Page 1: Tibor Benedek 70 Years

Organ der Deutschsprachigen Mykologischen Gesellschaft als Sektion der International Society for Human and Anitnal Band 5- ~~

_- Mycology Heft 3 Berlin

1. September


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Schriftleiter: Prof. Dr. med. H. Grimmer, Wiesbaden _ _ _ . ~ -

U n f e r M i f a r b e i t v o n .

AJELLO, Chamblee . BLAICH, Wuppertal . BOHM, Miinthen . CARRIE, Dorfmund . CASTELLANI Lirrabon . C O N A N T , Durham . FEGELER, Munsttr . C A N S , Frankfurt . GOTTRON, Tubingen. GONZALES O C H O A , Mrxxrko * GOTZ. Essen . GRUNEBERG, Halle . HAMEL, Htidtlberg, H A R T U N G , Hannovrr . HEYMER, Bonn . ITO, Osaka . JANKE, Wien . D. J A N K E , Fulda * JLING, Neubrandtnburg . K A D E N , Berlin . KALKOFF, FreiburglBr. . K I M M I C , Hamburg . KONIGSBAUER, Kniffclfeld . LINSER,Btrlin . MEMMESHEIMER, Eistn - MULHENS, Hamburg . POLEMANN, Koln

REISS, New York . RIETH, Hamburg-Wandsbck . S C H U E R M A N N , Bonn . SCHULZE, Freib'urg SEELIGER, Bonn . S Z A T H M A R Y , Karcrrg * TELLER, Berlin . VANBREUSEGHEM, Anfwcrpen


Tibor Benedek '70 Years Dr. Tibor B e n e d e k is one of those rare individuals who has distinguished himself in several disciplines within the scientific world. His investigations in the reals of dermatology, bacteriology and medical mycology have been con- siderable. Added to these accomplishments, his contributions as a practising physician and teacher on two continents mark Dr. B e n e d e k as one of the talented and noteworthy men of our time. It is indeed a pleasure to dedicate this issue to Dr. B e n e d e k on the occasion of his 70th birthday. Dr. B e n e d e k was born in Nagykoros, Hungary. He obtained the A. B. in 1910 at the Humanistic Gymnasium in Hungary, and proceeded to obtain an M. D. in 1919 from the University of Budapest, and a second M. D. in 1922 from the University of Leipzig, Germany. During these years he broadened his horizons by taking residencies an'd postgraduate work in dermatology, urology, bacterio- logy and hygiene and dermatology and syphilology. His schooling was inter- rupted during World War I when he was called to serve in the Austro-Hungarian Army from 1914-1918. During this time he rose from private to second lieutenant and received the highest decorations accorded his rank, from the silberne Tapfer- keitsmedaille to the goldenes Verdienstkreuz mit der Krone. From 1922 until 1936 Dr. B e n e d e k entered private practise in Leipzig, specializing in dermatology und syphilology. In addition, he initiated a private Pilzlaboratorium with material support from the Notgemeinschaft der Deutschen Wissenschaft.


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Not content to rest on his laurels, Dr. B e n e d e k continued to expand his spheres of learning, and studied cryptogamic botany at the University of Leipzig, 1923-1925, medical mycology at the University of Hamburg, 1927, and histo- pathology at Prof. P. G. U n n a ’ s Institute, Hamburg, 1928.

Dr. B e n e d e k moved to the U.S.A. in 1936 to accept a position in the Medical School, Northwestern University, Illinois. In addition to his research and teaching duties he maintained his private practise in dermatology and syphilo- logy as he does to this very day. His teaching career in the U S A . included Northwestern, 1936-1946, University of Illinois Medical School, 1949, and since

1953 he has been on the faculty of Stritch School of Medicine, Loyola University, Chicago, Illinois, where at present he is Associate Clinical Professor of Derma- tology. He has been and is yet attending dermatologist a t several hospitals and serves in the capacity of consulting dermatologist for industrial concerns.

Dr. B e n e d e k became a citizen of U.S.A. in 1941, and shortly thereafter volunteered for military service. He entered the military as a Major, Medical Corps, and rose to rank of Lt. Col. in the three years during which he served in the Asiatic-Pacific Theater.


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Dr. B e n e d e k is a member of the American Medical Association, American Academy of Dermatology and Syphilology, Society for Investigative Dermato- logy and Mycological Society of America. He has been elected a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, and is an honorary member of the Association des Diplomes de Microbiologie, Nancy, France. He has won such swards as the Bronze Medal, Ninth International Congress of Dermatology and Syphilology, Budapest 1935, and Bronze Medal, American Association of Industrial Physicians and Surgeons, Buffalo, New York, 1947. In 1959 Dr. B e n e d e k was invited to participate in the Fourth Congress Venezolano de Tisiologia y Neumonologia a t Valencia, Estado Carabobo. He edited the proceedings on Micosis Profundas en Venezuela con Referencia Especial a Las Micosis Pulmonares. This volume of 452 pp. was published as volume 15 of Mycopathologia et Mycologia Applicata. In addition to his native Hungarian, Dr. B e n e d e k speaks English, German, French, Italian and Spanish. These abilities, in addition to his command of Latin, served him well when, in 1954, he became Editor-in-Chief of the journal Mycopathologia et Mycologia Applicata, which is a multilingual journal. Since 1922 Dr. B e n e d e k has published about 125 papers covering various aspects of bacteriology, dermatology, histopathology, immunobiology and medical mycology. In addition to these individual papers, Dr. B e n e d e k contributed certain monographs, by invitation, including: Moniliasis (Chapter 65), Onycho- mycosis (Chapter 68) in Simons' Handbook of Tropical Dermatology and Medical Mycology, 1952, and ,,Die Pilze und Pilzinfektionen" in ,,Die Infektionskrankheiten des Menschen und ihre Erreger", by Grumbach and Kikuth, 1958. Other mono- graphic publications include Hidradenitis Suppurativa, in Acta dermato-venereo- logica, vol. 37, Suppl. 37, 47 pp., 1957, and Rheumatoid Arthritis and Psoriasis Vulgaris, 1955, which was Dr. B e n e d e k ' s main contribution in the field of dermatology. One of the most monumental contributions made by Dr. B e n e d e k in the area of mycology was initiated in 1959 when, in collaboration with the reknown Italian phytopathologist, Dr. 0. V e r o n a , the first volume of Icono- graphia Mycologica appeared. Now in its sixth volume, this collection of illustrations with brief descriptions of all types of fungi should prove invaluable to investigators working with fungi, especially those workers removed from ready access to large mycological collections of literature and specimens. Even at the age of 70 Dr. B e n e d e k remains active as a teacher, physician, consultant and researcher. He is a bench worker, conducting his own research and providing his own technical services. Yet he never fails to take time from his many affairs to extend assistance to those who request it. With this appre- ciation, I wish to convey admiration and respect to my happy, friendly, almost jovial friend and colleague, Dr. Tibor B e n e d e k , and wish him health and success in all he undertakes.

Harold H. K u e h n . Ph. D


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