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of Kootenai County, Idaho Issue #9 Feb 24th. 2014


by Janet SpencerNoted Italian operatic singer Enrico Caruso was born on February 25, 1873. In honor of that event, come along with Tidbits as we attend the opera!ENRICO CARUSO •Carusowasoneofthefirstoperasing-ers to have his voice professionally recorded. He made nearly 300 recordings between 1902 and 1920, which was just before he died. As a result, his recordings are available today on CD or digi-tal download. His 1904 recording of “Vesti la giubba” (“put on the costumes”) from the opera Pagliacciwasthefirstsoundrecordingtosellamillion copies. Because of the popularity of his recordings, he was one of the most famous ce-lebrities of his day. • He also made history when he wasbroadcast live from the stage of the Metropolitan OperaHousein1910inthefirstradiobroadcastto be publicly transmitted in the United States.• In 1906,Caruso performed in San Franciscothe night before the big earthquake shook the town to its roots. He was so unnerved by the ex-perience that he feared the shock would damage his voice. Standing in the shattered ruins of his hotel, he stood by a broken window, singing at the top of his lungs in order to be sure his voice was unharmed. He swore he’d never return to San Francisco, and he kept his word. (Continued next page)

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From the Publisher’s DeskBy : Evelyn Bevacqua

Tidbits® of of Kootenai County, Idaho Issue #9 Feb 24th. 2014

A“tidbit”isdefinedas“atastymorseltobe enjoyed before the meal”. And that’s just what Tidbits® is – a non-controversial, weekly paper dedicated to publishing entertaining morsels for the mind, food for thought as it were: trivia, fun facts, amusing stories and oddities. Tidbits is distributed to over 200 locations throughout the area. Tidbits can be found in restaurants, coffee shops, grocery stores, offices, banks, li-braries, hair salons, auto repair shops, motels, hospitals, medical & dental waiting rooms, re-tail stores, etc. Our weekly readership is 14,800. If you would like to add your event, stories, ad info or any comments, please feel free to e-mail me at [email protected] or call me at 208.755.9120.

What is Tidbits?

CARMEN FACTS •CarmenbyGeorgeBizetisoneofthemost frequently performed operas, and the “To-reador Song” is one of the most widely recog-nizedoperatictunes. •EnricoCarusoandMariaJeritzastarredin a production of Carmen in which real horses were used. One horse relieved himself, leaving a huge puddle. When the climactic death scene arrived, Caruso stabbed Maria, but she refused to fall down dead. “Die! Fall will you!” Caruso shouted,andshesang,“I’lldie ifyoucanfindme a clean place!” •ThemosttackyversionofCarmenwasprobably the silent movie version that was made in 1915. •DuringoneperformanceofCarmenadog wandered on stage and became fascinated by the conductor’s waving baton. The dog en-joyed fetching sticks and couldn’t understand why the conductor wouldn’t throw the baton for him to retrieve. The dog began to bark and the barking became louder when the conductor used the baton to try to shoo the dog away. The curtain came down and the dog was removed. •Manycats reside in theoutdoorarenain Verona and in one performance of Carmen, a kitty came out from behind the wings and started rubbing up against Don Jose’s legs, purring and meowing just as he was preparing to murder Car-men. • A performance of Carmen was be-ing staged in Mexico City. The singer playing the part of Don José had a long wait back stage while Acts 3 and 4 progressed, so he decided to dash out to get a beer in a local tavern. No soon-er had he entered one than he was arrested by a couple of cops who saw his scruffy clothing and dragged him off to jail. When he informed them he was a tenor singing opera, they informed him he was drunk. He could only convince them by singing his part in the opera.

Page 3Tidbits® of of Kootenai County, Idaho Issue #9 Feb 24th.

EVENT CALENDAR OPERATIC FACTS •WhenPrincessVictoria,eldestdaughterof Queen Victoria, wed Prince Frederick William of Prussia, she picked out music of her two fa-vorite composers. One was the “Bridal Chorus” from Richard Wagner’s opera Lohengrin, and the other was the “Wedding March” from Men-delssohn’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Copy cat brides in England chose the same music, starting a tradition that continues today: “Here comes the bride, all dressed in white...” •Anoperacalled“TheProphet”writtenin1849byGiacomoMeyerbeerpackedhousesall over Europe because of the popularity of the rollerskating scene. Arm in arm, the diva and the baritone sang a duet while doing figure eightsaround the stage. • The original Engelbert Humperdinckwas a Germanmusician in the late 1800s. HewrotetheoperaHanselandGretel. •Aage2,WilliamGilbertwaskidnappedfrom his home in Italy, and the ransom his par-ents paid was one pound of sterling silver for each pound of baby— 25 pounds in all. When GilbertgrewupandstartedworkingwithArthurSullivan, he incorporated this incident into two of his operettas. •IntheoperaOthello,Othelloistheonlyblack actor. But in New Orleans in 1955, the ac-tor playing the part became ill, and the under-study did too. Nowhere in town was there anoth-er black man who knew the part. However, there was a white man who could sing and knew all the words. So the play was revised a bit, becoming the only all-black performance of Othello with a white star. •When the orchestramet for the dressrehearsal of The Magic Flute in London on April 1, 1948, conductor Karl Rankl began directing the music, only to be astonished when, instead of The Magic Flute, the players launched into the overture from Carmen. It was an April Fool’s Day joke.

What is Tidbits?

Fr, Feb. 28th & Sat., March 1stMardiGras2014

Variety Show & Live AuctionTime: 7:00 pm 0 9:00 pm

Unity Spiritual Center of North IdahoFormoreinfocall208.664.1125oremailto

[email protected]

Feb 28, 2014Tubin in Tutus All Day Event

(Benefits)TubininTutusGoesTropical!Time is running out, so don’t forget to get your ticketsforthisyear’s‘TubininTutusGoesTropi-cal’BenefitforShoshonePetRescue.Tickets

may be purchased at the Silver Mountain online store, at the ticket windows, or at the door for just $30. Your ticket gets you all day access to Silver

Rapids Indoor Waterpark on February 28th!Break out the tutus, tiaras and boas for a day

of splashing in Silver Rapids, followed by hors d’oeuvres, silent auction* and much more in

Noah’sLoftat6pm.*Auctiondonationsarebe-ing accepted. If you would like to donate, please

contact Bobbi at 208-783-1542 or send email [email protected].

Shoshone Pet RescuePO Box 884

Kellogg, ID 83837208-512-3401

Feb 28, 2014 MusicWalk5:00PM-8:00PM(General)Everyfourth Friday from January to April, Downtown Coeur d’Alene rings with live musical perfor-mances from some of our local favorites! Visit supporting restaurants, shops, businesses and

galleries with your friends and family! A family-friendly, free event! Come and join us! 5:00 -

8:00 p.m. Location: Downtown Coeur d’Alene

Mar 2, 2014 Race For A Cause 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM “Race For A Cause” is a ski race and auction hosted byLookoutPassthatwillbenefit10charities

throughout Montana, Idaho, andWashington. These charities currently include:

Brain Injury Alliance (MT), American Heart and Stroke Association (WA), Handicapped Chal-lenge (ID), and the Lookout Pass Race Team.

Registration is at 8:00 a.m. and races will begin at 10:00 a.m. The race is a dual-course, open

slalom with 24 gates (240 meters). Skiiers and snowboarders are welcome, and if you don’t

want to race you can just ski for fun! There will be a silent auction, live entertainment, lunch, an awards banquet, and other family friendly

activities. The entry fee for an individual racer is $50 and the fee for a team of 3 is $135. There are

special rates for college students with validstudent ID: individual is $40, and college team of 3 is $120. Students who do not wish to race, but still want to ski can purchase a lift ticket for the discounted price of $28. The Wallace Inn has agreed to set aside rooms for only $74 per per-

son, just mention “Race For A Cause” when you call (208-784-1371) to book your room!

Event Website, Phone, Facebook and/or Other Contact: Location: Lookout Pass Ski & Recre-

ation Area, I-90 Exit 0, Mullan, ID 83873

Tidbits® of Dallas County Page 4 Page 4A TOAST TO AN OPERA SINGER •HelenPorterMitchellwasborninMel-bourne,Australia,in1861.Sheshowedremark-able musical ability, with a voice spanning three octaves. As a young woman, she married and tried to settle down, but she knew she was not destined for the life of a housewife; she was des-tined for the stage. •Afterreceivinginstructionasanoperasinger, she knew this was the life for her. How-ever, Australia did not have many opportuni-ties for opera singers in the 1800s, so she left her family and traveled to Europe and England, where she was received enthusiastically, becom-ing thefirstAustralian to achieve internationalrecognition as an opera singer. •Shehadalwaysgonebythenicknameof Nellie, and she was persuaded to adopt a new stage name as her last name. She chose a con-traction of her hometown of Melbourne. •Duringanewspaperinterview,areport-er asked her how she stayed so slim. She said she enjoyed eating toast that was sliced very thin and toasted very crispy, a habit she had picked up when she’d been ill and could digest little else. The hotel chef at the Ritz served it toher whenever she visited, and other customers enjoyed it as well. Her fans, striving to emulate her, also started eating thin crispy toast, which was generally served with soups and salads or topped with spreads. Today we still eat the toast named after the Australian opera singer’s stage name. What is it? Answer at the bottom of the page.A BIG MEAL Opera singer Ernestine Schumann-Heink loved a big meal. One day as she sat down to a huge steak dinner in a restaurant, Enrico Caruso walked in.He tookone lookat the sizeof thesteak she was starting on and said, “Surely you are not going to eat that alone!” She replied, “Oh, no— with potatoes!”Answer: Melba toast.

Tidbits® of of Kootenai County, Idaho Issue #9 Feb 24th. 2014

Wintertime Roof Leaks BySamanthaMazzottaQ: This has been a winter of unusually stormy and snowy weather, and it looks like my house isn't holding up too well. After noticing a water stain on an upstairs ceiling I went into the attic and found water stains on several boxes and a general damp smell. Trouble is, there is still ice and snow coating the rooftop, and I don't feel safe going outside. How can I deal with this? -- George in Virginia

A:Climbingontotheroofisdefinitelynotsafeinthemidstoficeandsnow,butyoudoneedtostopwater from entering, of course. You can set up a temporary patch from inside the attic, but keep in mind it is very temporary -- you'll need to check it frequently until warmer weather comes and the roof can be properly repaired.In the attic, trace the water leak to its source. A leak can occur farther up a pitched roof and trickle down the rafters to drip elsewhere. If the water stains follow a path, trace that path upward to where the water marks end and check that area of the roof's underlayment for damage, holes or apparent water entry points. Sometimes as the sun melts the ice and snow on the roof, you will be lucky (or unlucky) enough to see water actually dripping through. Now that you've located the leak (or leaks), you need to control the direction of the drip, so it no longer runs down the rafters but instead into a bucket to catch the water. Do this by placing a large nail in the center of the leak and tapping it through the roof's sheathing until it reaches the shingle outside. "ButSam,"yousay,"I'mtryingtofixtheleak,notcreateone!"True,butthedamageisalreadydone.Fornow you need to contain it until a better repair can be made. Underneath the nail you just punched through the underside of the roof, place a bucket to catch drips. Now the water isn't running all over the attic.Next, put on a dust mask and cut away water-damaged insulation from around the hole. This clears the area you need to patch and helps prevent mold growth. Let the area dry for a day or two; hopefully much of the ice and snow will melt from the rooftop during this time. At any rate, you need the underside of the roof to be fairly dry so that a patch will hold. Once the area surrounding the hole is dry to the touch, you can patch it.Remove the nail from the hole. Make sure the area is very dry. You also might want to warm the area slightly with a hair dryer if it's a cold day, so that the patch material adheres. Filltheholewithroofingcementorroofpatchcompound(availableathome-improvementstores-- you'll need just a small amount) and smooth out to the sides. In some cases, with spring coming, this small plug is all you need. But some DIYers add a little insurance by cutting a thin sheet of plywood into a square that extends a couple inches beyond the hole on each side, and tacking that tightly against the holeusingroofingcement(notnails).Mark the patched area with brightly colored chalk or some other easy-to-see material. When the weather warms,youoraroofingprofessionalmustinspecttherooftolocateandrepairthedamage.asthepatchwill give you only a few months' reprieve. The roof may be damaged in other areas, or there could be undetected water problems as well.

HOME TIP: Proper attic ventilation is important at all times, but especially when the roof is leaking, as theairflowhelpsreducemoldgrowth.Makesuretheatticventsaren'tblockedbyboxesordeliberatelyclosed off.Send your questions or home tips to [email protected]. (c) 2014 King Features Synd., Inc.

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Tidbits® of Dallas County Page 6 Tidbits® of of Kootenai County, Idaho Issue #9 Feb 24th. 2014


Beautiful Sweetheart is looking for her perfect forever home!

She’s a 5 month old spayed female 4lbs playful lap dog.

Alternative Pet Rescue has a variety of friendly small dogs for adoption.

For more info go to our FaceBook Fan PageC.D.A.Id.(208)661-2286


Pets, Pot Don’t MixDEAR PAWS’S CORNER: I read a report this week that said more and more pets are being treated for “marijuana poisoning” from acci-dentally ingesting their owners’ medically pre-scribed marijuana. Is this true? Why haven’t we heard more about it? -- Concerned in California

DEAR CONCERNED: As the number of states that allow medical marijuana to be prescribed increases, it’s likely you will hear more stories about pets being affected by ingesting this drug. A recent NBC News report estimated that calls to the ASPCA’s Animal Poison Control Center reporting pet poisonings increased 30 percent between 2009 and 2013. However, Time magazine disputes thatreport, noting that the actual number of calls in-creased from 213 in 2009 to about 320 last year -- a very small percentage of the 18,000 total calls the APCC gets each year from owners. My take on the issue is this: Marijuana is a drug, so owners need to use common sense. You wouldn’t leave other prescriptions lying around for the dog or cat to eat. So don’t leave your stash lying around. Further, many patients use baked goods to ingest marijuana rather than smoking it. “Pot brownies,” for example, contain chocolate, which is definitely dangerous to dogs and cancause severe symptoms when eaten. The APCC gets far more calls about poisoning from choc-olate ingestion than from any other substance, Time noted. That said, pet owners who see or suspect their dog or cat has ingested marijuana should contact their veterinarian for advice. They also should watch their pet for unusual symptoms, such as lethargy, excessive drooling, diarrhea or incontinence, and take them to the vet imme-diately if they begin experiencing these or any other problems.

HEALTHY OILS AND HOW TO CONSUME THEM In earlier articles we have discussed the false notions of eating fat making you fat, how bad fat contributes to diseases, and how good fats are essential to health. But the looming question is, what fats (and oils) do I eat, and how? Firstofall,Iwanttodiscussitintermsofoils,solet’sdefinehealthyoils.Iseethemintwocategories: Ones you cook with and ones you consume as a “vitamin-type” supplement.What ruins oils is heat. The higher the heat and the lower the “smoke point” of the oil, the worse it is for you. Cooking oils such as coconut oil and butter, have high smoke points, meaning the oil has to reach pretty high temperatures (about 400 degree Fahrenheit) before they are altered. Typical stove temperatures range between 250 and 375 degrees. When oil is repeatedly cooked in, the smoke point (pointofruin)occursatlowerandlowertemperatures.Oilexposedtoairtoolongwilloxidizeandits smoke point will also be lower. Cheap oils generally have lower smoke points, while expensive, high quality oils generally have higher smoke points. Hydrogenated oils are vegetable oils heated to high temperatures then hydrogen is added with a metal catalyst while under heat and pressure. Avoid all hydrogenated and partially hydrogenated oils! The worst oils are vegetable oils of all kinds, canola oil, margarine and “anything in a tub”. The best cooking oils are a high grade olive oil, coconut oil, grape seed oil, lard (believe it or not!) and butter. Now for supplement oils. These are trickier because not all manufacturers care about quality asmuchastheycareaboutprofits.Thebestsupplementoilsshouldbeinagelcap,unlessyouareconsuming a bottle a week. The reason is because unless it is consumed within a week or two of opening, it will get rancid from exposure to the air. Rancid oils are harmful to health. The best supplement oils are Evening Primrose Oil, Black Currant Seed Oil, Borage Oil, WheatGermOil,FishOils(whichincludescodliveroil,krilloil,salmonoil,tunaoil,etc.),FlaxSeed Oil, and Sesame Seed Oil (not cooking type – it is not a good cooking oil). These oils should never be heated, not even when processed. They generally have low smoke points. The problem is, we don’t always know how they are processed. However, it would be worth your due diligence to findout. Other cautions with determining oil quality is that many companies, especially overseas companies,bleach,deodorizeandpasteurize theiroils.Thatcanmakeanotherwisegreatoil,ofsignificantlyreducedvalue,ifnotdownrightbadforyou! Consuming the right oils/fats in your diet is crucial to your wellbeing. The old concepts of saturated, unsaturated, and polyunsaturated fats is out-dated nutrition information. We now know thattobeinconsequential.Somesaturatedfatshaveamazinghealingabilities(likecoconutoil,nowtoutedforitsabilitytopreventortreatAlzheimer’sdisease).

Dr. Holly Carling is a Doctor of Oriental Medicine, Licensed Acupuncturist, Doctor of Naturopathy, Clinical Nutritionist and Master Herbologist with over 34 years of experience. Dr. Carling is currently accepting new patients and offers natural health care services and whole food nutritional supplements in her Coeur d’ Alene clinic.VisitDr.Carling’swebsiteatwww.vitalhealthandfitness.comtolearnmoreaboutDr.Carling,viewalistofupcominghealthclassesandreadotherinformativearticles.Dr.Carlingcanbereachedat208-765-1994 and would be happy to answer any questions regarding this topic.

By Dr. Holly Carling

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By Cathy Inbody

Great news for buyers, USDA has raised the population limits to 35K, so the Updated date to close USDA loans has been extended in Post Falls until 2020! Today’s mortgage rates for a 30 year fixedratemortgageisaslowas4.28%(APR) Last weeks local report shows median single family home price at $196,675with 38homes sold, 317 homes pending sale, and 1175 total homes available for sale. Looking to buy or sell property, contact your local Real Estate Expert Today!

Candy InbodyKeller Williams Realty CRS,e-pro,

SFR,BPOR, SRS208-755-4885

[email protected]


Thieves Nabbed in Fraud Schemes The Department of Veterans Affairs Of-fice of the Inspector General has nailed morethieves who've stolen money. In this case, it was from the program for government contracts for companies owned by service-disabled veterans, aswellasforhealth-carebenefits. New Jersey -- A business owner was charged in a $1.2 million procurement fraud. The owner claimed that her company was a service-disabled veteran-owned small business. The business was furniture, which she sold to industrial and government customers. She was never in the military; neither was her husband. Her father-in-law, however, was a retired veter-an. The thief claimed that her father-in-law was the owner of the business. Even if he was, he wasn't service-disabled. She could go to jail for 20yearsandfaceaquarter-milliondollarfineiffound guilty. New Mexico -- A construction-company owner pled guilty to defrauding the service-disabled-veterans program to the tune of $11 million for its work in National Cemeteries. His son-in-law pleaded guilty as well. There was a veteran in the mix, however: A step-brother was a service-disabled veteran who lived in another state. He was paid a small weekly amount for them to use his name and disabled status. When necessary, his signature was forged on docu-ments. Washington, D.C. -- A former Depart-ment of Defense employee was nabbed for $2.5 million in health-care fraud for submitting false claims for health-care benefits overseas. Thefraudulent claims were for prescriptions and medical items from a doctor where the employ-ee was stationed. He managed to scam both the ForeignServiceBenefitPlanaswellastheVA'sForeign Medical Program. If found guilty, he will go to prison for a very long time, with long sentences for each of the false claims.

Tidbits® of of Kootenai County, Idaho Issue #9 Feb 24th. 2014

Tidbits® of Dallas County Page 8 Tidbits® of of Kootenai County, Idaho Issue #9 Feb 24th. 2014

Q: What is Traditional Chinese Medicine?A: Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is a med-ical system with a history that traces back more than 3,000 years. TCM works to bring the body back to its natural state of balance. This balance is achieved by stimulating the energy pathways that flowthroughout thebody,andcorrespond to theorgan, muscular, and nervous systems. When this balance is disturbed due to stress, medication, he-reditary conditions, poor diet, environmental fac-torsoremotionalissues,therecanbearesultofincreasedinflammation,painorillness.TCM focuses on correcting these imbalances and stimulating the body’s natural ability to heal itself. Today, TCM is gaining more mainstream use for preventative care, mainte-nance of health, and the treatment of certain diseases and disorders. What Modalities are Included in Chinese Medicine? •AUCPUNCTURE:theinsertionofsingleuse,sterile,thinneedlesintodifferentpointsalongthebody’spathwaystoaccessandredirectenergy,reduceinflammation,andpromote healing. •CHINESEHERBALMEDICINE:utilizesnaturalsubstancesadministeredasamedicinal strength formula to balance the body’s energy and systems. •TUI-NA:Chinesetherapeuticbodyworkusedtotreatmusculo-skeletalproblemsand improve the functions of energy channels, internal organs, bones and joints. •MOXIBUSTION(MOXA): anexternalheattherapythatutilizesaspecificherbtoheatand tonify the body.What type of conditions does Chinese Medicine Treat? SinceacupunctureandChineseMedicineoffers individualizedtreatmentstrate-gies that address the underlying causes of health problems and assist the body in heal-ing itself, it can treat a myriad of issues. Some of my specialties include: headaches and migraines, digestive problems, women’s health including infertility, neck and back pain, anxiety, depression, insomnia, allergies, fatigue, stress, chronic pain, common colds and flu,sportsmedicineincludingoptimizingperformance,andmanyotherconditions.

URBAN ACUPUNCTURE. Morgan White. MAcOM, LAc. 225 E Locust Ave Coeur d Alene ID. 83814.

208-665-2293 or 509-868-5195.

Q:"What are the three most impor-tant questions to ask when you re looking for some-one to service your furnace or air con-ditioner"

A:1. When can you get here?2. Which of my neighbors can I call for a reference?3. Why should I use you rather than someone else?1. We don't waste your time. We normally schedule ap-pointments with in 24 hours of when you call and all ap-pointmentsare for specific times.Wealsoguaranteewewill be there within 15 minutes of the scheduled time or your service call labor is free.2.We always offer references. Our business is built on having loyal, satisfied clients andwe're pleased to haveyoutalktothem.Callusat1-800-FURNACEor208-635-54803. We treat you , your home and your time with respect. Wemakeappointmentstofityourschedule.Wearriveontime or the labor is free. Our pricing is fair, our quality is spotless, our technicians are friendly and knowledgeable and our clients are the most loyal folks in Idaho. We would like to have you as one of them.

Call J.A. Bertsch Heating & Cooling at 1-800-FURNACE or 208-635-5480

Q: How is spaying or neutering good for a pet?A: The health and be-haviorbenefitsareclear.On average, altered cats live 3-5 years longer and altered dogs live 1-3 years longer with improved healthandlessfights. Spaying females

priortotheirfirstheatcycle,whichusuallyoccursat5-6months old, nearly eliminates the risk of breast cancer and to-tally prevents uterine infections and uterine cancer. The cancer risk increases with each heat cycle. Neuteringmalesprevents99%ofreproductivesystemproblems. And undesirable male behaviors such as urine mark-ing, humping, aggression and the urge to roam are also reduced. Thesebenefitsaregreatestwhentheproceduresaredoneonyoungsters. Fights, wounds and infections are otherwise inevi-table. Spay a dog or cat and eliminate the constant crying and nervous pacing of a female in heat, and the messiness of the heat cycle. If you have more than one pet in your household, all the petswillgenerallygetalongbetteriftheyarefixed.For the health of your pet and to help prevent future homeless cats and dogs, Spay/Neuter for a Brighter Future.

For more info, contact Animal Allies of


Q:What separates Molly Maid from another clean-ing service in Kootenai county ?A:If you dream of walking into an immaculate house without taking the time or effort, Molly Maid Clean-ing Services is here to help. If you're looking for a trustworthy and profes-sional cleaning service for youroffice,orhome…looknofurther.Ourservicescoverawiderangeoftasks to free up your time so you can concentrate on the important things in life - family, friends, career, and hobbies. And to top it all off we are licensed, bonded, and insured! We provide a professional and affordable cleaning ex-periencespecializinginthefollowing:Weekly, Bi-weekly, and Monthly Spring Cleaning Move-out/Move-in Cleans House Sitting and Security Checks

Q: Does molly maid offer a senior discount.A:Yes, we do. Also our supervisors in both Lewiston, and couer d alene areas are former C.N.A.s and understand the needs of our elderly clients

Molly Maid Cleaning Services1412 8th Street Lewiston, ID 83501

Phone (208) 792-1335 Fax (208) [email protected]

Page 9For Advertising Call (334) 505-0674Tidbits® of of Kootenai County, Idaho Issue #9 Feb 24th. 2014

Tidbits® of Dallas County Page 10

by Samantha Weaver

• It was novelist, poet and playwrightGertrude Stein who made the following sageobservation: “Everybody knows if you are too careful, you are so occupied in being careful that you are sure to stumble over something.”

•Somepeopleenjoynoveltywhendiningout, but restaurateurs take a big risk when add-ing new items to a menu; it seems that less than a third of diners will actually try a new menu item.

•Two-thirdsofallTonyaward-winningcomposers and lyricists have been Jewish.

•Everyoneknowsyoushouldnotdrivewhileundertheinfluenceofalcohol,butridingabike? A [SET ITAL]stationary[END ITAL] bike? It seems that in Tennessee in 2007, a woman was arrested at her gym while riding an exercise bi-cycle while drunk. BUI, or simply disorderly conduct? The record isn’t clear.

•Ifinsectsgiveyouthecreepy-crawlies,you might not want to read the following tid-bit: Researchers have discovered a kind of cat-erpillar that emits a sound eerily like a human scream. This particular species is often a victim of predatory wasps. When the wasps approach, the caterpillar rubs two special organs together to produce the sound. The “scream” calls a troop of ants that protect the caterpillar, and in return the caterpillar secretes an amino acid that the ants need.

•ThenameofthestateofVermontcomesfrom the French “mont vert,” which means “green mountain.” (If the explorers who named the state saw green mountains, they obviously were not there in the winter.)

Thought for the Day: “I don’t trust a man who uses the word evil 18 times in 10 minutes. If you’re half evil, nothing soothes you more than to think the person you

are opposed to is totally evil.” -- Norman Mailer

Tidbits® of of Kootenai County, Idaho Issue #9 Feb 24th. 2014

Page 11For Advertising Call (334) 505-0674 Page 11

Susan Ashley MD Family Medicine Liberty Lake, 509-928-6700

ARIES (March 21 to April 19) Try to say as little as possible about the work you’re doing through the end of the month. Then you can make your announcement and accept your well-deserved plaudits.TAURUS (April 20 to May 20) You face a more difficultchallengethanyouexpected.Butwiththat strong Taurean determination, you should be able to deal with it successfully by week’s end.GEMINI (May 21 to June 20) Before you act on your “feelings” about that upcoming decision, it mightbewise todoa little fact-checkingfirst.You could be very much surprised by what you don’tfind.CANCER (June 21 to July 22) A recent work-place success can open some doors that were previously closed to you. On a personal level, expect to receive some important news from a longtime friend and colleague.LEO (July 23 to August 22) Put your wounded pride aside and do what you must to heal that misunderstanding before it takes a potentially ir-reversible turn and leaves you regretting the loss of a good friend.VIRGO (August 23 to September 22) One way to kick a less-than-active social life into high gear or rebuild an outdated Rolodex file is tothrowoneofyourwell-organizedget-togethersfor friends and associates.LIBRA (September23 toOctober22)Gettingout of an obligation you didn’t really want to take on can be tricky. An honest explanation of the circumstances can help. Next time, pay more attention to your usually keen instincts.SCORPIO (October 23 to November 21) Use your Scorpion logic to push for a no-nonsense approach to a perplexing situation. This could help keep present and potential problems from creating more confusion.SAGITTARIUS (November 22 to December 21) A friend’s problem might take more time than you want to give. But staying with it once again proves the depth of your Sagittarian friend-ship and loyalty.CAPRICORN (December 22 to January 19) TheSeaGoatcanbenefitfromanextradoseofself-confidencetounsettleyourdetractors,giv-ing you the advantage of putting on a strong pre-sentation of your position.AQUARIUS (January 20 to February 18) You might want to ask a friend or relative for advice on an ongoing personal matter. But be careful not to give away information you might later wish you had kept secret.PISCES (February 19 to March 20) Use the weekend for a creativity break to help restore your spiritual energy. Once that’s done, you’ll be back and more than ready to tackle whatever challenge you need to face.

BORN THIS WEEK: You get great joy out of creating beautiful

things and sharing them with others who appreciate them.

(c) 2014 King Features Synd., Inc.

Weight Gain and Hormones inWomen Maintaining proper weight is a challenge for most women, and the older you get, themoredifficult itbecomes. Almostallwomen gain weight as they age, and hormonal imbalances during perimenopause and meno-pause play an important role in triggering weight gain. The average weight gain is 10-15 lbs starting in perimenopause, then another 20 lbs after menopause. This gain is often gradual, and theweighttendstolocalizearoundtheabdomenas opposed to the hips, thighs or bottom. After a hysterectomy, the tendcy is to gain weight much more quickly. Hormones and weight gain are closely related. If a menopausal woman’s hormones are not balanced, weight gain is almost inevi-table. While good nutrition, regular exercise and lifestyle changes can play important roles in weight loss, balanced hormones are often the key to success in maintaining a healthy weight. Most menopausal weight gain could be properly referred to as hormonal weight gain. Hormone fluctuations related to meno-pause directly impact appetite, how a woman’s body stores fat, and metabolic rate. Estrogen levels diminish because of decreased produc-tion; this causes the body to look for other es-trogen sources. The main source of estrogen af-ter menopause is fat cells, so the body increases production of fat cells in order to increase estro-gen. Estrogen also plays a role in insulin resistance. Insulin is a fat storing hormone, and insulin tends to rise as we age, making it virtually impossible to lose weight during menopause. Insulin resis-tance causes a woman’s body to convert a dis-proportionate part of her caloric intake into fat, and is a serious effect of estrogen imbalance.Progesterone levels also decrease markedly during menopause. Low progesterone causes water retention and bloating - another form of weight gain.Testosterone also plays a role in menopausal weight gain. Testosterone helps build and main-tain muscles, which is associated with a higher metabolic rate. As testosterone declines, muscle mass declines, causing less calories to burn, and often less physical movement.Chronic stress also contributes to weight gain. Stress puts your body into survival mode where it begins to store calories as fat since cortisol, the major stress hormone, is telling the body not to eat for awhile.Menopausal weight gain caused by hormonal imbalances does not have to be part of your life. One of the most effective treatments is Bioi-dentical Hormone Therapy. While nutrition, exercise and healthy lifestyle are all important to maintaining proper weight, when your hor-mones aren’t balanced the battle can be unnec-essarilydifficult. Contact Healthy Living Liberty Lake for help. Our treatments are holistic, and individu-ally crafted to help patients eat properly, exer-cise regularly and maintain healthy lifestyles. Learn how hormone therapy can help defeat menopausal weight gain and put you on track to a new thinner, healthier you!

by: Susan Ashley MD

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Miscellaneous25" DIAGONAL SHARP TV, good picture, with controller, too big for our bedroom, $49. 208-664-9365

Real Estate

NEED CASH FOR YOUR home? Cash inves-tors buying North Idaho homes, any condition! Fast 2 day close. Call or text J.T., Keller Wil-liams Realty, CdA, at 208-818-8385, will re-spond immediately!

HAYDEN HOME, 2 bedroom, 1 bath, fenced back yard, attached 2 car garage. Only $130,000. CallRichardatHopeRealty,208-699-7536

4.5 ACRES FENCED, 3 bedroom, 2 bath home in Bonners Ferry city limits, near hospital. 20x40 shop/garage.Deadendroad.360degreemoun-tain views. Walking distance to Kootenai River. $109,000.DinningReal Estate, 208-267-7953.Email: [email protected]

BANK OWNED 3400 sq. ft. 4 bedroom, 1.5 bath, fireplace, oversized kitchen, oversizedlaundry, large lot, garage and carport, partially finished basement, $140,000. Norm See, 208-699-5922Realteam

BEATUIFUL NEW HOME in gated Radiant Lake community. 3 bedroom, 2 bath, large open main livingarea,granite,wood laminatefloor-ing, lake views, hurry! $189,000. Mike McNa-mara, 208-660-6320,

ONE LEVEL LIVING, close to freeway for commuting to Spokane and Coeur d'Alene. Beautiful wood pergola and raised garden boxes in large back yard that backs up to a field foradded privacy. Nice laundry room off of garage. $148,000. MLS #13-11595. Call Anne Anderson withLakeshoreRealty,208-660-4621

APPROXIMATE PAYMENT amount, $825 month. 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 1350 sq. ft., garage, built2004,neat,clean.NormSee,208-699-5922Realteam

AcreageHAYDEN LAKE BUILDING lot, treed .265acre building lot on Clarkview Dr. in Honey-suckle Hills neighborhood. Few minutes to Hayden Lake, beach and golf courses. Water LID paid. All utilities to the lot, $40,000. MLS #13-6643.CallLorettaReed,Windermere/CdARealty,208-661-1880

60 ACRES, near Farragut in Bonner County, $180,000. Hwy 57 Murray Creek, Priest River, several parcels, 20-24 acres, power and creek, starting at $49,900. Photos go to: www.Kim-Cooper.comorcallKimCooper,800-468-1388or208-415-0636,SelectBrokers

TWO COMMERCIAL LOTS fully developed and shovel-ready for multiple uses. Ideal for pro-fessional practice-type uses, such as insurance, legal. Several residences nearby. $140,000. Two lots available, each $70,000. Call Anne Ander-sonwithLakeshoreRealty,208-660-4621

VENDORS WANTED. 15th annualGold andTreasureshow,March15thand16thattheKoo-tenai County Fair- grounds in Coeur d’Alene, hostedbytheNorthWestGoldProspectorsAs-sociation. $75 per booth. Vendors mar- keting or displaying anything related to gold prospecting, mining, gold and/ or silver, jewelry, rockhound-ing, camp- ing or items associated with the out-doorsareinvitedtocallBobat208-699-8128orbob@goldfeverminingsupply. com for details

HAYDEN HOME, 2 bedroom, 1 bath, fenced back yard, attached 2 car garage. Only $130,000. CallRichardatHopeRealty,208-699-7536

GREAT LOCATION! Beautiful rancher in Fair-way Hills. Well established landscaping in large back yard. Close proximity to public golf course and Kroc Community Center. Quiet neighbor-hood.Backyardhas6fruittrees,plums,apples,cherryandpears.$267,000.MLS#14-317.Call Anne Anderson with Lakeshore Realty, 208-660-4621

POSSIBLE SELLER financing,mobile homepark on 1.93 acres in CdA. Call Sandy Watts at RealteamRealEstate,208-659-5751,fordetails

76 Green Timblin Historic school house, acces-sory house and shop/potential duplex all on 1.59 acres . Candy Inbody Keller Williams Realty CRS,e-pro, SFR,BPOR, SRS, RSPS 208-755-4885

Get away from it all, yet easy access to this sec-ondary lot at Black Lake Shores. Build a cabin, park your travel trailer, or pitch your tent, on this wooded lot. Community waterfront w/com-mon dock, boat to Lake Coeur d’Alene. Come getaway. Priced right at $20,500. with possible seller terms. Call Janice Harvey with Keller Williams Realty CDA208-659-9564

Historical School House Property offers Com-mercial or Residential opportunities! Over one and a half acres with mountain views offers par-tially remodeled school house, accessory house with 2 car garage and a large shop/duplex style building. Perfect for a Bed & Breakfast for all theSchweitzerTouristsandlocals.Candy Inbody Keller Williams Realty CRS,e-pro, SFR,BPOR, SRS 208-755-4885 [email protected]

Real Estate - continued6614 E. SELTICE #D, 2100 sq. ft., $900 per month, light industrial. Suite #B, 2100 sq. ft., $1250.M&MPropertyManagement,208-667-2919

9407 GOVERNMENT WAY,officespace,#8,$550 month, #9, $250 month, #12, $350 month, #13, $350 month. Suite #1, $900 month. M&M PropertyManagement.208-667-2919

For Rent - Commercial

February VALENTINE SPECIAL Massage: $10 off reg prices for 1hr, 90 min or 2hr. Back in Touch Massage and Bodywork with Shirley Bl ackwell,over26yearsof joyfulpractice.Stateof Idaho licenced. ABMP insured. Always in-cludes hot stones, essential oils, range of motion stretches with compassionate light to deep work, artfully presented. Healing Arts Center, CDA 208-755 0527 (gift certificates can be sent viaemail or text/credit cards accepted)


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EmploymentAdvertising Sales position (Coeur d'Alene, ID) I'm looking for an experienced Business to Busi-ness Sales Rep selling advertising in the Koote-nai County Newspaper plus other projects. Part or full time, commission based. Please e-mail me your resume. Check out Tidbits at You need to be self motivated but you also have the freedom to work your own hours. Potential to make around $ 3000 a month plus bonuses. Please e-mail resume to [email protected] or call 208.755.9120.

Seeking a Licensed Massage Therapist to sub-let a room at a busy clinic. Positive and team ori-ented atmosphere. Table & W/D at clinic. For moreinfo.208-665-2293

Email your ad and contact information to [email protected]

Low Fee Spay/Neuter Qualitynonprofitclinicin CdA. Cats: $40-$55. Dogs: $55-$90. Details at Call Animal Allies of Idaho for appointment 208-719-0223.

FOR SALE: like new Bowflex Extreme in-cludes leg and lat extensions $350 Call Jonathan 208-818-8842

Page 15Dear Auntie M., My heart is broken. I have just discovered that my granddaughter, 17, has been shoplifting and I am devas-tated. Anna often stays with me and while cleaning up the guest room where she stays I found a bag of items hidden in the closet. When I asked her about them and why she was hiding them it came out that she had ‘lifted’ them. She says all the kids do it, and it’s kind of a test you have to go through to be accepted into her group of friends. She’s says it’s no big deal, but it is to me. I haven’t told her parents and she wants me to promise I won’t. This doesn’t feel right to me, but I’m afraid to damage our relationship. What should I do?Terribly Hurt in Huetter

Dear Terribly Hurt,Her actions have already damaged your relationship. The question is do you condone her behavior and become an unwilling accomplice by not telling her parents - not to mention the police, or do you call bull crap on her and enlighten them to her illegal ac-tivities.OneoftheGoldenRulesis‘ThouShaltNotSteal’ and as far as I know there isn’t one that says “Thou Shalt Do As Thy Friends Do.’ Her friends con-cern me. Stealing is a crime. What other behavior will they expect from her? Your discovery may just save her from further unlawful or immoral activities. Is she willing to give up these friends and take steps torepayorreturntheitemsforyoursilence?Giveherthe option - new friends or the truth. Her answer will tell you all you need to know and whether you need to prepare yourself for more heartache in the future. Please send your questions or commentsPlease send your questions or comments to DearAuntieMmm@ I shall be frank and honest with my response and provide resources where appropriate.

Tidbits® of of Kootenai County, Idaho Issue #9 Feb 24th. 2014

Tidbits® of of Kootenai County, Idaho Issue #9 Feb 24th. 2014

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