB^ve, dud he wai eour^martiflldd, The^TWillenoa .wai tKHt he should ffot-fyU, ilxrflohthi''tfly. The nian oflhif companywere Vitrjiindignant, but I'ottBriaidhoth-'Ofi- ' ThB stoppage of lix- BQnthi'paytold BOrely^prhlm^ JbBt, htweatheredith*.torn, and B»me a o t t i Meensmi thoughhe had never b«on cbnrt-msrtialed,7 ' .

"-. MBoh^elothlni wai loit at Shiloh, a r ta liit m ^ a « " e u t of o!othitfg; Ibii In

kittle.'•';;':-- ;• - ' ; . : : : : . ; ' ; - ^ , ; ,• .-.A > : u , : ^ .—The sergeant wouid aifcri-v ™-;r^Srw-

BB1I0I1 V*1 Aoiwer i; 'JAn QyerooBt iBndriknip

SaOki'* ' '•:•;-'•• '" .;'•'' .'.** H . . J ; ' ; ; , ; : " ^ ' . i i r "-,: ;^bitia!ayoulpsaatfihlloh^y^tterfe

With indescriUable drollery, Potter snid-with a sort'of lisp that was, charactcrw-tio :

" I lotht theventy-eight dollarth 1"Thia was tho"only roferencu ho rondo to

Iho court martial nnd tho six ropntha'pnyjUntil iho morning of tho torrlblefDe-'oomber 31, at Stono Biver. Iq the hurry

t i h ^ f i r tWBWs^to

tbetp in f,tco._of the rula to the contrary.There wnR a awcepinpphnrge. That com-p.iny krt their dend further to the frontthan nnv othei ief,'imi-nc in notioa thntday. They were cruelly crushed, relcut-lubfly drivtn. ,

Ijiltlc ruttei was a giant in doing ITukept hit plate noit to the orderly, whenthe «QB bioken nnd BCatteied.With ii pt,.( inion thnt would under othercircumatitneea havo been droll, ho formedon tho ordeily whenoVtr a chur^umade, and \^hilo it <rm every man TorhiinbUf Ab he «ns 11111111105; home aloiil, a bu-U atruck him 111 tho lit shy p i i tof tin- leg and tearing li is clolhoa" Hewaa advised to go lo tho rear. Tlie replywis • • * J

' ' I will uhow them who ia a coward ?"

nnd lie hiteeth and 1

ottlderT-fiiiBt, fiiled it.UIte-a-_toafl> walab*e\it:/'II with w d ^ f t r t o her-areaming iye."^...;.!!!;toloiid and plainly na nver the •aVrth«hltelip

tiMHIncj—»uu^HHrimcu-|-wfliEQ uruiv, tjntt lua curia

i n ; e s d sot ulnto SIHPII,'HI a hospital lit Mnr-fb I I b l d Ltor,

Tlruy bulongud to Lillle I'otbroken legged, broken firmed nnd

Hu c-iiuld hardly spunk, but as•a i p u rmeri bunt-overIIInij Ire-lisp_d;WeTViikUid them, uidii'i we V"Tha rebola iouiiif him bpiioed

Ihd itump punching at tligiu with hishold iu_ onahnnd. j i s Ihey-raii by, , IIu

tnkeu to tha hoapltnl, and here, anynftenjliiy, \veiit Iiis plcl ioimrmki' Iff auahim. Thuy diil morn ; they wroiuto Oan,itoiuLTiins, teilitiij thu simple story. They'enrried'the loiter nlunu iha red tnpe'iiW--(ram brigii'db-huiuJqunrtofB.-to dfvlijon,

hisiiiltjUiuLurs, uiul.rvtunied,'.with nn or-10m Unaoiierum hiinaalf, diroutliijj tbu six mniuh's pny bo retUI-nad toI.lttlo I'ollg., ihrit nil ebnrgCB on tho re.curd bu uiii-edjiind that nn order tiotn-plimonting his'galinutry be read on druii4iuatdi!^utiiLthnt^a-«opy'-be'gBtilr-to-t1irmnn who buliiiVBir-_o nJbly, The orderwna read on drois pnrnde, niid thy douii-ment with all [[»- iirriiy of ilndorteniuntaiindTiId Itosn's iBitur wSi carri»d to Lit .tlu 1'giter, by men who could genruolyspenk, llu siiBiiiud like orits trniisniiurBd,i»i Hiio=npliiy uld-liliiu liiuitda rentl and rc-I'uiid tliii Urtliir luttur, IIu had i t htjld downfa Ilia. BVcaab Im cDiililk^Hnis-tlii. Hnd-l j nugiJiid-pllluiutrsEljroiitareir^'a'lienuauiii liiif

il ljiI don't enra to gel woll-


It 's nil nijy 7lnlncd 10 'gel well to wipo it out,know. But, now, loin up tin I J l u a [B

betlt r to dre-r"— •Anil the ncxt-innriiing;-''-wlth the order

sa's letter on liia breast, LitlluW p d . Aiid-uLill wo cnu hear tho

grizzly m l Rurgeou'ti words, aa h« came totho cot. "Doar ? .Why—God


"And BO you really think there in nolh-111? at-rioitH In^Mnrgnrtt'a nnuglitiness.'mylenr r,n," tnid a fnuhloiiahly-dreascd ladyil five and forty mimmtn to a gentlemanlirteen years lierjunior, who stood behindtlio opi-n library mndow, icgaiding hurwith an amused atnilc. D

"Nothing at all serious, my dear Mn.Grn\ ," baitl the gentleman q-ili'tly.

"AtnUwlint do-you think—Hrod-Iiottsr:Io with her r"

"Send'her to mo jf you liko," was thpnCirli'Tent auswci.

The tally's hnxtoua fnco clearttl andi h t at ont:p,"Wuu d yiu r al'y lake her V"'•It it will ({Iiu you pleasure I will be

happy to do Sl^" '"Oh, it will bts duch a weiaht off my

mind, Mr. •'Strong.. Iciuinot tell you whatI bavii sullered from the girl's peeulinrwnys since I camo iuto this house to live.Fund ns I was of Judge Gray, I doubt ifI could hnvo' mndo up my niind to takehim hnd I known na much of his only<hild na I know now. And tinco herfathe.'a death, she has run wild—positive"'y 'Y'ld, Mr. Sti-otiK. I have not tlmslightest control over her. " In fuel ahe"uhe sets every ouo at defiance, nud what

"Ten, my dear madam," enid Mr.Stron-;, bowing pnlittTij-, ns lf-he-iJioiighlsho had completed her sentence. "I cnueasily nnderaland it nil: But send herto me nnd wo will aco what can bo done.

ld my

zted. Ills dp<-p-blue «yes often met thobinwn ones with 11 look of wondering in-qmry that uiade. Maijinn-t long to lnujrh.But the otio nsked no quctlioiiB ; tHB oth-er answered none. And 00 thu daj» wenton, nnd Marjjaiet punned her hrsl exam-inntion triumpliautly, and wns proclaim*ed the beit and moat proiulsiugacbolor iutho echoot. 1 '

&ho oiiijht, thprifore to lmve been Imp*Py-—Sut it wis wilh n \frv and face thatsho went Into the familiar hull, just ntdutk, on tbf evemngofthe preat examin-ation dny, to collect her books, nnd taka-oue last oLctet look at a plute whicVi she"w o l d t t d it h l fe"

t a p hicwould ucver see tennntcd as, it hailtenanted of late—Iho nmster'a chair.

There It stood upon the raided platform-,,empty nnd disolate." Tlm stalely figure"

browH hntry^ftoS the'dejp'bluagyaijrjHiHitt beautilulehiiseled ijpi that closid <«t>;jnrinly in spile of their beauty. She jiia'.d1;the deep, |weet tones of that heloTeclvdiea-.btilov'ed f She itnrted . at th«y

"^maslro,iMfshoEinid ftlpttapBii^irytns her jiend; in her litind_; aha iank

• s S p lifiroft^thovbgijjiiiiiiitytjnr^fW"1

wnBrthrowctBronnd Her-ivaUt, fliat ToiciJ.-nil hurrlud nnd agltatyd; wai speaking m -her, very ear, —• _-__i-, _ -__, U._. --^

"My pupil I Oh, if I were younger at I -you older s If I were rlthor 6r_yatt.p6nrfii-2I wBulil diife to any *tny MiirgaTOt,' anilwould do my best to turn thii girlish llkilnS into a'ilovo t But I nrn a poofmiin, my, darling, and I aiu llftein ysarsjohier-tlinnyour ntmanjber rfts^nnd layto.yoji.we.lf' that theie were the barr!i.ti>thiii rosp betweBn us. My darling, noth-

tlsii '.should kuep ma from you If , j ;wara your Eqaal hi tbeia. twu, dear. I darts not kissyour llpi;^-ygMj¥llI keep them for.thaiJ

nm far nwfty. Hut your h o n d - ^ " ;IIu mlsed It lo his lips, nnd a hot tear

roll with ilia longilingaringkiis, and iuem.yd to burn the suit while flajh, '_. 1 ^ ^

J-ifforu ihe yoiild epenfc (jFntop hirn, ha:

irrieiTfronj tha rooitt. Tlia phjagftjiij"suiuiuar Mrm was oyyr, nnd the htind.Bomu aintaly njaster'1 was gone to returano moru, . !." _

And twenty year* pmscd by.To Marirnret tln.v flei-nu'd to bring lit-

lie ol trial 01 change. She slill dwell tnher old house, though her fnshionabltj

liec-li-ul loiiir smtP lelt it lo lilmm-lha—inaiiBioii of n miri'lmnt prin"C upon

Pilih a\enueMiruniul. fi'lt no di-sire to thine thosre e tho

ph ndnrTTl WIIILII-IIU. late vFidow-wna sonordinnlely proud. Tbo dear old homo-

hle id was giand and good enough for her,anfTall thp di_nrer, if the truth must batold, simu thut pirimir pCf8ence~»n8 re-,moved. So she dwelt there quietly witha maiden nunt for a chnpeiou nnd com-panion ; and nil her schoolmates were-

ivtrii'd, nnd ahe alone rumained us evernr^uiel Gray. — -It was not, however for Inpir nf nfr,irt

i tsbe Ined this Bolitnry life. Many alover had comr to woo lot brown curls au lsoft, dark eyea, and rosy chceka and i&re-

i ) / t d f t i i d f l, Y p po heggiuo; for n pmth i^ur whru backed

by such n fnrtuno na.Margnrat po»si>'nsed,Sho h.ul Btntorahy ihcsLoie, until it camopublicly to bo understood that ahe wouldather "i'-0 tho suitors at a (list-since or

wooing some one else. After thnt no onoicniuiLd to t iyj i la lnt.k with Judge«ray's heires». nnd tho.n-jcctud )(ivi.r«onaoled tliLmaelies ns apLedlly na possi^

bio by marry ing tho prettiest of horriunds.

Margaret went clieerfully to Onch wed-ding, wished thu biidegroom joy, and gavahu bride some beautiful nod vnliiubluifta. Eridently ahu va\ "wclirltig Ilia, (

willow" for no one—Whnt could, themoaning of celibacy so determined bo ,

And tho days and years went on. Anda birthday came at last, which showedhow the gijj_of-41karm was now thu wo-man of thu ty-five —--.

On that day, Mnrgnret, nrranging hotabundant trt-escs before thu glaes, eavr*the fli Bt gray hair.

— She Btoppcd lo look nt it-wilh a. melnn- -eboly amilo.

Al l

ni Lqrnoon,;:nviulam.'_'-Wiih tlieie words'a human daitipy was

The next dny saw Margaret, tho onlydaughter nnd hejross of the late JudgeGrayj jutting quietly at a desk 111 the vil-lage nciidcmy among a proup of girls, whoeyed over their school-books na stealthilyand jmrioubly jv> if shu had been u newlyimpoiied kangmoo.

Fust, buenuso, with her clear, brightbttiueltc coinpliixiou, her largo dark eyes,nud her curling brown hair, eho was byfur tho handsomest girl^ln tho whole-school. — —

Secondly, because she wn* an Heiress.Thirdly and lastly, becauao they" hatLl

, ghad heard her slep-molber's nccusstion,nnd the tmcher'a laughing roply.' Nuitli-er of the speakers had been awnro of tierpresence, uud she did not make it mani-f bp ,fest by word, or look, or sign. But whenlUej:- *vyvs, goug sha:vfhltd ljand,.yii¥i>agl jaajlwoard lurpriiiiHemt^St•WJB^lls^p^i^ai. ._..fl^«orioui,rn.nd:.n^uit;wqriialsi;a|rts4HatBialf; iniligBow-nii^iret BieMt^liaSiilrTWi1BeeBwijHngto5:b«IiaMli«r^£Bp;i:&a.;

now," BIIL exclnimcd.And just their a~tap onmo nt the door,

and'tho servnnt entered and brougU hura card. . ' ^ '—"Tho gcntlcmnn ii below, Miss"MargB^ret, nnd would like to apeak with you, ifcomaiient," said thp^girl,

Margaret looked at the enrd.

The raom reeled round and, roan j , and

lieiird many ft talo of her haughty and ca-prieinus terapir, and wtre tn dally andhourly expt'eution of a strife for the mai.toryibetwien^har Mdlltiir^grwa-^ndhandwina tiaehar, wt»M authority noooi within thoiji wallrwo-Jd draam ofd|Hputlog, amltn, inaMd, it would Wfaqr-

.But much to thoSvonder, and vafy poo-si bly to the diiappolntia«nt of tha tgfioolairlsf; no: ;^oh outbrMk had:oeenrrt^:.^Mgarttp-pirehid^o^h^librer^rt iry^a^aB^ofcnMa^WfaJnt lloilin, liniifiig her wiill-hplnv^ilhnnka; I twenty ypnr» ; a man w ^ n ^ t l i ^ ^ . ; ^ ^

liho-tiir'nudio'palo tlial the "girl wai:'thenirighlened.^"tiuro Miss Margaret, it is ill that y» -

are, nod I'll po down and send the gun-tlomftu nwny," w

|-No, uo," snid Margaret, recovering -hef_cotnposuro with an effort. "Help moto finish dressing Kale ; I must see him,"Kate with a worn in's quickness guessed

something of the truth, and did her bestto make hor miatroes look ns pretty a**;,ponaible. • '' SiWith Iho color in her cheek, and tho oI4*^

happy light in her soft, brown eye^-Mar-1* Haret_Btole d o w n _ t h e _ s t a L 6 t tjh 'parlor door a sudden thougchecked her. 1 -

" I am tb.irly-flr« yenrs old t<n3«y, andbe is now a man Of Ufty. Ha has been ~away for twenty years. How can 1 hopsor fancy tbat hu oar retnerpbeTed ma allthis time as I-havd'tHought of him" f«» ""

A little •obfcvsd'by this milgWine, ah« 1opened the doot; ,

Bbo looked for&roanalmost a stranBei"'"


furrowed, and whose dtatugone ns if it lir.d never biien.jr s f e ^ , ^ ,

And sho saw hefora her Ellison Strboas sbe had seen him the ^ f d tparting JVent-y years taa erect uf ever, andi with a bijlliMor onJUir^irct, and, bUlfelne•ft

i: gof. opposition,,' ttof Mrs-. Gray, ttjjo c

pthe, hand,

i h

Page 4: THTTBSDAT, JU2O! 13,1872. - Receipts and Expenditures of ......THTTBSDAT, JU2O! 13,1872. - OF THE Receipts and Expenditures of the County of Mercer from May 10th, 1871, to May 8th,

, and apoko for hertaUt thatTevei* worOe can

d lf

ipenk of Colonel WdlU l ie in probably aswell known an any man tn tho State. He-Wa» perhaps one of tho boat read men Intbe Stat»—well up in closslc literature, as

T5t**tld Nmiarml polittc&rnnd-

W&Slwflna poor maq aud ilf-ij2iyitf»r"8anlQr: I anvrlch nowfc-atyTut tho yoara, Margaret ?

C ftVe"triad* me »ayounger; I ntn',ye»Taold to-day."

VllMt I am-thirty-five,tr »tae »ald in nr*1oW'lTOla«. "I sea no gray lialrs in yourS b n cnrl», but they begin to coroo inrwlno. Fifty yeara old to-day r You Iffolrnol mi bqur-older-tb'un when-wo pattudin Lho ball."

1 Ha bfltit hU face down upon hero."Margaret, you liked mo then-rcnn you

lore me now—will you be my wife ?»»•'{ '.'Twenty yean ago you would not kiss

TO* : you budo me Keep that flrot for thetnan 1 was to love and marry. I harekept lt> for you twenty years. Wiil youUf ie l tnow?"

He'held her close to hii heart in silence.• Tljifty-fivo and fifty yenrs tofogo 1 Docs

It teem absurd to you, young lady or six-teen,*? Ah me t I uornetum-d wonder Ifpeople e»er really know bow to love bo-fore. gray hairs begin to come to tenchthlim.

JT ^JMM. 1 ^ ^ f j y U V V • • «»mm & ^ ww *-• w p— w-r — m- •• • -•-M ^ . r -••• - ^ ••-•

most gifted writer nnd lecturer. He wasappoi&ted'by the legislature Senator ofthe United States, to nil the uncxpircdterm of William Wrl8ht. Hr. "Wall wo*educated a lawyer, aud was at ono timea citizen of Treuton, und wbtlu hero wasan active public man. During tho latter

Sari of bis life he was almost exclusivelyevotcd to liternry labots.—Slate Oaxeltt.

- , - S A D ACCIDENT.—A- sud drowntng_:nc-cidont occurred on Sunday nftcrnoon ntthe residence of Bernard Cowcn, NewBrunswick; It..'appears' that his littleboy, an lotcresuufi child, aged 1 year

d 10 th a running abo Lboy, a fi , g yand 10 months, wna running about oLplay in tho gnrdeu or }nrd back of thohouse and full into a witter cask, suuk in-to the ground and carelessly left open.The father snt smoking and rending in"Hie back door taut a feiy feet dintnnt.Missing the oWldhe supposed it wns run-ning about the'rootn untillie went to thoensk to draw some water, when ho ma,dothojjorrible discovery of his child lyingfaeoilowtlwnrd iii the cask, the wnter inwhich was not inoro than ono foot deep.The child' was removed, 'the neighborssummomV and efforts niadu for the resusct-tatiou but of no avail.

'^Ttfe'cltiions of West' Joreoy, Irrespec-"tlvo of party, held a Greeley and Brownratification meeting a t Camden TuesdayTJTcnlng Jonttthnn -Klrkbndge—presided,and spoeehes wero made-by—CoU—Jv W.Johnson of Orogon, Hiram 1*. Crozler ofNew York, and ot hero.

Tho Hon. E. F. Pillabury of Agunta,Me,, whom the Democrats of LluU Statehuvu npminated three times for Governor,line written fv lotter to a Mombor of Con-gress cnrnotly bCHCcebing him to uso nilot his mlluenco to seciiro a. rntiUciMon oftho Liberal ticket at Baltimore.

Tho TreutoB Sontinui, whoso editor (CuLFrecipftff ft Oreeley-lnah,"sr\ys If" tho ohoioo"I*loft botimon Ornot stid Orfuloy, It will supporttho latter,"but if tho Domoorats nittdfl A *h\rd manIt will miOco a oholae of lho one it' dtioms best totosDCjrlT5~goinI~go"\trriia5llt for tho noi t four

jtptloailn tholoonl column!, 8 CKITS B. lineIWcuoVlnsertlon.

Advertising Tlkttl furnished on nppllontltm toTUOS. B. APl-LEOKT,

Jllgbliloirn, N, J,

HI&HTSTOWN, 13; 1872.


Pa*«cd b v

un-jo»t~prbvl»lon«.~ Ono of Its pro»lsioni po-

•> culiarly open to objection !»• that whichendett from retail dealers- tn-lcnf tobnecoIt tax of live hundred dollnts annually asa license ftp, aud obliges thorn besides topay—to-the government one-half thoamount of their sales over one thousanddollar! In a> siugle yenr. It ubsolulelyprevent* any person from selling, audhence any person from buying leaf tobac-co-tu quaatUles-l£SB-thnn aJiogsbcad at a

-Xhc pfli-rt of tins luw is to conflno

A STitANaKii KIM»!K»I~ A S tl>n NewYork 0 t'ulock Western Express was <ip-

Mnjnr Pangborn's pipor (tlio Jor^y City Journal), one of whose prbprio(orst Mr X>oAr, has do-oUrod for Rroolijy supports Grunt. Hint sajOup tickot I* now'oomplote Wo do not hositatoto s iy that, with sno.'i great nun as Ulysoss HOrant andulcnry WlUon t» Ion 1 us t j bitt lo , woare certninVtf K great ami gi-Aini Tiotory OTOT ourand th> ll/snubio'n-eflouilei in Noveinbor

Thfl^QonioGrftl Btato Convention of DolawAremot at l>oror Julio II Tlio resolutions denonncoOlfant In tho blttornt torms, mid the Thirteenth.fourteenth, and Fiftoonth AinQtidnionts to tOunstttutton ns a fraud upon tho American p<pio , and CB.U fur a straight Doinoaratio tickot.

fironehing Plmnsboro', lliddlcsek county,[isl Thursday tvening, It struck a nmn;

about fotir lmiulred yirda from tho sta-tion.

IIo was wajklng on tho track and hadjust got out of the way of an approachingfreight ti'ain. For thin purpose ho hadstopped into a ditch* He stepped on thotrack-jUHt-ns-lho uxprcss-truiu camc_along_on his re'nr, andr becoming bcwildcrpd,hc" fns struck. l ie was taken to Trcn~Ion-but dk-tTbeforty-the arrival of thetrain (it that place.

Tim HACK.—Tho bont raco betweenIhc rowinj* fours of tho Atlanta Club . ofBoston and the London Club came off onMonday, and retullcii in thfi complete dis-comfiture of Ihe Americans, they beingbeateu by about twenty lengths^ '

In what is desciibud an the finest patneof Lho niinaon, the Boston Base Ball Clubdefeated tlio Aluluals on Mondivy by thescore of il to 2 iti. eleven inuings.

— CONGRESS ADJOURNED in leaf tobacco to tho largo deal-tr«, and to exclude every person from thecigar manufacturing business who cannotafford to buy a hogshead of leaf tobacco-aVono lime. There are-many tbomandsof ludustrious^ steady, deserving men,who have hitherto made a living by manufncluringcigars In a small way and re-tailing tlx-nv They have neither oufll-y capital to enable them to buy a

The second BessiolV3 Congress ended

B-PortrsUIQC o'clock

Haroral prominont Dcmoorats, about 35in num-ber, reproSDiitlng Vir^rtiiia, T e x i i , I nd i ana , Kentuok / , Illinoiif, Arkanfas and Now-York, hold Iloorot meeting a l Washington on Monday and rosolved that in the OTont of the lLaltinjoro Oumr-on-ttou indorsiiijf tho tiotnittues of the CiuoinnatiiConvolition, imm^diAte steps be taken to oall ar.othorConrention for the purpose of uouilnatlnj;" Dtimo

ThftCltjof Jwldn, Japiiii, was TMUOJAXLOIISITB and nlurirung firn on tho 3J of AprilWo ATQ {u fur mod by IUUII report thnt two n | iurtnilot of th* tovra irors laid unite, thlrtj thousandporooriB rcntlcroJ homfulo i, And tvto him Irod andfifty poriotm killed Tbo visitation cuumid ic-forodUtrnm among tho flurrnori

hogshead of leaf tobneco at a time noifor keeping a large stock on

n i i T l i ¥ V T,hand. AH these wilniiTtliro¥u-ou"business nnd~ bo drrvcirto find worlargo establishments as dcpcudentB, in-

~ilead of making 4 comfortable livrrrg-m-their own homes.

I N E A T I N I B T . - Uucle Sara-is not pa-tlenco personified, and just to show thoSpaniards that our government is not Inthe habit of indulging in random lighttalk on sorioua mattcis.-General Sickles.

-sc-ntcd to the Spanish Ministei

Monday night. | It has been a long,. ex-citing, and important session. Allogeth-cr-nearly Ilvo hundred billfi were passed.

.First in importance; is Hie tnrHTandlaXbill, by which tln> rountiy "is relTevi'tl otnearly $54,000,000 per anonm. It re-duces the tariff on salt, cofil, lend, ironrcopper, wbolsand woiilcn manufactures,cotton goods, and several other nrticl««of djiily usu ; it plarfs a large number of-ai'iloloB on-the-fr«o-ll»t,-araong-otlier»_tt;a-atid coffee ; it rovisos and simplifies theinternal rev"enuo taxes ; it repeals some

-aevetf-flntl-nne—half 'milhium—of—stamplnxcs ; It nlii)|iHli(,s tnlwu-o warehousea ,

-the hicomo tax disappears from tho Intcrnal duties ; it repcula tlio allowance ofitifarirrerftr-imd-Hrredueea-tlio—n uin4ier—o!collectors and asseusors by abont 275.Wli)ln tlum .rclicvllii; tlio penplo of tin1

burdens of taxation there la ample protectiOn nll'orded to Ainericmv indunlriAmong the most prominent political iictnof" this sesaiou havo hcon "the paasiigo ofthe. amnesty bill and tho sevcrnl inv.esti-galions into the act of tha admiubtra-tlo'ii. - — -

Tho En^11 ill Anli-TubitOQa Sooioty got ProfNon-jnntit who noTor h id unmX thn woud, to vraokund ropnrt his oxporlonao Ihajr otalculntod hwould got Bi<.k and wrllo fc Iin^ly of tho hnrriblL fleets But ho ml her oiijujs tho prictidu UM<novr keeps right im fliiu>klijg

A inftujtiiotli oontiirj plant, fottj foot in hqi^hnnd welching thri^o and u half tons, has boon shipncd from nonr Juikionwllu, ITtundn, tu purlit-U 'Nan Yoi It Tho j-luut i* on tho ova of. ljluounia »o(.(jnd tiiuo. ind In thorofuro nunrty two huero I JCTTS old I t may woll bo dim b tod whoMio#lur htiilllly nnd (Jr iinluiir~Of llJipUiiT lnT*o~lhTl ptJfTTi"bus Iti oiiunl on thu c-untuiBnt I t i lcivoa ojtondovur up uroi, tha dininotor of vrhiLh Is not It-anJhnn oightuon foot, whita Lh.0~c111rir11t~3b.1ift—or *ol"

uniu on vrhioli tlio blooms nro (o uppoir, thoughonly n few wuokJ old h is ntro uty ubminod in hi -titadtruhilftoon foot—II M s*iU"jjrowinB; ot thornto of nbont *ii inuhri por d iy. utid wl 1 contfnunto do ad f r utmat th>«o lTtinki loii^^r, whaniill of-

dytptatU)willWptof*l Ienrg IfUieMe ApMtlM will b> cr»it«d. »nd

with tptMtlM tha upaoliy t> oig««t irlt«t it u r m i .PsribMrVaotU tho GOTO ft oomplelo ontll hoaHh-rull blood. At to bo the nutornl of flub And mm->ls, bone and norrs and brain, flows through th»ibanneltf of elrouliitfon/ inaiead of Ahtf wateryabulunrwtlh wliIoB~ihey havo heralSToro boon

lmporfoally oourinhed. • June.

j,ny AUT.nouiTy.jK I W I OF ItEW JKII9EV.

JOINT HEHaLUTlON NO 1.rolnt Resolution of tho Logmlnluro of Now Jersej .

r«on mm eliding tbv pure base pf iDdopcndonoaHull " ™r

Whorofti, The reprsttsflttttives of tho pooplo of tlionorornl btntrti did, in «o\<Mitopn hundred Andoevonlj sixt dool»ro snid'Stiites t» bo * of rightfrco nnd (ndvpandent , J I ntn\ wlieteas, thnt do"olnr&tton poriiinoH" to ainhlTStnloa'vr tho 000"foderfrtlnn,-and w^njaOnnneiL ta no mdividuutcomber tb^oroof, but wait lofl iiTporpaftllty toovpry eitti^n of tho nri^tnul thirtocn7 and toorory nnv moinbor of lho KIlla^y °f ^titeu , andwltqroii, the Congrofia of tho Uiutcd fotiUs, 111Tinvr of tho apprii'icliinn ooutennut of AmorionnIiidcpomlenoe linn rnndo provls n-n for fulfil ratingthit iiUjjaiL event in tho city €jf Its adoption hjholding 11 nfttionnl rxhibttion ofnrts, manuffujt-uTod, nnd tho product* of. tho soil and minesthereof1 ~ B J ltTowivoil by tho Sonite and Gonfral An

feoibly of the Stato of Now Joncy, 'I hut the bonturs in ConRttma from Liiia 9tato bo im ructed.

..nd tho rcprofontnUvcii rcquviitof] to mtroducn.Auppdrr nnd voto fur a bill pro\iding f»r tho purchain of tho Ilnll of imlopamUno** und thf* snan.ton which it stands snunted in tbo city at 1'lrfln

phtn the muno to bo on (tie fourth iHy of July,_-nhtooh humlrod nn I mivcnty rfix^ formally dodi-Onted to tho Ufipubllo of the United Gt&tos, nndoonfecratLil-to tho pnrpLttiilltm of cnfmtltutionotliberty und linlBimndenoo on tbe coDdith>n_ tlmttho money putd fur 8 ml TToirninl pqiuro be npproprtited by mid city to the erection of «u tublobuildniK9 f°r 'he holding of Kind liitrrmiliotml exh'httion , and ifnnv inotioy shall remain aft^r thn

l Ai

proprinto'l tu the proflervutmn nnd ituprnfsaid hall, nnd tlio grouniliou which it 1ed.

Approve i Fabrunry 1, 1B72

JOIN! ItFSOMJriOf NC- 2To nuthuriio tho pi>tnont of oortdlii oipor

1 Ba it ririoUed t>y llin Siinuto und UntiHumbly of iho Slitu of Kow Jyrduy, Th it the

lor cxpan-j-Uflu^uj-atlon of (Jiivi'rnor, nt

ill btf approi ud by the Joint roiutnittim_nppointod to ntAo iwrnn£* munt'tfor'tho in tu^urnlion

Approved l*t?bru"ir} 8r Lij72 - » - -

CHVL'I'LK tA further fluliplemont t<> nn net entttlod 'An nc

to pruvitlo tuT tbo Purport ortl io goMTiiuusnt othis "jtnio, nml to Di [ho ininno-i of publio 0IT1c o m , " npprored A[»rtl A \Hlr

1 Bo it onftcti il by the hen He nnd Qennrnl AnK inbly- of tho btnto ot Now JLTIOJ^* fIhnt thoOOVurnor *JT thiifblnlo ahull blTciitilleit to roooiTo"an iimiuiit aiilnry of 11 Yq Lh ru^ind doljarn

2 Ami-bo it eiiietcd t h n ant shall1 (Tit t J n n u n r r lfl, H72*

A p p r u w d J u n a i r y lU, 1872

** CHAPTER' V I IAn not tortrTK'nd t!><] not ont i t l rd " A n net g i v g

tho cmiioiit of lho Fit.itu nf New JUT**}* lo ihucrQcLtou of dofoiisc» ni L'lhui'f l 'uint, Now Jor-

f wilt nil at AuotkrnBVEHY SATU11DAY E7KNIN0',

CDDUnenoinv May 19, at qiy store on Main Street,lllghtstown, ay onMro stack of

Stox*e_ C^oocls,oonnlttf ng of Dry Good* isuob us Delnnort, Mutlioff,Baragea, L t w n i , P r in t s , Hoop Ekirtf , TfthloClothr, TowflHutf, Cloths, Cusumtirocti lisdlfK1 Un-der VflStf.lIfis.ory, Lactii, Embroldoribs, Callarq.Volvot*. Snting. bilk?. Qluvonof Ml kinUi, FUhtl-korchiurSj Ao , AIIW lLito. Cnpa t Vallsoi . 'frarfll-h n g Bag! , Umbrcl la i , 4n<l Nol tom in g rea t va-riniy.

Da BUTO to ftttond fts I msnij to e\\ out and go Inthor SAlo to cfunrooneo a t 7 o'clock

P . 3L. I ip i flttll ftflering e v u r j d a j gxoflt bar -aiDS at privato snlo.

R. A. llTTTnAT.T A.i



SODA FOUNTAINS$4.O, VH>, f r o ssss<l (1OO.


juno 6,4t

Cheap Farms I ' Free Homes IOP TtfB Iilfia OIF TDX.


13.000,000 ACRES;n.TDl


1 ami BOYS,

At Last Year's. Prices.This nntifluncement IH NO

Wooli.inu I'roin wlifcli our Stock I& iworo bought or ordoroil la Cctoher nnd Nov,1871 (it pit llltlo advance oror^ tho.pryvlniigLh^ * t l U\ IMinpt fait [/tar's jirtcr. tl*ttwool Kfte-i to ijl.oo por poundOur ussorliniMit In ojich d e p a r t m e n t ts unu


COMPLETErWe huwi not hesi ta ted to muko up a very Iu

Btook for ffu knuw our "



Stanjiatd Styles and Novelties.V ^ i GOOD SIX GUARANTFXD.


ho Uni

3,000,000 ACRES in NEBRASKA_ • I t THE


Garden of tlioNOW roii HALIS :

Tlieso luntis aro in tho oontrut portion of thoL m t c d States , un tho 4 l s t d e g r e o of Nor th Lat ituilo, thooimlra l linn of llio grinit 'i 'oirporiiln Z»noof thn Auicncnn Oonlinont, and for ^rjiin jjnami stook ralsnij; unsurpassed by any in tilltoil Stntcs

CI1BAPEII I N P R I C E , more fiiTorabio termsIjivon, nnd liiiiro convenient to markot than can boiound olso\rhoroF I I E P I IOMDSniADS for ACTUAL S P T T L E R S


F B L E PASbDS TO rVKCIIAbEUH OF LANDbond for tho new DLWriptivo I'limplilut, with

nnw map , publishnil liiEnsli*h,-<lnrman Swotiishmid BiititE»lirii>uiled troo uvtiryvrhero AdilrtBS-

- ' O F DAVlb,Tjitnd'CoiiiHDi iuDoirU V H.Tt Cu ;~

111110 C-lir Omaha, Nob

A (JKNTS WANTBD—AgentB innlio More wonA n nt workffor u» lliun lit miyilihiR tl«n BuBines lig'il mill pi-imniwnt P. i r l i ru a » frco. (J•Stimuli & Co , Full-' Art PublnV-ers, .I 'nrtlnnd,Muino • J u u o « *

tliy cine tif Bl ind,Inir, I t c h i n g or IJIoorPllra llint DoBing>

Uin i tdy fiiiln In euroj)rciiiirod .oxprossly to

ilm . Pllos, ••nnd iiuthing elso. Sulil h y a l-J>rnj;»ii.ts^Prici- Tl 00 June 0 lw

GR E A T MHDICAL J!OOKofuioful knowledgelei nil ' - tut free f i r IITO >tiian< Aliclrus

Dr . U'OKArARTK * Co., Cinoinnftlti, 0 . juno 0 lw


npr 4-3IH


y p• peremptory demand from the UnitedStates for the rclcaso of tho prisoner, Dr.

be^ special desire of HieFrosident that tha multor bo attended towithout dulnY or iromedlnto action will bo

hHumor has it that theatonic/ntidcou-

found necessary,prisoner willeidcrlng lho forciblo nnturc of the demandIt Is »nf« lo presume tliat rumor is more


hanging In dunso olustari and oi(*ndln<; for a.spnoo of not li ss tli^n fuiir foot lioin tho api x

^ rirrd"' "A lurn't j i rno nr lor this

hardly fill} ul •ncriua. of lis llorosoouoo.

1 lift it ennctcd hv tho B r m t u ami CJcncnl /jc inbl j of lho Slulu "1 Novr J<rsi-y, III it Ilia n1 t i t i t lu! "Anuiot >;n in^ Mm onn^utit of tho Stutn ufNovr Jrr-spy to Ihu creation of d'-frm-is at Finn 'sl'uliit, Now Jjjrio} t r ii|iiirovnd April &, I b 7 l , HIIIIMho »u-H»HlrurlLll B» lii(; | \o~Uln~ nmruii l uf the"Stutc lo tho puri.l)T(?o-tly'l1iirrr7Tin d-SniTi-s at Ihr-lunil nn 1 urn's Point for tho «roi [ton ut furli*ttuns thorodn '

ApiiroTiii F tb ruary 1, 1B72




' THE VVJS'S'l.'ttUJN TUJUSAIXAA loriuido visited Qmrrcy

in Tjognn County, on Suturdny eveningnt5'30"trclo<iR'tho whiHwind^Btruck^the'earth live mill's Irom (iuinry, moving inft northwesterly direction. Tho tornadorenched Qtiincy in ulxiut five minutes, undpunned tliioiigh tlie town, niiikiiig ft elenii"swef p ofhoilseo, li'uefl (inil~fci)cu8-nfonjj-rt-pnth nliloh foilunntelv nni coinp/ira-tLvoly nntrow. In llils tillagc 00 or-CO

•._lVo think Hint the Presulcnti •wair perfectly right In vetoing tho hills

passed by Congress for the relief of IhuMissouri union mnn "Wallace nnd the

%JKentueklnn Beat, who hud claim to thir-~ty-slx thousnnd dollars for damnges. Onthese two bills depended the success orfailure of numerous other Southern war

, claims, amounting in tho nggreRnte to"hundreds or thousands of dollnrs. The"•president ptijects that if such rcpaymentB

ns mruij more uhopH, stablen ft ml out-buildings wuio unroofed, rocked from(heir fuundalionit, or demuhahed. Theair nns liternlly tilled with Hjing wp.itlielboiirds, uumiure, l.ilbs uml ijlaaler.A pin lor stove \v:is caught up by lhowind nnd hurlrd through tlre-n^r until itfull upon n woiDrtn nnd crushed sothnt she died. The Baptist nnd Metho-dist Episopnl Churches were destroyed.

The tornado oh its way to De Grailsti tick Bogg'a iloui ing mill, live

writs of Pi Til tn mo direelmini Cu rl nr Nun ii-raint Public V<Midn(*, on

ilny ol .lutie^ 1S72,?f IWOO'C-ITH }?-IJ—IVf of s l id tl ty—it-thn-

llDtll of Dnvlii l .unll in thn Ilnniiij"town, in tho oonnty oi Mtrcor, all tho

, nil Unit ocrtnin trnut (tf lnnil mtd prunii^osin tlio townifllilt of Went WiinlHOr,' In 1 liu

EIoTon Uiouilnil ilullars in Uiill\rhitili wnro in tlio li»>uso (,r LHoohoslor,Sunday nlylit

Tlio l

Bjltiinriro, rcsul lo l on b i l m J i y !u tho in qul l tua lof I h i t gonlloniiLiL on all tho chargoi and spooifl^Atlons^^/Iho^report i^ ' f iuod^bj ^.U ^ltoo, flu in number

Mr J W" Ilunl , nf LiiinbnrUilIu, tookoJ girl from t l u II >u"> or l lo lu^n in I 'hlluJolphin,lo (ts4i>U in housu work, a short tnno sinoo L i i lTuosday, ni|;ht tho gitl iTqTiTtliruu^

ninK nt tlio norlli-wtrtt corner of ft lot boinjj tv mjr-nor of .I-urrino anil. Ttsinjiln, Ihunuu mmtli 5J.dc-rBOB wirnt 2T nluiin* iiml T.t'links to tho corner ofL lrni.t ui 1 mil of J*jui jili W hio t t thencu I t u rn ip

l o( ?JM1 trnot 4uulh ril do^rccs ct«t 3Jchuins un-1 &5Hiik*. L» tho linu (if .fohn Rim, ihtMiuon n n h t dp^rco iiml TO uiliinlt-i \ u st *>0 < h tins l inks to a d t i k o , tli^in tj"north 3 d'l^grcos nnd j lmiiiutu^ wujiL .11 chnius litut BO linlTa to uiirmir ofAehdr Teiuplo, tluiicn irith his Utio south 87 d c

IUH west LI (Sluitiia inld


poflkfrt-j-vthilo lio WA ,nu t-stolo $21

thoy shpuld b« providedfor by somo general act, but he liojils^nlso

hi» houso in the vicissitudes of war has nohigher claim for recompense lhau the

_bravo eoldler who gave hlg.lifonttho sametime.

PLACE.—AVo received yesterdny

lilgh, and cotitifinp; y,6iX) bushels of gram.Tlio building mis moved mno inches up-ini its fiinndntlon, nnd the roof nnd a poi-tion of the fifth story were enrm-d nwny.Alter leaving De (iuifl Ft passed sovcinl^eltlemcnls, nnd^tin.ijly rose frinn the

its luuuel-slinpcil Hum limber, rAlls, nnddebus which it had giilhered iu its de-Gtruutiiu march.

•In the Hudson county Courts, VI'TO. II.Bumstend, l'rcfident of tho ijimrd elPublic Workn, recenUy convicted of innl-....«,, m-i^ in n(rli-i. | III .tl'IRl-y f i l l y , WI13

. pypublished at Weuonah, Gloucester Co.,

' Jersuv.county a few year* siuio uud never

* EaVing*Eeafu: of'Weribnau~Tvc"T\onderedwhere itiwue. By n cdreful cnlcuUitiou

tyta Ond Wenonnh is the place.we used toknow at Mantua ; tlmt the editor of the

: Is our old friend Milton F. pierce£fonUkarl> _or the Atlantic Beacon \ and thntZ&eTiSptrllko tho town, Is" probably the

< ^ r i r b W t y of tho West "Jersey Railroad.*«*Vt.f '—z——=~ - — . , »~

Fhlladolphia Ledger'Monday says ; On S.ilurd^y work-engagea~nr~removing~tli<>~Tnlas of

e6T' building in Dock street made nBuVaiscovery.' They Unearthed a cat

I a. dog Voth alive^iiut greatly effincia-, their fourteen days* fast. Tbe

nlnials belonged Iu tbe engineer, andf/jweru, iu tin; huildini; at lho timi: of the fire..^Thcy'wi'io found in a. xpacc auDicicntly

y-rtjVgc"io liiiliL JLhuiii hut i»it~to~pernlit anyg j7-|rio»eiUeiil.j.'Aflor llii'ir relunso thoy-por-'«lst<'d'i;i rcnmluitip In oach other's eom-

i t ll i d U t duy, Crsistinj" alljj^(turatlnn, wliieh we' think it very prop-Jin thciit. ..-•••-•

»woilt mi.nL of

L months, in 'oriitr^ the

sentenced to thoStato Prison for ninetiontliav at hnrd labor.

The firit Lhruu^h trmn over tho NtiwJerSPyMiiUnnU Knilroad- k*It-Uloymiu^-burg. Sullivun COUDIYI ^- Y\. rnu

krough to Jeisty City, Juuc, C.Tho Columbus & Kmkoin_Rnllioncl

y, ill be opened for trnvul on Moudiiy next _

R. II. IIowcll, keeper of the State L'riiKon lia» bten ap'poinled by Gov* Fur km aCommisaioner lo tbtsFii«on Reform Con-\tiutlon which mccii at Londou in July*

Cyzi^nft of New Bruaa-burtieil gicvu^ely by a-kero-

fipnc lnmp explojion Inst Atarch uud wtxsthought to bti rcoovtung, hno just auTTor-ed a relnpse^nd died from her injuries.

On Monday afternoon ln&t a cenornlInepectioa nnd military review took placein Camden of the Secoml Brigade of Nu-tioonl Guards New Jersey btato MiliLin,

Tlio Trooping WIIIUIT bin n. TOUI witto i t o r j Th*"first dcion *Ti« flunt fniiH bmyrnn in n box of fi^'ID Aldxmiiiur Pupa ttonoml Clinton brouj;lit nfthofil iroin Popu** trne to AuioMi-ir in lho tirao oftha (aMiltilion, irhtuh pii35init into tho ha»<ls OiJohn Pir lc i iXurt i i . i t implnntoJ on h u o3Lilo~inViremliii iliun brcutiuni; tho prflgemior «f thaweupiiig vrtllow in this tniIT7try

TUfl formor r^bol pir ito fahcnan loan w i i \yrcokod i n n roounthurr(Cinr ia t24ni i»>ir t Afno i bin.*ran surron<lorud to tho Unitod Stutos at tl»o oloat,of tha wnr, ri'fittu I at AYash1n£t<iii nn I un'tl to tb»btiUoii ot Mn'C it, arid was In h u usivy nt Itino ofher kmi Thus oli>-)ud A tuaumrublo c^rojir.


onliuutly whioh h La tlova u\tcd HKI Iiml w nit) uInr^o portion of tbo ^tnJt h j u u l i r y of tha t u u mt r j Tho p u r t ^ n U r s nvo n»( givan, but i t Iloarncd lh i l tb"iT(llsiarer Ilia boon ocoAaionod b^R i u d l o n o n l Mmiilunprnooilijntoil r l « n j | of thew a t c n of tho ooonn, Q'KHIIH^ t\\<t country Tor manymilci uiul iivrucping thrungh tha l-ivrui, vi l l i^ushaiiiTcH iltufltiad on tho son ooA*t

Tho amount uf proporty dr i t royod m bnjumlaampulntiuD, »iiaTniiny Ilvua'ffrrBoIRVflino'hTCnrboon i ienOood Upwnrila nf forty tboiuund f.imlhoi haro-bnon-rendered—favinolou by th«- O^od-Tho I t i l l a n uutUorlltei, lmraadiatol j on boiug ap-p r l n d or tha dui i tUr , bftatonsd to doViio urnnmfor r«Uovht£ tbo unfortunate *utLrar i

I>j ipapi l&ii a. Hydra Uondod Monitor, fromirhi th nearly ^11 " t h a ill* iha human flesh w h«Iftu" origliiatfl Tho Pdrat lAn Syrup , A protootediqlutlun uf the protuxldi of Irou it « IoOg-tti»d

mvdy fOE^-thlt d i* t r«n ing

TniTikd'tu tLlining T3 iiLn.-* of lan(( nioro or

j hi_Qu)i(i, nil rSut cort.iui tr-fict of lnO'l «ii<tiiiilcfmi, «>lui(n tti lho Iimtutilp uf ] m t \\ iiiil-"rtin id* county + ^OMMbad as lulloirti ^ Ite^inr.tng

ftL ft stono in thn old rjmJ It3iit.lln^ from Highlitown10 L"n chnlil und c t rne r «f D- B l n u \ o l t n n d (li

>ti lot, IhcMKt (1) alDiijf hitul roiul north >2 du-,;riir*i i i^t 12 ohuiti mid UJ hnl t In a. stnko, thoncL{2) flnuHi b2 di>pr< iirf t nit ^ < li nns mid 10 lmk i ID11 f to lie thi ncu \Ji) s mth Ifti ' l i^toca wist 14 chnuunnd 30 link* tn tho umUlIu of Mm ULIT FrtuJn>Mrn id tli^ioo (4) north 73 rttjjru." west nlong enti)roud in ch nlis tmd 7-1 IiuJta •» a tinLa thonoo {S)

-TTTrtlrlOf doffrc^B- iVmt Q i-!riTTT5-»nd t)7 l inks to nditoh, tliLncu (0) rouih P9 ilr^reca wi^t nlun^ the

. . i . . . r ..).-, . . . . . . . 1T . jwuni nnd CO links toltd, tliLnce (7) iiorih l i d o:nU, (liunc-o (3) still nlonpnrLlli 6 de^ ice i ly^it 2:

liiiiim nnd G1 linlti tu n t lit altmt trt o thonco (5>;nnrth 20 di^rocn ef\<>t I ch tin nnd 21 linktt to i>r1)1 tuvel t ' s liind, tin net ^|0) MUIIII HS dr^rros LUAI21 uhiihiH i ind^Ol i i iUtn ud i t ch , thonac (11) northI()i degroon onet & Lltoms AJUI 1ft l inks to u s t t k e ,

ihMIHMI (IZ) llurf ~*~ 'l inki to the bifiuiiiing cunt nn in^ 7rf Jiurtn of landmore *i Iibei T h u d all ihiit cvrt un tr.itt ofhiiictmd prcHHi<S fiituutu in fluid townihi | i of Enst

eou th i r l j HMIO uf lho ro<td landing tiom ll i^htato^vn to "Locust Cori iT nnd ih»nou to Wiu DJ uLginiiihg nt n bn k'ir^ tTtf B utdut^ HI thehnouf Liu)* A y c » t i l imri (I) north IS

(or snid

K c n n o t h Appl«K a t u ' * • Ign:u8 oust &f» linUn t« H seiiid Applojjntu's InndIi d G3 11

11 Us Anrinho

jg y tfjie middle of the Tronloti ru id thonei' (2) tiltuno north Ctdc^nMis «H»? t 14-ehuiiiit to

^ t P j ? the tiulm j-A.ll'1"^ Wnl y\llnkji luii ?mk% tlitncL (4) d >uth~22} ilLjjrtn'fl -41 chutiiit nnri.OO'liuki u tho w;»uth bpund-ui:mph-Cut le r '* lunu . 2 t'-ut wost of-n - niimllj itrut3t tliciioo (5) north i"} dn^rccs.wo-H.uIongbound 7 cli.iiitA mi l 5'J MnkItiiti, lliLiict (8. Eouth v*i *l*i«iiiko thcMico (7) liufih. \H} i ^ ^llowull-s I und 6 ohniim m i d HI links to a DOMIC r(bunco (tf) north £5 ilcgrots un^t 10 ubnii]9 midl i k t tho phroo t \ { i

to n ptiike in the o( u* mm [>H l inks lo ii

tcsond |>f<


Fourlii, nil thnt

oomplnint ;,it bM- oired thuutandi wh«w gthoroi h n

under' command ot GeneralGovernor Piirker and stufi, Gma, M»tt,Jewell and Strjker wem present, uud re--vieH4jd-tb«—bF*g«dc* ^ _ _ _ m-:_=--ThirwAft tho largest military display ev-er hold in Cam den, nnd a general holidaywns l opt, not less than 5000 people wit-neesiug tbo review^

~ Tho Tomi Klvo-old staple of <Lots of flurjiMfmWr, good for nothing else t ta bo

^nrmerB <in tbo Jamo* rlT«r( bolow

iti; Baain miiil t • bi^ f o r j gflod Itf1of i 11 lil

i s mount

he nfty Uifnl fennauWflatlim af^iho (Icnernl



It U 11 tad thing to pftw Uiraugh llfo flhtj ball«HVA- Yot thoro AVA thoumDdff .wboio,! habitualcondition i-f one of Hnguor nnd debility* Thoj

t t t rooinplnln of no apociGoh b

e , tho / tuttor no pos-pitive puln ; but they b-xvo no r«Uih for anythingivhldh alTurdB niontftl or itnmau^ pioasuro.-, Innine oasos out of tai^thu sUto of Uisitndfl nndtDrjHfr nrlscj from a morbid «tomaoh. Inili^oi-'tiou deilroy* tbo oniifgy of bath mtqd Jind body,Whtn-inq'tfrtBta-ot natiuv^a-not eup|>ltand regular aMittlllivIioit of the food, evoi yii itnrrod, eyory funotion lutvrruptfld

Now, vrbivt docs common tenso auggoit underthese alraumttancca of deproa*ton? XU« lysteniueeds rousing ftQil iLrongLlieiiing ; not merely^foran Lour or two, ta sink nftorif urd into & more pit-iubltf condition than evor (as U aisurodly woulddo (tailordinary alcoholio-itlmutant were roiort-' ^ t , ) ut radionlly and porjnnnently?' "* " -

v 1B this dvntr&bte nhjoot to b^"hsoompU«be<l?i^w#r t i tbii qnottlou, fouQitfld'^a |ho un-g oiperlonco of n qnnrtor of.* sontury, iigivon ; Infuse n w vigor Info the dlgcitivnby a oouroes of Uostotusr • Stomnoh BtUer.,wnatQ tlino by q^minUtt>rhig LAiopurary

J 1 'b r f f^i | r t i i f i i toni s -nb "1iys*ViBflfiiiJ«*'n'w

<>f liitVd-mort r^c t ot d |f< I uonhip «i("Eiinf Windsor dcscriboil'anginning ut n hickory «tn)np in thu h i g yod hiokory QOnit-Q nnd n uoi nor formerly ofFlBliur'l'nrm, thanuo \\) Alt tKo iiovdlo ,pointt«d1835, north 49 du^ru^ti and 15 mlnutus wtgt . 'chuhiB nnd AO links to lho southerly cotnor'tjf iblund, wliifrb; J*njph, Cut te r nold to John Myor«now bcl")iign)g In MnrLitt ~lliGtico ['/) alenfr hliuv m tho neujlo pi>tntt d in '1SS6, north 22r liej^rtio? fiuit 44 ohuliit m i d 9% Unka to tb« tuiddlooftho road lufidmg from l i igb*^t"«n U* Prinootonthtjinje (3) Mis lit 1S33,"luu.ih 52 degrccg bu'tft 2-johtuait ftud 36 l inki iilong tb« mlddt? iMcnldroto a corner.- thunoo ( i ) «outb 21 degrcv? nnd 3!mtnUUi wait 45-?birtniand-05 Hnkif along it inurlt«d lino to a •take within oae >6d of lho Unu flrnifibav« nrtnttoned, tb^not (^) south 49 dogreci anVi l a huing nlcng-wiibin one rmi"n

A l Hnrdcn ' s J i n d , thenqo ((Vthe sumc-eouth 7 degreei a n j 30 tcinntc;l k t th b i i t i J05 a o r i


,h«f\d ol phyiloa) •trmifjth *mJVnvivJr/tiAiRIti nritnimpon wlilfh htl Um u(hpr

miii ricfibnri for thek nnrtum «nd supiwrk ' -1 • l u i e l h H " - • - • " L '

wust 0 linki to tho beginnlnc,*ontai«ine J05 aornof land more or loj>a Fifth, one h -If of ft!1 thnaortaia lot of laod iitunta in said township, of fcJWindsor^ du^orlhod as fvllWS /Jjc^tnning atstaka In tho mkliUu of th ft road Iftnding from thYork road to Mil ford at tho cnet oornor of 'No 1, provlouiily Sold to John f l ^Vnfd, \lrutinuig aa the nccdla potiUs, noulh £0 4<grct!«uft( S outline along th&r'intddlo offlnid rund lo t]nnorJii^Cornpr of lot N*>^^ tb«nce (3) >uuth 1& <)<•.KfotH m.d4i minutes w rft along the Un* of I (it No*t stjEuliiitna to a Htuke, thwnco (J) north 72 de

nnd 50 m l n u t o wi>it 1 li chinns and 32j^ ~'to Uia inlddle of thu "Vork rwil^ thvn^o (i> athe an me north If* degrees nnd 4b minutes omt IolinlriBJind 86 links to mild Wnrd1! lot, thenco (^south 58 dojjrno* tiiwl 30 minutes enpt 3 ^hnins an3 links lonT«ftiko in Una of lnt Nn -4 ami formot said WmfA'f IWy rtionott (ft) nocth 1G degrDesani*i minutes oast 3 chains ami 10 linkfl to Uio b

Sinning, ootihilnlnc 7 noras and 4b lOOthdoflandUth , also onu half of nil thutoorUln atorf-liouf

and lot nf land sUunto on Mnln itr4ot* In tha bouugh of Uiffhtfitown, adjoining property forme rl;Orfi bd by Etf^kiot JfughoVQij tho"borth und by thold bunk building on tbo enuth, sMd store-hourjiow occupied ^hy Alfred Porrina. 8ovonth t &Itlmt aorlaln dwellinghouao'nnA lot O'Hland *Uunl™ Btookton S t ~ l n 4~nnboro"up- .Jrm..\,*.*

g to Morrison Bt,t brijoinfnff jtruperty ourrtno Joseph PflrrloonnrtXttylorBrow

siM h..«^Tt^^ AcMupIndt >IT li<)njrtmin MatUttH«i«nd ai lhA nronnrly uf Hnnj mini Mi lutt »a

Ukqu ID «i«niitii at lha iflituf A l r r t n ^ P iAar^h UiLimt ikii'l nihnrv ntic| til ho sold hj

- * f t t o v j a m A Uy*%


s-TI16 PifiLiiAHMONIAN UPIIIOIIT toeing linul onu of tbo Invoiitur Mi i lh iuhckJ K

Warerooms, 78 East Ninth Street.

Kacli Pintio Forto ijt.frvf.lT wjirrniitod for thoriii uf fivo yiMirA. ¥ u liavu now rmlniittt ourlico list hi tlio lo>Teyt pi/tula, nt wliioh n TTtjll^rg'TVirJ JlUmltln i4imtn?ini"|jU3ijblj lio fiiiighini-imiriiii; us far us intiiir pttvinr tu brin^ our pupor-ir PiiinoH AYithiii tlm rench of ftU lovers of H"O<1


Slate MantelfHIGH nnil rT/C-

Now Piittorns. Chinoit in l-i)M nnil In

liirtL O W E S T VniciES.

2.10 mil 122 \\ W- fat

U! H A N (4Fr-rnu-A G EN-l-K-

lhiiDd,.VnVl i-xpenHc:nOl>., UliUrlottu, Mil-

irlllpiy >ou$lo per Tteek 't"0W""'lUH'1 Addn- VI •

n c i sh Il l f




8 AND 10-tcicd with iho AmlUiir of th« ^t i i to of _\}UIoT";rTnTrnjy JAtmi l l . S I I U H I - K D ^ * »

t-i^.'/i Pino Istru.1, ISI,>T \ 0 r » ! , T6l 2^1 SitiKO, 11). - ' June 0 l i t

lUjiiL- mid loiivo no roiimVn'iur- nriy pbrSttn to pur-Ini56 n poor nnd vrorthleHt In.itriiinisiiirf Wo witfhIHO by ruttdhlo ~n~xu"(I uniior~iii~iihd 'ruiiauiiftblijn icon tn in ud till tho j 11 k^> in-; uhich i i to iinicrs i l ly rcsnrtcd tu m felling Pi nm", with hi^h

ind ficiioiouu price lit?tn, uml wo think this of it-lelf shttuld gnin for us tho iVonfidnnno of tho pub-

fiend ftr.ilociiriplivfl c;itala^uo- MTiijurooini!3 EunLNlnth BtTcoi.ioppo*Hi>-13U'wiirl)s

r i sen .Ki t & . c o . —

Bralley's Patent'Enamel PaintIN ALL COLORS,


O toIoVrii'tcU J?al3tT wcVlonoftliu same a t tli« PiilSt., Hl^htstown. ni-arif

lil iVivlLu mi c'x^intiiai.(>rt.<i,.No. 0 Mt««kt

A. W A L I J , 1 J \ H T

KANSAS REGISTERED BondsSulu nnil PrnUtiililii lnvulment Boniln Snnillu ucnltlilc nt niuntln In h.on«n»—Allm. Anilirmm,, Juliliton unit Duuklm ljUuniKsKtKl>ui<.il b> tho-si itt of K m i m In t t rn t Hi1111111.I11 il utlilJiy tlii. Statu l n iFu r t r 1 lit llomlin) 711 r (.fnl-liflcrist.niiil nri. ovoi ihniajiaiulil tfit, coupons Inn IIIK '•'•'•ii nlwiya riBUlarlmil iiiiiiniitlY liiii'l 1 »t ilitlilli-i »n'l Infiirinnlloii.l<lM.i.nSA31 LA a VVL,OHI)Jcl.O,J3 IV nil hiN..Y. Olty.


r u m



BITRNETT'S COCOAirTE.". voilu Dittiaira-1 UA» IT-. -

jtjnp 0 4

YINECAR BITTERSE V I l l t te rsn aro ttOt m. vi|s Fancy Drink,

of Poor Runi.Wlmkey, Proof Spirits and Refuut Lid d d d l th

. y , p Liqilodoclorcdt spiced* Jiid a«ctlcntd lo> please tho taAtjit cal'Monies,** * Appetizer^" "Restorers,'* &C , lint lthe uppler on to dnthtenncis and turn, but nrc a-trti4 -A I d i i a d c from, the imtivt rAOtsatld hcrbS'o1" C*H*-

, rom all AkoiioltC btimuUnt^ They are th*^Great Blood Purifier and 9. J ife giving Prmctpfe, a Per*f t R O i d Ihvijjoritor of the S t ryng

tt d

My of adminutr*titheir r»uUi. tafe a

feet RenOT iior and Ihvijjoritor of the Sy^tein, carrying.o(T- ail poisonous matter, and restoring thtf blood tohlliycotulitioii, enriching U/refrtsJiiiiK'and invigoratin

mind and uody They arp p t in their aoiotl, OCrtlin inrehnlile in all forms of tlia

No P o t i o n c a n talco t l iod* U l t t e r * accon*-ig to direction ft, anil remain long Unwell, provided theirnes are.uourcittroyisd by mineral pountt oroOicrmeam,

)d the vital organs wanted beyond the point of repair.Dy*|Wl>ifltt o r Iutl lff«atlurt . Headache, Paini the S\iontdcr3, Coughs, lightness of the Chest, DtHl-ess, Sour Eructations of the btuniAch, Uid 1 Hate in tha

Mouth,, .llllious Attacks, 'Pnlpifation of the Heart. In-/lamination of the I^qn^ajpain in the regions of the Ktd-

eys, And.ft hundred Other pKttiful •ymptoin*, are the o£T-Iirmi,* of ]>yspcpan U\ these coi»plAmtS It hat no

L d b q t t l e . w i l L p r n v r a h t fments linn a lengthy advtrtiicnicnt

F o r Jti'diiinio t o m p l ^ l i i i i , in younc or old, m*t-ncd or sin^k, At tin* (hun ofVoninnliotHi, or the turnuf life, these 1 oinc lJutrr* Jisplay so derided nit mflueuc*tli u^a nnrkcJ nupruvi ment n soni pciccptihle

•\ild Gout, I>)3pcpau or_IndiKc^tion(

Livor, KKJUCVS and Blnddcr, dt^-c Biitcra-havel^een ijuci-^fl ful ijiicli Jiiaci^c^ ire canard by Vitiatf'tTvliicli is genenlly produced by derangement of th* Dl^-gt^ttvc Orems

a. rl*uiiif3t po«fc«iii£ TISO tilt jitCdliir merit of Acting as-i powerful agcnl in relieving Longcatifm or Inflammationof tlie Liver <iod Victe^ il OrgAii", And in Tiihous T imict . .

F o r b l c l n I ) l«ca*ca , trupuons, Tetter, S^lt- ^ 5 |^1Rlieum, lJlot(.ttf-s, bpottt rimnlcT, PiiBtules, Iloili, Cir- - •l..i—1-_ Ttnrif^7LnVJji4TdHcXd.SoreCye's. Er aipclM* " .*'

Ztitt't DI^Hlloratlfinj jaf tH*"5kin¥~Huniori~IEa 1"^~j'tsc^acit of tilt Skill, nP"Whnteve^ n^in* or nature, *r*t •htri'tlly 0*i vp "ind earned out of tlie *}5letif hi' \ tnortt|iuc hy the nic of thc3G Bidcra One l>ottle in sttch>catet will convince llic inu^t UiCrnlulous of their curAtiraeiTect3 ,

C t « a n « o t l i o V i t i a t e d . Hi n o d trhenever youfind it* im^nntic? bmslni!£ through the sk'n m Ptmplfct.l.ftiptifiti!ir OF borcsT clc,Tnic it when you fiml it ob"jitructtd ind filuj^gish in tliQvein* cleanse it when it imfoul your fechni,* will tell jou when Keep tlie blood.jiure, ind the heilth of the ftyjtem. will follow

O m t o f i l l t l xonan iu l a ])rf>cUini VlNnCAh ElTrTHH<! the most y/u^dcrlul JiWieoi-int that CVcr usUlntd

—tho tinkintf *yatci» ^PJ l l i T a p e , nkitl o t l i c r "\VortlkSf lurking in ths

•ySlcul of so nnny UKUistnds, ire eifcCtu-iliy deiirOycdand r?tno\ed S\ys A di^ttu^UishfJ phy^iologiil. IIIGHSi* aojrccly aii liuliinlitAi upon the faea of the earth ivlujfcfebody ii rxt-mpt (rany the presence of womn It I* notupon the heilthy elements of ihii body that worini cvixt#but upon Hie cli cjscd humor* And slnuy deposits thatbreed ijie a IIVMHJ monslLra of diieise Np system ofMedicinr. ,iu >Liniitiifiui no -inthelminiLics, wdl free (haoyitrm fiJ(»Ht lAorini like th* if Jliltcr^

IUfecIi.uii.ti, A L J>iacnnfsa. persons Chj;age4 \WP,iinls and Mmcnl% audi as Plumbeis, "

lj»iia of the lluwf WAI.KHK'I

fe, will km' lo cinrd against

or (wire i week a» A J*re\Ciitive _ -Ullloiiai Jlciiiitteli.t, nud I n t e r ml* t«

l^ovtra, which aic so prcvaltnt in the v\llcy» of •f!teat ritffta ilitoiifibout tlie United Slate*. g»ptcially ~ij I

n e , , t (- i ^.uiHberHnil, A r t l » " S H-i-d, Colorado, IiraionrJ^io fji-inde. l*e irl. Alahinn, Mobile Savannali.Roanokt.J lines, and nuiitf OlIIeTipwitit then Tilt—tnbutnne:throughout oui entire cuuntrV during the biMTtniCF 9ildAniiniin, T.ii<l reinirkibly ft<> during &e<i 0n of uno^u^Ihti t and drynesa, are mv^Mtiily ^cnntpiincd by exten-sive derniiEeinmljtuf thv stomaclT ^nd li\ci", and othernbdomin il vl t,«"M i here ire a I way i more or lets ob-

_atoit;tioii3 oT_l!tc_)tTCr, "\ TnfeiL;nrs and lijilable j |the Btom-iCll. anil fieat orpor ol the bowels^ bein£clogi,id Up with viliited tctitmillation3 In llicir lrekt>tprtu, a piu^-itiYer exerting A powerful mlltlftliCc upon

nn c-ilhaUic fnr tlir purpose- entnl to Dll J W A T K I K ' IViNnGAk—;itl fT»*K , as—they »ill sjie^dlly renibve- tjiod^rk tuloi'ed viscid matter with which the .bonds at*Ijarli-il, at the t ime time stimulating ihe-seCrtlion* of lit*hvfr, -tnd {.enertUy rcstunni, the licslth> fuucttotis of th*

^ n S r i w e I l T . . _ FUlcers. Erysipelas,. Swelled Neck, Goiter, Scrttfuloita;

^InflAinm.uians ludulint^Inniiinmations,, MerCuri*) Af-frcnons. Old ores, LrtipiKm* til the ikiii, 1)git JtCycsetc , etc. In (lie-fe,;!* Uia|I otlirr C"H? iuilitnTal Diseases,.WALKUU'5 VijJHfiAn. UlTTicns have shown llieir gr«nff:C\lr,Utve pyWCis in tbo must obstinate aud: ititracLabt*-

D r . AVnllcer ' i Cal l form l a V I U « S B I - U U < « nact ou all th(.*e e n n tu a sinlihf m-imitr By punfyins;the Jllofttl they remove the cause, nnd by reaolvirlR ?S|*»y*the .r.iFecl.i of'the infliimnJAlion (lho Uibcrculir d*po*itJi>tiioaiVecled jiarts receive iH-ahll, And * penuaneql cur«iseffeTted.

Tl io p r o p o r t i o n of I>n. WAIJCHH*B. YIHMQAH:

Nutritious, I lxative, Diuretic, Sedative, Cuunttr InritAUt*budolific, Altentive. atu] Aliti UlltoU* —

T l i o A p e r i e n t itnl mdd I ax:Lit WALkBlt'S VlNHt-AH 111'

aiAtivc properticv nfiu are tlie best sa/t->

pant Vfront

balsamic, hrilintr, aud aootlun^ properties protect th«huiH«ri of the fauces 'I heii- SeditiTft properties allay

.nt in the nertous system,Jtonratti, And bowel*, ttlhcflilinmntion^ wind, cohc. CT t»psp etc- Ihei r

Coiinter-ImtAut influence extemU thrnuUimit tlie system*'X hnr Dturelii propcTti«a act OH the Kidneys, correctingand repulJIIHE the flow uf unne Their Anti-Bihoiu-properties stmiuLitc tbe liver, m the secretion of bil*»and its ilischa^es throueh the biltflry duu», And "supcnoi* to all remedial agents, fur the cure of J* '

[y tt.fftM.ljM t dlB«*a« byNo

can take hold of a system thus forearmed. Tht liTer, thabowelst ihe kidneys, and the hetTC* -tim

COHNER OK MORltlSON AND P0HMANlrHJC.Gr I - I T S l ' O WJN";oopa oonstnoMj on hn»d-

Grocorloa, Provisions, Fruits,ll kindB HAMS, BEIIF, TONOUK, BOLOG-

NAS, Ao., uliooilt— in ftiotANYTHING YOU WANT' TO* EAT,

nnd nt tho

LOWEST PRICES,- F O R CASH.Country Produce Ukou in trado.

fyiilK all its fluids wittake* " '

nlcll# . . .tendrf^il disease proof by thiscrcAt lUVieOr i

T b o E n l e u j of Dn W A H K I ' I VIHIKSAH B I T -TRWSI in ClirOim, Dysi^tpsia, Fevers, Nervous X>isorden^iConslipAtiOiii deficiency of vitil power, and all rnaladictAiTeCttng the stoinnch. liVer, bowels, pillntOnJtry ofvarii,or mu^ular system, In* been experienced by hundredsof thoux^nd , And hundred* of thousands more axe a*k-

for the 3AHH- r»iit-f *"^>ll*40tloiiB'—-likoof the Hitters on pmng to be4^ Ji>

at nlf;ht from a hilf lo one-nnd-One half wine-^liUtriill,, ^Sat food nouriflunc food, ftutlt as beefsteak, mutlmthop, venison, ro^st beef, and vegetable*, and takt OUl-door eKerciae They are rompo«d of purely v«£eUul4ingredients, and coutajti no ^puita.J WALKI Rtrrfi)i*f Jt, I I .McT>ONAIJ>feOO.f r

Druggists, and Gen Agtfl., Sin Francisco, CaU*and Comer of Washington ind Chirlton S*s , N*TT York*.SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS .

Jron ta tlie Blood!;

AN IRON Alad Enrlchei

tho Blood.Tonei up the System,

Build* up the Brokendown,;

CQJVFEC TJONEii V,ivhoro hn will Iteop hip ni-li*l>raffed.Ioe Cronm

lcos of nil lho O-iflurent flJny 10-Iy

get FmuTxtw Syrvp-Kt-c]i3 constiintly on

of ail FMV6RS,,.and

M Dcy 6troctyKew TortSold" bj* Drngglsta genertllj^

Cooling Drinks, Confectioneryj &c.

O H E M r u H j L c v l B n O f f t n * K u r o p c a n d Is c o n s tit n t -'tFfnilln^ i t t t h e i n o t t l t t l d f L dn t c i in birpror 'Ui 'e i l I n


SWITZERLAND & HALT,For. our oxtoDsiTU slocks oi


.iNcir GOODS



TOY$}>1>OLL3,nntLothcr Iinjiortcd ni^rLhititltsf1.

Wo h n \ c nlso pplumlld mflor tmcnU »C


OF.NTl KY o r ThlVMPUS over tljsnciwla,r illso.iie li.i«eL<.i>miiliiinM unit various tobrllo

ou- ill-iii'Kf' linilramortTllioailioSolt'""1 "» *J ' lolqrln* nro nnw ropoMoil

ia tillslH-inE-pliirio liy TAIIKAIT'B I j mRllt1?nt - \P IHIC-»T: EontnllilniE »»-lhii

p? \PI>HIC-»T: EontnllliE

Mnit i prmlmlliit nil tho hftppy msilltB 01UioUrunlOirluiin .Spi'nit Jnno0*w


fJGHTNG KODS7MUnjon's O"l)lH.f1Tntaliir Wmlitnllig Hotl, with-blilrnl n » n K » , <« tll.o most foiDnlBlo-protocMoli

S l tHI t i j tngavBr invoiHoi l LnrUitsort bytho

fBloprUitsort bythoTi IA^4 (V

SUITS & SXritOdER DRESS GOODSP-AnAnc>L57*^Mni*.Krr A S , S T I I A W

MOUSliKECHNQ AND FURNISI irNO GOODS,WoKct- alt o l theso^oods dlrcot from tho mnnn-

fikoLni'off Hius savlnfj; thf lpr°ntEjntuto bj the u«m-mfit loncrg Important ui\J Joubon, nnd Are uulo toolfor them to tliu tiuuUu nt Lho flmt oust n l th only• o m y t l n t r i p n i ' * *"" """'* " """

" ——* nSdey y, p K

mtvll profits addedFnrtlouliir attention piM lo order* from lha

dountry.-•> ' '-" • - * - _ - » i myS-str

R, H'^MACY & CO..14th St. ffiith Av.New YORK.

Ion ijq.«'l« (WotllO, N. Y,

ESTATE OJ^EZBKJEL ltOBBlN3_DECKASED.ranunatto no order, of tha Smrngilo qf the

rirint thft-* *imh ^tmrlor troth or ^m ,_- , . . .T 1- --„'--suhKribur d i n r buf jrr Um «l«#«uth ill / or tf*(r n a r y n e i l bi 111 i^no m mtliv fn m t h c ^ l iln ' (Hald otrtfir ^inatimy^ffTc Ifr irFo*itlajllmc t » • "in uml Mhi l i i l l i i i or_ hhr okjm " - 1

Lambraijuins and other Decorations.-DcaHonrniid-oUintB-fr*ntftiE-ftrftr,=ctItBff^obllPVn1i*5r:F^havo on iipniloiitlon DK1V.WINUS nnd tSTI-"'>"U

T t s tor FOltNlTORt., l.AMBHA.q.VINS1.Vja^.tSj.fco _, O . L . K E L L V i i O O i r t i ^

Ji2 St l i t llrondna;, New york, toll 13-3mr"!

WONDERFUL 1' most ''.wofidorfnlWn.sh6r intbo world faat Wm T.-Smock's atoro ftlid tinptown, tf J

N I) Tlia olotheaofft fnmilj can bo i


F J E U C T I O N , . , /

in from fifteen to twenty^ minutes. It IF Hlfif-noting and disnonjM ontlmlr irHb labor «iid,f' '"i f ltlttZiJW^y '•* •*&*»iear of .a of t J W y

ub'lnj wilt no llongor" be • hardship,qnd dr

, IitotanrdiOht ',I ( ivrnr I n i<(.l

Page 5: THTTBSDAT, JU2O! 13,1872. - Receipts and Expenditures of ......THTTBSDAT, JU2O! 13,1872. - OF THE Receipts and Expenditures of the County of Mercer from May 10th, 1871, to May 8th,


tePlMSWfBp!Tpseniitei ' injS MaripoKis neir'iltB gnnila atyftlOJnlS^ 'Vof ia«i:woekihottUiiionc|i.w»s a Teryjyp g

oHr7'tt~Ji~ii1]pp»sed ' tKafiiTe roaa will iBTgF^onSSiinB-*|hbwed. tlirpuglioui a rq.jiWpfcahle'inttoreBtrte^toi-pToceedinpsi-Thaniusio by! ilia MpjnrU ' was.-.'especially

dsts a t Nq , 0 Stuekton St . , also EHno Col*rs for"wax flpwors. •..•." " • • • . " • . JMr,, J. "^Bradley is •laying a, board appreciated'1'', from .the kuowledgo of th»

d i l h h«lit^n««iHiisgsa«iiMt»odMP:tirt™JnJHiglitsii,Imt In will tho JubserlptloB 10 the papbr

IVwhich" htii. been kaownto the eitizopi of

is Hie"VMozurt Aajbciiirndfng. After .iha

meeting of the Y, M. 0, Association on;lljB'eJF'etilp'g Of the Bth hint,, the memberso|i;;tho;-"MoaSrt1»> by special iuvitatLanSmet a ieloet party of their (Mentis at thtf.nStdanoe of Dt, Deihler, Aftet n iploh.<lii;'boHittl6n, the hoat gtafid that asJ*rrtiaoht of thi Y.M. 0, A.y he regrettedlii-anhdiiuoe that this was espcotett to bellie fiuul punod; ttibntioned.

ew houses a>e lnlprocfllLo£tfiEeeti6a,i#tupibylng a large number of meouaqioifrom 'Higlilitown, Ailontown, and othjr;

lnoes. The lodgfug houia of Megirj.,'earet and putcift'iB iidarly anaipsed.

Muiin.-J. M.: iind" Wlllleford Dey aretopping at the Lake View Home*'"


A. call has beSij iasued for a Qonventionf all the eieotpra in tine Stato, who ap.irbve the prlnoipjgf of the Oincinnati

j lender,Vi0. HiM. Worrell, who wns about to

e obnjpnny, Weoanopt, of coursenil tlrnloqUBiit thidga -tliaf

ilafl'orju "and'desirfl"the election of Ilor-ace Crreoloyifor 'Presidont and B, GrataBrown for JVlloe President, as tho living

lonvention is to meet in, Newark- onr

«ad;that whjle it rauBt be a gourde of sla-• ?WA regret to tlie public Benerally, andi to tUcs T . M, 0. - Association,

jjMfltuftMi no,w^,d*fc«eithenurvipwoftsjjonjtqd, gt-ntteinnn "who lias

niffktrJuno aotliv autl tlid ellrislgiied by Hon. M. F. Mount of Trenton,

Dr. 0. M; Black of Dayton, and others.Ajaeetiugito'-oleet>• .delegates Iran* "this1

d to renlMnber Hint wo shall not bisl^S'.dejHVed'ofthe services of other inejabei-i.™''"|;blf;':,tbi'; qoihpiiuy, Por ninny years past

|4Jwy_haxe.glvBU.Higijtstowo nreputiition""'-'' ' ud nlu«lo and weLConflduntIy4ioue

i ihall ebntlnuo. to enjoy their tutfe^liirraay be under aii-

ornfrn 1 xstimu

O SnuyiOM,—Col. B, 0;r, President of the Central Nation-

ai Bank, is off on a vneation for tliu bune-flttWii'onlU'. Mr,, A. F, Jobwlit bt!

t Beting . President during tho absenutt of

T f 4s 3nr has concluded to 6a wise In time, A

inurith or two oil" jiisj now,,«n'ay add »e¥-J h i i j f W h ' h

i roiita he lutctids Co take lot'Tils tour,

K- cart; arid the Holy Laud, (is lie has long| * j - cljeffoiHinnrcifra' to feelim *•-• ri™-'•

Bhade (if the tall uudatBofLeOiiuon,

5=Ili<! closing ex

im ehurgli, on Pridaj'evoulug, June Siil,nt 8 o'cluL'k. . •

addram *• will he dpHunrnri hy H » .

of Matawen.

,—HigiitBtuwaE H gnjeoU • (p-inorrow evening.


:'j_v JSMSBOHIO,—.OnMontlivy eyu'nlng List aS"1 puniber -of thu --Mntonic friitei nLly froni<& fitgfilslown amFWibdsof paid a visit to

" - * • " • • " • • • ' • l o d g e s . J T i y / » « A V A us

Che evening win, paased in n very iiiter->!»HQB . tniimjBr and tho visiting breturwerffvery rauuh plehaed wltb the work of

The lodge mtjets in a very-coiy

so.Jyery wario'that ioiiie of iiie Brethren.ahnost ovoreome ; one of thuin, a

slieBpskiij weighing about two

y ,prostrated^ AtlUe*••"close of thethe Worihipful Mftster, ffm.

invited the *brothren downp l o o n where a, guoe'rous o'ol-

latioii waa served, .One of tlip'pruiniueuti i i h f hi t l d i M T A' Bof Ihit lodgi* ii Mr, T. A.' Bugarf

^ f l j i y ; ; of HightstoWh, wlioie speoiA1

"^invitation the visit was made. .

: -Wilson of P. 0.,; Co,, Ambby Divisipn,.brought toffl yesterday a ebpy of this flrst

Ly>f •Si'Mw te^mr, printed athia; jtaruh ^."ifiaS. .It is sur-

jtdva ueadlln thktfciue.JiAieptding tb that pHiier "tour

|M|y Huea^bratagBS wirei funning bet woe nIMtiladelpliiii and PitlsiTurg." WhatduCMPhoui.'is Scott think of tlmt ? Only l«

|ttarriagea and live deaths weie recordedthij same journal chronicles abou

^aa-tmies us uiuny yviiijraiiy. But winl'in m-lny thinsH1 the world has advance!

important• is no ohangu. "Wo refer to the wn;

!lfii which CongresB-wnetes its time. .Her:tn tin; recoid of thiity-aix years n<;o «ni" '"" (ja'inc is true of last week.

j;Congre8Kiomil news up to this Anteases not the slightest interest—Con

Rrt'RH seems determined to fritter',.iii8tca(l(of rendering it profitable tcthn nation—shame on Bueh_tft4Uy_logi all'

AND DANGKKQTJS.—O"evening just beforo duBk

Spry atrnnge occurrence took place at Mrs./ niton'a Millinery shop, in tbe GAZKTT.

. Mr, Walton was behiud Hiand Mrs. IV. seated in a chai

>S window when a sharp report wooutside,' and ti Tracking noise a

sr window. Mr. TV. ran to the baclrhich etotjd open, but saw no onesumming' the window a bolo wasl"throush'one~ol live lighfs,~cut ck'an

bullet,,and about tliree-:he%of>iwr inch in diameter. The myo-

• no,sixn of abullet bojo onp bpjjjT curtain, and that n. similar

| i lo Mrs. -Wai ton-in-her-for-bulltt. hole can be

fc-nt .Itl-v -Tha^frpntt wJndow of the

g.Wesley l&ke,:- and haB:beBn

w hBthing iloasii andpthor' the United Slates.sh6uld; bt» so amendodas to-Hniit, religioui liberty," was debatedby ^rof. H. 4« Pratt ana Dr. 0* P. Dush-'lerJo'_.l!i.9,.^iiegaUye,n.jiu,cl'.by.I^ey,-..J',:.,S.

bi4h*i«p^eHd^sii^f^8Hors^Sflsipi^^' " " • - " • - " - . . : ' iliJ..r kLi. ....,,:„„ «f-""-^p]|.)g_pgtif^fJllj-tOipealsJ

yreoting, new hBthing iloasii andpthor-'

wise Baaklng great improvements in hisroperty here. , '. ! •'••''•" •

AsBpelation are J ^

tipD,; "JJeiolyod that .the Constitution ofh U i hd; b dd


of the merits of,.the .debaters, but it wasplainiy to be^Bpntj«af|Jj^4uri i^w

J m p \ £ i s ^ l tp e ^ l a r g ( i m ( non their side of the question.' ,. After the debate a lories of resolutionscoiuplinieiitary to ,Prof, Worrell and theMpzHrls wefi oirered7anili ufter •rettiafRi"by the liev. J., ;B. Davis and others,unanimously adopted. 'DBIBIIS of thuflnanoial Lreiult of thu meeting wilK bo

week, '

GOOD Tuiirt;Xns._.The Lriddiesex Co,'ladgwucets—jii—Ontnbuiy-uu Tliurnhrynest,-June HOtfi, and a lecture will be tie-liirerdd in tho First Ohuroh on that oven,ing by ThoB.'B, App1e*et of Hightslown1.

..JPAJrJTj.811.—Our thanks.nro ...tenderedto Mr. -T;- 0. Mount of^TCyokoflV MUlrfur^llie frequent uso of his boat on ouroaWish excursions; We make this pub-le* acknmvlodfSmetiC asTa' * lecompense for

ple* acknmvlodfSmetiC asTa' * lecompense for

^—The Qraud1emperanee rally,at Jamesburg will beield In Wigwam Grrovt, ou'Wiiduoadayio»t, June 10th.—(Jeo.W. Bungay, Eiq.,f-New TTork gity, Hon; ff. WTon o f - B a r d e n i o w n — g"reid of "Batontown, and othereminont.omperanco ad voaates will be Brosent and.elivcr.'nddrcs'se'e. A full band'afmuaioins beeu engaged. It is itra" desire-pfhose who have this meeting in ehnrge tonnka it a grand rally of all the friends ofhe cause.


'gf~tlie Cranbtirv M:quarteriy

e held on Suiiday next, IleT, B. Van--ftnt, Erlsidlng Elder,_wSlUproaeb at 8clock P. M,. ."'•-' . r -.' . j .

giitiatlus liir the services'of a very ableirttttBtant—in-tho—classical depa'rtment of

.Mi's,_QhilstdpIier manages togood ice uruaui laioon aa wall im tftanll agood [tinny books. Sjioliajflow-Ongnged


The ladies of the First Ohuroh of Oriin.bury intend to give an organ festival andeolubratiun on the 4th of July enBuing,_^

BOAOD OF C'noiicy FnBBii6t,PBnB.—The Muruur Board uf JTrueliolders met at

TlTe~Ouiiit iloilae on Mouday, A consiil-era hie,portion of time wai occupied in tbedisuuiiloii"of the. (Jrionwood AvenueUrldgu^ It soeftj Jtbat the oily ^f j jnon had neglected to, pay for tho land onyhluhthn brlilgo warts rt-dt (uulj TO.OOO),and the Oaiiiil Opiiipany refused to havethe bridge bunt. From the M l report in;

diffleultyon tliB part of the county. Whenthe city ofTrenton pays for the lHnd thenthe, bridge can be built. He; hoped this

would. bejeft jivjiflrj j t was."..Solicltor:eXp'll»nBll:i.lint Ilierrrnn

tract to bridje the canal wai" thuFrecholdBrs at tbe oaruest.solieitation ofthe pe'opfe-of tho southern portion of thjBounty, with therunderstandirig.that itsliouid not be reaarded arestablishliig-iprecedent. The Uorvid was required tokeep.thls bridBe in order, and to employa bridge tender, »It was n niatter^of pub-Sib necessity, and the Board took all tho,responsibility.

Mr. Fiiilen said the County Solleitorid si a Ceil the same thing when the mata^flrst brOughjtup^ , "- K ; • ; fv" ;

A'suggestion was"inada that a opmraiit«e should ba appointed to wait on thuQominbn»S6unei!f

mittce would be hppoihlod. Thisrnntte-was btoni^ht about for the rbriVcfiienci' ofthe pviiplu of Trenton, and now, after whave done nil we could, if the city don'JkeJ K i i f l 1 i : l p i i t ' ' i u t j ^

buy the land for this bridge to rest uponb d

We have done our part,Mr, Ilobimon said he would like t

have the committee instructed to briuthe matter before the Council of Trenton

The D'nector suggcslpd that the comriiittca should be continued without instruclions,. It was so 'ordered.

—D&N J T FonoET.-^^The Baptist SUndaSchool Concert is to bo held to-morro(Fridny cveniUfj)! A fine enterlainmcnmay bo expected.

A T ITJIB SBA'.—President Grant anfamily''Went down to Xong Branch oTuesday.

CArTUMED.~IIenrv McGaughey, whescaped from the Middlesex cr.unty jailshort time ngo, while under a State Prion sentence, wan captured on SaMrdamorning near Jamesburg, e


lupHovEMENTB Tho bprougb aulhpitits aro doing n good-work-itrhnving thcross-walks fired and the gutters eleanciall aver-town.

. Voorhees ftnd-Rogerihavebeeiadding anewasvniognndsign'tb'thQ fronof llielt building, opposite the GAZETTJoffice. "Tho'nwriing"Is of Tne DoIly^Vaiden stripe, and thq gign is one of Wn!ling's best.- ~ ~ "•

QUARTERLY MEKi:jKo;-i.Th'eQuarter

Tlie portly jowuHerundiat the•AKBT'JTEnillye bus buen a stock,fgold siiid silver* wnLuliOB, cholns, plus,o,, and bus an nsiortniunt IUIW that he

an talk abput.— Ho-is BgL'tit for tho srelo-

nd has a new lot of line golj puis.him, ._.; L.'.... '_ - "


Q AijPBir M39• —Ooiiductur Wilson hasup thanks for a lot of early coivuurabers

N B V OOOBS.—SuiiimeF' dress goods,iwiss MuBlios and yictPii.i Luwnsi, atilasbu's:

.—We puUliah Ihe (man-he-tJouut;

upplumunt tq-day./j ^


ud siylos, at-JUaBou's.^AH gfadus

—We uomplule io-rtiiy the p'ubii-lawapiissud by our.hist lug-


^ - ISlauk flilks of all graduB, 'Jiip.'SHks,'iirasnls, Grumtdinea aud lluriiiindis, at

Irtuii of iin.onliT of llie aotifSqfLlBKKAL

All"ptTBO(TS who aruTipjiusytl to the prosmt udinluistratipn.^nd,,favorable to ;tlielection of Grftely iind lJroS% anW ibe

principles^ ejnJjjLdkd in .thiuUinuliinsitliplatfdi'm, are, wlLlidut regrfrdtopast par.v n(B'iill.lntl«.Mliut'lp'4 Us n .M) n) (K,. f-'-Y-1

Hall," at IIi«htitowH, on I'liilay tveuing,Juiiil4l.h, fur the purposu of ehoosinuddlmHUt-s to the .Liberal Itupulilienn MassjonveiHion to be liul(l..al_j


STlTUTn,—Sundny luorniiig,- June 10,seMiegs before the O-mduiLting elasseB by-

0,•'!'.. Ea»hesr-Sunday evening, sermon bofore thu T,

P. P. B., by lior. j , L, iiurrows of Dor..dentown. : .••.' " ' ,

..Tuesday, Juno ISlhi alO A. II.' to i

Tuesday owning, Tj'' o'clock; oriitloubefora Academlii. Siioioty by Lomiiel MussD. D,, editor of Nntional Biijitist. Poonbefori the Kalomnthia Society by Hon.Jhas; Thiirbur of Brooklyn.'

Wednesday morning, JuHUlBth, mini-Tersary . .exereUes, commeaeing a t .bveipiukry;~1';vT';/;":"''" ' .VTVT'v ' ,'^..

, fKAiON.-i-Thore is an es

long time back we have been in reeeipiif-rcqui^ta to-noticirthirt. this plaeu is~f>irSundny a loafing plate, especially foboys, and ihuVbalcsorcuitnin ailiclca art

tlies.nim as on othir ilnyn. Ware not disposed tp d<t more nt this tim

plnints, aud to su.yUnit if rendered necessary by a continuation of tlie- offi;ncagainst propriety and law we shall havmoro to say on the subject'.

:—Tim .firin'c of guns ampistols in the town: It Should be forbidden " by the authoritius; Iligbtstowngel ting to bo_loo__lJikkly settlc-d for tbcustom of pistol practice in back ynrdsSomebody will get hurt somo of thesidaya.

GAS AT.OdEAK Gnova.—Tho Hightstown Gas Company havo ^received ordcrito put one of their Gas mncbines,iu thinew restaurant and lodging housoMessrs. Pearco and Outcalt nt OeenGrovi1. This building, besides the cadepartment, will havo thirty-sii roomiand will nflbrd a very necessary convenicnce to transient visitors lit.the cam-meeting;.- •—

T H E CLAH BAKE.—Ifoticcs had beeextensively circulated nil over this neigliborhood, and promulgated very general!by the press, thnt a "clam bnke" wns t<be-lreld-In.—Highreto"wn'on fTioT3tb7ivwhich Horace Gfceley wns --invited to bipre«ent;v{rThe jolco^of course it wns alljoke, originated in nn item in the Ne-York Sun, and-wa« 'publisbcd by a partjof HlghUtownera who love fun and otbe;

JtWog,'lo turn.Up.- The failed t<

__ . - - , - „ Ofbnni Beer nt thetoyktpn St. DrujrStore. " ; ;

AtfQTION.—liici is selling fine goodst auction every Salufduy ureulug—saeis advertisemeut, ; ••.-...,

,—10,000 ^tltt for sale Ohoap forsh.-r^ddru^AT'SioVoprhoes'rltiffhtg^~~$rj,""" '••';' "• niyS-tf-

®- . Window y i n s s a i i d Pat ty at A,Valilug's, No.; U Stoektoh 8t; . ' : ' . '

ar . ant Axle Grease -nt No, 0tbekton St. ' ', ) ,

M Orniibufyi on tho 9ih ioit,, by Itov, T, C,larmiin, Mr, O,corgo Botonhiilr to "Mlij ABD'I ttu.

OB WoJoeidiiy,5JBBoSth, *l Pair IlnTon, K.'J..f (lib Rev. L D, Biuili, nisiited by tlio Re?, g.ullsk AjiplDgnt, Mr, J. SI. Suiilh MPatoliogus,

i lBii, |ier b n i h i i l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SI 00ulia, pet hughui / . . . . . r .V.^*, ;" ,** "75 to .1,0ATg, perhaehei , , , , , " . , , , , . . * . . * , , - ^.40.lo56

IT Ffcouii, jierowf, .-rvrt .V;,; ••'•'•"" "5 40'do ; Maepndbgiti".;* 4 75

Flouf' . i ' iv.. . . '*.. . ' . . . ' .••. . . 4 00oed ...;, •.—; r70 lo 1 00

HTTB'tt,...'...aoa, panaof 8..liitoci, per buih

UBLioioija SEKYigiiB.

.hiiVth'nnrvioei: MnrninV if o'isloeV Bvoiiiii?i o'olook. Siiybiitli.aiihiiul, <a% A, JI . Prnygrsting Thuradity gyuiiinif, L-^.PjBloelt. . _. .

;, E, OiiDiioir, nev, ,T, s . P i imrs , pA8TOn.~Snii-bjtih.3ijrv*ioo|ii munihig 1014 n'olQak, I'Jvultinu l\-\e'oinyk. SiibbatlUiiyhuoh'i^ IJ. Mf Pr»yyrM* Tlmrmlay bvuuinK, Tli u'cliiek, ,.

BSIIYTKIIIAI,- Uiiuneii, llor. j , id iiiVia.Tiiiitor.SitlilJ^tli g«i'%MueH, Rlumln^ lO1^ o'elijt'K, iivoiihi^I u'oloak. Suhliiitb-liulluul, aU P, M,. PfSyuriluythJg ifburadiiy evenlii^i T jvylyt'k, , . . . .HIST UsiviiiiaALisT fJiiuncii. lf'ijv, 11, llntlinwnf •aatuf—Sabbfitl! syrvIeH*fi, Moi'ninyr Bt 11 o'elygk*B i b i b ^ t l b l I U A ^ 1 -

BIi;otinj||iinj£, Tti tJrA, Pii*VBtfHti!BTivfr.H\ni(iny",\,ftornno|i

, (IVli. Uiriiacu.) liii!, Y: M.^^_Stq^feo-*¥#rj^-HHtlir^

«nfnf> ;it ?;-j;Otploi'l.-, In thu V. AI. O. A

TENT : MEETING;..;.... ••,;Tlie Lift! BBd Advi;nl Unlcm Tent will be j,it(tli.

(1 LMi 1^1 run siFPel, on ^Mnilli** lot. jo ooininefine onf^diiy evciiinjj to IIHIH Pru^iy niid

id over tiiHiluy, nr us long us ihirln-jfest "deinnnds, 'gubj*,'OI8, Tiifo'ihl^ in '•l-^-^ig inujjo.d^iiitg QptriijtttrTlforWTK —•BMws

aont to preiiyb Uia wurd,


Oollogei, VAmUmuui, mto,, Inlut** ftr I Mtbfoa)qrfl¥«y8«Hi««'l*rp«lB«I. ' :•:: ? i i' :

Slofol M«™hlina1«o,O(lllB, Mllll, jlftnoflwW*Four Houses in Hightstown for {„,Sii^rt«Brtiipihj «r:«t«y ti«6ripU,

^ ' • •••'•tftl(Bnfttiuf»voi»blM»l«SM«»ftt/»n4p»«4»S>e»I , will permit, . ' t

Alsn n n o Rtnwi A-milv annW SMnrormiiMiiBohMrfBUj'giTtiiriiip«stiBgtotA U p , O n e & t o r a . A p p l > BOOH ' S y b l J U i ^ p p l r t B

Gnnri lOhfttipp

^GENT FOR THE FE07IBEKT- , , . „ _ . . . . L..In3iiitiBiojnJ,ilBetantBd-«t_iho_LOKEBIi,MIITUAL-HATES,—All thsproStsdlvldud aiiionjj.lhii policy holderi, " .. • , . •,

AQJENT JOB THE F E A N K H N iNiunANOi CO. of PbiladelpliiiX X _ A a j B t l , ( 8 , 8 2 1 ( 7 3 1 . • ' . • • • . • • - • ' ,- . ' i ' • • ; • : : ' . •

i-QENT FOB TUB NORTU AMIIIICAN XtisuBANti Co. Chartered ] 794.I X . j s s r t t » , i j , 7 s a , i s i - . . . • : ' . _ . . ; : • ' ,• : • ' . . ' . . , . . . . ' ! . . ' : . . .;. . . '". ' ...



A GENT roA TUBx lottled, both in

KtihoTowestmU] ooBiliteat wits itroty; - L a»f• BronipJijT sdjdLlh jojUl«. „..,..„ .... ..„,,:...:. :i.._::.z:^_z.:r, - / . . , . ! , $;i SAR

•d and

• • • a -

iKm inmmiy >tot* Un B»t. •«.ViiMMi

IV yltjtut Or, Um |™ln IbJ IMiiUlm, Iiillfiii,-. Or«iiW,*-inWiSi<flowKb d A a n miHHi)ft!f,',v»?j5,jiJgf,


t Bliikti si i»F paiiiH fiaiii €lm!(p«f uf watfr*- I ttvseii BFAiidy or BUUftl m a iihli^layti .. >. \~:

HEftLTHlD nnnB njo

WB1011T_rfcBSWM «



B&ory p&y on frioronao Iiar»d Weight la Seen ond Faiti •*MuJsBMsLz BLOOD^PURIFl

riii|l)j, i.. . . _f>f luiU•Fli CUvniUtry, BM<) a fc*r 0»fi' UH willRiiy pennn tl fnr clihf r ef iiltiu feniti pf iiKpteiiLJiQwep tfl ciifii tlieni, - -'

If l!li iiilllinil, ilUly liccomlni rcl.ns.1 hf Uu W_ (UcuitiT-adtlan «hnt Is tMilliiiufllgr pn)(™"nI"I lil

^UTrotlliiii IUHO WM1H, Mul'niiglra IliSMniirwmrSi• ,1 ninilg trim I i l l l ) J d Ul i I A n ^L1AN willimli



i\ In ii.unnHy whiif.u!H Duvid I!H! is siimpljlinml you jind uihiff^ aril dufen'liiijt^uyinL!irq r e ,

fnliwl ' ja o|)pEii.r, jiroiul, "ileiriiir, Qcjliuivcr (o tho!i>rnf>tfi!nnnt liilt. uii or bglurn iiie flrgE iliiy,o.r J u l ymxii or tho i>iiid.blil hf< tnkari rts sun fugged fij|ulnjitou'. Xlio i s ld hlll-ls (llod tufofcblosii K iudrigiigVive'h byHiiiBBGl Bynpst t find wife to J s h n ] I ; 811-er», on land In iha io«iialiip a f - K a i t \y,iiul»gt..liL1111111 u[ iHeretjr, u:\teil April l'4i JBTTTHnd as.iglied by mild John U. Bilvors loijnyl'l Hill, nndon the ink! Iltirrmt It, Johliion miidti it ijofvnd-Bt boeniis* yim Bin said land, or p irt IJioreuf j.nd yny the liiiid Fr^dor;ek. S. .Joliiisoih are *~

SAMUEIJ M; SCUANOK,nQitnr of .UyiBpliilnant, UigbtBlowiij K . J , .-

oii Mny 1st, 1871. Biy OOw


the Stato orNow.TiAt ihoolbseof biisinosi June 10, Ii

. . , rindPifepunls, v ...: "•.-.'• f lS lJST 73Overrlrnfta. , , ' - - . • 3115 78

mo.Aiio—irra A g ' b , SI, 100 74

1.(103 01a.nmi »»

• l . n j n 4 *OHO sn

rreniiunij, . - - . , - , 15 lino OilOiish Ilnln! (inoluding Dtninpi), , 1708 0?liills of uthnrNnlioiiiil Diinkii, 4.331PriialinnnlOurrenayfinoIuding Mlekels) 270 OSLojul Tomliir Notii','—.~ , . . . . ' _ ;

tU,JDodiLto.!oureDue frum Hndectnin[|nnd Hiue friim giber National l!nnk»,urniturg^ nnd FiXtU'raf, .urrent inponios,


Oopllnl Stock paid in,S l Fund,


100,000I.BBI 30

National Bunk tjDividends ITupuiil,[Tullviihul Dr|M,Fi|U, "Dno to Nntionul HmiUnDuo M (ilhor.Banka, ' .Bills Pnyubliv ''

g i .

7071111 OfA,0474,629 1)2


ST ITE op NrffCITE op Nrff JE I I IFY, J ,Juiinty of Mnrt or, JI, Wllltain 11. Jloivell, Cnchier of Tho Flnt.Nn-

tioniil IJunk of llijrhtqtown, N,. J ,', do IIOIOBIawttiir tliiil Iho ftbovo ihitiuncnt is trun, to thuhcflt.of Bjy-.knowlflclg«:rtniJ bolltf.

VT U HOWELL, Cishijr

Snb^oribod ntnl ihvorB to before ino this twelfthdiiy lif J|ino, 1S7'2. S. M. SciiASClt,

Notary 1'ublioG A t t t t

N S. JUTE.( Directors.


At the olo» of business Jqne loth, 1873:ItKsOUEOES.

Loans and Dlsconnfn,Urordrafts,TJ S. HoniH to soonro ClrenUUoi

Uno from National JJanks,l)no from Stiito Hunks,Uunki.iir Uouso Fixtures, 'Other Kefil I^^tate,Cnrrent Kxpeuses,

5.5,too W

T ,Premiums, - - -GIIRII Items (Inclu'llnir stanins),IllllsorNatloniilUinks, ' -F t l i l O ( i l d l t l; nlcltel),

8,680 064,078 11,810 4'2,eoo oi

409 711 K

4,070 m8)0 T

oBiil Ourronoy (iBeSpct let-Tit* OolnLcgnl Tender Notts,

LIABILITIES.Onpltnl Stock paid In, . .

Discount, -

Profit and I-osj, . . . ..,„.„National Ilanlc olrculitlon ontstand^n^, 31.3J5 OC

' oo15B 002,331 23

I t 70

SUteof Now Jersey, 5O f l l f Alorar, J

'ow JerseOflunly of AlorcaI. WBI. O. Norton aanhler of tho Central n t

tlonM Bant, dn eolemnly Bwenr thiit the iljov. . . . . . - - -

Paints, Oils, Varnishes, • Brushfla.:GtASS,

No, 6 Stockton Street, Hight

PURQAT1VECarminos, Lnlcos, and-Fino Gplors, for GarringpP i t i ; '

pffcGi ly IIUISIQIU, elpj^iiitly rcintfd • with swttl guff WHC^ • • "•'*

f'/Tliiif euf?. fif niPiilsrtfifgnsif Ilia btiiiiiaeh. tlfff. &wtl i t ,: •"';>!

Fine OrmimTj Txihtj

Also, Illuminating, Lubricating and 'Paint Qils,',,".-\ Turpohtiilo, &o., -:

l,..l, LlmL., M..I u d d m Flnihl. M H. . I , L

liju-Mlfl, RJiirwlii.ii thuffl .. ....rlii.iLii!i'*''ii!ie »u t ? r . mill imlii ii

• iiliilill ' !!t'^l.,,Ti!aj=Piii.u, gl.UJL • '• ^- W O H M g . i - T l i q oalf Itnjjni aniljiirt lUtacJy fc(

TTiimoP of IS yenM1 Qrowtli ';

LAMP LIGHTS N O I f l t .KBrospna with nllitf d^ng rg and dUtj'is* IB-

jergoiled by - -.••- • -:_. , r . . . :.s .= ,

Hemriilt Kvipl.lUt, O'Jimimptliia, UlSiIn Uie Tttft*,il, Moiifli, Tuitiijri NiHlififiisf paft*«f tiig nyitieili, gyre Eyei,from ilia "" " " • • - - - •IN", ft

anjircnsirntEiiIliioJi Bwimt ITrliif,Iliilsl

!nl tliovljur li lift,, fgfltW]fill!- new sriil iyyiiili'ntr*

•"— "'-inillllu dUuaa,- j o - i n i in g •ei, StfiimBUS

*l f i , SHil'niiEi

llMii InliliMiiiitiuyai, BhU iikili |1

eiirj f"

g EUFH of yliryhle,ta ; but It la Ilia ull

lildnoy & Illhddor Complaint*,";:i''•.•Z.tifgTlriiwry, Mil Wiiinli ,11.™™, Ortvcl, Dl»l.«tni, Drop.yi \Jifff!91,i|i|i»iw of wmirvTiiMiniimmet f,rUflriB, IlriirliriDIIOIIB "•;.. »,r~A l l i i f F i i l l & I t F i A f i t i i l l i l - l > f f P M B ^ H t b i i v p H i i « i f ^ a - H ^ ^ . i « ^ t B i f i i n B t Ai^:t'.*-- • - ' - - ^

isll«,l«, n

jie of irmrr.Tn«inllnen« nr.VrlMi Ilrljtlit'i D I I O I I BiliniFlA, mill In lilt.ejuti wlieroiiit'n^srg^yriiJcilQit dt>nr Illy wnt?r !• tlii^k, slduilv, triUiil with l l tba in i f l-•-•-••--•— ^ . . . . f . iii;« w u m i u ------

r Ihowhlj

7H, H i . . , Jn[^MBgf^ ft

i faiit hl l

iftwU. All th«|Fi4i:F! « | 4 thfM w«n9ll#II,faF i l , I Iffaiiv.Fy ililllit Ihsi *Sifa^fflmFil'l"di faiit hstbleif li*|l*i m*. t f**T.,,ir IUi.,h'riiii *it4 Ilintieili I WHyliltrj i i j Itili li^d Ilii Wlk ID tl«W l B , | I hml iuin,FT.I fnF iwsi« ' ViiFii l l lJak i !S N)lt l« «f tjt«1:... I..-1, ^,,| ,,„. un ,f Hailior<i I'lll,, mil tat hmlHif r ™t l IUHP 4 ll I , 11,*, ,.r iiii I SM

harrhf tli i

, ; GA.S GENIRATOR.H l i f t simple raaehine ihnt Fcsommendi itself

upuii ^ triiil, preduiiirig a jlglit eupfsflsr to. Ihs ftr^- - d i h f t r j e i t^ gus nnil at•/- " "-7 • • ; ~:* " '-'^~


THAN CITy MS,Examine it at Voorhoes A. llojers' hew sljro :

B?8r^ night, ItMIH Ilii put in sevefal difellin^sin town In a four dRji, imd in one of the publlo _

"•"" Itli'tlie hint ltfhl joii oan Buy for^oar ehufeh, ,oohool. hall, liuro.TaatBl-frdTfofHiT^—Sria-IffdOBilfur »ny plnoo whore light Is,required. .

Buliifiiotion guarantoiid in cvury onso, by Iha

THE 11KST SEWINQ MAOHiHB-M*»l•_ Thi only JfnBhJno t.hat.Biiik««Btliehns I tho only Maiilil j— i ...-.••..••. thitt flutem the eadi

ri.liaoaly.'Uaohfire that will Iniihiiiaire

whn hnVo iho oVolUilVe ennirol of Mnroer Cnnntjnr "WOOD 3 ^OVf-ArKrEir, HYDUO-CART«>N~GAbMAClIIKi:."

G, R. RUSSEL, Agent.Send for 'Circular . p lft.P

TEMPLE of FASHIONEighth Avemie. near 24th St.

Store ElBlarEC'l to l>onbl* its farmer Size

HavItiKobtalnqd nossoBSIon of Iho idJoInlnE tmlld-lng wo win be huttor cnablod to accommodate ourstondll liirron ln[t trndo.-Wo will offor^HiJoalal -Inducements this Spring

In all tho dttfer«tu dopartmonls

STRAW HATS,In »l lnmtnis vitlety-nt our well-known Low





All our..ojtn_inanuractnro, at l^ss tknn Jobhors*prices.;. Sqnd;for onrfret>: Dtsaorlptivo Price Lists.

Ppe'clal* Bnnfaln«? InPAnASOLS, HOblLllY, COUSEIS, KID



The pfoprlotor, has, by the a»sl«t-nhco ol" umliicnt IMiyAlclnns nnilUliomlFts-succooitcd-lll utilizing! th"mudioltihl propurtlrs contnlni'd Inthu Oil, FHoli Jt Uoiln of tho Hum.lnok.Tr4d.nBd obtained * valuahlupropnrfitlon to ljo'nppllctl as a Afilvoor nlimtor fur KhouiniUltm, liroup.I"«ln lit- Soranc«B of tho Ituclr, Chostor Stomach', Piles, Salt Klioum,Suurvy, .Sores, Ulcer", Bunion",

- don. Oprns, Frost Ultm, UhllblnlBS,Soro Dreasts & Nipples, Ringworm*Ohntinx fc Sldn-dlieatos or Icflnm-mntorr natuto, Cii is . A. UmTTTW-

vo.v, AKOUI, 7 Sixth Avodue, N. Y, my so in

Q 1 Am»do from M cts, Oall and e±amlno or 13iP J, Wmplesnoni (poBUstefrso) fo r«) ots *h»tretail qulolc for *X0. K. L. WOLOOT, 181 Ohnth*m

e, N. Y. my ao-iw1

All quf own ItniKirtntlon, thu very hoit qualityguaranteed atlully 00 ptr at, lens than nt any oth.<-!r_»Joro In the city, -fclrgant PlLtterna ItealOut-purb Laoesrfull* to" l\& wide at 68, 05, 76 and S»o,all extravhoap.Ek'Kiint I ' tttornj, full Jinohi-s wide at 41 H, WBrth$1.10 1-jlcttant PntturnB, fulH inches, wiilo ul 111 35,worth ftl.?6;. Sftmplcs sent by mall froo.; Orderspromptly filled.


The Trndo Supplied. . loy 2^w -l f t P . S,~~LlHiei arr^rlnff by Jenny or JCrlo KnU-n)Ads oan roach us most conroiilebtly by PATOQIAFrrry to Kid Bt , ,and Un. ats., Wuhlngtoli, D. O. m SIMlir,

A QKNT8 WAITED for the AUTOBlOflllA.

I BOOTS AXI L i m tnadvon n, new

Colpiew>nly cure for tender feet,immsnded by Anatomltu, P h y

l l sns and Chlrpodltts. niy2-Sri ••HaoBaiai^ WiTKins, Anatomical Boot Maker,i u i-'ulton Hi., (ind $ar Broadway, N . Yi


fP otiergotlo menX\ WomenWANTED.^8 v

Business that will Payfrom $i to #S por da j , can_ho pursued frt yonr.owji_homes and Is strictly hoBflrablo. Send for sarB]i-les that will enable you to go to work at OdOO.

Address ^ . LATHAM & CO.,my 30 lit 202 Washington 8 t , Boston, Masr.




iroTHJu ai,v nuitwuort Uusired ! nnd tho osly Urn.ohlnij Unit hiii a aolt-iiiljuBilm; touslon, Tlimo nd.vuntnisus ohmbinud with tho Buio, lliipldlli*, andUulotncsi or IIS motion!), lognthur with Om Boait1

ty unii Huiillly or iti work with nt-ensT utrnoTg.:MIS«T» rundof i t tho inoat dui!rnh)u, durably aaAUuit Fumlly sowinj jiiieliliia in tin-world.-"'-'v ' •

Uood Auonts wantud In UTOpy quunty, 'Wll.SOSt * l ' l -NNVI-ACKEI l , lUi.niiger*.

lisa Chestnut St., Bhilad'a, apSS4nn4f' '



Upon the appllentlon or Jnoob WVekpff, AdlBlB, '•Istrntor oumilph Edwardii, Intn efBilid Ueanty ofMlrtijiesost, (looeiiBM, J, f, H. Holuorahoj SufrWalsof the said uouhty of Mlihlloioi, do hurobf orderi l l " 1 ™ " . . ' ? *#«'<i;< l« |f.'l'"i«.:n>nnBd,BBd

By i


olnlrar, unilnr oath or lTnlrmation"Bgainst"fh«"ialileiuto wltliln n|no months rroatfioit "order, By lottlnjf un a'eony of iBiford

TS after nin a m i h i m l ; In BT- 1>melt liubllo pliieoi In laid" eounty for tho laass oftwo monthi, and aiio liy«ndYcriT«liiv thb iTmo forthe llko Bpnoe ortlmo Hi the Kighutown Ou'iit*:"'

ipBMtthg«Biiwir#pori^«l«B«t»»e,**AiiB?#Ifnnyerudltor nhftliii-glunt, tn uf hlllt, hlniif (TBT-

^—^••'"•*-d orojaim, wltiilnialaperiodBtBlSWl

1872lip IVgfn

I» S. IIOIiOOMHE,— S«rrop;atei-^


_Xjia_gc—ilinlrlnj-UiB-Bwi-lfTB af. tho uelnirhorseSQin M I ' w u u i , ] » , anil \ 1 , ' nnuoTo i.TACKrioir are hereby Informed that they will milks, .tho proient Aodeon at my fttablip-, r.oar JUllfort)

nil M Im— J l M ^ NOKTON;

HotsE FURNISHING DRY GOODS.Table Linen, 3frj 40. »6 and 60cents.'*

^ f t T « k , B3, TO, 87, »l.oo, »i.l» *nd *l.lo par

Napkins', « . tl.I5, «1 M), F$3, (2.50 and tTrxDoylloi, 6fl K, 75, hi, SI, »1 i& and «1.50 per

LAiylB StOCK Ofc-TOWKLS, ~At 10, UW. 10, 3D, 25, 81, *T, « , 60, «2, TJ>, t» I

eaoh, best variety ol p&ltorns ever m n »Knssla Orath, Unekabaok and all kind* *fj

TtJKKBY RED, .Far Table Oorern, oiUior by til* ju i ) or In

Bloth.Ladles' and Oenti BiniHterohlDa, In ep»ol»l b»r».

** *" BHIKT. MSifiul* In the beet manner tff RlohnrdsOD'iitrneof.

irKES 6aEETI»08In all the Width! from 7* tent* PUT TOT) s a


avlnrmydoTCinSrnJoorrfajpe^iHiU, l h n J t h . »dlroot ftott tho Importers, anil I annot l» Ba-oerfOLn. ^


toit!f™i£Sheeting and ttllow Caalnrln 9T"eiTA i m a bunt makes of Shirting* 1> ills

Page 6: THTTBSDAT, JU2O! 13,1872. - Receipts and Expenditures of ......THTTBSDAT, JU2O! 13,1872. - OF THE Receipts and Expenditures of the County of Mercer from May 10th, 1871, to May 8th,

lWt'"An Amt le »twonty-thltd

raMUAbTibrSatmUnlot M» SUt* of N«w Joriej, That dunagea

. . „ « • or»r»n» Pr MIDKU thill ba tpsnu-by putln owning » oUat of property »lraUar toldliagwt.'milM. otharnl** agr«d upon bo-

Dllli«qd defendant.l 1BT1

*•• . >• CIIAPTEB. C0CCLXXXV1.5T*'1 'iiMppl«D.anttoanut «nmi«d"An »ot to pro"1 ' • vlda'additional Moommodatlon for tho Inaana o'"'• ' l i l t lUtn," «pproT«d MaToh thlrty-flnt, ono

thmutid light Bandrsd inTentj-ono- 1 - Bs li m u t e d by th* Sonata Mut-flsnarttLAjL

f i wiitiTT nf ttm S W i D f N f r J " — - .Tbatfranijmdmtur flw p u i i g i of thli aot, it ibsll not ha lawful

, ^ •* for IDT p«r»n or H I H U to tall, or qauss, or' f t koowftialT permit to bs sold, dlrootly or Indirect-1C u i T J a j j n i l t , Tlnout, aDlrltuojw or Intonating

llnnon, or any ooinpo«ltlo» orwhloh auoh liquor.,or•n»\>f thorn, thil l form th« ohlef iDgmdunl,within th» ground! owned by tho Itato, Boron i n ;other landt or piaoo lying and being within onomll« oflhe boundary of the gronndi owned by th«•tit« for the accommodation of IHK in««ne, andMIT venon >o offandlog •hull b« deemed guilty orftnUdttnaanor, and oonvlotion ihall bo lined not1*U th i s fifty nor more tbin one hundred dollar!for the fintoffonoa and not lew thin one hundred

1 dalliri for e u h •abioquont ofTonoe, together withthe ooitl of proieou tion

1. And bo It e'nuted, That thli not ih. l l bo >tmbllo aot and ibull tak« effect immediately.

'Approved April 3, 1872.


PAB8ENQEB TRAINS &«AT> IHOHTBT0WHdttlly, (Sundiysexcepted,) asfotlbwt:

_ _ _ » O S J _ ? * W TOBIC.At 8 45 A. M7, rlaTTonmouth Junotloa

" 8 SO A. M via South Amboy•t 9.M P. M. ..'-.via Perth Ainboy

TOtt PHTLlB«I.lfJIII«.At 7.25 and 9.S7 A, » and 6.20 P. M.

TOIt BOOTH AMBOY.At 5 33 P. M , arriving at Amboy a t -7 05 P M

PaiJengari leayo New York fromPIor l NorthRiver, at 3 45 P M , «nd from foot of Desbrossesor Cortlandt Ht. via Jersey City and MonmoutbJunction at 7 A M. and 4 P M

From PhllBdclphia^loBVO footof. JIarkot streeti t B S O A M , a n d 2 i n d 0 00 P M -~-Tr»hI*-i6«ve BordontownforTrioton at.B 30B"OO.TI"28;iO.OJ, 11.30, a, m. and 1.39, 3 30, 4.39,S 2T and 7 38 p m

Leave Tronton ror.Bordontnwo at 7 15, B 42,p. ^nn.l 9. i.1, 4 ?ft, B.2iV, and B.OO P..M.

I AD iOt nUtinf to the National Ccmotcry ai• /' Atittetam

VThtr«i', th* legislature or thli state, by jointfttolvtion approved April fourth, eighteen hdr«d *nd iUtV'tU, provided for tho removal

^«ndrd»poBltrin-lhf)flepi*t«y-a^AnU4>Uia of thonnifttnl of tho toldiors from this state, who ir«ro

j l tograAfln J-nB bitlloflflld. or Antolaui or thefltldt of other buttloi fought tn that pnrt of Mn-)71 nod, limiting tho eiponio then for to the mmof flv* tbouMno dollar-. , and w henna, the purPOM* of mid resolution have been accomplishedVtiin « p o f i « o f two thou*B»d eight hundred*nd foftj-*l3: dollar* and forty contt, andwhoroaa, H i* proposed by tbo irmteos of theAntlfttftm Natfonul Cometerj to eroot o. monu-

t— ntu*nt in »Md a*nietory_ to the memory of thoPpC^^tttldfer* from the Ti»rioui_iEatoB of. tiro Unljra,_"~,S whoift bodiefl are thero Interred

1 Bo It unnoted by the bo n ft to nnd G on ft ml M-HDbl / of thp State of New Jorioy, That thuttttuuror of this state be and I* heroby dtrtoted to

- -par ta the trutfteei of the AnUQlnm_Nationul Cotn-•t«ry, upon the warrant of tbo mate comptroller,fuoh portion of the unexpended halnnoo of tho

^"•idd Af thouiand dollars, toward tbo Qrontion oflaid monument, ai tbo fcorornor may doom to hethe proper contribution of this lUta, comparedwith other itatefl contributing the mimu object

2 And bs it tnaotod, That this act ihuil tnlfflsot (mmodiatoly.ApproTed April 4,1S72

FOil LONO HKANCH,At 3 18 P .M. Arrive at Long Branch at 0.20

P. M.Leave long Branch at 7.15- A; M. arrive' at

nijhlstown at 0.20 A/'M.-Vu PiMBantos i s n Mouar IIoLir...

Pass trnlns louro Hi|(htstown nt 7 and 9 25 A, M.for Philadelphia TiftTomborton and Mount Holly

Keturning, will loaro Philadelphlii, from thofootof Maritet'St (upper Ferry,) »t 3J P. M» forHigh IM town,

A Passenger train loaves Philadelphia for HtghUtown at B.OO A, M'-i1. runcbing the latter plaoo: ntB.30 anil connecting nt Hint point with tho trullft,r NnTf " nrk viniijthur Montnjmth JiinnUnn ni.South Aroboy. Ileturnlii|C, leave Now York fromPlor No. 1 at 3 4b, or from Cortlandt St. (it 4 PM., reaching Uightstown at 0.20, and Csmden at»4* .

F«ox P

DxxxrxA Suppitment to an act entiilod "4A further aup-

~ piemen t to an not entitled fnn aot concerningi«*o»»' " approved April fourteenth, eighteenhundred and forty-si*, which said mipplcinontv u apprtred April eleventh, oightota bu jdrod

- --Aiid-«lity**ri -1. He it enacted by the Sen and Oeneral An

!? _ iombly of tboBtatuof New Joney, Thnt th* word*foiUien,*'in part one, of tho fifth aoation of thoftott to whloh thti Is a supplement, nhull be deemed

~fb4 taken 10 Include bodies corporateF? i 2* And bo U onaototl, That all not? and ports

6t*aU iHCGtJflUtonLwUh ibi* aol, be and tbo &ume~»rt hereby repeated, and that thin net shall take

T r a i n s n o a V i V T h u U r f r rburg mid the West at 8 00 A. M. and 13.40 P. M.dally except Sunday, and ut 0.30, 9,Q0 and U 40P M. ilntly

For IlnrrlsliurK, WilUainnport, tho Oil Bpglonsand Erie nt 12 40 II 10 P. M

For HnrrUbure, Blmlra, Cauandalgiia, NiagaraFalls, Ac, at 7 30 A. M.

A Through. Passenger train, espoclnlly fur par-ties moTinp; Wcuvrurd, leaves Philadelphia nt10 60 P M dally, exrnpt hunday, mnklng- fnitt|U|a for nil WMtorn poinli —^or passage by tliTitram application nhouli] bo Hindu to Francis TuiiIfTA(?oilt, lift Miirkot SI ,~Phllada , where KlrslClass and.£mlgriiut tlokots oan bo obtained

11 M EAilL\, /»ontV. W. JACKEON,

don. Supt. U. E H/of N. J. Div. JnI2-Iy


Having purohnson of Dr. J A UXTONhis

Stockton Street Drat Store,11AVH HEPLENIS1IKD THE STOCK,

—And nOTToITcf RTlbo pubTib a

Approved April <i» 1372

CHAPTER J>XXIXA farther Supplement tu an act entitled 'An act

to aathortio ad extension of tbo tJtate Prie«n,"- -fcpprored April eecond) one thousand otgbt hull*

dred" mud ilxty^niTio: "1, He it tmftoted by the fiennio and GonornI Aif

nmblrof the 8tato of Now Jontoy*. Ub it for thor-— Tiarpoiaoffloiibing-tfao hew-flr-WoUt wing of the

pt&i* prjiuii, QuddeffflytBg^tho expensua nlroidy-InoArred In conncotloa therewith, llm mm oftwenty*(tight thousand nnd ievun hundred ddl'timbey and tho same Is hereby»l to bop«(d on thn_warrant «^ thn oiiiuptrollor tn thnboard of tuporTUom ai they may directtr fr And be It »nadtcdt Ihat thn aot shall take,*ffaat Immediately "~

Approved April 4, 1872

CHAPTEH DXXVIIIA further Supplement tonn act emitted "An not

to eitabHflb » iVitein of pubtio instruction," np-prof od March twonty-flrst, one thousand eight

— hundred and slxty-iieven -1, Be it enaoted by tlio Son a to and Gonera-1 As-iiblj of Lbo IJUtu uf Klin Jfli^ej, TluiL Lliu Jluti


A. B. VooBHiiu. J. B.

Near tho Iron Bridge, Main Bt ,awii, N. J.,


- -Conttantrj on hand_-_and to ordev —


\Ve nSe the COMBINATIOH Coiirse; pKrsiin-Thif i* ilie OlV<,V VcvBcrtiir Ibal vtvu

o H E L I E D On.

Also Manufacturers and poatcrs in

Fine Walnut Parlor Suits,




Drug3, Medicmas, ChemicalSj

., anil all tho


of tbo djy, »uch n«

—LAHO-liEY'S, _ ,



IUIJ ui , .fTtperintcndent of jmbho Instruction ihult (unlessthft *tate board of Aduoaitou nhull, lor good vamic•hown. otherwlfle diroot) haro pofrtir, nu'i it shallbe hli duty to direot and OJLUSO the oounty collec-tor of any county to withhold from any county uu

flu fally uouiphod with tho provtAioni of tliu aatto whiob thip is a Bupplement, or nny of its supplo^tnenti relating to hji duties. *nd (unless tbo ntatoboard of education shall for thfTgood enu^e thownothfirwtfco direalj It shall be his duty to dirtctund o&n|a the county Buporintondont of any oounty, or apy bo»rd of trufltoea or school oQlcore, towithhold frum any ofhoer, ordmtrtot, or tonohor,

• ih.ftt..pftXt of thft atnto itpnroprintion doriTod fromthe fttYftnuA of tho oiato, until Jiuch oulcor dlatnotor teacher ihull have oomplied with tho provisionsof tko aot to which this is n, supptomont, or any of>iti ikpplemonti rotating to his, ils or their »lutio«,

; s n d with all tho rules and regulations made in^lintBUJinco of any of thvso aaU by the unto Uonnl

ion ; ami by nnd with tho advico nnd con-ho state board of odutinlion, he shall hava

power, and it aball bo hi* duty tu sunpond nr ro* vtiko tho Hooaso of any t^oobur, wh ft the county' »u pot Into ndeot shall uiakofurmal report thiUauah

C docs not pnnaeafl the attainments or quah-ti wMoh aro eftiontfal to hi* office, or thtit

1 or dupartmont of a school Under thef luah tencbor 14suffering from hu or h<irLenoy, or from I;is or her fmluro or iim-

pvern or instruct tbo otuldroQ who


Ayres', Dr. Sclicnck's, andDr. Kose's


All Pills, in WrlKlit'«,.Tayno'B,Hoo(linliVii,Ayron1, Mchonck'a, <3rari>nliurn, Wooilliull's-Llln-nur, Suhol'B ()iilllr Roger's Llvor, Mraiidotii's, Her-rick's, o l c , etc.


IH'ABEE?. Inrco fi»ortin'lp tbilAT CHAIRS UUbUUOI-

TOM CHAHlfa (of our ownXiinnuluotuiu)



on li«od aad madf to order W/ LNUT BRACK


nil kinds.


Ac , i o , oror olToretl IB thu nty. A 1 E Q lloj;orj 4 _U.J s celebrated

SILVER PLATED WARE,on limiilnnd to order 1'irpt rln-i "AllMI nndl'ljricLrouriiiniY, BLANK uoonb and biA-1I0NI 11Y Also

oon^lnnt1/ on li^nil nnfl maflp iy> to order.

nr Erfm, Louncri, Cnno uiid llusli DoHon Cbniupromptly uttondcd to

A« our cntiro stock ha« boftn purohnsod of' thoh Ht. Htiustn in Nrrf York und i'hilinlt l]iln l lur

> a i h . i n nro i tpnrud to nlliir our ouilimoTa i n d ~tho public in guiioriil, a finer H33ortlnunt.<:f tliolibovo oiniimonlal goods than has evor been dis-played in tbis city, and at as low prieuj

FCOR CASHas nny other, rosponsiblo d&Alurfl.




iTing largoly tnoroavod our atock during thoyoir t the utidorgijtticd aro enabled to offer atold fltund on Mutn struct, next door to tho

Kail Uoud Kotol, a coinploto Btocfc of artlclpa UBU'ully kept in first class Drug Stores





K~Q1LS.& TONICS, BRTTSIIEB A COJIBS,of all kiflda aud pi'iuca.



Double Elef ftted OTHO, W*rmtnff OlbseL

- - C , IC. DYER, - #

r,TERlNAHYSUBaEON, Kj^Vropared toV trout nil diseases' Inbldontal tti nArses, cattle,

sheen, and swine ; perform all operations la & sal-mtlflo iDflnnet1,Cor, of Stockton f

CARPET STORE.(3 Doors bolow Grand Stroot.)


INQRAIN CARPETS BO 4-75 Ota, per yd.

~Alnr|ro Slock of BRUSSELS, 3 PLTS and IN-QRAIWS In How Designs

OIL CLOTH of,nianufnaliiror»' prices. WALLPAPER. WINDOW SHADES, CURTAINS nndCORNICES, very-cheap, AHi|good3 guarantoedQ5"ropre8onlf d "

5 pfl¥ccitrI>iscooNr OH ALL BILL^ OVKK S20.0.0.uih21-3m

-Grocery-& ta

* The jnbmribejr would sail attention to h i i larg»J«'nd complcto ttook of Oro.iorU». ProriBlona; f- •' >whloh ho is lolling at t i e very loirontCosh BgU

rurahMorl am r<j£(USliled~to~i>Dll~bij*sliawhere. They wjll find all kinds of

COFFEE, SUGAR AND MOLASSBS. ^A very film amortment at . f K A S , inch ai Blaok"" ti

. Qroen, Imjionnl, t o _-. , paHom9, Pork! Lard, Fish, Choose, Butter, Ac. J' >>J<




THOMAS DEPUV,37 South 2J St.. nbovo Chestnut,

pniLADlSLPHIAJIaflJuatJipflnod.,_itlUl_JiloTge and wollpeleotod Bt'jok of FOTOTKO •nml-Domeallo-Carpotlng3* of stylefl and qunlltlosAlso OilUlolhB Mattings,Druggets.HugsMats, Stair Hods, Ac &0 , all of which huwill soil v<*ry ohoip lorS—J

by tho 1 bbl , 4 bbl and barrel.—^hots-wanting,to purchase, will find it to thoir advantugo to oaU u 1, &

BtsD, u n m T STOCK or

WINEt. LIQUOKS, AND CORDrALS,of tho choicest brands,

AT WHOLESALE OR R E T A I L ,Constantly on hnml At lowest pnoos

Speoial attontion Is c illcd to

A. Perrine's AFPLE GINGER, —For methcinnl purposei A lino nrttolo

Thnso wanting articles in my lino are oat-Hullinvited toaiill


And P110DUCE OF ALL KlNUS wnntod,tor-Vflitoh tho highftft mftrk^t ratca T?I!1 ba


STEWART DEPUY is not Ht 253a n h l h o i T ' - B e p o y TSept. 7—3 mos. Pull, and '& »io^ Spring.






for modicimil purposes only.

Thankful for tlio patronago.extQnded-tojifllaujring the paHt yenr, wo rospootfully aiik-for u con-tinuuiico of tho Muluo.

ap l y B DURYnE_&_CO


• B E D D I N G ' .Tho mont nrtenciro and bentmaboVo lino of gooiin tian h

tltu vuriuus Braiicl

rlnil stock in thofounil nt

^ of

Y, all kinds nn.l nil prloot—a"30irar.d elegant aflsortuont J iL ruccivcii.

TOILET SOAFS In nil v.irlctlcn, ami at allurlccs

H y gVpder his or her care r _

2* And be It eiiAotod, Tfj it the *tnto board of1 - B taoatton shall appoint tho oounly supefintcDd-

. f(j|tt of thp »«Y*ii*ftl ^fit^n^i^a In tha atntt)l milrjflflt totbo approral of the board of*choo«n Frooholdori oftho vovoral counties, but in. all oases whtfro n

and^no ftojloot u taken by anyd 1 r i diorp p j (

g T i tbo appuintinents mado by thutd shall ba y&Utl rtlthout mch uppro\at

3.\And bo It oijaoted, Thiit tbo itaiu uiaoolh l U d h l

y ydisap

t t

h d and'placo ai the state budrd may appotntt.and at moh otUor ttmos &ndplaoei as they may agree upon

1 And bo ilonaoted, Xhat tho township boardsL j r * l . . t o i f M 3 h M > i wf Ung stato

lly/at suoh lliaas and pluccid t lt

•frail meet Ki y /MM Ihfi oounty guperiutepdont may

- * ft,1 Aiitl'lJB.ltroiiiHJBttTTTtllll ltti i b d b b

|tpolnt.' l " ' tT

dbtiet proscribed by tbo third subdivision of thothirty-ninth section of the act of whloh this iv n

l 4 h b U f t t h H h

WAX FLOntB MATknlATSrni shmlcd. slnBloUTIII duublut WAI nil colors, lonT IUOMH, sLatntni!,cotton and olDt \Tiro, Crushes, Harps, &.U*

IIMMf ^ n , ai Lnw n, Doctor, Foutr'n, JmlrtiiiH. Wtlli1, Tuljlas , QartrUnK OH, Orui^k i)U,Anduison s Dtiinndar, Wiioilhull 2 AVlMflio, Ecluc-t l t oil, liyrj.in1* Jl^no, p i l la r 1 ! Ualin

Frcpar i i lom Tor tins Tlnlr, asIltibblu'ii, H IIIB, Kind's Kno-nlrs1, (3hoTalIor*B,

Hopkina1, Aires ' , Mi if Allen's &c



8.&S.HBYMAN&MAGK,Who in coriBcrjUi-'nco^r tho Aiiorinity «f thoir

snlon; ft tut iiaumnso fticilitioi fi>r prodvo-tion lire cnablud tn oCTor their oustom-

ors utitl tlia public

GEEAT INDUCEMENTS!During coming sa-uaA, \rn off ir ap£cl li ,iil\ antngci

to parties intcmlini; houscLLepingWo Hill tell i

A OoMr-LV.TB CiiAunr.R SUITIS( l in t 11 i'it Wain .t) \iith tho hofl, bttlitor nndjiiilowa, consisting of M 1'iuuod fur &J0.

A CuMFI.ETr, PAnj.011 SUITE,.ConnlrtlllK—of Teto-n-Telo, ^Ijadics' A Gimta'Chairs, aud four -><ido OliatrA in Hups, solid Wul-




cor~ncr of Ilou^tini Kl., entmnce nn the corner,nraiirli-Hlam, b!>b (l//i Avti, ror B l » ,Urnvcli.Slori-:\a-m 3il Avr. 41,,j St.

'Fortune-., 370, 3rb A ISO Jluilinii ht inli2I.3ui

A Word in Season



A very large assortment of

Lamps, Brackets, Globes,Chimneys^ etc.



TCetwi'cn Park P h c o nml M u r r w St ree t , TIT<I]>!••• lii Inmi J'rln 11 ]{ DtiHit, mil Ono Bloi Lul«iio Hobokon uriJircl.iy ijlrcul I t r r y ,

Silk Hats, $5, $6, and Best $7,— REsirit.uAi.iry

OPTS It "A 11-ft.TS $fi.00TTliousnnds

p p r h e p t wf to' bulld,"rflpnlr or Improve school buildings,

and to liorroirimpney or fnour. d*bt nr debts for.itioh. pur,pos(ii,ai they.ton j bo directed by a ma+

jority of tb«>l^ifiil vol«rs present at utiy logi? «dllodinDOtiSgof the dMrtat, and thnt, whej

9T In ths nqt to whtob this [} a supplement, OL __,"lapplements to yfblob tbli*la a furtntr iupplenion\

~~ll"jreqiilrT* two-thlrd» of tboa« prfisont to empow-*r th* truvtcas la do oertain aotsy shall bo so

j.*tnfnded that a majority of thos* pris«nt, -uponZ^^ttf?!*0* I'Tili, ifiull b« sufficient to iiapoirer

t> do^ll aoti that It noif i-e^uirtsA to #g»o tO.I be it erTaotod, That the vppilcanti for

. to tho normal idho 'Lflbnll giro on ftd-n A wrhtop obHgatton, signed with thair< wn hfciidii, that their octjeot in seeking admissionto tbo sohool \n to qualify tliQmsolvea lor tho em|tliiynl^bit'of poblio sobout teoohors, and that it-*i«thiir intention tq engage In that emplojmont in

^ihii^lat^lbrritUiHttwajeari^gr isfuttd ts theBtnto theooItdCtbelf tuition; acd In addition to

^ t r t y B p r q j i r lo Bum of flvc thouBand dolluri, (o

—trjl:^PIiyjilfilanii'--i>roiiorli,tlorii|. carorully oom.

lioundcil by a competent l>ru^'^liit.

Store open on Sunday frour B* to 10 A. M., 12 to•2 imd i to.7 P . M .



CEnTIEICATE.During A ttuy with nie, William g

f d h l m l f tu tin ciLTiPll nnd cayabl l n K d r u K i and medlc

CunninghamiLTiPll nnd cayabls InKdruKi and d l lN B I B O

iislnKdruKi and medlcln?H K N B I B . OHUMAB.

rtnton, Tft. J., Jan 14.1872.


Sugars, CoifiM, ToaiMfll(l«B«rSrru|ia, "-limns nnd Shouldorn,Drlod Bp'ef, f onjUBS l t Fish nd Pok

'forki.-Naili;B h * l V l l

•liiiin or ono hundred dollursoEioh, two or whloh'A-^ • h a l l b a — • " — - * - ' - — '••• •-•-•-'•"•-"--•ball bn 4 l l n ^ n K l g g a n j j j l f r f Vft ^nfnpdtgil

fur l)J *ht>puplN'In tho normnl school from t in taoDntrS *itd jho tomaiDdsr BhalLbo open .to_fi

ffam~i eoiuilolition.bypapllsln'tho normal nchool• s l jht »Ulo »tjargo; Iho oompeUtiro oiaintuntlonTn" i l -'B05M fSall.haMOddaatad,fcy:thji.prI

)>Ut«normnl»o,ho<.l nndhtsM.iaUr.t

p 4 pn n iMMiMriuail •mliiiaia nr

tM> aot .hall (ak«

Bateiaas'i proni,Drlod Bpf, f onjU, . Oodrroy'i Cordial.Salt Fish nnd Pork, p«ionei«L.Caitor Oil,Dried Ponohen, Apple!,:rSnpolio, BtrifetOil.---'Oarranta F a Muthes Spanish PoDried , pOarranta, FruDoa,

n p l , BrifetOlMutches, Spanish Polish

••PnWdm,T>n«™, In

Prstt'i Aitrnl Oil,

Mfc»ry:Bamps nndh«(TO

'1Potatoes, Onions,rsJTMSJBqMdiJJu^i, - _

ijttnrel;: . Palll , Brnlhel,;:

__j,j?!qlil(«: iFor;modlciniil iiia, : ••:iti-orJarri-i^Porl ind OSorry WlB»jjr




Competent irorkn»n lent to all parts of tho coun.irj. an 4>




B«lB|jOholeoSoloejioBi,irom IkoHoit Foots.,Enr/liih, Scotch, Iriih, and American, with an In

• i , 6 : -.•... :. : t r o i l u o t l o n •:,,-,.,.-,.>;-•••...:•-<-• -.

By ^Under whoin c tha volume was'

jomuilixl. i••' .;•"••• '•..The handism«t*BBd4&«Aiis>b aobnirr•Theliaiid»OBiwt-and<i«i>iiB»fa»iib»iljitlunli<igk

ejEtanti Over 100tiiiBOI,ljoiiutinilly,printod, illqstfated, 'Jinndaomsly-boitBd,.. A ,l,infarj,of6gB_yolomos Jn.flnq book.-wUbso (ontentt, o r haephaiBerBl oiitiirt or, InUfsit, will never Brow oldorjtale. It,wlllM;™tfand»d-HlllipleSia* longBJi Us leayos hold togojfier.i: i\ ; ,«•

:~«A;.j)MfBeKjttrpfJ,soti.Sen*BiIy.a,iiytliliiiiBVttovorfto, or; at nil WBrthy of plabe Kara la qey«a. Hit H book for'*yBry.hansehold»';-.M.T.

UrtKata., unl hu>T O l m

p4rmaaniii poiiularlt)* AKvnti^ull Illtv. II* unl>[<:•(« lauro tliannlnalnd Jlllh It. .MgnilTurU

Jsrftml.lnrinpU ' i *» ** if*. ' *>'1tj'»




.These TjiblotH pronont— Hiq-Aitht in Com.liinA(!<with otht»r efficient rornotlicg, in » pitpulnr frirfor tlio Cure ol nil THROAT nml M)N(J Difim*iiIlOAKSl-JNESS and ULCERATION of tho Throatare immediately roliuvm], iiud fltiLtqiiibnhi nro orsaintly huing «Ont t*> tho proprietor of reliefcH5ea_ of Th ron t d i nlo n 11 i frs .<tf. v o u rn a tu nd L

only WnlTii Gurbolia Tublutg- Pricv 25 nontn pjdtliox. JOHN Q. KELLOUii.iU iMntti-St.. N! V.

t iid for Circular, tjole Agent for the U, S 'jo!3-4'w

la A row 1MLKUL io.Nn , HIM tl illj nilunUd lor 1130 InSpline, u lun thn laiifruifl ILWI ilt bllltutod systoin

l t t l I l l l t It will t l tmerit Btt-Lii^tli iintl \linllt> , It will KIVI» \ I^or to

(RjcctLil ii( tl\ |ty to ihrt (iliiL^ lt-ht rLflt to I ho ucur1

iinlet to tho norvoui, mitl tmitlth to thu 111 firmIt is a South Aincrlcnn i>hint \\ tilt h uc^nriUnj

to the medical nu'l ficlt-iitllu pLrludl^uli of Tjunduinml Pfitln, JMIS LSHCEI the \m ,1 1 o\\ KIIKL r ttmlc pro.pertlcR kiiuw n tu Mutt 1LI MLdlca nnd H 1111known in HH n,fitl\e country an hnv lui^ wondtirtucuratlvo qufilltiei nml hu * LLLM Itm^ nird ui IL gpiClllc In ill OT.BC1? Of I input tins oflhr Illaad, I)n am/rmciltoflhfliVCr and Sitltcn^ iumors Dufuai/ Pyut r y ut the Wood, Debility IVCULIUJUOJ t'ic IIHQMUIUVtn tne or Ui mary Organ* r

Dr, Well's Extract of JurubebaiBstn.n thcntnR nnd nqiiri?]iiD^-,-Ukc nutrfcloun

un Into tlio stomach It nH^lmlLitLti an

and Uojs' t»trn\r Huts,lonontsto* each.

In all Oolom,10 000 Dvion Men

from10,000 Dor-on Women's fit'Mlmfvn fihudd IfntH, ,

nil colore und itylcs, from 25 Uonts to • leach.



China and GlasswareTo ho Tound in tha Citj of Tronton, may bo icon ot

Mrs. C.


(ttreotly on • Moonstlyu Or^rims, (iml hy Its po\vcrfuTONlU (in<l roatorlhjt v/l'vct?, • proilticos. lititilth]and vigorous dctf"n o|.th*i ivlmU) system,

Jims* Q.. Kv;r,r,oon, 18 Hliiil St.. N. Y.jol3fw Solo Au« nt for tho Unltml f i t 1i*rloo Ono 'Dollar por liottlo. HCIMI lor Otrcutar

SELECT BOARDING SCHOOLiTor Young Lft(Ho3TTntrOroonwich, Conn. For ci

Fnrm«rB. and Dealers aro. inforincrl that thl« o,r-,Iclo imituLnfl all tho n iiul^Ito clt;nn»ntH ILH IL Tyr-.IU74 r l l i it the soil vtll digest, iurl clitic It Is

\v]i in it;i imtlon, It is pisTmnnent In Itft otfuot.Tho lncron-Bort (loininnl for -this ffuiuio^ln tho

latta, ia a-aur«oriUt'ioi» of

I-lilCHIIVK.Uightstown.Mny 1, 1871,-tf-



w & cTho best

ill dtialbra^

135 NOllTll WATEll h£ ,

. Xtoeso *S Co.,

1V£ South Dolnwaro Avonuo, Phlladolplila.

ftn 11 Lhu attention of Tobacco growers to

Liberal Discount to Dealers.JT&h. '20, 187^.

riAVOKING EXTEACTS-1 wnrrantcd cquiLl to Qny inndo They 11 ft* pron l fmin tlio_iruiU, und will he found muchlor thnn in tin) or iho Lxtnc tu thiit »ro mid

, - A^L yuiir GI'JOQI" oi;_12n'£i'^Liur ^Yislocr*?s J^tractif

BARLOWS INDIGO BLtfETs wilhiHit doulit, tho bc^t ardolu in tho market,fur Iflucin^ clolhci I t will color m<>r>) wiitor ilmnfour tiuii.ii the fntuo wei^hl of tmligo nnd muchnoire thnn any otln r vra^h blue in tlio markoL Tlit.n]\ pt'iiiiino IH that put up ftt


rJ,ho IJAUKI S havu both W i u m-.tPFit'i nnii BAHITV'H mimo on ihoin, all othem nro otiuuturfi'it

For Bftlo hy mtiat Grocfira-aud J ) ru^io tg- =—=


W. H. C. MURPHY,buoocssor to WMvHIOKS,


doalor In




Piuturvit Frulnod ki Order-. Plutos pn£ in LookingGliit)3 Frnmes

CLOrllLSi WiUKGEUb REPAIRED.(loo 14 tf

-B-&-M-B-E-11 T O N Al A-It-t-I HITo raise good "Wheat nnd Rye, nnd have your Grftjl

Will bu found on tri»l toAlwiiy-i.nn-hitnd.fur.i'flle flt reti"

Diid B1*IOES, Gonutiki»3, Spongi:», Tapio

l b l I

a auporiorthnbln i>rJCCfl Pure

no MI'l>lUlNiS^» ChninnPuurl, SiigO, afld

A-LFUED' W-No—iJ33-N<riiiTii SKCO.NT> ST. ,• .PuiiiAintLFii.'4J

Jnnp 21, 187L—One yedr.

BUILDING STONEOil SALE --Tho ftuti-'oribcr will furni«h BuiM-

ii til byns G-ut- -roidi?.

tho CiitnUon A A tu boy or J.nmc&burg ltiiil-3 1 :>w princ.3 us oan be purch im il t'li

Ordor** ivill ruLoivo iniini Jni t t 'ittcntionAI.l-liL.JJ J'niiRIJVi:.

jhtstown, Fuh. 2S, I86U. ~


/•CONTINUES to rnanufaoturo CHEAP FOUCASH.


Tlcst materials usod, nnd suti^f^otion guamptccd.

A Good asEiortniotit of Ready'filmic Boots anda))oos oonstufitly tiji hand.

Boots atiil Shotia ropnirod at short nolico. -A oall fromuiy <*)<! riendt) imii ouatimiera is retpfullv solioitcd

ii. April 1, 1R70 l y

—^USE-FE\IBERTON MARL !To double-yonr-orftii of, Huckwhont, uso 2^

urjujro ofr-orftii


T o i.oublu. your n«y"Cirbp,cr'mirn, applied on yomi

ustT*from~5 f& fTf; ^rusri m (.ho full.


P-MEASPltOLL, General-Agent;CitAxninur_._N. J^-

J C.

Biriiiinghmn, New Jersoy



Carpet & Oil Cloth Warehouse,. 143 BOWERY, N. Y.

Ono iloor bolowUrooino ntrcet^ nro olforlntr. n..lurj^cunit flnlondul iLBsurLmtitit ot Onr^iuts, auth ne JimsRI In, T i m e **1> l^i^tUh i . Aniciluan Ingrainpcrts; UiTOlt»l7is«f-,UiulaLiiaLuiiLl.choloeati t reaaonti-l>l« l I C t l ' l U i

Stop oar on Uotvorj, UH* Qraml nml 13roump * tB

W. E K1NQ. ap4-3m


The undcrplj^nefK pr^prletT* flnd mnnofnolur*ersoi KigijH1 Piit«nt..Giinjf Phsvr, nnd itiirjjtaM'at-t nt turruWLti hive OH lmnd tor I bo ^jtrinfi tnitl*a »npp]y of thvio tlcKurvvdlj populur intplc-uiunln.

Also a lurgo uiook " four "own mnnufneturo"on« ii'hd Vwn.horPL E«ii uDiltftlu r plou^uf m%i*t j p -proveil paih*riw m uta in a nupotinr moniioi Iromtlio bint iniitofiii^-iti prices t" fuit flu* tinli-*_

lu y Custin^sVt ^lKiKmile nudMACJIINFHY \K



The Cheapest Fertilizer


Frof. FOWLER'S GREAT WOHK,On Manlqorwi, Wnmnnlinnrt 'MIIT llifttrMnf.iin.Un-tcr.rehLtlona ; Lovo, lte Ijtiwflt.Powor, oto.

Sfin'd Tor specimen pii'gtis iinil' olrCHlura, ATlthter na. Adtlrcsfe, NATIONAL FuiiLinxitNU Uo., l*hll.iidLjphlti, Vn _ __ junlJ4t

AGENTS ! AGENTS ! AGENTS !8cpd fordcuerlpUv* dlroular nnd Bpeolal Lorms forthn grc&tcvL tnniint^a book published.

McClellan*s Republicanism Vr in

fOpjorttailheMarketiJ ,.



PlainisndDeaoriited,I N A J l l and 8nld



OuaWmirat.fully paokodshargt.- ' •

w i aoiing ol«iiwhoro. i X C(tf

Dbrond nun h»»0 ihelr good! osro-^ rtlppsa^wilhoiir, Mdlltotfap

: Ci^ Stomping for Brold'BnilEaib«laorT<!on«

in the Market-

Iron Foundry aM Mrcbine &hop,

tirxl to IlLl^ht ilcpot,

mdr2& 3m _ "T Q. EELL.IIV,

T> V. S TComen nnd:Mbr,iry Ikirnitiirc.

Nn 1U1 FULTON bTULBl', NEW YORKPino Cylinrt«rl)i-ik< - uplS-3n»

niit.ti AND OfFICBS FiTTtlj n r

Jlornefitibi&n V J

*»- Ap-ent »t Hlghtllowtf, J. S^EOQEBS.

Oot.6, 1870 ly .

Joe'Cream and Dining room.


Qwlng to. the present politloitl txcltetnent,itiill fur. tlliiJiftJtLsljLlliOlltHit Hi(O'1TihlHr

Therichest, larjstiJwad IHUH '

rloftoE f p ^

aTi tbrnn unit "

clSTBiflnraun1n~iiriSt nml wnuiiin In Llis oniintiy

ol all Ihnal Alinnn In our mlilit m 17fii kniiwlrilnc milt tirmtlinvr ittll

Bif" 1 k.Qinoitaiiiln.ani.HiiUii'rlaml," hiarllly toooiiiiimul It lor tinH«eliinr rnny l inni i i l lhsml 'v l l l iek

lj»l>lil ^n;i pl

-ny-ymno-otLajtrlt-oLfl. t'n. jnaaauotl «ut ottlio Court of Uhiinocry of New , - (if 111 bo oXLWsed to sale at PuMlo Vcnducl tOnJJaiurdtiyJheJJlh cluy of Ouly,J.872,

at thtTliouTof iwoo^cloch P.M., or said daj , at tha'l.otclot DinW I.ants, In tho liorou|;h of Hr ' -town, In the Oounty of Mercer, all tha "tmrceLoriuml ami promises", dltnate,-lyln|r and be"-'filK In the townphlp or Kust Windsor, In tnn 00nn~tj of Moreor unil s ta ts of l fow Jersey ' BejrlntlingjVAt a hickory slump In tho highway culled Hloltory,,Oo.rnor, ajid a corner 01 what was formerly Win.'llnhor'a larm, thoDcts (I) at tho -ncedlo pointed l a ,1836 north torty nine dugretis nnd fifteen minuteswost forty ono chnlili and eighty six links to tho

i iind Laltflnln ixet i i inuii . ...W Ouirrruii(lUi">rK0j Mlllrr. vmrulmL w|l | ttiul LmfHtiK nl or J'i.iimli (JuLlor, <

1 t ami LII Im i- ilil l>y .. I HO^

alml M

Top Related