Page 1: THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 2012 - Jennifer McLean's ......2012/09/13  · friend, Guy Finley. Guy is a real friend of Healing With The Masters. He was with us in the early days, and he


Host Guest



Page 2: THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 2012 - Jennifer McLean's ......2012/09/13  · friend, Guy Finley. Guy is a real friend of Healing With The Masters. He was with us in the early days, and he

Jennifer McLean’s Healing With the Masters | Volume 10 Page 2 of 33 Guest: Guy Finley Thu 09-13-12 ©2007–2012 McLean MasterWorks All Rights Reserved. Brought to you by Healing With The Masters/McLean MasterWorks,

Jennifer: Welcome everyone to Healing With The Masters. This is our tenth season. We are

celebrating ten seasons. It’s hard to believe. And we’re really excited to welcome our guest tonight, Guy Finley, but before I introduce you officially to Guy who has been on our series for about half of those ten seasons, I just want to remind you that you’re about to go through a really remarkable journey this season. This is, as I said, our tenth season. I’ve been told that this is actually one of our most powerful seasons that we have put together. And it’s no accident that this is happening in this remarkable 2012 year. So just remember that each show of this beautiful series is a point of opening. Each show is the foundation for the next. So try and catch as many of these shows as you can. And a good way to do that, of course, is to purchase, and that’s: There’s no hidden messages there. That will allow you to purchase and own this beautiful series. Regardless, we have

a really wonderful hours and hours that we keep these replays open. We have a for sure 48 hours, sometimes we keep them open a little bit longer, so make sure that you’re catching each show as each one sparks an opening within your being. Each one is energized with frequencies that allow you to open to the new capacities that are you.

And I also want to mention something about masters. You know, we may think of

masters as the remarkable guests that share their knowledge and experiences with us each week on Healing With The Masters. We actually consider you to be the master; each of you in this audience, you the participant. No one knows you better than you, and no one is more uniquely qualified to transform your life than you. You have everything within you. You are the master within that you are seeking. The masters that we bring together tonight will allow us to discover the tools and techniques to continue to shift our life into love and light, and continue to discover the master that we are. And in the process, we will truly make a difference on this planet for each of you are the spark that allows all of us to grow. Together we are a powerful community. You matter and you can light up the world.

And someone who has been lighting up the world for many decades is our dear

friend, Guy Finley. Guy is a real friend of Healing With The Masters. He was with us in the early days, and he is a wonderful guidepost to understanding who we are and what we’re doing here. He is one of the true bright lights of our world today, and his ideas go straight to the heart of really dealing with the most important personal and social issues and relationship success, addictions, stress, peace, happiness, freedom. He really has helped thousands and thousands and led them to a way of a higher life. He’s the acclaimed author of The Secret of Letting Go and more than 35 other books and audio programs that have sold over one million copies in 18 languages worldwide.

In addition he’s presented to over 4,000 unique self-realization seminars to

thousands of grateful students throughout North America and Europe over the past 20 years. And he’s been a guest on over 400 television and radio shows, including national appearances on ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, NPR, Wisdom Network, and many

Page 3: THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 2012 - Jennifer McLean's ......2012/09/13  · friend, Guy Finley. Guy is a real friend of Healing With The Masters. He was with us in the early days, and he

Jennifer McLean’s Healing With the Masters | Volume 10 Page 3 of 33 Guest: Guy Finley Thu 09-13-12 ©2007–2012 McLean MasterWorks All Rights Reserved. Brought to you by Healing With The Masters/McLean MasterWorks,

others, and of course Healing With The Masters. He was a keynote speaker at the tenth international conference on science and consciousness as a member of the faculty of the Omega Institute, that renowned institute, and he’s faculty there. His syndicated weekly radio show is aired on several international networks including Healthy Life Radio, World Talk Network, Contact Talk Radio International, BBS, and Earth Channel. He is the director of the Life and Learning Foundation, which is a renowned non-profit center for self-study in Merlin, Oregon. I have the privilege of meeting him at his center, and it is just a beautiful special place in a very special — it’s like the earth chose this spot for Guy to send his message out to the thousands that listen to his wonderful information. We are honored and privileged to welcome Guy Finley back to Healing With The Masters. Welcome, Guy.

Guy: Hi, Jen. Jennifer: How are you darling? Guy: I’m good. Nice to speak with you. Jennifer: Nice to speak with you too. It’s wonderful having you back again. Guy: I appreciate it, and I know the hard work that you’re doing to make this possible.

So much thanks. Jennifer: Oh, thank you. It’s our privilege to bring this information and your great message

to lots and lots of folks. So, Guy, let’s start with life. Guy: Small topic. Jennifer: I usually ask you small questions, like what the hell is going on? What is this life

thing these days? I know that we’re all going through a lot of stuff right now. It feels like so many of us are going through compression and our world seems to be teetering. How do we move from being afraid of life to making it our playground?

Guy: Well, I think the first thing that we have to understand is that the reason it is so

compressed, the reason that we’re all facing this kind of interior conflict and seeing it erupt more so every day in ways that once would have been unimaginable, is due to a fairly simple fact. In fact, the question is a good one. I just literally told the story, Jen, that kind of explains it. Should I run through it quickly — the little story?

Jennifer: Yes, please. I love your stories. Guy: Here’s a reporter and he hears about this strange town somewhere in the Midwest

where even though it can’t be actually accounted for, it sounds like the people do something strange every night; some kind of weird ceremony. Anyway to make a long story short, this reporter represents the part of us that wants to understand what on earth is going on with us as individuals with our friends and family in the world at large. So he travels to this small town and sure enough gets there and late that night around 12:30, sure enough he’s kind of awakened by the sound of a lot of shuffling feet. And he looks up and lo and behold literally everyone in town is in a single file line marching up this mountain where when he gets up there he doesn’t want to be seen. He’s not sure. Is this a weird cult? What’s going on? He can see they all have carried shovels with them and their digging in the ground and

Page 4: THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 2012 - Jennifer McLean's ......2012/09/13  · friend, Guy Finley. Guy is a real friend of Healing With The Masters. He was with us in the early days, and he

Jennifer McLean’s Healing With the Masters | Volume 10 Page 4 of 33 Guest: Guy Finley Thu 09-13-12 ©2007–2012 McLean MasterWorks All Rights Reserved. Brought to you by Healing With The Masters/McLean MasterWorks,

putting something in the ground. Well, it sounds terrifying, doesn’t it? And he doesn’t know what to make of it except that he notices just off to one side, someone else that isn’t part of this ritual that is going on, observing it and making notes too. It turns out this is another person like himself that’s involved in wanting to understand this strange behavior. And here’s what he finds out. Are you ready?

Jennifer: Yes. Guy: He finds out that every night these people go back up the hill with their shovels to

try and bury one more time the pain they thought they buried the day before, because it always keeps showing back up in their lives. We want to know why the world is unfolding the way it is, it’s because we don’t understand ourselves and what we are going through inwardly. We don’t understand what our own discontentment — what our worries and fears are for. Instead, everything about our life has become kind of adversarial towards these unwanted moments. And I know for your listeners who understand at least in part the idea that we are capable of creating our lives. Can we turn it around, Jen, and have a new look, if you will, at this beautiful statement. I know you know it when the student is ready, the teacher appears.

Jennifer: Yes. Guy: Well, maybe it should dawn on us that these moments that seem to be contrary to

our wishes, the ones that challenge what we’re trying to bring into our lives, that maybe these moments are as much our teachers as are the so called teacher we’re looking for to explain life to us. Once we understand that life is never endingly bringing us, I like to say that lessons ride in on the back of events. And once we get that idea that lessons come in on the back of events, and if the event brings with it something that seems to challenge my happiness, it isn’t the event that needs to be challenged, it’s my notion of what happiness is about, because then I can begin to do the work inwardly to answer your question now. What’s going on? And I know you know this. We need to become more conscious. We need to start taking responsibility for what it is that’s going on inside of us that we would rather try to create our way around than understand those unhappy thoughts and feelings, those negative states. They have no real authority over us to being with except for when we try to bury them so as to get them out of the way.

Jennifer: So here we are with a life event showing up. Guy: Right. Jennifer: And our inclination, almost instinctual, I think, but somewhat habitual is to bury

that pain. Guy: Instantaneous. And let’s clarify that. Whenever we resist an unwanted moment,

it’s the belief that by resisting it we separate ourselves from the thing that we don’t want. Yes?

Jennifer: Yes. Guy: But listeners, listen. Take your right hand and let’s make your right hand you and

what you want, you and what you’re trying to create in life, you and that what you see as your happiness. That will be our right hand. You do it with me, Jen, okay?

Page 5: THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 2012 - Jennifer McLean's ......2012/09/13  · friend, Guy Finley. Guy is a real friend of Healing With The Masters. He was with us in the early days, and he

Jennifer McLean’s Healing With the Masters | Volume 10 Page 5 of 33 Guest: Guy Finley Thu 09-13-12 ©2007–2012 McLean MasterWorks All Rights Reserved. Brought to you by Healing With The Masters/McLean MasterWorks,

Jennifer: Okay. Guy: Now my left hand, your left hand, Jen, is going to represent someone or something

that comes along and challenges what it is that I’m trying to do what I believe will make me happy. So my left hand and my right hand meet and I begin to resist my left hand with my right hand. Do it with me. Push your right hand against your left hand.

Jennifer: Okay. Guy: Are they getting further apart? Jennifer: No. Guy: No. In fact the more that I push, the more it hurts. So resistance, although it

seems like it’s something that separating me from what I don’t want, is actually causing a greater sense of identification with the very thing that I don’t want. Then we’ve got a fascinating subject called negative attraction. Where the more we don’t want something and push against it, either by directly hating or rejecting or resisting the moment, or by thinking to ourselves, you know, I’m going to find someway around this problem. The problem is never the event, Jen. The pain is never the circumstance or the condition that seems to deny us our happiness. The real problem is we don’t understand, yet, who we are and what we’re given as human beings to be able to do in this life when it comes to actually turning these unwanted moments into true treasures, which is what we’re created to be able to do.

Jennifer: So it feels to me, and I’m feeling a shift in the audience already almost

energetically, that when we look at these moments — I love this notion of looking at these moments as our teachers. That when the student is ready the teacher presents itself, and the life event might be the teacher.

Guy: The life event is the teacher. You’re a teacher. What’s a teacher if not the

embodiment of a certain set of ideas, a living knowledge, the expression of something true hopefully. Well, the teacher himself or herself has come to be what they are because they have learned to use every one of these moments. So they become the expression of that. The person that frowns on you, is your teacher. The IRS check saying — not check —

Jennifer: No, you don’t get many of those. Guy: Yeah. Jennifer: The audit. Guy: Yeah, the audit. You know, the phone call, the flat tire, all of these things.

Somebody challenges your opinion in a meeting, you hear your company is being downsized, the government is involved in something else idiotic, whatever it may be. In that very moment your reaction to the event is an indication of something you need to learn about yourself, not about what needs to be done towards the event, although that may be necessary as well.

Page 6: THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 2012 - Jennifer McLean's ......2012/09/13  · friend, Guy Finley. Guy is a real friend of Healing With The Masters. He was with us in the early days, and he

Jennifer McLean’s Healing With the Masters | Volume 10 Page 6 of 33 Guest: Guy Finley Thu 09-13-12 ©2007–2012 McLean MasterWorks All Rights Reserved. Brought to you by Healing With The Masters/McLean MasterWorks,

Jennifer: So the first thing we can do is to just observe the event as an opportunity. Guy: Yes. Look, in the — which I know we’ll get to. In my new album, my new DVD

album, the very first DVD tells a story about a gal whose sister works in Hollywood, and this gal lives in the Midwest. And she goes to visit her sister on the set where she’s working. And after a long series of events, she’s sitting in the commissary waiting for her sister to join her, when — I need to mention that they’re almost twins. Into the commissary walks this big, I call him his name is Stanley Manless Heart. And he walks in and he sees her sitting there, and he looks at her — her name is Teresa, and he says, “Teresa, who do you think you are? Do you think you’re so important you don’t need to be on the — “ And he starts to tear into her and demean her in front of everybody in the commissary. And at first, Teresa doesn’t know what to do, because just like you and me if suddenly someone attacks us, the first thing that happens is embarrassment, then resistance to the event, then resentment towards the person, never recognizing what she finally comes to. An epiphany in that moment when it suddenly dawns on her, and she looks at him and do you know what she says to him?

Jennifer: What? Guy: I don’t answer to you. I don’t work for you. Wouldn’t it be nice to know when we

get angry or frightened or worried and some negative state starts demeaning us telling us we’re inadequate, telling us we can’t succeed, to be able to become conscious enough in that state, not resisting it, but through awareness of it as you alluded, to be able to inwardly go, “You know what? You have got the wrong person.”

Jennifer: Right. Guy: Because in that moment there’s a complete shift, isn’t there. Jennifer: Absolutely. It doesn’t have you. You now kind of have it. You have — Guy: That’s exactly it. From being somehow through resistance dragged into a world in

which the event seems greater than you are, now you realize the event is there to teach you something about yourself, and it becomes part of a new really majestic matrix that’s formed as you realize, hey, this thing that’s happening is here to teach me about myself, not to torment me abut who I’m being called out as not being. So it really creates this marvelous immediate recognition that we are given the ability to use every moment. That every moment, as you said, brings us this lesson. And the lesson is always — key idea, listeners. When the lessons ride in on the back of these events, the reason that a lesson is what it is, is because it’s revelatory. The moment always reveals something to me about myself. Right, Jen?

Jennifer: Yes, absolutely. Guy: We love it when we meet somebody we love, when we’re doing something that

we’re absolutely engrossed in, whatever that may be. Because in those moments the lessons that come through those events introduce us to parts of ourselves that are powerful, are positive, they’re uplifting. We love that. But the same nature that knows itself and discovers itself through those kind of moments with the teacher of the moment, we need to understand that just because suddenly instead

Page 7: THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 2012 - Jennifer McLean's ......2012/09/13  · friend, Guy Finley. Guy is a real friend of Healing With The Masters. He was with us in the early days, and he

Jennifer McLean’s Healing With the Masters | Volume 10 Page 7 of 33 Guest: Guy Finley Thu 09-13-12 ©2007–2012 McLean MasterWorks All Rights Reserved. Brought to you by Healing With The Masters/McLean MasterWorks,

of receiving the accolade, we heard something that gives us heartache. It doesn’t change the dynamic. I’m still being revealed to myself something about myself that was concealed the moment before. And that, for instance, the false idea that you have to treat me the way that I want to be treated, otherwise I’m not worthwhile. How false is that?

Jennifer: Wow. When you say it now, after what we’ve just discussed the last few minutes,

it seems ridiculous. Guy: Yes. Jennifer: And it seems almost comical. Guy: That’s beautiful, Jen, because that’s exactly what happens the more we awaken.

We realize these reactions that we have that are all mechanical created by a kneejerk resistance, that they really belong to a certain comical level of ourselves. Although for a long time it’s not so funny to think that you’re less than something right or true, because someone disapproves of you. But the fact remains that here comes the event; here comes the person, here comes the news. I look in the mirror, any one of a million things, and boom, just like that something that I didn’t know about myself is revealed. And, of course, that makes the moment the lesson. Well, the only way that something can be revealed to me is if it was concealed the moment before. So I hope that everybody is getting this, because it means whatever I’m carrying around in me that concealed from me, that’s unconscious to me, it’s a time bomb, because anyone or anything can set it off. So what we’re doing is we’re understanding that on one hand it’s inescapable, these parts of ourselves that we have in one respect perfected over time. Look, you and I can’t do any better than we’ve done up until this moment, but in this moment we can have revealed to us that the best we’ve done is not the best we can do or are. So the moment reveals — go ahead, Jen.

Jennifer: We don’t have to judge ourselves now for the things that we didn’t know until this

moment. Guy: That’s exactly right. And even when we see we didn’t know that I’ve got this crazy

idea that somehow people are supposed to worship me, that somehow life is never supposed to do anything other than I want. I don’t know why I walk around with that, until suddenly the traffic is on the freeway, until they burn my toast at the restaurant. Then all of a sudden what was concealed is revealed. And what’s so beautiful about what we’re talking about, and so empowering is in that moment I don’t need the power to buy the restaurant so no one burns the toast again. I need to stop being overpowered by a part of myself that is just a kneejerk reaction. And in that moment when the concealed is revealed, and integration takes place in my soul, I’m no longer divided up into who I don’t know I think I am and that which reveals that I’m not that. Instantaneously there’s a marriage, a union in all of these disparate parts of us that are the cause of our pain — back to my story. So now I don’t have to bury it anymore. I don’t have to pretend or pounce or punish or worry or fear.

Jennifer: And, Guy, we don’t even have to confront it even. Guy: That’s right, exactly right. Not in the way that we now think we do, which is

through resistance. And of course the idea of somehow I’m going to control you or

Page 8: THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 2012 - Jennifer McLean's ......2012/09/13  · friend, Guy Finley. Guy is a real friend of Healing With The Masters. He was with us in the early days, and he

Jennifer McLean’s Healing With the Masters | Volume 10 Page 8 of 33 Guest: Guy Finley Thu 09-13-12 ©2007–2012 McLean MasterWorks All Rights Reserved. Brought to you by Healing With The Masters/McLean MasterWorks,

this moment that suddenly brought me this conflict. No, all we need to do is like Teresa in this first story is realize, you know what? You have no authority over me except for when I resist you.

Jennifer: And it’s not said with an “FU” kind of attitude. Guy: That’s right. No, no this is — Jennifer: There’s no bird being thrown out there. Guy: This is a quiet thing. And for those of your listeners who are interested in the, like

in the New Testament and Christian teachings, Christ said, “Resist not evil.” In the original Aramaic, the translation of “resist not evil” is “do not oppose what opposes you.” Because you can’t complete yourself by getting rid of what you’re afraid of. You only get free by realizing you have nothing to be afraid of to begin with, because who you are can turn every last one of these moments into something majestic.

Jennifer: You said a word, a phrase a little earlier — A majestic matrix. It feels almost like

when we start embracing these concepts, and we start living these concepts, and we start having those moments now where life shows up and an appearance of conflict or confrontation, and we move into this place of, you don’t own me and I am empowered here, and I am free here. What kind of a life shows up from that place. I mean, you and I have had that experience that life is different. What is different about the life of someone who is now seeing his life challenges — life opportunities?

Guy: I’ll say it in very strong terms first. Fear is no longer your God. When we

mechanically resist a moment, and you be the advocate for the listeners, when we mechanically resist a moment, it’s because the instantaneous take of what our mind is telling us has happened, is that this event is bigger than I am otherwise I wouldn’t be afraid of it. Right?

Jennifer: Exactly. Guy: I don’t resist something that I’m bigger than. Do you? Jennifer: No. Guy: I mean, if a four year old walked up to you and challenged you, you’re not going to

get nervous hopefully. Jennifer: Some might. Guy: Yeah, well, that’s exactly right because of the idea of an image that everybody

should love me. So we’re right back to immediately if the moment seems bigger than me, the first thing that happens is resistance and then comes, after the resistance, a very important notion. All negative states follow the resistance. Fear appears, because I believe this thing is — I’m inadequate in front of it. This life that we’re talking about is what happens when a person realizes it’s impossible for them to be inadequate in front of any given moment regardless of how it appears, because all there meeting in the moment is what they have yet to understand

Page 9: THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 2012 - Jennifer McLean's ......2012/09/13  · friend, Guy Finley. Guy is a real friend of Healing With The Masters. He was with us in the early days, and he

Jennifer McLean’s Healing With the Masters | Volume 10 Page 9 of 33 Guest: Guy Finley Thu 09-13-12 ©2007–2012 McLean MasterWorks All Rights Reserved. Brought to you by Healing With The Masters/McLean MasterWorks,

about themselves. So how can it be greater than I? It’s there to introduce me to myself.

Jennifer: It’s there to introduce me to ourselves. Guy: Yes. And then fear has to disappear, because the only hold it has over us, and why

I said fear is our God in these moments is because the minute that resistance kicks in and fear appears, and we start looking at all of this negative projection, who shows up in our mind other than something that secretly justifies the fearful nature by promising to protect us.

Jennifer: Oh. Guy: Do you see it, Jen? Jennifer: Yeah, yeah. Say a little bit more about that. Guy: Who you are doesn’t need to be protected psychologically. Who you are is intended

to take that nature that can look at any moment and feel overcome by it and reduce it and return it to it’s natural place, which is simply something that you didn’t understand about yourself yet, but now you do. I want to try and put all of this together, because there’s really a great beautiful majestic idea buried in this still deeper.

Jennifer: Okay. Guy: Jen, I know you’ve had a lot of insight, epiphany. In those moments, and listeners

too, when you’ve had that epiphanous moment, you suddenly get the glimpse of something true. Isn’t it so that in that same moment, it isn’t like you suddenly learned something new. It’s a lot more like, how on earth did I forget that?

Jennifer: Right. It’s so interesting that you say that. I remember — I told someone a story

the other day of several years ago when I was moving I found a lot of my journals from almost a decade of writing. And I’m going through the journals and for many, many years, I had the same epiphany almost on the same day.

Guy: All right, now, in that moment when all of a sudden the light goes on, and you

realize, you know what, that understanding has always been with me. That means if we can stretch it out and see the big picture, that everything we are ever going to learn already resides within our consciousness.

Jennifer: It’s already there? Guy: Yes. This is the true meaning of whatever word you want to call it. The Divine,

perfect love, Christ, Buddha, God, Holy Mother, Divine Father, whatever word you want to use, is this beautiful innate compassionate majestic intelligence has always been present within us because we are it’s instrument. The deal is that we don’t understand the resources that are at our beck and call once we stop being deceived into calling on the wrong thing in these moments. Because, yes or no, if you don’t learn the lesson it comes back.

Jennifer: Yes.

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Jennifer McLean’s Healing With the Masters | Volume 10 Page 10 of 33 Guest: Guy Finley Thu 09-13-12 ©2007–2012 McLean MasterWorks All Rights Reserved. Brought to you by Healing With The Masters/McLean MasterWorks,

Guy: So the lesson comes back and it comes back and it comes back. Meaning I keep going up the hill and burying the pain.

Jennifer: Right. Guy: And then one day I’m on the way up the hill with my shovel, and I go, this is nuts.

How long am I going to hide the fact that I’m attracted to something that’s abusive to me? How long am I going to go along with being weak in the face of a challenge instead of stepping up and assuming responsibility for it? And in that moment we no longer can do and be what our old nature has formerly commanded us to do and be. And in that same second, we align ourselves with the new possibility of this epiphany, which will come if we don’t run back through the old rituals and patterns that are part of our old nature.

Jennifer: So, you know, my story. Year after year after year having the same epiphany, and

yet not really moving that much forward until the last three or four or five years. Guy: Even so, Jen — Jennifer: What happened? What shifted it? Guy: You know what I’ve always liked about you? Jennifer: What’s that? Guy: Actually anytime anybody says something like that, you go, no really tell me. I’m

all ears. Take the next forty minutes, please. Jennifer: Or you could call me after, you know. Guy: What I’ve always liked abut you is your honesty. Jennifer: Thank you. Guy: Look, there’s no question. In fact, we’d be liars if we said it was any different than

that. The fact that you learn the same lesson only more deeply isn’t the proof of your shallowness; it’s just an illustration of how deep the truth that you’re learning runs. Which is the same as saying how deep the nature inside of you that can see into these new depths runs.

Jennifer: Wow. I almost wanted to rest on that one for a minute. Guy: Well, because we know it’s true. We may have never thought it, and certainly we

can’t take credit for it. I mean, the ocean doesn’t go when you stand by the shore and go, “look at me, aren’t’ I great?” It is what it is, and so it is true with who and what you and I really are — our true nature. But in order to discover this and enter into it to know what we’ve been talking about, which is this majestic wisdom supported fearless life, we ourselves must begin this inward journey of allowing the moment to be the teacher that it is that’s heaven sent. And in that heaven sent revelation to recognize without judging or fearing what’s been shown to us as always being concealed, and allow the marriage of that light and the darkness that was formerly buried to take place. Because in the union there is truly an immaculate conception, quite literally. And the new conception is the birth of a

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Jennifer McLean’s Healing With the Masters | Volume 10 Page 11 of 33 Guest: Guy Finley Thu 09-13-12 ©2007–2012 McLean MasterWorks All Rights Reserved. Brought to you by Healing With The Masters/McLean MasterWorks,

new understanding in you and in me, which is the same as saying we enter into one of the new kingdoms that already exist in our consciousness. See how nice and full circle this is becoming?

Jennifer: Yeah, that’s cool. You mentioned something about we have divine resources.

What resources can we tap on as we are going through this? I can hear people on the show saying, “that’s all well and good for you, but I’ve got — my mother has cancer. My dog isn’t doing well, and I’m about to get foreclosed on.”

Guy: And so the questions is what am I supposed to do? Jennifer: Yeah. I mean, this is kind of theoretical, I’m hearing some of the audience say.

How does this apply to paying my rent kind of thing? Guy: Well, look, you might want to write this down as one of my favorite ideas. If we

want to grow as human beings, and ultimately transcend whatever the conditions are that we find ourselves in, the first thing we have to recognize is that the condition we’re in exists in order to teach us about our present level of consciousness. How can they be separate? Again, I’m so happy when life comes along and there’s an accord and it agrees with everything I’m trying to manifest and everything is hunky dory, but the moment that things run contrary to my wishes suddenly life is not a reflection of my understanding it’s a rejection of it. And I say, summarily, it’s not true. I say that every moment is a way in which we can discover something about ourselves that until we do can’t possibly change the condition that reveals it.

Jennifer: So we get to use that moment, then? Guy: Yes, Jen. Jennifer: Move into a new state of perception. This is revealing something about me. Guy: Yeah. Here is the saying that I like. We must learn to do what is in our power, and

refuse to do what is not. We must learn to do what is in our power and refuse to do what is not. This is right down to the nitty-gritty. I’m in a terrible situation. I’ve lost my job. My home is under water. I just found out that my husband is going to become a female dancer in a Bangkok bar. I mean, whatever is the worst scenario there. What am I capable of doing? Now, listen — now. Not tomorrow, not a week from now that I imagine suddenly this has happened and that has happened. What is in my power now, Jen? Because if I don’t do what’s in my power now, all I’m doing is acting out imaginary powers.

Jen: Right. And that’s what leads to worry and fear. Guy: That’s exactly right, because I wouldn’t be trying to create these powers if I didn’t

feel overpowered. Right? So the task is to do what is in my power. Well, let’s see, what’s in my power right now? I’m in this situation. It’s in my power to come quietly back into my own body. To be aware and awake as best I can, and realize that something is trying to drag me down into the mud and squish me there. It is something saying, oh, you’re this, and you deserve that, and this shouldn’t be like that. And if you listen carefully you can hear this eternal whining and complaining taking place. And as you listen to these voices and feel those states they produce, you are being used. You’re being used by a part of yourself that doesn’t want you

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Jennifer McLean’s Healing With the Masters | Volume 10 Page 12 of 33 Guest: Guy Finley Thu 09-13-12 ©2007–2012 McLean MasterWorks All Rights Reserved. Brought to you by Healing With The Masters/McLean MasterWorks,

to die to it. That doesn’t want you to see how useless it is to ask fear to protect you. How useless it is to complain about something that if you stayed present to yourself, you’d be able to turn that energy into something new and creative to escape the condition to begin with. So do what’s in your power and it begins with a certain negation. I don’t work for you. My time is better spent sitting here being quietly aware of myself than it is listening to these voices tell me what a victim I am and who’s to blame for it. Then you not only stop wasting energy, but honestly the energy that you’re not wasting can be put to real possibilities, because how many of us like to go out and think about new creative ways to change our life when we’ve been dragged down into some depression and take a drink or a drug to escape the pain.

Jennifer: Yeah, it’s tough down there. Guy: Yeah, it is, and you don’t have to go. In fact, no only do you not have to go, you

need to call the bluff on anything that tells you that’s where you need to be, because it’s lying to you.

Jennifer: And sometimes, Guy, those moments though are also our teachers. If we — the

word that I’m using is given and it’s not even that. When we allow ourselves to move into that old habit of thinking of perceiving and go into that moment of addiction or succumb to it, that too can be a guide to show us simply what you said earlier. It teaches us who our consciousness is.

Guy: Yes, Jen. You’re going to fall down. That’s impossible, but again, one of the stories

in my new album is about a world famous mountain climber, and he was able to do what no one else was ever able to do, which was this particular mountain that was made of shale and sand. I don’t’ know if you’ve ever done any climbing, but there’s some stuff you can step in and when you step in, you slide a foot backward. You can’t get a grip. So a reporter, another reporter was talking to this fellow. How did you manage to do this when no one else could do it? Do you want to know what his answer is?

Jennifer: Yes. Guy: I realize that the only way I was going to get up the mountain was if I decided

ahead of time to fall forward instead of backwards. When we make a mistake, when we fall into some despair, when we get caught into a depression, when the anger takes over us, if an addiction or some substance abuse compromises us, in those moments that we can come awake to the fact that we got there because we listened to some part of us that said it know what to do. When in fact all it was trying to do was to bury us and itself. In that moment that we awaken, we haven’t fallen backwards, we’ve fallen forward, because now we know who we can’t be. Now we know what we can’t listen to. Now we recognize more quickly those states, those negative states that would tell us there’s intelligence in resisting unwanted moments. So each time we catch those things, even though we momentarily slipped and we drop the relationship that was formulated through that resistance, bang, we fall forward. And if we just keep falling forward, nothing can stop us from reaching the top.

Jennifer: As we’re traversing up that mountain falling forward can only get us to the next


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Jennifer McLean’s Healing With the Masters | Volume 10 Page 13 of 33 Guest: Guy Finley Thu 09-13-12 ©2007–2012 McLean MasterWorks All Rights Reserved. Brought to you by Healing With The Masters/McLean MasterWorks,

Guy: Yes. Look, try it. Fall forward. Do you go backward or do you go forward even if you fell?

Jennifer: You’re moving forward. Guy: You’re moving forward. Jennifer: So what about some of us who are kind of feeling like we’re alone in all of this?

That we’re on this singular path. We don’t have friends or family that are supporting us in these new perceptions that we’re gaining from these kinds of conversations. What can those of us who are feeling a little bit alone in all of this, what can we do?

Guy: We can understand that there are certain natural and necessary stages to any true

development. We may have never thought about it before, but imagine some — an acorn. Here’s this acorn and it’s underneath the ground. And we’ll be the nut in it. Sorry.

Jennifer: Is this for me? Guy: Yeah, and all of a sudden, the temperature reaches a certain degree, the soil has

the moisture that we need, whatever that it is. The conditions finally are right and in this instance the conditions are finally right for me to realize that I have to make a change in my life. I need to understand myself more than I want to look like I do. In that moment, that nut, that little kernel in there, it stirs, doesn’t it? But when it first stirs, what does it stir within, Jen? A shell.

Jennifer: Right. Guy: We find ourselves in the conditions that our former nature has created. But the

beauty of this idea of the teacher appears when the student is ready is that it turns out the shell we’re in actually supplies us with what we need to strengthen ourselves to break out of it to recognize the restriction, the limitation, and then to use that just as in the next stage of being in the earth, but we’re still not in the light. And now there’s another level of resistance. So this is a beautiful consistent process of discovering, yes, there are parts of our life when we are learning to participate in a new way. To be a more positive upward looking human being where there will be people around us and parts of ourselves that are bummed that we’re even considering changing, because our work threatens their status. But if we have really seen what has produced the need for change regardless of how many conditions seem conspiring to keep us from making that change, we will go through it. Not because we’re brave and strong, but because we can no longer agree to live in the limitations that have now been revealed to us as having been concealed and no longer wanting to be part of us.

Jennifer: We’re using that shell, breaking free and growing into something different. Guy: Absolutely. Jennifer: Those people — have you noticed, and I know you talk about a lot of this. Have

you noticed how people will change around you as you change? They’ll either grow with you or they won’t.

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Guy: That’s the best part, because you see, look whether we see it or not, we’re all to one degree or to another in a — literally in a series of codependent relationships.

Jennifer: Okay, we’re done now. That’s basically our spiritual platform. Guy: Yeah, where literally I agree to be who you need me to be so that you can be who I

need you to be. And we can just kind of get along merrily that way. One day I realized that I can’t keep being this person. Now, unbeknownst to myself, by remaining true to this false idea that somehow you are integral — that drug, that job, that money, that position, that it’s integral to my value. One day I realized that it’s not. The lesson is clear, and in that same beautiful moment that I realize the need to change myself to let go of these limitations that I used to take as exhalation. In that same moment, I present to you and opportunity that could never occur if I weren’t going through it first, because now you have to agree. You know what? Me seeing you trying to change is scaring the heck out of me. After all, I never thought to myself that I depended on you, but who am I going to be if you’re not longer who I need you to be? Then you rattle, I call it a cosmic swizzle stick. You know, you stir the whole relationship up so that everyone and everything in it has the opportunity to see that we can no longer remain as we’ve been because we’re being called to be something new. And you go or you don’t.

Jennifer: Wow. That makes total sense. And yet there’s a whole set of human emotions that

go with that. Guy: Well, of course there are, because we are identified with these things. Another

quick story from my new album. A merchant marine on a ship during World War II gets hit by a torpedo, finds himself in an enemy infested territory and knows the only hope he has is to get back to neutral ground. So one night at a harbor is a ship and it’s got a neutral flag and — it’s got the enemy flag, but he knows it’s going to a neutral port. So he jumps on and he stows away. Five days later that ship is hit by a rocket blast from a destroyer, a friendly, you know, his side if you will. The minute the ship gets hit, he knocks his head hard and he has immediate amnesia. He doesn’t know where to go. He runs downstairs into the ship into a cabin to hide and another blast. And he thinks to himself, I better change my clothes, because this is too obvious. He doesn’t know who he is. He puts on a uniform he finds inside the cabin. The emergency lights go on. He looks into the mirror and he’s dressed in the captain’s uniform. Immediately he thinks, oh, my God. This is terrible. The captain has to go down with the ship, and my ship is going down, because he doesn’t remember who he is. Now, by the grace of story telling, a moment later his amnesia passes. The knock on his head goes over and he realizes, wait a minute; I’m not the captain of this ship. I don’t have to go down with it.

We don’t have to go down with those thoughts and feelings that tell us we’re going

to lose something or someone if we’re honest and true to who we are, because if we really honest and true to who we’re being asked to be by life as it reveals itself, then the intelligence that’s making this revelation possible, it’s not going to lead us into a less fulfilling relationship. It’s freeing us from the ones that have produced fear so that we can enter into new relationships, a more loving whole human being who no longer thinks that their value depends upon that person or condition. Do you see how upward spiraling that is, Jen?

Jennifer: Yes, yes. And none of this stuff is necessarily easy, but it’s all very simple really.

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Jennifer McLean’s Healing With the Masters | Volume 10 Page 15 of 33 Guest: Guy Finley Thu 09-13-12 ©2007–2012 McLean MasterWorks All Rights Reserved. Brought to you by Healing With The Masters/McLean MasterWorks,

Guy: That’s what’s so good about it. It is. All it takes is honesty. Jennifer: Honesty and authenticity and being in the moment. Guy: Yeah. Jennifer: I want to change directions just a little bit here. Guy: Sure, sure. Jennifer: I want to talk about you have some really great thoughts on your purpose in life

and we don’t have a lot of time to cover it, but I’d love to get some thoughts on — you know, so many people ask me about, what is my purpose? What is — how to find and fulfill our true purpose in life? Small question again. Ten minutes, there you go — go.

Guy: No problem. Well, because we can answer it very quickly since we’ve been really

talking around it. When we’re attracted to another person, to a profession, an art, a science, what do you think it is that attracts us to that, Jen?

Jennifer: Well, something in common with — something that fills us up. Our heart opens. Guy: All right. We can say, can’t we, that when I’m with this person or doing this thing

that I’m attracted to, that person or that thing is actually showing me things about myself that I wouldn’t be able to realize otherwise. So that relationships serve the purpose of revelation, of introducing us to what we would not know were we not in that relationship. We meet somebody we fall in love with them. Why do we fall in love with them? Because when I’m with you, I experience parts of myself I didn’t even know I have. I didn’t know I was capable of sacrifice. I didn’t understand that there was a tender — that kind of tenderness, that kind of sensitivity. I didn’t know that I could see parts of myself that I wished to God I didn’t have, because without you being who you are, they would have never been shown to me. I didn’t know I could be a bully or cruel. So these relationships introduce us to what we couldn’t know without them.

Now, I know this is rhetorical because of time, but what’s the value of being

introduced to these things that I couldn’t know about myself without your? I’m being perfected. Learning about me through you is the same as integrating everything in myself that I couldn’t have known needed to be integrated or introduced had I not met you. Do you see it with me, Jen?

Jennifer: Yes, yes. Guy: So now we get this small picture of individually that if we really meet life with an

open heart, with a willingness to let it teach us what is true about ourselves and not push away the things that we say we don’t want, but rather recognize the part that’s pushing it away has had control of us without knowing it all of this time, and now it’s time to bring it up into this light, that in scale if we can see that’s true as individuals, can we not see that must be somehow connected to a broader purpose of life? Because in the moment where what I was unconscious to inside of myself is made conscious, is it not perfected through that action? Isn’t it perfected when

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Jennifer McLean’s Healing With the Masters | Volume 10 Page 16 of 33 Guest: Guy Finley Thu 09-13-12 ©2007–2012 McLean MasterWorks All Rights Reserved. Brought to you by Healing With The Masters/McLean MasterWorks,

something that has been unconscious becomes conscious? Is it not perfected through the light that does that?

Jennifer: Absolutely. Guy: Now, can we see that there really isn’t your unconsciousness and my

unconsciousness and the listener’s consciousness? And there really isn’t your love or my love and the listener’s love, there is this light and there is this darkness. There is this misunderstanding and the possibility of new understanding. And when they meet in an individual and the individual agrees to the revelation and the integration that follows, it is the same as doing so for the entire consciousness of humanity. This is our purpose. This is why we’re here to grow into this infinite understanding that who and what we are has no end to its possibilities, no way in which it can ever be perfected, because every step of life reveals further perfection. Then we know what it means to be fearless. Then we understand the lives of the saints and the sages that if we have interest in them, what they really did. Of course, they had individual lives and the met in, quote, individual circumstances. But their activity served one purpose which even as I’m speaking about it proves it, which is the possibility that there really is no separate self the way that we imagine it, and anything that you, Jen, or I do to embrace this teacher of the moment, and allow the lesson to reveal what’ been concealed so that this integration takes place between awareness and unawareness. In that moment everyone and everything in the universe is changed accordingly. That’s our great hope as well as our purpose.

Jennifer: Wow. So, okay, let me see if I’m getting this. Our purpose is simply to live our

life. Guy: To be a conscious instrument of these divine forces that exist in a ceaseless state of

perfecting themselves through creation. Jennifer: Beautiful. So then we use our life as a platform to fulfill this. We use our life as a

platform to build new levels of consciousness. Guy: There you go. There you go. Jennifer: Every moment, every action, every word, every inspiration is a moment. Guy: That’s it. And not only that, we understand that we live in more than one world at

once. Look, there’s my story and your story. You know, what I want to do. The books that I still want to write. The principals that I want to talk about. That’s my story, but my individual story, your individual story, Jen, listener’s individual stories, belongs to a much bigger story. And the bigger story is our story. And what we meet in life when it doesn’t go our way is this broader story that is the marriage of all of these stories for the purpose of revealing and perfecting. That instead of resisting it like we do know, we should say, okay, let me see what I can learn here. Tell me what I don’t know abut myself instead of trying to protect myself from this part of me that doesn’t want to know the truth about itself.

Jennifer: I love this. Tell me what I don’t know about myself. Guy: That’s another one of the stories, yeah. That’s the way he overcomes the beast

that stands between him and the princess that he wants to marry. Everyone else fights with the beast. Finally the prince says to the beast, you know what —

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Jennifer McLean’s Healing With the Masters | Volume 10 Page 17 of 33 Guest: Guy Finley Thu 09-13-12 ©2007–2012 McLean MasterWorks All Rights Reserved. Brought to you by Healing With The Masters/McLean MasterWorks,

because when you meet it you’re afraid. It looks like it wants to kill you and do all of this stuff — meaning our pain our fears. Finally, he realizes fighting with it doesn’t work. So he walks up and says, you know what? Tell me everything I need to know about myself. Tell me all about yourself. And in that moment of that true dialogue with the present moment and the teacher it represents the creature turns into a winged horse and fly’s the prince to the princess and they live happily ever after.

Jennifer: Revealing new levels of consciousness to each other on the way. Guy: Another kingdom has been given birth. Jennifer: Right, right. So tell me about Guy Finley’s life with these principals. What’s

happened in your personal life as you’ve applied these principals over the last several decades? I’m curious.

Guy: Oh, you know, Jen, it’s sort of a paradox, because I consider myself to be one of, if

not the most fortunate human being on the earth. But not just because of the understanding that has been given to me, but because of that understanding to realize that the journey including the resistance, including the things that I still have yet to learn about myself, I must meet. So that such a mind as we are all intended to have never looks at a limitation as an indication of impossibility. It realizes the limitation that it meets in itself is actually secretly an invitation to transcend that part of you that can’t go any further. Like so much baggage; like a sweater that no longer fits; like shoes you had when you were 12. You don’t carry them around, so why would I carry any image of myself, any thought or feeling that defines me, if in the moment life reveals it, it confines me. So the discovery of this confinement isn’t because life is pressing in on me, but because there’s something in me pushing back, much as we discovered when we did our little exercise with our hands.

Jennifer: So we don’t have to live a life of compression within this model. Guy: Look, you’re not going to escape. This is in fact — what a great question. I’m

sorry we’re getting so late in our time together. There’s a very popular but totally false notation about spiritual life, real spiritual life. My favorite saying about it is that truth — the life of truth is a full contact sport.

Jennifer: The life of truth is a full contact sport. Guy: Yes. Jennifer: Oh, that is so freaking true. Guy: It is. And that a crisis is a close encounter of the truthful kind. Jennifer: Right. Guy: So that when we meet these moments, we’re not going to be without them. We

couldn’t grow, because what we call a crisis is merely an illumination of a limitation. The part of us that fears the crisis doesn’t understand we can let go of the part of us that clings to that nature. If I can let go of who I’ve been, where’s the problem with what’s being threatened by it?

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Jennifer McLean’s Healing With the Masters | Volume 10 Page 18 of 33 Guest: Guy Finley Thu 09-13-12 ©2007–2012 McLean MasterWorks All Rights Reserved. Brought to you by Healing With The Masters/McLean MasterWorks,

Jennifer: And what is being threatened by it is the moment of consciousness understanding

what is being threatened by it. Guy: That’s exactly right. That level. So we have this beautiful perpetual witnessing into

this incredibly creative majestic life that it’s not what — as I said, it’s not without its pimples. It’s not without its bruises. You have to have them, but each one of these things turns out to be the modicum, the model for a greater healing, for a greater understanding. Then you literally go through life — you asked me what’s my life like. It is literally a discovery that is never ending that who and what I am is not the limit of my possibilities even in the midst of the greatest epiphany I’ve ever had. It’s open ended. Fear says everything is close ended, because the mind that fears does so by first resisting something that it imagines. You might want to write this down, listeners. There is no such thing as psychological fear without negative imagination. No such thing as psychological fear without negative imagination, which means the moment that we’re filled with fear, it’s because we’re looking at something our mind has projected as the only possibility. Do I need power to overcome a dream, or do I merely wake up and realize this dream doesn’t belong to me? Right? We want tools; I know that. We want to have something that’s manageable that we can pick up and work with. Nothing is more immediate in terms of our finding freedom and exploring our possibilities and taking on those challenges in life that we know we must if we’re going to fulfill our purpose, than to realize the only reason that I feel fear is because my mind has taken the idea that I have, or that someone has presented to me, and instantaneously creates from that moment, something negative. It looks and it sees why I can’t. Why it won’t work. What’s going to go wrong? How it will be a week from now. What I’m going to lose. It projects this literally like a film, but unknowing to itself the mind that projects the movie of the horrible ending doesn’t know that it’s made the movie. So it sits in the theater of itself and it looks at what is projected and it goes, oh, my God. That’s horrifying. What am I going to do? And it’s looking at something that it’s made. You don’t make something to deal with an illusion. You awaken to the illusions spinning nature. You drop it and then you start fresh. Catch the resistance. No negative state appears in a human being that isn’t produced by first a state of resistance. If we really understand that, no hatred, no fear, no doubt, nor worry, exists without some condition that seems to challenge us and the condition that we’re looking at is a projection of negative imagination and resistance, comes up and validates we being victims. I can’t deal with the image. It’s not real, but I can be awake to the part of me that resists this thing that’s producing what’s resistant. And I can release myself from it. I can see that it’s a lie. I can understand I don’t work for you, you’re not the boss of me, and stand there open, vulnerable, naked, if you will, and allow life — real life to touch you with its power instead of rushing around to try and dress yourself in some imagined power to deal with an imagined problem.

Jennifer: And most of — it just reminds me that again that instinctual aspect of us creates

the problem. Most of us it is truly an imagined problem. Guy: It is truly. And we’re not saying it’s not problematical. Look, I want to send my

kids to college, and I might lose my job. Well, of course that’s problematical, but listen to this. Problems don’t have to be pain makers. Where on earth did we get the idea that a problem is synonymous with torment? Guess where we got it from?

Jennifer: Where?

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Guy: The nature that likes to create the problems, because the more that I can resist the

condition, the more sure that I am that my pain is valid. Instead of seeing that consciousness made me a victim and that I’m just following it around like a calf with a rope through its nose.

Jennifer: So we can release the rope through our nose. Guy: Yeah, we can find open pastures, Jen. No bull. Oh, sorry. Jennifer: I love that. Well, we are at the top of the hour and as much as I would love to go

on and on, we can’t. I do want to do a little housekeeping here. The phrase that pays for tonight’s show is: Who and what we are has no end to its possibilities. Something Guy said a little while ago. The phrase that pays is: Who and what we are has no end to its possibilities. And if you go to: And plug that into Guy’s show, we will pick a winner next week and you will get a

special bonus offer from Guy and so just go ahead and put that phrase that pays in to play our wonderful contest.

Guy: What’s the phrase again? Jennifer: The phrase that pays is: Who and what we are has no end to its possibilities. Guy: Okay, because I’m going to enter. I just wanted to make sure that everybody that

wants to enter knows it. Jennifer: Yes. The other thing that I would like to chat about is Guy has put together, Guy

and his team have put together one of the most remarkable special offers that you’ve ever done with us before.

Guy: And that’s a fact. Jennifer: That’s a fact. It is chocked full of content that will allow you to go deeper. And

many of you are commenting on how great the show has been and how much you have enjoyed it. We’ve had a couple of people who have some serious ah-hah moments that they’ve shared, which is so exciting.

Guy: That’s what it’s about, yeah. Jennifer: And this is basically Guy’s advanced life training tools; that’s what we called it. It’s

going to allow you access your magnificent, your light, your evolution right now. If you haven’t had enough of Guy tonight, which I can tell that many of you haven’t, this is your chance to go so much deeper with this beautiful man. And it’s a lot of DVDs a lot of videos that will allow you to see him speaking, which is really, really a treat. It’s so much fun to watch Guy speak live and on video. He’s a beautiful man. It’s funny. I was going to say he’s so cute, but I’ve learned from Allison Armstrong that men are handsome and manly. So he’s handsome and manly as he —

Guy: You take another 40 minutes if you want.

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Jennifer: As he shares about how powerful you are. Things that you’ll learn are how to start

flying above the storms of life. He’s going to take some of the content that we’ve discussed today and go so much deeper. You’re going to discover five words to end any negative state and three words to end fear. You’re going to release overwhelm and live through the present moment. You’re going to help — Guy’s going to help you develop your sixth sense that warns you of upcoming problems. How cool is that? You’re going to build a foundation of faith that can never be shaken. I have to tell you that one alone can take you through any storm of life. That moment of faith will allow you to expand to a possibility in life that is unprecedented, and that is part of what you’re going to learn. You’re going to find a real spiritual goal and really learn how to walk lightly through your life. The moment is now to engage in basically these are perfected tools.

These are a lifetime of tool building that Guy has created. You’ve heard his stories.

There’s going to be powerful stories. And storytelling is probably one of the most relevant ways and powerful ways to learn, because it allows you to put yourself in the story and it allows you through a third party to go, oh. It allows your mind to kind of open up to the information and the content so that your heart can then retain it, use it, and act upon it.

So here’s what you’re going to get. There’s several offers, there’s several products

here. First is “Wisdom’s Path to the Happiness Within”. It’s five hours of powerful transformational stories, applicable insights and deep practices.

Guy: It is our brand new flagship album. Jennifer: Yeah, it’s really exciting. And so let me just tell you a couple of the titles. “The

Secret of Finding Real Spiritual Gold”, “See Through These False Beliefs and Be Free”, “Learn to Trust in the Goodness of Life”, “Start Flying Above the Storms of Life”, “The Spiritual Prescription for Whatever Pains You”, so really again altering that perspective. And then this idea of “Five Words to End Any Negative State”, “Three Words to Overcome Any Fear”, “The Practice of the Presence Moment”, “Opening Your Eyes to the endless Kingdom of Yourself” and the power and the glory that is there. I can feel it. I’m sensing the energy of these powerful DVDs and videos. And these are all yours. “Practical Steps to Awaken Your Highest Spiritual Possibilities”. That’s just the first item.

The second item then gives you “Secrets of Spiritual Success — The Lost Elements

of Enlightenment” This is seven hours of life changing audio. It’s a brilliant new album again, featuring eight powerful talks by Guy Finley and it’s going to show you how to harness the timeless truth that can transform dark moments into bright revelations leading you to your genuine liberation. Beautiful. Another beautiful, beautiful series in a different format. You’re going to open the door to a whole new fearless world within you. You’re going to drop the weight of useless thoughts and feelings. Free yourself from false responsibilities. Let nothing come between you and the book of life. That’s an interesting one. Make negative memories disappear forever. That’s a really powerful one as well. And you’re going to refreshen, deepen, and recapture the love in all of your relationships through this powerful program.

And then finally is “Design Your Destiny — Shape Your Future in 12 Easy Steps”.

This is Guy’s new book. It’s a beautiful book to unlock the treasure of your true

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self and to create the content and quality of each moment in your life so that you are experiencing your destiny.

This is more information about basically your purpose and managing your fears and

doubts and enjoying enthusiasm with your life and making sure there are assurances, wisdom, and strength in all of your decisions and what you’re going through.

Do you have anything to add about this offer, Guy. Guy: Just that it is a collection that we put together so that the person reading, seeing,

and listening to it, would have literally every part of themselves introduced to another and higher possibility than it presently knows. So it really is sort of an immersion into not only higher principals, but a way in which we can begin in every moment of our lives to act on this new knowledge at the same time. So it is intensive. It is definitively supportive and above all educational in the real meaning of the word of helping us turn our attention around and reclaim who and what we are so that we can begin to live this fearless consciousness, this fearless life that we know in our heart of hearts we’re meant to have.

Jennifer: Yeah. It’s an incredible collection and I’m so honored that you allowed us to

package all of this stuff together and offer it on Healing With The Masters this season. It just feels so relevant too at this end of 2012. They can dive into this program and really use what I feel are high-vibrating energies in this year.

Guy: You know what, Jen? You spurred something in me. I want to strengthen that.

Every last one of us knows that there is a certain and call it what you will, a kind of quickening taking place. We see it on the dark side with the violence, the killings, I mean, the upheaval, the unmentionable things that are taking place at all levels. And at the same time, we’re awakened to the realization that we need new possibilities to deal with this. We must become different human beings if we have any hope at all that our world can become different. So there’s probably never been a more critical mass time for this kind of material to be disseminated and for us to absorb it and to begin to be its instrument.

Jennifer: Oh, I agree. And again, if you’re called, if this is calling to you, if Guy’s words,

energy, and vibrational resonance have been calling to you, this is a great opportunity for you. And, again, I would encourage you that if it isn’t calling to you, don’t worry about it. Don’t get it. If it is, get it. It’s the sign — it’s a sign that there’s something here for you that you’re ready to expand to and through. So: And they’ve given us a remarkable discount. This is over 63 percent off the retail

rate. So thank you, thank you, thank you, Guy Finley, for allowing us to share this remarkable product with our audience. Again that’s:

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And thank you, Guy Finley, for joining us tonight. What a — I just so love you and I so love our time together. And thank you for instilling a whole new set of possibilities in our audience tonight.

Guy: Oh, Jen, we don’t talk enough as far as I’m concerned. You know you have my

affection and my best wishes, and let’s speak soon. Jennifer: Indeed, indeed. Thank you, and thank everyone so much for being part of today’s

show. You know, it seems that we come to these calls as individuals, but in the end we

wind up a united community by being united in our intentions. We know we make the difference. We matter, you matter. I love you all so very much. And until next time, good night, everyone. Good night, Guy.

Guy: Good night. [End of Discussion.]

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Volume 10 | September 11 – December 20, 2012


Jennifer McLean


Bestselling Author | Philosopher | Spiritual Teacher

Bestselling "Letting Go" author Guy Finley's encouraging and accessible message is one of the true bright lights in our world today. His ideas go straight to the heart of our most important personal and social issues — relationships, success, addiction, stress, peace, happiness, freedom — and lead the way to a higher life. Finley is the acclaimed author of The Secret of Letting Go, The Essential Laws of Fearless Living and 35 other major works that have sold over a million copies in 18 languages worldwide. In addition, he has presented over 4,000 unique self-realization seminars to thousands of grateful students throughout North America and Europe over the past 25 years and has been a guest on over 400 television and radio shows, including appearances on ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, NPR and many others. He is a member of the faculty of the Omega Institute and a daily contributor to Beliefnet. Finley is Director of Life of Learning Foundation, the nonprofit self-realization school in Merlin, Oregon, and his popular Key Lesson emails are read each week by 200,000 subscribers in 142 countries. His work is widely endorsed by doctors, business professionals, celebrities, and religious leaders of all denominations. Guy's career reached this point through a circuitous path. Born into a successful show business family, he is the son of Late-Night TV and radio pioneer Larry Finley. His childhood friends were the sons and daughters of the most famous celebrities in the world. As a young man Guy enjoyed success in a number of areas including composing award-winning music for many popular recording artists including Diana Ross, The Jackson 5, Billy Preston, The Four Seasons, as well as writing the scores for several motion pictures and TV shows. From 1970-1979 he wrote and recorded his own albums under the Motown and RCA recording labels. Throughout his youth, Guy suspected there was more to life than the type of worldly success that led to the emptiness and frustration he saw among his own "successful" friends and colleagues. In 1979, after travels throughout North America, India and the Far East in search of truth and Higher Wisdom, Guy voluntarily retired from his flourishing music career in order to simplify his life and to concentrate on deeper self-studies. In addition to his writing and appearance schedule, Guy presents four inner-life classes each week at Life of Learning Foundation in Merlin, Oregon. These classes are ongoing and open to the public.  

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Jennifer McLean’s Healing With the Masters | Volume 10 Page 24 of 33 Guest: Guy Finley Thu 09-13-12 ©2007–2012 McLean MasterWorks All Rights Reserved. Brought to you by Healing With The Masters/McLean MasterWorks,


Tue 09-11-12

Sound Healing Pioneer Emphasizing Eternal Teachings

Christopher Tims Christopher has travelled since January 8, 1988, when he started The Order of The Blue Star, sharing The Eternal Teachings with large and small groups around the world. There is a golden, virtually invisible thread that ties together all the religions and philosophies. This thread is the original or Eternal Teaching which surfaces to guide us and remind us of our own true nature.

Thu 09-13-12

Bestselling Author | Philosopher | Spiritual Teacher

Guy Finley

Bestselling “Letting Go" author Guy Finley's encouraging and accessible message is one of the true bright lights in our world today. His ideas go straight to the heart of our most important personal and social issues — relationships, success, addiction, stress, peace, happiness, freedom — and lead the way to a higher life.

Tue 09-18-12

Author | Teacher | Spiritual Guide

Suzanna Kennedy Author of the book Sacred Union: Pathway to Paradise, is an ascension activator and teacher whose unique consciousness technology helps people activate and embody their human divinity.

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Jennifer McLean’s Healing With the Masters | Volume 10 Page 25 of 33 Guest: Guy Finley Thu 09-13-12 ©2007–2012 McLean MasterWorks All Rights Reserved. Brought to you by Healing With The Masters/McLean MasterWorks,


Wed 09-19-12 BONUS CALL

Expert on ZeroPoint Energetics and EMF Protection

Rick Bergen

Rick Bergen is the CEO and co-founder of ZeroPoint Global company, dedicated to improving vibrancy, health and wellness through products devoted to enhanced energetic and vibrational alignment.

Thu 09-20-12

Dedicated Seeker of Truth, Healing and Wisdom

Hope Fitzgerald

In partnership with psychologist Jan Seward, Hope launched the Wave Energy Center for Conscious Evolution, a collective dedicated to the positive, expansive development of the individual, the community and the earth. She is also a certified neurofeedback specialist and a life coach, incorporating Reiki and energy healing into her practice.

Tue 09-25-12 WORKSHOP 1

Investigative Journalist | Author | Public Speaker

Lynne McTaggart Lynne McTaggart is an investigative journalist and author, and a sought-after public speaker whose talks and workshops have transformed the lives of the thousands around the world who have heard her.

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Jennifer McLean’s Healing With the Masters | Volume 10 Page 26 of 33 Guest: Guy Finley Thu 09-13-12 ©2007–2012 McLean MasterWorks All Rights Reserved. Brought to you by Healing With The Masters/McLean MasterWorks,


Wed 09-26-12 WORKSHOP 2

Biocybernaut Institute, Inc. founder

Dr. James Hardt

Dr. James V. Hardt serves as the President and founder of Biocybernaut Institute, Inc. He holds a BS in Physics from Carnegie Institute of Technology and an MS and PhD in Psychology from Carnegie-Mellon University. He has done post-doctoral training in Psychophysiology at the University of California at San Francisco.

Thu 09-27-12 WORKSHOP 3

Author | Neuroscientist | Therapist World’s Leading Expert on Spirituality

Dr. Mark Waldman Mark Waldman is Adjunct Faculty at Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles, and an Associate Fellow at the Center for Spirituality and the Mind at the University of Pennsylvania.

Tue 10-02-12

Best Selling Author | Anat Baniel Method founder

Anat Baniel

Anat Baniel is the founder of the Anat Baniel Method and author of bestselling book Move Into Life: The Nine Essentials For Lifelong Vitality and the groundbreaking book Kids Beyond Limits. Anat is a clinical psychologist, dancer and leader in the field of movement/brain relationship — NeuroMovement®.

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Thu 10-04-12

Trauma Intervention and Conflict Resolution Expert

David Berceli

David Berceli, Ph.D. is an international expert in the areas of trauma intervention and conflict resolution and has developed the revolutionary and unique set of Tension & Trauma Releasing Exercises (TRE) that help release the deep chronic tension created in the body during a traumatic experience.

Tue 10-09-12

Special Guest

Wed 10-10-12 BONUS CALL

VibesUP founder 3-Time Visionary Award Winner For Her Unique Healing Tools

Kaitlyn Keyt

Kaitlyn Keyt, the founder of VibesUP, is a five-time recipient of the Visionary Award for creating unique healing tools that communicate with nature. Combining lighthearted common sense with science, Kaitlyn clears a path for simple understanding of complex ideas and accessing the higher self, to easily release limiting beliefs and programming. With topics like Eating Through Our Feet, Fishing For Energy and Plants That Read Our Mind, she makes understanding how Nature helps us remember who we are just plain FUN!

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Thu 10-11-12

Actor | Healer | Bestselling Author Creator of the Powerful I~M System of Healing

Dee Wallace

Dee Wallace is an actress best known for her portrayal of the mother in Steven Spielberg’s academy award winning movie ET. Dee has spent the last decade developing a remarkable healing model designed to work deeply in the core energy systems of the psyche to encourage profound yet instant release.

Tue 10-16-12


Wed 10-17-12 WORKSHOP 2

Thu 10-18-12 WORKSHOP Q&A

Speaker | Healer | Author | Coach

Mary A. Hall Mary A. Hall is a renowned Healer, Abundance Coach, Author and Speaker. Her system for guiding others to connect to their Heart and Divine Essence has launched her to become known as one of the most profound Healers in the industry.

Tue 10-23-12

Electrifying catalyst for healing

Carol Tuttle

Carol Tuttle, MRET, is an electrifying catalyst for healing who has devoted her life to helping people rise out of deprivation into overflowing abundance. She is widely recognized as a leader in the areas of Energy Psychology, Emotional Freedom Technique and Energy Medicine and has helped thousands of people throughout her career.

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Jennifer McLean’s Healing With the Masters | Volume 10 Page 29 of 33 Guest: Guy Finley Thu 09-13-12 ©2007–2012 McLean MasterWorks All Rights Reserved. Brought to you by Healing With The Masters/McLean MasterWorks,


Tue 10-25-12

Special Guest

Tue 10-30-12

World's Leading Expert on Law of Emergence

Derek Rydall

After a life-changing ‘brush with death’ while making a movie, Derek Rydall considered becoming a monk, then a minister, then cloistered himself in his apartment without TV or news and meditated for several years — emerging to become a licensed integrative therapist, bestselling author, and adopt a monk (that’s another story). The world’s #1 leading expert on The Law of Emergence, he has trained top executives at Fortune 500 companies (from American Express to Disney) in relationship and communication skills, coached writers, artists, and media professionals (including Oscar and Emmy winners), on how to create more enlightened entertainment, and taught thousands of people around the planet how to live a more passionate, prosperous, and purposeful life. His work with The Law of Emergence and the process of Emergineering ends the struggle of self-improvement and helps people effortlessly achieve their full potential.

Tue 11-06-12


Wed 11-07-12 WORKSHOP 2

Thu 11-08-12 WORKSHOP Q&A

Spreading the seeds of Consciousness around the world. “Life comes to me with ease, joy and glory!”

Rikka Zimmerman Rikka Zimmerman is a global leader in consciousness and a true example of “being the change” we all desire to see in the world. Rikka has envisioned a dream of a new reality and is leading the way for many. She holds large seminars, tele-classes, offers private sessions and group classes and has just released her new book, audio collection and consciousness card deck 21 Secrets of the Universe: Tools for Getting Everything You Desire Out of Life.

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Tue 11-13-12

World Renowned Author and Speaker

Drunvalo Melchizedek Drunvalo is the author of four books including The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life, Volumes I & II, Living in the Heart and his newest book Serpent of Light. These books have been published in 29 languages and reach out to over one hundred countries throughout the world.

Wed 11-14-12 BONUS CALL

Human Specialist | Holistic Health Practitioner | Teacher

Emmanuel Dagher Specializing in amazing transformation, Emmanuel Dagher has had the honor of co-creating amazing results with thousands of people around the world through his work as a Holistic Health Practitioner, Teacher, & Empowerment Coach. Emmanuel spent years studying and fine-tuning his craft, receiving a degree in Spiritual Psychology and advanced certifications in several holistic and alternative therapies. Emmanuel has also studied with visionaries including Dr. Michael Beckwith (from the movie The Secret), founder of Agape International and cofounder of the Association for Global New Thought.

Thu 11-15-12

Internationally Acclaimed Entrepreneur and Author Creator of The Body Dialog System of Healing

Jennifer McLean

Internationally acclaimed entrepreneur, author and creator of The Body Dialog System of Healing, Jennifer McLean is a spiritual catalyst. Intelligent, heart-centered and mindful, Jennifer works with the acclaimed masters from the transformational thought and wellness communities, amplifying their teachings at a level her audience can absorb, no matter where they are in their own spiritual journey. This valuable amplification skill, combined with Jennifer’s intention to be a beacon of love, peace and light, has allowed her in a few short years to build a successful international business from the ground up.

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Tue 11-20-12

Instrument of the Universal and Creator Consciousness – Here to Assist You

William Linville

William Linville is a divine essence, clear Creator Consciousness in a physical body. He has ascended beyond all Akashic record levels, perceptions of the truth, identifications, beliefs, et cetera, which allows him to obtain/download clarity on any and all topics and so much more. William is an instrument of the Universal and Creator Consciousness and is here to assist you in accelerating and amplifying the process of you remembering, embodying and expanding into your Creator Essence and to experience all of your magnificence and much, much more.

Tue 11-27-12


Wed 11-28-12 WORKSHOP 2

Thu 11-29-12 WORKSHOP Q&A

Inspirational Visionary | Contemporary Spiritual Master

Panache Desai Panache Desai is an inspirational visionary and contemporary spiritual master in the field of consciousness and vibration. His energetic gift of vibrational transformation has inspired and shifted the lives of tens of thousands around the globe. He shares eternal truths, inspirational insights, and vibrational tools to empower you to create the life of your dreams. Panache is called a modern-day avatar. He acts as a direct link to Divine consciousness empowering people of all ages, economic and educational backgrounds to transform their lives by connecting them with their limitless Divine nature.

Tue 12-04-12

"The Miracle Worker" World Renowned Spiritual Teacher | Author | Master of Energy

Jo Dunning

Jo Dunning is a world renowned Spiritual Teacher, author, presenter and popular radio talk show guest. She is well known for her unusual ability to use energy to transform lives and Awaken consciousness. She is often referred to as a Miracle worker because of her ability to create profound changes in the lives of an entire audience.

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Thu 12-06-12

Creator of Quantum Lightweaving®

Kenji Kumara

Kenji established Quantum Lightweaving® (his synthesis of over 38 years in the field) in 2007 and his Fellowship of Lightweavers in 2005 (to ordain certified spiritual healers). On his website one can purchase his live and evergreen attunement activations and teaching videos. Monthly newsletters are also available on the site.

Tue 12-11-12

Special Guest

Tue 12-13-12

Special Guest

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Tue 12-18-12

Special Guest

Thu 12-20-12

Special Guest

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